^ t h e i i i i i rvol. j2. no. 193. "iu...

^ T H E VOL. J2. NO. 193. " iiiiir IU FO I BEUEF ' nv bu ,F . L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization to Aid sa ABriculture of Nation 111 -------- th , IBy Tlie As-soclated Prc.«i SPOKANE, Nov. 10 - P. J. Wllmrr. noulla^ Uxlay uiu flKtcd pre.ildcnl ot the NorUi Pscllfc Oroln CroA'crm lii:.. which in the Northweot unit in Uie ni- , lloniil cooperaUve plan for farm relief, y The omanlratlon wn< perfecied by I rrpre.yiiitallve^ from Idnho. Ore«an. U'aiihlnKton and Moiiiant with thi elee- tloil cr.offlceni nnd the iidopilon o{ a Xorm.oI.conUflct.lo bc entcredJnlo.lJJ’. — the tnmicrs’&nd the corporatlm O, T. Cornwall. Walla Willla. Wwh- liiRton, was eliicied vice pre.ildent uii<1 .•Ilenry E. Ooldsyorthy. Rosalia, uccre- Ri ttiry-lreu3urer.” nie*c offlceM'wUli me followlns membeni of the organUallonl -cominllloo conttltulo tlw board of dl-, rector*: Wanhlngton — W. J. Sulion,; ' Cheney: W.R.Hegler.St. Jolm:H. Jur-; cenwn. Wllbiir: T. 8. Hod^e*. Water-1 vllle, and Troy Llndley^ Daytoji. t Idttho-O. P. ftOTnmrOforge N.Tjim-1"’ pherc, Momow; Owen Mouncf. Lc«Lv| toih and F. U Atkina. Buhl. _ dlcton: John.WhUycombc. Jr„^Um(- p,,' — --tu»;-A .~Jr ' Siniif.a:uyr ~ ^ l tan'. Hnrth. Tlie Dallea. j,e --------- M onunn—B.-RrMcAlll.’tter.-Kallspell7 kh The outstnndlnK feature of the con- ' ------ troctform adcptedrit was said, was llul ne the wheat raiser If he wants'flnanclal hh usalstance must slvn the contract with q( ' - hU local cooperallvu. He would then be oble to obtain the money at about 6 per j un cint. All flnancinic In connecUon with hi- thc federal farm board ,«iU be done llirouBh the Intermedlaie Credit bank, tn 8i>okane. •- hli •■Tlie liberal . In. form." yo Prcsiaeni Wllmer asserted. "It cmbn- foi )ces options sovrrnlng the nelllnv ol -ip wheal about a« the farmer* have now. hr , ulthUieprlvllpgeof poolliJ}UilwBrow- l« 1. cr u vbditi. WllU Ubeml advance* to ‘ ’D u headquartem 6( the aMoclallon U gf In Spokane. dr SET D.%TE FOR silOW ca: DOlSE. Nov, IB M')-Dalc.‘* fcr the “ ____ imnuat :iliov of tlie Idaho Stale Uce^- _ cd Turlcey Bn'cdvr^' nssocUtlon were - declded-kt-B meetliiK here today.- Tl«e J Khow will be hrld In Ucl»e December 10 1 to 20. and announcemeiiu to that efte;t i -------t.4i> tx-tn BroniTfc-mngmiiua ot national .~ clrculaUon, O. A, Koxvr. prexltlrm of ____ tliiLafscclHdon. suld. ______________ Mcxican Deputy. Proposes MEXICO CITy Tnov; 16 (/1>-An ap-1 I>eal for prohibition of bullflBhU and! cockflghU In Mexico u s "horrllilel fipcctaclcH highly Inconghious lo a civil- ‘ Izcd nation" wan made today to PrciJ-! licnt Emllo Porte* Oil by Fernando 8ol-; : elff-Regll, deputy for campeche. He;lnl uddcd thnt hc was dmwlnj up a similar a < IK'tUloil to congresii. 'C Sotelo pointed out that the Mexican wu revolutlonury party program originally . provided for tcnninatlon of theu spec- d|. taclea. but this hod not been carried out^ He sURgeated that Ihe presldenl by pro- f.i hiblting killing ot. bulls and honvi In Uull fightx. prohibiting the entry of for- Tu elgn bull flglKem and etUbUshIng oiher;*!' _____watrlctlvf men»uret..jwilrt-automatlq«-:T.n ully end bull fighting wllhoul airailUig u^l -- ft congmslotul lawaKalnst theiportr-;—> Idahoan in Coii}oration ^toi I FiHng Charter in East tb . ■. Ilr ' DOVER. Del., Nov. 10 av-A charter lnl was filed wlUi the slate departmenl to- lul day. for the Pacific SUites Pulp and Je Paper companyno'deal In .itccks and th: bonds. Capita] vas' given as »3.000,000 tie and 350,000 shares., The.lncorponiors ' arc: N. P. Charles luid W. Beodmore, lal Priest River, Idaho; A. T. Peterson and ty -------s s s s = = s = s = = = = s = = = = = s = “ PatrolmanrAlone In :_i:=Llfe_To AvertMi SALT L A K B ^ c m , Nov. 19 ~ po Wounded ond alone in the wild Jack- m , eon. U ko country of wertCTn Wyom- ^ - on-thB Teton ntOonal forwt. )Uiot and killed hlquelf'lO dayi ago to prevent a more borrlblfl death, associates in tbe ^ forest aervice declared today. ’ Copehhaven'a to u r ima found bvL fi»«Fghi»r« ull>Fm.iii with now , tnd was Uken to-Jackaon, Wyoming, thla afUmoon. Parties had . been seeking him for a veek. afler he i: had failed to arrive at'Jackson. u A note, algned with Copenhaven’i i name, declared he hsd cut his arm vhlle ^ cutUng a small tope, tnd gave dirteliou ye 91 for finding hll BaueatUhlsb^ toi was a putol. wUh o u onpty oartrl^o of In the chamber. ............................. a workmen on the lake front a mite thi ^ awty heart thretdwtoHoTcmbcrfca^ r • ITWI L1A8ED w nunm oH t 0> ABaoeiKVMDfum _____________ Two Men Mi.ssinn Artor Qf Fire Sweeps En(tnivinK UL Plant in Son Franrisco pi san FRANCISCO. Nov. 10 . £ | men were missing, bslievfd to have . been burned to death, and KIrc Chirr I -Chn'rli^s.-A-ZBrrUlun ln)«rrd », ft. tlrrthnniw tpt throuih u»e Uirre^tonr ----- bulldinK hoiiMng the American tlmrav- Inn company, FU*l and Fol«om >ircpt, Uinltiht. . ___ An cxpla'ion was believed lo havo t staricd the fire in thf ei^jravliiK plant, said to be one of the larger on ihe < I'acUlc rtast. , Firetnen Mid they mw two men drop J tliroutfli the nilns of a r.'.airway Into thc flamlnit building. Several oUier employe.'i wen- believed I to hbvp been trapped. i Chief Brennan nif fered bums ami W CUtA. <>I tl __________ iiuai WHFULlMii GU IDES _____ fron Robert Mavnavd H u t c h i n s , I’les iiKul 30, President of G reat-y‘^^ A m erican Iiislitution ~ " • Item" eupl -CniCAOO,-Nov.4a.U1-<Rab«:rt.MAy*. nard Hutchins wok Inducted Inio the prexldencj' of thc University af CIUcbko today. ........ ..................... ..................... Al u ceremony dlxnlded by ilie pre.i- cn.ce^^u ga^laxy of eminent wl^ators. head of one ol America's greater in- KHtBtionsTinfaYHln* . Tlie inve.itllunr wa* proclaimed In the jiew'Oothic chapcl of thc unlver*!ly by » n; Harold H, Swift, president of tlie board ol tnwices. . “We ask from you couraiie nnd vUion. **“ » united v;lth enthuala-wi foricholarshlp." ‘‘’'® he tc!d the prciildenl elect, ••We aHk for zeal In the March for tnilii aiul that our standatd.i bc held hish. We twk for Inspiration of our ', young men and young women. We ask for broad'human sympathy, hish per* qb .ipecUve on Uie values of human llfe and LR helpfulne.<s In the prcblenH of cur civil* uil Iratlon.’* , - . Yengl .fVale _____ I Tlie j-o»inK,Mn of Y>lc'. frwn _ J his alma^amTn-headihe Unlvefilli' of Cliicago, told of his ytjion of t^ie des* % tink-.s of ihi^slUutlci). Around^ him >■(., Iwere g a t h e r ^ i a presldenU of Aineri- ,j can colleges and unlversltle.i. some 3000 (Continued on Pugc 2. Column 1» ten CBilW 1 3il*S , • the jdriio-Ooing—ftitoMVtnter W ith Little Illne.w, Says ™ Public W elfare O ffieial p HOISE, Nov. 10 Wr-Idaho Is gohc into the wlnler in.go»i heulth, barrlnt; a cold or luo nnd a few i-avrs of;.s, C. K. Mucey. canunli-limer of pablij weltaie. said today. | The department has no repart of any disease In epidemic foim and U partlcu- iarlj- pleased with the ihrwita made thfci lall ognlnM Ihc mo.u dreaded of all ill- setses in the slate—meninslllJi. County atler county Is coming Inlo Ilne In the worfarc "VPt^ U h e dlv.-a*e, Macey aiUd, I th e WTirfwe i t succeAsfiii. Tlie campaign siag^ by deptihmeilt baclerlolcglsu In Uie Idaho Falls terri- tory hoi:,been nboui completed and'59 - currlcrs—poionUal sourccs of ipread of tlie dUetsc-^were Isolated and (luarsn- lined WhUc they vcn; beliiTHd of Vt\e InfecUon. OperaUng with tbe mobile laboratory, they tre now working In Jefferson county and will later work through Madlsan and Bingham coun- Oet, An outfit working from the central laboratory here will go into Cassia coun- ty next week to examine students In Burlej-and-OaklBTKhcols.-’ --------------------- i W ilds, Ends loreJorribleDei^tfa ^ parently fired by tbe wounded potrol- man ju a d iitw call. Bad he not stopped to take the ___ hones, he could, have retched the toke shore, camp, where he'had -vlilt^.re- ___ cently, R. U. Ohi. a forest rauier, de- cUred over tiie long dlsUDce teleplme •Wowl ilalm lU Ihe snow gave m ute^ idence or the fact, Ota (tid. “Apparently C^>enhav(inbeetine pan- to ilricken when' he wounded- hbnaell and loMhU head." he added. ' . • Oopenhaven waa ateut '48 yean of age and Joined tbe foreit te r v i M ^ yeaiB ago when he catae from UOd* OW SUM. NMhlng the head of Jackkm ItU. about f^m.JBotaon.. . \ ■■■ ' _ f B t 0^%Y ASSOCIAtBt) [N TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,' .Elms T il , -JiiiM iiL: ' —a tl Upper House, in li’aee ot De- termined “Young Guard” t of Republican Regular?, f Plans For Recess Again ^ - ____ __________________ 0 By rilANTI.'! SI. KTEFIIRNSON ^ iA;tmialril l’re>v^ staff Wriieri WA.SHINOTON, Nov. 19—lifth e lare ,, 'oI th(> deiermlned bui leaderlew *yoiin i iiuard" Republican rotiulars. the renato ^ v a-i pre;iariiii; lanluht lo iry ngaln Inr j, nil ndJoiir:(mrm cf the special session on Fiidny and then- 'U'enied |o be enoiiRn _ ^me.'k in .sl2hi lo assure tlir week's re< | Cf.vs before the remiliir mecMiis In De- leinber. ' -T h e adjoiimment reioliilioii very like- , Iv will be nftercd lomoiTox, peihupi I from the Democratic Mde. The “youiik inmrd.’- which claims tiic auppori ol l>ie<ildeni HiMver. Is prepared to stand iiKulnst ll bill polls toduy Indicated siif- liclenl support luulluw iht> weary nerve- Chairman tlusion of Uie Republican iiQlibnal commlueec. consiilted with Kcmc -‘youiiu miard" membeni al the eapliol today, presumably lo encouranc thelndJoummentT'opposltlon.------------------ W ahli Deplores Qulbfallnc Convinced thal the turlff mcoiure , caimol be pa.v«d before the December mei'lliig, Senntor Walsli. Montana, the ' "non.«a«" the qulbbllim tiver political ' adrantagrin-thrwrcfcVrrcew and-wld - J he WM ready to move the adjournment lliitra«ir>-.- --------------------------------- While the "young guard^^ Republlcaiw. ' who disclaimed any Individual leader- . ship, were scckJnrtodflyTo^iifrBmHMr force.-. aBclnst the threat of tdjoum- / mom. new sljns of Republican strife In tiie senate which might carrj- ihe ptrty Kplit Into Ihc regular se*ilcn were seen (Continued On Page 3. Column 1) eai — — .......... ' cn IAS ENDS imp Pi NEW YORK. Nov., 10 (/?V-On the fifty-fourth annlverwiry of their wed- ding, Mr. and MrK'Thomas'Widdl- — combe were 'found dead today In Uielr Brooklyn apartment wllh the gas ^rned on. .................... - ........... .. -* Mri7^rdilicombe.'who wa.s‘73 years ' old. was a paralj-tlc. ycsUrday-H-pli>sl.. _1 clan lold lur husband that a cataract iuul-lwtued-oit-^c-of-hDr-TJvSrana’ thal slie must be taken to a hos|iltal 1 for un opcralloh, Today on the chair beside thc bed < on which their bodies lay was aliole in the husband’s handwriting. Il read: , « ••They tell me that Helen must go i avay.alone.-'^t shall. not-bc-I-wUI —i go away wlih her.'We cannot be »ep-i , I uruBled alter, all these happy yenrs.- I I That’s the T m in d ' BUSI^tES' TO : __ __________ ■*r ^ - ji:-S i) p k i U NBwspAfii^R IN yt ), WEDNESDAY .MORNING, Nl Now York City Co\vboy.s ‘ I “ Itefusc to' Pursue Steer i TnklnifKcfiiitc in W ater] fl NEW VORK. Nov. in iR-New 1^“ York's cowboj’s utr .xirlfily land- 1 ,, going fellows. j_ —at-the-f09t'-0f-Tlilrty-iilnU»-*U«ut__ today and pluiwiit ull ihc dock his p Into North river, th.' cjxlioj* wash- Bul i'd Uieir hands ol the aniiir, P^PP The agile anlmnl vns fnr too elu- <be V slve for their la.^^o^ as iiify'vainly l«tlli tried to encircle :hr Mei-r’s neck from a dock. i Some one suKne*ial ilir police. lAnlm An emgeucy sqtiad. rIUi a tmck l*n« crani*. a smnll boai nml wvenl yards j U « / of ropr lad the fi«r iletl up nnd ! hauled bock en the ilvk in no time I « 1 »U. :»wli TllP .cowboys refU'..’ii m adjiiitde- leat. ''Tlic steer took uiilalr advantage i »— of Its.’'U iey explained, "Whoever' ; lieorrl cf a sea-godif ccRboy?" : F O f HflllNlISSiEiT ! WiCOIEMiRi ____ by c£ Han-v Wellhouscn lieeonies i«im! ---------- ---------- ^— —T- ---------------------- gtve- - Vice President ■ of Boys’ National Organization ----------- ------ ------------------------ Exj KAN8AH CITV. No\'. ;l9-f/P>- Wade Tamer, LHllii|l«n,-North—^ ---- -- t'arvUna, today wat riectcd presl- rc dent of tbe Future rantier.-«f—rjMor — SWeHrtTat the anmlar^Irellon^leld “ ij,o ; at the Amerlean reyal llveiloek nttali rliow. and Harry YVellhoinen. Twin „nd' Falls, Idaho, was.eleeted vice, p r e a - g o v e Ident. Thete boys and !4 others (i,,,. rreelved the Putve Farmers degree ^ An la-j-eor-old youlh f^ M lie hUbf ' of Arkansas. Carldon Patton. Wooster, bo WO.S crowned the “star farmer of Amer- day lea." and given a prUe cf $1000. oud. Carldon.-the luiiloual thamp^on. has tice c earned more than »iWO from farm op- o* hii cratlotis in the lost Uiree years. He has rolnvetted more thnn JI700 In farm nnr . _ BO I i-lCarry Wellhousen. 19, un-o^M r. and iii •—<0«itfawed"<^:fti^-ioeiin^ ii—-^|f| Thousand SprlnKS Ranch , qq __St'ock Scores atOokland a. pi , place OAKLANU. .Nuv. 119 U V -Q uem - was . ,»ey bulls .of_ lhe_HarTey_Flre»t«ne___.urn* herd lodiiy look flrtt and second . _Piieeft.ln.the.bull ealve».ceirfpetltton_. '‘J'®* at th.. ninth annu^ P.rifte ilana— ludic —Bllky show here, and alsowon fln t lornt ^ e p for Uuernsejr bulls, three years £fj '~oidoravcrrsnd thesenlorand grand— tilghi ' ehampionstiipt, ' , i.",., aherl /-.Mn entry of Mr*. Mlwle -Milter, word iwntr at Ihe famo^'Tlwasand "Uiei Springs ranch near Wendell. Idaho, - orolii -llwon.fiiat pUee.for. Janior..yearlInt_utv. ] bulb. TKIs'iis* liuerus^y Uiy Ul iuiy- Ihieahow. cdied ! Way Geripahy Gbt H er Stai j -^ o u r o w m N r)x •SS.I't-1. TEND I ')l > T H rs y i'lk W r 1 . .-j* A\X TW lNFALtHCOVNTY d a ii ; , NOVEMDERaO, 192!) “Cookie,” Dog Wit Wins Ribbon and Fa By MAKai'EICITK YOUNG - Tli (Associated.PrcM fiinff Writer) •"Su: rirASHINOTON’, Nov. lO-"SnoQklL • Man: But to i2-yfttr*oUl Margnrei am iih, the >cii|)ii juppy’S ftoter nvjllirr. his .^hnwUn In ihi'C he Waslllngton Cai chit>',i niinuul cum* ctiiilu >;tllive galherlnK u( lh.- hl^h hut« :( ri at-and-dogdonv wj< u mitaclr. ' ilu ir Margaret KOl l.'ie puppy irom tin- H;i Vnlmal Rescue Lrauue for her Clirl'^i- rin|it nos last year. Whrn ?he lieurO nlwm ".Siin he show Sht-Wi'ii! m see the oftlcisN. “I luive a line piippv." snid Mnrgnrei. M.i 'and If my impa .'Jiiic; heme in llriio fiie noybe I'll have a li^illar lor the eiitraner "Succ jrice. Could ycu put 'Sucfkle' In th.’ to n .how?" >"">1! Pormer Twin Fylls Youlh ]l/j Dies in Oregon Auto Cam p; n l MEDFORD. Ore., Nov. ID (/l'--Unrry logers, 20.-toi'incrly ot Twin Foll«..Id.f ;. , 111. was fotmd dfud today lira nas filled ; ’ ubin at on nuto cnmp here. Doars nnd dndows ot the cabin luul bcen covered ly card bourd. -JilU) A sealed letter to a Medford Klrl w:is ctiiid on the table.’The toroiier could p [Ivnw rcnsoii forthe-death which he ironpunced suicide. RoKera came here i (. roin Twin FalU aboui tour years uro. ' Explosion Costs Lives - - i - JJ - O M I Turkish iMirier.s intern - ____i;«lj ' ’ SllO'4 CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 10 frPt—A j,ij( a •Kond'cxploston^iihtn-'jT^-pfkr.'nMtrT’ijuy llie Zongouldnk coui luliies today nnd_iQ{Cj ngahi cAUsed tiic-dcaUj-of-U-mlners oi mi ind 'thD Injiio’ of iiiany. Tlie TiirkLth ,jny, lovemmeni- U-ojienliix an-lllJu^^’ Into proai thc successive dL'«.ster^. i Wcji _________ = = = = __________ uiLi. —CAUSES-BROTJIKR’fl-IKKBftT— p**i« BOISE, Nov. 10 M'.-Ray Oarrelt to- iay caused ihf arn'.si of hls brother. Jud. and testified axalnsl him in Jus- ice courl. on u charge of stealing a luIr ^ “ <i his gloves. Bud was fined tS. BORfiERWTiyDB ilyyM ig BOROER, Texas. Nov, ID i,l-)-Oleii' K. Page. fomitc.mayt)r.of.Bergen.wa.s^^ ;»laccd In Jail here lale today on what A-as snld- lo bc o liquor indictment rc -. •>— iurned-but-unaimouBccd-lakl-Siitunliii-.|__ A-hcii Jim Hodges and Sam'Jones were iudlclwI'^or-llie^urdcTDl A t^ j*1 lorney John A. Holmes. | (jfl Efforts, u> obtain ball for him to- night-seemed due. to .full, .ftliit:*..the., iherlff is not In thu county, and. In the word.s'ol Chief^of Policc Albert Macc. 'there doesn’t seem to be any deiiinies around who can read tnd write." Dep- uty Slicriff-EOrresLauiimey-. mily-tiep.--.p,|^ rated, j, ^ Itart, Too " ~ | ^ ------------------------------------------ , I N( t Ben 1 ~ ! Pilot : rcac! I bcut .-''1 of U Si y .v iW been --------- --------------------- -----dOWI . r- ....... - ■ '0/ ............................!>«'»' %\ !ri \ : , £S": ^ I I , m g.' : J. / , . mS ^ i S3':' Unil A tv*«M ^ Yeik ramt. w _ ^ rt NE - imiBKR Aunrr nonxAO i < __ ___________ OP cniotnjCTOwa__________^ ith Dubiom Past, [|]()j| '’ame for Mistress i Tllf ufllclBU CDUld and (tid |.tUpr| Sii:cklc" In thc open cla.vs for iwcdlev; _. 'larrurtt camc and .stoad be.sUIe lilml P hlah amom: coin-V ul >rtm?' ■0CTer!>.- In?iiidlin^)iiii>-ot-tlio -------- ii|)iui'« I'lite as well us lAreders knunn | . Ill' fn:mtn o^er. "Sncakle" dostil non. i V .,f | h;ilaiitl,k. dl*lnlere.?:ed. while i!ie s?orc:it I "iri'ldy- do;>i mound hhn yetiicil, •tyj lulr sui>?'norliy. , H;ii many of ihe ihorouahbrrds aim.-', ^ iiHilv handed oul of ihe conu-s;, and!, .Siin.-kii'-' ^ol a blue rltibcn In ilie f*;;t'n: t.i.';Jorii^oilIes. M.'.ri!;iei didn't x'.U ilur JiuU.-s why. ■Me im-tt'ly i:rlnnMl nnd squM.vd Siic.-'-ilt'." r.l;e *ns e«»er to gel hoin? • 0 lell of her virtory lo her invalid j I w, MDESCEiSii; IG i OE^iCKIESiS MuHln j In Snowstorm and Frigid ^ j the sc poratures Center Around i^j}} |j CheyeiVhe and Tui-n South . pENVEH, Nov. 10 (,Tj - Centering rc’oiiml Cheyenne, Wyoming, n snow-1 pu term and freezing teiniwraiures g r ip - 1 r c i ;nl-ttie llockiLMoiiuialii-railuu-Uidajaft,,,!-, {now wns rt'iwrted in Montana. Wyuin- > iig,an(LQolgrjvil5..ffllhJlitiitBnnJitaa£d_^ £uUi into Nuw-Mexlco-uiid-exp«>;tvd:—>^>1 o.tcach tliHt-Blaie-tonlghlr-Tlirwv Inches “S-TCj It snnw fell In Ciieyenne Ihrougli Mon- Iny nlgiit and Tuesday wllh no ccssaiion ircdirtfd brtho-wtrothcr-bureau-nnlll Vednesdoy. Four Inches of snow fell I- l^nnd.r rn Mp ^ H‘T1>-|n - |l ihl«h-w«s Bllll-«iv4tte7«roiirHh--------^ Helena, Montana, suffered nmnercus rdiior casualties with a two-hicli snaw. >'hen .neep hllLf hi tlie city made tobag- v/hltc an slldct for automobiles and pedesicl- ijy ns. Many miuimoblles crashed agaln-si tor of nc of the walls ot Uie boilom cf ths i„„ cl ;lll but oniy lltile damage resulted. crwar Llllle Snow In K a^ icoiuii Wesieni Colorado and Kebraska es- i aped the snow but droppUig tempera- fo”"* ures were prominent. Therr was allVj llf snow lo western KanMs and n htdVy nifm-rtmm ciMMii. --------- ------- Telephone and telegraph facilities sere only sllghUy hampered by thc tonn. Qus lines continued In operation IUl tile- highways In some placcs In Eof —— ------------------------------------ — and 1 (ConUnued on Page 2, Column 7) of u the d m tB E L IB i _____ flees .......... und f gilot_at Teller. NortTiern ui cc Outpost, Confident Noted Airman Waits at Haven _____ Good actlni NOME. Alaska. Nuv. 10 (/I'r—Pilot Cnrl pui Ben Elelson. who In cooiwrntlon with be li l>llol Fnink Dorbandt. Is attempting to churc -each thc fur iradlng ship Namik. Ice- Kund near North Ca|>e. Siberia, was hIN ieen flying recenlly wUhlu 60 miles WA )f the ship. It was rcjwrted here today, p . s i rho Informiition sel at rcsl thc report last i :lial wreckage of Elclson's plane has iron c )een found nboul CQ miles from tho mltmi itrunded vcsm-I. jail o: _The wln'ffubouls nf Elelson remained . inknown. but Dorbandt. wlio is nt Tell- *^i •r. Alaska. cxprc»cd belief that lie was Jown In-tome aafe liavcnjiloug.lhc 81- „0 >erlan coast. Ii wns bolloved lhat.£lel> . •on was sighlcd In lliv air nbout a week Igo. - n Elelson and uorbundl made ono trip J) tlio Nanuk. returning to'Nome with " f” *" >lx lussciigen und a valuable cargo of Oenci tun. OnUiereiunilrlp.theywereforc- *'no : sl dowm»t-Tellen"They-ttttemptcd-to resume their flight from Teller Novem- Thr XT 10. Bui Dorbandt turned buck after wnrtli ; short flight, because of bnd weather, tninsi Bielson continued. He hus been out of Amer Mntact with the outside world slnco tbnt dor D EgyptianExpeditionF in ^ Jlythical-QueenC NEW YORK, Nov. 10 (/D-Tlie me'lro. her b. rnitan museum of art today announced soon : ;hat its Egyptian ex ^ lU o n J i ^ Iileryet-Amun. celebrated Ul ancient his- Wit ;ory ta the somewhat short-lived wife \mdU }r,Amen-Hotoc. II. nnd have thus prov> entcn ^ that she nclunllv_cxlsted._______ L. • The report of the director of ,Uie ex- wdlUon, Herbert E. Wlnlodc, u ld that *®Vv3 he tiueen't tomb hid been dlMOvered ast March vhen members o(-hU porty s-e#e‘«learlng a ravine actr. the-oui^r Jr,, irau of U» temple of Dler BT Bahri hear Rteba. Winloek u ld Uie llndiot ht thU onib had iumlihed Uie fhnt eooente mv« ividnct that Uiere ever had. beeQ'‘a MM of htt ever h td ' been fOuod. ^ ■‘f t w n ’M ity e ti-A m w 'd ^ ^U« jete'ioBa after her ooronaHonv /W lib MaU ftek-.repftrtetf her b r t r tt'e h ia b tf ia mS. 12 PAGES - 5 CENTS , i lIlLTiUIEFflfi.' ation to Pay Homage ,in WliitJ House £af?t Room, ' Soc'iie of Many. American Sorrows and Triumphs Ry RAVMONT) Z. HF.LNE iA*w>ebied Pm s Staff Writer! WASHINGTON. Nov. 19— lie la.Hl trilmtu of the Rovcm- ohI u'III b(‘ (Vii(i trtnjorrm i' to ... inii'.^ \V. GikuI. soci'otary of nr. ill lhe room of Uie ’liito n<itV'<o. wliori! HofTow, tri-- iiph uml huiipiiii'.ss freiiuontly ive-lK>t‘n wriUirn inttrA m crican— Hloiy. In tlic prosonce nf President »ver and a dUtlnguLslied company,., e service of the Prctbylcrlau ciiurch 11 l« condueied and laU;r the body.. II bc placed ui»n a spcclnl train lo ^larTliiinas.'-Tovin-fift-biirtal-PrtdBjj:^,^ Tlit-OcaUi-of-ilioi-cabtaoUmamber-^ ut mourned In an official While iiinc Malement In which President »ivcr said it would be not-alape-foc___ h public services lhal Mr7Good WQiild rcmcmben-d, but nlso “for hit loyal id-^lf-rffacWg-frkndshipT-^-rrr-------;— FuU Mllltory Funeral___________ Wink_llitjcrtlce^tomtraftW_wllLJ«" __ -rcaUdctcd-as-posiibla-for-nueh-an^— ijwruuit figure In pubUc. Ufc. tho full mors.of mllllar)' burlnl will be extend- guard. at-bonor,-whlch-took-its— lUon nhortly after (he secretary died, 11 remain wlili him until his body It Bced-in-himatlTBTOll. Enrly tomorrow a flag will be placed loss the caskct nnd the secretary's dy will bc taken on a colMon to the . hlte HouM where services. conducKd ’ the Rev. Jo.v>pli Richard SUoo, poA- r of the New York Avenue Presbyter- n church. vlUbe8ln.at4X-A,-Mi-Aft-'— ward Uie invllcd guests, which wUl iiuU^. only'of public officials, mem- :rs of the dlplomnUc corps and per- nnn r ^ iids. will be p«rmlit«^.tp pats « grim ^ n imtll-l o'elockt 6i (i)leyeea » lauo^aiCdeiltrunenfe^JkllfciiLw^ :i>ortunity to pay Uielr respects. The iblic will nol bc admlUed. Escort Aeecmpanles Body Early In U)e afternoon, a mlllUry Id navul escort under tbe command ' Major Oeneral Pred W. SladM, ori» area. wllLcom’Ci’_lhc.MC«tarjt;s__ : Kly (0 the tJnlon sttlkin. While the scnices are taking place, IC departments of the government will i closed and flags Uiroughout Wash- :g1on--w1ll-bc dlaplayed-af half-«taff.-— :cretnry SUmson, nt the dlrccUon of le president, ordered government of-. res closed until I’ o'clock tomorrow :ia«eiJUJi«lL»5r.fUin{iljl)eJuntnai_ . Ccdnr Rapids ts over. The nav7 de- , irMiH'iu orcTefrd Ull t’CUl-iii Ul. Ainef- - an waters lo display Ihe flag slml- rly. Thc honorary pallbearera for the rvlccs In Washington will be Mr. cod'* fellow cabinet mcmbert and the :tlng secretary of wnr. Funeral services tn Cedar Rapids will ^ held in the First Presbyterian: lurch.. ^ ; HtNCLAIR NEARB ENO OP TERM WASHINOTON, Nov. 19 (/p>—H arry Sinclair tonlghl was obUlnlng hit sl sleep on the not-too-comfortable jn cot assigned to him alnce hU com- Itment u> Uic Dlslrlct of Columbia ' ll on May 0. .mbassador Daivcs Visits Old French Acquaintance— PARIS. Nov. IB m ~ clmrW O. awes. American ambassador to O irat— rltnln. arrived in Parts today toT lslt — eneral Payot, an old .wartime friend ho now commands the Thirteenth rench-army corps,--------------- I'he two men swapped yArhs cn thslr iirllmc experiences as chiefs of tlie iiiup7riatlon departments of thei mericnn and French armlet. Ambassa- - ir Datv-es said that lie had rto political alslot* lo-F«nce-whatsoever:----- r— : ----- inds Tomb Of IOfAncientHistont - sr body had boon plundered by robbers lon after herfunerai. iTtu:, tnietn’s body lay In a coffin oulded fo UM l6m "of her liody.;: Wlnlock said Uiat Uie tomb, though ..- idUturbed-for 3000 ye'tn, had been--- itetvd on two oecastonrolosely‘iiaM ^.~r tent to the forceful entry of ^ :rs and much Uiat would h t n ftanuh>. V;v I voluable lhfotDatJon>a>;dMWd^'.';> About IDU B. ao(fieiau;<tf .t^^pii:';);:!^ id j^ entered t^tomtihWM tmmi&'AH iMOfr ^iU ceiiitei^''iT litJm w tf^ lit ,h app^-:ia.'r^e^i#M^^ rittefi a e n it tti^ I a bold J j i h 4^;-.® J ^ ‘J s j^ ^ “Year 19; o. dty S8.:

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Page 1:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

^ T H EVOL. J 2 . NO. 193. "

i i i i i rI U FOI BEUEF

' ■ nv

— bu

,F . L. A tkins, Buhl, Member “

of Bonrd o f Directors

F o r Organization to Aid sa

A B riculture of N a t i o n111

-------- th, IBy Tlie As-soclated Prc.«i

SPOKANE, Nov. 10 - P . J. Wllmrr. n o u lla ^ Uxlay u iu flK tcd pre.ildcnl ot th e NorUi Pscllfc Oroln CroA'crm lii:.. which in the Northweot unit in Uie n i- , lloniil cooperaUve plan for farm relief, y

The om anlratlon wn< perfecied by I rrpre.yiiitallve^ from Idnho. Ore«an. • U'aiihlnKton and M oiiiant with th i elee- tloil c r.offlceni nnd the iidopilon o{ a Xorm .oI.conU flct.lo bc entcredJnlo.lJJ’. — the tn m ic r s ’&nd the co rporatlm

O, T . Cornwall. Walla Willla. W wh- liiRton, was eliicied vice pre.ildent uii<1

.•I len ry E. Ooldsyorthy. Rosalia, uccre- R i ttiry-lreu3urer.” n ie * c offlceM'wUli me followlns membeni of the organUallonl

-cominllloo conttltulo tlw board of d l- , rector*: Wanhlngton — W. J . Sulion,;

' Cheney: W .R .H eg le r.S t. Jo lm :H . Ju r-; cenw n. W llbiir: T . 8 . Hod^e*. W ater-1 vllle, a n d Troy Llndley^ Daytoji. t ■ Id tth o -O . P. ftOTnmrOforge N .Tjim -1 " ’ pherc, Momow; Owen Mouncf. Lc«Lv| toih and F. U Atkina. Buhl. _

dlcton: J o h n .WhUycombc. J r„ ^ U m (- p,,' — --tu » ;-A .~ Jr ' Sin iif.a:uyr ~ ^ l t an'.

H nrth. T lie Dallea. j,e--------- M o n u n n —B.-RrMcAlll.’tter.-Kallspell7 kh

T he outstnndlnK feature of the con- '------ tro c tfo rm adcptedrit was said, was l lu l ne

th e w heat raiser If he w ants'flnanclal hh usalstance m ust slvn the contract with q(

' - hU local cooperallvu. He would then be ■ oble to ob ta in the money a t about 6 per j un c in t. A ll flnancinic In connecUon with hi- thc federa l farm board ,«iU be done llirouBh th e Interm edlaie Credit bank, tn 8i>okane. •- hli

•■Tlie c o n irn c liberal . In. form." yo P rcsiaen i Wllmer asserted. " It cm bn- foi )ces op tions sovrrnlng the nelllnv ol -ip w heal about a« the farmer* have now. hr

, u lth U iep rlv llp g eo f poolliJ}UilwBrow- l« 1. c r u v b d iti . WllU Ubeml advance* to

‘ ’D u headquartem 6( the aMoclallon U gf In Spokane. d r

SE T D.%TE FOR silO W ca:D O lSE. Nov, IB M')-Dalc.‘* fcr the “

____ imnuat :iliov of tlie Idaho S tale U c e ^ - _cd Turlcey Bn'cdvr^' nssocUtlon were ■

- declded-kt-B meetliiK here today.- Tl«e J Khow will be h rld In Ucl»e December 10 1

■ to 20. a n d announcemeiiu to tha t e fte ;t i-------t.4i> tx-tn BroniTfc-m ngm iiua ot national . ~

clrculaUon, O. A, Koxvr. prexltlrm of ____ tliiLafscclHdon. suld. ______________

M cxican Deputy. Proposes

M EXICO CITy Tnov; 16 (/1>-An a p -1 I>eal fo r prohibition of bullflBhU a n d ! cockflghU I n Mexico u s "horrllilel fipcctaclcH highly Inconghious lo a civil- ‘ Izcd na tion" wan made today to P rc iJ-! licnt Em llo Porte* Oil by Fernando 8 o l- ; : elff-Regll, deputy for campeche. H e;lnl uddcd th n t hc was dm w lnj up a similar a < IK'tUloil to congresii. 'C

Sotelo pointed out th a t the Mexican wu revolutlonury party program originally •

. provided for tcnninatlon of th e u spec- d |. taclea. b u t this hod no t been carried out^He sURgeated th a t Ihe presldenl by pro- f .i h iblting killing ot. bulls and honvi In Uull fightx. prohibiting the entry of for- Tu elgn bull flglKem and etUbUshIng o ih e r ; *!'

_____w atrlc tlv f men»uret..jwilrt-automatlq«-:T.nully end bull fighting wllhoul airailUig u^l

-- ft c o n g m slo tu l lawaKalnst t h e i p o r t r - ;—>

Id ah o an in Coii}oration ^toi

I FiHng C h arte r in E ast tb. ■ . ■ Ilr

' DOVER. Del., Nov. 10 a v - A charter lnlwas filed wlUi the sla te departmenl to- lulday. fo r th e Pacific SUites Pulp and J eP aper com p an y n o 'd ea l In .itccks and th:bonds. Capita] vas' given as »3.000,000 tieand 350,000 shares., T he.lncorponiors 'a rc : N. P . Charles luid W. Beodmore, lalPriest River, Idaho; A. T. Peterson and ty

-------s s s s = = s = s = = = = s = = = = = s =

“PatrolmanrAlone In :_i:=Llfe_To AvertMi

SALT L A K B ^ c m , Nov. 19 ~ po W ounded ond alone in the wild Jack- m

, eon. U k o country of wertCTn Wyom- ^

— - on-thB T eton ntO onal forw t. )Uiot and killed h lquelf'lO day i ago to prevent a more borrlblfl death , associates in tbe ^ forest aervice declared today. ’ “

Copehhaven'a t o u r ima found bvL fi»«Fghi»r« ull>Fm.iii „w ith n o w , tn d was Uken to-Jackaon,W yoming, thla afU m oon. Parties had . been seeking him for a veek. a fle r he

i : had failed to arrive a t'Jackson. u A no te , algned w ith Copenhaven’i i

nam e, declared h e h sd cu t h is a rm vhlle a«^ cutUng a small tope, tn d gave d ir te lio u ye9 1 for find ing h ll B a u e a tU h ls b ^ toi■ was a pu to l. wUh o u o n p ty o a rtr l^ o of■ In the cham ber. ............................. a■ w orkm en on th e lake fro n t a mite thi ^ aw ty h e a r t th re td w to H o T c m b crfca ^

■ r •

I T W IL1A8ED w n u n m o H t 0>

A B a o e iK V M D fu m _____________

T w o M e n M i . s s i n n A r t o r Q f

F i r e S w e e p s E n ( t n i v i n K U L

P l a n t i n S o n F r a n r i s c o p i

s a n FRANCISCO. Nov. 10 . £ |men were missing, bslievfd to have • . been burned to death, and KIrc Chirr I

-Chn'rli^s.-A-ZBrrUlun ln)«rrd », f t .t l r r t h n n iw tp t th rou ih u»e U irre ^ to n r-----bulldinK hoiiMng the American tlmrav- Inn company, FU*l and Fol«om >ircpt,Uinltiht. . ___

An cxpla'ion was believed lo havo t s ta ricd the fire in th f ei^jravliiK plant, said to be one of the la rg e r on ihe < I'acUlc r ta s t. ,

Firetnen Mid they m w two men drop J tliroutfli the n iln s of a r.'.airway Into thc flam lnit building.

Several oUier employe.'i wen- believed I to hbvp been trapped. i

Chief B rennan n if fered bums ami WCUtA. <>I tl

__________ — iiuai


_____ fron

R o b e r t M a v n a v d H u t c h i n s , I’lesiiKul

3 0 , P r e s i d e n t o f G r e a t - y ‘

• A m e r i c a n I i i s l i t u t i o n~ " • Item"

eupl-CniCAOO,-Nov.4a.U1-<Rab«:rt.MAy*. nard H utchins wok Inducted Inio the prexldencj' of thc University af CIUcbkotoday. ........— ..................... .....................

Al u ceremony dlxnlded by ilie pre.i- cn .ce ^^ u ga^laxy of eminent w l^ ato rs.

head of one ol America's g rea te r in- KHtBtionsTinfaYHln* .

Tlie inve.itllunr wa* proclaimed In the ‘ jiew 'O othic chapcl of thc unlver*!ly by » n; Harold H, Swift, president of tlie board ” ol tnwices. .

“We ask from you couraiie nnd vUion. **“ » united v;lth enthuala-wi foricholarshlp." ‘‘’'® he tc!d the prciildenl elect,

••We aHk for zeal In the March for tn ilii a iul th a t our standatd.i bc held hish. We twk for Inspiration of our ' , young men and young women. We ask for b road 'hum an sympathy, hish per* q b .ipecUve on Uie values of human llfe and LR helpfulne.<s In the prcblenH of cur civil* u i l Iratlon.’* , - .

Y e n g l .fV ale _____ ITlie j-o»inK,Mn of Y>lc'. frw n _ J

his a lm a ^ a m T n -h e a d ih e Unlvefilli' of Cliicago, told of his ytjion of t^ie des* %• tink-.s o f ih i^ s lU u tlc i) . Around^ him >■(.,

I were g a t h e r ^ i a presldenU of Aineri- ,j can colleges and unlversltle.i. some 3000

(Continued on Pugc 2. Column 1»

te n CBilW 13 il* S

, • the

j d r i i o - O o i n g — f t i t o M V t n t e r ■

W i t h L i t t l e I l ln e .w , S a y s ™

P u b l i c W e l f a r e O f f i e i a l p

HOISE, Nov. 10 W r-Idaho Is g o h c into th e wlnler in .go»i heulth, barrlnt; a cold o r lu o nnd a few i-avrs of;.s,C. K. Mucey. canunli-limer of pablij weltaie. said today. |

The departm ent has no repart of any disease In epidemic foim and U partlcu- iarlj- pleased with the ihrwita made thfci la ll ognlnM Ihc mo.u dreaded of all ill- se tses in the slate—meninslllJi. County a tle r county Is coming Inlo Ilne In the w orfarc "VPt^ U h e dlv.-a*e, Macey aiUd, I

th e WTirfwe i t succeAsfiii.Tlie cam paign s ia g ^ by deptihmeilt

baclerlolcglsu In Uie Idaho Falls te rri­tory hoi:,been nboui completed a n d '59 - currlcrs—poionUal sourccs of ipread o f tlie dU etsc-^w ere Isolated and (luarsn- lined WhUc they vcn ; beliiTHd of Vt\e InfecUon. OperaUng with tbe mobile laboratory, they tr e now working In Jefferson county and will la ter work through Madlsan and Bingham coun- Oet,

An o u tfit working from the central laboratory here will go into Cassia coun­ty nex t week to examine students In Burlej-and-OaklBTKhcols.-’ ---------------------

i Wilds, Ends loreJorribleDei tfa parently fired by tbe wounded potrol- m an j u a d i i t w call. Bad h e no tstopped to take th e ___hones, h e could, have retched th e tokeshore, cam p, where h e 'h a d - v l i l t ^ . r e - ___cently, R . U. O hi. a forest rau ie r, de-cU red over tiie long dlsUDce te lep lm e

•Wowl i la lm lU Ihe snow gave m u t e ^ idence o r th e fact, O ta (tid .

“A pparently C^>enhav(inbeetine p a n ­to ilr icken w hen' he wounded- hbnaell and loM hU head." h e added. ' . •

O openhaven waa a te u t '48 y e a n of age a n d Joined tb e foreit t e r v i M ^ yeaiB ago when h e catae from UOd *

OW S U M . NMhlng

th e head of Jackkm I tU . about f ^ m .J B o ta o n .. . \ ■■■ ' _

f B t 0^%Y ASSOCIAtBt)


.E lm s T i l , - J i i iM i iL :' ’ —a

■ tl

U pper House, in li’aee o t De-

term ined “ Young G uard” tof Republican Regular?, f

P lans For Recess Again ^-____ __________________ 0

By rilANTI.'! SI. KTEFIIRNSON ^iA ;tm ialril l’re>v s ta f f W riieri

WA.SHINOTON, Nov. 19—lif th e lare ,, 'oI th(> deiermlned bui leaderlew *yoiin i iiuard" Republican rotiulars. the renato v a-i pre;iariiii; lanluht lo iry ngaln Inr j, nil ndJoiir:(mrm cf the special session on Fiidny and then- 'U'enied |o be enoiiRn _ ^me.'k in .sl2hi lo assure tlir week's re< | Cf.vs before the remiliir mecMiis In De- leinber. '- T h e adjoiimm ent reioliilioii very like- , Iv will be nftercd lomoiTox, peihupi I from the Democratic Mde. The “youiik inmrd.’- which claims tiic auppori ol l>ie<ildeni HiMver. Is prepared to stand iiKulnst ll bill polls toduy Indicated siif- liclenl support luulluw iht> weary nerve-

Chairm an tlusion of Uie Republican iiQlibnal commlueec. consiilted with Kcmc -‘youiiu miard" membeni a l the eapliol today, presumably lo encourancthelndJoum m entT 'opposltlon.------------------

W ahli Deplores Qulbfallnc Convinced tha l the turlff mcoiure ,

caim ol be pa.v«d before the December mei'lliig, Senntor Walsli. Montana, the '

" non .«a«" the qulbbllim tiver political ' ad ra n tag rin -th rw rc fc V rrce w and-w ld - J he WM ready to move the adjournmentl l i i t r a « i r > - . - ---------------------------------

While the "young guard^^ Republlcaiw. ' who disclaimed any Individual leader- . ship, were scckJnrtodflyTo^iifrBmH M r force.-. aBclnst the th rea t of td joum - / mom. new sljn s of Republican strife In tiie senate which m ight carrj- ihe p trty ” Kplit Into Ihc regular se*ilcn were seen

(Continued On Page 3. Column 1) eai — — .......... ' cn


NEW YORK. Nov., 10 (/?V-On the fifty-fourth annlverwiry of their wed­ding, Mr. and M rK 'T hom as'W idd l- — combe were 'found dead today In Uielr Brooklyn apartm ent w llh the gas^ r n e d o n ..................... - ........... .. -*

M ri7^rd ilicom be.'w ho wa.s‘73 years ' old. was a paralj-tlc. ycsUrday-H-pli>sl.. _ 1 clan lold lu r husband th a t a cataract ‘ iu u l- lw tu e d -o it-^c -o f-h D r-T Jv S ran a ’ th a l slie m ust be taken to a hos|iltal 1 for un opcralloh, 7 «

Today on the ch air beside thc bed < on which the ir bodies lay was a lio le in ‘ the husband’s handw riting. I l read: , «

••They tell me th a t Helen must go i a v a y .a lo n e . - '^ t shall. not-bc-I-w U I —i go away wlih h e r.'W e cannot be »ep-i , I uruBled alter, all these happy yenrs.- I

I That’s the T

m i n d '


__ __________ ■

■*r ^- j i : - S

i) p k iU NBwspAfii^R IN y t


Now Y ork C ity Co\vboy.s ‘ I “ I te fu sc to' Pursue S teer i

TnklnifK cfiiitc in W ate r] f l

NEW VORK. Nov. in iR -N e w 1 ^ “ York's cowboj’s u tr .xirlfily land- 1 , , going fellows. j _

—at-the-f09t'-0f-Tlilrty-iilnU»-*U «ut__today and pluiwiit ull ihc dock h is p Into N orth river, th.' cjxlioj* w ash- Bul i'd Uieir hands ol the aniiir, P^PP

T h e agile anlmnl vns fnr too e lu - <be V slve fo r the ir la.^ o as iiify 'vain ly l« tl li tried to encircle :h r Mei-r’s neck from a dock. i M»

Som e one suKne*ial ilir police. lAnlm An emgeucy sqtiad. r IUi a tm ck l* n « crani*. a smnll boai nml w ven l yards j U «/ of ro p r l a d the f i « r iletl up nnd ! hauled bock en the ilvk in no tim e I «1»U. :»wli

TllP .cowboys refU'..’ii m a d jiii td e - leat.

''T lic steer took uiilalr advantage i »— of Its.’'U ie y explained, " W h o e v er ' ; lieorrl c f a sea-godif ccRboy?" : F O f


____ by c£

H an-v Wellhouscn lieeonies i«im!---------- ---------- — — T ----------------------- gtve-

- Vice President ■ of Boys’

N ational O r g a n iz a t io n ----------------- ------------------------ E x j

KAN8AH CITV. No\'. ;l9-f/P>- ’Wade Tamer, LHllii|l«n,-North— ---- --t 'arvU na, today wat riectcd presl- r c d e n t o f tb e Future ra n t ie r .-« f— rjM o r

— SWeHrtTat th e anmlar^Irellon^leld “ ij,o ; a t th e Amerlean reyal llveiloek nttali rliow. and H arry YVellhoinen. Tw in „ n d ' Falls, Idaho , was.eleeted vice, p r e a - g o v e Ident. T hete boys and !4 o thers ( i , , , . rreelved th e P u tv e Farmers degree ^

An la-j-eor-old youlh f ^ M l i e hUbf 'o f A rkansas. Carldon Patton. W ooster, b oWO.S crowned the “star farmer of A m er- daylea." and given a prUe cf $1000. o u d .

C arldon.-the luiiloual thamp^on. h a s tice cearned more than »iWO from farm op - o* hii cra tlotis in the lost Uiree years. H e hasrolnvetted more thnn JI700 In farm n n r. _ BOIi-lCarry Wellhousen. 19, un -o ^ M r. a n d iii

•—< 0«itfaw ed"<^:fti^ -ioei in ^ ii— - ^ |f |

Thousand SprlnKS R anch , qq _ _ S t'o ck Scores a tO o k la n d a . pi

, placeOAKLANU. .Nuv. 119 U V -Q u em - was .

,»ey bulls .of_ lhe_HarTey_Flre»t«ne___.urn*herd lodiiy look flrtt and second .

_Piieeft.ln.the.bull ealve».ceirfpetltton_. ' ‘J'®* at th.. ninth annu^ P.rifte ilana— ludic

—Bllky show here, and alsowon f ln t lornt ^ e p for Uuernsejr bulls, three years £fj

'~oidoravcrrsnd thesenlorand grand— tilghi ' ehampionstiipt, ' , i . " , . , aherl

/-.Mn entry of Mr*. Mlwle -Milter, word iwntr at Ihe fam o^'T lw asand "Uiei Springs ranch near Wendell. Idaho, - orolii

-llwon.fiiat pUee.for. Janior..yearlInt_utv. ] bu lb . TKIs'iis* liuerus^y Uiy Ul iu iy - Ihieahow. cdied

! W ay Geripahy G bt H e r Stai

■j -^ o u r o w m N r ) x ■•SS.I't-1. T EN D I ' ) l > T H r s y i ' l k

W r

1 . .-j*

A \X

T W l N F A L t H C O V N T Y

d a i i ;, NOVEMDERaO, 192!)

“ C ookie,” Dog Wit Wins Ribbon and Fa

By MAKai'EICITK YOUNG - Tli (Associated.PrcM fiinff W riter) •"Su:

rirA SH IN O T O N ’, Nov. lO-"SnoQklL • Man:

B u t to i2-yfttr*oUl Margnrei am iih , the >cii|)iijuppy’S fto ter nvjllirr. his .^hnwUn In ihi'Che W aslllngton C ai chit>',i niinuul cum* ctiiilu>;tllive galherlnK u( lh.- hl^h hut« : ( riat-and-dogdonv wj< u mitaclr. ' ilu ir

M argare t KOl l.'ie puppy irom tin- H;iVnlmal Rescue Lrauue for her Clirl'^i- rin|itnos last year. W hrn ?he lieurO nlwm ".Siin he show Sht-Wi'ii! m see the oftlcisN.

“I luive a line piippv." snid M nrgnrei. M.i'and If my impa .'Jiiic; heme in llriio fiienoybe I'll have a li^illar lor the e iitrane r "Succjrice. Could ycu put 'Sucfkle' In th.’ to" • >"">1!

P orm er Tw in Fylls Youlh ]l/j Dies in Oregon Auto C a m p ; n l

MEDFORD. Ore., Nov. ID (/l'--U nrry logers, 20.-toi'incrly ot Twin Foll« ..Id .f ; . , 111. was fotmd dfud today lira nas filled ; ’ ubin a t on nuto cnmp here. Doars nnd dndow s ot the cabin luul bcen covered ly card bourd. -JilU)

A sealed le tte r to a Medford Klrl w:is ctiiid on the tab le.’ The toroiier could p [ I v n w rcnsoii fo rthe-dea th w hich he ironpunced suicide. RoKera came here i (. roin Twin FalU aboui tour years uro. '

Explosion Costs Lives - - i - J J

- O M I Turkish iMirier.s intern■ — - ____i;« lj

' ’ SllO'4 CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 10 frPt—A j,ij( a

•K ond'cxploston^iihtn-'jT^-pfkr.'nM trT’i ju y llie Zongouldnk coui luliies today nnd_iQ{Cj ngahi cAUsed tiic-dcaU j-of-U -m lners oi mi in d 'thD In jiio ’ of iiiany. Tlie TiirkLth ,jny, lovem m eni- U-ojienliix an-lllJu^^’ Into proai thc successive dL'«.ster^. i Wcji _________ = = = = __________ u iL i .— CAUSES-BROTJIKR’fl-IK K BftT — p**i«

BOISE, Nov. 10 M '.-R ay O arrelt to- iay caused i h f arn'.si of hls brother.Jud. and testified axalnsl him in Jus- ice courl. on u charge of stealing a lu I r ^ “ <i h is gloves. Bud was fined tS.

BORfiERWTiyDBi l y y M i g

BOROER, Texas. Nov, ID i,l-)-O le ii'K. Page. fo m itc .m a y t)r .o f .B e rg e n .w a .s^ ^ ;»laccd In Jail here lale today on w hat A-as snld- lo bc o liquor indictm ent r c - . •>—iurned-but-unaimouBccd-lakl-Siitunliii-.|__A-hcii Jim Hodges and Sam 'Jones were iudlclw I'^or-llie^urdcTDl A t ^ j *1 lorney John A. Holmes. | ( j f l

Efforts, u> obtain ball for him to ­night-seemed due. to .full, . f t l i i t : * . . t h e . , iherlff is not In thu county, and. In the word.s'ol Chief^of Policc Albert Macc.'there doesn’t seem to be any deiiinies around who can read tn d write." Dep­uty Slicriff-EOrresLauiimey-. m ily-tiep.--.p,|^

rated, j, ^

Itart, Too " ~ | ^------------------------------------------ , I N(

t Ben1 ~ ! Pilot

: rcac! I bcut

. - ' ' 1 of U

S iy . v i W been

------------------------------ -----dO W I. r - ....... - ■ '0 / ............................!>«'»'

%\ !ri\ : , £S":

^ I

I, m

g . ': J . / , . m S

^ i S3':'


A tv*«M ^ Yeik ram t. w _ ^

rt NE-im iBK R A u n rr nonxAO i <

__ ___________ OP cniotnjCTOwa__________^

ith Dubiom Past, [|]()j| '’ame for Mistress iTllf ufllclBU CDUld and (tid |.tUpr|

Sii:cklc" In thc open cla.vs for iw cdlev ; _ . 'larrurtt camc and .stoad be.sUIe lilm l P

hlah amom: coin-V u l>rtm?' ■0CTer!>. - In? iiid lin^ )iiii> -o t-tlio --------ii|)iui'« I'lite as well us lAreders knunn | .Ill' fn:m tn o^er. "Sncakle" dostil non. i V . , f | h;ilaiitl,k. dl*lnlere.?:ed. while i!ie s?orc:it I " ir i'ldy - do;>i m ound hhn yetiicil, •tyj lulr sui>?'norliy. ,

H;ii many of ihe ihorouahbrrds aim .-', ^ iiHilv handed oul of ihe conu-s;, and!, .Siin.-kii'-' ^ol a blue rltibcn In ilie f*;;t'n: t.i.';Jorii^oilIes.M.'.ri!;iei didn't x'.U ilur JiuU.-s why.

■Me im-tt'ly i:rlnnMl nnd squM.vd Siic.-'-ilt'." r.l;e *ns e«»er to gel hoin? •0 lell of her virtory lo her invalid j

■ I w ,


M u H ln j In

S n o w s to r m a n d F r i g i d^ j the sc

p o r a t u r e s C e n t e r A r o u n d i^j}} |j

C h e y e iV h e a n d T u i -n S o u t h

. pENVEH, Nov. 10 (,Tj - C en te ring rc’oiiml Cheyenne, Wyoming, n snow-1 pu term and freezing teiniw raiures g r i p - 1 r c i ;nl-ttie llock iL M oiiuialii-railuu-U idajaft,,,!-, {now wns rt'iwrted in M ontana. Wyuin- > iig ,an (L Q olg rjv il5 ..ff llh JlitiitB nnJ itaa£d_^ £uUi into Nuw-Mexlco-uiid-exp«>;tvd:— > >1 o.tcach tliHt-Blaie-tonlghlr-Tlirwv Inches “S-TCj It snnw fell In Ciieyenne Ihrougli Mon- Iny nlgiit and Tuesday w llh no ccssaiion ircdirtfd b rtho -w tro thc r-bu reau -nn lll Vednesdoy. Four Inches of snow fellI- l^nnd .r r n Mp ^ H‘T1>-|n -|lihl«h-w«s Bllll-«iv4tte7«roiirHh--------^

Helena, M ontana, suffered nmnercus rdiior casualties with a two-hicli snaw.>'hen .neep hllLf hi tlie c ity made tobag- v/hltc an slldct for automobiles and pedesicl- ijy ns. Many miuimoblles crashed agaln-si to r of nc of the walls o t Uie boilom cf th s i„ „ cl ;lll but oniy lltile dam age resulted. crwar

Llllle Snow In K a ^ icoiuiiWesieni Colorado and K ebraska es- i

aped the snow but droppUig tem pera- fo” "* ures were prominent. T h err was allV j llf snow lo western K anM s and n htdVyn i f m - r t m m c iM M ii. --------- -------Telephone and telegraph facilities

sere only sllghUy ham pered by thc tonn. Qus lines continued In operation IUl tile- highways In some placcs In Eof— — — ------------------------------------ — a n d 1

(ConUnued on Page 2, Column 7) of u

the d

m tB E L IB i_____ ■ flees

.......... und fg i l o t _ a t T e l l e r . N o r t T i e r n u i cc

O u t p o s t , C o n f i d e n t N o t e d

A i r m a n W a i t s a t H a v e n_____ Good

actlniNOME. Alaska. Nuv. 10 (/I'r—Pilot Cnrl pui

Ben Elelson. who In cooiwrntlon with be lil>llol Fnink Dorbandt. Is attem pting to churc -each thc fur iradlng sh ip Namik. Ice-K und near North Ca|>e. Siberia, was hINieen flying recenlly wUhlu 60 miles WA)f the ship. It was rcjw rted here today, p . s irho Informiition sel a t rcsl th c report la st i:lial wreckage of Elclson's plane has iron c)een found nboul CQ miles from th o mltmiitrunded vcsm-I. ja il o:_T he wln'ffubouls nf Elelson rem ained .inknown. but Dorbandt. wlio is n t T ell- * ^ i •r. Alaska. cxprc»cd belief th a t lie wasJown In-tome aafe liavcn jiloug .lhc 81- „ 0>erlan coast. I i wns bolloved lhat.£lel> .•on was sighlcd In lliv a ir nbout a weekIgo. - n

Elelson and uorbundl made ono tr ipJ) tlio Nanuk. returning to'Nom e w ith " f ” *">lx lussciigen und a valuable cargo of Oencitun . O n U iere iu n ilr lp .th e y w e refo rc - *'no : s l dow m »t-Tellen"They-ttttem ptcd-toresume their flight from Teller Novem- ThrXT 10. Bui Dorbandt tu rned buck a fte r wnrtli; short flight, because of bnd weather, tninsiBielson continued. He hus been ou t o f AmerMntact with the outside world slnco tb n t dor D

Egyptian Expedition Fin ^ Jlythical-QueenC

NEW YORK, Nov. 10 (/D -T lie m e'lro. h e r b. rn ita n museum of a rt today announced soon : ;hat its Egyptian ex ^ lU o n J i ^

Iileryet-Amun. celebrated Ul ancien t h is- Wit ;ory ta the somewhat short-lived wife \mdU }r,Amen-Hotoc. II. nnd have th u s prov> entcn^ th a t she nclunllv_cxlsted._______ L.• T he report of the d irector of ,Uie ex- wdlUon, Herbert E. Wlnlodc, u l d th a t *®Vv3 he tiueen't tomb h id been dlMOvered a s t March vhen members o(-hU porty s-e#e‘«learlng a ravine a c tr . th e -ou i^r J r , , irau of U » temple of D ler BT Bahri hear Rteba. Winloek u ld Uie l ln d io t ht thU onib had iu m lih ed Uie fh n t e o o en te mv« iv id n c t th a t Uiere ever h a d . beeQ'‘a

M M of htt ever h td ' been fOuod. ■‘f t w n ’M it y e t i - A m w 'd ^ ^ U «je te'ioB a a fte r he r ooronaHonv /W lib M aU ftek-.repftrtetf h e r b r t r t t 'e h i a b t f i a

m S .12 PAGES - 5 CEN TS , i


ation to Pay Homage ,in

W liitJ House £af?t Room, '

Soc'iie of Many. A m erican

Sorrows a n d T rium phs

Ry RAVMONT) Z. HF.LNE iA*w>ebied P m s Staff W riter!

W A S H IN G T O N . N o v . 19 — lie la.Hl tr i lm tu o f t h e R o v c m - ohI u 'III b(‘ (Vii(i tr tn jo r rm i ' to .. . inii'.^ \V . G ikuI. s o c i 'o ta r y o f n r . ill l h e r o o m o f Uie ’l ii to n<itV'<o. wliori! HofTow, t r i - - i i p h u m l huiipiiii'.ss f r e i iu o n tly ive-lK>t‘n w riU irn in t t r A m c r i c a n — H lo iy .I n t l i c p ro so n ce n f P r e s id e n t

» v e r and a dUtlnguLslied company,., e service of the Prctbylcrlau ciiurch 11 l« condueied and laU;r the body..II bc placed ui»n a spcclnl tra in lo ^larTliiinas.'-Tovin-fift-biirtal-PrtdBjj:^,^ T lit-O caU i-o f-ilio i-cab tao U m am b er-^ ut mourned In an official W hile iiinc Malement In which President»ivcr sa id it would be no t-alape-foc___h public services lh a l Mr7Good WQiild

rcmcmben-d, but nlso “for h i t loyalid -^lf-rffacW g-frkndshipT -^-rrr-------;—

FuU Mllltory Funeral___________W ink_llitjcrtlce^tom traftW _w llL J«"__-rcaU dctcd-as-posiib la-for-nueh-an^— ijw ruuit figure In pubUc. Ufc. tho full mors.of mllllar)' burlnl will be extend-

g u a rd . a t-bonor,-w hlch-took-its— lUon nhortly after (he secretary died,11 rem ain wlili him until h is body It Bced-in-himatlTBTOll.Enrly tomorrow a flag will be placed loss the caskct nnd the secretary 's dy will bc taken on a colMon to th e . h lte HouM where services. conducKd ’ the Rev. Jo.v>pli Richard SUoo, poA- r of the New York Avenue Presbyter- n church. vlUbe8ln.at4X-A,-M i-Aft-'— ward Uie invllcd guests, which wUl iiuU^. on ly 'o f public officials, mem- :rs of the dlplomnUc corps and per- nnn r ^ iids. will be p«rm lit«^.tp p a ts «

grim ^ n im tll-l o'elockt 6i (i)leyeea »l a u o ^ a iC d e i l t r u n e n f e ^ J k l l f c i i L w ^:i>ortunity to pay Uielr respects. T he iblic will nol bc admlUed.

Escort Aeecmpanles Body E arly In U)e afternoon, a m lllU ry Id navul escort under tb e command ' M ajor Oeneral Pred W. SladM ,

ori» area. wllLcom’Ci’_ lhc.M C «tarjt;s__ :Kly (0 the tJnlon sttlkin.While the scnices are tak ing place,IC departm ents of the government will i closed and flags Uiroughout W ash- :g1on--w1ll-bc dlaplayed-af ha lf-«taff.-— :cretnry SUmson, n t the dlrccUon of le president, ordered governm ent of-. res closed until I ’ o'clock tomorrow:ia « e iJU J i« lL » 5 r .fU in { iljl )e Ju n tn a i_. Ccdnr Rapids ts over. T h e nav7 de- , irMiH'iu orcTefrd Ull t’CUl-iii Ul. Ainef- - a n waters lo display Ihe flag slm l- rly.T hc honorary pallbearera fo r th e rvlccs In Washington will b e Mr. cod'* fellow cabinet mcmbert and th e :tlng secretary of wnr.Funeral services tn Cedar R apids will ■ held in the First Presbyterian:

lurch.. ;


Sinclair tonlghl was obU lnlng h i t s l sleep on the not-too-comfortable jn cot assigned to him alnce hU com- Itm ent u> Uic Dlslrlct o f Columbia ' ll on May 0.

.mbassador Daivcs V isits Old French A cquaintance—

PA RIS. Nov. IB m ~ c lm r W O. awes. American ambassador to O ira t— rltnln. arrived in Parts today to T ls l t — eneral Payot, an old .wartime friend ho now commands the T hirteen thrench-arm y corps,---------------I 'he two men swapped yArhs cn th slr iirllmc experiences as chiefs o f tlie iiiup7riatlon departments o f thei mericnn and French arm let. Ambassa- - ir Datv-es said tha t lie had rto political alslot* lo-F«nce-whatsoever:----- r— :-----

inds Tomb Of I Of Ancient Histont -sr body had boon plundered by robbers lon a fte r herfunerai. iTtu:, tn ie tn’s body lay In a coffin ■ oulded fo UM l6 m "o f her liody.;:W lnlock said Uiat Uie tomb, though . . - idU turbed-for 3000 ye 'tn , had b e e n - -- itetvd on two oecastonrolosely‘i ia M ^ .~ r ten t to th e forceful en try of ^:rs and much Uiat would h t n ftanuh> . V;v I voluable lh fo tD atJon> a> ;dM W d^ '.';> About IDU B. ao (fie iau ;< tf .t^^pii:';);:!^ i d j ^ entered t^tomtihW M tmmi&'AH iM O fr ^ i U c e i i i t e i ^ ' ' i T l i t J m w t f ^ lit ,h a p p ^ - : i a . 'r ^ e ^ i # M ^ ^ rittefi a e n i t tti^I a bold J j i h 4 ^ ; - . ® J ^ ‘J s j ^ ^ “Year 19; o . d ty S8.:

Page 2:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

P » g a . j r f f o . . . • ,______________ _


GISIOMMSTIIE.O h i o C o r i ) o m t i o i i A p p l i e s

i ' ' o r C e r t i f i c a t e t o I n t r o - .

I d u c o ' F u i ' l I n t o P o c a t e l l o

: -r.v TllC /W irU irti 1‘rr.MnOlSK, Nov. in -T lir O liij Oil ::in -

iw nv icincu 'u ;:il l>y Jrliii MPKavdsn.L n , D .n .iln j,

ojjulUf.' i.l!l;i:il uf 111." cjm|j:iii>,■ npiili-:! Mr n «t rsnvcnlcn:e

r.iitl II. .--' ••Iti i;> Intfailiico n iiliiril na» liitc P: .Mil inul Somln'aM Idali-J.

Tl-.f v;u» iiuKle a* l>iri <>Ift i;c:i"..'l i'x: '!;n nf tin- iircrcm pr'J- lie: t, IT fprviii3 Ulah H ciilli'd f tr ccii'U :icii:ii ol u lliiv liiMiinh l!ic Cn:hc c r r:vi;r v.i;ii'>s from O itlcn Into Idiil''! T!ic ccmpativ yeta ll« Mipjily Jtcm VUuli unit C o ljr. 'd ’licMi. llllll. iic:ot(lliig 10 J. H. Duvlii?, OKdm a iitruuy leyrcscnrinc tJi<? com- pany. mid F, F lizpairl:k, maiiaitlii? vl:c picii;Icni. hns a tiirp 'y for yror;v ,

Till- niiUirnl «ns, suppUctl pnriU-iiIarlV '------ -tor-U i^u ita lu -m :.. _

direct I'imiU'iltlDii a lili tin- I’libllr U u il-1 lie:;;ila-.i'J :orp-rnll:::i new fUii- plyln’j niliHcliil i:ns to Porstolls. Divin? fT.tJ. Na airniKcnicnts hsvL- bci-ii mudp.Jif .wld. iojklMj ow nrd the i':>inpaiiy _

• toklm: okcr the local plnnl us tn .tlis Hi- ^ Blnncpr. cf tin- comiMnlcii aupjHylnR Salt

— - t a t e - C itr"ninl-Q»!<tffni------- ,— -...... . •-

to supply Kn.' to cammunltlca In Frank* __ Iln. Onddii awl Unnnock nnd i»nrtl:u* ~

------ jMly U llio cillcs oI.rrcsiuu^Iila liu l.Jil:------— cstclio.-ttttiiW ln. Djwney unU-.McCam*

motl. ........ - ___ _ . •________Neither Mr, I 'ltrp a lrk k lior Mr. Dc-

____vlup <.-QUld_i.-lvp Iinv InfnrmaUon iin to _wlifthcr til t cbnipany plnnni-d to estcna

“ th tpw r\'lcr'thrciiivh '"iw ithfm ^way of Twin Ful!» lo ' Bol;;.’ .

Tliu louli- to bf taken (rom Ihe pres- pc - - chviorm tntisof the line nt O sdcn U n aw i -

bclns uurvcyed by cnglncufs. iiiirvi-ya arc nov; being madi; over the route Irani p,

lo M nntim nnd-K cncm ily-nnriliw ard g[ through Loijnn to i’ccalcllo. nml an a!- tenw llvc route «olnji .norm from Drlii-

- ham to Mnlnd. A Uilcrnl would In ih u lo iter cftM bo run over tlic r itlsc prob- ably frem thu vlclnlly cf Q arland In tho

-------Beiir~rlvun’.HJDy 13 cities in th e Cach:

The exieiil of the wroklns force and P■ the money la.bu expended by lUe com- U

pany wns nol estimated by Mr. Dcvlnr. bu l hc bald « :0.000.000 had been Rpenl up

— ■. is d o tc m b n n e tn r th c ’5'ipp>“ Jat=>;'^“*' ~

On tills Job 3200 men uere’ cniploK d'in ~ ___ order to rush the Job to com plalon.

S e n a t o r s D i r e c t i n g pj

. r ^ E n d e a v o r s T o w a r d nr

............ O M . i i i n i n g j y a c a l i o n S• — — 111

(Continued Front PsBo Qne) ix

In .(in fmpendfnj ron- over commlttce • - BBjlgnmcnu.

I I developed th n t bolh the "yaunB 'g u a rd " nnd tlio W cslem Uepublleaii ' Independent.1 who have b o t^ d the llco - .

_ _vc rJfuum U ci.aD d.inrift43B is rftm 5J> 3«i .i,,. have Lugge.sted candldalcB to r the Imf p o r u n i f iimnco com m tuee. whicli frnmca ihe revenue nnd in rlff leglsla- tlon. ' ••Benalcr LnFollctle. Wl.-^cln.son. i.n Ui; , ,

candidate of the Wc*lcrn liidepcndenl-s. who are nov wllhuul any reprcKcnla- tlon on Ihls commiltcc. R obert M. Ln- FoUollf. jr.. served on I t durtng his long senate cnreer. •

Support Idaho Sulon T he "youuK guard" jep rc sc n tcd to the Ji

W csicrn Indeixndcnts th n l Ujcy wcrc vllllntr to Jom them In suppo rt cf Sena­to r Thomns,. Idnho, to r th c iw st.'b u i th is hns bcen rejected.

Senaiof Nyc. N orth D akot.i. n mcm- n . ber of the Independents, Is on thc Re- gi

■ he 8<kvc notlcc l:diiy ihtvi If LaPollclte jj were no t placed oti Uie finance :3m- m ltlce flllltii; tho vac.iney lo bc cauiSd ,

-------bj’T lf f kT^lRnrtUcn 5f Senator EdR». New" Jersey, lie wunld c.ury ihe m ailer to

th c lld c r. _ *,----------T licre «'({»(.pfciiliitlou ta n ls lil ahcUi*

e r tUfi Democrat’ would Mdc w llh 'th e WMtvrn liidcpfn-i'.-iils in this Altuallon os In lil t tarlK ccnicsi. If Democrntlc ‘

. .. suppmLdivcIcps. It may cual- Illon in nction In ihtf forthcnmln'i ms*. . tion IUI opiicm l lo till' :i0inlnl:ilr;iU3n..

Y o u th fu l i id u c a to rG u id es U n iv e re ity -

(ConUnued Prom Pago Ons)

(Jl8tlni!ul.ihcd RucM* in nili rtprc.s?nUnj lnAltutlati>i of learnlne n i home and■obrcBd. -

Ton lind bovKh, but i.crlou.% of mien. ". • _ i ; . ; p r ^ e p t j i u i d j l n s loeVtjowlcdgi-d :tji\|- "

occlamBllon cf tho audience. - Most of ^thc'^300 ursfLwch* Mirroundlnt; him •'m m e d cld eiicunh to be h is lalher. ns, *'

■ indeed, one wns. •' ■ D r. WilllBin Jam es Hulehlns. me.’i- ”

dcDt of iSerra college, In tho Kentucky 1mounl^liiR. hncj come to jionor h is own ^

. " ‘ :joh'ii«d'H»teccivft-tiicTionornr>'ilpnri:e i'O f dcctor cf laws from th c iintVTrclty. . J

ItOLD FUNEUAL rO B TEACUEU JR ^ W O O D c r r y . Cnllf., Nov. lO UTi 4

— eeni ccj were Jjfld lip ri t '« |jy *f ^ {Jliyo pjckc. 3fi. unu-orsJty of Chi- J^ . 'm ^ U B t ? 8i:d 6Bt>-FTAi)btk9 hlgn «achfiol .fciichcr. who w as flabbcd to 1 .d t t t o licrDjnst week by l r* K irk, d lteh }^ I w t f . ' l a e i u u jiie tt lu sc d to . m arry |

'■ _ I

t w i n F A L L S b.<!

— — ^ A d d r e 8 s e s - G ^ r m <

c i i A R i - o r n c r u r n . E , p r ra W c m o colloKC (111(1 ]'J-yc»r-o)(l dnuf ht* C h i i r l c a .J I , .T » -U le, n (ltlrc.sHC(l ,

— -^vorkcrs-in-New.--Yo'rki-Sfie^ItHt]

_ iro iu x .is L £ o i iJ C o i)A y _ A f.J L T O i_ SlOUItOU—Fair: nu rh an sc In lem- ^

________________________ j s ;to

Teiiipcraliiro In th e Twin Fulb rc- ^ h (jlon dropped tu 10 ilu«rce.< above icro, tur

->Hm'»UCg-ta^W^-K^^t:rumeni..uu,H.hf!“ s^ oUuTver. durlnK ihe 34-hour pi'rlod prc- cr.dhig 6 P. M. yMlerdiiy, 13rli:hi f u n - : 1 ililiif n»d n cl/>iw)f.« ^ky ronilmics'and cer Ihe mercury ro 'c sliorily alicv imon lo . onl 4U dciirec^. llio nu .;lm uni f<c the pc* i;oii riod. • _______________________ ip™

l i iM lt i i t ii- I M t l l i S I F t l i U ;

BOISE, Nov. 10 a'>—Clullci:i;lir< the i,„ nccurucy of the dcdiwtlons Cf ths su- of premu roiirl. aito rncys fnr the 'H nr- i,ij toUKhi Aildlng Mnchine company uclav nppllcd for

•lfi ncbcxL Farb ..u D n ltc .lii l i tjh c o jiy i- . ./oi In the com plaint I t wos chorgcd the nc Durroujihs rcm p iny driver <vas fK’Bll- Kcnl In ?pecdlns l3 th e crosdlnn ^ w r :Ijic crnslj occurred th ree years ft!;i.

In Ihe jiel’llloh lo f iHc rchcarhi';, » wa.s de.-lnrcd lha i tho physical It:'.-. surroundUiR Ihc aulomobllu accldeiil In which jomiK F.•lrls■v 'na Injured :ouUl ii'l .|mv^f,Mt»U<-rt-ln-Um-typa 'cf ■tcrlfl.JH __

enutt'x (ll■c! lcn In up lio ld ln j tlie districtcourt's u tti ifd .- .........................................- ........

F u rih tr. the pe'.lUcn cliilm.-il l l in ihe injuries ulk-ciilly received by Fan:. In l nol dnmmcd his mlncl la un extent Iln l would hiillc'itn "hls itrurtuntlaii friuii l',li;h .-.chool ii:r.; h is cn iranci-In to th : national guard were ob tained by irnud. - - •

Idaho Bourd S eeks Nume F o r H igh U nnam ed Peak

D OISE Nov. IB N ci' and bc’l»r namoj urc tieslred by th e s ta ir peo* graphical board (or an o lh er hlRlmnd

In ea.stern Idiho.Tlie pi'ak. adjacent to Uie one recent­

ly unolfldaly named "Borah," winonly ._ lately •'dl'wovrrcd'* by U ic . Keologlual survey to be one ot th e In the Kinte. The D anghtcis o f the Amerl* can ncvohillon recmnniendcd Uial Um IK.‘ak bc nnanied Sacajaw en in honor uf liie Indlmi clrl of Ihc Lewis nnd Chrk exiKdllloiv From th c bcoIob'c bonrd, n in e Uir-tmofflclal BUCRCstfon Utal ll lw nnmed In Mich u wuy n.i lo honor a promlncnl Male official iv. wcil a:, dcvrlbe lls i r c c lm tic ish ts , nam uly-


T}vin Falla S tu d e n tW ins Coveted Honor

(Continued P ro m 'P a if t C ot) -

Mra. Henry Wpllhouscn. Twin FalK l.v n , senior In 'ru 'lji ■ hljili school, tiiid M ■pi'esldefitoftJjo'locnrorBanlTa- - - lion ot the Fu tu rc 'P n rm crs of Ame.-len In UlC Twin Falls h igh (chool, v.hlch '

^ - Y O U i t P H O T O ! i

M P l a n N W ^ i i l y 29 ^ Shoppln)^ D a y s ^ n tll Jm Christmas J

^ F L C ^ F O T O j g S H O r .

DAJLYjmv&.TWINFA: m e n t - W o r k o tg - - ■ — '




.. <>!<



BlAtiocialfd J 'rcii i'/iuiu

n t cif Iho sociiiliMt club ot Vh-s.sju'jiq^ phter of United StatM Attorney po Dtl u hmss meeting of j;nrmont tli i t T i q i o w t P g l l h - h u i ^ t h n T ' * — ^

■ --iu i|-|_----- - n!includes ih c cn llre ogrlcutlurnl class

.'Iicic.'- 'Hiero- nre- flb0lll-'.W -nigmtHirc4= In Idaho, comprising pracUcally nil ai:- rtcu itu rn l-h ttrtr-K hoo l—sWrtenls and

! many ihoasands In o t h e r sinte-i- t h :ooghot»r t h c co tm tty--------------------- ^

— in ”th e “n3tion“ ii”to t3n i(~ ;3” n inv 'i3 r ^ chosen annually lo r ihe deijrci: Well-

ijiouw n received, bu t slalea arc limited t'o’bne'tle'tfrre for every lOOO'stuiicnts 0 who nro ciiKaRetl in vocatlotul agrlcul- tunil work. Tills llmlto Idaho lo one

However, each student must rcnch n g| ' certain 'st:iiidiird, w llh the refull Uial

only 20 In the counirj" reachetl the ? coal tlil-s yi.'ar. Qunllfleailoii% 'Includc

I projccl work including making >500 on ‘soiiie p ro jec l. ' ITnrry made MnrelRtnR' “ nbuve lh a l r.imi on Duroc Jcpey hogs.Hc was rccmnmendcd n j Ta'ln FbILi conl'cstnnt lo W illiam Kerr. Dolsp, »late vocntlunnl agrlciiUural dlrcclor. by John 6. Feldhuspn. Twin Falls high ih o o l ngrlculiurnl fnMruclor nnd vnn liVlurn

-rm >ii\m cndcd by Mr.-IOeiT toK . C.Lanc. "WiGninBlonrfcdCTal-TocationfthtKrleul- —

luraJ_«llK’ctyr. wlio. u ( » r examinllqii. o f 'h is Vork'\)V ii roiiim lliw . sclectcd him 0.S one of ihc 2(1 ib a t rcoched the u n d a rd required. In addition to p rac ­

tical work, llie cniidUlalo mtist hnvc KOoil RrAdiTt in-.'.cJiooi.-nave-ft.'aipaciiy. I

- -/or- ni'‘*t nfT T ndnclcr.

m ic h > -s^ ttc h ro n o as

l e t u s g ive y o u a c o n - c c r t on th c g re a te s t

------------m tiyical i iis tru m e iit u f -a ll tim e . B a r n o n e I

V ic to r R a d io « v ith f le e tro la

Yqu w ill rave about il loo l

i B ^ s w * > u . ^ j a s a B C a s i » a B ^ £ S

V’A I J ^ . g ) A I K ) , W S D N E S D j

l i f i B l f f F

- w i i p i -

Cjiincil and Law F ra te rn ity

Take Actfon. Following

Campus t iq u o r-S c a n d a l—^

I URBANA. HU No\-. 19 C<V)“ T»onljr- cne Universliy of XUInol* studenU were exp;lled to d iy .n a mceUng of thfl unl-

Involvfid in la it wetk's- campus liquori s n n d i i r w s r 6R Iifed~ to~inow -«aure-;-------why It should n o t be dUbonded, .

Eight mimbars o( the f ra u rn l ty were amcng these ordered expelUd.•T he wholesale «jpul*lRn« were said-

to be the m e n d m l l c dlfcipllnary ac-1 Uon ever taken by the council. Among ihe .charges a ia ln s l ih e Mudenls were dilnklng. pcsserilen and rale of liquor nnd vloiitlon ot (he university no-car rule. I

WUton J. Sherm an. Crown Polnl. In*.i dlnna, senior In th e law sc h x i. w hn. . was' fined 1500 a fte r p le id inritT in irf^s— ~ pctscMlng liquor found In the G am m a;Fifl Oamma house In a sheriff's raid «nrly Sunday ujom m c. -u-js one o f | these expelled. O ther members of th e ' fraternity wh? wcrc dismissed cn liquor charges were: A. J . W ithers. Hlbblng, M lnncsou: B, E. Unbpivs. M arion.. Illinois; A. Butwell, Cicero, flllnols; Ef> KrHughes,'BurllngU>n. Iowa: J , P. Mc­Millan. C o f th ^ e ,' if llno li; Charles Binkort. Quincy, UUnols. oml Robert J . Hartley. Tculon. Illinois.

nobcrl Webb, Oencvn. Illlnol.'. a scn- ioV. was expelfed for biiylmt nnrt c ru i« . . , porUng Ihc Uquor lh a t wns found In ^ ^ the poMCSSlon of B. W. Hoare, supho*

■ T C v n ittB ii4 '"a it? j^ isn n ’f?5 t~ 8iin in iar n lsh t led l3 tho Oam m u E ta Oamnm mid.

. — N o -d Uclnllmuy—action w.'i.'t tn lien .____ngalnst Hoare.

E lf h l.rtu ien ts,.isrc tc .dU n jltte ljJuU I January 6 for vIolijUnB the no*cnr rule lo drive to n footbnll Rame a t Evons- ®PW

■ ton. UlboU..B week 080. Three o lhcrs e«cr

, vloloUons. of Uie no-cur ju le . A, C

r O rofino"Club S e e k in g ------ 'd 'tA pproval fo r A irport S '

BOISE. Hor. IS U P ^rodnoO Q R im cr- thc Clal club today applied to the sta te aero- leat

II , .I ■— - -


1 ___ 'J ' ■■c

c ................................ ..................................................T- — _ ------------------------------------- ---

--------------------- -------------r f f f r n T i q - ^

Y o u r s ta te m e n t

P E P P E J i t ' U

S ch illin g s is ricl

T h e r e is one d<

- .......... S om e arc in-|)ctA

S o m e o f th em d

J" ScK illing C E 'f

------- --- . J _ o ^ - p r c s c r i b c d . .

^ n o n e o f t h c A aI

. . A n d s o o n _ d o 3

I ' ■


r " ^ 7 1 3 ^ - •* ■ - S jE * ‘

_ _____

' '

I. t

l P A Y . M O M M . G . . m y E M

r ^ s s j f i r ^ i'

^ H--------

A B R O N ZE BUST of M elville E . S to A ssoc ia ted Prcfis* and i t s g'cnci q u n rtp r o f j i ccntiiry , i.s n o w pei

— - x e p f i b n r t J o n f o R f l e ^ n e i - a l T j f f th e w ork o f Frances S av ag e an fro m l i f e . ______ _________

>iuuUcA41vUlonfor-an cxamlnoUon-iihdi___approvol o f Its proinsed a lrju rt. T h c 1 p > « n «inaU on' Uu made mi Ilir n ej t l j ^ p

A, C. D lom gren .' ; in^J n announcing the application, Dlom-1 on

greii lisuiid a w nrn lm rthnrc ltles cp cr-:ln t< uUng n irports withoul nulhorlzallon of ,inll the deportm ent arc liable to a fine of hoi

^»30yg=dnyr=Hp=poln{«t^ppcKlcallrT ta }TV;l the city of Mo.«ow.~wlilch recenlly ded- sen IcaUd a new field. j tlv<

; y o n r ~ 7 r n n T T p y ~ i T

l i k e S c h i l l i i

e n t is cn o u iih .V o u r y rticc r p ay s

' i s n o t j u s t p e p p e r . T i io y a r

rich ,in aro m atic oils, an d lu l! o

: d e l i c a t c ly flav o red V A N 1 L

je tw e cn . D o j'ou know w h ich is

n u se o n e b riind by A h ic h to

E~WTcJ N co n la m s m o re ClTar

e d -Ja y —i l ic - J lu t e Food-.L iU va..

f l a t , f la v o r le s s m u s ta r d b r a n '

dlow n....lhc Id u g o f 4 7 I

,# ‘ __________________

^ _ 1 .

' ' [ft7' ~''inuuCBKfl 7" 'Vr

M B E R ■20.1929

' B< P“ »

■ or « »t«t<

■' : - “ B E M I i i t t B H l ----------—

U q

! ? :ur4l

I ^ E s g a f e I I Sua• twee

c ity

\ "wTT

- v E H ® . A ir :vice

K o r a K w a ^ ' ti3 Q ^ ................................-.yjj

-------- - notI S S s S a B M I H H I I 1 i>

l>ratt i>l>ala |flr»l

S to n e , c n e .o t ih c fo u n d e r s o f T h c m o ra l m a n a g e r f o r m o r e . t h a n a cipii n c rm a n e n t ly d is p la y e d In t h c r e - oboi

o f f lc e 3 = in = N ew = ¥ o rte -T h e = b u H t^ if^ * = a n d t h e p l a s t e r m o d e l w a a m a d e

i c;— - , - - HcT


PORTLAND. Nov. 10 W V-Thc board

Ingion, O rcjon and Idaho today w ent ‘ on rccord as favoring the prohlblllon ot In ten iu tc shipm ents of liffriticr'mnae In " ' mills .which opernie morc thnn eight u hours n sh ift, A commlltee will bc tip- Den

:p e ln io d 4 m tn (f t^ u lab leT e n h itto rF a n d ^ a i send copies to scnalors nnd reprcscnia- dcr Uves of Pacific Ncrlhwesl sUitcs. ! JO, i

f o i J R g r q c e r

iT is ta T ii~ ly i f - y o:^

[ i n g 's , b e s t • •

ly s y o u . W e p a y h im . Y o u k eep

a r e n o t a l l a l ik e — n o t b y ^ii

1 of flavo r— som e a rc m ere ly stii

I L L A . O th e r s a r c h a r s h and

is -w h ic h — or w hy? P u re food <

lo ju d g e a l l o th e r s . T h a t one is

ia n ” f h r c e t im e s th e a m o u l i t "

;s . S c h i l l in g M U S T A R Ditt 't iv o t 'iv cakens i h c f la v o r o f

r S P 1 C E S a n d 3 2 E X T

, | l ' iIl l M I

^ H | n l. r . . . . ..

ilt i "

s i i i p p p i i i rBOtSB, Nov. 19 o t Ut« him

jaw es in IdfOWs (el^itf Uio » u u IT on roada leading Into aun6tmdlng r in te i U y r t blo^ d l n y o w , the state

la 0 ^ o f* ^ B R lter ieyor*i Qf t t u p « a3 a to b* blocted- ’ by. m o v . aome teinporii^ay 'in d some u r< li;H « ap rln F ,. .

"Any aay now. th e .deportment In* ileatfd, w to f bloekaile auch ridgesla Mni^m|t AatwiMy HKllQ-llLnd __

rtiie~t»ag~betw ear~a»lm ijn~'a c y 'a n a — Missoula. M0Q t|ina; Willow ereek sum* o it between M ackay pnd OiialUai 6 tra- I’oll pass between Burley and 6alt.Lake 3lty! S b e ^ creek divide between Mont* oeJlfrl end the W yoming line, and 3eorgctown h ill.betw een Soda Springs md Montpelier. Snow has already hln* lered traffle on th is loUer hlU.

K^inter D e sc e n d s O nR e g io n o f R o ck ies

tOontteiu^ Ttm m t P»»>iVyomlnvjind Coolrado wero raptaly kpproaehlnv nn Im pM uble-condlU cii,Air mall service w ni h o lu d . T rain ser­vice was about n on na l v l th only sUgiit deUys.

The storm tcday had lUUe i;ffe:t on the beet crop* slncc digging wai-ra*-— upended during the last storm and had not been resumed.

Denvcrn-as-experlenclng thc storm len ' f irst ha ir of Novem ebr alnce 19?3, w htn prcclpJt/iUsn was a n Inch And a Ju.'J abovrnonnoj. T lius fa r t|)U m onth, pre- elpltailon Is only abou t lu lf an Inch above nonnal.

SLAYER MUST DIK CHICAGO. No\-. 10J ^ ' W c e " Wll-

lic flloddy , dUnlnuUvc' gutlbiikll.' m — tcntcnced loda>;_la die In the clcctric ohau-, Dc«m l>or-J3;-for.:ihc:aliyiH i{ror. Chief of Pollcc Charlea Le^7, Bcrw>-n,

O tto-K crnerrBfticjChO U iddcaiednm o- tlon fcr n new trial.

------nraiC T E D F O R -M O R D E It-------------LOS ANOELEB. Nov. 10 l/P)-John

Dewey Bolton. 30. was indicted by thc BtaiHHiiry^wJoy-for-th?=9llegMTRH!‘= dcr of his bride. Mrs. Luclllc Bolton,JO, whe wns sh o t to death November !i.

/ > '

1 — ------------ '

:p th e g o o d s .

• a n y m e a n s l

s ting ing d u s t,

ind p u n g e n t ,

d experts d o .

: is S c liijlin g l

Tt- fff- io m -o n — ---------------------

: D c o n ta i n s __________

bf a l l o th e r s , '

T R A C T S . .

V ' ' ' ■ ' ’

Page 3:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

llational Track And 1 Field Championships Going To Pittsburgh >

T \H n e tlc~ C o n ti-o h -O rg an iza - - ‘ i

— -tio n — H c 'c lec ta— A-v-e-i-->^ - r

■ B i-m idage, C h icago , ■ as

• C h a irm a n o f A sso cia tio n *._____ C

By ALAN OOUI.n (,\«w lalcd I ' r m SpoH i'EdU orlST. LOUIS. N ov . 19 — T he =

A m ateu r A th lc lic U n ion dosed a vicp ] s to rm y convention lo d a y by re- ‘o: a flectlntr A very IlrunduKC. CIji* ‘“Ul',';

to iJic jircsideney fu r u h cc- -teajj nud te rm , rn lifv ln ir liic selection York. i)f i’ittsIiurRh fo r (h c 15W mi: Tfit tionnl track and fie ld cham iiion- niitis

J sh ips, nnd plckinK W ashinKton. jU o r the ncNt an n u a l mcetinK. j„p I ♦ T h r imloii coni|)lou:(l th e proi-rum of {[fij.

roiirlllnllDU w U ir IhP m tional--C o l- - gf,, AtlilPllc ii.woclntlon. nttcr a loiii: ia„nc

r.iuiullHi: controversy, by rhandinu iu ju r constluiHon to ijcrtiili cchlllcnlloti oi jimor uililclM 'by tliflr collPKfs nnd. imlvcr- mh slUcs for coiiifii'lltlnn in nttlon meets. ,wlm; Urrplotori*. only iintoii re g l i t ra t lo n .to ,_wo bcon nccc|)lr<l In nalionnl. district o r j.jian' tliib meets, blit under th e new reaula- Me

—ilo n - tu c -iu tu n « n u o r .a college or.un l- cbrot “ vF?!nirH5rtirTnrT?tii:it>!iitr-oP-ony-«£- —mc

Itr. attilcu-s will be acccptcd irKhoul c(ni,n rc'crvatlon. Wo

------ TI5i:riiiijve'T5-csj)!ctetl-to havi* far jjevi-ri-nehlnB fJf'-ciA In .hnrmonlzlng the nc- ' mc

__U illlfs o f-the iinton anu lhe colltiici. \vohi'ri'ioiorc m 'f r c q iic n l 'c c n n ic tr i l 'n o t —s «Hci'iii! open wttrfaie._______ Fni

-------— g l,.U ul»-T akcsJJiils_________ ..!.The hottest IlRlil of th e convenllon j

took i)!acc belore Boston wns Ilnally „ . ~ a w l ilirc iS l0 ily -0rT nt?-im c-nntlonal -

rcnlor boxlnR chnniplonshliiv St- LoiiU made ft viRoroiui bid fo r ihc tl»tlc nl*

— lrBctlot1r^gffgrlnB==»=<faft=twan>ntr<--ftt = p j f ' fliher 510,000 for m e vrholetourntnnenv

or $5000 fnr hnlf of th e d s h i events, „ bm mi n motion to sp ill the wiirna- ment. the delcmiics voted. 88 to « , lo send ll entirely lo Ooslon, I ,vo

A rndlcnl Mop dwlpiK 'd to have llic „ . •“ iinioii“ take over con tro l-of^nm nteiir —g--

hockcy, a:iil powlbly nm nitiir fkatlii«. j „ , 50 0.S lo hnve Jnrlsillcllon over iheji- ,,

.K|x)ri8 in -the 1B32 Olympics, wns pro- ilKt-vecl blit inbled for ano ther year.

Aflcr wlnnlnR its fiBht on boxltiK, ,^o«ilon yielded thn natlonnUmornihoi* /chnm iflonililp to New York, to be held EA , on S u ie n W and an n separate long dls- I''>irl(

-J- tnnct featitrc, Instead of being com* ycMe V blned ft1tH*the“tlnr3lc—Bcsiton-mnra* womi

. ihon, nmbBnmdnRf wits rc-clected unanlmoun- lyiicl

y ly i« pre.',l(jcnl for 1030, aloiiR wllh the band

E^'ri><l-U-U0l<nm n.-C liwlniuiU;-KC0iul— Ba

3 M

c ih a n g e i

i l f j



I ■ I i - ^

i= ^ f^ Sj

j ' .■ ■ O t . U r t W * * . ! * ! * .

K B a t t e r « o l > a o e o * ; n i a k

W • ' pm OU) i

I i ' ' ' ' ^ ' i '

'E W O f tC M f f . f t O r H a V e u ' l l , n

H K 'P9C H * ro K N p U J IP D e dA M Y O N c IM T H fS V\'REET

Wit■ — In tiU ]

•\nnTlc--------- ' Trrty IT prcildcnl, L. A. H enry. Palo Al- 51ml Ti , ihli«Tvice prcsldunt. Herman OIht- ; !• .a tv t)be}.Miii:. New Y ork; fourth vice, lurloib rsldent. R. L. Probsl. S t. U u ls; a 'c- <lni,-lo rfln-.lfi-Hillll'r;irk. ' Trnvisn ie ftHvirfM of 1530 clmmplonslil)) ■ ds'am l-noiirnnm cnt-contT O l!rtl-lj)-»J‘“ ‘“ iifticur. A thlctic union were ap|)M .-d J-'*''" follows: *''> J;='

Junior nnd >i'nlor outdoor irac t :niil !d-p im :h .Senior indoor irack“ nnd field—A t - '" “ " “i Ulc City. -Junior Indoor track and field-DaU nore.'Men's and women's -wnlor oiKdnorl''^*-’®*' Unnilns—L ai AnKcles.VVO)llCU'&. aciiipr indmir. RWlnUlllllUrr... ^ . laml Bcnch. • ,1,! vMen's w n lo r Indoor *wltnmlMR-Cld-1"'**"’ •'p o - . : . . . ------------• ;.»ir«n;iMcn'rt-lonH-ill«ft«cc-i-ft-lmmlLC=CliuI^'j,'^ '.

Womcn'.i lonu dW ance Rwbnmhitf-, J'"’w York; — — ■:H‘ci-"W Meh'a ba^kclbiill—K ansas Ctty. •Wonivn'.i buskclball—V/lclilla. Scnlor~ifjiunnstic»—Loit-Antieli'ii, _ j. Fnurwall w nlor haiidball-Sl..LoiiLs.

' ’i iu 'outi

WrMtlliiK nnd wclKht llftltiK -

f f im h E n -N c trY w E ;Tcn-mllo n m —Contitcllcui ‘>*'ccla*'\VQQ]]p

^ ^cg^TTnl^ rT uns^V a5hl^^dll7 Twcnvy-mlle run—Hauaton, iPcn la lh lon^N cw York.Women's iruek nnd field—o u td o o r-1 ,

Women's trncl; and fleld-lndoor~(" |*"'

S e n io r l)5xinH^Bw,16iY, t *ihJunior boslnif — cinclm mtl a n d ; „ .n n ,i rnnd Rapids.

— : punch!200 M ES LYN'Cn BANIHT ! The

I fU htEASTLAND. Texas.-Nov, IB irl-)-iw arm e .irious over hU nitcini>i''d jail b rtnk jilun ai eletday In which hv dnnKvroiicly | er'n w »iindwl-PeflCfr-Offl«r-Tom Jonc t.-allookw l nb of 200 EoMlnnd men lonlRht T tavis iichcd M arshoirR atllff, "Santa Clau< lilm w indlt" cf llie Cbco bnnk robbery. es to- --------------------------- * I iJi'pi- <B on lo iuJiB rt? .Fh .l> r.F »stu lU .A dr;[»m llc

)d t h e n a t


R E E N T H A T |

A T v s c w A T C i r z : — '— r : —

I I I I ■

ly it.---------- -^you’ii

-------------------- t H r o S

a n d v

— m L b l e n d

^ ■ 1 youO^ ■ 1 m m d

j f l l I : - O L D I

I k a - t h a m a m e e l h a r . a n d b a <

m m rn w i w w w . F .« l wtth hb

rowd Sees Travis SH o r

eatTwoOpponenls;'““' fithout Decisions

• . mntrli,nf Wll

l a u K u r a t i o n - o f - r N V ’ W -R u Io -a i i i i i j i :

t W ^ T r r U u i a - A c i i u a i i i u ii i j f r i

for P a trons of Am erican Lecfion Boxinp; Exhibilion of '.jofto tiH

A crowd of nearly 1000 prrions a t “«! ncrlcan Lcitloii boMiii; card In jrty Laundry KaniKc Ihm fv inlnit s*‘* lT n r - l Itl T irtvb. Twin FnllOM'i pound.i. de-1 a two opiMini'iiiK Ul elulii roum h floas fliihilnK. wlUii.ii! I>i-lii« elveh

. . V . :I-'»ll-''-'At -Ihr— ■'........ ■'-i> J-m urul.,.„H,„„:\vls hlld h i ' aiuioniirfd oppuneni. • jl,, ■ny C:iini)a‘i. c,illfornla, J-U'f;.,! 'm ida.. m it_cii..hb Jcu l..T iio_ .r'‘J 'r e c . , , ,^ _ ll-d It nn HkIh iiiul summoned C u r - l - .; Jclin.'ion. Hot«r, uno ihe rliiK ns n | I b .iltu ic to i!o xlN roiinrfs w llh Travli-, 1 f U d There were iwo biocknuts on Inst in iim 'i card, and a twlr of plucky. ^ utiuntcrs went to n draw In n l iv e ly /. L n a ln rnlser. J.lo-s StrniiKC. Twill Falls. IM poinids.i fcaiod PiU Mnccy. Uol.v. who s x a k d ;U. In the ihlrd-rnund of n tchedulcdi ; round •scml*fliiul contMl.- Struniii' iV if.} iidcd-rtw 'D tbw R r nnft h n tJ-n - Brrnt-p*-*’'*- any lo throw nway; bill only a few o f , prn)i'’f'«— blow* wrri' iioedHl. a n d '___ ^iicoy look the full count In the th ird [ _nod-aftfrdnckinK-BiKl-dOHlno-a-dai'-j----- Uhnyinakers while he wiu ou l on his

!t.-Moci'y. M m od-to iiavo -yw -odvon -j__KC In llie .firsl round. ” ' ( n

K opp SfltlM »ls|iu l^ I I'laT<hI K opp.-U oaw nnisrd- n -knockoul - inch- In llic ^ixth round to .leille n

■LwrirTwln FulU. C o tn -boys-w ere - I •' otllRnl in Ihelr rxpcndllure of energy • jr(^KliOMt-th('-ei)ilr(>-mcluv.-aiul.pra- — led plenty of. employment for Ernie . . . oolley. Twin m i s Uahtwelght. np-

lie in the role of referee. - Almo.^l from the j ta n in g gonjr there • n , , 15 no room for doubt o» to the oul- me lu the boul between Bud TravU nl Tony CnHipw, heatlJlnc event on c ciird. CamiHW went dowu for lhe pj,.;u n i-or_ulnc-in_ ihc_ llrat-roum l._H (L -------IS practically hclpleu nil durin)( thv cond ]>eriod. but hc absorbed pun> iineni nnd TrnvU ined him lor a inching bas ihroimhout th e s ian7« .i^ “‘ , The referee'* announcement of " n o l '“ “ ,, ! h f le ft the fons cold, b u t they I irmi-a up when-Travto-»>renl-lnto-ttc*-j-=^ :n Q BolnstJohnM n.-The BoUo flghu '8 weight was nol onnouncttl. He ]

^in-.m-l'a t tipnylff tlinh .avis. Time, a fle r time TravLs MunK 0 0 m w ltlt well directed Jabs nnd .smash- tTCd

to the Incv and body, bu l Johiuun ■'•lul* in on eomliitf In. Ke retained his arnun llic tin lll..tlicjicx t 10 the la*t round.-|U uiw


t i o n 's sm i


. B E C A U S E Y O U

r C O U G H L E S S C l

l y t h e c o l d s e a s o n s a f e . T h t a i

U ’i l e s p e c i a l l y a p p r e c i a t e O L D

i m t h r o a t - s c r a t c h . T h e y a r t

r o a t . . . T h e y ^ v e y o u s m o o l

d w o n d e r h i l ' f l d V o r . O L D G O t l

i n d e d t o b a c c o a o o t h e s a n d p l

u O L D G O L D 'S s t o i y — p l e a s u T

i n d e i f u l f l a f o t p l u s t h r o t t - i

, b G O L D t o ^ y . F o r t h i s i a 0 1

b a t t a r : ; w H J i . w o o * a c o m

, h ll e«0»t«ti iwfcn m . m m TM i4art« U

T ’il r n *jKT in w p .riMTi^^’.n 'V V

1 _____ ___

jrtc r nboul TrotU" hnvlni; the b fllc r K i m ilhe bout by a wide maruln.. i l U l f l fo m rd Ollletie. Twin Fnllv wu-s the,rd m an tn liic rlnc dutmi: thv maj;i m

rom m lw lnner I.iiifx Itule l O l^M iunllftrati^n of mii' ii'iitondfr or lie had |iott«n Into jcilnii and in*KluctlQii o t a-»iib8liiiiii WM nn ln- vailon In th e boxing khhu' here, Ixir- P j r a t C m l from tho b o c b oi Culilornln’s • iirhmokcm. It m et wliii she npprovul , l j f j, William P ra tt , mem bir of the state

.ilciIc.CQrantlMion. who attendrif last \ 7 i c i •iilitts' can l. and wlu> uw rlod tlutl —

Inngers. tlU P3n the basis of his pcrlormaiice last The N.;ht TmviA will becotuv (In- upponeol m u il i.Joe Corlcf. BoLw. wi;i-. • I'hiillenHe m ight)tlw w inner of U m I'Minni'.-.s main unlay

.Ul wns accepted , Ix'inre tin- bout lake piciied. T rav is will m en Coner hi n grid c-round m ain so on ilu‘ in-\t AnuT- schocliin Legion boxing cnrd Klicdulcd (ur ira ln lrirrdiiy ovcninii, Decemlioi- ;i (.'nachTh" .next card alvi r.,:n-. itkely t’> llir firelude u m atch bctwrcn Del Adnm.v, TurnW. 104. end Sinmnc, Twin The l«ilLv nnd a prvllminniy ixmi bfiwecn en inanTTTnv-THBrtC7-Blli»:- l ii-ir !iiriirr t n iuvul' f j i i d

Jack llnm by, niid-’ia i Kopp ilnn-'j ? Jam ^n. work 1- - ...... . — ------------ a recci

daho FaDs Tigers S'eupy 0

Swamp MoiitpeKer w-rI - ■ lu tt i:

J c t o r s - . t o _ M < J c l _ A b e i : d c e n _ J i> j i? jm erel)

G r i d s t e r s F o r S o i i t l i c a s t

J 3 1 a i i i i i a _ C Ju i in ] ) i< iiish ip

'~in_AUO ’f a l l s , X.IV, lu i.ri — o n iV E r Idatlu Kali* TlgeM swamprd the M ontpelier high srhnul rlrrrii here lud a y 'b y n -sco re 'n t a i- ln ii-a n d - —MARC earned th e righ t to meet the. Iiusk;. Edward

U ile rn Tllitrlcl tli lr I'rlrliy. - of tt CO ' Tlie Idaho F«IU-.\brrdrrn «lii> and U d

-nrr w lll-m « t Ibt-vli'Uf-ut-llie-Ku*_____T llC .tprrl-NamiiA eonteil. window

The xmall Idaho FalU tram out- pierced im » r te d = lb e = M o n lp c U tt= ir l« « t= from lh e u ta rt and ih r ram r waa a lUrlUer. TIie TIgf rv ran rough shod • - sover th e ir opponenlx In tiir tlrst hair und th e second tram out- MAU! piayed tfie rlnltor* in Ihr Ino fJnaJ venons periods. Kllglit In

---------------------------------- -_________ south olSEATTLK TKAM WINS piiseenRi

SEATTLE. Nov. 10 i.r-ScnrlnB a ' « »1 In cach perloil, the S»'nttlc E<ikl- ‘ ''" ‘f' ' ' ' 10* won Ihelr first iwusi- o fm ic “m In th e Paeltle CmiM Hockey W g n e

ROUBKHS (iCT ilKO OODEN. Nov. 19. t,Vi-nobbers bnt*TCd ll safe 0 |)cii 111 the Webvr county igh school Jnst iilRlit. scattered checks 'ouiid thv rcom jn d crcapcd with w u M ia U -m - m i- =


lo k in g ^


\}N ££P£P: i G A R E T T E

I s i s t h e . s e a s o n w h e n . - -

L D - G O L D ^ S ^ h - e e d o m ^ - — —

a r e g e n t l e t o y o u r :

o o t i m e s s , c l e a n l i n e s s i ~

> t D * S p u i e , s p e d a l l y j --------- —

p l e a a e f t . ' l e t I t t e l l j

l u i f w r c B B i i r p B i E a ^ T ^ —

i t - ^ a s c h - C h a i s e ’ t o -

0 L D , p 0 L D w e a k e r . .

» u o b I I I • d a r l o a d " ' ,

• i .


iD6rt Team Trains 'Br Nampa Contest;

of Ihl-Cl-------- Mnhn Cl

ilte Eleven iji C i io i l C ^ ) l ^ ’ L*“ ^ ' . ^

lition For Hiuile W itli i i t t o !

,U s i io i * s , - C o 5 K 'h - n i ‘t ' l u r o ^ r * '' i * - ? ‘*, the Clci

RUPERT. Nov: I!) isprrlal lo le Newi) - U ejliiliij Dial U ny M'-L‘"re Ml am ash th r lr iray Uirough a , ighty U ulldor l|ne litre iir ti Sa t- day a flen iun lo win lhe rlghl lo ke p a ri In IhSsllnal b4t|le fur Ihe 'Id championHhlp nf Idahu high .Iiocli. th e llupen plralni u rr lin ing a* nevrr beforr w ith ' Wn.lcy lach “Dusly" CHiir liis tru rtlnc lii V-uU e fine polnls of f.mllull. MrCoriiiFur R upert ll Ilir "lilg gam r." l^m l ie tow n Ik prrparlnc lo lurn »u t I'raiit/.I in a u e In see wliai (h r l'lrale>Tl do~'Wlttr*-thf liu.iilrrs from — t iin^ .~w tille nul at ih r Iik iI flrlit irk la u n d rr wnv lo .ifciiinniiHlalr reecrti crowd. T lir sralinz eatm r- llOUC• U being InereaM-d trom 15U0 to Prufc-io M, am i It is Iwllfvrd U u t an , in..> di e ual num ber nf prnDni will oe- u,,. mic py nU la n d in g wom-avaihtilr. li fhiioln T he R uperl enarti liellevcs h is inobtrin am i« In exrelleni ohagH* (nr th r nU;ht. II m l-flnal game nf (lie lltir r a ir .lly once during tlir riitire «raMiintt Ihe Pirate scoring m achine (lU ttlCite d defeat. T hai wan a l Id ah o * t 'i j |s jin d _ m ^ jr bellrvPMhat K u p rr tJ . __ I lO 'ercly hod an "o» tlajV T lir T^vlnilts Bruins fnught Namp.i to a d q is

Kalurilay'* conlesl |< scliediirril to ’""tJlJ"* »r*-» t ■»- .-I ■ ,'priiig.f

VER BIAY I.OSK K Y K -------

AFTER CRASItlNG INToU kF i : 7 l the :

A RQ U ETrB.-M k-h.-.‘i m - 1 3 - - / n - ■ard Rose. Flint, probnbly will

1 collLnion bclw m i au auionioblli’- ’I’'’'' a tlccr near here tonight, • “ '« a rd

lic .dccrii-U i;ud-w eiil-ih roH «h-th tr '[low of Uie car. and - an -nn iler ced Ro.ic 'h evc.

• - SEVEN TER-SOVS H U II T ------- la t-.-cltthe deci

[AOPIN. Ore., Nov, ig (fl',-Sevi i! In tholrions ineliit/lnfc ttm tvomen. .•.uCrerrd orcna. iIII inju ries neor Oak Bnwk. 35 mllr.s Chocc.h .«_W U hruu i:arlv-io<l«y-when-two Marline ■engcr tm las collliled hendon. The

locomotlvcs Wtre damaged. Tin;n crew fKopcd Injuries. The ciiuse ' ST. Ph e nccldeiit was uui determined. tonls t

U loo^ teOQbleg. Ph. D r. Fosier. a tfr tiiird n

= S u H s


i m n pw e r T e a m W 5 i i s ~ p ^

U J B o w l i n g A l l e y

iho,pow er company bowlln;; lenin 1 w l.< I-Cltv ilowllnn league d fien i'tl ihe fl Cleaners nulntcl nl the Co:; and ^■TiKVi:ifrs=i.l»>i5=iittt:»ushi by a . ' •aI103M ol013, Tlie Cleaner.'; won i'* J ' ' i ln l came but losl lhe olher two. •111', with n MDie of 422. vas hlith JlW U lor the winning team, while FmiiU.-?-seore o t « 3 .iv a s hli:hl-m nn-lor S lllO K er I'lciner-. imd for the contcM,

< 134 l.-.r, -1 ?^ I'QCATIlure . 131 H4 131 mn ...lOfl 101 130 3 « " ' « ' ' - t lly ............. 107 HO ll!7 3:<l niadeliny 130 130 130 3D0 «iithi'rt--tc

---------------------- o f. Idaho608 064 073 10J5 .

IDAIIO CI.EANF.R.S Thaiik’ uliIcy . . ..H5 n a I'jt m : n,K.,u ..................... 152 131 T1.3W

'orinlrk . . 129 1 07 108 404 branch ai.1 ...130 117 BO 330 ,„,rHilonIt/. .. 171 IM IOU 433 I,u,I,unlll

■ - ■ ■ ney to pc

-------; 7T T ::------- clnsilc ini ;n (>in k k r n iK s

)UOUTON. Mlch , No%V 10 i , in - 7 ------c'.'?ior P. W. Sfierr, prolei'sar emerl* Commit :il civil and mhilnc englneerlnii n l j,nvc iirra .Mlehlgnn collcge 01 m h iln i.a n d |„.],| „t i iiotncy and nn authority on nilnlnr; of the big trin'',-<lled a t hls homi' here 10- nnd othe t. lie w.if. 73 yeors old. 'n

------- ---- ---------;— . uatps froi

m e D c p a r t m i c n t Huilds [ l o i i s c . F o r S p H w n _ T a k * e r«

— ■ uram ha»OISE. Nov. 10 i4’)-DllndiiesT will eiitcrlain: la iiK er-be-one-ot-lhe-lroubl«i-*tf- beiti^firi' ^ Miawn Inkers a t Jimmy ^ I n k tu l l ‘to ir iig.s It bulfdfiig o rrn id u se ciin pre*' riil'Pocnli t 11, the. slnte..anm e_dtjw rtm enl. t lo n . ' ded .loday .w t w inter C. B. Mlllerr'cmpJoycrt --------he .vlnllou, wenl temporarily blind .■ ii-Uie-Klare-Qf .llie-M illc.canvaa-oI. be-jerrcc teni In which he lived. HLi blind- u .p dlnni . coiiliiiucil.uum well Into Hip aum-

and he wns only recently able lo n t the d ard smoked gla.sw.v ,em umber- U-iiow- bnng-puK linscd-to Kcllr.~Di ll a Jiouse. . . . ■ . . . . . Dr.. und _____--------------------------- [M rs, Rail

EW YOUkrNov, 10 <,v,-Kld C hc:o. who wlil rc in -e r Cuban featherweixht. won In thv decision over Jo ir Martinez. Spain, u dance lioIr lO-round bout a i iJie.Diondway Rctil ha: la. Drooklj-»t, loftlght. nm ni fralocolnte welRhcd 125 pouiids. nnd planningllnc5-120’j;— ....... ........ Homeeon

---------------------------- 130th tn iA Z WINS and pvcr;

r. PETERSDURO. Nov. 10 M W An- Uc. tho < 5 Dlnz.. 105, llnvanu, knocked out seen In 1 iikle LoMarr, 1B4, ChlcuEO, In the d w in d here tsnlRht; Sleam

5 t o Y o

I r r c c t lS I

i mIf necessary to have y

___to nieiisure why pay a 1

can give you fine, worst

____ lv tailored a t $ 3 9 . 5 0 ai

th a t the' suit will f it :

three years e x p e r ^ c e


m m ji; e S t o r e of V i r g i n Hyool


— M L :a ^ £ i i3 i a

ie S Kir All-Idaho Game

F eatu re On Prognun*

► G ate City Institution

{er-iinil Speeitti-Dinner— ^

:ATEI,L0, Nov, 10 iSpeclnl loT lie -E ln b o ra tc nrfi>aralloii.s arc U-- lade tor th e trrldlroii classic of rt--tcrn Idnho when the Dnlvcrsllv llio VnndaU meet the . soulhemI T lgen on Hulchmson flcU':xKlvliiK dity. The University cluli- catellu, tlw Chamber of Com-

und officials of th e southern -II are mukinii every i>oulblc p rt- on for the ciitertalnm cnl of all nliimiii Ulld Ruesls who will Jour*

a Pocatcllo un T hanksglvliiR duy

: in ihLs pnrt of the stnie,

- __A rrange Smoker . • ______________

unlltccs from Ihi' Unlverslly club iirriinged for » giant smoker to bi*III till’ Memoriul hull on ihv eve ' big i;ome, AH University iiliimnl jthtT Y lslton lire Inv ited-to u l-^ -----

The Invltu'.lnn Includes griiil- from the Academy of tdahn and

laho Tochnlcal Iiulltute. The fif*Irfnijo “i>eji" bnml- and -n-legluu —.— -

n W rooters from-Moscow jj.111 bcnrtr-T he exaet iia luw «f-the-pro^-------^has no l been onnounced..bul nn

tainnieni of e.'ceepUonal merit is-flri'iiiiH<Kl-for.—E vtrv-poulble dcs______0 insure lively: ,cnlertahimenl for icnleUo visitors fs reccW ng a ttcn-

Special D inner.O nJCroirajn___________

cr th e gume a siieclol dinner willrT cd -to-n ll;a lum nl. rT lcke tr foj----------h inrr may ^ purchased from ttie

e dinner include the players on teams. Prciadenl and Mrs. P . J ..~D ean-nnd-M rs.-John-R .-D yeri------- -Ild Mrs. M- P . Angell. Gooch a n d . Ralph K ulchiiuon. Coach and Mrs.

will be the chlet speaker, thv eveniiig. lollowlng tho dinner, ice and receptioo win bc held In' hall, Moscow and Pocatello al*from aJl soutU fastem Idaho a r c --------

ling lom ec linP ocnU llo fo rnB rand '

:h leamH nrc confident of vicloryj ivcrythlng |» ln u to a gridiron b a t­he enunl of which has nc\er been in southern Idoho,

■ua baO a. D r. Fostef. Ph. fll*. A dt.

| 5 0

; ypur su it made

a biff price? We

rsteds splendid-

and guaran t ee __

t you. Twenty-'’ '

:e iri measuririg

E ? S l |

___________t f

Page 4:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

f t r t . B u i a . _____________

;___I r .nhhrli Jl yr r II ii_

PDSSESSillfBOBSi:_ _ -• I*"

A c tio n A d d s N e w Furct* t o j ”

S to r m O v o r P r o h ib i t i o n iJ3

E n f o r c e m e n t !;■; C a p i t a l j[i'

-------~ ’I3u t~ V ic t im - D e n ie s G u i l t - :^

n r !». IMCKSOSiA«iccl.nm J’l r - ' s :a f j W n l:n ,

\V /3H INO tO N - Nav 1 0 -T h r Indict- ; mont of Rciiic-riiMilvi' Edwiirrt F. 0 a n l - ; K n, Illlnoii, by n frd rril vrr.uirt Jury tcdny on .i cfwr.-c <il nl Jlqunr.iieried nru- f r i t" t i llu; M.:nn w hh lv Jus rniieil rrcenlly I'Vi-r iiiohitjllion tn* forcenwMl in Uic r.iplial.

. . A leskin« Miltc.iH' rtn;l,u Iriinl: con-' Ulnlnii llfi'ior, (ictdrrs'Ml to John L^>ne.; qj in cnr« cl Dctilion. 411 liou-K o t f l : r \ | , Diilldlnj. w frr tlii* bnrM ol the Indict*. mpnt. whitli nlfo niinu’d Lrtync. * ho j)i» M-crp'.ary nliir xc '" '' u fn ls 'n sold ttiP Indlelnieni rcMilictl from n in!^- t i iskp. nnd U ynejd i'f ln lm cd nny M ii*

-......nrctlon with Ihr-CUM-. • ............................. .T lir Kititit! jury neiion fullawcd ii r i - ,,11

port by prnlilblllon nsrm,i November fi. .qI tlm t they had found n le.itcint untic.tic < jjj n l Dnlon.slallon nntJ liUvr n tum k c o n - ; j„ tnlnlns Uqii:r n l DcnLvin'.s tfflce Ins; p), January ID. u ftrr DeniMn rclurnrd from jj, n vl.-ili to Pnnnmn. Ue nindi; the Pina-1,--; nm trip nccnmponled by hl-i nsplirw. jno Chorlc,i U n e , 8 t. Lojlk* hl.i jr : r e ’,atv.

• — Vot f r ' . . ’ —■— Denison h w been n .con.'lslcnt "<iry"iof

v&tcr diirlnit hU ciRhl icrnw os rcp^TVn T r~ ic5JiiIa lIv< ru f:n ii: twviily-flflli llllno lsiha

district, uhlch Includes W |]|lnm »n an county u'hcrc Uu* llvrrln r lob occurrcd. cd

'-------noToted fc r lh c Eifthicenili niiirndmonl, tai__iho-Volstcnil ncL aiid .tluiJonta iaw —Tlie. aii

----- la tte r impojfs rtrti-'*llr iwiinltlr.s on ll<|U0r liit------ iHW-vtolilor*.------------------------- ------------ ?n

Hc wai/Bdvlscd nt hlr. hom r in Miirlnn, cnl

KliUBUon wns cxplnlni-d to him by MIm : ini •Loe In B telcphonr canvcr.'ailon, nnd nn ',lu;

____ Assocfuted fhU reporter nuked pc:lliiil iriiFHestriTd to in ikc 'n iiT«!emcni: ■!)'(

L xp rm m .Kurprlie ,coi_ E tp rc« ln ; "siirprbc” thu t nn Indict-Jt«

•'When tlie prohibition Rgcnl.i cnmc ta |«lfi ..m y office,nna inn'Hretl nbniit n 'l rn n v .'l im l

' permitted lliem tu ln.«i>eci It. I found M th n l the trunk not m ine; Umt it b e - ; tn Icnscd 10 ^eire one cJ-w njid lUni {’ip!.iji

__• exprew cim intny t>ad:ninae a ml:itakc lr. Aldlrcciinir'a tnitilc to me th u t i dirt no; .pn own. I txplnlnccl It fully to the ni?rnu j mi and I um verj' much sun>rl«d th a t a n ib j Indlctmcnt hns bcen rctum rd ." il«;

'A iflinirtr niuwKc n.-.'n been msdc. ne ll< nald. with Tcgnrd to-n. hur.dbns. l! l.itih

------ ’JUepht\Yj;.-»nc^c,lijUbl*Jl:i5LnhniLlmLi!!:• n mIMukv-hnd been mnde and ihc wroiiii-i ...onc .st'iH to .Jilm . J lc . Ind lca lcd .heia :

‘ Vatlsfnctorily. Hc cxpecls to eoinc lo ( W ushlniiton scon. Ur

TllC prohibition oBcnbi' report snldi shipping tags on Uic bas and trunk were I =

-------addfc m d .lo Jolm-Lttync ut. D cm ilsou's, .olllcfT—When-UM>y-ur»v.-cajii!a-ti_U».:.{ oJlice. Ihey »ald Denison told them h e i did noi hnve a key to the irunk, bu t

. when they callcd Ihey wild, l ie ! .h n d decided the irimk was n st liLi and! gnve Ills pcrmlMlen for them to force It;

------- o p f n ~ I t wns fonnd .'they repcrted .-to -contaln wliLikey and tiln, ;

Costs F ile r Men Fine

In probate courl hcrc yestcnlnv. O m \ Amnn and K crm ll Allison plcaited: BUlliy to a iiiLsdcmennor clinr«c o r de- i

. rtn ic tlon of property anti wcrc hcnlcnc- j ed lo pay »10 line ui«t e ac h .: Proj»erly nlli"tc«l lo have been tlcslroyal ; comprised doors to n ku!i pump nmt i pump owned by L. V. Roy.'tcr u l thc \ Highway mvvIcc nu llo n and S lar ser­vice station n t Flier. The comptnlnt w»» slitncd by I. O. Allen. Filer chief ot pollcc.

D r i v e r o f M o to r S l a g c

I 'a y s M n c i o r s p e e d i n g

..Jo o ChaniUlor, drlvrr of u Union P n > : clllc m otor rliiRc wlm wa.% nrr«'.itnl hy . a trafllc oflleer herr last Sulnrday c v c - , nlnu when hc wns nUrRed tn have p ilo t'-, e<l Ihc biu b iu throunh Mnln nvemir u t l

-------n speed-of H0-mllc»-ftn-hmir7-i*ppcircd ;lh pollcc court J iift cvcnluR to p i ti id !

...........RUlUy..lo excccdlng.Oic.speed Umlt am) ’to enter n p ira for lenim ey for n flrsl oKensc. Judnc H, D. Rend nrjcs.ird n fine of und,co3Uv

SEVKN »1EN ON JURY ' NEW YORK. Nov. 10 U ’K -^vrii_Jiir^

or* had b c ^ 't r l c c ir« n o licar tUc iRaT------- of-Oeorge A.-McMnniLi for the klllinn

* 01 hU cam blcr n.woclBir. Arnold Rolh- »leJn. w l«n the .scfond ilny'* .«p.*sIoj} was nU>oimit^ late lo<liiy until toninr* row moralng. ___________ ;________

— ^Is Y our ------ I— -S to m a c h -— ^

—t— a ^ a s s e r —?-

, IuB«ioiuii”VctwJtr’ nf tbo m& ’s ih s s s £ .‘'v sl!s

a ram tdr to c«rr«ct th* Berv<'* «na troubi* and p r m u t Um foraailon

[ I d a h o ’s U r g e M . S a w m i ]

F eetO fL iil h b e r JI lliv Till’ ■"■‘•I r’rf^^i I A

I th r oulp'.it o tid iii; ' urfVy. s.iwmjll U froi ■ dcvoteil L) the lilMiliil who re i} i» to r ljl jtlnkiT Mllll n'.i'r'tii.iil' : l’: i r e t ll-jhtcra. froi

IJftttrn i :in>l M.OflJ (M t ot 'iheIm ntrli bli.i'i Imnlj t , or i'iiou;ih lo tn p - ccn ' ply thp i-nMr, (l' :ii:ni l- '’f l!'o third Inn?- out. r e n n ia trh'nrv in-ffif U nitfd 'S la trnrtinn ; 1 ucc_slilL'UCiLaiAi'VJ.v .n thr- C lv a rw jt? r | Taz iTliiiber lifrr each tlay chrAnd, ftc.-.iii:n.: M » r..n 'rnfM l»nj(l t « li

•.\rnr.t njo. tl-.t- .mhu" will c'^n- thchlniifi t.l t.c shliiji'il 0 ;: Jc; clchl y c a r i unu l(uo.'i;,_ _ ' ' _ •

H ' I — g g = s 5 = - s ^ = r o n

; eociETY ii1 ANUCLUB3 1’,', '

Ulk, X..B. WlUlaou

i till ----------------- ........... ■ ' Mc:

' Mn. m w B WWI'. ■wWnI tv M » ! i S:C !i.ii!n Mlniiiii fr,::;!iil:ird ;ihe B lv:!r-; ' '' \ le iv 8:vml Clnl) ;i‘. lu r hanif aii K im - ' iberly 'i'.nurMl.iv lif.criiocn. A r- . lainrni.';',!--: '.un- nm:!" tijiiind a C hrist- J im bt'.v I;,' iJu' L'ii;!li. n a l Uol.i;-. * Tlie hoitc.-Mv ser>.-il u-Iie-limcnls,

■ fir.fl: 'Till.' n . ': rc r T. pr2STain?h-ilr- gupman for the <i.r,- .u Hn- f;L-i:crnl m ceiins cli

■o l'th r Taii'.tii'i iJ Ccntiiry Club In Ihs ;Uap:ljil Ui:ni,'ii:3-,v IMMdny n fternacn . Mf, iaiivc the mriiibcr.'< lui n .irr iio in of rnru pletiKiirr with "Alll^ :n" nr. th e nubjecl. j,,,,; Jji n brief inIK . 'r. . Hl'Uip Kpoku of th* t:raiulpur nnd liriuny rf Ala:ikn. rr.cii- llonliK tlic iiriM (-1 thill Viui <;i.-'jntrv. j t u :.}-rakhri of ihi- >ni;ill pricL- p;ild f : r It by ^hp Am cnran r-ut r ; I'.mrn ra n tt the cnor* y -

— 1. >... I,,,., bro-mht tn llic paonla I n . of Ih lscouniry nntl nVo sprtiklnR of Thu> ‘Vnllcy of Tcji-<riiaui.nid Smokes, which has been sot, aside by Iho Rovernmeiit. • n» a National Park, a iic then In lroduc- A cd Mrs, U. D, Chrync v.'ho w ith h e r Hai famllv. t p tn t tcvcra l.yea ti l» Ju n e au , tch .niilLftliu lold ol llix iis lta to 80ni(Lof_Uir_ nl liirRO Hlnclrrti near Iherc. o e .s ce n ic clii! sfmndeur o f-fhr country-,• n.’t T onflcrfiil rco: cnioiinitn: t!u' tiidhnn and iviunc of tlieh ^ •Wiudlcr.ifl,' Ai.':i teHliiiJ .'..Jiiiu liU tiu 'it- liiR tjilf.-. cf ai;;nwav ami It;; ix^ople ami rll.

,lnien.peri;lm lirr tsik with i-nttrialnliiK ] P.ij personal expcm-nci.s ;ii!tJ sliowfns m anv ron p;t•lur■r1'plnl()^tuph.^ »hi! eurlo.s of t h e ic i f

; counlry. Mr;;. I'ffd W. Mcvch played fon |ttto drlldhlful plnn:) jrlerilons. Mr.s. .)

|slfiii amj llie ri-|»ort ('f the.ljy-lnwa c am - 'i itd [niltlce, Mrs K, M.,V/o!fo.chairman, nntl K Mrs. E. A, I-indon, waj Rlvrn. A t thl.- t

Mlir.i- nicmber.^ vctvil ii(iyn prr.poxrd le ; '.amcndnu'iU;-' u> iJi’' m>w. M».?. D. L. ur.i Alc.tantlsr^.diiUrman-uf-lhi'.m u^lc dr* s u

.pnrhnciii. nnnouncct! ilfa; ihc <I5pnn^ uci I meni lumld civo a musical In the Pres- ibjt'.Tian church the cvcnlnj of Decem* th rr M xtrrnth nn.l exirnrtrd nn 'iiiv ita- Uioii to mcmbrrr, to niieVid nnil briTu p^i llhe lr famlMi'fl nntl Irlends, ,Shc also un - po, uinimret1_l2^: lh ; dcpnTtm'cnl hupes to 7iiinitr~i1ii.'i liil Ht'.nuHl cvvnt tu club


I Mrs. Emery .Denolt WM* ho,'.tev". to the Wl jH P. Club Mondny cvcnlnt! nt the hom r cd

~ .K U M IW H E R E Y O

~ ------^ r C S S E OP-VE

_______ ____________________________■ Shows

2. 3:31) .7 and fl

f l la lin c c

________ 1 0 ( i - 4 0 ( J

E vcnlftf,'

- J O c

^ NOW! ”

I W E D ..T H U U !

' ~ \ IOne of IhQ PtibU* The* "Where You Always Fini

'B e tte r Bhowt”

nill^ps 80,000— ~ - J o M a t c h E l a n t r P a i l y

! A* thty Icivo’tlie p lan : the mat:i>

from iwn Inches to lour. In width from r i j h t Inchei) to three fret, and In lensih from rU h t fcct 10 2) feet 0; mere. Al the Spcknnr p lnnl of Uie f'ftlcrul .'fnlc/i , company, which hai eont.rattcd Tfr ih^ output, th e plnnk.1 nrc cul Into block;; im a 'B h ip p ca 'taT tlT fc 'la c ta n n i- ln - th " —

jFJUt, w'lirre they are split, tri'n>d with vhriiilcuIiTiriTdnitTXcd f rr ili:.:rimit!3nr —

Idaho wlillc Dine Umber found nenr thc C lenrau ter mill K silil id I t \in* uiuiilly ndaptnblr Inr u:.r In jiie manu* .

[facJurfl c : m tlclK i. ■

of Mr. nrjd Mrs, Ocptbc Ayrr^ yn Sr,'*ml Avenue North. ,Fnvor f : r hi:;h .’ '■:rr v;an won by Mlss Dnrothy I 'rcst nnd low • fell 10 Mlw Edna Utiiuc’n ir ;i n.'£rt.-h- m enls were w rvfd a i the rM;rT\i..lon oi the xame.i. '

M -'inbrrncf the Orm S ta ir S:;i;ly Club cntcrtaiiirrt wllh ii tleh'.litliil party Mcndny evenlntt nl the innn- of.Mr, nnd .

)Mrs, U, H, Je i»en In hi;niir (;f l!i;'lr,!. The roo.-ns wm- ii'.tr,iM!V" iw lth vases cf chrytnnihemuins untl «!::■ diversion for th e rvenln-i was pb? r;n* sivi! plnccMe_ wltJi four tntilivi a t pluy,

m an and ow cn ^ re ta in und comol i- tion waji 'nwnrded .Mrs, Andrr,v DIntI? nn</ OJcn Noblr. At •mWril-,-hi .1 Ji.vl supper nOnr served under th r dirrctlon c ll M rt, Ivnn Lincoln. T h s-r pr-s.'nt were Mr, and Mrs. Bert Ciirlls, Mr. nnd Mrs, Owen McCInln. Mr, nnd M n Olen NcblP. Mr. and Mrv June Hirltnmn. Mr. and Mrs, Anrifrw Dliislr. Mr, and .Mr:.,

JohJl.10/1. Mr.i. O. F. \Vv],l:,:i. M:::. Ivan Lincoln nnd .Mr. :m:l Mr: II H, J tn j fn .

In siru c to i^ jL in s lc rd a m Schooi Allcnffii' IVioctinp

-------- BAMSTTODAM. Nuv. 10 - M r;, L, ) l

Ilam bleion. loncher In th r Amsterd,iin tchcoU.aUendcd a merlin^ of trneher,' a l Norlhvlew school Wednefday and cluK.H-i were n o t li'cid In Uir uiiit<-r Kr.idj _rcom.".......

Mnv N. H. Sell.vm i 'nn.t d .uljiil.T':, ^ K uinrrijic and Uenrlctle.Tnti s.m. Cter* I r ll. .spcni t jv c r a l ‘dn),s vl.niim: ul th c j l l

]p.istor:r home. Tliey rxix'Ct in d< ;'. 'r t! ||| fon WcdnMiIay morntni! fcv Ni-w VrrI: ;C ltv w here-lhry wlll-Miend-H week br* — fore j.illlnif fo r Holland,

.John Farm er left for Salnir r. Ciiy ihK

i;t.(Kls w hlrh he Is ImulUi'.! I:ir R.'v. Juiii;K \Vnlp3l>.

Leonard Pclcrs l.s stayhv! wi;li lil- sis* | , le .s, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley GiMrkliiii,-!'* T«-In F«Jli, Jrc iifid . fr.SUlcklliis an* cnga:ird in ha!:!i;n; liaybCIWccn-Rcrfe-Oreek-nnd-KliTibprtr:------- "

A t^poiN Ts c o m m is s i o n i :r-..i:O UiE, . Ni>«. » i,V>-A ....c^ix U np- I polntm ent of a commissioner lo r T f.on 1 county wns m.ide todny by Oovernor

- i l—C - 1l:i!HrtHpr tt'hp.n_U». fir s t . our ./'■ {JMn t "{aJ:?.” atTC?»i dw 's Q s«'« ie syv- “ ernor nppolnted P. C. M adam ,-DrlRi.ii. I' -w ftd-la tn—found-he-could n o l tcrvc. '■ William Hanson, Tctonla. was appoint* cd In III;; Alcnd.


v E K r s ^ ^ ^ b e > t o

pI!UO*CJIUG! I f you as, t doein’t Know whose liia r t 1

Uc'.s rcflily to lell hln (air patlen lo die of h e a r t fn llu rcl When heart inundlnit In ht'i cars!

------------------\W inioim d'lhb"n«r.-ln ih<:you fco Ihls all ta lking comcdy! RIcharil Dix docs best . . . Fj

— Paci-Jua-vi'ithniitoioiirsinittitons! Dix as n r tc m youni; doctorl \

wonirn aloncl Anil you know tcinptailoni!

You've Ruw-'fd It ■.-, . If.i j'NoilihiB Bnl T h c T ru th !"

RieH A RD" T h e l o i ^ D c

A I 'A n A M O llN T

------------ Ail-^Talhin

“THE PIANO- . A I .A f F s r

-v..»__ ill 1 aptjU K IL -------- “TH E Ss > i |w ' A 22-roc> ul! talking'

' Uon!rhcBitw L a te s t News.F M .1 ' .


i A i L g . - m A n .Q , w e d n e s p ^

. _ L S t a r s i S n g a g e i ; _ | p i

:< nine' — ’ 9 S 71 ’

m K I B f f - w

Mr.:^ 'n r tn i f f l^


B E R T L Y T E L L T a trio r, n a s c o n - " ' f i n n e d r e j i o r t s l lm l }jc i m c l j - | G n ic o M e n k o n . w lio iility.s o p - | j i m i t o h im . w ill Iw n ia i-ric tl in j tfl

-N ow ^-'Y ork n f to r - th c r C h ic a m ) 1 - r u n o f t h c i r 'p h i y . ' ]|_

iNjyfiiiiiinicciNT|DUHL. Nov. IB iSpeelal to Ihc Nr-.vr.' rj.’

. -H a r ry W. Barry . Buhl rcalwr, recclv- I lil a IracHire o f the duh l Just b r- 1.

' i lox the knee early Uils afternoon w hrn |j. if struck down by a car aa hckiurlifd lo jlj-

Maln und Uroadwuy.M. J. Lpllay. rc.sldln'.: ni'ar Uuhl. driv- '

rrivf llir ff»r. wavtiiriiln;( w<«t on Main l r , j avenue Irom BroadisMy when Mr. Unr* jp I- r j, 11 wus said. 8tcpJ)^^l In front nf the . iiinchinc. T h r Injiin 'd mnn was laken: ■'lo la> Win-w .it- was imi-nded-brn-

pli.vilclaii. T he acclden t.w as sa ld .to 1|:1 Imve bmi_uua.VQl(lft&lCi______________. -


A I ^ ^ C I A T E m ~ ^ “g

■■ .. " .... ■ ' l i


IfIk Jli’, . I I f c J t L , - 1 mW g r ' I 'Ir 'i

i i

' I

E S I : : |S S S K S S S S S i S S ^ ^ ^ _____I i.IS, I'oor R ichard W ^.'- ' Mr l he's h.'arlnr.! mUenl I'he’s u b :u t I L ^ ISItll I ts 1U.S own ffl

m < :rlm ;n rw h tn -'. v ' I®rdy! ll'.s the .virl ' IQ. Fasti Snappy! Mons! — uBjirl VowltiR lo II I IR]now a doctor^ 1 ^

If.s better than ' M

D D I X ; " " " I

)octor-----: ' ‘ I ing - I— 7 ^ - ^ — M

lO TUNERS” . IS P E C r A t , • r aapHsm . . . -r . yfljs^EY ” .......... .. 1r i g .d r a n i i j t ic J . - : .' . . 0o n ! . m)WB W e e k ly ' • | |

•’r6 a ll f r o m - • — «i ' f f lMOUNT:.....•,•■ ■■ j l

r k m ' A Q ' r T a p ' l l ^ ^

;d a . o r m j n s ,.n q ^ m :

GillBM FHElfeROOERSOTf. WO?, lP.-ROCtT«)t> ftrtd 1

ib>li.stcr Qtxurchei unlled in (fivins u ~ T fnrowell party In honor o( Rev. andM ri Jph ii K..Wa1pole a t tha home of iint! M rj. A. E. Kunkel. Ainaur- tUs<Um, on Sjiiurday .cvenlnT. T hc eve* chun lns wa« apent In pluylnc R am u ttnd IccsIn alnglng. and a t the clout a lunch -w u motfrrv.'d . Those present u tre Mr. nnd R

-^rlnii-MorWaad.toii. Mr, unU Mrs. Elza ontiNl'-eum. Mr, nnd Mrs. C; L. K unkel. JohMr.:. Pelt-'m, M ri..H am brlton. Mr. and aurMi Jolm Pa; mcr. ;.irj. EJimia K uhns, n

' Twin Falls’ ]p Is Reac FIRES

Begin N O W T ------- - = O n l ?

Silvt^r S u i t a m i P rp iK i- ShuU - _ c r.s : sp c c tn l pricL*. p a i r ____

! $ 1 ,7 5 ■

• TIuh is,H .‘special o p jjfjrtun ity '

t!) siive.50c to 75c per p a ir on j:| H H H H tfltitftH fif t i t ci^i. Go m e ^

? . lo tlny il— - ----------------

I . Fires,II ■ Tw-

- O ld-I;ihm rr-m «lL';

I| n

!> greal

| i | R M .‘ lu v ^ f/lorii

f ^ I t


H :: X v ;m

- r ( T r - > r T - - ■vt ^ - r . - ^ T r

John l u t i n g to d chlM ren. Mr. toA ' 14n .Je t« H n iitb ,O eo rfi& 8ud(trcU»- u tttllt iToU O ort«r ^ tb* hon- ^or Bueiu. Rev. and M rs. Walpole le ll for f i a l ^ n Clly today . ■ ^

the church W ednesday evening. i ^ to D r .n J l t t m , iB str tn ltn d e n l ol (h t fjW>

»a*jfon ixtara ol the Pra>byMan pirf ehureh of Idaho, will conduct the serv- nallc Iccs In' Rogerson church nex t Sunday no i I'morning— _____________________ ____ “ y-

Rcv. a n d M rs. Jo h n K . Walpole were onteruinod B t,a farewc;i dinner a t thc UUI1 John Farm er home h e a r HollUler on Ev Qunday. Boirt

Ralph Bro'^•n spent Uic weck-cnfl a t ber 5

pggest A rt a n d ' ady For You A t " ISIDE G IF T SH'T o Select Y our Christm as I ilr2 9 ^h B p p in g Days Left!


/ / Itrna'rti

'' ^ ~ y ^

" / / ?

side G ift ShTw in F a l l s C h r is l m a s G if i S hop____




eatcst en te rta inm en t of ail ti

F l o r e n z - Z i e g f e l d ’ s

3 mliD IO P I C T U R E S ' m licalion of O ro ad - tli’u grealeat 'alrl-and- talc spectacle -


BEBE DANIELS ------- JO HN-BOLP----------"■ B ert W h f t l o f ^ ^ r a t t y t e --------

llobtrt Wooracy—Don Arvaradn nnd 1000 Others


I W B t e S I Ij^)l

S a tu rd n y a n d S unday } open 1 :30 , S tn r l s i 2 oM ocItf Even)

— r — ' f - “ y

;rri8»tIpri^Dlltr!flt|-h—'j ™ meet Director ^

T J tJR lif r . 7«* '. 10 mpWiflVHa Tha;ew«—D ecem ber 10 h u been se l by the irec tc n o r t h g Burley IrrUcaUon d u -

K t o r ( o w ^ « d W . L M ann in i cf th e i tr la id a le dUtrJct. whow term »1ll ex- irB UiK l i s t day of thU year. Notni* a llo a s .io r thl^i position m ust be filed 01 u u r th a n ten daya prior,to election' ay.J ,, ____ •

lU hotnc near Puvr.,SvangelUUc' M rrlers will bs held In

Uxrenon ehureh bcihinlnB Novcm- le ra i . '

I Gift Stock i ;The ' I. , HOP I •3 P resen ts rR ------------------------------- ;— I --------


N O V E L T IE S ! " I

Hc«. to » - i)o tn . a s ,'i I) r I c tliS H w arc ' a r t i c lM in n o v e l j.-\ u n iq u e shfipe.'^ a n d p a t - /n s — m a n y f o re ip n im p o r - r,

g^i;rr$t;O d-^ —

" ' ” 2 2 7 S h o s h o n e S t . N ^ ~ w

DIN__ , ® _ | L ■

D,‘lN I


I tim e | 'I

’s Z z ^ S z ! ^

i i T ( ]j ' | j i r

Jm S J -

- 1 | | 4 s

•itoeSBs!!?!';!!*!!*,-.’*. Bk'.HW

Q B i p p H l g p B l l S I J

Page 5:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

Ohioan Becomes' President] 5

of N ational Asisociation 1

5 B e n e 'f iT S I ie c p m c n 'p

BAN ANOBLO, Nov. 10 - L . B. P a l- 'M m cr. Columbiu, Ohio, tcdny wa^ elfcicd 1ft

........ta t th e dlstrtbullon dt (cdernl r t l T s T u T the wool jro w ln j Inditflry. / ”

. Rotter Olllls: Del Rlo, 'T e w . wus Fi fleeted vice prcsW»nt anrt Byron WU-1 w n . McKinley. Wycmliig. M c rc u rj* | lrea5iirer. *’

. An extcutivt eommliue compcscd pf * . Pulmer. Olll|«, n . A. Word. Portlnnd. K. S

R. M orilmll, ProMer. W ulilnc ton . and Jiim».s E, Hcopsr. Sail U k o City, a h o t won nnmed by the committcc of 15 th a i Mrved a s on orBnnUlnii board In ca-1 o peuU on w ith the federal form board. P P a lm tr, .WlUon an d M o ^ a h crc lo^ ^

' PoUowlnK eltctlcn ot lhe nrw o fd - I; ewa. th e bsard L’Ju td th ; f tn iem en t; ' (“

“Tire rilrectr-ra are chojen ta m v c | until th e first annual mectlnn ot t h e , I!

____ rU)?khol(ier*. The dlrcctors_will take i >1■Jt»I»-Jn3jrrdlniriy to -bu lW -n -nallon rn : tt

/ orgnnl?*tlon tor the m arkcU nj of | tl

[wool and moholr. I••ALo they wHI devote the ir efforts lo tl

coortjlnaic and MrcnRlhcn the Ix o l. j>uitc nnd reRloual wool nnd mohair mnrkctlnft asioclotlnns. » ' ■

■ "ArranBcment* are belnjt m u le for l' th e Immediate flnoiiclnB of fjrowcrs Jj}' J

— .a.lvniy . r rn - .-it l l mill , ; moholr unsold thrnuRh cx lstlns nrRu- ‘ n lm io n s . New wool nnd m ohair m ar- ‘i

--------kctinp wiwciotioiiii wlll'bc B i-rn in in o r t* ;------- g»llW im m icl|-|\H ! - » t - | i w n ! e m a -by

cooperoilvc nKcnclw, ourt m nrkct»« m achinery will be a tlllu d wherever .1 pcMlble." ______ _ I

A N N g C f S i i N T S V

T lie CiJlcndar Tea, Kimberly, v.'ill___ m cel on T hurtdov at tii? homtt ot Mt'>. _

J . M. Miuscn. TJie roccUas was poSF poned frcm Wednesday on nccnunt o(

____^ h e funcru l o f Mra. Julia WlUon, j j

The IntcrnoUoiittl Belollon s tu d y ' c roup of the Amcnca^. Assocmtlon oi

___ _tiulvusliy_Y /fim ca..w ill .in c c i..o i _home of.M ra. AJhcr D. Wllwn, 708 S in - shone s tree t cast u l 8 P . M.

T he Scribblers' club will m rr i this rvenlnB w ith Mrs. D, Ilnm -y Ccak. SCO F ifth uvcnuo east.______;_____________ '

Ascenslcn Episcopal Oulld will m ;r i ' kKJi M n . E. J. 03lrand:r. MjipJt’ J

■.tter.mj.L-Novem ,r

i t Tlie Nuedlccruft club will n « e i a t Ato ' I f home « t M rs. D. B. sttumwu!’. (MS Site- < H — ond -ftvenuo’ north. Prtdoy afternoitn. 'r November 73. . «

i i l Members of the Meihodlst U d le a ’ ' f J ? " A ia ” w lir m cel in thn churcli parlors * IW T hursday a t 2:30 P. M . ^

\ M embers of Dnn McCook Circle Num- “ -’ ^ ^ iJ c rS rb ed le feR h trG rittid -A rtn y -o f- tiie i- j

BcpubJlc, will Bnlhcr for th r lr soclnl i roeU ng •FrldHyrNovfmber~22.~nf 2:jQ- -b P. M. n l th e home ot-Mrs. Jack T urner. 1 « AddlBon avemic c u t . Ho!>teMC!( will I bc Mrs. Poul Sm llh. Mrs. C. R. Ship* I

. men. an d ^ Irs . Jack Turner............. .1 ’ —----------- ,— ^ _ J

CaliS<, J t j , I.

----------- — F a s ^ M trv i— ------------------------- t r i p s - t h m S ^ ,

SouthcmPacificqn«F^ A w id e c h o ic e o f to w S M | fo r your (tip ro G}lif n Id m lt. _ ^

You can gQ to 5 a h /F ta o c iic o , thence to / U

- - I o i A n k le t Ulll b a d :, ^~ 'B >nw jQ ^T raniiscD

--------------------- o r b i c lr t j iu j p ^ ' L ts' V egas.'Y ou can v i r i t S ea ttle ,• P o ttiv td p ther N o fth v e tt

cities, then San*Ft4ncuco and ' Los An/telct. i c ^ r n tn s tw v « r o f Las V c g a s - -a d e l ig m fu l

' circle tour o{ (he co u r.------------------------ Sfa'ppvgr y h grr y w r m i li.

T h e com foie t n d ^pced. of T if thavfttt ns'mpUi tl

rienver VUllar A r r t« » - c . L, Uv:.r, ’ . Denver, arrived yesierday in n-.-.O eorceH errlott-.'.

r M ikei Bttslnn* V W t-M rr K i i ln r - l - line ProvoU U lu Q au .F ronc l'x j cu u*I week's builnets visit.

I More lo Poeolello—M r. onri Mrv .V. \1C D rflptr_lfti j» t t eyenlni: t j n .a k c .__j the ir heme In Pocatell?.

! L ravw Y or W yom lnf — Mrv c . A, 'Mnrkliam, U tt to r Evaristcn. Wynnutii;, last evenlnc to visit friends ilifrr. ^

! Mi'ijj W i m j H i i i u t Illf.' win}>~n$3yir® im m irn tcrls-ox iw ;ied -io -4 t--------

rlvc loday lo jcln h e r dniiBdtcr, M^.^.' Francis Wllllame. nnd m ake lit-r home.;

I Coes cn V U U -aV c7 B oone left J4^l; U\ciilnR tr r Corpits C h rln l. Texas. .

whcrx: lie will vUll a cou-nln. Mn:. L. C. Suitcn, nftrr Which he cjcrx’ct.'' to (lo t<i I.«uUlaiia to vbU o brother, Fred Bxnc,

i rttlfm l. Sheriff* M eetlnr ~ E K. ■ Prater. Twin Fnlln com ity sherlft. re­turned yesterday trom Bol*c v.Uvxr In-

I onnnaJ tnccUiw „ t ttipItlsho A£to:latl7n o t iihcrlll!i and I’o- •

------------------- ---------- --------------------------U a r n for U erk rley -M lrs M.irv Kiia

, Hamlin lelt Mcnriay to r BerkcL-y v\iu-rf I fhe will remain un til :.prlntf br/cre rr- M urn ln i'to rT u in* y a l t r ahcrhti3itj:cii;;.C ] ; the suest of Mr. and M rr. J. 3 K irl I flncc her return from Euroiw iibj\ii th ree mnntlij «xo.

Ship .Mere C ld tr - T h e Twtii KiiIU ViiiCRor ond Cklrr c jm puny ihtiigwil 1;a third lO.OOO-r.nlbn tarlon il ot cid-r i i Meniphli, Tfnijc.'.'-ce. M onday rvi’ulns. “ Tills makcf. 30,0(Ki Ballons ahl|ippd U)tn a i jioini' lll WUiJUlll u n l iar.< Umiiis------iht'-IaM munlh. It Ls istnlrd nt the-o[- '

c.hl|il>eth)Uh------------- -------------------- - -

CiEWfiPm.:,:1M 1W !

' whj F e d o r a l S u p e r v i s o r n n d mu

I C h a l l e n g e A g e n t S p i ’ a ic

- I'l T h n n ,nQ M pii

Fifty eir.uloyi'.''. coniiceu-il 'Aitli dll- i Icreut (llyl'.loiis ul the Jfiuiiic Cutijicrii*

tlvi* cr';aimT\‘ f.-cnu Jfrnnic, IJtirT.'y. Hu-- .pcrl-a iuurtt’iii F.1IN. nttPiided a iiiei't-

inK held In the proiw tc court room; heic la.\t night, which wjis addrc.s*cd liy , c , W. Frj'hnftcr. M.'.nncaiulK. ;,ii;>cr-- -Tl«or-ot-l>utUr-Rrmllaa,luE-llif Untied

Stale i departmi'nl of M rleui'u re, nnd, O. h. Mlichell, L ai Ancclcs. production- mnnoser of Uic ChnllenBC Creamery

companj’. «1th whleh m anv coonrrallvc crcamcrles. Including thoje of Idaho, nre affiliated Both Afwkp.on Miodcm methods of Rradlng and IniprovlnR qual* .

; Uy of butter, - .................................Clayton Stra in. OoodlnK. inanaRcr of

the Oooding Coopcmtlvc crc.imery anil eevernl nnployes of th n t liitlor>'. nlio

„l,all/^iiilal— Mr- Frvboffcr dijiis no t con- flnc his work to coopcrntlvi- creamcrle.s,

• but-T lilti-and-consulta'W llh- privately------TBTOW i'iuJUijiU'.''. Ml'. Mitfhfll-wiuuHtf—

hla way back to Los AhpoIm a fte r at* tendlni; meetlne.i held In Salmon and Idaho l-'iills for th e purpose of estab* • llthlMB.coopemtlve crcamerlcs In lhose

o r n ia

■ k - e ^ - i r d e — —

0 1 - B m n c i s c o

^ C f a n s c o n f i n ^ n t t l . Bfcrs and « vast .

| | M ' w oclf o f c o n n ec tin g . . a lin es l e r m th e whole

p / I Pacific Coast. . ji l J To ‘tla n ’'Fn»ncUco - H g and back! $60.10- !

-t»lh-«»y»-<Jlroct,------------------- ! -— ■ To Loo Arireles and - I' uaefct:iB7Aa-==-tootir^yirvta--^--^"— j -

I San FrancUco,

, . (C1.60—one way S a n Prati- ‘ clscu; one v s y L us Vc^ns. ;

1 531.15 - one wuy v ia Port* • laud rctum liiB v ia 'L o n An* gclci and e n p ' P r o u c iw o r '

- n n ’- x c n n t if m . u u i . b as-------------r: V tg a t , , • . - ! .

nm dm‘ . r . p i w a o n y

■ Gen’l A gent ',' ' Soiilbcm ra id n o l l i i i a ' '

a l l .S o . M A ln .su ... . I


;:.C Y N T H IA - G A ilO Ii .C -O R L B T T jig li Kon. I'amou.H A m e ric a n a c to r b f id e o f E tiw in 0 } fdcu C h l lc l c ,} iill, A lb e r t i im G’u llu t ln C h ild c , m m lu itiio w n th e w o rld o v e r i t h e C o rne r:* '

North Id ahoan Discovers i T reasu re T r o v e in Old |ci

7 --IJa tU c£ ie ld -a t-W hitcb in j]2--------------------------= -------------------------n "‘ D o ise , Nov. ]D iil’ Ind lca llons lha t ‘

n new ircaxurc trove had been uncov-j • erctl In Idaho woro rooclvod today by H it -~

uttorney seneral In a letter Irom M- I t R' _ p . , j'_»n':.,.K Iv,l -ThniiVY i h ^ W l o r t Oe I did not oay. ll Indicated to the attor* «i ' ney Renerol'ft offlcc thnt Daly hod found Ih - ft-b iirled -trovo -and w 8oi«l_to_knoB . to ' whelher he was enUlIi< to ke«) ft o r re,■ must share ll with Ihc state or w llh the lh


I _______ __________.r 7— -------Ir



nzTzzzii;-T — ------------A s t a s t e - i n

7 ------------------— N e w - s m o i

t r u e m i l i a H ^

h e r e i s t i r e

j a r e m a d e .

w h e i■ I, . ■

th e y

1 ♦;lv.'v.n./.Ri*Ml*i K W 'f '. 1 ..........

^ n ) A | i Q ^ E P N E 3 D A 3

w a i


j r r \ S I dcni■J t \ \ \ iTA.m. '-.M..' m ltu T l - & • ron.r r l \ l been

i l v i

. * fmpll i » iNow

y \ - • ____ JJJne* TJl

.................•fn'fl»d<iauRhicr-o£-Jo!iuph-J>iffer* oU t o r c ^ . 'th e 8cvcntie.>;." Iiecitm e the Ic, «on o f th e nctf)i*‘s leuiiiii^' worn* * “ lc, in th e chu rch which .lefforsou .!r a s “ T h e L itt le Church A roundj

obU--------------- - - -r^^ ------- pend

' ou-ncr o t the land,\ Doly said "tlicre hml been found" a

chcat on an old Indian liattlvllcld n t Ot

(iuncc of i.havln(( n-ounily ronlolned uet«•pnontir--------------- --------------------------'OTUj • ------------------------- agrlii KKSKiVS rcpri

CHIOAOO, NOV. 10 t / i '- P . i;, iPhddy) p™'*H iumoii who pliiiincd nnd 'w>v the C«

[ achievement cf his dream o( tlie Cfticaio M ,Ci■ Madlum, tonlgni re.-iium'd n.i prcMtieriror “WW , thu corporation operuiliu itu' t7.000.000 nual

tpo rls orenB. Harmon iiri’seiiled his frier' reslRjiation dlieTd loan coiifcrenTe'nUh oddt

lhe bonrd of dlrecior>. ' knpv

iA M E L S -

e ’

i n „ s m o k i n g _ d e y . e i Q P

> k e r 8 - m a y - r i o t - b e G l

t t | s s “a n d s f f i r p i i s s i n g f i

r e a l s u p e r i o r i t y . I t i s 1

: f o r t h e n i t h e c

j f i a i n t a i n P t H n r t h p m

n th e y 1<■ f l o c t e t o

X huuIVaahington Attorney. felLs

IfiveStigatoi-a of Iteccipt

of^ $27,000 For Services S J______________________________•

‘ W ASHINOTON, Nov, 10 -T -In v r .- lm Inatlng R recen t dlitiirb^inre ainoiiB Cu« OiilU

o/talro oo th e ^e^u^ ii1a11i.Ups against th e ndmlnlHrotlRU nf P rc fl- . tlenl M achndo. the *e'inle Icbbv fom- UC mltt*e w as told todny bv Jolm H. Cor- iil.y. ron. W o^hlnnlon nttririicy. thul he h .id .W , I been pa id 137,000 tb iuci;rtaln the f a c t ': U about th o M achado covcriimvnt. I !•' <x'i

Carroll, who nave hl.ia«e a«-7l y ra rn lf‘‘ “ ' old plus" And oald h t w». • jo .i j,n .iiii j^ ' “ w oniout nr»n." testlllwl he hnd been employed oovcn months oi:o^y H. C , ' ' Lafcln. p rcslden l of the Cuba com piny,; , Now V ork. bu l h id bcrn jivi-'vi'iiled b y .p .iiJncM fro m vUlthig Cubn. •________ ,

Tho w hilo-halrcd wUiirwrwlm fon i-lf^ iu i nU lned frequently of bi-lnx tired, Mid Mail h r plflnncd \9 !?!»»• qi'M and h e prom ised Sennlur tiomh. Id ah o ,!0 l chairm an of Uie forelRn rrl.itluiu com-1 Loul m ittep, to Blve him n coiiv af lhe re- |Ctic< port )ie rx p e :t s lo muku-UJ Lokln un th e . situation In Cub.-!. ‘

C arron a lw snld hc-hart b^cn paid S10.0{)0 by L.ikln, in aci m adviror In on c tfo rt by the Cuban producers to obtain A lower duiv an MiRar In the pendlnK ta riff bill. He as.icrt'd hc had no t -epoian to s .sij«)c jHCJUbcr of coh- grcsi ab o u t suear."

OUior w itn a w s tn<lny were ,.W-natiiparL cliem ln of lli r Ccrn Prod- __uet« R «tinlng company. New York; J,or HbitoiT'Miwwphi^gmmiiagnff^ —agrlculturo. and Edwin P. fihotturk, r rp rew n ta tiv e of the domestic simar p roducer'assoc ln llon .■'Crtrrofl Kkia hc '-hnd-ty'cn employed ax c o im ce lo r to th e Cuban cmbnxiy In w ash ing ton -fo r scverai years nt nn an* nual sa ln i7 of $1000 nnd was a iM;rsoniil friend of President Maclindoo who, he flddeA '" Is one of the finest men 1 everknpv." ■ ■

w h y s gra3u: to

} p s . i t n a t u r a l l y l e a

c r i t i c a L r b u t j v l i e a j

, f r a g r a n c e o f t h e G a ,

s f o r s m o k e r s o f s i t e

c h o i c e s t t o b a c c Q ^

V./ • ' - ~

l e a r n , t h e


B E R ^ J 9 2 9

A t t h o H f o t e l ju ■ - — - i - X — — ------ -----------1

rn m iN E -W .c T w c o d . Hcracc Fere- •. , , . nyrM froiKlM ii. >■ J . p te en . Pam elb :—

leorje A. Knudseb, M. T . U r? f , 0 M./m tcn. Ball L ata Clly: D, M, Ford, Ida- ‘“- r "0 FfllU; Ray jT oardne r. W alter O atd- er. Ruby Valley, Ncv«irfi»; H. D. Huifc- lelsier, W, Z. hoddo. Dean O- Hol., lalph Jo h tu :n , H. U. Sirceter. m t M.i-i-v. C7 i r W c e U T J r -A r - m e t r - l i - t r T -^ ^ f - ^ •.;iii Tompleuin. 8»n P r tn c lv o : R. P, liilley- Wells: Clii/ Plold# and br3;h:r, : ::kc; J. A. H o »h^P > M y.^ dah»; A. J.

of ttieU O G i-nSO N -J. B. Pierce. J . E. S i- rc-cm

il.y. H. Gladsicne. Charles W rkln«, F,V, H j)!:n . H. M, H ayton. Portlm d ; “ =*= - i t c r W hlille, T » ln Falls; O tto Rasr- nu ja i •'(x'k. fiidlinapalU; Mr. and Mrs. J. La'icc ■Irvicciiib. f.ewla TJosjilm. L. D. Rasder,, cily,., Kuisell. Mr. and. Mrs. F. M. Mllli. E C}i:liii V Lcm bird, 8. V/orthlngton. Mr. andiM I--il .Irn, P H £ : : t l . A E. Plcrpoiit. J.ihri T. Jcjnrry. Thema* Cooner>\ U clat' T . ll: Hum < ifitlo . M. D. Bklnncr. L, Knccki*. F.'L, I tb f tts , Jake a:hesoler. Pocatello; D. ^ .a a a f l lh . Qformg; A m ?* Duran.

L. H. W e r th e im e r . 'S e n t t^ J i i r klaik Severance, MUineapalls: F . C. Tuiin :jiikltn . lluffalo: LeoD. Drake. A itarla; nnd N .), E. miiicerland; H. w . mepliuli. UUloer. a Louis; Earl Poulton. M. S. Webb. 8 . a Stnie: :ticcv»T. ft. tv. g»lQtf, Joe H urst. V. J. Vuifo*- I I ■■■■■ I I..' J ................. ■' — ^


^E ugim irPeriiimien t Vh m Shelton P e rm anen t Wave Shampoo an d Fingcr.W a?

n a t i o n A l b e a b ^I 'h o n e o n

sm o k e i iate ^

T h e p h r a s e "

1 G n ) d u H t v i l t o C a m c l 8 '’ o r lg I n

I w i t h a C a m e l s m o k e r . I t cxp rc

I t h e o x p c r ic n c o o f n iM i io n s

a • t h r n i i i i h C a m o lH U a v c l e a r

'i t o k n o w r o u t t i m u k in g p lu u «

e a d s t o w a r d b e t t e r

i _ t h e y _ o j i e e _ e x p M «

i a m e l b l e n d , t h e y y e a

; c i i ^ 8 c a : w n e n t t h a t

t p l s i r e s e l e ^ e d - i . . , 1

y g e n u i n e s m d l c i n g i

e d i f f e r e


iitLby tho Soiithirn Idaho Bern O m - - I' a.<«Kir.il4n' dlrcelors tij rep ro cn t alio bcJii Bro'^'e* on* the commUtse 10 m«nb>r» ■which will |o-U> W ash- . ..

fiton not h te r th in Deetmber 10 n . nsiilt «lHi the (Rjpral f n m boa-il rel*Ive Ul 'steps to tM taken to p u t Into

or _a. cnrporJtlotr Ider the fartii fellcT hw . T lie 'b 'jjn ovkir.s lU te i ore «itvlded hiui i i t r l iU e u i l of which b entitled to * "

i tL.- Moim n o >iid W»8»miii Fiuh tlictf three stalos will Jiave one rc|i*

'cntatlve ^ t tho meeling. ‘ r

iijan, O. J. Wcltlc. J . H. Alien. S i t t I'icc C lij; C. P ,.aavcnseroft. K a p -n ty, Mlss:uTl; K |r3,'N . Bucfour. K :t nhiiis. South D^kot?;. R. K C liberr,.I'.t D. EIiberry.'BpokAiie; H arr)’ Wls'i. i.lwRo; F, C. Conklin. Dutfolo: Wll- im A. Ucuer: Cl>de Thomas. 0 ;d .n .

■ WILI. KAIL FOR IIOMEnuiO N I. Italy; Ncv. ig '(»IV —“ C'-’r-’ " -■ uiincy. fonner heavyweight chimpl-.ii.Id Mr?. Tunney. the former Polly Lan*■1. m - 'jiTwimujv i» .Illll f j r the ---------uie> fium Naples an the slcam :hl;) ulranla 311 Thursday. — •

: i A LE M B E B l

ire .... : StOT —v e ............ 2 ’........3^ a v c ......................................X I ______

V l i


; e “ I ’vcj in n t o t l

;p rc8 i« s ---------:

IS w hoe a rn e d . __________ ' _______uu«i)ro.

r q u a l i t y . ________________

i e n c e t h e

e a l i z e t h a t ,

. a t C a m e l s . \

. a n d t h i s ^ ^

» p l e a s u r e .

S i i i i i

Page 6:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

jmiiiHHCE-te:jM n m E s |L' Rev. Cecil F. Ristow nnd

Mrs. .lolin E. Tnlk

___ n-ivmnnv of Nntiolia

One ImndriHl tIUy mfnibcr.s of Ihe j■ ................... ■..„l.rlllL-l. .-.tlmi ■

Ti-Jiclier nr'-oriatlon attrnd itl a iiu-oima |

--•|)ri‘rr<lliig-A^ builntiU-iC^lon pm ld cd ovrr by Mrs. FrmiVlo nuriihiirt. a jwacclireiinim • « '« » " U to tti : W--------- --ErblanU In cliarvf. , ..I jon

T tir progrnm oii pracc'coiiswccl of , n.ldrc.v<o. by M ». John E. ItflyM. na- tional Uinorlan of tlir Poroni-Tcocher o.s'cclallon. nnil Rev. Cfdl P. HLitow. pw tor ot llip FlMl NfMliodKl dn irch , c s = ami ."Tvrral miiMenl numbers by jjcopte of (lllfrtcnl nnIlonnIilir>. I |U | \

r ive J.ii».np.-c children imtler the tli- U | | | | rff ilan ot Mrv Ira Wyini .•<nnB n umbers •__

jAi;.imvi-fnil;dnMci'; iwo.«nmU MoxIcuh |P | rliililrfii miiliT lhe tllifilloii of Mrs. W.

Kiirll li. lillll ML« Cljvra I.angclund, Twc Olrl Re.-m e M tr«ury for llir MbkIc enroltc

~ V a lIo n il* lrlo iran B tw o-.ionR rln-ihi-i ihc Pl\ic;;luii lonnue.

Peaff Wm » ffwlonMri. Uaycj In her iuldre.s.4 s im v d the “M ’L

Ifi.’ ! Inal luilhfranc-.' o( jwacr docs n-'i o depend onlilstory or ir.idl- j lion as 1)11 Ih r ilPVelo|imenl ol Ih r rlghl Milrh in llll' fnmily life of llir peoplc.s ol d lflrrrm coimtries and rnccs, If in r j- itdlfp 1' liiHlllfd In flilkiren hi Ih r *"-;• they will Krow wUh wurpetl vU- lon. bin If oppaMllon to prrjudice U 'o - Mtllr._l S i l l

- make for International rtlulloiu.. .Ul«ii.'»lm{ lhe subjeci, "World Pi'uco"

_«^i>_fl<liiritlQiu(l.prol)lrm. nrV. C. F.lUstow prefnc«l.tiU.remarlc.s jjy polnl*, , u . jq,

_ i iy tn Ihc tTMrml nml Inerensliiti In- irrest In lhe m ailer of be ller nnder- cnlliusl »tundlni{ Mmonc nnllons voiced by Uie xh? Federal Qouncll of Churches of Chrlsi, Dt ci^ml the Womnn’s Christian Teir.i>cronci- fcMloii Union: the PcderutloH ot Women's c h a r clubs, labor o rgan lzo llo iu^pcclannler- garct^ I

-est ln p rac t Rhcwn by-Tclifttotu lewior*;. Poiier, popular Inicrcsi In Uie inectlnir in th e Alnswo I.IOT ol In ltrnn ll.r ..! iiurmoiiy b :- ^ c l; Iw r-n -PrM ldenl H oover-and i'rem lcr. May J MacDonald, which wb.h occeniualet! by Sophie Uw fac t t lm Uic DrltWi prime inlnU ier Flsrenc wns paciilil a t lhe lime ot Uie g rea t M iu ^ war. SUles.

Explodes Armamrnt Idea — A lw i#.U iti_U ne__pf_e5l^ ll0 ii^orlc Rev. R l'lo x cald tn subsiaticc U ial de l- cederb inlte principle* nhould bc cir.pimslicd. Hernia Tlie Idcu th a l onnam cnu mnkc for nrjMacc“should’ be-cxploded.- The-faLie — ------liUmo>ir ii'hlch nurrounds war ahoutd be p t , ^ ; Ol -.ipnU'd. ftnd the n ltcndanl physlcnl ^ n n , nml moral cvlli Uiat accorfipany Ushould Ix- rfiown. The__ld^ca of w ar ___fhould be dL-WMOClairrt from virtue* _ wlilch orc;hidci'd; dliplnycd Uiroimli iU ' Y,'*'’ coiulucl. sucli u patriollJm, lieroUm,Biiit coniradKhlp. bu l which nve iw - ‘ seiiionx of 111* liummi race and may be applied c i well In Umcs of i«acc and in war. II ihould be realUed. he sold, "'ejimi

-ihirTOem Jc*of-pro«rtM ftre-lnnor-nce. O f™ * p3\erl)'. ilT.'.easc n k l immornllly. bul when iioonle fluht one another they fo rte t to flghl IheM fovf. w liiili .•■prcud' durhii^ •li'uanles nninin men. I^i-.lly. rchslon ha.i n mandnte lo fu rther the caiL'e of jwace nnd noodwill annni{ "

^men. All men nre brWhers. nnd ik-o-

111 leadersliip of Jesus ClirlHi ^ ; pracUcc the Oolden Rule and do ns ihey

• would bc done by. . L o n l' III Uic business oeuion a commilice , of lhr<.‘e conablliiR of Fitxl Hall. M n.Emma Juneii ond Mra. D. O . McCulIey.was appoiiiUKl to revise th e by-laws. Eur) A nother conmiittec composed of Mrs. elslithRuy B\-nni. Mrs. J . H. Dames nnd MIm dlun, H arriet lliroclcmorton was npiwlnlcd conics 10 condnri nn e?>ay contest of niudeiiH from i In the iiijh nnd Junior school* on Uie preme subject.-‘How My Parent* Cun Help Me been lo Become a Belter StudenU" Mm. P. lerday

.Boughton gave a report on Uie.meetlni: App< of the Idaho Parenl-Tcacher aasocia- nnd d'tlon tield In May In Coeur d'A lene. Dalter

— — l i on f(

-irPfltiT pfliinpii n m r- f

“ OFFICERSFOra!i =— D r ; L a i i d e n w a l t e r Tvas e icctcd- i J

iiic s ld cn t'o f T w in Full'. Boy Scout T l council Uj succeed Wilbur 8 . Hlii. a t n I *

-m « tln r-u f 'th e -c o u n e ll- ln - th e -p ro U le - -------c«>urt-rMuni_Lere .lasl eyenhiK. K cn - |

neth 0 . Besch ^-us electcd vlcc presl* 1 * (lent, ond I. E. Jiwlyn was rr-e lec led , r "

■■gpcretary.'................. I HOn account of summ otu to Jerotne i n '

connection with Boy . Scout uXfalra! there, E. Russell Scott, lately elected

-8n» lto -R lvc r d ls tr lc t.« o u t - cxecuUve. wn* unable to* m cti wllh the Toiln Fall* ccutiill members last cvenlnR,

Affcd M an P e titioner |F o r P robate o f >VilI {

W. a Druce, 80, h o i filed pe tition In I iirobale court here for probate of Uie I Z

=«IFC TO T 5a=br^ift»«W n<H hbR fclirff = P V n . Addle Bruce, whore death oc* q cu rred ' hcre laat Octobcr : . .Under «,

Trcr]B rTirttie-irtll,-w hlch-w »*.«xtculed. ____an April 23, lu t , Uie esUtc conslatlns o r real nnd personal property of opprox- Smotely. »800D value, U to. be divided ( equally th ree children. Mrs.Nore 'OoineUson' End ‘Mr*. O m ce

. Doughty, bo lh oi T w in and Roy « n ic e , San Pedro. .CtUfomla. T he pe*

--tjHo tw -lM ^>fw w U d4»y-E ,.V,. U r aoiu. ____n tto m p t _________

: ' 8U 0W 8 IHPBOVBMKNT \ \LONDON. Nor, W tf f H te r d B yn« of I

I'.VIihjr, lorm ef lovem or g enenJ ofrOiU-- :A dt-w ho M V .il h u d of th o IiondOD ^ x ^ . r i W w M deflDlto i m p r o v e r t . ..

................ '■ I .III '■ , ' !„ rJ t^ a . i . r .L . in -

^ . 'r W i l l i e W iil iS ” 7 l |l■7 t o n m S O T U M

■ 1 ^ . . ' 1

lillll "1M ■

l E w J B _____Tri

- ....rS K '---------n f P O w W ■ innnkln

■ \ v \ - l f t U ' .................. •omol'llth ree I

- — ■ ■ . accWcrJoii'i liavp Ic. quo playin' yel. bu l Uie autotnc irriiriiFi's tisiiiii' u t uti’ this U tny having rf»t fh an rr l» (fll Mamnia aboul collUlo; u»lin' Ih r JonrV nlHitow." have bl

' Selec

iiBsiiuiiiiiioi :s B lillti-iE IIi-S

thu di'i • Yp Will

'wcn1y■^ovcn rtw itnr member* were ollcd In Ihe lilahn Dvlin cliaptei; of e a ,iy „ PlO m tcron ,« )io iliy -a i.lU -ln * l^ * o fM n i

1 moctliiK hi ilic.Uu4lnD« and Pro* lonal Womtn'-s club rooms Monday 1,,^ liu T h r followlni; officer? were ted 10 ;crv.- for n iwrlotl of oiie p „ j j r: M n . Mnrnarri Km-. |ircsldent^1. Ella W hile, vlcc iircMdenl; MIm jo„iey, rB.UK Slioiwi'll. ^^■rrrtnry: M iss o .C lin i ma Lent*, ircnxmcr. dcfeiiwIr.-:. Ooldft Holl Flfhrr. 3pol«ne. re* Vcnii lal illrrcior of the University O ulld. *cal* li ned the tneetiii}’ by wcluominu Uw Buhi; ' [itffii tTii»ini>fr» Into lhe naUoiiol 8 . DfC inlioitlon,_ lifter uJiltfl^M H TTloM Klmber Tav Ncrth. rducoiional d irec tor Hurw*: jiiwaker of tin- cvcnlnR wa« in tro - on, Bc

^d. Mra. Norlh Rave an InspiraUon- L. W. iddrcM rcKardliiK tiie beneflui a n d HanMn Aure< io-U ‘-dprU odJrom -follo» lng. JUiulcr, coursc of *tudy |)rc.Mtrlbed by th e ‘w »U y O nllri..Mra. Ni:rlh'.U al)t WM -----------luslastlciilly rccclvcd.I? Ilrnt clnri miTllnit will be held .. lumber 5 a t llic Buslnci\ and Pro* COOl ioiuil W omrn's club room*. Cla rtcr mcmbrrh Inchiile: Mrs. Mar* C, Coor t Kec. Mr*. Elln White. Mra. C, B. will bi­er, M rK -O m ccSlontcyrM re.'C orft' church iworlh. Mra. Kylp Waite. Mr», Bes- lal wlU Clark. Mr*. Emmn W arren. Mm. sld r Un ■-Janks, Mrs.. Amm KUcvcr. M f^ wtioac i lile Prcnch, Mrs. Lola H ailey.'M rs. ycnrs a; encr Dwyer. MLu Kmma U-nlz. Mr-i. Cc I MarRurvl Shotwell. Mlt* Corine Tliursd ‘s, MIks T tirlma Dnricn. Mlr.n now ul ce Domrosc. Miss Fsyc Wylaml, '• Mr.<.'I Mary Dobliiwn, MU* Ine^ Wheel* Lnkc. C vHjiB-Myrtle-AntlersonrMtrirPaultnc oik-nklli e rbun . Miss E llube ih Harder. MIm ma Polmer. MIm Minnie BL'»on- Senltlcnnd MLu Nellie DndRcr. aid Ilm

— -------------------------- .survive,

r is tia n s W ill iIo\dA n*C hurch .M (^nfrs ycsteM

lierc will be on •'ull-church" mccllnn ABUlhe .Christlun church in the baiiqiu't A'II on the first floor, n i 7 P; M. th is ' lins. There will bc a i»i*luck u rd n y j :hPon for ull who portlclpatr, im-.ialciy a fte r which Uiere will br nn CulholresTby Rov. J . Elllotl Slliiip, piutior 8 A. N.lie 'D u lirand -K lm berily -C hris tlan ^rches. T licre will IfQ-.i-peclnl music Abbl wropriotc-for'Uifr-cecasiwi:---------------Ills is till' beginning of a si-rlc.s ot vlvod bItKsdiiy'evcnlnK services which will all of w;lnue throuchoui Ihc winter, hi onci! funera,'lilch tliL-ru will be special nni.slc und' tslthiK speaker. Al! will be wclconu- Innd yincn 01 ini-H! xHUii'iinK*. ■ • o t r o n

ntinucs Contest F or Time firaduatibn C ertificate * '

lurl Barnc.H, BIckel dlstrlcl school J'ly . Ith ffrade .student, through his gunr* felony n, Jami-s L. Barnr.s, will cnrry hi* flcUUo test for ceriiflcats of Budunlion tencwl in the elBhtli KtJde to the itu ir .mi- A. Bni me court, notice of o|ipcnl hnvlns J’en* y n filed In dtiirlcl court here yes* "’as sui Jay. • lerday,.ppeal Is tnken from the JudRinent pronou: I dccrec entcre«l by Judge Huiih A. he woi ier last Aufiiut 33, denying applicu* persons I for a will of inandale lo rcciiiirc - i. Rose J . W llw i. -Twin FulU connty: 6'rlnleiulcnt of iiiitUo'liislniction. t o ' —If* tho r nrtifiritii* ___ ______

-X O L D M N ' ■ y .

H f "a n o w e c o o l o • - f tKEEP O N m BK IN & WUE

L IS T E N I N ' .......O C C f t S I D N A l - L y -

. f t R A D I O - ' w e b GeT,AT,


" 4«0 MAIN Xv&.sotmi nv . p H o u t n • ' VR.C.A. A im O R lZ eO . OCAl&R. *


. . Mullii, who I

) i r e D i r e E x a m i n a t i o n o f w i i mI Fiidn;

V o n i r e m e n ' in . C r i i n i n a l

T r i a l I J H i i j ' s O iu~ i ' 'Tliirr.i

3;il of Ihc f lm 13 vciiliil^n'iriMlleili o i h ^ O ’ txK In dl;.tnn ro iiri l»ro n f .B

inklnuBhtcr In coiiiu'ctlmijjay^i mrnu- n Tnoblle-colllslmi-herr Ia7 OcTbb<-i 2B. . r l •ee hud .boen Involved Al aiiiunKibllc :l.dent.s and two Jiad iiuvtr driven totnoblles. All hut onr rcnirnibered Mrs vinif read new.spapcr accounts of me i inio e lUlon In which I'l-lcr.'ioii i ' .'.atU to ! ly for vc bcenitb blnmc. bui none h;i(! to rm -, (jity tn or cxprt.'ued on opinion, i p im l 1

Selection of the Jury will be rcMimed wna U: Is m orning. - • ! MraSuch xldc- Ll enlllled to iciii'ivr s ix ' ir r . M j.H))ccUvc Jurors by iwrcmimny dial* . qih. utr. o . Wl

oducc company, Is acciisrd nf eau'Hini! Knn i: death ol William F. M<u-.. '>0. farm- c iirb i -w|)0-WflM<v4tilly-hitM-whrii-li)ii'l>‘tH t>, M; tm hLn c ar In the cm.sli iliui (xTuiii'd ucv. , rly hi th e morning ut the inirr.'rcilun Qeri Main avenue nnd Shfr.limir 'tn-oi, odHt

teracn-ls nltcRcd to Jinvp b rrn driv-{ iju r ; his truck a t c^ce.^slvr -.iHTtl. IJoih > ijr^ide III were on the way to Work. .son w’rospcclive jurors werr (iur.-.tinn('d , uGT.I cvenlnK by E. V. Larwin. (— The 'tiey, fo r tlie pro^cution, and by W .: (iineri C linpmnn of Bolhwell ami Chnpmnii, I reiue coun^eli f lT P/en lrem eii who w rrr flrsi i» ocrupy 1.1 L its In th e Jury box were; Ros.-; IJavb, J | iL h i; W. O. Kcarlcy, Buhl; Dr. Wil.sna DfCker. Twin Palls; Ed Clalborn. P f

mberly; Wllllum Baker, TwnrKalis; ] • J)t, Bcruvr; Leu Hanlon, Twin Fall.s;W, Mudden,; Dan Ivvrwn Tlilt nsen; R . L. Conrad, Cnstl«fonl: D. V. c r rollmier.-Twln-Fuil!i, , ............ -<

— , I— , . ------ ,, These

— - P O I ^ - A - t S ------------I j f S -

:o 6 n E Y —Ptineral scivlcr.i for Mrs. n,^, (,';n ry Cijoney. widow of Uir late Jayir.s ( |j Cooney, pioneer Twin Pull.i resident, dcfvici I bl- held ill 81. Edwnrd^ CaiMollc irch hen?_on-Prldarnro-A rX T:~Bur--r-'i'iio ' will be In Tw'Jii Palli.' cciiicli-ry bi" i p j„ ,

p Uic grave of tlir Inti'' Mr. Cooney iT iim rr oae licuui. occulted. hcU‘ ilLkJlU luiJi . t^ 'o irs atro. Tlic Rosary will be said lu r : 3 ,,,)ou s. Cooney n t S t. Edwurd's chiirch on [ ^ h lr ursday a t B P . M. Tlic body re^t.s [mrRcii V Ul Uic am ssm nn furu-ral parlor.'!, ;t1ioiih Ir.<. dooney'.» deaih occurrcd ;ii I b i p,.,,, ce. Oregon. last Sundny followlnt; an t |, r |i , j •nkllim f lf i i suiiltannm m en-, siiirc l-rhmni i{, 1928, she had made her homr hi p m i iltle w ith a son, Tliomns J . Cooney, ^ine N _ijm e_Tw ln PaJls residtnu Slu^ w _Scvu vlvetf nlw *by'nnother w n, Jiilin narga, Dni y, La Orande, Oregon. Dolli sons Minpanicd the ^ y , urrK 'hig^herc Hurtle iierdny. i / ,

VBBL — Funrral services for Mr.s, | un*co 111 Abbl. 72. resld^ni ol Uuhl ( o r inahy brrk, irs wtiOM- death accurrfd I tu t Snl- Hluh Iny at. th e home ot her daiucliterf, In Marie rUand,' will bt- held In St, Edward's thollc ch u tth here on T hum day nt V m i A. M. purlni will be In B uh l ccm- *•sy beside the gmvc_of the lo to John bl whose death occurred ln~TJovem-- ~

ed by Uirce sons nnd four daughters, of whom nrc expected to n tto n d the “ ‘'f , neral service*, ll i c bodv.,'’ccon 'n ''ii- * I by two daughters, arrived fro m Port- id yciierUiiy. und rej.t« now m uie

m e f o r S e n t c n t i n i f o f . “

- C l i c c k W r i t e r D e f e r r e d------- COUI

Jay K mu*,-«,ho plcnded g u ilty to uony charge of nllempilng to pass n alltloiLs check for tCO, will n o l bc son- againiCMl Ulllll November 35. Judge Hugh go ul

Baker onnuiinced In. d is tric t courl niU.-4n* yesterday. A petition fo r parole heiirliIS subm itted by Kraus' a tto rneys yes* d a y . 'rdoy.when renlrnce wns to h av e been had 1Hiounced. Tlie Judge Indicated th a t stein

would require lime lo m tk e some olherrsonal Investlgallon. ownei

FOR S. \ u t o D(H>r (iluB .s .W ln t]» h ie ) iis a i

------- ;3 charj!;e f o r s c l t ln f e r iH i i re s c o

W c L o a n T o u a B r

F u u r - H o u r E n a m e ls i n a l l t h e N ew . C l o th t o M a tc h I

: ________ P A I N T tN ow i s a fTOCKi l im e t o d o y o u r F a i n s id e P a in tin g * K e e p d n d buH y. W

K a lflo m in c b.v t h e c a r lo a d a n d

FU R N ITUW e a k o c n r r v a f u l l l i n e o f R U (» S .


F l o o r L a m p s a n d

W c c a n s a v e y o u m o n e y ,

M oaPAINT and, Fl

Fhone 5 STOIil

B s g g g g B g . . . -L*

! n c R j^ ! a y j» - R 4 te H ------- — l jn i ||— F o r-P lp n eer Resident flUflUOn account of illnc'.i atfrcUng other H iembers _of_ th e family now In Cos _____I IItsrips, th c ’b o d y 'o f ^ r 't a t r AjUiur K . *--------^ulliner, T i'ln Pall.i plJiictr resident :io died In Lo-. Angi'lri lasl Friday 11 not arrive In Twin F,illi until nexl 'T iv in Idny, according to ward received yes* * “ rday by Pn-d C. Craner. 143 Tlilrd i jV cm ir n - .t, a ran-ln-law , Mr. Mullln- '■*'« dcnih occurrM ,0 ;nnly a flr r hisrival ln.lx)s AnitMr. wllli Mrs. Mil- miS.Hifr .o t^ " vLdt. •

ro S S ii' _ _ . has nppt

Mrs. JuUa A. Wilson, widow of the " ":e Edgar Wilson, rc.-idenl of Klmber* for mnny yenrs pusi. died early Tues- y morning o l tlie couniy general hos* ml liertJ following a brief Illness. She iaU 3ycnr#old . “’JMra. Wilson U survivwl by one duugh- r, Mrs. U ln Wood. Klmbi’rly, and four highway iH, P. E, WlUon, A, J. Wll^on and R, i*“ >«0 . Wilson, Kimberly, and H. M, Wilson, « 8 3 i ai

Funeral 'scrvleea will bo held IM-llie fLu-al.aiirlstlun church u i Kimberly a t 3:3U bridge b M.- today, uiit l - w i r tu' iiindueifti b r —

?v. J . Elliott Sllmp, u.v bied by Rev, n u d e th•Tl Powell, of Ih r Kimberly M eth- ndjtidlcjh t Eplscopal-churcli. - - ------ ------- -lhi> lilnl.nurlftl will bc In Twin FalU crmetcry:ide the grtive o t th r lutr Eiicw Wil* p n i / f ]ll whose dcoth occurrvil in Oetober, L H lS

The body rest* iiow a i Uic Orossmtin . p ||M i neral parlors here . I-IUL

[.[OWKlii c . .

W i i M i lTuesday

r iilny -tw o lum uu ippcu r un lim hon*. the oliui roll of St. EdwRrd'K Parschlul s:hool Itwalt In: .thc.Ilrst,.QUurlct.olJlK-.prr.«ntj,erii^ way l^cr ,csc Includc th ree ' pupils In the f irs t lilslon ni » lr. thi-pp In th e -terond. five-in t h ; one gem rd, four In Uie fourth, two In the ~NObod: ;h. four In th e seventh and four in plQye.i w ,. clgliUi. In th e rctfular tourx-t.. Tliere reodv fw- tivc on the honcr roll in Uie music wUl be » r t o n e n l in th e -jrades :.iid two In majority • liR h school. Manager I’lic fo llo w ln c .ls ilO -it;^ O ra d e -P o trlc k W«IU.:c, dcorgs om ctt. Mildred Pum phrcy. .l?L i^Jmcond O tnde — JC.Hl ,WIX na:r>' f noil, Agnc* Lan^;. .L'hlrd G rade—Edward Henoit, Chcrlcs ®P«rauoi rscn. D o n n l d Thomcu:. PhyllLs o»e,m omctz, R ltu Mae Salmon, ,,•<,inth O ra d e -F ra n cM U n g , E lln - h Pumiihrey, Jo h n Waters. Palrlck i omcy. '^Ifth Orade-M nrJorU- DrLwoll, A nna H >e Malbsrg, S aS<!Vt!iiUi.Qrttdt.‘-D u d .8 .’i)maii. W lltrcd -I______rga, Donnld Sm ith, Frnnk Olese. 3 SWiilh Grnde — Mnruurci Oergen.' 12 irtle i Mndlund. M onjurut Hilton, Em* I .L '/ ,i£ 'i; ith , • ffiMuKltt.UfcpatUncut:.Orndcs-.MarJorlc ■ifcoll. Mary Snbului .Mm Marie E n :-1 1 fk . Helen Bncbeck. Prnnk Olcss. jJJ «h Sehool-N 'ell K inney. LouI-a- SI. P arle. _

ouuK Man W anted in L Orejton T a k e i^ H d m e ^

W an fed V .X ia ru n d i. Orecon. to aas- ^ -L-r to a tuiri'iiv charge. John W lillmi- r“.11. IB,.WIU. urrtsa-d o l lhe h ;m e .1 ills L.ii.nt.i uc Ml of Filer, yesterday after- ^ wn, and Ls hold hen- nwoltlng lurlher Iinl from Ihi' o rcuon aulharlllcs-UUIIK Williamson Is said to have rc- »lined lt.jiii Orrtton nbout .six wei-lis P10. TIk- arrest wus made by a dep.ity Wlerlff and Fik-r police chief. K


A tuLidemeanor o c t l o n brought I ialnst Adam Honslein by C. O. Fiir- R ) ulicglnK th ru uf hnriie.w, was dls- W U.-<d by Judur C. A, Bailey tollowing L ;'iirlng in probate courl here yl•^lcr* p j ly. The courl ruled th a l new rviilence ixd been pvcsrnliil Ui show tha t Hon* L •cin hnd laken Uie htim ess upon any p lier clnlm lhan th n t o f his u.^'crtcd f* vnerslilp.

jOLEy fan d W indow Gia«s — No |k '

coT C alsow lne-iirbu lte-------------“ —B ru sh F ree B

lew Shades, and Colorcd Oil h Enam*‘ls I ' '

U P • | „Fapcrin{;, K alsom ining nnd W e b u r P a in l nnd M urew p i

nd can save you m oney. “

i’U R E m[>s. LINOLEUAI and LINO- . :UGS fi

md Radios ^ 1ey, Kct oiir nrlcca - .

------------------------------------ — t

►N’S 1_WNlTllE B SE Phone 5 g

^ ^

|E 8 I I W « t e_____ . llbcraUi

'ill Falls, H ighw ay .Dip- < m ir^bo th rji

I'idt A ppeals County Com- j

i i i s s i o i i e i V _ O r d e r On T a x |j“ * '. .— . • 1 Similar

e n y in g W ^ Jg f it o f .th e county to ! , ' dn s ta te ^ T O r vehicle license fuiidi | C h r iH

n be m ade ou t o f ihe couniy tax •nuo. Twin Polls highway dLUrict jx. , appealed to th e d istric t court from order-entered by T u ln PalU couniy v,. “ , imlssioneri September H , tiollec appeal being Illed yeaterday by

'eley nnd Sweeley, attorneys for the Bowles,

1 Uils order-Uie county commission* set forth Uieir deetslon lo refit-w lhe niepMm nwny distric t's dem atid for o dirccl i,a,Tn

levy Uils year sulflc ieni to mLsc 25 and such additional sum os re- = = rtl In n 'n i t i ral agrn t fees on county* road ond _ IgebondsduelnlO SO, I

ie their ref tuuI continuing unlll final All iidlcallon of Uic question raised by Hip b, hlnltway d U lilc t,------------------------- • Orpht

ismiiiiiiuKS i iiimiiFmii!rs'.st4lUzailon of metnl, coimnonly " J o t l cd •■inetalllc fatlKue", Is believed to by e bt-eti the cuur- of o breaking of 'Isntest cnitineHn~th&^ma]gtim3lcd‘ ^

sdny morning. The break caused . oliuillnK down uf thv factor}' to it InMailoilon of pnrl* now on thclr

hcre from Ogden. T he cylinder, un nnd c rw s h e ff ir^ 'ir t ' bfokcti-«nd — r r - Rcncrntor was burned out.

oboilrw aR -tnJurcd.-Parror-thP cm- e.s were laid off until the engine Ls Iv for oucmtlon, which It Is believed t . . . v be wlihln two or ihrci- dnys. bui a *'•'

orlty of the cni]>loye.i ore retained, lager W nrren O . Swendsen tald

pletcd It WRuld be 'lni|Ms.slble for ^ to esiimntc the la v which, how- ^

,.U.not-Brwt^&-*UHar-will-b»-tuii{- reason, of the temporary lialt in -ailoas. he snld. ^

eam and efectrlo botbs, wanum and .TWII I attendant. Ph. Dr. Foster, UO. Ad» ______

■' iJM MI ^ J ^ p t / i C E T p ,


BorsoIn th e a

Young-men-are-now-de Tliese new Borsalinos wil iiats. In sliades of ta n witt tion and trim tiiey a re tlic


r i L M - B H JU L JB L

ry Finds Woman JVot 'O C T v^ l U l U y - o r f l r a v e u n a r { E e ---------h

ijury In district court here ycJlerda? A. D. D im ^^^a. J w ie BllUips no t guilty o f th a t he ' l te o \ relum ing Uie verciict o iic r d ^ raUons extcndlne over nenrly four rr. Only about two hours was re- ' ■cd for prrstntatlon of evidence on ncro,w m n rJdt-s nnd Uip case was subm llted iw l Prld he Jury wilhout nrtjument. fll noon. | n., pMuu i>tfl Clmpmi>n. alli-iltil to have been u ,« t occr Jlvfd with Mrs. nilhips liv th e a l- Uiepollc< Kl offMW. 1; hi ld 10 answer to n iic a w p: ila r clwtKe.' na tion -n

__________ —— Hcnriicd 0

r i s t ia n .s F o rm IVIcn’s [J® irlnf

------- - - - init. Clo!orly men enroll-'d In ih i' Men'r, levcaUni UierhoDd oi lhe Christlun church bccmnvc• lust nl*lit foUnM'lni! u waffle and •age bnntplpt oived by n rommiitcpnen under the riintiflKemcnt of-C. P, g.•les, W. S, l’.irlsh was clccu-d prcsl* t o f the new oritnnlznilon. Tlicrc bc other Q:ncfT^ eicctcd n t nnother

illnu ta bc calW sc in . w hen organ* ion will be ix'rrr:ti-d. Dear F

- ■■_____________■== : : = Tlifr"i Ing a t

DON^T F O R G E T |^ id iK

All lhe sBiit mis from “Rlo U lti-, p b lf show Ihal'* playinc a l the f „ ,„ •phttim on « flvp iliy«-run. r«i»-t>«.. — B fn fo id on VICTOR RECORDS. You a„pn,i , n keep forever Uie c h a rm ln r voice the beautiful star, far Rebe Oan* ],|c,, (.](

Is Is a Victor artist. Slop In and j,f rt),|, a r

Sw eetheart We Need Ench ; you^" O tlicr" can do

k'ou’rc Always In My A rm s” ihai ik »y Hen Pollack’.s O rcliostra

______ NiL-2ilftJ________ __

• 'If You’re in I,ovc Y ou'll “! * W’ull/.’* name. 1

llebc Daniels

• ••lU oK lta"“The K inknjon" r . f

• N at Schilkrct’s O rch eslrn

’Nq. 20171................... ..... ...........' ^ ----------------------M.W


j T M T M T ;~ P T M ^ ^ L W W .


ast Arrived^

alim HaNew Sm all Sh

ri— I '■

demandlng-amaHer4)rims^H ivill illustrate th e seasons 1 itil all of tiie Borsalino featu ;hc;lastword in finelieadgea

i W O R L D C A N M A K E A a

B o m L m o ^ ■

E ! E 3 E ' 3 1 E H D H d | 3 |

O w n e r D j i i l B r P u r t ,—

~ l i r C g l l l 8 | » i t O i l l l r i ilii t

D. Oiltlon. Twin Palis. .Js.quite sure he was no t''th e 'd fiv c r of the car crashed Into a horse ridden by

ird St. John on th e highway bridge n Rock Creek wcsl of Twin PalU Friday cveninR, and he U a lnost isltlve (lint h i t c a r had no port in occurronce, 81. Jo h n reportfd lo ollce Uu^ the orrendlng cor corrled m plAle num ber Issued to Qntton. in -mid yesterday th a t he had td of the 'Dccuranee f ln t when he tliU usMrtlon In a newspaper story, inilghlway corricd lo th^ officers

' all Sunday uftenioon and even*Close inspection of hla cor, he said.Is noanarks lo Indicate I h it it lu d ' invoiced In any comi>ion.

Scotciiman Not Engaged

\r Ftlcnils;

l if re wa.1 a m nn In here Icok- 01 engoBcment rings yesterday.

■ni’« T ic Tmg-Scoteh-becauM-lia------------a h r didn't wont lo buy ono Jasi

tio ||»1 wnnted «o pet prlcfi on_______■m bofcrc he w ent too far.

■rom the look on Jil* fnce n.s hei f o u f 1‘Suess he 's soIiir to go-----------■nd nnd <lo ll. Anyway Mr. Uni* • iltli showed him some mighty • - I- clear blue-whlte diamonds and ^ didn't faint n t the price. J

hrrc'f. one th ing aboul bujltii; r engagement rinn hcre: you , do 11 wlUi pcrfec t confidenceI no one ,wlll ktiow your secrctII you are reatly lo have ll iwn. T hat's one th ing the bass inrd boiled about.

if'courM- rio ld " y i)U ’nbodTuiLi -------^11. but I wotildn'l lell you liLs nc. Not for worldsi

ejUile.s hc isn't e iica g cd -yet. . . ;______

r . .s. Oh, yes, 1 a lm ost forsnt-he bok* says th e -reduced .— --------rices un Uruiuwiek Radio > lakr it a be tter value than ' >«r-bc(orp. H e «ay*,-i'Phon«- ,l*W for demonstration.


Bl ill i s n a n g r ' ^

a ' iTm n

ats__Lhape ^

' •• E


K—yU ' ......... I '

r e I

V W ; : ~ --

I r ^■ I

w i t h a ^ l i g h t c u r i r - s —

9 final w o r d in ® tures of construc- - 1 — :ear. ^

■ S '

■ ' _____ ..........: i


; v ; : - . ' ‘ i s

Page 7:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

■ ' ' > j 1 * ....... • * '


liUllDiPUi^. . ________ ___ ' ' c . >

O u t l o o k So E n c o u rag in g "?mcl

Generally T hat BoHkevs

Declare Prospects B rig h t "J

For Low er-Interest R ates J"t •* COl'

■ ' bnnB r JAMIES L. WEfiT a .

. (AMOClated Preas S t tf f W rllcr)W A S H IN G T O N . N o v . 19 - \o^

P re r t ld o n t H o o v e r ’s b u s i n i> m s ' — p r o jr rc H « '« o n fe r e n c w - K o t- m iu lo r - l^

w n y to t la y i?i n n n tn io s p h e r c o f — v j i t lm la n r T v m c l r R T x p c c tv t t

KO u lo n p w n y lo w n rd ro tn n v in K vm___ H U,H -lipn.uiyM .ijW i(aiicy

in t h e in d ii .s tH a l u m i c o m m erc l& l . f ie ld s a s u s u a l ly u r t‘ n i n n i f e s t l i t

n f l c r a co llnD se o f p r ic e s in th e s to c k m n rk o t.

RalU ny rxccutlvc.t who uathcrcd a t tlir Wlillc 1!ouR<* In tlio forenoon, tiavc auurancK ol cooperation In (hc muln* tenjiice of emplojTneia by proceedliw j ttlth lull pro«ranis of coiwtnictlon imd nei betlenncnu . while members of tlu ; u t ^ %;r vlwrj- council of the fetlernl xeservu clo; boertl repo rltd In tlte a tternoon th a l in u iu incu a n j bankliiB In cach o i fhe u,g 12 dijilricM over tJw w iu jtry were Jii ^cund co'ndltlon. non

Outlook E dconra jln f nifi-------- SO'cneouraBlng U ih e o u tlo o t* e n ern l- —^

i r u i t i l U ie 'bankcrs sa ld-lhe prospects ucrc, tha t mooej- «ould be ovallable a i ^

------ICTT- n r n f c Uf Ititei ent tu keep m oving-the wliMlii of Industrj- and commerce. ‘rV, Thi* w u IntCTprrted-ttrm een-tlw t-thfr ^ ‘ council ralgUl recommend to the federal ‘

' rwer^e banka a lowerliii; of the redln- ‘■| —.-counU rftttirom -iho-prcw nt-S -per-cen t

rate to perhaps <'•; per cent now In clfect In the New yorlc federal rew rvedistrict. ________________________ ^Thi* of ItMlf »xnild sUmdlate b w l- uii

ne.«. in thc Judgment ol federal olflclals. no and would loaierlally o«L»l In th e ear- enl rylng forward o: the program which Uie fui president had In mind w hen he decided \ to Humnion tb W ashington thc hend* o( alil

------Industrlalrcom m tatlnl-nna-BBrlcaitunil «5KI0UP.S In an effort to prevent th e lUow* on Ing up of business generally becuuxe al wo any psi-ohologlcal effect the sto it: m ar- ptl


~ r.7in the



. ro»9»,Lm aTT*M ra»Ttt»Aoa>O o.

weMnt pnwrmm of consirucllon and . jfdermentA. which durln* the iirxt Mx ‘ Tionlh.1 will RX:ced t h o « or ic.i- rarrc. rpondlnj period of la*t year, the railnay ihlefs said they would eaiiva-', ili- fiUti.Itlon as to fiirtliS^ |iv.'il)lli;ic‘. m lan'Jon. .

MtH Wllh n»ar,IM eHlni wllll llie udvi.,ory o.ihuil i.i

Lbe lederiil re ^ rx f board wiri InrlM Mellon and lam u iil, l}.)Vrrii„r Roy A. Young und C. E. Ilumiju umi u,C. Miller o( the bojrd. Ulld J:iiiiHV. I-,lir,

Ooveriior Young 1n'Ijc« IM ' ment:

"At a mecllni! bf Uie f.Kli i-.iil a;ni.,itv coimcll. the memberr. of wlile.xJi nn r .'.Mnt thv Vi frdsrat resi-rve bunkum dWrletr. In Uie Unlled 8iatc%. wi;h ui- preilCenl, ihejieiier.ij busliiiH.i >Hiia;iua was revJfirrd. w jd 'ea tli mcmb<r oi t)u- council reported tliat bu.ilne.u aim bBiiklnx througlioiit liLs d lstriri nrr tn X sound cgntllllon and tlu- iir.sivvu ften- th a t moi:t>v u lll be avalltiblc ni lottvr rute.s."' llfc au v of tiie luncru! nf IVrii'int-v JaiHw W .-O ood 'n t tho Wiilic Hi.'.i,. lClllor ()*.•l^4 .<^•^slyl> tif irpuM 'lllM llV.( of the indiLsUlal «eld lu x h>;-u |.-m. pened uii;il.Tlilin!day ni:.iiiiny.. hi>i;1'i wos an oi*-n tini.' cn llu ' cxw uuvi’ ciiu c whfiJuJp /o r lljf cottrerejjri'->. I HI


lXSflNL|EiS[llflSOBURLEY. Nov. 10 (SiJeclal lo Tlu-^ I

Newsi—Jlepalr and rehiforeemcnl work bn’tlie.JackKOU Lnke reservoir li:u betn ! closed down for ^lie season. ncrordiiiK

Ington. wllb li'ai felur'nwi iroiiTirTCIU tm iiea h1{(] JoM])h Mflrkhunt, Jnek- son retervulr *u|>orintendent, wlium lie met a l Pocatello. - * . . p-tiupcrln lendent OarlliuttoiL.&u’ iluL L___tlic.£unin«r's_work was ilevot«-d to jl ic • f| emplacemeiil of m aulve rock bcluw llip siilllwny. dUtrlbiiUoii o t loo>crock on the __ tOL* ot Ihc embankment, bniidini: ut uii- dlllguiU.t}oom.smic£UQnJiiJi:onLuLltitL diim,and concretc surfacing of the rock IcdKc Just below thc sm ictnrc. Much I-ou-i nil<IlilonnLninl<riBLM5_DliQJ»lft'«Lon ^ tu)i of the embankment. AlarK oquon- Uiy ot drift wood accumulation was a l­so assembled and burned.__AlUuHif(h-Uio-Mnbankmcnl-U soine*whal Increased In height. Uierc will be J*’" ' no Increaje Iti Ihe height of Ihe pres- ' ent water level of the 'reservo ir when full. - • »

W eather conditions have beeu favor- able for th e w . oneruUons durlnit thc season. No~f[inF erw riri?n r t ^ rni-d- M nr on unlll next sprlnK. i^nd the nature and La Kope o t next season’* work v;a^ discnsj. eran rd by Superintendent Darllnfttou ond CloviMl- Miirtfhmn nl thn iWiii.Ol.i .•niitpr. iifUrence, Mi

e staTnSs

'A I L Y N E W S - T W I N F A l i

F irst A l l - W o i

m y ' / N

W •. / . n . »

_____ \

T llR S IC 12 W O M I’N* ( ’n M P O ^ K D t l i....... c fti ir l ; riii-y i ij ip ra rc tl tn -llu* D ir

:t lU 'Krn c lu irifH i w i lh n s sn ii lt w

iif liiRILSMIlOfflfi

i 'o u n g Pco))lc’s G roup P re-

.. p a r in j r . to P re se n t.. Pi:or ut o

~ ( l u c t i H - H 3 S ^ " ^ l h o u y [ _>«•and

____________ • -------- ----------------------- MroCLOVER. Nov. 19-T lic Young P » -

i»le^-#oclct>^Hhe-=rrlnlty-eliuroU-l»r«^IS preparliiR to iin-sent the comedy M -Sucll a Oirl." In Trinity schoolhouse doy 3n-November-S8-and-M^TIi»-proHram U lk ii'lll alM> Includc m uslc-num bcn. . Ply:

Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter M atihleKn ex* h Oj g o n , . ie o j

rhurK flnyto 'spend 'sevcrol weeks visit*' lug relative* and friends. Their son. Marvin, a stujlent u t Concordia college. “ Bortland. will vlsll them a t Sherwood, Jd j Durln*; thc ir absence, thclryouiigfst son. Mrs Orval. will stay w llh IiIa Kmudmotlipr, I)®*"*M nr-a rK ostcr------------- -------- :------------ r «

Ladles- Aid society of Tw in Palls Lutli- tran church will enterta in members of Clover Trinity Ladles’ Aid on Thursday TJ

kjr. Olid Mre. AlUri Meycrhort lefi 1 hor!

f e

^ S U C H - P O P U y

. I • .


^aman Jury In'Washii>gton (

----- J»»>wl/tl

th o f i r s t all-woiiiaii ju ry cviir chosen D is tr ic t of-Ouliiinltiii Hiii)nnne-f«)Hrt t<i [ williM i «lnnKi-r.iii-i wcainin.

Ill a tr ip to ;»iillii’Hi u'.iiifunua on Sun- n il f'‘•y------- bllLr

MK.-! O erlrude l.iciiiKin:i li:v. ivtiim ed _ trom Tw in Polls I'ouiiiy lu’iiorul hos- . • I liltul an d IH u t trt* honu' di her la ther. ' I Carl Liermann, Mi«s KsUur W ernrr ‘Ls us,sltillng litciirliiK i<ir MLst Liermann- •M w r T <HMtmMM|.'t^ 'i'e -lHmom Hit-

n hill 111 Ise porty'OttijitiTtisTTMrsrKhten^ TTfnry Jer'« W rthday nnnin w iry, by u «rouj» ,.iah t a Jt friend*, Thc woniHi M 'rm l'rilnncr drlcldei lit 0:30 P . M. aucal.s ftiTi* Mr. und Mrn. pj„b Uj JensJ/BAiejit.M«l.njiii Mr.s. W. K. Bochi_i jueclla ke.-- M r.-and-M ra.- Hiidoli -Martciw, M r; i n j „(» iird -M ri.-H e tb cn 'U irm tiim rM rra in l Mro. H enry JasjH-r. Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,

Mr. and Mrs. L.'A, Scbrocder on Sun- lary-tr Joy took Bev.' W, k. p ann n iti'ld t to e r: Delilkt-ulicre-he.boutdcd-uaruUi-fac-New.__W .vmo6li.„ p rm iil

H . C .B clnke ntieiidi-d,Iho. meeting Ot *Wp.imff fnrTn fou r ari

ieRtfiiiwntnx'nvpnxTTwprir----------- p M * ''M r. and Mr^. Loui< SIryrr en terta in ­

ed p t dliw er on Qiuidny tor Mr. and Mnrcfli Mrs. W. J . Dlerkes, Mr. and Mrs. Er- nei.t Rclnkc. Mr. aiid Mn. W. P. Bbehl- kc_M r.-and.M ni^m lulL J^lB iiiena.nnd _ u v iw Mr. and Mrs. P. Maiihiesen.

------------------------ n in th IT lie Centrolla. lliinols. cliy coiuicil, wan In

horses, hak no span- ihu: can ^ used. 8ITB1

_ _

, ,

JL XL A R IT Y ^M U «T -B E -


m C o u r t I

^ M l iIhl'

wioiiif m «

s e n f o r i l i i ty in a \Vii.-<hiiirtoii 1 t t<» i'<ilH»l»-r-*‘vi»l <*I1C*‘ liK llinst nun tn

i .- s ih a,_______________ Oecni:


:_____ ■ Iho c,

RUPERT, r !° J

f m y -0 in t-T ra tr ii? n r in !! i- -n iu r:n n rjh t lit Che coHrtJioH.ip in IJ<ir>eK « tins 1elded to continue the merthms of tho '^^cnin lb ih rough .ih t'.K in tcr scaaon. holding :cU nga-oii..U ic_llrfii.Siilurday.cvcn-j o fJJie lno iitlk ._______ • ■ ■ ,Election of officers for Ihe ensuing the Mr

cha'icn'^'lircsldenlV^ CunnlriK-

ry-trcttsurer:*'flcli*‘n * '^ ^ m ! * r w » * run~iu ; .Dean B roadhrud. yell Iciiler. ' . Ther^wcr«“ 13-membor«-oMlio.elub esent. th a t being tho entire member* irlaiis Ip. Olub Leader Paul M. RoKers. inaiioi J r adult j- l^ to rs nnd three voiinit iieo- Mnmne‘7#lw -«m ndod---------------------- --------- cdJjyJ

-------------------------- the laiMBS. JACK SMITH u tte r t

ircellng a t 1231! Olh .ive Ea.-!t. Phone Mr. M l. Bdv 0 PjiW 0

--------------------------/ jlpv.SylvesterPininlt-erOlnoyT-lllliuiUorliaii drtwe< i!d suit lor tt hut he exi>ecu »lll be hLs pnptls lUi divorcr. Phnnlee's first divorce a t Ihe ,N in 1000, __________ Mrs.

9UBS0RIBE FO R T I(E t iS m ' J .‘ H.

-v • .•'

^ .... in a

,C., •...............t c n s c f i t

f i f e .................................................c h c c n , “ j..............................................w ays a t

................o t C h c .


E P E g E RrV EO —

^ :— 'W '\

yiBiiliiiMS l i HOMECililllS

__________________ ___ ..N IT JJ-------- iiavc n '

•V. ( ' . .1 .' D enney W ill De- ”

livi-r S erm ons

■Ir e v - ln - 'W e U ' i: n a - l ' i iy | Sg<a)_____ ■ Method

iiU lIl,. Nov. 10 — Nc’.t Kiinaay ha.; i i n j i - Nil lll•^l^lmllcd as llomrcomiiiK iluy in I' CI'.i'MUiii church und atl'jndaneo <i(I hu^ l>f?n l4‘t IIS Ihe ijoiil lur Hun- V M-htwl. u llll rcKlslratliHi ot 400 per- I . for eliiifch ser\’lrei. T h r tlirm e nf , ^ ■v, Cllrix J . Bemiey'.'i nioriiliin .wr- f n; will lw -W hen Ooil Says Hush" " ■ailnx i-p|iKlon uh reveronco tor llfe, i|ilift<i/ln:! nppreelailon, wiirslilii nnd .inanliT. "T he men's g iiarirttc will " " ' i ii: :ii Iho mornliiK M'rvlocs. Thc eve- '" ili iig-£,ivUi4*-b#tilmilnn-ul-7:30-aaJU)tt iliruieil to thc aiiiuial relebrution ot

iiirriililiidc. AlhicMii <i| the md." Mrs- iii'nni'y will Mn,; wvcriil nlt-nl n um benrR evrH cnncrannm inc- lh a l boKliuiliiK Iho f ln t ’rui-«lny In Mrs, tcnibor llir church will revive Uie inhio. c .tom .ot regular cliurch night* when Hnlley: torts will bc heard from ull depart* oil;) und jitans tor n itu re work of th e Poull nrch tlL'u;uMod. Social h o u n will fdl- . . . k- Iho services. M i lUrs. Riiy Blsliop wa.s ho.tteiw to 'h e r nday ^ellool cla.vs of- Jimlor »irls o t RUPi

Chrlsllan church Sulurdny a tte r - N c*si- 011, . JohnW

•_und J.Uii-ii^V..Jo»’caJjuecovcrin ft AgeiitJ im jialnfnl injurlc* rccclvcd Sunday •ning wlien. returning home from irch w ith un ll-year-old Klsier. Hc O n c h knocket^ Iff th s pavement by a light Monigo ipe- d rlw n’ br*tff0T 0iing m en 'from ’ hiirfOT ln-?nlLs.-'Aa the-cldld-wus croaalt^? Mreet belween tho clly hall nnd the

iiM'd to iw m it passing o t a cur com -' (;]! from ■n n r oinHaite- mrcciiuii - untt ---------I directly Into Ihe pa th of thc TwinIU cnr. Ke was struck above Uic lc fl _____'-with lliefeiiderom l nttendiiiK-pli>'(«- ---------HLS o t l in t feared n fracture. Bxnm- iiion la ier revealed only u deep gosh.

by .\tr. ond Mrs. J o ^ g j l m u t t i m i n l ______• lad’s assisted in ' ^ r y wiiy tm sib le e r the uccldeiil,.fr. and Mra, Claud Bybee are par-Jl of n<Min, born No\’embcr li .lev. 3. W. Wakem, Twin Falls, od- -nw «W he-brolh«rho<}U -^f-U K i-Buhl ---------ptls t church following a d inner served , , , th e church Monday evening..frs. Jam es I^nce wxs Iiokic-hs to P . E. «

H . M urphy gave an liuplrlnu' paper 1

a c i g a r e t t (

’ A S T E

^ R -lS P -a im iro n -a ir ,- ilm th rilline jfiess of th e kick-olT; th e -ro a r-o l :rs, th c hard-fought b a ttle— anil al*

5 a t h am e m tclicsterficid .p c t h in k wc m ay .fa irly c la im foi stcrfic ld thc m ost steadfast a rm y ol k e t^ any cigarcttc ever h a il— anti th e soundest of reasons,: unvatyinf ct6^uah*ty7niildrics8 balaficed •acter,- an “ extra -s o m e th in g ” «l n a a n d good m ste— •

^STE a6ove evertfthing"


3ER20.1929— ■

JL A '.'j^

women of th e W m te House." U g U ^shmenu were scdved a l th e close <.Me evening. . •r. and Mrs. E. J . Dallley jin d son n.-have~relilrtred--n»—Buhl ttttep — idlng bomecomltm week a t the Uol« iiy of Idaiio. ' — J sJS>.A.-.W ollt«.oiul_dftiwhter'A nn* c m u rn ed home frnm floUe wher® . s w allter wo-t u pa tien t In u JJoIsa - filial for two ^’ceks.Irs; Charles D. Fletehcr le ft Tuesday am n e tt lo u tiend scmIoiis o t the .

hodist EplscoiMiI cimrch.

liley W oman E n te rta in s - \ t D inner F o r D augh ter

AILEY. Nov. 19 *- Mr*. W. A. Brod* d gnve a blrthdny dinner In hon- ^f h rr little diiugiiter, Ja n e PhyUli,J.M' olfventh blrthdny annlvftrsanr i Thursday. Pltieen girls tiuendetL * Tnncrs Cu^inliigham was lio s ten to mall t:roup of friends Friday even- , T hrw iflblcs ot ^'•Idgc were

V Mario Sm ith und Mrs. John P ovbt iorc<l lo Twtn ^SiTls Wodnesduy. vy rcnlainr^l In KImborly to visit hermiller. Kathlecxi.ttn-cv________________Irs. S. A. Rutherford of th e Mascot ,0. cntcria lnn l u few frlcndN trom - ley at a bridge dinner Friday.

u ltry K xperl Inspects rtinidoka County Turkeyfl

iUPERT, Nov: 10 iSijeclal to Tho I'si — A uU tuni Poultry S|)oclallst . m Montgoin*o% sp d u Mondny In RU*

lilt Buford E, K uhns. vioitlnK turkoy . . fit* of Minid6t(n~cbunly. th a t "ffioTTp ^ redlted.>n CQmptetlng Ihc work bere. Mr,niRomery le tl by au to Monday-even*-------for-Jerome.— ----------------------------------

G IV E P H O T O S T H I S ^ T H T S T E T n ? S t "

- p - | : O ueM ii «

20 S H O P P I N G D A Y S &--------------L E F T ----------- “ m ___F L O W E R F O T O S H O P ^ ; ‘Say i t W i lh F ln w e r 'a i f r

--------------- — ' - - - - S —

e i t s

l l .ink— L-. J T S — i- o f - - . .. ...........

a l - .


fo r . ^ •. . ■

S ? . . . • ~ V V

y - l i i

Page 8:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

C £3* 'nHir‘.''.'r“.rr.T,i7r~.'Thr»« MonUit ...... —......On* M onili_______----------

p f l tn»!Ii w e. IBII. *t U l pmiotnc* tt

J(U)io, tinder Ui« u t of Mirctl‘i »vtry 'w(jfom« e«e

Twin Twin.PaJU couruy. ( T*m M U Non puBimnini o

■^'M tM D iiTdr a m 'ocTatkT7i» AiW imnl IWM !■ M

Ol -UUixl lo til* UM for BuUle»tl0

■ - & - S S S W H -Ml ll piihllrtfton or tpecM m*i»p irc • |;e ___ovrr '(^)'in'»!U AmocI*im S m , . liroHFrbli 0 Uurfikii of Clrciil»it,on«, Jrom '

* •) Jom»iioti ta 10 tirculiilon tn»:m idr UDon *rt>>lc*tion. D«uur<ttlojM ■uppiiM lotiliy upona.H''n( ' “ no m fituiuriuriruM xm m inrt.«< «f w>Mllfll«J m»mi«crlpu. pti

- lin il-— eilitr tontfllnilrtl inMtrf. Arl IW tor»tloi. .houia nol

of <if hvjrirt'M fivrrli <n lrn((h «n Flj oonJinwl lo topic* of current

„ _ ,r, Urr^i A)ionjmou» eommui thw* »ti«rtins or de»im« in

I'* Ti'IH 111 No nt>rJ.\r..v ... *>• muniMl unlCM MnjinplBrc

“ f l ® -------- — ■M-Jlll NATJONAU nCMlEHENT/

. .M JS il ___ pnVDDZN. ItlHO ANO FfllO lr l : Tork. Chle»|(»r8»a mnci»eo. VflJI-JNi)rtt| ZZZ^ZS.'.'TZI: ------ : =


Ifi.-.,, There (s lio occasloti forii<>t -I the propfy-ittion to atop tleUvt l ‘ui‘ » tiircUKli Twin FisnirCTnnJ-Kri

K i r '(idlrei ' ^hi.mi.j no tnduMQ' «11l lw nmdc to lon, l)j gnrtllcw oi ilic dcctslOTTTtr

3 ^ c » r tt5 rT w ln -fn l!a Oaiim • otJwr: etoeklioldere In Uielr vot« o . .m a k e iw lllon a t Uielr annusl mi

-------Ulw Vftnuorj-_________— 9V »'» p f flaon Mill |g the baal.t fo

liirf*°< ■ anil Ihc rule of reason wifl ( p w t j ’thJ* m alH r.— — '—Z

— H*mU-----------xvtUi Umi nn irlc jU h»M tmgenernlly undcr.itoo<l, Ihe v

_____ l^r a <};ap.i.wlonatc MiUy elclubs, I dellvcO 'n>roblrm -anejt ln j jiroblcm tlm t calls (or lolut

rnii»« » . . .

M « D •’« 0“ ‘I'**** derinlte tlift fft Tfifre « JW occAjJon /« • i*ns |i •. the question shoulrt bc prcser

________tim e,- Tlicre seems to be n sr^ / o h 'U jal’ }8rjc~rc3n!7m}«

Alon perm anent welfn. J region arc largely dependent

■me lo sueccufiit u-cr^idg AUI 01 tn peace i t lha i bc ao, theu the w oncr cUinm the |« i.e r.

and *it dJscUss^on oJ■slwu.'d ^ accclcrnte the mo

' fhoiild ^ w d better (ourcca ol wawhich I • m tlte early rtays of this rci

- - Blrew of gc ttlnB -ft*cbold Injcalow everj'cne made hlm selt sntanplletj *inftcr'«ui>ply m o t tie dippm

.in wan nnopendiiclt. P ioneers 'cK o■ lii’ i’ i i J h c lr rewards In a materia: — •• f nc of th e ' flrni. tlilng.n th

loi^ei ailcnil'on w ui Improveinen- • d u r t im l - ' . . auppllcs; DrllllnBo(

ran/rt 1 clsterni began and were tmen. i un/il-enfcnioMpnU)' in t i npie 0(1 . Xarm Uial depends on nn opcUl leaj its houEcliold «-nter snpply IspractW The to a w hnve m adr Mr" I» li In this direction. Ijut they areof ihN torm s.. l l will d^ n i s ' and Jt may do a g rea t deal o t iwas B I, , w me serlotis constderatlon v

H arriet '" ® « «JcpcMdab]e(0 cond f itte r supply Is lu line w ith Itl Jhe j velopment.

' to B e« ' I If


_ ■ Scclnllsts a re no_loiyicr rciP f l n i •“ A rho 'D os

"Jli,111 w r l tln r ln Uw New York Wt WUUV U, ven- few o t them adhere

0— M ant doclrhifft. Tl»ey nro bu t i i w ith 0 pcrsU tetit teiKlcncj

. less 60.J Burope 1.V full o f (wMiJraJ |)j

— lU ctU ei_____ lns_lliP_w,or4 S c c U l ia j t i U. .. CQ'jncU .. . liU lc Crcclio.Slovaiclrt ha^ •■'a

S u r l ”r • ' ocraf " «” dn e lh o i . “ ■'Sl c t w hlrii b m. mnn (ienl, «j Vsoclulbth thnn our own Amc

„ 'entUon cl t.alKir, njKi the nitirtftTW onc' oJ Ut

— therc.41——~SW lt'»l^«"clil»lor>;.l):irllca^• Swifcc.i' Protice oHcl bm iM iiy hare

c ? " ' « « ' s«l’l>*v Ol parUc.'s maWnj'! Boclallst namo. b u t (hey rai

A c c d ^ conan 'B tli. “ . . miid radlcaLv Even In Hui;

] clallsis were driven ou t bc(:-------- prlacljilc.-. were so cofiMn-atl

• t i r ^ S l ' ' e ilv illh lh o jc o tth c P ro le ta r l Itm > J " mem, T he OommunUU ca

CirZlUliK' LuululUis hi tiie ci curred J or Uto tonn,

■ w " ad3 ■ ‘ iHtercfiltnu tliat h nft o / r ta i ■_______^ a d e d by tlio conscrvail

r . JiJMteW -w ffiuiansve luiiiu iu iwiu wequally].......... and so n ttlc o( i\a orlulnal ir

' ^ 1 labels chanijert a# frenii«n(ty . nnu am iudcr.. "S M U lU f ti•y HUou t t r -.----- t i f a i hfm rrt.nm lent tbcc i

' n t to m c r ' ne«r la tw bnuh :re i(

.:.:.Tbc.:liiccm e. ta x .b ffg i^ O ;V .'*

•--;.;ii'»iWaU .8 tfcc t. wrttor te lli

j B f f i ® g B f e & ^ ^ d ^ u j U c 8 w orth b'ii

___ - - - -

■ B rWIN FAUS DAIL1________

ilLY NEWS » '» m w^KflSriruSTS___ _ buying o re r » period « ( Uire«y y ________ h<d i p tp w pro<» of m *

: ■lT.Tr;'::«S » h y he d idn 't sell and rcalUe — - - " r r r j : * He «pH «d th«» /edcr»i t « « Mil mattfr. A»rU h l |h . He'wdUld c a t ir th \^

th em o ft gndualb-. « «

liy, Idaho, by Utt Tlie f ln l thInS he knew, out., HO lost not only Hls pn

c tp lw ;.'•M iiuittiy en* T h a t tragedy, ot cuume, cc

S f n o i^ o f h e ^ »“ V0 been foreseen, n u t t rf atM m e Kmi hove been mativ m»M!or» hSir a ~ ' M i i t e i in iw i; . » i»w i . i » ~ «.

ber* of people In nil kinds <n ._____ _____ wflo nre Influeiteeil, In the*r^ot U>e AijdJi by the same Ircaclterous reaiw

tn » y ^ b * » iilr tKl inform»tioa profit bccause Uifv II have to

a la s cn It.''pfio'S»r‘rp*h?5? ft'fellow Ims lo payAriiclrtjiibmlt* he c an usually ntforrt It. Ot "•na "htfiiJd ^ heavy tax paid out of «i ht m u u iS t i^ '2 ; than no lax nl all bccnusc th

iH tra-B jniflw *'---------— r- ----------

'JT A T Iv ii'^ '" '

S'g?a„K A New Yor = = = at Largei n o N


llvefy o t water r — i . . . - i ■■KTKtrmluHfil -N E W -¥O R K 7-N ov> 4 iJiia .

days ot '■Bou” M urphy there stranded and 0^ bnecdolex to Indleutc ■ K^rf r r ‘ Tammany lU ll kopl

iiial-c.ompaaj'.'t .wUh the d ls trlc tT ea?er''^^o J 01. Oils pro . fo fitlfverJtB ^m es-ftJT T sim

m eeunj next night and th e ct_ _ . th e reW m a »ho«ed th a t Tam for most latv, polled, tn the precincts only

r i{ r 5 m a ]H ir Jh*-dl»tnctJtiKler_cam « Into u u _ p re \u i ,in chief a n d ^ l t r p i

Ituatlon pretty ” ”A \o l^ ^ u know aboUl yoUl Is cleiir 'h r w t t - R r td .— W hat-obouH

or the wlnlera « n .explain,'- th e <«.<{r

*®n‘»~i*'-*^-“*~nn(w eredri'O ne l countfid-on lutlon In the of a firem an who wa.i fiehttnf LfrtHiUllc ln » l<^y “ '''1 didn’t net to the i

i l t e l ^ * '" ' / j ^ * ^ h 'J m t t d ” t ? S - 'e " t e 'e nM- Tegrfi U iat recen t year*, bu t a fte r the sented n t this e>«tlon of a Tuesday nRo a yt

J leuienant who had promJ.v sroAtnit con- i^jnwiclc h:

:}«-»iK }-jw r-;T8m m affy-H «ll-w H h-JJ«ht~. Ifarc ut th is oaiue tho district hnd netuall: lent upon thc ^*®® f®'’ WaHcer.

____ ... .J H e waa (treeled w ith a seo- r n a ^ j C T ^ic r It U solved T am m any told him dourly,

who couldn’t gtioM w ith in 1! I 'o f th tf iMue *■“ ot

eouldtri have go tten 1 m o\em ent t ^ ^oor of Tam many H ali.”

In a nctv lattd. g a ,ten teaeber a t. O re a t V sntislled wllh Long Island capital o t 'cour ped up otit-of -toJd h e r j'ounssters th a t then K o ru broughtrial way. n n d , ..^nd what." she naked Uicth n t ewimctj-istectlott d B y r — ’---------------

icn t ol w ateri "I—know}— chlrnjpo<l—om j a n d bulldlnc^"^'-'* * h e n everybO(ly blowa 1

votes to r H oover.",......_ . . .•e carried for* • ______jin i nff'*'’ , t i \ ‘i __*)F PTno i» » < m c i,i .t .J , , , ,f Is quite rnrc, mammas tried th e revoluUoi Mme progre.Vi ln«l »a.son, of hav ing danci .re sllll behind 3 A. M. Not a ll of Uie hops I rift ii«m, cJiirtf*! a*' lha t hour, b u t Ihe Id o n o h .™ ,o l io o f l l o s to t y , «her(«» In olhn to th is con- they had conUnucd un lll 0 » M l i ob- lli;Mii<TOlns, . . , . >ir n.,ri >'*'>'■ Jim lo r Lci•le niid better mothens « rc (tolngIth lojlcAl de- Ihelr etforia lo ge t people u

from parties before dayti dauRhtev d^nr dauRhier co

S S 9 w ith m e nov . . .O ne o t the m atnm aa coiiti

th e Lonit Island act had suircallv Sodnl-

W T™ i- i? *‘®P ‘' “‘•f* "30.«h-Flcurot7 n lgh rB m -sW rw nrT tem -and W orld.—T h n t ~ L told.Uie_i>rsheAlra leadei rc lo th e true «<

MHiP * weakened a l the liOmoilly n a i cncytobecom c mijrtclana^playedjH om e. 8wi

nt, 3 o'clock'ah3 MniV of th' J |)BrtJc« bear- W >«*■ them dam

11,>u ifu se r. bu t I ahou'cd I mem . ‘"'I’':*- Mill, and ihe n n i day tho^ i-Boclnl Dem - nil' fi\ld"lo m e " th c y were-f;l tallM"-parlies, done lt,“ ' mre ceiuilncly W hich IndleoUfl .h e Merlin

Inning to tar no . and u imcrlpan FcS- rxnmple tor naughty nlghi ( hc w « ird f f _________________

:a_lu Burtiw. ____ 2',Tc raci» a jib T “ ^ T d n S d 'i rB ’mtodemMTw?-Jng tltc b t Ihe of burolha t» o HackK ot hayranse a ll th e D- H, Beua and Edw in t>amma t n « to v c rr M*»>- Allcp (arm ttorUiea&l e f '

th ' 2 7 StftBtnbCT 4. c a re t Bakertuisla the So- pleaded BUlliv ptbecause th e ir m enl In probate court. Berativc com par- ho i been e n tered .'cn the cuuta rlilT lovem . T h# « c u ^ . i o n n g men liadr r « » « .n r« .t flultted trftcfl brwifcfjt io trl.ccme nearest „ ^hWKo cf i

r-tHd-we«fUn«- bT outJiH nafnit fh rm fn’-P;>

nftnie cncc »o ' Florida t w « cypres.5 tree r, „ „ „ w“ «l b aboul 3000 yea !! 1UU» Um J redwoods ot i

Im ea n ln j. II . '" . '. . .V . " ' tty ea opinloiu i ^ i i m i ■ .'■ i ■ ' mii. im

’ P.G.VIEHW I■■ v :

AtUla. L libU n B S b a V u n U ^ - l a i l

slla M i ,N e * . ■• - a M n a to w l Auwint- V inee Phono'470 Bc l P li w n t - c f * ^ -^m JC nd-A ffc-W eat m lbo m arke t . .t v w P A L tS . IDAS

C T A l X ^ l J A l L r C T I T O i

hem ’by 'cirtlM lh re e y e f tn .,H «

SS-BOaalAnre were too ^

u i y ^ ^ D d , p r b v e n t in o r i« e r * period By MRB. AONfcS I.

f down. F rar el th h i^ other than!W, ho waa sold » « "rttiMljf. dahtennw i* . hl.i hi. emoifon. in cdueatlitt otn s profit but hU ^ ^ ,

Sroir up p e c M ^ onl/ of i e, could hardly are uaeful (or th«» phjWea t there mu»t The prevefitlon of Tear ll rx iB ihf ttinf ^^e e«ampla «( our own att * " the ikUlfujney ^ ta which

Ids o f b u ttn e n T h e peren t who eiihlblU ihcJr dfftJirea. « » » « « f barking dogs or

tiuisn of a big parocuinr fears,e to pay ao bjg Aa fa r as po«}Wc th e rfit:

amid aurroiindlnga tn whlctiav a blB ta x •'^’‘ch n

O etter pay a ^f fear which are bota heavy proflt^ able end unraaltatlc.c there’# n o th . . - ....^ ______ _

=^kA^Washj r k e r v , By_ge L = = =V m ■ a WASKWOTOJf. Nov. JS

_ fl nllltwtor penr Is rtot n penr i’_______ tt ly spcfikltiR, RhouJd i l no t b

~~* tn ic th a t T> trcnty Li no : ti i O iia .-=_ la_U it ou t the consUtutlonM rnt bere wcrc d o t- tw o-thirds ot tiie seimtK ;u tc how close T lu t won the double-hea< (opl on its pj>- faced by 'S cnntor Flelchei-.

h is tniltless effort to net C thg. fHtrf-to-dft avoMitoi o f / . ih e J rr c J h t- who prbm ued ildeaiiiil uu IwUi ftoiiH-''— ^ n m n an y -e« i- — The-s«iat<L.M «<._«3 to le precinct. Fletcher’s propoanl to exelii e co'unllng of penra from the Cuban reel] Tam m any hnd venUon of IW3. opparcnlly miy 317 votea. ory ihat;ihe :eonvenH on-h i into the prea- ,cUly ot a trea ty a lthough t r f r f tM a w Jih by-«n-ftCl-of-oon(trc»s^noC

~ third.-! majority vote of thc

ju H lh o w - tw e Cuban-flVDcados.lnteresu u alllgiilor penr growing Induv

t».<JrlcJ leader du and Cnll/omla'. d-0Q'lKa&.that —O L ta r wider Interest, ht tmng a fire alf tho conclusion oi mnnrexpci :he |» lla . T h e a tors tiiiil It ks quite possi +hae_fih£jUcd. tirn tv relBtloiu hy a c t of a

________ _ lorltv o t ooth nouaea, rfgitreen scarcer In coTw lltu tlonnl'i^u trcm ent the m ayoralty vlcc and eofjscnt" o t iwo-U n yountt ward senate.

mJ.'rd W alker .A s n m ntler o t fact, w r :k hastened (o contended, trea tie s otfcctlt fh t- h e a r t- b f c d u ty could bg act up In no wally revealed The conKiiullon, UIfey;point

Ignated Uk liouse a s place . seowl, all legUlatlon I tw lv ln J IhtlyThlrt«If^~o^ T trenue/— ;— -------------- ---■rly, “anybody P a t n From 1902In ISO of how T he Cuban reclproertyeon

ot In a pre.^ neROllated by Prealdent B en Inside Ute 1003 nttd subm itted to tltc

• raiilicntion in IOM.. . . Among olhor things, U pr

. . . no articles on the d u ty free ons, a kinder- jim e In either coutry ahoul I t Neck^ th a t dutiable subsequently cxccpt country w a u . ogreemenl. there would bc "saiise' I t 'w a s = , = ■ ■ . - - = r=

I Uic clasi, "U S S L ***" i y ^ (

Iw n ' hnptXid. j S K u O f l i T l Tiwa horn* and £ | l j 4 . l V V t E Y V -

jU.’, ‘ —« nn 'l “ « ir 1 0 0 H o U y w o o ( l b t i a puUomiry plan, _ , ^ i n lances end a t E x t m s C o m c t o C lOps were con- * ,___ _

X r ^l»"PCly « l r n s comr to lhn o Slid 1 ?nII 0 aud 7 in .. pii.,„rr.s- music

t^am iP PirU « ro cn operetta, wlileh lia.-: B

le to ko home The Rlrls fornt th e Ilrst s dayHRht. O h. In the hlsiorj- ot inoUon pic r conic home Penri Eaton, RKO duiicli

created severnl orlgtnoJ dan coiitesM:d th a t to r ihe BadIo Plciures' versi 1 such ft Rood fcid's g rea t muslcnl comedy emed a shame m k emercrt pictures. Miss irs nfter mid- the ctily womnn muslcnl ci-nnd-fim h------rfim r-hi-N atkr-irart.________;nder.’' th c re- - ____________i------

f S m m J n f M u s i c briiw iTrim I i

T o " K i o R i t u " a l Cf the'chiW rcn- - - — • — — ■ dance a llttlo The voice thn l liu.s b<'en mennl w hat I Hollywood (his scnwiiwUI be thoM* ehlldren the ..creen o t the Orpheum re-gW tl-I-had - n boloncs.toJJc.i)''Daniels

henrd KlnslnR th c ^^nl!s of erllnc briiplltfl ti,o jmdlo P icture oiK-H'ttn i Id, w ts « gootl i„ D)J Ihc revoluilons ar !ln club^. lalkinK pletiirt's ii.’.vp broug — dJtrt IndiMtry. noihm it has c;O t - S t a c k s of li la n s itv m Uiuu the .:dl V i— UMVIU9 rcmartcabfe-alnahiff t<Ht

by ih lsJB i-orlte^f .Ihe silent i i!„ Opposlle Debfl fn the'flnw fh Zlf«fcW'» most tam^UftO

« ,,! » “ 1 “ «n Jo h n Bole*, eri BV T n . r of ‘*'0 m ujical eemedj

X Tliad been ac- ' a:. ■■ ■ ■ i t=s ss

> tria l a Ahort ...........c f itesi>iiiJ.lng

- Y o i U C n o M j a i e

r ; r o , s ' . n o b a t t e s

^ ^ - a s - ^ O D

WEG V t ^^CS- i DUCTS ■ =■•■■■

N O W r T ^ T h e y C m

bUOf Pttnta. "“ M o r e l loftaUaUoni ................... . -

K i r l 6 ® E WD * a o ' ~ N g r i o P o S t- O /

i r T O » m P A T , i . ’8 , ' T D a a a o j a

I FKAB . t ~ ^ e t i ry U tM ' ohUd ahould ;8 LTNK ' • W jaeft thlnfs han those which! k.ilvea. n u te h e t , aelMora and b I is a crippling'ier are c u t Of out ef;pt;r ehlldren It pir.y «p#c« o u t c l doon shou to H f ih s t they cicwd ao t h t t fie nc fd no t be ( of inch fears a*; warned «ffato*t Hinnlng into i Ileal safety. • (The pa re n t t h o t ^ iw um e rei ir I ln Janrely in ty ror »uch d tn g e rs w the ch I atucude and In prepared td m e et vui-Bhould pi ic h we limit the trem being aw are of th e thp

IU U .'v .. J.' u in q r " ^; o r darknt-sa orl The % H J 'i f i 5 a t l be encot 1 has freed h U iU k e s n s i trU ls . W hen.?ortRi t nequlrlng those! venture* on tb e experiment tit

< the swing, th e Adult near a t ha r^);.-l live aee lo I t th ftt h e does not eerie .h leh he cannot I hlmselt U h e t « u . . W henever 1 h may pn5diife |ia*nt«H i M u lt ahould be clos ive behind ‘p a t . ; ho t to * « t i , b u t to aee th a t thi botll urewrvliff'ltlei a re n r t too g rea t ond to i

_____ _ i f n U ahoek of f u i .

ihingtQn. BvstandcB y ^ K irk t I . S i m p ^

, JP (-1V-H an) T h ee en a te d id n o l 'ra 'lT ir ih l •nr nl nil. Ifnnl-1 tlon. p resum ably because of tr ) t be oven morr ‘ tutlonol reeervnUon to the hous : n treniy Wllh-1 er to In itia te a ll revenue Ic rntlflcnttofi by ! flubsefjuently bo th cbunlrlcs

----------------------Lldeijtlcal H^UIaHtrfUMntw lylnjhead«l problem' (fuage o f th e cooi'cntJon. nn hei-. Florldit. Ih'i reciprocity stands on tha t leaal •t Ciibiln Rtcwn I Pcant were dutiable In 1053 «i 5t. An'l lie was foro no l g Jan ted free right ol et— ■ ~ *• ' ,CiiiM>. B ycu8tcm 8rttllng.howi

to 33, njtslnst gator pean i have bced M icrrrcludrplllgntor^peara-ln-thnjnw nnlng n U h cJ? reciprocity con- so Cuban nlllgator p e a ra -o r m Illy ott the the- have come in free and unchaliv-hfl* the sa n ? _____ __ Sowwrtedih ' ralltied only’ e t c h e r propoaed^to-modllj a two-1 ot congress approving tJje cc thc Knnlc. l on th e groim d th a t no ireaty-sl 'Sing n duty o n ilnw lved . since the eomtniion a 11 IJtui la tlf le d hy l» o«thlrTliiiL,du5ln-In Florl-'i ate. - .

, A good m any u n a to rs agn , however, w as'h im . Including ShorirldKe. C xpcrtPntrdsen-*and Bingham.-CoanccUcni. 1 osslble to hnve' Virginia, Instated, however, tli tf a simple m n -' ireatlcs h n d been amlllarly cr ■prttrTt-pf-.>w>. af> nf m n g r m n iVbcr Ihnn b

■o-ihlrds ol 'Uic I "W hen * e attem pted to ctiti I trea ty w ith th e Bepubllr of T<

wme 'senntors vldlng th n l T o to iah o u ld becqn >cilhs m its of, of th e union. It v /u Imnoxilb.I no other way.' tw o-th lrds of th>} aetuitc to ra nlntcrtotit,-des.rtrflfttj'.::-SWfliiaoo.8aW._::So 1 see of orlftm of Polk b rought I t about througlT

Ihe raisins o l : nn a c t of congress." ._________ • '•Doe* th e scndtor think thi19( i ’~~ -i«rconst} ttttlon -« -m 6krrty -oC - ■conyfnlhii waat ate nnd house could mnke n I t Booscwlt i n . Join th o League of Nations, tltc sciintc for'»W ncc7'’ nalted.Bingham;-

" I hnve a n Idea- th a t thci t provided th a t • Swnnaon replied. "Jf wc (t): tree list ol thnl^ crats h i th e port^war battle itould be m ade' Leasue covenant* h a d had nmi cept by m uiuul; thc house. I m ight huvc advoco

■ ; procedure.” --------

rw .cfi?5^ Broadway hit” to th e aotmd'sci , lam e one nnd Includes many fa'

both stage nnd screen. Bert [ j\itS v ^ tf" $ tR rR o b fi ttrW o o lg e y rw lll-b 6 * e(

version o f ’ Rio RllA." DoroUtj m » bnby 'ialk comedienne, of “

itlon"; H elen Katscr. ohe of ‘ _ 1- t"g inrtftrd" fflrls; Oeorge* J la p o i y ‘ Fvencli su g e sU r; U6n Alva0 O r p h c u m

Others in the Inrge M atured ci >llywood'A most I M uch of the film w is photogi

the Orpheumi'trchnlcolor. The sels and 'Jioriji of ‘'Hio ivbJch drcA.' llils rom antic op luslcal fabulous th e R to 'C rnudu counti^* arc u Bete DAtileU j suniotitous yc: .vrrn on ilie soui eadlng roles. 1 ---------.1 . t e n ch o ™ M o v i e s J o i n i n D r i v t

ii f c i^ T te c to t . F o r E a r l y S h idance number* • - ■version of 21eg- KE\V VORK. Nov, 19-T hx ly h tt. Before « lll do their slw re thla yc*Ilss Baton was lleve tlie Ured, iichlng fee t of tII comedy pro- shopslrls. mall carriers ond eJC{______________who nniiunlly bonr thc burden {------- m ns shdpplirK dCtlvmrK---------: T n f ^ f n v i Twelve hm id rftrsu b llx IheI i n i c r c b l . gnn, president, f O r n h c U m )»b» i1» w ltli the newspapers 1t V l | l » « U l

— ^w -M riy JU posslWa .thto yen 'en the tnlk e t these thealres play Ih e plcltiiII be heard from by n» th e prodticlng companum theatre. _ _______Ilets and wlH W " ~'o ( "n io - ttita . ' - , * A A MItn sensation. . ^ « * l l K S n and turprlsea ^ A i l l m V

nriH-wwtofi e f - - I K ^ — v n e . A i u»ihtiil(»lBhew

, r x , ' s c p t b iand In 'ta lk ing

iralisferrcd 'the T3» ' ■ •,• • : J iA C H jr * « r n p f e a fid

■ p e o p le glvi# t tp t M o ltf r ti

R P V IcgtedvgponM nlqh^ t o t h e a lr^ p ag g tg e t, in d ,

^ r - . . ; . : . T h l i b e t te r .w ay o f t t ' coM » orig ina te tl w i th V

g p w w u H o n

SeryesisSlOUld uve in • I »Inn B> iharo Auoclatcd Prind boUlnawa CLEFT, Idaho, Kov. l g - J i fef rSS. t o “ ll** o! ifea llfUe Unl

t a en.ithe Oregon fihort L M Ia a c ">"«ler of Tdaho t iii, tMor.

n“ i h e ^ . w l " * of'eefforu to ho: e rexDonalbtll*!^^*,B cjX U un- Tb« '"lof- “ «ln»

S i r f i S « • f « ‘ >«” K “ « I” ■ " tuln .Houl IW IM ln<ll»mtl

S S a . l i e “ "•“toni In Ui«t»l™"l»■mlliwiiitl ,1 h.iid rtouM S’ 5“ '.51seriously hurts * ?ff ari abandon^^d h

• v * r h o e ^ I - ! ° '’« ftUempt ia t im nd rtKlcW ng o tt along th t

. i th o d ilf lc ^ . "»««•>« *®to ttf te n the “ n'o “ “1 “ " I h t lo w: 1 to aotien m e

earth. • - ' “i a ' T h t era tfr-w nlh are-pitche'

■ , , - ■) an angle th a t ihe whole bow l« a grand stadium whicli. If fi

J seats, would exceed th e mos

E x p l o f e r g i n C

A u t o m o b i l e T i nr ihLi conven- ' - - -

'Bl* t h e AJuociatcd Prc . " !!u ia?^!l' BOISE. N01-. 39 - Explore L . r ; » ^ of the Moon th la sum1.W X r auJomob/le Urea r » th e ir lee.

r t n S ^ b a h 8h2£».could not stand

individual style o t eac

J t-c ac lu w lth Uie owner’s nnn I n^cr.?i ‘ 1’®® csxenlliicjiaiiengeu. jxccpl In the basic Idea.

*be men c u t off sections o l cns 1* 1«1»« long and flttc tl.h ls a

I t t S S S ’*ttloJi had no t — — I. ' ^ . 1 = ; thft WUl j.«;wif<i th a t other thealre s i

w llh film iirodticers. n,< wcH" thentrw. will follow «■

p. California. Herctolorc. only Uie ncw.ipn| tham ploned.the ‘■shop early" I

I.: movies, however. throufch Publ

“ onal pic ture, now scheOulod ducllon will be released bctw

i iSuiMtol».> md .town In

k tha t under " V beetle U o weeka. Talkies

wSSrStni^^dlaitel^foitons for In- perfom unccs. thus ffiaUng It

__ _ tho ahoppjng to be doue wlthev could" leisure. ; --------

) (the demo- W ith these w ipcr-attractioi itle o>'cr the niovle (nns to the ehopptnR di nm njority ln the various clUea and town:

Ivocatcd tluit screen announcement a t cnch ance urgln? early Chrlslmaa sh

____ n « ld th c lost minulc ru.ih. Ittha t th e weight ef tb e Uien

d 's c re v n is a palgn nugm en t^ by the us ly favotllesol newspaper,drli'e.„ivHl. bring Bert WhJelsr long-sought change in conditk10-Men-ln.Uic___ ::flhop_?}irIy nntl by degrees..-In-Utejlniic.. the sense of T itr n ^ n fr c scr( roUty Lee. Ute palgn. "Doirt poslpoitc evcryt >f "Synccpa- til th e last niliiulc nnd make of Zlcgteld's a taUgued and worn-out vlcU

M Benavent. eleventh-hour panic. Do p;ir

o t the Sfeiro- d f f i« te r and have Irliurc tJinccompany, are to enjoy a good movie.”ed cast. The 13 big feature picture:?otographed In leased and shown n t thu Idnd cositimes of the Ptibllx Uieatre.s. na pnic opercttn ol -shop early" campaign, IneluCarc the hi; m nrd D ix In "The la v c Docl' sound Krccn, u w l* in ’’Is Everjbody Hapj:

O llbert In "DuUdog Druinmonci-ivG Swanson In “The Trcs.?passer;i . . all-UUklng picture; "W alterS n o p p i n i ? C T ram pas of "The VlrRlhlon"

U d y Lies." William Halnea lr-T h c mmler. '‘•oy.’* Olivo Brooks In H i e I

year to rr« Sherlock Holmes." • Monty Bl’ o t dlstrneted ^ Betty Compson In “6kd exprcMnien. H arold U oyd in "Welcome Darden o t Christ- Skelly and Evelyn B ren t In

• Tran." the one and only M orv ;; Ihenlre.f. by ....... ..............................................tent, will Join crs In iireinRgiall all g ltu M A J WT^ A

. i S - S - ww .n ,« « i . s P O K A r

, Y A K I ^o r e P O R T L A l

i o n s ...........

I t ^a ftd 'irn o re

> / ‘d o r t i rpbK tib. > | S g

n d , i i t th < sV ^ jg ^ a r

)f- tr e a tin gK V k b ' a . ^ 5 * * ,

^ ■; ; ' t 3 S A N G E i

, _ J ' A N D A l

( S O U T H S 1 . 5 . . C A U F O R I

etpidetiOIaiiiLHiiP reu) I dream* o( the biggest unlversi

• - J w t a few! world, •,;<n1t’i»wn onrf The ln*lde r in g ol leaU wou a quain t r e - ; for • mile while the ou ter e

itoiy—th e rc- j (eel up and aome d u u n e o bat ih o m c s ic aa a ; cxund for a n even greater dU

alnka sudden* ’ C ta fmgebntsh plain ^ c ra ler Is' the larger onipth o t about In the same vicinity, rem nantIff Jnto a flat fairly-recent- age wbea tire arimcter. belched troth a Uiouiand crei

un ttc r 's cabin 1 The second crnier Is about :h bench, and ' mile from th e big one and Is s Kl h d c which I tiny by comparison th o u jh m p t a t a well, j clous appearing. I t has rlmn the floor are with a collar ot lava" which ahow where I around pracUcolly ibe en tire ci

9 w rest c rops ' Together thtiy r,-ould make i a^er nsh and jesting geological study—the II

wiUi its th reatening perpendlcu .ched a t such | rnd the la rger one w ith Its wl nppears a i , varied caves a n d more sloping' If fllled-. wlih this hum anlted by the tumbll most- flowery j sqiiatter'a cabin:---------------- —

T H l e f s l ) r T i r t w ^

i r e s W h e n S h o e s P r o v e d

Press) The tire was lu all Instances Iilor^ra In th r ; » ith biicfcskln thongs,

^11» tires ntid shoes showed r Hid th e mck- ’ ^eaeh of ihe exposed iipjiers of I

•ntloll tinder «ore «uMird In numerous pluet ?ns dlsplnyrd .iw w h ey Uic h i th e imrt.v were Frank p . :

nntnc. land. Mnrvin eeiiiwn. Mclvm Hm lln r o rlttin i-r^ o«m ftn .and .jQ liiL D ad i___len. Each o f In p laca rd along w tth the cnslng nboui ■ was the ftdvice bf the pnHy. “W

its shoes in to l iling th e C ratera o f-the Moor leing arlistlc ,: spore tire, lo r y w feet."

res n tm intw l«In th e ir llra t co-siar picture '" i tIcTT a.-. mUtf- ljJ jH J/U tcm ue>." -B iidi i r ' r . « w siilti 1 Nancy t^artoll tn -illusion." anil ^papers have Bancroft In "The Mtghty.”,y" Idea, l i t e --------------------------iniblix a lo iiP r----------rm 'fifC M V tL lN .O B IVich 35.000.000 NEW YORK, '- ts~A pertM l

eaafflinallon 1* u rted by lO.OC o p p e r« -J3 .^ ilynjiy:* In th e li» t v-unly mei

a n d exeep- clctles or 6 i f * '» r 'l t~ ‘~ 7 W n ilofi for pro- cnndurtJnt a raw palfn f rrp u b h iclwccu now cdueatlon. The phy^K-Un* »t

In the 1209 fa lt^ecl prevcnlaij>^ m ratureipre-iiollday ^

opplng rush

A N N U A I .T ilE s irV T E IBAZAAR

’ ^ OGE R S ONHOTU „ » to ta 7 -ra iD A V -A N D -S A T U R :

» S “ S N o v e m b e r 2 2 a n d

ich perform- A -JOc L u h c h w(U b e Rcrv S a l u r d a y a n d n

B r i m ° i S C h ic k c n P io D in n e r g a l iusual local! ........... c v e n f ijg ----------

Ing about a ditlon*. xcs," tt’Hl bescrdW i'cam .^ ? * 'H 1 1 » »< i m 11cryuiTng “un- | tlakc yourselt j .

ff£i!r I ■ O R D ;;hne twlween i ---------------------

rc:i to be re- i * ' P e r s o n

p’r ^ r S ' t • . f o relude; R i c h - t i • ■ , . .>oclor." Ted • t

K ' a S I “ OOKS, F IN E STA Twr," he r l i n t JI le r Huslon ♦ (rom many P a rts of lha on ’V In ’TJie J f „!S In •■speed- + ’ ■ -ie Return cf T - / l l 1M l. Clos- J; In “Woman ♦ u y And Doug


| H ^ TRAVEi BY SIS P m t C o n v e n ie n t , l a f c t €omim jg ^ -------- g c o a b m lc a L t r n n a n o r t e t l<Ww ' ' *urc«l you b y . th l in to 3 i w r e a c h in g s tt tg o serV loe. *€■----------— M laco tvnc c o n c h e a i v fd l

for cold w e a l l je r irnrelTT ‘ ■ •• depcndnWo achedulea. T ^ M I .^ b u r trav e l p l a a i w i t h Iim - 1 - ' ^bo vUl itWe you comnlol

4t|L,.;.GEM$TM£ R N ~ ~ « H i o ^ ^

------■ -M : v Y . . . . . . - ' . - ■


I f r la ^ IlIBT Wlilifl

I l C f A f V BtTRLEY. Hov. 10 (Speelal tl

Judging tu r n o i t h m boys a t Uu verslty in the lim s I h l^ a t lo n A ihow. a i

^or pralfc a t th e r e ^ n ^ iiieeUng' r e t e S Commercial elub,

backLwould ««nl O ranney atU lned third . (jutonee obnte itaata a t the Ug

• . th d the team . cdniUUhg of W Craiiney, hi* b ipfher Ariel mid

one of two Crone, n h l i ^ ACond^amotK lants o( th a t teams represented.’ These b5y« t and flames from Ute Oakley high school, and crevice# and (or Uielr tr ip were advanced by C .Snake river business nw n. J ___________ •

out one-half ~ A « h e i hn rtf . Phi W i. b r . i y i e r Is somewhat rm o re fcro-Immed Itseli m 1 * .........n

k» i n m tor- ( g S K I m e h u n m me llllJc one _7r» ♦ »' yllcular walls. U W i dfUao$U1USt & ]X m any and ■ ■ ■ p ^ s ^ M a a a a a # * *Ing Valla, ali ■ ■ mbllng little

> - W e a k

es Uound on

ed much cv- ^ 1—I Ihc crnlcrs. sInx edge like - X ■ t fo( th e shoes ^iluees by the

D. Maxar!!, ■ < | *I', JpeK gng-

th e exhibit ^ ^ y a g R W Al CMKSI . "W hen vis- p r*“ (gffee"T heT nm - A nO idtrbyfit<pli«ni

. . . J __________ will bring Prompt Deli>tiyanti Oeorge Phone 630-J

BIVK _J, A uioxstic E Jerfric Co/fee

ubhe health , i , i , n -

( ; iY B I 'H O T O S T H IS - - - - - I T i n s Y E A K

J T E T — 1 3 ^ 1 —

I :59 SH O PPIN G DAYS1 cS 'L lu r d n v . n . O W E R F O T O S H O P > a lu rd a y , . . s n y u vV ilh F low er^n-

r . -P o to B ”- ---------------

)ER NOW______________ _____________ J

onal Greeting Cards o r CHRISTMASc t io n o f Cjft.-? f r o m o u r tlinjila.v u f

A T ID N E H Y , F O U N T A I N P E N S A N I N O V E L T I E S

lha Worlfl win make yoar Christman Shopping » lileasare

Book Store

€ ^ ta g ^ ~P i E R V I t t -


« ^ S i A s t^ ^ A L T - L A K | _ e.-D«itai«, D E N V E 15._ . t i i i i » . t . i i r > / y \ A H A

^ E T c K i e A ^ r ^

pRAHSffroW i C ^ M I S , I N C

iilSON H O TEL - . ' P h o i i e S J O — : ^ : . .

Page 9:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

n — —------------------- \m \

Gcnorai ManaKor of

a p o lis 'T 1*a c k Goos

Kuro])0 to Hraw Intei'osttjro____ ;«rOir

INDIANAPOLIS. N av .v lS -i/ll-T . E. l n i <P«p) M ejW - Ki'iitrul mu'iioR(.>r of th P '

ffljmllanopollnjiiX' Ru*_------i J ^ p r lo ‘BT6iiH- mii-ii'sl o{ rfltinu Orlvcra p r tjjinJ.m nim tacliirrr.i In tlip SOQ-mllc'raco j

I '< MQnufaeliirfrs ntiil dtlvprii will Ik* vl<* ( aiM l in Ennlniiil, Itancp . lu ly . B fljliim .;

; B erm any and Spain. New niJM « 1 t l e n i jirovWe lor two-men c a n nnd muett inntcr motor.t, ^vlll be explalnrd by tlw* promoter lu ilic liope th n t tlic continent < will bfultrenrly preparation. ;blo

I T hat Eiirojie Is tnlclne greater Inter- [ ’fiext lu Ilu- next rnce th a n in rccent years ■ ■ Js JndJraiK); accordli;!; to M eyen. by In- J• Qiilrki recelv.*d-lcuarainaJlie,W »il_oL;_ t

— «iitomob]lMeUi;lblc. 'p , i•nie clinnnoJ will Incrcaw the winning ;

, eliaiici-s of forelBn driver*. Meyers bi’- j : lli‘V(v;, beeaiiso llicy Ioiik Have been u« l

To ri(u riK 'm cc liu iiIc riin U n iav e -co m r''“ to (Iriiend on tliem. T lifrp are tew Amer- , Ifuu nijccdv.'uy tl:iver» who hnve ridden .,/II fl rare o llic rjim u jiloncu . ____

r -■ Oiii1nwlii|i or (Iio su)xrcliarKcr. too.i ' flUoiiW work to th e ndvnnlaKC ol t h e :" >

• • i«rc!i:n entrnhts, I n recent years tlit* 11 « A n c r lc n n niipoi'clmrgcr nnU JiIkH ly i « i ‘ '„ J R liny molor liave Hlmlnnted Eiiroiwim >'" fSwuii'iiacM almost Irom tlie .itarl. b tln ii..'

many miles funter. ,Mi'ycrii' departure, IntldciUnlly. vlr- \

Iimlly ended hopes o t some o t Amerlca'ii liremler pllolJi th a t (hi* nilc i mlchl >>c' •*“ ' mo<ll||«l to perm it use ol (hrlf oUl 01 ' i , tiiblc_liich jun iors. _ _ '

I mul ‘HI whcii forclKti ciire. Jit nKKC IH 'IJ’Vf '^ ni-pi Itllnt j . WOU ■ tilAmuricii'H unto ruclnR classic. Since th e ; Miiircmncy ou tin* ovul lidit belonged, ul- \ mu^t without clmlleiiKf.- to lhe -Yun*.

1 klH'S. — ^ ...... ------- ^, Loiilii Chlrou, French star. llnN icd

— ! rrrrntbTiTilip-hU't-ruBtf,---------------------1 ------------------- Iir

” [ M o t o r B u s f e a t u r e s !"

G o l f C o u r s e i n U t a h ; ;-------- . El

SALT LAKK CITY. Nov. 19 i-l’h-O olI pc loiiB has bten recommended lor the e x - ' ercise il ullords, bu l li Ifi iwulble lo h av e ' :

• too much ot n liood thhiB. wHcncc Ceonie A, Sichier, nrdcnt «olf. ^

er or the 3.-»!t Lake Coimlry club, hns Jiut (liiislicd complcllaii of u concrete ■

— ioailwa>‘ from the lourteeulh lec of the club nnd ln.stnlled a m otor bus to relieve ■

- member;; ot tla- nccer.slty of climbltm a ' jilcoi) lOO-vard lilll. The tolnl co< was

Ialwut S4WW. ____ __/ t h e courw.* is located on the rim and ,

>:<fcor_of_n_ciinyon nnd the fairway f ro m ; ■ffc No. H riiefl about es S iT J H IO X P T ” ‘*inrd length. Only a guide p o * f iH h c \ Woi) of lhe h‘*' “ ff®” *" ‘he BOllers a tn r- • » c l to shoot nt. I

r Some of his fellow members scoffed nt IjMr. Slelner^s Buancstlon of. a . private

roadway und bus lin e lo avoid th e stiff /cJlrob. But, now they claftibtr oboaril (

i t h e vcWclo and roll easily nround tUa'; T^illI In pursuit of th e ir balls. - i

I Elcctric cigar liiihlcrii and ash r c - ' •— ^elv«nbloMuoUuuciu-6 o £ e .iio lJm l)l( iJ ^ .^

jmutoinoblle acceiuorles under the rcvc- ' f in e act. the court ot claims holds. i I The city council ha* nuthorUed Los "

, |Ar.tteles clly officials to collect 35 ccn lij jcach for cars parked on racan t Jots.

9 Hoitslon plans to revise Itx building! n o d e In nn e lfo rl to slnm p out termites, i

Or tints which chcw on homes nnd fur-iilturft I


_ “ W h e n I

I V i s i t e d ■ ' U .

t h e L a u n d r y —



~ “ s rA T id N '■ ^ ^ 6 6

- — -Tune to on LounfleflflndKOA/Denvor. J IB U T I 1 ^ 0

. . .. ... --------....................... . . . . .

■ T W IN F A I X S d a :

’ r i c s t W n i i f f l O n S t o n e - I r t t

C r y p t t o C o v e r l i r a . v o v i

STB. OENEVIRVB. M®.. Nov. 10 >n the high altn r or tho Catholic rhurch

"Here repose* the bodj- of P .illiir :harle» L. Van TourenhauL ;

)JC DdmlnKter* (he routine of dolly now. Fnther Van Tourenhnui trendi on he dlflb th a t will co;-cr him in drniM.Nnd th e oa-year-old priPM o n e ru thf iroxim lty ol lils lomb U u .toiinf oi romfort ta him. ■ ..

"Any place th a l is i:«>d enoiiult to mv n Is itooa i-imugh lo die In." he »a^^

iff illliiiiiH ir " -BMBWiimtS

LONDON. Nov. 10 (,1’) -T h e inatii-r ni ■ blonds, nnd bnmelte* ha.<» pa-«ed llu '| jw lnl ol mere t,pcculalion on vihich « i'ii- , tlenieiJl prefer, and ims become a uicin i sclcniJ/lc qiiandnry.- l i 'h o s bowtne « ncicnUlIt tlin t E, N ,' Knllnl7f. the ncfr.-tnrj' o l ihe.Royal A n -: thropoloftleal luMliute. MrpnKly r.Toiti-' iui'IkLi a eom plnc nnd curcIul r a w sur- vpv (t>'dftfrm lne which tyiw p rriio m l-, nii(cn and w helhrr'ihc worlift^'ROlnirTn'' pot a .iu resulU f'" '

•'Prom thu eaflip« lim es" hi- coni-;}i;>imentHit-iliiM.-um-iit-to-iii<?-<it-^ltcfli>_iv;ijery.“ - th e folr Nordic lyiKS Imve b<-<-u 1 the ru len .and.leaders oL m uni-' tier. InnM'iy cnmi«.scd of conquered pr-T ; pies. Bul owlnc to the war nnd econoni-; ir nnd political cm w s, tlil* pretloiitlu-1l*n«* haa dlmlnLihr<t:'- ---------------- •—

He rnLies the (lue^tlnii of lhe iiltlm^in : exllncUon of the lall fuir blond niiii { jwlnt.i out th u l hl!> suKKe-Hed rncr Kiifvry^ would nUo help ta dcii-riulne which i- the lieallhlcjii coIorln« und wlu-llicr ■ th e blond decline oimht to be J o r c l b l j - t-ncourun(-d or.i,unnifii Mnu»-!TU'p.--"-— tlflc method._______

Affcd Convicl S erving _ ___-Sccbnd-Life. Schtcnc.o___

— JEKFEBSON^lTYrMu.,-Nov^rfl.Ll'i^_;___Iiuo.'; aioner. Cl-yenr-old convicl. is wrv-

tlf, ...rm nl tl.(. ...I.-Itcntlnrj’ for murder:---------------- ------ ;—

In 1894 hc killed n m nn wliom hi' accused of relation* w ilh M n . sionnr III 1004hewoApardcnedby.ihesoMiinor.

i ElRlii. yeiir;i InU-r he wa* convlcied cf a pccond murder.

' Kews W ant Ads re ic li tb e people youwlJih tb t l l n c L

' E v i i i l f

you could _ _ p u ta ,

b o A

. . o / apples ; ... into one dumpling,■ you ivouhlnU

v^ A w D -yo ii'U -M V cr.j4 iid JIilli..= = , Hrot. roattin;; tlieir line Mrnd

!• o f coffer in bulk. Only a fcv,f I pounds a t a time p a « tliroucli' tlie rna«ters—a pateniej, con-

I R o a M in c . E v e r y lic r ry h

roai>te<l evrnly aiiJ a llavnr is . prndiiretl lueli aj no otlier

! coffec Itat.



i y ^ 1 teamed how poor V . / V _ m y homo w u h ln j h»s' | t y l H ftl* « 7 ib « n ;

9 | v I did Uw bMt 1 eotild ■ # ->tia( m r be»t f»Uf far

Mow lh e hlfta itM - dw 4 i th e U aadry mU

K L --------------fa f.c tK A M jb ih fli::___ _

L A tJM p R V | v u ith . r

n S i u i I <■«■«■«»» ■

i c h S a i u r d i y a t .6 :3 0 . .. |

k c C i ty . C o M t B ta t l o iu t o P . M .

) A A V N E W S . t W l N g A i ; i l

n b k b h i h a J ^ r e ’j ^ A l l

Will Compete In Cc

STlI:L\VATER-OklHr,-.MuV jAi.=. | Fur llu- ;>eci}ud lime In two con.-ieeullve En

;}<;»' Jll Okialioma jtidKlW 'w *" 1 ' ivoi ifp rwisni tlir Un lled Stale* In the nlI • ...................... .........



T h e Germ I crudc under

tincntal Oil Coit . combin(» with i

film.N o m atter ho'

film is prijscnt ai the engine turns

‘ Ic iakcs five t_____________c rankcase to fu

£ )u n n g this peruo£ m otor wear 0

• ready-and-waiti: C o n o c o Germ- surface pores.

G o n o co Gert " ■ ^~-dition-of-strcs5-i

w ill ic eya;^rate N o ocher oil p

--------------- - ----- So positlve-an, ■ tests .of this rcn:

fo ry o u to selec t — and we will t so satisfactorily

Go now to sta atigie— have yoi p ro fit tlirough j


i.t.q tfl-lMo. ESNfegPA'■f ff t ’ • ’ " f Tf * |y i H n i i i t i f f ' i M l t t idon <V l

ContestnHlnglandmf--------------miH <^ SlnteIA . 4300^ Ilona

■ Sl'VPK4 ^ f l S n •W l > ' Mtnnf Chli lh**


hS M w iw S imR*\ ^

^ 9 e I f K i y /

f f l ■ . ™ :' 111 « l

IntPMiiilloiinl <lnlr>' ludi:lti'? cimii'hU in In terEllKUlidl oi“ «

I.ii.« .Mimmor OkJahonW ' nr>i tiallojir ihrw ni ciiiimt>iou.''lil]> teum -.von tin- liilcru : t- . fouiu


1 k v ■ ■

Plain .: o ^ a ^ R c a

1 Esscnce, imparted to highly refi Jer a pa ten ted proccss exclusively o om pany fo r N orth A m crlca, actu: h m etal surfaces, lo rm lng a pern

how ]ong a motor.scancU idle o r ho : and immediately lubrlc^ves the n rns over. .;e to ten m iniitcs— often longer— fully flood the bearings in the s ^ i6'd,'llutom otive englHeers agree, r occurs. Thi.? wear isTcduccd-to a liting lubrication which the Germ m-Processed M otor Oils, recainiftj

ierm-Proccssed M otor O il stands uj ss^and'strain. 'Ic-w iil-hot-break-i ate to any appreciable degree, il possesses these qualities. ^re-wc-in our convictions,-so-posii •cmarkable lubricant, th a t w e'arc :ct any operating condition— no ro [| mecc ic w ith C o n o c o G crm -Pr ly th a t,y o u w ill never consider u: stations and dealers displaying the your crankcase d r a ln ^ and begi h the use o f this rem arkable oi).

f t r C h n M

)A Y M d R N T N G . NOVEiVrBi

ionarctip.Uuit,liBd W l l III llir poiir,- | l | i | lon of oi» R^U-J> team . i IIU II

BPr.arraaWi«c\iullmlu»^^ • ,py Ki*tuiedj-. Ardm oip, Jiia iia w aid , IIrlAon. Duncan. • ' I

T hey won the nniioiuti rh.-implQiblilii! *tui th r riflht to represcin n». UnHfd' no tes by 'scorinK im ij oui hi u puv.ibk-:300 polnU In th e eon lisl ;ii Uip n n - lM i]] loiml doIr)- «how In St. Loui';, Tw enty-'I'VPH stflJe teom^-B'rn* pnicreij, Srbrn<- f,i. II placlnit second w ith atKR iu,int'; uml i linne ro ia tld n l w llh m u . | .

Chlldrm . vdio wa>; hlult individual h r * ’ itc contest, own* :i (ow- tlun intiducuil 98J 0 pouniln of btrtterioi in -i m iyuli., fl days. NIV

Ken'uedy pnld liK w;iy tlirmi;'li liii:li In m i. ehool by {eedlni! and milSiiim lowv ;mil; , tow own* Ihn-c* duhy aiimi.ii-,.

NeUon wn* the llrs t 4-H dul) tn-'iiilii r | . * . rom Oklahoma to exhUiii ui the lu - ; . lonnl dairy r,how.____________ ',' i i,,

i ' I’.ini'?oclctlc.s D esire UoKcr

W i l l i a m s S l a n i p o r C o i n 11>< >i'_ _ . , lur.-1

> tiocdPROVIDENCE, R. 1.. Nov. ID l-i

rh e llkencM o t R oser Wllllaiiis luiiy, imiu -rJrt* n UfiHfd S ltiA i jjc.'ijj're .sji,:,.ir'perliajH q coin lu IWG. ^I'luii

TliL* Koacr W illiam* l-'.iiiilly a-;in'W. vir<-,' loll and otlicr pniriolk ' mid i;i'iu'nli>!iif; Tli ll ■■olcpllM In New Ennliitid li.ivi- b:'i<iiiu' • faoid nterested InasuR sesiloit tn Imvrxtnnipii.riM.ii^ ...^In .-lm ii-il III irilKm gjlli tin- 2ll_tl;ljr(*c hundredth nnnlviTMir;.- ol tin- nn -i loundlnjr'of Rhode Itilattd. mutc-

X^hat do Y

Answeasonabkrefined paraffin,base r. ly owned by the C on- ( ^ q rtually pciiecratcs and ermanent, protective . P A I

• how cold ic gets, this ele moving parts when

T— for the oil in the . ' s: le starring operation. '^ frtJn r+ ()V -tO '60^«— -----------

co a minimum-by- the rm Essence im parts to ling it on and in "th e .............

s up under every con- . ik ‘ilow n-or-bum -nor-“— -------

KMicive-have-becn-our---------------are 'pcrfw tly"w lllihg .•

0 m atter how extreme -Processed M otor Oil r using any o ther oil. che C o n o co Red T ri- Mgin immediately co THIS

r i M ^ P y o 'c ergM AU k ■


BER 20,1929 . . . . " " '

k il r P T n r m u i i T DfU L L u rn L L l n i i H l I u llun till

icn in im lliie eor

_____________ I Irel-l'i

lillion}; of Owners of Am* n ,iiS_ . . *»'!lllPll

o n c a n R a i l w a y S e c u n t i r .* ^ , t i .p:,lltllVlo

l i i lc r c s - ^ o d h i n c c i . - ' ! l o n l v ' ' ‘'‘f "> ll.'Vl- ll

_____ . ■ .-.msVlli

NKW v n itU , Nov. 10 i,lv-\Vi.ll sirci - ild .1 iiullion owiipr.rot AmprUMit-riiil- ( iM h

M’viui.ti . llfl- wulehilii: lh(- (.uiK'M —■••1011 111 III-- tinned 'aiiiie.^ supri'tue Jllll U.l .i iii'.lsiuiHJntiiecoiiMUuUiHf M v lilv ol i),r iiiich-Siiiilh reMilnlloii.111- ic olullnn wun Adoiili’d jn 10'-‘V j g l

.ird 10 till-'m uiiiu'nantfi ol nn iidr- W f uulc -ysiiin i.f iriiii.siwiinilon.” to In- r-iI|Mi. i.iid . 'm c i "Wllii liie Iran prui;- j g t i -ibli' i:i'l;iy i iiunne* hi tile rule .Mnn--; J ff# ,ir>- III till- iiiiiniry us well us in-rmll the j j j » u-cdo:n (iJ tlii' ninveineni by conimo i n ^ S i ;iiilit:, ill lltc prudticl* ot iiaiTt'lUme i j ^ f ~ luhliliiif.' livr' ul the lowest I*-)--1 j s j j lI'li’Mrr.-; ami|>;itiWe tvHJi lh e miilH- I'liiiiui'll! .idi-iiuate truuiiKirlniloii :t r-

Till', i>. i:.loit h;is been a di'lermlniin; at'idr in nm.i ot lhe ciititmK>lon‘» de- Imoik i,ti riiirx in the pn^d l o u r y a n . !i_thi^di".k'_(d commission mi'-mbprn,ii- lilt tiliiilU's d r 'd a n rti rr .’i.'J'ii unsitnriiuU-r ilip rciohillon. A lew cu«* ul-

fou Mean

gre “ Q u e s t i

O N O C O G e r m ^ - P r o c

A R A F F i N B a s e M o t o

/ f f t » f f

r — — - 1 p e n e t r a t e s a

^ U b i n e s w i t h m

- L J f a c e s , f o r m i r

.- — M ' t h a t a d h e

........... M m o n t h s J p _ b

c y l i n d e r w i

___________ l i - . j i l l w . g ^ D g .

I /


S U L --^

: .........

I iluis far luis becn'tA lower Itwieail'* '*

'J;e ml]raailis.ftccnl}y.l)ushed their iU ngaljwt tho te*oluUon litlo the frme court'. The test c o » Involve* eommlulun's seUon In reduclns

•till fair's on •perishable fm m from (^iiilforniu area, in e commivion

the rntes B per cen t.. The railroad*Icii till' reducllon confiscatory. lie fianks, lim rnnce com pnnln. In- tiiloii'i uud initti*' nhich nrc lhe i-f hnlden bf rallrond likurlUes be- .(• that ll elenr ciiV drcUlon 0i\ tlicis'.liiitiunuhty of Ihc resolution will----------.r mun- far rencblnn cffeclon thi- fn- e Cll nillroad varniiiKn Ihnn dltl the ■'.illm di'fWon III lu-'. Mimmrr.

I YOUR PHOTO!> is jin i‘.vrlu.Hivc la-stini:

(I fi'fl

|v I 'lim . \ 0 i V - 0 i i l y .20 .g — Sluipiiiiil'-Oft.Vf* U n ti l------ —fj C lin n tn u s

li FI,OWERFOTO g SHOI*^ “ Sii.v 11 W ilh F low er’sa _ ; ________ .Koln^C!________________ .

• • •

: i 0 ® = = ^

K 'E S S E D


J a c t u a l l y ’

> a n d c o m -

m e t a l s u r -

n i n g a F i lm _ ■ .

l e r e s - f o r - -------------------------------

i _ b e a r i n g s , ______

w a l l s a n d



i t w : -

Page 10:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

" l i E i S F '. MMSjOSBBS ■

Miid Sinking Spell Appear­ing in Last Hour of Trad­ing Fails to ll.alt Rise

MARKETS_M A QUNCtHEW VOnit. Hot. ID 111— uiockc eiruiiH; umtcd ei«in uimI

mamm amoilrratcly iti normal tra<line.Ciirtt; nrm; UomI nna hiiiro Uiu nrurijr D liouilit. ' 'toiclfii rulicMiKrn: Htrnrtv; CantdUa dollnr riillln iiLoriy oiir-tllili ccnl.L’ultoii: lllcliT, (lr;n *luck inirkel Kn<l covcrlii)!.UiiBiif; t4.y; ln cr »|ioi |Cotlr«: R**r: Onu|i|>olnllliit C«bln. OIlCAaO:Wlicak: Mrm: rait (t>iii*K< In CDrni h'irm: imr»vofal)lP wtHlirr.CMllp; Irrrgulnr. iiUiii: U)»fr. J >;

llrCMVIIKA.J.UiCIKIl [ tAtwcmWil lie*' UlmlifUl WrIlrfI 1 WKW VOHK. Nov. 1»—TflP coiivilMOriil ‘ UlocU iiuilirt m«de rt*fltm»- pro«rfM nionii llll- romt i<> iiormKlry tcxlir. ThP miUi Klnklim ■pell wlllrU »|)l><'iirMl Iti llir IMI __ iKiur of truainii iMt friu«y on juefnmruN . _m»lurtrr o’MnViwlwl.*-----Tne-f»pl-Uut-Uit.Klilnii M'M CBlmlr »t>-Mirhwl. wnlioiii lirinRMiK uii b IIKgUldkMOll. tirlpr<t Btoiig lli» vntdtial rr> I---liifii ol ti ulauv# coutwaiic* ouu brenslit, *ulllcltliv Ktlllns I'l'o Hi'-.itwkft 10 jironipl tnp caiiliou* cUorl* to covcf. Uiil- , — IIIS cli>..ri uuoiit J 10 u>|KiinuiiiK>i- I Al<T, wllli tl lew hiKCtalllc* maliliii wiucf K»Ul'. I ICrwllt rtnialiifd 1ii »iii'»r-BbiiiicIanfr, Cftll Am »ion |triir«wl al AniCirBe ol’fcrl!'»» wfHl l>rKBlI’li'lio»Mpr, nml

. wrrn t«liicial aiioincr oi I per reni. itir ai» Irnill Midi rrdiiclloii nlnrr QcioImt ’D. Air iiuiKiiiji llir u<kliiK rair lor » lo W day iii hlllK aU |irr ri'iil. Ihr li>wr«l >lncc Mnf, ol • ■ IBM, VIICII lli« lr.ll..-Olinl tftin Mak t P*'f, AtCcMt. , 'fitnllon Not ftqiullird .... ■ 'ISalHaul: •iHlriiiriiia. nowcvcr. Indicate Ihnt »i.

tltuer li.iiililtllon ol ttocx m»rAH Iow» rm nirftigtlifHM niij-Nffw-lR>rtian»-metTr-fl“ I II iinx Banka el>c#lirrr. and imlll ‘A. I.UIIIIIIOII l> r<|ii*llrr<l. olhrr frdrial ■Kf Hank, may not lollo* thr N«rr York s! Ntl rrdticing Ita rate 10 41, prr crut. cw ' Tlir ftnt”Of‘i*re"tdmt-Hoovft» runlrr-' r*-, rii.'r hrld wllh a View to liicrrailni biialiirM ch iicilvii)' broujlit aaaiirancn ir«iii irauiiiK #. ■ . . railway uccuuvn thal improvemcni upan-. i .1011 llian. will Iw uuahrd, wllh rtaiiltant g,* iiimuiaiion or M«el and othrr iwlc tn-• <tu«irin. and a tuidrnry to maintaiii cm* I

" ' f f i 'S J S ; , * ! , ! ' ' . ; * ' ™ ,K . i o . » I akri ronllniird tu contract. DiirlnR the (iral I Iialflimironiy3:i.l(»»nBrr»wrt«Tr»d«i,a»-- ' ,K « > ■ ,! .” £ , n r , S I f filurn in prlcn., «n<t loial aalm wrrr 3.II8.UiO | >Iinrw clo»e Id ycairrday'a turnover of JJi,'

.2,.«.7.0. . gg,Siirli ahnrra aa American Can, Air Rr- g, ductlon. Amrrlcan Walrrwojt*. and Qcnrral P‘, KiKiric doard s 10 V'i poinu miner. Unit* nl Htaln Bl«el. IntrrnaUonal iurvralrr. j AlcltUon. Jonna-Manvllle. J. I. Cur. A. M, C'' lircrs. American and nretin Power. Na- — tionM uucult aod standard Ou.aad Dec- —--- «ri«-galu*a-alwuv-»-|M>lnlU cacti, euch rrt>anam a* Umrral Motor*. Inurnalloiial i-m Tflrphonr. Nrw York Cenlral, New Harm. '' IK'lhlehrm Hierl, Montiomcry Ward. Him- niona, and Biona antrWebiler cloacd about ,— U to S polnu hlElier. ■ I Ctertian exchaiiiira were (Irmer. Pnntirni C Ioa» ot sold by tnc llank or Uifnland wcr<i d believed 10 have catiacd poatpanemenl of; — plana lo reduce lu <ll«eounl rate. Icommodlilea were generally (irm. al-; ovc » tliouih «e»er«l reime« rediice<l ihr price of rannrtl aiigar liy atwiil I/IO ot a cent. Whtat tuturt»-*oid-ii|> niMUt 4-cviiu on to,


TWIN FALLS MARKETS_________ ! 10»

. Wirat a>lv icfd jn pru-ej>n li-x ' T nnd n cenu tore (ederatlon, Illchot nrlce I on Oreat Noriticrn bean* remained at iJJO.; ^

Tbe» ritrcf >re|Bmin«4 «alU it 4 ' f°b e'dstk In lh» •(l«»Mn aad «r« In* i Ub Icndtd to cotef «"lr »b« ■'rrai* of Mbpvrlodt oiler mor« Uun «|bi quoted prtCM no ilfart U nud* te lacludi (ocIi quoUUoai. QaoUUon* ara olf«t. i *d merely ai a iuld« to prodiicm and :• (hoold Dot bf ac««pi«4 M nflanbii «• tmaM 01 attttf hlih or to* prlwfc ' ^Thi Tvltk raUf dlatrlot markit xMttrtay!


_________lleary buiehen ......Jleary aowa ------ -----------M.OO mi00W»___________ «.oo 10 UJO AeuwrT ,,, ~ WitoM VMl Calm - ■ , W W to H-OO ti Umbi------------ ---»s.00 to I10« EmHeavy heim. 4'i lb’<. a^ tip, 11). .....lie ! SSUthi beoa. uuder Iba, i ^l horn lirw, lt>.................. . JOc I , (I

------------------r.itg . 41..... .... ..............ju!

:___ _______ ^ U K B V J)--------------------- i _ l ilOiihB tem<, tl poiiuda ........ _..... Sie-'Vounii liMia. « pounila ...... —....SOc!No, I Uve lomu, H pounda ... ....... a<e, N__N0.I UvtUttii IV c'lrOld tonii. dTeMe<i ;..-....:.r...:*rTr.:.-.:-:_-s7c"|»" No. a loma, drc«ed -... -......... „...|7c(teeia...... ....... ........ . ... ,.r.l3cUiick* ........................ I2c

— . . Dalrf _ , '‘"anutlerfal, aweet' ........ ~ '"iT«,nmwrfai Mur____ ______ «e I mwttlli (ca.'UI , . .... ... ..4CW. lowflnriflVbaleialf | rlraCane ...... .... ........ ...........M.M,iiiii

Potalott- Rwfu.................. iiijo'io n.oo'i„vNo.I. . . ______ n.:oioii,W| i“';■ Iteam , *,*; Oreal KgrUtern............ tJ nnd ttiO ‘ yT Z 7 'to a'orer_____ ________}J«i tcir

nxmm •Orinm, blua Ug aTc ■ cWbtal mTmUI r»d :Bran. e*t. ai a«, nrt.»■>«« «M lh l„i. alia! I'Htoek food, 100 lb lou un< Htoek food; m ib. lota______ II u i ,

lUUU PrtcM I I«rootu. down ----ooe ted too | |• .......L d u u c o —..... -• • .i for.Ssc j?‘|

^ ; v ' a f e ' a a = : i : — 'S i ■■

W OW m c i K i s * ^ / m --------------- — n —fl

I W ALT. S K E E Z l% V O'; MG h a s g o t . A

. -I A t h o u s a n d J \ ’

■-■JeSw — p i* j

~ NEW Y'

- a 4 « o ^O lo B ia g B i

Al Chem A» Dye . J « Oen Mot . . . .

Am amrli ilt ik f 71' Oreat W ni Hmu . .— S tt

Am Tob -iwt< in ic w n e n t.........Am Watrrwurka . B0 Inilla rveat............AnaconrtaCop «4>j In lT el& T el. ..Armour OeJ l i t______ II . Kannreolt Copper.Atchlaon T A: ti ‘ 111) Kolaler lUidlo .s i f n i r ' " i i ! '‘ K . ' i . ' S i ' c S ' ”

Callf^l^jck” I ■ ^ SSid'cti*^^?"’Canadian l*«r S(U», Miaaourl Pao..........Caan fhrrali Mar|i___ ,16n UlaaeuM pac ot ■Cerr*^de «8ir laonlBOmrry WardCheaapeakc At Ohio 117 Uotor WtiMl .C M fit P fc Pac pt .311 Naah MotorsC R Ilc P a c t n Kat Oaah Itre A ..Cliryaler Corp . . 33*i Nat Power Ai L ts .Coca C o ta .................... la * . National fiiireiy ...Colum Oaa & d e c .. . New York CentralCom Solv Ml, N y New Jlav i t 11Cout Oil nf Del U l, Norih Amerlean CcCurn P roducu-______ Ut» -tiocUwrn Pacitie._CotT . . . M 'j I^acijarU Motor ...Uunia WHsht »^| Pan Am nDel l i Hull . . . . lU Param KAm Ualiyiinis Ine ..........74 ifn ii K U ......nul'oul dr Nrm . . |( » i ; Prairie Hpr Mne..RMtman Kodak .. .173 Ptillman Ine new.n Pow b LtK . . .3 1 'i Pxire Oll . ..Brie n n . u s Radio Corp of AmOen Aa[dialt . l i t Reritold* Tob n-r:rOen n rc MO «»fewu» SlorcaOru I'ood* ., 49 b t Ixitlla 8 P Ry .

retx'ria ot crop dainaee In Argrniin.i. and ' I"” e>|>ori «alM. Ciirn ualned I ' j c rn ta .'j

I S t o c k M a r k e t A m a g e a ;I _______ I Htal

NEW YORK. Nov. ID i.IWtlock markei 1SO 20 M i “ ®"

To<iay ^iti.po' • lia'io

Yrar a«o............... 03.30 132.0:i I77.« i J f i ,

Total aalea 3.718.010 aliarea.__________CMlVtRNUENTIlONOS T jl j l

NEW YORK. Hov. 1» a i-U n ltcil Ulaleo, . tn i lovernmenl bonds clowd: • ' calv<f.lbfrly 3 'ja 33-H7................. » M13 .tea<Liberty flral 4';.< ............... IIOOM earl:Mberly 4lh 4V.» .......................IIOO O partn h .f i t mnnll <1.. reu _________«IU0« WvoTrea«iiry-mV» JllJ Ul iuUTrc4.ury 4. 41 -H .............................. llo.itn iff.;;Trrnaliry 3’a» 1D40-4J ,,.................... I tW.rf to ITreaaury aUi.43-47 ..........................IIW3Q lo ^

• MCTAIS * • ateaiNEW YORK. Nor. 10 (,11-Coppcr; Qulel; t l ^

cleetroiyiiB a |« t and future iflc. fer*< Iron: Sieiuiy; uncbaiised.Tui: buy; apot and nearby (30.TS lo m .

tu tu m Mo.z). ayUad; quiet; ipol New York lO.SS; fUal fun,

Bl. Louia (8.10. iKiiii Zliic^ Qulct: Eaat Bt. Louh MWt nud fu- {>eluAntimony 19.02. $

sioNBY |7®MNEW YOni«( Nov. -I# W -C all money: C«

Eiwier; S per cent all clay. year:Timp loani: Bteady: 30 daya u> iinei

00 to 90 da)i 9!^ 10 ii’ i; four to aU monilu weal d 'i 10 A*i. fenti

n im e commercial paper S'< to &'«. mo«i»anken>‘ . arceplnneCK! KaMrr; lo »la>-» IISO

4 lo 3'>; OO in W daya 4 lo Sla; four monthi IIO.S4l^U..4i-m» lO >ta-nwmllu-4^-lv-4‘| , ----- rrrmi

II|\R 8ILVEK fu 'l _ j;U V -X O U K _N oiv l^ l-J$o t^;tt-46 lie-

SUGAR " I" 'NEW YORK. Nov. 19 l-11-A.ili-cllnr, of- • H'J

curre<l lu Ihe raw sugar marki'i loiiay lu thr lomt tw.|« of «.71-for apoU duty-paid.-A l-llit.-;il? , levrl retin rn ahowrd more miere^l with n►ale reporlKl ot 33.000 ba«» ol tincouirollert rMl' CMiian tor prompt ahipmeni. The i.amn nui • “J I wai. aiibimtird 10 ltie Mi>ori coriaratinnin Ciba from Unlled Blaie. hii>rr» hut f . '^Ha> drrlliiMl. V“" .Tl»v-<l<'^lit<v-hi~4ii«-apot.niaik.i-lf<l lo l»li ' InrrnarO IlijiJjdalloir »l)il JirdRr .■.rlDiiji In mw tiiliire* and atter epeolng I to 2 inlniN lowrr prlcm conttniicd *o tag nml nl onrilm<T wi'fp 3 to & iwint* below thr prrvioiit iy„,:;s s s ‘S.-an,iii;.",ffi: ssmied. pric^ ^ iB litrt ujibT-'-'mSelntemti.---------

Relined wat eaalef aitd atter early di» !,uV; rlinea ot IS polnu to tha baita (or 11“ ! fine Rramilatcd. another decline ot 10 inlnt% ' wa.1 announced in the alleriiuoii with all reliiim now ItailuE a t U.

yuturcB'cloaed a l ^ y : apuroxiuiatc.siiln 2.VOJO ion»: Detember »l.»8: Junuuty h ; ^018 Mar^i Uay 12.11; July «2|D. Ucp-

c« ( 'c .\o b " w o u v c i: ■CIIICAOO, Hov. IP M l-U uttrr; Kirmrr; .-T,*

rtceipu 10,004 tuba: em m ery eitroa 4U'|C; ',,V,

Unchanitrd. 1 A.wa

inr.. Tutkeva g e lo 3>C. Hcnvy lll»■l. Ilf !"!fl T ir7 D f-D T ? ?m 5 7 3 3

I.ns ANr.Ki.iw CKOIU^IT ” i l,.pS;*MOa.Ea. Hoy. 1» W -H u i;tr in , * iajH :’B klru 4ac: ( in i fre*h 47i-; ra-n

ronEr4b;; meilluma 44c; AmalLi Me, trade Oil31 ernta, ' Uepi

Poultry unebaagpd^ • . eeipjMN VRASCI8C0 rRODtVi: UM

ta^AN^ KRAHCIBCO, NH». IB l-r,~UillUr. » P

K s i s y i ' * " ' . s . inUUMa: Jobblns BtMktOII 1303 10 UOi t r n

^ p S t i^ ^ O r o n i r j i r a i A o ^aOr: nirliPM, allvo P o lo 3>r; drr-jvl 37« alow

' “ — I S



/ ' m u h T ' h b T ^ / ^ T h a s ^■•Q CrT A L C ;i‘ \ • f - H e - Q O T -

O ’ T M O U S A M O S A M lL L lO f A H U N O n S D \ O O L L A P fc

\ t h o u s a n d s Z


eBsBSES’^ nt BU i

. 43 ■ schullc Hfl Hlori-. fl, 1■ : s M s j i i s r a

l( ;o . . 4J i Hlmmoin Co . ;»}« -

Ig . . ' ! > M I Hoillh Cal'tilWili . j i ■'

. : - : « , i B a a f r « S■per........U S I B uiid Oil .‘I Y . . .. 3i . ■. . . . . . fl»« i BKTWarl Warn SiH-nl 42 J

'heea-r — J4*irat«debaker«.'orp 4i'« ‘>0...........33ii Kenaa Corp . i l ,.......... . 24*4 -TlniKen Roll nearing .. 7J’a

s r - s M s s i s § r a ' £ . . - ^ v - !32'i • Union Paclllc 214 ^

...... ? . - 271, I United Alrcrstt I111 1 U 3 Ind Alfohiil I24'» I

--“J I M S f i ! »“ — - }.............3|i« Vanadium 22 3. Sl’ i VlrK Cnro Chrm . 8!i

A ......... «)>, Wmtingliomr P'ctrlc IM 1«l#.........13 Wralern Union Ti l . . .nO'.ily .........« I Wlltva Overland 10ural .. 173 Woolworth Co 71* llUd .u a I ------- . iio

Co..... , tURR M.\IIKlrr poilie--------K '* :- -HEWYORK. Xw. lfl T.r,-

."■ .-"io .C u rb »|U0Utl0U.ic1c»ca;. .B«ky ’. ..'4«’i iConiliiruiat on l l ’j ,7 .

.•.. . M(, tEler. Ilond A;Snn.T 7J>. IJ: .me.. ..... Elec Uoud & iJliwi- i't 101 Is tew . . at Oulf Dll of I’a .. I.H ,5

. W , Ilocla Mining 14Am . Ml, New Bradtnrd 3*k "'p

R rr----—43‘i-SU ndard-O ll of.lud____a . . . . 10» in c i l le « (Jerrlcr aaly 110‘,'Traiuam erlciv . 43>i


I LIVESTOCK MARKETS' ! JfI — - ' ' i , dri


Btalea Depaitnienl ot Agrlculliire)—lluga; , Ueeelpu JOOO; uneven, ojiened alow. eio«ing tntrly active;'moatly lOe 10 ISc lower than Monday'* avrrage or weak to JOe lowrr

s £ l , , R , K ‘ r 2


calve* uiiciiangetl: vrarllne atocken fully u,

part load inlinl yearllmn 114; ROod liravy IJ Wvomlnii cowi llll to M! low culler uml ^*0.73*10 r^iy. good 10 cholee vealera 111 '"j to 113; bulk atockrm and feeden oi value , '“’«!.VJpri'£?ell?u“ i l i - ; killing cloaae, *{>« r r i { “7 § 't ? "o?: r Ifered, _____ ' • . wi

a » ,\lf .t LtVCS'TOCK lel

fu?ly*"^'lawer’‘'io p l* .1? o n ^.‘S d ^ o M ov

to Soo pound butchera 10 ihlppera moat- dit ly H.80 to $8.70; 130 to 170 pound lelec- mc

syearlinp alow, aieady to weak: ahe aiock ew uneren: etitter^ atrndy: beet gradnt alow, weak; bulla and venla alrady; atoeker andS O T . " , ; ' ! ! ? r > i S , : r r . " i i i r ; S f f i ml

Bfaiw rn»'» »-0.*>-4O.ft7J0;-blUk..«ll CUllT"«,10 to IB: lew tnrrtlum uattvo bulla |T KIU Ifl; weatcni* 10.79 lo 17; praetlcnl lop (

.Y cab^aig:.niiU ieft(l lo-ludeptnnnnta t U;. Owinilk tneiTium to Rood atoeker au d feeder iiaKteera t»M to t i l . 10. t>». tJlieep: Recclpu OOOO: 40 to JO per cem ot e»i

rholeesr*'le*12. %; trdcilppM lainbBlll.8): 1102 pSimd led vrarllnn bent alaugh- ahiIrr ewM,early ^ . 73; bulk medium to good *11Iredlttglsmiai >11 to IlliO : choice aortwl go llghl Iambi 11311; Roud tolid mouth breed­ing i!«ea-at 18,3 . . , ,

KT. JU.SKPII MVKSTtiCK KT. jo o e n i. Nov. ig M1- ( 0 t»lted 8U tn

Drpartmtnt i>( Aitnculiurcl — Hog*i Re- , 1

■ptS’kS « bSl iXiS iS,Sl s,a o w ii* i? e e d y io '^ lo w e r ^ u w j» ^ ^ » ^ : cai

; f . , ? s r ’. . s s r i b r A ' K ? o t „ b srowa m liutanci^ lOc lo iSo tiigher: niMi hM>f a>w« ISJfi to 87JU; ciitl«T KTadea iritsHy *4.13 to *3.73: tiulla and r e ^ i i j a ^ :

S S i E C S « ^ E 1 S ' i sto fJU ; Ipitu atocK calw HI. . ^tl

------------- n n c r o t r n v E S T o f e i r - r --------pOlTICAaO, Npl*. 19 ll-J tm ltM l Btnte* •"

DAILY tm w s . TWIN FA]■ A L C g . I D A H O , W E D N E S D ^

^ - G A S O U m ^ A L L E :

H E ’S c o t ^ N ■

y r— V - A - M i t c to M -D & b fc A ftS r t - 1IO N \ JE A N J . H E 'S CO T \ i P f c ! I I M O B E 'N A -H U M D R E O

V^ M l U y O S i S , - ^ I ^

.......■ /

Potato Market 'W- i d i ! r 8 S S S k a ' “ - L {

II JOi Knratf, no talti reponetf. A

• i,

-PotJloen Kfcetpta 74 can. nn tnek 3<1 . r.>n. Iiital United Htalea ihlpflieat* coo '—eara:-<radlnr-ilew.-marfpt-«nkrWli*—r - eonvln aacked round whllet tl.U t« ‘ '

R.33; MlnnptoU and Norlh ligkoU I cil tacked mund whlin K 10 n .l l | few crop Molbndalf higher; <toti(h n a k o ta : 1 hn ueked round whlin R to^R U; MthS a hi Htked HBUeU t lew.M. . 1 riu i

POTATO SIIIP.MKNT.S ru«\MLTMKB CtTV. .Ver. » ,U ^(Vllll- !r J lli«irk Dodj iiiiriii uf .iKilPuIfllfvl * ' naid ^

Nnrember IH lotal Unlird RUlet pe> | wheaI*jllfo*nta^If.**Cot6ra5o"j7|“ ldlho'*^^ i fuuii

11; —31. WlieonalV 43. ' Tmi ii

i J K ' . S S u V ’S K T . ' i . V M . l i f f l ” ■&pounda IU.U to tISJO; led yearllnn md-choler-IM -to #aO-poimda-|l5 l5-to |nS|? 'I.V73: heitera gotvi and ehotee AM peuoda I Ansr down 112.73 tio lisseowa wood ind tnoiee ' Amet 17.73 to 110 J); cutlan 14.73 to H: hlUtj. > r„ \, .•;o«l and choice <t>retl I8.7S lo’11039;,'i^Vk \ralen imllk fed) good aud choice il3 U> 1 .>,« < 113; •tocker and Irrder ateera good and , chflice. all wtlKlita 110 to lit. '

Shrep: Recelnu ll.OOO: active, alrong lo On 3i«-hlgh»r:-l)Ulk-fal X frw cholre 11353 to *1343: top *1390; ; of 2: fal ewea I.JO; teedlnR lambo ateady to weak, i^ n

_________nn»iEM l.iyrsTncK ~ -■reneljOODEN. Nor. 10 (fll—(United 8latr» De- haTO pariment of ^tO Jlturel—KOjCar^Retelpu' |nlM

tmViirV. m’b" weighed "mw' ijVj; Irt low 1 Inco” drlv';iH ISO to 240 Rounds tU.U to I7Z3;' Uoi u rk lonrt 131 pounda w; tew packing aovia ; l hr i

CatilerReeelpu .084: lilov; few early, tromI ,“. s

Z ' " . S \ S X . ■ S S ' J l i ' S ' . a 7 ? ; jiiirdiiiiii grade reaKm »SI.7S; lale Monday I down

'siirrp: neeelpU 31 fw^m«krt; no roHy '

tn U; tour decl^M iS l '£?ck” Ma'

S V IKANei5co*irVF8TnCK De<SAN mANCISCO, Kor. 19 i.^-iUnllrd MaiMlatm r>enarlmrnt of Attrleilllurri—Hoea; MB’

Recelpta tr.y direct 3(<0; ateady: two loadit IM lo IOO I'-nind Idnhoa 110.13 with Itspound i>lii« II0.2S: two load* tU to 103 to

" a ,Calllr' IlrcrUila !U5: »teen« ateadv; l«o, n»(K : ‘S , a S t t : '*5.1 s ! i ,s :s s !? .M ^ 'a « S 4 K • ss18: load tnu medium (rade com 17.73 with aorin at ST: hulk common oows w 10 11: load pooimou aud eutt*m tiM: lew nit- cn lehi down to I3.»: odd hfad. b<ir:a (7.3S. *|.u( Calvei: Rrcrlpta JO; VMlara abwiil; part. * cor

“ r 3 S S ‘ S 3 : l = =dlna lower ou wpigbtv lamb*; four decka VM mediiiin ui good 07 to 73 pound shorn Ore> tfona I11J4 10 *11.00 wltn aoru of 13 to

. 0 ,KUlri. tVnartmrnl ot AKrIciiUlirri—Ilon: Heerlpia noii: talrly aetlre. moaily 3ic lo 40o lover ih ti Monday's beat time; top ilo.n.>;;

liav's I'm: lower close; two loada plain P3s ; ' K B ? ; ; 7 . ? ' f e s w s i ”. ; S S ieu'iera ard Inw cutler* 0 lo li.iO; bull*

fiheeii; Ileerlnt* nOM! I"'* Uendav two ahon Hrrv« nu'dlum lo M nound lamhs *IU0. wall to ner rent »i tlOJO; aniaii lot good e»i> Jfl. tew out at fS.

—pOR'niANn.^Nw.^i^m^ontW^iiiies ~c W r . 5 '. r a ¥ ; a r E , , ' V i . j s i « s ' . abroiighi t?30; avcrsiins 110 pound teed>rs tS23 to br weighed lateri few all pound

can mixed at rni and ahe alack: nothlnsK A T . f f i ' ' i . R r a v s s 2 r a ^

mifkct tjuotabiy Heady. ; ’•

niCNVMt. N o v ^ n ^ (W t« d sta’lea txi- p*rime:ii of Agneultura^-^eep: Recelptarange ni frd lamtia'^treOMlew n«llrra ' suuiy at 110 i<v tUJO: khaap ataaldy; t«m ! loada medium log pound (at awes *4: feed* er. lully steady; W wwp«» >0»<t (» « •

I- r......r-.unty 111 Kuiiih Ainvrlcan eroai-bred nf. 1 ferinsi tor iminrt. Tbua .(*(.D( ths ^uaiii^hai. iieen tbken by aJTiie^nu.

*ra inrlined'eo'M low. axi^ealm m not coiuidering.tltem. Bcoured rloihlnc

. R W •Te Idahft F»U«. s a d lU toni

■ S235,". ■■■' To B l» ck fo« lu ja ;R «1um .

K O TE M B SntS N D From Twin F ^ ' . v t a Oregon Short Lino THnro«.“T r ta » l# gooa, o w l n cowhc# o j diBir cor*,7nfltl lln<lt«J Ior re lu m lo io m fi.d c tlliia llo riW b re niUiilihl- b t . •' Kdi'caiWr'SStli'.*; A M C"loeal-Bjtnt-lor* •

t f i u u s . •• j

£ x ^ o t m j u p

( ' T H E N H Q W ^ /

S a s ^ V o o t

; ^ A B I L L ^ ^ ^ I I p

n m n i i i n i n n K n i n i / r r Si__| | |u | , n i l , i ! h l i li/iflnn ‘ I.

~— . . . . • , «A r e a o f B l a c k . R u s t D a m a g e j i ^

i n A r g e n t i n a W i d e n i n g . =

t o I n f l u e n c e Q u o U t t i o n s ^

lAaao?tat«a'm «i *Ma«e?*2dltoriCIIICAOO. Nov. lO-ScQaailaiially severe

erop daiuage reporu fron Argentina tent thn whi'sl maraet soaring nearly i cenln a bushel hcre loday. with moat of the r iu cuintaioed.-lUnaet(d.trotw) by.molti liol orenther prevailing, tbe aren cf black m at damage m A n ^ tln * was reporied viiltMns mplillr ajM some oe«llonx were aitM-t« sM t^ ir iu a l eonpietw tBjlure of-the — wheal cmp. InfliieticMl alM by siMk nrnr- ket rslllCH. purclualiii ot Chicago wiiest future di-livertes broadened out to au uu- uaiisl extent nt tlmea. _____nil the pricr” ulg'r«. whMt”clc»ed.'in'l!ome^ _w h ^ V whole‘*V u m5 « 3 ia ” 3»-,e w iti."net.highcr. Corn closed Ji.a t« l>,c up.MU l»*e to l>,o advance, aud ptovuiotia m i vnryliiR from S cenu uecllne to an roual S*in.

Uiiexpecied relallre firmnew ot tha Lie- arpool wheat market todej. Wtrlli'T wliU. Indlcallona of more or Inui atiiatakncd trans* Atlantie drmand for wheat from Kortli America, combined wllh the dlalurlilni; i;rop newajrom Ariceniui*. gave llie sliest markrt'here a decided upward trend from the \ery begmnlng.

finrplui Show* Cut

Of 23.000.000 tnuneU. a greater rrdiicilon Ihnti any heretofore nieiitloiicd of lute, t t wal afUr lh« eloar a l Liverpool Dial newai s ‘S , ' i s X k “ a ^ ? s ! K S r r . i K s 3 ~inina today, and the crop ihrouglioiit dif- tereiit Urge ajmlfic (Mru ol Curuutw u{uv«Ineu almoat a B.IIure.

Uorn bell wewihrr uu.ulietl lo faciuiain Ihr movement of ihr curn crop tendeti lo alrencthen corn and onu valura. a ido trom the etfcev.of whent market upturni. Qealdea. com recelpu in Cbtcngo loday 10- laled only It cnrs. #«alu«t 3 » rar* n week ■go, nnd offerings to werr nil.

lioviaiona areragDd lower. Influenced hy ilownturn* tn the value of liog»,IVhrat— Open High l.ow riAve

• ' f f i s r — ! f ; n i f ; r s ; n s T r “May , , 131 l u i , 131 13I», 1Dec. .•.. B3’i OOU 8*’< 88’i 'March . . . M>, jii |, W|-. MJil

May ... . : u ' . ' s p . soi, s p ,

TOLKIIO tlRAl'S ' I^^■ro(.EDO,^Nov. lu ..1-—Wheat: No, 2 u d , j

J S S / ^ V T J I ^ T e ’oiySf^V o «g ; .lewl

: .Bcedi Unchangrd. ,CIIICAOO CASH r.t;,\IN'

CHICAW. Nov. 10 i,T,-WhcBt: No. I hard!No. 3 yellow hard ilZ H i.

corn: Hew No. 3 >rllow Ol'.ie: M o.S>hlte '«*“

— — —

CHOPPINGA i t o r n x h n u s l iv u c x p c r im c iill

j iro v o n lo in c re u s c t h e f cc d ijij ; vi■ A t t li i! -} irc .io » t-p r Ja t .o f liaw,.y

-— T he Pap._ lm v O - O lw a y .s .h a d 4 lK j- ro p u k t ie n

: m a c h in c on t h o m a r k o l .W e h a v e tf io m in a izc s ta k in g

,1 f iv e t o n s i)f>r "hou r.; . W in g la d ly r e f e r y o u to u sc p

'- i f S ' i a R D A V K . S . - ,


S y . ^ J C L S W A L t ' ^• r ■ c o m e S bN . \ \ A F T g R A 'T R I L I - I O N * ■ h \ D O L L A R S ^ J n


Uc. Kont^ co rn : Old Ko. 6 yellow 87c: No. a whllo Tot

daU: No. 2 while 4Tlie to 47ise; No. 4 _white 4Jc. . .OM

Rye: No. 7 OT'.jc. 11-17narley: Quouoie range 3*c to 7lc. aprtnTlmodiy sent gl.lO/Ca Id jj, Cor

^ O ffrn f fU l loS iJ 117.73. oa t

■ ' I'ORTLAND ORAIS POflTLAND. Nov. 19 M ^W heat future*

aoti wlilte. wesiem ulille | i a ; hard winter. *

F O R S ]5 - a c r e t r a c t 1 1 - 4 m i l e

P o i n t ; 4 - r o o i t L h o u s e ;

- h o u s e ; s m a l l c o w b a r

_________________s f r a w b e r r i e s ; e l

_ _ P h w i e K

— p r o— ^SHA^B

■ W c ! c a n y a f u l l J i n e i

p l o w j s h S f t

W e d o a l l k i n d s o f

■ P r o m p t S e r

HARDWElectrical Su

2 1 0 - 2 2 0 Second T w i n -A v e n u e S o u t h i W i n

!iilhiK by i^ o v e f n m u n l n t n t i o n s . dair; K viiliio 2 0 'p e r 'c o n t t o ? 0 p e r c e n t ob]

tpee^Jiaj huEqfi o i m M o l n i t m o re w o r k w lU ljM ii.iH P

i n s - f t w r f l ^ 0 - l w A 8 i ^ e f ^ l t l w

se ra lie V c 'o ri t h ‘e tn ic t ." - . ;V

G.Oa-MEI€S-m s s s m 0 ^

MBER2b;i929^ ■.

orthrm tprlng. wiatam rtd I t JU i.Today's tecelpu: Wheat 83, flour 3. <«» ],

OMAiU GRAINS ' L M i S t e K i t i i i ; : : :

O au; No. 3 whll* 44c.

S. JEKSBNItIB CorpontcJ u d cabinet maker. 135 .h-ea8(.~wiv • • j

5ALE I "i l e s n o r t h o f F i v e

; e ; 4 0 - 1 8 c h i c k e n

a r n ; o n e a c r e - i n ‘

e l M t r i c i t } : ^ ___________

.W2K2 I

J W ....■.RES ,e b f G uaranteed 4 j | S i f e s ' W

Df plow w ork H

ervice-----;------- — ;— ^

S E t ^ tfA R R jg rS u p p l i e s

I Falls, Idaho


B iry ia o n . a n d ' fe e d e r* ' h iw ■ • e s p e c ia l ly ; f o r d a i r y cow«.

i d .o L n n n ’u t h u y ii ____ I......

tppgrs _

p Q W ^ t h m t . a p y o th e r lik e

tti c ^ d 61titfa .J r o m- on(i J . o— —

• ” . . . . ^1

( i r / i m r : • ^

Page 11:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

■“ w ~ r^JETOyg--M a n t l e

By ,

P r a n k L . P a c k a r d

" I I H n u n l ii ile . U nil, mhlb." coii-

n r S ?^ ? ' ^ ' i'y ” ' ' i'!i'7*' ' " ”’* ■“the Ihlp U « i m l . h e n \iu t open ihl» *" ^ inu> tfie cnsfncroom nnn listen. And when l cftll, lec him come 's lth all hM te up (he Httle latfder to the Wieywoy above, which lead* fw in the cablni. I, A fhar Wflif. Mod the UUa BaMb vsll be

th e two bundle#.‘h e u h i b th e name ot

W iterDeVuitTioneTMyKnowrto-whom-J ipeftk even IT J be beard ; nml I wJlJ ' give order* to th e »ahlb Iir Ihe nutivetongue to tftke u p the tw o bundle* upon «h li shoulders, and th is h e will do. And then the u h lb will follow boldly and clo«e behind Uic M la Sahlj, and bfWntl t mo. M lw r Wnd. and speiUc to no m an , ' even ir h e b spoken to. and thus, It I t . l i eo w rl lttn .^ 'o ihnn p o u oui ol the ? ^ p . I5 th e Mihib content? And doe* th e Mhlb u t th a t hU riik u no jren ter i “ t h t t n m a i c r .

••We'll lenve th e queailon of risk oul o f ' , S { r P e te r UOTcred «horUj-. "The pfonls a (jood one. r am content." j ^

’i’'**" “ l‘*.A «bar PIM io r ijy .' , , "1 will JO then, snhlb, for the Umr Brows' *'

- i J w rl - , l l i r n nrff th>, pf t *»rpoJrc. Let Ihe' M hlb cu t and m ake '' rCftdV^X. j .

~ _ J ! I Jlll..be_rea^-.';_5oid Peter g ru ffly ' i - a n d the doo rclosed '1w K lhd 'A B h4r-|’

, . . "nah lm n e " i .I’r** o» “ n even keel,-nnd »

l l seemed to Peter, n im on motlonles.i; n Por the l u l few minutes, the tound of ,

—m nny-feet pnttcrlntt up-anti dow n-U io-i ■■ deck above lUs hernl. voices frequently i

raised In cnmmand, and the crenk ot _ booms and Knnrs ns (hoimh somg mntiPn. ,

ver K-ere oeitifc cxet'iJtcaTiftdTCfic.'jed h)nj~j - fam tJy.., And no«-. sHrldcnJi’, tic tcU i

the b rls bump Rcnlly once -or twice ns . thouffh h e r huJ) «an scrnpJjiff o ja lnat M m elliln jl-the landins tlm l Aghar , D nit lind dcurrlbfd. o! course!

------- t^Qg-nt Ihff m>f»n|Tig ,. Into th e dlmumttve encinc room, li.iteri*“

ed.tcnjcly. — ........ ............ .I I hnd boen. Jio JiH/gcd. Unit an Jiour

slncc Aghnr Plnd had lcfl him, and Iti th a t tim e’lm hud no t been Idlr. A i;rlm

„ _imlle curved Ws lips. He mimt look n Mfflnpr. queer s ig l i t rm c n n n d -b e c n -n - Itberal quan tiw of liquid iu the bonie th n t ARhar Plnd had brought him. and ho had UiCd It lfb?rall}' on ei’cry cxfuscd portion of his skin. He hud nol Ucen

, ahk' to s « J jjr en lfre e/fti-f. a : eourss: but the light of a m atch Itud Miuwii him th u l h is h iin d iu n d nrm s'and A u k to lo t

• Ifuumce. were da rk brown—' mucV deeper In color, a s a m a tte r of fnct thail

I ^ b « r P ind 'i. T ho point was. though.I l » d hc, wlUj no m irror to guide him. k . « “ ■« fo r n match, fn u tte rm darknes*. le ft some tell-trile spot e*pes.

tay. WrW, the U tt [ f would come quickly'enough no w i'T h a t

A glw r Plnd'x v<>Jcr. wasn't J t - I* liarsh. voluble, as Uidiigh liouflhT ouf

' In tho native longuo objurgations upon------ the-head-<i(-wmo.ono-wbo.had.lacurrca.

Ills displeasure.- r * ? O, B a h lrt Del"And then Pelcr unctefirtood-tind In a

• «hsh fic wasncroiK th e ll«Iec(tii/ne room and up the comnanlonway. He found

~ . lUiiiMiir iir irU g h tm a lk j nay-aiiwM-At. the entrance to th e deck. His glance frareled gtvi/jly aroiind him. and, wfth « sudden catch of h is brcoih, his i>iUso QuJcJcened. Jie snw M arion. JiersJlm tts -UM ver>- u lral*h t-and*erectrb tjt-verywhite of fnce, Btandhi? a few jMceonwny; on the floor were tw o huge bundfes of rugs and cushions, nnd. facing him. stood Aghar Mnd. who. though llie alleyway■was lighted, held tt lan tern In h li hand.

For perJiaps hn lf a minute Peter was nware th a t he waa undergdnB o shan> nhd critical Insiwctlon. and then . wKh w hat Peter look to be * grunt of npprov-

• el. Affhar PJnd spoke shortly in th e n a - , tive tongue, and pointed to the two bun>

iMes.Pelcr hoisted one lo cach shoulder—

•------- nnd-lnunl . m a t ^ ns A char P lrid taAthey « 5 ^ cbmnJoicly Her

- Ws face and head,. - -And Ihen Aghar Pind; Khder-prctffltte

of helping to ad just the bundles, lh n « t h is hend belween ttttm and placeo Ids

1 lips close to Pcter'B car.1 bcen-no chance to ,spcak[ nlone with the MIki Snhlb.” he whlsper-

« • a«»clcj.v. “She does tiot kiioic It k ih our niJitds th a t hJjp sljaJl exBK" H e

—...drcH’ bflck.ftnd rnJsrd ) jb voice, •T lje Miss sa h ib will lollowm eTTiniK ltllCtH cd >honjy. “Cem cl" . '

. Morion mode n o .n m w r. biU stepped ‘lorw ard « rte r A ghar plml. ' i

Peter, h ls face lutrd nnd iiri. his llpH' “;;7-^tlghW oItow cdj»fthlnd__Ilici_riimc_oij^

, DB declc~ll>erB-w cre m«ny -lantem i. n a n y men h llhcram l th ither

~ . “ •n d ip irico fthehB lehcovcrshndbccn• traoverf; a n d some of the cargo was

ei*ning up . B u t ' aleo H was bright• y o o n llth t. ' arid above the vcsael on her

p o rt Ude. T isinf ih c c r upR-ard to s g rea t height, p e te r cow d Ko a wall of rock. wWle above IhJa.MalH, until like sw je VBBt curta in I t b l ^ outilhc iky atid

---------^etar*rtt-niountjU ii.«arw JJbcif.iJirdi>-l^usiy up Into th e night.

I . The llltlc proceaiitm llircadcd its wny along Iho deck, nnd Peter saw th n t they ffgfc ffiakliig fo r n eoft of Jrthcwiiy Uml

Tliey reached th e eW ttw ay-an tt lu U ------ t^ i * - • '-n llir lA k a MnlUT or

a n a i i l liiiilllll r i t f i iiJu lM iu i^uC <fKlcli,ito6dthere, A thar'P ind tnado n

. p rtfound otrcisance.___ Tdjat All, of

, And th e n llie blood surged lo Peler^s n w d . a a d Ao w as lishtlng m adly wJUi

, bUbselt to beat Into subjccllon th e (u r) lJW tJM id«J*cdi«»nrjlm . T nja l All w aj

"T— W attlnn-joPffaKUmdJtithlilii linnd m £ V i w M arlu i's cliln; was unlllng ccm flT ' “■ g n l y ^ t o her lace. And iH :lh e la n ttn


' I ' W I n P A u a d a i

- T ....! ^ ’W EU r W ItR E D ™ ^ CI. 0»« THU EXTWWA6AN<E. / AH I iK "W t t ---------------f----------

I U DO A U \ 'TUI% 6 . n u t f m b J \ ™

. \ M V SELP- > j

fncc n deathly while, and no movcmrnt ^ . of even a muwle, save thn t her n o s tr i l , 1 were strangely wide.' ■ \

I " I will no l be long." said Tnjnl All softly . " In a little while 1 will come to i you." And ihcn . with a few words m #n undertojie to A ghar Plnd, he stepped ~

I aside.' T h e PR'eat wns In bends on P rtrr’»’ forehcntl. Suppose he had killed TaJul ; All w ltlchls bare hands.I Marlow uumblcd a llltlc now. u alkfrf a , l ll lle un-it^ndlly ns they made their way • -

: acrovi the cdn«wny. nnd gained thc lnlsc ^

', -T h eM lss Sahib ca.’fluUy | .! hcre.^' warned A ghaf Plnd. ••for ll li>

’-n a rro w and very steep to climb even un- — ’ , 111 wc comeToIHe moutivof the cavmi.” t

H ie ledge was perhaiu six fcct In ___ I w id th , and now It began to iwUl und

I u m i. and. ns Aghw -Plnd bnd.siild..»hc. FC• nw cn t became »lm oit-lmmedlfttelv.ex-,;_l t cccdlngly itecp and dlfllculi. _Thcy toi • ; - i- ^ -u p w a rd . A Bliar-nndi-lo iitcnJ IJffni' . ” ' ' in s the way. _I •Behind nnd belov Peter caught nu oc-■ caslonal glimpse b ro th e r lam erns nnd . , J-snadow y figures thni, seemed to e a r n ',^ t burdens on ihe lr backs, o r - l lk c hlmjicll _ s —on their shouWere. tKt 11 scmed to Pctcr th a t they tmvfledi :r n g rea t d ls tance-on nnd on up the bare. • m

rocky face of Uie mountnfii. His tycs - g . fn rf f lv e v c r .

• n o 'm u a ;* ^ ^ . lr. Ihc dim h«hi nl the m: r Jcintcm, It Xocnicd lo W » tb a t there was • A]II n atrimse llstleMucvi In Her movcmcnuv -n even when she UrpDcd nnd s iu m ^ rt on «a th e steep, uneven pathway, ii-. Mie Irr- n -5uen ttrdW . -Hc-w«nlcd lo .c a lL w iJ« c he r. hurl the accursed bundlts on hw • a shouWfrc dowu the mounlnlii ♦Jde. a n d . p, d nincc his arm s around her. ceniforl h e r . , n leln her up the pnlh. carry h.T even. • j

B u t to <llscIOJC h b w cntliy wouH onlyI I . frighten, terrily and d inrcw hrr. iheA more. B etter for Iftem Iwih Umt eho . :li ahould nol know. The en<l had com e,■n between them now, bccnusc he had maoc; _1>. a com iuct w hh Aghar Piml. Belter for) n. them both, even If they succeeded ln i :r n uk ing the ir final escape, lha l he should .»♦ rem ain merely u nn tlw bundle cnrr cr ) _

whose nam e was Itahim D c ^ i l c r . f a r , p»t- ■B elC cT -ror-nnT -thn t-h t-M ould-Jm e- nasMtLout of.her life with thu t m « lln « ;a J t in Uie cabin ol T n > i Ali'.s brig. Sho-p «» would wonder, of courw. for the paiMrs | $ itL i»t nf lllc Ir inl ot P ttc r Blake jg

-s.but she would nevcr'^macrstand. ^2 The n id d rn U lr •

a W as ll h a lf a mile, o r n mile, th a t th e y ,m hnd'c lim bed. I t semcd H k P im . A n ti; i4 HOW »urtdenl}^_lhe by j’

conlrasl. to bum the '’j 's h tc r . T heyj a h n d pn*sed In through whal—os wcll a s ,

w Peter eculd make out—was n small nn- ( I- lum l archway th n i opened, nn ll were, liv, - w T tj-thc-m m nitain itscll.>•: nolhlng beyond thc ver>- l i f t e d radlM |

o f lh e lan tem H eh l.-b iit h e w»a-Con-jJ><l sclous of a sense o t vasl. llllmltoble space . t »y - n n d from somewhere*far<J. h im there came now a constant ro ar of 11

1> * Aghar Plnd'B voice, raised now and je ■»» addressing Marion reached Peter.

• u t th e Miss Sahib keep well to the »- le ft , for on the rlgh l the foil Into the 1 1* W8lbrs,ls even as the hclRht « e «ave ■

climbed, and for one r 310 return. In a little while there will a ^ light, for u m an lias been,fir < i» t ahM d of UB tn a t U 'f ninfcWiie u n y -

bc made to work. ,Docs th e Mlsa S a ­te ' fflB'imafrsUnd. - ; •; — *t Again there was no a aw er .Jb T ta looting waa level and *mooth mw .

A shor Plnd 's lanlern boboed on oiieaa ^ t o d by iU-Ughl, peter f ' on his Itf l. they,were e<lglng past a great

Aiois of piled boxes and barrels ^ Je c fa tf i - lo o t . tbe nw im utatiO n ot <M .

« S M S / :looked behind Wm afrain. O ther an* i

!«• terns. Ihose thn t ho had seen coming upy t ih c ,m o u n u ln iW c of « u r « jw c < 0j ^

pcarfec-B ow 4htouih .lhe-im ttwny._..,._" “ 'toohtiiiuna In Next l*w «_--------cn ' -?* SfKCIAJ. - —

TlfANKSQlYULt* OAV FARE*‘®r TJckeU K«i »c on sale m bta la or a tare

nnd one-third (or th e round tr ip bs- tween locaV Oregon Short Line ataUons and destlnaUonH In Tdaho. MonUna. Ncvadn, Oregon. Utnh.

“ W ashington. November M .^a7 a n d 38.n n u n i llmll. December Snd. P or fur-

" t ther particulars consult your localagenl. adv UNION PA C lPtC BYSTEM,

,jt. wtab m Mtrar t , • ' ^

- f l tfM G B iW W in ,r ’ ,0 I) 11, y .l I

of : ^ d v c r l i 8 e i ^ h t a ^

S m l M anager of the T ^ n F U l l S . t o Kta Company until Dcc. 1.1920. f o r .w n i^ J rIII . tlon oC the followlntf draJftBM -Jt^telfc A T T R n iM W n p l’rusirtn tfrH A % ,:«*;ali- c m (olloRTt:- ' . , 'n f . - • •. •• u i a l h p ta V m t k r . m iiv sUb r f

g B G t H E W S . ’i ' W M j t o

' ' o w - " W W M A N - ' > J

THE O t w « »*.■( TO iM O U m * ^ , IF T N tY HAD AM Y.THlNb / M \ IN S W M Y n o n e s - ^

W s o i t A-O ne C ent P e r W ord

P e r In se r tio n . ___ ;_______ • 5T

' ' ~ ' M' AU W ant Adi aUfO and _

; I ■ - 1 ^-

' F o r S a l e — R e a l E s t a t e , VII ' . : . _____ - - _ . - ■ fo

1 FOW SALK — FIVE IlOOM MODERN ^; : ' liouscr'PhcnB M ia-xr-oaiW r-— ------- -r

■'GOOD BOYS IN FARMS AKD C IT V ;p■ • - ^ p r o ^ y .- B o a XH. T w in FttlM. ^

■ FOR SALE — 80 ACRES, GOOD IM - T ‘ ; provements. 3 m ilci from good tawn.

Write Box A, care News. _tT O R -8 A I* -« -R 0 0 M -H O U S E W IT ^ f

1; sleeping porch, m odem e « « p t heal, I , ,'In g ^ location. Pbone 110W. j


c ’n in M 'w u t^ l « i « d ' l ^ l ^ r T ia R e n n i n : 'j s • Apply F ire iNnlloPal Bank. Hagerman. ,

40 ACRES PO R SALE OR TRADE POR I small acreage n e a r Tw in Palls. Avery

n,low-price. See ow ner 2 miles soulh anO w -3 miJrs wMtof touUiweal,corner.ol_BuhL. 5

■ f o r ' s a l e ^ V e r 200 A c r ir a i d e a l ^'i fhcep and seed 'ranch. »1th worlds oi

;„ 'ffce waUr a t $75. , A boul,« ncren hay ' ^ nttd much pasture. Box 613, Jtri3nic.jJ®; Idaho. .......... ....... .. ...................................J

le ; FO R ftALE ' . File; BO ACRES EXCELLENT LAND, ' «■ I ■ 3 mllea west o f EdCn, «J<W per » acre. See HUNT, a l the Dl»-

mond H ardw are Co.

» r : FOR a T L ^ n O a c r e s , n e a r j e r - ;I.e i_ o m c .. good- improvementt. J U S p e r , IK acre. 100 acres n e a r Jcrom ei.w cinm i],

provcdriSSOO'taken bff'ln crop thus year. i rs $100 per nere, 15000 cash, balance on ' « ifiood terms. Carltafo & Carlisle. -PhonejJ~ ^ 2^T I7H ?m soT r31 (lg rJerom erId»ho .-fj

e y ; ' W lfY RENT? “ I;,t]l FINE 80 ONLY IHO.OO PER ]' irt, 1, acre. T hree miles west ot i ■ bV! • 'E den on highw ay. Discounteyi":— toT caW . W llM uftu im u ef----- ^a s ! money. • ’ !n -( DfAMOND HARD^^TIRB CO. ;

iliiA TTEN flO N , FARM B U Y E R i^ -n n S j; us I Ilne M acre fo rih roh ly 1115 per acre. \ n . ! elosc to sehool a n d town, vcn’ produc- ] ee^lvc soil. lle s-pertee i for Irrigation, best j- )W' waler rlghl. 13 acres bluegress, bnlancc; of falialla, red clover and p a in . Family

i orchard, fine ahade. a ll fenced and nd 'crossed. hog U ght; 8 room iiouse. J«rge

I bam. eosl UOOO. deep well; MiOO c4sh, hc balance 0 years a t 0 per cent. Craig ho Realty Co.. R ealtors , Nampa, Idaho. ; vc • ; to ------------------------- ------ -----------------------I

_______ R E A L B U Y j

S e s t X o c a t e d i O l I r e s

I n T w i n F a l l s C o u n t yad‘ t. F in e L a n d a n d l/o c u tlo n ? d O n M a rk c l f o r 30 D n y s O nly

A d d r e s s B o x 9 6 j

w j C i r ^ i N e w s " ^in- - * — -up .................^ -- j! ? l _ a — O tc h a la ta - i ' i - ? ;___ ” i 'M .l 'j jr i f | - - 3 — T o ib e r t- -4 X 7 2 5 0 0 •

V McDonough'H x f i - fo o o --,-5 Peivey 4 x 0 800-0 Leepcc-. i t . l - 2«w _

i?I®i fioKiflcatlona sn d f o n a ^ 'p W ^ J ^ may bc<»»cured frora thc office of the. r r Twin Palls C n n t t ebmiliin>-. .

Thn Board of Dlreclbrs fciume the ?« right to re jec t a n y or a ll bids.

,? / [ J, B. HAYEB.“ V l • '• . 'Q eneral Maiuigcr.Sjll'kovrm U T ip. IgW- • .

.■.‘ .j-.-WItL, Ett.^

o r tJ i^ Q U tc ■ol. Admc

1 ^ 1 S a f f " * ^ ‘''’rder of said Court.

6 t N o n m b c r , : i m “ riiJ i v m A. M. ot;M iU <l»y- « t H'C Court

. ■ i|iasbcen8ppdln l«da|ithe.U m contlP ®

/ H E 'S T U E KB - j - V , . \ M 1U K 5 'W l

- I -V -A N 6^


I d s - B a r jI F o r S a l e — F u r n i t u r e j

1 TOR X a L e " - ^ S » O N IN O E R ~ ?rA ^^ DED : suitable for home or school. Phone we; or' caH Mrs. F. W'. Snos-, OO Mnln North.____________ ;__________................... — nffPIANOS POR SALE BV ADJUfSTOR —

~ of COUCLtlonDi 1 hnVB n m ROv.pianos for balance on contract. Alw

' Ihree used pianos. We sell pianos oi , q ?very email payments. For furlher In a.

forraauon write Oordon Rlcer1)0X S8B ~' .i rw in Falfs. rdnho. - p o t

J ^ “ F ; ‘r - . S a l c - f o u i u Z Z ; _ “— ----------— — --------------- - F o r

IFOR SALE - T A BLB-CA RItO TS,-$l : he ^ Iw M im id re d —Ehonc837Jl3. . . —

' APPLES POR BALE—4'i MILES E A ^ tv •' W aters corncr. Peter Rlha;

-------------------- R 0 (i FOR SALE - NO. 2 POTATOES. 2 , m . - miles easl on Addison avc. Phono . ’ 13S2R11. FO*

- _____ _____________________ _____ p:5 y o u SALE—DELlCIOUS Al’PLES, 50C — 1 coninlnera., BW

mlli-hau U u jL K ijp . ^

s ; ^ R ~ 8 A L i r i - D B r.ic io y s a i’P l e s . i-w fj • red nnd gelden. all Rmrifs: bring con- rc J talners. Also some fine tulip bulbs nnd nve 1, pconlas, m ust be pUnird u>on. J . A. ^ lt,.W aiers-p|»ce.-Pb8nr-8ftUI:------ ^

f i e l p W a n t e d . ^

W AW ED — COMPETCNT BEAUTX. 5 5 - 'I Parior O perator. Enquire O rpheuia ^ ‘J_;,Deauly_6l>op p e . _ C j l y . __________

>MAN OR_WOMAN WANTED W I T H i^ ' am bition' anU industrj', lo inlroHuM "

and supply tho demand for R aw io lg ttt •'‘*' ! Household Producis to steady user#, iSeveraU lne openings In Tw in Falla and j,

I . ■ near by towhs. We train and help ypu. yj,, c r ’BawJeah Dcalens can make up to llflO _ _ n .; a week or more. No rrp rrim c c nrcfs>..SH . r t s o ^ P l e a s a n l , profitable, dlgnllled e 3,11 work. W riie today. W. T . Rawlelgh Co., nei ng jDepU lD-1753. Denver. Colo. . wa

~ tH A T r 0 trT V O MW r ^ W T g U - - W iT H - I ^ I ambiUon and industry, to InlroducQ i ' l and supply Uic demand (or Raw leigh 's ' me Hoiuehotd Products to sieady users, a .

1 Several fine openings In Cam as and — _ I Hlalan CounUes nnd.near by towns ttnd

Iru ra l dUtziets. Wc tram and neip yoii’ — I Rawlelgh dcniers can make up to tlOO ^

. ; a week and morc. No experience neces-j , IS sarr* Pleasant. proflUble. dignified re; worK. W rite today. W . T . Raw lelgh r c 1C-; Co.. Dept. lD-4753. Denver. Colo. i

« ! F o r R e n t — A p a r t m e n t s kIWl _ _____________________ _ 'lUt I APARTMENT - OALL 2i6 4T1I AVB »e . e w t a rw r a P. M. . ________ - |* i

U s ! " E o s t

— I L O S T ^ ^ p 'A l i t 'l w L D ^“"I I glasses in black ease .' SulUble rew ard. ,In

(Phone i m . ________ __________ t j ;

L C ^ t-C H E C K U Q Q i;.Q ltJB A K K L o £ u , .K im beriy «HJ« « r regtstratioii orjd ic: 5 1 papers- Phene 4W l-a.Klmberly. fi

1 LOST - HEAVY GRAY OVERCOAT.-'ii belween Twin Fnlls and I ' i mllc south

I from South ra rk slore^ NoUfy A. lt> q-Brle)!, H & c ig ar store. _ ^

^ I k r BNOELS WILL GIVE 15 "r e w ARD l'< io r 'r e tu rn ol thn (ollowlng a lfnlfa: •

1 Crownem. number 3.0 ,11 ,13 .20 nnd S<. ils

LOST - SHEEPSKIN.UNED OVER- ' “f :*ediil between A rtM an aRd M urtau kh .'

a Re'trard. Phene is ^ - W ot leave n l &S0 yi- PW rUt-Avenue W ertr; v ---------------- c

• STRAYEO — 3 -Y E A R L IN O -H E fF tR ..- ' ■ ' » l« i,"aW 5fil « * P f il rW ;* 'W r tty B. F'

tr . K iW n, I mlic bobUKSt im irw c s t. *i - lA l le sou th and l j west o( so iitb Pa rk d

a r tc c t y .„ P l io M io j « 3 , ._ ^ ih

the JJhim o( lette rs testam entary w hen and ^

Ihe th e re nny person interested m ay appear « and conlesl the same..■-Dated November f3 .1920. '

icr. • . c .'A . BA itBY . r1.^ 'Probote Jud^e ^nd 'B t^O fflclo Clerk. /

' NOTICE TO C B ^ ' o t t » ' «


cescary vouehers. wlth)a ilx m o n lh t af> urt. teriUie (Irst publtcatlonef thU tlotlee. to I nafl.Jlhfl. i a id m cutriiLaLito j f f l p e ’^ E, L. * th e A shton ,'p irs t Natlonal B ank S ld g ; in * 0;DO th e C lty a p d C o u n ty o I.T w ln m is .B ti te ? ourt o( 'M a ^ . tW s being. Itw pU c« (Ixed.^of | ruse; tho trv u a c ilo n o l tho b iu lnew .o f ti&id>.

Ucc ' I3 * O T ' ' ' ' . ' .*

A V k O R N I N G . N O V E M B E


M P O U R S ^ U T TLE ^ ^

r g a i n s - CF o r R e n l — F u r n i s h e d j F<

DEDROOM FO iH ^ N t ' - « T maTn i FOR west. , , 1

^ A R D AND llOOM. vt A IN ■ i' o t ]north. ' Ju '

ROOM AND B 0A R D -2K F l tT I l AVE-"'HUJ'WC------------------ :

lO O M W D BOARD. CLOSE IN. 315V r|y........... ■ . . ! —

ptm K A O S HEATED S O O M FOB, „},ren t. « ia No Main._____________ _; Dcrk

FO R «E N T - “ R O o S irP X H lT T A -C T i-^ heaU d.-222.C th nve e ast,. ________;_ g ji

BOARD AND R00M S-121-"b BVENTH : avenue north . Phene 501. . „

r o o m AND BOARD. TWO GENTLE- , m en preferred. 228 oth ave non b.

FO R RENT-BOARD AND ROOM IN Pboi j private home, Cnll Ml Mnln casi.

BOAM) /IND nOOM AT T lffi CBATEl! I »» H orn-. 120 Bill IIVU ivjrlTi. I’l i a n e ; ^

m a BENT - M u F s T i K E 'E i ’ 1N 3 1 B m rcoms, bnlh nnd hct wa'.fr, 337 0th. do

nve north.___________________________!

v o n RENT - 4 ROOMS OF FU R N lsll^ ith tr ed House for 3 iWl^t)K~}fS^^iVan!nJm.

Pbone 382J.___________ I________ _ —

ROOM AND BOARD FO R T^VO OEN* hi —lipm enr Piionc IIOB-W, 4S9-CtMndiort. nvemie norih. ____________ ~ etwi

f o r ’ R E N T -Fim N lflH E U ^R O O M S.—fl1c^:gqi.a;p>. frnU»m<n lirerwrcd. 233 DR' an} ovc norUj," Phone 204J. • ' ti

FO R RENT-DANDY SMALL DUN3A- ” J ' low. modem, completely (umbfied.

The Oxford. 428 M ain north. ’ ^ 0

6H Q D A tl^K .0T O -^133 MAIN A V ^i ^ easti s'pcdij monllily r s t e r t o r t i n t s - —

nen t guests. Plenty o( h eat and hoti • waler. ________________________ _ ,

- I^ N < y s A » ~ <MIOOM-JJ O D £ R N ,1 ^ ^l l ' houM. HO; furnished rooms; .“i-ronm; I 'n iodern bouw. »35: 5-room lii)ii;4-..»24.i , 'a . N, L ung._^ho»r S63. ____ ____ j,

i P n r S a l o - ^ P o u U r y w

' 5iJ5yONE WANTING O EESE"FO RTT^, S04 ; 1 holKhys. call 13B2R3._________ ^

I FOR SALE - MAMMOTH BRONZE * turkeys ter breeding. Pliouc 353^4. 113

FOR B A L E ^R IZ E ^VINNINO•TUR' WJ key lems, Ior breeding. Phone 59MI.

i FOR s u -e - b r o iiz e ; t u h k e y s r o n - { breeding: nlso fine drrssed turkey*, wj

• Phone 3J1C, Filer. _________

- I o T T A i .E - MAMMOTH BRONZE - i lurkcys. breeding slock. Mrs. W. Z W

Iron, Plionr 1382J5. ____________

,. ' FOR HALE YEAR OLD WH ITE LEO-1 _ ? t limu hens nnd Rhode Islnud m l pul- V, f 'ih x . 'S '. m ilrTT!TsrorTrtn-Pn!!»-<u^

Jtlinberly Roud. ^

v'irU RK EY S F 0R ~ 8A L E - TV ^N TY ,| ■h tw rnty two and tw enty four cents peri .I. lb. .<>lx mlJps cast on AddMH. Mra.j

Ernest Enicrsoii. ___

5 FOR SALE - p u r e b r e d " ' NARRA- ' r. . eamicu lurkcyN Breeding stock. H ar- tn (, lly. domestic, eariy maturing. Mrs..M.P. t^-rKcnworUiyf— Phone 645J4--T--------=—

> ' t HANKSOIVINQ T U R K E Y S -I WILL ^ 1 .' dcJIvi-r 10 you In Twin Fnlls good, j»i10 youns live turkeys, o l 27c per pound.— C all-L rA rW am err«vcnlns5 niter 7:30. ^p - g h o n tJ 03J13..____ _ __^ 1^ - FOR 6ALK-MV'BjtfTZRB‘FtO C K O F nl ' i iiurcbrcud bronre turkeys to i» -» ld ,by « ■k D K . I. Yenriln! toma »10. Yeaillng

,hens.»fi. Young lom5, |8 . voung hens, - ! | f Tills stock l i of th e Bird Bros, strain. N

" Mts. Clilford Dcnhoy. V j mllea cast o('fl Eden. Idaho, on highway. -

" ' F o r S a l c T S v c s t o c k

r m T ^ A D b o o b D E S B f ^ ' BWBJr ^^ I Phone 503J3, • _____ „

i ^ H SALE — 7 H O LSTinN HEtPEItS. * Ocfintfl Bradley. Phcno 1193J,3.

11 POU sALE-KEAVV w o E k " j r e a c ? id , and Deerlng binder. Pbon#2«lWs

.......... ^BEVBItAb HEAD O P H O RSW AJ4D ;

J«l', mules, a l Oroome’s old sU n d . '2nd I ' (ttreclviTM. r ■■ ' . ■ > - .■ ^

' r o a s A u ; - - , 8 u m - M J f 5 y ™ r ;n . • ,H o U U let*uaet& u» lonW B l,W eU l,

.■ reu te 4 T > rlijP » U i. • ’

i f f W V I V ONE 07 ii j B O R lU l ltR Y M


b p p o r f aFor S a le—M iscdlnncous

b n ^ L E ^ O Y A L TYPEWRITER. A, I bftrrnln a t »4S. I'hone 3MJ. _____ • I

■OTAt o " s ACKS AT ■nre UJAHOf - | Junk House. 153 2nd ave *outh .; ___

'hone 040^_____________. __ _______

InUe^nnd th m - Q u a r ^ r s m lo n Kim- J Z - J - itrly road. D . B. Voeburg,___________, ____

^OR SALE HAY-DELIVERED A l^ > 8IIAB aJierc. Also DvJJclous appJe*. Joe 6i 1

)crks. 1 ■ i mile easl on Elttabeth Blvd.

^ R ~ S A L ^ 1 ? 1 i H.P. JUHN'UElLltE r -Bttii -g as engine, DeLaval aeam scpam tor ^ - T <0.12: 22 a c r is beanTitfaw, Call «IR l.Slmbcrly.- - -- .........J O I»

L-OR SALE - 15 - 30 McCORMlCK- ^ ■Decrlne irnctor. Parmm'AUtflmoiIve -SWEI

3ervlcc. 133 Second nvenue e<)uth. Moi Phone 741W or VWJ. ^

FOR SALE — ABOUT 200 TONS OP Bu1 lixy. B'lth o r wjllioul lambing sheds, — j r

drep well « ater- and elecUlc llRhts. O, ' • * i». Bcnnelt. Route 2. Buhl. Phone 336JX

D U L B S ^ ^ ^ tilP S lM P W iT E b AND -------domesUc cro^Ti. Kjnclnths. crocuses ■ —

tnd anemones of th : ilnest qunlliy. I t Is going to freeze soon. B etter p la n t , them now. D arrow Brothers Seed Com- ’pffny:------------------ --------------:— ! — :FOR SA LK -CA NA R YU m nS. YOUNO i X-1

healthy, liappy fellovis. nil gocd c o l- . ors.-.NocuU-blrd3._i'lnc.^lnaers. I m llc ; — ttidl. stiuUi of W ashlnfton sehool. i .t :^ Mra. O tto Young. J

DROP IN A T T H E 8 H 0 rA N D T £ rS “ ^■ tallTsacks; YOU inreiy will fiecd -*B m e-|-= field bags, branded No. 1 and b ran d e d ' flOI! NO. 3 p o u to bags, onion bags and twine, an We have scads and scads ot them. Phone . Pao: 840. T w in Falls. 182 2nd ttvc south. ^ n ia tn r J u nfc Houw. ____^ -- rz-TTrr*trmi

W an ted —Miscellaneous 7 =W ANTED-POULTOV. h T c . HUN- ; S u ]

I—Kf r - p n onciH ow . - - ’— ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ __pt

; WANTED TO BUY-WATBR TANK ;• fo r ««gon. M5 Sb»)>o«c north , - g j j


W ANTED-HAULINO WITH TRU CK .! — anyth ing . “ pywhffC'."."J'tlw-. Phone

WANTED - 10 I££Ad1<C;MB'BB_ONB_J'^ horses to pasture. Phone 517R3. P a t-1

rick W ynm___________ ______________ I ~

W EA R E STILL BUYINO ALL VARIE- J ^ tie s of clm er and allalfa seed. D n r - .

row* Bros. Seed Co. | ]l

WANTED — "rTsSENO EfTTbR LOS A twefw 7'hiJr.«d»v morning. In q u ire .

L M. Ju ln . Liberty Mnrkel. ^

W ANTEI>-^fl TONS OF LIVE I*OUl,- i — - .^ r y - w m patLt)',.iil» m urkct p rice . MO and send Iruek aflcr them. Phono IM • « Public Murkct.

I F o r Kcnl—F a r m s ^ |„wI T O R R E N T -^lM ACRES FARM SU IT -' j jc ■■ uble fo r beans or spudvcaahfCiUi Im*^ - g

. m ediate ix»Ks.ion. Inquire F irs l N a - ! ah• t»°nat Sank. Vil*r —

; W r R e n t - U n f u r n l s n e d - ^ ^

. TO R R E N T - o m c E ROOM. IN -itW

. qu ire Dr. Bllllngton, Central Bldg. ; j


I F o r Sale~A utom obiles- *»

■ N A B« 1021 TOURING, TRAdV ^ O Rf w hal? 444 itt i ave west. ...... ~ —

. FO R D 8BD .\N riN .G 00D CO N D IH O N , j ■ l o t aaje cheap, SIO 4th ave en»t. ^ ^

^ ro let. tourfii?; goeii c u r c n m :" c i in :b t r ^ « e i M i ^ w m o i r a « a 6 ^ ^ “

'■ ..-.Tersonal

^ t r w i Mjheona who kno<ra w m U fti op a - BUJ-Lltke, ags47.suppcsed lotao InU ie• T t a r j >aTii-HBt«hi»rtw 6 d 7 « ^ te 4 tM tt i t ^

I ' ;. . R a n te d to — 1 1

r r ■njrtflO ieetrtw m rhtriilalie 'lrby .tttpcM —I , S

-I .. vu,.,!..

IS ' H

’ f 0 6 E T W E RP L K C E -

N O » . W T Q « W e

m w ic H i SLa n H S - IT ’WOULD b e ^ 6 0 0 0


• 0 ^t , IM ._____________

u n i t i e s

'P ro feasioim l _____ •

ATXoawwi*lAnTioDOiN,^^.*f T ru s t BuUdln*. Phno*

; i 3 { i » ; B e o m i l * a d « a ^

~ & " 5 i u j ^ w o w _

)iw‘w; 6iASAM-l*«TW^ -r-.— x n is t Building, p hone » - W .

BufldlM .

J . » Y t a s —LS.WTM. B a n k * Tru*>Building. Phona i m ___________ _'C SIIENEBEBCBR. Lawyer. i-(W«

D U . I « T / M U X E U DtnUiA ^ .

Over 1st s e c u r i ty ^ n K — JE R O M E ,

^ “ ^wv.nlnM by npfiointm enl •

----------B u s in e s a ^— ---- -----------

?hoBe a » . J ___________^ _________

° t ^ g u g ° * g n . ,

" m b u r a w c h ^

rq:TO INSORAMCB^AU^W te r - R e « l :a » t* ^ « » g ° > j? * ! := ^ --------

— ^ TVANBrea

i S i c a o i s t o m s t o » « » .

S W tt IRA N SFKa CO. - •-p ae W n * - * .*P«ol»lt3f.- ,a w .J ? 9 S L _ — P b o n e W . - —

~ ;

A t5raT traA N ci8-A «^ ••

L o an s ■

i i R&n.OAM», O ft. b W M a t

MONEY TO P O t t r o- g a n c . . ' ' ~ - — ■

« PE R CENT N9. 'I sloni, llrs l c l f t s * ^ r ^ « M « . lonU . CaU 209 oc I M t ____ ■

'.A nnul L. 81^ te Qg.

;o 5 r "t e h Y a ® r - f e n tha'T**«t

: s r r ‘L S S ^ A S f :i n j T o p r a B i w i v w v . ■’1 i««

proMANENT~W O R K ^ ^

Page 12:^ T H E i i i i i rVOL. J2. NO. 193. "IU FOI BEUEF ' nv — bu,F. L. Atkins, Buhl, Member “ of Bonrd of Directors For Organization

■ ■■ P i ie e T w d H i ' J

f i m I mtIIdaho Products Supper and

Pro?r.i?n PM tnro A ffa ir

' of r j i r m Oi'Kanis’-ation -

Fll,FJl. SftV. nraiUf'i;. nni!- ■ -of-Filer-nruiiR ii -aLU-mli«-U»i.

uiimtal Iila ln iirocliid,'. mipixt wn:l |iro . Kiuiii liHcI In tlx- urK^iril/JiUutiVliall I'ri> liuy fv.-nlii«. Fnllfiwliix >»i' Mi])j»'r u


' >11 Hiior.iiiii: Mjnff. •'lauJio." by Oraiiiir;"Onp P;iri /b o m IJafiu." ttlvciLby.'uch __IHfOii iw '^ 'i ii: l:i-^lrunii-iilal r-ulo Uy . M ;« K-.hclyii Biifsinn: dlscuulon. ••Ida- : h.vr. W airr SuiJplj-'I.ooklnv AK «a." b} C. O. Tliomas: "Wlmi lUntm Nredit | MG';!" by Wllllum liiirslnx: "Idalio'Ji S<Tnl>.’ liciui:)." by Vir«ll I.c'i-cl.-.; "Ida-

Maljcl joitiiMm; -WUM': W idik WiiH Matio." W alker: -Idalio'H Mo«.

rifHluc: - - Our Uoys anitOir!:.," Cijl<;:vl K. O. W ullvi: ii lOw.1 to 'ln>;s ftiiii i:irl-. nf Uliilin. hy Mr, I. K jHiiUf.y till. I,- Ik- »nfniuiilgining]iMifa. |__C. K l>ri»i'llrr, iiianai:pr of tlii' Uoan

-. Clia*pr»' ft/i'.:<d8tion illwii-wd Ilw bfiiti [in.iikt'i*’ uiui till' \korklnt ot ilir fuiin ‘r r llrlb llt, . i

Spfc lil inu'.lc wac lum lslin l a i llic ITiH'vlny liiiicbfon nn'rhiiK ol tlip Kl- .uiinU cliib by iliP hlHli ^'licxtl orclim ra I

• imilrr lUo illri-clioii or M lu K l l n f p . :T . Jiliurp of Illf MaifMj dlslrlel. wa.s u ,l',iii-<t ol Ihr i-Uib.. Till- MTrotao’ was I

. Iil>,trti:'ir<l to buy u sulikblu. baiiiit-r tur

lircviiic* u .suitablr ici* i^kutliiK |>oiul l o r ' , tlu-yiniii*’ '.n’oiik-of tltv' lovin, Wnikwill

___t)c, Luiiuiifiii:i:d.on-Hic .bkullueJw inL lu. .'Hrj' tlio iirnr Iiiliirv, Rov, C. £. Htlmhu baf

itiivo u lulk Oil till' liLsior^’ of n'lticloii. tlip TliP Lailliv.- All! ol tho MtflliCclLsl

cliurrl) u lll rene u cliickrii pic nujipcr liflitrrti th r liniirs nf &,aiU 7-Q'T|or.t>- .ol-

— on-F*l«lHy-f»fiiinK. November 22. In the bnsciiciil of tllf Melhoftlm cliurili.

------- Fi!«-O irl-«wm w-nrc-!>ponM r:i.of-U ; -flurinujilcal concert fo be itlk/n Wediirsday nm

o’clock. Oastnv Flcchtiier, IV lii r^fla" | ^ nml liW orclio.nru will ]irc*rui llic cvc- nlnii's ciiicnalnm eui. ’' Thc Pller-WomaaV club will hold lis J

'a n n u a l home p r o d u c i - s liiiiclicoii

Mr. atui Mr#, J . A. U v c lt. Klmb;rly, | ® were tiiicJW of Mr. nnd Mr*. Orofcr Beem Tluirsday. Mr*. Hccni U a dairjh* te r of Mr. aud Mrs. Lovell. !<>|'

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. RuyliGni euler-“ talnttI"5rtliree tables-of-tjrldgc-Pridfty-------a

cvcnlnj, B. L lU yborn. Tw in Pallv won ihoi hli{li acorc Dellcloiu rclrcshm rius opp v^rt* scr\’cd a t thc close of thc)cvenhi|{. xtrt

W. C. Cu^s rclun icd ijunday from a the! b tu ln m trip ts Oiiclcu. Lnc

Thc s tn r Soclnl club wtll hold Us othi -roaral-tTycloctrhnichctm-Tvwsday-ttl-tlM— i:ot1

hom e of M ri. Ji-B i-B rcnnsni— :— —■— —j, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. R aybdm u e rr dill-

n e r b iic» i Sunday of Mr. nnd Mr.s, John ‘"p, L,01ni8tead. -

Mr, und Mra. Charic# Orm cnurlalnpd n t dinner Sunday fcr Mr#. J . E. Hahn. s=: nnd son. Vernon, who are Icavlns thi#

■'" v ^ k - to -m a k e ^ h e l r^ o m e - ln . eoiorailu ‘ jl Sprlnsi, . ’

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. U H u e cnlertaln- cd Sauirday evening for P rank U Steph* [|

- T in rK f lm '^ C o w t ln rr T ir 1 n -r a l l* r W ti^ llain D lefentluler. Decalur. IllluoU; Tliomas D sb’. Milwaukee. Robert K. DU- llimliuni, Ou>- H. Shea re r ami O Jay Child*. Pller.

“ % u t o o

w ill_______pif£ei____tin s

=-^S5EBT I• JelUwdl woo C n n d t f f l j l ptite a i ^ u Um Ex*

^ t t b Ic t t the 6 T o d t c { 2 } «je ll de iH tt « l le id lD f hotelt, tjcelaiivi m u D n sn .

. . npu d h p i ^ i u d fu w n caretedat. . . .

___________ M i k * J d t w r f i . « C W R _ _fivorite,toB. ^


^ H o u r i P a

■. l r —1' :^ e J— -

--------------------- r — f f l — —

» y 'l* l..\ll’fl),>5 I. I.IPSKY. j n . tliU Prrs-. C 6rrp5im iident)'-- .whi

Ob:NEVA. Nov. Ifi - Com mrrclnl sco - A men—fnnn Knllry lo brlcluc—proWdo a linfliuia probleitrinliiiliw lrlal londerB in the world iriiMilt- for nn eli^ht-liour byyorlciiiif ^luy;---------- ----------------------------- QTIt

Two fonnlilable obsU tlrs iu Ihc wny. *' >f- prolecUuk:--every m uti-Jaclfc^rou i- —£ )ver-w6rk throuah inlernntlohnl n'tfrec* 6wt :ucntfl w erc .th rm l Inlo ihir npoUlKhl froi luriiurmti-TcCl’nt-Tmcrnauonai M an- pntf time confcreucc here of III nations, fu.'t- P ln tt—Ihtr-iiftliirRl-rlroumtiAucas-ISt I i q icalarlnic men. wattenHl ovor the M ven iihlj' >r m ore #ens. coaslllulo an obKllnhte kcii physical hlnilmiice l{i.llic « h c m c ..fw sftid ttl unified ‘'yo>licn\e-ho" in piillliiK Ior hou 'cgulated condltloiu ul the lo ll.' iucr

S fc o n d ^ h e world’s Miipowner.i nrc ilm asi iniiulmoiwb' opposed to In ter- loUonal agrccmenis for lim iting work lOur* of m en nnd women Mho -w k th e ir Ivlng by Boinit down to ihe,.«a In ulilps. -A U hou8h-lliey -n iiinbcr-h tm drn ls"o r or'c housands. maritime workers have acnnt dust ipportunity to pool ihelr Ideas a n d itrrngth, slncc they #pend-niuch—of- ~ heir live# far from th e home baw . ‘ ‘ r, Jickliig cMc-mlal contact w llh one n n - i,,,, ithcr. Ihey leud to laso unity In ne-fo tla tinc-w H h-m plw er*--------------------- ^“ ’Seafnrcr# w lin s r ih y la x i w orkers in he world to be succew/ully orjtanized." Sl laid one o t the prominent de legates to untl he uinrltlme conferencc. “Thoy adm li sas


I L _ ^ ---------- T V . H d v an la ffs

_ [ - . SAVINGS ACj - 'T H IN K o( th e m any advan

Q count ha»—It never geU I n itceti<i r e ^ l r i , never changM slI ut-date. Ready to he lp yoa wlu

II of work, and It I t alw ayi «oi .11 belong* (o you—n e re r t . II kceond-hand dealer.lH W belb tr you a re u v ln g lo r

car. for th e coUege cdaeaUon

I w hat not, yoor a ccoan t b al

building your account by regul depofiU. Don’t let » alngle n

. aildlnff to your account. You i rax( ( ( accomnlate* here.

zTlrtirfall^lCapital and Surp

N O T ] P e rsona l P ron firty Taxe.s n re nc

o ffice o f tl?e C O U N TY A SSESSO ' come dulit^guent on th e FO U RTF


A fte r th a t d a te d i s t r a in t w a r fflven th c S h e riff , a n d a 10 per c c&sta wniTje'aBdwi.

T h e law fu r th e r p ro v id es th a t any tierson to sell o r removQ:if(?n p ro p e rty w ith o u t f i r s t pay in ir tl c u i ^ t ’y w .

• - C ^ S .,.C L A U I

D A I L Y N E W a . T W I N . F A I

Q V T o y I Q p g N<% M fj j t v r i ' al

■ t.’l ' '— I ' lh

I ,v ;

M g M B K a P m r W — yjii

--------T T s r rr— r:— i /->!• . liii

B P ® ' -J w ^ L f i i i l lT i& 'i f f T '

thU lliomndvc.i. but tlu'V whal. lu-do about 11."

A# lor tho-nlfiiwwncr;!, iln-y w.uil IIIP" quostloii ol hour;i le lt to lr;W alion.ln each counlr>-.'o rrbftter Ktlll,'to w itlc*' menl bolwccn ciniiloycrn and K'aiiitii by barKalnliiH. *nielr i-nokKmon from. Uilrly-oiie'cQuhuic.s won- frankly hiwillr ■ la llniitnlion by fnlernalluiml iri'jtlPv —£inpluiUzliig-U>olr-Altliu<li<.4lu>-tlilp-- owners of tW rty countries abilaliwl- froin dUcuMlon# in ihc coiiftTcuce. for 9nt” w,'Mli=»hlle~Britl)<ircru|ili>y0rj."rc~ fu .'o j lo enter the s4.%«lon ul all! _ iT l»A '6 rl«u ;ttrH cU r-iJ-l«b3uabaan iI Rhljw makes It quite uii.sultod "^o any Bcnernl sclicme o t Umo roAlrlclloiw,"8Aldaahlpowiier5apokc2umiu::A>‘ <‘) :l'i-hour (]ay. moreover, would nirau a liiiitc i increaw In SM-Rolng personnel, A m uch; larBfr -tn r f o f - t lie - siin i-s acto i»iiioi» » 7 tlons would then bc required for ilici crcA'. Ex|>ens«s would tirow umazlusly. proflt,t rJirh-al painfully, Pai^^-uiicrxaiKl *hlppcr.s would pny ihroiinli llu- U3.‘c>— . would bad tor ever>bt>dy iu tlie In-; O fcurlttin iiclr activltlM . '1'hrM‘ji'jiili.s, dustrj-, lueludinR th e workerr,." |

The recent ronterenec w.i!i confined Ifl dlwu-salous of m nrlllm e problf ms; dc-1 clvious were left for a heccnd m.-m |6u at a i la ter dale. Dul nobody kiiowri, now.' whon t he Mcottd coiiferciicc will be sum -' moiK'il.~!irtiiuy be .^everlU Your;t.’ '

Six of nine members of the flrxt Rnid- untlnu cla-M a t liie University of Arkan­sas In lB7tf nte Sllll llvlnif. -

laeea of n - .

ACCOUNT! __iIvantage* a Savings ae« >:eU out of order, never H !;e* »lyle and Is never o u l - ' J j when you are Hick or out

I working for you. I I a l- ‘ I Ie r lo the repair dhoij o r i

lo r a new houae, a new ( J ;tlon for your children, o r- . . n Ila always welcome. Keep U ' ,egular weekly or monthly j le nionth go by without 'ou will bo surprised how

ip i rB ir ~

irplus $167,000

| 3

I C E0 now due nnd p ayab le n t tho ^ O R , and i{ u n p a id ahall m U l Q N P A Y O F D EC EM - .

w arran ts w ill bc Issued and ?r ccn t p ena lty to g e th e r w ith

:ha t i t ahall b e u n la W fu l.ip r .th c c o u n ty nny personal

g th e ta x e s th e re o n f o r th e

VUD STE W A R T , A M esw r.

\iX 3Tr5A H 0, W EDNESM

: g l M K J l f l U r - O p c n s J B O T k :—

W e e k n l R u p e r t C l l i r n r y l ^ w ,

' ' ■“ nj RUPERT. Nnv, 10 ..Siiccliil lo Tlie | Wj N ex r j—Clilldrcas’ nour '■’‘“ '•rday afternoon at, thc Iiupcn |)utJiil-~librai> i t.’l lh 10 children In aiirnilance markc-J n^,ae th e bfninnlng of national book week to | \v»R'lliert. ......... lean t

A tn)k on "Tlip of Baak, v;.-ek" by Mr.t. Clev:"-- K llii\t >ii, in tro* ; Wj tlucod tho |ifO;Tani ».tii“ti liicluOfd mti- oa-.b

.'Iv a l nliiiilM'rr., un iiiV'tlT.MIlvi' <laiic‘. » ; w.i j.tiiry und a ehall: liilk. iln- lattf-r bclnii i- ly n by Mrs. 11, ll. Titii.-,. lujul urllst,_ ^ l» o k tuble_ui;li a (ii-iiliii'“ ! filitni'w

"iVn'i-'nlli'" liMkx MU'i iiTi iiuh'd by 'th c ^librurlun. M n. Amu. l.iiliii--. tor Hit! | y/i ll lilUlre.n's liis|j«‘tii(iii. i,i ji,

- W


ran iiab e4 by 1)^ In lem to M W i T U It *q4 Oflaranty Cem pM j'

. . 11— |vv,'0<.............. ........ NOVElUli:U 18 --------- - I'uelf

W trra n ly D .' Kati' H. Siciilicns. $10. croW'


T HT H R E t

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A iplcndl £on. G«ai • i l h dc«r

Want Or I

- 8 0 0 D■: I

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bAYMOiiitwGrig^l .a tU l- l^ .j3 ik ." r ao~u'ui V arl; A ilitiitfn ip ,.';

Wnrranly D, R, H CurU.>;i ta J . 0 .Oi»v t l . - £ ’..-N £ flR 8 n - 10 I'U .W NK II II 19,

Warruiiiy U. A. J . IIq|iU ils iu Wm. II, s t J|.itikiJW. *123. Lots W-LO, UIL 10. h , _ Kimberly. . *™

Wurraniy”u". “ 0 . ' i i . H orn il i b 'u , u . Bcach, $3450. P t. SW SW 34 0 14. Mr.

Wurrumy D. John It. Cnlon to W, W. mem Cantlnn. $5000. L o u 7 and 15 Eoff A. N, Tr;u’i. •• • . Th

Warran'.y t l . • C lla Pnwli r to Enrl O. Sum Ou'.by J 5 m NE NC N^: 10 10 17. infor

W.irr.iuiy D, I.ewU iitin iw ii to .lumvt w ho : Lowe. Ilo . Pt. U H . Ulk. :>.Murui.i«h a.ik>;; riis l A.iaitlon to Twin .‘•'oJK "Ci, Qull, Cluim D ,_ J , U, BcuUy lo J. A. lie Siii' lulr, Sl, L at.lM ilk , 1, Iteuity Bub. flut*:

W arnnty n . 'R u lli !•: Aduni' i i nl fon s Kl llo riiun V:iss: 1:^250. t / n u. iiik. 9t, tahe r* in l^ill;.. * a bll

r » 0 C o a s t B a l l C l u b .s . ' “

P l a y t o R e c o r d C r o w d

■' ■ ' two1X53 ANOELES. Nov. 19 -T lie Hol- ,v?a«

,ywoo(l und Los AnKClcs ball t lu te of Uir who I’uclllc cojaiJeattue.plinieJ-tQ .ii-ierD rd choni :rowd of 7<7,fl07 faii.'i.during, U_i? 13M from


____ I __________

Ijjl l l i i _____- . - b - - —

Icndid family car became o f i t t gncerul lio ti, fa G tncrouj space is provided for all iire psiienf dcaply cuihloned te u s in the fashionable lounj

. . --------addicionallegw um*.


Need In A

MtreriesT Fords ThiWe Didn’t S

Polks Ju s t ]

x ) w e r F f i

Ford BodvTVpi........................$435....... .......... $490

....: ..$530PHAETON....... ....Prices F. 0 .1

Q ] ^ M (

Y o u r ^ ^

IBER 20 . '

E x p i w i v e G o l f C l u b s J " !

'— IISUNNINODALE. En«laiid. Nov. 10 VP) Ul

iaron Renfrew was bUI*d In the Found- _ . . n cup^ RoU ‘.i'd inam en l-lw t lia r t-a i l r . A. N. O ther. In the ir official mo- tienu bo th Baron Renfrew and N(r.L. N. o th e r ore Prince of Walts.T he I'rlnc*-’.! frrqiient aame.', o t Ute <li. a-

runiilncdalr club are atwo}':< rtrlcUy;-<«nMl iiformnl. O ften flndluK -u m em ber,fU bu rho ha-s no ojHwiieiit, hi', royal UlKhneas ;biit tn flk,;: ;SOm(«•■Care for a itamo. Sir?" lie ha .'ijiu t ycl u-'til .ihi* j:ct of Kolf, ».TIie

lu t'. « n t by W ulienniRPn fnr E -rea-;fo«l»i Ml M) fnr une.ti)blii'd . Perhnpn a p tU - < » hecn th c p n n ut m)iiu’ olerk Includlnif iW lfr

bill (or urouiul i:iCK) had M im fliauc------te' W l

■ason; .p llifcT liU doc.i not Includc U te '43.101 pcr-jK tcai

who Knw c;:hlblllun games of Uie:thcoIi k‘o teamr. durln:; the fprluK training, ulldi: taw n . und ilio ap|>roxlmately 15.000 ;unanl: •ho wUnes-iCd the play-off for the jlhC M Haniolotiahli3_wh‘fb_H.oUywood won I dcslmi [om.lln‘.Ml.Mion!; of Sail PrancLwo. JfUlUre

we the P R ]

J W L . lr

;i, beautiful colors aod unniuat r id lo f coffl* lengeri. Richly appointed and upbolsiercdi lunge style, f lo o r io rear l i recessed to f ire

ng You i Wodem Ant

oirMiodel lis YearS ell T h e m ....

Bought Thi

I c e s l r r ^

Now on BisiTUDORSEDAN.......FORDOR SEDAN......

PICKUP CLOSE CAB....... .........$440 '


~ . ■ ‘~ 4 ,.

i H H i P fiElliESKIIIIUIir

BUHLEY. Noy.- I P - f S p ^ a t- to - TOa--------cMD-School In th e N at dlntrict U now Ing held In a b rick building in Strev>,I. n-eehoolhouss t t i a t v a s erected tor hojJ p jirp a w a t t)»t JJois of Hw S lw v- i building boom some 10 years ngo.It urvef-Hse<l-aa'«-»Jiool>wu«. For--------mr time poat I t ' tio/i beeii* the mdlu Itlon headquaiiern.The building h u n o t only Achoolroom^room teacher- ;r, {omfortnbly appointed. Running ' : ' l l r r lia^ b rrn piped Into tim building.Mni. C. A. Joluuciii U teacher a t this

l-u lcct a tlendanee record of all pu- fo r October. A fter ngllalion to rn - -

c at ntmibcr o f ycnr«.'Uie move from c old Naf schoolhouse to th e excellent Illding ttt Strevell wus effected by ianimou.s consent of all th e palrons of f school. I I Ls Jlkcly th a t this will be . slmiatcd n stan dard school In the nenr lUrera:cordlng-t<>-MTB.-Buclianan.— . _

.................................. 4tomobile _

5l A"


5 f f e c t r

splav '}........... $500

.......... ........ $600

................ •$430