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  • 8/13/2019 Girassol artigo (ingls) 1


    NIM L FEEDXIENCE NDTECHNOLOGYAnimal Feed Science and T echnology55 (1995) 153-160

    Adding Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosusL.) to weanling pig diets and the effect on manure

    com position and characteristicsE.R. Farnworth *, H.W . Modler, D.A. Mackie

    Centr e or Food and Ani mal Research, Agri cult ure and Agri -Food Canada, Ott aw a, Ont ., Kl A 0C6, CanadaReceived22 June 1994; accepted 31 January 1995

    AbstractSeventy-two weanling pigs, 28 days of age, were fed diets containing 0, 1%. 3% or 6% Jerusalem

    artichoke (JA) meal for 4 weeks. Total feed consumed and feed efficiency w ere significantlyP < 0.059) affecte d by the addition of JA to the diet. The pigs eating th e diets containing JA had

    significantly (P < 0.05) increased co ncentrations of six volatile fatty acids (VFA ) in their manure;animals receiving the 3% JA diet had the highest VFA levels with the exception of valeric acid. Thesmell of fresh (less than 4 h) manure from the pigs eating 3% or 6% JA was significantly (P < 0.005)sweeter, less sharp and pungent (P < O.Ol), and had less of a skatole smell (P < 0.001) than pigseating the 0% control diet. The manure from pigs eating JA was also judged to be lighter in colourwith significantly (P < 0.001 ) more brown and green but less yellow colour.Keywords: Jerusalem artichoke; Heli ant hus t uberosus; Manure; Odour

    1. IntroductionA diet that supplies nutrients to the host animal also nourishes intestinal micro-organism s

    that reside in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal (Sav age, 1986 . Many of the compoundsfound in manure are produ ced by microbial action on the food/d igests as it passe s throughthe animal. Cha nges in diet compo sition which affect this micro-organism population mayresult in changes in manure compo sition and character istics, such as odour, that could bebeneficial to the barn environment.

    The tuber of the Jerusale m artichok e (Heliunthus fuberosus L.) is rich in fructans (Incolland Bonnett, 1993 ). In a variety of species, including man, the addition of fructans to the

    * Corresponding author.0377-8401/ 95/ 09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reservedSSDIO377-8401 95)00787-3

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    54 E.R. Farnwo rt h et al. A nimal Feed Science and Technology 55 (1995) 153-160

    diet has had beneficial effects on nutrition and metabolism (Farnworth, 1993). Thesechanges have been attributed to the fact that feeding fructans to monogastric animals altersthe intestinal bifidobacteriapopulation (Yazawaet al., 1978; Hidakaet al., 1986). Evidenceto support this hypothesis comes from the findings that short chain fructooligosaccharidesare bifidogenic factors (Modler et al., 1990), while many other common gut micro-organ-isms do not use these short chain fructans (Hidaka et al., 1986). Numbers of bifidobacteriaare increased in humans an d animals fed fructooligosaccharides (Hidaka et al., 1986;Farnworth et al., 1992).

    We produced a dried meal containing macerated Jerusalem artichoke tuber and fed it topigs to determine its feeding quality and effects on manure com position and characteristics.The aim of this study was to determine whether adding Jerusalem artichoke to the dietaffected pig grow th and feed efficiency and changed the amount of volatile fatty acids infresh pig manure. The odour and colour of the manure was assessed to determine whethercomponents of the manure odour and colour changed in pigs eating diets containing Jeru-salem artichoke.

    2. Materials and methods2.1. Animal, housing and husbandry

    A total of 72 (Yorkshire/Landrace) pigs were obtained from the minim um disease,barrier maintained nucleus herd at the Greenbelt Farm of Agriculture and Agri-Food C anada,Ottawa. M ales were castrated at 10 days of age. At weaning (age 28 days), pigs weremoved and allowed a 5day adjustment period before s tarting the feeding portion of theexperiment. The experiment was carried out in a barn fitted with four sealed rooms similarin size, volume, temperature, humidity, air exchanges; each room had separate ventilation.Each room contained a 4 X 4 raised flat deck cage that housed three pigs. The feeding trialwas replicated five times.

    Pigs were w eighed at the start of the experiment and then weekly. Pen feed consumptionwas measured weekly. Room temperature and humidity were recorded daily and pigs werechecked daily for general health and signs of diarrhoea. The feeding trial lasted 28 days.

    The experimental protocol was approved by the CFA R Animal Care Comm ittee.2.2. Jerusalem artichoke meal and diets

    A meal containing Jeru salem artichoke tuber (varieties: Sunroot, Fusil) was prepared bycombining equal weights of macerated (using a Fitzmill Model M cornminuting machine,W.J. Fitzpatrick Co., Chicago) newly harvested Jerusalem artichoke tuber and corn meal.The dried mixture w as incorporated (weight for weight) into the swine starter diets in placeof the corn component of the diet. The diets provided all known nutrients at or aboverequirement levels, and contained either 0 (control), 1, 3 or 6% Jerusalem artichoke on adry matter basis (see Tab le 1 for nutrient analys is of diets). The control diet contained44.1% corn, 15% barley and 25% soybean meal.

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    E.R. Farnwort h et al. Ani mal Feed Science and Technology 55 (1995) 153-160 155

    2 3 Samp l e co l l ec t i on and chem i ca l ana l yses

    Manure samp les (uncontaminated by urine) w ere obtained from individual pigs at theend of the 4-week feeding trial while they were being weighed. Samples were kept frozenuntil analyzed. The fecal dry matter content was mea sured by freeze-drying 1 g samp les for3 days and measuring weigh t loss; no correction for loss of volatiles was mad e. The volatilefatty acid content of the manure (acetic acid, butyric acid, isobutyric acid, valeric a cid andisovaleric acid) was measured using a water extraction and gas chromatographic determi-nation using isocaproic acid as an internal standard (Erfle et al., 1979 ). pH of the wate rextract was also measured for each manure sample.2.4. Senso r y eva l u a t i o n o f manu re

    Fresh m anure samples were obtained from the pigs eating the control, 3% and 6% JAdiets after they had consum ed the diets for 4 wee ks. M anure from individual pigs (withina diet) was pooled, homo genized and then divided into ten equal portions and placed inairtight containers. Odo ur evaluation was done immediately ( < 4 hours) after collection.Established methods of sensory analysis were applied to the sample (Poste et al., 1991). Atrained panel of ten assessors evaluated the coded samples by comparison with referencestandards (swe et, earthy, sour, sharp , and skatole), using a 15 cm unstructured line scale(anchor ed at 1.5 and 13.5 cm with slight and intense, res pectively), and with one referenc estandard anchored at an agreed upon location. Numerical values were obtained for eachsample by measuring the distance from the left end of the scale (0.0). The odour evaluationwas done under red light. The panel rated the colour of the manure samples under whitelight in relation to colour chips designated as light, brown, green and yellow, again using a15 cm unstructured line scale. O dour evaluation was done at the end of the five feedingreplicates.2.5. Sta t i s t i c a l ana l y ses

    Statistical tests wer e applied to the data to test for the effec ts of diet and replicate. Analysesof variance procedures were done using a statistical package available from the SAS com-pany, Cary, NC (Statistical Analysis System s Institute Inc., 1989 ). Linear and quadraticcontrasts wer e applied because quantitative effec ts (level of Jerusale m artichoke in the diet)were being tested for.

    3. esults and discussionThe diet analysis data in Table 1 shows that dietary fiber made up approximately 17%

    of the diets. A detailed HPL C carbohydrate analysis indicated that sucrose was the sugar inhighest concentration, followed by raffinose, fructose and glucose. However, hot waterextracts of the JA diets also contained many pea ks assumed to be progressively longerchained fructans (J. Mullin, unpublished data, 1995 ).

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    156 E.R. Farnworrh et al. /Animal Feed Science and Technology 55 (1995) 153-160

    Table 1Com position of experimen tal diets containing Jeru salem artichoke ( JA)a

    Diet0% JA l%JA 3 JA 6 JA

    AshbFatbNitrogeGross energy ml kg- DM)Crude SbeiAcid detergent fibefNeutral detergent tibefTotal dietary tibef

    6.82 f 0.093.72 f 0.073.31*0.1418.39*0.092.7 f 0.23.6f0.510.3 f 0.316.6 f 0.2

    6.2OYcO.153.75 f 0.083.35 kO.1818.31 f0.182.7 f 0.23.4&0.212.1 f 1.5_d

    7.31*0.103.76~0.043.27zbO.2418.19*0.212.8 f 0.43.6f0.512.2 f 0.9

    7.15*0.043.61 f 0.033.3 1 f 0.0918.08*0.162.6fO.l3.8 kO.611.6* 1.817.4 f 0.06

    Ash, fat, nitrogen and gross energy determined in lab; fibers analyzed by a commercial lab.As a percentage of dry matter DM)Me an f standard deviation; analyses done in triplicate.d-, not determined.

    Table 2 shows the body daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency of pigsfed the control and Jerusalem artichoke meal diets. The pigs did not show any aversion tothe diets containing the Jerusalem artichoke meal; there were no health problems with anyof the pigs, and the incidence of diarrhoea was similar in all groups. The largest averagedaily weight gain was recorded for the group eating the diet containing the 3% JA , althoughno statistical differences (P > 0.05) due to diet were found. The group fed the diet containing6% JA had the lowest feed intake, and the best value for feed efficiency. Total feed consumed(on a pen basis) and feed efficiency had a significant (P < 0.05) quadratic relationship withTable 2Mean body weights, feed consumption and feed efficiencies of pigs eating experimental diets containing Jerusalemartichoke (JA)Diet Mean initial pig body Mean average daily Total feed consumedb Feed efficiencyC

    weight (kg) weight gain (kg per pen (kg)day-)0% JA 8.33 f 0.97l%JA 8.07 f 1.603% JA 8.75 f 1.696% JA 8.2OkO.94Significance of effects (P values)eEffect of diet NSLinear contrastQuadratic contrast

    0.522 f 0.06 70.7*5.1 0.62 f0.020.514~ 0.08 70.8 f 12.5 0.61 f0.030.533 kO.08 74.8 f 11 O 0.60 f 0.020.504 f 0.05 65.3f6.1 0.65 f 0.05NS I NSNS NS NSNS *

    &Data rom five replicates.28 day feeding trial.Feed efficiency = individual pig body weight gain/ (pen feed consumption/3).dMe an f standard deviation.NS , not significant,P> 0.05; *, P

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    E.R. Furnw ort h et al. Ani mal Feed Science and Techno l ogy 5.5 1995) 153-160 15i

    Table 3Volatile fatty acid content of manure from pigs fed experimental diets containing Jerusalem artichoke (JA)

    Volatile fatty acidAcetic Propionic Butyric Isobutyric Valerie Isovaleric

    Diet pmole g- I DM)O%JA(n=18) 148f 63 56*20 60+19 4.9 * 2.2 7.1 k3.9 9.3 +4.21% JA (n= 13) 173*34 72+21 72*31 5.9k3.6 10.2+4.8 11.2k6.43% JA (n= 17) 218+ 110 92+53 93*45 7.2 * 3.9 11.9f6.2 13.2k6.96% JA (n= 18) 182+60 63k23 69*29 5.2 f 3.4 15.1 * 10.9 9.8 + 6.2Significance of effects ( P values)Diet ** 1.1 ** * I ILinear NS NS NS NS *** NSQuadratic If *.* *** ** NS **

    Mean f standard deviation. NS,notsignificant,P>0.05; *,P

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    158 E.R. Farnwort h et al. Ani mal Feed Science and Technology 55 (1995) 153-160

    Table 4Sensory evaluation of the smell of man ure of pigs fed experimental diets containing Jerusalem artichoke ( JA) bCharacteristic Diet Standard error of mean Effect of dietC

    0% JA 3%JA 6% JAsweetEarthySourSharp, pungentSkatole

    3.9 4.3 5.0 0.34 .2.5 2.4 2.4 0.22 NS2.9 2.9 3.3 0.34 NS5.4 4.3 4.1 0.46 **6.0 4.0 3.9 0.49 .**

    A minimum of 43 values per characteristic.?3amples were evaluated at the end of each of five replicates.CNS,notsigniticant,P>0.05; ,P

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    E.R. Farnw ort h et al . An imal Feed Science and Technol ogy 55 (1995) 153-160 159

    and become more comp lex. The panels evaluation of the colour of the manure sampleswas even mo re conclusive. The manure from control pigs was significantly (P

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