v t um mmmam. - nys historic...

^pp "txtgi^f^yiiBgT^w^w; •t&f**??*—y3"* L !l^^C wri ^.*J'ii.i -.* /."'/ i '.' >T "*•;'' 'T4 ^ 7 *. * J fi".-: r;v '/' M v'.'-."'- .•»«? w/,i.4 »cit»er./| J uiLw.-J/C-"^^^^^ ^ t!i : "-* '.rr.lrir.;..., "• ? ' ••"', ."'•V •'"•••""-',' ;"• "' " \ ' ',; •/.,.:.•;! '• ;-• ..... : ' . , V r , < i « i a i s ! i j i i : ^ 4Ws*|tj} I n ^ ^ T f f P * * *-.Vfl*t ^rwM^&d trtfz^&&&mB UA &&\ ,l sfa ifciw T i>b N- '•ONE' DESTINY? T*--"ft * 'W$T®» te^wm. 1 ' "• '.*_„ _ .*^nbgdpijaiffi^ N. : Vy Tuesday, December S4, iWMt... /;-.:*r, Vol. 1 . •'••••&#.•£•• p i j c O N T T ES«? - $ETKTi'WEr.,.' •"_ -• - ' ~fcpuiiisKe£:mil( Ti/eiimt^dgithitiirsK, Ni JV * ' iTJetftis.—0*«ifctfifl»; per year'IB- auWiSii.—Legal adver- llaeirients inserted at tbiMcgnl rfltesvaniValliothersailiieusual ratefc'-Thi^iourrfbeBaniicil'iiV a* early asrMoMlay,to in eyslioufd ilmt'! inste itetk sure unmeiliat'; insertion, and;ftjra.-mtnifieir'af,iii?rrti(H|s5liS' IfticUym'a^d'oh.tlierianie, or else flfey wiribe-jin^erted until ordered discontinued. .•.,„.' v C3eP<»n.amnioatrohs \o insure attention'must b> Pott-Pai^l ' OiBce'otf the2rtd Honr* ^t the Arisiilar, il(e wimeTurnietly oceupieSM'afiair ijfliee, by S.- S. <fc=J.,Mi, D o t / . Ijlitruiice ifothejotficeiopposite «B.ebridge . . . i. , um mmmam. 4FTOM&rATIrA!r,-Corni!r of Ford i- Wakr Streets, 111? 8TAIUS;-^Ogdena!)Urgh,iSt, E.a*v. Co.N. V. aneoiis^eR^fs. noQitBWmtfG tin all (Is .various style,, dnpe on sliort nniicL', iii tlie best iminiicr, at rodnceil prices for, CASH OR U15ADY PAV. bijt -.,, ., d. •wT-Drnci.V. $fefeaiitHc Akifa 9 ts. ?:.jrmz:M&0&&i. r jpotefci^y. $jrSkopovtt~R.P t Scntte»,}lwh trMuticVtartFvTA Stttet O^denabUrglt.Jrrie tStlrie4t. ' • •• ••••Jsi»''- (•—. r-< "..; J. $•$. RB0PJ3$i .,.'., C-H.ANU?L£RS AF.K .BJUfQHtjRS* fit the Old••-Stend of Hicfcok-& Cbrty, opposite I. |. ,. .. ;, Lamb's.] ;' r 5*-ItEAI)TMAT>E COP&tNS now and *i*AYs on haiidi Also-^-A HEIARSE, tffi orders Ggdenarjurghj Ang.2rth> . . . •••.,.: g2u •"-••.; .- ? ; ERASTGTS ^ & A S , 5 - ; '*Paimtrif, iCttfriiri at'his oid"Stnn(l, Stone Tannery, I.tifte Street^qv^rthe Brjuge.-Wps for «:ile aliirgijaiipply pCi^ath- if^arcHeap as the cheapest, andas goodas tlio best. [17u <'•<••*,• '• •'••• '< H.-T'BL'O.MA-S, .: *• JOiAIilSTt; i S . - GROCERIES & PROVISIOMS. . NOB building, Wfleni. </.<*« Bridge. (.vl-l2u] ": iMfr&JBS&^'Sasitfaft'si. Blind 1 '" '" l _ /. M A 'N Tft A C T 0 ttt.'[]' \\ T HE Subscriber hasfittedup nn exienstve clifab- lishltientiBtiTe Machine Sht)p, next door west of theflourit^bjftHi^rJlfifepprpbseoifJ'rnakinjfwin- dow ?ash, doors, BUritJs, an,rl various other arUcles apperraittihg-'fo hOuse'huildirfg;' ' tm-.:t ,*% ] .. Also, Bpd9tftads< Tables;jJ^eaiJreausi E ^ndcabinet work generally. Those, wKo may taynr t^e estab- lishrae'nt with work of any/ kind rnajfrely tip'on hiiv-- ingrir\vell,do*ie(ODd whep. promised , ..-.. i ( . • N. ?.-^Caah paid for seasoned LttuAer. . ' '21u'"' " I •••• '; K'imSEELL." PIRE INSURANCE. CHARLES. SBYMOXTR A o i K T * BaoKEtt, N o . 301 St. Pa\il St;, iVonireo., RBBBRESCES: \Vni. t.ymttri & Co., [ton. Vi. J.K. Mills* Esqr,, ' Montreal. Seytnoiir 4-Httr.ringtnn do, J. C. Pierce If Son. St. Johhl. Henderson, Hooker & Cn,., ,&^. H .Peclrtfc Co. Burhrig- , ; _ , . W-B- aWBERT, SURftrlTQrt & CiVH.ENGINI-Jt'jR, will ditvntoJiisatten- tion trt Land Surviving and Englnreriiig, and will attend to aHicnil34nlil3 prftfcs'.ion. ' ' - i3?'0nice, at residence Caroline St., and refer to l,avr fflce of Fuote & Seely.—Ogdcusburgii, St. La .vrence Co. 8 3V [Vl-lllll] ; .. . ISAAC PERKINS. . DRVGGI8T AKB APOTHEGAUV, i)eiiier.in Drag's.KIedicinea, P«i!iU. Oils,. Uyc-f'tn|&, *c... &c.---Pdrd Street^ Ogileiisliurgl),N. Y. [v'-'"! '.'. , JAMES $•BROWN, .. . ' , ATTORNEYS, COJJNS.Er,I,ORS,£TC., . ; «)lfce^MarWe*ow, Ogdensburjjh, St.. «i»*™'y»VS>iS.';^ ' :j,e.rjjAMjss.' * ir, a BROWN. ' , T . R.H.GILWT,; '• ATTOBSET ^ cn'tRarELLOR AT lA.v.'aiid Soireitdr & CoHnsellor in;Clianceryy.Ogdenaliurgli t N.A r . •, . X>. i«l Gil A PIN, ATTORNEY & Coutisellor alLnw, & Solicitor and Conn- gell'irin Cbttncery. Awo-^iVbfawPj.Wf'c.; I&Office.Marble Row, Corner of, Fnrdatid Ciitharlne StA., 'Oedenaburgli,St. Law. County, N. Y. [vi nluf .Wnddington, N. Y. S TILLMAN FOOTE, A tTORNE TAT LAW, [vl-1ul SAMViSL P. ARCHIBALD! AV-OWiOlnirCOiilMISStOK AIMRCOAST, Eorj: Street Ogdensburglii N . Y , ... ' •. ». . , ' fe-Regitlar'Sole days, lrtonilays, and Saturdays of every week. Sheriff^ add^ Constable's saljjs dttended to ortshort notice, [vt-'d-l '•'" n : frA.;viLAs, wnOlESAtt! ASnRETAir. Di!UEtts'l*iX'«n'fter. Boon, <f Shaw of every deBcriptlom Ln?t», Sltofr-Tpolj, &c„ Set. At the nigh oftlie : Sobt,ForilSt.Ogdeiialmrgli, N.X , , ~~ GEORGE GUEST24, ~~. CABIN.KT' IWAKEtt^ fc Upholster, Isabella Street, Og- densliurgh N„ Y. .,..;. ... N. B.—Coffins readymade, nod of all sijies kept constantly on hand. Orders frpm the country supplied on. sliort notice. Als6-AHEARS12suppli«dlrtrfrder. Shop ntzl.door to the: OgAensturgb Briery. In mCl . JQW BARPER, . fl. ceiis on lttmdat tiie OGDHNSnUBfiH-BAKEP^Y, Bread Hard Bread, Biscttit, Crackerfli ifc Citkes of all kinds. ES-N. B.—Sues for CASSH only .JIB JSi'dinaburgk, April. S, 1841/ * l-vl HiJ- URMS PEARSON, CARPENtER,JOINRR,& General Builder, will attend to all culls in his linn of bQsinei<8, whir proinprtiess mut «I>-- *pat>'h, " ~ — .. tmflrfitig. burgh, " THE- MUTUAI SIOUBI^r PSURA.Y0I COMPANY ' \ , -:-• i • ••-!,-. P I " , ' .'->,.•,• '•-, • . , - > : • . WEW \HJi,VEN f . QOJNNH - • ...-r. O FFERS to rnsvire.HQII?ES, STOJIES, ftJJLLS BAKNS, and other buildings and their poh- [iehk add nil descfiptidDi of insufable propertjr, a* gainsflo.^ or Damage by FK^E' . ': This company offers to'persons wantling jrisprtince the double advantage of full indemriityia-caseono^s, by means of an ampler capitoI; while It nrfUes-iq its charter so much of the mutnarpcinciple, as to stive the dealer a chance to barticipate in. its profits "with*- out being in any way liable for its-losses.,.. ; > t . . The directors pledge themselves lothi? public, that the business-of the'eorripany fihajl b^, ia'-ail-respects, conducted on Mie most Jai/ and liberal prjncipjes. The rates of premium offered, are asilowas those of anjrsimilar insiitution* - '; - -;. •"> "• :•' For further information apply„to the- undersigned agent who is authorized (o take risks amd issue p'ol- icies to applicants Without delayr. " * . .-! DIRBCtORS/'"• V Joseph N. Clarke, ; Eliiitt A'Waier,' ' N^ A.. Bacon, Nvltap Pe,qkjJr.. John Bradley. H. is. Stdtile, VV>iHs Bristol, 'Theron Towher,-" •• "W. II. Ellis, . Aaron Beqedipt,, John English, Harvey Barnes, pentfis Kimberly, . Sheldon- Bassett, Enos Sperry... JOSEPH N-. CLARKE, \ Pr&foK P.S.Ql\L$w,SccreiairJ, ,!.,..,•'•'••'« A.B.JA'MESjAgient, . t>l~3Sh] ' Ogidepsburgh. T HE siibseriber-is jtist'recetvtn^ a-getiernl assort . menr^f GOODS,- which'' will he sold fbr- readjr piy only, and therefofc'^llf Sell cheaper than any-other s(ofecan,Jhat is in the credUsysterh.i *- Htha's a Mge a«iortmeni Of all bihds ofaoods.— . :; J ^ ^ £ & c # > s ? h .CS^gEi<3»?lCLs3a •;;*si;apIe^^oir*ils. : '-St er<0MgcHe», "Whfcfi-a"} , e*raafked at the lowest prices. CASH» khd alF sorts of- ' * '" - . - ' * ; • eh in ejcch'ange r-Those wi *lftijri-ferfl.to'call.'•'N'o Chitf^'ft Taken infejcch'ange—-Thosewishing ,to purchase , .jWlft^-lMH.to'call. V N6 chafgeTof* sbbwinggriods, | *tffryr«*fei«»««te<*r.th-em.."' ^ F<K0BB1NS. ;- 0«de|fehj|»^ >; |jo.y,>j|l!feA§'14v * , t [33*n]: J™> T> *i WINTER GOODS, ilE subsej-jljerlas teceiyed^fiwstock prfflUand _ r. * Winter Goods, which be'flattefsUihiself will drimp'are* nftihitriy Other in ttfiShiarl'et in qttaUt^ or cheapnea'?, tyidrwhich he offers to the: public at prices whichi-cannot fajl- tosatisfy nil pfhis intentioUto do them good.—Hio stock of , Fbom. the Button Atlas. LIBERTY - BY HBS. JAOT I.,tOCEE. ti 1ST 51"^ J-J: 1 '-'*&•'iYTL'li- would \ji.t JKJ «»~^-jtifornHiis old Custoitf 1 ors and the Fubjfe. ncneralty, that he has nguin eummonccd U L A O K H M I T H - I 9 1 0 in Qgdensburgh, ttt hfrOLU STAND oppo- atie the Wasfiiii»(on Hotel. [wily] .Oidensburj^ij APtil ». 1 IS«t'k-,. i .-•.., Spring Goods.—I'944. F IRST ARRIVAL —Idst Yeeeive«r nnd how opening at the STv J.A-VYaBDrCE' GAS& STORE a full .assortment, oi every diescription of DRY GOODS and selling' Venv CriBAP., < - •- j [5u] • , ; EDWM CLARK. W00Lj~-Stone Factory, OgfletiatargTi. T HESnUifdrWors^vourd res-pectfulty infiirmilnnFnrrno's^l* iliis Cdimty tmd vicinity. Hint oun ot thufirm,bp? just erected a lafgestotiefitctory,for» Uio-pttrpoae olf miitiufiicturiiij ItroiilmOoodt.BUiihm Cmimerea, I'htmelomi, Flannels, Cwt- tadn. Qreyatf Satinet*, by tntfyuiid, or Obfllfurctsjami will cx- change cloths, for wool, on cucli liiriiu'us caiiapt fait (ogiiro" satisfaction.U> all wlio may paronfeB tltelo. •I'lielr workipeii and miichlnery are ofihe ffrst etas?, ijml they are iliercftrefcoufMc''t tt» sayiftjr, thactlielt gwods-fn point ofr durability will not bi'-surpnased by those of a sjnijljir. establish- ment In this section of tpo State.- • WOOL.-r-They Will also cjiru wool.aqd tlress cloth, fo customers. In it workmunliko mminer; ami nt slmrt notice. - (tfCASIU mid. all klniliofnmiitictttiiKciiliiipaymeiitf^, .Osile!«tbmgh,Juiie;3,l&14 (llltt? MOW*.'«RAKH. CO\DY & NEVV3VIAN, return thdr thanks to their friends, who have? heretofore paiifonizcdithenr,- and wish )o inform, their patcpns thattliey, arenboat to dissolve. '.',"' Allpersotis haying demands againsti thefirm-,nre" UUI19 111 Ills linw Ul uui*IHKl*», M-l.il {i.uiiiiiiiirca HUM u> - - t •• ' -"o ", -, a - ^ h, B-3"Shop fortnerfy occupiwt by Geo. P. Clnrh seoiindiul'eg.ueated lp present therrjhy th,e first tof. Septemwr. itigdasioiriiier/esbytcriuii ciimcii, Ford st„ Ogdens- next. And th'ise who ar« Indebted, willl rlease-call "•. tf - Y - ''•, tvNrtuj and-ettlelmntediaiely; < • ' ,-'• i , ' •;. : S. BAWLErpr.ATX, XTTOnNEY atliinVi and Solicitor in Cimncery, lins opened fi Law- Office n'-ar theGidloiip Mill*in Lisbon. AMnbviness in the line of his profession' will be punctually attended to.-r- Also,Oeen>, Will's,, Cotitracts, Powers of Attornoy, Lenses, Konila, Mortgdgen, Chattel .Ijortgugesi' Agreements, inilett- turcK, &ij., drawn wfth accuracy ami despatclu [vi-3u] "" J%NOQL& SUlfORItlS, At mntediaiely TT B. MrtCoady, will continue the (Chair making arm Painting business, at the old stand, the shop formerly, of Hlckocft &'Carry, Isjbell&tftreet.XfUB PAtNE tatceti this tnotltod'" to inform'his friehd«* B. » and the publju generally lM$ he bun Removed hia tailoring establi.ihment to Wuter Street in the building APOTHECARY STORE, in the Brictf Bnildrngs, sfgn of fpimerly occi'upifdiby^F. A\ Hinse, artrl dlirectljr-opposito --••—- - - - - - • ...... I. ,Whee}ocks Grocery Store, where Ife; wij| be ready to- attond'to all who may favor him with their patronage., . erjrflNG'dotieot) the shorten notice,. " N. B. Just, receive^ the latest fashipn*.^ 0 '": Now York. , , . 'Osdensburah, April ft, 1844. . * ' J 2l» ' the Golden MorUir, FofdSl. Ogdensburgh. N. Y, " ' EFFreseripttons carefully ,prcpared..Ctl 'T - ' !$OS'CXt?S W.JTWSON t ATTORNEY At LAW. SOLICITOR VI CHANCP.tW, andVUlasterintChartcery;—Ogd'ehsbtlrgh,. S t t L a w . P o w N . y . ' NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, FEW-YORK, Ojictto Wall St. 1 R.,^. Judson having been appointed ngept for tfiisllConi- fianv, will insure on reasoniible tfriiif against loss ocd image tiyi^re; Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture 1 and all kinds of property. Alllosse^protupily adjusted. Ogilensburgh April, 2p Mi. n5ly .'";; FXRElFIRMi ' .. \. THBCO?JTB,lBUTIONSinP JNSUR AJtCB COJIPANY;. Capitalv 8300,000. Office 57 VVhll St. jr.. Y. (dciisburL March] Capitalv ©300,000, Office 57 VVhll St. W^Y. .. Fill Insure buildings and, niercttandlze agatnsLflm in Ogi sburglmndvicinity-: , » « B,-AX.L*,I«, iatcbI3,I84^ 1-iy * ' { . *2 tnU JOR.WARDING' AND COStSftSSION MERCHANTS., Ogdensburgh,.N, Y. r JOB PRINTING, . . | , "Executed in the best manner, and on short notlcej at the " fROXfTIER SENTINEL Q$ie.. - ; T HE-cubscriber wovrld'ttespectfutly llnform tb& In^ habitanr^^hmiensbnrgb a °d it» vicinity that be has commenced titer—*—_... ' ' * *• * on Isabelia-Stree, one tioor north of Timothy oTm* sled's GroceFu where he solicitRnshateaf *t|epqbjie patronage. ftyRepatring dori^with ncames^ and despatch. ' JAJ1ES8. EATON. '• 0»densburgh F Apl23,1944. ,. , lYlnttyl PAINTING $* GLAZING. ' R OBERT WILSON. Wtrttld infiirin his old friend?ind ; tTie public that ha wilt hBreafterdcvote Ms attention to Paint- Inif. plain and! ornamental—Also, to paper hangingand white- washingv Whitewash stfprepared thitt It will not rnb off. He will also, attend to gl(izinir, and vamfshing furniture. Orderafor'anyOfihe'above-ltlnds ofwork will .he promptly attended tdi and i t low price* for Ready Poy.—Hei may^ bo «bund at the 2d dwelling; nortjj of the Pre'byteMar^i Churohon franklin sueet, ROBERT WILSON. Ogdensburgh,Junea5th»18«. V?-W JURE & MARINE INSURANCE, ftie tt§m (iffntnal) Insnranc? Company,: " ^oMcfeJ? VAU, tjB&nvifiKt,^ , Witt'eifect, fire, marine and inland itayigftttQir' riskSi insuring" vessels,' cargoes affreights upon alk the* T^akes aM river St. 'Xawrahce.—pgdepsbfirgh Oct. 15,18«. f29o} -L. HASBROTJCK, Agent. I&&J& BLANKS, 77-— O F al-j kindsj Deeds-, Bonds and Mortgages, Chaltet Mortgages, Bonds & Watrtnta of Attorney,, Natw, ttecords, Executions, jjus'ticesf process &c„ for iajeat Jhe-Eaito*'* qSce of lifeSantineL. HElW St6RE r . A , B O t . B S V c c t t r e freceivtrur aiirge; ahd' {feacrhl as> •"* sortment of Merchandize, cons(sung;Of ,• . mf Gtidagi'eRbOERiE^ CROCKERY, PWWARE^ LeatWr,B!iSdlsiShM»:»n:aproWsioh*, Wliifch w|ll Be sold tor Cash, or exchange for country produce, uppnihe wqsifu- vormble terms. 10-u sale ALARATllf of f superior <3JJalnyj a constant snpply^at Facfojar andiWew York prices. F fiy - il .J-.C:&R'«W^KTJSH:. Custom Cardinigr* rpHE, subscrllwrs having rqntc4 the clotlilna wnrki at Ilea- * veltdn and put the mueMnery tn oxcetleitt repair, areiprc-. pared to do work as well and oil a* fuvorabto terras as at; arty other establfs'lmiant in tb« coanty. (drctiiiiomers from a dis- tance can have their rolls to ^^&tftoP£&&.A.~i - lleuvelton, JunoS.IBM, lti<i} BHtD'i* CHAPArAN. ReanTs WAPEING PAPER, 50 Reams WRITINGJParer.TJLA^if BOOR%, &c: } or sale cheap by ' Sittj * » S.DIX. Is quite large and elegant, comprising ever,y.article of Dressgriodjsforlijdifsf a«td,«adilemen^« clothing. A COUPIETB ASSORTMKMT Of mt.QBQoMME's 4. enoexmt. Also—Stewart's steam refined sugar house Mo- lasses. 1 Gall and examine. H..T. BACON. Ogdensbnrgfe; Gctrt!9ih-1&«. < - [33u;j * - i -.1 - 1 1 it.-:.- 11.. h :-i». -.-1 - . , , - - C ASTOR OIL& Ooughcandies.<-Jiist received, 0 fr«h supply and forsale by ISAAC PERKINS, r36tt] 1 - ' « \ - -. • Fordatreet. pORKJ—10,0 Bbl« ? inspectied meiw, 30,bbl». F.rim X" i-amti- Prime Bams, Sep. -Alio/ Sugar in BaweU Molasses iij.do.. T^js.^ojjtfcoo,^^ jas^reCcivod and for sale; cheap by l'Su v ^ '• t , .*-.- - £c:&tt.W.BDSlrl TUSf rerelvc^ aMheBJlil Btoflc, west end of tbehrhtefor J-stilebV •'• ••"' " ~ ' 12a • Hi THOMAS. tr.:.. tn •; ; •—; '•«•• -""i—••. M ~ '"'•. t EHteil COAL.-30 tons this day received by L< JunelSUi. 12u ' »J. O. St It. W. BtiSH. f ATitPSDlE, a gowftirticle, of bleached at 1© per Jul gallonrfust receirett and for sales by De|j3,184.. ISAAC J«ERKiNS, [#3rn3 - Ford street. W HITELEAT>,:Dfyanc}groundirroil. Afresh supply jusl,receiyed. and for sale by ' , . «ISA.AC JERKINS, [S6-3m3 Ford street. apply jus',i 'b•ec. f 3 I l&i4. , ! S AL §OJ?A, a good article for cheap by ' ISAAC PiHs washing for sale PiHKiks, Fprd street, |36-3ra3 000 Busljels Corn and 5000 Bnshrts Oata wanted, I, for which ihe highest price wil! be paid hy A; BOLES & Co. Dee,2,1$H* 36a GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAT '•••V MkSfi-'flTOESW !... T...L .L.t ' 1 - — . -..- i .J. '} Of H gve Jjst revived a, ^etyexteiosiTe stock seasonable and Fashionable t . . -mwL%: t '®-®MM® •'" v" ofthefifSt9Lna|ity,and still their stock js as extent siveajjdr as cheap as'. any other establish meat in this*nortberr> edotrtry.' Theptiblic eari only judge bf.ihd variety, quality and cheapness by actual id-* speetion to which ilitgri aro carnx-stly invited wfth- the assurance ih«\good articlis apd coda* bargains, cari certoinl/ he* found at the establishment of A. W.~Woo1Iey&i3o; ' " i -' ' OorgOod* will be freely shown 10 all *hofavc* ns.witha call, whether purchasing op pr.ieipg'-' 1 - a^UohU forget, the-cheapStow,jFJI ,1 . " In addition W the'ttbove, we Offer a general as- sottment'of " ."' ' t •.-,••••••• " Family €fir*deerit9f D(ai , dtpare ) Cr6cJi» try if €tltt89*toare> %. %y%. Pj| ».^.I.»I'» . ... I • .1., , , . ., . ' , . .... 4.*:sfff,„: .... ,, B3*ALL kinds of CdnhtryProduce taken \n 11 4bange% Goods at faii-priees; * ' eABttTfAnJ I^R- Att*i«SD$ OF v j#SK 1&T S^iJSfS AiSp : S*HEEP 'PELTS 0gdensbtfrgh;Dec.2,l£i*. SG-Srh ex- NEW/GOODS4 gO i Bbl* &> J3oite» So^ar, 5>0 «« Toax, . 20 .1 ( 10 50' SOflQ lbs, Raisins, ' SOBP,'__. ' ! - Ground Couoef Tobacco, . Codfish, JWusIc Storc-Wookn ff Stationery. •\TE V establisliroent just opening. In P. Gilbert's building, •^conierofFord andState Stnjeu wliqro litis lite Intent ion lokeepa eeaeralassuituientof Vojulttnd Jiiisuum^utul mu- %ic books. Also, Piano-fortes of all t(e8»rlptions. Brass Band instruments, Vlolinc-cllus, Viollitcand moil other mtlsi- cal instruments, on hund, or received to ordur, by a few days ALSOvrrAll kinds of School Books and | Libraries, Writing Papd'r, QUtlls, ii(atas»&e, ALSO.—Periodicals of all Icintis.ortit the newLhetalureof the ALSO*-AH kinds of School Books and ,|bqoK» for School Ibraries, Writlnj! Paper, QUills, ii(atas»&e. ALSO.—Periodicals of all k W s . arid the newLltorature:) e day as fast as pnbHstied and-rereived byaxpMshy , streets. ,FOE mi<& OR REl^T^Ho«s0 and Lot, corner of Caroline and Fay.ette- Tsrmsliberal. Appjto „„„„.< JV3; -rVRi^W. BpSKT; * -"ISstnit Insurance Campanu ^ F HARTFO*I> ^V^gOTietiT. q.^-ri * A. ii $200^000? *gn« UASKELL. bavins? been appalloiatf Ageotby . Jt' -• Jtlie.33tn« In*artiic* Company afllaitford, C6nr>,gqn"erftoinsqte dweltiBJ?. hpnse*^stores, indte mhmtfactorienbarn*, 4 ^wMMid yeaielft wftil* Jo port* <ir on the etoeksi ghorlat iritTeveryothiSrspecie*of ib^ giimblepersonalproporty aHiitist toss ordtmageby m' at»« low iiiM of ptejpinm Wmf aTlnilarinsliJ tution in.*ood itanding* Tire ^Etna Insurance Com. pa,ny m* incorporafdiiri IM9i ami tllie»roriiiraUon it lia Jias acquiredfor 1 . iujtraent and .paymeptoHo»8*f»t pMdgo-toentitle it to ••»•'-""• -<- »gev~agdensbufgrr; J^* Jost received and for tale low for CASH. OariFsaatiiton, Nov. 30,1S44. T UESuhspribersiare receivins art .extensive as- sortment of MERCHANDISE forsalelow for Cash or ready pay—comprising, . . . ' • i" ) anocEHiES, S'Grt - v A.,BOLE„S&Co. Ye may cease your'toil, ye have done your worst} 1 Your sympathy, now give o'er; Ye' have ptxEn on tin our lot accurst, ABdhopeforpsisnoinore. , Our ehaipBye have clenched, our fetters made fast, And the 6tripe?-on ourblcedlrig flesh May never be healed. For the past—for the pasti Do our wounds gusn. forth afresh.. We have borne the laahy wehave borne the thong, And Weekly endued* it all;. ** »" For we khew ye were tnen withtBympathy strong, On whom foraid we could call. Wo have seen the wife, and the tender cluld, On to darker bondage led; And proudly have knelt and blessed and smiled, Whilu inly our souls have bled. For we hoped, through yjou,o day would rfee, ."iVhenpurjfettejs; should crumple and break; B « | a, withering orb, not set in the skies, The blessing from us shall take. ,'Tis a LONE DABK STAB, in ascension now, And its raya on ua shallJail, To blight and to mildew, to break or to bow, And bind in eternal thrall. With our brother's blood Its nuclous is llacfc, As jt flowsftom his wounds afresh; Audit lights up the alavefa cruel track, As he hunts for human flesh. In mistaken hate, and misguided zeal, Ye have placed itirtyour crown j And, we, whom ye pitied, aro made to fee?, A' curse which ye have called down. With Columbia'3 stars it shall soon be set, To blacken that circlet fair t , And ye, when ye see it,-shall shame and regret, , With penitence and with prayer. There was one to our aid ye might have colled, Whollfted Enbea'B yoke, When lier nation in Moslem's chains was enthralled, And the'glonouscroes-lighthrolce.. Yettighthave invoked his honored name, Whose echo forever shall ride O'er the Andea heights on the breath of fiuno, " Orfloatwith La Plata's tide. ' Y* jscowren xx— and weare in bondagesuTl j Hopeless, perpetuate, deep 5 Our cup With despair to the brim did ye fill; '.. _Go^hlde-yonrfaefi9,,andweep. JJIay God from your country the cuBBEaverti Tho'. wo shallatlll grind in chains j Oh i, darken the land wlthno deadlier hurt j ' While the FBIEHD OP SLAVXXV reigns. , Wam»U CvfJagt, Louxll, Notttriber, 1814. IffijiortMt MoTement, We are highly gmttfierJ to lay . befpfeV our readers the foUpwing^br'fei accpant of^ mpve ment iq lite noble, ifftle State of Jjielkware, tpwards; the abolition ,pf, Slayery in. thauState. Mpst heartily dp we wish that she would take the matter in hand at once, ptirge herselfirpit, the crying evil of Slavery, arid lead off the way towards its final peaceable^bplitipni HPW gladly should v»e vreicortje-dSr sister In- to the circle of Free States.' We trust there are other. States that would, ere long, follow hef example; Where are her leading ' men ? Where isJOHN M. CLAYTON ? Let.hyn put himself forward in this movement* and bis country will have superadded reas&n to heap blessfn'gs on his name. ' JFVom the American Agriculturalist. THE OREGON. The Western papef gives us late and interest- ing information respecting 1 this distant lerrito. ryj and we have no doubt that "we shall «odn have a delegate in Congress from it.' They hove already (at least on paper) a large com- mercial city, four miles above the mouth of the Wallamette, where town lots are selling, at 850 each, being (as they say)a great sdcri- Jke, as they ate valued at full f 200! Pork is worthflO cents j beef6 cents; potatoes 40 cerits^ floor 94 ber hundred % butter 25 ceofs, catttelfom t$0'to-$l50 each r 'and horses the same. A herd ol one bvfndred young cows driven over ihe-moun'tains would briog j£4,000 Cftsh. irr-a rare chance fpr trovers. We WOBM advise our friends on ib^e upper Missoqri to look tp Oregon for a rnWkel,-rather than to New Orleans; the distances of the two places heihg aboo^equal from our frontier settlements tjiisside-of the Bocky mountains. If cost of transportation o t produce were tbe same, it would be quite another affair. Wild fruit and /owl and fish are very abundant a a : good goose sellsior 8 rifle charges of powidety and a large-salmon for 4—cheap enough. jWill privileges without nuraher j- wood and timber plenty* some of the trees growing.thwa hun- dred feet high[' (Jlrass on the prairies all,the- NEW'^TORE & NEW;fiOODS.. T HESabwribertarejast opening nt. the corner of State & Ford Streets, (GllbeiU oj4»t«nd) arten- tiro Now, Stock pr fjoods consisting of , DRY GOODS, , -, . . i. .. GROCERIES, 4V ..,.•- CR0CKER,Y, "' « ' „ , which will be sold unusually low for 03"CASH and, most Hindsof Country prelaw, • • oVk . '1 >,„' A L W A t S orfh*«ttrla,falUupply'of th« flttrh«|wll* t 0 *ny.ever,^ffej^mtbJs,mwMtwMchwillhef^ 'by . "titu JA^. <3. AVERTLL •'-' "'. •''•'•tjPOMK&CCO." r .--'• F iNE«Utfirir3:<mokl»g-Tobacco, Sauff.rid Cfgartr or»l"lkibd»,«tallp"m«,editstanfly en band and for sale at tbe sign qi the INDIAN. Water• Swart,^Og- densbMrth M. Y. ., - A. C. PERPJGNAN. N. B.^-GAS» pan! for'Bee* ^Vax. vln7 ly 1 Aflftt*- »«»»««* ehonWirfertdowrf^ythw JastJOi' lUUWi P iveoMnd.f'>r sate by. . J.C,*.It. W,BUSH F Ot^nsburgfr,Julyistlgtf.- rtu «tt ttUTTER* 6HBfcSR r ORAIN.and alljklpds o f farmcij O^ioduce -wanted ftrwftMHIfcflfclMsstpH«» *W*fM only in winter, which melt as fast as they fall, taborers wages 81 50 to S3 50 per day—-a blessed country for the popr man. Spch is the flattering account we.havej from the emi- grants of the Oregon, Who will nottakethe risk of being scaled by Indians,, or devoured by grisly bears, to say nothing oft sustaining innu merable hardships for a succession oryears and living free from all- moral and civil re- straints, to emigrate to the-Ultima Thule or last jump.ing'off place of the El.Dorado of the final borders of the great iliimitableweai! WOOL . EXPORTED TO- EUROPE.—Ono hupdred bales,-containing 20,000 lbs. of fine Saxon .Merino , wool, grown in the United States was exported to England in tho Patrick Henry, sailed 6th of October. It was stated in the papers that si.xty.cents per pound was paidforit,l>ut this was a mistake, the pur- chaser only givcabbut fifty cents, Thispnce, however,)» a remunerating ohe, and sheep may be made* tenet V& per head per annum orr the average, which is a good business for the farmer, paying much better than -grain and grass, or fatting pork, at present rates We hope to see our flocks yearly increase. O^Thi* fias gone the rounds'but yaw inay riot haTe seen it t--*»Sbhiie one wa* telikig rjs, the other evening, of a remark that he once heard** teamed roan make, whose fib proved to be-ihe tetter baif' in the wrong sens* of lhe< term * *-l lowd my wife," he said,, * at firif r ai.TOOc'b' a* aoyBody'ever love *wife> ]jor the first tworno»t1is fj I actually wanted to eat her up,and ever since then t'veieenxorry IJidrCtPJ' ' ' Tribune. ANTr-SiAVERy MesTXNo IN BEIAWABE. We find in The True Wealeyap, published in this city, a letter from" Rev, S. C. Madack, in which he gives an account bt ghJi-Slavery Meeting lately held at Wilmington, Delaware. Benjamin Webt presided, and Isaac A Flint acted as Secretary, Resolutions were presen-. ted tJeckriog the wickedness of slave holding, the guilt of the Nation, the duty and the poli- cy of immediate emancipation, and the special advantages to be secured by Delaware, in her civil relations and mpral character, by abolish- ing Slavery^ These resolutions were ably dis- cussed before a crowded audience, assembled in the Athenaeum, and adopted by acclamation without a dissenting voice. The meeting, though anounced by the pu^jc crier, bell in band, preated no . symptoms bl disturbance. Among those who were preseht, from abroad, were C. C. Burleigh, the Well known Tem- perance and Abolition lecturer, audi Lucretia Mott, a distinguished minister of the Society of Friends. Tne number of Slaves in . Dela- ware is stated to be less than 3000, and Mr. Matlnck says it was stated, in the course of the discussion, that three fourths of the people were ready to sign petitions for immediate e- manefpattpn, with moderate compensation. If this is true, it willnotbe long before Dela- ware becomes a Free State. minion ove'r fhte face m^&i^i:^So^^iaa&ii o$$ 'Would still pass byerbis.spjulgsi^j^iiesl pf his former gloom would lipger abound, a* if watching th.eir opppittunity to re-Bsgrp their" original power. ' But their influence, tho'ugft sometimes strong, was no longer invincible^ fbi; his heart had yielded t'pi tbereigj* of hope and gladness., if'weeping, egi|i.irfi.CfoT |he> night, joy camein themorning'i Iiet the reader look iu tipop birjti-ahc('|itsi companibn, on an evening ^evote'd to the pa- ges of a favorite writer; , jhe book & in^er hsisA. Years of iritimate converse have tfoi abated his refish Jo seek add|trona:}fii%feest in- the charihs of litSJfatuire, &orh' the "richness W e copy the following from the New YdrlrJ which her tone's imparted to ihem. But hi* mind roves from the subjectcno^anfiiksoofi RATHERTXRDANT. T—The 'New-Haven Register' relates a capital story of drte of the Members ofthe Connecticut iegisfature, who was. present at Govenor BALDWIN'S ««swarry," on the evening of « Election Day." " Sipping lustily at the first glass of Ice Cream be had ever seen; be approached a per- son whom he supposed connected with' the family, and with a sort of«I'll keepf shady,air whispered^ ' Your cream iiere, as yon call it, isBweBtened-^rMrrrte^btt'-I guess«-yotir- didn^t know that it wasfroze, 4id je ?" > co5rarifNjt!jifioNs, \ . Forths Sentinel. J^n, FOOTS t^-The following ardelels one of those tpontancout growths which occasionally comeinto being of their own accord, in the study ofa professional man.— Perhaps in seeking to extenrLitself In a widerfieldjitcan hardly plead the same want of ,pre?rneditation—buta truce to apology; here it is, waidng the editor'atwel- coraeorfrowu, B^BVH. JPoUdsm, Diettnter 13,1E41- DEATH iSsTINGEP. A morbid pronewess to view everything in the gloomiest fight, was the leading mental in- firmity of my estimablo friend, Ernest. Long did this melancholy temperament cast, a som- bre hue over the nobler traits of his mind.— It Was not a peevish, or irritable, or enviorrs' gloom. Neither could the mournful shade which m often rested upon his manly coun' tenanee^bo ascribed to physical suffering, or Want or ill—.requited- affection or any o.fher rational cause. A propensity to nurse tbe gloomy phantoms ofthe mind an& to look out upon the world around him, as a dark and mournful world, an inaptness to receive the pleasure of present joys, anff a want of faith to behold others to come,*ever imparted an •w>aiasonable but teucbing sadness to all hjs social4 nt e*^-r .-«.«». musings. ^^rt-rtrrnrTfreTnercyoftlttjTi.^ ^ _ ,, a radical cure for thet.mentarmafl% r °!^, the sympathy of friends and all the appliati ces of earthly good had iailedto reach.. The peace of christian love and the brightness of christian* hope opened to HiTexpTeirttw*"^*!^ value of life, arid unsealed its fountains of! JPV' M In early youth, and before liis spirit bad? been so idisciplincd as to fit him to'appreciate the value ofthe boon, Ernest had been blessed with that most inestimable of gifts, a wife— a good wife. But though he was then oblivi- ous to the highest blessing which he was yet to fhid in this fondest of human relations*,; it must flotte supposed that his heart was ever cold to its human endearments. Even in those hours when the darkness of his spirits wa ; s triost intense and the eahle genii of his soul were in foil dance, he loved her with al most frightful intensity, and loved ber the more, because he ever expected some cararnity to turn his blesrings into'misery. It plei Heaven to bless her gentle sympathy and to reward her assiduous devotion, with thes- re< demption of-hts spirit. from its bondage iq gloom. -' I h'ave^aid that the cure whs radial. But the effecte- of his intellectual dis^ropsr kail too fast at hold to retire at. once, -**fterthe Itrength-of the stortnis Broke* many Jjng«sr> iflg fragnrents of cloud will obseuf* the bright- aun which-jeems to struggle jFc^'aerene do- : lost an silent communings., SJhete admopish- iiedi /by the absence "of- his ^UsUai. eprHnlents tip« on.the passagesj -th|t EerV6icei-.fairs uppp a listieSsear^J.'''^sio^n'er'e^^ W& UB\at\\$(£ to observe that .he is, gazipg.with an istensej, ,4_ an.almost statue gaze, into her own face; . Too weir Versed in watchifig.the phase> %$ his temperameht, she saw the rnournftil falaV cies gathering for one of those dark hours which, f h'ave saidj, would; stilly pceasionafjy^ cl(iud his renewed Jiature with their dismaf sha'dows, Tehfiar|n*g the effeei at g |rlayfuF Sallys and tempering it witli one of fie* geffflo smites, sfiie ehid fiim for" looking Wfth so v melancholy regret,upon the aepartirig' fresh- ness of youth frpro those features whose V}va> cious beauty he had so often dwelt upon, with a husband's pride. No word from his lips? ever shocked her soul, like' the brief ami bit- ter reply :—f 'J think of that waging fresjinessy and as it wastes, so my warmest jhurnanaf. fection must wither and die." - for the first time-during their intercourse'; she felt a momentary indignatipn, d feelijng that she had" mistaken the character* pf'hi** love, for herself The tear ofaprrowfand the flash of mortified pride were strangely blend>- ed in her eye 1 ., "'. ;-.' '*., Observing in an instant, that his words had carried a meaning which he did not intend,.he fastened BOOB her a .-sti-H more melancholy look, but as terKJer aa it Was*«ad^ and' Msfily added:- ''No, Caroline, believe nie, I did not mean float ± Heaven is my witness that j did not,-*-. It was not 'because 1 regretted- the exchange ofa volatilb youthful glow> fov the moref chastened lines of a matFottry' countenianfc'ej that I thus spoke. The effects of time ohliy etrengfheft fneaffeclion of earlier ; days^ .1 love the mother of my children even better than I lbyed the girl of my young ..beart.-^-- Neither regretting the changes which tinieiatid care are beginning to worlt, nor wishing to arrest its prospective effect of this nature, I have often felt that it would be sweei tosbend our evening days in undiminished attachment lightened of life s active cares', and sustained by the filial attentrpns of a virtuous offspringU- if that were all. If the wastes which time prpV duces were.only a ^aste of yputhfuf charms, it might run, it might outstrip the wind in it? flight, and I would not have a feather of it* pinioris dipt.'* ' "Biepang, which had touched her heart glanced off to return np more. Buttheaf-r fec{fonate sympathies of her nature welled iip* to her eyes, while he proceeded : ... ."'.' "Yot*saw mp gazing mPurnfu%, , though twconscipusly, into your faee^ and yoit thought I was pondering upon the departing hues of youth. §o= 0tr you read* my feermgs' I itightly. But it waffnof because the irretrievable loss of the mprning bluslj; from ''the human face Divine," impairs any fondness, or produces any want of relish in pur intereoWse'v But | mourn to think, that time will apt be satisfietf with these Jiving changes. I thpnght pf^fpomy' s " ^»pf the horrible tomb. I thought how •^^^only^dppms to &pi y ^ ! ' Thoseglossy ringlet^might "beeome grizzlyi fl^go^^d Jangk:at ^ucj apaitry be matte-IMn^olrr^rSnii^ * place of 'thpsp lustrous;prh% will.bFglti untenanted sockets. I thought of tisbofbi: surrounded by eyprything:whiCh\should.make itisW'eetto'five, buiiolily tastingenOHg^of'tho' bliss to realize the bitterness' of Its apprdaGb' dog loss;, €> death % rrjmorsfeiess,' unspari^gf death ! I0ngof TerFors I Wo may lay ^ide by side'-j we might^^ even bepntpnT^e^ineiacfi' other's^armsj-kno*ft wouldonly'be a.pricticai isarca'sm' upon the affections oflife^' "The voice of Ernest Was brought to a stand' by the intensity of his own feelings, which/ contrary to the usual course, deepened" while they : found vent. Caroline was too mueb' af- frigh'tedVbyh'is faculty of spiriting the most |lpo«riyi^iyhts, from what ought to be. the happiest ^ithfy affections—this dark magic ivhichAvould transform t h e ' c u p Ofhlissfnto Wormwood-^fo- venture- afi*'infeWUption.—" He went on r r , - ; -"Hpw often we have walked abroad v> look upon the Divine .gforfes -shining througltther face of nature. I have *dved withyou by isunlight and: moonlight, over-the- green, field* find through the grove, vocal with warblfng*" \'\

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*-.Vfl*t ^rwM^&d trtfz^&&&mBUA&&\ ,lsfa ifciw T i>b N- '•ONE' DESTINY?



'W$T®» te^wm.1 ' "• '.*_„ _ .*^nbgdpijaiff i^ N.:Vy Tuesday , December S4 , • iWMt...


Vol. 1 . •'••••&#.•£•• p i j c O N T T ES«? - $ E T K T i ' W E r . , . ' •"_ -• - ' ~fcpuiiisKe£:mil( Ti/eiimt^dgithitiirsK, Ni JV * ' iTJetftis.—0*«ifctfifl»; per year'IB- auWiSii.—Legal adver-

llaeirients inserted at tbiMcgnl rfltesvaniValliothersailiieusual ratefc'-Thi^iourrfbeBaniicil'iiV a* early asrMoMlay,to in eyslioufd

ilmt'! inste itetk —

sure unmeiliat'; insertion, and; ftjra.-mtnifieir'af ,iii?rrti(H|s5liS' IfticUym'a^d'oh.tlierianie, or else flfey wiribe-jin^erted until ordered discontinued. . • . , „ . '

vC3eP<»n.amnioatrohs \o insure attention'must b> Pott-Pai^l ' OiBce'otf the2rtd Honr* ^t the Arisiilar, il(e wimeTurnietly

oceupieSM'afiair ijfliee, by S.- S . <fc=J.,Mi, Dot/ . Ijlitruiice ifothejotficeiopposite «B.ebridge . . . i. ,

um mmmam. 4FTOM&rATIrA!r,-Corni!r of Ford i- Wakr Streets,

111? 8TAIUS;-^Ogdena!)Urgh,iSt, E.a*v. C o . N . V.


noQitBWmtfG tin all (Is .various style,, dnpe on sliort nniicL', iii tlie best iminiicr, at rodnceil prices for, CASH OR U15ADY PAV. bijt - . , , .,

d. •wT-Drnci.V.

$fefeai i tHc Akifa9ts.

?:.jrmz:M&0&&i. r

jpotefc i^y.

$jrSkopovtt~R.PtScntte»,}lwh trMuticVtartFvTA Stttet O^denabUrglt.Jrrie tStlrie4t. ' • •• ••••Jsi»''-



"..; J. $•$. RB0PJ3$i .,.'., C-H.ANU?L£RS AF.K .BJUfQHtjRS*

fit the Old••-Stend of Hicfcok-& Cbrty, opposite I. |. ,. . . ;, Lamb's.] • • • ;' r

5*-ItEAI)TMAT>E COP&tNS now and * i * A Y s on haiidi Also-^-A HEIARSE, tffi orders Ggdenarjurghj Ang.2rth> . . . • • • . , . : g 2 u

•"-••.; .- ?; ERASTGTS ^ & A S , 5- ;

'*Paimtrif, iCttfriiri at'his oid"Stnn(l, Stone Tannery, I.tifte Street^qv^rthe Brjuge.-Wps for «:ile aliirgijaiipply pCi^ath-if^arcHeap as the cheapest, andas goodas tlio best. [17u

• <'•<••*,• '• •'••• '< H . - T ' B L ' O . M A - S , . :

*• JOiAIilSTt; iS . - GROCERIES & PROVISIOMS. . NOB building, Wfleni. </.<*« Bridge. (.vl-l2u]

": iMfr&JBS&^'Sasitfaft'si. Blind1'" ' " l _ /. M A 'N Tft A C T 0 ttt.'[]' \ \ THE Subscriber has fitted up nn exienstve clifab-

lishltientiBtiTe Machine Sht)p, next door west of the flourit^bjftHi^rJlfifepprpbseoifJ'rnakinjf win­dow ?ash, doors, BUritJs, an,rl various other arUcles apperraittihg-'fo hOuse'huildirfg;' ' tm-.:t ,*% • ] .. Also, Bpd9tftads< Tables;jJ^eaiJreausiE^ndcabinet work generally. Those, wKo m a y taynr t^e estab-lishrae'nt with work of any/ kind rnajfrely tip'on hiiv--ingrir\vell,do*ie(ODd whep. promised , . . - . . i ( . •

N. ?.-^Caah paid for seasoned LttuAer. . ' ' 2 1 u ' " ' " I •••• ' ; K'imSEELL."


CHARLES. SBYMOXTR AoiKT* BaoKEtt, No. 301 St. Pa\il St;, iVonireo.,

RBBBRESCES: \Vni. t.ymttri & Co., [ton. Vi. J .K . Mills* Esqr,, ' Montreal. Seytnoiir 4-Httr.ringtnn do, J. C. Pierce If Son. St. Johhl.

Henderson, Hooker & Cn,., , & ^ . H .Peclrtfc Co. Burhrig-

, ;_ , . W-B- aWBERT, • SURftrlTQrt & CiVH.ENGINI-Jt'jR, will ditvntoJiisatten­tion trt Land Surviving and Englnreriiig, and will attend to aHicnil34nlil3 prftfcs'.ion. ' ' -

i3?'0nice, at residence Caroline St., and refer to l,avr fflce o f Fuote & Seely.—Ogdcusburgii, St. La .vrence Co. 8 3V [Vl-lllll]


i)eiiier.in Drag's.KIedicinea, P«i!iU. Oils,. Uyc-f'tn|&, *c... &c.---Pdrd Street Ogileiisliurgl),N. Y. [v'-'"!

'.'. , JAMES $•BROWN, .. . ' , ATTORNEYS, COJJNS.Er,I,ORS,£TC., .

;«)lfce^MarWe*ow, Ogdensburjjh, St.. «i»*™'y»VS>iS.';^ ' :j,e.rjjAMjss.' * ir, a BROWN. ' , T . R.H.GILWT,; '•

ATTOBSET cn'tRarELLOR AT lA.v.'aiid Soireitdr & CoHnsellor in;Clianceryy.OgdenaliurglitN.Ar. •, .

• X>. i « l Gil A PIN, ATTORNEY & Coutisellor alLnw, & Solicitor and Conn-

gell'irin Cbttncery. Awo-^iVbfawPj.Wf'c.; I&Office.Marble Row, Corner of, Fnrdatid Ciitharlne StA.,

'Oedenaburgli,St. Law. County, N. Y. [vi nluf

.Wnddington, N. Y .



SAMViSL P. ARCHIBALD! AV-OWiOlnirCOiilMISStOK AIMRCOAST, Eorj: Street Ogdensburglii N. Y , . . . ' •. ». . , '

fe-Regitlar'Sole days, lrtonilays, and Saturdays of every week. Sheriff^ add Constable's saljjs dttended to ortshort notice, [vt-'d-l

'•'" • n:frA.;viLAs, wnOlESAtt! ASnRETAir. Di!UEtts'l*iX'«n'fter. Boon, <f Shaw

of every deBcriptlom Ln?t», Sltofr-Tpolj, &c„ Set. At the nigh oftlie:Sobt,ForilSt.Ogdeiialmrgli, N . X , ,

~~ GEORGE GUEST24, • ~~. CABIN.KT' IWAKEtt fc Upholster, Isabella Street, Og-

densliurgh N„ Y. . , . . ; . . . . N . B.—Coffins readymade, nod of all sijies kept constantly

on hand. Orders frpm the country supplied on. sliort notice. Als6-AHEARS12suppli«dlrtrfrder.

Shop ntzl.door to the: OgAensturgb Briery. I n mCl

. JQW BARPER, . fl. ceiis on lttmdat tiie OGDHNSnUBfiH-BAKEP^Y, Bread

Hard Bread, Biscttit, Crackerfli ifc Citkes of all kinds. ES-N. B.—Sues for CASSH only .JIB JSi'dinaburgk, April.

S, 1841/ * • l-vl HiJ-

URMS PEARSON, CARPENtER,JOINRR,& General Builder, will attend

to all culls in his linn of bQsinei<8, whir proinprtiess mut «I>--*pat>'h, " ~ — .. tmflrfitig. burgh, "

THE- MUTUAI SIOUBI r PSURA.Y0I COMPANY' \ , - : - • • i • • • - ! , - . P I " , ' . ' - > , . • , • '•-, • . , - > • :

• • . WEW \HJi,VENf. QOJNNH - • ...-r.

OF F E R S to rnsvire.HQII?ES, STOJIES, ftJJLLS B A K N S , and other buildings and their poh-

[iehk add nil descfiptidDi o f insufable propertjr, a* gainsf lo .^ or Damage by FK^E' . ':

Thi s company offers to'persons wantling jrisprtince the double advantage of full indemriityia-caseono^s, by means o f an ampler capitoI; whi le It nrfUes-iq its charter so much of the mutnarpcinciple, as to stive the dealer a chance to barticipate in. its profits "with*-out being in any way liable for its-losses.,.. ; > t . .

The directors pledge themselves lothi? public, that the business-of the'eorripany fihajl b , ia'-ail-respects, conducted on Mie most Jai/ and liberal prjncipjes.

The rates of premium offered, are asilowas those of anjrsimilar insiitution* - '; - -;. •"> "• :•'

For further information apply„to the- undersigned agent who is authorized (o take risks amd issue p'ol-icies to applicants Without delayr. " * . .-!

D I R B C t O R S / ' " • V

Joseph N . Clarke, ; Eliiitt A'Waier,' ' N^ A.. Bacon, Nvltap Pe,qkjJr.. John Bradley. H . is. Stdtile, VV>iHs Bristol, • 'Theron Towher,-" ••

"W. II. Ellis, . Aaron Beqedipt,, John English, Harvey Barnes, pentfis Kimberly, . Sheldon- Bassett,

Enos Sperry... JOSEPH N-. CLARKE,\ Pr&foK

P.S.Ql\L$w,SccreiairJ, , ! . , . . , • ' • ' • • ' « A.B.JA'MESjAgient, .

t>l~3Sh] ' Ogidepsburgh.

THE siibseriber-is jtist'recetvtn^ a-getiernl assort . menr^f GOODS,- which'' will he sold fbr-

readjr piy only, and therefofc'^llf Sell cheaper than any-other s(ofecan,Jhat is in the credUsysterh.i *- Htha's a Mge a«iortmeni Of all bihds ofaoods.—

. : ; J ^ ^ £ & c # > s ? h .CS^gEi<3»?lCLs3a •;;*si;apIe^^oir*ils. : '-St er<0MgcHe», "Whfcfi-a"},e*raafked at the lowest prices. CASH» khd alF sorts of- '* ' " - . • - ' * ; •

eh in ejcch'ange r-Those wi *lftijri-ferfl.to'call.'•'N'o Chitf 'ft Taken in fejcch'ange—-Those wishing ,to purchase

, .jWlft^-lMH.to'call. VN6 chafgeTof* sbbwinggriods, | *tffryr«*fei«»««te<*r.th-em.."' ^ F<K0BB1NS.;-

0«de|fehj|» >;|jo.y,>j|l!feA§'14v * , t • [33*n]:



ilE subsej-jljerlas teceiyed fiw stock prfflUand _ r. * Winter Goods, which be' flattefs Uihiself will

drimp'are* nftihitriy Other in ttfiShiarl'et in qttaUt or cheapnea'?, tyidrwhich he offers to the: public at prices whichi-cannot fajl- tosat isfy nil p f h i s intent ioUto do them good.—Hio stock o f

, Fbom. the Button Atlas.



ti 1ST 5 1 " ^ J-J:1'-'*&•'iYTL'li- would \ji.t JKJ «»~^-jtifornHiis old Custoitf

1 ors and the Fubjfe. ncneralty, that he has nguin eummonccd ULAOKHMITH-I910 in Qgdensburgh, ttt hfrOLU STAND oppo-atie the Wasfiiii»(on Hotel. [wi ly ]

.Oidensburj^ij APtil ».1IS«t'k-,.i . - • . . , Spring Goods.—I'944. FIRST ARRIVAL —Idst Yeeeive«r nnd how

opening at the STv J.A-VYaBDrCE' GAS& STORE a full .assortment, oi every diescription of DRY GOODS and selling' Venv CriBAP., < • - •- • j [5u] • , ; • E D W M CLARK.

W00Lj~-Stone Factory, OgfletiatargTi. THESnUifdrWors^vourd res-pectfulty infiirmilnnFnrrno's^l*

iliis Cdimty tmd vicinity. Hint oun ot thu firm, bp? just erected a lafgestotie fitctory, for» Uio-pttrpoae olf miitiufiicturiiij ItroiilmOoodt.BUiihm Cmimerea, I'htmelomi, Flannels, Cwt-tadn. Qreyatf Satinet*, by tntfyuiid, or Ob fllfurctsj ami will cx-change cloths, for wool, on cucli liiriiu'us caiiapt fait (ogiiro" satisfaction.U> all wlio may paronfeB tltelo.

•I'lielr workipeii and miichlnery are ofihe ffrst etas?, ijml they are iliercftrefcoufMc''t tt» sayiftjr, thactlielt gwods-fn point ofr durability will not bi'-surpnased by those of a sjnijljir. establish­ment In this section of tpo State.-• WOOL.-r-They Will also cjiru wool.aqd tlress cloth, fo customers. In it workmunliko mminer; ami nt slmrt notice. -

(tfCASIU mid. all klniliofnmiitictttiiKciiliiipaymeiitf , .Osile!«tbmgh,Juiie;3,l&14 (llltt? MOW*.'«RAKH.

CO\DY & NEVV3VIAN, return thdr thanks to their friends, who have? heretofore paiifonizcdithenr,-and wish )o inform, their patcpns thattliey, arenboat to dissolve. ' . ' , " '

Allpersotis haying demands againsti the firm-, nre" UUI19 111 Ills linw Ul uui*IHKl*», M-l.il {i.uiiiiiiiirca HUM u> - - t — •• ' - " o " , -, a - • ^ h, B-3"Shop fortnerfy occupiwt by Geo. P. Clnrh seoiindiul'eg.ueated lp present therrjhy th,e first tof. Septemwr. itigdasioiriiier/esbytcriuii ciimcii, Ford st„ Ogdens- next. And th'ise who ar« Indebted, willl rlease-call "•.tf-Y- • ''•, tvNrtuj and-ettlelmntediaiely; < • ' ,-'• i , ' •;.

: S. BAWLErpr.ATX, XTTOnNEY atliinVi and Solicitor in Cimncery, lins opened

fi Law- Office n'-ar theGidloiip Mill*in Lisbon. AMnbviness in the line of his profession' will be punctually attended to.-r-Also,Oeen>, Will's,, Cotitracts, Powers of Attornoy, Lenses, Konila, Mortgdgen, Chattel .Ijortgugesi' Agreements, inilett-

turcK, &ij., drawn wfth accuracy ami despatclu [vi-3u]

"" J%NOQL& SUlfORItlS, At

mntediaiely TT B. MrtCoady, will continue the (Chair making

arm Painting business, at the old stand, the shop formerly, of Hlckocft &'Carry, Isjbell&tftreet.XfUB

PAtNE tatceti this tnotltod'" to inform'his friehd«* B. » and the publju generally lM$ he bun Removed hia tailoring establi.ihment to Wuter Street in the building

APOTHECARY STORE, in the Brictf Bnildrngs, sfgn of fpimerly occi'upifdiby^F. A\ Hinse, artrl dlirectljr-opposito - - • • — - - - - - - • ...... I. ,Whee}ocks Grocery Store, where Ife; wij| be ready to-

attond'to all who may favor him with their patronage., . e r j r f l N G ' d o t i e o t ) the shorten notice,. " N . B . Just, receive^ the latest fashipn*.^0'": Now

York. , , . 'Osdensburah, April ft, 1844. . * ' J 2l» '

the Golden MorUir, FofdSl. Ogdensburgh. N. Y, " ' EFFreseripttons carefully ,prcpared..Ctl


andVUlasterintChartcery;—Ogd'ehsbtlrgh,. SttLaw. PowN.y.'


R. ,^. Judson having been appointed ngept for tfiisllConi-fianv, will insure on reasoniible tfriiif against loss ocd image tiyi^re; Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture1 and all kinds of property. Alllosse^protupily adjusted.

Ogilensburgh April, 2p Mi. n5ly


Capitalv 8300,000. Office 57 VVhll St. jr.. Y. (dciisburL


Capitalv ©300,000, Office 57 VVhll St. W^Y. .. Fill Insure buildings and, niercttandlze agatnsLflm in Ogi sburglmndvicinity-: ,»« B,-AX.L*,I«, iatcbI3,I84^ 1-iy * ' { . *2tnU


JOB PRINTING, . . | , "Executed in the best manner, and on short notlcej at the


THE-cubscriber wovrld'ttespectfutly llnform tb& In^ habitanr^^hmiensbnrgb a°d it» vicinity that

be has commenced titer—*—_... ' ' * *• *

on Isabelia-Stree, one tioor north of Timothy oTm* sled's GroceFu where he solicitRnshateaf *t|epqbjie patronage. ftyRepatring dori^with ncames^ and despatch. ' JAJ1ES8. EATON. '•

0»densburghFApl23,1944. ,. , lYlnttyl


ROBERT WILSON. Wtrttld infiirin his old friend?ind;tTie public that ha wilt hBreafterdcvote Ms attention to Paint-

Inif. plain and! ornamental— Also, to paper hangingand white-washingv Whitewash stfprepared thitt It will not rnb off.

He will also, attend to gl(izinir, and vamfshing furniture. Orderafor'anyOfihe'above-ltlnds ofwork will .he promptly

attended tdi and i t low price* for Ready Poy.—Hei may bo «bund at the 2d dwelling; nortjj of the Pre'byteMar i Churohon franklin sueet, ROBERT WILSON.

Ogdensburgh,Junea5th»18«. V?-W

JURE & MARINE INSURANCE, ftie tt§m (iffntnal) Insnranc? Company,: " ^ o M c f e J ? VAU, tjB&nvifiKt,^ , Witt'eifect, fire, marine and inland itayigftttQir'

riskSi insuring" vessels,' cargoes affreights upon alk the* T akes aM river St. 'Xawrahce.—pgdepsbfirgh Oct. 15,18«. f29o} -L. HASBROTJCK, Agent.

I&&J& BLANKS, 77-—

OF al-j kindsj Deeds-, Bonds and Mortgages, Chaltet Mortgages, Bonds & Watrtnta o f Attorney,, Natw,

ttecords, Executions, jjus'ticesf process & c „ for ia jea t Jhe-Eaito*'* qSce o f lifeSantineL.

HElW St6REr. A , B O t . B S V c c t t r e freceivtrur aiirge; ahd' {feacrhl as>

•"* sortment of Merchandize, cons(sung;Of ,• . mf Gtidagi'eRbOERiE CROCKERY, PWWARE^

LeatWr,B!iSdlsiShM»:»n:aproWsioh*, Wliifch w|ll Be sold tor Cash, or exchange for country produce, uppnihe wqsifu-vormble terms. 10-u


ALARATllf of f superior <3JJalnyj a constant snpply^at Facfojar andiWew York prices. F fiy - i l .J-.C:&R'«W^KTJSH:.

Custom Cardinigr* rpHE, subscrllwrs having rqntc4 the clotlilna wnrki at Ilea-* veltdn and put the mueMnery tn oxcetleitt repair, areiprc-.

pared to do work as well and oil a* fuvorabto terras as at; arty other establfs'lmiant in tb« coanty. (drctiiiiomers from a dis­tance can have their rolls to ^^&tftoP£&&.A.~i -

lleuvelton, JunoS.IBM, lti<i} BHtD'i* CHAPArAN.

ReanTs W A P E I N G PAPER, 50 Reams WRITINGJParer.TJLA^if BOOR%, &c:}

or sale cheap by ' Sittj * • • » • S.DIX.

Is quite large and elegant, comprising ever,y.article of Dressgriodjsforlijdifsf a«td,«adilemen^« clothing.


mt.QBQoMME's 4. enoexmt. Also—Stewart's steam refined sugar house Mo­

lasses. 1 Gall and examine. H. .T. BACON. Ogdensbnrgfe; Gctrt!9ih-1&«. < - [33u;j

* — - i -.1 - 1 1 i t . - : . - 11.. h : - i » . - . - 1 - . , , - • - — —

CASTOR OIL& Ooughcandies.<-Jiist received, 0 fr«h supply and forsale by ISAAC PERKINS,

r36tt] 1 - ' « \ - • -. • Fordatreet.

pORKJ—10,0 Bbl«? inspectied meiw, 30,bbl». F.rim X" i-amti- Prime Bams, Sep. -Alio/ Sugar in BaweU Molasses iij.do.. T^js.^ojjtfcoo,^^ jas^reCcivod and for sale; cheap by

• l'Su v ^ '• t ,.*-.- - £ c : & t t . W . B D S l r l

TUSf rerelvc^ aMheBJlil Btoflc, west end of tbehrhtefor J-stilebV •'• ••"' " ~ ' 12a • Hi THOMAS. •

t r . : . . tn •; ; •—; '•«•• - " " i — • • . M ~ '" ' • . t EHteil COAL.-30 tons this day received by • L< JunelSUi. 12u ' »J. O. St It. W. BtiSH.

f ATitPSDlE, a gowftirticle, of bleached at 1© per Jul gallonrfust receirett and for sales by

D e | j 3 , 1 8 4 . . ISAAC J«ERKiNS, [#3rn3 - Ford street.

WHITELEAT>,:Dfyanc}groundirroil. Afresh supply jusl,receiyed. and for sale by ' ,

. «ISA.AC JERKINS, [S6-3m3 Ford street.

apply jus',i


SAL §OJ?A, a good article for cheap by ' ISAAC PiHs

washing for sale PiHKiks, Fprd street,


-» 000 Busljels Corn and 5000 Bnshrts Oata wanted, I, for which ihe highest price wil! be paid hy

A; BOLES & Co. Dee,2,1$H* 36a


! . . . T . . . L . L . t ' 1 - — . - . . - i . J . '}

Of Hgve Jjst revived a, ^etyexteiosiTe stock seasonable and Fashionable t

. . „ -mwL%:t'®-®MM® •'" v" ofthefifSt9Lna|ity,and still their stock js as extent siveajjdr as cheap as'. any other establish meat in this*nortberr> edotrtry.' Theptiblic eari only judge bf.ihd variety, quality and cheapness by actual id-* speetion to which ilitgri aro carnx-stly invited wfth-the assurance ih«\good articlis apd coda* bargains, cari certoinl/ he* found at the establishment of A. W.~Woo1Iey&i3o; ' " i -' ' •

OorgOod* will be freely shown 10 all *hofavc* ns.witha call, whether purchasing op pr.ieipg'-'1-a^UohU forget, the-cheapStow,jFJI ,1 . " In addition W the'ttbove, we Offer a general as-

sottment'of " ."' ' t •.-,••••••• " Family €fir*deerit9f D(ai,dtpare)Cr6cJi»

try if €tltt89*toare> %. %y%. Pj| ».^.I .»I'» . ...I • .1., , ,

. ., . ' ,. .... 4.*:sfff,„: . . . . , , • B3*ALL kinds of CdnhtryProduce taken \n 11 4bange% Goods at faii-priees;

*' eABttTfAnJ I^R- Att*i«SD$ O F v

j # S K 1&T S iJSfS • AiSp :S*HEEP 'PELTS 0gdensbtfrgh;Dec.2,l£i*. SG-Srh


NEW/GOODS4 gO i Bbl* &> J3oite» So^ar, 5>0 «« Toax, .

20 .1 ( 10

50' SOflQ lbs,

Raisins, ' SOBP,'__. ' !-Ground Couoef Tobacco, .


JWusIc Storc-Wookn ff Stationery. •\TE V establisliroent just opening. In P. Gilbert's building, •^conierofFord andState Stnjeu wliqro litis lite Intent ion lokeepa eeaeralassuituientof Vojulttnd Jiiisuum^utul mu-

%ic books. Also, Piano-fortes of all t(e8»rlptions. Brass Band instruments, Vlolinc-cllus, Viollitcand moil other mtlsi-cal instruments, on hund, or received to ordur, by a few days

ALSOvrrAll kinds of School Books and | Libraries, Writing Papd'r, QUtlls, ii(atas»&e,

ALSO.—Periodicals of all Icintis.ortit the newLhetalureof the

ALSO*-AH kinds of School Books and ,|bqoK» for School Ibraries, Writlnj! Paper, QUills, ii(atas»&e. ALSO.—Periodicals of all k W s . arid the newLltorature:) e day as fast as pnbHstied and-rereived byaxpMshy ,


,FOE mi<& OR REl^T^Ho«s0 and Lot, corner of Caroline and Fay.ette-Tsrmsliberal. A p p j t o „„„„.<

J V 3 ; -rVRi^W. BpSKT; *

-"ISstnit Insurance Campanu ^ F HARTFO*I> ^V^gOTietiT.

q.^-ri * A. ii $ 2 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 ? *gn« UASKELL. bavins? been appalloiatf Ageotby

. J t ' - • Jtlie.33tn« In*artiic* Company afllaitford, C6nr>,gqn"erftoinsqte dweltiBJ?. hpnse*^stores, indte mhmtfactorienbarn*,4^wMMid yeaielft wftil* Jo port* <ir on the etoeksi ghorlat iritTeveryothiSrspecie*of ib^ giimblepersonalproporty aHiitist toss ordtmageby m' at»« low ii iM o f ptejpinm Wmf aTlnilarinsliJ tution in.*ood itanding* Tire ^Etna Insurance Com. pa,ny m* incorporafdiiri IM9i ami tllie»roriiiraUon it lia Jias acquiredfor 1 . iujtraent and .paymeptoHo»8*f»t pMdgo-toentitle it to ••»•'-""• -<-»gev~agdensbufgrr;

J^* Jost received and for tale low for CASH.

OariFsaatiiton, Nov. 30,1S44.

TUESuhspribersiare receivins art .extensive as­sortment of MERCHANDISE forsalelow for

Cash or ready pay—comprising, . . .

' • i" ) anocEHiES,

S'Grt - v A . ,BOLE„S&Co.

Ye may cease your'toil, ye have done your worst} 1 Your sympathy, now give o'er;

Ye' have ptxEn on tin our lot accurst, ABdhopeforpsisnoinore. ,

Our ehaipBye have clenched, our fetters made fast, And the 6tripe?-on ourblcedlrig flesh

May never be healed. For the past—for the pasti Do our wounds gusn. forth afresh..

We have borne the laahy wehave borne the thong, And Weekly endued* it all;. ** »"

For we khew ye were tnen withtBympathy strong, On whom foraid we could call.

Wo have seen the wife, and the tender cluld, On to darker bondage led;

And proudly have knelt and blessed and smiled, Whilu inly our souls have bled.

For we hoped, through yjou,o day would rfee, ."iVhenpurjfettejs; should crumple and break;

B « | a, withering orb, not set in the skies, The blessing from us shall take.

,'Tis a LONE DABK STAB, in ascension now,

And i t s raya on ua shall Jail, T o blight and to mildew, to break or to bow,

And bind in eternal thrall.

With our brother's blood Its nuclous i s llacfc, As jt flowsftom his wounds afresh;

Audi t lights up the alavefa cruel track, A s he hunts for human flesh.

I n mistaken hate, and misguided zeal, Y e have placed it irtyour crown j

And, we, whom ye pitied, aro made to fee?, A' curse which y e have called down.

W i t h Columbia'3 stars i t shall soon be set, To blacken that circlet fair t ,

And ye, when ye see it,-shall shame and regret, , With penitence and with prayer.

There was one to our aid ye might have colled, Whollfted Enbea'B yoke,

When lier nation in Moslem's chains was enthralled, And the'glonouscroes-lighthrolce..

Yettighthave invoked his honored name, Whose echo forever shall ride

O'er the Andea heights on the breath of fiuno, " Or float with La Plata's tide.

' Y* jscowren xx— and weare in bondagesuTl j Hopeless, perpetuate, deep 5

Our cup With despair to the brim did ye fill; '.. _Go^hlde-yonrfaefi9,,andweep.

JJIay God from your country the cuBBEaverti Tho'. wo shallatlll grind in chains j •

• Oh i, darken the land wlthno deadlier hurt j ' While the FBIEHD OP SLAVXXV reigns. ,

Wam»U CvfJagt, Louxll, Notttriber, 1814.

IffijiortMt MoTement, We are highly gmttfierJ to lay . befpfeV our

readers the foUpwing^br'fei accpant of^ mpve ment iq lite noble, ifftle State of Jjielkware, tpwards; the abolition ,pf, Slayery in. thauState. Mpst heartily dp we wish that she would take the matter in hand at once, ptirge herselfirpit, the crying evil of Slavery, arid lead off the way towards its final peaceable^bplitipni HPW gladly should v»e vreicortje-dSr sister In­to the circle of Free States.' We trust there are other. States that would, ere long, follow hef example; Where are her leading ' men ? Where is JOHN M. CLAYTON ? Let.hyn put himself forward in this movement* and bis country will have superadded reas&n to heap blessfn'gs on his name. '

JFVom the American Agriculturalist.


The Western papef gives us late and interest­ing information respecting1 this distant lerrito. ryj and we have no doubt that "we shall «odn have a delegate in Congress from it.' They hove already (at least on paper) a large com­mercial city, four miles above the mouth of the Wallamette, where town lots are selling, at 850 each, being (as they say)a great sdcri-Jke, as they ate valued at full f 200! Pork is worthflO cents j beef6 cents; potatoes 40 cerits^ floor 94 ber hundred % butter 25 ceofs, catttelfom t$0'to-$l50 each r 'and horses the same. A herd ol one bvfndred young cows driven over ihe-moun'tains would briog j£4,000 Cftsh. irr-a rare chance fpr trovers. We WOBM advise our friends on ib e upper Missoqri to look tp Oregon for a rnWkel,-rather than to New Orleans; the distances of the two places heihg aboo^equal from our frontier settlements tjiisside-of the Bocky mountains. If cost of transportation o t produce were tbe same, it would be quite another affair. Wild fruit and /owl and fish are very abundant a a : good goose sellsior 8 rifle charges of powidety and a large-salmon for 4—cheap enough. jWill privileges without nuraher j - wood and timber plenty* some of the trees growing.thwa hun­dred feet high[' (Jlrass on the prairies all,the-


THESabwribertarejastopening nt. the corner of State & Ford Streets, (GllbeiU oj4»t«nd) arten-

tiro Now, Stock pr fjoods consisting of , DRY GOODS, , -, . . i. ..

GROCERIES, 4V . . , . • -CR0CKER,Y, "' « ' „ ,

which will be sold unusually low for 03"CASH and, most Hindsof Country prelaw, „ • • o V k . '1 > ,„ '

• A LWAtS orfh*«ttrla,falUupply'of th« flttrh«|wll*

t0*ny.ever,^ffej^mtbJs,mwMtwMchwillhef^ 'by . "titu JA^. <3. AVERTLL

•'-' " ' . •''•'•tjPOMK&CCO."r • .--'•

FiNE«Utfirir3:<mokl»g-Tobacco, Sauff.rid Cfgartr or»l"lkibd»,«tallp"m«,editstanfly en band and

for sale at tbe sign qi the INDIAN. Water• Swart, Og-densbMrth M. Y. ., - A. C. PERPJGNAN.

N. B.^-GAS» pan! for'Bee* ^Vax. vln7 ly

1 A f l f t t * - » « » » « « * ehonWirfertdowrf^ythw JastJOi' lUUWiPiveoMnd.f'>r sate b y . . J . C , * . I t . W,BUSH F Ot^nsburgfr,Julyistlgtf.- rtu «tt

ttUTTER* 6HBfcSRr ORAIN.and alljklpds o f farmcij O^ioduce -wanted ftrwftMHIfcflfclMsstpH«» *W*fM

only in winter, which melt as fast as they fall, taborers wages 81 50 to S3 50 per day—-a blessed country for the popr man. Spch is the flattering account we.havej from the emi­grants of the Oregon, Who will not take the risk of being scaled by Indians,, or devoured by grisly bears, to say nothing oft sustaining innu merable hardships for a succession oryears and living free from all- moral and civil re­straints, to emigrate to the-Ultima Thule or last jump.ing'off place of the El.Dorado of the final borders of the great iliimitableweai!

W O O L . EXPORTED TO- EUROPE.—Ono hupdred bales,-containing 20,000 lbs. of fine Saxon .Merino , wool, grown in the United States was exported to England in tho Patrick Henry, sailed 6th of October. It was stated in the papers that si.xty.cents per pound was paid for it,l>ut this was a mistake, the pur­chaser only givcabbut fifty cents, Thispnce, however,)» a remunerating ohe, and sheep may be made* tenet V& per head per annum orr the average, which is a good business for the farmer, paying much better than -grain and grass, or fatting pork, at present rates We hope to see our flocks yearly increase.

O^Thi* fias gone the rounds'but yaw inay riot haTe seen it t--*»Sbhiie one wa* telikig rjs, the other evening, of a remark that he once heard** teamed roan make, whose fib proved to be-ihe tetter baif' in the wrong sens* of lhe< term * *-l lowd my wife," he said,, * at firifrai.TOOc'b' a* aoyBody'ever 4 « love *wife> ]jor the first tworno»t1isfjI actually wanted to eat her up,and ever since then t'veieenxorry IJidrCtPJ' ' '



We find in The True Wealeyap, published in this city, a letter from" Rev, S. C. Madack, in which he gives an account bt ghJi-Slavery Meeting lately held at Wilmington, Delaware. Benjamin Webt presided, and Isaac A Flint acted as Secretary, Resolutions were presen-. ted tJeckriog the wickedness of slave holding, the guilt of the Nation, the duty and the poli­cy of immediate emancipation, and the special advantages to be secured by Delaware, in her civil relations and mpral character, by abolish­ing Slavery^ These resolutions were ably dis­cussed before a crowded audience, assembled in the Athenaeum, and adopted by acclamation without a dissenting voice. The meeting, though anounced by the pu^jc crier, bell in band, preated no . symptoms bl disturbance. Among those who were preseht, from abroad, were C. C. Burleigh, the Well known Tem­perance and Abolition lecturer, audi Lucretia Mott, a distinguished minister of the Society of Friends. Tne number of Slaves in . Dela­ware is stated to be less than 3000, and Mr. Matlnck says it was stated, in the course of the discussion, that three fourths of the people were ready to sign petitions for immediate e-manefpattpn, with moderate compensation. If this is true, it willnotbe long before Dela­ware becomes a Free State.

minion ove'r fhte face m^&i^i:^So^^iaa&ii o$$ 'Would still pass byerbis.spjulgsi^j^iiesl pf his former gloom would lipger abound, a* if watching th.eir opppittunity to re-Bsgrp their" original power. ' But their influence, tho'ugft sometimes strong, was no longer invincible^ fbi; his heart had yielded t'pi tbereigj* of hope and gladness., if'weeping, egi|i.irfi.CfoT |he> night, joy camein themorning'i

Iiet the reader look iu tipop birjti-ahc('|itsi companibn, on an evening ^evote'd to the pa­ges of a favorite writer; , j h e book & in^er hsisA. Years of iritimate converse have tfoi abated his refish Jo seek add|trona:}fii%feest in-the charihs of litSJfatuire, &orh' the "richness

W e copy the following from the New YdrlrJ which her tone's imparted to ihem. But hi* mind roves from the subjectcno^anfiiksoofi

RATHERTXRDANT. T—The 'New-Haven Register' relates a capital story of drte of the Members ofthe Connecticut iegisfature, who was. present at Govenor BALDWIN'S ««swarry," on the evening of « Election Day."

" Sipping lustily at the first glass of Ice Cream be had ever seen; be approached a per­son whom he supposed connected with' the family, and with a sort of«I'll keepf shady,air whispered^ ' Your cream iiere, as yon call it, isBweBtened-^rMrrrte^btt'-I guess«-yotir- didn^t know that it wasfroze, 4id je ?" >

co5rarifNjt!jifioNs, \ . Forths Sentinel.

J^n, F O O T S t^-The following ardelels one of those tpontancout growths which occasionally comeinto being of their own accord, in the study o f a professional man.— Perhaps in seeking to extenrLitself In a wider fieldjit can hardly plead the same want of ,pre?rneditation—buta truce to apology; here it is, waidng the editor'atwel-coraeorfrowu, B BVH.

JPoUdsm, Diettnter 13,1E41-

DEATH iSsTINGEP. A morbid pronewess to view everything in

the gloomiest fight, was the leading mental in­firmity of my estimablo friend, Ernest. Long did this melancholy temperament cast, a som­bre hue over the nobler traits of his mind.— It Was not a peevish, or irritable, or enviorrs' gloom. Neither could the mournful shade which m often rested upon his manly coun' tenanee^bo ascribed to physical suffering, or Want or ill—.requited- affection or any o.fher rational cause. A propensity to nurse tbe gloomy phantoms ofthe mind an& to look out upon the world around him, as a dark and mournful world, an inaptness to receive the pleasure of present joys, anff a want of faith to behold others to come,*ever imparted an •w>aiasonable but teucbing sadness to all hjs s o c i a l 4 n t e * ^ - r .-«.«». musings. ^^rt-rtrrnrTfreTnercyoftlttjTi.^ ^ _ , ,

a radical cure for thet.mentarmafl% r ° ! ^ , the sympathy of friends and all the appliati ces of earthly good had iailedto reach.. The peace of christian love and the brightness of christian* hope opened to HiTexpTeirttw*"^*!^ value of life, arid unsealed its fountains of!



In early youth, and before liis spirit bad? been so idisciplincd as to fit him to'appreciate the value ofthe boon, Ernest had been blessed with that most inestimable of gifts, a wife— a good wife. But though he was then oblivi­ous to the highest blessing which he was yet to fhid in this fondest of human relations*,; it must flotte supposed that his heart was ever cold to its human endearments. Even in those hours when the darkness of his spirits wa;s triost intense and the eahle genii of his soul were in foil dance, he loved her with al most frightful intensity, and loved ber the more, because he ever expected some cararnity to turn his blesrings into'misery. It plei Heaven to bless her gentle sympathy and to reward her assiduous devotion, with thes- re< demption of-hts spirit. from its bondage iq gloom. -' I h'ave^aid that the cure whs radial. But the effecte- of his intellectual dis^ropsr kail too fast at hold to retire at. once, -**fterthe Itrength-of the stortnis Broke* many Jjng«sr> iflg fragnrents of cloud will obseuf* the bright-aun which-jeems to struggle jFc^'aerene do-

: lost an silent communings., SJhete admopish-iiedi /by the absence "of- his UsUai. eprHnlents tip« on.the passagesj -th|t EerV6icei-.fairs uppp a listieSsear^J.'''^sio^n'er'e^^ W& UB\at\\$(£ • to observe that .he is, gazipg.with an istensej, ,4_ an.almost statue gaze, into her own face; .

Too weir Versed in watchifig.the phase> %$ his temperameht, she saw the rnournftil falaV cies gathering for one of those dark hours which, f h'ave saidj, would; stilly pceasionafjy^ cl(iud his renewed Jiature with their dismaf sha'dows, Tehfiar|n*g the effeei at g |rlayfuF Sallys and tempering it witli one of fie* geffflo smites, sfiie ehid fiim for" looking Wfth sov • melancholy regret,upon the aepartirig' fresh­ness of youth frpro those features whose V}va> cious beauty he had so often dwelt upon, with a husband's pride. No word from his lips? ever shocked her soul, like' the brief ami bit­ter reply :—f 'J think of that waging fresjinessy and as it wastes, so my warmest jhurnanaf. fection must wither and die." - for the first time-during their intercourse'; she felt a momentary indignatipn, d feelijng that she had" mistaken the character* pf'hi** love, for herself The tear ofaprrowfand the flash of mortified pride were strangely blend>-ed in her eye1., • "'. ;-.' '*.,

Observing in an instant, that his words had carried a meaning which he did not intend,.he fastened BOOB her a .-sti-H more melancholy look, but as terKJer aa it Was*«ad and' Msfily added:-

''No, Caroline, believe nie, I did not mean float ± Heaven is my witness that j did not,-*-. I t was not 'because 1 regretted- the exchange ofa volatilb youthful glow> fov the moref chastened lines • of a matFottry' countenianfc'ej that I thus spoke. The effects of time ohliy etrengfheft fneaffeclion of earlier; days^ .1 love the mother of my children even better than I lbyed the girl of my young ..beart.-^--Neither regretting the changes which tinieiatid care are beginning to worlt, nor wishing to arrest its prospective effect of this nature, I have often felt that it would be sweei tosbend our evening days in undiminished attachment lightened of life s active cares', and sustained by the filial attentrpns of a virtuous offspringU-if that were all. If the wastes which time prpV duces were.only a ^aste of yputhfuf charms, it might run, it might outstrip the wind in it? flight, and I would not have a feather of it* pinioris dipt.'* '

"Biepang, which had touched her heart glanced off to return np more. Buttheaf-r

fec{fonate sympathies of her nature welled iip* to her eyes, while he proceeded : . . . ."'.'

"Yot*saw mp gazing mPurnfu%,, though twconscipusly, into your faee^ and yoit thought I was pondering upon the departing hues of youth. §o= 0tr you read* my feermgs' I itightly. But it waffnof because the irretrievable loss of the mprning bluslj; from ''the human face Divine," impairs any fondness, or produces any want of relish in pur intereoWse'v But | mourn to think, that time will apt be satisfietf with these Jiving changes. I thpnght pf^fpomy' s" ^»pf the horrible tomb. I thought how

• ^ ^ ^ o n l y ^ d p p m s to &piy^!'

Thoseglossy ringlet^might "beeome grizzlyi

f l ^ g o ^ ^ d Jangk:at ^ucj apaitry be m a t t e - I M n ^ o l r r ^ r S n i i ^ * place of 'thpsp lustrous;prh% will.bFglti untenanted sockets. I • thought of tisbofbi: surrounded by eyprything:whiCh\should.make itisW'eetto'five, buiiolily tastingenOHg^of'tho' bliss to realize the bitterness' of Its apprdaGb' dog loss;, €> death % rrjmorsfeiess,' unspari^gf death ! I0ngof TerFors I Wo may lay ^ide by side'-j we might ^ even bepntpnT^e^ineiacfi' other's^armsj-kno*ft wouldonly'be a.pricticai isarca'sm' upon the affections oflife^'

"The voice of Ernest Was brought to a stand' by the intensity of his own feelings, which/ contrary to the usual course, deepened" while they :found vent. Caroline was too mueb' af-frigh'tedVbyh'is faculty of spiriting the most |lpo«riyi^iyhts, from what ought to be. the happiest ^i thfy affections—this dark magic ivhichAvould transform the 'cup Ofhlissfnto Wormwood-^fo- venture- afi*'infeWUption.—" He went on r r , -

; -"Hpw often we have walked abroad v> look upon the Divine .gforfes -shining througltther face of nature. I have *dved withyou by isunlight and: moonlight, over-the- green, field* find through the grove, vocal with warblfng*"
