relatório de viagem - travel report eng

SENSES BIOTECH The Cannabis industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Because of the different regulatory models of each jurisdiction, it makes it difficult to standardize and perform the costly protocols to control quality and potency of Cannabis and its derivatives. In 2015, Samy Abud Yoshima left Brazil, moved to Uruguay and with the help of an American Investor, founded Senses Biotech - a startup with the mission to offer products and services that improve personal experiences with Cannabis-based phytotherapies. Minimizing the risks and possible associated adverse effects, and guaranteeing greater safety and efficacy in the treatment of diseases related to the endocannabinoid system. In 2016, Senses Biotech became the Latin American representative of The Beacon TM , a spectroscopy-based scientific device that uses light to instantly measure the potency of ∆ 9 - THC, CBD, THC-A and CBD-A of Cannabis in dried flowers and pure extracts. The Beacon TM was developed in the US by Sage Analytics and uses Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy ( the science of how light interacts with matter) to instantly measure the potency of cannabis products at the molecular level. The use of light as an analytical tool affords a number of distinct advantages over alternative methods, such as GC or HPLC. Because the light used is non-destructive, spectroscopic-based measurements require no toxic chemicals for sample prep or analysis, leaving the sample intact for future use. Report THE BEACON TM CHRONICLES In 2016, the Senses Biotech team participated in three consumer events in South America analyzing Cannabis flowers and extracts SOUTH AMERICA Cannabis Chemical Profile Between November 22nd and December 12th of 2016, Senses Biotech, in collaboration with Sage Analytics, participated in three Cannabis expositions with the goal being to demonstrate The Beacon TM in South American countries where the plant cultivation is legal. For the first time on the continent, Senses Biotech analyzed and compared the chemical profile of hundreds of Cannabis flowers and extracts grown in Colombia, Chile and Uruguay. 9 -THC molecule CBD molecule

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Relatório de Viagem - TRAVEL REPORT ENG


The Cannabis industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Because of the different regulatory models of each jurisdiction, it makes it difficult to standardize and perform the costly protocols to control quality and potency of Cannabis and its derivatives.

In 2015, Samy Abud Yoshima left Brazil, moved to Uruguay and with the help of an American Investor, founded Senses Biotech - a startup with the mission to offer products and services that improve personal experiences with Cannabis-based phytotherapies.Minimizing the risks and possible associated adverse effects, and guaranteeing greater safety and efficacy in the treatment of diseases related to the endocannabinoid system.

In 2016, Senses Biotech became the Latin American representative of The BeaconTM, a spectroscopy-based scientific device that uses light to instantly measure the potency of ∆9-THC, CBD, THC-A and CBD-A of Cannabis in dried flowers and pure extracts.

The BeaconTM was developed in the US by Sage Analytics and uses Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy ( the science of how light interacts with matter) to instantly measure the potency of cannabis products at the molecular level. The use of light as an analytical tool affords a number of distinct advantages over alternative methods, such as GC or HPLC. Because the light used is non-destructive, spectroscopic-based measurements require no toxic chemicals for sample prep or analysis, leaving the sample intact for future use.




In 2016, the Senses Biotech team participated in three consumer

events in South America analyzing Cannabis flowers and extracts

SOUTH AMERICACannabis Chemical Profile

Between November 22nd and December 12th of 2016,Senses Biotech, in collaboration with Sage Analytics,participated in three Cannabis expositions with the goalbeing to demonstrate The BeaconTM in South Americancountries where the plant cultivation is legal. For thefirst time on the continent, Senses Biotech analyzed andcompared the chemical profile of hundreds of Cannabisflowers and extracts grown in Colombia, Chile andUruguay.



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In Colombia, it became clear that theCannabis culture really is part of daily life for thelocal population. Even police officers and militarypersonnel came to ExpoMedeWeed with lots ofquestions and curiosities. In addition to thepeace movement experienced by the country,the Cannabis industry will bring growth to theeconomy. “Colombia is the second largestexporter of flowers in the world and will also bea world power in the emerging Cannabisindustry”, says Samy.

In Colombia, Senses Biotech participated in the 1st ExpoMedeWeed at the beautifulBotanical Gardens of Medellín. The Expo organization, led by the activist lawyer HenryMuñoz Vallejo, along with the indispensable help of Natalia Rivera, helped organize aCannabis Cup to reward the flower with the best chemical profile tested during the event.According to Samy, the best chemical profile was defined as “the one with the largest sumof the two most important phytocannabinoids”. However, he points out that, in practice,“the definition of the best chemical profile varies for each person, occasion and specificmedical condition. In the case of Cannabis, the most informative chemical profile isdetermined by the potential quantity of the two most present phytocannabinoids, Δ9-THCand CBD. Both have several medicinal properties and, besides that, the psychoactive effectof Δ9-THC is associated with toxicological risks. Thus, it is essential to pre-evaluate theirpotential quantity”.

To participate in the Cup each competitor brought their flower and 20 thousandColombian pesos (equivalent to 6 USD). The prize was equivalent to about 700 USDcollected during the course of the event and was equally shared with FundaluvaFoundation, an organization that supports children with special needs and their families toensure better quality of life. With the help of Luísa, responsible for the NGO Flor Medica,48 flower samples were analyzed. The winner of the Cup was Daniel, a local grower of theMango Haze strain, with 16% Δ9-THC and 8,7% CBD. Franco Loja, the Cannabis industry iconfrom Green House Seeds and Strain Hunters, visited the Senses Biotech stand by invitationfrom Samy during the Expo. Franco brought Money Maker strain´s flowers whichpresented an average of 20,2% Δ9-THC, the same level (20%-22% range) advertised on itslabel.

COLOMBIAA Cannabis Peace Movement

Ceiling of the Botanical Garden

of Medellín

Franco Loja – When the master tests the testing machine.

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CHILEThe entrepreneurship of Cannabis

The following week Senses Biotech was already in Santiago to be part of ExpoWeed,which had the largest audience of the three events with more than 15,0000 people,including some Brazilians. At ExpoWeed, the tests were carried out free of charge, sinceforeign companies can not sell services in the country during the event. What madness!More than 100 flowers and 20 extracts tested!!!

During ExpoWeed, Senses Biotech tested Cannabis flowers´ extracts of the Spanishcompany Medical Seeds, owned by Javier Zarzuela. Two samples of the same extract testedon two consecutive days, showed an average of 15%-17% Δ9-THC and 45%-50% CBD,similar values at the same ratio (1:3) of those obtained from HPLC tests carried out byCanna Foundation in Spain.

According to Samy, the most special moment of the trip took place at ExpoWeed,when Winy Solange appeared at the Senses Biotech booth to test flowers from her home-grown garden. Winy is the mother of a boy with a genetic condition that has caused him tohave 300 seizures per month since the early age of 5 months. After overcoming their ownprejudices regarding Cannabis, 12 years of inefficient treatments and various side effects,she saw the number of seizures reduce to 60 per month with extracts made of Cannabisflowers. Recently, she harvested a special strain whose oils reduced her son's convulsions to3 per month.

Winy brought us samples from this strain to our booth. The results showed a highlevel of CDB (10.1%) and the lowest Δ9-THC/CBD ratio (0.26) observed so far. She alsoanalyzed another strain with Δ9-THC/CBD ratio of 1:1 and 7% level of phytocannabinoids.This data will help Winy and her son to establish a dose-response pattern to treat theconvulsions with the new strain´s extracts. "It was very emotional to see Winy's happinessin verifying that the medicine she grows at home has a chemical profile consistent with theimprovement observed in the health of her child. It's in those moments that you feel themeaning of pursuing a life and work´s purpose”, said Samy.

Winy and the Cannabis equation - Thedifference between 300 or 3 convulsions permonth is equal to the proper chemicalprofile cultivated at your home, plus astatistical error, here expressed by the smileof a mother with a green thumb and an openheart to change her own mind about themedicinal potential of Cannabis.

In Chile, the number of Cannabisgrowshops and headshops is impressive. Theprevalence of Cannabis use in the country isone of the largest in the continent, and itconfirms that entrepreneurship in Chile is avirtue that makes their economy stronger.

Javier – Extractanalysis withproportion 1:3, THC>15%, CBD>45%.

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URUGUAYBack home

BCBD team at theSenses Biotech stand

Before the end of the week, Senses Biotech was already in Montevideo toparticipate at ExpoCannabis 2016. Lia Esumi, our scientific consultant, helped us test morethan 53 flowers and 19 extracts. The tests had a promotional cost of 200 and 500 UY. Inaddition to the Uruguayans, Brazilians and Argentines tested lots of samples, revealing thatnational borders are not enough to restrain the love for the Cannabis plant or the curiosityto test the chemical profile of its flowers and medicines.

BCBD Medicinal S.A., an innovative company in the application of CBD and Δ9-THC infood, medical and veterinary products, was a highlight presence at the event. With a deepknowledge about the operation of the most modern technologies of the Cannabis industry,the BCBD team tested more than 10 samples of extracts, flowers and Cannabis leaves.Phytoplant Research, a Spanish group, analyzed a purified sample of CBD. The BeaconLuminaryTM indicated 92% level, similar to the 95% level obtained by in their ownlaboratory analysis. The small difference between the two tests can be explained by thepresence of small aggregates of CBD crystals in the sample tested at the busyExpoCannabis.

This was the 3rd annual ExpoCannabis in Uruguay, with participation of more than9,000 visitors, many musical attractions and a comfortable exhibitor space with excellentinfrastructure. The organizer of the event was extremely skillful in choosing the location ofthe Senses Biotech & Sage Analytics´ booth, which were between the garden exhibit andthe educational laboratory areas. It created a quiet environment for those interested intesting their flowers and extracts, without disturbances that could interfere with the testresults.

ExpoCannabis - Garden with several stages of development of Cannabis. In the background, the

educational laboratory and the stand of Senses Biotech.




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P h y to c a n n a b in o id s (% )




0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5

M a n g o ( D a n ie l )

C h a r lo te W e b ( O r ig e n )

T r o m p e ta k u sh

P o r te la C a u c a n n a b issss

P u n to R O o jo ( M a te o )

N ic o l K u sh ( D a n ie l N a v a r e z)

S u g a r C a n d y ( M ik e )

P in a p le C h o n g

T r ip le X J J

W h i te B e r r y ( D o n P a b lo )

M a n g o B ic h e ( D o n V i to )

B W x S C ( M ik e )

C r b la c k m a r i r i

M a r ic e la H a ze

M e d ic a l jo se m

M o n e y M a k e r ( S tr a in H u n te r s )

O ld S c h o o l C h in o

C h w p U N O

O G K u sh T r o m p e ta

C m c b d p U N O

E x o ti c a l

C h ih u a h u a B r e e d e r s

C h w p T R E S

V e r d e M a n za n a ( M a r io )

C h w p D O S

Z ig u a r a y a

R e s in a C r i t i c a l

C m c b d p T R E S

C r e a m C a r a m e l A n d r e s D a n k

la v e g a T r i s ta n

A g o m e zd o s

N n c a o s

K a l i c h a n a E s te b a n O

C m c b d p D O S

A g o m e z

H a ze ( D a n ie l )

L im a ( G a b r ie l )

C a n n a lo p e J J

N n jh a

A F G H A N + C O L D H S ta M a r ia

K u sh b e r r y J J

B a n a n a c o tto n

C a n a lo p e H a ze ( Je r r y )

N n o sc a r

L e m o n H a ze

1 2 R O D

S u p e r c h o c o

M a n d a r in e H a ze

P o te n c ia l T H C

P o te n c ia l C B D

ColombiaRANKINGChemical profile of Cannabis flowers.Unprecedented in South America.

Predicting experience is possible.


P o te n c ia l T H C




l T






1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5

2 3 ,1 (m a x )

T ro m p e ta k u sh

1 6 ,3 (m e a n )

8 ,0 (m in )

C h w p D O S

P o te n c ia l C B D




l C






1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5

1 0 ,8 (m a x )

C h a rlo t te 's W e b

6 ,2 (m e a n )

4 ,0 (m in ) C a n n a lo p e JJ

T H C / C B D ra t io










4 ,1 (m a x )

2 ,3 (m e a n )

0 ,8 (m in )

N u m b e r o f a n a ly z e d

s a m p le s







5 0

1 0 0

1 5 0

4 8

B e s t c h e m ic a l

p r o f ile










M a n g o H a ze ( D a n ie l )


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

P o te n c ia l T H C

1 6 ,0 %

P o te n c ia l C B D

8 ,7 %

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P h y to c a n n a b in o id s (% )



0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5

T a n g ie (D N A )T a n g ie lo p e (D N A )

D a n c e W o rldO G K u s h

M o b y D ic kO G 1 8 (D N A )

O ld S c h o o lS o m a n g o

C h o c o lo p e 4 2 0S p id e r S k u n k

S u p e r Le m o n H a z e 1Z u m b i K u s h

Lu isY C B D

Ja c k H e re r (A le ja n d ro )Ja m a ic a n D re a m (A le ja n d ro )

C ritic a l P u rp leD J G o ld

A n e s te s ia Lo re n aU rb a n P o is o n (R a u l)

M u s ta n g V 8M a g n u m

Ja c k H e re r 2C h e e s e & a m p ; C h o n g

F ra n c is c a H a z eG h o s t S tra in H a z e (A n d re l)

2 4 K (D N A G e n e tic s )C a l i M is tE n e rg iz e r

M ig u e l H a z eM ixx

M a la k o f f (M e d S e e d s )G irls S c o u t C o o k ie s

M a z a t D PS w e e t A fg h a n D e l ic io u s

K im b o K u s hA K 4 7 - Ja c k H e re r

C re a m M a n d a rinM a z a r D P

E rl ie S k u n kY G rie g a

B lo o d y S k a n k (A n d re s )A c a p u lc o (S e b a )

N o rth e rn L ig h tN Y C

C h a n n e l +A m n e s ia A u to ( Le o )

W h ite R u s s ia n2 0 4 6 (M e d ic a l S e e d s )

C y n th ia H a z eC B D T h e ra p yLe m o n H a z e

O GB ria n

C B D C re w C lu bS k u n k 1 1

C h a n n e l +N a tio n a l

S LH C ro s sN o rth e rn l in e -

D a rk D e v i l (E z e q u ie l)C re a m M a n d a rin

C la u d io H a z eT u n ta k a m b (P y ra m id S e e d s )

A fg h n aW h ite W id o w

S w e e t S e e d s N a m e le s sS u p e r S k u n k


C ritic a l A u toC re a m C a ra m e l

C a ritaP H D

Ju a n itaD e s f ra n

# 8X X L

P a ta g o n iaO G K u s h

Ja c k H e re r 1W h ite B e rry P a ra d is e

M o h a nE l S e g re d o

S i lv e r H a z eA m n e s ia H a z e

P o xip o lC a ra m e l A u to

E u p h o ria G u i l leJa m a ic a n D re a m

S u p e r C rit ic a lN e v i l H a z eJa c k H e re r

C re a m N e s to r C a ra m e lS u p e r Le m o n H a z e

B lo o d y S k u n k A u toA u to P u rp le

B la n q u itaO G K u s h (F e l ip e )

A u to X tre mJa v ie r H a z e A u to

Ja m a ic a n D re a m 1D a rk D e v i l A u to

B lu e D re a mA u to G e n g is k h a nM o b y D ic k A u to

P o te n c ia l T H C

P o te n c ia l C B D


ChileRANKINGChemical profile of Cannabis flowers.Unprecedented in South America.

Do you know what you are cultivating?

P o te n c ia l C B D




l C






1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5

1 3 ,5 (m a x )

D a n c e W o r ld

6 ,7 (m e a n )

4 ,3 (m in ) Ja m a ic a n D re a m

P o te n c ia l T H C




l T






1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5

2 7 ,9 (m a x )

O G K u sh

1 4 ,9 (m e a n )

2 ,6 (m in )

E u p h o r ia

T H C / C B D ra t io









5 4 ,6 (m a x )

2 ,1 (m e a n )

0 ,2 (m in )

N u m b e r o f a n a ly z e d

s a m p le s







5 0

1 0 0

1 5 0

1 0 6

B e st c h e m ic a l

p r o f ile










T a n g ie ( D N A G e n e ti c s )


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

P o te n c ia l T H C

2 4 ,4 %

P o te n c ia l C B D

5 ,3 %

Page 7: Relatório de Viagem - TRAVEL REPORT ENG

P h y to c a n n a b in o id s (% )




0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5

N o rth e n L ig h ts

C ritic a l P lu s

A m n e s ia ( Jo n a th a n )

O rig in a l A m n e s ia

Z io n H a z e

O G K u s h E n p a

A m n e s ia C B D

C ritic a l P lu s 1

N / A (C a rlo s )

C rit ic a l M D

B lu e K u s h D in a fe m

A K 4 7 (S e b a s tia n )

M o b y D ic k

V ia g ra 1

A l ie n

G 1 3 A u to U ru g u a y S e e d s

C h a rly e

A m n e s ia C B D 2

C B D C ritic a l

K a la s h n ik o v a G H S

T a n g ie lo p e D N A G e n e tic s

Ja c k La M o ta

G u id o

C B D T h e ra p y

P u rp le W id o w

M e d ic a l K u s h

C ritic a l K u s h

B B D B T h e ra p y 0 0 5

C la s s ic S k u n k (E rik )

T a n g ie lo p e D N A

Y (Lo u is )

B la c k Ja c k

K a l i

Ja c k D ie s e l

D a F ro n te ira

S tra w b e rry B a n a n a

C o lo m b ia n H a z e

S ta r B o m b

2 0 4 6

M o b y D ic k N V

M e d ic in a l

O G K u s h

B o ta fu m e iro N V

C . G o ld

T ie rra V iv a

T a n g ie lo p e

V ia g ra

H o m e M a d e

B la c k D o m in a

V a n il la K u s h

W e s t C o a s t O G

P u rp le

M o b y D ic k 1

P o te n c ia l T H C

P o te n c ia l C B D


UruguayRANKINGChemical profile of Cannabis flowers.Unprecedented in South America.

Shedding light on medicinal Cannabis.

P o te n c ia l T H C




l T






1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5 2 9 ,8 (m a x )

N o rth e rn L ig h ts

1 7 ,2 (m e a n )

1 2 ,4 (m in )

M o b y D ic k 1

P o te n c ia l C B D




l C






1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5

8 ,9 (m a x )

B B D B T h e ra p y 0 0 5

6 ,3 (m e a n )

4 ,6 (m in ) A m n e s ia C B D

T H C / C B D ra t io










2 ,4 (m e a n )

4 ,2 (m a x )

1 ,0 (m in )

N u m b e r o f a n a ly z e d

s a m p le s







5 0

1 0 0

1 5 0

5 3

B e st c h e m ic a l

p r o f ile










N o r th e r n L ig h ts


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

P o te n c ia l T H C

2 9 ,8 %

P o te n c ia l C B D

< 4 ,5 %

Page 8: Relatório de Viagem - TRAVEL REPORT ENG

METHODOLOGYAccuracy and testing protocol forThe BeaconTM

Finally, an observation related to the accuracy of The BeaconTM tests’ results. Afterthe three events and more than a year of testing, the equipment has proved to be at leastas accurate as the quality and representation of the samples provided. Because thesamples were brought in by the participants themselves for each event , none of SensesBiotech suggested testing protocols were ever followed or adopted. The testing protocolslisted below , aim to increase the accuracy of the results.

The Senses Biotech protocol is based on the following assumptions: (1) Differentplants have different ∆9-THC/CBD ratios, even if they belong to the same species andlineage; (2) Different parts of the same plant have different amounts of cannabinoids, butthe ∆9-THC/CBD ratio remains constant on average; and (3) climate and growing conditionschange the amount of cannabinoids, but not affect the average of the ∆9-THC/CBD ratio.

Thus, Senses Biotech suggests that dried flowers from different parts of the sameplant should be collected totaling at least 5 grams in order to ensure homogeneous andrepresentative test samples (A). These samples shall be grinded (B), mixed and kept in asealed package (C) kept away from light, air and heat until the analysis (D, E, F). SensesBiotech performs the test at least three times for three samples, that is, three tests areperformed for the same plant in order to verify the average of the results in the end. Lastly,the samples should be stored adequately for subsequent comparative tests that allow us toevaluate the chemical profile´s evolution over time.


D E FSampling protocol

suggested by Senses


Samy Abud YoshimaFounder and Director

[email protected]

Lia Assae EsumiScientific consultant

[email protected]
