scala e jruby

Scala e JRuby União de dois mundos Maurício Eduardo Chicupo Szabo

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Post on 02-Dec-2014



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Programação em Scala usando bibliotecas JRuby - como integrar os dois mundos


Page 1: Scala e JRuby

Scala e JRubyUnião de dois mundos

Maurício Eduardo Chicupo Szabo

Page 2: Scala e JRuby

Scala World

SQL é bom!

Paralelismo, actors…

Linguagens devem ser estáticas!


Ruby World

ORMs são bons!

Fibers, workers, redis...

Linguagens dinâmicas são melhores!

Page 3: Scala e JRuby


Because We CAN!

Page 4: Scala e JRuby


● Ruby roda na JVM - JRuby.

● Sintaxes semelhantes

Page 5: Scala e JRuby


numbers = (1..20).map { |e| e * 2 }h = numbers.each_with_index .inject({}) do |hash, (number, index)| hash.merge(index => number)end

val numbers = 1 to 20 map { e => e * 2 }val m = numbers.zipWithIndex .foldLeft(Map[Int, Int]()) { case(map, (number, index)) => map + (index -> number)}

Page 6: Scala e JRuby

But HOW?

● org.jruby.Ruby ← Environment

● Ruby#evalScriptlet

● IRubyObject

● IRubyObject#callMethod

Ruby("puts 'Hello, world!'")

Page 7: Scala e JRuby

Scala Way

● AbstractRubyWrapper

● trait Ruby[A <: AbstractRubyWrapper]

● __toRubyWrapper

val r = Ruby("'some string'")r: RubyImpl = "some string"

r.upcaseres0: RubyImpl = "SOME STRING"

Page 8: Scala e JRuby

Scala Way

● init

● normalize ← params enviados para JRuby

val bd = Ruby(‘"BigDecimal").init("2.05")bd: ruby.RubyImpl = #<BigDecimal:58b0dd88,'0.205E1',3(4)>

(bd + 20).to_fres0: ruby.RubyImpl = 22.05

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Scala Conversions

● Estático → Dinâmico → Estático → Dinâmico

● null → nil (NilClass) → ……..?

(bd + Ruby("20")).to_fres0: ruby.RubyImpl = 22.05

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Estático / Dinâmico

● Conversões de dinâmico para estático


● rubyResult.any

val m = Ruby("{:ten => 10, :twenty => 20}").as(Map)m: Map[Any,Any] = Map('twenty -> 20, 'ten -> 10)

val d = Ruby("10").as(Int)d: Int = 10

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Scala Conversions

● Objects → Boolean

if(Ruby("nil")) 10 else 20res0: Int = 20

if(Ruby("10")) 10 else 20res1: Int = 10

if(Ruby("0")) 10 else 20res2: Int = 10

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Scala Conversions

● Funções → Proc → Funções

val h = Ruby("Hash").init { (_: Any, e: String) => e.toUpperCase }h: ruby.RubyImpl = {}

h("Some String")res0: ruby.RubyImpl = "SOME STRING"

h(10)java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.String

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● Ruby nil é uma classe, Scala null é… bem…

● val a: String = null

●[String] // => Option[String]


val s = Ruby("'Hello, world!'").as[String]s: Option[String] = Some(Hello, world!)

val s = Ruby("nil").as[String]s: Option[String] = None

Page 14: Scala e JRuby

● Cast de Listas

● Cast de Mapas

Casts de Generics

val list = Ruby("[1, 2, 3]").as[List, Int]list: Option[List[Int]] = Some(Vector(1, 2, 3))

val map = Ruby("{:ten => 10}").asMap[Symbol, Int]map: Option[Map[Symbol,Int]] = Some(Map('ten -> 10))

val vector = Ruby("[1, 2, 3]").as[Vector, Int]vector: Option[Vector[Int]] = Some(Vector(1, 2, 3))

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● SimpleSubclass

● Override

● (alguns problemas com classe… ainda)

class Skate extends SimpleSubclass("Vehicles"){ def max_speed = 45}

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● activerecord.Model

object Person extends active_record.Model { scope('foo, this.where('name -> "Foo")) scope('age, a => this.where('age -> a))

this has_many 'children}

Person.where('name -> "Foo").where('age ->)

Page 17: Scala e JRuby


● Not there yet...

class SinatraApp extends SubclassOf(SinatraApp)

object SinatraApp extends Subclass[SinatraApp]("Sinatra::Base") {


this.get("/", { () => "Hello, world!" })}

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