the true ensign of y'isra'el

Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation) by whom we have now received the ( Atonement) reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration [ehyeh asher ehyeh] א א: ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה ה הI AM

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Page 1: The True Ensign of Y'Isra'EL

Sherut haRitztzuy(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the( Atonement)

reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuyLet this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

[ehyeh asher ehyeh]

ב אה : י� ה� ר א� ש� ה א י� ה� א�


ה י� ה� א�My Memorial for generation after generation.”

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Shemot 3:13-16This is MY NAME for ever,


"And YHWH said to mosheh , 'I am that which I am.

[ehyeh asher ehyeh]'

and he said, 'so you will say to the sons of Y’isra’EL,

"I am [ehyeh] has sent me to you."

'and YHWH said further to mosheh,

'now you are to say to the sons of Y’isra’EL,

"YHWH, elohey of your fathers Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Yaa’qob [Jacob], has sent me to you.

this is my name forever,

And this is my memorial for generation to generation."

' "Shemoth 6:3,"

Vaera EL-Avraham EL-Yitz'chak ve EL-Ya'akov beEL-Shadai ushemi YHWH lo nodati lahem:

And I appeared to EL Avraham, EL Yitz'chak, and EL Ya'akov, as EL Almighty, but by My Name YHWH (יהוה) I was not known

to them.

'and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to Yaa’qob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name,

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ה י� ה� א�YHWH, was not well known (famous) to them.

YHWH, ELohey Tsebaoth, is his name.

The ministry of reconciliationMessage of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav(Written Torah)

Zekeniam Y’Isra’EL

The True Ensign of Y’Isra‘EL

The real ensign of YHWH has Seven Dimensions

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יהוהcalled your name the Green Olive Tree, lovely with

good fruit."

Yeremyahu (Jeremiah) 11:16

And the Ruakh YHWH (יהוה) shall rest upon Him,

The Ruakh of chokmah (wisdom) and Binah (understanding),

The Ruakh of etsah (counsel) and gevurah (might),

The Ruakh of daat (knowledge) and of the yirah (fear) of YHWH (יהוה);

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"And a stem shall come up out of the stump of Yeshay, and a shoot (natzar) shall grow out of his roots...

And in that day there shall be a root of Yeshay,

which shall stand as an ensign for the people and the nations will look to it, and his resting place shall be


Comments in

Stem: The targum interprets this as "a king", and the "branch" specifically as the HaMashiyach

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Romans 11:11-24

...and if the root is special so are the branches.

Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you,

though a wild olive shoot have been grafted in among the others and have become a partaker of the root and

the richness of the olive tree,

Do not boast against the branches.

If you do then consider this:

You do not support the root, but rather the root supports you!

You might reply:

But the branches were broken off so that we could be grafted in.


But they were broken off because of unfaithfulness, yet you have been established by faith...

For if you were cut off from the naturally barbaric olive tree and contrary to what is natural you were grafted

into the cultivated olive tree,

How much more easily will the natural branches are grafted back into their own olive tree?"

And the Ruakh YHWH (יהוה) shall rest upon Him,

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the Ruakh of chokmah (wisdom) and Binah (understanding),

the Ruakh of etsah (counsel) and gevurah (might),

the Ruakh of daat (knowledge)

and of the yirah (fear) of YHWH (יהוה);

And tzeddek (righteousness) shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

Seven Festival days of YHWH

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Yearly high Sabbaths reminds of His plan of


Isa 11:1 start

Yeshayahu 11:3And shall make him of quick (breathe ) Binah (understanding) in the fear of YHWH (יהוה):

and he shall not shofat after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

Breathe: from the same word as "Ruakh", it can also mean to "smell".

The Elders therefore say the Yahu(ah)shua will not judge by his eyes or ears, but by what He smells.

But recall also when Yahu(ah)shua breathed on the disciples and told them to receive the Ruakh of


Yochanan 20:22,

And when he had said this, he breathed on [them], and saith unto them, Receive ye the Ruakh HaQodesh:

just as Yahu(ah)shua breathed the Ruakh of life into Adam,

(first spiritual then, after sin physical (Adamah)

since Yahu(ah)shua was GIVEN the power to have life in Himself like the Father already had

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Yoch. 5:26;

For as Ha AVI hath life in himself; so hath he given to the SON to have life in himself;

compare "MAKE Him breathe" here.)

His salient case was the woman taken in adultery

Please read Yochanan 8

but He always spent nights in prayer and listened for His Father's will rather than bowing to the will of the


Luk. 4:42, 43; 6:12, 13

And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him that he should not depart

from them. And he said unto them, I must proclaim the Malkut Elohim to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. And it came to pass in those days, that he went

out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to Elohim And when it was day, he called [unto him] his Talmidim: and of them he chose twelve, whom

also he named Shluchim;

Shneym Asar haShevatim

(Twelve Tribes)

which are scattered among ha goyim,

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Yahu(ah)shua chose twelve men symbolic of the twelve tribes of Y’Isra’EL who were broken off the old tree.

The old tree and it's stump represent the old covenant YHWH (Yaahuah) made with Y’ Isra’EL , but through

Yahu(ah)shua, the tree, and thus the covenant, is renewed. It is not a new tree, and thus the covenant

literally, but the old being renewed. These twelve new branches would bear much fruit. Because not all of the old branches could be re-attached, branches were cut from uncultured and wild olive trees (non-Jews) and grafted onto the renewed tree to fill it out, so that it

would bear an abundance of fruit. These scions are not the natural descendants of Y’Isra’EL but from other

nationalities and ethnic groups.

Yeshayahu 11:4

But with righteousness and justice shall He judge the poor and decide with fairness for the meek, the poor, and the downtrodden of the earth; and He shall smite the earth and the oppressor with the rod of His mouth,

and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.

- Matay (Mathew) 2:23

"And he settled in a town called Natzrat so that something the prophets said might be fulfilled, that he

would be called Natzraya.”

Our roots are not found in christianity, but in the stem that shall come up out of the stump of Yeshay,

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a day is like a 1000 years to YHWH

Shimon Kefa Bet 3:8

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with YHWH as a thousand years, and a

thousand years as one day.

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6 days, each a 1000 years long, allotted to the reign of man,

brothers and sisters it is nigh the sunset of Yom Ha’she’she,

and the day of the Sabbath,

the 1000 year reign of YHWH nigh upon us

Repent, believe and be Immersed

Eloneinu Yahu(ah)shua HaMashiyach

In His Name

blessed be, in His name

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'YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, 'YHWH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Yahu(ah)shua (

,passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us ( יהושעO YHWH, [thou] Ben David. And

Yahu(ah)shua stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?

They say unto Him, YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So Yahu(ah)shua had compassion [on

them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they

followed him.

His servant and yours

Shalom in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH



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remember me and pray for me that YHWH (Yahuah) will be gracious unto me and be merciful

unto my sins which i have sinned against him. Peace be to them that read and that

hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though

worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire,

or make a secular traffic of the Ruakh (spiritual work): what a scandal is it for a

man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from the Ruakh

HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a

living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege