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  • 8/13/2019 FFRPS 3 Edio.doc


    tmosFFRPS Terceira Edio Regras Bsicas

    Dados de Porcentagem (d%):Testes usando d% contra uma Chance de Sucesso (CdS). Testes resultando entre 95 e 100 so falhas crticas e testesentre 1 e 10 so sucessos crticos.

    ESTATST!ASTermo estatsticas (stat) descreve as habilidades de um ersona!em. "ividem#se em $tributos e statsticas de Combate.Atri"#tos: &ariam entre 1 e '0.Fora (F$R):&i!or e massa muscular essencial ara determinar o dano causado or armas de combate coro#a#coro.ita&idade (T): esist*ncia e toler+ncia. ,ersona!ens com mais &italidade so mais resistentes a danos fsicos e fadi!a.Agi&idade (A'):"estre-a fsica e coordenao. "etermina danos com armas de combate a dist+ncia e a reciso das mesmas.e&ocidade (E): aide- tanto em termos de velocidade de corrida como velocidade e reao.

    gica (A'):Controle sobre ener!ias internas e foras e/ternas. ndiretamente a inteli!*ncia. 2ede a efetividade de 3eitios e 4abilidades.Es*+rito (ESP): "eterminao e fora mental. ais resist,ncia a danos mgicos- ndiretamente . o carisma-!&asses e /o"s: Classes determinam as habilidades bsicas 6obs so eseciali-a7es das Classes (8uerreiro "ra!oon).0a"i&idades: $s 4abilidades so um !ruo de talentos :ue diferenciamos 6obs do resto da Classe. ; ersona!em comea com uma adina!em $rmas e Silvestres deendendo da rea de alicao.

    1+2e& Pro3ici,ncia1#10 niciante

    11#?5 @ovato?A#B0 ntermedirioB1#0 $vanado1#90 secialista

    91#100 2estre

    'ERA1D$ 4 P! DE 15E 61 !onceito de Personagem: Para g#iar a criao-

    1ome:ssencial ara um ersona!em marcante.dade:ntre 5#1' o ersona!em considerado novo. 2ais de A0 ele considerado velho.

    A*ar,ncia:Caractersticas fsicas (olhos altura etc) e DestiloE do ersona!em.Pertences:$lm dos e:uiamentos do ersona!em al!uns obFetos de valor sentimental.1ascimento:Com uma data em dia#e#m*s. stabelece o Si!no stelar do ersona!em.!a*ricorn#s (77 de De8em"ro 69 de /aneiro):,ra!mticos tiicamente ambiciosos trabalhadores conservadores e escruulosos mas odem serfacilmente teimosos e!otistas arro!antes com tend*ncia ao mal#humor e fatalismo.A#ari#s (7; de /aneiro 6< de 3e2ereiro):nventivos indeendentes lG!icos e comreensivosH entretanto tendem a serem afastadosdesaai/onados imrevisveis e e/c*ntricos.Pisces (69 de Fe2ereiro 7; de aro): mticos intuitivos comassivos emotivos e sacrificados. 2as tendem a serem essimistase/cessivamente falantes emocionalmente constran!idos ou ouco rticos.

    Aries (76 de aro 69 de A"ri&): mulsivos= cora>osos= inde*endentes e imetuosos mas so avios#curtos imacientes e comumente violentosTa#r#s (7; de A"ri& 7; de aio): stveis fidedi!nos rticos e nte!ros entretanto odem ser irascveis teimosos ossessivos e!ostas ematerialistas.'emini (76 de aio 76 de /#n?o):&ersteis sociveis e/ressivos in:uisitivos inventivos e inteli!entes. ,or outro lado eles tambm tendem aserem ausentes coniventes e a!itados com uma e:uena falta de ateno.!ancer (77 de /#n?o 77 de /#&?o):ncentivadores sensveis e emotivos mas odem ser muito e!ostas taciturnos e maniuladores.eo (7@ de /#&?o 77 de Agosto):monentes rom+nticos carismticos ambiciosos se!uros de si e idealistas mas tem uma cruel vaidosa e infantiveia correndo neles.irgo (7@ de Agosto 77 de Setem"ro):,erfeccionistas rticos analticos e/atos e dili!entes. ntretanto eles odem facilmente se tornaremenFoados cnicos esnobes e e!oc*ntricos em determinados momentos.i"ra (7@ de Setem"ro 7@ de $#t#"ro):Sociveis discretos ersuasivos acficos sofisticados e cort*s..les odem entretanto serem indecisosinconsistentes e facilmente intimidados.Scor*io (7 de $#t#"ro 76 de 1o2em"ro):ntensos motivados desembaraadamente individuais mas assam or cima dos outros sendotemeramentais intolerantes dominantes desconfiados e fechados.

    Sagittari#s (77 de 1o2em"ro 76 de De8em"ro):$mantes da liberdade honestos recetivos filosGficos ticos otimistas e entusisticos. "o ladone!ativo eles tambm odem ser bri!uentos insensvel imaciente comodistas e cabea#:uente.

    Ti*o Sang#+neo:Tambm determina o temeramento das essoas. $Es so conformistas dando !rande valor ara re!ras e costumes. IEs de outromodo so criativos e ouco convencionais. ; raro $I combina asectos dos doisH so muito emticos e tem uma !rande caacidade de analise mastendem a serem solitrios. 3inalmente ;Es so lideres e a:ueles :ue tomam as decis7es dominantes e oortunistas.?a Raa: 4umanos odem ser mais comuns mas e/istem muitas outras raas.?b /o": !omo > dito anteriormente' Atri"#tos: ,ersona!ens iniciantes t*m B0 ts ra distribuir nos seis atributos. "evendo reseitar os limites aciais os 6obs amliam esses limites

    (:ue sG odem ser ultraassados atravs da evoluo do ersona!em).: Adicione antagens e Des2antagens:Comre ara dar um to:ue esecial ao ersona!em e !anhar al!uns bJnus.5= "etermine 4, e P: C #m *asso "astante 3ci& no 1+2e& 6- 1ote #e #m /o" sem dado de P 2ai ter sem*re ; de P= a des*eito do ESP-

    4, K '0 L &T L (Mm Fo!ada do dado de 4, do 6ob) 2, K 10 L S, L (Mm Fo!ada do dado de 4, do 6ob)A= 'ere Per+cias:

  • 8/13/2019 FFRPS 3 Edio.doc


    ,ontos de ,ercias= ,ontuao total a !astar (dita ,,) !ato um#or#um.,ercia de $finidade= ssa a rea em :ue seu 6ob se sai melhor. 8astar um ,, nesse !ruo comra dois or cento.,ercias niciais= $s ercias :ue automaticamente se sabe or ser do 6ob. @o conta como !asto de ,,s.

    @enhuma ercia ode comear com mais de 50%N,ercia (00%)>in!ua!ens e Conhecimentos= Todo ersona!em tem 1?0 ,, ara !astar em >in!ua!ens e Conhecimentos aenas. @enhuma ercia comrada comesses ontoa ode comear com mais de ?0% (mas odem ser amliadas com os ,,s normais),ercias de Custo "ulo= Certas ercias ("uas $rmas nsinar nventar) tem um custom de acordo com seus valorosos efeitos. Cada dois ,,s !astosna ,ercia comram aenas 1%. Tem afinidade com o !ruo de uma dessas ercias torna o custom dela normal um#or#um).$ta:ue% # IJnus de $ta:ue est listado em seu 6ob. Mse a formula.$ta:ue% K (,ercia de Combate) L (IJnus de $ta:ue) L (@vel) L ($8 / ?)

    4abilidades de secialistas $l!uns esecialistas usam ,ercias em suas 4abilidades de combate. $ formula similar a de $ta:ue% mas sem oIJnus de $ta:ue e Os ve-es usando outro atributo :ue no $8.secialista% K (,ercia de secialista) L (@vel) L ($trib. / ?)= !om*re E#i*amento: 8aste 500 8il ara comrar e:uiamento esse valor ode mudar de acordo com vanta!ens e desvanta!ens.P= 8ere as statsticas de Combate=$rmadura ($rm) K ($rm total da $rmadura) L ($rm total da $rmadura) / (IJnus de &T)$rm. 2!ica (2$rm) K (2$rm total da $rmadura) L (2$rm total da $rmadura) / (IJnus deS,)"efesa ("ef) K &> L $8"ef. 2!ica (2"ef) K 2$rm L S,2a!ia% K 100 L @&> L (2$8 / ?)

    Lembre que os decimais so sempre arredondados para baixo. Ta"e&a de Bene3+cios de T ESP

    TESP Bn#s de 0PP Bn#s de ArmArm1 L0 5%? L1 5%' L1 10%B L? 10%5 L? 15%A L' 15% L' ?0%P LB ?0%9 LB ?5%

    10 L5 ?5%11 L5 '0%1? LA '0%1' LA '5%1B L '5%15 L B0%1A LP B0%

    1 LP B5%1P L9 B5%19 L9 50%?0 L10 50%?1 L10 55%?? L11 55%?' L11 A0%?B L1? A0%?5 L1? A5%?A L1' A5%? L1' 0%?P L1B 0%?9 L1B 5%'0 L15 5%

    Q@ote :ue os bJnus de 4, e 2, sG so alicados :uando o ersona!em avana de nvel no valendo ara ersona!ens iniciantes.

    9: Pr.ca&c#&e Feitios= 0a"i&idades e Dano de Ata#es: ; dano semre calculado como ($tributo / scala de "ano)L"adoH ode ser

  • 8/13/2019 FFRPS 3 Edio.doc


    emria Eid.tica ; ersona!em ossui uma memGria foto!rfica e conse!ue lembrar de coisas nos mnimos detalhes. ; uso desta vanta!emermite ao ersona!em se lembrar de al!uma coisa nos mnimos detalhes mesmo :ue o 6o!ador tenha es:uecido.maginati2o ; ersona!em tem uma !rande ima!inao e semre conse!ue ver outra forma de fa-er as coisas. ; uso desta vanta!em ermite ao

    ersona!em uma se!unda Fo!ada no caso de falha num teste $rtstico ou Tcnico.nt#iti2o ; ersona!em tem facilidade ara saber como fa-er as coisas mesmo sem treinamento. Ruando fi-er um teste com uma ercia na :ualele no tenha ontos o uso desta vanta!em ermite fa-*#lo com o dobro do valor adro (ou seFa $trib/B ao invs de $trib/?).Re*#tao $ fama do ersona!em em sua re!io natal ositive e de !rande aFuda. $o usar essa vanta!em o ersona!em ode e/trair favoresdos habitantes locais como abri!o comida e informa7es.Stat#s ; ersona!em ossui uma osio social elevada seFa atravs de uma osio nobre na corte ou uma atente militar. Msar essa venta!em

    ermite obter vanta!ens atravs dessa osio social.EGc,ntrico ; ersona!em ossui conhecimentos ouco usuais obscuros e de ouca valia no dia#a#dia. 2as ele de !rande valia :uando lidando

    com conhecimentos es:uecidos. ; uso desta vanta!em !arante comreenso si!nificativa :uando lidando com tais conhecimentos.Des2antagens

    Amn.sia ; ersona!em devido a ma!ia ou trauma es:ueceu boa arte do seu assado. ; ersona!em adi:uire um ,& toda ve- :ue es:ueceral!uma informao imortante sobre seu assado ou falhar automaticamente num teste or Des:uecerE como fa-er al!o.!aado ; ersona!em rocurado e tem sua cabea a remio. ; ersona!em !anha um ,& semre :ue al!um estiver o rocurando araconse!uir a recomensa ou al!o arecido.!om*#&so ; ersona!em tem al!um tico de comulso (fumar beber colecionar etc) :ue deve ser constantemente satisfeita. Semre :ue acomulso colocar o ersona!em em uma situao eri!osa ou muito arriscada ele !anha um ,&.Distinto ; ersona!em tem al!uma caracterstica fsica :ue o torna e/tremamente fcil de reconhecer (e sG ode ser escondida com muito esforo).ssa desvanta!em concede um ,& toda ve- :ue atraalhar bastante o ersona!em.ng,n#o ; ersona!em um !rande otrio ele acredita em :ual:uer coisa :ue no seFa uma mentira Gbvia. Semre :ue o ersona!em cometer um!rande erro ou arranFar uma !rande confuso or causa e sua in!enuidade ele !anha um ,&.1otoriedade ; ersona!em tem uma reutao uma m reutao. $s essoas odem no reconhec*#lo de vista mas com certe-a sabero seunome. Semre :ue al!um reconhec*#lo e isso causar !randes roblemas voc* ad:uire um ,&.Fo"ia ; ersona!em tem um medo terrvel de al!o. Semre :ue confrontado com seu medo ele tentar fu!ir ou al!o arecido. Semre :ue o medaatraalhar o ersona!em no decorrer de uma tarefa o ersona!em ad:uire um ,&.Estigma ; ersona!em ertence a al!uma minoria esti!mati-ada ou al!o arecido. le vitima de um reconceito talve- infundamentado. ;

    ersona!em !anha 1 ,& semre :ue esse reconceito causar roblemas em Fo!o.En>o de ia>em ; ersona!em fica facilmente enFoado com movimento semre :ue no estiver se movendo com os rGrios s. Ruanto maisrido o movimento ior o enFJo. ssa desvanta!em d 1 ,& semre :ue imedir o ersona!em de reali-ar a7es imortantes.

    A1TA'E1S E DESA1TA'E1S DE !$BATE;s ersona!ens devem balancear o custo das vanta!ens e desvanta!ens obtendo um valor i!ual ou menor :ue -ero e no odendo ter mais de 10 tsem vanta!ens. $s vanta!ens e desvanta!ens de combate esto semre ativas no trabalhando com o sistema de ,&s.

    antagens0"i& (7H) ; ersona!em e/tremamente treinado em uma determinada arma usando a a!ilidade em seus ata:ues em ve- de fora. Ruandousando uma arma do tio escolhido o dano calculado usando $8 no lu!ar de 3;. ; custo desta vanta!em de acordo com o dado usado aracalcular o dano da arma se!undo a tabela=

    dA ? ts

    dP ' tsd10

    B ts


    5 ts

    Am"idestro (@) ; ersona!em i!ualmente hbil com as duas mos no tendo enalidade ara usar a mo inbil e comrando "uas $rmas eloreo normal no dobrado.!om*an?eiro Anima& (H) &oc* tem um !rande ami!o animal :ue te aFuda em combate. Semre :ue voc* for !oleado or um ata:ue h '0% dechance de seu comanheiro te aFudar fa-endo voc* receber aenas 50% do dano. $dicionalmente o seu comanheiro far um contra ata:ue usando oseu $ta:ue% ara calcular o acerto e causando um dano de acordo com a se!uinte fGrmula= (@velUB)/(3;)L(@velU10)/(dA). ste ata:ue considerara uma eao sendo desabilitada or stati como mobili-ado.Re3&eGos em !om"ate (7) ; ersona!em nunca surreso em combate estando ronto a :ual:uer momento. Se os inimi!os a!irem no turno de$nteciao ele tambm a!ir. le tambm imune ao status nadvertido.arca da De#sa () ; ersona!em abenoado com uma fonte de ener!ia vital se recuerando incrivelmente rido. Semre :ue um item feitioou efeito de cura for usado nele ele recuera ?5% a mais de 4,. sso no afeta "renos ou recuerao de 2,.

    A3ort#nado (7) o ersona!em ossui uma !rande sorte. ssa sorte se reflete num n

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    E&emento Pessoa& (@H) ; ersona!em ossui uma rofunda li!ao com um dos elementos universais. scolha um elemento durante a criao(3o!o 8elo rel+ma!o W!ua &ento Terra Sa!rado Trevas ou Iio). ,or ' ts o ersona!em causa 10% a mais de dano com ata:ues desseelemento. ,or B ts ?5% de dano e/tra. ssa vanta!em custa 1 t a mais se o ersona!em for um aladino e escolher Sa!rado ou for um Cavaleiro

    @e!ro e escolher Trevas. sse efeito no cumulativo com a habilidade Dntensificar lementoE.A&ma P#ra (67) ; ersona!em tem uma reserve de ener!ia mistica :ue os outros no tem. Semre :ue ele subir de nvel ele !anha um numeroe/tra de 2,s= um (vanta!em de 1 t) ou dois (? ts).Es*+rito Forte (@H) $travs de meios msticos o ersona!em ad:uiriu uma resist*ncia esecial a um determinado !ruo de status. Ruando for alvode um desses status a CdS redu-ida ela metade deois de calculada a "efesa ou "ef. 2!ica. Cada cate!oria de status tem um custo diferente=

    luso= 5 Temo= 5&eneno= ' Trasformar= BSelo= B 3ra:ue-a= 5

    Arma de Assinat#ra (@ o# H) $travs de muito treinamento o ersona!em se eseciali-ou em uma arma esecifica Ruando fa-endo um ata:uecom essa arma o ersona!em obtm um Critico com menos de 15 (' ts) ou menos de ?0 (5ts). @o cumulativo com CritcoL e CriticoLL.Treinamento Es*ecia& (@ o# H) ; ersona!em arenedu atraves de treinamentos anormais a usar armas :ue no sao ermitidas normalmente arseu 6ob. scolha um !ruo de armas ara :ue voc* ossa us#las sem enalidades (mas ainda necessrio o !asto de ,, na arma). ssa vanta!emcusta ' ts normalmente mas custar 5 caso o !ruo escolhido use outro atributo :ue no fora ara definir o dano (como os nstrumentos) ou usedados maiores do :ue :ual:uer arma :ue a sua 6ob ermita.Rec#rsos(7H) ; ersona!em ossui outros meios de obter dinheiro alm de ilhar monstros. le recebe mais 8il do :ue o usual de cada encontro

    ele !anha 5% a mais ara cada onto !asto nessa vanta!em alm do rimeiro. sso no altera a :uantia :ue o !ruo recebe aenas sua arte. ssono cumulativo com a habilidade 8ilL.

    Des2antagens!o2arde () ; ersona!em teme a morte mais do :ue tudo. Semre :ue estiver com menos de ?5% de 4, ele tentara fu!ir de combate. Caso a aode fu!a falhe ele continuar tentando at conse!uir ou ser recuerado ficando com mais de ?5% de 4,.arca do Demnio () ; ersona!em amaldioado e a sua sentelha de vida brilha mais fraco. Semre :ue for alvo de uma ma!ia item ouhabilidade de cura ele recuera ?5% 4, a menos. sso no afeta "renos ou recuerao de 2,.De3ici,ncia E&ementa& (@) ; ersona!em vulnervel a al!um lemento. sse elemento causa 50% a mais de dano no ersona!em. Se tornaresistente a esse elemento redu- o dano ao normal (100%) se tornar mune redu- o dano a 50% se tornar absorvente aenas ne!a o dano (0%).FIria (7@) ; ersona!em tem uma besta selva!em dentro de si. Conforme ele erde 4, ela aflora. Ruando ele estiver com ?5% ou menos de seu4, ele automaticamente afetado elo status IerserX i!norando :ual:uer imunidade. sso dura en:uanto ele estiver com menos de ?5% de seu 4,no odendo ser curado de outra forma. ssa desvanta!em concede ? ts ara 8uerreiros e ,eritos e ' ontos ara 2a!os e secialistas.!aado (67) ,or al!uma ra-o o ersona!em resa de um tio de monstro. ,or 1 t ele erse!uido or uma determinada raa (lobos !oblins

    bombas etc). or ? ts ele erse!uido or um !ruo de criaturas (2ortos#&ivos lantas "emJnios etc). Rual:uer monstro desse tio atacando oersona!em causara o dobro de dano automaticamente.0onra (7) Mm senso de honra nem semre bom. ; ersona!em se o7e a atacar oonentes indefesos nunca usando a vanta!em da surresa.

    @unca ataca um oonente sofrendo o status nadvertido e nunca a!ir no turno de $nteciao.A8arado (7) ; destino consira contra o ersona!em. m certos intervalos o ersona!em tem uma falha automtica de al!um tio. sso acontece:uando o 82 deseFar. ,or ? ts essa vanta!em ativada uma ve- or nvel. ,or ' ts uma ve- or sesso. ,or B ontos uma ve- or encontro.Desa>eitado (@) "evido a uma incrivel falta de cordenao o ersona!em no conse!ue se desviar de ata:ues. $ "ef e 2"ef natural do ersona!em efetivamente -ero e ode aenas ser amliada atravs de bJnus de e:uiamentos e feitios.En3ermidade (6H) ; ersona!em sofre de al!uma enfermidade :ue o atraalha. ssa enfermidade efetivamente um status ermanente e no

    ode ser curado (a menos :ue dito o contrrio).nadvertido ; ersona!em comea todo combate com esse status. le removido assim :ue ele for !oleado ou restar ateno na luta. 1 t.nvenenado ; ersona!em tem uma chance de 10% a cada turno de erder 4, (10%) como se estivesse nvenenado. ? ts.Ce!o ; ersona!em Ce!o. ssa desvanta!em vale B ts ara 8uerreiros e secialistas ' ara ,eritos e 1 ara ma!os.2udo ; ersona!em 2udo. ssa desvanta!em vale B ts ara ,eritos ' ara secialistas e 1 ara 8uerreiros. 2a!os no odem t*#la.2aldio ; ersona!em amaldioado e incaa- de usar 4abilidades ativas. ssa desvanta!em vale 1 t ara 2a!os e B ara as outras classes.Sono ; ersona!em comea toda batalha com o status Sono. sse status cancelado assim :ue ele sofrer :ual:uer :uantia de dano fsico. 1 t.mobili-ado ; ersona!em mutilado sendo incaa- de correr e imedido de ativar 4abilidades de eao. 1 t ara ma!os ? ara outras classes.>ento ; ersona!em lento ara a!ir e rea!ir ficando atrs dos outros nas a7es. ' ts ara !uerreiros e secialistas e 1 t ara ,eritos e 2a!os.>aso de Temo m cada turno o ersona!em tem 10% de chance de comear a sofrer 5 ts de dano (no elemental) ara cada onto de iniciativanessa rodada como se sofresse >aso de Temo. B ts.edu-ido ; ersona!em e:ueno e sofre os efeitos de redu-ido. 5 ts ara 8uerreiros e ,eritos ? ts ara secialistas e 1 ara 2a!os.Yumbi Mma criatura das tumbas o ersona!em est semre sobre o efeito de Yumbi. B ts.3undio Com o ersona!em fundindo automaticamente nada ode rote!*#lo de danos. 5 ts.D+2idas (6H) ; ersona!em no ode manter todo o dinheiro :ue !anha. ,ara cada onto nessa desvanta!em o ersona!em erde 5% da 8il :ue

    receberia em cada encontro. sso no afeta o dinheiro do !ruo aenas a arte do ersona!em.Paci3ista (7) ; ersona!em incaa- de matar. Semre :ue seu !ole deveria redu-ir o oonente a 0 4, ou matar automaticamente a vitimaermanece com 1 4,. m circunstancia al!uma ele ode matar al!o em combate.A&2o A&eatrio (6) ; ersona!em alvo da lei de 2urhZ. $ chance dele ser afetada or efeitos de alvo aleatGrio dobrada.0a"i&idade B&o#eada (6H) ; ersona!em fica ara trs em relao aos seus comanheiros :uando se fala de habilidades. Mm ersona!em com 1

    t nessa desvanta!em tem o nvel de acesso de suas habilidades amliadas em ?. ,or ? ts elas so retardadas em B nveis. ,or ' ts elas soretardadas em nveis. ,or B ts elas so retardadas or 11 nveis. ,or 5 ts elas so atra-adas em 1A nveis.Doente (67) ; ersona!em tem o or!anismo fraco. Semre :ue sobe de nvel o ersona!em recebe menos 4, do :ue deveria. ssa :uantidade de1 4, (1 t de desvanta!em) ou ? ts de 4, (? ts de desvanta!em).Es*+rito Fraco (@H) ; ersona!em vulnervel a um certo !ruo de status. $ CdS :uando o ersona!em for alvo de um desses status semredobrada deois de calculada a "ef ou 2"ef. Se o ersona!em se tornar mune a esse status a CdS somente redu-ida ao normal.

    luso= 5 Temo= 5&eneno= ' Transformao= BSelo= B 3ra:ue-a= '

  • 8/13/2019 FFRPS 3 Edio.doc


    Desa>eitado com Armas (@) ; ersona!em no se d bem com armas. Todas as ercias de armas comradas custam o dobro e :ual:uer afinidadeara o !ruo de $rmas erdida. ; ersona!em tambm Famais ode obter um Crtico numa ao de ata:ue.

    RAJAS0#manos Semre os mais comuns devido a sua facilidade ara chamar de lar at mesmo os mais inGsitos locais.

    F$R T A' E A' ESP10 10 10 10 10 10

    AnKes $n7es esto habituados a vida no subsolo. Seus coros so comactos e eludos ossuindo !rande fora. Sua ele comumente ene!recida.F$R T A' E A' ESP

    1? 1? P P 10 10n3ormaKes Essenciais

    Altura Tpica: 1? 1B m (macho) U 11 1' m (femea) Peso Tpico A1 0 X! (macho) U B5 50 X! (f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: 2arrom louro cin-a branco Olhos Comuns: "ourados

    Habitats: 2ontanhas Colinas Subsolo Longeidade: 100 1A0 anosSociedade $n7es ossuem uma sociedade r!ida :uase feudal dividida em cls mini#civili-a7es auto#suficientes. ;s ofcios dos an7es so

    assados de ais ara filhos. $n7es t*m sua sicolo!ia baseada na virtude or isso criminosos so raros. les so ferreiros e construtores habilidososmas tambm so Gtimos !uerreiros devido O necessidade de defesa. Tambm so bastante hbeis no uso de ma:uinaria. Sua economia auto#sustentvel mas tambm se baseia em trocas tanto com outros cls como com criaturas da suerfcie.Ro&e*&aLing stGicos vi!orosos atos a um monte de sofrimento. Tem fortes laos com os anci7es do cl e com comanheiros de via!em. 3alamnuma variao arcaica do $n!licano mas :ual:uer falador e/eriente ode driblar o vocabulrio e ronuncia idiossincrticos.;s anos subterr+neos t*m uma Gtima viso noturna e reconhecem vrios tios de edras e estruturas subterr+neas. ,odem ficar bastante desorientadona suerfcie at aresentando a!orafobia 2as tudo assa em al!uns dias aesar de causar dano ermanente em oucos casos.; maior roblema :ue os an7es enfrentam na suerfcie a ouca toler+ncia a lu- do sol devendo rote!er sua viso ara no ficar ofuscado. ;s clsda suerfcie F no t*m esse roblema. ;s nomes de an7es vem do in!l*s clssico com o nome do cl como sobrenome. ; nome do cl reresenta a

    esecialidade deles rendendo nomes como "avid 4eaven!uard 2atthe[ \atchman "erricX Stonehammer "arcZ SXZ[atcher e 6inXus mtZbottleE&3os ;s elfos so uma raa morta :uase totalmente e/tinta e/ceto elas suas lendas artefatos e raros individuos. lfos lembram bastante oshumanos mas so altos ossuem escoos lon!os e faces ovais. Sua ele varia de um leve bron-eado at a cor de cobre. ,ossuem orelhas lon!as e

    ontudas (15 a ?0 centmetros) sendo muito !raciosos.3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,11 10 1? 11 P P

    n3ormaKes EssenciaisAltura Tpica: 1P ?1 m (macho) U 1 ?0 m (femea) Peso Tpico P0 9 X! (macho) U 1 P0 X! (f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: >ouro ne!ro cin-a vermelho Olhos Comuns: Cin-as verdes marromns

    Habitats: Rual:uer um Longeidade: 110 10 anosSociedade $ sociedade dos elfos altamente or!ani-ada e desenvolvida um e/emlo da e3ici,ncia draconiana- ei= ordem e o"edi,ncia aoestado so 2irt#des- As naKes e&3icas contam com #ma es*.cie de Mser2io mi&itar o"rigatrioN= 3a8endo com #e sem*re contem com #meGtenso eGercito de *&e"e#s- $ *oder na nao e&3ica se di2ide entre a aristocracia e o c&ero- #itas intrigas esto *or trs dos tronos e a3am+&ia rea& ainda a3irma #e detem o direito di2ino so"re o trono= tam".m de2ido a se#s ancestrais-"evido aos eri!os de monstros as cidade

    elficas se tornaram fortale-as eles se eseciali-aram em arcos e com a descoberta das inusiane e Camereine.

    it?ra Mma raa de $ma-onas felines as 2ithra so caadoras natas com sentidos refinadoe e nature-a !raciosoa. "iferente dos ;Xami e >abaZu2ithra so mais humanos :ue animais. $esar de suas fei7es terem nature-as felines orelhas vulinas rabo fino e nari- de !ato seus coros tem

    ele lisa e so comletamente humanos em rooro. ntre as 2ithra a cada 10 nascimentos aenas um filhote macho. sso muda comletamenteo comortamento das tribos. 2ithra !ostam de rouas coloridas e leves ara combate. ,inturas faciais e tatua!ens so smbolos de reseito e status

    sendo comuns entre f*meas mais velhas.3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,

    P 9 1? 1' 10 Pn3ormaKes Essenciais

    Altura Tpica: 1B 1A m (macho) U 15 1 m (femea) Peso Tpico 50 A5 X! (macho) U 55 5 X! (f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: Iranco cin-a marrom urura Olhos Comuns: Cin-as verdes marrons

    Habitats: Selvas e 3lorestas Longeidade: 50 0 anosSociedade So matriarcais e se or!ani-am em e:uenas tribos. ;s machos muito imortantes ara serem e/ostos a eri!os ficam com as tarefasdomesticas. $s f*meas treinadas desde bem e:uenas ara caa esca e trabalhos manuais raramente abandonam o ambiente tribal ara se tornaremaventureiras. $s tribos so unidades centradas em sua sobreviv*ncia e no so necessariamente amistosos nem mesmo com outros de sua raa. sto

    rearados ara cometir or territGrio caa e outros recursos. Cada tribo desenvolve sua rGria arte marcial com *nfase em retirar o m/imootencial destrutivo de uma determinada condio e no em amliar os limites do coro. ssas artes marciais incluem tanto combate armado comodesarmado e esto em constante desenvolvimento e a 2ithra estar semre arendendo e adatando sua tcnica. 2ithra tambm so !randesnave!adores escultores e astrJnomos. So um ouco avessos ao avano tecnolG!ico ois referem manter a harmonia com a nature-a.

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    Ro&e*&aLing 2ithra so aventureiras naturais ]cheias de ener!ia e/tremamente curiosas e brincalhonas so Gtimas comanias ara via!em mascostumasm testar a aci*ncia de seus comanheiros. ,ela condio de sua raa 2ithra costumam ser muito rotetoras em relao a seuscomanheiros machos. las amam Fo!os e histGrias !ostam muito de dana e teatro reseitando muito contadores de histGrias e mmicos habilidosos.$o conhtrario do :ue sua nature-a felina oderia insinuar 2ithra so Gtimas nadadoras e adoram !ua. las tem um ouco de dificuldade emarender $n!licano devido a simlicidade de sua rGria ln!ua. Costumam u/ar os DrEs. Seus nomes costumam ter um to:ue indonsio e/emlos=^ocho ,hunaXcham Soun $bralah 8hosa "emuh-o e 3Zi Chalm[oh. ; rimeiro nome tende a ter duas silabas sendo fcil de !ritar em momentosde necessidade. las adoram ttulos cerimoniais.

    oog&e 2oo!les so e:uena criaturas eludas arte !atos arte filhotes de urso. Sua aar*ncia !eralmente definida como encantadoramentefofa comletada or um ar de en:uenas asas de morce!o fortes o suficiente ara suortar o vJo dos menores e mais leves moo!les e umolhar tendencioso. $inda mais distinta a bola vermelha :ue adorna o too da cabea dos moo!les cuFo roGsito desconhecido talve- m!ico. ;

    elo deles redominantemente branco e feludo mas muitas varia7es (as ve-es de acordo com o clima como os :ue ossuem um DcachecolE)e/istem.

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,A P 1? 1? 1? 10

    n3ormaKes EssenciaisAltura Tpica: 0P 1? m (macho U femea) Peso Tpico ?B '0 X! (macho U f*mea)Pelugens Comuns: Iranco cin-a marrom urura Olhos Comuns: ,retos a-uisHabitats: 3lorestas montanhas subsolo e cidades Longeidade: '0 50 anos

    Sociedade $s tribos moo!le costumam se isolar em florestas e cavernas revelando sua e/ist*ncia aenas ara um ou dois estran!eiros :ue!anharam sua confiana. @esses !ruos de 10 a 15 moo!les o mais velho costuma a!ir como tomador de decis7es embora as decis7es seFamtomadas em consenso. $ vida dos moo!le bucGlica desreocuada tomando tudo o :ue a nature-a oferece com ou:ussimas asira7es.$ maior arte das outras raas considera os moo!les como ouco mais do :ue animais selva!ens. 2uitos deles saem ara se aventurar no mundo unsvoltam ara suas vilas deois de al!uns sustos outros adoram a comanhia de outras raas e at a vida nas cidades."emonstrando sua boa nature-a os moo!les se adatam a :ual:uer sociedade arendendo seus costumes e ci*ncias. les usam essa comreenso eadatao ara suas rGrias e/eri*ncias. $ssim :ue os moo!les descobrem todas os sinais de civili-ao= artes de !uerra en!enharia al:uimiam!ica finas artes e literatura temerando todas com seu rGrio ecletismo. $s tribos moo!les (conhecidas coletivamente como 2o!ri) mantem umforte elo comunal e suas tradi7es no so abaladas ela Dcivili-aoE.Ro&e*&aLing 2oo!les so adatveis afveis e emticos. 2oo!les so comanheiros bem vindos ainda :ue travessos atrevidos e ocasionalmentesarcsticoH raros so os caa-es de al!uma malicia ou crueldade !enuna. Toda a 2o!ri muito otimista mesmo na ior das circunstancias.Sentimentos ne!ativos como Gdio deseFo e viol*ncia so alien!enas ara a 2o!ri aenas moo!les e/ostos a esses sentimentos or muito temo :ue costumam e/ibi#los. 2oo!les no vem muito uso ara fama ttulos e dinheiroH uma boa ami-ade e a satisfao de aFudar bastam. $ chave ara asobreviv*ncia dos 2oo!le na vida selva!em a habilidade de e/ercer uma calma sobrenatural nas bestas selva!ens. ssa escie de Dcontrole

    s:uicoE instintiva nos moo!les e e/istem criaturas (como o "evorador de 2oo!les) eseciali-adas em resistir a eles. @a civili-ao essahabilidade DconvertidaE num !rande senso de dilomacia e ematia somada a uma !rande habilidade com ln!uas caracteri-ada elo ocasional usodo teimoso D^uoE a 2$8 S,9 11 P P 1? 1?

    n3ormaKes EssenciaisAltura Tpica: 15 1P m Peso Tpico ?B '0 X! (macho U f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: @enhum Olhos Comuns: Irancos

    Habitats: ,+ntanos Longeidade: 0 P0 anosSociedade The Ru tribes maXe their homes in isolated marsh enclaves across the [orld bandin! to!ether in numbers from a fe[ do-en to severalhundred deendin! on ho[ manZ ravenous Ru the area in :uestion is caable of suortin!. Ru societZ is hedonistic to a faultH other than eatin! and

    rocreatin! thanXfullZ the intricacies of Ru reroduction are a closed booX to the outside [orld ## the avera!e Ru has little care or concern in the[orld. $s a result of this their culture has atrohied to the oint [here the entire Ru hilosohZ can be summed u in one simle statement= _\orld

    onlZ have t[o thin!s= Thin!s Zou can eat and thin!s Zou no can eat._ Social interaction bet[een tribes is limited to monthlZ e/chan!es of recies andin!redients and irre!ular contests of cooXerZH for the remainder of the Zear each tribe lives in isolation taXin! care of its o[n affairs.`oun!er Ru are arenticed to a more e/erienced 2aster at an earlZ a!e under [hose tutela!e theZ are e/ected to learn the all#imortant art ofeatin!H the findin! rearin! and consumin! of all varieties of foodstuffs. "urin! this time the arentice is onlZ ermitted to eat [hat theZthemselves catch and cooXH in this [aZ the Zoun!ster is encoura!ed to be self#sufficient rather than eretuallZ son!in! off his elders. ;nce theirXno[led!e is Fud!ed to be sufficient bZ their tutor theZ too become a full#fled!ed 2aster readZ to ass their o[n culinarZ sXills on to a ne[!eneration of Ru. 4o[ever this is a rocess that can taXe manZ Zears if not decadesH fre:uentlZ those students [ho fail to ass muster [ill be sentout into the [orld bZ their mentors in the hoe that a chan!e of environment and a little samlin! of international cuisine [ill sur the errant uil

    bacX on to the ri!ht ath.$ccordin!lZ most Ru [ill rarelZ venture outside their native marshes e/cet [here lured bZ the romise of a articularlZ rare delicacZH suchDodZsseZsE are considered art and arcel of a 2asterEs duties to his art and serve as a tribeEs main conduit to the outside [orld. ;thers leave involuntarilZ e/ile dis!runtled [ith the comlacent self#absorbed Ru lifestZle or findin! themselves ostracised bZ their fello[s for darin! tocontemlate that thereEs more to life than Fust catchin! thin!s and eatin! them. ;nce outside ho[ever anZ Ru [orth its salt can earn to coin as achef to the [ealthZ and decadentH indeed in certain circles the Ru Xitchen#master is as much a sZmbol of oneEs status as the !ilded coach and estate.

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    Ro&e*&aLing# The avera!e Ru is a natural !ourmand al[aZs searchin! for ne[ tastes and e/citin! culinarZ e/eriences [ith almost sin!le#minded-ealH converselZ material [ealth is of little imortance to a Ru e/cet [here it hels seed the [aZ to culinarZ enli!htenment. t should come as nosurrise then that manZ Ru articularlZ the Zoun!er less [orld#[ise tend thinX [ith their stomach first and their mind lastH a fact that tends toland them in hot sou more often than not. \hen couled [ith the avera!e RuEs shaXZ !ras on soXen $n!lic and overt naivete this tends to !ive Rua reutation as relativelZ dim[itted simle#minded creatures amon! other racesH the lacX of distinctive !enders maZ also be roblematic to a RuEscomanions [ho [ill often unconsciouslZ assi!n a male or female identitZ to the creature.Ru adat to other environments relativelZ easilZ but refer to send as little time as ossible outside their s[amH homesicXness and lon!in! for thoseever#tastZ marsh fro!s [ill brin! even the most determined [aZfarer bacX before lon!. This maZ e/lain [hZ most Ru outside the s[am [illcontinue to retain the traditional chefEs#hat#and#aron in their dress even if theZ choose to ursue other rofessionsH [here theZ are used [eaons arealmost inevitablZ atterned after eatin! imlements liXe Xnives and forXs acXno[led!in! the fact that their [ielders are eaters first and foremost. Runames universallZ be!in [ith Ru.

    'a&a 333; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,1' 15 10 P

    Tar#tar# $ diminutive race of ma!icallZ#active bein!s the Tarutaru or DTaruE for short are characterised bZ round babZish faces lar!e eZesronounced lfin ears and bear#liXe features. n roortion theZ are e:uivalent to human children lar!e heads toin! a ud!Z short#limbedbodZ a combination [hich aears utterlZ harmless u until the oint the fireballs start flZin!. Some seculate the TarutarusE innatemasterZ of ma!ic is a Xind of ac:uired survival traitH lacXin! the endurance and stren!th to be serious [arriors the little creatures have littleelse rotectin! them from the dan!ers of the [orld around them. The Tarutaru themselves call it a marX of divine favorH [hile not all of theinumber tread the sellcasterEs ath those [ho do do so [ield o[ers most races onlZ dare to dream of.

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,A P P 10 1' 15

    n3ormaKes Essenciais

    Altura Tpica: 0P 10 m (macho U femea) Peso Tpico 'B 'P X! (macho) U '? 'A X! (f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: 2arrom louro vermelho a-ul verde cin-a Olhos Comuns: 2arrons a-uisHabitats: 3lorestas Longeidade: 0 90 anos

    Sociedade# The Tarutaru oerate in a ri!id technocracZ ruled bZ scientists sa!es thinXers and other e/erts on [orldZ mattersH in the eZes of theTarutaru [hat one Xno[s defines everZthin! resti!e social standin! rivile!es. $ccordin!lZ cometition for [isdom is fierce and those in

    ositions of authoritZ live in constant fear of bein! usured bZ Zoun!er more Xno[led!eable individualsH this in turn creates an enormous ressure toactivelZ ursue ne[ ideas and innovations rimin! the en!ine that drives Tarutaru societZ as a [hole to ro!ress. t is the studZ of ma!ic ho[ever[hich occuies the most rominent ositionH sellcasters are the dimunitive raceEs first line of defence a!ainst the dan!ers of the [orld and thussource of much admiration and resect the ultimate meetin!#lace of martial ro[ess and intellectual accomlishment.Social advancement rovides the imetus for most travel and e/lorationH ultimatelZ the easiest [aZ to lure anZ Tarutaru into the outside [orld isthrou!h loftZ romises of lost sells rare alchemical in!redients or ancient !rimoires Fust [aitin! to be discovered. $s cometitive as theZ maZ beho[ever Tarutaru are also hi!hlZ !rou#orientedH Dstren!th in numbersE is the abidin! mantra. Tribes fre:uentlZ band to!ether into lar!er federationsfor rotection deferrin! authoritZ to a rulin! council comosed of the [isest members of each tribe. >eadershi of the council in turn is !ranted to themost Xno[led!eable of their number as decided bZ mutual consensusH a role !enerallZ more ri-ed for its resti!e than for its attached o[ers [hichtend to be minimal at best. 2ost tribes activelZ FocXeZ for the leadershi role recallin! and relacin! reresentatives at the dro of a hat [henever a

    more suitable candidate emer!esH the end result is a fairlZ fluid mutable !overnmental structure.$s mi!ht be e/ected ma!ic is an everZdaZ fact of Tarutaru lifeH it o[ers mechanical constructs !ives ne[ life to [orn#out fields enhances crosand even rotects tools and clothin! from [ear and tear. "esite bein! seen as somethin! of a menial occuation [hen comared to the !lamor ofhurlin! offensive ma!ics in the name of the Tarutaru nation manZ able ma!es maXe rofitable careers out of such mundane alications. ;nlZmetal[orXin! is !enerallZ shunnedH as a rule Tarutaru favor or!anic materials such as [ood and cloth findin! such resources far easier to alter viama!ic than their intractable metallic counterarts. $s a result almost everZ metal#based item found in Tarutaru lands is the [orX of outside hands.Ro&e*&aLing# "esite their child#liXe aearance Tarutaru are rational bein!s albeit ones ossessed bZ an ine/haustible curiositZ about anZthin! andeverZthin! in life. @o self#resectin! Tarutaru [ill ass u the oortunitZ to obtain ne[ Xno[led!e or sho[ off an alreadZ#established bodZ offacts [henever oortunitZ allo[s it. ;ther races maZ dismaZ at the fact that the Tarutaru maXe little distinction bet[een the trivial and the life#savin![hen it comes to information but learn to :uicXlZ areciate that their intellectual osturin! can come throu!h at the most une/ected times.3urther strainin! atience are the TarutarusE iin! mousZ voicesH [hile more than caable in $n!lic the avera!e Tarutaru has a tendencZ to sli inthe [ord DtaruE [herever a solitarZ DtE maZ be found. $n additional irritant is their habit of sliin! into child#liXe rhZmeH the results arenEtaru rettZ#[ittZ bZ anZ stretch of the ima!ination.\ith Taru societZ servin! as a shinin! e/amle of the benefits of bandin! to!ether for mutual rotection thereEs no surrise in the fact that the littlecreatures !o throu!h !reat len!ths to find comanions and allies and even !reater ones to Xee them. \hile not as outri!ht distrustful as the 2ithra of

    advanced technolo!Z Tarutaru do tend to be [arZ in the resence of non#ma!ical machinerZH to them !rindin! !ears steam and clocX[orX areruthless soul#less thin!s lacXin! the innate [armth and vitalitZ of a ma!ic#driven device.tEs a testament to the raceEs lon!#lived traditions of mZsticism that even !iven names are steeed in occult si!nificance. 2ale names are dra[n fromthe ancient incantations used in ritual Tarutaru sorcerZH these tend to be hZhenated [ith both arts rhZmin! !ivin! rise to monicXers liXe `un!#`aam 6atan#,aratan Iaren#2oren and ^Zume#omeh. Such names are not onlZ chosen for aesthetic valueH Taru folXlore holds that !rantin! a boZ a

    articularlZ o[erful sell#name increases his chances of becomin! an accomlished sellcaster in his later Zears. \ith Tarutaru females names arecomosed of onlZ one art endin! [ith t[o rhZmin! sZllables e/amles of these sorts of names include 3inene Chomomo and ^erutoto. Theendin!#sZllables are usuallZ chosen bZ the arents accordin! to the childEs time of birth and are said to be an indicator of the !irlEs future ersonalitZand success in life.$ami (o"o) 33& >one \olf (33&)

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,1? 11 10 11 P P

  • 8/13/2019 FFRPS 3 Edio.doc


    a"aL# (Former&L Raion) The >abaZu are a tall roud#looXin! race resemblin! humanoid lionsH as ma!icallZ active as theZ are hZsicallZimressive their shar cla[s and thicX muscular bodies !ive little doubt as to their ro[ess in battle. 2ales of the secies are characterised

    bZ their flo[in! manes of hair and often#massive beardsH females thou!h smaller and more comact are no less a!!ressive than their malecounterarts in battle and shoulder a substantial share of the fi!htin! and huntin!. 2ales also ossess a lon! horn [hich !ro[s from theirforeheadH it is the >abaZusE belief that this cherished sZmbol of manhood is the source of a [arriorEs o[ers and its loss is treated asseriouslZ as that of an arm or le!. "ishonored [arriors have their horns cut as a matter of custom thou!h onlZ the most serious crimes

    rovoXe such an act. Mnsurrisin!lZ such ritual DcastrationE is fre:uentlZ accomanied bZ e/ile.2ales and females dress sarin!lZ mostlZ for the saXe of modestZ than anZthin! elseH the hot climate the >abaZu refer to d[ell in maXes anZthin!heavier imractical. 6e[elrZ charms and ban!les are a common art of a >abaZuEs ensemble some of [hich maZ even have occult si!nificanceH moresuerstitious [arriors maZ au!ment these throu!h the alication of ma!ical oils.

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,

    1? 9 10 10 11 Pn3ormaKes Essenciais

    Altura Tpica: ?B ?A m (macho) U ?1 ?' m (femea) Peso Tpico 1?5 150 X! (macho) U 95 115 X! (f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: @e!ro cin-a marrom vermelho louro branco Olhos Comuns: $marelos a-uis verdes marrons

    Pelugens comuns: $-ul dourado#areia marrom bron-eado Longeidade: 50 0 anosHabitats: 2ontanhas tundra

    Sociedade The >abaZu live in isolated familZ#tribes called rides sustainin! themselves as hunter#!atherersH theZ rarelZ ac:uire manZ ossessionsXeein! onlZ [hat theZ need and movin! [herever food and oortunitZ taXe them. Social standin! [ithin the tribe is deendent on a comlicatedmi/ture of fi!htin!#ro[ess and hZsical aearanceH this standin! in turn translates to food#share and breedin! ri!hts. ;ther races maZ vie[ the>abaZusE bodZ#cult as nothin! short of fascistic but for a >abaZu it is onlZ natural that the stron! and beautiful be !iven first share of the tribeEs meatand the best most fertile mates in this fashion both tribe and race are Xet in best ossible shae.6uvenile >abaZu are e/ected to Dshado[E the elder hunters learnin! their survival sXills throu!h observation and imitationH their rite of assa!e is to

    best their erst[hile teachers in ersonal combat or at least ut u a fi!ht resectable enou!h to assure their elder counterart that theZ are readZ totaXe on the ri!ours of the hunt alone. Such challen!es unctuate a >abaZuEs ro!ress [ithin their tribe time and a!ainH those [ho [ant leadershi musfi!ht hard for it and fi!ht even harder to retain it.Those [ho are too [eaX to meet the challen!es are almost universallZ shunned and maZ be driven out of the tribe entirelZ if other members of the

    ride feel the offendin! >abaZuEs [eaXness is a liabilitZ to the rideEs survival as a [hole. /cetions are made for the a!ed [ho fre:uentlZ becomeadvisors and teachersH older >abaZu [ho are no lon!er in a osition to defend their o[er [ill fre:uentlZ bo[ out voluntarilZ rather than risXin! thehumiliation of bein! defeated bZ a Zoun!er challen!er.f cometition [ithin the ride is fierce cometition bet[een rides is outri!ht brutalH each >abaZu tribe laZs claim to a ti!htlZ#defined territorZ anddefends it to the death. Thou!h alliances bet[een tribes are common such alle!iances are ever#shiftin! sometimes lastin! onlZ for the duration of asin!le hunt. Strate!ic intermarria!e for!es more lastin! bonds but is a rare occurrence involvin! much cometition bet[een the t[o !rous as bothtrZ to !au!e their counterartEs stren!thH no ride [ould consider ollutin! its bloodline bZ allo[in! it to min!le [ith those [eaXer than themselves.$ltruism is almost unheard ofH a tribe [hich finds itself in trouble neither asXs for nor e/ects assistance from others.The reli!ious asects of >abaZu life are va!ue and relativelZ rimitiveH the lion#mensE [orld is a sirit#haunted one dominated bZ !reat and invisibleforces. To them sirits are thin!s to be resected and fearedH thou!h a o[erful [arrior maZ attract o[ers from beZond the earthlZ veil such forcesare never deliberatelZ courted and famed for their ficXle natures. Tribal folXlore seaXs of daZs [hen [arriors ossessed the abilitZ of communicatin![ith native sirits bZ means of their hornH if such tales are true this Xno[led!e has nonetheless lon! since faded into obscuritZ.Ro&e*&aLing >abaZu [ho have e/erienced the harsh unfor!ivin! ubrin!in! of the nomadic rides tend to lace !reat imortance in dislaZs of

    stren!th and martial ro[ess and [ill !o throu!h over[helmin! len!ths to ensure their bodies are honed to face do[n anZ challen!e theZ maZencounter. $dventurin! arties [ho haen to icX u a >abaZu member [ill find them to be dedicated [arriors and honorable if uncomlicated combatants fiercelZ loZal to their char!es and friendsH at the same time theZ sho[ little atience for [eaXness or indecisive leadershi and can cause

    articular friction [ithin the !rou as a result. SimilarlZ the ever#resent fear of losin! face maZ sur them into taXin! on more than theZ can handleHfe[ >abaZu [ill [illin!lZ acXno[led!e their limits let alone act uon them.>abaZu have a hi!h natural bodZ temerature allo[in! them to thrive in colder climatesH other races find them unusuallZ [arm to the touchsometimes uncomfortablZ so. n [armer climates rodi!ious s[eat roduction Xees the lion#men from overheatin! resultin! in a o[erful musXZ

    bodZ#odor articularlZ reellant to[ards creatures [ith a finelZ#tuned sense of smell. Their horns are innatelZ sensitive to[ards ma!ical ener!ies andmaZ tremble or vibrate sli!htlZ in the resence of such forces.Thou!h theZ can learn to seaX $n!lic most >abaZu [ill do so in a !ruff clied manner [astin! as fe[ [ords as ossibleH Dstron! but silentEdescribes their attitude to[ards lan!ua!e to a tee. $ccordin!lZ >abaZu names are short rarelZ e/ceedin! t[o sZllables in len!thH tZical monicXersinclude Iiran Yam-i 8a-na $r!ai and Yev. $ >abaZuEs Dlast nameE is their tribal name and shared [ith all other members of their resective ride.

    !reimire (Former&L 1e8#mi) Smaller and sli!hter than humans Creimire trace their ancestrZ to rats and mice a fact made readilZ aarent bZ theihZsical aearanceH at first !lance an unXind observer [ould be temted to dismiss them as vermin [hoEve mastered the art of [alXin!

    uri!ht. Closer insection reveals a fe[ XeZ differences ho[ever. Creimire teeth are shar but lacX the elon!ated incisors so tZical ofmost rodentsH their sXin is smooth and almost entirelZ hairless and tends to[ards !raZ or bro[n in coloration. Thou!h retainin! the sensitivsnounts of their ancestors Creimire do not sort [hisXersH their ears are lar!e and uraised !ivin! them a certain rabbit#liXe air. n combattheZ are more liXelZ to relZ on hearin! than their comarativelZ oor eZesi!ht a fact that !ives them an ed!e in darX and confined :uarters.

    Mnusual too are the double#Fointed le!s and [ide feet caable of absorbin! tremendous Xinetic ener!ZH [ith trainin! a Creimire can lea distancesnearlZ three to four times hi!her and [ider than their human counterarts and survive substantial dros [ith almost no ill effects.

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,9 10 1' 1? P P

    n3ormaKes EssenciaisAltura Tpica: 15 1 m (macho U femea) Peso Tpico ' 9B X! (macho) U A9 PP X! (f*mea)Cabelos Comuns: >ouro marrom cin-a branco ne!ro Olhos Comuns: Cin-as verdes marromns

    Habitats: 3lorestas montanhas subsolo Longeidade: 50 0 anos

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    Sociedade Creimire are a hi!hlZ communitZ#oriented raceH to them ties of familZ nei!hborhood and settlement are stron!er than iron. ven inlar!er to[ns and cities Creimire [ill looX after a nei!hborEs children as if theZ [ere their o[n [ith the firm understandin! that said nei!hbor [oulddo the same for them. `oun! Creimire thus !ro[ u in a [ide net[orX of DauntsE and DunclesE manZ of [hich [ill continue to offer suort to thechild in his later Zears. eli!iouslZ the Creimire still hold bZ the same animistic nature#[orshi ractised bZ their ancestors the adherents of [hichfall into three !rous. Seniormost are the seers and oracles those trained to reco!nise the flo[ of the future in the movement of clouds and sand in thcZcle of the moon and sun in the health and sicXness of the land. >on! eriods of trainin! are re:uired to even divine from one such natural

    henomenonH as a result seershi tends to be fiercelZ secialised [ith each oracle staXin! out a claim to a !iven area of divination earlZ in theircareers. IZ tradition the onlZ ones allo[ed to infrin!e on this DterritorZE are the oracleEs o[n chosen successor and then onlZ for the duration of theirtrainin!H should the oracle die [ithout aointin! someone to relace them the eldest seer assumes control of their duties.The second and lar!est bodZ of ractitioners are the Creimire riesthood. The lot of the riest is a more do[n#to#earth oneH theirs is theresonsibilitZ of mediatin! communitZ disutes of advisin! Xin!s and leaders in times of strife. TheZ also serve as the communitZEs historians and

    cultural !uardiansH Creimire Xee little si!nificant [ritten historZ referrin! instead to ass such matters do[n in an oral fashion. ;nlZ throu!h ariestEs memorZ can a communitZ retain its linX [ith their ancestorsH for this reason theZ are subFect of much veneration. The third !rou is also theone encountered most fre:uentlZ in daZ#to#daZ Creimire life= bards and dancers. 2uch of the imortance Creimire culture laces on dance and son!can be traced bacX to ancient reli!ious rituals in raise of sun and nature manZ of [hich have been carefullZ reserved bZ the Creimire riesthood.;ver the !enerations ho[ever ne[ dances have been derived from the old ones re[orXin! the ma!ic [hich emo[ered circle ceremonies andsolstice celebrations into the demands and occasions of everZdaZ life. $t births such rituals ensure the ne[born a healthZ and roserous lifeH at[aXes and funerals a safe assa!e into the ne/t [orld. ven mere social dancin! derived from these rituals thou!h lacXin! in occult otencZ is animortant cement for the comle/ and cordial relationshis Creimire develoH such events usuallZ undertaXen to the accomaniment of ies or harform the hi!hli!ht of almost anZ social calendar.$s mi!ht be e/ected the three#tiered reli!ious sZstem creates a delicate sZstem of interdeendencies that re:uires all arties to [orX to!ether for thecommunitZEs benefit. The start of the so[in! season sees SXZ ;racles search the clouds for future si!ns of rain and drou!ht [hilst arth ;raclesmonitor the fertilitZ of the soilH once the daZs of lantin! have been established elaborate dislaZs of son! and dance aim to ensure a healthZ richcro in the comin! months. Similar !rou efforts marX the harvest season and oncomin! [inter.Ro&e*&aLing \hile !enerallZ friendlZ common Creimire tend to be forthri!ht and action#oriented a fact that has !iven them a reutation asimulsive u!ilistic creatures amon!st other races. TheZ have little atience for subterfu!e and double#talX seaXin! their mind [ith onlZ scantre!ard to the conse:uences. are too is the occasion [hich sees them bacX do[n from a challen!e even [hen the odds are stacXed a!ainst themHcometitions and !ames of sXill are a articular dra[. 3or their art riests and oracles are a little more aloofH in the case of riests the air ofindifference theZ carrZ about them is a vital art of their role in their communitZ indicatin! the absolute neutralitZ e/ected of a reliable arbiter andla[maXer.Those [ho can !et ast these initial hurdles [ill find the Creimire to be an accommodatin! and !re!arious raceH hositalitZ articularlZ to[ardsstran!ers is considered a social norm. \hile committed as fi!hters more rela/ed times sho[ them as fun#lovin! social and [rZlZ humorouscreatures fittin! readilZ into almost anZ artZ of adventurers.Smell laZs an imortant role in social interactionH to a Creimire a ersonEs odor can otentiallZ send as manZ messa!es as their aearance does ifnot moreso. $lthou!h no lon!er caable of roducin! the otent comle/ chemical si!nals of their animal ancestors manZ Creimire use erfumesand colo!nes to accomlish the same urose. Creimire seaX $n!lic [ith a mild accentH names tend to lean to[ards traditional n!lish and 8aelic.4ere are all the current 6ob [riteus. $s [ith all material listed on the \iXi board the contents are in beta and maZ be chan!ed at $@` time.


    ARCHERSince the first hunters invented the bo[ to hunt animals it :uicXlZ became one of the most rominent [eaons in the armies. ;ver the course ofhistorZ the bo[ evolved into more technolo!icallZ advanced forms such as crossbo[s and firearms. $s time ro!ressed and the hunters becamesoldiers those [ho mastered the bo[ became $rchers. $rchers can ran!e from bo[#[ieldin! infantrZ to rifle#[ieldin! sniers trained to erformlon!#ran!e assassinations deendin! on the era. arelZ [ould $rchers need to ut their o[n bodies on the line as fre:uentlZ as melee [arriors astheZ can fire and be [ell out of ran!e of most conventional counterattacX methods. 4avin! such an advanta!e comes at a rice thou!h= the number ofattacXs theZ can erform is limited to the amount of ammunition theZ are carrZin!.

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,L15 L10 L15 L10 L5 L5

    !ado de HP: d10 !ado de "P: @enhumArmas: Ioomeran!s $rcos Iestas ifles Armaduras: Iraceletes Chaus Coletes scudos#$nus de Ataque: L'0 Pontos de Percia: ?B0Pericias de A%inidade: Silvestres Pericias

    &ecess'rias:astrear Mma $rma

    S1PEThe $rcher Fob seciali-es in fi!htin! [ith virtuallZ anZ tZe of ran!ed [eaon throu!h sXill and a fe[ subtle tricXs. \ith such a [eaon at handtheZ can focus their [ill into their shots to increase their accuracZ crile enemies bZ aimin! for secific arts of their bodies and utili-e otherabilities that maXe them invaluable in anZ artZ.!?arge>evel 1TZe= Slo[ Tar!et= Sin!le $nother method $rchers use to increase the effectiveness of their assaults is simlZ bZ [aitin! for a erfect shot. Thelon!er theZ [ait the more dama!e theZ inflict. $s the $rcher increases in level he becomes more atient and recise [ith his assault char!in! lon!erand inflictin! a ercenta!e of additional dama!e.Table #= Char!e>evel "ama!e Ionus Char!e Time

    1 L?5% ??9 L50% 10B' L5% 1BAB L100% ?0

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    3or e/amle a shot that normallZ inflicts ?00 4, of dama!e [ill inflict '00 4, of dama!e [ith Char!e L50% at a char!e time of 10. $ll Char!edshots are reduced bZ the tar!ets $rmor.eg Aim>evel PTZe= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!leCarefullZ taXin! aim the $rcher fires off a shot at the enemZs le! trZin! to crile the vulnerable Foints there. There is a (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?))"efense chance that the enemZ [ill be inflicted [ith the status mmobili-e (B) due to the [ell#aimed striXe to the le!.Arm Aim>evel 15TZe= Slo[ (A) Tar!et= Sin!le$!ain aimin! [ith recision the $rcher this time fires at the enemZs arm. 8oin! for a shoulder elbo[ [rist or other critical Foint the $rchers intenis to dama!e the foes abilitZ to fi!ht and remove them from the battle. There is a (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?)) "efense chance that the tar!et is inflicted[ith "isable (B) because of the hit.

    ind"&oQ>evel ??TZe= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= Sin!leThe $rcher aims at the enemZs sXull and fires a concussion#inducin! shot. Since the $rchers intention [asnt to inflict cranial ain but to scrambletheir brains a little bit this $bilitZ inflicts 100% 2.$rmor 2, dama!e.oc $n>evel ?9TZe= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le;ne of the $rchers most o[erful abilities >ocX ;n uses trainin! and atience to find the erfect moment to attacX. The $rcher is able to tracX histar!et erfectlZ caable of landin! shots even in situations [here it [ould seem imossible. \hen usin! >ocX ;n the $rcher maXes a normal $ttacXaction. This attacX automaticallZ hits inflictin! normal dama!e taXin! $rmor into account. $lso anZ statuses [hich maZ be inflicted bZ the [eaonor anZ secial ammunition bein! used !ain a L'0% chance to taXe effect (unless the tar!et is mmune).Re2erse S?ot>evel 'ATZe= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= Sin!leMsin! dead#eZe aim and accumulated Xno[led!e the $rcher fires a shot [hich striXes the enemZs armor. The imact causes the enemZs o[n defenseto [orX for the $rcher inflictin! normal [eaon dama!e. 4o[ever instead of subtractin! the tar!ets $2 from the dama!e done that amount isadded.ArroQ '#ard>evel B'TZe= Suort$fter reeatedlZ bein! on the business end of ran!ed assaults the $rcher eventuallZ learns to be able to see incomin! an!ed assaults !ivin! himmore of a fi!htin! chance to dod!e that other[ise fatal shot. The $rcher is !ranted a "efense bonus e:ual to his >evel in re!ards to anZ an!ed attacXfocused solelZ on him. n this resect $rro[ 8uard does not !rant bonuses a!ainst anZthin! modified bZ 2. "efense or $bilities that tar!et 8rous,arties or the entire battlefield re!ardless of the assaults method of defense.ArroQ Rain>evel 50TZe= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= 8rou4arnessin! the o[er of the >ocX ;n sXill and lettin! loose [ith everZthin! hes !ot the $rcher can unleash a raid fire barra!e of attacXs to hisoonents. \hen usin! $rro[ ain the $rcher hits each tar!et in the enemZ !rou once automaticallZ striXin! the tar!et for normal dama!e. 3oreach individual tar!et ho[ever the $rcher maZ ot to use secial ammunition. $ different tZe of ammunition maZ be selected for each tar!et and ifanZ secial effects of that ammunition are alied as if $rro[ ain [ere a normal $ttacX action. $nZ secial ammunition chosen for $rro[ ain isconsumed as normal. rresective of the ammo used or the number of tar!ets each of the shots hits its desi!nated tar!et onlZ. 3or e/amle # [henfacin! do[n t[o Iombs an $damantoise and a 3lan the $rcher can select to use an ce $rro[ on each of the Iombs to do e/tra dama!e to them

    [hile usin! a Samurai $rro[ to unch throu!h the $damantoises e/tra#thicX shell better and a 2ute $rro[ to revent the 3lan from castin! furthersells. Total ammunition use for that articular use of $rro[ ain [as t[o ce $rro[s a Samurai $rro[ and a 2ute $rro[ all of [hich are removedfrom the $rchers inventorZ.Tri*&e Fo#&>evel 5TZe= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!le;ne of the $rchers ri-ed crilin! techni:ues the $rcher focuses on his shot for a fe[ moments then shoots. The shot divides off into threefra!ments each tar!etin! a different ortion of the bodZ. This attacX [ill inflict no dama!e ho[ever the $rcher simultaneouslZ inflicts the statusesConfusion (A) "isable (A) and Silence (A). ach of these effects has a (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?)) "efense chance of bein! inflicted. ach status ischecXed for searatelZ.!ontin#o#s S?ot>evel ABTZe= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= 8rouven the $rcher anics sometimesN n a Fam the $rcher maZ simlZ unload as manZ shots as theZ can not [orrZin! about [hom or [hat theZ hit.Iecause the $rcher is not concentratin! as he should each shot hits a random enemZ tar!et and !raduallZ loses accuracZ.The first shot automaticallZ hits the tar!et. The second shot has a flat 90% chance to hit i!norin! "efense. verZ subse:uent shot subtracts 10% fromthis number. Therefore the third shot has a flat P0% chance to hit the fourth has a flat 0% chance etc. $fter enou!h shots the CoS hits a minimum

    of 10%. The $rcher maZ continue to shoot until he misses the tar!et. ach shot inflicts normal [eaon dama!e and is reduced bZ $rmor.DRAGOON"ra!oons are [arriors [ho have been trained to mimic the actions of a dra!on bZ use of their internal ener!ies. \hereas most 6obs are !round#bound"ra!oons have the caabilitZ to lea unbelievable hei!hts earnin! a lace in le!ends as _those that flZ liXe a dra!on._ TheZ are also Xno[n forinvoXin! the sirits of dra!ons assistin! them in erformin! feats that maZ not necessarilZ comare to those of 2a!es and Summoners but areresectable in their o[n ri!ht.The "ra!oons are elite [arriors [ho have a reutation of comletin! even the most suicidal missions. ;ften theZ serve as soldiers ositioned [ithinan armZs cavalrZ or infantrZ but some "ra!oons maZ find it more feasible to hone the suernatural asect of their "ra!on arts outside the realm ofthe militarZ. n some re!ions the "ra!oon maZ be referred to as a "ra!on ^ni!ht often bein! one that lends his services to roZaltZ.

    3; &T $8 &> 2$8 S,L15 L1? L10 L10 LP L5

    !ado de HP: d10 !ado de "P: @enhumArmas: 2a/ados 3acas $rmas de 4aste sadas Armaduras: 2anolas lmos Cotas scudos

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    #$nus de Ataque: L'0 Pontos de Percia: ?B0Pericias de A%inidade: $rmas Pericias

    &ecess'rias:$crobacias Mma $rma

    DRA'$1The fundamentals of the "ra!oons trainin! come from the studZ of the o[ers of dra!ons. \ith their e/tensive trainin! in both !round and aerialcombat "ra!oons are caable of usin! their "ra!on arts to launch attacXs from the sXies as [ell as lendin! their suort on the !round./#m*>evel 1TZe= Secial Tar!et= Sin!le

    Throu!h lon! ractice the "ra!oon is caable of Fumin! hi!h into the air and comin! do[n [ith fri!htenin! force. This $bilitZ actuallZ re:uires t[o3ast $ctions to erform= the first $ction is used to lea hi!h into the stratoshere often out of lain vie[ from the !round remainin! there until the"ra!oons second $ction [hich is used to land on the enemZ striXin! [ith his [eaon at the same time. "esite the time needed the attacX inflicts?00% $rmor [eaon dama!e. The second action haens on the "ra!oons rolled turn # no [aitin! or delaZin! to land on a later initiative.ancer>evel PTZe= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!lenvoXin! the o[ers of the ed "ra!on the "ra!oon enchants his [eaon [ith a blood red !lo[. 4e then attacXs the enemZ inflictin! 1?5% $rmor[eaon dama!e in 4, and ?5% [eaon dama!e in 2,. The dama!e to the tar!ets 2, i!nores $rmor [hen bein! calculated.Lrmi&&er>evel 15TZe= Suort3rom the intense trainin! of the "ra!oon his mind thinXs in the same mode of a dra!on. n combat a!ainst dra!onXind the "ra!oon is e/tremelZdeadlZ bein! able to anticiate a dra!ons movements and find their [eaXest oints [ith ease. \ith this abilitZ the "ra!oon !ains the inherent abilitZ"ra!on ^iller and does double dama!e to anZ "ra!on#tZe monster [hen maXin! an $ttacX action.!?errL B&ossom>evel ??TZe= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= 8rouThe "ra!oon thro[s his [eaon to[ards the center of the enemZ area [hich e/lodes into a barra!e of cherrZ blossoms that sread out and slash allenemies reeatedlZ for 5% $rmor [eaon dama!e.Reis ind>evel ?9TZe= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= ,artZThe "ra!oon invoXes the o[ers of eis the 4olZ "ra!on. 4er sirit embraces the artZ slo[lZ healin! all [ounds !rantin! the e!en Status (B).Dragon S*irit>evel 'ATZe= eactionMon !ainin! this abilitZ the "ra!oon can call forth the sirit of the "ra!on of >ife to come to his aid uon bein! inFured. f the "ra!oon is inFured bZan action there is a flat '0% chance of the "ra!oon instantlZ bein! !ranted the eraise Status. @ote that "ra!on Sirit can onlZ be invoXed once er

    battle re!ardless of ho[ manZ times the "ra!oon is reduced to 0 4, and revived.?ite DraQ>evel B'TZe= Slo[ (1B) Tar!et= SecialThe "ra!oon calls forth the o[ers of the \hite "ra!on. ts sirit surrounds a sin!le enemZ sihonin! 2, e:ual to the "ra!oons [eaon dama!eless the tar!ets 2.$rmor. The sirit then flies around the artZ dividin! the ool of 2, evenlZ bet[een all the "ra!oons 2,#usin! allies.

    PoQer /#m*>evel 50TZe= Secial Tar!et= 8rou$n advanced version of the standard "ra!oons 6um this re:uires three Slo[ $ctions each $ction re:uirin! a #1A nitiative ,enaltZ. ;n the first$ction the "ra!oon leas hi!h into the air noticeablZ hi!her than a standard "ra!oon 6um. ;n the second $ction [hile still in the air the "ra!oon!enerates !olden ener!Z versions of his [eaon hurlin! them as roFectiles to[ard the enemZ !rou for 150% dama!e modified bZ 2$8 and theenemZs 2. $rmor instead of ST and $rmor. 3or e/amle usin! a ,artisan [hich normallZ inflicts (15 / ST) L Bd1? $rmor dama!e [ith ,o[er6um the dama!e to the enemZ !rou is no[ ((15 / 2$8) L Bd1?) / 1.5 2. $rmor. The "ra!oon [ill remain in the air until the third $ction in[hich he [ill a!ain launch ener!Z versions of his [eaon to[ards the enemies a!ain inflictin! 150% [eaon dama!e modified bZ 2$8 and 2.$rmor. ;n the same $ction immediatelZ follo[in! this final aerial assault he [ill land on the center tar!et for ?00% [eaon dama!e modified bZST and $rmor.Dragon Breat?>evel 5TZe= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!leThe "ra!oon calls forth the o[ers of a t[o#headed dra!on in [hich the heads rest on the "ra!oons shoulders. The dra!ons breathe out a divine misthat en!ulfs the enemZ doublin! the amount of ain theZ have received on a CoS of (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?)) 2."efense. 3or e/amle if the enemZhas alreadZ taXen '00 4, of dama!e the mist inflicts another '00 4, of dama!e. Mnder no circumstances can "ra!on Ireath inflict more than 999

    4, of dama!e. This abilitZ i!nores $rmor [hen calculatin! dama!e.Dragon 0orn>evel ABTZe= Secial Tar!et= 8rouThis is the ultimate version of the "ra!oon 6um named after the reeated striXin! attacXs of a dra!on usin! its horn to destroZ its reZ. This versionof 6um re:uires t[o Slo[ $ctions each $ction re:uirin! a #?0 nitiative ,enaltZ. ;n the first $ction the "ra!oon Fums hi!h in the air readZin! his[eaon for the ne/t $ction to bounce off the landin!. \hen the "ra!oon lands on the second $ction he [ill land on his tar!et bounce off his[eaon bacX into the air a short distance and land on a random enemZ tar!et [ith his [eaon. The initial imact is !uaranteed but roll 1dP todetermine the number of times the "ra!oon [ill bounce u and land additional hits= 1= once ?#B= t[ice 5#= three times and P= four times. The initiallandin! inflicts ?00% $rmor [eaon dama!eH ho[ever since the "ra!oon does not have as much of a vertical fall to aid the dama!e of the bouncesthese additional attacXs onlZ inflict 5% $rmor [eaon dama!e each.FIGHTER

    The 3i!hter is a combatant [ithout roots or restrictions [ith incarnations ran!in! from !ri--led soldiers and mercenaries to [anderin! adventurersand their ilX. \here other [arriors send their lives erfectin! a sin!le techni:ue or honin! their talents in a articular tZe of [eaon the 3i!hters

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    trainin! !round is the battlefieldH their sXills those mastered bZ virtue of necessitZ and ra[ survival. Thou!h their attacXs lacX the finesse and flash oftheir comatriots reetoire an e/erienced 3i!hter is nonetheless a formidable resence in anZ combat situation.ST &T $8 S," 2$8 S,

    L15 L15 L10 L10 L5 L5eresentatives= 3i!hter 6ob (33 33) \arrior 6ob (33) S:uire 6ob (33T) Soldier 6ob (33T$) 8ladiator 6ob (33T$)4, "ie= d1?2, "ie= nUa\eaons= $/es 3lails nives ,olearms 8loves ods Staves S[ords 8reats[ords >i!ht S[ords Io[s @inFa ^nives S[allo[s Ioomeran!sCrossbo[s Thro[in! \eaons$rmor= 8auntlets 4elmets 2ail Shields$ttacX Ionus= L'0

    SXill ,oints= ?B0SXill $titude= \eaone:uired SXills= ntimidation ;ne \eaon SXill


    The 3i!hters forte lies not in their trainin! but in their e/erienceH rather than committin! themselves to a articular [eaon or combat stZle theZadFust their techni:ues to the demands of the battle resondin! and reactin! accordin! to the circumstances at hand.Secial note= [hile [eaon abilities are cancelled out bZ most\arrior abilities ($rchers locX#on is an e/amle of an e/cetion) everZ sin!le one ofthe 3i!hters offensive abilities usin! [eaon dama!e continue to maXe use of their [eaon abilities.ig?tL Strie>evel 1TZe= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!leConcentratin! on a sin!le oonent the 3i!hter !athers their stren!th rearin! to char!e for a sin!le all#or#nothin! blo[ in the hoes of striXin!some [eaX oint on his tar!et ## a rent in the armor a loose scale a vulnerable underbellZ. oll for 2i!htZ StriXe as Zou [ould for a normal $ttacX$ctionH the 3i!hters $ttacX% is reduced bZ half after modifZin! for "efense. Thus a 3i!hter [ith an $ttacX% of 1P0 attacXin! a tar!et [ith "3 '0[ould onlZ have a 5% chance to hit [hen usin! 2i!htZ StriXe. Should the attacX be successful it inflicts ?00% $rmor [eaon dama!e to the tar!et$nZ secial effects of the [eaon used alZ to the attacX as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action. f the [eaon has the abilitZ CriticalL orCriticalLL the CoS for 2i!htZ StriXe is increased bZ 10 or ?0 oints resectivelZ and the CoS is increased bZ 5 or 10 oints if the 3i!hter has theSi!nature \eaon advanta!e resective of the ' and 5 oint versions. ;nlZ the lar!est one of these bonuses is alied ho[ever. f the 3i!hter is[ieldin! t[o [eaons onlZ one of the 3i!hters choice can be used to e/ecute 2i!htZ StriXe [ith.T?ird ELe>evel PTZe= 3astTo survive in a fi!ht the 3i!hter must sometimes move instinctivelZ to avoid harm. TaXin! a moment to focus his concentration the 3i!hter [ill !ain

    better a[areness of the area around himself and be able to evade attacXs [ithout Xno[in! it. $fter usin! Third Ze the ne/t hZsical attacX that[ould normallZ hit the 3i!hter [ill instead miss no matter the success roll. This effect lasts for a duration of (?) after the 3i!hter uses Third Ze oruntil one attacX is dod!ed. Mntil such haens the 3i!hter maZ not use Third Ze a!ain.Scream>evel 15TZe= 3ast3ocusin! all his o[er and internal reserves of ener!Z the 3i!hter !athers his stren!th. Then [ith a ear#shatterin! battlecrZ the 3i!hter releases theener!Z !ivin! himself the statuses ,o[er M (B) and $!ilitZ M (B).O#ic 0it>evel ??

    TZe= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!leStriXin! out and focusin! on seed rather than o[er the 3i!hter leas to the attacX. \ith a sin!le s[ie the 3i!hter inflicts 5% [eaon dama!e[ith anZ secial effects of the [eaon added on to the attacX as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action. $fter erformin! RuicX 4it the 3i!hterreceives a bonus of LP to his ne/t initiative roll. This bonus can onlZ be alied once to a turn and multile uses of RuicX 4it [ill not conveZ addedinitiative bonuses.Do#"&e !#t>evel ?9TZe= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!len a fla[less dislaZ of seed stren!th and accuracZ the 3i!hter delivers a devastatin! double attacX a!ainst a sin!le oonent. The tar!et isautomaticallZ hit bZ t[o attacXs for normal [eaon dama!e each time. $dditionallZ anZ secial effects of the [eaon used alZ to the attacX as ifthis abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action. f the 3i!hter is [ieldin! t[o [eaons onlZ one of the 3i!hters choice can be used to e/ecute "ouble Cut[ith.First Strie>evel 'ATZe= Suort$ trained 3i!hter learns to reare themselves for combat at anZ and everZ oortunitZH accordin!lZ [hen the time for battle arrives the 3i!hter isal[aZs amon!st the first to striXe a blo[. 3irst StriXe allo[s a 3i!hter to al[aZs act durin! the ,reemtive ound even if no other combatant is

    entitled to do soH beZond this the 3i!hter must roll for nitiative as normal.Bonecr#s?er>evel B'TZe= eactionThou!h slo[ to rovoXe the 3i!hters refle/es leave them caable of retaliatin! a!ainst incautious oonents [ith bone#shatterin! force. \heneverthe 3i!hter is hit for hZscial dama!e resolve dama!e and then maXe a ercentile roll. Ionecrusher has a CoS of (>evelU') L $8% of allo[in! the3i!hter to maXe an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst the enemZ [ho strucX the blo[ inflictin! 150% $rmor dama!e if successful. oll to hit asnormal.S&as?A&&>evel 50TZe= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= 8rou8atherin! their chi the 3i!hter dissolves into a blur of movement circlin! around their oonents to rain blo[s from everZ side and an!le striXin!each enemZ [ith a sin!le [ell#laced attacX. $ll enemies are hit for 100% $rmor [eaon dama!e. $dditionallZ anZ secial effects of the [eaonused alZ to the attacX as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action [ith Tar!et= 8rou instead of Tar!et= Sin!le. f the 3i!hter is [ieldin! t[o[eaons onlZ one of the 3i!hters choice can be used to e/ecute Slash#$ll [ith.

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    Fina& Attac>evel 5TZe= eactionven on the ver!e of defeat do[n but not out is the 3i!hters [atch[ord. e!ardless of ho[ !rievous their inFuries are the 3i!hter al[aZs hasenou!h ener!Z for one last blo[ before theZ !o do[n oftentimes nastilZ surrisin! oonents [ho thou!ht the 3i!hter to be out of commission. \henreduced to 0 or fe[er 4, bZ an attacX the 3i!hter can taXe one more $ction before fallin!H resolve the effects of this $ction immediatelZ even if it[ould normallZ re:uire an nitiative ,enaltZ on the 3i!hters art. @ote that durin! the effects of this action the 3i!hter is considered to be at 0 4,and alreadZ fallen # a ,otion [ould fail to Xee the 3i!hter alive so a ,hoeni/ "o[n [ould be re:uired to maintain the 3i!hter at 1 4,.Finis?ing To#c?>evel ABTZe= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= Sin!le8atherin! all remainin! reserves of ener!Z the 3i!hter srin!s for[ard to deliver a sin!le crilin! attacX en!ulfin! their oonent in a chaotice/losion of uncontrolled chi ener!Z. 3inishin! Touch has a CdS de 50 L @vel L ($8 / ?)% "ef. 2!ica to instantlZ reduce the tar!et to 0 4,

    re!ardless of their current 4, score and $rmor ratin! # treat this as a "eath#tZe Status Condition for uroses of calculatin! mmunities. Should thisfail the 3i!hter still has a CoS of 50 L >evel L ($8 / ?) % 2."efense of inflictin! the status conditions Stone (M) and Sto (B) on the tar!et. ollsearatelZ for each Status Condition.


    ST &T $8 S," 2$8 S,L15 L15 L10 L10 L5 L5eresentatives= ^ni!ht 6ob (33 33& 33T) >eo (33&) Steiner (33) $uron (33) Soldier 6ob (33T$)4, "ie= d102, "ie= nUa\eaons= $/es S[ords 8reats[ords 3lails 8loves nives ,olearms$rmor= 8auntlets 4elmets 2ail Shields$ttacX Ionus= L'0SXill ,oints= ?B0SXill $titude= \eaon SXillse:uired SXills= Command ;ne \eaon SXillS$RD ARTin#s Strie>evel 1TZe= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!le,art of a ^ni!hts trainin! is the [illin!ness to fi!ht to the bitter end and to stand stron! even [hen it seems hoeless. This techni:ue holds to thatharnessin! the ^ni!hts o[n [ounds to inFure the enemZ. 4arnessin! his o[n vital life ener!Z the ^ni!ht !athers o[er in his [eaon and slashes atthe victim causin! a blast of o[er to rise u and ri throu!h the tar!et. \hen 2inus StriXe is erformed it deals one enemZ dama!e e:ual to thedifference bet[een the ^ni!hts ma/imum 4, and current 4,. Thus a ^ni!ht [ith onlZ 5A of his ossible 1?0 4, [ill do AB 4, dama!e to theirtar!et. "ama!e from this attacX is not modified bZ the tar!ets $rmor ratin!.Armor Brea>evel PTZe= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le^eZ to inflictin! !reat dama!e to an oonent is not onlZ to hit hard but to maXe Zour tar!ets defenses [eaXer. \ith a sin!le o[erful blo[ the^ni!ht has a (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?)) "efense chance of shatterin! the victims armor and render them defenseless inflictin! $rmor IreaX (A).enta& Brea>evel 15TZe= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le

    \hile the ^ni!ht is a master of hZsical combat manZ of the ^ni!hts allies are more o[erful in the [aZs of ma!ic. To assist them in combat the^ni!ht has learned ho[ to devastate mZstical defenses as [ell as hZsical ones. ;n a (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?)) "efense chance the ^ni!ht caninflict 2ental IreaX (A) to a tar!et.PoQer Brea>evel ??TZe= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!leThe best defense is often times is to revent the enemZ from striXin! at all. StriXin! at an oonents [eaon the ^ni!ht has a (50% L >evel L ($8 /?)) "efense chance to breaX the enemZs offensive caabilities inflictin! ,o[er IreaX (A).agic Brea>evel ?9TZe= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le

    @ot all oonents relZ on hZsical attacXs to do dama!e. n order to halt an offensive the ^ni!ht must also learn ho[ to handle ma!ic as [ell as steelTaXin! a s[in! at the tar!ets head the ^ni!ht has a (50% L >evel L ($8 / ?)) "efense chance of inflictin! 2a!ic IreaX (A).T?#nder S&as?>evel 'ATZe= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= Sin!leThe ^ni!ht focuses all his ra!e into one [ide arced slash [hich sends a barra!e of cracXlin! ener!Z forth inflictin! 150% $rmor Thunder lementadama!e to one enemZ.

    !&im?a88ard>evel B'TZe= Slo[ (1B) Tar!et= 8rouThe ^ni!ht brandishes his [eaon in a threatenin! manner before slashin! throu!h the air sendin! a [ave of ener!Z at all enemies inflictin! 1?5%2.$rmor @on#lemental dama!e.ai Strie>evel 50TZe= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= Sin!leThe ^ni!ht rears bacX and hits the enemZ [ith one massive all#or#nothin! blo[ [ith all their mi!ht [hich has a flat '0% chance of instantlZ Xillin!anZ oonent (undead and boss#tZe oonents are immune to this attacX). f the tar!et is not instantlZ Xilled the residual force of the blo[ inflicts100% $rmor hZsical dama!e.S?oc>evel 5TZe= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= 8rouThe ^ni!ht holds his [eaon to the sXZ usin! it as a rod to direct a straZ bolt of ener!Z into the sXZ. This tri!!ers a sudden rain of destructive boltsdealin! 150% $rmor hZsical dama!e to the entire enemZ artZ.

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    Stoc Brea>evel ABTZe= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= 8rouThe ^ni!ht focuses all his accumulated Xno[led!e into a sin!le brutal blo[. Char!in! for[ard the ^ni!ht striXes once in the midst of the enemZsendin! a o[erful shocX[ave out[ards. ach enemZ has a (50% L >evel L ($8 / ?)) "efense chance of bein! inflicted [ith $rmor IreaX (A)2ental IreaX (A) ,o[er IreaX (A) and 2a!ic IreaX (A). oll onlZ once er tar!et # either all statuses are inflicted or none are.


    Sometimes referred to as IlacX Ielt the 2onX is master of the [orlds unarmed combat stZlesH a tou!h u!nacious combatant formed bZ Zears ofhard e/ercise and ri!orous trainin!. MnliXe other [arriors 2onXs esche[ the use of [eaons entirelZ instead choosin! to [reaX havoc on theiroonents [ith feet fists and anZ other art of their bodZ theZ can thro[ into an attacXH their control over their internal ener!ies is no less absolutethan that over their bodies. 4o[ever these talents re:uire the 2onX to remain almost entirelZ unencumbered to the e/tent of maXin! heavZ armormore of a hindrance than a benefitH an e/erienced 2onX thus learns to relZ on their o[n a!ilitZ and fortitude more than anZ iece of rotective !ear.

    There are other tradeoffs as [ellH the 2onXs hermetic lifestZle [ith its emhasis on simle livin! and a re!imen of demandin! reetitive e/ercisestaXes its toll on the Zoun! and imatientH onlZ one in ten trainees ever ascends to the coveted ranX of ^arateXa and masterhood [ith it. The maForitZ

    breaX off their education [ith onlZ a handful of Xata under their belts cullin! the numbers of [ould#be 2onXs more effectivelZ than anZ foe couldhoe to.ST &T $8 S," 2$8 S,

    L15 L15 L LP L10 L5eresentatives= IlacX Ielt (33) ^arateXa 6ob (33) `an! (33&) Sabin (33&) Tifa >ocXheart (33&) Yell "incht (33&) 2onX 6ob (3333& 33T)4it "ie= d1?2, "ie= nUa\eaons= Cla[s 3lails and 8loves$rmor= $rm[ear 4ats Suits$ttacX Ionus= L'0SXill ,oints= ?B0SXill $titude= \eaone:uired SXills= $crobatics ;ne \eaon SXillP41!0 ART$s a master of unarmed combat the 2onXs bodZ is as dan!erous a [eaon as anZ s[ord or sell combinin! crilin! bare#handed blo[ssectacular ener!Z attacXs and siritual disciline to devastatin! effect. ,unch $rt maZ be used in conFunction [ith anZ dA or dP [eaon that the2onX [eilds. 4o[ever if the 2onX is caable of [eildin! a d10 or d1? [eaon ,unch $rt maZ not be used [ith that [eaon.artia& Arts>evel 1TZe= Suortn anZ other rofessions trainin! hand#to#hand fi!htin! is a matter of last resortH resectable in a bar#bra[l but of little use a!ainst the thicX hide ofthe avera!e monster. 2onXs ho[ever are tau!ht to relZ on their fists from daZ one over time honin! their roficiencZ to the oint [here even asimle unch can become a force to be recXoned [ith. 2artial $rts allo[s a 2onX to striXe t[ice [hen maXin! an $ttacX $ction a!ainst a tar!et [itha sin!le 3lail or a set of Cla[s or 8lovesH calculate dama!e as if the 2onX had made t[o searate attacXs rollin! to hit for each.P#nc? R#s?>evel 1TZe= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!leThe 2onX attacXs a sin!le tar!et [ith a flurrZ of raid#fire unches fists movin! faster than the eZe can follo[ to inflict 150% $rmor dama!e.

    eteor Strie>evel PTZe= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!len an imressive dislaZ of stren!th the 2onX forcefullZ lifts an oonent above their head before violentlZ sule/in! them into the !round inflictin!150% $rmor dama!e in the rocess. n addition the force of 2eteor StriXes imact has a CoS of (50 L >evel L ($8 / ?))% "efense of inflictin!the Status Condition Confuse (B) on the tar!et.Eart? S&as?>evel 15TZe= Slo[ (A) Tar!et= 8rouThe 2onX !athers their chi releasin! the accumulated ener!ies in a [ave of !olden ener!Z [hich sur!es alon! the !round before erutin! in a sho[erof rocXs and debris inflictin! (10 / 2$8) L 'dA 2.$rmor arth lemental dama!e to all tar!ets.!o#nter>evel ??TZe= eaction2ovin! [ith suerior seed the 2onX is able to marshall their o[ers to maXe a devastatin! counterattacX. \henever the 2onX is successfullZ hit bZ

    hZsical dama!e resolve the dama!e and then maXe a ,ercentile oll. Counter has a CoS of (>evelU? L $8/?)% of allo[in! the 2onX to maXean immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst the enemZ [ho strucX the blo[H roll to hit as normal.A#ra Bo&t>evel ?9

    TZe= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!leThe 2onX fires a o[erful beam of blue#[hite ener!Z from their alms cuttin! into the tar!et for (19 / 2$8) L 5dP 2. $rmor 4olZ lementaldama!e.Fire Dance>evel 'ATZe= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= 8rou\ith a comle/ Xata the 2onX creates an e/losive release of chi ener!Z sendin! lines of fire scorin! across the battlefield to inflict (1 / 2$8) LBdP 2. $rmor 3ire lemental dama!e on all enemies.S*ira&er>evel B'TZe= 3ast Tar!et= ,artZn a [hirl of life force the 2onX converts their o[n vital essences into a healin! [ave [hich sur!es over the artZ revitalisin! and restorin!. Siralerrestores 4, to the 2onXs allies at the e/ense of the 2onXs o[nH the 2onX must declare ho[ much of their 4, theZ [ish to sacrifice [hen the$bilitZ is used. educe the 2onXs 4, bZ the aroriate amount and then consult the table belo[ to see ho[ much 4, the 2onXs allies re!ain inturn.Table B#1= Siraler ffects

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    2onXs &T 4, estored er 1 4, Sacrificed5#9 ?10#1B '15#19 B?0#?B 5?5#?9 A'0 3or e/amle a 2onX [ith &T ?? sacrificin! a total of B0 4, throu!h Siraler [ould restore ?00 4, to all allies.Air S&as?>evel 50TZe= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= 8rouThe 2onX be!ins to sin on the sot char!in! u their chi to release a series of of crescent#shaed air blasts [hich cut into the enemZ inflictin!. (?1

    / 2$8) L Bd10 2. $rmor \ind lemental dama!e to all tar!ets.Demi S?oc>evel 5TZe= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!leThe 2onX be!ins to char!e a shere of crushin! !ravitational ener!Z bet[een their hands ourin! in more and more o[er before finallZ hurlin! the

    roFectile at their oonents. "emi ShocX has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)% 2. "efense to instantlZ dra[ a[aZ 50% of the tar!ets current 4,re!ardless of ho[ much 4, the tar!et currentlZ ossesses "emi ShocX [ill never taXe a[aZ more than 999 4,. This is a 8ravitZ#tZe effect.1o ercL>evel ABTZe= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= Sin!leThrou!h intensive concentration the 2onX transcends the limitations of their o[n bodZ in a sin!le burst of chi seemin! to be in four laces at once atheZ mercilesslZ ummel the tar!et [ith barra!e of unches and XicXs inflictin! '00% $rmor dama!e in the rocess. "ama!e from this abilitZ is notrestricted bZ the dama!e ca and breaXs the dama!e limit meanin! that it is allo[ed to surass 999 dama!e.


    Samurai are tradition#bound [arriors [ith a mZstical bentH thou!h their firm code of chivalrZ leads to inevitable comarisons [ith their brothers#in#arms the ^ni!hts [here the ^ni!ht relies on brute force the Samurais true o[er stems from their suernatural allies. ;n their o[n a Samurai is aversatile combatantH thou!h manZ Samurai are also trained in the arts of mounted combat and archerZ able to en!a!e their oonents u close as [ellas at a distance their [eaon of choice is the Xatana.SXilled s[ordsmen the secret of the Samurais success [ith their [eaon of choice lies in its constructionH the metal of the Xatana entras a naturesirit or Xami bound to the [eaon durin! the for!in! rocess. >earnin! ho[ to free these imrisoned sirits in order to channel their ener!ies into anattacX is an inte!ral and lon!#[inded art of the Samurais trainin!H those Samurai [ho distin!uish themselves throu!h their accomlishments in battl[ill eventuallZ learn to e/and this talent into harnessin! the o[er of free#roamin! Xami of earth and the elements into ever#more devastatin! effects$ fe[ have even !one beZond this movin! bare#footed over laXes on cushions of [ater sirits or travellin! throu!h the bitterest cold cloaXed bZ fireXamiH such masterZ ho[ever is onlZ seen on the rarest of occasions.ST &T $8 S," 2$8 S,

    L1' L1? L10 L10 L10 L5eresentatives= $uron (33) Samurai 6ob (33& 33T 33#? 33)4, "ie= d102, "ie= nUa\eaons= atana S[ords nives$rmor= 8auntlets 4elmets 2ail

    $ttacX Ionus= L'0SXill ,oints= ?B0SXill $titude= \eaone:uired SXills= ;ne \eaon SXillB4S0D$>iterallZ translatin! to the ath of the brave [arrior the Samurais code of martial conduct is one [hich stresses braverZ honor and self#disciline inas [ell as out of battle.DraQ $#t>evel 1TZe= Slo[ (&ariable) Tar!et= &aries$ Samurai maZ call on a ^atanas resident sirit for assistance at anZ oint in battle # rovided theZ have the desired ^atana to hand. ach ^atana hasits o[n uni:ue effectH consult the table belo[ for the relevant details.4o[ever this talent is not [ithout its rice ## each time "ra[ ;ut is used on a ^atana there is a ('0 L "ra[ ;ut atin!) # Samurais >evel)% CoSthat the sirit inside the ^atana [ill be e/hausted after the use of the "ra[ ;ut. $s a result the Samurai is inflicted [ith the status Curse (B) i!norin!anZ immunities to the status. $ ,ercentile oll must be made immediatelZ after the effects of the "ra[ ;ut have been calculatedH these !o throu!hre!ardless of [hether or not the ^atana is e/hausted. This CoS maZ never be lo[er than 10% re!ardless of the Samurais current >evel.

    Table B#?= "ra[ ;ut ffects@ame TZe atin! Tar!etffect$shura Slo[ (?) 1 8rou$ series of !hostlZ s[ords materiali-e slashin! at all enemies for (? / 2$8) L ?dA 2. $rmor @on#lemental "ama!e.;borotsuXi Slo[ (?) 1 Sin!leThe [orld seems to darXen as the Samurai roels a !lo[in! silver shere of ener!Z at the tar!et for (B / 2$8) L ?dA 2. $rmor @on#lementaldama!e has a '0% flat chance to cause the status condition Ilind (B).^otetsu Slo[ (B) 5 8rou$ chillin! banshee#ho[l enetrates all enemies for (B / 2$8) L 'dA 2. $rmor @on#lemental "ama!e.2outsuru!i Slo[ (B) 5 Sin!le$ series of !host striXe out at the enemZ to form the XanFi for the [ord _3uin_ (Seal). The Samurai has a 50L>&>L(2$8/?) 2"3% chance toinflict 2a!ic IreaX (A).@amaXura Slo[ (A) 10 Sin!le

  • 8/13/2019 FFRPS 3 Edio.doc


    $ [arm calm [ind be!ins to blo[ !rantin! the e!en Status Condition (A).2uXademeru Slo[ (A) 10 Sin!leThe area is lit !reen as strin!s of li!ht assault the tar!et for (P / 2$8) L BdA 2. $rmor dama!e and form a siders [eb. There is also a '0% chanceto cause the status condition ,oison (M).chimonFi Slo[ (P) 1P 8rou$n unearthlZ [hiser removes (1? / 2$8) L BdA 2. $rmor 2, from all oonents.aiXoumaru Slo[ (P) 1P 8rou,otent li!htnin! bolts striXe the enemies for (1? / 2$8) L BdA 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e.Ii-ens ,ride Slo[ (10) ?B Sin!le$ ethereal crane taXes fli!ht inflictin! the 4aste Status Condition (A).;niXiri Slo[ (10) ?B Sin!le

    $n ethereal lion char!es from the blade causin! (15 / 2$8) L 5dA 2. $rmor non#elemental dama!e.2urasame Slo[ (1?) '5 ,artZ$ [eein! sirit aears restorin! (15 / 2$8) L 5dA 4, to all allies.Xu-atachi Slo[ (1?) '5 8rou$n an!rZ s[arm of red and blue emer!e from the ^atana riin! into the enemies for (1A / 2$8) L 5dA 2. $rmor @on#lemental dama!e.^iZomori Slo[ (1B) BB ,artZ$n armZ of sectral soldiers aears !rantin! the Shell (A) and ,rotect (A) Status Conditions to all allies.6ZuroXusaXura Slo[ (1B) BB Sin!leIlacXness surrounds the tar!et as "eath aears. The tar!et has a '0% chance to be reduced to -ero 4,. f unsuccessful the "ra[ ;ut causes (19 /2$8) L BdP 2. $rmor @on#lemental dama!e.4eavens Cloud Slo[ (1A) 50 8rou$ screamin! sirit char!es at the enemZ for (?B / 2$8) L BdP 2. $rmor @on#lemental "ama!e.^a!eshibari Slo[ (1A) 50 Sin!le3ive !hosts circle the enemZ [ith ethereal fire causin! (? / 2$8) L Bd10 2. $rmor @on#lemental dama!e and has a '0% chance to cause Sto(B).Shiranui Slo[ (1P) 55 Sin!lentan!ible cherrZ#blossoms s[irl around the tar!et drainin! out ('0 / 2$8) L Bd10 2. $rmor @on#lemental dama!e.Chaos Ilade Slo[ (1P) 55 8rou$ temest of !hosts emer!e from the ^atana [ith a '0% chance of causin! each of the follo[in! status conditions= Ilind (A) ,oison (M) Confusion(A) and Slo[ (A). oll searatelZ for each condition.2asamune Slo[ (?0) A0 8rou$ confla!ration of blue flames bla-es the enemZ for ('5 / 2$8) L Bd10 2. $rmor @on#lemental "ama!e.8enFi Ilade Slo[ (?0) A0 ,artZ8old li!ht surrounds the artZ !rantin! the status conditions 4aste (A) and e!en (A).So#& B&ade>evel 1TZe= Slo[ (&ariable) Tar!et= Sin!leIZ temerin! the o[er of the blades sirit a Samurai Xno[s ho[ to release the ener!Z traed in their ^atana in short steadZ bursts to inflict Statusailments on their foes. $s [ith "ra[ ;ut each blades sirit has its o[n o[erH the Status Conditions listed belo[ have a CoS of 50 L >evel L2$8/?)% 2. "efense of affectin! the chosen tar!et.

    Table B#1= Soul Ilade ffects^atana TZe atin! ffect$shura Slo[ (?) 1 IerserX (A);borotsuXi Slo[ (?) 1 Ilind (A)^otetsu Slo[ (') 5 Confusion (A)2outsuru!i Slo[ (') 5 Sirit "o[n (A)@amaXura Slo[ (5) 10 Slee (A)2uXademeru Slo[ (5) 10 ,oison (M)chimonFi Slo[ () 1P Silence (A)aiXoumaru Slo[ () 1P \eaXness= >i!htnin! (B)Ii-ens ,ride Slo[ (