info march 2015 magazine - draft 1 - caritas · 2. na...

e-Magazine Number : Numéro : Número 21 March : Mars : Março 2015 Info Mozambique: solidarity after floods Mozambique : solidarité après les inondations Moçambique: solidariedade após inundações Mozambique: solidarity after floods Mozambique : solidarité après les inondations Moçambique: solidariedade após inundações Zambia: Monitoring elections Zambie : Surveillance des élections Zâmbia: Monitoramento de eleições Zambia: Monitoring elections Zambie : Surveillance des élections Zâmbia: Monitoramento de eleições

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  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 1

    e-MagazineNumber : Numéro : Número 21

    March : Mars : Março 2015Info

    Mozambique: solidarity after floodsMozambique : solidarité après les inondationsMoçambique: solidariedade após inundações

    Mozambique: solidarity after floodsMozambique : solidarité après les inondationsMoçambique: solidariedade após inundações

    Zambia: Monitoring electionsZambie : Surveillance des électionsZâmbia: Monitoramento de eleições

    Zambia: Monitoring electionsZambie : Surveillance des électionsZâmbia: Monitoramento de eleições

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 2

    Cover picture

    1. Caritas Togo participated actively inthe Caritas Internationalis globalcampaign against hunger

    2. Following the 2015 floods, CaritasMozambique has encouraged familiesto express heir solidarity towards theflood victims.

    3. In Zambia, Caritas together withChristian Churches, has successfullymonitored the recent Presidentialelections.

    Contents - Sommaire - ConteúdoPage35














    Editorial: Sur tous les fronts / On all fronts / Em todas as frentes - Jacques DINANCaritas Tanzania: Providing access to clean reliable water / Fournir un accès à del’eau potable fiable / Caritas Tanzânia: Proporcionar o acesso a água potável confiávelCaritas Togo : Participation à la campagne mondiale de Caritas Internationalis contrela faim / Participation in the CI Global Campaign against hunger / Aparticipação no CI Campanha Global contra a fome - Abbé Jean PIONTEKMoçambique: Solidariedade para com as famílias affectadas pelas cheias de 2015 /Solidarity with the families affected by the 2015 floods / Solidarité avec desfamilles affectées par les inondations de 2015 - Santos GOTINENigeria and Corruption: Dr Okonjo-Iweala speaks / Le Nigeria et la corruption: Dr Okonjo-Iwaela explique / Nigéria e corrupção: Dr Okonjo-Iwaela explicou- Obal OFEM & Cecilia AGRINYA-OWANEbola crisis has eased but for priest in Sierra Leone sorrowful memories remain / Lacrise de l'Ébola s’est assouplie mais pour un prêtre au Sierra Leone lessouvenirs douloureux demeurent / A crise Ebola tem facilitado mas para umpadre para Serra Leoa memórias dolorosas permanecemRwanda: 20 ans après le génocide perpétré contre les Tutsis en 1994: Contribution deCaritas Rwanda au développement socio-économique de la population rwandaise /Caritas Rwanda contribution to the socioeconomic development of theRwandan population / Contribuição Caritas Ruanda para o desenvolvimentosocioeconômico da população de Ruanda - Aloys MUNDEREZambia: Christian Churches Monitoring Group and Presidential Elections 2015 /Groupe de Surveillance des Eglises durant l’élection présidentielle enZambie / Igrejas Grupo de Acompanhamento durante a eleição presidencial em Zâmbia- Inonge MUTUKWABurundi : La Caritas paroissiale de Rushubi : Un modèle dans la protection del’environnement / The Parish Caritas of Rushubi: an environmental protectionmodel / A Paróquia Caritas de Rushubi: um modelo de proteção ambiental - JérémieSINDAYIKENGERMalawi: From Food Insecurity to Self-Sufficiency / De l’insécurité alimentaire àl’auto-suffisance / A insegurança alimentar a auto-suficiência - Martino KMAZINGAThe Gambia Catholic Development Office: Participation in the Global Food Campaign/ Le Bureau Catholique pour le Dévelopement - Gambie: Participation àla campagne mondiale contre la faim / O Escritório Católico para Developement- Gâmbia: A participação na campanha mundial contra a fomeStrengthening the efforts of the Church for Peace and development in the Karamoja Cluster/ Paix et développement dans le Karamoja / A paz eo desenvolvimento emKaramoja - Judy MUNGESome challenges and concerns about migration and trafficking in Ghana / Certainsdéfis et préoccupations au sujet de la migration et de la traite au Ghana /Alguns desafios e preocupações sobre migração e tráfico de Gana - Samuel ZanAKOLOGOCaritas Lesotho: Maximizing adoption of conservation agriculture in the highlands ofLesotho / Maximiser l’adoption de l'agriculture de conservation dans leshautes terres du Lesotho / Maximizando a adoção da agricultura de conservaçãonas terras altas do Lesotho dans les hautes terres du LesothoCaritas Nigeria: The Growing Challenges with the IDPs / Relever les défis avecles personnes déplacées à l’intérieur du pays / Conheça os desafios com as pessoasdeslocadas no interior do país - Cecilia AGRINYA-OWAN

    Photo de couverture

    1. Caritas Togo a activement participédans la campagne mondiale de CaritasInternationalis contre la faim.

    2. A la suite des inondations de 2015,Caritas Mozambique a encouragé lesfamilles à exprimer leur solidaritéauprès les victimes de ces inondations.

    3. En Zambia, Caritas a, avec le concoursdes églises chrétiennes, réussi à assurerlesuivi des élections présidentielles.

    Foto da capa1. Caritas Togo participou ativamente da

    campanha global Caritas Interna-tionalis contra a fome.

    2. Na sequência das inundações 2015,Caritas Moçambique incentivou asfamílias a expressar a sua solidariedadepara com as vítimas destas inundações.

    3. Na Zâmbia, Caritas, com o apoio dasigrejas cristãs, conseguiu garantirlesuivi eleições presidenciais.

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 3

    Caritas Africa Infoe-MagazineNumber : : Número 21

    March : : Março 2015Published by/Publié par/Publicado por

    Caritas Africa Secretariat /Secrétariat deCaritas Africa / Secretariado Caritas África

    735 Bd des Armées, SECAF TokoinSéminaire, Togo, Lomé

    Tel.: (228) : [email protected] :

    Les pages de ce21ème numérode l’e-magazinede Caritas Africa rela-tent des actions nom-breuses et variées desCaritas de la région Afrique.

    La Caritas Tanzanie a mis en place unimportant programme afin de permettre àdes communautés d’avoir accès à de l’eaupotable. Au Togo et en Gambie, la Caritasmobilise des communautés autour duthème de la campagne mondiale de CaritasInter-nationalis en vue de les informer sur

    The pages of this 21st edition of theCaritas Africa e-magazine recountmany and varied activities ofCaritas organisations of the Africa region.

    Caritas Tanzania has implemented amajor program to enable communities to

    (Continued on page 4.


    Em todas as frentes

    (Continua na página 4.)


    Sur tousles fronts

    (Suite à la page 4.)


    On all fronts

    14 - 15 April / avril / abril de 2015 - Maputo, MozambiqueCaritas Africa Humanitarian Team / Equipe humanitaire de Caritas Africa / CaritasÁfrica Equipe Humanitária9 May / / maio de 2015 - Rome, Italy / / ItáliaCaritas Internationalis & Caritas Africa workshop on Risk Management / Ateliersur la gestion du risque / Workshop sobre Gestão de Riscos10 - 12 May / / maio de 2015 - Rome, Italy / / ItáliaCaritas Africa Regional Conference / Conférence régionale de Caritas Africa /Conferência Regional da Caritas África12 - 18 May / / maio de 2015 - Rome, Italy / / ItáliaCaritas Internationalis General Assembly / Assemblée générale de CaritasInternationalis / Caritas Internationalis Assembléia Geral19 May / / maio de 2015 - Milan / Milão, Italy / / ItáliaCaritas Day at Milan Expo / Journée Caritas à l’Expo de Milan/ Dia Caritas naExpo Milão

    Forthcoming meetingsProchaines rencontresPróximas reuniões

    As páginas desta edição 21 das CaritasÁfrica recontagem e-magazine muitas evariadas actividades de organizações daCáritas da região da África.

    Caritas Tanzânia implementou umprograma importante para permitir queas comunidades têm acesso à águapotável segura. Em Togo e Gâmbia,Caritas mobiliza as comunidades emtorno do tema da campanha mundial

    Jacques DinanSecrétaire exécutif

    Executive SecretrarySecretária Executiva

    Caritas Africa

    Caritas Internationalis is one of 11 civil society organisations which will take partin the Expo. “Through our campaign, One Human Family, Food for All, hungeris a key priority for the Caritas confederation. We welcome the opportunity toshare our experiences in this field, but also to learn from others during our timeat the Expo,” said Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, president of CaritasInternationalis.

    Caritas Internationalis est une des 11 organisations de la société civile qui prendront part àl'Expo. «Grâce à notre campagne, Une seule famille humaine, de la nourriture pour tous, lafaim est une priorité clé pour la confédération Caritas. Nous nous félicitons de l'occasion departager nos expériences dans ce domaine, mais aussi d'apprendre des autres au cours de notretemps à l'Expo », a déclaré le cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, président de CaritasInternationalis.

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 4

    (Suite de la page 3.)


    Sur tous les fronts

    (Continued from page 3.)


    On all fronts

    (Continuação da página 3.)


    Em todas as frentesdes questions liées à la sécurité alimentaireet les faire agir en conséquence.

    La Caritas Mozambique est, elle, pré-occupée par l’urgence causée par leinondations récentes. Elle a dû motiverla population, qui a répondu par un grandélan de solidarité afin de venir en aide auxnombreuses victimes de ces inondations.

    Au Nigeria, la Caritas s’intéresse à lacorruption qui ne fait qu’empirer lasituations des personnes les plusvulnérables alors qu’au Sierra Leone, c’estla lutte contre le virus Ebola qui continueà être au centre des activités de la Caritaslocale.

    La Caritas Rwanda est reconnue pour sacontribution au développement socio-économique du pays alors qu’en Zambiela Caritas locales assure avec succès lesuivi des élections présidentielles.

    Au Burundi, la Caritas motive descommunautés afin qu’elles assurent laprotection de l’environnement, alorsqu’au Malawi, la Caritas a mis en place unprogramme pour sensibiliser lescommunautés afin qu’elles puissentpasser de l’insécurité alimentaire à l’auto-suffisance.

    Caritas Kenya s’intéresse à la paix et audéveloppement dans la Karamoja alorsque Caritas Ghana est préoccupée par lesmigrants et la traite.

    Au Lésotho, la Caritas met en place toutun programme pour développer l’agri-culture de conservation alors que laCaritas au Nigeria s’intéresse auxpersonnes déplacées à l’intérieur du pays.

    Ces nombreuses actions très diversifiéesde Caritas au sein de la région Afriquedémontre clairement l’engagement deCaritas envers les personnes les plusvulnérables de la société. Caritas vise audéveloppement intégral de chaque êtrehumain.

    Rappelons que « la vision de CaritasAfrica est d'avoir la vie en plénitude. »(Jean 10:10) Les pages ci-après en sontun témoignage. Merci à tous ceux quicontribuent au travail de Caritas Africa.

    have access to safe drinking water. InTogo and Gambia, Caritas mobilizescommunities around the theme of theCaritas Internationalis global campaignto advise on issues related to foodsecurity and to act accordingly.

    Caritas Mozambique is concerned by theemergency caused by the recent floods.She had to motivate people, who respon-ded with much solidarity to help themany victims of the floods.

    In Nigeria, Caritas is concerned withcorruption that is worsening the situationof the most vulnerable people while inSierra Leone, it is the fight against theEbola virus which continues to be thefocus of the activities of the local Caritas.

    Caritas Rwanda is recognized for itscontribution to the socio-economicdevelopment of the country while inZambia, the local Caritas Zambia hassuccessfully ensured the monitoring ofthe presidential elections.

    In Burundi, Caritas motivates communi-ties to ensure the protection of the envi-ronment, while in Malawi, Caritas has setup a program to sensitise communities sothat they can move from food insecurityself-sufficiency.

    Caritas Kenya is interested in peace anddevelopment in the Karamoja clusterwhile Caritas Ghana is concerned aboutmigrants and trafficking.

    In Lesotho, Caritas puts in place aprogram to develop conservationagriculture while Caritas Nigeria is inte-rested in displaced persons within thecountry.

    These numerous varied Caritas activitiesin the African region clearly demonstratethe Caritas commitment to the mostvulnerable people in society. Caritas aimsat the integral development of everyhuman being.

    Let us recall that “the vision of CaritasAfrica is to have life in fullness.” (John10:10) The following pages are atestimony. Many thanks to all those whocontribute to the work of Caritas Africa.

    Caritas Internationalis para aconselharsobre questões relacionadas com asegurança alimentar e de agir emconformidade.

    Caritas Moçambique, é pré-ocupada pelaemergência provocada pelas recentes inun-dações. Ela teve que motivar as pessoas,que responderam com uma grandedemonstração de solidariedade para ajudaras muitas vítimas das inun-dações.

    In Nigéria, Caritas está preocupado coma corrupção que está a agravar a situaçãodas pessoas mais vulneráveis, enquantoem Serra Leoa, é a luta contra a o vírusEbola, que continua a ser o foco dasatividades da Caritas.

    Caritas Ruanda local é reconhecido porsua contribuição para o desenvolvimentosocio-económico do país, enquanto naZâmbia, a Caritas Zâmbia local garantiusucesso o monitoramento das eleiçõespresidenciais.

    Em Burundi, Caritas motiva comunida-des para garantir a proteção do meioambiente, enquanto que no Malawi,Caritas criou um programa para sensibi-lizar as comunidades para que possampassar de insegurança alimentar auto-suficiência.

    Caritas Quênia está interessado na paz edesenvolvimento em Karamoja enquantoCaritas Gana está preocupado com osmigrantes e tráfico de pessoas.

    No Lesoto, Caritas coloca em prática umprograma de desenvolvimento de conser-vação agro-cultural enquanto CaritasNigéria está interessada em pessoasdeslocadas dentro do país.

    Essas inúmeras actividades da Cáritasvariados na região Africano demonstraclaramente o compromisso Caritas paraas pessoas mais vulneráveis da sociedade.Caritas é o desenvolvimento integral decada ser humano.

    Lembre-se que “a visão da Caritas Áfricaé ter a vida em plenitude.” (João 10:10)As páginas seguintes são um testemunho.Obrigado a todos aqueles que contri-buem para o trabalho da Caritas África.

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 5

    Caritas Tanzania through theAustalia Africa CommunityEngagement Scheme pro-gramme supports marginal commu-nities in Tanzania to enhance qua-lity of life through improved foodsecurity and access to water, sanita-tion and hygiene services throughdifferent projects. One such projectwas implemented at Endashang’wetvillage in Karatu district, Arusha, in2014. Communities have been enjoy-ing incremental access to services;they have access to clean reliable wa-ter; improved sanitation and hygiene.

    This gravity water scheme in En-dashang’wet village is a 24 km pipenetwork with 15 drawing points.The scheme serves a population ofmore than 5000 people and theirlivestock. Before this interventionthe workload to community mem-bers especially to women and girlchildren was extremely overburde-ning. Community members had totrek up to 7 km to collect waterfrom the sources.

    Lack of nearby water supply pointsmade people collect open groundlogging water for domestic use intheir vicinity. Most of the collectedwater was unclean and unsafe,resulting in increases in commu-nicable diseases.

    Caritas Tanzania

    Providing access to clean reliable water

    A woman collecting water from a pitexcavated to erect an electricity pole

    at Endashang’wet village.Shortage of clean water supply

    sources made this a commonpractice before Austalia Africa

    Community Engagement Schemeprogramme interventions.

    Austalia Africa CommunityEngagement Scheme water supplyprojects have relieved communitiesat Endashang’wet and Mgolo villagesfrom time wastage and workload par-ticularly to women and girl children.

    (Continued on page 6.)

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 6

    Caritas Tanzania

    Providing access toclean reliable water(Continued from page 5.)

    Caritas Tanzania interventionshave relieved the communitymem-bers with heavy workloadsand time wastage by reducing thedistance and time from 7 km to1000 metres, this being thelongest distance most householdnow have to cover to fetch waterfrom drawing points locatedwithin 30 minutes. On average,time to fetch water is now 30minutes compared to 3 hoursspent before.

    Though there are no statistics forwaterborne diseases due to lack ofa laboratory in the village, com-

    munities appreciate that cases ofwater borne diseases have drama-tically dropped. People thus makesavings from the funds they used

    to treat waterborne diseases anduse the money and their precioustime for other family and com-munity needs.

    Caritas Tanzanie

    Fournir un accèsà de l’eau potable fiableCaritas Tanzanie, à travers le programme « EngagementCommunautaire Austalie-Afrique », soutient les commu-nautés marginales en Tanzanie afin d’améliorer leur qualitéde vie grâce à une meilleure sécurité alimentaire et l'accèsà l'eau, à l'assainissement et à l'hygiène à travers différentsprojets. Un tel projet a été réalisé dans le village Enda-shang'wet dans le district de Karatu, Arusha, en 2014. Lescommunautés bénéficient d'un meilleur accès aux services;elles ont accès à de l’eau potable fiable, à une améliorationde l'assainissement et de l'hygiène.

    Ce système d'eau par gravité dans le village Endashang'wetest un réseau de canalisations de 24 km avec 15 pointsd’eau. Le système dessert une population de plus de 5 000personnes et leur bétail. Avant cette intervention la chargede travail aux membres de la communauté en particulieraux femmes et aux fillettes était extrêmement lourde. Lesmembres de la communauté devaient marcher jusqu'à septkilomètres pour recueillir l'eau des sources.

    Le manque de points d'approvisionnement en eau àproximité obligeait les personnes à recueillir l'eau desterrains ouverts pour un usage domestique. L'eau ainsirecueillie était impropre à la consommation, entraînant uneaugmentation de maladies transmissibles.

    Aujourd’hui, l’eau est accessible et les risques de maladiessont bien moindres.

    Caritas Tanzânia

    Proporcionar o acessoa água potável confiávelCaritas Tanzânia, através do programa "Envolvimentoda Comunidade Austalie África", diz comunidadesmarginais na Tanzânia para melhorar sua qualidade devida através de uma melhor segurança alimentar e acessoà água, saneamento e higiene através de vários projectos.Este projeto foi realizado na aldeia Endashang'wet nodistrito de Karatu, Arusha, em 2014. As comunidadestêm melhor acesso aos serviços; eles têm acesso a águapotável confiável, melhor saneamento e higiene.

    Este sistema de água gravidade na aldeia Endashang'weté uma rede de gasodutos de 24 km, com 15 pontos deágua. O sistema atende a uma população de mais de 5.000pessoas e seus animais. Antes essa carga de trabalho deintervenção para os membros da comunidade emparticular mulheres e meninas era extremamente pesado.Os membros da comunidade teve que caminhar até setequilômetros para coletar as fontes de água.

    A falta de água nas proximidades aponta requisitoregulamentar para coletar a água da terra aberta para usodoméstico. A água coletada era imprópria para oconsumo, provocando um aumento de doenças trans-missíveis.

    Hoje, a água é acessível e os riscos de doenças são muitomais baixos.

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 7

    Caritas Togo

    Participation à la campagne mondialede Caritas Internationalis contre la faim

    Caritas Togo

    Participation à la campagne mondialede Caritas Internationalis contre la faim

    La campagne mondiale contrela faim lancée par la CaritasInternationalis en décembre2013 a fait des échos au Togo.Chaque Caritas diocésaine a adaptéle thème général et les activitésmenées aux réalités vécues. Ainsi, lasensibilisation s’est déroulée, engénéral, en deux volets : informationsur les régions et les peuples qui

    souffrent de la faim et invitation aupartage; et choix d’un sous-thèmequi reflète les réalités vécues danschaque diocèse et les actionsmenées en vue d’améliorer lasituation.

    A titre d’exemple, dans le Diocèsede Sokodé, situé au centre du pays,cette sensibilisation a commencé

    pendant le temps de l’Avent 2014et se poursuit en ce temps deCarême 2015. La sensibilisation sefait toujours dans un village situé aucentre géographique de la paroisseet elle regroupe les populations detoute la paroisse.

    La célébration de l’Eucharistieconstitue le premier volet.

    Elle est précédée, en général,par un défilé à travers le village.Pendant l’homélie, les parti-cipants sont informés duproblème de la faim dans lemonde. L’accent est mis sur lefait que nous, les hommes quihabitent la Terre, nous formonsune seule famille humaine etdans une famille il n’y a pas desmembres favorisés ou défa-vorisés, tous sont frères etsœurs, il y a la solidarité. L’invi-tation au partage sous diversesformes (prière, dons, prises deposition en faveur de la justicesociale, etc.) termine cettepremière partie.

    Au cours de l’homélie, les participants sont informésdu problème de la faim dans le monde.

    (Suite en page 8.)

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 8

    Caritas Togo

    Participation à lacampagne mondialede Caritas Internatio-nalis contre la faim(Suite de la page 7.)

    Le second volet se déroule immé-diatement après la messe.

    Le sous-thème choisi par la CaritasSokodé est : « Luttons pour unebonne alimentation ». Il reflète lefait que l’alimentation souvent n’estni équilibrée ni nutritive ce quiprovoque l’anémie et affaiblie larésistance de l’organisme. Les élèvesqui vivent en dehors de la maisonfamiliale et les femmes enceintesconstituent la population plus parti-culièrement touchée.

    La réalité et les solutions pour une bonne alimentation sont présentées sousforme de sketch, suscitantgrand intérêt et vives réactions.

    La réalité et les solutions au pro-blème sont présentées sous formed’un sketch qui suscite un grandintérêt et des vives réactions. La

    réflexion participative termine laséance.

    Abbé Jean Piontek

    Caritas Togo

    Participation in the CIGlobal Campaign against hungerThe global campaign against hunger launched by CaritasInternationalis in December 2013 has had echoes in Togo.Each diocesan Caritas has adapted the overall theme andactivities to its local realities. Thus, awareness was heldgenerally in two parts: information on the regions andpeople who suffer from hunger and invitation to share;and choosing a sub-theme that reflects the realities in eachdiocese and actions to improve the situation.

    For example, in the Diocese of Sokode, in the centre ofthe country, this awareness began during the time ofAdvent 2014 and continues in this time of Lent 2015.Awareness is always in the village geographical centre ofthe parish and it gathers people from whole of the parish.

    The programme generally starts with a parade through thevillage followed by mass. During the homily, theparticipants are informed of the problem of world hunger.The emphasis is on the fact that we, who inhabit the Earth,are one human family, all are brothers and sisters, and thereis the solidarity.

    Then afterwards, the participants receive informationabout balanced diets and the nutritive values of food. Theemphasis is on the importance of nutritious food for all.Special attention is given to school children and pregnantwomen, who must make sure that they have access tonutritious food.

    Caritas Togo

    A participação no CI CampanhaGlobal contra a fomeA campanha global contra a fome lançado pela CaritasInternationalis em dezembro de 2013 teve ecos em Togo.Cada Caritas diocesana adaptou o tema geral e atividadespara suas realidades locais. Assim, a sensibilização foirealizada geralmente em duas partes: informações sobreas regiões e pessoas que sofrem de fome e convite paracompartilhar; e escolher um sub-tema que reflete asrealidades em cada diocese e ações para melhorar a situação.

    Por exemplo, na Diocese de Sokode, no centro do país,essa consciência começou durante o tempo do Adventode 2014 e continua neste tempo de Quaresma 2015.consciência está sempre na aldeia centro geográfico daparóquia e reúne pessoas de toda a paróquia.

    O programa geralmente começa com um desfile pela vilaseguido de massa. Durante a homilia, os participantes sãoinformados sobre o problema da fome no mundo. Aênfase é sobre o fato de que nós, que habitam a Terra,somos uma família humana, todos são irmãos e irmãs, eexiste a solidariedade.

    Então, depois disso, os participantes recebem informaçõessobre dietas equilibradas e os valores nutritivos dosalimentos. A ênfase é sobre a importância de umaalimentação nutritiva para todos. Especial atenção é dadaàs crianças das escolas e as mulheres grávidas, que devecertificar-se que eles tenham acesso a alimentos nutritivos.

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 9

    MoçambiqueSolidariedade para com as famíliasaffectadas pelas cheias de 2015

    MoçambiqueSolidariedade para com as famíliasaffectadas pelas cheias de 2015

    As fortes chuvas e os rios quetransbordaram em malawi edentro do país provocaramcheias e inundações em Moçambi-

    que no último mês de Janéiro, espe-cialmente nas Dioceses de Lichingae Quelimane e afectaram cerca de159 888 pessoas (33 188 famílias) e

    cerca 45 000 pessoas foram tempo-rariamente deslocadas. As mortesprovocadas pelas cheias, relâmpa-gos, destruição de casas no paísatingiram 158 mortes das quais 134foram registadas na pronvíncia daZambézia (Diocese de Quelimane).No início da emergência, haviamsido criados 57 centros de acomo-dação (CA) na Zambézia (Diocesede Quelimane) 49 e Niassa (Diocesede Lichinga) 8, nas escolas e nasIgrejas. Devido a abertura do anoacadémico 2015, todas as famílias

    Casas e machambasafectadas pelas cheias

    Casas e machambasafectadas pelas cheias

    Tendas servindo de casas temporárias para as pessoas afectadas equanto aguardam pela construção de novas casas.

    (Continua na página 10.)


    Solidarity with the families affectedby the 2015 floodsHeavy rains and overflowing rivers from Malawi and inland floodedMozambique during the of January 2015, especially in the Dioceses ofLichinga and Quelimane affected 159 888 people (33 188 families) andabout 45 000 people were temporarily displaced. The death toll in the

    (Continued on page 10.)

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 10


    Solidariedade para comas famílias affectadaspelas cheias de 2015(Continuação da página 9.)

    acomodadas nas escolas foramforçadas a sairem e a iniciarem novavida nos bairros de reacentamentosem nenhumas condições básicashumanas com somente tendas eredes mosquiteira. Iniciar uma novavida é muito duro para as famíliasque tinham quase tudo e agora semnada até uma simples panela para Uma jovem deu lúz a um bebé dois dias depois de serem assoladas pelas

    cheias em Cumb, a iniciando uma nova vida no bairro de reacentamento.

    Oficiais e voluntaries da Caritas Quelimane disstribudo comida e outros artigos às comunidades afectadas nacomunidade de Forquia , parte da Diocese de Quelimane.

    (Continua na página 11.)

    country, due to floods, house col-lapse and lightning, rose to 158 ofwhich 134 were recorded in theZambézia province (Diocese ofQuelimane ) alone.

    At the onset of this emergency,there were created 57 accommo-dation centres in the Zambéziaprovince: 49 in the Diocese ofQuelimane and 8 in Niassa, theDiocese of Lichinga, which consis-ted mainly of schools and churches.Because of the opening of the new

    academic year 2015, all affectedpeople who were accommodated inschools were forced to leave andstart a new life in the resettlementsites with no basic human conditionswith only a tent and a mosquito net.Starting a new life is hard for thosefamilies who have lost everythingand do not even have a single pot tocook their food. The open resettle-ment camps were bushes with grassand trees that were cut down in orderto create space for stretching thetents, their new homes.

    Through local initiatives and a greatsense of solidarity with the affectedpeople, Caritas mobilized great quan-tities of food and non-food items

    which were sent to the two mostaffected dioceses and these goodswere distributed through the localCaritas in collaboration with thepastoral commissions and the localparishes. (The pictures illustrate the goodwork done by Caritas Quelimane to bringrelief to the victims of these floodes.)

    Caritas Moçambicana with thesupport from CAFOD has assisted1 200 families at the request of thegovernment.

    Santos Gotine

    MozambiqueSolidarity with the familiesaffected by the 2015 floods(Continued from page 9.)

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    Solidariedade para comas famílias affectadaspelas cheias de 2015(Continuação da página 10.)

    confecionarem os seus alimentos.Os bairros de reacentamento recemabertos eram matas com capim eárvores altas que foram derubadaspara abrir espaço para esticarem astendas, suas novas casas.

    Através de inciativas locais e comgrande sentido de solidariedade, asCaritas Diocesanas mobilizaramgrandes quantidades de comida eoutros artigos que foram enviados àsduas Dioceses mais afectadas e estesbens forma distribuidos pelas Caritaslocais em colaboração com as Comis-sões de Coordenação Pastorais e dasparóquias locais como ilustra asimagens abixo, um trabalho feito pelaCaritas Diocesana de Quelimane idigno de louvar.

    A Caritas Moçambicana com oapoio da CAFOD, espera assistircerca de 1.200 famílias nas duasDioceses a pedido do governo poreste não ter capacidades para o efeito.

    Santos Gotine

    Mulheres preparando refeições em panelas pequenas e outras aguardando para usarem as mesmas panelas para as suas famílias.


    Solidarité avec des familles affectées par les inondationsde 2015Les fortes pluies et le surplus d’eau des rivières du Malawiainsi que les inondations à l’intérieur du Mozambique aucours du mois de janvier 2015, en particulier dans lesdiocèses de Lichinga et de Quelimane, ont affecté 159 888personnes (33 188 familles) et environ 45 000 personnesont été déplacées temporairement. Le nombre de morts àcause des inondations, des maison effondrées et de lafoudre s’élève à 158 dont 134 ont été enregistrés dans laprovince de Zambézia (diocèse de Quelimane) seulement.

    Dès le début de cette situation d'urgence, 57 centresd'héber-gement ont été créés dans la province deZambézia (diocèse de Quelimane): 49 à Niassa (diocèsede Lichinga) et 8 comprenant principalement des écoleset des églises. En raison du début de la nouvelle annéeacadémique 2015, toutes les personnes sinistrées quiétaient logées dans les écoles ont été obligées de quitterces centres et commence une nouvelle vie dans les sitesde réinstallation ne disposant pas des conditions humaines

    de base, avec seulement une tente et une moustiquaire.Commencer une nouvelle vie est difficile pour les famillesqui ont tout perdu et n’ont même pas une marmite pourcuire leurs aliments. Les camps ouverts de réinstallationétaient des buissons avec de l'herbe et des arbres qui ontété abattus dans le but de créer un espace pour monter lestentes, leurs nouvelles maisons!

    Grâce à des initiatives locales et un grand sens de lasolidarité avec les personnes sinistrées, Caritas a mobiliséde grandes quantités de nourriture et des articles nonalimentaires qui ont été envoyés aux deux diocèses les plustouchés et ces produits ont été distribués à travers la Caritaslocale en collaboration avec les commissions pastorales etles paroisses locales. (Voir les photos illustrant le bon travaileffectué par Caritas Quelimane.)

    Caritas Moçambicana, avec l'appui de CAFOD, aide 1200 familles à la requête du gouvernement.

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    Nigeria and Corruption:

    Dr Okonjo-Iweala speaks

    Recently Caritas Nigeria andJustice and Peace engagedthe Minister of Finance andCoordinating Minister of the Eco-nomy Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala onthe state of the economy.This took place at theBishops' conference hall,where the minister appearedpersonally and responded toissues raised by the NationalDirector of Caritas Nigeriaand Justice and Peace, Fr.Evaristus Bassey and otherparticipants.

    Fr. Bassey expressed con-cern about translatinggrowth beyond GDP indi-ces. “We hear of growtheven from independentbodies like the IMF, WorldBank etc, but we see povertyeverywhere.” Referring to adocument for the post 2015negotiations Fr. Bassey stated that“a good economy must reflect socialprotection indices including accessto quality services, decent work, abasic income security, adequatehousing, personal security as well asa clean and sustainable environ-ment.”

    He also expressed concerns withregards the dwindling oil revenuesand requested to know how theminister planned to block leakagesin a society which corruption hadbecome a way of life. “How do weensure the poor who are alreadychallenged do not become totallyemasculated by this downturnbecause of unending corruption?”

    Responding the minister said thatlack of institutions, systems andprocesses has prevented a consistent

    crackdown on corruption and is thereason corruption has overwhelmedNigeria; that therefore the approachof the outgoing administration hasbeen to focus on systemic change,

    using technology. She revealed tothe surprise of everyone andmillions of Nigerians who listenedthrough mass media, that govern-ment had saved more than twohundred billion last year from ghostworkers. She talked about howtechnology had helped tame corrup-tion in the agric sector and howimplementing an aspect of anexisting law helped curb corruptionin pension funds.

    Okonjo Iweala defended that cor-ruption did not begin with thepresent administration but goesback even to colonial times,however that this administrationhad done more than any other totake a strategic view at prevention.“If you don’t fix the system even thenext administration that will comein will continue with the challenges,this is why we are therefore putting

    up preventive systems to checkcorruption.” she stressed. Accor-ding to her, checking corruption isnot about arraigning a few personson TV and gaining political points

    but ensuring that systemswork that make corruptiondifficult.

    As a way of extension, theMinister mentioned therecent audit by Price-waterhouseCoopers (PWC)which clearly showed thetransparency of the presentadministration. Accor-dingto her, 49 billion dollarswere claimed to be missing,then 20 billion, then 10billion until the presidentordered an audit. Now theaudit has revealed that 1.4billion is what is notaccounted for, and the

    president has ordered NNPC to payback the funds. She advised againsta negative climate in which everypossible evil was believed aboutgovernment and quoted Pope Fran-cis to drive home her point.

    The minister did not concludewithout praising her boss PresidentJonathan’ attainments in the last 3years; as increase in employmentopportunities especially through theYou-win program which is meantto empower young people inNigeria, housing, railway and roadconstructions, reduction of corruptpractices etc.

    Rev. Fr. Raph Madu, SecretaryGeneral of the Catholic Secretariatof Nigeria in responding commen-ded the Minister and Governmentin putting in place polices that are

    Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian Minister of Financeand Coordinating Minister of the Economy.

    (Continued on page 13.)






    , CSN

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    people oriented and called forcooperation of government with theCatholic Church in creating thesynergy needed in tackling povertyand addressing lingering issues ofdevelopment for the benefit of thedown trodden.

    Other respondents advised thegovernment to be more forth-coming in terms of information, asmany of the efforts on corruptionwere being heard for the first time

    (Continued from page 12.)

    Nigeria and Corruption:

    Dr Okonjo-Iweala speaks

    Rev. Fr. Evaristus Bassey CaritasNigeria/JDPC Executive Secretary.

    by millions of Nigerians. She wasalso taken to task with regards thedisparity between a 469 memberNational Assembly which consu-med about 3% of the entire budgetand some states which populationsexceeded two million citizens andyet consumed less than that.

    The Minister observed that certainreforms take time and that theNational Assembly was independentof the Executive.

    In concluding Fr. Bassey stated thatthere is need for Government tofocus on improving the standard of

    A cross section of participants at the 2015 Catholic Secretariatof Nigeria (CSN) Forum.






    , CSN






    , CSN

    living for ordinary Nigerians espe-cially as we transcend to a newgovernment on March 29, 2015. Heurged the Minister to be an ally inthe effort of Caritas Nigeria andJustice and Peace to work towardslegislation that would ensure statefunds for non state actors like theChurch in service areas like healthand education.

    The forum took place on the 18February 2015.

    Obal Ofem& Cecilia Agrinya-Owan

    Le Nigeria et la corruption

    Dr Okonjo-Iwaela expliqueCaritas Nigeria et Justice et Paix Nigeria ont le 18 février dernierorganisé un forum sur l’économie nigeriane et dont l’invitéd’honneur était Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, ministre de s Financeset ministre coordinatrice de l’Economie.

    Le Révérend Père Evaristus Bassey, directeur exécutif de Caritaset Justice et Paix Nigeria mis l’accent sur les méfaits de lacorruption.

    Répondant la ministre a dit que l’insuffisance des institu-tions,des systèmes et des processus a empêché une répressioncohérente de la corruption et c’est la raison pour laquelle lacorruption a submergé le Nigeria. L'approche de l'administrationsortante avait été de se concentrer sur le changement systémique,en utilisant la technologie. Elle a révélé, à la surprise de tous etdes millions de Nigérians qui l’écoutaient à travers les médias,que l’Etat avait pu, l'an dernier, économiser 200 milliards detravailleurs fantômes. Elle a parlé de la façon dont la technologiea aidé à réduire la corruption dans le secteur agricole et commenta été mise en œuvre un aspect d'une loi existante afin d’aider àlutter contre la corruption dans les fonds de pension.

    Nigéria e corrupção

    Dr Okonjo-Iwaela explicouCaritas Nigéria e Justiça e Paz Nigéria em 18 de fevereiroorganizou um fórum sobre a economia nigeriana cujo convidadode honra foi o Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, ministra das Finançase coordenador do ministro da Economia s.

    O Reverendo Padre Evaristus Bassey, diretor executivo daCaritas e Justiça e Paz Nigéria focada sobre os males dacorrupção.

    Em resposta, o ministro disse inadequados tuições-ções,sistemas e processos impediu a supressão consistente decorrupção e que é por isso que a corrupção tomou contaNigéria. A abordagem da administração cessante foi focar namudança sistêmica, usando a tecnologia. Ela revelou, para asurpresa de todos, e milhões de nigerianos que ouviramatravés da mídia que o Estado poderia durar anos,economizando 200 bilhões de funcionários fantasmas. Elafalou de como a tecnologia tem ajudado a reduzir a corrupçãono setor agrícola e como foi implementado um aspecto deuma lei existente para ajudar na luta contra a corrupção nofundo de pensão.

  • Caritas Africa Info: page/página 14

    Ebola crisis has eased but for priest inSierra Leone sorrowful memories remain

    This interview of Father Peter Konteh, Director ofCaritas Freetown, Sierra Leone was first publishedon-line by “Aid to the Church in Need”on 3 March 2015.We are most grateful to “Aid to the Church in Need” forgranting us permission to reproduce this interview inthe Caritas Africa e-magazine.

    “One day we found a child of about two,who was alone with four dead bodies. Wenotified doctors but by the time help showedup the child had already died.This still haunts me todaybecause I sense I should haveintervened earlier.”

    In West Africa, the Ebolaepidemic claimed some 10 000victims in 2014. Almost a yearago, the outbreak began itsspread from Guinea theneighbouring countries of SierraLeone and Liberia. Thanks tonational and international aid,the number of new cases is nowfalling. Father Peter Konteh,Caritas director for the Arch-diocese of Freetown in SierraLeone experienced the Ebolacrisis first hand. He spokeMarch 3, 2015 with inter-national charity Aid to theChurch in Need.

    What was your first res-ponse to the outbreak?

    Father Konteh: We looked forstrategies because initially little wasknown about the disease. We had tolearn a lot so as to keep the peopleinformed and to sensitise them tothe problem; after all, 60 percent ofthe population of 5.7 million isilliterate. Every day there werebroadcasts over the radio. We also

    used megaphones to inform thepeople, and we went onto themarket places and into the villages.

    It wasn't easy to convince thepeople. Because the dead were ini-tially buried without their relativespresent, the rumour spread that theyhad been killed so that their organscould be sold.

    What was the collaborationbetween the different religionslike?

    The relations between the religionsare traditionally very, very good.This unity is one of our country'sstrengths. Around 60 percent of theSierra Leoneans are Muslims and 30percent are Christians, with 10percent following traditional Afri-can religions. Although the Catho-lics are in the minority, the Churchenjoys great respect because manySierra Leoneans have attendedCatholic schools. Numerous Catho-lic priests are converts, and two of

    our bishops have parentswho are practicing Mus-lims."

    How did the countryfinally manage to con-tain the Ebola virus?

    There was a lot of support,both international andlocal. A country which onlyhad 8 ambulances now hasmore than 200. The inter-national community recog-nized the enormous dan-ger. I have had to report tothe US Senate on myexperience and to speak tothe British Parliament onthe role of pastoral workersin the fight against Ebola.

    These pastoral workersare lay faithful, whoplayed a hands-on role?

    The government realized thatMuslims and Christians togethermake up more than 80 percent ofthe population. When someone diesthe pastoral workers are important,and not only for the funeralceremony. They exercise conside-rable influence. They talk to the

    Guarding against Ebola.


    it: A

    id to



    ch in



    (Continued on page 15.)

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    relatives and comfort them. Thereare large number of traumatizedindividuals who seek help and wantto talk to a pastoral worker abouttheir depression. Pastoral workersget through to and accompanypeople in their difficulties andsufferings.

    What is the present situation?

    It's still too early to rejoice, even ifthe number of newly infected hasfallen considerably. Thanks to inter-national aid we now have a sufficientnumber of treatment centres. We are

    Ebola crisis has eased but for priest in Sierra Leonesorrowful memories remain(Continued from page 14.) very, very grateful for this support.

    The government has nowannounced that the schools arescheduled to reopen March 31.However, it still be some timebefore things return to normal.Business life and farming areseverely impaired. Sierra Leonetherefore needs further support. Inthe wake of the Ebola epidemic,medical treatment has improvedconsiderably and we must ensurethat this continues to be the caseafter the crisis. But we are alreadyconcerned that we will be forgottenagain when the cameras are finallyswitched off.

    What was your most distressingexperience?

    Two experiences still cause mesleepless nights. One day we founda child of about two, who was alonewith four dead bodies. We notifieddoctors but by the time help showedup the child had already died. Thisstill haunts me today because I senseI should have intervened earlier.Then, one of our female colleagueslost her whole family: parents,siblings, uncles and aunts, nephewsand nieces - a total of 27 individuals.We tried to com-fort her in her painand told her that we were now herfamily.

    La crise de l'Ébola s’est assoupliemais pour un prêtre au Sierra Leoneles souvenirs douloureux demeurent

    Dans un entretien à l’« Aide à l’Eglise en Détresse, » le3 maes 2015, le Père Peter Konteh, Directeur de CaritasFreetown au Sierra Leone parle de son expérienceauprès des personnes atteintes par l’Ebola.

    « Un jour, nous avons trouvé un enfant d'environ deux,qui était seul avec quatre cadavres. Nous avons avisé lesmédecins, mais lorsque l'aide est arrivée montré, l'enfantétait déjà mort. Cela me hante encore aujourd'hui parceque je sens que j’aurais dû intervenir plus tôt, » expliquele Père Konteh.

    « Nous avons examiné des stratégies car au départ, onsavait peu sur la maladie. Nous avons eu beaucoup àapprendre pour tenir les personnes informées et lessensibiliser au problème; après tout, 60 pour cent de lapopulation de 5.7 millions sont analphabètes. Chaquejour, il y avait des émissions à la radio. Nous avonségalement utilisé des mégaphones pour les informer, etnous sommes allés sur les places du marché et dans lesvillages. Ce n’était pas facile de convaincre lespersonnes, » ajoute-t-il.

    « Lorsque quelqu'un meurt, les agents pastoraux sontimportants. Ils exercent une influence considérable. Ilsparlent aux parents et les réconfortent. De nombreusespersonnes traumatisées cherchent de l'aide. Les agentspastoraux les accompagner dans leurs difficultés et leurssouffrances, » précise encore le Père Konteh.

    A crise Ebola tem facilitadomas para um padre para Serra Leoamemórias dolorosas permanecem

    Em entrevista à "Ajuda à Igreja que Sofre," 3 maes 2015,o padre Peter Konteh, diretor da Caritas Freetown, emSerra Leoa, fala sobre sua experiência com pessoas comEbola.

    "Um dia encontramos uma criança de cerca de dois, queestava sozinha com quatro cadáveres. Nós aconselhouos médicos, mas quando a ajuda chegou mostrado, acriança já estava morta. Ele ainda me assombra hoje,porque eu sinto que eu deveria ter vindo mais cedo ",disse o padre Konteh.

    "Nós olhamos estratégias porque, inicialmente, poucose sabia sobre a doença. Nós tivemos um monte deaprender a manter as pessoas informadas e sensibilizarpara o problema; apesar de tudo, 60 por cento dapopulação de 5,7 milhões são iletrada. Todos os dias,havia transmissões de rádio. Nós também utilizamosmegafones para informá-los, e fomos para os mercadose aldeias. Não foi fácil convencer as pessoas ",acrescentou.

    "Quando alguém morre, e os agentes pastorais sãoimportantes. Eles têm uma influência considerável. Elesconversam com os pais e reconfortante. Muitas pessoastraumatizadas em busca de ajuda. Os agentes pastoraisacompanhá-los em suas dificuldades e sofrimentos ",diz o padre Konteh ainda.

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    Rwanda: 20 ans après le génocide perpétré contre les Tutsis en 1994

    Contribution de Caritas Rwanda au développementsocio-économique de la population rwandaise

    Le 12 décembre 2014, enapplication d’une résolutionde la Conférence Episcopaledu Rwanda reprise dans une recom-mandation de son assemblée géné-rale réunie en janvier 2014, la CaritasRwanda a organisé une cérémonieofficielle de présentation des résul-tats d’une étude d'évaluation de sacontribution dans le développementsocio-économique de la populationrwandaise au cours des 20 ans aprèsle génocide perpétré contre les Tutsien 1994.

    Cette étude, menée par une équipe deprofesseurs de l’Université duRwanda, a notamment révélé qu’aucours de ces 20 dernières années, lacontribution de la Caritas Rwandadans les divers domaines des œuvressocio-caritatives, du développementet de la santé s’est élevée à 97 898 846096 francs rwandais (soit environ 120millions d’Euro). Dans ces chiffresn’ont pas cependant été prises encompte les innombrables œuvres decharité accomplies par les fidèles dansleurs communautés ecclésiales de

    base, notamment la construction desmaisons pour les pauvres vulnérableset les travaux de champs pour leursvoisins nécessiteux.

    A cette cérémonie ont participéplusieurs personnalités, notammentle ministre rwandais de l'Adminis-tration locale, M. Kaboneka Francis,le Nonce Apostolique au Rwanda,Mgr Luciano Russo, tous les évê-ques catholiques du Rwanda,certains membres du Parlementrwandais, les autorités administra-

    tives au niveau provincial et dedistricts, les représentants desservices publics et autres partenairesonusiens et internationaux de laCaritas, les Directeurs des Caritasdiocésaines, les représentants descongrégations religieuses, etc.

    Les interventions faites à cetteoccasion ont félicité la Caritas pourle rôle joué dans l’amélioration desconditions de vie des pauvres, sansdiscrimination aucune, et dans lareconstruction du pays. Les mêmesintervenants ont par ailleurs exhortéla Caritas à poursuivre, voire àintensifier les efforts qu’il est en

    La photo souvenir des participants à la cérémonie.

    (Suite à la page 17.)

    Caritas Rwanda contribution to the socioeconomicdevelopment of the Rwandan populationCaritas Rwanda organized an official ceremony to present the results of an evaluationstudy showing its contribution to the socioeconomic development of the Rwandanpopulation during the 20 years after the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994.

    This study, conducted by a team of professors from the University of Rwanda,notably revealed that over the past 20 years, the contribution of Caritas Rwandain the various fields of social and charitable foundations, development and healthamounted to about Euro 120 million. These figures do not take into account thecountless charitable works done by the faithful in their ecclesial local communities,including the construction of houses for the poor and vulnerable and helping withfield work for their needy neighbours.

    It is in this context that Caritas Rwanda established the Month of Charity andMercy to mobilize funds collected from the faithful of all ecclesial localcommunities to be able to intervene in emergency situations and created theInterdiocesan Microfinance Network (RIM) to support the poor in their efforts toself-care .

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    train de mener pour la promotionde la dignité humaine bafouée àtravers la discrimination, l'extrêmepauvreté, les maladies et l'injustice.

    Créée en 1960, la Caritas Rwanda aété longtemps considérée comme unorganisme pourvoyeur de l’assis-tance en vivres et vêtements envoyésde l’étranger en faveur des pauvreset des sinistrés. Cette imaged’assistanat lui a prévalu jusqu’aulendemain du génocide perpétrécontre les Tutsi en 1994, lorsque lesévêques catholiques du Rwanda ont,en 1998, décidé de lutter contrel’esprit de mendicité et d’initier uneCaritas proprement rwandaiseœuvrant sur base de la charité desfidèles catholiques du pays.

    C’est dans ce cadre que la CaritasRwanda a institué le Mois de laCharité et de la Miséricorde destinéà mobiliser les fonds collectésauprès des fidèles de toutes lesentités ecclésiales de base pourpouvoir intervenir dans des situa-tions d’urgence en application de cemot d’ordre de Jésus : «Donnez-leurvous-mêmes à manger» (Mt 14, 16) et acréé le Réseau Interdiocésain deMicrofinance (RIM) pour appuyer

    les pauvres dans leur effort d’auto-prise en charge.

    Créé le 6 mai 2004 et aussitôt agréépar la Banque Nationale du Rwanda

    (BNR) le 8 octobre de la mêmeannée, le RIM avait, au 31 décembre2014, un capital social de942 600 000 frw, un chiffre d’affairede 1 264 105 808 frw, 131 865clients épargnants avec un montantde 3 362 562 377 frw épargnés.L’institution mène ses activités à

    Contribution de Caritas Rwanda au développement socio-économique de la population rwandaise(Suite de la page 16.)

    travers un réseau de 34 guichets et11 agences. Sa mission est decontribuer à la réduction de lapauvreté par les activités d'épargneet de crédit ; contribuer à l'essor dela croissance économique du payspar le renforcement de l'espritd'entreprise chez la population ; etpromouvoir la dignité humaine.

    L’une des spécificités du RIM parrapport aux autres institutions demicrofinance opérant dans le paysest son engagement à renforcer laculture de l'épargne et la cautionsolidaire à travers les Associationsde Solidarité Financière (ASSOFI).

    Quant au Mois de la Charité et de laMiséricorde, il est actuellementavéré qu’il a déjà pris racine dans lapratique chrétienne du pays, si bienqu’au cours du mois d’août dechaque année, des collectes devivres, d’habits et d’argent sontorganisées dans toutes les commu-nautés ecclésiales de base. Pourl’année 2014, les seules collectes defonds se sont élevées à 86 millionsde francs rwandais, soit 105 000Euro.

    Aloys MUNDERE

    La Caritas apporte l'assistance aux plus vulnérablessans discrimination aucune.

    Contribuição Caritas Ruanda para o desenvolvi-mento socioeconômico da população de RuandaCaritas Ruanda organizou uma cerimônia oficial para apresentar os resultados deum estudo de avaliação, mostrando a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimentosocioeconômico da população de Ruanda durante os 20 anos após o genocídiocontra os tutsis em 1994.

    Este estudo, realizado por uma equipe de professores da Universidade de Ruanda,nomeadamente revelou que ao longo dos últimos 20 anos, a contribuição da CaritasRuanda nos diversos campos de fundações social e caritativa, desenvolvimento esaúde ascenderam a cerca de 120 milhões de euros. Estes números não levam emconta as inúmeras obras de caridade feitas pelos fiéis em suas comunidades locaiseclesiais, incluindo a construção de casas para os pobres e vulneráveis e ajudarcom o trabalho de campo para os seus vizinhos necessitados.

    É neste contexto que a Caritas Ruanda estabeleceu o Mês de Caridade e Mercypara mobilizar fundos recolhidos dos fiéis de todas as comunidades locais eclesiaispara ser capaz de intervir em situações de emergência e criou a Rede deMicrofinanças Interdiocesano (RIM) para apoiar os pobres em sua esforços parao auto-cuidado.

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    Christian Churches Monitoring Groupand Presidential Elections 2015

    Saturday January 24, 2015 closeto midnight, the Chief Justiceof the Republic of Zambiadeclared the ruling party candidate,Edgar Lungu winner of the tightlycontested 2015 Presidential elec-tions. Later that morning, Mr. Lunguwas to be sworn in as the 6thPresident of the Republic of Zambiaat National Heroes Stadium inLusaka, Zambia.

    Zambian went to the polls followingthe death of the 5th RepublicanPresident, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata.He was the second sitting Presidentto die in office in the history of thecountry. In compliance with theRepublican Constitution Article 38,which requires that an election be heldwithin three months(90) days if theoffice of the President falls vacant byreason of the death of thePresident, January 20,2015 was set as an elec-tion day for Zambians toelect a successor to thelate Michael Sata.

    Recognising the impor-tance and great intereststakeholders and thenation at large have inelections, four FaithBased Organisations(FBOs), namely theEvangelical Fellowshipof Zambia (EFZ),Council of Churches inZambia (CCZ), Jesuit Centre forTheological Reflections (JCTR),Zambia Episcopal Conference(ZEC) and Caritas Zambia cametogether and formed a coalitioncalled the Christian ChurchesMonitoring Group (CCMG).

    As the host of the CCMG secre-tariat, Caritas Zambia hit the groundrunning as soon as the election datewas announced. Work started inearnest with the setting up of the

    CCMG Secretariat at CaritasZambia; formation of the SteeringCommittee comprising the leader-ship from the Faith Based consti-tuent coalition as well as the selec-tion of monitors from the sameorganisations.

    The overall objectives of CCMG,was to observe and monitor the2015 Presidential Elections in orderto provide the people of Zambia,political Presidential candidates and

    the Electoral Commis-sion of Zambia (ECZ)with independent andnon partisan informa-tion on the electoralprocess. Further, to en-hance the credibility ofthe electoral processand promote free andfair elections and tocontinue advocating fora culture of peace in thenation for which Zam-bia is known across thecontinent.

    This was to be achievedthrough a well mapped-out plan andprofessionally designed methodo-logy known as the Parallel VoteTabulation (PVT). “CCMG particu-larly focused on management ofelections knowing that this has to

    (Continued on page 19.)

    CCMG Data Centre 1.

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    Christian Churches Monitoring Group andPresidential Elections 2015(Continued from page 18.)

    date been one of the mostcontentious areas in our experienceof elections. To this effect, CCMGprepared a robust Parallel VoteTabulation (PVT) that was used asa tool for monitoring the integrityof election results during and afterthe counting process of votes. Thiswas done through the participationof well-trained monitors at thedesigned polling stations sendingofficial results announced at pollingstations to the CCMG resultscollection data centre,” explainedReverend Fr. Cleophas Lungu,ZEC Secretary General.

    The PVT methodology providesindependent assessment of officialresults based on the officially

    announced and posted results froma nationally representative sampleof polling stations and pollingstreams selected by a trainedstatistician.

    Going by its objectives CCMGengaged and deployed 703 highlytrained monitors to randomlysample 501 polling stations acrossthe country. On elections day,CCMG deployed a total of 1 108trained and accredited non partisanmonitors; 105 roving monitors, 300general monitors and 703 PVTmonitors to various polling centresacross the country. Through codedtext messages the accredited moni-tors collected data on the conductof voting and counting process aswell as record the official vote countthus rapidly transmitting theinformation to the data centre inLusaka.

    As at midday of the elections dayCCMG’s PVT monitors reportedthat across the country the vastmajority of polling stations openedand had all their necessary supplies.

    CCMG Data Clerks 1.

    Groupe de Surveillance des Eglises durantl’élection présidentielle en ZambieLa Zambie est allée aux urnes après le décès du 5ème Président de la République, M.Michael Chilufya Sata. En conformité avec la Constitution du pays, article 38, qui exigeque l'élection ait lieu au cours des trois mois (90 jours) si le bureau du Président devientvacant en raison de la mort de celui-ci, l’élection présidentielle fut donc fixée au 20janvier 2015.

    Reconnaissant l'importance de cette élection, quatre organisations confessionnelles, àsavoir l'Alliance Evangélique de Zambie, le Conseil des Eglises de Zambie, le CentreJésuite pour la Réflexion Théologique, Conférence Episcopale de Zambie et CaritasZambie se sont réunies et ont formé une coalition appelée le Groupe de Surveillancedes Eglises Chrétiennes.

    Les objectifs globaux du Groupe de Surveillance était d'observer et de surveillerl’élection présidentielle 2015 afin d'offrir à la population de la Zambie, aux candidatset à la Commission électorale de Zambie des informations indépendantes et nonpartisanes sur le processus électoral. En outre, pour renforcer la crédibilité du processusélectoral et promouvoir des élections libres et équitables, et continuer à plaider pourune culture de la paix au sein de la nation, culture pour laquelle la Zambie est connueà travers le continent.

    Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, un plan fut conçu utilisant la méthodologie connue sousle nom de tabulation parallèle des voix. Cette méthodologie a servi d’outil de contrôlede l'intégrité des résultats des élections pendant et après le processus de dépouillementdes votes. Cela a été fait grâce à la participation des moniteurs bien formés dans lesbureaux de vote qui ont fait parvenir les résultats officiels annoncés aux bureaux devote au centre de collecte des résultats du Groupe de Surveillance.

    Il est reconnu aujourd’hui que le Groupe de Surveillance a joué un rôle important aucour de l’élection présidentielle du 20 janvier. En fait la participation de la directionde l'Eglise s’est avéré être providentielle pour valider les résultats de cette élection.Avant et après l’élection, à travers des conférences de presse et différentesplatesformes, des conseils et un bon leadership furent offerts à l'ensemble de la nation.Ainsi, encore une fois, la Zambie a connu des élections pacifiques, libres et équitables!

    (Continued on page 20.)

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    Christian ChurchesMonitoring Group(Continued from page 19.)

    Ultimately, when the official ECZresults were announced, the CCMGcould confidently confirm thoseresults. There was nothing forcandidates to dispute.

    It is clear that CCMG played asignificant role in the January 20,2015 Presidential Elections. In factparticipation of the Church leader-ship proved to be providential invalidating the results of the ECZ.Before and after the elections CC-MG, through media briefings andvarious platforms provided guidan-

    ce, counsel and good leadership tothe whole nation. Thus peaceful,free and fair elections once again!

    When all this was being planned andexecuted, it was business as usual atCaritas Zambia with our usualprogrammes that range fromClimate Change Adaptation Pro-gramme; advocating on behalf ofsmall-scale farmers for good mar-keting policies, empowering ruralcommunities with income genera-ting activities; engaging with parlia-mentarians through our Democracyand Governance Programme;lobbying the Government for apro-poor budget through theEconomic and Social Accoun-tability Programme; raising aware-ness about the injustices in thebooming extractive industry andmany other projects Caritas isengaged in.

    At Caritas Zambia, we have a lot tothank God for.

    Inonge Mutukwa,Programme SpecialistKnowledge ManagementCaritas Zambia

    CCMG Data Clerks 3.

    Igrejas Grupo de Acompanhamento durante aeleição presidencial em ZâmbiaZâmbia foram às urnas, após a morte do quinto Presidente da República, Michael ChilufyaSata. De acordo com a Constituição do país, o artigo 38, que exige que a eleição serárealizada no prazo de três meses (90 dias), se o cargo de presidente ficar vago devido àmorte dele, a eleição presidencial foi pois, fixado a 20 de Janeiro 2015.Reconnaissant aimportância desta eleição, quatro organizações baseadas na fé, ou seja, a Aliança Evangélicada Zâmbia, o Conselho das Igrejas na Zâmbia, Centro Jesuíta de Reflexão Teológica,Zâmbia Conferência Episcopal e Caritas Zâmbia se reuniram e formaram uma coalizãochamada as Igrejas cristãs Grupo de Acompanhamento.

    Os objectivos globais do Grupo de Supervisão foi observar e monitorar a eleiçãopresidencial em 2015 para fornecer o povo da Zâmbia, os candidatos e da ComissãoEleitoral da Zâmbia informação independente e não-partidário sobre o processo eleitoral.Além disso, para reforçar a credibilidade do processo eleitoral e promover eleições livrese justas, e continuar a defender uma cultura de paz no país, a cultura para que a Zâmbia éconhecida em todo o continente.

    Os objectivos globais do Grupo de Supervisão foi observar e monitorar a eleiçãopresidencial em 2015 para fornecer o povo da Zâmbia, os candidatos e da ComissãoEleitoral da Zâmbia informação independente e não-partidário sobre o processo eleitoral.Além disso, para reforçar a credibilidade do processo eleitoral e promover eleições livrese justas, e continuar a defender uma cultura de paz no país, a cultura para que a Zâmbia éconhecida em todo o continente.

    Para atingir este objetivo, um plano foi desenvolvido utilizando a metodologia conhecidacomo a contagem paralela. Esta metodologia tem servido como uma ferramenta paramonitorar a integridade dos resultados das eleições, durante e após o processo de contagemdos votos. Isso foi feito com a participação de instrutores treinados nas assembleias devoto que enviaram os resultados oficiais anunciados nas assembleias de voto para o centrode recolha dos resultados do Grupo de Supervisão.

    Reconhece-se agora que o Grupo de Acompanhamento tem desempenhado um papelimportante no coração da eleição presidencial em 20 de janeiro. Na verdade, a participaçãoda liderança da Igreja acabou por ser providencial para validar os resultados desta eleição.Antes e depois da eleição, através de conferências de imprensa e plataformas diferentes,recomendações e boa liderança foram oferecidas para toda a nação. Então, mais uma vez,a Zâmbia experimentou eleições pacíficas, livres e justas!

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    La Caritas paroissiale de Rushubi:Un modèle dans la protection de l’environnement

    Unis autour de l’AbbéDéogratias NITUNGA,Curé de la paroisse saintFrançois Xavier de Rushubi, lesfidèles viennent de planter 44 800plants d’arbres divers : eucalyptus,cedrela, grevelia et caliandra. Deplus, ils ont creusé des courbes deniveau sur 6 hectares de la collineGashonge où est érigée l’église etdans les différentes succursales.

    Cette activité a pour objectif laprotection des rivières traversant lenord de la capitale Bujumburaprenant source dans cette localité.La plantation des arbres en amontcontribue efficacement à diminuerles risques de débordement de cesrivières et est exécutée dans le cadredu projet EA 08/2014 initié pourvenir en aide aux victimes desinondations de février 2014 maisaussi pour prévenir ces catastrophes.

    Avec ledit projet on a directementatteint dans l’ensemble 5153 per-sonnes et planté 1 377 426 arbresforestiers et agro-forestiers maisaussi on creusé des courbes deniveau sur une longueur de 8.22kilomètres.

    Une dame de la paroisse participant fièrement à cet effort écologique.

    Participation active des plus âgés.

    (Suite à la page 22.)


    The Parish Caritas of Rushubi:an environmental protection modelUnited around the Fr Déogratias Nitunga, Parish Priest of St. FrancisXavier at Rushubi, the faithful have planted 44 800 seedlings of varioustrees: eucalyptus, cedrela, grevelia and Caliandra. In addition, they havedug contours on 6 hectares of Gashonge hill where the church is builtand in its various branches.

    This activity aims to protect rivers crossing the northern capitalBujumbura and taking source in this locality. Planting trees upstreameffectively helps reduce the risk of overflow of the rivers and is executedunder EA 08/2014 project initiated to help the victims of the February2014 floods but also to prevent these disasters.

    As many as 5 153 persons have participated in this project and theyhave planted 1 377 426 forest and agro-forest trees and they have dugcontour lines over a length of 8.22 kilometres.

    Father Déogratias Nitunga is guided by the following principles:protection of the environment; be a model and thus influence Christiansin environmental protection; prevent natural disasters such as thoseexperienced in Gatunguru; create conditions to increase rainfall, haveclean air and firewood; and help create a healthy environment.

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    La Caritas paroissiale deRushubi : Un modèledans la protection del’environnement(Suite de la page 21.)

    En manifestant tout ce zèle, l’AbbéDéogratias NITUNGA est guidépar les principes suivants : protégerl’environnement ; servir de modèleet d’influence aux chrétiens dans laprotection de l’environnement ;éviter les catastrophes naturellescomme celles qu’on a connu àGatunguru mais aussi contribuer àce qu’on ait de la pluie, de l’air puret du bois de chauffe ; contribuer à

    la création d’un environnement saincar « spirituellement l’inspiration estplus ou moins liée à l’environne-ment pur ».

    Le visiteur est frappé par ledévouement, le bénévolat, la joie etl’amour qui caractérisent la popu-lation lors de ces travaux : on pou-vait remarquer des vieux frôlant les80 ans ; une multitude d’hommes etsurtout de femmes prêts à accomplirentièrement la tâche avec sourireaux lèvres et même en chantant surun terrain pourtant très accidenté.

    Jérémie SINDAYIKENGERACaritas BurundiParticipation remarquée des dames de la paroisse.

    Enthousiasme et dévouement pour une bonne cause.


    A Paróquia Caritas de Rushubi:um modelo de proteção ambientalUnidos em torno da Fr Deogratias Nitunga, pároco de SãoFrancisco Xavier em Rushubi, os fiéis foram plantadas 44 800mudas de diversas árvores: eucalipto, Cedrela, grevelia eCaliandra. Além disso, eles cavaram contornos em 6 hectaresde Gashonge colina onde está construída a Igreja e nos seusvários ramos.

    Esta actividade tem como objectivo proteger rios queatravessam a capital do norte Bujumbura e tendo fonte nestalocalidade. A plantação de árvores a montante efetivamenteajuda a reduzir o risco de transbordamento dos rios e é

    executado sob EA 08/2014 projeto iniciado para ajudar asvítimas das enchentes fevereiro 2014, mas também para evitaresses desastres.

    Como muitos como 5 153 pessoas participaram neste projectoe eles plantaram 1 377 426 árvores florestais e agro-florestaise cavaram linhas de contorno numa extensão de 8,22quilômetros.

    Pai Deogratias Nitunga é orientada pelos seguintes princípios:a proteção do meio ambiente; ser um modelo e, assim,influenciar os cristãos na protecção do ambiente; prevençãode desastres naturais, como os experimentados emGatunguru; criar condições para aumentar a precipitação, temo ar limpo e lenha; e ajudar a criar um ambiente saudável.

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    From Food Insecurityto Self-SufficiencyCADECOM (Caritas Malawi) empowers Paulos Ngala villageto discover wealth from within

    Located in the interior district ofMzimba in the north of Malawi,Paulos Ngala village was nodifferent from other rural communitiesin Malawi that sing the food insecuritysong year in and year out. People gotso accustomed that it became almost“normal” that from November toMarch they had to ration or eithergo on empty stomach, as there washardly no food in the households.Other coping mechanisms includedmigration to the neighbouringdistricts in search of food. How thisaffected their well-being requires noemphasis; cases of malnutrition,high school drop out and relateddiseases from food and nutritionaldeficiency were common. Little didthey know such diseases werecoming due to nutritional deficiencies.The cyclic poverty didn’t find any pointof discontinuation.

    “Almost every year we would lose somecommunity members from bodyswelling diseases, we didn’t knowthey were because of nutritionaldeficiencies, as you know accessingthe hospital from here is a tall order”says Chief Paulos Ngala; indeedPaulos Ngala residents were trappedin this poverty ring.

    Before the inception of the CADE-COM program (the Australia AfricaCommunity Engagement Scheme(AACES) in the area over 60 house-holds from Paulos Ngala village inTraditional Authority Mtwalo inMzimba were experiencing foodinsecurity for almost every year. Duringcritical months, the lean period ofOctober to March, Paulos Ngala villa-gers could travel long distances to otherareas in search of piece works in orderto find food for their survival. Conse-quently they had little time for their

    fields and food insecurity became aroutine thing. The community had noidea on how to break from this viciouscycle of food insecurity; it became partof their life. Going on empty stomachduring these months, food rationing,migrating to other areas in search ofpiecework was an order of the day.

    Ironically, Paulos Ngala lies a fewkilometres away from the RukuruRiver, which has running water all yearround. Indeed Rukuru river was theirmain source of drinking water before

    CADECOM, with support from theAACES program, drilled a water pointfor them. The Health SurveillanceAssistant in the area reports that nocase of bilharzia and cholera has beenreported in the village since 2013. Thisis attributable to the access to safe andpotable water in the village as well asthe intensified hygiene and sanitationdoor-to-door campaign that CADE-

    COM mounted in the village. CADE-COM has adopted the Community LedTotal Sanitation (CLTS) in the area thathas seen communities triggered to takeaction in adopting hygienic practise forbetter livelihood. Before the CADE-COM program, this one hard to reachareas, was a community without vision;

    a community without direction.

    Bluntly put, Paulos Ngala becamea dormant community, and thegovernment extension workerstook advantage of the communitypassivity in demanding services;they folded their hands and stoodaloof to see the community fallingto the economic and socialdoldrums. The Community Visio-ning step in Strength Based

    Approach, an approach CADECOMhas promoted in its program approach,was an eye opener and awakened thecommunity from their slumber; “wedidn’t know how much wealth we have,

    we didn’t know how much we cando for ourselves to move out ofdestitution.” says Paulo Ngala.

    A vibrant and jovial woman, whoidentified herself as Nya Nkochisaid, “we only lived for today, wehad no vision, this CADECOMhas helped us to see beyond today,we now have a development roadmap for our community, and wewill get where we want.” Shechallenged, “come again after

    three years, you wont recognize us; wehave stopped singing old songs; theVillage Savings and Loans, theirrigation, and farming skills you haveimparted on us will go along awaytransforming our lives; we havereceived the knowledge and we willuse it.” It is interesting to note that thecommunity visions go beyond the

    Paulos Ngala irrigation site.

    One of the participants, Mrs Yobe Makwakwa.

    (Continued on page 24.)

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    AACES program life span of 2016, atinge of program self sustainability asthe visions are driving the communityagenda.

    The six treadle pumps that CADE-COM through the AACES programprovided in the area have been a turningpoint for the communities. Within theyear 5 hectares of land was cultivatedunder irrigation for the first time andthe 60 participating households hadearned MK 450 000 (that is USD 1 080)in their first harvest which they investedin rain fed agriculture productionseason and used some for basichousehold needs.

    The community has bought for itself 2more treadle pumps bringing the

    number to 8, and they have alsodiversified crops, growing high valuecrops such as tomatoes, beans andvegetables, which have locally availablemarket. They plan to increase thehectarage under cultivation and alsohave decided to procure a big engine

    for pumping. They are also exploringthe feasibility of solar powered irriga-tion equipment.

    Rukuru River which had not been putinto its full use for a long time has nowbecome a source of economic oppor-tunities; initially it sarcastically onlycontributed to be a carrier of water-borne diseases for the community as itwas their only main source of drinkingwater, now a main source of income.

    “We could only hear about irrigationthrough the radios and never thoughtthat we could one day have the oppor-tunity to own treadle pumps. I havebeen here for 50 years; no organizationhas ever worked in this village.CADECOM through the AACESProgram has really helped us improveour standards of living especially withthe availability of food during thecritical months,” says Mr Ackim Ngala.

    Currently, 126 participants (72 female,54 male) from Paulos Ngala village arenow taking part in irrigation farmingwith women taking an active role. “Ihave bad and sour memories of hungerand food insecurity in this village, Idon’t want to go back, our yesterday isnot a good one, we don’t want our

    From Food Insecurity to Self-SufficiencyCADECOM (Caritas Malawi) empowers Paulos Ngala villageto discover wealth from within(Continued from page 23.)

    Some of the community members expressing their joy on howthe AACES Program has transformed the community.


    (Continued on page 25.)


    De l’insécurité alimentaire à l’auto-suffisanceLes habitants du village Paulos Ngala, dans le nord du Malawi, environ 60familles, s’étaient habitués à une période d’insécurité alimentaire de novembreà mars chaque année. Ils trouvaient presque « normal » d’avoir à se priver denourriture avec des conséquences graves pour tous: adultes et enfants.

    Il est à noter que ce village se situe à quelques kilomètres seulement du fleuveRukuru. Avant 2013, ils consommaient l’eau du fleuve avec les risques quecela comportait. En 2015, CADECOM (Caritas Malawi), avec le soutien duprogramme Australien AACES, a creusé un puits au village afin de procurerde l’eau potable aux habitants de ce village. Depuis l’installation de ce puits,il n’y a plus de cas de bilharziose et de choléra.

    Ayant noté la passivité des habitants, CADECOM a développé un programmevisant à redonner confiance aux habitants et leur permettre de découvrir leurspropres richesses. Un des villageois, Paulo Ngala, explqiue: « Nous ne savionspas que nous avions autant de richesses, nous ne savions pas ce que nouspouvions faire nous-mêmes pour améliorer nos conditions de vie. »

    Nya Nkochi, une dame dynamique et joviale, constate: « Nous vivions au jourle jour. Nous n’avions pas de vision. Ce programme de CADECOM noua abeaucoup aidé. Nous avons maintenant un programme de développementpour notre communauté et nous irons là où nous le voulons. Nous avons unplan d’épargne et de prêt au village, nous avons l’irrigation, nous avons apprisde nouvelles techniques et notre vie est en train d’être transformée. »

    Aujourd’hui, le fleuve Rukuru offre d’énormes possibilités économiques. Despompes permettent l’utilisation de l’eau du fleuve à des fins d’irrigation. Lasuperficie cultivée augmente au fur et à mesure. Présentement, 126 personnes,dont 72 femmes et 54 hommes, profitent de cette irrigation et il n’y a plus deproblème d’insécurité alimentaire.

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    From Food Insecurity to Self-SufficiencyCADECOM (Caritas Malawi) empowers Paulos Ngala villageto discover wealth from within(Continued from page 24.)

    children to tread the same route, we willstrive to achieve our developmentvisions,” says Mrs Yobe.

    A story of Paulos Ngala is intriguing;they were living in destitution whilesitting on “gold” a community hasdiscovered it’s own gold and is on themove to economic and social trans-formation. The key driver has been theStrength Based Approach (SBA), which

    triggered the community; making themfeel sorry for themselves and takeaction. Ashamed were they that theywere poor in the midst of plenty, andthat they have the capacity withinthemselves to change the course oftheir lives. Paulos Ngala is now one ofthe star performer villages in foodsecurity, water, sanitation and hygieneand they are also leading in advocacywork as the project has opened theireyes wide open; they see development

    beyond the AACES thematic areas, anddemand from different service provi-ders and duty bearers. They havedemanded from the council improve-ment of the community feeder roads,as well as taking to task the Ministry ofAgriculture on access to markets fortheir agricultural products. They arealready mobilizing themselves into acooperative so that they can increasetheir bargain power in accessingservices they require.

    Martino K MazingaCADECOM Program OfficerMalawi


    A insegurança alimentara auto-suficiênciaOs aldeões Paulos Ngala no norte do Malawi, cerca de 60famílias estavam acostumados a período de insegurançaalimentar de novembro a março de cada ano. Eles estavam quase"normal" ter que passar fome com graves consequências paratodos: adultos e crianças.Note-se que esta aldeia está localizada a poucos quilômetros dorio Rukuru. Antes de 2013, eles usaram a água do rio com osperigos inerentes. Em 2015, CADECOM (Caritas Malawi), como apoio do programa AACES Australian cavou um poço naaldeia para fornecer água potável para os habitantes desta aldeia.Desde a instalação do bem, há mais casos de esquistossomosee cólera.Tendo observado a passividade dos habitantes CADECOMdesenvolveu um programa para restaurar a confiança do povoe capacitá-los a descobrir suas próprias riquezas. Um dosmoradores, Paulo Ngala explqiue: "Nós não sabíamos quetínhamos tanta riqueza, não sabíamos o que podemos fazer nósmesmos para melhorar nossas condições de vida. »Nya Nkochi, senhora dinâmica e alegre diz: "Nós vivemos nodia a dia. Nós não temos uma visão. Este programa amarradoCADECOM ajudou muito. Nós agora temos um programa dedesenvolvimento para a nossa comunidade e vamos para ondequiser. Temos um plano de poupança e empréstimo para aaldeia, temos de irrigação, aprendemos novas técnicas e nossasvidas estão sendo transformadas. »Hoje, o Rio Rukuru oferece enormes oportunidadeseconômicas. Bombas de permitir a utilização de água do rio parafins de irrigação. Aumentos de área cultivada como você vai.Atualmente, 126 pessoas, incluindo 72 mulheres e 54 homens,benefício deste irrigação e não há mais problema da insegurançaalimentar.

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    The Gambia Catholic Development Office CaDO

    Participation in the Global Food Campaign

    In response to our HolyFather's call for all to par-ticipate in the Caritas Inter-nationalis anti-poverty GlobalCampaign at national, diocesanand parish levels in collaborationwith Caritas, the Bishop of Banjul,His Lordship Robert PatrickEllison, CSSp., identified theNational Society of St. Vincent dePaul (SSVP) to work with theCatholic Development Office(CaDO) in spearheading thecampaign in The Gambia.

    In August 2014, 3 needy (hungry/poor) rural parish communities wereidentified to benefit from some fundset aside by the Bishop for smallcommunity food-related projects.SSVP and CaDO developed guide-lines to help the communities withtheir choice of project, which shouldbe food related, income generating,revolving scheme for the benefit ofother communities within the parish

    and have an element of communityparticipation.

    Week of Action

    The Bishop, CaDO’s Director andSSVP Secretary General had a

    discussion program on TV on thefood campaign.

    On Friday 17 October 2014, HolyMass was celebrated, presidedover by Bishop Robert PatrickEllison, CSSp. It was attended bythe religious, CaDO staff,represen-tatives of CaDO Boardand other Diocesan units. TheBishop gave a reflection based onPope Francis' 'Evangelii Gaudium',highlighting concern for the poor.“Jesus wants us to touch humanmisery, to touch the suffering fleshof others”. He related this to ourlocal Society of St. Vincent de Pauland the Missionaries of CharitySisters, who are good in not onlygiving but caring, talking andsharing with the poor.

    Collection was raised and thefaithful processed with gifts oflocally grown food items. Thesewere handed over to theMissionaries of Charity Sisters bythe Bishop after Mass.

    (Continued on page 27.)

    Le Bureau Catholique pour le Dévelopement - Gambie

    Participation à la campagne mondialecontre la faimEn réponse à l'appel lancé par le Saint-Père pour que tous participent àla Campagne mondiale de Caritas Internationalis contre la pauvreté auxniveaux national, diocésain et paroissial, et en collaboration avec Caritas,l'évêque de Banjul, Monseigneur Robert Patrick Ellison, CSSp., Aidentifié la Société nationale de Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) afin qu’elletravaille en collaboration avec le Bureau catholique pour ledéveloppement (CaDO) afin de mener la campagne en Gambie.

    En août 2014, troiscommunautés rurales démunies de la paroisse furentidentifiées pour bénéficier de certains fonds mis de côté par l'évêquepour des projets liés à l'alimentation auprès de petites communautés.SSVP et CaDO ont développé les orientations afin d'aider lescommunautés dans leur choix de projets, qui devraient être liés àl'alimentation, à des activités génératrices de revenus, à des programmesrenouvelable pour le bénéfice des autres communautés au sein de laparoisse et avoir un élément de la participation communautaire.

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    Appeal for support

    In December 2014, the Bishoplaunched an appeal for anotherneedy community - Jalokoto, in theThe Gambia’s Central River

    Bishop Ellison with representatives from the National Society of St. Vincentde Paul, missionaries and CaDO after the inaugural mass on 17 October 2014.


    Region and other communitiessuffering from drought andconsequences of insufficient rain,poor harvests and hunger. Thiswas done at the annual DiocesanPilgrimage to the Shrine of OurLady Queen of Peace.

    The appeal has been yieldingpositive response from the generalpublic: Catholics and non-catholicindividuals, companies, sending intheir contributions to support thesecommunities for their survival.

    In February 2015, His Lordship theBishop approved a grant of GMD50 000 (about euro 1 100) for onerural parish - Sacred Heart Parish,in the Central River Regionfollowing their proposal for PaddyRice Cultivation in three com-munities. This fund is meant to kickstart funding for farming activitiesfor the communities in a businessmanner on the one hand and on theother fulfil the need for increasedproduction for consumption, redu-ce hunger, create savings and en-sure that other communities benefitin the future.

    The Gambia Catholic Development Office CaDO

    Participation in the Global Food Campaign(Continued from page 26.)

    O Escritório Católico para Developement - Gâmbia

    A participação na campanha mundial contra a fomeEm resposta ao apelo do Santo Padre para quetodos possam participar da Campanha GlobalCaritas Internationalis contra a pobreza a nívelnacional, diocesano e paroquial, em colaboraçãocom a Caritas, o Bispo de Banjul, MonsenhorRobert Patrick Ellison CSSp., identificou aSociedade de São Vicente de Paulo (SVP), de modoque ele funcione com o Instituto deDesenvolvimento Católica (Cado) para liderar acampanha na Gâmbia.

    Em agosto de 2