unit 1 - tourism


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Unit 1 - Tourism


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Trabalho apresentado à disciplina

Estágio Supervisionado

(8º período)

Profa. Rosana Silva do Espírito Santo


Unit 1- Cristina Bacarat Juliana Ramos Jussara Cristina H. da Silva

Unit 2- Camila Angélica de Rezende Amaral

Eduarda Cristina Cordeiro de Figueiredo

Unit 3- Melânya Fiaux Nicholas Andrade

Unit 4-Flavia Ramos Lemos da Silva Laryssa Cristina Castro Gomes

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Tourism in BRAZIL

Unit 1

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Is Bahia special for you?

Read the text below and find why it is special.

Unit 1…………………………………………3


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Bahia is the largest of the

northeastern states of Brazil. Its

capital, Salvador, founded in

1549, (and often referred to

simply as "Bahia"), is commonly

believed by most Brazilians to be

the soul of Brazil.

Historically, Bahia was where the

original Portuguese settlers built

their first city in Brazil and it was to remain the seat of political, administrative and economic

power until 1763 when the capital moved to Rio de Janeiro, a thousand miles to the south. Bahia

was also the source of the initial wealth of the colony as through its massive sugar cane and

tobacco plantations supplying the expanding markets of Europe. Evidence of this wealth and

Bahia’s golden era is to be seen in Salvador’s famous Pelourinho district, which houses the

largest, and best preserved complex of colonial architecture in the Americas.

Culturally, the population of Bahia grew as the work force for these plantations were brought as

slaves from Africa, mainly from West Africa. The heritage of these slaves, mainly Yorubá

speaking, permeates the city to this day. The predominant influence is the Candomblé, the

worshipping of the ancestral deities or orixá's (orishá) from Africa, an animist religion where

each deity represents one of the elements of nature. These orixá's are worshipped in the

thousands of terreiro's (places of worship) in Bahia and in the cycle of popular festival which

take place during the summer months. Yemanjá, the goddess of the sea; Oxum, the goddess of

rivers and lakes, and Oxalá, the god of creation are some of the more important orixá's in the

vast pantheon.

This permeating African influence can be felt by all the five senses:

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The visual arts have always been important in Bahia and Salvador is famous for its naive style

where painters use strong, bold colors and an apparent simplicity which belies the often

intricate, densely detailed works.

The music of Bahia has enjoyed a huge audience worldwide for many years beginning with the


sound of João Gilberto, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa and Gilberto Gil. Recent new sounds include

those of Carlinhos Brown’s Timbalada and the resurgence of the Afro drumming troupes of Ilê

Aiyê, Araketu and Olodum, who have worked extensively with international musicians such as

Paul Simon


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Dance traditions have always been strong in Bahia and these dances yet again can be traced

back to Africa and the Candomblé. The most spectacular demonstration of this is the capoeira, a

martial art/dance of Angolan origin in which the blows are given with the feet in a mesmerizing

dance of attack and defense

The local cuisine with its delicious, subtle blend of dendê (palm oil), tomatoes, coconut milk

and fresh coriander leaf is a pleasure to the palate. Colorful street vendors sell the famous

acarajé, a bean dumpling deep-fried in the palm oil, in their traditional costumes.

It is for all of these reasons that Salvador has been called "Africa in exile", where 80% of it's

population of over 2 million people have African blood coursing in their veins.


2)Write T(True) or F (False).

____ Historically, Bahia was where the original Portuguese settlers built their first city in


____ Its capital, Salvador, founded in 1549.

____ The heritage of these slaves, mainly Yorubá speaking, permeates the city to this day.

____ Culturally, the population of Bahia grew as the work force for these plantations were

brought as slaves from Asia.

_____ The visual arts have always been important in Bahia and Salvador is famous for its naive

style where painters use strong, bold colors.

_____ The most spectacular demonstration of this is the volleybol.

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3) Match the examples with the definitions:

a. Yemanjá ( ) The god of creation.

b. Oxum ( ) The goddess of rivers and lakes.

c. Oxalá ( ) The goddess of the sea.

4) Match the words or expressions from the text with their synonyms.

a.Always ( ) At all times.

b.Yet ( ) In addition, too.

c.Also ( ) Many, much.

d.More ( ) Every, two or more.

e)Each ( )Up till now.

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5 - Complete with the months of the year

Merry Christmas!! Halloween!! Happy Easter!! Independence day !

December October ………………. ……………

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1)-Discuss the following with a classmate:

a)What was the last time you travelled?

b)Do you always travel with their parents?

c)What month do you usually travel?

d)Do you travel on the weekend?

2) -Discuss with a partner.

a)What do you know about these famous people?

João Gilberto, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa,

Gilberto Gil, Carlinhos Brown, Timbalada,

Ilê Aiyê, Araketu, Olodum and Paul Simon.

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b)Work in groups of three and choose someone famous from above and do a short research to

present to your classmates.


2) Salvador, Bahia's capital, is a beautiful city.

Write five sentences that show the qualities of that city.






Imagine that the manager of the CVC travel agency calls you saying that you and your family have

just been lucky and won a seven-day-trip all included to Salvador. Now you have to choose the

hotel or hostel in which you will be staying.

Do a research on the Internet about hotels and hostels in Salvador, write the location and what each

place offers, for example, lunch, dinner, breakfast, tours, among others.

Place 1

Place 2



2 - Now that you and your family have visited some places in Salvador and even watched the show

from the "Banda Olodum”. Write an e-mail to your friends that make some comment on the show.

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3 - Unfortunately the seven days passed quickly and you are back to Belo Horizonte. Write a short

report about your trip.

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What you know about Gilberto Gil?

In 1972 Gilberto Gil launched the song `` Back to Bahia``. Do you know another

song that he sings? Listen to Three little birds

Three Little Birds

Gilberto Gil

Composição: Bob Marley

Don´t worry about a thing

cause every little thing is gonna be alright

don´t worry about a thing

every little thing is gonna be alright

Rise up this morning

smiled with the rising sun

three little birds

pitch by my door step

singing sweet songs

of melodies pure and true

saying, this is my message to you:

don´t worry about a thing

cause every little thing is gonna be alright

don´t worry about a thing

every little thing is gonna be alright...

1) Notice how the sound /th/ is pronounced:


This With

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Sing the song again and pay attention t the /th/ sound.


Why Bahia Is So Special?

The word “MY” was taken from the song It is called a possessive adjective.

e.g. This is my message to you.


I my

YOU your

HE his

SHE her

IT its

WE our

YOU your

THEY their



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Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives:

1- That is my father. _______ name is Greg.

2- Is this _______ book, Robert?

3- Mary and Ruth are sisters. _______ father is Mr. Brown.

4- That is Gwen. _______ boyfriend is _____ classmate.

5- Pina is ___ sister. _______ parents are Italian.

6- The Smiths have a ranch. _______ ranch is in Kansas.

7- What a beautiful town! _______ streets have flowers all around!

8- Bob is so lazy. _______ books are all on the floor.

4) Fill in the gaps with possessive pronouns:

Hi, Ana! ….'ve been spending my holiday in Brazil. ……. parents and brother were also. …. got there on Saturday morning. … bought some things for …. And…… mother. My brother really liked Brazil and the next holiday is going to take……. girlfriend there. ….. also bought some gifts for … girlfriend.

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Lacerda elevator at night

A city of rich folklore, Salvador has maintained an ambience of archaic mystery that lures in

many a marveling visitor.

Ancient city

The state of Bahia has kept a firm grip on its strong African, Brazilian, and European roots it has

acquired throughout 500 years of existence. It is with such African and indigenous background that

Salvador is provided with the authentic, mythical appeal it holds today.

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Through its ability to successfully balance tradition with modernity, Salvador has been able to

produce some of the richest Brazilian art forms: capoeira, samba de roda, and afoxe- an African

rhythm that influenced many Carnaval groups. The city has been crowned "the land of happiness,"

and not without reason.

Capoeira in Salvador

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Thirty miles of georgeous beach area and an immeasurable amount of smiling, laughing, and

partying radiate from the city.

Itapuã Beach


Amount: quantidade.

Background: formação, origem.

Lure: atrativo.

Roots: origens.


What do you think about this?

I) Do you know many places in Brazil?

II) What places do you know in Brazil?

III) What places would you like to know in Brazil?

IV) Do you know the city of Salvador in Bahia?

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I) Answer the questions:

a-Why does the city of Salvador attract many visitors?

b-What is the origin of most of the population living in Salvador?

c- What art forms are there in Salvador?

d- Why has the city been named Salvador?

e- How can you have fun in Salvador?



1 – In pairs, ask and answer questions the environment.

Do you know Salvador?

When was the last time you travelled?

Where did you go?

Did you like it? Why? Why not?

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What place would you like to travel to?


I) Write a short text about a trip you did and had lots of fun.






II) Select the alternatives according to the text Why Bahia is so special?

1) We can say that:

a.( ) Bahia is the best of the northeastern states of Brazil. Its capital, Salvador, was founded in


b.( ) Bahia is the greatest of the northeastern states of Brazil. Its capital, Salvador, was founded in


c.( ) Bahia is the largest of the northeastern states of Brazil. Its capital, Salvador, was founded in


d.( ) Bahia is the shortest of the northeastern states of Brazil. Its capital, Salvador, was founded in


2) Salvador has produced some of the richest Brazilian art forms such as:

a.( ) capoeira, timbalada, and afoxe- an African rhythm that influenced many Carnaval groups.

b.( ) capoeira, baião, and afoxe- an African rhythm that influenced many Carnaval groups.

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c.( ) capoeira, pagode, and afoxe- an African rhythm that influenced many Carnaval groups.

d.( ) capoeira, samba de roda, and afoxe- an African rhythm that influenced many Carnaval


3) We can say that the text:

a.( ) Describes the places, history and cultural habits of the state of Bahia.

b.( ) Shows the geography of Bahia.

c.( ) Discusses sights of Bahia.

d.( ) Presents the major cultural movements of Bahia.