anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas...

Anexos 1) Crónicas desportivas em português Ano 2010 (22/05/2010) a) MaisFutebol (exclusivo online) Aí está a segunda! José Mourinho é bicampeão europeu e junta-se a Happel e a Hitzeld na lista dos que venceram por dois clubes diferentes. O Inter conquista a terceira 45 anos depois de fazer chorar o Benfica e o treinador português oferece uma prenda à família Moratti e pode assinar feliz com o Real Madrid. Diego Milito foi o herói com os dois golos apontados, mas também Cambiasso com cortes fantásticos, Sneijder com a primeira assistência e Júlio César com uma defesa monumental quando o resultado estava 1-0. O Inter ganhou como equipa e o «Lo Speciale» começa desde já a ser feliz no Bernabéu. Os largos segundos de Butt com a bola nos pés, na sua grande área, a tentar chamar o Inter, quando apenas decorriam 24 minutos de jogo, eram sintoma que a excelente entrada dos «nerazzurri» esmorecera e de que tinham voltado a fechar-se na sua concha, como gostam tanto de fazer. Depois da tentativa de surpresa a um Bayern que tinha reclamado o estatuto de equipa atacante, os milaneses assumiam a estratégia previsível, encurtando o espaço entre as linhas e começando a injectar o veneno todo nas desmarcações de Milito. Os alemães, vendo que a ameaça era ténue, permitiam-lhe ganhar todas as bolas de costas para a baliza, fazendo de «pivot» para os avanços de Etoo, Sneijder e Pandev. Num pontapé de baliza aos 35 minutos, o argentino voltou a receber perante a permissividade de Demichelis, passou para Sneijder e correu que nem um louco deixando o compatriota para trás. Recebeu de novo a bola e teve a calma suficiente para simular antes de atirar para o lado esquerdo do antigo guarda-redes do Benfica, lançando junto àquela baliza a candidatura a melhor jogador da Champions (sim, há Messi...) e consagrando o colega holandês como melhor criador de golos da liga milionária, com seis. O tal 0-1 que os alemães tanto temiam, com medo de o não virar, aconteceu mesmo. O Inter até nem estava a ser seguro como antes, mas chegava ao intervalo a vencer. É verdade que o Inter até podia ter sofrido primeiro. Aos 16 minutos, Maicon cortou uma bola com a mão na área, após cabeceamento de Van Buyten. Braço levantado de forma evidente que interrompeu o caminho da bola para a baliza de Júlio César. Howard Webb não viu e os «nerazzurri» salvaram-se de boa. Antes do intervalo, a equipa de Mourinho até podia ter feito o segundo, com Sneijder a não finalizar correctamente mais um grande trabalho de Milito. Butt defendeu o tiro à figura. O descanso chegou pouco depois. E o Bayern acelerou logo no regresso. Os dois guarda-redes mostravam finalmente o seu valor. Júlio César negou o empate a Müller na primeira jogada, após passe de Altintop. Na resposta, foi Butt a brilhar, logo depois de Milito ter destroçado o flanco direito bávaro. Pandev rematou de primeira, mas o alemão opôs-se, cedendo canto. Chegaria aos 66 minutos um dos grandes momentos do jogo. Remate em arco de Robben e voo espantoso de Júlio César para uma defesa monumental com a mão esquerda. O Bayern continuou a lutar, a tentar, empurrando, empurrando o Inter até ao limite da área, fazendo de Etoo às vezes lateral e Cambiasso central, mas sentia-se que um bom contra-ataque podia acabar com tudo. Aos 70, Etoo fez um passe simples para Milito, que tinha Van Buyten pela frente para o um-para-um. O vai-para-o-meio-afinal-não-vai partiu os rins ao belga e abriu a porta do 2-0. Fabuloso! Os bávaros estavam derrubados. O Inter conquista com justiça a terceira taça da sua história. Simplesmente, porque criou problemas que o Bayern nunca soube responder. Fosse a defender ou a atacar. E o contrário foi verdade. À excepção de um ou outro momento de aflição, Lúcio, Samuel, Cambiasso ou Júlio César controlaram os bávaros. O pupilo ganhou ao mestre pelo qual nutre um respeito enorme. Missão cumprida, Mou! Que venha o Real Madrid! b) Público O Inter de Milão treinado por José Mourinho venceu este sábado a final da Liga dos Campeões e fez a “tripla”. O argentino Diego Milito foi a grande figura, com dois golos. Massimo Moratti, presidente do Inter, já tem uma fotografia como a do seu pai Ângelo, a sorrir agarrado ao troféu da maior competição de clubes europeia. Em 1964 e 1965, o presidente Ângelo agradeceu-o a Helenio Herrera. Moratti deve-o a José Mourinho, uma espécie de reencarnação do argentino que um dia disse “evita a monotonia nos discursos, no treino e nas refeições”. Mou-ratti. O treinador e o presidente que acreditou nele para fazer renascer o Grande Inter, que o seu pai, presidente entre 1955 e 1968, vira nascer às mãos do extravagante Helenio Herrera. Era o “habla-habla” por falar

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Page 1: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros


1) Crónicas desportivas em português

Ano 2010 (22/05/2010) a)   MaisFutebol (exclusivo online)

Aí está a segunda! José Mourinho é bicampeão europeu e junta-se a Happel e a Hitzeld na lista dos que venceram por dois clubes diferentes. O Inter conquista a terceira 45 anos depois de fazer chorar o Benfica e o treinador português oferece uma prenda à família Moratti e pode assinar feliz com o Real Madrid. Diego Milito foi o herói com os dois golos apontados, mas também Cambiasso com cortes fantásticos, Sneijder com a primeira assistência e Júlio César com uma defesa monumental quando o resultado estava 1-0. O Inter ganhou como equipa e o «Lo Speciale» começa desde já a ser feliz no Bernabéu.

Os largos segundos de Butt com a bola nos pés, na sua grande área, a tentar chamar o Inter, quando apenas decorriam 24 minutos de jogo, eram sintoma que a excelente entrada dos «nerazzurri» esmorecera e de que tinham voltado a fechar-se na sua concha, como gostam tanto de fazer. Depois da tentativa de surpresa a um Bayern que tinha reclamado o estatuto de equipa atacante, os milaneses assumiam a estratégia previsível, encurtando o espaço entre as linhas e começando a injectar o veneno todo nas desmarcações de Milito. Os alemães, vendo que a ameaça era ténue, permitiam-lhe ganhar todas as bolas de costas para a baliza, fazendo de «pivot» para os avanços de Etoo, Sneijder e Pandev.

Num pontapé de baliza aos 35 minutos, o argentino voltou a receber perante a permissividade de Demichelis, passou para Sneijder e correu que nem um louco deixando o compatriota para trás. Recebeu de novo a bola e teve a calma suficiente para simular antes de atirar para o lado esquerdo do antigo guarda-redes do Benfica, lançando junto àquela baliza a candidatura a melhor jogador da Champions (sim, há Messi...) e consagrando o colega holandês como melhor criador de golos da liga milionária, com seis. O tal 0-1 que os alemães tanto temiam, com medo de o não virar, aconteceu mesmo. O Inter até nem estava a ser seguro como antes, mas chegava ao intervalo a vencer.

É verdade que o Inter até podia ter sofrido primeiro. Aos 16 minutos, Maicon cortou uma bola com a mão na área, após cabeceamento de Van Buyten. Braço levantado de forma evidente que interrompeu o caminho da bola para a baliza de Júlio César. Howard Webb não viu e os «nerazzurri» salvaram-se de boa.

Antes do intervalo, a equipa de Mourinho até podia ter feito o segundo, com Sneijder a não finalizar correctamente mais um grande trabalho de Milito. Butt defendeu o tiro à figura. O descanso chegou pouco depois. E o Bayern acelerou logo no regresso. Os dois guarda-redes mostravam finalmente o seu valor. Júlio César negou o empate a Müller na primeira jogada, após passe de Altintop. Na resposta, foi Butt a brilhar, logo depois de Milito ter destroçado o flanco direito bávaro. Pandev rematou de primeira, mas o alemão opôs-se, cedendo canto. Chegaria aos 66 minutos um dos grandes momentos do jogo. Remate em arco de Robben e voo espantoso de Júlio César para uma defesa monumental com a mão esquerda. O Bayern continuou a lutar, a tentar, empurrando, empurrando o Inter até ao limite da área, fazendo de Etoo às vezes lateral e Cambiasso central, mas sentia-se que um bom contra-ataque podia acabar com tudo. Aos 70, Etoo fez um passe simples para Milito, que tinha Van Buyten pela frente para o um-para-um. O vai-para-o-meio-afinal-não-vai partiu os rins ao belga e abriu a porta do 2-0. Fabuloso! Os bávaros estavam derrubados.

O Inter conquista com justiça a terceira taça da sua história. Simplesmente, porque criou problemas que o Bayern nunca soube responder. Fosse a defender ou a atacar. E o contrário foi verdade. À excepção de um ou outro momento de aflição, Lúcio, Samuel, Cambiasso ou Júlio César controlaram os bávaros. O pupilo ganhou ao mestre pelo qual nutre um respeito enorme. Missão cumprida, Mou! Que venha o Real Madrid!

b)   Público O Inter de Milão treinado por José Mourinho venceu este sábado a final da Liga dos Campeões e fez a

“tripla”. O argentino Diego Milito foi a grande figura, com dois golos. Massimo Moratti, presidente do Inter, já tem uma fotografia como a do seu pai Ângelo, a sorrir agarrado

ao troféu da maior competição de clubes europeia. Em 1964 e 1965, o presidente Ângelo agradeceu-o a Helenio Herrera. Moratti deve-o a José Mourinho, uma espécie de reencarnação do argentino que um dia disse “evita a monotonia nos discursos, no treino e nas refeições”.

Mou-ratti. O treinador e o presidente que acreditou nele para fazer renascer o Grande Inter, que o seu pai, presidente entre 1955 e 1968, vira nascer às mãos do extravagante Helenio Herrera. Era o “habla-habla” por falar

Page 2: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros

muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque).

Herrera foi um dos primeiros a chamar 12.º jogador aos espectadores. Foi ele que um dia suspendeu um jogador por dizer “viemos aqui jogar” em vez de “viemos aqui ganhar”. Da sua boca saiu a frase “Quem não dá tudo, não dá nada”. Podia ter sido José Mourinho.

A noite do português também fica para a história. Em Madrid. Logo em Madrid. O Inter, o novo Grande Inter, concluiu o seu Grand Slam. Depois do campeonato e da taça, a desejada Liga

dos Campeões. A tripla conquistada numa final imprevisível, para muitos um espectáculo distorcido. Para outros, o jogo estava nos bancos (o de Mourinho vazio, o de Van Gaal ocupado) e não no relvado.

E a primeira parte ameaçou. Mais paciente o Bayern, mais sôfrego o Inter. Foi decorrendo assim um jogo onde às tantas parecia fazer falta aquela regra do andebol que obriga as equipas a atacar. Como nenhum árbitro levantou o braço em sinal de sonolência, as duas equipas estudaram-se, observaram-se, não se comprometeram.

Robben, tudo menos alemão, foi azucrinando Chivu (amarelado aos 30’), mas a energia do holandês não conseguiu contagiar os seus colegas. Aí, já o Bayern tinha ganho o prémio posse de bola, perante a indiferença do Inter, calculista. Todos para a esquerda, direita, esquerda, direita. Pautado por Zanetti e Cambiasso, os homens de Mourinho não têm pressa. Seguem a bola e o adversário com a concentração de um sniper e esperam pelo momento certo.E o momento certo aconteceu aos 35’. Pontapé longo de Júlio César, recepção imediata de Milito, triangulação com Sneijder e conclusão do argentino, o homem do jogo no relvado – pelo menos até Mourinho ter invadido o relvado.

Na véspera, Van Bommel, habituado a reviravoltas, avisara. Desta vez é diferente. É o Inter. Foi mesmo. Foi a febre de sábado à noite. O Bayern não parecia deste campeonato. Cabeça baixa, pernas pesadas. Aos 19 segundos da segunda metade, Júlio César deteve o remate de Müller. Altintop (54’) também raspou a sua sorte. E aos 65’, Robben, inconformado, nada alemão, tentou equilibrar aquela que também era a sua final. Brilhante pé esquerdo (vemo-nos no Mundial) para enorme estirada do guarda-redes brasileiro.

A espaços, o Bayern conseguia penetrar nos labirintos da pirâmide defensiva dos italianos (sem italianos). Mas deu sempre a ideia que o destino estava traçado, que era a noite dos passes sem olhar (de Sneijder) e dos roubos de bola só com o olhar (de Cambiasso). E de Milito, o príncipe. Aos 70’, o seu sexto golo em 11 jogos de Champions. Só dele. Pé ante pé, um nó em Van Buyten, dois remates e dois golos. Por fora, Mourinho aconselhou calma. Por dentro já saboreava uma temporada redonda.

Só ele seria capaz de cumprimentar Van Gaal ainda antes do apito final, segundos antes de a UEFA mandar gravar o nome Inter no troféu. No final, quando o árbitro apitou, o treinador português ficou uns segundos sozinho a olhar para os adeptos (Herrera foi um dos primeiros a chamar-lhes 12.º jogador). Em pleno Santiago Bernabéu, acenou-lhes. Addio.

c)   Zerozero (exclusivo online)

José Mourinho voltou a demonstrar ao Mundo que tem toque de Midas, e colocou novamente o seu nome como vencedor da Liga dos Campeões. Diego Milito bisou na partida, e o Internazionale derrotou assim o Bayern de Munique por 2-0. O argentino contratado este ano por indicação de Mourinho, fez um golo em cada parte, e o Inter volta a conquistar o principal troféu internacional de clubes 45 anos depois.As duas equipas procuravam alcançar o «triplete» que o Barça conquistara no ano transacto, em virtude das vitórias no campeonato, taça e Liga dos Campeões.

Sempre com o Bayern a ter uma percentagem de posse de bola bem superior ao seu adversário, o que é certo é que o jogo foi equilibrado, e as oportunidades alternavam.Com um tridente ofensivo composto por Diego Milito, Goran Pandev e Samuel Eto´o, o Inter apostava em transições muito rápidas que surgiam em velocidade no último terço de terreno.

O tento inaugural foi apontado pelo argentino Diego Milito aos 35 minutos, quando Júlio César, num pontapé longo, coloca a bola no meio campo contrário, com Milito a ganhar de cabeça para Sneijder, que de primeira devolve ao argentino para uma finalização de classe na cara de Butt.

Chegou-se ao minuto 45 e correspondente apito final de Howard Webb com uma primeira parte equilibrada (10 remates para o Bayern, 7 para o Inter), mas com a diferença de classe dos avançados de ambas as equipas a fazer a diferença.

No segundo tempo o Bayern tentou entrar mais forte, e logo aos 20 segundos Muller teve oportunidade para empatar a partida, mas Júlio César defendeu com o avançado isolado bem à sua frente.

Arjen Robben aos 65 minutos teve também o golo nos pés, rematando em arco com o pé esquerdo ao canto

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superior direito da baliza do Inter, mas Júlio César faz uma excelente defesa. A vencer por um golo, Diego Milito aumentou a vantagem do Internazionale quando o relógio assinalava

o minuto 70 e passou a mensagem ao mundo: o jogo estava decidido. O internacional argentino recebe a bola a 30 metros da baliza e já dentro da área «parte os rins» ao

compatriota Demichelis e aponta o segundo golo do Internazionale! Com o apito final do árbitro a explosão de alegria nerazurri, com José Mourinho a conquistar a sua segunda

Liga dos Campeões e junta-se assim a restrito lote de técnicos que venceram a prova por dois clubes distintos, por Ottmar Hitzfeld e Ernst Happel.


d)   Record (edição em papel) Quando Milito abriu o marcador ainda faltavam 55 minutos para o fim do jogo. O Bayern Munique tinha

muito tempo para recuperar mas já havia adeptos a chorar. Havia uma razão: salvo Robben, faltavam recursos à equipa para desestabilizar a equipa de Mourinho. Do noutro lado das bancadas, quem saltava à vista não era curiosamente o jogador argentino. Era Mourinho, elevado à condição de Papa.

Na segunda parte, o Inter entrou bem, o Bayern recuperou o fôlego e equilibrou as coisas mas Milito voltou a fazer das suas. Ao 71' assinou o 2.º golo do jogo (6 em 11 jogos). Nesse instante, Mourinho saltou para o colo de Materazzi mas logo depois pediu calma. No banco do Bayern, Van Gaal fechou o rosto. Ribéry desviou o olhar.

Por essa altura, Valdano já teria ficado sem qualquer dúvida: Mourinho não é um dos melhores treinadores da atualidade. É o melhor.

Mourinho merece esta Liga dos Campeões e todos os troféus conquistados. Não foi a sorte que lhe deu o sucesso, foi o trabalho.

Mou tem capacidades especiais, tira partido do potencial de cada jogador como ninguém, sabe o caminho que quer seguir e não se desvia dele um milímetro. Doa a quem doer. É por isso que nem sempre fica bem na foto e que muitos não gostam dele. Mas a esses responde com troféus como o desta noite.


e)   O JOGO (edição em papel) José Mourinho deu mais um passo para entrar na galeria de notáveis do futebol europeu ao levar o Inter de

Milão a repetir a vitória numa final da Taça dos Campeões Europeus, algo que o clube já não saboreava há 45 anos. Na vitória de ontem, por 2-0, sobre o Bayern de Munique no Estádio Santiago Bernabéu, que deverá a partir de Julho ser a nova casa do treinador português, caso se mude mesmo para o Real Madrid, houve duas componentes principais: a estratégia defensiva e a capacidade de um superavançado, o argentino Diego Milito, autor de dois golos preciosíssimos.

A diferença entre as duas equipas ficou bem à vista ao minuto 32: não foi num lance de golo nem numa ocasião de perigo, mas sim num lançamento lateral junto aos bancos que se seguiu a uma bola mal endossada por um jogador do Inter na saída para o ataque. Mourinho segurou a bola e, sabendo que o maior perigo do Bayern vinha das velozes transições ofensivas, só uns segundos depois a deu a Robben para que este a repusesse em jogo. É antijogo? Talvez. Mas, não sendo clamoroso, não é punido. É algo de que uma equipa se deva envergonhar? Não. Vergonha é querer dar um jantar em casa e, não havendo ninguém para fazer o trabalho mais sujo, apresentar talheres e loiça por lavar ou uma toalha manchada.

Na final de ontem, o Inter teve sempre quem fizesse o trabalho sujo. Manteve os seus princípios de jogo, mas adaptou-se às forças do adversário, ao passo que o Bayern foi autista. Como joga o Bayern? Além das tais transições ofensivas em explosão, joga sempre um futebol a dois toques, faz a circulação à holandesa e cria perigo sobretudo através de dois movimentos típicos: os de Muller da área em direcção aos médios e os dos dois alas (Robben e Altintop) para o espaço interior. Para contrariar isto, o Inter manteve o seu bloco baixo e deu aos dois médios-centro a missão mais importante: encostou-os aos defesas centrais, e se geralmente um deles vigiava os recuos de Muller, o outro ocupava o espaço que iria ser procurado pelo extremo que conduzisse a bola. Perdia claramente no confronto Chivu-Robben, mas isso não era preocupante, porque o holandês ia sempre chocar com Cambiasso ou Zanetti em vez de abrir o jogo na lateral. Depois do avião em Barcelona (Milito e Eto'o a ocuparem as laterais, quase como segundos defesas de corredor), Mourinho apresentou a centrifugadora em Madrid; o adversário era diferente, impunham-se diferentes antídotos.

Já o Bayern não se preocupou em contrariar o adversário. Sabendo que o ponto forte do Inter era a articulação Milito-Sneijder (e que o seu próprio ponto fraco são Van Buyten e Demichelis, dois centrais apenas medianos), Van Gaal manteve o posicionamento habitual de Van Bommel, o médio mais defensivo, abandonando

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os centrais à dupla nerazzurra sempre que Sneijder se juntava a Milito na frente. Foi o que aconteceu aos 35': bola longa de Júlio César para a frente, Milito ganhou nas alturas e, face à ausência de Van Bommel, apanhado mais à frente, pôde tabelar com Sneijder e isolar-se frente a Butt para uma finalização clínica.

A perder, Van Gaal começou por dar maior liberdade aos seus laterais, sobretudo Lahm, criando um problema adicional a Chivu. Criou perigo, encostou o Inter atrás, mas não marcou sequer quando trocou o médio-esquerdo (Altintop) por mais um ponta-de-lança (Klose) e meteu mais gente na frente. É que mais gente na frente equivale a menos gente atrás, e isso foi fatal aos 70': Eto'o lançou Milito, este partiu Van Buyten no um-contra-um e voltou a encarar Butt para fazer o 2-0. A festa estava encomendada, e nada podia alterar o nome do vencedor da Liga dos Campeões. Mourinho tornava-se o terceiro treinador a vencer a prova por dois clubes diferentes. E em 2011 poderá ser único se conduzir o Real Madrid à sua décima vitória na competição.


Ano 2011 (28/05/2011)

a)   MaisFutebol (exclusivo online) Barça, Barça, Baaaaarça. E mais uma, porque o Barcelona é campeão europeu pela quarta vez na História,

graças a um triunfo sobre o Manchester United, em Wembley, por 3-1. E há nomes que vão ecoar na eternidade...

O United entrou a todo o gás e jogou como se não houvesse mais 80 minutos pela frente. Nos primeiros dez, tentou asfixiar o Barça. O problema é que a equipa de Guardiola respira futebol, livrou-se do espartilho, baixou o ritmo de jogo e começou a descobrir Messi entre os médios e os defesas do ManUtd.

No entanto, foram os olhos que Xavi tem nos pés que descobriram Pedro Rodriguez. O extremo bateu Van der Sar e tornou-se no primeiro espanhol a marcar pelo Barcelona numa final da Liga dos Campeões Europeus.

Com o 1-0, podia ter-se pensado que a final ia ser mais catalã que inglesa. Porém, Wayne Rooney equilibrou a balança com o empate. Durante vinte minutos, mais o intervalo, o vencedor esteve sempre em dúvida.

Só que em campo estava um pequeno argentino, de talento inigualável no pé esquerdo. Messi usou aquele «Pé de Deus» para apontar o 12º golo na Champions 2010/11 e meter o resultado num 2-1.

Um quarto de hora depois, Nani entrava em campo, quando Ferguson tentava levar a equipa para a frente: a hora de proteger o miolo já tinha passado. No mesmo minuto, David Villa imitava o arco de Wembley e fazia o 3-1, no melhor golo da noite. A festa era catalã na capital inglesa e apesar de o ManUtd estar habituado a lutar até ao fim, a verdade é que o Barcelona levou as celebrações de uma época de ouro até à glória final.

Guardiola, Xavi, Iniesta, Messi têm mais uma Champions ganha. Um troféu europeu apenas parecia demasiado curto para o futebol mostrado pelos «blaugrana» nos últimos anos. Consagraram-se nesta noite como a melhor equipa da Europa e reforçam a ideia de serem a melhor do mundo. Há quem diga, queaté são a melhor da História...


b)   Público

Tal como em 2009, o Barcelona venceu o Manchester United numa final da Liga dos Campeões. Tal como em 2009, Lionel Messi marcou no jogo decisivo. Tal como em 2009, Pep Guardiola ganhou o braço-de-ferro com Alex Ferguson. Foi com um 3-1 que os catalães asseguraram o quarto título europeu de clubes, ultrapassando nesta contabilidade o rival desta noite.

O United até começou melhor jogo. Alex Ferguson sabia que a única forma de travar o adversário passava por não o deixar respirar e o pressing no meio-campo catalão fez-se sentir durante os primeiros dez minutos. Evra e Valência surgiam rápidos nas alas, Ji-Sung Park ocupava bem os espaços no miolo e o Barça tinha dificuldade em ligar o jogo.

Mas aquele ritmo não poderia durar muito e, mal os ingleses afrouxaram, o Barcelona saiu da casca. A bola passou a rolar com o acerto que se reconhece à equipa de Guardiola e os jogadores do United começaram a desgastar-se mais defensivamente. Aos 15’, uma boa jogada de envolvimento atacante só não deu golo porque Pedro desviou para fora, à entrada da pequena área.

Aos 27’, porém, a história foi outra. Xavi mostrou os tradicionais dotes de pensador, esperou até à hora H e desmarcou Pedro com um passe magistral. A conclusão foi tão rápida quanto perfeita. 1-0 para o Barcelona.

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Vida difícil para o United, em desvantagem frente a uma equipa que conserva a bola como nenhuma outra na Europa. Mas a resposta surgiria pouco depois. Após um lançamento lateral do Barça, Rooney partiu de trás com a bola controlada, tabelou, recebeu na área e rematou em arco para o poste mais distante: 1-1.

Estava animado o jogo, e especialmente Alex Ferguson, que acabava de relançar a partida. O Barcelona, no entanto, não se descompôs. Ao ritmo de sempre, continuou a tentar inventar espaços, a variar o flanco de jogo, a abrir brechas na muralha britânica.

E se até ao final do primeiro tempo não forçou muito, regressou do intervalo com mais dinâmica. E o United ressentiu-se. Iniesta e Xavi trabalhavam a bola com a mestria do costume, Messi fazia a diferença como de costume. Aos 53’, inventou um golo. Em frente à dupla de centrais, o argentino fez um drible e rematou forte de fora da área. Van der Sar não reagiu suficientemente depressa.

Desta vez, praticamente não chegou a haver reacção dos ingleses. Posse de bola para o Barça, domínio para o Barça, final para o Barça. O carrossel catalão continuou a girar e o United de cabeça a andar à roda. Messi desequilibrava onde quer que estivesse, Van der Sar ia fazendo o que podia – e pôde muito aos 65’, com a defesa da noite, a mais vistosa do último jogo da sua longa carreira.

Aos 70’, um minuto depois de Nani ser lançado no jogo, já não conseguiu parar o 3-1. Messi (quem mais?) rasgou por completo o lado esquerdo protegido por Evra, entrou na área, soltou para trás... A bola ficou órfã por uns segundos, mas iria parar aos pés de Villa, que, de fora da área, fez um golo de classe.

Por esta altura, já no banco do Manchester United se acenava com a cabeça, em sinal de desilusão. Rooney bem ia tentando remar contra a maré, mas a corrente gerada por Busquets, Xavi e Iniesta lá mais atrás ia chegando para as encomendas. Nani também ensaiou um raide pela direita aos 85’, mas o remate saiu frouxo.

Os adeptos blaugrana iam aplaudindo nas bancadas. E reforçaram a dose para aclamar Carles Puyol, que rendeu Dani Alves aos 88’. Foi um gesto simbólico, porque o internacional espanhol já nada acrescentaria ao jogo. Nem ele nem ninguém. O troféu estava entregue. E o Barcelona confirmava a sua terceira Liga dos Campeões nas últimas seis épocas.


c)   Relvado (exclusivo online)

O futebol é um jogo simples. É a partir desta ideia básica que Guardiola construiu uma equipa de sonho, que está a marcar uma era no futebol mundial e que dentro de alguns anos será olhada como a referência daquilo que os adeptos consideram a perfeição.

Dito isto, é preciso dizer que a final de Wembley não deixou qualquer dúvida quanto ao vencedor. O Barcelona dominou do princípio ao fim o Manchester United, subjugando uma das equipas mais competentes do mundo, que soube manter-se na disputa graças ao espírito de luta tão característico das equipas inglesas.

Nani no banco, Berbatov nem isso Sir Alex Ferguson fez o que se previa e colocou em campo um Manchester de combate, com Carrick a ser

o vértice mais recuado no centro do terreno, apoiado por Valencia, Park e Giggs. E a verdade é que os ingleses entraram bem, pressionando alto e anulando a circulação de bola do adversário nos primeiros 10 minutos.

Esse foi o tempo que o Barcelona demorou a passar do meio-campo com a bola controlada, mas quando o fez foi uma viagem sem retorno. Os catalães não costumam correr muito tempo atrás do seu objeto de culto, a bola, e assim foi.

Xavi começou aos poucos a pegar no jogo e na primeira vez que teve oportunidade ofereceu o 1-0 a Pedro Rodriguez. O capitão “culé” vê claramente um campo diferente dos outros jogadores, no qual não existem impossíveis, e por isso rasgou a defesa do Manchester permitindo a Pedro entrar na história, tornando-se o primeiro espanhol a marcar ao serviço do Barcelona numa final da Liga dos Campeões.

Os ingleses levaram um soco no estômago, mas rapidamente devolveram a cortesia e sete minutos mais tarde chegaram ao empate. Rooney, incansável durante todo o jogo, pediu a pressão alta dos seus companheiros num lançamento lateral adversário e os Red Devills recuperaram a bola. Rooney tabelou com Giggs (que parece estar ligeiramente em fora-de-jogo) e o galês assistiu o avançado para o 1-1.

A primeira parte não terminou sem algum perigo junto da baliza inglesa, mas Van der Saar resolveu sempre com eficácia. A intensidade não se traduzia em faltas, já que com 7 faltas ficou provado que a agressividade excessiva não é o único caminho.

Barcelona e o fascínio pela bola A segunda parte do Barcelona foi impressionante. Domínio completo do jogo por parte dos catalães, que

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colocaram o guarda-redes Van der Sar em destaque na noite em que o holandês se despediu do futebol. A organização defensiva do Manchester caiu por terra pouco aos 54 minutos perante a visão de Iniesta,

que desfez o posicionamento dos defesas contrários com um passe diagonal e encontrou a genialidade de Messi. O argentino voltou a provar que com um metro de terreno livre é letal e perante a passividade de Evra rematou de fora da área para o 2-1.

O espetáculo era de alto nível e cumpriam-se as expectativas de uma das melhores finais de sempre da Champions. O Barça criava espaços, causava perigo e Messi tentou o golo perfeito com um calcanhar que ficou demasiado curto. Ficava a ideia de que a equipa azulgrana estava mais perto do terceiro do que propriamente o Manchester de empatar.

Ferguson foi ao banco tentar mexer com a partida e conseguiu-o, mas para o lado errado. Nani entrou a frio num jogo com um ritmo de loucos e em menos de dois minutos levou uma finta de Messi e participou no 3-1. Uma bola mal dominada dentro da área foi parar a Busquets, com David Villa a aplicar um remate em arco indefensável para Van der Sar. Era o cheque mate de Guardiola a Ferguson.

Vitória do futebol espetáculo, num jogo sem casos de arbitragem e que desmontou as teorias da conspiração que colocavam a UEFA ao lado do Barcelona.

Segundo título europeu de Guardiola, que se torna o mais jovem treinador (40 anos) a conquistar duas Ligas dos Campeões e contribuiu para aumentar para 9 o número de troféus conquistados por técnicos espanhóis, que assim igualam os italianos como dominadores da competição.


d)   Zerozero O Barcelona voltou a superiorizar-se ao Manchester United e conquistou a Liga dos Campeões com uma

vitória por 3-1. Pedro rubricou o primeiro golo da noite e viu Rooney dar alguma esperança aos ingleses mas, no segundo tempo, «os inevitáveis» Messi e Villa resolveram.Wembley respirava magia quando Viktor Kassai apitou pela primeira vez. No sector dos adeptos do Barcelona lia-se uma mensagem que explica bem o que é hoje em dia ser blaugrana - «We Love Football» - mas os fãs ingleses não ficaram atrás e apelaram ao «Espírito» vencedor de outros tempos (99) para motivar os seus.

O Manchester United foi o primeiro a sair, com Chicharito a estrear o esférico. E foi à imagem desse momento que se desenrolaram os dez minutos iniciais da partida: os red devils entraram com toda a força e confiança, a pressionar forte e a encostar o Barça lá atrás. Logo aos oito minutos, Rooney fugiu nas costas da defesa, após um passe de Van der Sar, mas o atento Valdés enviou o perigo para longe.

E a partir daí a tendência do jogo foi-se alterando, com os espanhóis a assumirem o controlo até chegarem ao «ponto caramelo» do seu tiki-taka.

A tradução desse cenário faz-se com a contagem de lances, mais ou menos elaborados, que levaram a bola a acercar-se da área e da baliza do gigante guarda-redes holandês, que hoje se despediu dos relvados. Aos 16 minutos Xavi serviu Pedro para um desvio ligeiramente ao lado, aos 20' foi Villa a rematar próximo do alvo, aos 21' foi Van der Sar a segurar o tiro do 7 e aos 22' foi Vidic, com um corte enorme, a impedir que Messi activasse o placar.

Essa benesse acabou por ficar a cargo de Pedrito, aos 27 minutos, após uma simples, mas inteligente jogada do capitão Xavi. O 6 percorreu todo o meio-campo dos red devils com o esférico controlado, foi descaíndo para a esquerda, contemporizou e assistiu na direita um jovem de 23 anos que já tem por hábito assinar golos nas grandes finais.

Nesta altura o Barcelona fazia o que queria em campo mas, para além de um Alex Ferguson furioso junto à linha lateral, havia no terreno de jogo um Wayne Rooney decidido a mudar esta história. Aos 34 minutos, depois de uma bola recuperada a um lançamento de Abidal, o 10 inglês tabelou com Carrick e progrediu, tabelou com Giggs e tentou a sua, merecida, sorte: o esférico saiu perfeitamente colocado para fora do alcance de Valdés e para dentro da baliza.

Com o encontro empatado o Manchester United voltou a crescer no relvado, ainda que a formação catalã não tenha dado grande espaço a veleidades. Simplesmente deixou as coisas equilibrarem-se até poder criar novamente perigo, o que aconteceu ao minuto 43 por intermédio dos pés de Messi: o argentino pegou na bola ao seu estilo e fez tudo bem, até passar para Villa, que devolveu para a chegada, atrasada em milésimos, do melhor marcador da competição.

A seguir veio o intervalo. E um Barça, não propriamente renovado, mas determinadíssimo a levar o troféu para Camp Nou. Os minutos iniciais após o reatamento foram seus, até que um momento em concreto passou a ser de Messi. O relógio mostrava 54 minutos quando La Pulga recebeu de Iniesta um daqueles passezitos de dois metros, deu três passos e atirou às redes. Assim, só: simples e eficaz, para o 2-1.

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E foi aí que o Manchester United se desmoronou, permitindo ao Barça a gestão de todo o futebol e do espectáculo. Em meia-dúzia de minutos, Messi (por duas vezes), Xavi e Iniesta estiveram perto do 3-1. Van der Sar evitou as celebrações por três vezes - com a defesa da noite aos 66' -, Vidic limpou a área numa outra. Até que apareceu David Villa, el matador, a rubricar um grande golo, com um remate ao ângulo superior.

A final acabou aí, a vinte minutos do fim. Porque os catalães estavam satisfeitos e os britânicos já não tinham forças, físicas ou anímicas, para mais. A não ser Nani, entretanto lançando por Ferguson, que ainda rematou, torto... mas tentou.Assim, Pep Guardiola sempre vai cumprir o desejo de cumprimentar pessoalmente André Villas-Boas na Supertaça Europeia.


e)   Record (edição em papel) A equipa maravilhosa de Pep Guardiola voltou a dar mostras da sua classe e contou, para isso, com a

destreza e precisão de Xavi - como por exemplo no passe para Pedro inaugurar o marcador - a inteligência e capacidade técnica de Iniesta e a genialidade de Messi. Mas não só.

Pedro Rodríguez e David Villa também brilharam ao mais alto nível e se o primeiro ameaçou aos 16’ e materializou aos 27’, o segundo marcou um golo do outro Mundo, com um remate em arco que fechou o jogo. Na defesa, mandaram Piqué - nova exibição imperial, tendo apenas assustado Valdés com um atraso perigoso aos 10’ - e Mascherano, que além de ter estado bem a defender, ainda sobressaiu aos 46’, com jogada individual que terminou com um canto para o Barcelona.

Mas o brilho foi, sem sombra de dúvida, para Lionel Messi que a partir dos 15 minutos começou a sobressair com o futebol que o caracteriza: deu início ao tiki-taka, pegando na bola ao seu estilo e despertando tanto Xavi como Iniesta para um jogo fantástico. O craque argentino jogou e fez jogar e aos 45’ ultrapassou Ferdinand com um túnel e galgou terreno com Carrick nas costas, servindo Villa na direita, com o avançado a retribuir a gentileza, tendo Messi ficado a milímetros do segundo golo.

Messi reapareceu em grande estilo na segunda parte e tratou de recolocar o Barcelona em vantagem aos 54’, com um remate de fora da área, com metade de culpas para o seu talento e para a passividade da defesa inglesa - era também o 12º golo do argentino em 13 jogos na Liga dos Campeões, sendo o melhor marcador da competição pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, feito que só o alemão Gerd Müller havia alcançado. Messi termina ainda a época com um total de 56 tentos, perdendo assim no duelo particular com Ronaldo (57).

Messi deu mais brilho ao trio de ataque MVP do Barça: Messi, Villa e Pedro, ainda que não por essa ordem, fizeram os golos da vitória e o argentino ainda obrigou Van der Sar a evitar outro golo aos 63’.

Resta ainda dizer que Keita, Puyol e Afellay ainda entraram, tendo o capitão dado a honra a Abidal - que falhou no golo de Rooney - de erguer a Taça perante a festa dos adeptos.

f)  O JOGO (edição em papel)

O Barcelona é o novo - e justo - campeão europeu, sucedendo ao Inter, que na época passada lhe roubara o ceptro continental. Na catedral do futebol inglês, a equipa de Guardiola, uma das mais fantásticas da história do futebol, foi claramente superior a um digno Manchester United. Mas a qualidade do meio-campo e ataque dos blaugrana fez toda a diferença. Xavi, muito provavelmente o melhor médio que este século conheceu, teve um passe de génio para Pedro inaugurar o marcador, e nem o golo de Rooney - num lance em que Giggs recebe a bola em posição irregular - deu a sensação de que, no final, o vencedor pudesse ser outro. A segunda parte teve sentido único: Messi continuou a tirar coelhos da cartola e fez o 2-1, cabendo a Villa fechar o marcador em 3-1 com um remate fantástico. Três golos do Barça com assinatura de um trio fantástico de avançados, conhecido como MVP (Messi, Villa, Pedro), que este ano valeu 98 golos (53+23+22).

Com uma pressão alta e intensa, os ingleses conseguiram deixar em sentido o Barça no início da partida. Ferguson - que preferiu o esforçado Valencia (muito apagado) ao génio de Nani - quis surpreender o adversário e, apesar de não ter tido grandes ocasiões para atirar à baliza de Valdés, a sua equipa criou sobressaltos. Mas mal afrouxou um pouco a pressão, impossível de aguentar por muito tempo, o United passou a correr atrás da bola - e o perigo começou a rondar a baliza de Van der Sar.

Guardiola, que preferiu Abidal a Puyol, deixou a sua equipa jogar como sempre, e o resultado foi o que se viu. Segurança defensiva, com Mascherano em destaque; criatividade no meio-campo, com Xavi, Iniesta e Messi a confundirem as marcações do United; e velocidade no ataque, com as diagonais de Villa e Pedro e as arrancadas estonteantes da Pulga.

Os números da estatística são reveladores da superioridade do Barcelona, e a verdade é que o 3-1 foi lisonjeiro para o United. Afinal, Messi até esteve mais perdulário do que é habitual.

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Ano 2012 (19/05/2012)

a)   MaisFutebol (exclusivo online) O futebol já não é o que era. Os alemães perderam um desempate por penalties. Nem o especialista Neuer

valeu ao Bayern Munique. E o Chelsea lá conseguiu a sua primeira Liga dos Campeões, por ventura, num dos anos mais improváveis devido a toda a turbulência que envolveu a passagem de André Villas-Boas pelo clube.

Bosingwa e Paulo Ferreira são bicampeões Europeus. Raul Meireles consegue a sua primeira Champions e o grupo ainda tem Hilário. Festa inglesa em Munique, na casa do rival que teve uma mão na Taça até dois minutos do fim.

Antes da festa, houve oitenta minutos de sonolência, dez minutos de jogo e trinta de prolongamento. A contabilidade é fria, pode não colher total anuência, mas não andará, certamente, longe da verdade. Até ao golo de Thomas Muller o jogo deixa poucas recordações. Mas, depois, não sendo memorável foi, pelo menos, emocionante.

Um empate sobre a hora, um prolongamento com um penalty desperdiçado e as grandes penalidades para decidirem o sucessor do Barcelona.

O Chelsea, como se esperava, apareceu movido às leis da Troika. Contenção. Muita. Quase sempre. Só arriscou quando se viu a perder. Porque não o fazer seria parvo, claro está.

De facto, apostar num esquema ofensivo quando o segredo para o apuramento esteve precisamente na coesão lá atrás não era apenas arriscado. Era de todo improvável. A aparição do jovem Ryan Bertrand no onze, para fechar os caminhos da esquerda, era apenas a confirmação do óbvio. Acima de tudo o Chelsea ia defender.

Há vários caminhos para chegar a um objetivo. Aquele que os londrinos escolheram pode não ser o mais agradável à vista, mas é tão legítimo como qualquer outro.

Bayern com pouca paciência Ao Bayern cabia desmontar o ferrolho inglês. Perante o seu público, com o peso extra da responsabilidade

de tentar fazer o mesmo que o Inter de Milão fez ao Benfica em 1965: vencer a final em casa. Desde aí mais ninguém conseguiu.

Robben e Ribery tentaram ser os animadores de serviço, mas foram quase sempre solistas pouco afinados. Mario Gómez só por uma vez ganhou espaço na área para rematar e atirou por cima. Muller apareceu a espaços mas chegou a dar asas ao sonho.

E se do outro lado havia nove jogadores atrás da bola, Cech na baliza e Drogba na frente...como o 0-0 se ia alterar?

Thomas Muller parecia ter indicado o caminho, perto do fim, com o cabeceamento que abriu o ativo. Faltavam menos de dez minutos. Parecia tudo decidido, até porque o Chelsea pouco tinha feito até então e mesmo o Bayern só tinha ficado perto num remate à trave de Robben, ainda na primeira metade.

Parecia decidido, insiste-se... Afinal estava só a começar. Drogba: quem haveria de ser? No primeiro canto que ganhou no jogo (ao minuto 88) o Chelsea empatou. Brilhante ação de Drogba, num

cabeceamento fulminante que queimou as mãos de Neuer e só parou no fundo da baliza. Prolongamento à vista. Um mini-pesadelo de Barcelona para o Bayern. De certeza que alguém se lembrou da mítica final de 1999.

O Chelsea não teve a felicidade do Man. United, nessa altura, mas não se pode queixar. No tempo extra, por exemplo, viu Robben desperdiçar um penalty inequívoco assinalado por Pedro Proença. O árbitro português esteve à altura. Bem no penalty, seguiu a indicação do assistente num golo anulado por fora de jogo de Ribery. Que não é claro, nem inexistente. Esteve bem, em suma.

Robben falha o segundo penalty decisivo em poucas semanas, depois de ter feito o mesmo no jogo do título com o Dortmund. Joga na Alemanha, mas não tem a frieza germânica.

E nem foi ao desempate, assistindo de longe aos falhanços de Olic e Schweinsteiger. Drobga não tremeu na hora decisiva e deu ao Chelsea a sua primeira Liga dos Campeões. O primeiro estreante desde o Borussia Dortmund, em 1997. Roman Abramovich pode, enfim, sorrir e descansar.

Link: s-final-resultado/1349575-1484.html

b)   Público

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Roman Abramovich entrou no Chelsea em 2003, enterrou muitos milhões no clube para contratar os melhores jogadores e treinadores com o objectivo de transformar os londrinos numa força dominante do futebol europeu. Passaram por lá José Mourinho e André Villas-Boas, mas foi com um interino no banco, Roberto Di Matteo, que o Chelsea conseguiu o seu primeiro título europeu da história, ao bater o Bayern Munique no Allianz Arena, nos penáltis, após 1-1 ao fim de 120 minutos.

Depois de ter resistido ao Benfica e ao Barcelona, o Chelsea também resistiu aos bávaros. E, desta vez, ganhou — e também ganharam os portugueses Raul Meireles, Bosingwa (o único que jogou) Paulo Ferreira, Hilário e Villas-Boas, despedido a meio da eliminatória com o Nápoles —, depois de ter perdido nos penáltis com o Manchester United na final de 2008.

O Chelsea não se desviou nem um bocadinho do plano que já tinha dado frutos em outras ocasiões. Di Matteo voltou a assumir que a sua equipa era inferior ao Bayern e jogou quase sempre na expectativa. Meteu todas as fichas num estilo super-defensivo, esperando que alguma distracção do adversário permitisse um contra-ataque.

Foi o Bayern a dar os primeiros sinais de perigo. Aos 21’, Robben surge na área dos londrinos, ultrapassa Cahill e faz o remate que Cech defende com dificuldade, desviando a bola para o poste. Muller também não consegue acertar com a baliza aos 35’ e Gomez, aos 42’, atira por cima quando tinha tudo para fazer o golo.

Aos 53’, os bávaros festejam o golo, só que Ribéry estava ligeiramente adiantado quando recebe a bola. Mas aos 83’, tudo parecia resolver-se a favor dos homens da casa. Um excelente cruzamento de Ribéry encontra Muller na área, que aproveita uma falha de marcação para furar a resistência do Chelsea e colocar o Bayern a caminho do seu quinto título. O Chelsea chegou ao empate aos 88’, com um cabeceamento de Drogba após canto cobrado por Mata, o primeiro dos londrinos no jogo. No prolongamento, o herói Drogba quase que era o vilão ao fazer falta sobre Ribéry na sua área, mas Cech defendeu um penálti marcado por Robben.

Vieram então os penáltis. Pelo Bayern falharam dois, Olic e Schweinsteiger, pelo Chelsea só Mata não acertou. E, nada mais poético, foi ter sido Drogba a marcar o último penálti.

Link: 822

c)   Relvado (exclusivo online) O Chelsea foi a Munique sagrar-se campeão europeu pela primeira vez na sua história, derrotando o Bayern

em plena Allianz Arena. Na casa do rival, a equipa inglesa esteve a perder, mas conseguiu arrastar o jogo para o prolongamento e acabou por vencer nas grandes penalidades.

Germânicos começaram melhor - O Bayern entrou no jogo mais decidido a chegar ao golo, mas na verdade faltava alguma inspiração aos germânicos que tinham pela frente um adversário bem fechado na sua grande área. O Chelsea assinalava a marca de solidariedade do conjunto que manteve os "blues" no caminho até à final da Champions League. Bem defensivamente, a equipa de Roberto di Matteo não dava grande espaço aos da casa para extravasarem o seu poderio ofensivo.A primeira grande ocasião do jogo surgiu aos 21 minutos e, claro está, foi dos de Munique. Valeu aos ingleses a mestria de Petr Cech que defendeu contra o ferro o remate de Robben, após uma combinação com Ribèry.

64 por cento de posse de bola - Volvidos 25 minutos do encontro, a UEFA indicava 64 por cento da posse de bola para os bávaros. Os "blues" abdicavam conscientes do domínio territorial, entregando todos os trunfos ao adversário, apostando em explorar o erro do oponente. O primeiro remate dos ingleses à baliza rival aconteceu já depois dos 30 minutos de jogo, o que ilustra bem a toada da disputa. Juan Mata atirou por cima da baliza na marcação de um livre, depois de uma falta de Boateng sobre Cahill.Logo de seguida, o guardião Neuer fazia a primeira defesa no encontro, dando a resposta certa a um remate de Kalou. Foi consequência de uma jogada iniciada por Mata e que passou por Drogba que assistiu Lampard de calcanhar, tendo este enviado a bola para Kalou.Antes Muller tinha deixado uma ameaça à baliza de Cech com um remate de primeira que saiu ao lado da baliza. E o primeiro tempo terminou com Mario Gomez a atirar uma bola por cima da trave.

Pedro Proença anulou golo a Robben - A segunda metade arrancou com um golo de Robben, mas o lance foi anulado por fora de jogo de Ribery. O árbitro português Pedro Proença parece ter tomado a decisão certa. De resto o juiz não deu nas vistas no jogo, podendo apontar-se-lhe uma falha na primeira metade, por não ter mostrado o cartão amarelo ao conterrâneo Bosingwa, após entrada dura sobre Ribery.A partida parecia ainda menos entusiasmante nesta segunda metade, com o Chelsea a continuar remetido na sua defesa e o Bayern sem veia decisiva. Aos 72 minutos Bosingwa assinava o primeiro lance ofensivo dos "blues" no regresso dos balneários, cruzando para o corte de Timoschuk. E depois era Neuer quem errava e corrigia logo a seguir - colocou a bola nos pés de Drogba, mas conseguiu defender o remate atrapalhado do costa-marfinense.E finalmente, os golos! - Já todos iam pensando no prolongamento, mas aos 83 minutos Thomas Muller abria as hostilidades no marcador. O alemão cabeceou a bola, após um centro de Toni Kroos, e esta bateu no relvado com Cech a tentar o desvio,

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mas sem êxito.Parecia encontrado o vencedor da contenda, mas os homens de Di Matteo já mostraram que têm fogo para todas as guerras. E mesmo antes dos 90, Drogba igualava de novo o encontro com um cabeceamento fantástico, depois de um canto marcado por Mata.

Penalti a abrir o prolongamento - A decisão ia para o prolongamento e logo no arranque do tempo suplementar Pedro Proença assinalava um penalti contra o Chelsea, depois de um toque de Drogba nos pés de Ribery dentro da grande área. Cech mostrava-se a grande figura do jogo e defendia o remate de Robben. Dá ideia de que o holandês poderia ter feito melhor.A equipa da casa acusou um pouco o penalti falhado e não conseguiu recuperar ânimo para se colocar de novo em vantagem. Também o Chelsea não arriscava e o jogo acabou por arrastar-se até aos penaltis.

Cech em grande e Schweinsteinger a falhar - Foi então tempo de os nervos vencerem os frios bávaros. Quando Neuer defendeu o remate de Mata pensar-se-ia que a taça ficaria em casa, mas Cech voltou a brilhar, defendendo o remate de Ivica Olic. E depois Schweinsteinger atirou ao poste, entregando o caneco aos "blues". Drogba acabaria por marcar a última penalidade, a decisiva, que garante ao Chelsea o seu primeiro título europeu.Pelo meio Lahm, Mario Gomez e o próprio Neuer marcaram com sucesso os penaltis do Bayern, o mesmo sucedendo com David Luiz, Frank Lampard e Ashley Cole do lado do Chelsea.

Link: 09026 d)   Zerozero (exclusivo online)

Era da ausência de jogadores que se falava antes da final da Liga dos Campeões entre as equipas que tinham eliminado os favoritos Real Madrid e Barcelona, mas é de emoção que se fala após o jogo entre o Bayern Munchen e o Chelsea. Golos à beira do minuto 90, uma grande penalidade falhada no prolongamento e o novo campeão europeu a sair apenas no desempate por penáltis. A sorte sorriu ao Chelsea.

Thomas Muller, aos 83 minutos, colocou o Bayern Munchen em vantagem e deu uma certa justiça ao que se tinha passado até então no jogo. Os bávaros tinham sido mais perigosos e as grandes ocasiões de golo, não muitas é verdade, tinham sido dos alemães. A ganhar por 1x0, o barulho passou a ser ensurdecedor no Allianz Arena, casa dos bávaros, e os adeptos da casa acreditavam que, ao contrário do que aconteceu em 2010 frente ao Internazionale, a Liga dos Campeões desta vez não ia fugir.

Mas o Chelsea não desistiu, aliás, essa palavra parece não existir para os londrinos nesta competição. Didier Drogba, apenas cinco minutos depois do golo sofrido, agarrou-se à réstia de esperança que existia nos jogadores londrinos e restabeleceu a igualdade, obrigando a final a ir para prolongamento após um cabeceamento em que a bola pareceu sair como uma bala da cabeça do costa-marfinense, não dando qualquer hipótese de defesa a Neuer.

Mas no melhor pano cai a nódoa e Drogba, que tinha sido herói na área do Bayern Munchen, tornou-se vilão na do Chelsea, ao cometer uma grande penalidade sobre Franck Ribéry. Chamado a converter, Robben tentou enganar Petr Cech, mas este adivinhou o lado e manteve o resultado igual no marcador.

Tal como em Camp Nou, em que Messi falhou uma grande penalidade, o Chelsea voltou a ser bafejado pela sorte e tudo se manteve igual. As possibilidades estavam todas em aberto e o mínimo erro poderia ser fatal para qualquer uma das equipas.

Perante este cenário, o Bayern Munchen, mesmo sem Ribéry que saiu lesionado na sequência do lance do penálti, continuou a ter mais iniciativa atacante (foi assim durante todo o jogo) e esteve perto de marcar no início da segunda parte do prolongamento, com Olic a oferecer o golo a Van Buyten e Gary Cahill a impedir que Mario Gomez finalizasse com sucesso para o fundo da baliza.

O Chelsea, por sua vez, numa cópia do que foi ao longo de todo a partida, optou por um jogo mais pensado, na tentativa de explorar as saídas rápidas para o ataque, mas nesse capítulo notou-se bastante as ausências de Ramires e Raul Meireles, que são peças fulcrais na construção do jogo ofensivo dos comandados de Di Matteo. A equipa foi lenta e poucas vezes incomodou o guarda-redes Neuer.

Sem golos no prolongamento, a final da Liga dos Campeões teve que ser decidida nas grandes penalidades. O Chelsea mostrava-se mais confiante até por causa do penálti defendido por Petr Cech, mas ninguém se esquecia que foi na marcação dos castigos máximos que o Bayern Munchen garantiu o apuramento para a final após triunfar no Santiago Bernabéu, com Neuer em destaque nesse jogo.

No meio de muita tensão e expectativa, o Chelsea levou a melhor e conquistou a primeira Liga dos Campeões da sua história. Neuer, esse «monstro» dos penáltis, ainda defendeu a primeira grande penalidade, mas Cech conseguiu fazer o mesmo, Schweinsteiger ainda rematou ao poste e Drogba, com oportunidade de fazer história, não desperdiçou e o Chelsea é campeão da Europa pela primeira vez.


Page 11: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros

e)   Record (edição em papel)

Afinal são 11 contra 11 mas nem sempre ganham os alemães. O Chelsea tratou, em Munique, de desmontar este mito e, desta forma, sagrar-se pela primeira vez campeão europeu, através do desempate por grandes penalidades, em que pela primeira vez o Bayern sucumbiu. Bastaram 6 jogos na prova milionária para o interino Di Matteo dar a Abramovich o tão ambicionado título, depois de também terem ganho a Taça de Inglaterra.

O Chelsea sucede na lista de campeões ao Barcelona, precisamente o adversário que os ingleses afastaram nas meias-finais, graças ao instinto assassino de Drogba e à solidez de Cech. O martinense e o checo voltaram a vestir a pele de heróis em Munique, a casa do Bayern, que chegou a ter a taça na mão quando faltavam só dois minutos para o final dos 90’.

Mas antes dos golos, dos penáltis e da festa ao ritmo dos blues, foram 80 minutos de mau futebol, em que o Bayern teve mais iniciativa, mas revelou sempre falta de clarividência e criatividade na definição dos lances. Já o Chelsea foi o que se esperava, uma equipa de expectativa, à espera de um erro do adversário. Uma estratégia que lhe permitiu superar Benfica, Barcelona e Bayern e levantar a Taça.

Aos 81’, Müller, de cabeça, ainda deu expressão ao domínio germânico e tudo parecia decidido, até porque o Chelsea raramente ameaçou Neuer, mas, afinal, revelou-se o início do sonho blue e do pesadelo bávaro. A dois minutos do final, Drogba, também de cabeça, restabeleceu a igualdade e tornou-se no terceiro africano a marcar na final da Champions, depois de Madjer (frente ao Bayern) e Eto’o. O Chelsea aproveitou o único canto de que dispôs, enquanto o Bayern desperdiçou os seus 20.

No prolongamento, o Chelsea viu de novo a sorte a sorrir-lhe, quando Robben falhou um castigo máximo, por falta de Drogba sobre Ribéry. Mas, tal como em Barcelona (em que Drogba derrubou Messi), Cech deu uma mão ao martinense e susteve o remate do holandês. O guardião checo voltou a brilhar no desempate por grandes penalidades, permitindo que Drogba assumisse a condição de herói.

Cumpriu-se a tradição de Munique, pois sempre que a final se disputa na cidade alemã uma equipa ganha o título pela primeira vez: aconteceu ao Nottingham (1979), ao Marselha (1993), ao B. Dortmund (1997) e… ao Chelsea (2012).

f)  O JOGO (edição em papel)

Desde que comprou o Chelsea em 2003, Roman Abramovich quis mostrar ao mundo que o dinheiro, afinal, traz felicidade e a sua tenacidade deu frutos passados nove anos de espera e 778 milhões de euros gastos. Considerados os “patinhos feios” da Champions na última fase da prova - muito por culpa dos “autocarros” colocados em campo por Di Matteo -, os blues venceram o Bayern em plena Allianz Arena no desempate por penáltis e ofereceram ao magnata russo o troféu que mais desejava, fazendo dos blues o primeiro clube londrino a vencer a prova.

Num triunfo que teve tanto de improvável como de espetacular, jogadores balançaram na corda bamba entre os papéis de vilão e herói durante os 120’. Habituado a ser o azarado de serviço - foi expulso na final de 2008 e falhou penáltis em duas finais da CAN -, Drogba redimiu-se com uma mãozinha do aniversariante Cech. Quando já nada o fazia prever, o marfinense marcou o 1-1 no seguimento do único canto do Chelsea em todo o jogo (o Bayern teve… 20) e levou a decisão para prolongamento. Porém, logo aos 95’, cometeu um penálti que podia ter mudado o desfecho da final não fosse a intervenção do checo a travar o remate de Robben, que perdeu a sua quarta final consecutiva. Na hora do desempate, Drogba escapou à “maldição africana” e deu o título ao Chelsea, após Schweinsteiger ter atirado ao poste.

No banco de suplentes, Roberto Di Matteo - que precisou de apenas seis jogos na Champions para ser campeão -, saboreou o desfecho perfeito para uma época em que teve o mérito de arrumar uma equipa que parecia derrotada a meio da temporada iniciada por André Villas-Boas no banco. Já o Bayern igualou Benfica e Juventus no lote de clubes com cinco finais da Champions perdidas… com claras “responsabilidades” para Tymoschuk, jogador que tocou no troféu antes do início do jogo e desencadeou uma maldição que não teve piedade com os bávaros.

Ano 2013 (25/05/2013)

a)   MaisFutebol (exclusivo online) Final fantástica a selar o novo poder alemão no futebol europeu. É melhor que nos habituemos a ele. No primeiro duelo decisivo para a Champions totalmente germânico, o Dortmund parecia ter asas para

surpreender (fez uma primeira parte atrevida e dominadora), mas a maior experiência do Bayern fez a diferença

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na hora certa. Num excelente jogo de futebol, muito físico no geral, mas também técnico quando teve que ser, houve

boas ocasiões, momentos de tensão, picardias, mas sobretudo viu-se atitude.Atitude de campeão, dos dois lados. Ganhou o Bayern, mas se a glória tivesse recaído do lado do Borussia, também seria justo.

Destemido, Jurgen Klopp ordenou que os seus jogadores abrissem hostilidades. Os primeiros minutos foram suficientes para que percebêssemos que esta não seria uma final demasiado tática.

Respeitando a audácia do adversário, o Bayern chegou a ser encostado às cordas. Mas foi, paulatinamente, recuperando os galões e já terminou a primeira parte a dominar.

O intervalo fez bem aos bávaros. Apareceram, no segundo tempo, mais organizados, mais arrogantes, mais dominadores.

O Dortmund não se assustou demasiado. Teve sempre em Reus um atleta poderoso, capaz de arrancar para o perigo. Em Lewandowski um ponta-de-lança temível, apto a disparar para o golo a qualquer momento (ou não tivesse ele cometido a proeza de marcar quatro-golos-quatro ao Real Madrid num só jogo).

Mas a agulha começava a virar-se para o poderio bávaro. O Bayern fez jus ao favoritismo e abriu a contagem, numa belíssima jogada de ataque, concretizada por Mandzukic, corria o minuto 60.

Final decidida? Nem pensar. O Borussia não demorou a reagir e, de grande penalidade, Gundogan restabeleceu a igualdade.

Cheirava a prolongamento, mas o Bayern mostrou que queria mais o triunfo nos 90. Fez por isso, ameaçou, e chegou, com mérito, ao 2-1. Robben, dourando uma exibição notável, levou o poderoso conjunto de Heynckes ao céu. Justo.

Link: b)   Público Depois de duas derrotas nos últimos três anos na final da Liga dos Campeões, chegou o momento do

Bayern Munique. Em Wembley, a formação da Baviera venceu os compatriotas do Borussia Dortmund por 2-1 e conquistou o quinto título na competição de clubes mais importante da UEFA.

Foi uma partida animada, com oportunidades de parte a parte (especialmente no primeiro tempo) e emoção até final. O Dortmund até começou a acelerar mais o jogo e a encostar o adversário ao seu meio-campo, mas quando o Bayern se libertou do colete de forças foi o guarda-redes Weidenfeller a brilhar. Primeiro ao desviar um cabeceamento de Mandzukic, depois a anular duas investidas de Robben, que surgiu praticamente isolado no seu caminho.

Mas os golos só chegariam no segundo tempo. Aos 60', Ribéry inventou espaço na área contrário para Robben tirar Weidenfeller do caminho e oferecer, em bandeja de prata, o 1-0 a Mandzukic. O avançado croata só teve mesmo de empurrar para a baliza deserta.

O Borussia respondeu quase de seguida. Numa incursão pela área do Bayern, Marco Reus acabou por ser derrubado por Dante e o árbitro assinalou grande penalidade. Na marcação da falta, Gundogan, um médio sempre esclarecido, empatou o encontro, aos 68'.

A partir daí, voltou a imperar a lei do campeão alemão. Robben e Ribéry baralhavam as marcações da defesa do Dortmund e acabariam por ser eles a definir o lance que decidiu o encontro. Aos 88', Ribéry recebeu a bola de costas na área, desviou de calcanhar para Robben receber em progressão, passar entre os centrais e desviar com subtileza para o 2-1 final.

Já não havia praticamente tempo para reagir e o melhor que o Borussia conseguiu foi um remate para as mãos de Neuer, da cortesia de Schieber, acabadinho de ser lançado no jogo. Praticamente no lance seguinte, soou o apito final e o Bayern, ao contrário do que sucedera em 2009-10 e em 2011-12, terminou o encontro com o troféu à sua espera.

É a quinta vez que o clube conquista a competição, depois de ter chegado ao título em 1974,1975, 1976 e 2001. E é a segunda vez que Jupp Heynckes se sagra campeão europeu, juntando o actual troféu ao alcançado ao serviço do Real Madrid.


c)   Relvado (exclusivo online) O Bayern de Munique sagrou-se campeão europeu ao vencer o Borussia de Dortmund este sábado na final

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da Liga dos Campeões, em Wembley. Uma vitória sofrida e justa por 2-1, que só foi confirmada num momento de inspiração de Arjen Robben aos 89 minutos.

O jogo foi digno de uma grande final. As duas grandes equipas alemãs – que humilharam Barcelona e Real Madrid nas meias-finais - procuraram sempre o ataque e imprimiram desde cedo um ritmo muito elevado. Os dois guarda-redes brilharam bem alto, com um punhado de defesas de excelente nível. Houve muitos lances de perigo de parte a parte, rapidez, técnica, lances de envolvimento coletivo e excelentes jogadas individuais. Quando é assim, os espectadores agradecem.

No final, ganhou a que tem mais valores capazes de desequilibrar. Um conjunto que tem talentos do calibre de Ribery, Robben, Muller, Neuer, Lahm ou Schweinsteiger não merecia perder mais uma final, depois de ser vice-campeão por duas vezes nos últimos três anos. Jupp Heynckes despede-se em grande de Munique.

Curiosamente, o Borussia entrou muito melhor. Empolgados pelo treinador Jurgen Klopp, os homens de amarelo lançaram-se para a frente desde o apito inicial e asfixiaram os bávaros nos primeiros 20 minutos. Mas após esse período inicial, o Bayern sobrepôs-se no jogo e foi acumulando oportunidades de golo, inventadas por Ribery – grande exibição -, Robben, Müller e Mandzukic. Foi precisamente o avançado croata a inaugurar o marcador aos 60 minutos.

O Dortmund, já sem as forças iniciais, ainda conseguiu chegar ao empate, de grande penalidade a castigar falta de Dante sobre Lewandowski. Mas foi o Bayern a chegar com mais energias aos minutos finais. Quando já se pensava no prolongamento, Robben foi mais rápido que um Fórmula 1 e fez a festa do 2-1.

Está bem entregue a Liga dos Campeões. Link: d)   Zerozero (exclusivo online) O Bayern Munchen é o novo campeão da Europa, tendo levado a melhor sobre o Borussia Dortmund com

uma vitória por 2x1, conseguida apenas a um minuto dos 90. Arjen Robben é o novo herói na Baviera e o título da crónica não é inocente. Há um ano, o holandês foi

tido como um vilão pelos adeptos do Bayern Munchen após ter falhado uma grande penalidade na final da Liga dos Campeões frente ao Chelsea, numa final que se disputou em casa dos bávaros.

Agora, um ano depois, foi o mesmo Arjen Robben que tomou as rédeas da final e decidiu o jogo a favor do Bayern Munchen, marcando o segundo golo da formação orientada por Jupp Heynckes quando já quase toda a gente em Wembley pensava no prolongamento.

Mas, sem tirar qualquer mérito à vitória justa do novo campeão da Europa, o Borussia Dortmund não merecia ser penalizado desta forma, pela forma como tornou, juntamente com o Bayern Munchen, o jogo excitante, imprevisível e com bastantes ocasiões de golo (só não houve mais porque os guarda-redes não deixaram). Mas o futebol é também feito de imprevisibilidade e à terceira tentativa em quatro anos, os bávaros chegam ao topo da Europa.

Só faltaram os golos para dar brilho ao excelente espetáculo A primeira parte foi tudo o que se espera de uma final da Liga dos Campeões. Apesar do equilíbrio

registado ao longo dos primeiros 45 minutos, este não impediu que houvesse jogadas de perigo. Aliás, por entre um encontro emocionante e muito bem jogado de parte a parte, jogadas existiram, golos é que nem por isso mas muito por culpa dos guarda-redes.

A primeira etapa da primeira parte teve domínio claro do Borussia Dortmund. Os comandos de Jurgen Klopp entraram melhor que os adversários e durante esse período criaram quatro ocasiões para marcar sem que o Bayern Munchen se aproximasse da baliza de Roman Weidenfeller. Lewandowski foi o primeiro a tentar a sorte, seguiram-se dois remates de Marco Reus e um outro de Bender. Todos eles foram parados por Manuel Neuer.

Perante o domínio do Borussia Dortmund, o Bayern Munchen tentou equilibrar e passou a jogar mais sobre as alas, chamando Ribéry e, principalmente, Arjen Robben ao jogo. Mandzukic, após cruzamento, deu o primeiro sinal de perigo dos bávaros (Weidenfeller defendeu) e logo a seguir foi a vez de Javi Martínez cabecear por cima.

Até ao final da primeira parte Arjen Robben teve à sua conta duas excelentes ocasiões para inaugurar o marcador, mas em ambas permitiu a defesa de Weidenfeller. Entre as duas situações, o Borussia Dortmund, já com menos fulgor do que aquele que tinha mostrado nos instantes iniciais, também ameaçou marcar, valendo ao Bayern Munchen, uma vez mais, Neuer a defender o remate perigoso de Lewandowski.

Robben desfaz ideia do prolongamento Ao contrário da primeira parte, Borussia Dortmund e Bayern Munchen não entraram com o mesmo

entusiasmo para o segundo tempo. Pelo menos durante os primeiros 15 minutos, com os comandados de Jupp Heynckes a tentarem descobrir o caminho da baliza de Weidenfeller, no entanto bem tapados pelos jogadores

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adversários. A primeira ocasião de golo pertenceu ao Bayern Munchen e surgiu aos 59 minutos, com Mandzukic a

permitir a defesa de Weidenfeller. No entanto, no minuto seguinte, os bávaros acabaram mesmo por chegar à vantagem por intermédio do avançado croata, num lance construído por Ribéry e Robben.

Nessa altura era o Bayern Munchen que estava claramente por cima do jogo, mas o Borussia Dortmund não se deixou ir abaixo, embora tal fosse impossível pelo espetáculo que Jurgen Klopp dá no banco de suplentes e pela energia que transmite aos jogadores.

Consequência disso, o Borussia Dortmund foi premiado com o golo do empate, que surgiu através da conversão de uma grande penalidade. Aos 68 minutos, Dante foi imprudente, cometeu falta dentro da área sobre Reus e Gundogan não desperdiçou a oportunidade restabelecer a igualdade.

O jogo entrou numa fase louca, tornou-se bastante aberto, com o golo a poder aparecer em qualquer altura e junto de qualquer uma das balizas até aos 90 minutos, mas os momentos mais fantásticos aconteceram sempre perto da baliza do Borussia Dortmund.

Primeiro, Subotic milagrosamente e com a baliza aberta porque Weidenfeller tinha sido ultrapassado por Muller, negou o golo a Robben. Pouco depois, Alaba, com um remate de fora da área, obrigou o guarda-redes do Borussia Dortmund a voar para lhe negar o golo e depois foi Bastian Schweinsteiger a testá-lo novamente.

No entanto, a aproximação do Bayern Munchen à baliza de Weidenfeller teve consequências para o Borussia Dortmund. A um minuto dos 90, Arjen Robben entrou na área, levou a melhor sobre o guarda-redes e rematou para o fundo da baliza, tornando-se no novo herói da Baviera, um ano depois de ter sido vilão contra o Chelsea.

Link: e)   Record (edição em papel) Após a desilusão de há um ano, em que o Bayern de Munique perdeu a final da Liga dos Campeões frente

ao Chelsea, no desempate por penáltis, os bávaros vingaram ontem essa e outras derrotas recentes - na época passada perdeu também a final da Taça da Alemanha (precisamente para o B. Dortmund) e já havia sido finalista vencido da Champions em 2010. E não poderia ter melhor herói do que Arjen Robben, principal réu de há um ano, ao falhar um penálti frente aos blues já no prolongamento.

Desta vez, o craque holandês quebrou mesmo a malapata das finais - além das três referidas perdeu ainda o Mundial’2010 para a Espanha. Ainda assim, as coisas não começaram bem com o esquerdo, de 29 anos, que desperdiçou várias oportunidades na primeira parte. Num excelente início de partida, o Dortmund criou muitos problemas aos bávaros com uma pressão intensa. Lewandowski e companhia obrigaram Neuer a trabalho redobrado - pela primeira vez esta época, o guardião do Bayern teve de fazer cinco defesas antes do intervalo -, mas Weidenfeller também brilhou, sobretudo com intervenções corajosas, com o peito e a cara, frente a… Robben.

As coisas começaram a mudar na segunda parte, quando o holandês ultrapassou o guarda-redes e, já sem ângulo, centra para Mandzukic para inaugurar o marcador. A resposta veio por Gundogan, a converter o penálti que castigou a falta de Dante sobre Reus. O brasileiro escapou ao 2º amarelo e à expulsão e o encontro manteve-se equilibrado, deixando antever a hipótese de se repetir o cenário da época passada, com um prolongamento.

Momento de ouro. Porém, quando já poucos acreditariam, surgiu Robben de novo. Aos 89’, Ribéry recebe um passe longo e, de costas para a baliza, toca de calcanhar para o holandês escapar à tentativa de corte de Hummels e, perante Weidenfeller, atirar a bola para o fundo das redes com um desvio subtil. Euforia dos jogadores e adeptos bávaros, que começaram de imediato a festejar a conquista da 5ª Champions da sua história - somam outras tantas derrotas em finais. Alegria também para o técnico Jupp Heynckes, que, aos 68 anos, iguala Ernst Happel, Ottmar Hitzfeld e José Mourinho ao ganhar a prova por duas equipas diferentes - fê-lo também em 1998, pelo Real Madrid. O ex-treinador do Benfica prepara-se para passar o testemunho a Guardiola com o colosso de Munique a atravessar, provavelmente, a melhor fase de sempre: após ganhar a Supertaça e a Bundesliga com uma série de recordes, já tem a Champions no bolso e, a 1 de junho, pode juntar-lhe a Taça da Alemanha, na final com o Estugarda.

f)  O JOGO (edição em papel) Em 2012, o extremo holandês [Robben] falhou um penálti que podia ter dado o título aos bávaros na final

perdida com o Chelsea. Ontem, assistiu Mandzukic no 0-1 e decidiu o jogo ante o rival Dortmund, que se pode queixar do facto de o árbitro ter perdoado a expulsão a Dante antes do 1-1.

Há um novo rei na Europa, chama-se Bayern de Munique e sucede ao Chelsea, com quem perdera a final da época passada em casa, e que reencontrará em agosto na Supertaça Europeia, num duelo em que já não estarão no banco Heynckes e Benítez, mas… Guardiola e Mourinho.

Page 15: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros

O gigante bávaro impôs-se ao Dortmund, por 2-1, num grande jogo de futebol que permitiu a redenção de Arjen Robben. O extremo holandês foi o vilão da última final, ao desperdiçar no prolongamento um penálti frente ao Chelsea que poderia ter decidido o jogo. Mas terá sido certamente perdoado pelos adeptos e colegas de equipa: uma assistência para Mandzukic fazer o primeiro golo do jogo e o remate para a vitória aos 89’ fizeram dele o herói.

Numa final falada em alemão e que foi também uma espécie de embate de gerações de treinadores - a raposa Heynckes e o jovem lobo Klopp -, não houve surpresas nos onzes iniciais. Ambos os técnicos apostaram nos jogadores habitualmente titulares, com Grosskreutz a surgir, como esperado, no lugar do lesionado Goetze no Dortmund.

Surpreendentemente ou talvez não, tendo em conta o estilo atrevido de Klopp, foi o Dortmund que entrou no jogo a mandar, com uma pressão alta intensa que criou imensos problemas a um Bayern pouco acostumado a passar por tantas dificuldades para fazer a transição defesa-ataque.

A tática arrojada de Klopp esteve perto de resultar em golo, em dois momentos aos 14’, em que brilhou Neuer: primeiro evitou o golo dando o corpo a um remate de Lewandowski e após um canto defendeu a bomba de Blaszczykowski. O guardião bávaro voltaria a brilhar aos 19 e 22 minutos, salvando a sua equipa do primeiro golo. Mas a resposta do Bayern não tardaria e do lado do Dortmund Weidenfeller não quis ficar a perder para Neuer - que voltou a negar o golo a Lewandowski aos 35’ -, acabando como principal responsável pelo nulo ao intervalo: aos 26’, defendeu para a barra um cabeceamento de Mandzukic e aos 30’ e 42’, ganhou duas vezes o duelo com Robben que surgiu isolado na sua cara.

Foram 45’ de emoções fortes e só faltavam os golos que acabariam por chegar com naturalidade na etapa complementar. Incapaz de aguentar o ritmo louco e a pressão exercida na primeira parte, o Dortmund começou a ceder o controlo do jogo para o Bayern e nem o gigante Weidenfeller pôde impedir o golo inaugural, apontado por Mandzukic e fabricado por Robben e Ribéry. A resposta não tardou: Dante derrubou Reus na grande área e o árbitro assinala o castigo perdoando o segundo amarelo ao central brasileiro, o que poderia ter mudado o resto do jogo. Não obstante o empate, concretizado por Gundogan, o Dortmund dava evidentes sinais de maior cansaço e a defesa era cada vez mais vulnerável. Klopp tardou em mexer na equipa e pagou caro: depois de várias ameaças, aos 89’, o Bayern chegou mesmo ao 2-1 por Robben. O jogo terminou pouco depois e irrompeu a festa bávara com o holandês e Heynckes no centro dos festejos, com todo o merecimento.

2) Crónicas desportivas em inglês

Ano 2010 (22/05/2010)

a)   Guardian Ian Holloway will have to be [modal] content with supervising the performance of the day because José

Mourinho is unquestionably the coach of the season. Coach of the decade perhaps, certainly coach of the moment. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but Mourinho has just etched his name permanently on the biggest

cup of all. Only two other coaches, Ernst Happel and Ottmar Hitzfeld, have won the European Cup with two different clubs, and Mourinho has just beaten his old mentor, Louis van Gaal (who won this competition with Ajax) to become the third. In addition to winning titles in Portugal, England and Italy, Mourinho has also joined the elite band of treble winners. Inter become the sixth team to complete a clean sweep of all three major honours – again, Van Gaal's Bayern Munich were in a similar position – and the first from Italy. You cannot possibly argue with success on that scale and Real Madrid will almost certainly be showing him the money instead. No one quite knows what will happen next, only that it is bound to be colourful.

Arjen Robben quickly showed up as the threat Bayern were hoping he would be, with the absence of Franck Ribéry through suspension putting an extra onus on the former Chelsea winger as the only player likely to spring an attacking surprise. Walter Samuel chopped him down unceremoniously in the third minute, gambling successfully that referee Howard Webb would not produce a card so early in the game and getting away with just a lecture. Esteban Cambiasso dispossessed Robben cleanly and fairly the next time the winger broke forward, but after 10 minutes the Dutchman showed what he was capable of when he whisked past Samuel and Cristian Chivu on the right and sent in a low cross that Ivica Olic just failed to meet decisively at the near post.

Inter had started the game as if they intended to attack but soon found themselves pressed back into their own half. Nevertheless, Mourinho's side brought the first real save of the game when Wesley Sneijder powered in a free-kick from almost 30 yards out after 18 minutes. Hans-Jörg Butt dealt with it comfortably enough, diving to his left to punch clear, yet as the ball had taken a late deflection from a head in the wall it was not quite the routine stop it had first appeared.

Page 16: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros

The game was becoming stodgy and over-cautious by the mid-point of the first half, as evidenced by a Holger Badstuber backpass to his own goalkeeper all the way from the halfway line, and when Martín Demichelis earned the evening's first caution for a heavy challenge on Milito, Sneijder merely repeated his hopeful free-kick routine. This time no one got a flick or a touch and the ball ran harmlessly through to Butt.

Chivu lost no time in picking up the game's second booking, all too predictably for clipping Robben's heels, before Thomas Müller showed a certain amount of frustration with the blue wall in front of him by shooting hopelessly and pointlessly over from 25 yards.

Inter were not doing too much better at that stage. When Milito did manage to cut a ball back from the left, his cross was far too deep for Sneijder to do anything with, yet when the same combination reverted to their normal roles as creator and finisher a minute later, Bayern were cut open right through the middle.

The Germans may not have been expecting a route one goal from an Italian side, although in all fairness it was a superbly executed version, none of your sticking it in the mixer and hoping for the best. Júlio César's long punt straight up the middle was nodded precisely to Sneijder by Milito, who then turned and ran forward to accept a measured return pass into the area.

A shooting opportunity presented itself straight away, yet Milito eschewed the obvious and took an extra touch; a risky strategy but one that committed Butt and made the target even bigger.

Bayern were not able to hit back in the 10 minutes that remained to half-time, with Inter continuing to sit comfortably behind the ball, defending competently and launching only sporadic forays forward. Even on that basis, they looked more dangerous than their opponents. Milito and Sneijder combined again on the stroke of the interval, only for the Dutchman to send his shot straight at Butt.

If it had not been an exactly open game in the first half a breathless first few minutes of the second half brought chances for either side. Bayern almost equalised virtually straight from the kick off when Hamit Altintop and Olic engineered a shooting opportunity for Muller, who had a clear sight of goal but failed to show Milito's level of coolness and allowed César to save with his legs. Collecting the rebound and surviving a couple more anxious moments at the back, Inter went straight up the field and came close to claiming a second, Butt's outstretched fingers tipping Goran Pandev's shot over the bar.

Bayern continued to probe and create half-chances, although one suspected it might not be their night when Robben produced one of his trademark curlers in the 65th minute and saw it clawed away at the last moment by the excellent César. Another key passage of play arrived around 20 minutes from the end, and this time Bayern were left ruing their inability to make their pressure count.

With César for once out of position it took a stunning block from Samuel to prevent Olic equalising. But once again Inter turned defence into attack with a clinical efficiency that should ensure Mourinho does not have to face any trumped-up charges of negativity. Milito stayed onside to receive Samuel Eto'o's pass, beat Daniel Van Buyten and flicked his second assured finish of the night past Butt to make the game safe.

Link: b)   BBC Sport (exclusivo online) Jose Mourinho wrote his name into the history books as Diego Milito inspired Inter Milan to Champions

League glory against Bayern Munich at the Bernabeu. Milito set Inter on their way against the run of play with a clipped finish. And he wrapped up a win built on the foundations of a solid defence with a solo effort that saw Inter

become the first Italian side to win the Treble. It means Mourinho, who won the cup with Porto in 2004, becomes the third man in history to win it with

two clubs. He joins Ernst Happel and Ottmar Hitzfeld in earning that remarkable accolade - at the age of only 47 -

and, in doing so, ends a wait of more than 45 years for the Nerazzurri to regain Europe's top prize. That he did so by overcoming his mentor Louis van Gaal, with whom he worked at Barcelona in the 1990s,

in the process only served to complete the ultimate season of personal vindication for the Portuguese. If reports are to be believed, it is a triumph that will earn Mourinho the manager's position at arguably the

world's biggest club, Real Madrid, this summer. How fitting, then, that this triumph was earned at Real's magnificent Bernabeu stadium - and as Mourinho

waved to the Inter fans after watching his side lift the trophy, it looked every inch a wave goodbye and confirmation this will prove the denouement of his career in Italy.

As for the match itself, while it might not have been one for the purists, as an occasion it was spectacular.

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The decision to switch the match to a Saturday evening was fully justified as both sets of supporters rocked the Bernabeu from the first minute to the last.

And on the field, the fare was no less enthralling. The build-up had been dominated by Van Gaal's and Arjen Robben's description of Mourinho as a

defensive tactician - but if their hope was that such taunts would prompt a more ambitious approach from the Italian champions, they were to be disappointed.

The first couple of minutes aside, when Inter hinted at an expansive approach, Mourinho's side's tactics were clearly to stay strong defensively and pounce on the counter attack.

For a long time, though, it played right into Bayern's hands. With Robben giving left-back Christian Chivu a torrid time and Mark van Bommel pulling the strings in midfield, the Germans almost completely dominated.

Playing with an air of expression and invention, Bayern probed the Inter backline time and again. Robben beat Chivu down the right to set up Ivica Olic, the Croatian slamming wide, Hamit Altintop saw a right-foot shot deflected wide and Robben then skewed wide when well placed 18 yards out.

At the other end, Wesley Schneider saw a deflected 40-yard free-kick beaten away by Bayern keeper Hans-Jorg Butt and Esteban Cambiasso had a firm volley blocked.

But Inter's attacking personnel were largely anonymous in the face of the Germans' control. Then, on 34 minutes, came Inter's ambush, Milito nodding Inter keeper Julio Cesar's long clearance down

to Schneider and then dashing on to the Dutchman's smart return to clip home a delightful finish. Mourinho's muted celebrations highlighted his awareness that it was a lead his side barely deserved. It could - and should - however, have been 2-0 moments before the break when, racing into the box,

Schneider shot tamely from Milito's lay-off and Butt palmed away his effort from 16 yards out. Still, having watched Inter repel pass-masters Barcelona with 10 men in the semi-final, Bayern boss Van

Gaal will have been all too mindful of the Italians' ability to defend a lead and he sent his team out flying in the second half.

Just moments after the restart, the German champions should have been level, Thomas Mueller failing to connect smartly enough with a sliding finish with just the keeper to beat, allowing Cesar to beat his shot away.

It was a miss he was almost made to rue within minutes as Milito burst down Bayern's left, cut the ball back to Pandev, only for Butt to brilliantly tip the Macedonian's clipped effort past the post.

Predictably, though, the pattern for the second half had been set - Bayern controlling possession and Inter sitting deep and breaking.

Robben remained far and away Bayern's most potent weapon, his pace and skill down the right prompting almost continuous volleys from an increasingly frustrated Mourinho on the sidelines.

A free-kick from the Dutchman almost led to an equaliser when it fell to Mueller, only for the German's snap-shot to be blocked, before a fine curler again brought the best out of Cesar in the Inter goal minutes later.

But, just as in the first half, for all their considered build-up Bayern were always vulnerable on the counter attack, and another moment of Milito magic settled it.

The Argentine - a constant thorn in the Germans' side - had it all to do when he collected a pass from Samuel Eto'o on 70 minutes.

But Milito was not to be denied and turned defender Mark van Buyten brilliantly - though far too easily - before side-footing a sensational 30th goal of his season.

The goal was effectively game, set and match, Bayern's sting very much drawn and Inter allowed to coast to victory thereafter.

The final whistle prompted a warm embrace between Mourinho and Van Gaal, before the Portuguese enjoyed the celebrations with his team. But he then stalked the Inter end a lone figure, waving deadpanned towards the Nerazzurri faithful.

Having beaten the English, Spanish and German champions en route to European club football's most sought-after trophy, few could deny Mourinho his moment - nor his place in history.

Link: c)   Sky Sports (exclusivo online) Diego Milito scored two stunning goals as Inter Milan handed Jose Mourinho his second UEFA Champions

League crown with victory over Bayern Munich.

Page 18: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros

The Portuguese tactician, in what could well be his last match in charge of the Serie A side, became only the third coach in the history of the tournament to win the trophy with two different sides.

Mourinho's final act as Porto boss was guiding them to European glory in 2004, and Inter fans will fear history repeating itself following his dress rehearsal at Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu, the ground he could call home next term.

Bayern enjoyed much of the possession but struggled to create clear-cut chances despite the constant probings of Arjen Robben and were undone by two breathtaking finishes from Milito.

The Argentina international broke the deadlock in the 34th minute when he nodded on Julio Cesar's long clearance to Wesley Sneijder. The Dutchman returned the ball to his team-mate who showed superb composure to beat Hans-Jorg Butt in the Bayern goal.

Louis van Gaal's German double winners pressed again in the second period, but were again hit on the break with Milito bamboozling Daniel van Buyten before calmly firing beyond Butt once again to seal the treble for Inter and their first European Cup in 45 years.

For Bayern coach Van Gaal, who was mentor to a young Mourinho at Barcelona, the defeat ended his chance to conquer Europe with two separate clubs having won the title with Ajax in 1995.

The match was billed as a clash of contrasting styles between the attacking philosophy of Van Gaal and the defensive proclivity of Mourinho, but there was little to separate the two sides early on.

Threats The biggest threats came from two players who were returning to the Bernabeu having last summer been

jettisoned by Real Madrid in the wake of the Spanish giants' 250million euro spending spree. For Bayern, winger Robben was proving a persistent menace down the right, while for Inter, playmaker

Sneijder was superb throughout. And it was the Nerazzurri playmaker who came closest to breaking the stalemate during an evenly-fought

opening 30 minutes. The dead-ball specialist tried his luck from a free-kick 35 yards out, and Bayern goalkeeper Butt needed

to dive to his left to parry the ball away after it had taken a slight deflection off his team-mate Hamit Altintop. Sneijder, who was one of four former Madrid players in an Inter side without a single Italian, was involved

in most of his side's attacks and it was no surprise to see him play a key role in the opening goal of the game. Julio Cesar's long punt forward was headed down by Milito to Sneijder, who immediately set his team-

mate through the heart of the Bayern defence. The 30-year-old Argentinian powered into the area before leaving Butt with no chance to save with a rising

shot. Bayern, who were without suspended French star Franck Ribery, tried to respond quickly but, after long-

range efforts from Altintop and Robben had failed to worry Julio Cesar, they almost found themselves trailing 2-0 just before the break.

Once again it was Milito and Sneijder involved, but with the roles reversed this time. Milito picked out Sneijder running into the box and it needed a good block by Butt to keep out the former

Ajax man's left-footed shot. Ultimate Bayern, who were out much quicker than Inter following half-time, had created little to test Julio Cesar in

the first half but they almost fashioned an equaliser 25 seconds after the restart. Ivica Olic's clever flick found Altintop in space and the Turkish international then fed the unmarked

Thomas Muller on the edge of the Inter area, but the 20-year-old was denied by the feet of Julio Cesar. Moments after that Inter launched a breakaway that almost resulted in a second goal, Goran Pandev's shot

being superbly tipped over one-handed by Butt. That was a thrilling start to the second period and Bayern were enjoying plenty of possession as they sought

an equaliser. However, the Inter defence, like it was in the semi-final second leg against last season's European

champions Barcelona, was proving tough to break down. Robben almost managed it with a curling 20-yard effort that brought a brilliant save out of Julio Cesar,

while Muller saw a goal-bound effort blocked by the head of Esteban Cambiasso. Bayern were dominating possession but they were hit with the ultimate sucker punch in the 70th minute as

Inter broke away to double their lead.

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Milito still had plenty of work to do when he picked up Samuel Eto'o's pass 35 yards out but he superbly turned Van Buyten inside out before coolly finishing past Butt.

There was no way back for Bayern after that as Inter held on to end their long wait for European football's top trophy and perhaps give Mourinho a winning send-off.

Link: d)   The Daily Telegraph After 45 years and billions of lire expended, Internazionale have finally emerged from the shadow of their

great rivals and neighbours Milan to become the champions of Europe. After decades of underachievement and frustration, Massimo Moratti, the oil tycoon who has poured much

of his personal fortune into this club, called on José Mourinho. And, as always, the Portuguese delivered – and then some. It will feel good waking up in black and blue this morning.

There is no doubting Inter’s credibility as European champions, the first time they have held the honour since winning in 1965. They did it the hard way, too, beating the English champions, Chelsea, the Spanish champions, Barcelona, and now the German champions, Bayern Munich, to do it. It is some achievement.

Inter were controlled and ruthless in equal measure, soaking up the pressure from the lively Arjen Robben and the rest of his Bayern Munich comrades and striking with cold precision when any weakness was exposed. It might not have been a victory of wit and verve but it was commanding all the same.

That Diego Milito was the hero of the night was fitting. He perfectly sums up this Mourinho team, assembled from cast-offs and veterans whose best was supposed to be behind them. The Portuguese has taken players like Wesley Sneijder, rejected by Real Madrid, and Samuel Eto’o, ditched by Barcelona, and fused them with veterans like Javier Zanetti and Walter Samuel to build a team to beat them all.

Milito, at 30, lacks the glamour of his compatriot Lionel Messi, or even that of, say, Sergio Aguero or Carlos Tévez, but it is his brand of efficiency that has made Inter champions. His finishes for the two goals were extraordinary in their nerveless execution.

At 30, after a career in Spain and Italy where no one was prepared to give him a chance at the very top level, he has finally proven his class to the world. It is typical of Mourinho to sign a player with such hunger.

In a cagey opening, Louis van Gaal’s Bayern began the brighter, with Robben to the fore. In his time at Chelsea, Mourinho judged the Dutch winger to be something of a wimp and the Inter contingent got stuck straight in to him, Samuel aiming a kick at him before three minutes had been played.

That was the closest they got to him, though. Robben, a different animal this season, was flying. Seven minutes in he sped past Christian Chivu and then Samuel, got to the by-line only for Thomas Muller to put his pull back wide.

Shortly after, Howard Webb, the English referee, had his first big call. Robben whipped in an in-swinging cross from the right for Daniel van Buyten to head, the ball ricocheting off Maicon’s arm a couple of times.

Webb was unmoved, though, and did not give the penalty, presumably because he did not think the Brazilian full-back’s arm was not in an unusual position. Replays made that hard to justify.

Inter were sitting very deep and were restricted to occasional forays. Bayern’s aggressive defence did give away cheap free-kicks, though, and when Van Bommel fouled Goran Pandev, Wesley Sneijder had Bayern goalkeeper Hans-Jorg Butt in a panic after his 30-yard free kick deflected off the top of Hamit Altintop’s head.

The one worry Louis van Gaal might have had was over Martin Demichelis. The Argentine defender did not look comfortable against his compatriot Milito, flying into the back of him with a clumsy challenge that brought him the first booking of the night.

It rapidly got worse for Demichelis. Ten minutes before the break, Julio Cesar hit a huge punt downfield, Milito getting in front of Demichelis to flick to the oncoming Sneijder.

Milito then got behind Demichelis as he sprinted for the box. Two seconds; two errors: it proved to be very costly. Sneijder rolled the ball into the box and Milito finished superbly, teasing Butt with a feint before a quick final touch and poke in at the near post. The foot-speed was simply remarkable.

It could have been a lot worse for Bayern before half time, baffled as they were to be behind in the first place. Milito again ran Demichelis ragged, this time on the left, and picked out Sneijder coming from deep behind Van Buyten. The Dutch playmaker struck the ball left-footed but straight at a relieved Butt.

Inter were very late out for the second half but if it was a mischievous strategy on Mourinho’s part it almost instantly backfired. With just seconds gone and the flares burning happily away in the Bayern end, Ivica Olic’s neat flick found Altintop, who squared for Muller, running from deep. Cesar saved the German international’s shot with his legs.

Page 20: Anexos - · muito e um dos reinventores do catenaccio (um ferrolho, mas uma estratégia com toda a elasticidade do contra-ataque). Herrera foi um dos primeiros

Two minutes later and Inter almost extended their lead. Milito cut in from the left as the Italians counter-attacked, finding Goran Pandev whose clever lobbed effort was pushed over by an agile Butt.

Robben then wriggled between Chivu and Pandev and was pulled down by the latter. He dusted himself off and whipped in another dangerous free kick. Inter could not clear and the ball fell to Muller who did not strike it cleanly, the ball coming off Cambiasso. Not long after, Chivu’s night was over, succumbing to cramp.

Inter went flying forward on the counter-attack – Webb playing an excellent advantage – with Eto’o finding Milito in the right channel. The striker ran straight at Van Buyten, made to go inside him but wrong-footed him, curving his ensuing shot around Butt. With that, he secured his place in nerazzurri history.

Ano 2011 (28.5.2011)

a)   Guardian (versão igual à de papel) There was no repeat of 1968 Wembley euphoria for Manchester United in their bid to lift a fourth European

Cup, just an unwelcome reminder of how it felt to be outplayed in 2009. Once again, United could not get enough of the ball to do themselves justice, once again their most experienced players were unable to impose themselves and for a second time in three seasons, Barcelona did almost exactly as they pleased.

It is supposed to be United who do what they want, but they were even more comprehensively taken apart than was the case two years ago. With Lionel Messi dazzling once again, United only had Wayne Rooney's aggression with which to counter some scintillating passing and movement, and only some erratic, almost casual finishing from the Spanish side prevented the score reflecting what a mismatch this really was. Barcelona could easily have been three goals to the good by half-time, and must have been in double figures for scoring opportunities in the second half by the time David Villa scored a third to kill off any faint United hopes of recovery.

Barcelona had been unable to name quite their strongest team too, with their influential captain, Carles Puyol, only fit enough for a place on the bench and Javier Mascherano having to continue as emergency centre-half. The United line-up was the one everyone had guessed in advance, though Sir Alex Ferguson too sprang a surprise among the substitutes, with Michael Owen's selection nudging Dimitar Berbatov out of the entire squad. In the end, Puyol came on for the last couple of minutes, with Barcelona in celebratory mode well before the end. Owen stayed in his seat.

United began like a team with a well-drilled plan, with Park Ji-sung quickly closing down Dani Alves, and Rooney enjoying some success in the air against Mascherano. For almost 10 minutes, Barcelona were penned in their own half, though not uncomfortably so. The closest United came to an early breakthrough was a raking pass from Ryan Giggs that almost found Javier Hernández in space, but Gerard Piqué just got away with a risky interception.

Messi had been content in the early stages to alternate between positioning himself high up the pitch and dropping back into his own half in search of the ball, and United sensibly declined to get dragged out of position by following him. He did not remain isolated or idle for long, and by the midpoint of the first half, Barcelona were building up attacks in the familiar waves around the edge of United's penalty area, with Xavi, Andrés Iniesta and Villa always involved but Messi never far from the ball or the point of danger. Rio Ferdinand was obliged to block a shot from Villa after Messi's pass had created the opening, Pedro Rodríguez missed the game's first clear opportunity in front of goal, Villa put a shot narrowly wide and Nemanja Vidic pulled off a superbly timed tackle to stop Messi in full flight in the area before the United fans had a chance to catch their breath.

When mistakes from Antonio Valencia and Giggs offered Messi a chance that he was surprisingly slow to accept, allowing Ferdinand to dispossess him, Ferguson's furious reaction showed the strain United were being put under. A couple of minutes later, almost inevitably, the first goal arrived. Xavi ghosted across the edge of the United area, biding his time, keeping the defence guessing, until releasing Pedro on the right with a flick of the outside of his boot. United realised a fraction too late that here was an option they did not have covered, and Edwin van der Sar was beaten by a low shot into his bottom left corner.

What United had to do now was find a better reaction than they managed in Rome two years ago, when their self-belief and organisation began to wilt as soon as Barcelona took the lead, and remarkably they found it within seven minutes. When Michael Carrick and Fábio won the ball following a Barcelona throw on the right, Rooney set off on a determined diagonal run, exchanged passes with Giggs and hit a confident drive beyond Victor Valdés as soon as he had a clear sight of goal. Encouraged as United were by the equaliser, they could still have been a goal down at the interval. Messi carved them open once more, yet somehow failed to apply the finishing touch when Villa declined to shoot and rolled the ball invitingly across the face of goal. It was a bit like Arsenal; over-elaboration when a more direct approach might have paid off, but not so much like Arsenal that United could kid themselves their opponents would fall to pieces in the second half.

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Nor did they. From the moment Mascherano began the second half with a buccaneering run from his own half into the United penalty area, to the 54th-minute shot from Messi that restored Barcelona's lead, United were hardly able to get a touch of the ball. Barcelona were not stroking it around in their own half either, or moving sideways and backwards in the way they sometimes do. They were creating clear openings and, if anything, wasting them through being overambitious. Alves had already hit a post and Patrice Evra cleared off his line before Messi claimed his first goal in England. By that stage, he could reasonably have had a hat-trick, but perhaps tired of overcomplication, he settled for banging the ball past a possibly unsighted Van der Sar after Iniesta had found him on the edge of the area.

With the game being played at one end to an almost embarrassing degree, Barcelona were queueing up to take shots at Van der Sar before Villa scored the third. The goalkeeper made notable stops from Messi, then Xavi, then Iniesta, but had no chance with Villa's exquisite curler, after Nani had come on for Fábio and was immediately let down by his first touch. He probably should not reproach himself too much. Standing next to Messi, almost anyone in the world would look clumsy. The same seems to apply to any side unlucky enough to encounter Barcelona in a Champions League final.

Link: ons-league-final

b)   BBC (exclusivo online) Barcelona delivered a masterclass to inflict another Champions League final defeat on Manchester United

as Lionel Messi inspired an emphatic victory at Wembley. Manchester United's hopes of emulating their first European Cup final success here against Benfica in

1968 foundered as Barcelona deservedly repeated their win against Sir Alex Ferguson's side in Rome two years ago.

The pattern of an entertaining game bore an uncanny resemblance to events in the Stadio Olimpico in 2009 as United started with optimism and intent before being swamped by Barcelona's brilliance.

Pedro gave Barcelona the lead from one of the many wonderful passes played by Xavi - but Wayne Rooney lifted the gloom during a torrid spell for United with a fine equaliser following a swift exchange with Ryan Giggs.

Barcelona responded by cranking up what Ferguson labelled their passing "carousel" after the break, with man-of-the match Messi at the centre of events as he tortured United.

Messi's magical feet were decorated by luminous green boots but it was his talent that illuminated Wembley and United's night was effectively over once he restored Barcelona's lead with a powerful drive early in the second half.

David Villa's spectacular third emphasised the gulf in class between the sides and United never threatened to mount the sort of dramatic recovery that has become their trademark.

Ferguson and his players were disconsolate at the final whistle as the nightmare of Rome was revisited but there was no shame in their defeat by one of the finest club sides the game has seen.

There was to be no fulfilling of the destiny United hoped was theirs and no dream conclusion to goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar's glittering career as he was powerless to prevent Barcelona's constant wave of beautifully crafted moves.

And as veteran Paul Scholes, who made a brief appearance as substitute, walked up to collect his losers' medal, thoughts turned to whether this was also his final bow as he considers his future at Old Trafford.

United had hoped to add a fourth victory in Europe's elite club tournament to a record 19th domestic title - instead they received a brutal lesson in the standards they must achieve from the Barcelona benchmark.

Ferguson insisted he had learned the lessons of defeat in Rome but the same problems swiftly resurfaced as Barcelona stamped their authority on midfield and Messi roamed free to inflict damage, adding another Champions League final goal to the one that sealed victory against United in their previous meeting.

United may dominate in England but Barcelona demonstrated once more, in front of Wembley and an estimated television audience of 300m, that they are peerless on the European stage.

Ferguson, as expected, opted to keep faith with the attacking partnership of Rooney and Javier Hernandez - but there was bitter disappointment for leading scorer Dimitar Berbatov, who failed to even make the substitutes' bench, Michael Owen getting the nod.

United's intentions were clear in the opening exchanges with a high-tempo approach designed to deny Barcelona time and space while pushing them back towards their own goal.

After early encouragement, however, Barcelona settled into their smooth passing style and started to give United a rough ride as they struggled to maintain any measure of authority and control was lost.

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Pedro flashed the first ominous sign with a shot just wide before Van der Sar saved well low down from Villa. The goal was coming and it duly arrived after 27 minutes.

Xavi had been immaculate on the ball, dictating terms at every opportunity, and another masterly piece of creation played in Pedro, who had time to wrong-foot Van der Sar with a simple finish.

United's thoughts were scrambled as Barcelona moved the ball around with ease. Ferguson cut an agitated figure in the technical area as he pleaded with his players to concentrate in the face of the Catalans' domination.

It needed a moment of inspiration to lift United's spirits and Rooney provided it with the equaliser after 34 minutes. He exchanged passes with Giggs before sweeping a right-foot finish high past Victor Valdes.

Barcelona were swift to regain their composure and almost restored their advantage seconds before the interval when Messi somehow failed to apply the final touch to Villa's cross inside the six-yard area.

United were out early for the second half, presumably with the words of Ferguson ringing in their ears, while Barcelona waited in the players' tunnel for the resumption.

And when it did, Barcelona simply picked up the theme that characterised the first half. Van der Sar did well to block Alves' attempt and Patrice Evra was forced to scramble back towards his own goal to head away Messi's follow-up.

Messi's golden talent is unquestioned, but he had been helped by United's failure to get close enough to halt his advances. It was a hazardous occupation and the heavy price was finally paid after 54 minutes.

The Argentine took full advantage of United's failure to close him down 25 yards out by flashing a shot past Van der Sar with minimum backlift. The finish was central and close to the keeper but it was struck with astonishing power.

Messi was toying with United and Van der Sar was grateful to save with his legs as he threatened once more. He then played in Alves, whose shot was stopped on the line by Fabio before Xavi ripped in another finish that was held by the Dutchman.

Ferguson attempted to stem Barcelona's tide by sending on Nani for Fabio in a positive move - but seconds later Barcelona struck again to give the scoreline a more realistic appearance.

Villa has had a mixed first season at the Nou Camp but his enduring class was evident when he curled a precise shot high past the outstretched arms of Van der Sar after 69 minutes.

The rest of the game was merely a conclusion of the formalities as Barcelona lifted the famous trophy for the fourth time and United were left to wonder how they can halt what seems to be an unstoppable force.

Link: c)   Sky Sports (exclusivo online)

History repeated itself at Wembley as Manchester United were left chasing Barcelona's shadow in a European Cup final, with Pep Guardiola's side producing another masterclass in reclaiming the UEFA Champions League with a deserved 3-1 victory in the capital.

United went into half-time level after Wayne Rooney had exquisitely equalised Pedro's opener for Barcelona but after the interval had to concede to their opponent's collective and individual genius, as Lionel Messi and David Villa both etched their names on the scoresheet.

Sir Alex Ferguson's side were spirited throughout but in the end had no answer to a Barcelona team that plays a brand of football that is unparalleled in the modern game in terms of its majestic simplicity.

Before a ball had even been kicked, both coaches had demonstrated possessing backbones made of iron in making unsentimental and unflinching team selections. For United, top goalscorer Dimitar Berbatov was afforded not even a place on the substitutes' bench, with Michael Owen surprisingly preferred to the 21-goal Bulgarian to provide striking back-up for Rooney and Javier Hernandez.

Tough choices In resisting the urge to start with the fit-again Darren Fletcher, the Scot remained true to his promise of

trading blows with Barca, when many had predicted he would box clever and utilise his compatriot in a tight midfield five designed to hustle as far up the field as possible.

Guardiola sprung an even bigger shock when leaving out the club's heartbeat and captain Carles Puyel, with the Caveman of Catalunya left to lick his wounds on the bench as Javier Mascherano was selected alongside Gerard Pique at centre-half.

As the atmosphere simmered inside a stadium that housed both clubs' first European Cup wins, in 1968 and 1992 respectively, the inclusion of Eric Abidal in Barcelona's starting XI despite only having recently returned to

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playing after a battle with liver cancer provided a human element to proceedings that put into perspective Bill Shankly's infamous quip about life, death and its relation to football.

The opening sparring almost held up a mirror to the game which ensued in Rome two years' ago as United snarled out of the traps with a collective curled lip. The omnipresent Park ji-Sung was like a dog with a bone in gnarling at the legs of Xavi and Andres Iniesta, while Hernandez's infectious workrate and clever movement in the lines between Pique and Mascherano gave Barcelona plenty to ponder.

Bright start Twice Victor Valdes was forced to race off his line after first Edwin van der Sar's huge clearance up field

and then Ryan Giggs' more subtle threaded pass threatened to get United in behind. As if bristled by United's brio, Barcelona soon awoke from their relative slumber to engineer chances of

their own. Trademark pockets of pretty football had United at full stretch as Rio Ferdinand had to show immaculate timing on Villa to dispossess the Spaniard with his left boot cocked to strike, before Van der Sar gathered smartly as the same player looked to shoot across him from Xavi's cute pass.

Such is the precision of Xavi's passing it looks as though he has worked them out beforehand with a protractor and so it proved as Guardiola's on-field lieutenant began to dictate from the centre of the field.

It was, though, from the right that he fashioned Barca's first genuine chance as his low cross saw Pedro dart in front of Vidic before pulling the ball wide, while Villa set his sights from range before arching one a yard or so wide.

With United looking punch drunk if not quite on the ropes, Vidic had to pull off his finest Bobby Moore, circa '66 impersonation, with Messi in full flow on the edge of the box. Respite proved only to be momentary.

With rhythmic fluidity Barcelona forged ahead in the 27th minute of an engaging first half, which Guardiola's side very much bossed in terms of possession.

Iniesta found tormentor-in-chief Xavi in the peripheral space between defence and midfield and with United's back four uncertain whether to go to the ball or back off, Barcelona struck with the clinical precision of a Mafioso hit-man.

Pedro's darting run into the space vacated by Patrice Evra's decision to track Messi was expertly found by Xavi's slide-rule pass and after wrong footing Van der Sar with his eyes, the finish was beautiful in its simplicity.

With Messi, The Flea, dropping his shoulder at will and ghosting into dangerous areas United's players looked as though they might have to resort to using a rolled-up newspaper to stop him.

If United were to exorcise the spectre of Rome an immediate response was required. Rooney had the answer. After dropping deep close to Barcelona's left touchline he exchanged short passes with Carrick before

making inroads towards Barca's box. There was a suspicion of off-side when he stabbed the ball into the path of Hernandez but when the Mexican found his team-mate with a return pass there was nothing uncertain about Rooney's finish as he empathically wrapped his boot around the ball to send it high beyond Valdes from the penalty spot.

Screamer Barcelona were right to be shocked such was their ascendancy at that stage but still they kept playing their

football as the effervescent Messi eased past Vidic with a gorgeous nutmeg before just failing to meet Villa's return pass on the stretch.

If United were happy to hear the half-time whistle to regroup the words of their manager proved fruitless, as after the interval Barcelona set about living up to their mantle as one of the world's greatest ever club sides.

Like an express train they made United look like a more prosaic steam model in comparison, as a buccaneering Dani Alves forced Van der Sar to save with his feet after Messi's pass had carved United open again.

As if hypnotised by Barcelona's almost abstract understanding of space and how to find it, United had no answers to their incessant forward forays.

Messi's 53rd goal in the 53rd minute of the final game of a most remarkable of seasons owed little to their famed passing, but rather the Argentine's innate ability to conjure something from nothing. As United backed off, Messi made a yard before unleashing a rocket of a daisy-cutter from around 20-yards that beat Van der Sar all ends up.

Messi magic There was to be no answer this time. Instead Barcelona treated the ball expertly, caressing it around the field

- teasing United's players as an alley cat would a wounded field mouse. Just shy of the 70-minute mark, Messi turned from goalscorer to architect as he laid on a stunning third for

Villa. Bewitching Evra on the left flank he cut inside United's box at speed. As Nani failed to clear, Sergio

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Busquets was allowed to nudge into the path of Villa, whose curling finish into the top corner from the edge of the area was no less than a masterpiece.

United never let their heads drop as Rooney scooped onto the top of the net and Giggs cried penalty when striking the ball onto the hand of Villa but in truth, Ferguson must have known this was a bridge too far, even for a Manchester United side famed for its ability to conjure miracles in the face of adversity.

Paul Scholes and Puyol were handed touching cameos but the likely last game in the Manchester United legend's career will be remembered for Barcelona's brilliance in claiming a fourth European crown. It was one they richly deserved.

Link: d)   The Daily Telegraph

Beneath the soaring Wembley arch, Barcelona ascended to new heights. Inspired by an exhilarating Lionel Messi, Pep Guardiola’s team swept past Manchester United in a thrilling performance and, with their third Champions League title in the last six seasons, they earned the right to be called one of the very greatest club sides in the history of the game.

United had their moments of sporadic resistance and Wayne Rooney, who fought defiantly, scored a superb equaliser in the first half but ultimately Barcelona were simply too good. There might have been parity in the half-time scoreline but, as Messi and David Villa scored in the second half, the gap in class was impossible to deny.

This 90 minutes of excellence was the consummation of the Dutch philosophy imported to the club by Johan Cruyff two decades ago, refined by Frank Rijkaard and now perfected by Guardiola. The Barcelona manager was on this pitch when his club won their first European Cup back in 1992 but not even Cruyff’s Dream Team are a match for this gifted group.

The statistics cannot convey the style in which Barcelona played but they can give you an indication of their dominance. They had 19 attempts on goal to United’s four, had 67 per cent of the possession and completed 667 passes to United’s 301. They imposed themselves with near total authority.

Sir Alex Ferguson was gracious in defeat, quick to congratulate Barcelona. He had spent the last fortnight on the training ground trying to concoct a way of disrupting the mesmeric passing of this team, trying to find a way to stop this being a repeat of the 2009 defeat.

Where he had tried to contain them in Rome, this time he decided to be bold, sending out a team with two strikers and two wingers.

For the first 10 minutes it looked like it was working. United started with intensity and aggression, giving Barcelona a taste of their own full-court press. Ji-sung Park made three superb tackles in the first five minutes alone, including one on Messi. Without the leadership of Carles Puyol, not fit enough to start, the Barcelona defence looked rattled. Victor Valdes had to come racing off his line to punch the ball away from Rooney and then Gerard Pique almost passed the ball beyond the Barcelona goalkeeper under pressure from Javier Hernández.

Once that initial burst of energy waned, Barcelona found their composure. Xavi took control and Messi made his first darting run of the game, finishing it with a pass to Pedro - Nemanja Vidic had to be alert to close him down.

Villa hit one crisp shot wide and had another saved by Edwin Van der Sar and first Vidic and then Rio Ferdinand tackled Messi brilliantly but, having started with a high defensive line, United were being pushed deeper and deeper. They were struggling to hold on to the ball when they won it back, and there was an edge of desperation about their passing. Hernández, nervous, struggled and was repeatedly offside.

It was little surprise when Barcelona took the lead. Andres Iniesta exchanged passes with Sergio Busquets before poking the ball through to Xavi. Ryan Giggs was not close enough and the Barcelona captain, head up, eyes darting, closed on the United box, flicking an exquisite pass with the outside of his boot to Pedro. The Barcelona forward had discreetly evaded Patrice Evra and Vidic could not get across in time to prevent him from passing the ball past Van der Sar at the near post.

Ferguson was becoming animated on the touchline, clearly frustrated at the way his team were surrendering possession. Yet United were not going to roll over, equalising with a goal in the style of their opponents.

Rooney picked up a loose ball on the right and played a quick one-two with Michael Carrick before surging towards the Barcelona box. He then flicked the ball to Giggs with the outside of his boot and the Welshman, who replays showed was just offside, cushioned it with his thigh before teeing up Rooney again. The England striker crashed his powerful shot past Valdes.

Not that Barcelona appeared shaken. A brilliant free-kick routine between Xavi and Busquets almost found Pedro and then Messi set off on one of his incredible runs, skipping clear of Vidic, sprinting away from Carrick before finding Villa on the right with a perfect pass. Villa’s return cross was just ahead of the Argentina forward.

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United could not keep Barcelona out for long, though, not sitting that deep and with that little of the ball. Iniesta and Xavi were almost at walking pace in the last third when they worked the ball to Messi, who drove to the ‘D’ and shot low and into the net. He should have been closed down more effectively but the shot was almost in the middle of the goal and it was a concession way below Van der Sar’s usual standards.

The Dutchman did his best to make up for it, saving first from Messi with his legs and then brilliantly from Xavi’s curving shot from range. There was, though, nothing he could do to stop Barcelona’s third.

Messi again went shimmying into the United area and the ball broke to Busquets. He rolled it to the edge of the area where Villa had taken up position, rolling his studs over the ball before striking an accurate, dipping shot into the top corner.

There were sporadic efforts on United’s part to get back into the game. Rooney hit a shot on to the roof of the net from outside the area and Giggs was convinced his team should have had a late penalty. It showed the mental strength of those two players that they refused to give up — even against all the evidence of Barcelona’s superiority.

Link: lona-3-Manchester-United-1-match-report.html

Ano 2012 (19/05/2012)

a) Guardian These are the moments Chelsea will always cherish and never forget. They gave everything and finally,

when it was all done, they had the European Cup in their possession and a night that will go straight in at No1 in their list of great triumphs from the Roman Abramovich era.

It was a rare form of euphoria on a night when, just like Moscow four years ago, it came down to the gut-wrenching drama of a penalty shootout. At one stage Bayern Munich were leading 3-1 and the Chelsea players stood in line, heads bowed, fearing the worst. Juan Mata's effort had been saved by Manuel Neuer and at that point Roberto Di Matteo's players knew they were on the brink of walking past the European Cup and not being allowed to touch the silver.

What happened next was extraordinary and went against everything we know about the efficiency of Bundesliga clubs and penalties. Petr Cech started the turnaround by saving from Ivica Olic and with Bayern's next effort Bastian Schweinsteiger's shot came back off the post. David Luiz, Frank Lampard and Ashley Cole had all beaten Neuer and suddenly, almost implausibly, it was left to Didier Drogba with probably the last kick of his last match for the club. What a parting gift the Ivorian may have left considering that it was also his 88th-minute goal that had dragged this final into extra time, just as Thomas Müller's goal looked like giving Bayern their fifth victory in this competition.

The trophy was being adorned with red and white ribbons by the time Drogba headed in the equaliser and when it was all over the Bayern players were on their knees. Arjen Robben could barely be lifted from the turf and Schweinsteiger's personal grief had started even before Drogba began the long walk from the centre circle to the penalty area. High in the stands Abramovich could be seen doing that little uncoordinated hop and skip, reminding us that for all the money in the world there is no possible value that can be put on this kind of occasion. Chelsea's owner held Di Matteo in an emotional clinch that makes you wonder how he could possibly now move on the Italian this summer.

This may not be the most exhilarating Chelsea team but nobody can dispute their resolve because those final dramatic moments told only part of the story on a night when Cech also saved Robben's penalty in the first period of extra time. Chelsea's goalkeeper seemed to fill the entire goal at times and probably had legitimate claims to be recognised as the most heroic figure. There were, however, plenty of contenders.

What should not be overlooked is that Bayern are formidable opponents on this ground, with only two home defeats here in the Bundesliga, 49 goals scored and six conceded. They played with great adventure, attacking from the flanks. On one side, Robben was an indefatigable opponent, picking up the ball from deep positions and driving forward. On the other, Franck Ribéry was a constant menace until he was injured in the foul by Drogba that gave Robben the chance to win the game against his former club. It was a silly trip from Drogba and Robben struck his penalty cleanly enough, low to Cech's left. Cech smothered the shot and was first to the loose ball and for the first time you could detect the nerves from the end where Bayern's most beery, boisterous fans had produced a banner before kick-off describing the cup as unser pokal – our trophy.

Chelsea had to endure some intense pressure. Not quite as relentless as the two legs of their semi-final against Barcelona but fairly unremitting all the same. Once again, they had to defend with great togetherness and commitment and their opponents were left to wonder how on earth they had not turned their superiority into goals.

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With some better finishing, the game would never have reached extra time. Even then, Olic will wonder how he missed the chance that fell to him, unchallenged, after 108 minutes of mostly one-sided action.

Chelsea, in stark contrast, rarely threatened the opposition's goal but it was probably inevitable when two-thirds of the stadium was bedecked in red and their opponents had so many accomplished players. This was a patched-up side in many ways, with John Terry watching from the stands, another three players suspended and two centre-backs coming back from month-long layoffs. David Luiz and Gary Cahill were outstanding. Cole showed, once again, that he is one of the great big-game footballers and behind them they had a goalkeeper delivering a giant performance.

Chelsea may not have offered a great deal going forward but they played as though affronted by the suggestion that Terry's absence would play a critical part.

Their tactics were epitomised by Ryan Bertrand's involvement on the left of midfield, often doubling up with Cole so that Chelsea effectively had two full-backs in close proximity to Robben. In midfield, Lampard curbed his natural attacking instincts to play a more conservative role alongside Mikel John Obi. Di Matteo had set up Chelsea to play very much as the "away" team, meaning Drogba was often isolated in attack. In the end, you would have to say the manager got it spot on.

Their resistance broke only once, on 83 minutes, when Müller stole in behind Cole to score with a stooping header. A lesser side would have hoisted the white flag but what has become very apparent since Di Matteo took over from André Villas-Boas is that is not the way of this Chelsea team. Mata's corner was whipped across the penalty area and Drogba was fast and decisive, flashing his header into the top corner.

Then the penalties arrived and with their first three attempts, Philipp Lahm, Mario Gomez and, remarkably, Neuer, all scored. At that stage who could have imagined Terry would be walking up the steps to help Lampard lift the trophy?

Link: b) BBC (exclusivo online) Chelsea stunned Bayern Munich in a dramatic penalty shoot-out at the Allianz Arena to win the Champions

League for the first time. Thomas Mueller's late header put Bayern on the brink of victory on home territory but Didier Drogba levelled

things up with a bullet header at the death before coolly converting the decisive spot-kick. The tournament which gave Chelsea their greatest agony when they lost on penalties to Manchester United

four years ago in Moscow has now delivered the greatest glory in their 107-year history. Juan Mata missed Chelsea's first penalty but David Luiz, Frank Lampard and Ashley Cole were all

successful. Philipp Lahm, Mario Gomez and goalkeeper Manuel Neuer were all on target for Bayern. The momentum shifted decisively when Cech denied Ivica Olic and Bastian Schweinsteiger hit the post to

leave Chelsea on the brink and present Drogba with his moment of destiny. He was calmness personified as he rolled the ball past Neuer to spark wild scenes of elation among Chelsea's

players, staff and supporters. Suspended captain John Terry joined the celebrations and lifted the trophy alongside Lampard but it was

Drogba who was the hero, running the length of the pitch swirling his shirt above his head in triumph, as owner Roman Abramovich finally claimed the prize he craved above all others.

The questions will now start about the future of interim manager Roberto Di Matteo - who has given the Russian what he wanted after so many painful failures, including that defeat on penalties by Manchester United in the rain of Moscow in 2008 which also saw Drogba sent off.

And it is hard to see how Drogba, now 34 but still able to produce the brilliance that defines big occasions, can be allowed to walk away as his contract reaches its conclusion.

This was a victory in the mould of Chelsea's semi-final win against Barcelona, built on resilience, discipline, defensive organisation and nerve at the crucial times and done without the suspended Terry, Branislav Ivanovic, Ramires and Raul Meireles.

Abramovich will leave the big decisions for another day, but this was a night he and his club have desired since he walked into Stamford Bridge nine years ago - and achieved with an interim manager he had to appoint after sacking his personal choice, Andre Villas-Boas.

Terry was locked in conversation with former England coach Fabio Capello at pitchside before kick-off, the defender looking ruefully around the magnificent arena as he contemplated missing out because of his red card in Barcelona.

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And Di Matteo delivered a surprise in his starting line-up, with youngster Ryan Bertrand handed a role on the left flank in front of Cole in an attempt to stifle the threat of former Blues winger Arjen Robben.

Chelsea's blanket of defensive defiance served them well in the Nou Camp - and acted as a dress rehearsal for a first half spent almost entirely in their territory.

While the west London team were organised and resolute, they were also grateful that Bayern striker Gomez's touch in front of goal deserted him at decisive moments.

Cech saved with his legs from Robben, but Gomez was guilty of failing to control just eight yards out when Franck Ribery's shot landed at his feet, the German striker shooting wildly off target after a smart turn in the area.

Chelsea's only serious response was a shot from Salomon Kalou eight minutes before half-time that was comfortably held by Bayern keeper Neuer.

The pattern continued after the break and Ribery thought he had finally pierced Chelsea's resilience after 53 minutes, only to be ruled offside when Cole deflected Robben's shot into his path.

At times this encounter was simply a matter of Bayern's attack against Chelsea's defence. There was a rare moment of anxiety for Neuer when he could only half-clear Cole's cross as he backpedalled,

but Drogba's shot lacked power and the keeper was able to recover. As the frustration grew among the massed Bayern support they wasted another opportunity as Mueller pulled

another presentable chance well wide from inside the area. Mueller made amends in the best possible manner though, when he headed Bayern in front with seven

minutes left. He arrived unmarked onto Toni Kroos' cross to head past Cech. Chelsea immediately sent on Fernando Torres for Kalou - but it was the man for the big occasion who

delivered again in the 88th minute. Drogba won himself just enough space at the near post to meet Lampard's corner and head powerfully past Neuer, who got a touch but could not keep it out.

Drogba went from hero to villain in the opening moments of the extra period when he conceded a penalty after bringing down Ribery with a reckless challenge. The France international was eventually taken off injured but in the meantime Chelsea keeper Cech was the saviour as he plunged low to save Robben's poorly struck spot-kick.

Bayern had been over-generous in front of goal and were architects of their own frustration after 107 minutes when Olic tried to set up Daniel van Buyten in front of an open goal but the defender failed to react to his pass.

And so to penalties and the dramatic conclusion that gave Chelsea the biggest prize in European domestic football as the Champions League finally went to Stamford Bridge.

Link: c) Sky Sports (exclusivo online) Didier Drogba tucked away the decisive penalty as Chelsea fulfilled a long-standing ambition to win the

UEFA Champions League after a thrilling shoot-out victory over Bayern Munich in the Allianz Arena. Bayern had numerous chances to wreck the dream of Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, manager Roberto

Di Matteo and his players, and even led 3-1 in the shoot-out after goalkeeper Manuel Neuer had scored. But Ivica Olic and Bastian Schweinsteiger both failed from the spot to allow Drogba, on potentially his final

appearance for the club, to step up to erase the heartache of Moscow four years ago. Thomas Muller's 83rd minute header had earlier appeared likely to give Bayern victory on their home

ground, only for Drogba's stunning riposte to send the game into extra-time. Drogba blotted his copybook by conceding a penalty early into extra-time, only for Petr Cech to deny Arjen

Robben and the veteran Ivorian, who was sent off in the final against Manchester United in 2008, completed his redemption by maintaining his composure in the shoot-out.

Di Matteo sent Chelsea out with a game-plan to contain Bayern and, for the most part, the policy worked as Jupp Heynckes' side sought to pick holes in a resolute defence.

Midway through the first half, Robben wriggled into space inside the box, but the former Chelsea winger was denied by a smart reaction stop from Cech, who diverted the ball onto the post.

Mario Gomez, who had scored 20 goals in his previous 17 Champions League appearances, was enduring a frustrating night and he skied over just before half-time as Bayern remained the dominant force.

The second half followed the same pattern as the first as a marginal offside decision against Franck Ribery went Chelsea's way when the French winger turned home the loose ball after Robben's shot had been blocked by Ashley Cole.

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The Blues full-back appeared to be a magnet for the ball inside the box, but a momentary lapse from Cole allowed Bayern to take the lead with seven minutes to go.

Toni Kroos curled in a cross from the left and Cole seemed unaware of Muller's presence behind him at the back post as the Germany international's header bounced down and over Cech before going in off the underside of the crossbar.

Bayern brought on Daniel van Buyten in a bid to shut the game down, but were punished with two minutes left when Drogba powerfully headed home at the near post from Chelsea's first corner of the game.

Drogba looked primed to go from hero to villain three minutes into extra-time when he tripped Ribery in the box, but Cech spared the striker as he kept out former team-mate Robben's low penalty.

Cech was again on song in the shoot-out to thwart substitute Olic and Schweinsteiger before Drogba sent the travelling Chelsea hordes into raptures.

Overjoyed From his place in the stands, Chelsea's Russian owner Abramovich was clearly overjoyed, as was the

suspended John Terry, who watched the tense shoot-out unfold from the touchline, on roughly the same spot he had prowled three hours earlier.

It was the most visual example of the damage Chelsea did to themselves by getting four men suspended in that backs-to-the-wall semi-final epic with Barcelona.

And once the game started, it was just the kind of blood-and-guts encounter Terry excels in. Assisted by the obvious advantage of playing at home, Bayern got themselves on the front foot immediately

and were rarely pushed back. The nearest they came was when former Chelsea man Robben glided past two defenders, then drilled a low

shot towards goal, which Cech managed to deflect high onto a post, with Robben barely able to believe he had failed.

Robben had another couple of chances, although neither were as good as the one that Muller volleyed wide. Robben and Muller combined to create an opening for Gomez that he looked certain to capitalise on after a

deft body movement had left Gary Cahill stranded, only for the Bayern sharp-shooter to lash over. Menace Handed a surprise start, Ryan Bertrand coped well. It was on the other side where Ribery was proving to be

a complete menace. What they did at the Camp Nou, though, has given Chelsea immense belief in their own durability. Indeed, they might have had something to celebrate themselves had Juan Mata kept his curling free-kick

down or Salomon Kalou been able to direct a shot away from Neuer after Frank Lampard and Drogba combined to set him up from an admittedly acute angle.

The pattern continued after half-time and Ribery thought he had grabbed a deserved opener when he snaffled the loose ball after Cole had blocked Robben's goalbound shot. The offside flag cut German celebrations short.

Cole's involvement was part of an outstanding contribution from the full-back, who seemed to be in the way of nearly all the threats to Chelsea's goal.

He denied both Robben and Kroos as Cole enhanced his status as one of the few truly world-class players England coach Roy Hodgson will have at his disposal at Euro 2012.

The sense of Chelsea disappointment at Bayern finally breaching their defences must have been made more acute by the knowledge that, when Kroos curled a cross beyond the far post, there appeared very little danger.

Surprise Muller intelligently headed the ball hard and down, which meant it bounced up towards the crossbar, possibly

catching Cech by surprise as he seemed in the perfect position to prevent it ending up in the net. But Abramovich's team are made of stern stuff. And with barely a minute remaining, and Muller replaced

by an extra defender in Van Buyten, Drogba rose at the near post to power Mata's corner home. This time there was nothing the goalkeeper could do, the ball speeding past Neuer at such pace, from so

close, there was no time for reaction. The drama continued into extra-time as Drogba bundled Ribery over in the box. Robben seemed unaffected by the delay as his penalty headed for the bottom corner. Cech was equal to it

though, making a superb save to his left and then smothering the rebound. It was the kind of moment that made you think fate had decreed a Chelsea win, a belief only strengthened

by Bayern passing up two clear openings in the second period of those additional 30 minutes.

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As Di Matteo pointed out on Friday, you make your own luck. More than anyone, he deserves praise for hauling round a season that appeared to be heading for disaster in February and he must now wait to learn if he will keep the manager's job permanently.

Link: d) The Daily Telegraph It came down to this: Didier Drogba standing alone, facing the vast banks of the whistling Bayern Munich

fans. This was his moment to make history. In goal Manuel Neuer stood imposingly tall, stretching up to rattle the bar. Into that wall of noise, Drogba

strode forward and struck the ball low and to his left. With what could prove his last kick of a ball in a Chelsea shirt, Drogba won the European Cup.

Frank Lampard and John Terry hoisted the trophy together as those Bayern players and supporters who could stomach it, watched on in disbelief. This was the fitting finale to European campaign that has stretched credibility.

Chelsea were written off in Naples, were given the longest of odds with 10 men in Barcelona and were a minute away from defeat here in the Allianz Arena, having been thoroughly outplayed by a classy Bayern side.

Yet the German club had wasted chance after chance before finally going a goal up with eight minutes to go thanks to Thomas Müller.

Chelsea had little more than faith to cling to. But it was enough. Drogba rose to smash in a header from Juan Mata’s corner with 89 minutes played to send the game into extra time.

For the Bayern fans there were ominous echoes of their dramatic capitulation to Manchester United in 1999. Arjen Robben then missed a penalty for Bayern, recklessly conceded by Drogba, and Bayern continued to

miss chance after chance as Chelsea crept closer to the shoot out. It was a triumph of bloody-minded refusal to capitulate, and with it Chelsea have taken their place among

the European aristocracy, become the 22nd club to win the European Cup. In a season when the likes of Lampard, Drogba and Ashley Cole were told they were finished, past it, they

produced their greatest victory of all. Surely now Roberto di Matteo must be given the job of leading this Chelsea team into next season, his

players gave everything for him, fighting through cramp and exhaustion to defy Bayern in their own stadium. Roman Abramovich, who was seen clapping and signing along with the fans as they celebrated as secured

his treasured ambition and the man that delivered it will surely be rewarded. Even in the shoot out, Chelsea had to come from behind. Philipp Lahm had already converted Bayern’s first

penalty when Juan Mata saw his effort saved by Manuel Neuer. Both sides kept scoring until Bayern’s fourth effort, when Petr Cech plunged to his left to claw away Ivica

Olic’s effort. Ashley Cole whipped his effort past Neuer and then Cech pulled off his second heroic save, pushing Bastian

Schweinsteiger’s effort against the foot of the post. Some of the Chelsea players thought that was it, the tension clearly getting to them as they ran onto the pitch

in premature celebration. The calmer heads called them back. Drogba still had to apply the coup de grace. As his team-mates celebrated wildly in front of their own fans, Drogba sought out Arjen Robben and Bastian

Schweinsteiger, seeking to console his vanquished rivals. The Bayern pair had been superb all game, as Bayern dominated Chelsea but Robben missed a penalty in

extra time and Schweinsteiger missed the decisive penalty in the shoot out. It was a moment of dignified sportsmanship amid the turbulent emotion and recognition of what Bayern had

given to this game. Bayern had begun with an imposing declaration of intent. As the kick off approached, the Bayern end

unveiled a huge flag in the shape of the European Cup. The message on the accompanying banners made it clear: our city, our stadium, our trophy. An act of hubris?

For much of the game it appeared a simple statement of fact. With Robben and Franck Ribery flying, Bayern threatened to overrun a Chelsea team that dropped deeper

and deeper. Just as they had in the Nou Camp, though, Chelsea’s defenders hurled themselves in to tackles and blocks.

Gary Cahill, David Luiz and Ashley Cole were superb, slamming the door every time Bayern seemed to push it open.

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Luck played its part too. When Cech could only get a boot on to Robben’s low shot in the first half, it squirted up and hit the top of the post. Such are the fine margins between success and failure.

For most of the game Toni Kroos and Schweinsteiger kept weaving the ball around the pitch, keeping Chelsea claustrophobically trapped in their own penalty area, trying to slowly suffocate the fatigued men in blue.

Chelsea’s attacks were sporadic, Drogba getting only fleeting sight of the ball. It took them over half an hour to register their first effort towards goal.

Bayern just kept missing. Mario Gomez could not get the bounce of the ball and Robben’s shooting was all over the place. As the game drew to a close it was the energetic Müller carrying the threat.

Cole was booked for bringing him down on the right after a neat run and then he had a far post header saved by Cech.

You could not say that Chelsea had not been warned. It lent his goal a sense of inevitability. Kroos flighted an in-swinging cross from the corner of the penalty area on the Bayern left.

Müller did not have much of an angle to work with but he deceived Cech by heading directly down into the turf, the ball bouncing up and past the Chelsea goalkeeper. The game was surely up.

This Chelsea team do not know when they are beaten, though. With a minute left, and the Bayern fans celebrating, Chelsea won a corner on the right-hand side and Mata sent a crisp delivery into the near post.

Drogba, soaring through the air, whipped his head through the ball, sending it hurtling in at the near post. The drama was only just beginning.

Link: -Munich-


Ano 2013 (25/05/2013)

a)   Guardian It was a night of outstanding drama, fully reaffirming all the eulogies about German football, and when it

was all done Bayern Munich had won their fifth European Cup and we were reminded what a brutal business football can be when it comes to making losers of heroes.

For everything wonderful that had occurred on the pitch, some of the lingering memories came afterwards as Bayern's victorious players soaked in the euphoria of Arjen Robben's late, decisive goal and, simultaneously, the players from Die Schwarzgelben were on the floor, many in tears, with Jürgen Klopp watching from the side, standing still for possibly the first time on the night. His players had given everything, as they have throughout the competition. They had played with drive and ambition, utterly devoted to the idea of returning this trophy to Westphalia, and what a terrible pity it would be if a side with this talent are to be broken up.

Yet this is some Bayern team and they deserved their victory because of the way they gradually asserted control when the goals arrived in the second half. It was still a night when Manuel Neuer was often Bayern's outstanding performer, particularly in the first half, but the same could also be said of Dortmund's goalkeeper, Roman Weidenfeller. Klopp's men were being pinned back in the 10 minutes or so preceding Robben's goal and, as well as some superb goalkeeping, they had been indebted to a quite extraordinary goal-line clearance from Neven Subotic.

Dortmund, so dignified in defeat, will probably always wonder what might have happened if Dante had been sent off for the challenge that gave Ilkay Gundogan the chance to equalise from the penalty spot, eight minutes after Robben had set up Mario Mandzukic for the opening goal. They will reflect on the opportunities they passed up early in the match, when Neuer was much busier than might have been anticipated, and when the anguish has subsided a little maybe they will remember the ovation from both sides of Wembley that marked their epic journey to this final, starting from a position of near-bankruptcy only eight years ago.

Bayern, however, had worn them down and it culminated in that moment, after 89 minutes, when Robben set off through the middle, trying to get on the end of a backheel from Franck Ribéry, and benefited from a lucky ricochet off one of the defenders in close proximity. Suddenly Robben was free, bearing down on goal with only Weidenfeller to beat. Twice in the first half he had been in a similar position and come off second best. This time, he took his shot early, stabbing it to the goalkeeper's left and it was not long afterwards that he and his team-mates could be seen giving the bumps to a little white-haired man by the name of Jupp Heynckes.

Bayern have moved level with Liverpool as the joint third most successful club in the history of this competition, behind Real Madrid's nine wins and Milan's seven. In the process, they have surely killed off all the

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allegations about this being a team who had forgotten how to win this competition, on the back of five defeats in their previous six finals.

They had to withstand some prolonged pressure at the start but there was always that sense Dortmund would regret not putting away one of those early chances. The snapshot from Jakub Blaszczykowski, perhaps, after a quarter of an hour, or the opportunity that fell to Robert Lewandowski after 34 minutes. As Klopp acknowledged, their problem was the same one Bayern had faced for long parts of the match: they were facing a goalkeeper at the top of his game.

The first half had flowed nicely, initially with Dortmund in control, then Bayern having a turn, with sporadic bursts of attacking football from both sides. It was after the interval that the game fully ignited.

Just before the hour, Robben wandered over from his starting position on the right to double up with Ribéry on the left. As Ribéry ran at a clutch of defenders, Mandzukic would have been offside if the cross had reached him directly. Instead, Ribéry clipped the ball into Robben's path. Weidenfeller was forced to leave his line and that left the goal exposed as Robben swerved to the goalkeeper's left and turned the ball across the six-yard area. From a yard out, Mandzukic could hardly miss.

Dante, already booked, should have been sent off for the carelessly high, studs-up challenge that hacked down the excellent Marco Reus for Dortmund's penalty. It should have been a mandatory second yellow card from the Italian referee, Nicola Rizzoli, and that oversight had considerable consequences bearing in mind the way an equaliser against 10 men would have swung the game in Dortmund's favour. As it was, Gundogan's penalty was expertly placed to Neuer's left without shifting the sense that Bayern had started to look the more accomplished team.

The drama was almost unremitting from that point onwards, not least that moment when Subotic flung himself full length to hook Thomas Müller's effort off the line, right beside the post as Robben came in from the other side. That moment alone epitomised Dortmund's efforts.

As well as thwarting Robben, Weidenfeller had tipped a Mandzukic shot on to the crossbar in the first half. Now he had to keep out left-foot efforts from David Alaba and Bastian Schweinsteiger. The momentum had been turning against Klopp's men and it culminated in that final surge from Robben, a prod of the ball that took it over the line almost in slow motion, and Bayern had been reunited with the trophy they cherish above all.

Link: pions-league

b)   BBC Sports (exclusivo online) Arjen Robben's late winner exorcised the demons that have haunted him and Bayern Munich in the

Champions League as they won a pulsating all-Bundesliga encounter against Borussia Dortmund. The tournament's recent history has offered little other than unrelenting misery for Robben and Bayern - but

the agony is over after a colourful, enthralling final that confirmed Germany as the new power base of European domestic football.

Bayern had lost two finals in three years, including defeat on penalties to Chelsea in their own Allianz Arena 12 months ago, but on this occasion they cast off the tag of losers to claim the crown for the fifth time.

Only Real Madrid (nine) and AC Milan (seven) have won this tournament more times and the taste of victory was even sweeter for 29-year-old Robben and veteran Bayern coach Jupp Heynckes, who steps aside to hand over to Pep Guardiola at the end of this season.

Heynckes will have the chance to bow out with a Treble; Bayern have already won their league and face VfB Stuttgart in the German Cup final next Saturday.

Robben was reduced to tears at the final whistle after playing in Bayern's losing finals against Inter Milan and Chelsea, when he missed an extra-time penalty, and also losing semi-finals to Liverpool in 2005 and 2007 during his Stamford Bridge career.

And for 68-year-old elder statesman Heynckes, this was the perfect parting gift and proof of his enduring powers. He has provided a hard act for Guardiola to follow, even with his outstanding track record of success at Barcelona, which included two Champions League triumphs.

Robben, however, was the central figure as he set up Mario Mandzukic's first for Bayern on the hour but Dortmund, under the guidance of charismatic coach Jurgen Klopp, quickly equalised through Ilkay Gundogan's penalty after Dante fouled Marco Reus.

And Robben finally had his revenge on a competition that has been so cruel to him in the past, showing great composure to take Frank Ribery's flick in his stride in the 89th minute and beat Dortmund's outstanding keeper Roman Weidenfeller.

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Robben's goal was the decisive moment of a Champions League final that saw the Bundesliga come to London and deliver a powerful statement of intent about its current status.

As well as the quality of the football, which was truly exceptional, the supporters of Dortmund and Bayern splashed their yellow and red colours spectacularly across Wembley's canvas and the dignity and grace in defeat and victory of Klopp and Heynckes only confirmed this was an occasion that did great credit to these two German heavyweights.

Heynckes cut a mellow figure beside the animated Klopp in Wembley's technical area but Dortmund's coach, with his flamboyant gestures and trademark grin, has established a reputation as one of football's most significant figures.

And he will know, just as much as his players, that this was an opportunity missed by Dortmund. They paid a heavy price for failing to capitalise on a first half hour in which they dominated Bayern and were only kept at bay by the brilliance of Germany keeper Manuel Neuer.

The intense pressing style that is the trademark of Klopp's team pushed Bayern on to the back foot in the opening phases and left Dortmund regretting they did not take at least one of a succession of opportunities.

Neuer made five important saves in the first 35 minutes as Dortmund tested Bayern in a manner that proved way beyond Barcelona when they were humiliated 7-0 over two legs in the semi-final.

He thwarted Robert Lewandowski twice and saved superbly at his near post from Reus, who saw another shot blocked. Neuer was also tested by Sven Bender.

Reus then tested Neuer once more as Dortmund poured forward, urged on from the technical area by the animated Klopp as he delivered a constant stream of encouragement and applause in the direction of his players.

Bayern - finally emerging as an attacking force - may have had the feeling it was going to be another night of Champions League final misery when Weidenfeller touched Mandzukic's header on to the bar and denied Robben one-on-one before unwittingly blocking another effort from the eventual match-winner with his face.

The Bundesliga champions had been a growing threat after a poor start and the breakthrough finally came on the hour when Ribery played in Robben and his cross gave Mandzukic the simplest of tasks to finish from six yards.

Dortmund required a swift response and it came inside seven minutes - thanks to a piece of recklessness from Dante.

The Bayern defender, who had already been booked, needlessly raised his foot and caught Reus in the stomach. Gundogan stepped forward to score coolly from the penalty spot.

It took a magnificent piece of last-ditch defending from Neven Subotic to keep Dortmund on terms. Thomas Mueller rounded Weidenfeller and his shot looked destined for the net until the lunging Subotic somehow recovered to clear, prompting a fierce fist-pumping response from Klopp.

Both goalkeepers had been outstanding throughout and it was Weidenfeller's turn to demonstrate his ability once more with fine stops from David Alaba and Bastian Schweinsteiger as this enthralling final drew towards a climax.

It was Robben who made the decisive contribution and when Italian referee Nicola Rizzoli sounded the final whistle to start wild Bayern celebrations, he was reduced to tears as he finally realised his dream.

Link: c)   Sky Sports May 25 (exclusivo online) Arjen Robben's late goal fired Bayern Munich to UEFA Champions League glory with a 2-1 victory over

Borussia Dortmund in a compelling final at Wembley. The former Chelsea man, who missed a penalty against his old club in the final last year, found the net with

just 90 seconds remaining to settle an end-to-end contest packed with drama and incident to secure a fifth European crown for the Bundesliga champions.

Bayern went ahead in the 60th minute through Mario Mandzukic after being set up by Robben, but Jurgen Klopp's men responded soon after thanks to Ilkay Gundogan's penalty, while goalkeepers Roman Weidenfeller and Manuel Neuer were in superb form all night.

After a tight opening spell, Dortmund were the first to settle with Robert Lewandowski forcing Neuer to tip a venomous long-range strike over the bar and the keeper called into action again soon after to deflect Jakub Blaszczykowski's low near-post strike behind.

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Bayern's goalkeeper was worked again by Marco Reus in the 19th minute when the talented midfielder evaded the attention of Philipp Lahm and Dante to warm Neuer's palms with a drive from outside the box, before Sven Bender's low curled effort was gathered with relative ease.

Bayern, who tasted final defeat in 2012 and 2010, finally threatened in the 27th minute as Mandzukic's towering header from Franck Ribery's cross was acrobatically turned over by Weidenfeller, and Javi Martinez then escaped from his marker to glance the resulting corner narrowly over.

Weidenfeller then had to race from his line to deny Robben as the Holland international burst in behind the Dortmund defence following Thomas Muller's incisive pass, before counterpart Neuer again demonstrated his ability to deny Lewandowski after he got in behind Jerome Boateng.

Muller was left to rue a missed opportunity from a corner when he failed to make a clean contact, before the half drew to a close with an unorthodox block from Weidenfeller as he kept out Robben's shot with his face after Mats Hummels misjudged a long ball over the top by Dante.

The deadlock was finally broken on the hour mark as Ribery threaded a pass through the advancing Dortmund defence for Robben to run onto, with the former Chelsea man drawing Weidenfeller to the touchline before cutting the ball back across the box for Mandzukic to tap home.

But Bayern's lead was short-lived with referee Nicola Rizzoli pointing to the spot after Dante's clumsy lunge on Reus, allowing Gundogan to step up to send Neuer the wrong way in front of the yellow wall of Dortmund fans.

Jupp Heynckes' side looked certain to regain the lead only to be denied by a stunning last-ditch clearance from Neven Subotic, who appeared second best to Robben but showed the commitment and desire required to clear Muller's pass from off the toes of the Bayern man.

Lewandowski rifled a dipping volley home from long range but Rizzoli's whistle had already been blown for handball against the striker, before David Alaba's drive towards the top corner was fisted away by a diving Weidenfeller, with the Dortmund keeper in action once again as the 90 minutes ran down to deny Schweinsteiger.

But just when the game looked certain to go into extra time, Robben burst through the centre of the Dortmund defence to collect Ribery's back-heel, jinked away from one tackle and Weidenfeller before rolling the ball home.

After the match, Bayern Munich hero Robben admitted winning the UEFA Champions League buried his previous demons.

He told Sky Sports: "There are so many emotions, especially where we came from last year and such a disappointment. The last four years, Bayern have been in the final three times. It needed to happen but you still have to do it.

"It is a special feeling. You cannot describe it. Everything is going through your mind. It is hard to say but you do not want to be a loser."

And Dortmund defender Hummels admitted Bayern deserved to be crowned champions of Europe after their dramatic victory at Wembley.

He told Sky Sports: ""The game was really close, but it was kind of deserved for Bayern because they were the better team in the second half, but for us it is very hard and disappointing.

"They get the cup, we don't. It is one of the hardest games we can lose." Link: d)   The Daily Telegraph Fussball came home and, frankly, it can come back any time; an open invitation, the most welcome of guests.

This was the first all-German Champions League Final and it was simply wunderbar. Just as it appeared this brilliant contest was heading for extra-time, an added bonus, a familiar face

intervened. The former Chelsea winger Arjen Robben finally scored for Bayern to take the trophy and end Jupp Heynckes’ glittering 34-year career with the biggest prize of them all: The European Cup.

Heynckes now makes way for Pep Guardiola, of course, and Bayern will hope it portends a period of dominance. For Dortmund, so youthful and bravura under coach Jurgen Klopp, defeat was cruel.

Klopp had, understandably, fully milked the underdog status. Dortmund had finished 25 points behind Bayern, who won the Bundesliga title with six matches to spare. Bayern’s goal difference was an astonishing plus-80, they had scored four goals in a game on 15 occasions … and they oozed so much confidence.

Not that Dortmund were some David against this Teutonic Goliath. Klopp is canny and feisty behind that smile and the sense of injustice was fuelled by the loss of his star player, Mario Götze, after Bayern exercised the

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£31m buy-out clause. The attacking midfielder was not fit last night and his absence, though a blow, was not insurmountable for a team who had lost only one of their previous seven matches against Bayern.

Despite all of Bayern’s belief they also entered this contest having lost four European Cup finals – most recently the trauma of last season’s shoot-out defeat to Chelsea in their own stadium.

This, above all this, was an affirmation of the strength of German football, with Real Madrid and Barcelona having been swept aside in the semi-finals. It did not disappoint. There was a savouring of the occasion. Wembley began to fill early, very early, a sea of yellow on one side, a wall of red on the other and the decibel level rose.

Bastian Schweinsteiger rolled his ankle in the warm-up – and then tested it with an early rattling tackle on Jakub Blaszczykowski. But it was Dortmund exerting the pressure, pushing up against the Bayern defence. Indeed it was Blaszczykowski who had the first half-chance, blazing wide, before Dortmund pressed and stole the ball again with Robert Lewandowski curling a shot around Dante only for Manuel Neuer to tip it over.

The goalkeeper then reacted superbly as, from the corner, a low cross from Marco Reus was eventually delivered. Blaszczykowski’s close-range snap-shot was goal-bound but Neuer turned it away with his outstretched leg. The counter-attacking tempo was relentless, with Dortmund again whipping the ball away and Kevin Grosskreutz finding Reus, whose shot was punched out by Neuer before the goalkeeper easily held an effort from Sven Bender.

Nevertheless it was the fourth time he had been forced into action as Dortmund’s intensity flustered Bayern who finally threatened when Mario Mandzukic met a cross from Ribery. He headed back across goal and Roman Weidenfeller brushed the ball against the crossbar.

Suddenly it opened up for Bayern, with Thomas Muller nicking the ball away and stabbing a pass cross-field to Robben, whose shot was blocked by Weidenfeller when Mandzukic was waiting for a tap-in. Then Dortmund almost scored once more, with Lewandowski’s quick feet taking him away from Jerome Boateng only for Neuer to save.

The ebb and flow was relentless – Robben was denied again and then Muller’s header just evaded Mandzukic at the far post. Could Dortmund maintain the pace? Would Bayern finally exploit the space in behind their defence.

It was Dortmund who drew breathe and went again, once more pressing high, trying to force the issue. It was aggressive also. No quarter was given by either side and the challenges flew in – with Ribery fortunate to escape punishment after flailing an arm out in Lewandowski’s face.

The tension rose. The contest needed a goal – and Bayern provided it. It came as Ribery ran at the Dortmund defence and slipped a pass to Robben who gained the by-line to cut the ball back beyond Weidenfeller’s challenge. It fell to Mandzukic and the Croatian striker steered it into the net from inside the six-yard area. Agonisingly for Dortmund the cross had flicked off Weidenfeller’s boot to take it away from the covering Lukasz Piszczek.

Dortmund were rattled. How would they react without Götze? Well, they had the perennially dangerous Reus and when he ran onto a ball flicked into the area Dante panicked. The Brazilian waved out a foot, clumsily catching Reus in the stomach. The penalty was given and, unerringly, Ilkay Gundogan hammered it beyond Neuer to even the scores.

In the drama, Dante was fortunate to escape a second yellow card. This time it was Bayern who were thrown and Dortmund broke rapidly with the ball eventually ferried to Hummels who blasted over.

Incredibly Bayern responded with Muller running clear, rounding Weidenfeller and rolling a shot goalwards. Nevan Subotic, with Robben rushing in to tap home, somehow hooked the ball away from on the goal-line. And so it went on. Bayern went close again with the ball falling to David Alaba and his fierce first-time shot was fisted over by Weidenfeller before, again, Muller wriggled through only to go to ground. He claimed a penalty, arguing Subotic had pulled him back but play continued.

There was an edge and, this time, Lewandowski escaped as he trod on Boateng’s ankle as the defender lay on the turf. Weidenfeller then, smartly, turned away Schweinsteiger’s crisp shot. Finally, though, Bayern and Robben were not to be denied. He ran onto Ribery’s back-heel, rode Hummels challenge and gently rolled the ball into the net.

Link: 10080988/Bor ussia-Dortmund-1-Bayern-Munich-2-match-report.html