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Bernier l .

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lo+uT sJe+€rlr T€+s?oc oli+ sop-!^Tp soqc+cc s ruourroqs-lJ Jo bu-fpJocaJ

^,,^,,,, .-.r^- - ^,-^ f^ eq+ .lrJ +JuL'+J J 'U si L*d,ts.d trq | ^1 t,r.Jsr! Lo+5^s {Colq c-{[

.+T SuTpunoq spl:relsT oq+ Jo q+Jou ?u€.j qarl afr4 oq l nn ( T r :- a ,f-

v|.sr! r,ub utT rt4+f" ,!!.e oJoJaJoql lo'r -'6op-,{.reqs1y ,-rod,h -q {e g 4.;e.g ar-1't se ul.1o rt s ! +€W.. .JorAnC odca ,;:o/'r rrrrnrn rrr, rr.r nrrRnpn ro /'n rnrrnnl, rrrnr- r f,,^. - r "1" i L_r_ 4v t_ l yc u I

.rr^T. /{r raorr r :rTnn '.- or^rr -^ .f" -'-^ -_:*!-T,1 eq+ uT eJ€ scoJeTr.if ^rrr1.T "-^ (-^,,o.-- .l^^ r- ,.,-.^ aa^-,,,^- w..+ drl+ l, ttt

JJ +sJ/.\ oq+ o+ . {3n1r o-rc :oodrug .(L .3T,{) pu"Tsl JoIuJog.---.- -.--;". -,,.-i- rA"

- -;Jc r{+Jou ,-1rr^T nur _ " __*-II )iJ-!o Jo ^+TursJ+xe

-.. -" ^-.,^^,"^ r- u{eq'}nos oq+ +t o!=essbd -.t+Lrw5 u u.-rJ Jf,aorro ruoqsTJ eqJ

u6-r1€ (n)


' suoT+epueuuoc oJ pu€ uoTssncsrp ? rl+Txi! Jeq+o?o+ i.!oI eq +norrnrr o9rr c o arrr rn

d"_ souTT snoTJE. ' oq+ Jo s+tnsal eqil

.pJocar uo +sJor?,, oq+ Jo ouo s€11, uose€s€r{+ +€i.l+ ?o+EcTpuT peq s1;rorle.r sso;ri osntcaq ue{€+Japun osT€ s€}^uos€os O95T oqI Jo ,(pnrs peTF+op \' .sJ€od oJn}nJ ur uosrredrroJ

JoJ e+€p Tec-r+s-!+e+s uT€+qo o+ ?arroraJ6+uT ore^r ueut.ler{sT.;:._raddeus^rrn r^ rnrr^ar-", ^,." 4,,^d!-.1, JU -/=l LruL -r- eqf .uQsees

096I ar{} JO asolf, dltl" }v

.-Cpnls oq+ e+e+TTTc"J o+ ru-llacu€T,r iosso^ rlcr€oseJ eq+ Bu-lsn .uoscos

096T JL{+ 3u pnp s dt.r1-"r adcieus Jo 1ca.+Ja du.+ af eeTlsl^ur. o+ oaprJapd^ r^ ^ ^1 a a-r. r, trr- n o9nrr or r-r /'pr'r nr'rr


sJolcn apTs+i1o ur uJ:ces Su'rlooqcs Jooo cus or-{l Ju -gnr pue 'uorlJr.rcsu;^.T-^ ^^ ",,-^ r n^^^^ a.^ ---- ., -^,-.h^ r--^^^^ duuJ el uv/J truu eH ri4!u culsut trduutrLt /\tl!r+(J+

\ n nrrr arr crrr rrq uu4u rlsH -14dL{b a{+ 4! L.tb !J oulrts+ i/ guLl+-- > r 1? lu4rF.:1qs enb ea +ueur+J€do( soTJaqsril oq+ o+ eloJ,\{ uoT+nTcossV s rueuJoqs-lrf

TcuoTesoJoJd oLll Jo on3r,aT uelTcr,lsnv uJo+sa,._ s14r .6q51 161 ,reqolcg ug..fuoqsrJ oq+ uo +JeJJo snoaJo-loTop r. one.l pTnorv "de-1 ,3:o osn aq+ +rq+ ^---- . - ^ao- SuoTlset:ns TLJO^eS iJ!.r u... u4iJLLl LL)s ui U9b L Oq1 Ol JOlJd

.anbTu-{cr? laircur-,rJ aq1 ut.Fe :r:r ?u1qsr- Jo poq.} Jins-!ql (95T uT puE ssoccns }1: .r: r.{'l"T. lesn +srrJ eran sder} 5E6T uI.ca,'.aDrl r^.l.lp,c 9rrrr nrn I nliDr^.i^ v\1rvlr\vJgqtsL-gqcl1

Jo sui,'ou fq -{1o1o: euop sL// Frrqst.;: okl .6E6T IT}un .raTprlsnv'a f-^-' ^"" d- r-^"--, s! rso!..:_J etcv. +:v1., grluuus drt+ r! r*dqs!J

?^':I-I-r'- (^ - \a., -n orrn (rnrr rrr ^^ ^- --a- - ^-. rrut_t -,Ld i n5 en I lrTuv 4+wq 5 L,4sJi*r 5 v

N0lmnoou0fll - I



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l'f,-2 "

: . - . : . , - :e;!€as rrFasuring one d.egreo of l ati.tude by onb d.ogree of longitud.e.Unfortuaately, l ongitud.e llJ"3 Gi.vides the Cape fnscriptioo, areainto blocks 5l+ a.nd. 55 and fishernen cross back and forth operati::gto the west and to the east of the llne at randon.o It is thereforei-npossible for a fjshernan to speoify the weight of snappor actuallycaught in each block" As a result, it has boen found. rFcessary toconbj_Ile blocks ft aDd. 55 and refer to thero as the Cape Inscriptionarea. In additiob, a few fishernen hat'e r€gistered. blocL 58 as the,.fishihg area but when questibned have shonn tha{ thoy were not r'operati::g so far vresto fhe figures for blook 58 ha\€, tlreroforo,been grouped ,;rith block 57 and ca11ed the Koks Island. aroa"

Snapper oxist in large quan'.;itie s lvithin Shark Bay proper,but the loundLge ;aken by professional fisherrnen is small c omparedv{ith. the StateJ s tota\ (t$ in L959) and., i.ln addj;tion, the fi"sherrcnworking thqro reside at either Shark Bay or Carnaffoao Block j!cover$ a IOr6o portion of the Bay but tbe D joxity. of the saappertaken fron this area are cau ght d-uri ng the season at Cape Inscriptio::(ug/" in 1959) "

. Although the arca over ivhich snappor nay be caught islargo, the specific patches are smaJ.l and it is possible for afisherman to catch snapper in quantity on a lnrticuJar patch whileanotlre r fishernan close by catchos very little" As a result, theeffl.ciency of a fisherman la,.rgeLy d.epend.s upoll hj-s abiLif tol"ocats the various patche s nri';hi-r. the fishjrg area.

(t) Operators

The majority of the vcssel-s operatin6 duri ng the snapporsoason are lbeezer boats fron 3re nantle and. dr)ri ng the 1!60 seasonthey numbe rod. l-9" Two Lcs-boats, two froezer boats and. eightcatchsr-boats operato d. from Gerald-ton.

(o) &rio4_ctr_-Qppr4rq:4

fn lato lt{ay or early Juno snapper school j:n the variousareas d-e s oi.-ibo d. above. fhs ovari-es ar€ in ripening concii-ti-on andthe fish ovid.ently sch.:oling preparatory to spawni-ng. Tt is thisstook on vrhich iho fishery operateso The boats move jxto the arcaduring the first lvoeks of June and., deponding uporl the suioess ofthe season, renain thoro until lato Augr-r t. This fis!:ezy, operatirgon sohooling fish, is distinct from fhe snall fishery. with:in theBay wl::ich oontirruos. duning the r,vhol o of'the year on v"irtuallyre sident stockso

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.?$Ir€ur +sour sT 096T pu€ 665T SuIJn? uoT+onpordn-T os€aJcu-T oq+ puc " L o f q€J rrI qno + os a-r€ r,,^TsnTc1rl 096T o+

Z96T s&on or{+ JoJ s a:n8-TJ nc-clcnpo.rd uos€os Jodd'eue oqf,,


.oorq+ o+ od.+ s€.\ C96I roJ e8eter\c oq+ q8noq+I€sd1.r1 ;rn q: e{atr J€E Tosso^ € rioscos oq1 3ur;nq eqc+€c s+T p€oT-JJo

o+ qo+pT€Joi Jo eTlu€trror,f roq+].6 o+ surn+o-L +€oq eq+ tpaulelqo s-rr{s-tJ Jo p€oT lfrur € uor{i{ . spu:lo.'F Jodd€us er{} uo srrr€rroJ +T euT+

Jo r{+8uol €q+ sTor+uoc +€oq qc"o ,;:o -{pcedec a3e.rols oq6

^_ ^ 'trcp c s._rnoq lq8te

r. .,J. ,, r- ^T+ca,16e sde:1 +€1'l+ sr ocueJaJJlp Joq+rnJ V.+ou Jo u,uorq g€ra f+rT€coT +c€xa oq+ Joq+oqld seqclad +s q oq+ JeAo

8q1.;.;,rp Jo oou€r{c oTq€uoseoJ€ p€q u€uJorlsrJ qcee dasn uT poq+eu.rf1uo oq1 s€rt SuTuTT-pu€q uoq6 ! +uo-Fc-!JJo +som oq+ sT soi{c+€d.reddeus eq1 ;ro e8pelnornl 1so1eo:i? oq+ q+Tr\,I ui'uror{s-FJ or{+ +€q+ .uoq; rs,rao11o.;r 11 .saqs? eq se 3uo1 s€ JoJ eoJ€ +€r.l+ r{sTJ uoq+

,{eu ag .uo111sod ostca.rd € qsTJ snq+ pue sde.rg srT{ do.rp o+ aTq€sT ueurar{sTJ € +€q+ sT 3u1dde.z1 pul.' 666I o+ ro-lrd ?osn porl+d3r.nr_r1-pueq eq+ ueelq q ocucJeJJrp JoC?-"1 V . s-fonq pue sleoq

uoori-? 6q ftrf +,;.t.rp ,;o ,t11nc1,;;:ip orl+ Jo osnecoq peqe.rodo 3u-5 eq a;resd€r+ oJoq$ euTT-pu"q ,{q .,{1o1os qsTJ o+ u€ulJeqs-rJ e .zo;: olqrssodu-r.{TT€n+JT^ sT +I .FuTr{sTJ de;r1 ;lo }is€+ uT€ur oq1 o1 -&repuocos qcnur.&terl sen s'rq1 '.roae,uo11 " sd"J+ JTorl+ 11nd o1 8ur 4er, oT--rqi{ seurl

-?treq pesn osT€ uourJer{sTJ sosn u_T poqlou 1ed1cu1.zd eq1 se.rr s1r4q8noq11y .8uT++eu r{sou ]IUTT osooT Jo 8uT++eu orrr,r .fq ?oro^oc sr

sF{+ ?ua Tos+8 pTTtr Jo sT olu€rJ oqa "(z 31g) 1q31aq ur sor.lcurOZ ?Ire Jo+oE€T? uT +soJ t +noq€ ssrns€ dr ?u€ od€T{s ur r€TncJTc

sT d€.:+ eqJ .096T uT posn u-ge8r se& ?u" 56dI u-! €cuauTirordo+uT arrr€c de..r1-.roddeus eq6 - f,pfflfrb*!ffi (rr )

. Jc.p E €Jnoq Jn ou lnoq€ sc.A ourr+ AuTqs-TJ€AT+ceJJe ?O+€uT+sa oqfr .SurqsTJ +ou scm Tosso^ i€TncT+r€de uoqm .,(ep oq+ 3u-.rm? s I'TJ €rI olq€Jop'rsuoc o:eril ea eq1 du^m1

Irf seqc+€d eq+ JJo pe+,Flr? Tosse^ r{c"o +€q+ +c€J eq+ Jo uos?errfq'.reae-r,rog .soqc+€d 11e 3u;qs1.; ;o -{5ur4,roddo aq+ peq Tossea

qcee -fea Eq+ uI "8uTqs$ pocuomtrocoJ I'rr" ou! T eql .3:o .do1 eq1o+ peaou +T ?unoJ8 aq+ uorJ .{euc pe4,4;rp lossoa qc€o sV .po+€coT

s€il qci€d qc€o.s" +rdgn€c oJau;reddaus ?u€ prxnoJg uoar.B e uo seqcgedJo seTJas € Joao ps+JrTJ? sTosso^ Jo cr,,IFT v "666f o+ roTJd esR uTpol{+ s 6Tos er{+ s"n Brrru-TT-pu€H - 236fffi (r)


sDou1ew duTusT.tr (Dl

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Fig. 2. Plan and side view of snapper t rap used in Western Austral ia.

(af ter "Fisher ies Newsletter")

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ou-TuExo o+ oTqrssoai srl.'. +T suors€cco Jo JCqrDnu r uo (.ro,roaro11 .sTossolJo +uouo^our oq+ uo E+ep o+"rn3cE uT!+qo o+ +ri1c-tJJTp sT +I

uoffiffi (c)

ffiFlEs*oe6r -T

'qI tt6'8E sc,r +:oq-r.z oo.r.;l ;od qJ}.'c 1r1J,'s+€oq-rozoarJ TZ,fq. lqgnec se,r,r qc:}l?,J oq+ .Jo %tB q8noq+T? ruosEcs

roddcus eq1 lupnp Sutlc.redo slroq Tt oro.{.r r\roq.} 096l uI

'(+,491r.r" ouno;) ,roddeus Jo .q.T A99.5L s,.a. 6661 1tT, slosso^ oser{}

JoJ 1€oq J dI r.{c}t ! auJ .1ue1"rod.lr oJr rlcrrJl '1cp :,,r o.;1o-q run-.roci-qc+!c JT oq+ sr +r pu13 'o,;n:so-rC 3urr1st;: or{+ c}n+T+suoc qcrq_fi s+1rocl

-.1ozoo4 ori+ sT +T .o.toqc pcuotr.uou s./ , T€oJun oq plnor^ so;ng1_r+u€+TnscJ ot4f .r:eur-rod-qcpc -ro 1.r,. oq-.rod-qo+cc oq+ ouT Jo+opo1 s..r'r o.{ snol,to.rd ;:o saangrj rlc+€3 oq+ Jo sTs.,fTeutr uc +ciriio}+€.

o1 ,o.ro.;ro.roq1 rast.run s1 11 .qc+...c T 1o+ oq+ Jo %Tg It4Bt\Lc 1'aU+'pux spuno;; oq+ uo slroq-JozocJJ zT ""ror,r oJoq+ +ciJ uI .uorlcnf

^ ?r{ Tr- ^ , ^oDw,n^^ n -^rq - -o-(Lr L LU-{o^o oq'} o+ n''Lsq., u !+'..1:, +uvJ +oU pTp r{C-tijlit S}LOq-Joqc+ec 1y;rus -,tur:u pop-l TcuT oJntTJ srrl+ +nq. .9E s€?i. uoseos Joddeus

oq1 8u1.rnp 3ur4.ro,r sfosso^ Jo Joqunu TE+o+ aq+ ,696t ut










Tg816ZZ' TTt r 'TB9'98, LZZ€L6'gLL9L'6zt99932€11z\o'6Ez€tt'TLr680'zz

tzr'+Br,-Bt1'z(.5goz'gLe:oo Lo).


T64'+tEfoL'oQ'LB,ET69z,tE):11 dat9r'B\aqa'C ItEz'ze(68'Btr


096Io:o L.)CAT


gYb L't:o


:,YO L

olo t


sto+€+s JooBeluec.rog


95 vm'18rlc o l[zE 4coltJeoJ.

.lsn8ng Inr€ {Tnf .eun1, rsam8tg uoT+cnpotd uoseog .roddeus -f"g {.r€ris

L oTq€[

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h o

a shipl s 1og and thus obt a;in very valuable inforrnation with rregard_ tofish:lng d.ates and the nunber of fi-sh ca ught on each d.ay. tr'rom suchlnforrnation it rnay be d.ofinitety stated that at l-east one vessel wason the fishin€ Eround s on June .1 ald. by the end. of the first woek ofJune there were throe others. By rniddune nost of the boats wero Onthe gror,,nds.

3y the end of JuIy all the boats had vacated the Capo.Inscription ar€a, al-though five stiLl renained. at Koks tsland.

.These vessols fished. crurin6 August and thon re turned. to port.

(l) cqlph-pr dat

lhere were 2] freezer-boats fishing for snapper duringthe season, and they ca u6ht B{S of tho total catch. ttre se boatJ.thorefore, oonstj-tuted. the ncst irnportant section of the snapperfleet. Ao cr:,r'ate irifornation on actual fishins t ine was obtai-ned_ ;fron ten of thess vessclsr and. it is reasonabie to assurne that thjsinformation is ropresentativo of the fleet. The catch-per-day datais set out in Table 2 and. it is cloar that the vessels on thefi-shing grounds during the first tlvo weoks of June ob tained. sonoexcollent oatcho s.


Catch-per*day Data for Cape Inscri-ption and- Koks fsland Areas.

' r o(n


Cape Inscription area Koks Isl and. area

Catoh perd.ay per


No. ofYessels


Catoh per


No. ofv e s s e l s


Juns 1-15J uns l-b-ruJuly

lb .

5r2ffi1, JoO1, JOO


J, oo02r loorr Soo



Tho catoh-per*day data agree with the general comnents of thefishermen, viz., that thoso fishsmen who wero on eithor of the tworoajor grouad s earl-y in ths season obtained good. catches but that laterthe fishing in the Cape Insoription area vras vely poox. fn fact' ofthe 19 Frenantle vessels, t/ caught the najor portion of their catch inths Koks fs3- and. area, incl uding tho western sid.e of Bern:ier fsland.

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4' A 'JQs, 2- LO. lr€E{























qstg 4q9nec-eu1.1qslg pedde.:;r{+3u oTT€+o,tr ltcuonb ard

'o9'g'T3 o+ 09'9'62 ree;re prrelsl srio)I +€ euTT pu€de,r6, .fq 1r43ne3 eldueg :reddueg Jo s orcuonb erJ-q+8ueT

rptrnoJ aJo,r qsTJ azTsJe!trm ou 1nq tpolcedsur oJo.& uo{IJ sqsTJoq+ -.Cq +r{Fnec .raddeus Jo sporpunq -&rziit suo11t31+so4uT oq+ Jo as Jnoc

oq+ +noq8norq[ 'seqcuT 11 ;lo q19uo1 1eFo1 unu--rutut oq+ oAoqc TTo.forerr. uo{B+ Jodd€us oq+ fT€ +€q+ s.uoqs osfr: oIW+ oqfi '3u r-u11-pueq

q19,i porzdtroc poqlou 9u1ddt.:1 aq1 .fq ",C11l11ce1as ozTs € oq.{€u oJai{+q3noq1 se suaes +T '1arc1 .f;6 oq+ +€ dT+u€cT;:ruF'rs .ro,;:,;:'rp ('ul 5' iZ

WE E. LZ) soldtu,:s o^r+ oq+ Jo su€au aq+ sV "f aTq€[ uT ]no +os ?u"popunodEo6 uooq s €Ll sTosso]\ T€TcJoufroa on! pu" uuTTocu€Tu 'rt"J IlIoJ,i

peu -!€+qo s+Tns6r oq;, 'spoq+air q+oq ]iq. lq8ne'c .reddeus Jo s+uotrI-oJiLs€onr Jaq+.mJ uT€+qo o+ uo{€+, s11,,!{ -f11un1.:roddo oq+ pu€ SuTqsTJouTT pu" de.z1 peulquoc sleoq 3u1qs1.1t aq+ Jo o os -{Tn f Jo puo oq+

spJJ.&ro+ 'uo111ppe u1 . "(Tsnoou€+Tnir5s spoq+o'J r{+oq posn ,uTTocu€TuTossa^ '.{cr€osar or{} 'sdrJ+ -{q prre sou11 pueq ,4q 1q3nec .reddeus

;o sq18uo1 oq+ uaeAt+ oq ep6r oq o+ uosTJ€dtxoc ". i,tolT€ oJ

sEffiEn5fifr-ffi (.)



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t- 6.

Xength-fre quoncie s of fish measured. at Quoil Head, SurfOutcr Bar are 6iven in Tcblcs \ and' l.

!e&]e-,LLength and. IVe ight Frequenoies of Snapper

C aught by linc at Qaoin Head, l+.8.60.

Foint and

tength and '$Iei6ht

at Surf Poi-nt

I \FA ^ i r .ah^ i Ae n f Srnnnar . .

D^- r . Q r oAnD r L t . + . v . L J v v

Cau6ht by trineto 5.8.1960


Total- length Tre quoncy Total Weight Ir€ quoncy




202L22t z

2+2 6





'l l^




Total 31 Totaf

l[ean 2O,7 irt l,lean 4 .5 r b .


Stand.ard.Deviation 1 . 7 l b .

! w u d r ! E 1 1 6 u r r Frequency Total Weight F1€ que ncy


1 -7

rB' t q


u2 q





lb .Jl+561B9



ll_t f5

I It2

Total 43 Total t+3

Moan 23 iJ,. lioan b . t r D .


StandardDevi-etion 1 . b t D .

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.q+AuoT T?+o+ uT s oqcu-t 9T "{To+"urxoJdd€ soJns?orrr{oTqrl +qFTan .qT t o+ Z }noq€ Jo r{sTJ ? su€ eur oq .zaddeus 11eus

c o+ sro-ror u€nJ oqs-lJ € uoqm +r-r+! a+ou o+ 3u11sare1u1 s1 11.q.T Z.OT Wts '5.6 '8.6 'Z.6,6.g,Z.B tTtB -:sMoTToJ sb ar or,r

sdt.-r1 ualtas .:o;r (yf1e,u puno.r spunod uT)-s1q81e,n o3e"re.rrr oq6'popJocoJ s1.r.u uo+pT€roi Jo o r+IfeuraJd +r oyeJo+s pToc puE TUT€ul

erl+ rm poc€ Td qs1; oq+ ;.o lqFtore T"+o+ aq+ se d1;r1 qcr:e 8u.pmp+q8n€c r{sTJ eq1 ,;o 1q8-por,r o8c.roat; oq+ e+c B1c fsJ o1 ,e.:o,;:e"roq1

tolqlssod se,u 11 ..fcp qcre uo lq8ntc .roddeus Jo Joqunu T€n+c€oti+ poprooar sTassall oorr{+ Jo s3o1 oq1 tosTy .l- pu" 6 rr1 soTqEJ

u-T uo^Tg oJe pouTur€xo qsTJ or-t+ .ro s olcuonb o:J-+qBT ojg

,FoJffi6E6'ffi-.f{_ (p)

.tlr q. TuoT+€T^e(?J€?u"+s

*t I ou€oll





:Ccu enb o..rgq+9uoT Tc+ofr

.W6r.L,zz o+ \E6r.L:9r '096r ,6.2 o+096T'8'9T '1a1u1 sselesl pu" r" Tns.crTued uoJsd dpu€TsI

.(rpung 1c eu-51 {q 1q8nr9 .r eddeug ,3:o selcuonbo;g q13uo'1

q oTq"I

r s.ro+t.r,r as or{+ uT lsrxa q1?uo1 1c3o1 unur;u;u oq+ u€rf} ssotFur;nsesu qsl; +"q+ uoqs o? -{oq1 t,feg {i€r.{S uTq+T^,r .raddeus aq1 ;:o

,tlTJo f cu or11 1uosa.rde..r 9 o I c[ ur s+uairroJnsceu oq+ +"q+ p qse8Sns 1ousT +T qgnoq+TV .+.156;1 r.f1n1 u1 +oful ssolosjl rrr ouJn€r8ord 3u-gF3e1

e 8ur-mp paJns€ dn Jodd€us q+T.r Jor{+63o+ o9 nTq"J uT +no +as al?soTcuonb oJJ-r{18ue1 oq1 pue (-f,eg

{JeqS .?rreTsI ,(epung pue reTnstrFueduoJed Jr rQ'5u1c'5rr oq1 uT 1q?nec ero^4 qsTJ Jo roqumu TT€us v

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Snapper Caught by Trap and.Area, 2J,5.6A to 21.8.60

'[!-eight Fre quoncies of

.L ane at- Ko_i{s -LsI ano.

TiholoWe ight Tratrrpod Fish tri:ro-o aught tr'ish




101 I







t 2422



1 q





Totaf l q A 206

Mean O . Y I o e b .4 -Lb .


2,9 rb ' J .O 1b .

(.) @cthor

Consistent w:ilds fron the south-east were experionced. d'uringJune, July and. .A,ugr:st. According to tho fishennen there vras more j-:o-

cLenent weather than i-n previous years and. so uth-easterLy vri:td.s blewfor d.ays on ond.. I-s the Turtle Bay ancl:orage ig suitable onJ"y whontho we atlre r is fron the south-n"est to s outh-south-eastr it was d'i-:Ffi-cult to work the Cape fnsoription ar€4. It may have been partly forthj-s reason that there were so few boats working that 6round.


There is no general agreoroent amongst fishernren and. otfrers

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soop uo 1qo:d oq1 d;oacraog orlsrJ TTcris ric+cc TI?.r dqsr.;: 11au:r^ -^^T^brnrr "nnr:n - rra nac do rTr rr rr rr

...".,_r .!+TT sT oJ d{f..fcg {rrqs 'o3r.ssu6 q+nos Jo ",{1gu1c1.r rq1 ;1 poddr..;1 uool

o.,rcq .:oJdrus ')zTCJCrpun +xl!+ s.+:.cTLuI gtl/+ET o1r.3: 1uou1-rtdoq -rTTn-cJ*r.". -.'r-1, i-a-dt( I t'r \ s u l4.Jr.t>

's+uo^o JJn+nJ .+1:ln^.coc o+ oTqTSSod..'i^nhrcr.n \ r. cL- a-rclT-, /.-crn.r: l. rp .tC/._ nq4T :"|J.'.; A1AT Ur

.f,nrr n rn'r 9rrrrerr rtru ,C'c 64 .Tn.'':.ri rr er n-r .n rr9nro rrnrn "*i.1-ir,

-s.T^.T ^rrr I^-.r ^',r crrrT 9rrrrcrr nrrrcrrr'f -u tLLuwu . ,.t-f Jw uw L,+{v L'v .q4 '+ t ! fquD!4urn ncrrl a rarrrmnrru r-,. 4n.rr"-,, !a -rr^rr-^,^ 19n^ ,r.r n^n ^rn^- ^^

4v +D Lu r,J . puLr,- jtr , *.!t' YL+uLuet, url

rrrr, crrrrnr9 ^^^ ^r' 'd "'LL!" "y4 ldr u-t+

TTqT lrlsoFSns uooq sq{ +I - FiHfr?i-r]srJ"Jo roqrrnN (;)

"fi ;4- :=b- o: r ba-f [s-u'gl:L@ffi ( q)

.arrrrrcr-r- .--- a 4 fT-l,..Tr-r nf 44-;^^ ,q!1. Lr!4ur+ Je 4r'ur! J,iF +u P e! +u u:u

u L4+ .r'yu Lr-v-g.L r ,JoT I1+Tr.1 utuJolltTr p^iu.t..rrCx. oq1 o3 ! Jor{c+r;cr^^d rr-n^^ .f-rrnrr-n,r^n /'nn c lrrrnrr<tr'r

?-,,..__ : +nor'+Tr. ui,.utJ1qsTJ orl+a^ ^,r^^ "a.{.-L[f,us o^T,]1:ToJ cril Jc o:n',coq 61;",q.r-q1o oqr ug

.spunoJ9 8uTr.{s TJ }.ol oq+ uo tdcJ+ :1-1 ^o';1J o:r lTqt s} soqc+cd roJdcusrr' r.T.,rr!: - T '.r o i.rr-i_r1r'Tr. rT4 -rrr -L ^l.JnJCL UL LI+T \ U:ilJ.q: -,- ,

porpr.c; .,{1o:o 1J ir srrlJ - ffiF,T i -dJJo

Tc -.

rccy (1;)

r /'rrrn /'r,n crrrrr o crrrr9n /!Luw rlolr u r4,turl I ILULiU !!1-.1 pLf,t-r -.-f , "

d 6 r-n a rr:rrr ? rr r- r b, rrLjP ! brLLwti B uuLl !L{Dlir qu er!u1 -rL4I,r ---,r-- t. -T -rbLrtL; J.i_i.{ t-uuu u! +q,'!u!.-,J LU :! Ju !L.l:.-Jauu!.Jr

" 5urqsr.;-.out1 ;(q (+11puc ?u1ddr..r1 .{q 1f 1 : .,u 0g6I tgz Dv.L +U, f ;\! .:o ;i;oq ouo fq 1q?ncc

-^.TJ-,.^ .^--'"^ -n-h- !',"r,r-" T ^,rr- 5^-rr^n,;v 4 rtuLLu "tr1u L u- 4uv

csol otrftcoq uolltlndod cq1 "{11cun: o'rd pLtc po:;i'rlo"rJ uo^tos ^q+ sct^n^ ^rrr-"-^- /'-nrrarr r{r1r ^rl, ^,, d.T-r^ ^,r^

+LLq +LLUJ'uL'rt /!L+4! 4uuuu ,LJ qurLr' .uJ4+ u{+

+cq+ ?rlnoJ uourJoqsr,I cq1 tocucurdxo -{g 'sdrJ+ sr TTor-l s€ souTT-puaqosn o+ pscJoJ oJoLi uoFlJcr{r-!; ,{u.tt 1ut ci oT ;cni:L& ^,1 iq3ncc cdc.r1^.,^ -^^^^-q^.,-l "^-nd ^.^ -- a-^^^^.^,, (,T-r^ qrr. rnh firn iuLt+ t,usiJd. n u{1+ ' !r' rt r' /Ll u"+ Jr L1rLy I JLr E

^ '.n n'r ,{-'" ^ -TTTuu> 4JLlurL u 54 | +i, rJ 4 Lr !e 4r ' ' !P

1 ^rr ^^a ^ .rrn I-n . rtr y Jr u4u4u '! 1 uu:

r{sT.T OOI +q3nLi Toss^... J L{}0rT\/ "-unf uT ,{1-r . /i:p ou I Sur:np Surdda.:.1rCn nnaar rnnnr: qrr9nrr ^_^_^,", c ^'r


e'-^'" /'^ 'ran , n ,Cm" '9rr- rcr r-^rrrr 5uL..r!r rtL{ t1u+';u ^L!uu !u! LLJw^u ql **i-l !u-Lq.L quLl+ +uJ.LU!&r'Jd^,.-*,,-^- ^-., -^Jr-.,^ ,.^,r, aq,-,r6.rr .:tarr -+ruL)JtLt{- ( *J JrLrul -r! uoq,l -o-I!-1n

..J*u -rJ - r'.ru^!J |JJ:I (T.)

"ffiiff6-:6,{tr-E?@T€ (n)

.s^q1 lsuir,P; .Jo\1 Z pu€ sdcJl

Jo o srr orl+ Jo Jno^LJ uT oJo.r 71 dlono;r,:rr;u-t :.r.idr:ls +coq 6T oq+ J0^9an nnran rnhrrn rr. rrrr n rrr"9o +'.1t+"-

.-+uoun3.rL cnoTrl^ a1; .3u;qc1,;-clc;1 ;o +r^JJ" jql o+ +cods.r q+Tt',.


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not arise on the recognjs ed- rtseasonalrr ground-s es af1 the fish takenarc well cbovc chc :r,ini;.-*ro lcgc.l sizc (Scction fVc).

/ , . . \ *(ii i) DIIrB:jr -h{jl3t. - The traps crc dropped. on thevarious patchcs encl pullcd to the surface a.borlt every 15 rcinutes.They often have pieces of coral attached to tho vri-re neshes andthere is no doubt that the habitat suffers sone d.anage. Hor.uover,' i t i s i m n n s s i h l r r : o r r r r ' . - r - ^ ^ - - r ^ - ! a r i * < o . y ' n a +uf L q udlr r r6v

on th<: . snapper pop,u1.rtion" It r:rust be remenbered- tha.t meiny roethodsof f i sh in5 r l tcr tLe sLJ ' r ccr i l - so i ,c i la f f -cro

(i") _c.q!i4sSg__!::!*S__!X_L9!_!_UUg - It is conroon fora trap to beconc snagged- on the r.ocks and be lcst to the fisherrnan.

. - . ^ ^ ^ ^ " + . i - , . - . - ^ . . . ! _ r . . , . i 1 h r q o . l f _ h r i t i r . r cLI Lp5 i ju L LIr lUrJ !U -L _L5l . l

nechanisn and ]:ence dsst?^:r f i <h r]lhn,,oh ihn n3sy1 of |t lancelinrt- n r r r d r h . + , i ^ h " , ^ ^ - " ' " 1 ; ; ' l ^ : : ; : ; " " ; r i n " ^ I " . , " . - u u - . ^ " H ^ u , ^ a , ^ ru \ . L L - P : L u r , r - L r r u r & J r

the sn-rppcr crught drrrj.:; thc scr:on .rrc those rvhich h:ve schoolod.p i ' ior to sp l : /n inq; -ch. : s 'ason I ' .5 ts :or e.bout thrcc uon' rhs only ,and then the fish clisperse. If traps are lost and continue tod ^ c r r ^ - , f - r . l | r h , i - . 4 r . r l ' - . . F ; a l - j n F * ; n . : n q " C O n C e n t r a t . ; d - S C h O O I

of fish would be until the end of the schooling season only. fn. , l n i l j ^ - i r - - - - L - - - , - r . 1 , : . - r t ! " ^ t ^ ^ + . t - 6 ^ ^ ^ . t - ^ r " ^ ' t : ^ - ^ ; 1 r - : + i ^ - ^ 1ruv f ' r w ' r ,

_ !L r ! . r . J uu .L u j ru l ( r5 r L f r ,p5 i j r l l r l J -LJ , t !LU J , rL - tuuL u . l o l . la -L

predator (of v,,hich therc ero mrny) to thc fish population. A further. ^ J | , . . i _ r r . , - r r j _ - l h l : . t ^ q r i

+ r a b n n m n i n eu r r J r s 1 l o L l t u - L L r l r u v u - - _ - - - _

before ib eithe r rusts ancl ceasss to be a trap or b corps encrusted_fl:Lth coral" fnfornation is not ava.il:Lbf e on theso aspootso

(-.) 9i"r-!9g H* - Fish rjaudht in traps are oftcn bruisedon thc napc and snoub" 1-n rddiL ion, j1 , is cominon for body scalcs tobc r,rissi-ng anct af'ter thc fish hrvc been frozen and thawed, these scaled.; l n o . r s s h . | : r r r n r e h r . r r i q r q T f ^ { - - ^ - r n a i ^ 1 , , . i - ^ l . n a i n n i ^ a i r . + n . , i: l r } , e u I L r r { r r } _ r d u v uof bc i -ng f rozcn, thc br ' . is )d - rca I .cco.cs not iccrb le vcry ruch morcquicl,,l-y and thus ii is ve:-i difficult for rr ico-boat to usc traps.Duaing- i\e 1!6O sc-:or,, .-. i,.c*bo.rt did trsc ihis mcthod of fishjngtut thg,,crcw;LL.l-lci 1;ilcir rl,i i.!n s rogul:trly cvcr"/ 10 to l-5 ninutes amdhcnc. . i 'o id- : - - : . i : i , Lr - : : i . lg . f t . :p : ro ; . r , 1 ,1 : r - - for r , t ) " r t bzr i ; ingrcally becci:rcs a p,:,,!.,,:r oliy :if thc -Lrr,ps q'rc lp ft in the watcr forl-ong pe:.iod.s of -;ine .


fhere arc tvro n:rin points to be consid-crcd. Firstly, wasthc 1950 sc lson n f l i turc end, , 'ccond. ly , wh . t ere thc possi t lo fu tureef1'ects of trap-.fi shing?

The 1960 Sha rir Bay snapper sceson produc ed, Trt+68r215 Lb.of snapp:r, wh-ich is Lhc srcond irighc st crtoh on r..:cord. Thisfi-gure i-s B@ of thc record. catch tekon in 1959 and cxccod.s thc

, , / - ^ - - \ \ - . - Jbcst hand-L i-nc catch \1955 ) Ly JV'". The 1956 production rrrs

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asz-ng/v/naaze (,,sadEdlaoN v.,\^,, rs6!nor sorotd)

legde.rr.reddeuS Sullneq

lreqs t?

,,eLunEl Jo lp"l,, € l l

ErlE.rtsnV uJatsaM ur pasn delt leddeu5




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'ina 4.'r,,, r.r.wrr.r," ",,::::: ::*::n"u osodu'r p1no""r ueq e

Llv.,r rrlr J-LU/L- L4r! r! _! (v,.rv!r..._.. --_r_+-j q:rr pa_Jocuoc f1u1cueJD uaurreqsrJ deg 4.reqg oq1 tuor4rppc u1 .r?oJ€ stq+ u1 sclr;.r1 ,;to

aqL'lueq ar{+ .nuTropTsuoc JoJ os!-c € sr oJoii} +tq+ puE r{sTJ oz-lsJopunfTT{ pTnoc rouu€in sTi-i+ uT posn sdc.i+ +cri+ suaos +I .q13ua1 1c3o1

runurTuTur oq+ o+ osoTc .f.ro.t o.re r{c tlt( Jc lsou ,qs1; _(ue'a ;o q+eap oi{} 1rTs+TnsoJ sli{f .ourT+ go spouad 3uo1 "ro; }.FoI oJ.-_ sdr:l} oq+ ..(llssocerr .;:6 .pu€IsI aq+ Jo +soi1 or{} o} +os oJ€ L1crql ts1od.,(c;o JTeq+ +TEq o+ uroq+

uT +r{8nrc roddrus oq+ guTsn .;:o asod:rnd sso.jrdxo oq+ Jo.li pue1s1 8o1.regI.r.r0 Jo +s.so oq+ o1 sde-r1 +os 1,rx !,. u au"r aqs 1;r.r!e ..rc 1cq:1 Fullectput

pelTocar uoeq a^!q slutelduo3 ",{€g {reqs u-rq1lu .roddcus oq} o+ ?J€BoJq+TrLr uoT+EropTsuoc rs{+ou.e sT orori+ +nA . ourf_pucrl ,{q lq3ncc oq TToln

.(11enb o -(eur foq; .peddr..r1 oq .dlcicunse;rd ._,teu .(oq1 puc.,{cg 4.rr:qg -r'^ ^- -^A-1.. LLL{+lrtr +'r LrlrJ uLr -riruqlus ozTsJopun }"rl+ s j'Dqs 9 oTc{EJ .pu€LI Jai{+o oq+uO .q13uo1 1cF o1 unuturu or{+ u"q+ ss oI oq o+ punoJ s lrfr! Guo +ou +nq

por.r.cu€xo oJor',^. Jadclcus Jo spoJ?unr{ l{rreu ,uor1-,;3r+ s o,ru-! oq+ Jo es.moc or{+8u-rJrnp 'uotlrppe u1 'ouTI dq 1q?ncc osoqr u€q+ JoSJe f scr,r Fulddr:;r1

.(q lq8nrc .raddr,rrs ;:o q19uo1 o8e.r olr oq1 {uo:p1 aldues oq1 u1 .1cr:; uJ" (t oTcL€[,) ozrs o?.rt'1 Jo TI" ar" sd";.r1 ;o sur:cu lq 1q8ncc qsr,; oq1 sc

s?unoJt TEuosros oq+ uo JtoslT 1uoso,.rd Jo-rir'.ci{ +ou soop ,rriolqo.rd oq;.+qnop cTq€JorrsuoJ ot uodo sT l.lsr.l: or-r-Jcl"rn Fu.rr,,l Jo . o.ro;o.;e 4_; dlce;:;:e eq;, .lq8ncc sr +T oJoJaq ulLeds o+ ?o1rLoTIU oq ?Incqs qsrJ u +ou

Jo Jeq+ouJrl Futleqap rIT+s orc slsT+uoTcs sorraqsT.J uJo?o

.sJE.d eJi+n-T ur DeuruJc+,1p oq o+ oJnssaJd purqs r.1:pos"aJcuT Jo +coJJo or{} norTc o} c+"p r€cT+sT+c+s ?olrc+ap oJout Jo

uor+ceTTo3 oq1 o1 uolrS cq pfLtolrs uor:r1 Ja?rsrroc q8noqlp .1oao1 q8rq.(TsnoJo:ruEp -d o+ asTJ o1 ?urqst;: lq ,{11p1;rour asncr pfnon .f1rsue1u1

3ul.{sTJ 1ui,ri.;rC aT-l+ +eq+ oI,lT?ercuT srreos +T r.: o,r a.,;Lo g 'uotlcnpo.rd

?as€oJcuT Jo +coJ.lto oq+ e+cTnlsod o1 o1o,1ssodut st 1r .,(11uonles-uoc purJ oTil€ITe^e 1ou st lplelrou Surqsr.;: uo acuopT^lI

. 3u1qst;-dc.l 1 .lo s+coJJo orn+nJelqgssod oq+ sr ?aJopTsuoc eq o+ uor+sonb ?uocos. oqf,l

. ornTT€J ! paJopTsuoc eq surou ou [.q w:o .6q61uT u€ql1" rarlo-[ s €r:r! +Eoq-rozooJJ Jod r{r+r]c oq1 r13noq11: puc (,{1.rra

Srrrqs.- r:; i43r'oqt 1c ,o"ro;ro;-rrr . .)slo1 irr.I "(spunoci uorTTTU 9Z.i)6E61 uI oli;il aues aq+ +r; qc+rlc orl+ ucqi ;oqdrq s,:.r'- stq; " 1i1:n=5

uooq p€q ,redcleus ,;:o spunod uoTITru It" I o'-rT + +Eql1 ul 1nc1 ._,f1ng ;o puoeq1 -rfq spuno;:, oq+ +JaI peq s+!oq oq:I Jo I.s.Jul lur +ror{s s€_r1 uosces

€q+ +€q+ oru+ sT +J ' oJnf!€J € ser'1 uos€os 096T oq+ 1eq1 lso88ns o1oTq€uos?a.Irm sT +-t sJ€e,{ snor,l.o,ld uT ec"Id uo{c+ scq uoT+en+cnlJ Jood-{+ sTr{} ieqq o3pol,noul oq+ q+Td quourei{srJ orl+ o+ oTqcTTE^€ qsrJ

Jo Jo qunu aq+ uT osraJcop c scrlr oJor{+ }€r{+ ounssc o+ cTq"uos"oJ oJoJ-or oq+ sT 11 puc t696t pue LE6I Suz.rnp SuwsrJ s+coq .j[o roqurrlu or{+ ur

TfeJ +u€crJ+u3ts c .uo qq +ou op scr+sT+€+s te+uori+reclop oq;, "(l. oIqEI.), e:2n31,; 666T oLI+ Jo Jrfcq-ouo +noqc o+ pos"orcop uollcnpo,rd $upro11oj

dlolerpour; s.:ee.( o-u4 .[{+ Jo qo"o uT +nq Eq6T sc o{rr€s oq1 -{loleurtxo:ddl

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Tho snapper habitat is d aroaged. by the traps and. anchoichaLns as invariably pigces of coral- are adho r{-ng to them whenpu1led to ttre surfaco o However, it is inpossible to assess theextent of this d.anage or the effect on the school"ing snapper. Ithas been suggestod. that, as a resu-l-t of tho damage, the snapperw:il1 not schooL on their o1d patches and that the fishi_rig wi}ldoteriorate as a consequence. Tho extremoly poor production intho Cape fnscription area durin6 the f960 season has beon citod-as an e)canple of ths result of trap-fi shi-lg. However, 0.68nil"lion pounds of snapper vrere caught in the Koks IsI and. areain 1959, nai:r.ly by traps, and in 1950 producti.on v,ras aLmostd.oubled.' ft is difficul-t, thcrefore, to erpl a-in tho variousfluctuations vrhich occur, but it is d.oubtful- whethe r we havesufficient information avai-l ab1e to postulate that the habitatd.anage vrill realJ-y cause the fish to avold thsir favouriteschooLin€ patches "

Tho function of the Dopartment is to nanage thevarious fisheries to onsure a stable or expand.ing industry.As the efficiency of fis b-ing rrethods imnroves, it ts undoubt-edly tho Departnentt s duty to consi.d.er the new techn:iques and.their possible effoct on the fisheryo However, noro officientmethods, with resultant i:rcreased. catches, are ecomomi-calIy ofgr€ at importanco to the fishe rmon, and the Departnent nust be inpossession of sound. evid-ence before inproved. techn:ique s are banned..

SulTicient cvid.once is not available to support tho generalbaruring of snapper traps as a fidring technique, Holvever, it isreconnended. that tho collocti-on of statistical data zelating totho snappor season be intensified " length-fre quency data, noreprecise catch-por-effo rt and area d.ata, as well- as total prod.uction,should be obtaj-ned. This information wouLd allow periodi-c appruisalsfron a statistical viev,point, although biological knowl ed"ge wouldstill be lackilg. To prevcnt tho d.estruction of borderline snapper,i.o., fish at jLxt ahout thc lcgaI ninirnum length, it is fur"therro conmended that the use of traps be banned. to the east of DirkHartog fsland.. The bound arie s suggested" are tho eastern shorelinoof Dirk Hartog fslcnd. fronn Sr..rrf Point to Capc leviJ-Iain, a Iinefrom Cape l,evjLlain to Greenough Point on the mainland., the rnain-Iald shq eline f rora Greenough Point to Steep Point (South Passage)and" a line from Steop Point to Surf Point. Tho bound.arios encompassall the wators of Shark 3ay south of. a line d.rawn frorL Capelev-il-lain to Groonough Point (Fig. l).

'I . Th6 1960 sn€Lppor scason l,ra5 not a fail"uro "

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'trs9l{,to Hcwfiso€(uonog.X'g)

'sclcal ,.roddeus Jo osn oq+ o+ posoTc aq+uTod r{FnouoaJi o+ uT€TTT.ao1 ode3 uroJJ uM€Jp ouTT € Jo

qlnos :feg {x€qs Jo sJa+€..li oq+ +€r{+ po?uon[ocoJ sT +I

.pe-FJrFsuo+uT oq suos€es aoddeus oJn+rut o+ 9ug1e1o.r clepT€cT+sT+€+s Jo uoT+coTToc or{+ +€r{+ popueliuoc or sT +I

. sda.r1 ;oddeus ,;o Fuluueq 1e:aue?or{+ +u€,IJ€n o+ olqaTT€rr€ +ou sT ocuopT.r!6 +ueTcTJUms .z

