proteínas en medicina

Proteins: low profile hero M A R I A C A M I L A O S P I N A J I M E N E Z MEDICINE STUDENT

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Post on 20-Mar-2017



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Proteins: low profile heroM A R I A C A M I L A O S P I N A J I M E N E Z


Page 2: Proteínas en Medicina

“Evolution brings human beings. Human beings, through a long and painful process, bring humanity.” 

– Dan Simmons

Humanity lacks of hope. Mostly because there are just a few situations that brings us that precious feeling; fortunately, this research is one of those situations. The investigation of diverse treatments with modified steam cells for the creation of cardiac cells and drugs such as Bortezomib for ANTI NMDA RECEPTOR ENCEPHALITIS, is one step more for bringing hope in the medical field.

“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.”

– Orison Swett Marden

Also, the authors don't stop there. Effectiveness in treatments for rare diseases is a difficult possibility to find. This means that the medical supplies will cover a much larger population.

The fact: after a heart attack, the patient loses lots of cardiac cells that are vital. But the good news, that may appear impossible, is that this research is willing to ERADICATE this problem.


Penn State. (2017, January 11). Stem cells used to regenerate the external layer of a human heart.  ScienceDaily. Retrieved Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 7 f r o m

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. ( 2 0 1 7 , J a n u a r y 6 ) . N e w treatment for a rare form of encephalitis: Researchers report success in treating anti-NMDA r e c e p t o r encephal i t is .  ScienceDai ly . Retrieved February 25, 2017 from e l e a s e s /2017/01/170106130934.htm

MARTINEZ SÁNCHEZ, Lina María. Biología molecular. 8. ed. M e d e l l í n : U P B . F a c . d e Medicina, 2015. 141-145 p.


Proteins: Low profile hero


Page 3: Proteínas en Medicina




Xiaojun Lance Lian is a biomedical engineering and biology assistant professor who has been working and guiding an investigation in Penn State about how STEMS CELLS can generate epicardium and endocardium cells using a modified Wnt signaling pathway. But, what is a Wnt signaling pathway and how does the mechanism generate these cells? “The Wnt signaling pathway is a group of signal transduction pathways made of proteins that pass signals into a cell using cell-surface receptors” explains scienceDaily in its publication. The Wnt signaling pathway has to be altered using a stem cell with an additional information, which can assure the results will be epicardium cells instead of myocardium muscle cells, as it normally would provide.

Student´s observation:  Life quality improvement is the main goal for Medicine. The patients who have suffered heart attacks before or are prone to this, already lost or may lose lots of cells and this kind of treatments will provide them a more comfort life which they would be able to enjoy properly

Cells are the smallest structure to provide life. For this goal, they need a macromolecule called proteins to catalyzed and guide the chemical reactions and processes that should happen in a correct order inside each cell.

When this harmonious sequences are harmed, diseases appear. So, research on this macromolecules are an expected alternative for treatments in several diseases.

But, how those this happen? DNA is naturally submitted into a complex process were it is finally translated into proteins; which lead scientist to pursued the correct sequence of DNA so they can achieve an specific macromolecule and then, help others.





N NMDA receptor is a protein who has an i m p o r t a n t p a r t i n t h e s i g n a l transduction process in the brain. However, there is a kind of autoimmune disease which attacks NMDA receptors and affects the central nervous system, this disease is called

Student´s observation:  New treatments means that humanity is taking little steps towards the future. Diseases we were afraid in the past, are now just stories; and each investigation that is taking place in any corner of the planet is essential for the future humanity is building. However, this treatment in particular will bring joy to lots of patients who never show results in the past and now they have a new hope for a better life; and this way the medical field impacts in the present.


The modus operandi of an autoimmune disease consists in the attack of healthy cells by the body itself. This happens because of antibodies that don´t recognize a particular cell, immediately calling it a stranger and attacks it to protect the body. Causing the opposite effect: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, in this case.

Because of this, treatments were developed to try to eradicate this antibodies but the results were inefficient. Fortunately, Dr. Franziska Scheibe and Dr. Andreas Meisel from the Department of Neurology and the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence, found a new treatment associated with the use of Bortezomib.

Borzetomib action: this drug can inhibit proteasomes which can degraded proteins that regulate cycle’s cell and growth. Achieving to reduce high levels of the antibodies causing the disease.

Page 4: Proteínas en Medicina

Cells are the smallest structure to provide life. For this goal, they need a macromolecule called proteins to catalyzed and guide the chemical reactions and processes that should happen in a correct order inside each cell.

When this harmonious sequences are harmed, diseases appear. So, research on this macromolecules are an expected alternative for treatments in several diseases.

But, how those this happen? DNA is naturally submitted into a complex process were it is finally translated into proteins; which lead scientist to pursued the correct sequence of DNA so they can achieve an specific macromolecule and then, help others.








Proteins are composed by amino acids that can interact one with an other.

This means they are composed of the following

Also, this characteristics allow them to beAntibodies

Enzyme Messenger

Structural component Transport

Page 5: Proteínas en Medicina

Stem cells used to regenerate the external layer of a human heart

Penn State(2017, January 11)

Page 6: Proteínas en Medicina

The heart is composed by three layers:

Epicarduim Myocardum


This layers have to work together to keep the heart in function




Xiaojun Lance Lian is a biomedical engineering and biology assistant professor who has been working and guiding an investigation in Penn State about how STEMS CELLS can generate epicardium and endocardium cells using a modified Wnt signaling pathway. But, what is a Wnt signaling pathway and how does the mechanism generate these cells? “The Wnt signaling pathway is a group of signal transduction pathways made of proteins that pass signals into a cell using cell-surface receptors” explains scienceDaily in its publication. The Wnt signaling pathway has to be altered using a stem cell with an additional information, which can assure the results will be epicardium cells instead of myocardium muscle cells, as it normally would provide.

Student´s observation:  Life quality improvement is the main goal for Medicine. The patients who have suffered heart attacks before or are prone to this, already lost or may lose lots of cells and this kind of treatments will provide them a more comfort life which they would be able to enjoy properly

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Heart attacks are the result of a blockage of the blood vessels, which has the ability to kill cells of the heart.

This happens because these cells don´t receive the nutrients or the oxygen that they need to survive.




Xiaojun Lance Lian is a biomedical engineering and biology assistant professor who has been working and guiding an investigation in Penn State about how STEMS CELLS can generate epicardium and endocardium cells using a modified Wnt signaling pathway. But, what is a Wnt signaling pathway and how does the mechanism generate these cells? “The Wnt signaling pathway is a group of signal transduction pathways made of proteins that pass signals into a cell using cell-surface receptors” explains scienceDaily in its publication. The Wnt signaling pathway has to be altered using a stem cell with an additional information, which can assure the results will be epicardium cells instead of myocardium muscle cells, as it normally would provide.

Student´s observation:  Life quality improvement is the main goal for Medicine. The patients who have suffered heart attacks before or are prone to this, already lost or may lose lots of cells and this kind of treatments will provide them a more comfort life which they would be able to enjoy properly

Page 8: Proteínas en Medicina

The method by which The researchers can confirm the correct

transformation of a steam cell is using a cell reporter that becomes

fluorescent only when this cell becomes into an epicardium cell




Xiaojun Lance Lian is a biomedical engineering and biology assistant professor who has been working and guiding an investigation in Penn State about how STEMS CELLS can generate epicardium and endocardium cells using a modified Wnt signaling pathway. But, what is a Wnt signaling pathway and how does the mechanism generate these cells? “The Wnt signaling pathway is a group of signal transduction pathways made of proteins that pass signals into a cell using cell-surface receptors” explains scienceDaily in its publication. The Wnt signaling pathway has to be altered using a stem cell with an additional information, which can assure the results will be epicardium cells instead of myocardium muscle cells, as it normally would provide.

Student´s observation:  Life quality improvement is the main goal for Medicine. The patients who have suffered heart attacks before or are prone to this, already lost or may lose lots of cells and this kind of treatments will provide them a more comfort life which they would be able to enjoy properly

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New treatment for a rare form of encephalitis

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin(2017, January 6)

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NMDA receptor is a protein who has an i m p o r t a n t p a r t i n t h e s i g n a l transduction process in the brain. However, there is a kind of autoimmune disease which attacks NMDA receptors and affects the central nervous system, this disease is called

Student´s observation:  New treatments means that humanity is taking little steps towards the future. Diseases we were afraid in the past, are now just stories; and each investigation that is taking place in any corner of the planet is essential for the future humanity is building. However, this treatment in particular will bring joy to lots of patients who never show results in the past and now they have a new hope for a better life; and this way the medical field impacts in the present.


The modus operandi of an autoimmune disease consists in the attack of healthy cells by the body itself. This happens because of antibodies that don´t recognize a particular cell, immediately calling it a stranger and attacks it to protect the body. Causing the opposite effect: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, in this case.

Because of this, treatments were developed to try to eradicate this antibodies but the results were inefficient. Fortunately, Dr. Franziska Scheibe and Dr. Andreas Meisel from the Department of Neurology and the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence, found a new treatment associated with the use of Bortezomib.

Borzetomib action: this drug can inhibit proteasomes which can degraded proteins that regulate cycle’s cell and growth. Achieving to reduce high levels of the antibodies causing the disease.

The encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain,

causing multiple lesions that manifest with seizure-like

episodes, epilepsy, disorders of movement and other

neurological symptoms

*NMDA receptors are found in high proportion in the brain.

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NMDA receptor is a protein who has an i m p o r t a n t p a r t i n t h e s i g n a l transduction process in the brain. However, there is a kind of autoimmune disease which attacks NMDA receptors and affects the central nervous system, this disease is called

Student´s observation:  New treatments means that humanity is taking little steps towards the future. Diseases we were afraid in the past, are now just stories; and each investigation that is taking place in any corner of the planet is essential for the future humanity is building. However, this treatment in particular will bring joy to lots of patients who never show results in the past and now they have a new hope for a better life; and this way the medical field impacts in the present.


The modus operandi of an autoimmune disease consists in the attack of healthy cells by the body itself. This happens because of antibodies that don´t recognize a particular cell, immediately calling it a stranger and attacks it to protect the body. Causing the opposite effect: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, in this case.

Because of this, treatments were developed to try to eradicate this antibodies but the results were inefficient. Fortunately, Dr. Franziska Scheibe and Dr. Andreas Meisel from the Department of Neurology and the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence, found a new treatment associated with the use of Bortezomib.

Borzetomib action: this drug can inhibit proteasomes which can degraded proteins that regulate cycle’s cell and growth. Achieving to reduce high levels of the antibodies causing the disease.

NMDA receptors are needed for multiple

functions because they are involve in the control of nerve

impulses. When there is a damage in these

receptors, the patient shows alterations in trial, memory and

performance of the autonomous nervous


*NMDA receptors are found in high proportion in the brain.

Page 12: Proteínas en Medicina

NMDA receptor is a protein who has an i m p o r t a n t p a r t i n t h e s i g n a l transduction process in the brain. However, there is a kind of autoimmune disease which attacks NMDA receptors and affects the central nervous system, this disease is called

Student´s observation:  New treatments means that humanity is taking little steps towards the future. Diseases we were afraid in the past, are now just stories; and each investigation that is taking place in any corner of the planet is essential for the future humanity is building. However, this treatment in particular will bring joy to lots of patients who never show results in the past and now they have a new hope for a better life; and this way the medical field impacts in the present.


The modus operandi of an autoimmune disease consists in the attack of healthy cells by the body itself. This happens because of antibodies that don´t recognize a particular cell, immediately calling it a stranger and attacks it to protect the body. Causing the opposite effect: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, in this case.

Because of this, treatments were developed to try to eradicate this antibodies but the results were inefficient. Fortunately, Dr. Franziska Scheibe and Dr. Andreas Meisel from the Department of Neurology and the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence, found a new treatment associated with the use of Bortezomib.

Borzetomib action: this drug can inhibit proteasomes which can degraded proteins that regulate cycle’s cell and growth. Achieving to reduce high levels of the antibodies causing the disease.

Bortezomib is an inhibitor of proteases that has the

ability to differentiate and kill cancer cells without affecting

normal cells. This ability allows to control the growth cell, avoiding their division, growth and repair

*NMDA receptors are found in high proportion in the brain.

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Medical utility

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Humanity lacks of hope. Mostly because there are just a few situations that brings us that precious feeling; fortunately, this research is one of those situations. The investigation of diverse treatments with modified steam cells for the creation of cardiac cells and drugs such as Bortezomib for ANTI NMDA RECEPTOR ENCEPHALITIS, is one step more for bringing hope in the medical field.

“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.”

– Orison Swett Marden

Also, the authors don't stop there. Effectiveness in treatments for rare diseases is a difficult possibility to find. This means that the medical supplies will cover a much larger population.

The fact: after a heart attack, the patient loses lots of cardiac cells that are vital. But the good news, that may appear impossible, is that this research is willing to ERADICATE this problem.


Heart attacks are a daily reality in hospitals and health centres in many countries of

the world. The fact that the researchers worry about

creating alternatives more effective for the treatment of a

disease such as this one, enables you to improve the

conditions of life for the patients

Page 15: Proteínas en Medicina

Humanity lacks of hope. Mostly because there are just a few situations that brings us that precious feeling; fortunately, this research is one of those situations. The investigation of diverse treatments with modified steam cells for the creation of cardiac cells and drugs such as Bortezomib for ANTI NMDA RECEPTOR ENCEPHALITIS, is one step more for bringing hope in the medical field.

“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.”

– Orison Swett Marden

Also, the authors don't stop there. Effectiveness in treatments for rare diseases is a difficult possibility to find. This means that the medical supplies will cover a much larger population.

The fact: after a heart attack, the patient loses lots of cardiac cells that are vital. But the good news, that may appear impossible, is that this research is willing to ERADICATE this problem.


The effectiveness of a treatment can be measured not only in the pathology it was created for but in several others. This is the case of Bortezomib which started as the treatment of multiple myelosis, but has demonstrated positive effects in the treatment of anti NMDA receptors encephalitis

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Borzetomib’s action mechanism

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Humanity lacks of hope. Mostly because there are just a few situations that brings us that precious feeling; fortunately, this research is one of those situations. The investigation of diverse treatments with modified steam cells for the creation of cardiac cells and drugs such as Bortezomib for ANTI NMDA RECEPTOR ENCEPHALITIS, is one step more for bringing hope in the medical field.

Also, the authors don't stop there. Effectiveness in treatments for rare diseases is a difficult possibility to find. This means that the medical supplies will cover a much larger population.

The fact: after a heart attack, the patient loses lots of cardiac cells that are vital. But the good news, that may appear impossible, is that this research is willing to ERADICATE this problem.


Heart and brain. Those organs represent a tremendous importance for humans; as they are essential for life and are the focus of several discussions. This is why both investigations attempts to advance in topics that will aloud physicians to help a bigger population and so, achieving a extraordinary medical utility

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“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.”

– Orison Swett Marden

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Penn State. (2017, January 11). Stem cells used to regenerate the external layer of a human heart.  ScienceDaily. Retrieved Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 7 f r o m

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. ( 2 0 1 7 , J a n u a r y 6 ) . N e w treatment for a rare form of encephalitis: Researchers report success in treating anti-NMDA r e c e p t o r encephal i t is .  ScienceDai ly . Retrieved February 25, 2017 from e l e a s e s /2017/01/170106130934.htm

MARTINEZ SÁNCHEZ, Lina María. Biología molecular. 8. ed. M e d e l l í n : U P B . F a c . d e Medicina, 2015. 141-145 p.


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