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  • NEW ORLEANSGuia de viagem personalizado

    feito agora para Bruno, Castaldide 19 de fevereiro a 28 de fevereiro de 2016

  • ndice


    1 New Orleans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Faa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Histria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    1 Eventos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Sexta fevereiro 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Sbado fevereiro 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102Domingo fevereiro 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122Segunda fevereiro 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142Tera fevereiro 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162Quarta fevereiro 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172Quinta fevereiro 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192Sexta fevereiro 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212Sbado fevereiro 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222Domingo fevereiro 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    1 Restaurantes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272Top Melhores Restaurantes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272Top Italiana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272Top Asitica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272Top Vegetariana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    1 Info til. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292Amanhecer/Anoitecer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292Moeda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292Frases teis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292Nmeros de emergncia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    1 Mapas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Referncias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

  • New Orleans New Orleans Faa


    New Orleans

    New Orleans


    EventosMardi Gras - Carnaval, estilo americano


    A partir de 1755: o advento Cajun eCrole

    Pernil de porco com jambalaya

    "Cajun" e "crole" so termos ligados colonizao dos esta-dos da Luisiana e Mississipi e embora constem como sinnimosem algumas fontes, apresentam diferenas. Ambos designamo que advm da cultura francfona, indo do idioma culinria.

    A cultura "Cajun" provm diretamente dos franceses, brancos,catlicos, que colonizaram a Nova Esccia, no Canad,entoAcdia (da apocopado para "Cajun"), no sculo XVII e que mi-graram para a Luisiana, vindo a se estabelecer em Nova Orleesno sculo XVIII, a partir de 1755, devido a perseguies religi-osas e polticas, em decorrncia da guerra entre Inglaterra eFrana.

    J o termo "Crole" se refere aos imigrantes brancos e negrosque vieram para a Luisiana, das colnias francesas nas Antilhas,a Martinica e o Haiti, que chegaram no sculo XVIII e aos ndiose brancos nativos que sofreram sua influncia.

    Essa forte influncia francfona faz com que o idioma se distin-gua no estado da seguinte forma:

    a) No norte da Luisiana, o ingls, sem influncia francesa;

    b) Em Nova Orlees, o ingls com influncia francesa e africana,onde a populao incorporou tanto o ingls quanto o francs;

    c) O crioulo cajun falado por nativos monolngues brancos dospntanos, florestas e plancies do sudoeste da Luisiana;

    d) O crioulo cajun dos pntanos e florestas do sudoeste, faladopor indgenas bilngues que dominam o idioma nativo e o ca-jun crole.

    A cultura africana trazida pelos negros influenciou tambm areligio, que incorporou o misticismo africano e o vod.

    Na culinria esto pontos marcantes dessa influncia, como ouso de condimentos fortes, frutos do mar e a incorporao deelementos usados pelos colonizadores espanhis e franceses,como a presunto. A culinria crole legou para o mundo a jam-balaya, prato a base de camaro, linguia e arroz, preparado aoestilo da paella espanhola.

    Por toda essa miscigenao e sincretismo, decorrentes do "Ca-jun" e "Crole", Nova Orlees comparvel a Salvador e tem co-mo caracterstica marcante ser multirracial, alm de apresentarmenos preconceito racial que outras cidades americanas.

    Sculo XVIII

    Nova Orlees uma cidade histrica. Sinal na Praa Jackson no bairro francs.

    Tribos nativos americanos Chicksaw, Choctaw e Natchez vivi-am na regio onde a cidade de Nova Orlees atualmente es-t localizada milhares de anos antes da chegada dos primeiroseuropeus. Os primeiros exploradores europeus a explorarem aregio foram os franceses. O primeiro europeu a explorar a re-gio onde a cidade de Nova Orlees est atualmente localizadafoi Ren-Robert Cavelier, que havia partido de Quebeque emdireo aos Grandes Lagos, e de l, partiu para a regio prxi-ma nascente do Rio Mississippi. Aps ter descido todo o rio,

  • New Orleans New Orleans Histria


    Cavelier reivindicou muito da bacia hidrogrfica do Mississippi coroa francesa.

    Nova Orlees foi fundada em 1718 por colonos franceses em1718, sob o nome de La Nouvelle-Orlans. Estes colonos eramliderados por Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville. O local foiescolhido para a fundao de um novo assentamento por cau-sa de duas caractersticas: seu inusitado relevo relativamentealto em uma regio de muita baixa altitude, vulnervel en-chentes e inundaes, e por estar prximo a um posto comer-cial francs (onde comerciantes faziam diversas trocas comer-ciais com indgenas) e de uma estrada indgena. Nova Orleestornou-se a capital da provncia colonial francesa de Luisiana(parte da Nova Frana) em 1722, substituindo Biloxi.

    Em 1763, sob os termos do Tratado de Paris, toda as regies daLuisiana a oeste do Rio Mississippi passaram a ser controladaspelos espanhis. Assim, Nova Orlees passou ao controle es-panhol. Muitos dos habitantes francfonos da cidade ficaramdescontentes com o fato de que a cidade estaria sob controleespanhol, e vrios deixaram a cidade, indo em direo ao atualQuebeque ou retornando Frana. O maior descontentamen-to entre a populao francfona da cidade levou a uma mani-festao popular que forou o primeiro governador da Luisia-na a fugir da cidade. Tropas espanholas acabaram com esta re-belio em 1769. Outros habitantes francfonos pressionarampoliticamente os espanhis, atravs de diversos abaixos-assi-nados.

    Em 1788, um grande incndio, o maior da histria do estadode Luisiana, destruiu mais de 850 estruturas. Em 1795, quandoa cidade ainda estava sendo reconstruda, um novo incndioocorreu, destruindo cerca de 200 estruturas. Por causa dos in-cndios e da colonizao espanhola, muito das estruturas dosculo XIX da cidade possuem caractersticas da arquitetura es-panhola.

    Em 1795, a Espanha cedeu aos Estados Unidos da Amrica odireito de usar as facilidades porturias da cidade.

    Sculo XIX

    Mapa alemo de 1888 de Nova Orlees.

    Localizao de Nova Orlees e o Lago Pontchartrain.

    Em 1800, atravs de um acordo secreto realizado entre a Espa-nha e a Frana, a Luisiana voltou a fazer parte da Frana. OsEstados Unidos souberam da compra somente em maro de1803. Em abril, os americanos compraram a Luisiana da Fran-a. As bandeiras espanholas iadas na cidade seriam somentesubstitudas por bandeiras francesas em 30 de novembro. Em20 de dezembro, os americanos oficialmente tomaram posseda cidade, e substituram ento as bandeiras francesas por ban-deiras americanas. Ento, a populao da cidade era de aproxi-madamente 10 mil habitantes. Em 1805, Nova Orlees foi ele-vada categoria de cidade primria (city). Em 1812, Luisianatornou-se um Estado do Estados Unidos, e Nova Orlees conti-nuou a ser a capital da regio.

    Desde os primrdios da histria da cidade, uma caractersticada cidade era sua populao cosmopolita, poliglota e multicul-tural. A cidade cresceu rapidamente, com grandes nmeros deamericanos, franceses e haitianos tendo instalado-se na cida-de. Durante a Guerra de 1812, o Reino Unido enviou uma for-a militar, cujos objetivos eram a captura de Nova Orlees e opedido de ajuda a um pirata instalado na cidade, Jean Laffite.Este, porm, juntou-se com os americanos. Os britnicos foramderrotados por foras americanas lideradas por Andrew Jack-son e por piratas liderados por Laffite em 8 de janeiro de 1815,a apenas alguns quilmetros da cidade.

    Aps o trmino da guerra, Nova Orlees prosperou economica-mente, atraindo milhares de imigrantes, a maioria, alemes ouirlandeses. A populao da cidade dobrou na dcada de 1830.Em 1840, Nova Orlees tinha uma populao de 102193 habi-tantes, e era ento a quarta maior cidade do pas. Nova Orleestornou-se extremamente ativa culturalmente, com vrios tea-tros, peras e museus tendo sido inaugurados na cidade, ope-rando dia e noite. Porm, o crescimento populacional da cida-de era interrompida por vezes por epidemias de febre amarela.As autoridades da cidade, ento, no sabiam que a causa des-tas epidemias eram os pntanos localizados prximos cidade,que criavam um terreno propcio para a criao dos mosqui-tos transmissores da doena. A maior destas epidemias ocor-reu em 1853, e que matou cerca de dez mil pessoas.

    Nova Orlees foi a capital do Estado de Luisiana at 1849, quan-do ento a capital do Estado passou a ser Baton Rouge. Em

  • New Orleans New Orleans Histria


    1865, Nova Orlees novamente tornou-se a capital da Luisianaat 1880, quando a capital mudou-se definitivamente para Ba-ton Rouge. Como um centro porturio de grande porte, NovaOrlees possuiu um papel primrio no comrcio de escravos,enquanto que a cidade possua, ao mesmo tempo, a maior co-munidade afro-americana do Estados Unidos da Amrica.

    Em 1861, a Luisiana separou-se dos Estados Unidos e juntou-seaos Estados Confederados da Amrica. Ainda no mesmo ano,a Guerra Civil Americana teve incio. Nova Orlees, como umporto primrio de grande importncia para a Confederao, foium alvo primrio de ataques navais da marinha americana. Emabril de 1862, Nova Orlees foi capturada por tropas america-nas. Nenhuma batalha em defesa da cidade ocorreu, e a cidadefoi tomada sem resistncia. Assim, Nova Orlees foi poupadada destruio que afetou outras cidades-chave da Confedera-o. Porm, a economia de Nova Orlees entrou em uma gran-de recesso, que duraria cerca de uma dcada, por causa dobloqueio econmico naval da Unio Confederao, conheci-da como Plano Anaconda, e por causa da inaugurao de di-versas ferrovias cidade, assim diminuindo a importncia doporto para a economia de Nova Orlees.

    Tropas americanas ocuparam a cidade at 1877. Por algumtempo, o governo americano cedeu a militares e a civis de des-cendncia afro-americanas o governo da cidade, revoltando amaioria dos habitantes brancos da cidade. Uma grande rebe-lio entre brancos e afro-americanos ocorreu em 1866, ondecerca de 50 pessoas morreram. A partir do final da dcada de1870, a economia de Nova Orlees passou a recuperar-se. Em1879, a baa porturia da cidade foi ampliada. Em 1884, a cida-de sediou uma Feira Mundial.

    Sculo XX

    Panorama de Nova Orlees em 1919.

    No incio do sculo XX, Nova Orlees possua uma populaode cerca de 287 mil habitantes. Durante a dcada de 1900, mui-tos imigrantes italianos instalaram-se na cidade. Em 1905, asepidemias de febre amarela que afligiam Nova Orlees desdeos primrdios da colonizao da regio foram exterminadasgraas a um programa adotado pela prefeitura da cidade, cu-jo objetivo era a destruio dos principais focos de procriaodos insetos transmissores da doena.

    Muito de Nova Orlees est localizado abaixo do nvel do mar,e por causa disso, a cidade cercada por diques. At o inciodo sculo XX, construo de estruturas estava limitada prima-riamente s poucas terras localizadas acima do nvel do mar,prximos a diques naturais. A cidade era ento completamen-te cercada por pntanos, que eram vulnerveis a enchentes einundaes do Rio Mississippi. Na dcada de 1910, o engenhei-ro e inventor Baldwin Wood criou seu ambicioso plano para

    drenar estes pntanos, atravs do uso de grandes bombas queforam desenhadas por ele mesmo. Tais bombas d' gua aindaesto em uso em tempos atuais. Toda a gua da chuva deveser bombeada para canais que levam ao Lago Pontchartrain.Estas bombas d' gua e a drenao dos pntanos permitiramque a cidade se expandisse bastante em rea. Porm, o bom-beamento de gua contida no subsolo resultou em sedimen-tao do solo, diminuindo a capacidade deste solo em absor-ver gua, assim, aumentando o risco de enchentes e descendoainda mais o nvel do mar, a cidade afunda 6 milmetros porano, nas reas drenadas e urbanizadas afunda ainda mais, cer-ca de 1 metros em 50 anos. Ao longo do sculo, diversos avisosforam feitos que um furaco ou uma enchente em grande es-cala do Rio Mississippi poderia criar um lago no centro da cida-de, com uma profundidade de at 9 metros, cuja gua levariameses para ser bombeada. Em 1932, Nova Orlees inaugurouum canal, a Bonnet Carr Spillway, que diminuiu o risco de en-chentes, desviando gua do Lago Pontchartrain at o Rio Mis-sissippi.

    Nova Orlees possui vrios bairros distintos e caractersticos.

    Durante a dcada de 1920, em um esforo de modernizar aaparncia da cidade, a prefeitura de Nova Orlees removeumuito dos antigos terraos de ferro da Rua Canal. Durante adcada de 1960, todos os locais que eram segregados entre apopulao branca e afro-americana foram reintegrados, entreeles, escolas e bibliotecas. Ainda durante a dcada de 1960, acidade substituiu suas linhas de bonde por linhas de nibus.Anos aps esta mudana, a prefeitura decidiu substituir muitasdestas linhas de nibus por linhas de bonde, durante a dcadade 1990.

    A partir da dcada de 1960, a populao de Nova Orlees pas-sou a crescer mais lentamente, com a maior parte do cresci-mento populacional ocorrendo na regio metropolitana da ci-dade. Metairie atualmente o maior subrbio de Nova Orlees.A partir da dcada de 1970, a importncia do turismo passoua aumentar gradativamente, tornando-se uma das principais

  • New Orleans New Orleans Histria


    fontes de renda da cidade. Diversas reas anteriormente volta-das para os habitantes locais de Nova Orlees passaram a vol-tar sua ateno para a indstria domstica e internacional. Em1975, a Luisiana Superdome, um estdio desportivo de grandecapacidade, foi inaugurado. Um sculo aps ter sediado umaFeira Mundial, em 1884, Nova Orlees sediou uma segunda fei-ra mundial, a Exposio Mundial de Luisiana de 1984.

    Na tarde de sbado, 14 de dezembro de 1996, um navio decarga chocou-se com um shopping center e um hotel na cida-de, ambas localizadas s margens do Rio Mississippi. Nenhumapessoa morreu, mas 116 ficaram feridas, 15 lojas e 456 quartosde hotel foram destrudos. O navio foi removido do local so-mente em 6 de janeiro de 1997.

    2000 - Tempos atuais

    Uma foto area de Nova Orlees alagada.

    Nova Orlees foi atingida em cheio pelo furaco Katrina em 29de agosto de 2005. O Katrina foi categorizado inicialmente co-mo um furaco de categoria 5 na Escala de Furaces de Saf-fir-Simpson, a mais destrutiva categoria de todas. O Katrina, po-rm, foi rebaixado posteriormente para um furaco categoria4.

  • Eventos Eventos Sexta fevereiro 19




    Sexta fevereiro 1924th Cutting Edge: C E conferences andevents - August 25 - 27, 2016local Hotel InterContinental New Orleans. 444 SaintCharles Avenue, New Orleansincio quarta dezembro 2fim domingo agosto 28descrio Cutting Edge C.E. (formerly the CuttingEdge Music Business Conference) was started in 1993as a conference dedicated to educating musiciansand music professionals about the latest trends inthe music industry. Since its inception, it has evolvedinto entertainment workshops covering legal issues,filmmaking, interactive applications and media businesseducation. Cutting Edge C.E. brings ...url evento

    Roots&Wings Rhythm Bandlocal Funky Nola. 1700 N. Broad St., New Orleansincio quarta janeiro 20, 17:00hfim quarta maio 18, 18:30hdescrio A 16-week Non-Audition EnsemblePerformance Course Wednesdays, 5:00-6:30 Hostedby Musicollaborative's Mid-City/Fairgrounds Studio inFunky NOLA(1700 North Broad) Facilitated by KayaMartnez, MME (Winds and Vocals) Todd Credeur (Guitar& Drums) Cahae Fortenberry, H.S. Intern (Brass & Drums)This series is designed for young* Musicians interested inperforming blues, rock, jazz and funk to ...url evento

    General Education and Assessmentlocal New Orleans Marriott. 555 Canal Street, NewOrleansincio quinta fevereiro 18fim sbado fevereiro 20descrio General Education and Assessment ishappening on 18 Feb 2016 at New Orleans MarriottNew Orleans, United States Of America. Its a premierevent in Education & Training industry. Book a stall!url evento

    United Real Estatelocal New Orleans Hotel. New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 18fim sbado fevereiro 20descrio United Real Estate is happening on 18 Feb2016 at New Orleans Hotel New Orleans, United States OfAmerica. Its a premier event in Business Services industry.Book a stall at!

    url evento

    Ranger-led Nature Hike - As Requestedlocal Fontainebleau State Park. Mandeville, LA 70448,Mandevilleincio sexta fevereiro 19descrio Must email in advance to request program!The park ranger will lead participants along the naturetrail, identifying the flora and fauna encountered onthe trail as well as discussing some of the "fun"facts about the plants on the nature trail. [email protected] to request the program.For more information call 888.677.3668 toll free or985.624.4443 locally.url evento

    distncia 46.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Salts of the Earth: Conservation of HistoricMasonry Impacted by Salts and Rising Damplocal The Old U.S. Mint Tonight. 400 Esplanade Avenue,New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 09:00hdescrio The Louisiana State Museum, NCPTT andresearchers involved in this pilot project at MadameJohns Legacy are hosting a technical symposium at theprojects end to review the phenomena associated withthis type of masonry damage and to evaluate the resultsof the pilot treatment. The symposium will be held onFebruary 19, 2016, in New Orleans. This symposium willexplore issues related to ...url evento

    HRC NOLA Dues 2015/2016local Happy's Irish Pub. 1009 Poydras St, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 12:00hdescrio What is Happys Running Club NOLA:When: Every Wednesday - Rain or Shine Time: Meetat 5:48, run for 6:16 Location: Happys Irish Pubon Poydras Downtown/French Quarter/Riverfront NewOrleans Distance: 5k or close to it Who: Ya mama n dem Cost: $35 (optional annual membership Sept-April) -Membership Includes: Drink (2 for 1 draft) -Club Shirt -Cool demos & swag from running companies ...url evento

    Food History Tour

  • Eventos Eventos Sexta fevereiro 19


    local SoBou. 310 Chartres St., New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 13:00hdescrio Chefs are the new rock stars and this tour isa delicious journey through New Orleans and Louisiana'srich culinary history! Down here we're passionate abouteating, so along with your guide Doctor Gumbo youwill visit up to 7 locations: classic Creole restaurants,neighborhood sandwich shops, hot sauce bars, artisanalcandy stores and more! Once inside you'll sampledifferent foods ...url evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization for

    Rare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    BRAVO 2015-16 Membershiplocal New Orleans Ballet Association. 935 Gravier St,New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 17:00hdescrio BRAVO, the Ballet Resource and VolunteerOrganization of the New Orleans Ballet Association, is agroup of over 200 volunteers whose time and talentshelp ensure that NOBA's nationally award-winningeducation programs and Main Stage Series of worldrenowned dance companies thrive in this city. Every year,BRAVO helps make possible over 5,500 tuition-free danceclasses and activities ...url evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio sexta fevereiro 19, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    New Orleans Pelicans vs. Philadelphia 76erslocal New Orleans Arena. 1501 Girod Street, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 19:00hdescrio NBA Basketballurl evento

    Kinky Bootslocal Saenger Theatre. 1111 Canal Street, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 20:00hdescrio KINKY BOOTS is Broadways huge-hearted,high-heeled hit! With songs by Grammy and Tony

  • Eventos Eventos Sbado fevereiro 20


    winning pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this joyous musicalcelebration is about the friendships we discover, and thebelief that you can change the world when you changeyour mind. Inspired by true events, KINKY BOOTS takesyou from a gentlemens shoe factory ..url evento

    USTA/SOUTHERN LOUISIANA-2016 NO Adult18 & Over - Men Weekendlocal SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - NEW ORLEANS.SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - NEW ORLEANS, New Orleansincio domingo janeiro 24fim sexta junho 3url evento

    distncia 6.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    USTA/SOUTHERN LOUISIANA-2016 NO Adult40 & Over - Women Nightlocal SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - NEW ORLEANS.SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - NEW ORLEANS, New Orleansincio segunda janeiro 25fim sexta abril 22url evento

    distncia 6.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    USTA/SOUTHERN LOUISIANA-2016 NO Adult55 & Over - Menlocal SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - NEW ORLEANS.SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - NEW ORLEANS, New Orleansincio quinta janeiro 28fim sexta abril 8url evento

    distncia 6.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    USTA/SOUTHERN LOUISIANA-2016 SlidellAdult 55 & Over - Menlocal SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - SLIDELL. SOUTHERNLOUISIANA LA - SLIDELL, Slidellincio sbado janeiro 30fim sexta abril 1url evento

    distncia 51.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    USTA/SOUTHERN LOUISIANA-2016 SlidellAdult 18 & Over - Menlocal SOUTHERN LOUISIANA LA - SLIDELL. SOUTHERNLOUISIANA LA - SLIDELL, Slidellincio sbado fevereiro 13fim quarta abril 27url evento

    distncia 51.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    2016 United Real Estate Annual Conventionlocal Hilton New Orleans Riverside. 2 Poydras at TheMississippi River, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 18fim sbado fevereiro 20url evento

    distncia 8,013.1km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Smoking Time Jazz Clublocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 18:00hurl evento

    Festival of Laughs feat. Mike Epps, Earthqua-ke and Sommorelocal UNO Lakefront Arena. 6801 Franklin Avenue (OnUniversity of NO East Campus), New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 19, 20:00hurl evento

    distncia 6.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Sbado fevereiro 20Ranger-led Nature Hike - As Requestedlocal Fontainebleau State Park. Mandeville, LA 70448,Mandevilleincio sbado fevereiro 20descrio Must email in advance to request program!The park ranger will lead participants along the naturetrail, identifying the flora and fauna encountered onthe trail as well as discussing some of the "fun"facts about the plants on the nature trail. [email protected] to request the program.For more information call 888.677.3668 toll free or985.624.4443 locally.url evento

    distncia 46.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Miseducation of the Black Greek DRIVE-IN!New Orleans, LAlocal Radisson Hotel New Orleans Airport. 2150 VeteransBoulevard, Kennerincio sbado fevereiro 20, 08:00hdescrio The Miseducation of the Black GreekDRIVE-IN! New Orleans Saturday, February 20, 2016DoubleTree by Hilton New Orleans The Miseducationof the Black Greek DRIVE-IN! is a leadership experiencefor Black Greeks that is: An innovative, exciting,full immersion one-day leadership seminar experience,

  • Eventos Eventos Sbado fevereiro 20


    Targeting undergraduate members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations, and ...url evento

    distncia 16.8km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    504k 2016local New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. NewOrleans, Louisiana, United States, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 08:30hdescrio We're back for the third running of the 504K,ya heard? A race for all New Orleans benefitting YouthRun NOLA. Enjoy the unique 5.04K route through theMarigny and Bywater and a post-race party to follow. Youth Run NOLA creates and empowers a communityof healthy, young leaders through running. We haveover 300 young people from St. Bernard, Orleans, andJefferson Parishes running this ...url evento

    SATURDAY POP-UP VOICE WORKSHOP: VoiceDevelopment for All Performerslocal Steve Hammond Photography Studios. 2327Veterans Blvd., Ste D., Kennerincio sbado fevereiro 20, 10:00hdescrio Whether you are an established or aspiringperformer on-stage, on-screen, on-camera, or behind-the-mic, you will enjoy the fun, professional-yet-informal,and informative workshops atmosphere where youwill improve your voice and gain valuable informationthat will help you to enhance your career. Work withscripts and discuss elements of the business in a groupenvironment, supported and ...url evento

    distncia 16.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Think Pink Luncheon... More Than A Ribbonlocal Southern Yacht Club. 105 N Roadway St, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 11:30hdescrio Think Pink! Charity Luncheon benefiting theZeta Tau Alpha Foundation, which supports three ThinkPink! partnerships: the American Cancer Society MakingStrides Against Breast Cancer Survivor RecognitionProgram, National Football Leagues A Crucial Catchawareness campaign, and Bright Pinks Brighten UpEducational Workshops. The fight against breast canceris more than a ribbon. Its ...url evento

    distncia 6.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleans

    local New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    Kinky Bootslocal Saenger Theatre. 1111 Canal Street, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 14:00hdescrio KINKY BOOTS is Broadways huge-hearted,high-heeled hit! With songs by Grammy and Tonywinning pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this joyous musicalcelebration is about the friendships we discover, and thebelief that you can change the world when you changeyour mind. Inspired by true events, KINKY BOOTS takesyou from a gentlemens shoe factory ..url evento

    Battle in the BIG EASY "Registration" HighSchool Step Showlocal L. B. Landry Theatre. 1200 L B Landry Ave, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 16:00h

  • Eventos Eventos Domingo fevereiro 21


    descrio "Battle in the Big Easy" Middle/HighSchool Step Show will be held on Saturday, February20, 2016 @4PM. This event is solely for CompetingTeams to participate in Registration by purchasing a$150 event ticket for each team. Please understand thatALL registration fees are non-refundable. Once you havepurchased an Registration ticket, you will receive an emailconfirmation from the ...url evento

    distncia 3.5km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Battle in the Big Easy "Early Bird Registration"local L. B. Landry Theatre. 1200 L B Landry Ave, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 16:00hdescrio "Battle in the Big Easy" Middle/High SchoolStep Show will be held on Saturday, February 20, 2016@4PM. This event is solely for Competing Teams toparticipate in "Early Bird" Registration by purchasing a$100 event ticket for each team. Please understand thatALL registration fees are non-refundable. Once you havepurchased an "Early Bird" Registration ticket, you ..url evento

    distncia 3.5km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio sbado fevereiro 20, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    Tulane University Womens Basketball vs. Tul-sa Golden Hurricane Womens Basketballlocal Avron B. Fogelman Arena in Devlin Fieldhouse.6401 Freret St, New Orleans

    incio sbado fevereiro 20, 13:00hurl evento

    distncia 4.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Tulsa Golden Hurricanes at Tulane Green Wa-ve Womens Basketballlocal Fogelman Arena. Ben Weiner Drive, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 13:00hurl evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Monster Jamlocal Mercedes-Benz Superdome. 1500 Sugar BowlDrive, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 19:00hurl evento

    Smoking Time Jazz Clublocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 19:00hurl evento

    Ty Segalllocal One Eyed Jacks. 615 Toulouse Street, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 20, 21:00hurl evento

    Domingo fevereiro 21Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Sugar Mill History Tourlocal Fontainebleau State Park. Mandeville, LA 70448,Mandevilleincio domingo fevereiro 21, 10:00hdescrio Come and learn about many famousand not-so-famous details about this circa 1829 sugarmill. For more information call 888.677.3668 toll free or985.624.4443 locally.url evento

    distncia 46.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Rethinking Brunchlocal 2020 Oretha Castle Haley. 2020 Oretha Castle HaleyBoulevard, New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 10:00h

  • Eventos Eventos Domingo fevereiro 21


    descrio This summer Rethink's Ujima Collectivepublished a powerful report titled "Our New Orleans:The Black Youth Perspective." We are calling on oursupporters to dig into deep conversations about thethemes raised in the report with a monthly book clubseries. PLEASE NOTE DATES HAVE CHANGED! DECEMBER:Contemporary Jim Crow & Prison Industrial Complex //December 6 & 13 from ...url evento

    Primitive Woodworkinglocal Fontainebleau State Park. Mandeville, LA 70448,Mandevilleincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio This demonstration features the use of afroe for splitting wood and the use of a shaving horse,draw knives, pocket knives, hand saws and other basic19th century tools to make wooden objects. Pieces suchas spoons, paddles, canes, hiking sticks and tool handlescan be observed as they are being made. For moreinformation call 888.677.3668 toll free or 985.624.4443locally.url evento

    distncia 46.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...

    url evento

    Cathedral Montessori School's "Praise forPlay" 6th Annual Silent Auctionlocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio We welcome you to Cathedral MontessoriSchool's largest annual fundraising event benefittingCMS students and our community. Proceeds will helpwith capital purchases, enrichment programs, and aplanned expansion enabling us to open our doors andwelcome more of our city's promising young learners. Speaking of doors, those to House of Blues' Parish Roomalong with auction ...url evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    New Orleanslocal TBD. 701 Loyola Ave, New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 13:00hdescrio Proudly Supporting those killed or seriouslyinjured in the line of duty. The events are open to LawEnforcement, Firefighters, First Responders along withtheir friends and family and supporters. You do not haveto be an officer to participate. Players start with 2000chips with 100/200 starting blinds and twenty minutelevels. Players can make optional additional re-buy andadd-on donations to ..url evento

    Kinky Bootslocal Saenger Theatre. 1111 Canal Street, New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 14:00hdescrio KINKY BOOTS is Broadways huge-hearted,high-heeled hit! With songs by Grammy and Tonywinning pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this joyous musicalcelebration is about the friendships we discover, and thebelief that you can change the world when you changeyour mind. Inspired by true events, KINKY BOOTS takesyou from a gentlemens shoe factory ..url evento

    St Bernard Bridal Festivallocal St Bernard Bridal Festival. St Bernard Civic Center ,8245 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette

  • Eventos Eventos Segunda fevereiro 22


    incio domingo fevereiro 21, 15:00hdescrio The St. Bernard Bridal Festival was designedto help brides plan their entire wedding all under oneroof in one weekend. We give brides the opportunityto meet one-on-one with the best of the best in thewedding industry, from wedding gowns to flowers tocaterers, event facilities, photographers, makeup artist,decorators, limousines, and even the ring! Most of thewedding professionals will ...url evento

    distncia 10.9km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    The Christian Brotherslocal Macedonia Baptist Church. 2810 Erato Street, NewOrleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 15:30hdescrio Gospel Musical Showcaseurl evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio domingo fevereiro 21, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    WAWA bandlocal The Beach on Bourbon St.. 227 Bourbon St, NewOrleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 19:00hdescrio The WAWAband is a Variety band from NEWORLEANS La.The band is high energy show band an hasdazzled audiences from all over the world this band playssongs from the 60s thru the hits of today you will never bedisappoint by the sounds of the wawaband, the real dealis what we like to think of ourselves, we play every song

    with heart an feeling, each member brings to the stagehis or her piece of ...url evento

    Kirk Franklin Presents Gospel Brunch at Hou-se of Blues (NOLA)local House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 10:00hurl evento

    Jazz Brunch with Some Like It Hotlocal Buffas Bar and Restaurant. 1001 Esplanade Ave,New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 10:30hurl evento

    In the Den: the Grammy Nominated Hot 8Brass Bandlocal Howlin Wolf. 907 South Peters Street, New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 22:00hurl evento

    HOB on Sundayslocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio domingo fevereiro 21, 23:00hurl evento

    Segunda fevereiro 22Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    National Social Security Advisor (NSSA)Workshop--New Orleans, LAlocal New Orleans Marriott at the Convention Center.859 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 08:00hfim segunda fevereiro 22, 16:30hdescrio Congratulations! As a financial planningprofessional you have acknowledged that planningfor today's affluent is beginning to migrate from the"accumulation" phase of their lives onto now what isbeing termed the "distribution" or "income phase of theirlives. Some say timing is everything, we would like to saythat for most clients it's when the right ...

  • Eventos Eventos Segunda fevereiro 22


    url evento

    Bricolage Academy School Tourlocal Bricolage Academy. 4238 St Charles Ave, NewOrleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 08:30hdescrio We have many opportunities for you to get toknow Bricolage better, and a school tour is a great placeto start. Spend some time with our Head of School, walkthrough our classrooms, and get a glimpse of what life islike for Bricolage Academy students. Tours begin at 9 AMand are for adults only so we don't distract our studentsduring classroom time.url evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWO

    MEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio segunda fevereiro 22, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Jon Ronigerlocal Marigny Brasserie. 640 Frenchmen St, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 19:00hdescrio full band showurl evento

    WAWA bandlocal The Beach on Bourbon St.. 227 Bourbon St, NewOrleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 19:00hdescrio The WAWAband is a Variety band from NEWORLEANS La.The band is high energy show band an hasdazzled audiences from all over the world this band playssongs from the 60s thru the hits of today you will never bedisappoint by the sounds of the wawaband, the real dealis what we like to think of ourselves, we play every songwith heart an feeling, each member brings to the stagehis or her piece of ...url evento


  • Eventos Eventos Tera fevereiro 23


    incio segunda fevereiro 22fim sexta abril 22url evento

    distncia 51.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    National Association of Tower Erectors - NATElocal New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. NewOrleans, Louisiana, United States, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22fim quinta fevereiro 25url evento

    Swmrslocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 18:00hurl evento

    Aurora Nealand & The Royal Roseslocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 19:00hurl evento

    The New Orleans Super Jamlocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 21:30hurl evento

    The Musicians Jam w/ Ashton Hines and theBig Easy Brawlerslocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 21:30hurl evento

    The Musicians Jamlocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio segunda fevereiro 22, 21:30hurl evento

    Tera fevereiro 23Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Bricolage Academy School Tourlocal Bricolage Academy. 4238 St Charles Ave, NewOrleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 08:30h

    descrio We have many opportunities for you to get toknow Bricolage better, and a school tour is a great placeto start. Spend some time with our Head of School, walkthrough our classrooms, and get a glimpse of what life islike for Bricolage Academy students. Tours begin at 9 AMand are for adults only so we don't distract our studentsduring classroom time.url evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

  • Eventos Eventos Quarta fevereiro 24


    Hip Hop Dance Class with Kenneth Bryanlocal New Orleans Dance Academy. 5956 Magazine St.,New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 18:00hfim tera fevereiro 23, 19:30hdescrio New Hip Hop Dance Class at The NODA (NewOrleans Dance Academy) Are you looking to get in shape?Do you love to dance and want to learn to move likeBeyonce', Britney Spears, Michael Jackson? Do you havedreams of dancing in music videos? Love musical theatre?Or are you just looking to bust a move? If so, this onesis for you! Open to all ages! Fun for the entire family!!Description:...url evento

    distncia 5.7km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio tera fevereiro 23, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Underwater Interventionlocal New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. NewOrleans, Louisiana, United States, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23fim quinta fevereiro 25url evento

    SUFU Winter Meeting - Society of Urodyna-mics, Female Pelvic Medicine and UrogenitalReconstructionlocal New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. NewOrleans, Louisiana, United States, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23

    fim sbado fevereiro 27url evento

    New Orleans Privateers at Southeastern Loui-siana Lions Basketballlocal Southeastern Louisiana University - UniversityCenter. 800 West University Avenue, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 19:00hurl evento

    distncia 73.7km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Pell and Daye Jacklocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 19:00hurl evento

    DALEY plus Avery Wilsonlocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 19:30hurl evento

    In the Den: Comedy Beast Free Showlocal Howlin Wolf. 907 South Peters Street, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 20:30hurl evento

    The Society of Sin Presents the Vice Is Rightlocal Dragon's Den. 435 Esplanade Avenue, New Orleansincio tera fevereiro 23, 21:00hurl evento

    Quarta fevereiro 24Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 13:00h

  • Eventos Eventos Quarta fevereiro 24


    descrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio quarta fevereiro 24, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 18:30h

    descrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    New Orleans Magazine's Tops of the Town2016local Generation Hall. 310 Andrew Higgins, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 19:00hdescrio Two remarkable reasons One smashingsoiree! Tops of the Town & 50 Years of New OrleansMagazine A Birthday Bash and Celebration of the TopPeople and Places in Town Wednesday, February 24 7-10pm Generations Hall 310 Andrew Higgins Dr. $50advance, $75 at the door Celebrate the Tops of theTownas selected byNew Orleans Magazinereaders AND50 years ofNew Orleans ...url evento

    Tulane Green Wave vs. East Carolina Pirateslocal Devlin Fieldhouse at Tulane University. TulaneUniversity, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 19:00hdescrio NCAAB Basketballurl evento

    distncia 5.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    WAWA bandlocal The Beach on Bourbon St.. 227 Bourbon St, NewOrleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 19:00hdescrio The WAWAband is a Variety band from NEWORLEANS La.The band is high energy show band an hasdazzled audiences from all over the world this band playssongs from the 60s thru the hits of today you will never bedisappoint by the sounds of the wawaband, the real dealis what we like to think of ourselves, we play every songwith heart an feeling, each member brings to the stagehis or her piece of ...url evento

    The BoogieMenlocal Mid City Lanes Rock 'n' Bowl. 3016 S. CarrolltonAvenue, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 20:00hdescrio All the Hits THE BOOGIE MEN The Boogie Menare a versatile 9-piece dance band, powered by a hornsection capable of performing for any type of occasion.Their wide variety ..READMOREurl evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Wicked Wednesdayslocal colette New Orleans. 822 Gravier St, New Orleans

  • Eventos Eventos Quinta fevereiro 25


    incio quarta fevereiro 24, 21:00hdescrio The colette monthly fetish night featuring ourdungeon master.url evento

    Tulane University Men's Basketball vs. EastCarolina Pirates Mens Basketballlocal Avron B. Fogelman Arena in Devlin Fieldhouse.6401 Freret St, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 19:00hurl evento

    distncia 4.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    East Carolina Pirates at Tulane Green Wavelocal Fogelman Arena. Ben Weiner Drive, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 19:00hurl evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    The Bowery Presents: Protomartyr + SprayPaint + Black Abbalocal Gasa Gasa. 4920 Freret St, New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 21:00hurl evento

    distncia 3.8km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Jet Lounge in the Parish at House of Blueslocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 23:00hurl evento

    Jet Loungelocal House of Blues - New Orleans. 225 Decatur Street,New Orleansincio quarta fevereiro 24, 23:00hurl evento

    Quinta fevereiro 25Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Get Motivated! New Orleanslocal Ernest Morial Convention Center. 900 ConventionCenter Boulevard, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 08:00h

    descrio Register for Free Gold Level Seats and getfree lunch. Come listen to the World's #1 MotivationalSpeaker, Les Brown, National renowned Personal Advisor,Master Coach, Motivational Speaker and Leadershipexpert Dr Clarice Fluitt,, Host of the #1 Motivational Showon SiriusXM and Washington DC localDr Willie Jolley and America's #1 Wealth Building Coach Bob Harrison andother ...url evento

    Mommy & Me Infant Massage 2-Session Seri-es - 6 weeks to precrawlerslocal Sassafras Therapy + Wellness Center. 1350 ParkDrive, Mandevilleincio quinta fevereiro 25, 09:30hfim quinta fevereiro 25, 10:30hdescrio We are excited to offer our Mommy & Memassage program to moms of infants and toddlers inour area! This class will focus on pre-crawling infants.While spending quality time with your little one, you willlearn the physical and emotional benefits of massage.You will learn specific techniques to continue to use athome with your child and contribute to his/her growthand development. For ...url evento

    distncia 51.9km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleans

  • Eventos Eventos Quinta fevereiro 25


    incio quinta fevereiro 25, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio quinta fevereiro 25, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    WAWA bandlocal The Beach on Bourbon St.. 227 Bourbon St, NewOrleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 19:00hdescrio The WAWAband is a Variety band from NEWORLEANS La.The band is high energy show band an hasdazzled audiences from all over the world this band playssongs from the 60s thru the hits of today you will never bedisappoint by the sounds of the wawaband, the real dealis what we like to think of ourselves, we play every song

    with heart an feeling, each member brings to the stagehis or her piece of ...url evento

    New Orleans Pelicans vs. Oklahoma CityThunderlocal New Orleans Arena. 1501 Girod Street, NewOrleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 19:00hdescrio NBA Basketballurl evento

    Hardwelllocal Generation Hall. 310 Andrew Higgins, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 21:00hdescrio with Kill the Buzz, Thomas Newson. Musicmaturity came swiftly for the now seasoned-veteranRobbert van de Corput, better known as Hardwell. At theage of 25, the ripened heavyweight has created a legacythat would put most of his counterparts to shame. Anaward-winning DJ, producer, musician, label manager,lover of all things music, and #6 ranked in the DJ Mag Top100, Hardwell has not only ..url evento

    HELLBASTARD (UK) | Warwound (UK pre - Sa-crilege), Nerve Damage (TX) | GASMIASMAlocal Siberia Nola. 2227 St. Claude Ave., New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 22:00hdescrio New Orleans, LA Doors @ 9PM - $8 Advance /$10 Day of Show . 18+ Agesurl evento

    distncia 5.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Jon Ronigerlocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 17:00hurl evento

    Tom McDermott and Aurora Nealandlocal Buffas Bar and Restaurant. 1001 Esplanade Ave,New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 20:00hurl evento

    Jon Ronigerlocal Pearl Wines. 3700 Orleans Avenue, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 20:00hurl evento

    distncia 7.5km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    In The Den: Comedy Gumbeaux Free Show!local Howlin Wolf. 907 South Peters Street, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 20:30hurl evento

    dinola + national lagardelocal Circle Bar. 1032 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleansincio quinta fevereiro 25, 22:00hurl evento

  • Eventos Eventos Sexta fevereiro 26


    Sexta fevereiro 26World of Wheels-New Orleanslocal Mercedes-Benz Superdome. 1500 Sugar BowlDrive, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26fim domingo fevereiro 28descrio World of Wheels-New Orleans is happeningon 26 Feb 2016 at Mercedes-Benz Superdome NewOrleans, United States Of America. Its a premier event inAuto Shows industry. Book a stall at!url evento

    Ranger-led Nature Hike - As Requestedlocal Fontainebleau State Park. Mandeville, LA 70448,Mandevilleincio sexta fevereiro 26descrio Must email in advance to request program!The park ranger will lead participants along the naturetrail, identifying the flora and fauna encountered onthe trail as well as discussing some of the "fun"facts about the plants on the nature trail. [email protected] to request the program.For more information call 888.677.3668 toll free or985.624.4443 locally.url evento

    distncia 46.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    MEDIATION MOJO: The Secrets of MediationSuccess (CLE): New Orleans, LA FEBRUARY 26,2016local New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 08:30hdescrio This course is limited to 20 attendees.OURSEMINARS SELL OUT! Register early to confirm a seatin the course. When the course sells out, we will begina wait-list in the event of cancellations. For additionaldates/locations, visit ABOUTTHE COURSE --New and Updated for 2016! MEDIATIONMOJO: The Secrets of Mediation Successis an advancedmediation ...url evento

    Bricolage Academy School Tour

    local Bricolage Academy. 4238 St Charles Ave, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 09:00hdescrio We have many opportunities for you to get toknow Bricolage better, and a school tour is a great placeto start. Spend some time with our Head of School, walkthrough our classrooms, and get a glimpse of what life islike for Bricolage Academy students. Tours begin at 9 AMand are for adults only so we don't distract our studentsduring classroom time.url evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they will

  • Eventos Eventos Sbado fevereiro 27


    be added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    Cocktails Against Crimelocal Iberia Bank. 3412 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 18:00hdescrio We invite you to fight against crime withspirits, cuisine and entertainment benefiting the NewOrleans Police and Justice Foundation and their SafeCam Adopt a Block initiative. Visit their site to learnmore: Event Details: Main Event atIBERIABANK St. Charles Branch 6PM-10PM Alcohol?Open bars with spirits and beer supplied by the one andonly Sazerac Company....url evento

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio sexta fevereiro 26, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...url evento

    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    2016 American Advertising Awardslocal The Cannery. 3803 Toulouse St, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 19:00hdescrio ADDY Old Hollywood "A Night at the Movies"- The 2016 American Advertising Awards Join us for the2016 American Advertising Awards at the Cannery in Mid-City! Celebrate another great year of creative work andthe best talent our city has to offer. This year's event issure to be the best yet. Please make sure to chose a mealfor the event when registering. For more information, ...url evento

    Bag of Donuts

    local Mid City Lanes Rock 'n' Bowl. 3016 S. CarrolltonAvenue, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 21:30hdescrio All the Hits BAG OF DONUTS Since 1988, BagOf Donuts has entertained and "offended" thousands ofpeople, stealing their hearts and other people's songs.Over the years they have done ..READMOREurl evento

    distncia 4.0km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Unknown Hinson + Tbalocal Siberia Nola. 2227 St. Claude Ave., New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 22:00hdescrio New Orleans, LA Doors @ 9PM - $15 AdvanceTickets UNKNOWN HINSON (Stuart Daniel Baker, betterknown by his stage name, Unknown Hinson, is a comediccountry musician, songwriter, and voice actor. He isperhaps best known for his role as the voice of EarlyCuyler on the Adult Swim cartoon series Squidbillies!) ...url evento

    distncia 5.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Smoking Time Jazz Clublocal The Maison. 508 Frenchmen Street, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 18:00hurl evento

    Nuit Belge-An Evening of Belgian Beers andNew Orleans Cuisinelocal Generation Hall. 310 Andrew Higgins, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 19:30hurl evento

    Pancakes and Booze Art Showlocal Howlin Wolf. 907 South Peters Street, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 20:00hurl evento

    future hate + all riselocal Circle Bar. 1032 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleansincio sexta fevereiro 26, 22:00hurl evento

    Sbado fevereiro 27Kart racing: NOLA GT MAX Cup Race#2local NOLA Motorsports Park. 11075 Nicolle Blvd., NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 27fim sbado fevereiro 27descrio Ever wanted to race a true racing kart? NOLAMotorsports Park now offers an outlet for you. The NOLAGT MAX Cup is a race series run in conjunction with theNOLA Sprint Kart Championship at NOLA MotorsportsPark. It is an Arrive & Drive race program where drivers

  • Eventos Eventos Sbado fevereiro 27


    15 years of age and older that dont own a sprint kart canrace each other in equally prepared Sodi GT MAX rental ...url evento

    Ranger-led Nature Hike - As Requestedlocal Fontainebleau State Park. Mandeville, LA 70448,Mandevilleincio sbado fevereiro 27descrio Must email in advance to request program!The park ranger will lead participants along the naturetrail, identifying the flora and fauna encountered onthe trail as well as discussing some of the "fun"facts about the plants on the nature trail. [email protected] to request the program.For more information call 888.677.3668 toll free or985.624.4443 locally.url evento

    distncia 46.6km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Essence Festival 2016local AC Marriot Hotel. 221 Carondelet St., New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 01:00hdescrio ( AC hotel by Marriott Bourbon Street) Fridaythrough Monday July 1st thru the 4th 2016 Double priceis $605pp Triple prices is $492pp Quad prices is $435pp( Omni Royal Crescent) Friday through Monday July 1stthru the 4th 2016 Double prices is $756pp Triple pricesis $593pp Quad prices is $460pp All rooms come with athree day package tickets to the essence festival and agold carpet affair ...url evento

    Heart & Sole 1/2 Mile & 5K Run/Walklocal Riverview in Audubon Park. 6500 Magazine St, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 08:30hdescrio Join us in beautiful Audubon Park for theHeart & Sole 5K & 1/2 Mile hosted by the Academy of theSacred Heart. Saturday, February 27, 2016. Perfect shortdistance event for runners/walkers in town and locals thatwill be cheering on those in Sunday's Rock n Roll NewOrleans (c) Marathon, Half-Marathon & 10K. Of courseeven if you are doing the Marathon , Half-Marathon or10K, one may ...url evento

    distncia 6.1km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 13:00hdescrio RUNNING 4 LOVE 5K & 10K RUNNING 4 LOVEisour first annual virtual event for all of you lovers out there.For this event, you get a medal set, which include TWOMEDALS (a left hand and a right hand that form a heart)!Keep one half of the medal for yourself and give the othermedal to someone you LOVE in honor of Valentines Day!Or better yet, run the event together and share the ...

    url evento

    MERCURY RISING 2016 - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 13:00hdescrio *Sign up directly on our WEBSITE anduse promo code EVENTBRITE to save 15% on yourregistration! Sign up HERE. WHERE WILL YOUR FEET TAKEYOU IN 2016? We are looking for runners, walkers andjoggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us ona journey to Mercury in 2016! Log your miles and they willbe added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enoughmiles to get to ...url evento

    Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honor ofRare Disease Day - New Orleanslocal New Orleans - VIRTUAL. YOU CHOOSE, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 13:00hdescrio Leap Year Virtual 2.29 Mile Race in Honorof Rare Disease Day This year is Leap Year! So werecelebrating by running 2.29 miles to celebrate 2.29.2016!Did you know that February 29, Leap Day, is also RareDisease Day? To help bring awareness we are devotingour Leap Year Race to the National Organization forRare Diseases. According to their website, Every day inAmerica, 30 million ...url evento

    Birdfoot Festival 20152016 Young ArtistProgramlocal New Orleans. 3133 Once de Leon, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 13:00hdescrio $15 application feeurl evento

    New Orleans Pelicans vs. Minnesota Tim-berwolveslocal New Orleans Arena. 1501 Girod Street, NewOrleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 18:00hdescrio NBA Basketballurl evento

    Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LAlocal Celebration Church - Metairie Campus. 2001 AirlineDr., Metairieincio sbado fevereiro 27, 18:30hdescrio Fresh Grounded Faith LOT Gatherings - NewOrleans, LA Come to the Local Organizing Team Meetingsto find out how you and your church can get FREE tickets,become a Co-Host Church, and get FREE use of one ofJennifer's popular Bible Study Curriculum Kits. Plus, learnhow you can volunteer and be part of a special meet andgreet at the FGF Conference. Upcoming Local OrganizingTeam (LOT) ...

  • Eventos Eventos Domingo fevereiro 28


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    distncia 7.2km. aproximadamente a partir do centro da cidade

    Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parentinglocal George Ross. 2300 Oriole Street, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 18:30hdescrio Family Maintenance: Kingdom Parenting(Mon) 6:30-8:00 Parenting is wonderfully difficultprivilege! There are roughly 7000 days from Crib toCollege, the time we have as parents is really only amoment and is over before we know it. We cannot wastea moment of the time God has given us as parents. JoinJoy and I as we walk through 4 weeks of gospel-centeredpratical parenting discussion. This ...url evento

    Communion New Orleanslocal Gasa Gasa. 4920 Freret St, New Orleansincio sbado fevereiro 27, 21:00hd