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FALL SEMESTER (August to December 2017)

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1. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (courses taught in Portuguese) ................................. 3 2. GRADUATE COURSES (courses taught in Portuguese) ............................................... 4

3. GLOBAL LAW PROGRAM (courses taught in English) ................................................. 4

4. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES AT FGV ....................................................................................... 2

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1. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (courses taught in Portuguese)

1st year - Semester 2

xxxx Global Law 90

xxxx Family Law and Probate 90

xxxx Organization of Courts and Proceedings 90

xxxx Politics and Brazilian Institutions 90

xxxx History of Law 90

Total 450

2nd year - Semester 4

1741-3 Law of Obligations and Contract Law II 60

1570-3 Civil Procedure Law II 60

1454-3 Law and Economics 60

1576-3 Property Law II 60

1572-3 Administrative Law II 60

1459-3 Business Law II 60

1471-1 Macroeconomics 60

1461-1 Legal English Workshop II 30

1462-1 Legal Practice Workshop IV (writing &procedural strategy) 30

Total 480

3rd year - Semester 6

1574-3 Liability Law II 60

1578-3 Criminal Law and Procedure II 60

1580-3 Tax Law and Public Finance II 60

1467-3 Legal Sociology 60

1481-3 Business Law IV 60

1424-3 Constitutional Theory 60

1975-3 Business Litigation 60

1457-3 International Economic Law 60

Total 480

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2. GRADUATE COURSES (courses taught in Portuguese)

Fall Semester

Globalização do Pensamento Jurídico

Pesquisar empiricamente as instituições do sistema de justiça



Total 120

For the Courses in Portuguese, please, note that is necessary

to have at least an intermediate level of comprehension of

the language.

3. GLOBAL LAW PROGRAM (courses taught in English)

The DIREITO GV Global Law Program was designed for international and FGV students. This program aims to introduce foreign students to the Brazilian Legal System and to promote a broad debate on issues of global relevance in a Brazilian perspective. The Global Law Program is divided in two terms with a total of four disciplines. Exchange students are supposed to attend three of these disciplines1. Moreover, one of these disciplines is mandatory for all exchange students: Introduction to the Brazilian Legal System. Each term will last two months.

Global Law Program

13029-30 Introduction to the Brazilian Legal System 30

CISG_1602 Contracts and the CISG 30

TIPS_1702 The Investment Protection System: between order and disorder 30

IA_1702 International Arbitration 30


TLOTC_1702 The laws of the city: Uber, Airbnb and the globalization of the sharing economy


ILATS_1702 Introduction to the legal aspects of technical standards and standardization in the field of information technology


TLE_1701 Transnational Law Experiments 15

Total 180

1 In special cases the Director of International Affairs may consider the possibility to waive this obligation.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv


FGV-EAESP (Business School) and FGV-EESP (Economics School) also offers opportunities to exchange students. There are undergraduate and graduate courses taught in Portuguese and in English.

Syllabus for the Undergraduate courses

CYCLE TWO Fourth Semester

Civil Procedure Law II (60 credit hours)

Syllabus: The Civil Procedure Law II course is structured as follows: Part 1 - Challenging court decisions (sessions 2 to 9) in order to deepen the procedural rules on the main appeals filed under the Brazilian law. It includes two lectures on relief from judgment and relativity of res judicata as these, along with appeals, are part of the topics related to challenges to court decisions. Part 2 – Credit enforcement and recovery procedure (sessions 10 to 16): this is intended to introduce “enforcement proceedings” from the perspective of the general theory of executing the judgment, which covers both the traditional executive procedure and the new discipline of executions called “broad sense” or immediate. The course also analyzes execution by a certain amount of extrajudicial executive instruments and financial liability of the debtor, from flowcharts and case studies. Part 3 - Interlocutory reliefs (sessions 18 to 21): deepening interlocutory reliefs, with the focus on skills for handling provisional remedies and interlocutory relief tools in view of the strategies laid out before the attorney. Special emphasis on analysis of the case Ripasa/Susano, taken in connection with Business Law II (procedural aspects of the adjourned meeting and disputes between majority and minority shareholders). Part 4 - Alternative means of dispute resolution (sessions 23 to 27): analysis of alternative means of dispute resolution, with emphasis on mediation and arbitration, in addition to the skills needed to evaluate the setting for choosing a technique to prevent, manage and/or solve the dispute. Part 5 - Managing litigations (sessions 22 and 28): two sessions designed to introduce the dynamics that involves assessing the costs and risks involved in litigations. It seeks to analyze the characteristics of a new business law practice on litigations (litigation risk management). Educational Objectives: The Civil Procedure Law II aims to: 1. introduce basic themes of civil procedure law by scrutinizing its relationship with the substantive law; 2. Enable students to plan and operate basic dispute-solving tools within and outside the Judiciary Branch; 3. Deepen knowledge on alternative dispute-solving means, particularly mediation and arbitration, by developing skills for choosing the most suitable techniques for some disputes; 4. Encourage strategic planning for dispute-solving and learn techniques for managing litigation. Skills Planning and basic operation of the resources available in the Brazilian judicial system; Planning the execution of court decisions and operationalization of mechanisms for credit recovery in court; Analysis of provisional remedies as a strategy for immediate resolution and prevention of disputes; Understanding the dynamics of judicial proceedings with estimate of directions, time and costs involved. Choosing the appropriate dispute-solving technique. Abilities

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

Handling business corporate law tools for solving disputes. Preparing procedural plans; Procedural analyses using flowcharts; Analysis of precedents and problem situations; Strategic management of disputes; Systematization of concepts and teleological interpretation of procedural rules. Literature Requirements ARAÚJO JUNIOR, Gediel Claudino de. Prática no processo civil. 8ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2005. ASSIS, Araken de. Cumprimento da sentença. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2006. BOTELHO DE MESQUITA, José Ignácio. Coisa julgada, Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005. BOTTINI, Pierpaolo [et al]. A Reforma do Processo Civil Brasileiro. Brasília/DF: Secretaria da Reforma do Judiciário/Ministério da Justiça, 2005. BUENO, Cássio Scarpinella, ALVIM, Eduardo Arruda e WAMBIER, Teresa Arruda Alvim. Aspectos polêmicos e atuais do Mandado de Segurança 51 anos depois. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2002. DIDIER JUNIOR, Fredie e MAZZEI, Rodrigo (coord.) Reflexões do Novo Código Civil no Direito Processual. Salvador: JusPODIVM, 2006. DINAMARCO, Cândido Rangel. Instituições de Direito Processual Civil..5ª ed. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005. FONSECA, Priscila Corrêa da. Suspensão de deliberações sociais. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1986. __________. Dissolução parcial, retirada e exclusão de sócio no novo código civil. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2005. GAJARDONI, Fernando da Fonseca e SILVA, Mário Henrique Mendes da (coord). Manual dos Procedimentos Especiais Cíveis de Legislação Extravagante. São Paulo: Ed. Método, 2006. GRINOVER, Ada Pellegrini [et al.]. Código Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor comentado pelos autores do Anteprojeto. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005. GRINOVER, Ada Pellegrini. Ação Civil Pública em matéria ambiental e denunciação da lide. Revista de Processo n. 106, abr./jun. 2002. LIMA, Alcides de Mendonça. Argüição de relevância da questão federal. Revista de processo. São Paulo. v.15. n.58. abr./jun. 1990. LOPES, João Batista. Tutela antecipada: reversibilidade dos efeitos do provimento e princípio da proporcionalidade. IN Revista dos Tribunais n.815, Set/2003. MARCATO, Antônio Carlos (coord). Código de Processo Civil Interpretado. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2005. MARQUES, Cláudia Lima; BENJAMIN, Antônio Herman V.; MIRAGEM, Bruno. Comentários ao Código de Defesa do Consumidor. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2006. MARREY NETO, Jose Adriano, Recurso extraordinário - argüição de relevância da questão federal. Revista dos Tribunais. São Paulo. v.75. n.604, fev. 1986. MAZZILI, Hugo Nigro. A defesa dos interesses difusos em juízo. 15ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2002. __________. O Inquérito Civil: investigações do Ministério Público, compromissos de ajustamento e audiências públicas. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2000. MEIRELLES, Hely Lopes. Mandado de Segurança. 28ª ed. atualizada por Arnoldo Wald e Gilmar Ferreira Mendes, São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005 NEGRÃO, Theotônio e GOUVÊA, José Roberto. Código de Processo Civil e legislação processual em vigor. 38ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2006. NERY JUNIOR, Nelson, WAMBIER, Teresa Arruda Alvim (coord.), Aspectos Polêmicos e Atuais dos Recursos Cíveis e assuntos afins, v. 10, São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2006. NERY JUNIOR, Nelson, WAMBIER, Teresa Arruda Alvim [et al] (coord.) Aspectos polêmicos e atuais dos recursos cíveis e de outros meios de impugnação às decisões judiciais, v. 7, São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2003. JUNIOR, Humberto Theodoro. Curso de Direito Processual Civil. 39ª ed. V.II, Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2006. SALLES, Carlos Alberto de (coord.). Processo Civil de Interesse público. IN Processo Civil e Interesse Público. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2003. SALLES, Carlos Alberto de. Execução judicial em matéria ambiental. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 1998. SANCHES, Sydney, Argüição de relevância da questão federal. Revista dos Tribunais, São Paulo, v.77. n.627, jan.1988. SILVA, Ovídio Baptista da. Racionalismo e Tutela preventiva em processo civil. In Revista dos Tribunais n.801, julho/2002. SOARES, Mario Nunes, Apontamento sobre a argüição de relevância da questão federal em recurso extraordinário. Revista da Procuradoria Geral do Estado. Porto Alegre. v.18. n.46, 1988 SUNDFELD, Carlos Ari e BUENO, Cássio Scarpinella (coord). Direito Processual Público: a Fazenda Pública em Juízo. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2003.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

WAMBIER, Luiz Rodrigues. Antecipação de tutela em face da Fazenda Pública. In Revista de Processo, São Paulo, n.87, jul-set/1997. YARSHELL, Flávio Luiz, Alterações nas regras que disciplinam o agravo de instrumento: primeiras impressões, in Revista do Advogado, n.84 (2005). __________. Ação Rescisória – Juízos Rescindente e Rescisório, São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005. YARSHELL, Flávio Luiz, MORAES, M. Zanoide de (coord.), Estudos em Homenagem à Professora Ada Pellegrini Grinover, São Paulo: DPJ, 2005. Complementary Literature ASSIS, Araken de. Cumprimento da sentença. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2006. BARBOSA MOREIRA, José Carlos. Comentários ao Código de Processo Civil, v. V, Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005. BOTELHO DE MESQUITA, José Ignácio, Conflito entre a intangibilidade da coisa julgada e outro princípio constitucional. Um falso problema, IN Coisa julgada, Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005. CARNEIRO, Athos Gusmão. Antecipação de tutela. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005. DINAMARCO, Cândido Rangel. Execução Civil, 8ª edição, São Paulo: Malheiros, 2002. LOPES, João Batista. Tutela antecipada: reversibilidade dos efeitos do provimento e princípio da proporcionalidade. In Revista dos Tribunais n.815, Set/2003. LUCON, Paulo Henrique dos Santos, Recurso Especial: ordem pública e prequestionamento, IN F. L. Yarshell e M. Zanoide de Moraes (coord.), Estudos em Homenagem à Professora Ada Pellegrini Grinover, São Paulo: DPJ, 2005. MESQUITA, José Ignácio Botelho de. Litisconsórcio unitário. Eficácia do reconhecimento do pedido por um só dos réus na ação de dissolução de sociedade. IN Teses, estudos e pareceres de processo civil: direito de ação, partes e terceiros, processo e política. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2005. PASSOS, J.J. Calmon de. Até quando abusarás, ó Catilina? (Cautelares e Liminares – Catástrofe Nacional). Revista de Processo, n. 71, jul./set. 1993. SILVA, Ovídio Baptista da. Racionalismo e Tutela preventiva em processo civil. In Revista dos Tribunais n.801, julho/2002. SILVA, Paulo Eduardo Alves da. Tutela inibitória e atuação jurisdicional preventiva. Dissertação de mestrado – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo, 2002. TEIXEIRA, Sálvio de Figueiredo (coord). Reforma do Código de Processo Civil. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1996. WAMBIER, Luiz Rodrigues. Antecipação de tutela em face da Fazenda Pública. In Revista de Processo n.87, jul-set/1997. WATANABE, Kazuo. Processo Civil de Interesse público. IN Processo Civil e Interesse Público. São Paulo: RT, 2003. YARSHELL, Flávio Luiz. Ação Rescisória – Juízos Rescindente e Rescisório, São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005. YARSHELL, Flávio Luiz. Alterações nas regras que disciplinam o agravo de instrumento: primeiras impressões, IN Revista do Advogado, n.84 (2005).

Law of Obligations and Contract Law II (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS: Undoubtedly, the law of obligations provides the basic conceptual model of operation and concretization of legal phenomenon as it is perceived by the fundamental pairs of concepts – duty/right, duty/sanction. Taken as a set of legal rules that provide the basic vocabulary of translation of economic operations into legal operations — debit/credit — the law of obligations unfolds into a general branch — general theory of obligations — and three specific branches — the law of contracts, liability law and restitution law. This course takes, as an internal organization tool, the perspective that views the phenomenon of obligations as a whole and as a process. This is why the course is concerned with providing the tools required to understand the general rules of the law of obligations and the law of contracts. The way this course is structured, dogmatic reflections are always combined with the application of concepts and legal standards in solving concrete problems involving original contracts. Therewith, it is intended to develop a teaching approach that outweighs the distinction between theory and practice and gets critically away from an organization model that reproduces the legislative organization (general theory of obligations, general theory of contracts and original contracts). This course deals with the following topics: Payment: time and place of payment (domicile and jurisdiction); Direct or indirect payment and contract execution; Forms of coercive enforcement of contract: specific protection of obligations; Execution of contract and effects on third parties; Pathology obligational relationship: impossibility, breach and its effects; Positive breach of contract: breach of implied guarantees or

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

poor payment; Contract remedies for default: earnest money deposit and liquidated damages; Performance bonds and guarantee contracts; Contract review; Credit Assignment and Assumption of debt: sufficient regulation to assignment contract position?; Default and forms of contract termination; Business management: between contract law and restitution law. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Legal consulting in contracts. Interpreting and drafting contracts. Negotiation for prevention and solution of contract-related disputes. Dogmatic reflection. Making public policies to promote the institutionalization of contract practices. Abilities Learn the fundamental concepts of the law of obligations and contract law. Learn the rules and legal doctrines underpinning the law of obligations and the law of contracts. Apply concepts and rules on the prevention and solution of practical problems. Predict the practical consequences from the adoption of certain dogmatic, precedent-related, and/or legislative options. Identify theoretical-argumentative standards (dogmatism and precedents). Identify assumptions implicit or express in legislation concerning certain theoretical-argumentative standards. Combine and coordinate concepts, rules and doctrines of the law of obligations with concepts, rules and doctrines of the law of contracts. Generalize conclusions from the resolution of practical problems. Assess choices made in the prevention and resolution of practical problems. Express orally in a clear and concise manner. Literature Requirements AGUIAR JR., Ruy Rosado de, Extinção dos contratos por incumprimento do devedor – resolução, 2ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Aide, 2003 COUTO E SILVA, Clóvis. A obrigação como processo, Rio de Janeiro, Editora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2006. CUNHA, Alexandre dos Santos (org.). O direito da empresa e das obrigações e o novo Código Civil Brasileiro, São Paulo, Quartier Latin, 2006. MARTINS-COSTA, Judith. Comentários ao novo Código Civil, vol. 5, tomos I e II, Rio de Janeiro, Forense, 2003. ROPPO, Enzo, O contrato, Almedina, Coimbra, 1988. Complementary Literature ABBUD, André de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, A tutela específica nos acordos de acionistas, São Paulo, Quartier Latin, 2006. ALMEIDA COSTA, Mário Júlio. Direito das Obrigações, 9a. ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2001. ALVIM, Agostinho. Da inexecução das obrigações e suas conseqüências, São Paulo, 5a.ed., Saraiva, 1980. ASSIS, Araken. Contratos nominados – mandato, comissão, agência e distribuição, corretagem e transporte, Biblioteca de Direito Civil, Estudos em homenagem ao professor Miguel Reale, Coordenação Miguel Reale e Judith Martins-Costa, São Paulo, Revista dos Tribunais, 2005. ASSIS, Araken. Resolução dos contratos por inadimplemento, 4a. ed., São Paulo, RT, 2004. AXELROD, Robert. The evolution of cooperation, New York, Basic Books, 1984. AZEVEDO, Antônio Junqueira. Negócio Jurídico – Existência, validade e eficácia, 2ª ed., São Paulo, Saraiva, 2002 BETTI, Emilio. Teoria generale delle obbligazioni I – prolegomeni: funzione economico-sociale dei rapporti d’obbligazione, Milano, Giuffrè, 1953. CAMPBELL, David. COLLINS, Hugh. WIGHTMAN, John. Implicit dimensions of contract – discrete, relational and network contracts, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2003 FORGIONI, Paula. Contrato de Distribuição, São Paulo, Revista dos Tribunais, 2005 GLACHANT, Jean-Michel. Brousseau, Eric. The economics of contracts – theories and applications, Cambridge University Press, 2002. GOMES, Orlando. Transformações gerais do direito das obrigações, Ed. Revista dos Tribunais, 2ª ed., São Paulo, 1980. MACEDO, Ronaldo Porto, Contratos Relacionais e Defesa do Consumidor, São Paulo, 2ª ed. Revista e ampliada, Revista dos Tribunais, 2007.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

MARTINS-COSTA, Judith. Comentários ao novo Código Civil, vol. 5, tomos I e II, Rio de Janeiro, Forense, 2003. MENEZES CORDEIRO, António. Tratado de Direito Civil Português. 2ª e., Coimbra: Almedina, 2000. Parte Geral – Tomo I. MOTA PINTO, Carlos Alberto. Declaração Tácita e Comportamento Concludente no Negócio Jurídico. Coimbra: Almedina, 1995. NEVES, Marcelo da Costa Pinto, Da formação dos contratos, Recife, editora da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 1980. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de Direito Privado, t. I, Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1970. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de Direito Privado, t. XXIX, 2a. ed., Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1962. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de Direito Privado, t. XXVI, Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1959. SÁ, Fernando Augusto Cunha de. Direito ao cumprimento e direito a cumprir, Coimbra, Almedina, 1999. SANSEVERINO, Paulo de Tarso Vieira. Contratos nominados II – contrato estimatório, doação, locação de coisas e empréstimo (mútuo e comodato), Biblioteca de Direito Civil, Estudos em homenagem ao professor Miguel Reale, Coordenação Miguel Reale e Judith Martins-Costa, São Paulo, Revista dos Tribunais, 2005. SCHÄFER, Hans-Bernd. OTT, Claus. Economic analysis of civil law (translated by Matthew Braham), Imprenta Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2004.

Law and Economics (60 credit hours)

SYLLABUS: The course introduces the study of Law and Economics. The purpose is to use tools of economics to explain the legal system operation and to explore some topics pertaining to the relationship between institutional order and economic development (law & development). The Neo-Institutional Theory and the Theory of Transaction Costs will be the connecting thread of the current analysis. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Using economic tools to understand the legal system operation; Identify gaps in the legal system through economic analyses; Presenting the theories developed in the field of civil and criminal liability; Employ the instruments of law and economics to solve legal problems; Understanding the influence of law and economics for the drafting of contracts at the private and state planning levels through public policies. Abilities Introduce the fundamentals of economic analysis of law, especially the notion of efficiency on the practical aspects of the legal system; Discuss how the analytic tools of the course may help dealing with individual cases. Encourage students' curiosity for interdisciplinary analysis. Literature Requirements COOTER, Robert e ULEN, Tomas, Law and Economics, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004, 4a. edição cap. 4, seções II e III (pp. 78-85) FARINA, Elizabeth M. M. Q.; AZEVEDO, Paulo Furquim de e SAES, Maria Sylvia Macchione. Competitividade : mercado, estado e organizações. Ed. Singular, 1997, pp. 54-58 MICELI, Thomas F., Economics of the Law, Oxford University Press, 1997, seção 1.1 (p. 138) PINHEIRO, Armando Castelar e SADDI, Jairo. Direito, Economia e Mercados, Elsevier, 2005, pp. 93-102 SOTO, Hernando de. The mystery of capital: Why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else, Basic Books, 2000, capítulo 1(pp. 1-14) Complementary Literature COOTER, Robert, Innovation, Information, and the Poverty of Nations, The 2005 Ladd Lecture at the Florida State University School of Law, 2005 (disponível em http://works.bepress.com/robert_cooter/) FRIEDMAN, David. Law’s order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why it Matters, Princeton University Press, 2000, pp. 3-5

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

MUELLER, Bernardo, Direitos de propriedade na nova economia das instituições e em Direito & Economia, apud. Direito & Economia, Decio Zylbersztajn e Rachel Sztajn (org.), Elsevier, 2005, pp. 91-101 POSNER, Richard A., Economic Analysis of Law, Aspen Publishers, 2003, 6a. ed., pp. 3-29 SHAVELL, Steven, Foundations of Economics Analysis of Law, Harvard University Press, 2004, cap. 7, seções 1.1 a 1.14 (pp. 138-150) TIMM, Luciano Benetti e MACHADO, Rafael Bicca, Direito, Mercado e Função Social, disponível via e-class WILLIAMSON, Oliver, The Mechanisms of Governance, Oxford University Press, 1996, cap. 4, seções 4.1 e 4.1.1 (pp. 112-114)

Property Law II (60 credit hours)

SYLLABUS: Property law is a course organized around two topics, an investigative one and an applied one. In the first semester (Property Law 1) the first topic ends through the modules of ownership and capitalism and dogmatism of proprietary institutions, and the first module of the second topic starts with intangible ownership. The second topic is completed in the second semester, when the modules of urban property and rural property are conducted. Considering such organization, this course aims to develop in students the learning of a critical apparatus with tools that structure and functionalize the proprietary phenomenon in the Brazilian positive law system (first topic) to use such apparatus and these tools in the social and economic sectors (intangible assets and urban and rural agrarian policies) where the proprietary technique currently reveals its greatest operative value (second topic). These social and economic sectors will be considered from a double perspective: the business environment and public policies focused on the Brazilian development. Hence, it is supposed that the positive law system is a concrete institution, historically conditioned and socially constructed through the legislative, regulatory, judicial and negotiation decisions. This implies that teaching and learning of property law will consider, as empirical data, the legal rules in their broader sense from the nomogenetic perspective, taking the law only as one of the factors influencing the definition of a proprietary technique, understood as a complex of mechanisms employed by public and private players to control the access, use and movement of scarce resources, by working in and regulating the markets. In that same tune, as the proprietary technique is a historically located product, merely teaching it is not so important as analyzing it based on the consequent formulation of synthetic judgments, focusing on the methods of building models and categories and taking concrete decisions. On this last point, parallel to the dogmatic rigor, we must instill in students a strategic thinking, not only grounded on the best solution for the cases, but also on a choice based on institutional alternatives to be proposed in the development agenda of the country, for which proprietary topics and issues are germane. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills The development of skills in students will consider the performance of the following professional activities: Research and analysis of public policies adopting the proprietary technique; public and private litigation and counseling in cases of intersection of property doctrine with real estate, urban, agrarian, business, administrative, economic and industry regulation laws; strategic thinking and institutional design in public policies and contracts involving the proprietary technique. Abilities The skills will be developed at various skill levels, namely: interpretation of legislation, precedents and contractual arrangements; application and analysis of the structure and the function of the property law; evaluation of property in different socioeconomic contexts; handling the legal system of properties; understanding oral presentations; reading and writing contracts and public policies; identifying problems in case reports and formulating potential legal solutions. Literature Requirements ASCENSÃO, José de Oliveira. Direito civil – reais. 5ª ed. Coimbra: Coimbra: 2000. BERCOVICI, Gilberto. Constituição Econômica e Desenvolvimento – uma leitura a partir da Constituição de 1988. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005. BESSONE, Darcy. Direitos reais. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva: 1996.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

POLANYI, Karl. A grande transformação - as origens da nossa época. Trad. Fanny Wrobel. 2ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2000. SILVA, Clóvis Veríssimo do Couto e. A obrigação como processo. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2006. Complementary Literature ALENCAR, José de. A propriedade. Rio de Janeiro, B. L. Garnier, 2004. ARRUDA, José Soares; LÔBO, Carlos Augusto da Silveira. Shoppings centers – aspectos jurídicos. São Paulo: RT, 1984. BANDEIRA DE MELLO, Celso Antonio. Curso de direito administrativo. 20ª ed. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2006. BARBOSA, Ruy. Posse de direitos pessoais. In: TOMASETTI Júnior, Alcides. Clássicos do Direito Brasileiro. São Paulo, Saraiva, 1986. BESSONE, Darcy. Da compra e venda – promessa, reserva de domínio e alienação em garantia. 4a ed., São Paulo, Saraiva, 1997. BESSONE, Darcy. Da posse. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1996. BEVILAQUA, Clovis. Direito das coisas. Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 1941. COMPARATO, Fabio Konder. Estado, empresa e função social. Revista dos Tribunais, São Paulo, n. 732, p. 38-46, 1996. COMPARATO, Fabio Konder. Função social da propriedade dos bens de produção. Revista de direito mercantil, São Paulo, n. 63, pp. 71-9, 1986. GOMES, Orlando. Direitos reais. 12a ed., Rio de Janeiro, Forense, 1996. GOMES, Orlando. Raízes históricas e sociológicas do Código Civil Brasileiro. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2003. GUISE, Mônica Steffen. Comércio internacional, patentes e saúde pública. Florianópolis: UFSC, 2006. LARENZ, Karl. Allgemeiner Teil des deutschen bürgerlichen rechts. 1975. Trad. esp. de Macías-Picavea, Manuel Izquierdo y. Derecho civil – parte general. Madri, Revista de Derecho Privado, 1978. MARTIGNETTI, Giuliano. Propriedade. In: BOBBIO, Norberto, MATTEUCCI, Nicola, e PASQUINO, Gianfranco. Dicionário de política II. 11a ed., Brasília, UNB, 2004. PEREIRA, Lafayette Rodrigues. Direito das coisas. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 1956. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Comentários à Constituição de 1946 I. 2a ed., São Paulo, Max Limonad, 1953. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Fontes e evolução do direito civil brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro, Forense, 1981. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado das ações I – ação, classificação e eficácia. 2a ed., São Paulo, RT, 1972. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado II – parte geral – bens – fatos jurídicos. 3ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1970. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado III – parte geral – negócios jurídicos – representação – forma – prova. 3ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1970. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado V – parte geral – eficácia jurídica – determinações inexas e anexas – direitos – pretensões - ações. 3ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1970. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado X – parte especial – direito das coisas – posse. Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1955. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XI – parte especial – direito das coisas – propriedade – aquisição da propriedade imobiliária. Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1955. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XII – parte especial – direito das coisas – condomínio – edifício de apartamentos - compáscuo – terras devolutas – terras de silvícolas. Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1955. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XIII – parte especial – direito das coisas – loteamento – direitos de vizinhança. Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1955. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XIV – parte especial – pretensões e ações imobiliárias dominicais – perda da propriedade imobiliária. Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1955. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XV – parte especial – direito das coisas – propriedade mobiliária (bens corpóreos). 3ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1971. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XVI – parte especial – direito das coisas – propriedade mobiliária (bens incorpóreos) – propriedade intelectual – propriedade industrial. 3ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1971. PONTES DE MIRANDA, Francisco Cavalcanti. Tratado de direito privado XVIII – parte especial – direito das coisas – direitos reais limitados. Rio de Janeiro, Borsoi, 1955.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

ROPPO, Enzo. O contrato. Coimbra: Almedina, 1988. SALOMÃO FILHO, Calixto. Regulação da Atividade Econômica – princípios e fundamentos jurídicos. São Paulo, Malheiros, 2001. WIEACKER, Franz. História do Direito Privado Moderno, Trad. A. M. Hespanha, 3ª ed. Lisboa, Calouste Gulbenkian, 1980.

Administrative Law II (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS: After studying the great laws of Administrative Law in DA-1, students in the fourth semester, at the School of Law of FGV-SP are fully acquainted with the language, themes and statutes of this field. The knowledge gained offers technical support for the DA-2 course to deepen the studies started in the previous semester by presenting the theories of Administrative Law, which is addressed in this module. Thus, the DA-2 course outlines the main objective of learning legal and administrative theories, with emphasis on the analysis of the corresponding practical applicability, which is why the basic structure of the course consists of theoretical and practical seminars. In the theoretical seminar, the professor conducts classroom discussions from doctrinal texts, which students should read in advance. In an abstract form, students liaise with the main theories of administrative law that feed the academic environment. The practical seminar, in turn, is based on the analysis of individual cases, especially court precedents, which making an important bridge between theory and practice through theoretical debates. After finishing the DA-2 course, students will be able to recognize the most relevant theoretical struggles of Administrative Law and thus be able to handle more accurately the legal doctrines studied in DA-1. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Put students in contact with major topics of the Brazilian Administrative Law. Capacity to engage in theoretical debates and case studies. Contact with foreign doctrines on Administrative Law. Develop the technique of instrumentalization of administrative theories with a view to practical applicability. Recognition of trends in administrative law. Abilities Text interpretation. Argumentation. Oral expression. Critical review of reality. Written expression. Capacity for abstraction and categorization of elements (classification) Literature Requirements BINENBOJM, Gustavo. Uma Teoria do Direito Administrativo – Direitos Fundamentais, Democracia e Constitucionalização. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Renovar, 2006. BUCCI, Maria Paula Dallari. Direito Administrativo e Políticas Públicas. São Paulo, Editora Saraiva, 2002. CASSESE, Sabino. Las Bases del Derecho Administrativo. Madri: Instituto Nacional de Administración Publica, 1994. –. As transformações do Direito Administrativo do século XIX ao XXI em Revista Interesse Público. Vol. 24. Editora Notadez, 2004. ENTERRÍA, Eduardo García de. Democracia, Jueces y Control de la Administración. Madri: Editora Civitas, 1995. MEIRELLES, Hely Lopes. O poder de polícia, o desenvolvimento e a segurança nacional em Revista de Direito Administrativo. Vol. 125. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Renovar, jul/set 1976. MELLO, Celso Antônio Bandeira de. Curso de Direito Administrativo. 20ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Malheiros, 2006. –. Tombamento e dever de indenizar em Revista de Direito Público. Vol. 81. São Paulo, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, jan/mar 1987. PORTO NETO, Benedicto. Pressupostos do ato administrativo nas leis de procedimento administrativo, em As Leis de Processo Administrativo, Carlos Ari Sundfeld e Guillermo Andrés Muñoz (coordenadores). São Paulo, Malheiros Editores, 2000. SILVA, Almiro do Couto. Notas sobre o conceito de ato administrativo, em Estudos em Homenagem a Diogo de Figueiredo Moreira Neto, Fábio Medina Osório e Marcos Juruena Villela Souto (coordenadores). Rio de Janeiro, Editora Lúmen Juris, 2006. –. Princípios da legalidade da Administração Pública e da segurança jurídica no Estado de Direito contemporâneo em Revista de Direito Público. Vol. 84. São Paulo, Ed. Revista dos Tribunais, 1987.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

–. Poder discricionário no Direito Administrativo brasileiro em Revista de Direito Administrativo. Vol. 179/180. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Renovar, jan/jun 1990. –. Privatização no Brasil e o novo exercício de funções públicas por particulares em Revista de Direito Administrativo. Vol. 230. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Renovar, out/dez 2002. VERÍSSIMO, Marcos Paulo. Controle judicial da atividade normativa das agências de regulação brasileiras em O Poder Normativo das Agências Reguladoras, Alexandre Santos Aragão (coordenador). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense, 2006. Complementary Literature DI PIETRO, Maria Sylvia Zanella. Discricionariedade Administrativa na Constituição de 1988. São Paulo, Editora Atlas, 1991. DI PIETRO, Maria Sylvia Zanella. Direito Administrativo. 19ª ed. São Paulo, Editora Atlas, 2006. FAGUNDES, M. Seabra. O Controle dos Atos Administrativos pelo Poder Judiciário. 7ª ed., atualizada por G. Binenbojm. Rio e Janeiro, Editora Forense, 2005. GELHORN, Ernest & LEVIN, Ronald M. Administrative Law and Process in a Nutshell. 3ª ed. St. Paul, West Publishing, 1990. MEDAUAR, Odete. O Direito Administrativo em Evolução. 2ª ed. São Paulo, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2003. SUNDFELD, Carlos Ari. Direito Administrativo Ordenador. São Paulo, Malheiros Editores, 1997.

Business Law II (60 credit hours)

SYLLABUS: The study of Corporate Law is under Business Law 2. The connecting thread of this course relates to domestic interests in business corporations and limited liability companies. We will analyze the legal instruments for accommodation of such interests and dispute resolution, with emphasis on the legal system of protection of shareholders / minority shareholders and limiting corporate power. The course will address business corporations and limited liability companies. Initially, we will analyze two types of companies and their main characteristics, in order to distinguish them and identify the economic aspects and interests that influence the choice of either type. Later, the course presents theoretical perspectives of corporate law by analyzing the theories of agency and transaction costs as well as the institutionalist and contractarian vision of companies and the field of private autonomy. Then, the specifics of each type of company are worked out in a comparative way whenever practical. These relate to capital stock, shareholding, corporate organizational structure, controlling power, protection of minority shareholders and forms of members and shareholders withdrawal. As for abilities, the main purpose is to develop in students the ability to use tools available in our legal system with a view to accommodating the interests of shareholders or controlling shareholders and minority shareholders or resolution of disputes whenever conflicting interest arise. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Accommodating interests by drafting corporate documents Abilities Building arguments to defend interests. Understanding theoretical aspects. Analyzing court decisions. Understanding the legal discipline for application to an individual case Literature Requirements ANTUNES, José A. Engrácia. A aquisição tendente ao domínio total. Da sua constitucionalidade, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2001, p. 63-77 ASCARELLI, Tullio. Problemas das sociedades anônimas e direito comparado, Campinas, Bookseller, 2001, p. 482-490. CARVALHOSA, Modesto. Comentários ao Código Civil. Parte Especial - Do Direito de Empresa (arts. 1.052 a 1.195), coord. Antônio Junqueira de Azevedo, São Paulo, Saraiva, 2003. __________. Comentário à Lei de Sociedades Anônimas, vol. 2, artigos 75 a 137, 3ª. ed., revista e atualizada, 2003, São Paulo, Saraiva, p. 444-445, e 464-467.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

COMPARATO, Fábio Konder. Controle conjunto, abuso no exercício do voto acionário e alienação indireta de controle empresarial, Direito empresarial. Estudos e pareceres. 1ª. ed., 2ª. Tiragem, São Paulo, Sariava, 1995, p. 85-93. __________. Exclusão de sócio nas sociedades por quotas de responsabilidade limitada, Revista de direito mercantil n.º 25, p. 39. CORAPI, Diego. Regras obrigatórias e facultativas na lei de sociedades, Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, n. 23, jan/março 2004, p. 131-141. FRANÇA, Erasmo Valladão Azevedo e Novaes. Invalidade das Deliberações de Assembléia de S.A. São Paulo, Malheiros, 1999, p. 23-27 e p. 85-117 (Capítulo I, 6 – O regime das nulidades na Lei n. 6404-76, Capítulo 18 – -Vícios da Assembléia, Vícios das Deliberações e Vícios do Voto e Capítulo 19 – Nulidade, Anulabilidade e Ineficácia das Assembléias e suas Deliberações) FRANCO, Vera Helena de Mello. O triste fim das sociedades limitadas no novo código civil, Revista de Direito Mercantil, n.º 123, p. 80 a 85. LACERDA TEIXEIRA, Egberto. As sociedades limitadas e o projeto de Código Civil, Revista de Direito Mercantil n. 99, p. 67-74. LEÃES, Luiz Gastão Paes de Barros. Conflito de interesses. Estudos e pareceres sobre sociedades anônimas. São Paulo, RT, 1989. p. 12-27. PAGANO, Marco & VOLPIN, Paolo The Political Economy of Finance. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2001. [leitura parcial] PENTEADO, Mauro Rodrigues. Aumento de capital das sociedades anônimas, São Paulo, Sariva, 1998. PRADO, Viviane Muller. Jurisprudência comentada – penhora de quotas, Revista de Direito Bancário n. 16, p. 116-29. REQUIÃO, Rubens. Exclusão de sócio, Aspectos modernos de direito comercial, vol. 3.º, São Paulo: Saraiva, 186, p. 164. ROMANO, Roberta. Foundations of Corporate Law, Foundation Press, New York, 1993. SALOMÃO FILHO, Calixto. O Novo Direito Societário, 2ª ed., São Paulo, Malheiros, 2002, pp. 25-45. SHLEIFER, Andrei e VISHNY, Robert. A Survey of Corporate Governance, The Journal of Finance, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Jun., 1997), pp. 737-783, JSTOR. [leitura parcial] TAVARES GUERREIRO, José Alexandre. Direito das minorias na sociedade anônima, Revista de direito mercantil, 63, 1986, p. 106-111. __________. As sociedades limitadas e o projeto do código civil, Revista de Direito Mercantil, n.º 99, 1995. p. 67 a 74. TEIXEIRA. Egberto Lacerda.. Das sociedades por quotas de responsabilidade limitada. São Paulo: Max Limonad. 1956. p. 20-29 e 97-172. __________. Sociedades anônimas e sociedades limitadas no direito brasileiro: estudo comparativo. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1987. WALD, Arnoldo, Comentário ao novo Código Civil, vol. XIV, Arts. 966 a 1.195, Forense, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 326-335. Complementary Literature ASCARELLI, Tullio. Problemas das sociedades anônimas e direito comparado, 2.ª ed., São Paulo: Saraiva, 1969. __________. Usos e abusos das sociedades anônimas, Revista Forense, v. 88, 1941, p. 5-33. BAINBRIDGE, Stephen M.. Corporation Law and Economics. New York: Foundation Press, 2002 (Chapter 3 – Financing the Corporation, pp. 62-65 e 68-75). BARRETO FILHO, Oscar. Órgãos de administração das sociedades limitadas, Revista de direito mercantil n.º 25, p. 68 BERLE, Adolf e MEANS, Gardiner. The modern corporation and private property. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1991. BESANKO, David; DRANOVE, David; SHANLEY, Mark, Economics of strategy, 2ª. ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, Capítulo 4, p. 141-167. Ou tradução brasileira: A economia da estratégia, 3ª. ed., Bookman, Porto Alegre, 2006, Capítulo 3, p. 124-154 BLOCK, Dennis J., BARTON, Nancy E., RADIN, Stepehen A., The Business Judgment Rule. Fiduciary Duties of Corporate Directors. 5a. ed., vol. 1,New York, Aspen Law, 1998, Capítulo 1. BULGARELLI, Waldírio. Regime jurídico da proteção às minorias nas S/A (de acordo com a reforma da Lei n.º 6.404/76), Rio de janeiro, 1988. CARVALHOSA, Modesto. Comentários ao Código Civil. Parte Especial - Do Direito de Empresa (arts. 1.052 a 1.195), coord. Antônio Junqueira de Azevedo, São Paulo, Saraiva, 2003.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

CARVALHOSA, Modesto. A nova lei das sociedades anônimas. Seu modelo econômico, Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1976. COMPARATO, Fábio Konder, e SALOMÃO FILHO, Calixto. O poder de controle na sociedade anônima, Forense, Rio de Janeiro, 4ª. ed., 51-104. COMPARATO, Fábio Konder. “Grupo societário fundado em controle contratual e abuso de poder do controlador”, in Direito Empresarial: estudos e pareceres, São Paulo: Saraiva, 1995. p. 270-291. ESTRELLA, Hernani, Apuração dos haveres de sócio, 2a. ed., Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1992. FERREIRA, Waldemar. Tratado de Sociedades Mercantis, Rio de Janeiro: Nacional de Direito, 1958. FONSECA, Priscila M.P. Corrêa da. Dissolução Parcial, Retirada e Exclusão de sócio, São Paulo: Atlas, 2002. FRANÇA, Erasmo Valladão Azevedo e Novaes. Conflito de interesses nas assembléias de S.A. São Paulo, Malheiros, 1993. GOMES, Orlando. Exclusão de sócio e arquivamento da alteração contratual. Novas questões de direito civil, São Paulo: Saraiva, 1979, p. 244. GORGA, Érica Cristina Rocha. Direito Societário Brasileiro e Desenvolvimento do Mercado de Capitais: Uma Perspectiva de “Direito e Economia”. Tese de Doutorado. 2005. p.: 171-181 GUERREIRO, José Alexandre Tavares. Conflito de interesse entre sociedade controladora e controlada e entre coligadas, no exercício do voto em assembléias gerais e reuniões sociais. Revista de Direito Mercantil, São Paulo, ano 22, n. 51, p. 30, jul.-set. 1983. HANSMANN, Henry, e KRAAKMAN, Reinier. Agency problems and legal strategies, <http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=616003>, acessado em 04.07.2006, ou in KRAAKMAN, Reinier R.; DAVIES, Paul; HANSMANN, Henry; HERTIG, Gerad; HOPT, Klaus J.; KANDA, Hideki; ROCK, Edward B. The anatomy of corporate law. A comparative and functional approach, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004, p. 21-31 PENTEADO, Mauro Rodrigues. Dissolução e Liquidação de Sociedades, São Paulo: Brasília Jurídica, 1995 REALE, Miguel. A exclusão de sócio das sociedades mercantis e o registro do comércio, Revsita dos Tribunais, n.º 150, p. 468. REQUIÃO, Rubens. O controle e a proteção dos acionistas. Revista de direito mercantil, 15-16, p. 23-36. SALOMÃO FILHO, Calixto. Conflito de interesses: a oportunidade perdida. O novo direito societário. 2. ed. reformulada. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2002. p. 79. TEIXEIRA, Egberto Lacerda, Das sociedades por quotas de responsabilidade limitada, São Paulo: Max Limonad, 1956, p. 110 e seguintes. TEUBNER, Gunther. Corporate Fifuciary Duties and their beneficiaries, A funcional approach to the legal intitutionalization of Corporate Responsability, Corporate Governance and Directors’ Liabilities. Legal, Economic and Sociological Analyses on Corporate Social Responsabilitys, org. HOPT, K.J. e TEUBNER, Gunter, Walter de Gruter, Berlim, New York, 1985. VENTURA, Raúl. Comentário ao Código das Sociedades Comerciais. Sociedade por quotas, vol. III, artigos 252.º a 264.º , 1.º ed., Coimbra: Almedina, 1991 WALD, Arnoldo. Algumas considerações sobre as sociedades coligadas e os grupos de sociedades na nova Lei das Sociedades Anônimas. Revista Brasileira de Mercado de Capitais, v. 3, n. 8, p. 168, maio-ago. 1977. __________. Em defesa das ações preferenciais, in Revista de Direito Mercantil n. 78, Abril-Junho/ 1990, RT, p.19-23 ZANINI, Carlos Klein. A doutrina dos “fiduciary duties” no direito norte-americano e a tutela das sociedades e acionistas minoritários frente aos administradores das sociedades anônimas, Revista de Direito Mercantil n. 109, p. 137-149.

Microeconomics (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS The Macroeconomics course, offered in the Undergraduate Program in Law is targeted at offering students the opportunity to understand the basic principles of economic theories and thus enable them to develop their own capability of analyzing contemporary economic problems. The course also introduces concepts of formulating economic policies in a context of uncertainty. Understanding economic issues such as employment, income, inflation and growth is useful for students of law, both due to a direct implication of the performance of these variables in the pace of business of a company, but also to foster general capacity to analyze the reality. The theoretical approaches will be presented to students in a critical way, with emphasis on economic problems in Brazil.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Skills Develop the ability to analyze contemporary economic problems; and Design economic policies. Abilities Encourage capacity to analyze the reality; Interact with other fields of knowledge; and Develop argumentative capacity on the topics of the course. Literature Requirements ABREU M. (org.) A ordem do Progresso: Cem Anos de Política Econômica Republicana 1888/1989 – Editora Campus, RJ, 1990 BELLUZZO, L.G.M. E ALMEIDA, J.G. Depois da Queda - Editora 34, SP, 2002 DUPAS, G. Renda, Consumo e Crescimento – Biblioteca Valor, São Paulo, 2004 DUPAS, G. O Mito do Progresso – UNESP, São Paulo, 2006 HALL, R. E. e LIEBERMAN, M. – Macroeconomia: Princípios e Aplicações- Pioneira Thomson, São Paulo, 2003. STIGLITZ, J.E. e WALSH, C.E. – Introdução à Macroeconomia – Editora Campus, Rio de Janeiro, 2003. Complementary Literature BIDERMAN, C. e ARVATE, P. (organizadores) - Economia do Setor Público no Brasil – Editora Campus, FGV-SP, Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. KEYNES, J.M. – Teoria Geral do Emprego, do Juro e do Dinheiro – Fundo de Cultura, Rio de Janeiro, 1970. PEREIRA, L.C. B – A Crise do Estado: Ensaios sobre Economia Brasileira - Nobel, São Paulo, 1992. Websites BACEN - http://www.bcb.gov.br/ BID – http://www.iadb.org/ BIRD - http://www.worldbank.org/ BNDES - http://www.bndes.gov.br/ FMI - http://www.imf.org/ IBGE- http://www.ibge.gov.br/ IPEA - http://www.ipeadata.gov.br/ MDIC - http://www.desenvolvimento.gov.br/ MDIC ALICE - http://aliceweb.desenvolvimento.gov.br/default.asp OCDE – http://www.oecd.org/ SEADE - http://www.seade.gov.br/ UNCTAD – http://www.unctad.org/ WTO - http://www.wto.org/

Legal English Workshop II (30 credit hours) SYLLABUS: The course presents the main characteristics of contract drafting in English, promoting the critical examination of contracts and the development of specific papers. It also discusses the peculiarities of oral arguments in English and the relationship between context and argumentative strategies. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Develop the capacity of oral and written argumentation. Expand textual articulation strategies. Deepen the ability to read critically. Develop the ability to critically examine the relationships between argumentation and context. Abilities Drafting legal documents in English. Preparing and delivering oral presentations in English. Reading critically different types of documents in English.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

Literature Requirements GARNER, Bryan A. Black's Law Dictionary (Abridged). 7th ed. St. Paul, Minn: West Publishing, 2000 GIFIS, Steven H. Law Dictionary - Mass Market Edition. 5th ed. Barron's: 2003 NORONHA, Durval et al. Legal Dictionary - Dicionário Jurídico. 5ª Edição. São Paulo: Observador Legal, 2003 MELLO, Maria Chaves de. Dicionário Jurídico. 7ª Edição. São Paulo: Elfos, 1998 Complementary Literature RILEY, Alison. English for Law. London, England: Phoenix ELT, 1991. SMITH, Tricia. Business Law - Market Leader, Intermediate. England Paperback, 2000 WYDICK, Richard C. Plain English for Lawyers. 4th ed. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 1998.

Legal Practice Workshop IV: procedural writing and strategy I (30 credit hours)

SYLLABUS: From a practical perspective, working out the theoretical concepts acquired by students in Civil Procedure course, also taking advantage of the knowledge acquired in other courses by presenting specific issues involving judicial and extrajudicial litigation, for which students must not only provide correct solutions from a theoretical standpoint, but also appropriate from a practical point of view. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Encourage strategic thinking and equip students for a qualified performance in judicial and extrajudicial litigation, including evaluation and selection of the best ways to deliver a practical solution for concrete problems presented to them. Abilities Develop practical skills in drafting papers in judicial and extrajudicial litigation, training clear and concise writing skills. Literature Requirements Code of Civil Procedure; Consumer Defense Code (Act 8.078/90); Lease Act (Act 8.245/91), Civil Code (Act 10.406/02); Public-Interest Civil Action Act (Act 7.347/85); and Federal Constitution. Complementary Literature CARMONA, Carlos Alberto. “Em torno da petição inicial”, in Repro 119, ano 30 Janeiro/2005 CARMONA, Carlos Alberto. O processo arbitral. IN Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação. Coord. Arnoldo Wald. Ano 1. nº 1. jan-abr. 2004, São Paulo: RT CARNEIRO, Athos Gusmão. Audiência de instrução e julgamento e audiências preliminares. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005 DINAMARCO, Cândido Rangel. A instrumentalidade do processo. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005 GRINOVER, DINAMARCO E CINTRA. Teoria Geral do Processo, 21ª edição. São Paulo: Malheiros. 2005 OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Álvaro. O problema da eficácia da sentença. IN Revista Forense 369


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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

Sixth Semester

Liability Law II (60 credit hours)

SYLLABUS: When starting the course of Liability Law II, students will have solid knowledge of legal liability dogmatism, as acquired in courses of Liability Law I and Criminal Law and Procedure I, taken in the previous semester. Assuming this, the Liability Law II course is intended to address legal liability from a non-dogmatic approach, linking liability to philosophical and political issues that are critical to understand their role in society today. This will enable students to locate the dogmatic issues concerning liability in the broader setting of challenges posed by today’s world. The connecting thread of the course will be the text by Klaus Günther (Accountability in Society - Responsabilização na Sociedade Civil), which discusses legal liability issues and the characteristics of a modern society. Initially, the author reviews the time of diagnosis, relating it to the Brazilian situation. Then, the course discusses the pathology identified by the author, namely, the overload on individuals in modern society. Then, it addresses his proposed solution to this problem and its relationship to the democratic rule of law. Finally, the course presents some interesting consequences from the author’s proposal to the legal dogmatics of civil and criminal liability. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Understand the structure and the issues raised by theoretical texts; Relate the theoretical issues raised in each text with those raised in others; Relate the theoretical issues raised in each text and in combination with current legal problems; Reflect on the legal remedies of positive law from the theoretical problems raised; Imagine the possibilities of legal regulation from theoretical discussions. Abilities Work in groups; Read theoretical texts, pleadings, court decisions and legislation; Relate philosophical issues to legal phenomena; Oral expression; Participate in debates in a constructive way; Get information from others’ oral presentation and discussions; Imagine possibilities for legal regulation. Literature Requirements BECK, Ulrich. Risk Society, London: Sage, 2000, p. 19- 50; 127-138 (cap. I e V). BUTLER, Judith. Giving Account of Oneself, Fordham University Press, 2005, p. 3-40 (cap. I). GÜNTHER, Klaus. Responsabilização na sociedade civil, in: Novos Estudos, 63 (2002), p. 105-118. GÜNTHER, Klaus. Qual o conceito de pessoa de que necessita a teoria do discurso do direito, in Revista Direito GV, 3 (2006), p. 223-239. IPEA, Políticas sociais: acompanhamento e análise, n. 13, p 7-15; 23-24; 27-76. MEZAROBBA, Glenda. 25 anos de anistia: um processo inconcluso, in Novos Estudos, 70 (2004), p. 19-30. Complementary Literature EWALD, François, L’Etat Providence, Paris: Grasset, 1986. HABERMAS, Jürgen. Direito e Democracia, vol. II, Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1997.

Constitutional Theory (60 credit hours) Syllabus: The general learning purpose of module I of the “Constitutional Theory” course is to enable students to understand the relationship between Law and the modern constitutional semantics, especially on the Democratic Rule of Law. It seeks to suggest to students that the legitimacy and operation of Law in a complex society relate to the constitutional problem, highlighting the very conceptualization of Constitution. Under this overall objective, the course aims, on the one hand, to offer an understanding of the historical variation and theoretical diversity of the concept of Constitution to clarify the meaning and the function of the Constitution for modern society and Law. On the other hand, the course aims to enable students to understand the functional and legitimating limits of the State Constitution in today’s global society, including the emergence of Constitutions beyond the State.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

The course aims to introduce to students some of the cornerstones of contemporary discussion around the constitutional theory. However, before presenting them, it is necessary to make some clarification on the very object of the constitutional theory; which sorts of queries this field of study attempts to answer. The constitutional theory is a field of study that arises between constitutional law and political theory, that is, within the knowledge of a particular constitutional positive order. The main questions of the constitutional theory revolve around the following questions: which does constitution mean and which role does it play? How to draw meaning out of the rules of the constitution? Is there any hermeneutic peculiarity in the process of understanding the meaning of the constitutions? Finally, the constitutional theory is referred to for a discussion on the best form of constitution, both in its structural aspect and in its righteousness. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Skills: Understanding the functional and legitimating boundaries of constitutions Abilities: Understand the existing constitutional models Literature Required CANOTILHO, José Joaquim Gomes (2002). Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, Coimbra: Almedina, pp. 65-84. KELSEN, Hans (2000). Teoria Geral do Direito e do Estado, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, pp. 181-188. LASSALLE, Ferdinand (1980). O que é uma Constituição?, Porto Alegre: Villa Martha, pp. 7-20. SCHMITT, Carl (1982). Teoría de la Constitución, Madrid: Alianza, pp. 45-57. HOLMES, Stephen, “Precommitment and the Paradox of Democracy”, in Passions and Constraints: on the theory of liberal democracy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995, p. 134-177. HOMERO, Odisséia, São Paulo: ed. Atena, 1960, Livro XII. YMLICKA, Will, Contemporary Political Philosophy: an introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Complementary Literature BARROSO, Luis Roberto (2003). O Direito Constitucional e a Efetividade de suas Normas, 7ª ed., São Paulo: Renovar. BRYCE, James (1952). Constituciones Flexibles y Constituciones Rígidas. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Políticos. FAVOREU, Louis (2004). As Cortes Constitucionais, São Paulo: Landy. MENDES, Gilmar Ferreira (1990). Controle de Constitucionalidade – Aspectos Jurídicos e Políticos, São Paulo: Saraiva. PINTO FERREIRA, Luis (1983). Princípios Gerais do Directo Constitucional Moderno, São Paulo: Saraiva. SILVA, Jose Afonso da (2005). Curso de Direito Constitucional Positivo, 24ª Ed. São Paulo: Malheiros. SILVA, Virgilio Afonso da (2005). “La interpretación conforme a la constitución: entre trivialidade y centralización judicial” in Cuestiones Constitucionales 12, pp. 3-28. MICHELMAN, Frank, “Laws Republic” in The Yale Law Journal, vol. 97, n° 8, 1988, 1493-1537, p. 1493-1537. PETTIT, Philip, “Republican Liberty and its Constitutional Significance”, in Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 2000, p. 237-256. VIEIRA, Oscar Vilhena. A Constituição e sua Reserva de Justiça. São Paulo: Malheiros.

Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure II (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS: Building legal definitions to crime: criminalization processes, constructing doctrines on crime and criminal proceedings. The development of criminal dogmatics and different ways to handle the elements of offense. Theories of crime, its assumptions and elements. Difficulties faced by the legal concepts in solving real problems. The problem of causation, omission and negligence on the theory of crime and its treatment in the Brazilian law. Reasons for excluding unlawfulness, culpability and error. Constitutional principles of criminal procedure. The exercise of opportunity to be heard and the adversary proceeding at each stage of the procedure. Reasonable duration of a procedure. General theory of evidence in criminal procedures: means of evidence, procedural truth, right to evidence and its limits. Unlawful evidence and guarantees. Judge’s preliminary investigation activity. Act of deciding and guarantee of motivation. Res judicata in criminal law.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

Theory of Resources in criminal procedure. Prison and liberty: prison during the case, assumptions, requirements and its relationship with the guarantees of the defendant. RATIONALE: In the process of constructing crime and the conditions to which the State reacts punitively, criminal law and criminal procedure are part of one indivisible reality, which is why we chose to address them in the same course, bringing innovation to traditional curricula, which adopt an artificial separation of substantive and procedural law. Thus, the courses Law and Criminal Procedure I and II aim to provide students with the forms and procedures of definition required to transform a fact into crime. Then, we intend to follow a dual approach. On the one hand, which will address the legal definition of crime given by the dogmatic theories of crime from the determination of the elements required to establish a certain fact into a crime. In this context, we will also present the changes that these criteria had throughout history with the emergence of different theories, characterizing crime, its dogmatic definition and its consequences, from a critical point of view, such as contingent phenomena, capable of changing, which are currently exposed to a number of challenges from new types of problem-situations, more complex than the traditional ones. On the other hand, we will address the criminal procedure as a definition mechanism that culminates in the declaration that a certain fact contains the said elements of the crime and the political decision of holding individual liable. This course addresses issues relating to the purposes of the criminal procedure, its distinction in relation to civil procedure, the role of players taking part in it, the ideal of the pursuit of “truth” and, above and in detail, the requirements that this mechanism of definition must observe in a Democratic Rule of Law and its constitutional limitations. By the end of the course, it is expected that students master the dogmatic elements of crime, the concepts of the General Part of the Criminal Code, the theoretical and practical problems involved in the application of the principles and rules that shape the dynamics of the Brazilian criminal procedure, the constitutional guarantees on criminal and criminal procedural matters. Review of precedents is the preferred tool in this course. It is intended to provide students with all these questions from the point of view of their application by the Brazilian courts. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Explore the possibilities of legal intervention on specific problems and identify in legislation the appropriate criminal procedure. Identify the difficulties brought by real problems to dogmatic solutions available. Understand the different dogmatic constructions for the same problem. Relate the contents of criminal procedure with issues discussed in other courses, especially civil procedure and history of law. Formulate and use arguments at a high degree of abstraction. Understand the process of applying criminal rules. Explore the political character of the dogmatic categories and analyze them in a contextualized way. Identify structural changes in the criminal laws from the Brazilian Constitution. Understanding the dynamics of criminal procedure and how procedural guarantees are implemented at each procedural act. Knowing the possibilities of parties’ intervention in the criminal procedure and its strategic nature. Abilities (courses I and II) Identify the basic operation that characterizes the actions of the criminal system: the possibility of attributing an act to a person. What presupposes the theoretical domain of the following: a) General idea of imputation, b) Assumptions for imputation b.1. Elements to qualify a fact as a crime (and how these elements have been thought by criminal theories): a) Action b) Definition of the offense; c) Unlawfulness, d) Culpability b.2. Elements for individual attribution of liability (concepts of commission and participation) b.3. Existence of a documented procedure (criminal action; function and principles of criminal procedure; constitutional procedural guarantees) Ability to operate the system: Understand the process of implementing the criminal law and its factual and normative aspects; the role of each individual in the process; knowing how to view the entire procedure; developing a prospective view. We will develop such skills mainly from case studies, complemented by theoretical and practical study of the following topics: a) Special part (some special laws); b) Fundamentals of criminal procedure (procedure, subjects, nature and form of acts and decisions etc.) c) Evidence (theory of

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

evidence, means of evidence); d) Competent jurisdiction (state X federal, jury X trial judge, prerogatives of duty) Ability to formulate strategies of defense, prosecution and negotiation Literature Requirements Appellate decisions: Superior Court of Justice, HC 46 525-MT (13 pages) Superior Court of Justice, HC 27.420 (7 pages) Federal Supreme Court, HC No 88.443 (8 pages) Federal Supreme Court, HC 90.074 (8 pages) Federal Supreme Court, HC 73.102 (11 pages) Federal Supreme Court, HC 83.545 (10 pages) Legislation: Brazilian Criminal Code Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code Articles from journals, book chapters and books: GRINOVER, Ada Pellegrini et al. As nulidades no processo penal. 9. ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2006. GRINOVER, Ada Pellegrini et al. Recursos no processo penal. 4. ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2005. HASSEMER, Winfried. Introdução aos Fundamentos do Direito Penal. (Trad. Da 2ª. Edição alemã). Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris, 2005. JAKOBS, Derecho Penal. Parte General, 2a. ed. Madri: Marcial Pons, 1997. MARQUES, José Frederico Marques. Elementos de direito processual penal. Campinas: Editora Millenium, 2003. REALE JR.. Miguel. Instituições de Direito Penal. Parte Geral. São Paulo: Forense, 2004 TUCCI, Rogério Lauria. Direitos e garantias individuais no processo penal brasileiro. 2. ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2004. Complementary Literature Appellate decisions: Federal Supreme Court, HC 88.443 (8 pages) Federal Supreme Court, HC 90.074 (8 pages) Federal Supreme Court, HC RE 460.971 (12 pages) Superior Court of Justice, HC 46.484 (8 pages) Legislation: Bill nº 4.205/2001 Articles from journals, book chapters and books: ANDRÉS IBÁÑEZ, Perfecto. Valoração da prova e sentença penal. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2006. BADARÓ, Gustavo Henrique e LOPES JR., Aury. Direito ao processo penal no prazo razoável. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2006. BADARÓ, Gustavo Henrique Righi Ivahi. Correlação entre acusação e sentença no processo penal. São Paulo; Revista dos Tribunais, 2000. BADARÓ, Gustavo Henrique Righi Ivahy. Ônus da prova no processo penal. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2003. CRUZ, Rogério Schietti Machado. Garantias processuais nos recursos criminais. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002. DELMANTO JUNIOR, Roberto. As modalidades de prisão provisória e seu prazo de duração. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2001. DELMANTO JUNIOR, Roberto. Inatividade no processo penal brasileiro. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2004. ESCAMILLA, Margarita Martinez. La imputación objetiva del resultado. Madrid: EDERSA (s/d) GOMES FILHO, Antonio Magalhães. A motivação das decisões penais. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2001. JAKOBS, Derecho Penal. Parte General, 2a. ed. Madri: Marcial Pons, 1997.

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Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

MACHADO, Marta R. A..Do delito à imputação – A teoria da imputação de Günther Jakobs na dogmatica penal contemporânea, 2007 (tese de doutorado). MALAN, Diogo. A sentença incongruente no processo penal. Rio de Janeiro: Lúmen Juris, 2003. MÉDICI, Sérgio de Oliveira. Revisão criminal. 2. ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2006. PITOMBO, Sérgio Marcos de Moraes. Coisa julgada civil e penal. Disponível em http://www.sergio.pitombo.nom.br>. PITOMBO, Sérgio Marcos de Moraes. O juiz penal e a pesquisa da verdade material. In: PORTO, Hermínio Alberto Marques e SILVA, Marco Antonio Marques da (Org.). Processo penal e Constituição Federal. São Paulo: Método, 1993, p. 73-77. PITOMBO, Sérgio Marcos de Moraes. Prisão preventiva, em sentido estrito. In: PENTEADO, Jaques de Camargo (coord.). Justiça penal 7, críticas e sugestões: proteção à vítima e à testemunha, comissões parlamentares de inquéritos, crimes de informática, trabalho infantil, TV e crime. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2000, p. 121-137. PITOMBO, Sérgio Marcos de Moraes. Proibição da reformatio in pejus. Disponível em http://www.sergio.pitombo.nom.br>. PITOMBO, Sérgio Marcos de Moraes. Teoria dos recursos. Disponível em <http://www.sergio.pitombo.nom.br>. PUPPE, Ingeborg. Causalidad. ADPCP, XLV, 1992, p. 681-694. ROXIN, C. Derecho Penal. Parte General. Fundamentos. La estructura de la teoria del Delito. Madrid: Civitas, 1997 (tradução da 2a ed. Alemã). ROXIN, Claus. Problemas Fundamentais de Direito Penal. Lisboa: Vega, 1998, p. 169-195 SANGUINÉ, Odone. A inconstitucionalidade do clamor público como fundamento da prisão preventiva. In: SHECAIRA, Sérgio Salomão. Estudos em homenagem a Evandro Lins e Silva. São Paulo: Método, p. 257-295. SILVA SÁNCHEZ, Jesús M. El delito de omisión. Concepto y sistema. 2a ed. Montevideo-Buenos Aires: B de F, 2003. ZILLI, Marcos Alexandre Coelho. A iniciativa instrutória do juiz no processo penal. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2003.

Tax Law and Public Finance II (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS:

The purpose of this course is to study the main taxes levied on the following industries within the Brazilian economy: (I) Services (three classes), (ii) Sales (4 classes); and (iii) Industrial (3 classes). On these first three topics, students are expected to develop basic consulting skills, that is, identifying the tax consequences in the main operations practiced by the companies. The fourth and last topics of the course are devoted to the relationship between taxation and public expenditure in Brazil, specifically, the study of “financial activity of the State”, where students engage in an important discussion of issues relating to the policymaking in Brazil such as: government budget, allocation of tax resources, control of public spending etc.

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Understanding the profile of taxation in major sectors of the Brazilian economy (services, commerce and industry), so as

to learn how to identify the tax systems applicable to various types of activities and operations offered by these

companies. Students are also expected to be able to understand certain general notions about the financial activity of the

State, especially these two topics (taxation and public finance) no longer in isolation, but in a coordinated manner, and

this is the main reason for studying these topics in the same course.

Abilities Besides the consulting ability, that is, identifying the details of operations in order to provide answers about the tax system applicable, it is intended that students be able to argue about the legality/constitutionality of certain specific tax regulations. Students will also be instigated, at any time, to relate dogmatic questions of tax law and financial law with background on the environment surrounding Brazilian companies. Literature Requirements

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

ARVATE, Paulo; BIDERMAN, Ciro. Economia do Setor Público no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2005. BALEEIRO, Aliomar. Uma introdução a ciência das finanças. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2002. CARVALHO, Paulo de Barros. Curso de Direito Tributário. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005. CARRAZZA, Roque Antônio. Curso de Direito Constitucional Tributário. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2006. MACHADO, Hugo de Brito. Comentários ao Código Tributário Nacional. São Paulo: Atlas, 2003. OLIVEIRA, Régis Fernandes de. Manual de Direito Financeiro. São Paulo: RT, 2003.

SANTI, Eurico Marcos Diniz de; et al (coord). Tributação do Setor Comercial. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006. SANTI, Eurico Marcos Diniz de; et al (coord). Tributação das Empresas. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006. Complementary Literature BALEEIRO, Aliomar. Cinco aulas de finanças e politica fiscal. São Paulo: José Bushatsky, 1975.

OLIVEIRA, Régis Fernandes de. Receitas não tributárias: taxas e preços públicos. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2003.

PEIXOTO, Daniel Monteiro. Competência Administrativa na Aplicação do Direito Tributário. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006. SANTI, Eurico Marcos Diniz de; et al (coord). Decadência no Imposto sobre a Renda. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006. SANTI, Eurico Marcos Diniz de; et al (coord). Tributação Internacional e dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006.

Legal Sociology (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS: The sociology of law analyzes the relationship between law and society by critically assessing the material conditions of possibility and the claims of ideological legitimacy of the modern legal discourse. More specifically, the course seeks to understand the meaning, scope and structure of legal practice and legal reflections from the changing dynamics of complex societies and the challenges that this dynamics poses to the legal system operation. In doing so, it tends to favor the establishment of structural connections and homologies between the shape that social relations take in a particular historical context and form of legal regulation intended to discipline them in an attempt to scrutinize the conditions of effectiveness of rules, doctrines and legal paradigms. It is precisely for this reason that the course seeks to enlighten the understanding of law from its two-way relationships with culture, politics and economy. The development of a teaching program on sociology of law faces the challenge of reconciling at least two goals at least not easily reconcilable: Introducing students to sociological concepts that are fundamental to understand law in contemporary society and make it in such a way so that the course does not suffer an absolute lack of conceptual and theoretical unity. In other words, it is trying to situate the thematic and conceptual diversity of the course itself in a broader theoretical context capable of providing a minimal articulation between the topics and issues discussed: unitas multiplex. Thus, we seek to avoid both the risks of an excessively fragmented and dispersed presentation of content, and the harms of a simple activity of undifferentiated subsumption of such contents to prêt-à-porter theoretical models similar to what usually happens with the courses of sociology that are based on manuals and panoramic lectures. Therefore, a theoretical problem to be investigated over the course is the study of the operation of law in societies in contrast to the operation of law in peripheral societies, with emphasis on the Brazilian context. It is expected that, in view of its nature sufficiently large and complex, this legal-sociological problem would enable an articulation between the various topics to be discussed with students in the classroom. As such, fundamental concepts and problems of legal sociology, such as the effectiveness of the rule of law, legitimacy of law, the gap between social change and legal change, the nature of links between social structure and legal form, legal pluralism, jurisdification and dejurisdification of social relations, may be located within different institutional and historical settings, related, in turn, to highly distinguihed paths of modernization. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

1. Reflect on the social function of law. 2. Distinguish paths of social modernization and its impact on law. 3. Contextualize legal forms in social structures. 4. Relate legal change and social change. 5. Identify limits and possibilities of legal doctrines Abilities 1. Theoretical understanding; 2. Systematicity of reasoning; 3. Speaking; 4. Writing; 5. Critical analysis of reality Literature Requirements ARANTES, P. Sentimento da Dialética na Experiência Intelectual Brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1992 FALCÃO, J. & Souto, C. (Orgs.), Sociologia e Direito. São Paulo: Pioneira Editora,1980 FARIA, J. E. O Direito na Economia Globalizada. São Paulo: Malheiros, 1999 MARX, K. O Capital. Abril: São Paulo, 1988. MARX, K., Os Economistas. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1982 NEVES, M. Entre Têmis e Leviatã: uma relação difícil. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006 SANTOS, B. S. Pela Mão de Alice. São Paulo: Cortez, 1998 WEBER, M. A Ética Protestante e o Espírito do Capitalismo. São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2004. WEBER, M. Ensaios de Sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara, 1982 Complementary Literature ADORNO, S., “Monopólio estatal da violência na sociedade brasileira contemporânea”, in S. Miceli, O que ler na Ciência Social Brasileira (1970-2002). São Paulo: Sumaré, 2002 ARANTES, P. Zero à Esquerda. São Paulo: Conrad, 2004 BECK, U. O que é Globalização? São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1999 BELLI, Benoni, “Polícia, tolerância zero e exclusão social”, in Novos Estudos, Cebrap, São Paulo, v. 58, 2000, pp. 157-171 CALDEIRA, T. Cidade de Muros. São Paulo: Ed. 34, 2000 CALDEIRA, T., “Enclaves fortificados: a nova segregação urbana”, in Novos Estudos, Cebrap, São PAULO, v. 47, 1997, pp. 155-176 CARVALHO F., L. F., “Impunidade no Brasil – Colônia e Império”, in Revista de Estudos Avançados, USP, v. 18, 2004, pp. 181-194 CHRISTIE, N. Crime Control as Industry. London: Routledge, 2000 DA MATTA, R. Carnavais, Malandros e Heróis. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1997 FARIA, J. E. (Org.) Regulação, Direito e Democracia. São Paulo: Perseu Abramo, 2002 FRANCO, M. S. C. Homens Livres na Ordem Escravocrata. São Paulo: Unesp, 1997 FREUND, J. A Sociologia de Max Weber. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1987 GEUSS, R. Teoria Crítica: Habermas e a Escola de Frankfurt. Campinas: Papirus, 1988 HELLER, E. Kafka. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1976 HOLANDA, S. B. Raízes do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2004 KAFKA, F. Na Colônia Penal. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1996. KURZ, R. O Colapso da Modernização. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993 LUTTWAK, E., “Por que o fascismo é a onda do futuro?”, Novos Estudos, Cebrap, São Paulo, 1994, v. 40, pp. 145-151 MACEDO Jr., R. P. Contratos Relacionais e Defesa do Consumidor. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 2007 MARCUSE, H. Razão e Revolução. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1978 MINHOTO, L. D., “As prisões do mercado”, in Lua Nova, Cedec, São Paulo, v. 55-56, 2002, pp.133-154 NEVES, M., “Luhmann, Habermas e o Estado de Direito”, in Lua Nova, Cedec, São Paulo, v. 37, 1996, pp. 93-106 OLIVEIRA, F. O Ornitorrinco. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2003 ROBERTS, S., “After government? On representing law without state”, The Modern Law Review, v. 68 (1), 2005, pp. 01-24 SANTOS, W. G. Cidadania e Justiça. A Política Social na Ordem Brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1979 SCHWARZ, R. Ao Vencedor as Batatas. São Paulo: 34, 2000 WACQUANT, L. Punir os Pobres. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2003

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

Business Law IV (60 credit hours)


The course aims to study the legal treatment of companies sustaining economic and financial crises. We analyze the evolution process of bankruptcy and related doctrines, the institutional choices in major legal systems in the world and finally, the new Brazilian system in force since 2005. The course will be divided into 4 parts, namely: i) Study of the treatment of insolvency in the world, showing the students the reasons for a special regime for companies sustaining a crisis and the main ways to tackle this issue; ii) Development of the insolvency regime in Brazil, seeking to contextualize the issue domestically and explain the reasons which led to the current legislative solution; iii) new legal regime of economically unfeasible companies: bankruptcy; iv) the new doctrines of out-of-court reorganization and court-supervised reorganization as a means to solve companies’ economic and financial crises.

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills It is expected that students manage to perform a critical analysis of the current Brazilian system for companies

sustaining financial crises by identifying the sources and the rationale of each doctrine. Thereafter, it is expected that

students be able to diagnose the typical situations of economic and financial crises of businesses use, in a technical and

creative way, the tools provided by the legal system and the precedents, especially in this scenario, the important role

played by the doctrines of business law studied in the course, such as the theory of firms, corporate law, finance, etc..

Abilities It is aimed at ensuring that students be able to distinguish, in factual situations, the relevant aspects from the point of view of the legal system of insolvency. From this diagnosis, students are expected to use, with a critical, the rules of law, doctrines and precedents on the main themes. Students are also expected to have a broad view on those aspects of tender law and strengthen their interdisciplinary view by using, in cases and situations proposed, elements from other fields of law (such as tax, civil law, etc.) and even from other sciences — such as economics and finance. Literature Requirements BEZERRA FILHO, Manoel Justino. Nova lei de recuperação e falências comentada, São Paulo, RT, 4ª ed., 2006. COELHO, Fábio Ulhoa. Comentários à nova lei de falências e de recuperação de empresas, São Paulo, Saraiva, 2ª ed., 2005. PAIVA, Luiz Fernando Valente de. Direito Falimentar e a Nova Lei de Falências e Recuperação de Empresas, São Paulo, Quartier Latin, 2005. SOUZA JR., Francisco Satiro de. PITOMBO, Antonio Sérgio A.M. (coord). Comentários à Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falência. São Paulo. RT. 2005. TOLEDO, Paulo Fernando Campos Salles ABRÃO, Carlos Henrique (coord). Comentários à Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falência. São Paulo. Saraiva. 2005. Complementary Literature DE LUCCA, Newton e SIMÃO FILHO, Adalberto. Comentários à Lei de Falências e Recuperação de Empresas. São Paulo, Quartier Latin. 2006

Business Litigation (60 credit hours) SYLLABUS

Develop and deepen students’ knowledge on the leading doctrines of procedural law applied to practical cases involving business matters on litigation. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

Be able to, before a given situation, identify the procedural doctrine involved and/or the most appropriate one, after examining the case presented, their consequences and developments. Abilities Capacity to interpret texts in general, review appellate decisions and analyze legal texts, understanding the cases presented. Literature Requirements Instituições de Direito Processual Civil - Cândido Rangel Dinamarco - volumes 1 a 4. Complementary Literature BARBOSA MOREIRA, José Carlos. Comentários ao Código de Processo Civil, v. 5. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Forense. BEDAQUE, José Roberto dos Santos. “Tutela Cautelar e Tutela Antecipada: Tutelas Sumárias e de Urgência (tentativa de sistematização)”, São Paulo, Ed. Malheiros, 1.998. ----------“Direito e Processo – Influência do direito material sobre o processo”, São Paulo, Ed. Malheiros, 1.995. BUENO, Cássio Scarpinella. Curso Sistematizado de Direito Processual Civil, v. 1 a 5, São Paulo: Saraiva. MIRANDA, Gilson Delgado e PIZZOL, Patrícia Miranda, Recursos no Processo Civil, São Paulo: Atlas. PINTO, Nelson Luiz. Manual dos Recursos Cíveis, São Paulo: Ed. Malheiros. BAPTISTA DA SILVA, Ovídio A.. Do Processo Cautelar. Ed. Forense. ASSIS. Araken. Manual da Execução. Ed. RT, 11ª. edição, 2008. WAMBIER, Luiz Rodrigues, Sentença: cumprimento e liquidação. Ed. Revista dos Tribunais.

International Economic Law (60 credit hours)

SYLLABUS: The course aims to provide students with teachings on how the regulation of the international economic system may vary according to the economic components and the historical period (the relationship between economic power and political power). Under the concept of “Global Law”, from DIREITO GV’s Institutional Development Program, this course combines analysis of context with legal technique. Throughout the course, the analyses follow fixed examples: Mercosul countries and their relationship with major economic powers outside the region. It explores, comparatively, the differences between local countries and their reflection on the relations of a global economy. Despite being restricted to examples of some nations, the course is not restricted to interstate aspects of international relations. It also emphasizes the behavior of private agents as well as the intensification and the impact on international economic regulation of public-private partnerships. The elements of the global economy to be analyzed include its financial and business perspectives, wherever possible in the relationship between these two and the approach of thematic aspects that, in contemporary times, concern the economic regulation (such as intellectual property, poverty, environment, terrorism, and others). EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Skills Work with reference databases in order to map the international economy and other sources of information. Represent public and private players in international forums: Negotiation. Dispute resolution. Devise strategies for action based on the legal instruments available: Decision making (implementation of policies and private commitments). Abilities Knowing and being able to analyzing database and information sources relevant to international economic regulation or those relate to international economic regulation; Identify the particulars of certain players (states and private agents) against certain international forms of regulation of economic relations according to the resources available to the stakeholders; Ability to understand the influence of regulations in complex environments across multiple levels of organization: local, national, regional and global levels. Literature Requirements

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

GILPIN, Robert. Global Political economy: understanding the international economic order. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. KRUGMAN, Paul, OBSTFELD, Maurice. Economia internacional: teoria e política, São Paulo, Makron Books, 2005. SWEDBERG, Richard, SMELSER, Neil J. (eds) The Handbook of Economic Sociology, 2nd ed. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton Univerity Press, 2005. Geral para o eixo do curso: fragmentação e cooperação do DIE ALVAREZ, Jose E. International organizations as law makers. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press, 2006. Cambridge University Press, 2004. CLARK, Ian. Globalization and Fragmentation: International Relations in the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press, 1997. FARIA. J. E. O direito na economia globalizada. São Paulo: Malheiros, 1999. HALL, Rodney, BIERSTEKER, Thomas. The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance (Cambridge Studies in International Relations). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. KOSKENNIEMI, Martti. From apology to utopia: the structure of international legal argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. KENNEDY, Paul, MESSNER, Dirk, NUSCHELER, Franz (org.). Global trends & global governance. Sterling-VA: Pluto Press e Development and Peace Foundation, 2002. MACHADO, Maira R. Internacionalização do Direito Penal. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2004. NASSER, Salem H. Fontes e Normas do Direito Internacional: um Estudo Sobre a Soft Law, 2ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2006. PUREZA, José Manuel, FERREIRA, Antonio. A teia Global: movimentos sociais e instituições. Porto: Afrontamento, 2002. RAJAGOLPAL, Balakrishnan. International law from below: development, social movements, and Third World resistance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. ROSENAU, J., CZEMPIEL, E. (ed). Governance without government: order and change in world politics. Cambridge: CUP, 1992. SANCHEZ, Michelle R. Demandas por um novo arcabouço sociojuridico na Organização Mundial do Comércio e o caso do Brasil. Tese (Doutorado em Direito) – Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004. TEUBNER, G. Global law without a state (Studies in Modern Law and Policy). Burlington: Ashgate, 1997. Outros: FIORI, José Luís (org.). Estados e moedas no desenvolvimento das nações. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1999. Complementary Literature BOSSCHE, Van den. The law and policy of the World trade organization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. CARNEIRO, R. Desenvolvimento em crise, a economia brasileira no ultimo quarto do século XX. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2002. CARREAU, Dominique. Droit international économique. Paris: Dalloz, 2003. ______. Le systeme monetaire international : aspects juridiques. Paris: Armand Collin, 1972. KRUEGER, Anne (org), The WTO as an international organization. Chicago and London, Chicago University Press, 1998. NASSER, Rabih Ali. A OMC e países em desenvolvimento. São Paulo: Aduaneiras, 2003. O'BRIEN, Robert et al. Contesting Global Governance: multilateral economic institutions and global social movements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. SORNARAJAH, M. The International Law on Foreign Investment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. STALLINGS, Barbara, STUDART, Rogerio. Finance for Development: Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2006. THORSTENSEN, Vera. OMC - As Regras do Comércio Internacional e a Nova Rodada de Negociações Multilaterais, 2ª ed. São Paulo: Aduaneiras, 2002. BONELL, Michael Joachim. An international restatement of contract law: the UNIDROIT principles of international commercial contracts. 2nd. Ed. Ardsley, N.Y.: Transnational Publishers, 2006. BRAITHWAITE, John, DRAHOS, Peter. Global Business Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. MORGAN, Gleen et alli. The Multinational Firm: Organizing Across Institutional and National Divides. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

WILLIAMS, F.O (ed.). Global Codes of Conduct: An Ideas Whose Time Has Come. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2000. NASSER, Salem, REI, Fernando. Direito Internacional do Meio Ambiente - Ensaios em Homenagem ao Prof. Guido Fernando Silva Soares. São Paulo: Atlas, 2006. PAUWELYN, Joost. Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How WTO Law Relates to other Rules of International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. UNCTAD-ICTSD. Resource Book on TRIPS and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. PALMETER, David, MAVROIDIS, Petros. Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization: Practice and Procedure, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. SHANY, Yuval. The Competing Jurisdictions of International Courts and Tribunals (International Courts and Tribunals Series). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

CYCLE FOUR Legal Practice Clinic I and II (120 credit hours) Required in the 7th and 8th semesters (60 credit hours each)

DIREITO GV Junior Law Firm offers legal practice experiences to develop skills and knowledge acquired in

earlier theoretical and practical stages of the course through topic-centered clinics where students work in environments that are both physically and intellectually closer to the reality a law firm or a legal counseling team.

The Junior Law Firm has four permanent clinics to cover the following topics: Business Law, Tax Law, Global Law and Economic Criminal Law. Each of these clinics is led by an advisory attorney and a team of eight to twelve undergraduate students, who are supported by an academic and administrative team. These are occasionally supported by an institutional partner.

The teaching methodology of legal practice in the Junior Law Firm is intended to bring as much as possible the actual lawyering experience by developing legal practice exercises created from real dismissed cases.

Law and Development (60 credit hours) Required in the 7th semester

In lectures (with 50 students — 30 credit hours), this course will engage undergraduates in discussions on

law and development, familiarizing them with master’s topics and research lines of the School. The course is completed with students’ participation in a research seminar (with 15 students — 30 credit hours), to discuss projects and individual research reports, under the coordination of an advisor. Students choose their research topics from two lines: Law, Law and Development or Law, Public Policy and Development. The seminar is closed with the presentation of a final research report. Individual research conduted in the Development Research Seminar will serve as the basis for the Final Paper (FP) to be drafted in the 8th semester, now under the sole advising of a personal advisor chosen by the student.

Individual Advising on Final Paper (60 credit hours) Required in the 8th and 9th semesters (30 credit hours each)

Individual advising on Final Paper, which is divided into two semesters with 30 credit hours each. Students

apply for this advising program offered by several professors and, following the plan outlined with their advisor, they elaborate on the individual research started in the Development Seminar, and based on it, they draft their final paper. In order to be approved, the final paper should be orally presented.

Law Research Methodology (30 credit hours) Required in the 8th semester It is legal methodology course designed to develop advanced argumentative and explanatory skills. Although much of the knowledge supplied in the course serve to various academic and practical activities, the

Page 29: FGV DIREITO SP COURSES FALL SEMESTERmagellan.fsa.ulaval.ca/equivalence/Consultation/pdf.aspx?i=magellan... · BUENO, Cássio Scarpinella, ALVIM, Eduardo Arruda e WAMBIER, Teresa Arruda

Rua. Rocha, 233 – 01330-000 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil Tel .: 55(11) 3281-3333 ou 3281-3429 E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http:// www.fgv.br/direitogv

methodology of scientific research in law takes a significant portion of the course, serving as a connecting thread. This is not an impediment for addressing other kinds of theoretical and practical activities of the legal world.

Dogmatic Seminars (180 credit hours) Required in the 9th and 10th semesters (60 and 12 credit hours, respectively)

Constitutional Law: general theory of the Constitution, constitutional principles, fundamental rights, control of constitutionality, the State organization, organization of powers. Administrative Law: principles of public administration, administrative act, government services, public goods, public employees, government

intervention in private properties, contracts and bids, administrative process. Civil Law: general part, bonds, contracts, company law, things, Law of Descent and Distribution. Criminal Law: principles and theory of law, offenses. Civil Procedure: General Theory of Procedure. Cognizance Procedure. Satisfaction of Judgement. Execution Procedure. Provisional Procedure. Special Procedures. Criminal Procedure: Principles of Criminal Procedure. Police Investigation. Competence. Evidence. Imprisonment and Pretrial Release. Summons and Notices. Sentence. Common Procedure. Special Procedures. Nullity. Appeals. General Ethics and Ethics of Legal Professions: ethics in legal professions, archetype of law professionals, Code of Ethics of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).