may l. arant a… · sfszf. *a*y larra* imo?,"" ssiaeo. g«4

PRCSS-HOIALO i.- MPT£M«« 19, 19*5 W FURN Un Rtol Estof* Rtol Ettot* < > Real Estatt Rtal Ettat* <» Reol Estate < > Rtol Estate < HOMES FOR SALE 90 HOMES KM SAU 90 HOMES FOR SALE 90 HOMES FO* SALE 90 HOMES FOR SALE 90 HOMES POft SALE 90 H G.I. or FHA 4 BDRM., 2 BATH on thi« twmitv Only S vear.« old completely tvni-ed. built- in rangr and oven, forced air- heat. Intercom througtiout. carpeting. Insulated a lovely hake roof This the one m thought you couldn't af- ford. Call now. NU-WAY FA 0-2770 S BDRM. H -W fir Oarage Dl>- noaal. water enRner Double detached garage Carpet* »17.«SC Call TE 5-16JJ. BT OWNER OLDER S BDM. HOVSK ON R-J LOT Central Torranre. PA 8-MOO FOR Salr or Leaae. 3 Bdrm . 3 bath In No. Torr, Carpeting, drape*. Very good coadrtlon. tilEon or learn- SIM) mo. MOVE UP WITH A LOW DOWN This rule mod«-ra Ideal for B R 3 bath? twOTtifui kitch- »n with eatmi »n-a_ built-in ( appliances Near High School , nd nhopping. Will exchange for vmir home, or "no-«o»t" n**l*tanre available until your borne H vld 10*e down, full price only KO.SOO. VACANT. GOLDEN REALTY i»-am ANTTIME ,/ |/ OPEN HOUSE 2006 W. 236rh St. Large 4 bedroom. 1-. b^th. ; ralmri hearth » nreplace. landfrtplng Wilt trade. UJ 500 low down. GENERAL Realty 325-7910 ' Contemporary Modern In e»rlll«re Mollywo.-d Rlvl. »r* 3 h-dronm 3 balln large pool eurmunded with lu*h iandpcaplng. Trad* or term*. CLOCK RKALTT »7»-O41» CUSTOM EXEC. HOME 1 bedrm . 1>. bath built-in^ dl*hwa*h*r A rtfrlg malch- tng rvlce porch, fi-eolace. <0-ft living room, carpeting. forced air. >:iake roof large R-4 lot with alley A garage for 4 can. be*t location In Wllm. C. L. Blythe Realty SKMKIO TE 4-S7U BDRM IM.OOO aa la. Naar Redondo Sewcn. BHM,*.Tu- kin. Tnrranc*. DA 4-CMe $395 DOWN Fixer Upper 3 BDRM. & FAMILY RM. You won't believe It. Thin tucco home 1* (3.000 under priced Corner lot. fenced yard front A bark, and alum- hum ddlng Take over loan. No qualifying. Vacant, owner moved North RAYMAC REALTY REALTOR 370-5791 43J7 REDOXDO RTIf. BLVD. I.AWNDALE MR. CLEAN Sparkling 3 bedroom over- tted kttrh-n. with cabinet* galore Playground 1 1 d faared yard, walk lo vhnola * (bopping II7.MO. will O.I. Empire 37«4 SCPL'LVKDA _TORRANCE _ DA J-4771 Owner Anxious To sell this clean, sharp 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Beautifully car- peted and draped. dose to South High 4Jnd all major shopping. Asking $26.200. HACIENDA Realty FR 1-4661 4»r7 Tormm-i. HUd $495 DOWN Fixer Upper 3 & LARGE RUMPUS RM. Item Value Ma 100 lot .............iT.OOO «4ucco Itom* ...........ttOOO Rumpui Room ......... WMO Total \*»1u* '.V.'.'.'.V.Vf 11.100 'Balling r..r .ml> ...... llf.tM No WualKvlng payment. tlM RAYMAC REALTY REALTOR 370-5791 on Rr.r*>NDo in-ii BLVD. LAWNDALE VETS ATTENTION GnrgemiR 1 Ix-droom queen bM kit. hni largo ranting Q.I. loan '•< n.. tiling down tu V«» U'. »5» on tariiM Empire 3744 HKPULVEDA TORRANUK DA 4-4771 NO. TORRANCE-3 BDRM. 1*. ball., l-.i.-pldfc Im.ll-lll. 14)3 \v ism >. Ml 1.-3 IS9I JUST PAINTED NO DOWN Gl (~, . . .... .. .i.| ( *x. , -,, - balb Nn mig*a- Si. to^all turV*"luiiii> lut/n'i.' .1" paling, forif.l an neat intercom. acrvi. >. poich double garag* Uk* new, >all now to ac*. NU-WAY FA 0-2770 $995 DOWN OR MAY G.I. 4 bedroom and family room, a balha w/w carpaU. diah- vtanarT 3 outaid* patloa. fm f yard, acre** from SfSZf. *a*y larra* IMO?,"" SSiAeo. g«4<AU C-Vua 1UO *q ft. Baautlrul bom*. ItxM Uvln« room. Piraplax:*. Bs. Ig bedroom, \g R-3 lot U7» £amm*ron 8t ^ Btk K TE 4-5226 Coll ffiis number for free informotion regording new G.I. rights for cold war veterans. G.I. and FHA specialists since 1948. CRV $20,500 3 bedroom *nd den IS bathr air conditioner, and built- in*. Mutt tell thl* weekend. Co d war veta take a look at thi* one . . CARSON 3 bedroom gem Hardwood floor.*, double garage Preferred area, cloae to ichocli Priced for quick Ml* at 117 500 Try 1 FHA or 01 no down. WILMINGTON 1 bedroom*. > bath*, will wtl carpet., drape* Gl ap- praised at Ul.OOO. Immediate occupancy to qualified vet- eran. No down Ol. GARDENA I badraoma with *xtra Urge kitchen Pride of ownerahlp. aluminum ildlng Inmlated A weatherftripped Tbl* hou*e i already ba* Ol appral*al for (17.000 Don t let thl* on* get < away. | LIST WITH US YOU GET ALL CASH MAY L. ARANT REALTOR 21735 S. MAIN STREET OPEN EVENINGS TE 4-5226 SP 5-2069 $400 DOWN 3 A 1 bedroom*, on eut "L" f* fenced yard Clo»r to Catholic I fuilher detail* call DA »-8700. WILL TRAD In T unit* on 1 lot* for frri Income S3M for further detail $200 DOWN J?ewl> redecorated. 1 bedroom Fenced yard patio, garage 1 ISM Eait Cruet*, then call DA $890 DOWN \ 1 Bedroom bone. Only S yea doubUgaragt. SM.CW full prl $1000 DOWN 1 Bedroom each Fre»h>>- pun lot Fenced Stt.OPO full price then call DA f-8700 for further 109o DOWN 1 bedroom frame. Service p taragt. 111.500 full price. W* further datatl*. call DA 9-8700. 4 Bad room bom* on corner lot bath*, parauit floor*, o'nlng pric*. For (urtnw detail* call. SPINNER & 15401 S. V FA 1-2859 PEACE VETEF 90 day service who hove FHA has mode avoilabl program which features Extremely low down poyn further particulars. ROYALLE 325-8 FOUFTGO Central Torrance Juat ll»ted. Immaculate two- Mdroon home with formal dining room. One Mock to downtown ihopping Beauti- fully landscape.) Prult tree*. (Sftoof our *00'' bu>'* *' Kettler Clean a* a pin. tnatd* and "tit. Two brdioom* and den. I't liaih*. rnl»ed b*arth fire- Place, extra large remodeled kitchen with built-in rang* aMotrtn Bloekwall fence. JOE Too 2266J/2 LON DA 6 S / OPEN HOUSE 13I6N. Meyler, Son Pedro Large 4 b-dri.oni 1 , hall., ni-ar nrw home Vl^w nf r|iy fr..m thr pall,, M, B| f,, r ,»,,,[. td l3x"£«*"i:<Sf|a| d,*wn1'' " GENERAL Realty 325-7910 VACANT HOMES IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY (Remember We Trade) KEN PETERS, Realtors DA 6-8100 FR 8-9408 Southwood lately corner, t bedroom. IS l.aih home Near aebool*. ana IM An... 8hopplng OMI»r. ll.-«r IK lug family a4yl* kilt-hen 1111*1 mcluda ear- pellng drorxrt. water *oll**»r, Park lik^ it-m ed yard. M.4AO down Kxcellint loan avail- DONSKER Anzo & Del Amo Blvd. Torrance FR 0 2555 KEITH REALTY Marl* Murphv A..<K Hcaltor Gortrud* Kchoaiit-cUir^a'Jy 835-7183 8342568 216 E. Corton Open House Sunday ' 21 S W 237TH P1*ACK 2J9UJ IH'BKIt AVKNVK JOE POOL REALTY 2266Mz Lomita Blvd DA 6-7221 __ iNCOMt "SPECIAL Jaar**" oid'""T ifeS^unltS "have Bverytlunif Will trada. SuOCK RKALTY J7»-O41» 2 UNITS ..In Wilmlngton. Baeement. Ichool. $30.000 full pric*. for E EpUITY $94 "MONTH hnme with hardwood floor*. \3.bV full pric*. Drive by 9-5700 for further detaJI* rVILMINGTON old Wall /wall carpeting;, c*. Fcr further detail*, call J 4 UNITS ed tnroughnut. Huge corner Drive by 1307 Bast Cruce.. detail*. $85 MONTH orch. dining room, doubl* bav* 3 to cnooa* from, for 109 MONTH Wttt WUm.nffton art* 1% rooni. fkrtafc fl?,fiOO fufl COMPANY, WESTERN DA 9-8700 TIME >ANS not used their eligibility. s o fontostic finoncing 5'A% loans, 30 years, tents required. Phone for i REALTY 111 OD ONES" Price Reduced Llk* new! Thre* bedroom fe«*M i in Soutt Torrance. $13,950 T*-*. vou can *nll buy a boma for only lU.Ho. K»cel- lent location, eloa* to market and transportation M'xioo1 fct. tonad RI. Put your In- T**tment dollar* to work. Call BOW. L REALTY AITA BLVD. -7221 Southwood Del Amo Price.) wi>elv fur a ready buy- jr. «ypulv*d*-Cren»haw area. In* wa?l7'aJl b*"1*' *"""" plai.'lMoV }t e*i rnTttorf> p3: jlo. large doubta garage, pro- rRBD HANSEN MM Ti>llltA.Ni'l>: BLVD _ FA 8-5949 . ~~ W»t DOWN ~ 1 Bdnn.. alueco. Attachtd PB.W inmii In tut grow Ing Ton-.-CaraM araa. IU.80C full prlca. iSymanl. |10» iG appreciate S37JM»7. G.I. No Down OR FHA r.^"1'"0"'' IMI '"'""' ""'"' . u rTfpatl... '"pTllikler. greenhouM! with walor A dec trie Owner la moving, tbl "$ U5(f Moves You In <i 1 l...,n NIC. 3 bedroom Inrge »ard eloae lo (hopping JACK SCHMIDT BJEALTY ANYTIMK 3304MO Love Outdoor Living Manhattan Beach You inui »9a thla park like yard witli a 4-bedroom * family rooir home 3 full baUu. doll houw fur children at ivar Com Pl«t* privacy. Price reduceil jo }3nD60 for quick *ale CUiOK RBALTY Hit-Mi ItOLI.IM; llll.l.s KSr" M i-hai.i,iii»- l....n. H .ruu Kmp Hvl ' ... 11 ,.U v ru Corner Cuties 1 3 b.Miroom liomr.-. nich facing dlffr-rent »tr.-fU. rxreptlonallv well prl.-rd at. sJ4.T5ti. oaii r,.r term- Retiring Owner Going to Not them Calif and muM wll thi> immarulate 3 bedroom and df>n detached rueit houne Thr main home has fireplace, wall to irnll car- turn hou«e ha* large rumpuo ranee's be»i location. Only S2H9.M1 I.ow down pavment will hindlr Texas Size Lot rharming Ranch ityle frame home on SO»1SH ft, lot 3 bed- room, neparate dining room. S bearing fruit tree* and lovely rear vard Buyer can umnte HU 1* 1«wn if rleelred. Located in Lnnv-a near Fleming Jun- ior H'sh ty Sim. Elegant Investment 4 uniuiu-il units, retlccting prl.lo In owiiiTship Features mnrhlr bathroom* and exotic decoration thruout. 3 bed. room!« each unit. We ran ex- change for a 3 bedroom. J bath home In area or will >ell for IM i«*> wltb reasonable down. 2 on 1 Very Urge deluxe 3 bedroom home, with !». bath*, fire- place Mparat* dining room. ivitlt-ln rang* and oven, forced air heat. Plu* 3 bedroom rent- al, and a 34xM ft.jrarage. Ex- cellent araa near Wolern and Pac. C»t Hwy. ST-SOO with 10 percent down. SHAW REAL ESTATE 1305 Psriflc C.'t Hwy. DA «-33«i 15110'» NARBONNK LOMITA DA 6-M33 OWNER ANXIOUS Duplex and hnusr 117. MO Tr>- tlVn down 1147 Marine Ave Business Frontage S Apts 3 vear« n'W. 144. MO. m»ke offer LOT, R-3 WSno Good location. JeanetteMohns 13IS Avalon Blvd. TE 5-6891 or DA 6-6537 No Down Gl $995 Down Non Vet Thl* lovely 3 bedroom bora*, t* located In Soulhwaat Park. Feature* doubl* detached fa- rage, hardwood floor*. Mall bower, toti of tile. lu*t painted Inside *nd out. or* In today on -ental bail*. Responsible Realty FR 0-3561 NEVER TOO LATE G.I. RESALE $495 DOWN magln* owning your own move for to litll* down. 3 arge bedroom*, t batb*. hard- wood floor*, doubl* garage. Inlng area, aervlre porrh. not l»" good to be true we have it. and It* vacant. B* on imc for thl* one. NU-WAY FA 0-2770 atuceo, O«rag«, LC fenced yd Low down. IWTBallle. L.B. TB MOM orn 4-OM». >riv« by IIOI W. "L" 8t. Vllm. A Blk W. of Wllm. Blvd . between Pae. Crt. Hwy. ft Anahelml. NIc* 3 Bdrm. tucco. Hdw. floora. Attached tarag*. fancad yd. Full prlco 1 17. 940. S130 mo. Inc. tax** * In*. OwnjM^Rgltor. ,/ s/ OPEN HOUSE 4627 Holison St., Torr. U»* your O.I. or K II A 3 badrooo. atucoo. on targe, lot. Carnatlng. drape*, flanton* patio with barbecue. Only iXi.MO GENERAL Realty 325-7910 siooo ^SS^LSRy and move Into tbl* lovaly, 4 bedroom. 3 bath horn*. Only 2 yean old W W carpeting, fircplaie. *prlnkler*. vacant. 3 block* to H-hool. park, and hopping Out of town owner. ** y VRAN REAL KBTATB 1114 Cren*liaw. Torranc* KO-19UO tAched garage plu* Ig. wor hop m rear. WOO dn 111 par mo At 175 H 313 Bt Torr. TB 4-Mll. TB 4-70SI TE 6-3U4 $695 DOWN 3 Bedroom Gardena Area Owix-i » x-ll my limno Ilili wr.-k.iid '.' tar gatagn. xpw at« dining araa. linrdwuoi flour*, bur-b-u pit frtced be low market, in fine Uardeni RAYMAC REALTY REALTOR 370-5791 4iM7 Itt.lMINDO IK'11 lil.VU I.AWNDAI.K "KETTLER BUILT" Home ; B.lini A den F/al lira! Hi-am.-. 1 i-olllng*. P pi Well landwaprd Really nea T'si'irw. 242 PI. Torrcnce McEwen Realty Corner i Sepulveda & Cabrillo 326-7175 t BY OWNKIt -1 3-B/R hau* 0. on a lot. ISuu down to r n. liable |>artv. l l.awndale). a OS S v<)41 Ken Mille Torrance Gardens! Mr.- .1 br.1r.H>m A ilrn home with built-in range A oven, wall/wall c«rpet*. drape*. f-n.-.l yard with double rie- nch'il taragr fan have for S3,V»i down Prlrr.1 at 124 »SO. .Southwood Steal! A reallMIr value In a :t betl- room. 1\ bath In good ser- tlon of Bi<nthwnod. Wall wall 1-arpets. drapes, fenced vard with roof patio »J4 .*«. Best of All! Sure Is a buv If vnu are In- ti-rented in a large" 3 bedroom 1 S bath, with famllv room. horn- In Ontral Tnrranre. Wall wall carpets, bullt-lni. draper Rustic brick patio. $33.SOn. Price Reduced! ! with us nice a vnrd yn» can find anywhere Extra arge lot Braitimit wall 'wall carpets, drapes. Can add on f desired Prirrd reduced to M3.«SO. Madrono Square 3 Bdrm. & Family! Yes. here t* a vrry liveable 1 bedroom. I 1, bath, with rltra large famllv room with fireplace. Includes bullt-lns. forced air hett. wait wall car- p*ts drapes, bio, k wall f«-nce. Good terms Priced S39.SOO. AND A FEW 3334 23tUi 8t 4-rx-droom. :' h heated swlmmlnc pool, fireplace S35.MO 30M? Ami eSxlM corner lot with fireplace, wall wa S35.S60 140S Acacia Tree-lined atre«t pletely reconditioned i built-in range, and oven alley acceaa tM.StO, 11 dining; area, built-in*, wall rarprU/drapc*. r S34.MO. 33K W. H4lh PI -3-bedroom. cant. Owner anxious Will M-II Cl or PHA S We Have Available. Fh KEN A REA 1503 CRENSr r Realty Nothing Down! I., all C I ,'a a fine a N-d- 1 room * family with 14, bathe, a-llh like new wall/wall car- »et* draper, bullt-lna. forced ilr heat. Only 9 year* old. Can have for nothing down. 124.400 ^ 2 Bedroom! low mor»- of that niml Ivpe i nf ivlng Ideal for .-..uple' or mall famllv Ahenlutrlv an nimaculate A well kept a >ome as VPU ran find New heam relllngi. hulll-ln*. S35UO a down * Real Rural! In l.timite on quirt tre- 1m. 1 Ktrert »li« this beantltul : i bedroom horn.- with over MO1 nf r"*vf«d patio. All room* are xtn largi- plentv of land- raping. hi« .tnubie detarhrd ga-*ge. S37.SHO. 3 Bdrm. & Family! nn a n.rner l.<t You'll get a thrill mil nf srelng till* fin. 3 bedroom A family. l\ hath home wall wall carpel*, drapeii fireplace, lot* of work put Into thl« home good area. ' nf Torranre Gardens. WMO ilown. In the County! i Another nlre .1 bedroom. I 1. carpets, drapos double ga- rage Can have for S23.&00 with 1n% down MORE . . . ath with filtered and South Tnrrancf area. Wall with S-bedm-.m. dfn home 1 oarpeta. near City Hall a-bedroom. IVbath. com- rlih new wall/wall carpets, redecorated, large lot with r% down, drtwm. 1 \-bath. with large fireplace, comer lot. wall/ nany other fine feature*. den. with 1\ bath, hntn* ve- need» paint out cood bom*. 24.MO A and G.I. Financing AILLER LTY HAW BLVD. 1049 FOR SALE BY OWNER REDUCED TO $26,950 4 Bedrooms, family room with used brick fireplace with raised hearth. 1 'A baths with pullmans. wall to wall carpeting in living room & hall, fenced bock yard, split rail fenced front yard, double garage with cement drive, patio, enclosed work- shop in garage, shake roof, inter-corn. Close to Car- son High School, Stephen AA. White Junior High & Caroldale Elementary School. 10% down will han- dle. Call for appointment to see anytime. TE 5-5703 FRANCES RI 2276 TORR/ FA 8- PRICE REDUCED ->-S bed- room houjes In central Tor- rante J.14 >«j R-3 CORNER «ox75. mall home. NVar Nativity School. NEAR 80 HIGH. 3 bedroom tucco. fireplace. 3 car fame*. laa.Bno ii UNITS. Oar****, wall built Oood location. WtJOO. S BEDROOMB IU batb bom* on^R-a lot ttl.OOO boUOOB and larf* den with nrwUoa R-i KTt SJl.MO. TOJfJtyfCB BLVD. - Zoned Auay coraar. $3v 000 CLOi 3 bedroom. 1% b BVB* FRANCES BERNARD. PA * u* LAKKt PoKMKt. rA S SIM L Southwood Estates 4 Bdrm. & Fam. Rm. Lol.-ly Kith .arprllng. built-in rnna-r. A i»m. and Idle of living space llaa vlrw of Pain* Verde* Hill*, and ooean, nn extremely large lot. vPlltt. 3 Bedroom Lovely Boulhwoud hum*. Im- maculate condltlim. Profit*- lunalty landscaped. Aaaum* large loan of record, and move In with reasonable down Paradise 5500 Torrance Blvd. FR 1-4621 (Acrou IrumTBrrjne* Drtva. MOVING TO OREGON 3 & FAMILY SOUTHWOOD that you'll be pr.mi! to live in . new gold carpeting, ratra family room. Idral loca- tion. Mu»l lo apprrcial'. NU-WAY FA 0-2770 $195 DOWN Fixer Upper ' brdruom, corner lot. Tak« uvt-r loan Nu iiuallfing. Cal for delalU Vacant. RAYMAC REALTY REALTOR 3705791 4217 ltMx>NlM> ifll BLVD I.AWNOA1.K I'HICKU ONLY |H.»*0 By ownei 3 Bdrm carpel i-u»l»m drape*, fenced yard double garage. Newly Paint ol in.i<te and nut. 344S liar noon Tr, 4-OM4. $295 Down 2 BEDROOMS JUST PAINTED Local*d *a»t of Cr«n»ha»- and north of Turrance Blvd Slue co construction, wardrob* clo*el». "Queen" *li«d kilch en and fenced yard Immedl at* po*»e»»ion I" Responsible Realty FR 0-3561 :AL ESTATE <NCE BLVD. 0421 « UNITS 1 bedroom each- garage*, cloaa In. S&4.000 TORKANCE BLVD. 4 unit apartment building Excellent condition. C-l ton*. MS.OOO NEAR GARDKNA HIGH 3 badroomt. family room built- in*. 1% batb*. Shake roof. Ml. MO. 11.060 DOWN, neat A claan. 1 bedroom tram*. Cloaa In. amal lot I10.&00. <->:NTIIAL TORRANCE. R-3 Corner. 12U140. HIM DOWN-Larg* 1 bad- room. 1H balha. on R-t lot. lib bom*. flt.t&O. INIM HIUA MrlMiNCLL. IK MM 41X1 AM TyiU.IAMMe-A J UWlf V V "/ OPEN HOUSE 17108 GLENBURN 3 Block* W. of Craaahaw S bedroom* + family room + 1 A *, bath*, la North Tor- ranee Built-in*, car pat a. drapa*. (laaa doora. eovorad p*l[o m»SO wltb only 12400 down. Dial DA 3-3SU CARRIKRK REALTOR ltao> Cr*n*naw V V V APPROX. 1 /3 ACRE Watch Those Kids! Or Ihrv will I<-i tun! In Hie iuig>* park-likr- >ard <if IhU 8oiilhwiM.i| IM.IIM with fir** pU-r and ulldmg glaw dool*. Bn.k walk wayi- A patio*. tiaSD I»M,|. Tree* galore you'll lov* II CLYDE EDWARDS REALTT 326-5080 i/ i/ OPEN HOUSE 165° Van Tress, Wilm. a?'wi"! GENERAL Realty 325-7910 . Price Reduced On this clean, 3 bed- room. New carpets and drapes throughout. Only $23,950. Drive by 2823 Donaha, Torrance HACIENDA Realty FR 1-4661 4*07 Turrnnre Blvd "~~ DUPLEX No Down Payment to G for * 01 117 600 1 bedroom* oarh. double aa 1 month rnn Payment* appro inulrlv I'M <> month. Drlv bv 3394 A'liuu,- (1 block luu .1 Sanu Ke in Long Bead. J.iiJan K.allv, TE S-/019 o Kit K-MT4 ev* LOMITA BLVD" R-3~60»140 3 BURN llt.UOO. , Phone 3^-4130 VACANT HOMES For Sale or Trad« Movo in befor* Khool Vince Lawlor Real! FR 0-3566 » Real Ettat* i OMES FOR SALE «0 A $24,950 ^- _ Rentals PARTMENTS A Furnished 120 Rentals ., '\ ARTMWTS * Furnished ItO J rmg"f?rr',r/ rAl ^ l Vr, FREE UTILITIES SPECIAL DISCOUNTS I CLOCK RKALTY 370-0419 JKI.fXK :i Bdrm . 3 bath Phi.- car gar Fair Block fen.,-. 131 .VW No. Brh Nrnr Long Brh nlvd A Del Amo 423-tena APARTMENTS for Sate ^^ W TtOP ATT P^l Amo Pac 1 yr nil* All rte<- Tarpel Pool | Va.nnl Nn down pay. Owner FA » 7171 NCOME rtOPEtTY Residential 100 SEW APARTMENT 4 BUILDING 20 UNITS , For sale or will trade. L.A. Torrance area . . . 1 & 2 Bedrooms, good income, 80% full. 772-3987 SY OWNER. Bldr. 4-3 B R unit* A carport*. 1 yr. old. Small Down, or TD 14*0 W. W»th 8t fA S-W63. >ESEiT and Meuntaln Property 106 muntrv home 3 lot* lovi-r jn.'""' K|. ft i 3<w ft frontage tm-liidr^ furniture. TV, elect rnn«e and refrigerator Near town Big nak*. pine* and- manianlta Beautiful view. Kirell-nl retirement or vaca- tion home. 113.500. (Rant. S3S weekrndl PA «-M10 UBVEL CORNER, .tt ten, Apola Valler *4»»a, "^ Roby. 714 CM T-4914. HtlO Highway IS. A.V. (EAl ESTATI Excharrfet 114 WILL trade Fla home near Cape Kennedy for home In 8n. Bay. area. Ph. Ue-4*»7. RIAL ESTATI W«ie»sJ IU EQPUR CORP. desperately needs to buy rour 2 or 3 bedroom home or ALL CASH. Coll Imm4x)lottly FR 8-2297 CASH FOR YOUR HOME IN 24-HOURS FREE APPRAISAL NU WAY REALTY FA 0-2770 Sell Without Moving Immediate cash plus free rent for home or small In- come property. Free ap- praisal, no obligation . . . OS 9-3294 We need 1. 2 and 3-bed- room homes. Will pay all cash In 24 hours. Responsible Realty Corp. FR 0-3561 INVESTMENT OROOP will piy ca*b for yottr boo*. No high prewura. Gat our bid. Tt t-nul Wot: D LIKE to buy roaaon- ably need homo from prl- vale g . ly. Will pay all eaab. Rentals AFAITMENTS umlshwd 120 NEW 3 Bdrm. turn. Kid* ok Proa ulllltle*.' 6O wk 1 n^rfySnS l ' n " r S6T OR WKLT Nir« r,,rnrr Ingle Ittll Pd. Pallo. B B V). TlTo-Ho-O 7tt N Mantard. JTT.M. 1 BDRM. Adult*. Lndry.. gang*. Walar. traah pd. No P*I*. FA i-ms or DA t-o4u NEWLY deeoralad 1 Bdrm IOM w. -p" at tao wk. m oludlnf otlTlUo*. tM.M WK. » B/R. Built-in* W/W carpel*. BJrehoablnw. 1UI Avalon Blvd., WUm. tit la reit WK. Bpao. i room* run ei« kitch«n.«4». araa. Chill ,,k. KA l-»m Claan. 1W«. Jm XaaU il dtHllaUl j|**aklw w»*»*mm».».^ tjlfl ficltVrssnl JHlflamy SESt i Kff 909 IAKME lal.W mo. IMUiin Uood fur- labwia, built-in*, dupoeal. w/w earoata. Laundry, t Bka. Avalon £ Anahlem. Adults 1 BDRM. APT., $90 POOL BUILMNS 337th* Torrranc* PR «-M74.' 1824 W. 255th7 Lomila" i l;«-dtuuin Uiejiuul. Auto- malic wa*her TK J-1II4 1 HDftU turn Apt Harbe CU> m muulli I'lion* tM^Oaw lit IV I'orla Av*. ST7W~i B/H Adult* Lndry garage Water, Irwh pd t IH-IB PA B-Sttd or DA 0-041 "" i i '.' ' t lu'ruRN. WILM. (.' i 1 ix-droM i I',:-, I... v > Wilmingto '• sit 0:147 VERY NICE > bedroom e>l drea UK »«> Wk Ineludin utiUltu »1» Wllm JUod 1! Aril 1.5 Ju*t pamled NIc IV » a «hrr. lUc dryer* « W K TK 6-UVXI IVBRY larg* 1 Barm. "Chi dr« ok 130 a week Unhurt l eluded Hl> Neptune . 1 BKDItoou Him with utl llrl Ib 5" WCI-k UI4-a<tt4 U B Milan Wniiiina-lon 1 SKWI V .1.. ,ial«.| ungle An > »6" inrludll.g Utllltie* Iliqul ' | 4!<7 rrir> Av* . Apt b til w S3* PBB WK pay* aJ NIC*, eln modem trailer* Crt. Adult a*c. DA 1-ttU , UK ri'i »i i>p ii.. i utl uii ' t>u* tV l»7 OH WKLY 1 B4ru> pi ' wall bed Ulll pd TE 0-teJ 7'JS Banford 81 Wilmlngtc TO STUDENTS AND NEWLYWEDS . 1 1 & 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED 1 $95 1 MODERN NEWL DE^,RA D WALL TO W f ptS&R^1^ ^BL8?kVo^ D MA^fe stiP THE ALEXANDER 14815 CHADRON ST., GARDENA 1 BLOCK WEST OP CRENHHAW A COMPTON OS 5-9853 PARTMENTS A Furnished 120 Camino Palms CHILDREN UK" Nicely Furnished Single A 1 Bedroom Heated Pool Sun Deck »0 A UP Praa TV In all unit* Praa Utilltle* »ee Linen* AMPLE PARKING Adjacent to Intarnattonal HOUM of Paneakaa iLSO LOW WEEKLY RATES 15601 CRENSHAW Gardrna Ju>t north of El Camlno Colleg* OS 5-5444 EMERALD APARTMENTS Singles ........... __ «$80 1 BEDROOM ..._$ 105 2 BEDROOM __ $140 All Ut.lltl'i Included TASTEFULLY FfRNlPIOSD CARPETS DRAPES BUILT-INS CARPORT HEATED POOL CONVENIENT LOCATION 3510 EMERALD TORR. 371-2050 MODERN, EXTRA LARGE Single & 1 Bedroom Apt. - Elegant m*ld* hallway* Baautlful iandtcaped mr- roundinKi. Ideally loeatad with (hopping center acrox itreet. S<-paTa!* kitchen*, dl- nettri. drrolng room*, very larg* cloiet*. will to wall car- peting. Rerilner chair*. TV jack*. Pre« u** of vacuum cleaner, fre* wajher* and dryen In Inundry room. All utllltifi paid. No cleaning charge or danoalL 17S-J100 Swimming pool Lag Palmaa Apartment. IBM W. Canon. Torr. FA 0-lMO. 146 I BDRM. Adult* only, tit E. Cruce* Call DA 4VMOS Ml MO. 1 BDRM. fenced. Chil- dren. i37 Cult Av . Wllm Key at «23 ('.ill FR S.KS>> lOWfST RENT IN TOWN 1 BF.Dno<>M Ft'RSISHF.D < APTS WITH SWIMMING I-OOU 1500 BLUE CHIP STAMPS WITH IHT MONTHS RENT A REGULAR BLUE CHIPS WITH TOUR RENT EACH MONTH 829 W. -E" ST., WILMINGTON NEW VILLA ROMANA APTS. S*6 TO II U MONTH VTLITIES INCLUDED NO Lease- Beautifully rurn. H*at«d pool. Rec. room PM mu*l« In all Apt*. C4o*a to Pwy Adult*, no pat*. IS434 Bo. Normandla Av* . Oardona Ph. 324-2233 NEWLT dec. larfa 1 Mrm. Apt. Naw carpal ft run. Adult* tl« Sartort. 1 woaka. Pree Rent. l iS? isSi£.S?58i ^: 1 Bedroom w Brand Naw w Prlvau parking and w Naar everything * Praa ullllUea Tit King Avenue. Wllmlntton CARSON ARMS 1 nedr.-.m apt* UtIIIUW oaK H-ai.'i p»ol Adult* On b<u line '-> mil* 1* (raawni. IS4I W C*r»nn FA tf-UM APARTMENTS Unfurnished lit Itn PKR month, l bodroom Drive by lair? . CruoM. Wilniingtnn. iheo call Bpin nrr llrnlty I>A »-*700. 147 W 1 BOHM . larg* kitchen duulax 8a* between (.30 A f&Wi floora. no. fiffw $100 2-BEDROOM Bit-In*. eariKti. drapaa. Car- port 1447 Torranc* Blvd 1 blk B of Waeiarn. FB 1^4107. 4"B1>RM upper *tory~Apt. fit Wilmiiigton araa Call 4M-MU t7». LAROE 1 Bdrm Prlvat pal*, drape*. OO-15O t4W. 1 BDRM Apt. Adult, only LMBIU. ."^'"Wiffi.r 1^* H»JO. 1 BDRM. Naw bu» i lown liar*ge Adult*. No pel. >l* H ' PR 4-S«*< r BIIAUP, new 3 bdnn Bulll-lni rarpeu, drape*, roomy line A clothe* eluieK laundry far - 141111 Cruce*. Wilm H34-9V4 S LAHOM 1 badnu duules ap earpatad. |aru< 314 W Op : ! . Wil.n , ITS per mo. Call DA 6-3114 tSu. LAIUiK '1 bdnn Hlov*. ri - frig oo Clean 1411 Plata d. Amo. J3i>-&lM or I7S-7TSJ i BDHM apt. Newly dec Ca - port Dtap. HO. UM4, W o Math. PA * OJ4J 1 1 WEEKB PREE REN1 ;' II H Ult-m* iJrape* til - B/R Hatiu yard 111 * i B R r i.i*i r ll,.rbur l'i(> 9M-4» « JK7 KXTRA large. J B/R Ca * IHM eliding glaaa ilior* Ib Plau Drl Amo DA 3-536 " »: > 1 BDRM Child w*li-oii! »' !..« ceniral Torr Bchuo atorci ISM M .rllna 1- PR 1-7UU * } BDRM Apt Nu p«t*. 1 ehll J DA 4 -!12«9 1 * .' NM-.t-KS KHEK RENT fl.tAN 1 Btlrin Carpet drape in 8l»vp refrigerator. Adul _ »»5 l.AKI'.K deluxe 1 B/R Bui r-j inn Cariieted drape* Oarai A! NV»ly .'.M.:( W. IWth DA a i»»» u. 2 BEDROOM I7S.W. Caiv VI drape*, built-lna. 70t N. I n g.x.n TK 5-DKS7 PAtTM»4T$ Unfurnished 1M CHILDREN WELCOME IN THESE Balanced Power Apia. DELUXE 1*1 Bedroom* Wall to wan carpel*, drape* built-in ga* range*. Chil- dren'* playground. SICE AT 1351 W. 227th ST. TORRANCE Or Phone , HO-MM 771-MtT _iving Near Beach 1 & 2 BEDROOM Prom $59.50 Hardwood floor*, near trans- portation, ooaan view and beautiful *nad* tree*. Under new management. MARINE VIEW APTS. 2905 Cabnllo, San Pedro TE 3-0780 fr EL NIDO APTS. * 4115 W »Jnd 8t . Torranc* 6 .T70-SII7 -d NEW DELVXE all electric 1 A 3 bedroom. Luxurloua carpeti and drape*, marbla ink topn. kitchen* A bath*, hand painted wall mural*. O ymplc *li* healed pool >pa- ciou* courtyard. Near South Bay Shopping Center A 1 NEW 2 BEDROOMS FROM $110 *) llrat^i p.-,| a Game room R Built-in* Carpel«/Drapa* ~ nu- High Schm.l. Shopptnr W TrannpnrtAtlon S ^ J73S ARLINGTON. TORR. 320-0316 FA 8-2430 ' Lowest Rent FROM $99.50 JI3 Av*. O. Apt B Hollywood Rlvtara www SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST1 2 Bedroom Apts. $85 Carnal*. Drape*. Bullt-ma. mi W. XUtb St.. Torrano. MOB. UO-4UO 2 BEDROOM $69^0 PER MONTH Modem, hardwood floor*, dbv poaal. bundry. ale. Children ok. MHMI44 SIT McDonald. Wilmlngton 3 BEDROOM 3 BATHS it Laurderetu and prtvat* parking •f; Near E»«rythlng it too « PreatJUIIOaa NORTH WILMINUTON Mndara 1 Bdrm. Dufto«. Pcnond yard. Oarbag* DMBX Oarage On* child ok. Tr 4-4 114 1140. 1 BDRM 3111* BonTiTaS Torrance Call TE 4-4SOI. "1 BEDROOM APT. , $60 1 LANDMARK REALTY v « 2»1 PaclfV Coaat Hlgbway N ¥ 325-91 1 1 1 173. M, LARGE 1 Bdrm. Btova* 1 rafrlg avail Comp R*d*aa*» , ated Adult*. Walk to TM*. I Pit »-9S10 or PA a-34~TS. | tU MO. 1 B/R. ranted yard. , Clean. Off ilreet parking. LB% B/R. kluhtn living rnv tfs Culf"*!IO-l3W.' DA^A-MIO! DELUXE 1 A 1 BJrm Carpal*, dranaa. buill-in. 175 A up laOVSi Wllm HUd WtUn. lUrTjaBt i 7 TK 4-'^*.^i. I L Ni<KKi^u» vTrf^^.F533.i5..^^ 1 Bdr... ...~." <Z$!S?R£ | in* 1 -^g*. M*W *hoi<. . ilat Mflr. , PRtettuU *tiI)BjJjjr~ T c5'1S 2l2Si ^^ LO. NaTW t lidrtom »uUt-tn» f with atora 4) drmpa*. Prjvala ^ glaaa door* Naar rVaowny Tn > T«?t«Jfi* ** *** DUI-LKX. 1 a/a Pool Large. i clean. Drapa*, «UPgi. teWMo. i Watar. Ing&JSf. LSSU. o'OLaUN 1 Mm Frt patfo, * LMnr fa* .or ba»* yoor own. Oarage IU4T Banologi Illvd or Tk. I 47»i 1 BRAND NEW. 1140 mo 1 B/R~ bath 4 e,wu on large lot Palloi. carpel i drapei. Uarage* C o a a o 1 e range* Children welcome jaaTjSM . W UMlh. Ittgl 471-1704 i' MCW luge 1 b<-dr....m carpel - IU ed diapea. Uuill-int c-arpurt, ii Near fir«»aj .'la» pd. no. , _ S M Bay View. TK t-J». £v 11 f. *L,*'*? ?: ________ . m 1^^ ,,, II ! dra!'^- i... .! -...- Near icHool "1 * ' -n ok Call 1 " TK < Mgr. at 1UT 1 WS5W -. 'l~BdrnT 1 r A|.> u.. carpel, 1 J dr, urta. Torr. 1 3 111' KM U :! ,lr .- ! CarpcU, 1 K ! drap>- 1115 Children 1 ' nk li)«-l'iH w 2U7th Pt . 1 Turran. . fR (..'JikJ. 1 WO IA .i'|.er"»"i/B 1 » w" :iok. IMO 1 '- Bdrm iowarTpuT I.Ik* BOW. k fl J Wa»h«r/ Dryer, playground * »« Tran* Park'g lafth It. S 1 757-S4M. 1 IT: $70 Mo. 2 Br. In lomlta 1 KH ^-\t,yj or DA a-aOM 1 * TC A ylCOl WE WILL HELP YOU WRITE YOUR or Tt 4-400 1 CLASSIFIED AD FOR BEST RESULTS PRESS HERALD PRESS JOURNAL and HARBOR MAIL

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Post on 27-Jan-2021




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  • PRCSS-HOIALO i.- MPT£M«« 19, 19*5W FURN


    Rtol Estof* Rtol Ettot* Real Estatt Rtal Ettat* . bath built-in^ dl*hwa*h*r A rtfrlg malch- tng rvlce porch, fi-eolace. :iake roof large R-4 lot with alley A garage for 4 can. be*t location In Wllm. C. L. Blythe Realty SKMKIO TE 4-S7U

    BDRM IM.OOO aa la. Naar Redondo Sewcn. BHM,*.Tu- kin. Tnrranc*. DA 4-CMe

    $395 DOWN Fixer Upper

    3 BDRM. & FAMILY RM.You won't believe It. Thin tucco home 1* (3.000 under priced Corner lot. fenced yard front A bark, and alum- hum ddlng Take over loan. No qualifying. Vacant, owner moved North



    MR. CLEANSparkling 3 bedroom over- tted kttrh-n. with cabinet* galore Playground 1 1 d faared yard, walk lo vhnola * (bopping II7.MO. will O.I.

    Empire37«4 SCPL'LVKDA

    _TORRANCE _ DA J-4771

    Owner Anxious To sell this clean, sharp 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Beautifully car- peted and draped. dose to South High 4Jnd all major shopping. Asking $26.200.


    FR 1-46614»r7 Tormm-i. HUd

    $495 DOWN Fixer Upper

    3 & LARGE RUMPUS RM.Item Value

    Ma 100 lot .............iT.OOO «4ucco Itom* ...........ttOOO Rumpui Room ......... WMO

    Total \*»1u* '.V.'.'.'.V.Vf 11.100 'Balling r..r .ml> ...... llf.tM No WualKvlng payment. tlM


    on Rr.r*>NDo in-ii BLVD.LAWNDALE

    VETS ATTENTIONGnrgemiR 1 Ix-droom queen bM kit. hni largo ranting Q.I. loan '•< n.. tiling down tu V«» U'. »5» on tariiM

    Empire3744 HKPULVEDA

    TORRANUK DA 4-4771

    NO. TORRANCE-3 BDRM.1*. ball., l-.i.-pldfc Im.ll-lll.14)3 \v ism >. Ml 1.-3 IS9I


    (~, . . .... .. .i.| ( *x. , -,, - balb Nn mig*a- Si. to^all

    turV*"luiiii> lut/n'i.' .1" paling, forif.l an neat intercom. acrvi. >. poich double garag* Uk* new, >all now to ac*.

    NU-WAY FA 0-2770

    $995 DOWNOR MAY G.I.

    4 bedroom and family room, a balha w/w carpaU. diah- vtanarT 3 outaid* patloa. fm f yard, acre** from SfSZf. *a*y larra* IMO?,"" SSiAeo. g«4 bath*, will wtl carpet., drape* Gl ap- praised at Ul.OOO. Immediate occupancy to qualified vet- eran. No down Ol.

    GARDENAI badraoma with *xtra Urge kitchen Pride of ownerahlp. aluminum ildlng Inmlated A weatherftripped Tbl* hou*e i already ba* Ol appral*al for (17.000 Don t let thl* on* get < away. |




    TE 4-5226 SP 5-2069$400 DOWN

    3 A 1 bedroom*, on eut "L" f* fenced yard Clo»r to Catholic I fuilher detail* call DA »-8700.

    WILL TRADIn T unit* on 1 lot* for frri Income S3M for further detail

    $200 DOWNJ?ewl> redecorated. 1 bedroom Fenced yard patio, garage 1 ISM Eait Cruet*, then call DA

    $890 DOWN \1 Bedroom bone. Only S yea doubUgaragt. SM.CW full prl

    $1000 DOWN1 Bedroom each Fre»h>>- pun lot Fenced Stt.OPO full price then call DA f-8700 for further

    109o DOWN 1 bedroom frame. Service p taragt. 111.500 full price. W* further datatl*. call DA 9-8700.

    4 Bad room bom* on corner lot bath*, parauit floor*, o'nlng pric*. For (urtnw detail* call.

    SPINNER & 15401 S. V

    FA 1-2859


    VETEF90 day service who hove FHA has mode avoilabl program which features Extremely low down poyn further particulars.


    FOUFTGOCentral Torrance

    Juat ll»ted. Immaculate two- Mdroon home with formal dining room. One Mock to downtown ihopping Beauti-

    fully landscape.) Prult tree*.(Sftoof our *00'' bu>'* *'

    KettlerClean a* a pin. tnatd* and "tit. Two brdioom* and den. I't liaih*. rnl»ed b*arth fire- Place, extra large remodeled kitchen with built-in rang* aMotrtn Bloekwall fence.

    JOE Too2266J/2 LON


    13I6N. Meyler, Son PedroLarge 4 b-dri.oni 1 , hall., ni-ar nrw home Vl^w nf r|iy fr..m thr pall,, M,B| f,, r ,»,,,[.td l3x"£«*"i:riv« by IIOI W. "L" 8t. Vllm. A Blk W. of Wllm. Blvd . between Pae. Crt. Hwy. ft Anahelml. NIc* 3 Bdrm. tucco. Hdw. floora. Attached tarag*. fancad yd. Full prlco 1 17. 940. S130 mo. Inc. tax** * In*. OwnjM^Rgltor.

    ,/ s/ OPEN HOUSE 4627 Holison St., Torr.

    U»* your O.I. or K II A 3 badrooo. atucoo. on targe, lot. Carnatlng. drape*, flanton* patio with barbecue. Only iXi.MO

    GENERAL Realty 325-7910

    siooo ^SS^LSRyand move Into tbl* lovaly, 4 bedroom. 3 bath horn*. Only 2 yean old W W carpeting, fircplaie. *prlnkler*. vacant. 3 block* to H-hool. park, and hopping Out of town owner.

    **y VRAN REAL KBTATB1114 Cren*liaw. Torranc*


    tAched garage plu* Ig. wor hop m rear. WOO dn 111 par mo At 175 H 313 Bt Torr. TB 4-Mll. TB 4-70SI

    TE 6-3U4

    $695 DOWN 3 Bedroom

    Gardena AreaOwix-i » x-ll my limno Ilili wr.-k.iid '.' tar gatagn. xpw at« dining araa. linrdwuoi flour*, bur-b-u pit frtced be low market, in fine Uardeni


    4iM7 Itt.lMINDO IK'11 lil.VU I.AWNDAI.K

    "KETTLER BUILT"Home ; B.lini A den F/al lira! Hi-am.-. 1 i-olllng*. P pi Well landwaprd Really nea

    T'si'irw. 242 PI. Torrcnce


    Corner i Sepulveda & Cabrillo

    326-7175t BY OWNKIt -1 3-B/R hau* 0. on a lot. ISuu down to r n. liable |>artv. l l.awndale). a OS S vm A ilrn home with built-in range A oven, wall/wall c«rpet*. drape*. f-n.-.l yard with double rie- nch'il taragr fan have for

    S3,V»i down Prlrr.1 at 124 »SO.

    .Southwood Steal!A reallMIr value In a :t betl- room. 1\ bath In good ser- tlon of BiNlM> ifll BLVD I.AWNOA1.K

    I'HICKU ONLY |H.»*0 By ownei 3 Bdrm carpel i-u»l»m drape*, fenced yard double garage. Newly Paint ol in.i Cr*n*naw

    V V VAPPROX. 1 /3 ACRE Watch Those Kids!

    Or Ihrv will I* park-likr- >ard Neptune . 1 BKDItoou Him with utl

    llrl Ib 5" WCI-k UI4-a »6" inrludll.g Utllltie* Iliqul ' | 4! Av* . Apt b

    til w S3* PBB WK pay* aJ NIC*, eln modem trailer* Crt. Adult a*c. DA 1-ttU

    , UK ri'i »i i>p ii.. i utl uii

    ' t>u*

    tV l»7 OH WKLY 1 B4ru> pi ' wall bed Ulll pd TE 0-teJ

    7'JS Banford 81 Wilmlngtc



    ptS&R^1^ ̂BL8?kVo^DMA^fe stiP



    PARTMENTS A Furnished 120

    Camino PalmsCHILDREN UK"

    Nicely FurnishedSingle A 1 Bedroom

    Heated Pool Sun Deck »0 A UP

    Praa TV In all unit* Praa Utilltle* »ee Linen*

    AMPLE PARKING Adjacent to Intarnattonal


    15601 CRENSHAWGardrna Ju>t north of

    El Camlno Colleg*

    OS 5-5444


    Singles ........... __ «$80 1 BEDROOM ..._$ 105 2 BEDROOM __ $140



    3510 EMERALD TORR. 371-2050

    MODERN, EXTRA LARGE Single & 1 Bedroom Apt. -Elegant m*ld* hallway* Baautlful iandtcaped mr- roundinKi. Ideally loeatad with (hopping center acrox itreet. SRM upper *tory~Apt. fit Wilmiiigton araa

    Call 4M-MU

    t7». LAROE 1 Bdrm Prlvat

    pal*, drape*. OO-15Ot4W. 1 BDRM Apt. Adult, only

    LMBIU.."^'"Wiffi.r 1^*H»JO. 1 BDRM. Naw bu» i

    lown liar*ge Adult*. No pel. >l* H ' PR 4-S«*<

    r BIIAUP, new 3 bdnn Bulll-lni rarpeu, drape*, roomy line A clothe* eluieK laundry far

    - 141111 Cruce*. Wilm H34-9V4S LAHOM 1 badnu duules ap

    earpatad. |aru< 314 W Op : ! . Wil.n , ITS per mo.

    Call DA 6-3114i° tSu. LAIUiK '1 bdnn Hlov*. ri - frig oo Clean 1411 Plata d.

    Amo. J3i>-&lM or I7S-7TSJ i BDHM apt. Newly dec Ca

    - port Dtap. HO. UM4, W o Math. PA * OJ4J 1 1 WEEKB PREE REN1

    ;' II H Ult-m* iJrape* til - B/R Hatiu yard 111

    * i B R r i.i*i rll,.rbur l'i(> 9M-4»

    « JK7 KXTRA large. J B/R Ca * IHM eliding glaaa ilior* Ib

    Plau Drl Amo DA 3-536" »: > 1 BDRM Child w*li-oii! »' !..« ceniral Torr Bchuo

    atorci ISM M .rllna 1- PR 1-7UU* } BDRM Apt Nu p«t*. 1 ehll

    J DA 4 -!12«9

    1 * .' NM-.t-KS KHEK RENT

    fl.tAN 1 Btlrin Carpet drape in 8l»vp refrigerator. Adul

    _ »»5 l.AKI'.K deluxe 1 B/R Bui r-j inn Cariieted drape* Oarai A! NV»ly d» .'.M.:( W. IWth

    DA a i»»»u. 2 BEDROOM I7S.W. Caiv VI drape*, built-lna. 70t N. I n g.x.n TK 5-DKS7

    PAtTM»4T$ Unfurnished 1M


    Balanced Power Apia.DELUXE

    1*1 Bedroom*Wall to wan carpel*, drape* built-in ga* range*. Chil- dren'* playground.


    1351 W. 227th ST.TORRANCE

    Or Phone , HO-MM 771-MtT

    _iving Near Beach 1 & 2 BEDROOM


    $59.50Hardwood floor*, near trans- portation, ooaan view and beautiful *nad* tree*. Under new management.


    2905 Cabnllo, San PedroTE 3-0780

    fr EL NIDO APTS. *4115 W »Jnd 8t . Torranc*

    6 .T70-SII7 -d NEW DELVXE all electric

    1 A 3 bedroom. Luxurloua carpeti and drape*, marbla ink topn. kitchen* A bath*, hand painted wall mural*. O ymplc *li* healed pool >pa- ciou* courtyard. Near South Bay Shopping Center A 1


    FROM $110*) llrat^i p.-,| a Game room R Built-in* Carpel«/Drapa* ~

    nu- High Schm.l. Shopptnr W TrannpnrtAtlon S ^

    J73S ARLINGTON. TORR.320-0316 FA 8-2430 '

    Lowest RentFROM

    $99.50JI3 Av*. O. Apt B Hollywood Rlvtara


    2 Bedroom Apts. $85Carnal*. Drape*. Bullt-ma. mi W. XUtb St.. Torrano. MOB. UO-4UO


    Modem, hardwood floor*, dbv poaal. bundry. ale. Children ok. MHMI44

    SIT McDonald. Wilmlngton


    it Laurderetu and prtvat* parking

    •f; Near E»«rythlng it too « PreatJUIIOaa

    NORTH WILMINUTON Mndara 1 Bdrm. Dufto«. Pcnond yard. Oarbag* DMBX Oarage On* child ok.

    Tr 4-4 1141140. 1 BDRM 3111* BonTiTaS

    Torrance Call TE 4-4SOI.

    "1 BEDROOM APT. ,$60 1

    LANDMARK REALTY v « 2»1 PaclfV Coaat Hlgbway N ¥

    325-91 1 1 1173. M, LARGE 1 Bdrm. Btova* 1

    rafrlg avail Comp R*d*aa*» , ated Adult*. Walk to TM*. I Pit »-9S10 or PA a-34~TS. |

    tU MO. 1 B/R. ranted yard. ,Clean. Off ilreet parking. LB% B/R. kluhtn living rnv

    tfs Culf"*!IO-l3W.' DA^A-MIO!DELUXE

    1 A 1 BJrm Carpal*, dranaa. buill-in. 175 A up laOVSi Wllm HUd WtUn. lUrTjaBt i7 TK 4-'^*.^i. I

    L Ni u.. carpel, 1 J dr, urta. Torr. 1

    3 111' KM U :! ,lr .- ! CarpcU, 1 K ! drap>- 1115 Children 1 ' nk li)«-l'iH w 2U7th Pt . 1

    Turran. . fR (..'JikJ. 1 WO IA .i'|.er"»"i/B 1

    » w" :iok. IMO 1

    '- Bdrm iowarTpuT I.Ik* BOW. k fl J Wa»h«r/ Dryer, playground *

    »« Tran* Park'g lafth It. S 1 757-S4M. 1

    IT: $70 Mo. 2 Br. In lomlta 1KH ^-\t,yj or DA a-aOM 1