o programa de ação da conferência internacional sobre população e desenvolvimento de 1994

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  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    O Programa de Ao da Conferncia Internacional sobre Populao eDesenvolvimento de 1994 !ue reuniu 1"9 pa#ses no Cairo estabeleceu !uetodos os seres $umanos tm direito a uma vida saud%vel e produtiva semdiscriminao e !ue a promoo dos direitos individuais so fundamentaispara o crescimento econ&mico e o desenvolvimento sustent%vel'

    secret%rio(geral da O)* +an ,i(moon

    CIPD alm de 2014 reviso do Programa de Ao do Cairo !ue pretenderevelar o !ue funcionou mel$or como responder aos novos desa-os e-nalmente de-nir um con.unto de novas recomenda/es para garantir ummundo mais e!uitativo e sustent%vel' O processo envolve todos osgovernos comunidades institui/es internacionais e setores da sociedadecivil'

    Con!uistas sobre nos 0ltimos 2 anos tm sido not%veis incluindo gan$osde igualdade das mul$eres a sa0de da populao e e3pectativa de vida

    n#vel educacional e sistemas de proteo dos direitos $umanos com umaestimativa de 1' bil$o de pessoas !ue sa#ram da pobrea e3trema'5emores de !ue o crescimento da populao .% estavam diminuindo em1994 continuaram a se atenuar e a e3panso da capacidade $umana eoportunidade especialmente para as mul$eres levou ao desenvolvimentoecon&mico tem sido acompan$ado pelo cont#nuo decl#nio na ta3a decrescimento populacional de 16 por cento ao ano em 1992(1996 para 116em 212(216' 7o.e tra.et8rias demogr%-cas nacionais so maisdiversi-cadas do !ue em 1994 com os pa#ses ricos da uropa :sia eAm;ricas enfrentando r%pido envel$ecimento da populao en!uanto a:frica e alguns pa#ses da :sia se preparam para o maior contingente de

    .ovens !ue o mundo .% viu e os 49 pa#ses mais pobres particularmente na:frica sub(saariana continuam a enfrentar a mortalidade prematura e dealta fertilidade'

    )osso maior desa-o compartil$ado ; !ue as nossas pr8prias realia/esreul'

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould develop strengt$en and implement e?ective integratedcoordinated and co$erent national strategies to eradicate povert@ and breat$e c@cles of e3clusion and ine!ualit@ as a condition for ac$ievingdevelopment also targeting persons belonging to marginalied ordisadvantaged groups in bot$ urban and rural areas guaranteeing for allpeople t$e c$ance to live a life free from povert@ and to en.o@ protection

    and e3ercise of t$eir $uman rig$ts'

    >tates s$ould accord t$e $ig$est priorit@ to povert@ eradication b@ ensuringt$at all persons $ave e!ual opportunities to s$are in t$e fruits of economicand social development to -nd productive emplo@ment and live in peaceand dignit@ free from discrimination in.ustice fear Bant or disease'

    orbidade e ortalidade aterna

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould eliminate preventable maternal mortalit@ and morbidit@ asurgentl@ as possible b@ strengt$ening $ealt$ s@stems and t$ereb@ ensuringuniversal access to !ualit@ prenatal care silled attendance at birt$emergenc@ obstetric care and postnatal care for all Bomen including t$ose

    living in rural and remote areas'

    >tates s$ould implement measures to ensure t$e elimination of obstetric-stula t$roug$ t$e provision of $ig$ !ualit@ maternal $ealt$ care to allBomen and provide for t$e re$abilitation and reintegration of -stulasurvivors into t$eir communities' aternal morbidit@ s$ould be utilied as anindicator of !ualit@ se3ual and reproductive $ealt$ services and t$eprogressive realiation of Bomens rig$t to $ealt$'

    >tates s$ould recognie and address t$e rising burden of reproductivecancers associated Bit$ rising life e3pectanc@ especiall@ breast and cervicalcancer b@ investing in routine screening at primar@ care and referral tosilled cancer providers at $ig$er levels of care'


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    Promoo da igualdade de gnero

    >tates s$ould enact or revieB strengt$en and enforce laBs againstBorplace discrimination of Bomen guaranteeing Bomen t$e same accessas men to formal and secure emplo@ment Bit$ e!ual pa@ for e!ual Bor

    >tates s$ould ensure universal access to paid parental leave for bot$mot$ers and fat$ers including adoptive parentsE universal access to $ig$(!ualit@ infant and c$ild care for Boring parents including e3tended after(sc$ool careE and establis$ and enforce laBs t$at re!uire t$at public andprivate Borplaces accommodate t$e needs of breastfeeding mot$ers'

    >tates s$ould ensure e!ual opportunities for Bomen to contribute to societ@as leaders managers and decision(maers granting t$em access topositions of poBer t$at is e!ual to t$ose of men in all sectors of public life'As part of t$ese e?orts it is important to address public vieBs and valuesregarding se3ism or ot$er forms of discrimination including t$roug$ creativecommunication and education campaigns and monitor t$ese on a regularbasis as indicators of social development'

    Promoo da igualdade de acesso F educao para meninas e mul$eres

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould implement t$eir commitments to promote and protect t$erig$ts of girls t$roug$ enacting and implementing targeted and coordinatedpolicies and programmes t$at concretel@ addressG aH ensuring gender parit@in t$eir access to sc$oolE bH providing compre$ensive se3ualit@ educationE cHreducing adolescent pregnanc@E dH enabling t$e reintegration of pregnantgirls and @oung mot$ers into education at all levels Bit$ a vieB toBardsempoBering t$e girl c$ild and @oung Bomen toBards ac$ieving t$eir fullestpotentialE and eH eliminating of $armful traditional practices suc$ as c$ild

    earl@ and forced marriage and JKC'>tates s$ould commit to and support earl@ and life(long learning includingpre(primar@ education to ensure t$at ever@ c$ild regardless ofcircumstance completes primar@ education and is able to read Brite andcount to undertae creative problem(solving and to responsibl@ e3erciset$eir freedoms' >tates s$ould also ensure access to secondar@ education forall and e3pand post(secondar@ opportunitiesE enable t$e ac!uisition of neBsills and noBledge at all agesE and en$ance vocational education andtraining and Bor(directed learning lined to t$e neB and emergingeconomies'

    Direitos reprodutivos

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    Informao e servios sobre m;todos contraceptivos

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates must as a matter of urgenc@ provide Bidespread and $ig$(!ualit@information and counseling regarding t$e bene-ts and riss of a full range ofa?ordable accessible !ualit@ contraceptive met$ods Bit$ special attentionto dual met$od use Bit$ male or female condoms given t$e continuing risof >5Is and 7IL and ensure access to bot$ contraceptive noBledge and

    commodities irrespective of marital status'


  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould strive to eliminate t$e need for abortion b@ providing

    universal access to compre$ensive se3ualit@ education starting inadolescence and se3ual and reproductive $ealt$ services including modernmet$ods of contraception to all persons in needE b@ providing Bidespreada?ordable access to male and female condoms and timel@ and con-dentialaccess to emergenc@ contraceptionE b@ implementing sc$ool and mediaprogrammes t$at foster gender e!uitable values and couple negotiationsover issues of se3 and contraceptionE and b@ respecting protecting andpromoting $uman rig$ts t$roug$ t$e enforcement of laBs t$at alloB Bomenand girls to live free from gender based violence'

    ducao e Informao sobre >a0de >e3ual e Meprodutiva

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould revieB all suc$ policies and remove legal regulator@ andsocial barriers to reproductive $ealt$ information and care for adolescents'

    >tates s$ould recognie t$at compre$ensive se3ualit@ education consistentBit$ t$e evolving capacities of @oung people bot$ in and out of sc$ool isessential to enable t$em to protect t$emselves from unBanted pregnanc@7IL and se3uall@ transmitted infections to promote values of tolerancemutual respect and non(violence in relations$ips and to plan t$eir lives'>tates s$ould design and implement compre$ensive se3ualit@ educationprogrammes t$at provide accurate information taing into accountscienti-c data and evidence about $uman se3ualit@ including groBt$ anddevelopment anatom@ and p$@siolog@E reproduction pregnanc@ andc$ildbirt$E contraceptionE 7IL and >5IsE famil@ life and inter(personalrelations$ipsE culture and se3ualit@E $uman rig$ts protection ful-lment andempoBermentE non(discrimination e!ualit@ and gender rolesE se3ualbe$aviourE se3ual abuse gender based violence and $armful practicesE as

    Bell as @out$(friendl@ programmes to e3plore values attitudes and normsconcerning se3ual and social relations$ipsE promote t$e ac!uisition of sillsand encourage @oung people to assume responsibilit@ for t$eir oBnbe$aviour and to respect t$e rig$ts of ot$ersE are gender(sensitive and life(sills basedE and provide @oung people Bit$ t$e noBledge sills andeNcac@ to mae informed decisions about t$eir se3ualit@'

    Adolescentes e uventudeKPopulao Idosa

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould invest in building @oung peoples capabilities and e!uip t$emBit$ t$e sills to meet t$e labour demands of t$e current and emergingeconomies and develop labour protection policies and programmes t$atensure emplo@ment B$ic$ is safe secure non(discriminator@ and B$ic$provides a decent Bage and opportunities for career development' ?orts

    must also include a focus on productive investment in tec$nologiesmac$ineries and infrastructure and t$e sustainable use of naturalresources to create emplo@ment opportunities for @oung people'

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    >tates s$ould modif@ legislation design and planning guidelines andinfrastructure to ensure t$at t$e increasing number of older single persons$ave access to needed and appropriate $ousing transport recreation and

    t$e amenities of communal life' >tates s$ould adapt policies andprogrammes on se3ual $ealt$ to better meet t$e c$anging se3ual needs ofolder persons'

    >tates s$ould ensure t$e social protection and income securit@ of olderpersons Bit$ particular consideration for older Bomen t$ose living inisolation and t$ose providing unpaid care b@ e3tending pension s@stemsand noncontributor@ alloBances and b@ strengt$ening intergenerationalsolidarit@ and b@ ensuring t$e inclusion and e!uitable participation of olderpersons in t$e design and implementation of policies programmes andplans t$at a?ect t$eir lives'

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    >tates s$ould strengt$en $ealt$ and care s@stems b@ promoting universalaccess to an integrated balanced continuum of care t$roug$ old ageincluding c$ronic disease management end(of(life and palliative care

    >tates s$ould monitor and eradicate all forms of discrimination inemplo@ment against older persons develop labour protection policies andprogrammes t$at ensure emplo@ment B$ic$ is safe secure and B$ic$provides a decent Bage'

    Indiv#duos pertencentes a popula/es marginaliadas

    stados tamb;m atrav;s dos governos locais devem suprir a necessidadede $abitao p0blicaE fornecer $abitao a preos acess#veis e odesenvolvimento de infra(estrutura !ue prioria a urbaniao de favelas ede regenerao das %reas urbanasE e comprometer(se a mel$orar a!ualidade dos assentamentos $umanos de modo !ue todas as pessoasten$am acesso a servios b%sicos $abitao %gua e saneamento e

    transporte com especial ateno F segurana especialmente para prevenira violncia baseada no gnero'

    >tates s$ould promote development t$at Bill foster and facilitate linagesbetBeen urban and rural areas in recognition of t$eir economic social andenvironmental interdependence including t$e development and e!uitabledistribution of satellite and nodal centres of e3cellence in $ealt$ educationbusiness transportation and communications to promote mobilit@opportunit@ and economic groBt$ for t$ose residing in urban centres smalland medium toBns and rural areas alie'

    Liolncia contra a ul$er

    >tates s$ould adopt and implement legislation policies and measures t$atprevent punis$ and eradicate gender based violence Bit$in and outside oft$e famil@ as Bell as in con

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    supportE treatment of in.uriesE post(rape care including emergenc@contraception post(e3posure prop$@la3is for 7IL prevention and access tosafe abortion services in all cases of violence rape and incestE policeprotection safe $ousing and s$elterE documentation of cases forensicservices and legal aidE and referrals and longer(term support

    Pr%ticas tradicionais nocivasG utilao Jenital eminina e casamento

    infantil>tates s$ould develop support and implement compre$ensive andintegrated strategies for t$e eradication of JKC including t$e training ofsocial Borers medical personnel communit@ and religious leaders andrelevant professionals and ensure t$at t$e@ provide competent supportiveservices and care to Bomen and girls B$o are at ris of or B$o $aveundergone JKC and establis$ formal mec$anisms for reporting to t$eappropriate aut$orities cases in B$ic$ t$e@ believe Bomen or girls are atris and ensure t$at $ealt$ professionals are able to recognie and address$ealt$ complications arising from JKC'

    >tates s$ould initiate national campaigns including t$roug$ information andeducation curricula and t$e abilit@ of t$e sc$oolKformal education and

  • 7/23/2019 O Programa de Ao Da Conferncia Internacional Sobre Populao e Desenvolvimento de 1994


    informal educationKs@stem and communit@ groups to eliminate se3ismincluding violence against Bomen and girls and promote male and bo@sparticipation and e!ual s$aring of responsibilit@ including t$roug$ t$eestablis$ment of special sc$ools for men and bo@s and ot$er communit@(based institutions to enable aBareness e3posure and be$aviour c$ange'

    >tates s$ould preserve t$e dignit@ and rig$ts of Bomen and girls b@eradicating all $armful practices including c$ild earl@ and forced marriagest$roug$ integrated multi(sector strategies including t$e universal adoptionand enforcement of laBs t$at criminalie marriage beloB age 1Q andt$roug$ Bidespread campaigns to create aBareness around t$e $armful$ealt$ and life conse!uences of earl@ marriages supporting national targetsand incentives to eliminate t$is practice Bit$in a generation'

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    >tates and global $ealt$ partners s$ould address t$e star disparities in t$esuccess of 7IL prevention in di?erent parts of t$e Borld and amongdi?erent population groupsE undertae researc$ to understand t$eunderl@ing causes of suc$ disparitiesE and s$are proven polic@ lessons toreduce 7IL infections in $ig$ incidence populations'