exercícios simple present

ATIVIDADE AVALIATIVA - 2º BIMESTRE NOME: ________________________________________________________ANO: 8º SALA: _______ VALOR: 4,0 PONTOS 1ª Questão: Complete o texto abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Present (atenção ao sujeito da frase): Every summer, my friend Jorge ____________(throw) a party for his birthday. He is 15. All his family and friends ____________ (go) to his party. The party ___________ (start) at 9 o’clock. Rose usually _________________ (give/not) an expensive gift. The food and drink are always perfect. We __________ (eat) a lot of fast food and we _____________(not/ drink) very much. Jorge’s mother _____________ (bring) a big birthday cake. Everybody brings him beautiful gifts but I sometimes ______________(forget) to give him mine. Everything never ends at midnight and we _________________ (get/not) home late. We all are so happy. We _____________ (enjoy) the party very much. Finally, I want to have my own party to invite all of my friends. 2ª Questão: Leia e marque a opção cujo auxiliar completa as lacunas da tirinha. a) Do - Does b) Are - Am c) Do - Do d) Does – Do e) Am – Are 3ª Questão: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas em Inglês. Tim's Morning Routine

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Exercícios de inglês sobre Simple Present


Page 1: Exercícios Simple Present


NOME: ________________________________________________________ANO: 8º SALA: _______ VALOR: 4,0 PONTOS

1ª Questão: Complete o texto abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Present (atenção ao sujeito da frase):

Every summer, my friend Jorge____________(throw) a party for his birthday. He is 15. All hisfamily and friends ____________ (go) to his party. The party___________ (start) at 9 o’clock. Rose usually_________________ (give/not) an expensive gift. The food anddrink are always perfect. We __________ (eat) a lot of fast foodand we _____________(not/ drink) very much. Jorge’s mother_____________ (bring) a big birthday cake. Everybody brings himbeautiful gifts but I sometimes ______________(forget) to givehim mine. Everything never ends at midnight and we_________________ (get/not) home late. We all are so happy.We _____________ (enjoy) the party very much. Finally, I wantto have my own party to invite all of my friends.

2ª Questão: Leia e marque a opção cujo auxiliar completa as lacunas da tirinha.

a) Do - Doesb) Are - Amc) Do - Dod) Does – Doe) Am – Are

3ª Questão: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas em Inglês.

Tim's Morning Routine

At seven o'clock Tim gets up and brushes his teeth with his sister. His mum prepares breakfastfor the rest of the family. Tim usually has a bowl of cereals with milk for breakfast while his sisterdoesn't have breakfast: she reads comics in the morning. Tim's father is Italian, he comes from Milan.He usually has a cappuccino with a croissant.After breakfast it's time to go to school... Tim and his sister go to school by bus. They like goingto school by bus, because the bus driver is very nice: he comes from India and he often tellsjokes. Their father goes to work by train.

Page 2: Exercícios Simple Present

School starts at 8 o'clock. Today is Monday and on Mondays the first lesson is Maths. Timdoesn't like Maths. His favourite subject is English.

a) What does Tim do when he gets up?b) What does his mum do?c) What does Tim have for breakfast?d) What does his father have for breakfast?e) How does Tim go to school?f) Who's the bus driver?g) What's the first lesson on Mondays?

4ª Questão: A sequência correta dos advérbios always, usually, often, sometimes, never é:

a) sempre, às vezes, frequentemente, nunca, normalmenteb) às vezes, sempre, normalmente, frequentemente, nuncac) sempre, frequentemente, às vezes, normalmente, nuncad) sempre, normalmente, frequentemente, às vezes, nuncae) normalmente, às vezes, frequentemente,nunca, sempre

5ª Questão: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs:

1. Helen and Ben ______ ice cream every day.2. He _______ homework very quickly.3. My friends _______ computer games after school.4. I ___________ Italian food.

6ª Questão: Assinale a alternativa cujos advérbios completam as frases abaixo.

I ( 50%) ___________ see a film at night.Mr. Brown (25%) _________ gets up at 7 a.m.They (100%) _________sing at the clubWe (0%) __________ play soccer when it is raining.My parents (75%) __________ travel to England.

7ª Questão: COMPLETE the sentences choosing the CORRECT form of the verb:

a) You __________________________________________ table - tennis. (play / plays)

b) Susan _____________________________________ go to school on foot. (go / goes)

c) Classes ________________________________________ at 11:30. ( finish / finishes)

d) The boy _____________________________________________ late. (sleep / sleeps)

e) Wilson and Carol _________________________________ in a bank. (work / works)

a) buy – does – play – likeb) buys – do – plays – likesc) buying – doing – playing – likingd) buyes – dos – plays – likee) buys – does – plays - likes

a) usually – sometimes – always – never – oftenb) often – sometimes – always – never – usuallyc) usually – often – always – never – sometimesd) sometimes – usually – always – never – oftene) usually – sometimes – never – always - often

Page 3: Exercícios Simple Present

8ª Questão: COMPLETE with DON’T or DOESN’T

a) Michael _______________________ eat tomato salad.

b) Raul and Emily _________________ walk to school.

c) My grandfather _________________ like rock music.

d) Those girls _____________________ have a normal life.

e) Bia ___________________________ live near us.

9ª Questão: GIVE SHORT ANSWERS (YES / NO) according to the pictures:

Does Samuel wear a cap?


Do Renata and Bia run every day?


Does Simon play golf?


Does Carla read newspapers?






Page 4: Exercícios Simple Present

10ª Questão: COMPLETE the sentences according the chart. USE EXPRESSIONS OF FREQUENCY:

Kelly’s routine

SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SATget up late X Xeat meat X X X X X Xswim X X X X X X Xplay golf X X X X use the internet

a) Kelly _______________________________ gets up late.

b) She _______________________________ eats meat.

c) She _______________________________ swims.

d) She _______________________________ plays golf.

e) She _______________________________ uses the internet.

11ª Questão: READ the text and CHOOSE the CORRECT alternative:

De acordo com a frase dita pela Magali: “I don’t like to play cowboys and indians!”, ela está:

a) insatisfeita com a brincadeira. b) cansada de brincar.c) feliz com a brincadeira.d) com dor de cabeça.e) Entediada, pois cansou-se de brincar.

12ª Questão: MATCH pictures and sentences:

= yesX = no

alway usually sometimes never rarely

Page 5: Exercícios Simple Present

Gregory’s Daily Routine

I have a shower.

I go to bed.

I watch TV.

I study English.

I get up.

I go to work.

I have breakfast.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

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13ª Questão: COMPLETE the sentences using the SIMPLE PRESENT:

Maggie’s Daily Routine

Maggie ________________________ at 6:00 a.m. (to get up)

She _________________________ a shower at 6:30. (to take)

She ___________________________ from 8:00 to 12:00 a.m. (to study)

She ______________________________ lunch at 12:30 p.m. (to have)





Page 7: Exercícios Simple Present

She _________________________________ her homework at 2:00 p.m. (to do)

She _______________________________ to music from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. (to listen)

She __________________________________ at 10:00 p.m. (to sleep)

14ª Questão: FILL IN the blanks using:

a) I __________________________________ eat meat.

b) My sister __________________________________ play sports.

c) David __________________________________ wear t-shirts with slogans.

d) We __________________________________ like hip hop.

e) Julia __________________________________ speak Japanese.




don’t or doesn’t

Page 8: Exercícios Simple Present

15ª Questão: GIVE SHORT ANSWERS about Guillermo and Linda:

a) Does Guillermo sleep late? Yes, __________________________________________

b) Does Linda play tennis? Yes, _____________________________________________

c) Do they wear glasses? No, _______________________________________________

d) Does Guillermo have a computer? Yes, _____________________________________

e) Do they play a musical instrument? Yes, ____________________________________

16ª Questão: COMPLETE the sentences according the chart. Using ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY:

Bob’s routine

SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SATwake up early X Xdrink coffee X X X X X Xdo his homework X X X X X X Xplay tennis X X X X sleep late

a) Bob _______________________________ wakes up early.

b) He _______________________________ drinks coffee.

c) He _______________________________ does his homework.

d) He _______________________________ plays tennis.

e) He _______________________________ sleep late.

17ª Questão: READ the article:

= yesX = no

alway usually sometimes never rarely

Page 9: Exercícios Simple Present


homeschooler = pessoa que estuda em casa, não vai à escolasend = enviar, mandarother = outro(s)

party - time job = trabalho de meio períodolonely = solitárialibrary = biblioteca

CHECK TRUE or FALSE according to the text:


a) Anna é uma garota canadense de treze anos de idade.

b) Anna estuda em casa usando muito o computador.

c) Anna é uma garota normal que pinta, escreve histórias

d) Anna trabalha meio período em uma biblioteca duas vezes por semana

e) Anna não tem vida social. Não sai com os amigos por isso se sente entediada e sozinha