uma breve história de experimentos humanos com crianças e adultos – ideologia industrial e...

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  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social


    Primum non nocere. Ou















  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social












  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social










  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social








  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social











  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social


  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social








  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social










  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social













  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social











  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social



  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social


    Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e

    em Ingls (voc ir encontr-lo em nossa home page) que diz: Primeiro no cause danos.

    George I oferece perdo gratuito a qualquer detento da priso de Newgate, que concorda em

    ser inoculado com varola infecciosas no experimento de inoculao da varola.Voc pode ler

    sobre isso em um dos artigos da nossa histria, na seo:A Histria de Inoculao. 1718

    Edward Jenner injeta saudvel de oito anos de idade, James Phillips primeiro com cowpox emseguida, trs meses depois com a varola e aclamado como o descobridor da vacina contra a

    varola. 1796

    J. Marion Sims, o Pai de Ginecologia nos Estados Unidos, realiza experimentos ginecolgico

    em escravos na Carolina do Sul.Voc pode ler mais sobreo Dr. Simsem nossasbiografias. 1845-1849

    Fisiologista francs Claude Bernard publica Introduo ao Estudo de Experimentao

    Humana, aconselhando: Nunca realizar um experimento que pode ser prejudicial para o

    paciente, embora altamente vantajoso para a cincia ou a sade de outros. 1865

    Mdico Cincinnati Roberts Bartholow conduz experimentos em cirurgia do crebro Mary

    Rafferty, um servo anos 30 nacional morrendo de uma lcera infectada. 1874

    Prussiano Estado legisla que um tratamento para a tuberculose no pode ser dado a

    prisioneiros sem o seu consentimento. 1891

    Albert Neisser injeta mulheres com soro de pacientes com sfilis, infectando a metade deles. 1892

    Dr. Arthur Wentworth realiza puno lombar em 29 crianas no Hospital Infantil de Boston

    para determinar se o procedimento prejudicial. 1896

    Bacteriologista italiano Sanarelli injeta cinco indivduos com o bacilo de procurar um agente

    causador da febre amarela. 1897

    Walter Reed injeta 22 trabalhadores imigrantes espanhis em Cuba com o agente da febreamarela pagando-lhes US $ 100 se eles sobrevivem e US $ 200 se contrair a doena. 1900

    Dr. Richard Strong, professor de medicina tropical na Universidade de Harvard, as

    experincias com clera em prisioneiros nas Filipinas matando treze. 1906

    EUA Sade Pblica Gabinete induz pelagra em doze prisioneiros Mississippi.Todos os

    prisioneiros so, no entanto, voluntrios e aps o experimento so curadas (com dieta

    adequada) e libertado da priso.Voc pode ler sobre isso aqui, na nossaHistria de

    vitaminas. 1915

    Testicular experimentos de transplante de 500 prisioneiros em San Quentin 1919-1922

    Alemanha emite Regulamento sobre Terapia Novo e Experimentao, enquanto 75 crianas

    morrem em Lubeck, na Alemanha a partir de experimento pediatra com vacina contra a

    tuberculose. 1931

    Na Amrica, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, sob os auspcios do Instituto Rockefeller de Investigaes

    Mdicas, infecta seres humanos com clulas cancerosas.Mais tarde, ele passa a estabelecer

    os EUA Exrcito instalaes guerra biolgica, em Maryland, Utah, e Panam, e nomeado

    para a Comisso de Energia Atmica dos EUA.Enquanto estava l, ele comea uma srie de

    experimentos de exposio radiao em soldados americanos e pacientes do hospital civil.

  • 7/27/2019 Uma Breve Histria de Experimentos Humanos com crianas e adultos ideologia industrial e limpeza social


    O Estudo de Sfilis de Tuskegee comea.200 homens negros diagnosticados com sfilis nunca

    informado da sua doena, so negados o tratamento, e em vez disso so usados como cobaias

    humanas para seguir a progresso e sintomas da doena.Subseqentemente, todos morrer

    de sfilis, suas famlias nunca disse que eles poderiam ter sido tratados. 1932

    Este um assunto que vai cobrir em profundidade algum dia em breve.

    O Incidente Pelagra.Depois de milhes de pessoas morrem de pelagra em um perodo deduas dcadas, os EUA Servio de Sade Pblica, finalmente, atua para conter a doena.O

    diretor da agncia admite que sabia h pelo menos 20 anos que a pelagra causada por uma

    deficincia de niacina, mas falharam em agir j que a maioria das mortes ocorreu dentro

    miserveis populaes negras. 1935

    Imunologista japons Ishii Shiro (Dr. Ishii) realiza experincias com antraz ea clera com

    prisioneiros chineses em Harbin. 1938

    Ordens do Terceiro Reich nascimentos de todos os gmeos ser registrado com os Escritrios

    de Sade Pblica para fins de investigao gentica. 1939

    Unidade 731. Dr. Ishii comea testes de campo da guerra bacteriolgica e experimentos de

    vivisseco em milhares de soldados chineses e civis.O povo chins que se rebelaram contra a

    ocupao japonesa foram presos e enviados para Pingfan onde se tornaram cobaias humanas,

    no h evidncias de que alguns prisioneiros russos tambm foram vtimas de atrocidades

    mdicas. Eu cortei-o aberto a partir do peito para o estmago e ele gritou muito e seu rosto

    estava todo torcido em agonia. Ele fez este som inimaginvel, ele estava gritando to

    horrivelmente. Mas ento, finalmente, ele parou. Isso tudo foi em um dia de trabalho para os

    cirurgies, mas ele realmente deixou uma impresso em mim, porque foi minha primeira vez.

    Esses prisioneiros eram chamados de Maruta (literalmente logs ) pelos japoneses. Depois

    de sucumbir s doenas induzidas incluindo a peste bubnica, clera, antraz os

    prisioneiros eram geralmente dissecado enquanto ainda vivo, ento seus corpos cremadosdentro do complexo.Dezenas de milhares morreram.As atrocidades foram cometidas por

    alguns dos mdicos mais ilustres do Japo recrutado por Dr. Ishii. 1939-1945

    Quatro centenas de prisioneiros em Chicago esto infectadas com a malria, a fim de estudar

    os efeitos de novas drogas e experimental para combater a doena.Mdicos nazistas mais

    tarde, em julgamento em Nuremberg vai citar este estudo norte-americano para defender

    suas prprias aes durante o Holocausto. 1940

    Experimentos de esterilizao em Auschwitz. 1941

    Experimentos de tifo em Buchenwald e campos de concentrao Natzweiler. 1941-1945

    De acordo com audincias no Congresso realizado em Washington, DC, em setembro de 1986,

    o ex-prisioneiros de guerra americanos estavam entre os sujeitos experimentais Ishii.As

    audincias produziu um rosrio de histrias de horror contadas por ex-prisioneiros de guerra

    americanos. 1942-1945

    Bioqumico de Harvard Edward Cohn injeta presos 64 Massachusetts com o sangue de carne

    nos EUA experincia da Marinha patrocinado. 1942

    Altitude elevada ou experimentos de baixa presso no campo de concentrao de Dachau.

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    militares.Os experimentos continuam at 1945 e fez uso de Adventistas do Stimo Dia, que

    escolheu se tornar cobaias humanas em vez de servir na ativa.

    Regenerao ssea e transplante de experimentos em prisioneiros do sexo feminino no

    campo de concentrao de Ravensbrck. 1942-1943

    Experimentos de coagulao em padres catlicos no campo de concentrao de Dachau.

    Experimentos de congelamento a campo de concentrao de Dachau.

    EUA Chemical Warfare Servio conduz experimentos gs mostarda em milhares de militares. 1942-1944

    Experimentos malria no campo de concentrao de Dachau em mais de 1.200 prisioneiros. 1942-1945

    Epidemia de ictercia em experimentos Natzweiler campo de concentrao. 1943

    Experimento conduzido em refrigerao dezesseis pacientes com deficincia mental que

    foram colocados em armrios refrigerados a 30 graus Fahrenheit, para 120 horas, na

    Universidade de Cincinnati Hospital. Estudar o efeito da temperatura fria sobre transtornos


    Fsforo queimar experincias no campo de concentrao de Buchenwald. 1942-1943

    Em resposta ao programa japons de guerra em escala total de germes, os EUA comea a

    investigao sobre armas biolgicas, em Fort Detrick, MD.

    Projeto Manhattan injeo de 4,7 microgramas de plutnio em soldados em Oak Ridge. 1944

    Experimentar a gua do mar em sessenta ciganos dada s para beber gua salgada no campo

    de concentrao de Dachau.

    Marinha dos EUA utiliza seres humanos para testar mscaras de gs e roupas.Indivduos

    foram trancados em uma cmara de gs e expostos ao gs mostarda e lewisite.

    University of Chicago Medical School professor Dr. Alf Alving conduz experimentos da malria

    em mais de 400 presos Illinois. 1944-1946Projeto Manhattan injeo de plutnio em trs pacientes em Billings Hospital da Universidade

    de Chicago. 1945

    Experimento de malria em 800 prisioneiros em Atlanta.

    Paperclip projeto iniciado.Os EUA do Departamento de Estado, a inteligncia do Exrcito e

    da CIA recrutar cientistas nazistas e oferecer-lhes a imunidade e identidades secretas em

    troca de trabalho em cima projetos secretos do governo dos Estados Unidos.

    F Programa implementado pela Comisso de Energia Atmica dos EUA (AEC). Este o

    mais extenso estudo realizado nos EUA dos efeitos na sade de flor, que era o componentequmico chave na produo da bomba atmica.Uma das substncias mais txicas conhecidas

    pelo homem, o flor, encontra-se, faz com que marcou efeitos adversos ao sistema nervoso

    central, mas grande parte das informaes reprimido em nome da segurana nacional por

    causa do medo que os processos minaria em larga escala de produo de bombas atmicas.

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    EUA acordo secreto com Ishii e Unidade 731 lderes encobrir de dados germe de guerra

    baseado em experincias com seres humanos em troca de imunidade de acusao por crimes

    de guerra.A ultra-secreto do Exrcito dos EUA Far relatrio Comando Leste sobre os

    resultados de Thompson diz: O valor para os EUA de japoneses de dados de armas biolgicas

    de tal importncia para a segurana nacional como para superam o valor provenientes decrimes de guerra de acusao. Um memorando de 1956 do FBI revela que em meados da

    dcada de 1950 os EUA sabiam tudo sobre experincias humanas Ishii, mas concordou em

    no processar em troca de dados cientficos do Japo na guerra biolgica.(Em outras

    palavras, quando se trata de tortura humana e do sacrifcio, at mesmo de americanos

    prisioneiros de guerra, os fins justificam os meios, tanto quanto o Governo dos EUA est em

    causa . E, o governo dos EUA colocou um valor muito elevado no conhecimento de formas

    eficientes de matar um grande nmero de pessoas) 1946

    Abertura de Nuremberg Julgamento dos Mdicos.

    Comisso de Energia Atmica e Quaker Oats patrocinado estudo de Fernald, residentes de

    Massachusetts cereais matinais alimentados com raes contendo traadores radioativos. 1946-1953

    Pacientes em hospitais VA so usados como cobaias para experincias mdicas. A fim de

    dissipar suspeitas, a ordem dada para mudar a palavra experimentos para investigaes

    ou observaes sempre que os relatrios um estudo mdico realizado em um dos hospitais

    veterano da nao . 1946

    Comisso de Energia Atmica autorizou uma srie de experimentos em que os materiais

    radioativos so dadas aos indivduos, em muitos casos sem ser informado que foram objecto

    de uma experincia, e em alguns casos sem qualquer expectativa de um benefcio positivo

    para os sujeitos, que foram selecionados a partir de populaes vulnerveis, como os pobres,as crianas idosos e deficientes mentais (que foram alimentados com aveia radioativo sem o

    consentimento de seus pais), e tambm de estudantes da Universidade da Califrnia-San

    Francisco.Em 1993, os experimentos foram descobertos e tornado pblico.Em 1996, os

    Estados Unidos estabeleceram com os sobreviventes por 4,9 milhes de dlares. 1946-1974

    Julgamento em Nuremberg Julgamento dos Mdicos incluindo dez Cdigo ponto de

    Nuremberg, que comea assim: O consentimento voluntrio do sujeito humano

    absolutamente essencial. 1947

    EE Coronel Kirkpatrick da Comisso de Energia Atmica dos EUA emite um documento secreto

    (Documento 07075001, 8 de janeiro de 1947) afirmando que a agncia vai comear a

    administrar doses intravenosas de substncias radioactivas para os seres humanos.

    A CIA comea seu estudo do LSD como uma arma potencial para uso pela inteligncia

    americana.Seres humanos (civis e militares) so usadas com e sem o seu conhecimento.

    Libertao intencional de radiodine 131 e 133 xenon mais de Hanford, em Washington Atomic

    Energy Commission estudo de campo chamado Run Verde. 1949

    Guerra da Unio Sovitica julgamento por crimes de associados Dr. Ishii.

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    Estudos da Comisso de Energia Atmica crianas em idade escolar com deficincia mental

    alimentados istopos radioactivos em escolas Fernald e Wrentham. 1949-1953

    Departamento de Defesa comea planos para detonar armas nucleares em reas desrticas e

    monitorar os moradores a favor do vento para problemas mdicos e as taxas de mortalidade. 1950

    Em um experimento para determinar a suscetibilidade uma cidade americana seria a deataque biolgico, os sprays da Marinha dos EUA de uma nuvem de bactrias de navios com

    mais de San Francisco.

    Dispositivos de monitoramento esto situados em toda a cidade a fim de testar a extenso da

    infeco.Muitos moradores ficam doentes com sintomas semelhantes aos da pneumonia.

    Dr. Joseph Stokes, da Universidade da Pensilvnia infecta 200 prisioneiros mulheres com

    hepatite viral.

    Universidade da Pensilvnia, sob contrato com Exrcito dos EUA realiza experimentos

    psicofarmacolgico em centenas de prisioneiros na Pensilvnia. 1951-1960

    Departamento de Defesa comea testes ao ar livre usando doena produtoras de bactrias e

    vrus.ltimos testes atravs de 1969 e existe a preocupao de que as pessoas nas reas

    circundantes tenham sido expostos. 1951

    Universidade da Pensilvnia dermatologista Dr. Albert Kligman conduz experimentos de

    produtos de pele s centenas na Priso Holmesburg; Tudo o que eu vi antes de mim, ele

    disse sobre sua primeira visita priso , foram acres de pele. 1952-1974

    Henry Blauer injetados com uma dose fatal de mescalina no Instituto de Psiquiatria da

    Universidade de Columbia por contrato secreto com Army Chemical Corps. 1952

    Recm-nascido Daniel Burton prestados cegos no Hospital Doutor Brooklyn durante estudo

    sobre RLF e o uso de oxignio 1953Oak-Ridge patrocinado injeo de urnio em onze pacientes no Hospital Geral de

    Massachusetts em Boston. 1953-1957

    Militares dos EUA libera nuvens de gs sulfeto de cdmio de zinco sobre Winnipeg, St. Louis,

    Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, a Monocacy River Valley, em Maryland, e Leesburg, Virgnia.Sua

    inteno determinar a eficincia que poderiam dispersar agentes qumicos. 1953

    Conjunta do Exrcito-Marinha-CIA experimentos so conduzidos na qual dezenas de milhares

    de pessoas em Nova York e San Francisco esto expostos ao ar e Serratia marcescens germes

    glogigii Bacillus.Os germes e produtos qumicos utilizados pelo Exrcito e da Marinha

    representam riscos de sade conhecidos antes e durante o tempo de testes.Isso est

    documentado em estudos cientficos citados no The Plague Eleventh por Leonard A. Cole e no

    livro anterior de Cole, Clouds of Secrecy: Testes do Exrcito Germ Guerra cima de reas


    CIA inicia Projeto MKULTRA aos oitenta instituies de centenas de assuntos.Este um

    programa de pesquisa 11 anos projetada para produzir e testar drogas e agentes biolgicos

    que seriam utilizados para o controle da mente e modificao de comportamento.Seis dos

    subprojetos envolveu o teste de agentes em unwitting seres humanos.

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    Um documento da CIA desclassificados datada de 7 de janeiro de 1953 [1] descreve a criao

    experimental de personalidade mltipla em duas meninas de 19 anos de idade. Estes temas

    tm demonstrado claramente que eles podem passar de um estado completamente desperto

    de um profundo estado H [hipntico] controlado por telefone, recebendo a matria impressa,

    ou pelo uso de cdigo, sinal, ou palavras, e que o controle desses hipnotizado pode ser

    transmitido de um indivduo para outro, sem grande dificuldade. Tambm tem sidodemonstrado por experimentao com essas meninas que eles possam atuar como

    mensageiros dispostos para fins de informao.

    Experimentos do Exrcito dos EUA com LSD em soldados em Fort Detrick, Maryland 1953-1970

    EUA Exrcito estudo de 2300 soldados Adventista do Stimo Dia, em 150 experimentos de

    cdigo chamado Operao pele branca. 1954-1974

    A CIA, em um experimento para testar a sua capacidade de infectar populaes humanas com

    agentes biolgicos, libera uma bactria retirada do arsenal do Exrcito sobre a guerra

    biolgica Tampa Bay, Fl. 1955

    Army Chemical Corps continua LSD pesquisa, estudando o seu uso potencial como agente

    incapacitante qumica.Mais de 1.000 americanos participar dos testes, que continuam at

    1958. 1955-1958

    Militares dos EUA libera os mosquitos infectados com febre amarela em Savannah, Ga e

    Parque Avon, Fl.Aps cada teste, os agentes do Exrcito colocam como agentes de sade

    pblica para efeitos de teste vtimas. 1956

    Dr. Albert Sabin testes vacina contra a poliomielite experimental em 133 prisioneiros em


    LSD testada em 95 voluntrios em laboratrios do Exrcito Chemical Warfare pelo seu efeito

    sobre a inteligncia. 1958

    Injeo de hepatite em crianas com deficincia mental na escola Willowbrook em Staten

    Island, em uma tentativa de encontrar a vacina. 1958-1960Disseminao de materiais radioativos sobre a terra Inupiat em Point Hope, Alaska em Energia

    Atmica cdigo estudo da Comisso campo chamado Project Chariot. 1958-1962

    Professor de Harvard Henry A. Murray realiza experimento desconstruo psicolgica em 22

    alunos de graduao, incluindo Theodore Kaczynski, o resultado de que, pelo menos de

    acordo com o escritor Alton Chase, pode ter virado Kaczynski no Unabomber. 1959-1962

    O Assistente do Exrcito Chefe do Estado-Maior-de Inteligncia (ACSI) autoriza testes de

    campo de LSD na Europa e no Extremo Oriente.Teste da populao europeia o cdigo

    CHANCE projeto chamado terceiros; testes da populao asitica codinome Projeto DERBY

    HAT. 1960

    Empresas farmacuticas conduta fase de testes de segurana uma das drogas quase que

    exclusivamente sobre os prisioneiros para pequenos pagamentos em dinheiro. 1962-1980

    Talidomida retirados do mercado depois de milhares de deformidades de nascimento culpou,

    em parte, resultados enganosos de estudos em animais, o FDA, posteriormente requer trs

    fases de ensaios clnicos em humanos antes de as empresas podem liberar uma droga no

    mercado. 1962

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    Injeo de clulas vivas de cncer em pacientes idosos no Hospital de Doenas Crnica judaica

    no Brooklyn.

    Stanley Milgram realiza pesquisas obedincia da Universidade de Yale.Falamos do

    experimento de Milgram em uma anteriornewsletter,e h um link para um vdeo em linha

    grande sobre o assunto que muito bom.

    NIH apoiado transplantes de rim pesquisador chimpanz em humanos em experincia

    fracassada. 1963

    Linda MacDonald foi vtima de experimentos Dr. Ewen Cameron mente destrutiva controle

    em 1963.Dr. Cameron foi em vrios momentos o presidente das Associaes americanas,

    canadenses e Mundial de Psiquiatria. Ele usou um tratamento que envolveu intensiva

    aplicao das tcnicas de lavagem cerebral; desinibio de drogas, tratamento de sono

    prolongada e isolamento prolongado, combinada com a ECT [Terapia Electro Convulsive]

    tratamentos.A quantidade de eletricidade introduzido no crebro de Linda excedido em 76,5

    vezes a quantidade mxima recomendada.Tcnica do Dr. Cameron resultou em amnsia

    permanente e completa.At hoje, Linda incapaz de se lembrar de nada do seu nascimento

    at 1963.Conforme registrado pelos enfermeiros em sua carta, ela no sabia o nome dela e

    no reconhecer seus filhos.Ela no conseguia ler, dirigir, ou usar um banheiro.No s ela no

    sabe seu marido, ela nem sabia o que era um marido.A ao de classe contra a CIA para

    experincias Dr. Cameron MKULTRA foi resolvido fora dos tribunais por 750.000 dlares,

    divididos entre oito reclamantes em 1988.

    Empresas farmacuticas conduta fase de testes de segurana uma das drogas quase que

    exclusivamente sobre os prisioneiros para pequenos pagamentos em dinheiro. 1962-1980

    Dr. Carl Heller, um endocrinologista de liderana, realiza experincias de irradiao testicular

    em prisioneiros em Oregon e Washington dando-lhes $ 5 por ms e US $ 100 quando

    recebem uma vasectomia no final do julgamento. 1963-1973

    Associao Mdica Mundial adota Declarao de Helsinki, afirmando O interesse da cincia e

    da sociedade nunca devem ter precedncia sobre o bem-estar do sujeito. 1964

    CIA eo Departamento de Defesa comear Projeto MKSEARCH, um programa para desenvolver

    uma capacidade de manipular o comportamento humano atravs do uso de drogas que

    alteram a mente. 1965-1966

    Universidade da Pensilvnia, sob contrato com a Dow Chemical conduz experimentos dioxina:

    prisioneiros na Priso Estadual Holmesburg na Filadlfia so submetidos a dioxina, o

    componente qumico altamente txico do Agente Laranja usado no Vietn.Os homens esto

    mais tarde estudou para o desenvolvimento de cncer, o que indica que o agente laranja foi

    um cancergeno o tempo todo.

    CIA inicia Projeto MKOFTEN, um programa para testar os efeitos toxicolgicos de certas

    drogas em seres humanos e animais. 1966

    Exrcito dos EUA dispensa Bacillus subtilis variante niger em todo o sistema de metr de Nova

    York.Mais de um milho de civis esto expostos quando os cientistas do exrcito queda

    lmpadas preenchido com as bactrias em grelhas de ventilao.

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    Henry Beecher artigo tica e Pesquisa Clnica em New England Journal of Medicine.

    Exrcito dos EUA introduz globigii bacilo em tneis de metr de Nova York, em estudo de


    NIH Gabinete para a Proteco dos sujeitos da pesquisa (OPRR) criado e questes de

    Polticas para a Proteo dos Sujeitos Humanos pedindo a criao de organismos de revisoindependente mais tarde conhecido como Conselho de Reviso Institucional.

    Mdico britnico MH Pappworth publica cobaias humanas, aconselhando Nenhum mdico

    tem o direito de escolher mrtires para a cincia ou para o bem geral. 1967

    CIA eo Departamento de Defesa implementar MKNAOMI Projeto, sucessor de MKULTRA e

    projetado para manter, armazenar e testar armas biolgicas e qumicas.

    Experimentos da CIA com a possibilidade de envenenamento de gua potvel atravs da

    injeo de produtos qumicos no abastecimento de gua da FDA em Washington, DC 1968

    Dr. Robert MacMahan do Departamento de Defesa dos pedidos de congressos $ 10 milhes

    para desenvolver, dentro de 5 a 10 anos, um agente sinttico biolgico ao qual no existe

    imunidade natural. 1969

    Financiamento para o agente biolgico sinttico obtido sob HR 15090.O projeto, sob a

    superviso da CIA, realizada pela Diviso de Operaes Especiais em Fort Detrick, o exrcito

    secreto instalao de armas biolgicas.Especulao levantada que tcnicas de biologia

    molecular so utilizados para produzir a AIDS como retrovrus. 1970

    Estados Unidos se intensifica o seu desenvolvimento de armas tnicas (Military

    Review,Nov., 1970), projetado para seletivamente e eliminar grupos tnicos especficos que

    so suscetveis devido s diferenas genticas e variaes no DNA.Dr. Zimbardo realiza Psicologia do experimento Prison Life on estudantes da Universidade de

    Stanford. 1971

    Ad Hoc Advisory Panel questes Relatrio Final do Estudo Tuskegee Syphilis, concluindo A

    sociedade no pode mais dar ao luxo de deixar o equilbrio dos direitos individuais contra o

    progresso cientfico para a comunidade cientfica. 1973

    National Research Act estabelece Comisso Nacional para a Proteo dos Sujeitos Humanos e

    Polticas OPRR upgrades aos regulamentos a ser conhecido como a regra comum. 1974

    A seo de vrus do Centro de Fort Detrick de Pesquisa guerra biolgica rebatizado de

    Fredrick Instalaes Pesquisa do Cncer e colocado sob a superviso do National Cancer

    Institute (NCI). aqui que um programa especial de cncer de vrus iniciado pela Marinha

    dos EUA, supostamente para desenvolver cncer de vrus causadores. tambm aqui que

    retrovirologistas isolar um vrus contra o qual no existe imunidade.Mais tarde nomeado

    HTLV (vrus da leucemia humana de clulas T). 1975

    HHS promulga Ttulo 45 do Regulamento Federal intitulado Proteco dos Seres Humanos,

    exigindo a nomeao e utilizao de IRBs.

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    National Urban League detm Conferncia Nacional de Experimentao Humana, anunciando

    No queremos matar cincia, mas no queremos que a cincia para matar, mangle e abuso

    de ns. 1976

    Audincias do Senado sobre Sade e da Investigao Cientfica confirmam que 239 reas

    povoadas foram contaminados com agentes biolgicos, entre 1949 e 1969.Algumas das reas

    includas San Francisco, Washington, DC, Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis e St. Louis. 1977Experimental Hepatite B ensaios de vacinas, conduzido pelo CDC, comea em Nova York, Los

    Angeles e San Francisco.Anncios de sujeitos de pesquisa pedir especificamente para homens

    homossexuais promscuos. 1978

    Comisso Nacional de questes Relatrio Belmont, estabelecendo trs princpios ticos

    bsicos: respeito pelas pessoas, beneficncia e justia. 1979

    The FDA promulgates 21 CFR 50.44 prohibiting use of prisoners as subjects in clinical trials

    shifting phase one testing by pharmaceutical companies to non-prison population. 1980

    Primeiros casos de AIDS confirmados em homens homossexuais em Nova York, Los Angeles e

    San Francisco, desencadeando especulaes de que a AIDS pode ter sido introduzida atravs

    da vacina contra Hepatite B. 1981

    Leonard Whitlock sofre dano cerebral permanente aps a experincia de mergulho profundo

    na Duke University. 1981

    De acordo com a revistaScience(227:173-177), HTLV e VISNA, um vrus fatal ovelhas, so

    muito semelhantes, indicando uma taxonmicos fechar e relao evolutiva. 1985

    De acordo com aProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(83:4007-4011), HIV e

    VISNA so muito semelhantes e compartilham todos os elementos estruturais, com exceo

    de um pequeno segmento que quase idntico ao HTLV.Isso leva especulao de que o

    HTLV e VISNA pode ter sido ligada a produzir um novo retrovrus para o qual no existe

    imunidade natural. 1986Um relatrio ao Congresso, revela que a gerao atual do Governo dos EUA de agentes

    biolgicos inclui: vrus modificados, toxinas que ocorrem naturalmente, e os agentes que so

    alteradas atravs da engenharia gentica para mudana de carter imunolgico e impedir o

    tratamento de todas as vacinas existentes.

    Departamento de Defesa admite que, apesar de um tratado que proba pesquisa e

    desenvolvimento de agentes biolgicos, ela continua a operar as instalaes de pesquisa em

    127 instalaes e universidades de todo o pas. 1987

    Deciso da Suprema Corte em United States v. Stanley, 483 EUA 669, holding soldado dado

    LSD sem seu consentimento no poderia processar por danos Exrcito dos EUA.

    Mais de 1500 seis meses de idade os bebs negros e hispnicos em Los Angeles recebem um

    experimental vacina contra o sarampo que nunca tinha sido licenciada para uso nos Estados

    Unidos.O Centro de Controle de Doenas mais tarde admite que os pais nunca foram

    informados de que a vacina que est sendo injetado para seus filhos era experimental. 1990

    O FDA concede Departamento de renncia Defesa do Cdigo de Nuremberg para o uso de

    medicamentos no aprovados e vacinas em Escudo do Deserto.

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    Organizao Mundial da Sade anuncia Diretrizes CIOMS, que estabeleceu quatro princpios

    ticos: respeito pelas pessoas, nonmalfeasance, beneficncia e justia. 1991

    Tony Lamadrid comete suicdio depois de participar de estudo sobre a recada de

    esquizofrnicos retirada da medicao na UCLA.

    Com uma tcnica chamada tracking gene, Dr. Garth Nicolson no MD Anderson Cancer

    Center, em Houston, TX descobre que muitos veteranos Tempestade no Deserto retornando

    esto infectados com uma cepa alterados de incognitus Mycoplasma, um micrbiocomumente utilizados na produo de armas biolgicas .Incorporada em sua estrutura

    molecular de 40 por cento da cobertura de protena HIV, indicando que tinha sido feita pelo

    homem. 1994

    Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department

    of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and

    for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas,

    ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War.

    US Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had

    performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange

    for data on biological warfare research. 1995

    Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had

    been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas

    Department of Corrections.

    Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents. 1996

    Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons

    use & Gulf War Syndrome. 1997

    Three children die at St. Jude Childrens Hospital in Memphis during participation in clinical

    trial for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 1998

    Veterans Administration shuts down all research at West Los Angeles Medical Center after

    allegations of medical research performed on patients who did not consent. 1999

    OPRR shuts down research at Duke University because of inadequate supervision of human

    subject experiments..

    Year-old Gage Stevens dies at Childrens Hospital in Pittsburgh during participation in

    Propulsid clinical trial for infant acid reflux.

    18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger dies after being injected with 37 trillion particles of adenovirus in

    gene therapy experiment at University of Pennsylvania. His death triggers a still-ongoing

    reevaluation of the conflicts of interest plaguing human subject research.

    University of Oklahoma melanoma trial halted for failure to follow government regulations

    and protocol. 2000

    OPRR becomes Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) and made part of the

    Department of Health and Human Services.

    Biotech company in Pennsylvania asks the FDA for permission to conduct placebo trials on

    infants in Latin America born with serious lung disease though such tests would be illegal in US 2001

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    Ellen Roche, a 24 year-old healthy volunteer, dies after inhaling hexamethonium in an asthma

    study at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. OHRP shuts down all research at Hopkins for four


    Elaine Holden-Able, a healthy retired nurse, dies in Case Western University Alzheimers

    experiment financed by the tobacco industry.

    FDA relatrios que, nos ltimos quatro anos, experincias em pacientes com cncer foram

    realizadas em Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center por Paul Kornak que no tinhamlicena mdica vlida e que repetidamente alterados dados e comprometidos numerosas

    violaes dos protocolos .. 2003

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    George I offers free pardon to any inmate of Newgate Prison who agrees to be inoculated with

    infectious small pox in variolation experiment.You can read about this in one of our history

    articles, in the section:The History of Innoculation.

    Edward Jenner injects healthy eight-year-old James Phillips first with cowpox then three months

    later with smallpox and is hailed as discoverer of smallpox vaccine.

    J. Marion Sims, the Father of Gynecology in the United States, conducts gynecological

    experiments on slaves in South Carolina. You can read more onDr Simsin ourBiographies

    French physiologist Claude Bernard publishes Introduction to the Study of Human

    Experimentation, advising: Never perform an experiment which might be harmful to the patient

    even though highly advantageous to science or the health of others.

    Cincinnati physician Roberts Bartholow conducts brain surgery experiments on Mary Rafferty, a 30

    year-old domestic servant dying of an infected ulcer.

    Prussian State legislates that a treatment for tuberculosis cannot be given to prisoners without

    their consent.

    Albert Neisser injects women with serum from patients with Syphilis, infecting half of them.

    Dr. Arthur Wentworth performs spinal taps on 29 children at Childrens Hospital in Boston to

    determine if procedure is harmful.

    Italian bacteriologist Sanarelli injects five subjects with bacillus searching for a causative agent for

    yellow fever.

    Walter Reed injects 22 Spanish immigrant workers in Cuba with the agent for yellow fever payingthem $100 if they survive and $200 if they contract the disease.

    Dr. Richard Strong, a professor of tropical medicine at Harvard, experiments with cholera on

    prisoners in the Philippines killing thirteen.

    U.S. Public Health Office induces pellagra in twelve Mississippi prisoners. All the prisoners are,

    however, volunteers and after the experiment they are cured (with proper diet) and released from

    prison.You can read about it here, in ourHistory of Vitamins.

    Testicular transplant experiments on five hundred prisoners at San Quentin

    Germany issues Regulation on New Therapy and Experimentation while 75 children die in

    Lubeck, Germany from pediatricians experiment with tuberculosis vaccine.

    In America, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical

    Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S.

    Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic

    Energy Commission.While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on

    American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

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    The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their

    illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the

    progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families

    never told that they could have been treated.

    This is one subject we will cover in depth some day soon.

    The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades,

    the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it

    had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since

    most of the deaths occurred within poverty-stricken black populations.

    Japanese immunologist Ishii Shiro (Dr. Ishii) conducts experiments with anthrax and cholera on

    Chinese prisoners in Harbin.

    Third Reich orders births of all twins be registered with Public Health Offices for purpose of

    genetic research.

    Unit 731. Dr Ishii begins field tests of germ warfare and vivisection experiments on thousands of

    Chinese soldiers and civilians. Chinese people who rebelled against the Japanese occupation were

    arrested and sent to Pingfan where they became human guinea pigs; there is evidence that some

    Russian prisoners were also victims of medical atrocities. I cut him open from the chest to the

    stomach and he screamed terribly and his face was all twisted in agony.He made this

    unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. But then finally he stopped. This was all in a

    days work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time.

    These prisoners were called maruta (literally logs) by the Japanese. After succumbing to induced

    diseases including bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax the prisoners were usually dissectedwhile still alive, their bodies then cremated within the compound. Tens of thousands died. The

    atrocities were committed by some of Japans most distinguished doctors recruited by Dr. Ishii.

    Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new

    and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg will cite

    this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.

    Sterilization experiments at Auschwitz.

    Typhus experiments at Buchenwald and Natzweiler concentration camps.

    According to congressional hearings held in Washington, D. C., in September 1986, former

    American POWs were among Ishiis experimental subjects. The hearings produced a litany of

    horror stories told by former American


    Harvard biochemist Edward Cohn injects sixty-four Massachusetts prisoners with beef blood in

    U.S. Navy-sponsored experiment.

    High altitude or low pressure experiments at Dachau concentration camp.

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    The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to

    become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.

    Bone regeneration and transplantation experiments on female prisoners at Ravensbrueck

    concentration camp.

    Coagulation experiments on Catholic priests at Dachau concentration camp.

    Freezing experiments at Dachau concentration camp.

    U.S. Chemical Warfare Service conducts mustard gas experiments on thousands of servicemen.

    Malaria experiments at Dachau concentration camp on more than twelve hundred prisoners.

    Epidemic jaundice experiments at Natzweiler concentration camp.

    Refrigeration experiment conducted on sixteen mentally disabled patients who were placed in

    refrigerated cabinets at 30 degree Fahrenheit, for 120 hours, at University of Cincinnati Hospital.,

    to study the effect of frigid temperature on mental disorders.

    Phosphorus burn experiments at Buchenwald concentration camp.

    In response to Japans full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological

    weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.

    Manhattan Project injection of 4.7 micrograms of plutonium into soldiers at Oak Ridge.

    Seawater experiment on sixty Gypsies given only saltwater to drink at Dachau concentration


    U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas

    chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite.

    University of Chicago Medical School professor Dr. Alf Alving conducts malaria experiments on

    more than 400 Illinois prisoners.Manhattan Project injection of plutonium into three patients at Billings Hospital at University of


    Malaria experiment on 800 prisoners in Atlanta.

    Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit

    Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret

    government projects in the United States.

    Program F is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most

    extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component inatomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found,

    causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is

    squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-

    scale production of atomic bombs.

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    U.S. secret deal with Ishii and Unit 731 leaders cover up of germ warfare data based on human

    experimentation in exchange for immunity from war-crimes prosecution. A top-secret U.S. Army

    Far East Command report on Thompsons findings reads: The value to the U.S. of Japanesebiological weapons data is of such importance to national security as to far outweigh the value

    accruing from war-crimes prosecution. A 1956 FBI memorandum reveals that by the mid-1950s

    the U.S. knew everything about Ishiis human experiments but agreed not to prosecute in

    exchange for Japans scientific data on germ warfare. (In other words, when it comes to human

    torture and sacrifice, even of American POWS, the ends justify the means as far as the U.S.

    Government is concerned.and, the U.S. Government placed a very high value on knowledge of

    efficient ways to kill large numbers of people )

    Opening of Nuremberg Doctors Trial.

    Atomic Energy Commission and Quaker Oats-sponsored study of Fernald, Massachusetts residents

    fed breakfast cereal containing radioactive tracers.

    Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay

    suspicions, the order is given to change the word experiments to investigations or

    observations whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nations veterans


    The Atomic Energy Commission authorized a series of experiments in which radioactive materials

    are given to individuals in many cases without being informed they were the subject of an

    experiment, and in some cases without any expectation of a positive benefit to the subjects, whowere selected from vulnerable populations such as the poor, elderly, and mentally retarded

    children (who were fed radioactive oatmeal without the consent of their parents), and also from

    students at UC-San Francisco.In 1993, the experiments were uncovered and made public. In 1996,

    the United States settled with the survivors for 4.9 million dollars.

    Judgment at Nuremberg Doctors Trial including ten point Nuremberg Code which begins: The

    voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

    Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission issues a secret document

    (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering

    intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.

    The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human

    subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

    Intentional release of radiodine 131 and xenon 133 over Hanford Washington in Atomic Energy

    Commission field study called Green Run.

    Soviet Unions war crimes trial of Dr. Ishiis associates.

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    Atomic Energy Commission studies of mentally disabled school children fed radioactive isotopes at

    Fernald and Wrentham schools.

    Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor

    downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.

    In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the

    U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco.

    Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many

    residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

    Dr. Joseph Stokes of the University of Pennsylvania infects 200 women prisoners with viral


    University of Pennsylvania under contract with U.S. Army conducts psychopharmacological

    experiments on hundreds of Pennsylvania prisoners.

    Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests

    last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.

    University of Pennsylvania dermatologist Dr. Albert Kligman conducts skin product experiments by

    the hundreds at Holmesburg Prison; All I saw before me, he has said about his first visit to the

    prison, were acres of skin.

    Henry Blauer injected with a fatal dose of mescaline at Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University

    per secret contract with Army Chemical Corps.

    Newborn Daniel Burton rendered blind at Brooklyn Doctors Hospital during study on RLF and the

    use of oxygenOak Ridge-sponsored injection of uranium into eleven patients at Massachusetts General Hospital

    in Boston.

    U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis,

    Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to

    determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

    Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tensof thousands of people in New York

    and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii. The

    germs and chemicals used by the Army and Navy posed known health risksbefore and during the

    time of testing. This is documented in scientific studies cited in The Eleventh Plague by Leonard A.

    Cole and in Coles previous book, Clouds of Secrecy: The Armys Germ Warfare Tests Over

    Populated Areas.

    CIA initiates Project MKULTRA at eighty institutions on hundreds of subjects. This is an eleven year

    research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for

    mind control and behavior modification.Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on

    unwitting human beings.

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    A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953[1] describes the experimental creation of multiple

    personality in two 19-year old girls. These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass

    from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] controlled state by telephone, by receiving written

    matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words, and that control of those hypnotized can be passedfrom one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation

    with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes.

    U.S. Army experiments with LSD on soldiers at Fort Detrick, Md.

    U.S. Army study of 2300 Seventh-Day Adventist soldiers in 150 experiments code named

    Operation Whitecoat.

    The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents,

    releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Armys biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.

    Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical

    incapacitating agent. More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until


    U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl.

    Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.

    Dr. Albert Sabin tests experimental polio vaccine on 133 prisoners in Ohio.

    LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Armys Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on


    Injection of hepatitis into mentally disabled children at Willowbrook School on Staten Island in an

    attempt to find vaccine.Spread of radioactive materials over Inupiat land in Point Hope, Alaska in Atomic Energy

    Commission field study code named Project Chariot.

    Harvard Professor Henry A. Murray conducts psychological deconstruction experiment on 22

    undergraduates including Theodore Kaczynski, the result of which, at least according to writer

    Alton Chase, may have turned Kaczynski into the Unabomber.

    The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe

    and the Far East. Testing of the European population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE;

    testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.

    Pharmaceutical companies conduct phase one safety testing of drugs almost exclusively on

    prisoners for small cash payments.

    Thalidomide withdrawn from the market after thousands of birth deformities blamed in part on

    misleading results of animal studies; the FDA thereafter requires three phases of human clinical

    trials before companies can release a drug on the market.

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    Injection of live cancer cells into elderly patients at Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn.

    Stanley Milgram conducts obedience research at Yale University. Weve talked of Milgrams

    experiment in a previousnewsletter,and there is a link to a great online video on the subject that

    is very good.

    NIH supported researcher transplants chimpanzee kidney into human in failed experiment.

    Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Camerons destructive mind control experiments in

    1963. Dr. Cameron was at various times president of the American, Canadian, and World

    Psychiatric Associations. He used a treatment which involved intensive application of these

    brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged sleep treatment, and prolonged isolation,

    combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments. The amount of electricity introduced

    into Lindas brain exceeded by 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended. Dr. Camerons

    technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. To this day, Linda is unable to remember

    anything from her birth to 1963. As recorded by nurses in her chart, she didnt know her name and

    didnt recognize her children. She couldnt read, drive, or use a toilet. Not only did she not know

    her husband, she didnt even know what a husband was. A class action suit against the CIA for Dr.

    Camerons MKULTRA experiments was settled out of court for $750,000, divided among eight

    plaintiffs in 1988.

    Pharmaceutical companies conduct phase one safety testing of drugs almost exclusively on

    prisoners for small cash payments.

    Dr. Carl Heller, a leading endocrinologist, conducts testicular irradiation experiments on prisoners

    in Oregon and Washington giving them $5 a month and $100 when they receive a vasectomy at

    the end of the trial.

    World Medical Association adopts Helsinki Declaration, asserting The interests of science and

    society should never take precedence over the well being of the subject.

    CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to

    manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.

    University of Pennsylvania under contract with Dow Chemical conducts dioxin experiments:

    prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic

    chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for

    development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all


    CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on

    humans and animals.

    U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system.

    More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the

    bacteria onto ventilation grates.

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    Henry Beechers article Ethics and Clinical Research in New England Journal of Medicine.

    U.S. Army introduces bacillus globigii into New York subway tunnels in field study.

    NIH Office for Protection of Research Subjects (OPRR) created and issues Policies for the

    Protection of Human Subjects calling for establishment of independent review bodies later knownas Institutional Review Boards.

    British physician M.H. Pappworth publishes Human Guinea Pigs, advising No doctor has the

    right to choose martyrs for science or for the general good.

    CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKULTRA and

    designed to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.

    CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the

    water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.C.

    Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to

    develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists.

    Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the

    supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the armys

    top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are

    used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.

    United States intensifies its development of ethnic weapons (Military Review, Nov., 1970),

    designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to

    genetic differences and variations in DNA.

    Dr. Zimbardo conducts Psychology of Prison Life experiment on students at Stanford University.

    Ad Hoc Advisory Panel issues Final Report of Tuskegee Syphilis Study, concluding Society can no

    longer afford to leave the balancing of individual rights against scientific progress to the scientific


    National Research Act establishes National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects and

    upgrades OPRR Policies to Regulations to be known as The Common Rule.

    The virus section of Fort Detricks Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick

    Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) .

    It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop

    cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity

    exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).

    HHS promulgates Title 45 of Federal Regulations titled Protection of Human Subjects, requiring

    appointment and utilization of IRBs.

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    National Urban league holds National Conference on Human Experimentation, announcing We

    dont want to kill science but we dont want science to kill, mangle and abuse us.

    Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been

    contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San

    Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

    Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and

    San Francisco.Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

    National Commission issues Belmont Report setting forth three basic ethical principles: respect for

    persons, beneficence, and justice.

    The FDA promulgates 21 CFR 50.44 prohibiting use of prisoners as subjects in clinical trials shifting

    phase one testing by pharmaceutical companies to non-prison population.

    First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco,

    triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine.

    Leonard Whitlock suffers permanent brain damage after deep diving experiment at Duke


    According to the journalScience(227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very

    similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.

    According to theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA

    are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly

    identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce

    a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.

    A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Governments current generation of biological agents

    includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic

    engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.

    Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of

    biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around

    the nation.

    Supreme Court decision in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669, holding soldier given LSD

    without his consent could not sue U.S. Army for damages.

    More than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an

    experimental measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. The

    Center for Disease Control later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being

    injected to their children was experimental.

    The FDA grants Department of Defense waiver of Nuremberg Code for use of unapproved drugs

    and vaccines in Desert Shield.

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    World Health Organization announces CIOMS Guidelines which set forth four ethical principles:

    respect for persons, beneficence, nonmalfeasance and justice.

    Tony LaMadrid commits suicide after participating in study on relapse of schizophrenics

    withdrawn from medication at UCLA.

    With a technique called gene tracking, Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in

    Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an alteredstrain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological

    weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat,

    indicating that it had been man-made.

    Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of

    Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for

    intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing

    radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War.

    U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had

    performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for

    data on biological warfare research.

    Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had

    been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas

    Department of Corrections.

    Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.

    Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use &

    Gulf War Syndrome.

    Three children die at St. Jude Childrens Hospital in Memphis during participation in clinical trial for

    acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Veterans Administration shuts down all research at West Los Angeles Medical Center after

    allegations of medical research performed on patients who did not consent.

    OPRR shuts down research at Duke University because of inadequate supervision of human

    subject experiments..

    Year-old Gage Stevens dies at Childrens Hospital in Pittsburgh during participation in Propulsid

    clinical trial for infant acid reflux.

    18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger dies after being injected with 37 trillion particles of adenovirus in gene

    therapy experiment at University of Pennsylvania. His death triggers a still-ongoing reevaluation of

    the conflicts of interest plaguing human subject research.

    University of Oklahoma melanoma trial halted for failure to follow government regulations and


    OPRR becomes Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) and made part of the Department

    of Health and Human Services.

    Biotech company in Pennsylvania asks the FDA for permission to conduct placebo trials on infants

    in Latin America born with serious lung disease though such tests would be illegal in U.S.

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    Ellen Roche, a 24 year-old healthy volunteer, dies after inhaling hexamethonium in an asthma

    study at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. OHRP shuts down all research at Hopkins for four days.

    Elaine Holden-Able, a healthy retired nurse, dies in Case Western University Alzheimers

    experiment financed by the tobacco industry.

    FDA reports that, for the past four years, experiments on cancer patients were conducted atStratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center by Paul Kornak who had no valid medical license and who

    repeatedly altered data and committed numerous violations of the protocols..

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    1796 Edward Jenner injects healthy eight-year-old James Phillips first with cowpox thenthreemonths later with

    smallpox and is hailed as discoverer of smallpox vaccine.

    1845-1849: J. Marion Sims, "thefatherof gynecology" performed multiple experimental surgeries on enslaved African

    women without the benefit of anesthesia. After suffering unimaginable pain, many lost their lives to infection. One

    woman was made to endure 34 experimental operations for a prolapsedterus.

    1865: French physiologist Claude Bernard publishes "Introduction to the Study of Human Experimentation," advising:

    "Never perform an experiment which might be harmful to the patient even though highly advantageous to science or

    the health of others."

    1896: Dr. Arthur Wentworth performed spinal taps on 29 children at Children's Hospital, Boston, to determine if the

    procedure was harmful. Dr. John Roberts of Philadelphia, noting the non-therapeutic indication, labeled Wentworth's

    procedures "human vivisection."

    1897:Italianbacteriologist Sanarelli injects five subjects with bacillus searching for a causative agent for yellow fever.

    1900: Walter Reed injects 22 Spanish immigrant workers in Cuba with the agent for yellow fever paying them $100 if

    they survive and $200 if they contract the disease.

    1900: Berlin Code of Ethics. Royal Prussian Minister of Religion, Education, and Medical Affairs guaranteed that: "all

    medical interventions for other than diagnostic, healing, and immunization purposes, regardless of other legal or moral

    authorization are excluded under all circumstances if (1) the human subject is a minor or not competent due to other

    reasons; (2) the human subject has not given his unambiguous consent; (3) the consent is not preceded by a proper

    explanation of the possible negative consequences of the


    1906: Dr. Richard Strong, a professor of tropical medicine at Harvard, experiments with cholera on prisoners in the

    Philippines killing thirteen.

    1913: Pennsylvania House of Representatives recorded that 146 children had been inoculated with syphilis, "through

    the courtesy of the various hospitals" and that 15 children in St. Vincent's House in Philadelphia had had their eyes

    tested with tuberculin. Several of these children became permanently blind. The experimenters were not punished.

    1915: A doctor in Mississippi, working for the U.S. Public Health Office produces Pellagra in twelve Mississippi inmates

    in an attempt to discover a cure for the disease

    1919-1922: Testicular transplant experiments on five hundred prisoners at San Quentin.

    1927: Carrie Buck of Charlottesville is legally sterilized against her will at the Virginia Colony Home for the Mentally

    Infirm. Carrie Buck was the mentally normal daughter of a mentally retarded mother, but under the Virginia law, she

    was declared potentially capable of having a "less than normal child." By the 1930s, seventeen states in the U.S. have

    laws permitting forced sterilization

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    The settlement of Poe v. Lynchburg Training School and Hospital (same institution, different name) in 1981 brought to

    an end the Virginia law. It is estimated that as many as 10,000 perfectly normal women were forcibly sterilized for

    "legal" reasons including alcoholism, prostitution, and criminal behavior in general.

    1931: Lubeck, Germany, 75 children die in from pediatrician's experiment with tuberculosis vaccine.

    1931: Germany adopts "Regulation on New Therapy and Experimentation" requiring all human experiments to bepreceded by animal experiments. This law remained in effect during the Nazi regime.

    1931: Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist, conducted a cancer experiment in Puerto Rico under the auspices of the

    Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations. Dr. Rhoads has been accused of purposely infecting his Puerto Rican

    subjects with cancer cells. Thirteen of the subjects died. A Puerto Rican physician uncovered the experiment an

    investigation covered-up the facts. Despite Rhoads' hand written statements that the Puerto Rican population should

    be eradicated, Rhoads went on to establish U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and

    was later named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Rhoads was also responsible for the radiation experiments on

    prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers. The American Association for Cancer Research honored him by naming its

    exemplary scientist award the Cornelius Rhoads Award.

    1932-1972: U.S. Public Health Service study in Tuskegee, Alabama of more than 400 black sharecroppers observed for

    the natural course of untreated syphilis.

    1932: Japanese troops invade Manchuria. Dr. Shiro Ishii, a prominent physician and army officer begins preliminary

    germ warfare experiments.

    1936: Japan's Wartime Human Biowarfare Experimentation Program.

    1938: Japan establishes Unit 731 in Pingfan, 25 km. from Harbin. Unit 731, a biological-warfare unit disguised as a

    water-purification unit, is formed outside the city of Harbin.

    1939: Third Reich orders births of all twins be registered with Public Health Offices for purpose of genetic research.

    1939: Twenty-two children living at the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home in Davenport were the subjects of

    the"monster"experiment that used psychological pressure to induce children who spoke normally to stutter. It was

    designed by one of the nation's most prominent speech pathologists, Dr. Wendell Johnson, to test his theory on the

    cause of stuttering.

    1940: Poisonous gas experiments at Unit 731. One experiment conducted September 7-10, 1940, on 16 Chinese

    prisoners who were exposed to mustard gas in a simulated battle situation.

    1940-1941: Unit 731 used aircraft to spread cotton and rice husks contaminated with the black plague at Changde and

    Ningbo, in central China. About 100 people died from the black plague in Ningbo as a result.

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    1940's: In a crash program to develop new drugs to fight Malaria during World War II, doctors in the Chicago area

    infected nearly 400 prisoners with the disease. Although the Chicago inmates were given general information that they

    were helping with the war effort, they were not informed about the nature of the experiment. Nazi doctors on trial at

    Nuremberg cited the Chicago studies as precedents to defend their own research aimed at aiding the German war


    1941: Sterilization experiments at Auschwitz.

    1941-1945: Typhus experiments at Buchenwald and Natzweiler concentration camps.

    1941: Dr. William c. Black inoculated a twelve month old baby with herpes. He was criticized by Francis Payton Rous,

    editor of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, who called it "an abuse of power, an infringement of the rights of an

    individual, and not excusable because the illness which followed had implications for science." Dr. Rous rejected

    outright the fact that the child had been "offered as a volunteer."

    1942 1945: Unit 731. Ishii begins "field tests" of germ warfare and vivisection experiments on thousands of Chinese

    soldiers and civilians. Chinese people who rebelled against the Japanese occupation were arrested and sent to Pingfan

    where they became human guinea pigs; there is evidence that some Russian prisoners were also victims of medical


    "I cut him open from the chest to the stomach and he screamed terribly and his face was all twisted in agony. He made

    this unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. But then finally he stopped. This was all in a day's work for the

    surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time." NYT

    These prisoners were called 'maruta' (literally 'logs') by the Japanese. After succumbing to induced diseases - including

    bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax - the prisoners were usually dissected while still alive, their bodies then cremated

    within the compound. Tens of thousands died. The atrocities were committed by some of Japan's most distinguished

    doctors recruited by Dr. Ishii.

    1942: High altitude or low pressure experiments at Dachau concentration camp.

    1942: Harvard biochemist Edward Cohn injects sixty-four Massachusetts prisoners with beef blood in U.S. Navy-

    sponsored experiment.

    1942: Japanese sprayed cholera, typhoid, plague, and dysentery pathogens in the Jinhua area of Zhejian province

    (China). A large number of Japanese soldiers also fell victim to the sprayed diseases.

    1942-1943: Bone regeneration and transplantation experiments on female prisoners at Ravensbrueck concentration


    1942-1943: Freezing experiments at Dachau concentration camp.

    1943 Refrigeration experiment conducted on sixteen mentally disabled patients who were placed in refrigerated

    cabinets at 30 degree Farenheit, for 120 hours, at University of Cincinnati Hospital., "to study the effect of frigid

    temperature on mental disorders."

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    1942-1943: Coagulation experiments on Catholic priests at Dachau concentration camp.

    1942-1944: U.S. Chemical Warfare Service conducts mustard gas experiments on thousands of servicemen.

    1942-1945: Malaria experiments at Dachau concentration camp on more than twelve hundred prisoners.

    1943: Epidemic jaundice experiments at Natzweiler concentration camp.

    1943-1944: Phosphorus burn experiments at Buchenwald concentration camp.

    1944: Manhattan Project injection of 4.7 micrograms of plutonium into soldiers at Oak Ridge.

    1944: Seawater experiment on sixty Gypsies who were given only saltwater to drink at Dachau concentration camp.

    1944-1946: University of Chicago Medical School professor Dr. Alf Alving conducts malaria experiments on more than

    400 Illinois prisoners.

    1945: Manhattan Project injection of plutonium into three patients at Billings Hospital at University of Chicago.

    1945: Malaria experiment on 800 prisoners in Atlanta.

    1946: Opening of Nuremberg Doctors Trial by U.S. Military Tribunal.

    1945: Japanese troops blow up the headquarters of Unit 731 in final days of Pacific war. Ishii orders 150 remaining

    ''logs'' (i.e., human beings) killed to cover up their experimentation. Gen. Douglas MacArthur is named commander of

    the Allied powers in Japan.

    1946: U.S. secret deal with Ishii and Unit 731 leaders cover up of germ warfare data based on human experimentationin exchange for immunity from war-crimes prosecution.

    1946-1953: Atomic Energy Commission sponsored study conducted at the Fernald school in Massachusetts. Residents

    were fed Quaker Oats breakfast cereal containing radioactive tracers.

    1946: Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is

    given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study

    performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.

    1947: Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission issues a secret document (Document 07075001,

    January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to

    human subjects.

    1947: The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both

    civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

    1947: Judgment at Nuremberg Doctors Trial sets forth "Permissible Medical Experiments" i.e., the Nuremberg Code,

    which begins: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential."

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    1949: Intentional release of radiodine 131 and xenon 133 over Hanford Washington in Atomic Energy Commission field

    study called "Green Run."

    1949: Soviet Union's war crimes trial of Dr. Ishii's associates.

    1949-1953: Atomic Energy Commission studies of mentally disabled school children fed radioactive isotopes at Fernaldand Wrentham schools.

    1940s-1950s: "psychic driving" and "mental departterning" experiments conducted by Dr. Ewen Cameron, depriving

    patients of sleep, using massive ECT combined with psychoactive drugs such as, LSD. After his "treatments" patients

    were unable to function. In the 1950's Dr.Cameron's experiments were sponsored by the CIA.

    1950: Dr. Joseph Stokes of the University of Pennsylvania infects 200 women prisoners with viral hepatitis.

    1950: U.S. Army secretly used a Navy ship outside the Golden Gate to spray supposedly harmless bacteria over San

    Francisco and its outskirts. Eleven people were sickened by the germs, and one of them died.

    1951-1960: University of Pennsylvania under contract with U.S. Army conductspsychopharmacological experiments on

    hundreds of Pennsylvania prisoners.

    1952-1974: University of Pennsylvania dermatologist Dr. Albert Kligman conducts skin product experiments by the

    hundreds at Holmesburg Prison; "All I saw before me," he has said about his first visit to the prison, "were acres of


    1952: Henry Blauer injected with a fatal dose of mescaline at New York State Psychiatric Institute of Columbia

    University. U.S. Department of Defense, the sponsor, conspired to conceal evidence for 23 years. I

    1953 Newborn Daniel Burton rendered blind at Brooklyn Doctor's Hospital due to high oxygen study on RLF.

    1953-1957: Oak Ridge-sponsored injection of uranium into eleven patients at Massachusetts General Hospital in

    1953-1960: CIA brainwashing experiments with LSD at eighty institutions on hundreds of subjects in a project code

    named "MK-ULTRA."

    1953-1970: U.S. Army experiments with LSD on soldiers at Fort Detrick, Md.

    1954-1974: U.S. Army study of 2,300 Seventh-Day Adventist soldiers in 157 experiments code named "Operation


    1950s 1972: Mentally disabled children at Willowbrook School (NY) were deliberately infected with hepatitis in an

    attempt to find a vaccine. Participation in the study was a condition for admission to institution.

    1956: Dr. Albert Sabin tests experimental polio vaccine on 133 prisoners in Ohio.

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    1958-1962: Spread of radioactive materials over Inupiat land in Point Hope, Alaska in Atomic Energy Commission field

    study code named "Project Chariot."

    1962: Thalidomide withdrawn from the market after thousands of birth deformities blamed in part on misleading

    results of animal studies; the FDA thereafter requires three phases of human clinical trials before a drug can be

    approved for the market.

    1962 to 1966, a total of 33 pharmaceutical companies tested 153 experimental drugs at Holmesburg prison (PA) alone.

    1962-1980 Pharmaceutical companies conduct phase I safety testing of drugs almost exclusively on prisoners for small

    cash payments.

    1962: Injection of live cancer cells into 22 elderly patients at Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn.

    Administration covered up, NYS licensing board placed the principal investigator on probation for one year. Two years

    later, American Cancer Society elected him Vice President.

    1962: Stanley Milgram conducts obedience research at Yale University.

    1963: NIH supported researcher transplants chimpanzee kidney into human in failed experiment.

    1963-1973: Dr. Carl Heller, a leading endocrinologist, conducts testicular irradiation experiments on prisoners in

    Oregon and Washington giving them $5 a month and $100 when they receive a vasectomy at the end of the trial.

    1964: World Medical Association adopts Helsinki Declaration, asserting "The interests of science and society should

    never take precedence over the well being of the subject."

    1965-1966: University of Pennsylvania under contract with Dow Chemical conducts dioxin experiments on prisoners at


    1966: Henry Beecher's article "Ethics and Clinical Research" in New England Journal of Medicine.

    1966: U.S. Army introduces bacillus globigii into New York subway tunnels in field study.

    1966: NIH Office for Protection of Research Subjects ("OPRR") created and issues Policies for the Protection of Human

    Subjects calling for establishment of independent review bodies later known as Institutional Review Boards.

    1967: British physician M.H. Pappworth publishes "Human Guinea Pigs," advising "No doctor has the right to choose

    martyrs for science or for the general good."

    1969: Judge Sam Steinfield's eloquent dissent in Strunk v. Strunk, 445 S.W.2d 145, the first judicial suggestion that the

    Nuremberg Code should influence American jurisprudence.

    1969. Milledgeville Georgia, investigational drugs tested on mentally disabled children. No institutional approval.

    1969: San Antonio Contraceptive Study conducted on 70 poor Mexican-American women. Half received oral

    contraceptives the other placebo. No informed consent.

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    1973 Ad Hoc Advisory Panel issues Final Report of Tuskegee Syphilis Study, concluding "Society can no longer afford to

    leave the balancing of individual rights against scientific progress to the scientific community."

    1974: National Research Act establishes National Commission for the Protection of Human subjects and requires

    Public Health Service to promulgate regulations for the protection of human subjects.

    1975: The Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW) raised NIH's 1966 Policies for the Protection of

    Human subjects to regulatory status. Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, known as "The Common Rule,"

    requires the appointment and utilization of institutional review boards (IRBs).

    1976: National Urban League holds National Conference on Human Experimentation, announcing "We don't want to

    kill science but we don't want science to kill, mangle and abuse us."

    1978:Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San

    Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

    1979: National Commission issues Belmont Report setting forth threebasic ethical principles: respect for persons,

    beneficence, and justice.

    1980: The FDA promulgates 21 CFR 50.44 prohibiting use of prisoners as subjects in clinical trials shifting phase I

    testing by pharmaceutical companies to non-prison population.

    1981: Leonard Whitlock suffers permanent brain damage after deep diving experiment at Duke University.

    1986: Congressional subcommittee holds one-day hearing in Washington, called by Rep. Pat Williams of Montana,

    aimed at determining whether U.S. prisoners of war in Manchuria were victims of germ-warfare experimentation.

    Hearing is inconclusive.

    1981-1996: Protocol 126 at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle.

    1987: Supreme Court decision in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669, holding soldier given LSD without his consent

    could not sue U.S. Army for damages.

    1987:" L-dopa challenge and relapse" experiment conducted on 28 U.S. veterans who were subjected to psychotic

    relapse for study purposes at the Bronx VA.

    1990: The FDA grants Department of Defense waiver of Nuremberg Code for use of unapproved drugs and vaccines

    in Desert Shield.

    1991: World Health Organization announces CIOMS Guidelines which set forth four ethical principles: respect for

    persons, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice.

    1991: Tony LaMadrid commits suicide after participating in study on relapse of schizophrenics withdrawn from

    medication at UCLA.

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    1993: Kathryn Hamilton dies 44 days after participating in breast cancer experiment at Fred Hutchinson Cancer

    Center in Seattle.

    1994. The Albuquerque Tribune publicizes 1940s experiments involving plutonium injection of human research

    subjects and secret radiation experiments. Indigent patients and mentally retarded children were deceived about the

    nature of their treatment.

    1994. President Clinton appoints the Advisory Commission on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) The ACHRE


    1995. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published Human Radiation Experiments, listing 150 plus an additional 275

    radiation experiments conducted by DOE and the Atomic Energy Commission, during the 1940s-


    1995: 19-year-old University of Rochester student Nicole Wan dies after being paid $150 to participate in MIT-

    sponsored experiment to test airborne pollutant chemicals.

    1995. President Clinton appoints the National Bioethics Advisory Commission.

    1995: NYS Supreme Court rules (TD v NYS Office of Mental Health) against the state's policy of conducting

    nontherapeutic ex