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  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote


    Villaceran, Ruth Klaribelle C.BSED 2

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote

    Full title:The

    Ingenious Gentleman

    Don Quixote of La


    Spanish title:El

    ingenioso hidalgo don

    Quijote de la Mancha

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote

    Author: Miguel de Cervantes

    Culture: Spanish

    Date: early 17th c.

    Genre: satirical novel

    Names/terms to know: DonQuixote, Sancho Panza,Dulcinea, Sansn Carrasco,Marcela, Grisstomo,

    chivalry & pastoralism

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Key Facts

    full title The Adventures of DonQuixote

    author Miguel de CervantesSaavedra

    type of work Novel

    genre Parody; comedy; romance;

    morality novel language Spanish

    time and place written Spain;late sixteenth and early seventeenthcenturies

    date of first publication The

    First Part, 1605; the SecondPart, 1615

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Key Facts

    narrator Cervantes, who claims to be translating the earlier work ofCide Hamete Benengeli, a Moor who supposedly chronicled the true

    historical adventures of Don Quixote

    point of view Cervantes narrates most of the novels action in the third

    person, following Don Quixotes actions and only occasionally entering

    into the thoughts of his characters. He switches into the first person,however, whenever he discusses the novel itself or Benengelis original


    tone Cervantes maintains an ironic distance from the characters and

    events in the novel, discussing them at times with mock seriousness.

    tense Past, with some moments of present tense

    setting (time) 1614

    setting (place) Spain

    protagonist Don Quixote

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Key Facts

    major conflict The First Part: Don Quixote sets out with Sancho Panzaon a life of chivalric adventures in a world no longer governed by chivalric

    values; the priest attempts to bring Don Quixote home and cure his

    madness. The Second Part: Don Quixote continues his adventures with

    Sancho, and Sampson Carrasco and the priest conspire to bring Don

    Quixote home by vanquishing him.rising action The First Part: Don Quixote wanders Spain and encounters

    many strange adventures before the priest finds him doing penance in the

    Sierra Morena. The Second Part: Don Quixote wanders Spain and has many

    adventures, especially under the watch of a haughty Duke and Duchess.

    climax The First Part: Don Quixote and the priest meet in the Sierra

    Morena, and Dorothea begs for Don Quixote to help her avenge her stolen

    kingdom. The Second Part: Sampson, disguised as the Knight of the White

    Moon, defeats Don Quixote.

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    Don Quixote: Key Facts

    falling action The First Part: the priest and the barber take Don Quixotehome in a cage, and Don Quixote resigns himself to the fact that he isenchanted. The Second Part: Don Quixote returns home after his defeat andresolves to give up knight-errantry.

    themes Perspective and narration; incompatible systems of morality; the

    distinction between class and worth motifs Honor; romance; literature

    symbols Books and manuscripts; horses; inns

    foreshadowing Cervantess declaration at the end of the First Part thatthere will be a second part and that Don Quixote will die in it, coupled withthe nieces and the housekeepers fear that Don Quixote will run away

    again, hints at Don Quixotes fate in the Second Part.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote

    Cervantes combines several genres into one.

    His initial purpose: to satirize the romances ofchivalry, to create a parody of a literary type

    characterized by supernatural deeds of valor,implausible & complicated adventures, duels,and enchantments.

    The novel was popular immediately.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Characters

    Don Quixote - The novels tragicomic hero. Don Quixotes main quest inlife is to revive knight-errantry in a world devoid of chivalric virtues andvalues. He believes only what he chooses to believe and sees the worldvery differently from most people. Honest, dignified, proud, and idealistic,he wants to save the world. As intelligent as he is mad, Don Quixote startsout as an absurd and isolated figure and ends up as a pitiable and lovable

    old man whose strength and wisdom have failed him. Sancho Panza - The peasant laborergreedy but kind, faithful but

    cowardlywhom Don Quixote takes as his squire. A representation of thecommon man, Sancho is a foil to Don Quixote and virtually every othercharacter in the novel. His proverb-ridden peasants wisdom and self-sacrificing Christian behavior prove to be the novels most insightful and

    honorable worldview. He has an awestruck love for Don Quixote but growsself-confident and saucy, ending the novel by advising his master in mattersof deep personal philosophy.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Characters

    Rocinante - Don Quixotes barn horse. Rocinante is slow but faithful, andhe is as worn out as Don Quixote is.

    Dapple - Sanchos donkey. Dapples disappearance and reappearance isthe subject of much controversy both within the story and within theliterary criticism concerningDon Quixote.

    Cide Hamete Benengeli

    - The fictional writer of Moorish decent fromwhose manuscripts Cervantes supposedly translates the novel. Cervantesuses the figure of Benengeli to comment on the ideas of authorship andliterature explored in the novel and to critique historians. Benengelisopinions, bound in his so-called historical text, show his contempt for thosewho write about chivalry falsely and with embellishment.

    Dulcinea del Toboso - The unseen force driving all of Don Quixotes

    adventures. Dulcinea, a peasant woman whom Don Quixote envisions ashis ladylove, has no knowledge of his chivalric dedication to her. Thoughconstantly mentioned and centrally important to the novel, she neverappears as a physical character.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Characters

    Cervantes - The supposed translator of Benengelis historical novel, whointerjects his opinions into the novel at key times. Cervantes intentionallycreates the impression that he did not invent the character of Don Quixote.Like Benengeli, Cervantes is not physically present but is a characternonetheless. In his prologues, dedications, and invention of Benengeli,Cervantes enhances the self-referential nature of the novel and forces us to

    think about literatures purpose and limitations. The Duke and Duchess - The cruel and haughty contrivers of the

    adventures that occupy Don Quixote for the majority of the novels SecondPart. Bored and snobby, the Duke and Duchess feign interest in DonQuixote and Sancho but continually play pranks on them for their personalentertainment. The Duke and Duchess spend so much money and effort on

    their ploys that they seem as mad as Don Quixote. Altisidora - The Duchesss bratty maid. Altisidora pretends to love DonQuixote, mocking his concept of romantic love.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Characters

    Sampson Carrasco - A sarcastic student from Don Quixotes village.Sampson mocks Don Quixote at first but loses to him in combat and thendedicates himself to revenge. Self-important and stuffy, Sampson fails tograsp the often playful nature of Don Quixotes madness.

    The priest - A friend of Don Quixotes. The priest disapproves of fictionalbooks that, in his opinion, negatively influence society. Nonetheless, he

    enjoys tales of chivalry so much that he cannot throw them away.Moreover, despite his social conscience, he enjoys Don Quixotes madnessat times.

    The barber - Don Quixotes friend who recognizes Quixotes madnessbut intervenes only to help the priest carry out his plans. The barberstrenuously disapproves of Don Quixotes chivalry.

    Teresa Panza - Sanchos good-hearted wife. Teresa speaks in proverbs,exhibiting more wisdom than most other characters. Unambitious but a bitgreedy, she endures Sanchos exploits and supports him with her prayers.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Characters

    Cardenio - An honorable man who is driven mad by the infidelities of hiswife, Lucinda, and the treachery of a duke, Ferdinand. Cardenio is thequintessential romantic lover.

    Lucinda - Cardenios wife. Silent and beautiful, Lucinda is a model of thecourtly woman. Docile and innocent, she obliges her parents and her lover.

    Ferdinand - An arrogant young duke who steals Lucinda from Cardeniowith no remorse.

    Dorothea - Ferdinands faithful and persistent love. Dorothea floutstradition to hunt down Ferdinand when he takes her chastity but refuses tomarry her. Deceptive and cunning, smart and aggressive, Dorothea is notthe typical female character of her time.

    Countess Trifaldi - A fictitious maidservant in distress who isimpersonated by the Dukes steward. The countesss sob story sends DonQuixote and Sancho off on their expedition on the wooden horse. She ismore ridiculous and fantastic than anyone except Don Quixote.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote: Characters

    Gines de Pasamonte - An ungrateful galley slave whom Don Quixotefrees. Gines appears mostly for comic relief, but his justifications for hiscrimes force us to be more critical of Don Quixotes justificationsfor his crimes.

    Roque Guinart - A chivalrous bandit. Inherently conflicted, Roquebelieves in justice and generosity but kills an underling who challenges himfor being so generous to others.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote

    The story starts out simplyenough. After reading a greatmany chivalric taleshaving

    sold much of his land toobtain the booksa 50-year-old gentleman of La Manchaloses his reason. The world

    of disorderly notions flooded

    his imagination.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Don Quixote

    Having lost his understanding, Don Quixotethrows himself into the romantic adventure ofknight-errantry. He prepares himself for his

    adventure by gathering: Sancho Panza, asquire (formerly his neighbor); Rozinante, atrusty steed (a worn-out horse); and Dulcineade Tobosa, his lady (a poor girl, who doesn't

    even know Don Quixote exists).

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    The story continues with Don

    Quixote facing repeatedmisadventures,

    as he courts disaster.

  • 8/2/2019 EN10 Don Quixote


    Thank you!

