eddy michael pedro domingues aplicação em pilhas de

Universidade de Aveiro Ano 2014 Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais e Cerâmica Eddy Michael Pedro Domingues Organossílicas com Mesoporosidade para Aplicação em Pilhas de Combustível Mesoporous Organosilicas for Application in Fuel Cells

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Universidade de Aveiro

Ano 2014

Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais e Cerâmica

Eddy Michael Pedro Domingues

Organossílicas com Mesoporosidade para Aplicação em Pilhas de Combustível Mesoporous Organosilicas for Application in Fuel Cells

Universidade de Aveiro

Ano 2014

Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais e Cerâmica

Eddy Michael Pedro Domingues

Organossílicas com Mesoporosidade para Aplicação em Pilhas de Combustível Mesoporous Organosilicas for Application in Fuel Cells

Tese apresentada à Universidade de Aveiro para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Filipe Miguel Henriques Lebre Ramos Figueiredo, Investigador Principal do Centro de Investigação em Materiais Cerâmicos e Compósitos da Universidade de Aveiro, e da Doutora Paula Celeste da Silva Ferreira, Investigadora Principal do Centro de Investigação em Materiais Cerâmicos e Compósitos da Universidade de Aveiro.

Trabalho realizado com o apoio financeiro dos projectos PTDC/CTM–CER/109843/2009, PTDC/QUI–QUI/113678/2009 e Pest-C/CTM/LA0011/2013.

Trabalho realizado com o apoio da FCT sob a forma de bolsa individual de doutoramento com a referência SFRH/BD/48043/2008.

Para ti Pedro

o júri

presidente Prof. Doutor João Manuel Nunes Torrão professor catedrático da Universidade de Aveiro

Prof.ª Doutora Verónica Cortés Zea Bermudez

professora catedrática da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Prof. Doutor Jorge Ribeiro Frade professor catedrático da Universidade de Aveiro

Doutora Carmen Mireya Rangel Archila investigadora coordenadora do Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia

Prof.ª Doutora Alexandra Rodrigues Pinto professora associada da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Doutor Filipe Miguel Henriques Lebre Ramos Figueiredo investigador principal da Universidade de Aveiro

Prof.ª Doutora Maria de Deus Corceiro de Carvalho professora auxiliar da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Doutora Paula Celeste da Silva Ferreira investigadora principal da Universidade de Aveiro


Em primeiro lugar quero agradecer à FCT pelo financiamento desta grande viagem de aprendizagem e crescimento, sem o qual não estaria a escrever estas palavras. À Universidade de Aveiro e ao CICECO, pela cedência dos espaços, instalações e aparelhos para o desenvolvimento do meu trabalho. Ao meu orientador Filipe, com quem comecei a trabalhar com uma BIC em 2007, sempre disponível para esclarecer (e duvidar também), ensinar e persistir, nunca deixando na mão e sempre com espírito de equipa. Obrigado por acreditar! À minha orientadora Paula, pelo apoio e esclarecimento, pelas conversas e discussões, de trabalho ou não, e pelos valiosos ensinamentos. Ao LACCO (Universidade de Poitiers) e em especial ao Nicolas Bion pela cedência do espaço e equipamento e pela excelente colaboração. Ao meu pessoal do CICECO, aos que estão e aos que já estiveram, pelo apoio e colaboração, pelo companheirismo, os risos e as conversas parvas (nem sempre!) na cantina ou de volta de um café. A descontracção e alegria que proporcionam aliviam as tensões do dia-a-dia e ajudaram a aligeirar todo este processo. Ao meu pessoal da FCUL, já se passaram alguns anos desde que deixamos os cadernos na sala do aquário e as cartas da sueca na esplanada do C5, mas formou-se um núcleo duro cujas ligações persistem e espero contar convosco até ser velhinho! Ao pessoal de Pombal e em particular ao pessoal e “entourage” da nossa famigerada banda punk rock/psicadélico de putos revoltosos, existem amizades de base que o tempo nunca poderá apagar! Rock on! À nossa “família emprestada” que migrou também para Aveiro, Andreia, Vítor (e a Ritinha claro) e o Flávio, pelo carinho e apoio e pela sua reconfortante presença. Às duas pessoas que me fizeram pessoa, que sempre me proporcionaram a educação, a atenção, o incondicional Amor e carinho e tudo o que sempre precisei para estar aqui hoje, olhando-me sempre orgulhosamente. Obrigado Mãe! Obrigado Pai! À minha vó Maria, minha mãe duas vezes, por ser quem ela é! Ao Lopes, pela amizade, apoio e disponibilidade para ajudar. Ao meu mano Heitor, tás a ficar velho pá! Não preciso descrever a importância que tens para mim! À Sónia, minha mana por afiliação, e à minha linda sobrinha e afilhada Maria só vos digo… que saudades! À minha linda esposa e companheira, namorada e amiga, co-arquitecta do nosso projecto-família, pelo caminho que temos percorrido e quero percorrer, quero-te sempre ao meu lado! AMO-TE profundamente! Pedro, meu pequeno homenzinho, minha mini-pessoa mais linda do mundo, dedico-te esta tese. Tens e terás sempre um lugar cativo, na primeiríssima fila, no âmago do meu ser. Tu és luz na nossa vida, um raio de alegria e maravilhamento. Espero que um dia leias estas palavras e que te façam sorrir! ADORO-TE!


Mesoporoso, Organossílica, Condutividade Protónica, Nafion®, Compósito


O objectivo desta dissertação é o de avaliar o potencial de organossílicas mesoporosas periódicas (Ph-PMO) como aditivos para membranas poliméricas de pilhas de combustível, visando um melhor desempenho a baixa humidade relativa (h.r. < 50%) e/ou temperaturas altas (T > 120 ºC). A estrutura dos Ph-PMO mimetiza a do Nafion®, apresentando semelhante tamanho de poro (3 nm) e distância entre grupos ácido (0.8 nm), mas com uma estrutura estável e rígida que reduz o efeito de confinamento protónico à superfície do poro, que ocorre no Nafion®. Este efeito pode potencialmente traduzir-se num aumento da condutividade protónica em condições anidras, para além de melhorar o comportamento visco-elástico. Foram sintetizados Ph-PMO com grupos ácido sulfónico (S-Ph-PMO) e ácido fosfónico (P-Ph-PMO), com características estruturais e microestruturais distintas. A condutividade dos dois tipos de Ph-PMO aumenta com o aumento da área superficial específica e da h.r., confirmando o papel central da superfície e da água de hidratação no transporte protónico. A maior acidez dos S-Ph-PMO resulta em valores de condutividade superiores, da ordem de 0.1 S∙cm

-1 a 94 ºC e 98% de h.r. Os

resultados obtidos com uma série de S-Ph-PMO com diferentes concentrações de grupos funcionais, área superficial específica e ordem estrutural, preparados por reacção hidrotermal em micro-ondas, mostram que a condutividade aumenta com o aumento da concentração de grupos ácidos, não sendo, no entanto, correlacionável com a ordem estrutural. Foram seleccionadas várias amostras de S-Ph-PMO para preparar membranas compósitas à base de Nafion®, avaliando as suas propriedades visco-elásticas e de transporte protónico. Para a membrana com cerca de 36 vol.% de aditivos, o efeito de volume dos aditivos é evidenciado por um módulo de armazenamento (E’) até 10 vezes superior ao do Nafion® puro. O efeito dos aditivos faz-se também sentir na diminuição da dilatação das membranas por absorção de água até 30%, devido à dilatação virtualmente nula dos aditivos. O aumento do E’ e diminuição da dilatação podem vir a ser cruciais para a melhoria da estabilidade termo-mecânica das membranas e da interface eléctrodo/electrólito. A condutividade das membranas compósitas é menos dependente da h.r. e da T, podendo ser até 1 ordem de grandeza superior à condutividade do Nafion® puro a 40 ºC e 20% de h.r. As diferenças são menos significativas a alta h.r., atingindo o valor máximo de 0.2 S∙cm

-1 a 94 ºC e 98 %

h.r. No entanto, contrariamente ao efeito de volume no E’ e na dilatação, a condutividade máxima foi atingida numa membrana com 20 vol.% de aditivos. Verifica-se que a condutividade das membranas tende a aumentar ligeiramente com o aumento da área superficial e da concentração de grupos ácido dos aditivos, sendo o efeito da ordem estrutural muito pouco visível. O aumento da condutividade das membranas compósitas, a baixa h.r., pode ser interpretado considerando a redução do confinamento protónico e, à medida que a h.r. aumenta, assumindo um efeito de superfície, no qual a presença dos aditivos provoca a ruptura de uma estrutura rígida que se forma à superfície da membrana de Nafion®, libertando a pressão interna e facilitando o acesso da água ao interior da membrana e desse modo aumentando a condutividade.


Mesoporous, Organosilica, Proton Conductivity, Nafion®, Composite


The objective of this thesis is to assess the potential of acid-functionalized periodic mesoporous organosilicas (Ph-PMO) as fillers for the polymer membrane in polymer electrolyte fuel cells, aiming at improved performance under low relative humidity (r.h.<50%) and/or high temperature (T >120 °C) operation conditions. Ph-PMOs mimic the structure of Nafion®, presenting a similar acid load distributed on pores with similar width (3 nm) and with similar distance between acid sites (0.8 nm), but on a stable, rigid structure preventing the proton confinement to the pore surface that occurs in Nafion®. This offers potentially high protonic conductivity under dry conditions, in addition to improved visco-elastic behaviour. Two protogenic groups based on sulfonic (S-Ph-PMO) and phosphonic (P-Ph-PMO) acids were used to functionalize Ph-PMOs with variable structural and microstructural features. The conductivity of both types of Ph-PMOs increases with increasing specific surface area and r.h., confirming the surface nature of the protonic transport and the key role of the hydration water on the protonic transport. The strongest acid character of S-Ph-PMOs leads to a much higher conductivity, attaining values of up to ~0.1 S∙cm


at 94 °C and 98% r.h. Results obtained for a series of S-Ph-PMO samples with variable acid loadings, surface area and structural order, prepared by a microwave hydrothermal reaction, show that the conductivity increases with increasing acid loading, whereas no clear correlation can be established with structural order parameters. S-Ph-PMOs were selected for the preparation of composite Nafion® membranes and their transport and visco-elastic properties evaluated. The bulk effect of the fillers is demonstrated by a 10 fold increase of the storage modulus (E’) at 140 °C of composite membranes with up to 36 vol.% S-Ph-PMO, in comparison with pure Nafion®. The effect of fillers on the bulk properties is also apparent on the swelling under saturated conditions,

which is reduced by 30% with addition of 36 vol.% of fillers, indicating virtually zero swelling of the fillers. These improvements may be crucial to increase the thermo-mechanical stability of the membrane and of the electrode/electrolyte interface. The conductivity of the composite membranes is less dependent on r.h. and temperature, and can be up to 1 order of magnitude higher than for pure Nafion®, at 20% r.h. and 40 °C. Differences are smaller at high r.h., with the highest conductivity of 0.2 S∙cm

-1 achieved at 94 °C and 98% r.h. However,

and as opposed to the bulk effects on E’ and swelling, a conductivity maximum is observed for the membranes with 20 vol.% of fillers. The use of different fillers in a series of 20 vol.% composite membranes showed that there is a slight increase of the membrane conductivity with increasing acid load and surface area of the fillers, however no direct correlation could be drawn for the structural properties. The increased conductivity at low r.h. can be interpreted considering a reduction of the proton confinement in the rigid pores of the fillers and, as the r.h. increases, by assuming a surface effect, where the presence of the mesoporous fillers disrupts the “skin-like” structure that forms at the surface of Nafion®, releasing the internal pressure and hence facilitating the access of the hydration water to the bulk of the membrane.



Figure 1.1. Schematic representation of Grove’s gaseous voltaic battery (reproduced from[10]). ............4

Figure 1.2. A) Types of Fuel Cells and specific electrode reactions. B) Schematic representation of a fuel

cell stack. Adapted from[11]. C) Schematic representation of one side of a membrane

electrode assembly. Adapted from[15]. .............................................................................6

Figure 1.3. Scheme of the chemical structure of Nafion® with the sulfonic acid tip solvated by water. ...9

Figure 1.4. Schematic representation of the cluster-network model for Nafion® in the hydrated state.

Adapted from[20]. .......................................................................................................... 12

Figure 1.5. Scheme of the microstructure of Nafion® for intermediate water content. Adapted from[28].

...................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 1.6. Scheme of Nafion® morphology according to the parallel water-channel model: A)

transversal and cross section view of an inverted micelle cylinder; B) Parallel packing of

inverted micelles cylinders; C) Cross section of the membrane showing the water channels

in white, the crystallite in black and the amorphous Nafion® matrix in grey. .................. 15

Figure 1.7. Schematic representation of the anisotropic dry “skin” formation in Nafion®. A) at low r.h.,

B) as the hydration level increases the anisotropic “skin” tends to form (dotted region) and

C) the internal pressure is released when the surface “skin” is opened by contact with

liquid water. Adapted from[33]. ..................................................................................... 16

Figure 1.8. Scheme of the proton transport between adjacent charged sites in Nafion®. Adapted

from[37]. ........................................................................................................................ 17

Figure 1.9. Schematic representation of the Grotthuss proton hopping mechanism. Star symbols

represent the forming and breaking of hydrogen bonds. Adapted from[37]. ..................... 18

Figure 1.10. Schematic representation of the proton conduction by vehicular mechanism. Adapted

from[37]. ........................................................................................................................ 19

Figure 1.11. A) Representation of a single pore of a PEM used in simulation studies performed by

Eikerling et al.[52] and B) of the pore size and relative permittivity distribution inside

Nafion® as a function of the hydration level.[38]............................................................ 21

Figure 1.12. Molecular structures of popular non-fluorinated PEM materials. The lower-case “s” stands

for sulfonated.[19] .......................................................................................................... 24


Figure 1.13. Proton hopping mechanism for acid doped PBI membranes.Adapted from[64]. ...............26

Figure 1.14. Representation of the A) true liquid-crystal template mechanism and B) cooperative self-

assembly mechanism for the formation of mesoporous silica materials. Adapted from[78].


Figure 1.15. TEM images and diffraction patterns of the Ph-PMO in which it is possible to see: A) the

hexagonal array of the pores; B) the molecular scale periodicity in the pore wall; and C is a

schematic representation of the particle microstructure.[89] ............................................31

Figure 1.16. Scheme of the functionalization of PMS and PMO by co-condensation (top) and grafting

(bottom). Adapted from[79] and[118]. ............................................................................32

Figure 1.17. Synthetic route and schematic representation of sulfonic acid functionalized Ph-PMO

particles synthesized via A ) grafting and B) co-condensation. Adapted from[140]. .........33

Figure 2.1. Representation of some of the atomic planes and their d-spacings in a simple cubic crystal

(left) and Miller indices of atomic planes in a simple cubic crystal (right). Adapted from

ref[232]. .........................................................................................................................59

Figure 2.2. Schematic representation of the hexagonal arrangement of pores and the molecular scale

periodicity of the pore walls of Ph-PMO. Adapted from[89]. ..........................................60

Figure 2.3. Typical isotherm adsorption (full)/desorption (dashed) curve for mesoporous materials

(IUPAC isothermal sorption curve of type IV). Adapted from[233].................................61

Figure 2.4. Schematic representation of the applied stress wave (full line) and strain response (dotted

line) of the real material, in a fixed frequency experiment. Adapted from[247]. ...............67

Figure 2.5. Impedance plotted as a planar vector. Adapted from[255]..................................................74

Figure 2.6. Representation of the impedance spectrum of an R1C1-R2C2 equivalent circuit. ..................75

Figure 2.7. Representation of the semi-circle depression affecting the impedance of the electrolyte. .....76

Figure 2.8. Schematic representation and photograph of the tip of the used in this work in the A) TP

and B) IP configurations. C) photograph of the entire sample-holder and D) schematic

representation of the sample-holder, portraying the inner Pt wires connected to the device

under test to the right and to the co-axial cable to the left, which are then connected to the

impedance analyser. Cables I and I0 are twisted around each other to minimize the stray

capacitance Cs.co-ax. ..........................................................................................................78


Figure 2.9. Typical impedance spectra for powder compacts and membranes in TP and IP

configuration. ................................................................................................................. 80

Figure 2.10. Climatic chamber apparatus for EIS measurements as a function of temperature and r.h. 83

Figure 2.11. Setup for the EIS automatic data acquisition system, using the ACS climatic chamber. .... 84

Figure 3.1. XRD diffractograms of a) S-Ph-PMO, b) P-Ph-PMO (P123) and c) P-Ph-PMO (SHS)

samples. ......................................................................................................................... 88

Figure 3.2. 13C and 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra for sample A) S-C2M3ext and B) S-C2M3ox. Peaks

indicated as * in D are spinning side-bands. .................................................................... 90

Figure 3.3. 13C and 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra for sample A) P20%-P123 and C) P20%-SHS. 31P

HPDEC NMR spectra for sample B) P20%-P123 acidified for 2h and 24h and D) P20%-

SHS acidified for 2h. Peaks marked with in C are relative to silicone grease used in the

synthesis of the precursors.[265,266] Peaks indicated as * in D are spinning side-bands. . 91

Figure 3.4. N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms collected at -196 °C for the acid-functionalised

materials: A) S-Ph-PMO-SO3H, B) P-Ph-PMO-P123 and C) P-Ph-PMO-SHS samples.

Empty symbols represent the adsorption data while full symbols represent the desorption

data. The insets show the respective pore size distribution. ............................................. 92

Figure 3.5. TEM micrographs of samples: A) S-MS2M3, B) S-C24M3, C) P10%-SHS and D) P20%-

P123. ............................................................................................................................. 94

Figure 3.6. EIS spectra collected at 80 ºC showing the evolution of the shape with increasing r.h. for

several representative samples: A) S-C24M3, B) P10%-P123 and C) P20%-SHS (obtained

with a test signal amlpitude of 0.1 V). D) shows spectra for P-10%-P123 at 98% r.h. with

variable test signal amplitude (numbers represent powers of 10 of frequency in Hz). ....... 95

Figure 3.7. Arrhenius plots of the conductivity of several samples tested in the preliminary study,

measured with increasing temperature at 98% r.h: A) S-Ph-PMO; B) P-Ph-PMO-P123; C)

P-Ph-PMO-SHS. ............................................................................................................ 97

Figure 3.8. Influence of r.h. on the conductivity of ) S-C24M3, ) S-C2M3, ) P10%-P123, )

P20%-SHS and ) no-acid. Lines are for visual guidance. .............................................. 99

Figure 3.9. FTIR spectra of sample S-C12M3 and S-C24C24 before (as) and after (ext) surfactant

extraction. The vanishing peaks after extraction are ascribed to the -CH2- of the alkyl chain

of the surfactant. .......................................................................................................... 102


Figure 3.10. Evolution of [H+] as a function of self-assembly time: () conventional stirring (open

symbols and dotted symbols are for samples with 3 h and 5 h of hydrothermal treatment,

respectively). () MW stirring (all samples where hydrothermally treated in MW for 3 h).

.................................................................................................................................... 104

Figure 3.11. XRD diffractograms for the several oxidized S-Ph-PMO samples: A) conventional heating

and control samples; B) samples with MW heating in the hydrothermal step and C)

samples fully synthesized using MW energy. The triangles identify the pore order

reflection (100) and circles denote the (001) molecular scale periodicity. ....................... 105

Figure 3.12. Evolution of the A) and B) I(001) as a function of self-assembly time: () conventional

stirring (open symbols and dotted symbols are for samples with 3 h and 5 h of

hydrothermal treatment, respectively). () MW stirring (all samples where

hydrothermally treated in MW for 3 h). ........................................................................ 107

Figure 3.13. N2 adsortion/desorption isotherms collected at -196 °C of the several S-Ph-PMO and

control samples. Insets in each graph represent the pore size distribution. ..................... 108

Figure 3.14. Evolution of the pore volume as a function of the specific surface area. .......................... 109

Figure 3.15. TEM images of samples A) no-acid, B) no surf, C) S-C2M3, D) S-C24C24 E) S-MS2M3

and F) S-C12M5. .......................................................................................................... 110

Figure 3.16. SEM micrographs of samples: A, B) S-C2M3; C, D) S-MS2M3; E) S-C24M3 and F) S-

C24C24. ....................................................................................................................... 112

Figure 3.17. 29Si CP-MAS (left) and 13C CP-MAS (right) solid state NMR spectra of representative

samples of the S-Ph-PMO family. ................................................................................. 113

Figure 3.18. TGA (full lines) and derivative (dashed lines) curves for sample A) S-C2M3 and B) S-

MS2M3 in air (black) and N2 (grey) atmospheres. DSC curves in air (black lines) and N2

(grey lines) for sample C) S-C2M3 and D) S-MS2M3. The heat flow was normalized by

the weight of he sample. ............................................................................................... 115

Figure 3.19. Evolution of W with increasing [H+] and pore volume. .................................................. 116

Figure 3.20. Matrices of the original time constants (V) and correspondent simulated values (Rs)

obtained using the parameter matrix (P). The matrix on the right contains the fractional

difference of the simulations with respect to the measured values. ................................. 118

Figure 3.21. 3D plots of the evolution of simulated values of: A) [H+]; B) and C) I(001) as a function of

self-assembly time and hydrothermal treatment time for both self-assembly types (MS in


red and C in blue). The dashed lines are projections of the surface edges (values of higher

self-assembly time) on the parameter/hydrothermal time plane. ................................... 119

Figure 3.22. EIS spectra for several representative samples showing the evolution of the shape of the

impedance spectra with increasing r.h. at A) 40 ºC (no-acid), B) 60 ºC (S-MS4M3) and C)

100 ºC (S-C2M3). Please consider Fig. 3.6 A for sample S-C24M3 at 80 ºC. D) Influence

of test signal amplitude on the shape of the impedance spectra for sample S-C2M3 at 60°C

and 60% r.h. (numbers represent powers of 10 of frequency in Hz). .............................. 122

Figure 3.23. Arrhenius plots of several S-Ph-PMO representative samples as a function of r.h. Lines are

for visual guidance. Relative humidity: ) 20%, ) 40%, ) 60%, ) 80% and ) 98%.

The dashed lines are for our Nafion® reference, in the same conditions. ....................... 124

Figure 3.24. Evolution of conductivity as a function of r.h., at different temperatures, for some

representative S-Ph-PMO samples. Lines are for visual guidance. Temperatures: ) 40

ºC, ) 60 ºC, ) 80 ºC, ) 94 ºC and ) 100 ºC. The dashed lines are for our Nafion®

reference, in the same conditions. ................................................................................. 126

Figure 3.25. Graphical representation of log vs log r.h. at different isothermal conditions. ) 40 ºC,

) 60 ºC, ) 80 ºC and ) 94-100ºC. .......................................................................... 128

Figure 3.26. Representation of ln (2/(pH2O)g)T vs. the reciprocal temperature for several representative

samples and different r.h. conditions. ) 20 % r.h., ) 40 % r.h., ) 60% r.h., ) 80 %

and ) 98-100 % r.h. ................................................................................................... 130

Figure 3.27. Protonic conductivity as a function of SBET measured at 94 and 40 °C combined with 40%

and 98% r.h. conditions. Full symbols correspond to samples with similar [H+] within the

range 0.46-0.63 mmol∙g-1. ............................................................................................. 131

Figure 3.28. ASC as a function of A) [H+], B) and C) I(001). Full symbols identify samples with similar

[H+] within the range of 0.46 to 0.63 mmol∙g-1. ............................................................. 132

Figure 3.29. ASC represented as a function of A) a0, B) pore volume and C) average pore size. Full

symbols identify samples with similar [H+] within the range of 0.46 to 0.63 mmol∙g-1. ... 134

Figure 3.30. ASC at 40 ºC and 98% r.h. plotted as a fucntion of W for the S-Ph-PMO samples. Full

symbols are for samples with [H+] in the range 0.46-0.63 mmol∙g-1. ............................... 135

Figure 3.31. Activation energy for the protonic conductivity measured at 98% r.h. plotted as a function

of A) [H+] and B) ASC ................................................................................................. 136

Figure 3.32. Evolution of ASC as a function of enthalpy of solvation. ............................................... 137


Figure 3.33. Comparison of the protonic conductivity (at 98% r.h.) of S-Ph-PMOs synthesized by co-

condensation () in this thesis and literature data for samples obtained........................ 138

Figure 3.34. SEM micrographs of the cross-section and respective EDS mapping of A) S-C24M3-5%

and B) S-C24C24-10%. C) cross section of plain Nafion® membranes. D) top and E)

bottom views of S-C24M3-10% composite membrane. ................................................. 140

Figure 3.35. Nyquist plots for several representative membranes showing the evolution of the shape of

the impedance spectra with increasing r.h. taken in the TP configuration at A) 40 ºC (S-

MS2M3-5%), B) 60 ºC (Nafion®), C) 80 ºC (S-C24M3-10%) and D) 94 ºC (S-MS2M3-

10%). ........................................................................................................................... 144

Figure 3.36. Nyquist plots collected at 80 °C and different r.h., for various membranes. A) 20% r.h., B)

40% r.h., C) 60% r.h., D) 80% r.h. and E) 98% r.h., obtained using the TP configuration.

Numbers represent powers of 10 of frequency in Hz. .................................................... 145

Figure 3.37. Nyquist plots for several representative membrane showing the evolution of the shape of

the impedance spectra with increasing r.h. taken in the IP configuration at A) 40 ºC (S-

MS2M3-10%), B) 60 ºC (S-C24C24-10%), C) 80 ºC (S-C12M3-10%) and D) 94 ºC (S-

C48C24-10%). .............................................................................................................. 146

Figure 3.38. Arrhenius plots of membranes with various types of fillers as a function of r.h.) Nafion®;

) no-acid-10%; ) no surf-10%; ) S-MS2M3-10% ) S-C24C24-10% ) S-C48C24-

10% ) S-C12M3-10% ) S-C24M3-10%. The grey areas represent the conductivity

range for pure Nafion® found in the literature, for the same

conditions.[228,258,271,276,279,280,287-296] ............................................................. 147

Figure 3.39. Conductivity of composite membrane S-C24M3-10% measured at 60 °C upon increasing

(absorption) and decreasing (desorption) of the r.h........................................................ 148

Figure 3.40. Influence of the membranes A) [H+], B) and C) W on their own conductivity (at 40 ºC for

membranes with 10 wt.% of fillers). .............................................................................. 149

Figure 3.41. Evolution of W and [H+] of the membranes (10 wt.% fillers) as a function of the filler

properties A) [H+] and B) SBET. Values inside the dotted oval shapes are for composite

membranes no-acid-10% and no surf-10%. ................................................................... 151

Figure 3.42. Evolution of the protonic conductivity of several 10 wt. % composite membranes as a

function of the S-Ph-PMO fillers characteristics A) [H+], B) and C) I(001). .................... 152


Figure 3.43. Swelling expressed as the fractional increase of the thickness of membranes equilibrated

under different temperature (-94 ºC and -40 ºC at 98 % r.h). The reference value was

obtained with the membrane exposed to 20% r.h. at 40 °C. ........................................... 154

Figure 3.44. SEM micrographs and respective Si EDS mapping taken at the cross-section of composite

membranes samples A) S-C24M3-5%, B) S-C24M3-10% and C) S-C24M3-20% ........... 155

Figure 3.45. SEM micrographs taken at the cross-section of composite membranes A) S-C24M3-5%, B)

S-C24M3-20% and at the surface of C,D and E) S-C24M3-10% with the respective Si EDS

mapping. ...................................................................................................................... 157

Figure 3.46. Comparison of the A) Storage modulus and B) tan obtained by DMA for Nafion® and

Nafion®/S-C24M3 composite membranes (the inset is a zoomed view of sample S-

C24M3-20%. ................................................................................................................ 158

Figure 3.47. Arrhenius plots of Nafion® and Nafion®/S-Ph-PMO composite membranes measured

under variable r.h. ) Nafion® ) S-C24M3-5%; ) S-C24M3-10% and ) S-C24M3-

20%. The grey areas represent several conductivity values for pure Nafion® based in

literature data, for the same conditions.[228,258,271,276,279,280,287-296] .................. 163


Scheme 2.1. Structure of BTEB. .......................................................................................................... 52

Scheme 2.2. Structure of PSiP. ............................................................................................................ 53

Scheme 2.3. Typical synthesis pathway for 1) S-Ph-PMO and 2) P-Ph-PMO. ...................................... 54


Table 1.1. Protonic conductivity, Ea, SBET and pore size for various types of pure porous silicas. .......... 36

Table 1.2. Protonic conductivity, Ea, SBET and pore size for mesoporous silica with various types of

inorganic acid groups in the pores. ................................................................................. 38


Table 1.3. Protonic conductivity, SBET, pore size, W and [H+] for organic functionalized mesoporous

silicas. ............................................................................................................................40

Table 1.4. Protonic conductivity, W and swelling of Nafion®/SiO2 composite membranes, including

filler properties [H+], SBET and pore size. .........................................................................45

Table 2.1. Predictions of R, C and 0 for the different electrode configurations. ...................................81

Table 3.1. List of prepared Ph-PMO samples functionalised with sulfonic (prefix S-) and phosphonic

(prefix P) acid groups. ....................................................................................................86

Table 3.2. Summary of the main obtained results, including a0, SBET, average pore size, wall thickness,

[H+], W, protonic conductivity at 94 ºC and 98% r.h. and corresponding Ea. ...................87

Table 3.3. List of prepared S-Ph-PMO samples divided in three groups according to the type of self-

assembly and hydrothermal treatments. ........................................................................ 100

Table 3.4. Physico-chemical properties of the prepared S-Ph-PMO samples ....................................... 103

Table 3.5. Values of Ea for the conductivity measured under variable r.h. conditions. The SBET and the

[H+] are given to help the discussion. ............................................................................ 125

Table 3.6. Values for W, swelling, [H+] and of composite membranes synthesized with different

powder fraction. ........................................................................................................... 142

Table 3.7. Ea for the protonic conductivity under variable r.h. for the membranes with different filler

content. ........................................................................................................................ 164


AC alternate current

AFC alkaline fuel cell

ASC area-specific conductance

BET Brunauer, Emmett and Teller method for the calculation of specific surface area

BJH Barret, Joyner and Halenda method for to calculate pore size distribution and pore volume

BTEB 1,4-bis(triethoxysilyl)-benzene

C12 dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide

C14 tetradecyl trimethylammonium bromide

C16 cetyl trimethylammonium bromide


C18 octadecyl trimethylammonium bromide

CHP combined heat and power generation

CL catalyst layer

CP cross-polarization

CPE constant phase element

DLS dynamic light scattering

DMA dynamic mechanical analysis

DMAc N,N-dimethylacetamide

DMFC direct methanol fuel cell

DOE U.S. department of energy

DPTS diethyl-phosphatoethyl-trimethoxysilane

DQ double quantum

DSC differential scanning calorimetry

EDS energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

EIS electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

Et ethyl group

EW equivalent weight

FCH-JU fuel cell and hydrogen joint undertaking

FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

GDL gas diffusion layer

HPA heteropoly acid H5GeW11VO40

HPDEC high-power decoupling technique

HPW heteropoly acid H3PW12O40∙nH2O

HR-TEM high resolution transmission electron microscopy

IP in-plane

IR infrared spectroscopy

IUPAC international union of pure and applied chemistry

KJS Kruk, Jarionec and Sayari method for the calculation of pore size distribution and pore

volume based on BJH, specifically for mesoporous materials

MAS magic angle spinning

MCFC molten carbonate fuel cell

MD molecular dynamics

Me methyl group

MEA membrane electrode assembly

MPTMS 3-mercaptopropyl-trimethoxysilane

MW microwave


NMR nuclear magnetic resonance

P123 poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)


PBI polybenzimidazole

PBI poly (benzimidazole)

PEK poly (ether ketone)

PEM proton exchange membranes

PEMFC proton exchange membrane fuel cells

PES poly (ether sulfone)

PFSA perfluorocarbon-sulfonic acid

PIL protic ionic liquid

PMO periodic mesoporous organosilicas

PMS periodic mesoporous silica

PSiP diethyl 4-(trimethoxysilyl)-benzylphosphosphonate

PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene

QENS quasi-elastic neutron scattering

r.h. relative humidity

SANS small-angle neutron scattering

SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering

SDA structure directing agent

SEM scanning electron microscopy

SHS n-hexadecylsulfuric acid sodium salt

SOFC solid-oxide fuel cell

SQ single quantum

SSC short-side-chain

TEM transmission electron microscopy

TEOS tetraethoxysilane

TGA thermogravimetric analysis

TOF turn over frequency

TP through -plane

WAXD wide-angle X-ray diffraction

XRD X-ray diffraction



A area of the electrode or the cross-section area of the membrane in the IP configuration

a angle shift between the centre of the semi-circle and the real axis in the complex plane

a0 lattice constant

b universal constant depending on the dimensions of the system

c volume fraction of the aqueous phase

c0 percolation threshold

C capacitor/capacitance

Ceq equivalent capacitance

Cs stray capacitance

D diffusion coefficient

d inter-planar distance (XRD)

dp diameter of the particles (DLS)

E'' loss modulus

E’ storage modulus

Ea activation energy

f frequency

g total number of solvating water molecules

h number of water molecules associated to the sulfonate ion

[H+] acid load

I(001) XRD intensity of the molecular scale periodicity reflection

I(100) XRD intensity of the pore order reflection

j number of water molecules associated to the proton

i(t) alternate current resulting from the applied sinusoidal signal (EIS)

k Boltzmann's constant

K solv(T) solvation constant

l distance between the SO3- sites (Eikerling model)

L Nafion® pore diameter (Eikerling model)

Lel distance between electrodes (thickness of powder pellets)

mp mass of the powder pellet used for EIS

M H2O molar mass of water

n integral multiple of the wavelength

pH2O water vapour partial pressure


q SANS scattering vector

R electrical resistance

Rp spherical particle radius

SBET specific surface area calculated from the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller method

Tg glass transition temperature

VKOH volume of KOH solution added to reach the equivalence point

VL molar volume of the liquid condensate (Kelvin’s eq.)

Vm amplitude of the sinusoidal signal (EIS)

v(t) sinusoidal signal (EIS)

vs terminal velocity (Stoke’s law)

W water uptake capacity

Wd dry weight

Ww wet weight

Y0 admittance

Z impedance

Z’ real part of the impedance

Z’’ imaginary part of the impedance


order factor (ratio I(100)/I(001))

long-range motion of both the main and the sulfonic acid functionalised side chains (visco-

elastic transition in DMA)

segmental motions of the main-chain of the physically cross-linked perfluorocarbon phase

(visco-elastic transition in DMA)

chemical shift

ΔHsolv solvation enthalpy

ΔSsolv solvation entropy

relative permittivity

vacuum permittivity

contact angle between the pore surface and the water molecules

short-range motions of the polytetrafluoroethylene-like backbone (visco-elastic transition in


viscosity of the media


DMA phase shift angle

phase angle between the applied voltage and the resulting current (EIS)

hydration level

Cu wavelength of the XRD Cu K radiation

dynamic viscosity (Stoke’s law)

incident angle (XRD)

f density of the fluid (Stoke’s law)

p density of the spherical particle (Stoke’s law)

protonic conductivity

pre-factor related to the molecular interactions

angle between the centre of the semi-circle and the real axis in the complex plane

radial frequency (EIS)

relaxation frequency (EIS)

surface tension





1.1 Motivation and Objective 1

1.2 Fuel Cells 3

1.2.1 Brief History 3

1.2.2 PEMFC fundamentals and components 5

1.3 Proton Exchange Membranes (PEM) 8

1.3.1 Nafion® 9 Morphology and structure 11 Proton transport mechanisms and the role of water 17

1.3.2 Other perfluorinated membranes 22

1.3.3 Aromatic backbone membranes 23

1.3.4 Anhydrous membranes 25

1.4 Periodic Mesoporous Silicas (PMS) and Organosilicas (PMO) 28

1.4.1 Synthesis 28

1.4.2 Surface functionalization methods 31

1.4.3 Microwave synthesis of PMS and PMO 34

1.5 Protonic conductivity in mesoporous silica-based materials 36

1.5.1 Pure mesoporous silica 36

1.5.2 Inorganic functionalized ordered mesoporous silica 37

1.5.3 Organic functionalized ordered mesoporous silica 40

1.6 Composite Nafion®-based membranes 44


2.1 Synthesis of the acid functionalized PMO precursors 51


2.1.1 Synthesis of 1,4-bis(triethoxysilyl)benzene (BTEB) 51

2.1.2 Synthesis of diethyl 4-(trimethoxysilyl)benzylphosphosphonate (PSiP) 52

2.2 Synthesis of acid functionalized Ph-PMO 53

2.2.1 Functionalization with sulfonic acid 53

2.2.2 Functionalization with phosphonic acid 56

2.3 Preparation of composite Nafion® membranes 57

2.4 Characterization of composition, structure and microstructure 58

2.4.1 X-ray diffraction 58

2.4.2 -196 ºC nitrogen sorption isotherms 60

2.4.3 Electron microscopy 63

2.4.4 Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance 65

2.4.5 Dynamic mechanical analysis 67

2.4.6 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 69

2.4.7 Thermal analyses 69

2.4.8 Acid load 70

2.4.9 Hydrolytic properties (water uptake, hydration level and swelling) 71

2.4.10 Dynamic light scattering 72

2.5 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 72

2.5.1 Fundamentals 73

2.5.2 Measurements with different sample geometries 77

2.5.3 Measurements under variable temperature and relative humidity 82


3.1 The choice of the protogenic group 86

3.1.1 Composition, structure and microstructure 87

3.1.2 Protonic conductivity 94

3.2 Synthesis and characterization of S-Ph-PMO: effect of microwaves 100

3.2.1 Surfactant extraction and oxidation 101

3.2.2 Self-assembly and hydrothermal treatment 103


3.2.3 Multivariate analysis of the reaction kinetics 117

3.3 Electrochemical characterization of S-Ph-PMO 121

3.3.1 Influence of extrinsic factors on conductivity: temperature and relative humidity 122

3.3.2 Influence of intrinsic factors on conductivity: structure, acid load and porosity 130

3.3.3 Co-condensation vs. grafting of sulfonic acid groups: effects on conductivity 137

3.4 Synthesis and characterization of composite membranes 139

3.4.1 Optimizing the membrane processing 139

3.4.2 Analysis of impedance spectra: through-plane vs in-plane 143

3.4.3 Effect of the filler characteristics 150

3.4.4 Effect of the filler fraction 153 Morphology, hydrolytic properties and acid load 153 Visco-elastic properties 158 Protonic conductivity 162






1.1 Motivation and Objective

The energy demand is increasing across the globe, putting pressure on the

governments in order to guarantee to their citizens a secure supply, which is still

satisfied, to a large extent, at the cost of the planet’s concealed carbonaceous

resources. In 2007, the European Council adopted climate and energy related

objectives aiming to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases in at least 20% with

respect to 1990, to increase at least 20% the share of renewable sources in the energy

mix, to improve in 20% the energy efficiency and to have at least 10% of the energy

consumed in the transportation sector from renewable sources, by the year of 2020.[1]

The latest statistics (2011-2012) show that about one third of the total final energy is

consumed by the transport sector, to which is responsible by one fifth of the total

greenhouse gases emissions. Moreover, less than 4% of the total energy consumption

in the sector is generated from renewable sources.[2] In this energy panorama,

hydrogen, as the energy carrier, and fuel cell technologies, as chemical energy

converter, represent a huge opportunity for the reduction of greenhouse gases and

fossil fuel dependence of the transportation sector. They also allow the delocalized

production of electricity, thus greatly contributing to a more flexible and efficient

distribution grid for stationary applications, offering in addition the possibility for co-


generation of heat. Additionally, hydrogen production and fuel cell/electrolysers

technologies can be coupled to renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar,

coping with its characteristic intermittence towards a virtually zero-emission goal for

the energy mix.

Hydrogen and fuel cells have been at the centre of large research programs across the

world. In Europe there is the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), a

public/private partnership joining the European Commission, the fuel cell and

hydrogen industries represented by the NEW Industry Grouping and the research

community represented by the Research Grouping N.ERGHY. The FCH-JU funds

research, technological support and the rising of public awareness towards hydrogen

and fuel cells in Europe. By 2020, it expects 500 000 fuel cell vehicles in Europe,

powered by hydrogen that should be generated in 50% from renewable energy sources,

1000 fuelling stations and 50 000 households equipped with fuel cells for power

generation and/or combined heat and power generation (CHP).[3] The funded

investigations are mainly focused on the reduction of the cost of Membrane Electrode

Assembly (MEA), the synthesis of new and improved materials for increased working

temperatures (above 100 ºC) and/or reduced relative humidity (r.h.) and the

improvement of cell/stack design for greater lifetime.[4]

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) also has ambitious goals concerning

fuel cells and hydrogen. Regarding transportation, which represents 28% of the total

energy consumption in the U.S., the DOE is focusing its efforts on the development of

proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC).[5] The DOE has set a series of

ambitious targets for the near future (2017) in order to obtain proton exchange

membranes (PEM) suitable to run at 120 ºC under 25 - 50% r.h. and deliver protonic

conductivity of 0.1 S∙cm-1. The full system should be able to work in environmental

conditions for at least 5 000 hours, at an efficiency of at least 60% and the total cost

should not exceed $30∙kW-1 (less than $8∙kW-1 for the PEM alone).[6]

The emerging paradigm of hydrogen and fuel cells is the driving force for this PhD

thesis in Materials Science and Engineering, focused on the evaluation of the potential

of periodic mesoporous organosilicas (PMO) hybrid materials, with sulfonic or


phosphonic acid functional groups, as fillers for polymeric PEM, with enhanced

performance under high temperature or low humidity operating conditions. The major

scientific objective is to identify the correlations between the microstructural features

of the PMOs (acid loading, specific surface area, porosity, structural order, and pore

volume) and their protonic conductivity, and how these can impact the properties of

the respective composite membranes.

1.2 Fuel Cells

Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that directly convert the chemical energy of a

fuel, hydrogen for example, into electricity. Unlike other fuel-based energy conversion

systems such as the internal combustion engine, the fuel cell is a device that does not

have any mechanical moving parts.

This section starts with a brief review of the history of fuel cell science and technology,

placing emphasis on the functional materials used in the polymer electrolyte fuel cells.

1.2.1 Brief History

History is not clear on how to give credit for the finding of the fuel cell principle. In

1839, Christian Friedrich found that a current could be measured between two Pt

plates immersed in sulphuric acid (electrolyte) while H2 and O2 were separately fed to

the electrodes.[7,8] William Grove also made the same observation while

experimenting on the reversibility of water electrolysis.[8,9] In 1843 the later published

an article describing the “gaseous voltaic cell” which is often considered the first fuel

cell stack (Fig. 1.1).[8,10]

Almost 90 years after, in 1932, Francis Bacon took the principle developed by Grove

and substituted the expensive Pt electrode with Ni gauzes and the acid electrolyte with

an alkaline KOH solution, resulting in the first alkaline fuel cell (AFC).[8,11]


Figure 1.1. Schematic representation of Grove’s gaseous voltaic battery (reproduced from[10]).

In 1937, Baur and Preis used a Zr-based material, studied previously by Nernst in

1899, as a solid oxide electrolyte in a fuel cell (SOFC).[8,11,12] The “Nernst-mass”

(85% ZrO2 and 15% Y2O3) was found to be the best performing material at operating

temperatures up to 1100 ºC. Davtyan later developed, in 1946, a Molten Carbonate

Fuel Cell (MCFC) that operated in temperature range 650-750 ºC, with a cell

performance of 0.79 V at 20 mA∙cm-2.[8] Starting in 1965, the NASA Gemini program

used fuel cells on-board, developed at General Electric Company by Grubb and

Niedrach.[8] These innovative fuel cells had an electrolyte that was in fact an ion-

exchange membrane, built from cross-linked polystyrene loaded with sulfonic acid. A

new perfluorosulfonated ion-exchange resin branded as Nafion® was developed by the

E.I. DuPont Company in the late 1960’s.[8] This solid-acid polymer membrane, with

a polytetrafluoroethylene backbone, could resist more efficiently the harsh chemical

environments in the cell, the high temperatures (up to 200 ºC) and showed better

electrical resistance and mechanical strength, resulting in longer lifetime.[8] Some

years after, a Canadian company named Ballard made a strong effort to cut-down the

cost of PEMFCs. They developed a Nafion® based fuel cell with less expensive

materials and techniques which could deliver 0.7 V at 0.54 A∙cm-2, using H2 as fuel.

These PEMFCs have been installed in submarines, cars, busses, portable and

stationary energy generators, etc. Due to its high current density, low working

temperature and fuel flexibility (H2, methanol, hydrocarbons), the PEMFC is the

preferred type of fuel cell for portable applications, and is particularly suitable for the


on-board production of electricity for the second generation of electrical vehicles.[8,

11] Nafion® is still the state-of-the-art membrane material, although it suffers from

several drawbacks.[13,14] These shall be discussed in sub-section 1.3.1.

1.2.2 PEMFC fundamentals and components

Figure 1.2A shows a schematic representation of various types of fuel cells depending

on the type of electrolyte, which ultimately determines the operation temperature and

the type of ionic charge carrier. Oxide-ion ceramic conductors such as yttria-doped

zirconia are used above 700 °C. Molten carbonates are considered intermediate

temperature electrolytes (600-700 °C) displaying high levels of carbonate ion

conductivity. Fuel cells operating at lower temperatures are mostly based on proton

conducting electrolytes. Phosphoric acid is an excellent protonic conductor and is

typically used in the molten state in fuel cells operating up to 220 ºC. The polymer

electrolytes in PEMFC can transport protons from room temperature up to nearly 180

°C, and they are also compatible with the direct use of methanol as fuel, in the so-

called Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC). Also designed for low temperature (<100

°C) operation are the alkaline fuel cells using an aqueous alkaline solution as

electrolyte (e.g. KOH) with high hydroxyl conductivity, or more recently, using solid

polymer electrolytes similar to those used in PEMFCs but in the alkaline form.[11]

The PEMFCs are the technology of interest for this work. The heart of the PEMFC is

the PEM, which is sandwiched between an anode and a cathode, forming the

Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA). The electrodes are normally composed of a

porous gas diffusion layer (GDL) that is in direct contact with the fuel (at the anode

side) and the oxidant (at the cathode side), and with a catalyst layer (CL) at the

electrolyte/electrode interfaces (Fig. 1.2C). Several MEAs are stacked and

interconnected with bipolar conducting plates, which ensure gas separation and

feeding to the electrodes. The number of MEAs determines the stack voltage and the

current depends on the electrode surface area (Fig. 1.2B). The other components

ensure the thermal and water management, the fuel and oxidant flow and power



Figure 1.2. A) Types of Fuel Cells and specific electrode reactions. B) Schematic

representation of a fuel cell stack. Adapted from[11]. C) Schematic representation

of one side of a membrane electrode assembly. Adapted from[15].

At the anode side of the bipolar plates, a continuous flow of fuel (H2, methanol or

hydrocarbons) is supplied, where it is oxidised originating protons and electrons at the

CL. In the case of hydrogen, the anodic reaction can be written as

H2 → 2H+ + 2e- eq. 1.1


The protons travel through the PEM while the electrons are carried across the bipolar

plate to the cathode of the adjacent MEA. In the cathode side, the protons react with

the oxygen of the air supplied and electrons to form water.

½O2 + 2H+ + 2e- → H2O eq. 1.2

The total cell reaction is exothermic (producing Q heat) and can be written as:

H2 + ½O2 → H2O + Q eq. 1.3

The water formed at the cathode is subsequently removed by an excess flow of O2 or

air. At the end of the stack, the electrons travel through the terminal current collectors

to an external circuit where they perform useful work on the load (Fig. 1.2 B).[11,16]

The DMFC is closely related to the PEMFC, using methanol as fuel instead of H2,

where the overall reaction is:

CH3OH + 3/2O2 → 2H2O + CO2 eq. 1.4

In a PEMFC stack, the bipolar plates are normally made of electric and thermal

conductive materials such as graphite/thermoplastic composites or metal covered with

a layer of non-corrosive conductive material such as carbon (in graphite or diamond-

like form), precious metal or conductive polymers. These are normally bulky and stiff

components of the PEMFC because the materials are also chosen to provide structural

support to the fuel cell stack.

In direct contact with the bipolar plate is the GDL. It has to be sufficiently porous to

allow gas and water flow and it also has to be electrical and thermally conductive, to

act as an electron collector and diffuse the heat released from the electrochemical

reaction. Additionally, it has to be rigid enough to maintain structural stability of the

MEA but flexible enough to ensure the electrical contact. Typical GDLs are made

from carbon-based materials in the form of paper, cloth or non-woven pressed carbon


fibres. To avoid water from accumulating inside the pores of the GDL, the region

close to the catalyst layer also contains some amount of a highly hydrophobic material

such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in order to promote water removal from the

reaction sites.[16,17]

The CL is the layer between the GDL and the PEM. The CL layer should easily allow

the diffusion of the reactants, possess high ionic and electrical conductivities, show a

reasonable amount of hydrophobicity to avoid water clogging and enough resilience to

the harsh conditions resulting from the electrochemical reactions, which occur at the

triple point void/catalyst/electrolyte.[15] The intimate contact between the CL and

PEM is of crucial importance to ensure that the reaction is effectively occurring on the

entire membrane surface. The CL is normally composed of a Pt catalyst supported by

porous carbon black, which provides bulk electronic conductivity, all bonded with

some amount of polymer of the same (or similar) composition of the electrolyte. This

is important for the creation of a proton conduction pathway from the CL to the PEM

and also to ensure the adhesion of the CL to the membrane.[16] To minimize the

catalyst load and to increase the reaction rate, Pt nano-particles (< 4 nm) have been

used, whereas the carbon support is mesoporous with specific surface area (SBET)

higher than 75 m2∙g-1, to facilitate the access of the reactant gases to the reaction

sites.[17] Efforts to lower the high cost of the Pt/C catalyst include the use of Pt-based

alloys with transition metals (e.g. Ru, Ir, V, Rh, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, Mn, Pd or Mo),[16,

17] or alternative Pt deposition methods, which seem to be able to lower the catalyst

load from the usual 0.4 mg∙cm-2 down to 0.014 mg∙cm-2.[15]

The PEM is the central component of the MEA and the major focus of this thesis, and

are thus reviewed separately in the following section.

1.3 Proton Exchange Membranes (PEM)

The main property of the membrane is the high protonic conductivity, without which

the cell efficiency is obviously small. Conversely, the electronic conductivity must be

minimal to avoid short-circuit. In addition, it must present adequate mechanical,

chemical and electrochemical stability under working conditions and for long


lifetimes, whereas water cross-over and fuel permeability should be minimal. Last but

not least, the dimension stability of membrane upon heating/cooling cycles and water

absorption/desorption (swelling) should be controlled in order to ensure the long term

mechanical integrity of the MEA constrained by the bipolar plates. Of course, the

membrane should desirably be recyclable and affordable. Unfortunately, the available

membranes fail to fulfil all these requirements.[13,18] The state-of-the-art membranes

are since the 1970’s based on perfluorocarbon-sulfonic acid (PFSA) ionomers, with the

most widely used material being know by the commercial designation of Nafion®,

developed by DuPont in the 1960’s.[11]

1.3.1 Nafion®

Figure 1.3 depicts the structure of Nafion® constituted by a hydrophobic PTFE

backbone, which confers the mechanical stability, and a pending solvated

perfluoroether chain with hydrophilic sulfonic acid functional group at the tip, which

is responsible for the ionomers characteristic.[13,19]

Figure 1.3. Scheme of the chemical structure of Nafion®

with the sulfonic acid tip solvated by water.

The equivalent weight (EW) of Nafion® is an average measure of the mass of dry

polymer per mole of SO3H group. The average number of PTFE blocks that are

repeated before the perfluoroether side-chain is anchored (m in Fig. 1.3) is related to

EW by:

EW = 100m + 446 eq. 1.5


Several extruded Nafion® membranes are available in the market, showing the EW

and thickness in its nomenclature. For example the Nafion® membrane N117 has an

EW of 1100 g∙mol-1 (first two digits multiplied by 100) and a thickness of 0.007 inches

(last digit divided by 1000).[20]

Another important feature of Nafion® (and ultimately all PFSA membranes) is the

hydration level (), which expresses the number of water molecules per SO3H group:

=𝑛 𝐻2𝑂

𝑛 𝑆𝑂3𝐻 eq. 1.6

The value is highly dependent on the physical state of the water used to humidify the

membrane. Nevertheless, water adsorption studies in boiling water seem to put the

limit of = 22, whereas = 14 for a membrane equilibrated in a saturated

atmosphere.[11] The reason for this difference will be discussed in section

The sulfonic acid group is extremely hydrophilic, conferring to the polymer excellent

protonic conductivity of about 0.1 S∙cm-1, but only at low temperatures (< 90 ºC) and

high humidity conditions.[13,20] The proton transport mechanism in Nafion® occurs

by a molecular diffusion of hydronium ions (H3O+) (also known as vehicle

mechanism), and by the structural diffusion (also referred to as the Grotthus

mechanism) of H+ between solvated SO3H pending groups and/or between adjacent

water molecules adsorbed in the structure.[11,13] In both cases, the dissociation and

transport of the proton from the protogenic group is highly dependent on the presence

of liquid water, limiting the working temperatures to T < 100 °C, at atmospheric

pressure.[11,13,17,18] This limit is also imposed by the relatively low glass transition

temperature (Tg) of hydrated Nafion® (80 - 120 °C)[21] above which pinholes start to

appear due to a visco-elastic flow, eventually leading to mechanical failure.[21,22]

The consequence of working at such low temperature translates in the use of a fairly

large Pt catalyst load to ensure reasonable electrode performance. Unfortunately, the

risk of CO-poisoning of the catalyst is very high, if using low-purity H2 fuel. At 80 °C

the CO tolerance of Pt catalysts is as low as 20 ppm.


Another drawback found in Nafion® is that the water generated at the cathode (eq.

1.2) can diffuse in the direction of the anode due to water concentration gradient. In

the case of DMFC, the permeation and diffusion of methanol fuel from the anode to

the cathode is also observable, which can severely reduce the efficiency of the fuel cell.

Interestingly, various reports state that the incorporation of fillers in composite

Nafion® can reduce drastically the methanol crossover.[14]

Water molecules can also be transported from the anode to the cathode dragged by the

protons, (the so called “electro-osmotic drag”). All these water molecules moving

inside the membrane frequently lead to the drying of some areas of the anode or the

overflow of the cathode, both occurrences that can lead to cell failure. The water and

temperature management are thus key points for PEMFC operation. From the view

point of system design and hardware, significant benefits can thus arise if the cell is

operated without the presence of liquid water or in non-saturated conditions (above

100 °C and below 50% r.h.).[11,13] In addition, the kinetics at the electrode may be

improved and the tolerance to CO is also higher (up to 1000 ppm at 130 ˚C), enabling

the use of less pure, less expensive H2 as fuel.[13,18] Morphology and structure

To understand the transport mechanism of water and proton inside PFSA membranes,

it is important to understand its morphology. It is widely known that Nafion® shows a

nanoscale separation derived from the presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic

counterparts. The distribution of these two phases, within the matrix of the membrane,

has been the subject for many debates. Furthermore, the hydration (and resulting

morphological changes due to swelling), the processing conditions (whether if the

membrane was extruded from melt or casted from a dispersion), the thermal and water

sorption history, the random chemical structure of the copolymer and the low degree

of crystallinity make the task of describing the Nafion® morphology very difficult.

Some of the most relevant models are briefly presented hereafter.

Gierke and Hsu proposed the first attempt to correlate structural information with

transport properties, depicted in Fig. 1.4.[23] After analysing small-angle X-ray


scattering (SAXS) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) data, obtained at

different hydration and temperature conditions, they proposed a “cluster-network

model” that describes the polymer as an inverted-micelle structure where spherical

clusters made of the hydrophilic part of the membrane are separated from the

hydrophobic backbone.

Figure 1.4. Schematic representation of the cluster-network

model for Nafion® in the hydrated state. Adapted from[20].

These clusters are connected by short and narrow channels and tend to increase in size

with increasing water content (4 nm cluster connected by 1 nm thick channel),

containing up to 70 SO3H groups and, thus, approximately 1000 water molecules per

cluster.[18,20,23] These authors also proposed a percolation theory to explain the

increase of conductivity with increasing water content. This theory states that there is

a critical amount of water below which the protonic conductivity is abruptly

diminished. This minimum water content, or percolation threshold, ensures the

presence of an extended water layer where protons may flow. Near to the threshold

value, the conductivity (σ) of the membrane can be expressed by a typical percolation


𝜎 = 𝜎0(𝑐 − 𝑐0)𝑏 eq. 1.7


where “σ0” is a pre-factor related to molecular interactions, “c” is the volume fraction

of the aqueous phase, “c0” is the percolation threshold and “b” is a universal constant

depending on the dimensions of the system. Further work on the percolation theory

performed by Okada et al.[24] showed that half of the water inside the membrane is

bounded to SO3H groups, forming the first hydration layer, while the rest of it

experiences some degree of freedom inside the pore, forming several other hydration


Although the cluster-network model was widely accepted, it was regarded as too basic

since it assumed a periodic distribution of the clusters. Several structures with various

geometrical and spatial assumptions as how the clusters are distributed have been

proposed since. For example, a lamellar model was proposed by Litt,[25] where

hydrophobic sheets are separated by the hydrophilic domains. A similar model based

on a sandwich-like structure was suggested by Haubold et al.[26] These models are

only focused on the basic structure of Nafion®, lacking a description of the extended

structure. Studies by SAXS and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) have provided

the basis for morphological models that cover the length scale up to 1 μm. For

example, a study proposed that the microstructure of Nafion® is composed by

elongated structures of polymer aggregates with 4 nm diameter and up to 100 nm in

length, packed into oriented bundles, randomly dispersed in the mesoscale range.[27]

A widely accepted representation of the microstructure of Nafion® was given by

Kreuer et al.[28], as shown in Fig. 1.5. According to this model, the covalent bonds

between the hydrophilic sulfonic acid groups and the hydrophobic backbone lead to

the creation of hydrophilic/hydrophobic aggregates with a nano-separation of ~0.8

nm in average. The hydrophilic domains are well connected, even at low humidity

levels, which ensures the absence of pockets or dead-ends and a very good percolation.

The existence of side-chains in Nafion® represents another transition region between

the aqueous domain and the hydrophobic backbone. SAXS studies by Haubold et

al.[26] suggest that this region swells at the expense of the purely aqueous regions as

the increases. The thickness of the water channels or pores inside Nafion® is highly

affected by the quantity of water inside the membrane (swelling).


Figure 1.5. Scheme of the microstructure of Nafion® for

intermediate water content. Adapted from[28].

It has been subsequently suggested that the models discussed above do not fit the

obtained SAXS data. Figure 1.6 depicts the alternative structural model presented by

Schmidt-Rohr and Chen,[29] where the structure of hydrated Nafion® is represented

by parallel rod-like water channels (diameter between 1.8 and 3.5 nm) and length of

approximately 20 nm (Fig 1.6 A and B). The cylindrically shaped inverted micelles,

aligned with hydrophilic groups are supported by the PTFE backbone. The larger

water channel diameter explains more suitably the high water diffusion coefficient of

Nafion® and also the electro-osmotic drag of water inside the membrane.

Additionally, this model incorporates 10 vol. % crystallites that lie parallel to the water

channels (Fig. 1.6 C). Using a newly developed algorithm that simulates SAXS

measurements based on the model, these authors apparently matched previously

published SAXS pattern of Nafion®.[30] This model is quite suitable for hydrated

Nafion®, however, it is not clear if it can represent also the dry or scantily hydrated



Figure 1.6. Scheme of Nafion® morphology according to the parallel water-channel model:

A) transversal and cross section view of an inverted micelle cylinder; B) Parallel packing of

inverted micelles cylinders; C) Cross section of the membrane showing the water channels

in white, the crystallite in black and the amorphous Nafion® matrix in grey.

A recent paper by Kreuer and Portale[32] focuses on checking the consistency of the

parallel cylinder model for membranes with variable levels of hydration. According to

these authors, the Schmidt-Rohr and Chen’s algorithm[29] is most certainly biased

due to a large uncertainty concerning the measured water content in the membrane.

The data interpretation by Kreuer and Portale[32] suggests a flat morphology for the

pores, as opposed to cylinders. The thin films of water formed at the surface of the

pores may act as electrostatic “glue”, forcing the approximation of the oppositely

charged polymeric structures. The formation of cylindrically shaped pores, with

negative charge at the surface and positive charges inside, would correspond to a

significant separation of the charges and huge accumulation of positive charge in the

structure. The partial collapse of the cylinder into a flatter shape would be more

energetically favourable as long as the separated charges are not totally immersed in


In a companion paper, Kreuer[33] discusses the role of internal pressure as an

additional thermodynamic degree of freedom (to the r.h. and temperature) in the

hydration and transport properties of Nafion®. In the low r.h. conditions (Fig. 1.7 A),

the presence of hydrophilic sulfonic acid groups in a superficial “open” microstructure



may allow the entrance of hydration water (represented by arrows). As the hydration

increases (Fig. 1.7 B), the membrane softens and the internal pressure builds up while

the outermost polymer chains organize in a closed hydrophobic layer (dotted region in

Fig. 1.7 B) with much lower ability to permeate water.

Figure 1.7. Schematic representation of the anisotropic dry “skin” formation in

Nafion®. A) at low r.h., B) as the hydration level increases the anisotropic “skin”

tends to form (dotted region) and C) the internal pressure is released when the

surface “skin” is opened by contact with liquid water. Adapted from[33].

This very low concentration of hydrophilic defects reduces drastically the ability of the

membrane to uptake more water below the dew point. However, direct contact with

liquid water (Fig. 1.7 C) may open the skin, releasing the internal pressure and

allowing the contact between the external water and the water inside the membrane.

This might explain the higher of Nafion® observed when the material is in contact

with liquid water in comparison to when it is exposed to a saturated water vapour

atmosphere, as discussed earlier. This puzzling effect actually occurs in many other

polymers and is known as the Schroeder’s paradox.[34]

17 Proton transport mechanisms and the role of water

There are several mechanism by which protons can migrate from the anode to the

cathode inside PFSA membrane and they all depend on the level of hydration.

Protons can be transported via: i) surface diffusion along the functional groups (itself of

structural diffusion type), ii) Grotthus mechanism (structural diffusion via water

molecules) and iii) vehicular mechanism or the molecular diffusion of hydronium


The first mechanism, depicted in Fig. 1.8 can occur for very low humidity levels,

where the water molecules are preferably located around the perfluoroether side-

chains, strongly bounded to the charged SO3- sites, creating a non-freezable or surface

water layer.[35] The proton needs to transfer through the void space to an adjacent

charged site. Although some authors state that the distance between the acid sites in

Nafion® is too high for a direct transfer (~7 to 12 Å) ,[36] other authors state that the

perfluoroether side-chain can be flexible and vibrate enough in the void to shorten this

distance, effectively allowing the direct transfer between adjacent charged sites.[37]

Figure 1.8. Scheme of the proton transport between

adjacent charged sites in Nafion®. Adapted from[37].

It is well known that the high values of proton mobility inside PEM structures are

highly dependent on the presence of water. Therefore, it is sensible to continue the

discussion of the proton transport in PEM by first discussing the transport phenomena

in bulk water. The mobility of protons in water is unusually high when compared to

other cations such as Li+ or K+. The only way to explain this huge difference is by

assuming a proton transport mechanism that involves the hydrogen-bond pattern of

water, that is, a structural diffusion of water. The excess charged region (proton defect)

could be described as a hydrated H3O+ in the form a H9O4

+ (Eigen) ion or by a smaller

H5O2+ (Zundel) ion.[38] Molecular dynamics simulations (MD) performed by


Tuckerman et al.[39,40] and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data provided by

Agmon[41] individually proposed a mechanism that addresses the issue of proton

excess diffusion in water, as depicted in Fig. 1.9. An initial hydronium ion (H3O+)

forms an Eigen-ion (H9O4+) by bonding with three water molecules in its proximity.

When the excess proton transfers to a place between two adjacent water molecules it

forms a Zundel-ion (H5O2+) and, afterwards, another Eigen-ion can be formed, and so

on. This proton exchange by rapidly breaking and forming hydrogen bonds in between

Eigen and Zundel-ions ultimately corresponds to the net displacement of one unit

charge, which is known as the Grotthus proton hopping mechanism.[41,42]

Figure 1.9. Schematic representation of the Grotthuss proton hopping mechanism. Star

symbols represent the forming and breaking of hydrogen bonds. Adapted from[37].

There is also a strong correlation between the abnormal proton transport rate and the

dielectric relaxation time in water, which can be explained by the dominance of the

hydrogen-bond breaking and forming on the global proton transport process.[43]

This mechanism can describe the high mobility of proton in water but water is also a

liquid with a high self-diffusion coefficient (2.25×10-5 cm2∙s-1 at room temperature).

The diffusion of charged water ions (hydronium or protonated water complexes), by

“hitching a ride” in moveable water molecules, may contribute to the overall

conductivity in bulk water.[44] This so-called vehicle mechanism may represent up to

20% of the total mobility.[45]

Figure 1.10 is a schematic representation of the diffusion of H3O+ in bulk water by the

vehicle mechanism.


Figure 1.10. Schematic representation of the proton

conduction by vehicular mechanism. Adapted from[37].

The coexistence of the various mechanisms is very likely and it is a difficult task to

separate their individual contributions to the overall conductivity. Comprehensibly,

both mechanisms are dependent on temperature, pressure and on which and how

much ions are involved in the process.

Applying these observation to the protonic conductivity in well hydrated acidic

polymer membranes, such as Nafion®, one can assume that the structural diffusion is

the only mechanism that can explain the high levels of conductivity measured in these

materials.[38] In order to have efficient water structural diffusion inside Nafion®, a

continuous layer of water must exist between the hydrophilic clusters to successfully

transport the protons from the anode to cathode. The discussion around which value

satisfies the percolation of water inside Nafion® membrane is not consensual.[37,38]

The complex morphology of the polymers associated to the hydrophilic/hydrophobic

domain separation and its strong dependence on the hydration provides a variety of

configurations where the proton mobility may be significantly different. The nanosized

hydrophilic clusters in hydrated Nafion® can adsorb a great amount of water that,

besides promoting the solvation of the sulfonic acid groups, provides additional proton

diffusion paths with higher mobility, as protons become weakly bounded to the SO3-

counter-ion. These hydrated clusters can be regarded as dilute acids, where the SO3-

groups play the role of proton exchange sites.[37]

Several studies were dedicated to understand the distribution and interaction of water

in PFSA membranes. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) measurements of Nafion®

membrane under increasingly humid atmosphere showed that water clusters start to

form inside the membrane for > 3, followed by the aggregation into larger clusters

up to < 6 and eventually forming continuous water layers by coalescence of the


clusters beyond this value.[46] In a more recent paper by Lu et al.,[47] dielectric

relaxation spectroscopy was used to study the state of water inside Nafion® as a

function of . They confirmed the presence of three different water states with distinct

dynamics. The study showed the formation of percolated water film between

hydrophilic clusters when = 9, evidenced by a drastic change of the dielectric

constant of the membrane. A quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) study by

Pivovar and Pivovar[48] showed two different hydration regimes with turning point at

around = 7. They found that the fraction of non-diffusing protons rapidly decreased

from 0.85 at = 1 to 0.20 at = 6, reaching a limit of 0.12 for higher . These

observations were in agreement with the increase of protonic conductivity with

increasing water content previously observed.[46,49]. Another QENS study showed a

higher value for the fraction of non-diffusing protons (0.5 at = 6), which may be due

to differences in energy resolution.[50] Perrin et al.[51] also used QENS to study the

molecular proton motion in Nafion® with varying from 3 to 17.5 and found two

different proton carriers for time scales of 160-500 ps and 2-8 ps, which are ascribed to

slow protons closely bond to the SO3- groups, and faster protonic species diffusing in

hydration layers away from the acid-functionalized pore surface, where long range

diffusion takes place. Eikerling et al.[52] performed a simulation study of the protonic

conductivity in the pores of a PEM as a function of the hydration and associated

dimensional changes (swelling or shrinking).

Figure 1.11A represents the model pore used to calculate the electrostatic

contributions to the activation Gibbs energy for the proton migration as a function of

several microstructural parameters, notably the pore diameter (L) or the distance

between the sulfonic acid groups (l). The model distinguishes two different layers of

hydration in the pores: a first monolayer tightly bonded to the pore surface containing

the sulfonic acid groups, and the subsequent hydration layers towards the centre of the

pore, which behave like bulk water. The equilibrium between the surface and bulk

contribution is determined by the distance between the SO3- groups and the pore size.


Figure 1.11. A) Representation of a single pore of a PEM used in simulation studies

performed by Eikerling et al.[52] and B) of the pore size and relative permittivity

distribution inside Nafion® as a function of the hydration level.[38]

When the membrane is in a dry state, the presence of a considerable fraction of small

pores (L 10 Å) with relatively large distance between the SO3- sites (l ≥ 15 Å), gives

rise to high values of activation Gibbs energy, affecting negatively the overall

conductivity. When the average water content increases, the pore diameter increases

due to swelling and the contribution of the proton transport through the bulk-like

water is gradually increased.[52]

Simulations of the relative permittivity () distribution within the pore as a function of

provide a similar picture, as schematized in Fig. 1.11 B.[38,52] In the centre of the

pore with > 10, approaches the value for liquid water (81), but it is drastically

reduced near the surface due to the strong electrostatic interaction with the sulfonic

acid groups. The decrease of the pore size for lower values leads to the confinement

of the water molecules to the pore surface, where it is subjected to the strong influence

of the acid groups; consequently the dielectric constant is lowered even at the centre of

the pore.[38,52] For > 14, when the material can be seen as a two-phase mixture of

free water and the electrostatically bounded polymer/water system, there is a dilution

of the charge carrier at the centre of the pore. The high stabilizes the proton charge

carriers located at the centre of the pores because the solvation energy of protons

becomes more negative.

Paddison et al.[53] calculated the proton self-diffusion coefficients in Nafion® over a

range of hydration levels. They found that the proton carrier H3O+ and the diffusion of



water are retarded by the confinement produced by the presence of a substantial

density of sulfonate groups. With the same calculation method they also showed that

the diffusion of proton for > 13 accounts with the contribution of a structural


All things considered, the role and state of water on the protonic conductivity in

Nafion® are very complex subjects and still motives of debate. However one can

surely say that for high water content, the main transport mechanism is surely the

structural diffusion.[38] When the water content decreases, the excess proton

concentration increases in the aqueous phase, leading to a decreasing intermolecular

proton transfer, ultimately affecting the structural diffusion. This was analogously

observed in aqueous solution.[56] Consequently, at intermediate and lower levels of

hydration the protonic conductivity must rely mainly on the vehicle mechanism.

1.3.2 Other perfluorinated membranes

Many other perfluorinated membranes were developed by manufacturers such as

Asahi Glass Co. Ltd (Flemion®), Asahi Chemical Co. Ltd. (Aciplex®), 3M Inc., Dow

Chemical and Solvay Solexis (Aquivion® and Hyflon®). In comparison with

Nafion®, these perfluorinated membranes possess shorter side-chains and lower EW.

The lowering of EW might enhance the acid group concentration and therefore the

protonic conductivity of these membranes tends to be slightly higher than Nafion®.

However, the short-side-chain (SSC) PFSA membranes normally present lower

mechanical integrity and durability due to increased swelling upon water uptake.[13]

Nevertheless, the SSC membranes show higher crystallinity at certain EW and

elevated Tg , which allow higher working temperatures.

Kreuer et al.[57] characterized a PFSA membrane from Dow (EW of 858 with and

1084 with thicknesses of 80 and 90 μm respectively) comparing water sorption and

diffusion, electro-osmotic drag effect, protonic conductivity, microstructure and visco-

elastic behaviour with Nafion® 117. At high (higher than 15) the water diffusion is

similar in all membranes but as it decreases, the water diffusion decrease is more

significant in the Dow membrane than Nafion® 117. Nevertheless, at > 10, the Dow


membrane, with lower EW than Nafion® 117, shows an enhanced conductivity by a

factor of 0.4, with similar methanol crossover and electro-osmotic drag. The high ion

exchange capacity brought by the high protogenic group concentration may explain

this observation. However, the different thicknesses of the membrane used in this

study may also explain the change in the performance of the membranes. Du et al.,[58]

actually suggested that the properties of Nafion® are significantly increased as the

membrane thickness is decreased.

Merlo et al.[59] tested the fuel cell performance of a 25 cm2 MEA using Aquivion® as

PEM at 75 °C and 120 °C, obtaining a voltage of 0.75 V at current density of 0.8

A∙cm-2. They found a lower H2 crossover than Nafion® 112 and superior protonic

conductivity in very cold conditions (-40 °C), which is necessary for cold start.

Recently, Arico et al.[60] also tested the Aquivion® membrane in fuel cell

environment, confirming a better conductivity, water retention and mechanical

stiffness above 100 °C, when compared to Nafion®. They also showed that this

membrane is more suitable for fast start-up in cold conditions.

1.3.3 Aromatic backbone membranes

The non-fluorinated PEM materials are normally composed of aromatic

hydrocarbons. They are capable alternatives to Nafion®, offering simple

processability, easy chemical tuning, mechanical and chemical stability and lower

production cost. Figure 1.12 represents the most widely studied aromatic backbone

PEM that include poly (ether ketone) (PEK with one or more ether (E) and ketone (K)

functionalities), poly (ether sulfone) (PES) and poly (benzimidazole) (PBI).[13,18,19]

In a comparative SAXS study of Nafion® and a sulfonated PEEKK membrane,

Kreuer et al.[28] suggested that the later shows narrower diffusion pathways that could

reduce the electro-osmotic drag and water permeation.


Figure 1.12. Molecular structures of popular non-fluorinated

PEM materials. The lower-case “s” stands for sulfonated.[19]

However, the less connected hydrophilic clusters and the larger separation between

protogenic groups lead to a steeper decrease of protonic conductivity with decreasing

. By blending SPEEKK with other polymer (PES or PBI) they managed to overcome

some of these drawbacks. Although non-fluorinated PEM materials are prospected to

be valuable alternatives to PFSA membranes in PEMFC, mainly due to lower

water/methanol crossover and cost, this type of polymeric membranes still suffer from

a high swelling behaviour with increasing water level, which is detrimental to the

electrode/electrolyte interface in a fuel-cell environment and show lower


Polymer blending has been used as a versatile way to tune the desired properties of

aromatic backbone PEMs. The favouring of specific interactions between the different

polymers (ionic interaction, hydrogen bonding or ion-dipole interactions) enhances the

miscibility and cross-linking of the blend, leading to a better control of the swelling

behaviour, without decreasing the flexibility of the membrane.[19] The use of

multiblock copolymers as substitute for PFSA membranes, with their specific

sequential chain arrangements and control of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic

microdomain size and orientation, have shown positive results in terms of improved

conductivity, when compared to the random copolymer equivalents. By cross-linking

the non-ionic block microdomain in ion-containing block copolymer it is possible to

improve the proton and methanol selectivity to the highest values reported for

sulfonated polymer membranes.[61]


Einsla et al.[62] compared the electrochemical properties of an alternating sulfonated

poly(arylene ether ketone) (Ph-PEEKDK), a random sulfonated poly(arylene ether

sulfone) (BPSH-35) and a multiblock copolymer made of hydrophobic polyimide

block and a hydrophilic poly(arylene ether sulfone) (BPSH-15-PI-15). The multiblock

copolymer showed the best performance under fuel cell testing at 100 °C and 40%

relative humidity (r.h.), yielding similar results to Nafion®.

In a more recent study, Meyer et al.[63] studied a family of fully sulfonated hydrophilic

poly (phenylene sulfone) and hydrophobic poly (phenylene ether sulfone) segments.

They obtained materials with [H+] values ranging from 1.2 to 1.7 mmol∙g-1 and a

distinct phase separation with correlation lengths of ~15 nm. This combination results

in high conductivity values with increased visco-elastic properties, especially at higher

temperatures. The well separated microstructure of the multiblock copolymers allow a

superior proton transport and stability of the hydrophilic constituent and the

morphological stability of the hydrophobic phase, showing a great potential to be used

in high temperature PEMFC. Nevertheless, the other state-of-the-art components of

the fuel cell, namely the electrodes, would have to be adjusted to cope with the

different chemical nature and the significantly lower hydrodynamic transport


1.3.4 Anhydrous membranes

Another approach investigated for the development of high temperature PEMFC

involves the replacement of water by a proton solvent liquid with high boiling point,

on a polymeric matrix with high thermo-chemical resistance. In one of the earlier

reported examples, Bouchet and Siebert[64] compared the conductivity of PBI

membranes doped with H3PO4, H2SO4 and HBr . They found that both H3PO4 and

H2SO4 act as proton solvent in PBI membrane, which provides the necessary

mechanical stability. These membranes showed protonic conductivities of 10-4 S∙cm-1

and 7×10-6 S∙cm-1, in dry state and at 30 ºC, for (PBI - 3.25 H2SO4) and (PBI - 3.05

H3PO4), respectively. Figure 1.13 depicts the suggested hopping mechanism for proton

transport in these acid functionalized membranes.


Figure 1.13. Proton hopping mechanism for acid doped PBI membranes.Adapted from[64].

Since the first studies on this type of composite membrane, extensive research in the

polymer synthesis, casting of the membranes, characterization and fuel cell application

have been made. For example, the use of ionic and covalent cross-linking or

inorganic–organic composites development was extensively reported.[65]

So far, the acid-doped PBI membranes are the most successful membranes for

application in HT-PEMFC, up to 200 ºC, preferably under atmospheric pressure.

However, there are important drawbacks that are still to address such as the difficult

processing, the need for high acid load ([H+]) to have decent conductivity values

(which can ultimately affect the chemical stability of the other fuel cell components),

the leaching of the acid at high temperature, the low conductivity values at low

temperatures (important for cold-start) and the slow oxygen reduction kinetics (caused

by the strong surface adsorption of acid anions and low solubility of oxygen).[14,65]

Ünsal and Kiefer developed a PEM based on a PBI matrix where

polyvinylphosphonic acid (PVPA) is used as the polyelectrolyte, immobilized in the

matrix by interpenetration, cross-linking and covalent bonding, which led to the

development of the commercial PEM Celtec-V.[66,67] The new improved structure of

this membrane prevents the leaching of the electrolyte when in contact with liquid,

which is especially desirable for the application in DMFC. The fuel-cell performance

of these PBI-based membranes can be sustained to a higher methanol flow with half

the methanol cross-over, in comparison to Nafion® 117. However, the ohmic

resistance and the cathode/PEM interface (where higher losses are observed with

increasing current density) could still be improved.

The patent was bought by BASF® which further developed the material delivering a

series of MEAs based on this PBI-H3PO4 membrane under the commercial family

name Celtec-P®. For the membrane Celtec P-1000® a study performed by Boaventura

and Mendes[68] showed conductivity values of 5.6×10-2 S∙cm-1 at 160 ºC and 5% r.h.


Another commercial option available is based on a pyridine containing PES

impregnated with H3PO4 with the commercial name Advent®.[69] The authors claim

that this copolymer, easily processed and with high thermal stability (400 ºC), shows a

conductivity of 0.01 S∙cm-1 at temperature higher than 130 ºC.

More recently, Weber et al.[70] studied the protonic conductivity of H3PO4

impregnated mesoporous crosslinked PBI structures. The mesoporous PBI was

synthesised by a solvent-mediated hard-templating method which yielded PBI

networks with defined pores of ~10 nm and SBET up to 190 m2∙g-1.[71] They observed

that the protonic conductivity of these acid filled mesoporous PBI membranes showed

an important improvement up to ~10-2 S∙cm-1 at 180 °C. The optimal microstructure

was found in PBI membrane with 10 - 20 % mol in cross-linker, which corresponds to

a suficiently stabilized microstructure with connectivity between the pores.

In the quest for anhydrous PEM, protic ionic liquids (PIL) were also incorporated in

polymer matrices. These molten salts mixtures, which usually show low melting point,

allow the transfer of proton from a Brønsted acid to a Brønsted base.[72] One of the

many studies published was performed by Watanabe’s group[73] in which they used

sulfonated polyimides as matrices for the incorporation of PIL

diethylmethylammonium trifluoromethanesulfonate. For a content higher than 67 %

of the protic ionic liquid, the conductivity was in the order of 10-2 S∙cm-1, at 160 ºC and

anhydrous conditions.

Solid acids have also been proposed to raise the working temperatures of PEMFC.

Many of these crystalline materials are also denominated as “superprotonic

conductors” because they normally undergo a phase transition that is translated as a

drastic rising of protonic conductivity of about 2-3 orders of magnitude, reaching

values of up to 0.1 S∙cm-1.[19] These non-polymeric membranes could work at

temperatures between 100 and 300 °C.[13,19]

The most widely studied solid acid for the application in fuel cell is probably CsHSO4.

Early work by Haile et al.[74] evaluated the viability of this solid acid for electrolyte

material in PEMFC. The super-protonic phase of this material is situated above 140

°C with protonic conductivity of ~10-2 S∙cm-1. In a posterior study, membranes of

CsH2PO4 solid acid showed a conductivity of 0.022 S∙cm-1 at 240 °C with the super-

protonic transition occurring at 230 ºC.[75] This particular material undergoes a


transition from monoclinic (space group P 21/m) at room temperature to cubic (CsCl-

like of space group Pm-3m) superprotonic phase at 230 ºC. The proton conduction in

oxyanion solid acids is not related to the migration of hydronium ions, which is why

these materials are, in principle, independent from the presence of water. The

transition to super-protonic phase normally implies changes to the network of

hydrogen bonds that connect the oxyanion groups, forming dimers, chains, layers or

three-dimensional structures. The dramatic increase in protonic conductivity is then

caused by a dynamic disordering of the hydrogen bond network.[76]

Some models have been suggested to explain the protonic conductivity in this type of

materials, but much work is needed still to fully understand the underlying

mechanisms and the membrane degradation at elevated temperatures.

1.4 Periodic Mesoporous Silicas (PMS) and Organosilicas (PMO)

1.4.1 Synthesis

Si-based materials with mesoporous structure (IUPAC classifies a material as

mesoporous whenever the pore size ranges between 2-50 nm[77]) have been widely

studied, mainly for their potential of application in catalysis, adsorption, gas

chromatography, sensors and hydrogen storage.[78,79] The synthesis of periodic

mesoporous silicas (PMS) using a template was firstly presented by Kresge, Beck and

co-workers in 1992.[80,81] The MCM-41, a member of the so-called M41S family

developed at Mobil Co. (MCM stands for Mobil Composition of Matter), was

obtained using alkyl trimethylammonium bromide surfactant with a 16 carbon alkyl

chain (C16) as structure directing agent (SDA), and tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as

the silica precursor. This material has a particular highly ordered hexagonal array of

pores (space group P6mm) with very high SBET (> 700 m2∙g-1), whereas the silica pore

walls are amorphous. The pore size distribution is narrow, with the average pore sizes

varying from 2 to 10 nm, depending on the surfactant used.

The assembly of this type of materials can occur by two different mechanisms. In the

true liquid-crystal template mechanism, the SDA molecules are self-organized in


micelles above a certain critical micelle concentration (Fig. 1.14 A). Spherical micelles

start to elongate, forming rod-like structures in a lyotropic phase, which is a liquid

crystal-like structure with various possible structural arrangements (hexagonal liquid-

crystal, cubic or lamellar liquid-crystal) depending on the concentration, temperature

and pH, without requiring the presence of precursor framework materials.[78]

Alternatively, the liquid-crystalline phase may be formed at lower SDA concentration

in the presence of inorganic framework precursors in a cooperative self-assembly

process (Fig. 1.14 B).[78]

Figure 1.14. Representation of the A) true liquid-crystal template mechanism and B) cooperative

self-assembly mechanism for the formation of mesoporous silica materials. Adapted from[78].

In 1998, a new family of materials called SBA (from University of Santa Barbara) was

prepared using tri-block copolymers as SDA.[82,83]

These materials show increased pore size compared to M41S materials (up to 30 nm)

and thicker pore walls (up to 6 nm). SBA-15, the best known member of this family, is

synthesised using tri-block copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene

glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) - EO20PO70EO20 (Pluronic® P123) and it is

characterized by an hexagonal array of pores (space group P6mm), with the presence

of interconnecting micropores between the main hexagonally-spaced pores.

After the synthesis of the first mesoporous silicas, much attention was given to the

incorporation of organic functionalities providing useful properties to PMS. This was

primarily achieved by grafting or co-condensing organosiloxilane groups as R’-Si(OR)3

(R’ is the organic functional group) inside the pore wall. However, the homogeneity of


the distribution and the conservation of the mesostructure integrity upon the organic

loading were fairly poor.[78] This has been finally demonstrated for the incorporation

of ethane organic moiety in the framework of the pore wall via hydrolysis and

condensation of the bridged organosilane precursor 1,2-bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane as

(OEt3)Si-CH2-CH2-Si(OEt)3, giving rise to the PMO family.[84-86] The integration of

the organic moiety in the walls of the mesoporous materials through bridged

bissilylated precursors allows higher organic loadings, homogeneously distributed

along the material walls. PMO materials are characterised by narrow distribution of

pore sizes, high stability and a greater flexibility in framework composition and


Several bridged organosilane molecules were then used to form PMO.[78,88] In an

effort to enhance their functionality, Inagaki et al.[89] studied the incorporation of

benzene as bridging organic moiety of the organosilane (1,4-bis(triethoxysilyl)-

benzene, BTEB), which led to the formation of a phenylene PMO (Ph-PMO). This

new material showed a hierarchical ordering, comprising the well-defined hexagonal

array of pores in the nano-scale (lattice constant of 5.25 nm with mesopores of 3.8 nm

in diameter) and also a molecular scale periodicity along the pore wall (spacing of 0.76

nm). The combination of the hydrophilic character brought by the silica layers, and

hydrophobic behaviour from the benzene layers with high - electron conjugation on

the ring, can explain the crystal-like wall structure of this PMO. Figure 1.15 shows

TEM micrographs collected along directions parallel (Fig. 1.15 A) and perpendicular

(Fig. 1.15 B) to the pore channels of the Ph-PMO and a 3D schematic representation

of the particles microstructure (Fig. 1.15 C).

Bion et al.[90] synthesised Ph-PMO using different alkyl trimethylammonium halide

surfactants from C14 to C18. This showed to be an effective way of tuning the pore

size of the hybrid particles (3.2 to 3.9 nm in diameter) without losing the hexagonal

array of pores and periodicity in the pore wall.


Figure 1.15. TEM images and diffraction patterns of the Ph-PMO in which it is possible to

see: A) the hexagonal array of the pores; B) the molecular scale periodicity in the pore

wall; and C is a schematic representation of the particle microstructure.[89]

1.4.2 Surface functionalization methods

The incorporation of functional groups into PMS or PMO can be achieved by two

main routes (Fig. 1.16). The first is a post-synthetic method in which the inner surface

of the already formed PMS or PMO pores are modified by the grafting of the

functional groups.

The grafting has the advantage of retaining the mesoporous structure of the starting

material, although it can reduce drastically the porosity due to pore blockage. Another

potential disadvantage is the preferential grafting of the mouth of the pores, leading to

heterogeneous distributions of the functional groups.[78,88] Nevertheless, the method

is highly flexible since the organic moiety used (R’-Si(OR)3) allows the

functionalization with a variety of organic R’ groups.

These include thiol (later oxidized to sulfonic acid),[89,91-97] carboxylic acid,[98,99]

perfluorosulfonic acid,[100] and several nitrogen compounds (diamino, triamino,

imidazole),[101-108] to cite a few. There are also several examples of grafting various

types of inorganic acids, such as H2SO4, H3PO4, HClO4, CsHSO4 or heteropoly






Sharifi et al.[97] synthesized three different types of S-Ph-PMOs using the grafting

method. The first S-Ph-PMO presented oxidized MPTMS groups anchored on the

silica site, the second showed SO3H groups anchored on the phenylene ring and a

third sample showed a combination of both functionalization options. The [H+] of the

samples were of 1.14, 1.42 and 1.61 mmol∙g-1, respectively. In spite of the increase in

[H+], the samples maintained its hexagonal array of pores and periodicity along the

pore wall.

Figure 1.16. Scheme of the functionalization of PMS and PMO by co-

condensation (top) and grafting (bottom). Adapted from[79] and[118].

The second method is the co-condensation by the simultaneous addition, to the SDA

solution, of the silica framework precursor (or bridged organosilane) and of a

trialkoxyorganosilane compound of the type R’-Si(OR)3 containing the desired

functional group (or its precursor), which will then be covalently bonded to the surface

of the pore wall (Fig. 1.16).[78] The pore blocking in materials prepared by this one-

pot synthetic approach is minimized in comparison to grafting. However, due to the

simultaneous condensation of the framework units and functional groups, the

mesoscopic order tends to decrease with increasing concentration of the functional

group. The concentration of functional groups in the materials is dependent on the

kinetics of hydrolysis and condensation of the different precursors. The SDA is usually

removed by solvent extraction to prevent the destruction of the organic

functionality.[78] Just like for the grafting method, a variety of functional groups such

as alkyl,[119-122] amino and diamino,[123-126] thiol (subsequently oxidized to


sulfonic acid)[127-135] or phosphonic acid[136-139], have been incorporated in PMO

and PMS materials by co-condensation.

Inagaki et al.[89] studied the incorporation of sulfonic acid groups inside the pore wall

of Ph-PMO (referred to as S-Ph-PMO), adopting two different synthetic routes (Figure

1.17). Using the post-synthetic grafting method, the sulfonic acid groups were added

to the phenylene groups of the already synthesised Ph-PMO particles by using fuming

sulphuric acid at 110 °C. Both the hexagonal array of pores and the molecular scale

periodicity were retained. The [H+] was of 0.4 mmol∙g-1, which corresponds to the

sulfonation of ~10 % of the phenylene groups inside the pore walls. The alternative

material was prepared by the hydrothermal co-condensation of BTEB and 3-

mercaptopropyl-trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) in a cationic surfactant template basic

medium, followed by surfactant extraction in acidic media and oxidation of the thiol

group to sulfonic acid by reaction with HNO3. The mercaptopropyl groups are linked

to the silica. They studied the increase of the nominal ratio of BTEB/MPTMS and, for

the sample with 67% MPTMS, the [H+] was of 0.70 mmol∙g-1, corresponding to an

oxidation of 41.7% of the -SH to -SO3H.[130] They also found that the increase of the

initial concentration of MPTMS, with corresponding increase of [H+], tends to reduce

the extension of the pore order.

Figure 1.17. Synthetic route and schematic representation of sulfonic acid functionalized

Ph-PMO particles synthesized via A ) grafting and B) co-condensation. Adapted from[140].


Marschall et al.[141] have shown that for SO3H-functionalized MCM-41 materials the

co-condensation method shows higher [H+] and conductivity. The same materials

were analysed by SANS coupled to in-situ adsorption of water (42:58 H2O/D2O).[142]

The neutron scattering length densities of the 42:58 H2O/D2O water and SiO2 are

almost identical, so when the pristine material fills up with water, the SANS signals

are quenched by the presence of the water. In the case of the co-condensed sample, no

quenching was observed, indicating that the SO3H groups are well distributed along he

pores. On the other hand, the grafted SO3H-MCM-41 showed an incomplete

quenching, which means that the distribution of the acid groups was not

homogeneous throughout the pores, probably concentrated at the pore mouth.

1.4.3 Microwave synthesis of PMS and PMO

The complete synthesis cycle of PMS and PMO materials comprising the self-

assembly, hydrothermal treatment, solvent extraction and oxidation steps is a time

consuming process. In the specific case of S-Ph-PMOs the synthesis can last from 66

up to almost 140 h in total.[97,130] From an economical and environmental point of

view, the reduction of synthesis time is obviously of great importance. Microwave

(MW) energy has been successfully used to accelerate chemical reactions since the

early studies developed in 1986 by Gedye et al.[143] for organic chemistry reactions.

Ever since, the use of microwave radiation as a substitute of conventional heating

spread throughout several fields of chemistry including the synthesis of mesoporous

silica materials.[144-147]

In the case of liquid phase synthesis, the conventional procedure of heating the

reactants in a furnace or oil bath leads to slow and somewhat inefficient heating since

heat transfer relies on convection currents and on the thermal conductivity of vessels

and reactants. On the other hand, MW radiation produces a simultaneous and

uniform increase of the temperature throughout the whole volume of the synthesis

vessel, according to the ability of the solvent used to absorb microwave energy and

convert it into heat. However, it also shows some drawbacks like high cost of the MW

devices and reactors, limited size of the reactors (due to the short penetration depths of

the MW radiation, ultimately affecting the scale-up of the reactions) and difficulty to


monitor the formation and growth of the nano/mesoporous particles in situ.[146,147]

Nevertheless, the studies of the synthesis of PMS and PMO by MW are numerous, in

particular those assessing the effects on the hydrothermal treatment, template

extraction and functionalization.[148-162]

The first report on the synthesis of PMOs using microwave as heat source was

performed by Ahn and colleagues to produce ethane-bridged PMO by applying MW

heating in the hydrothermal treatment step (with C16 as SDA).[152,157] The synthesis

time was substantially shorter in comparison to conventional heating (4 to 6 h instead

of 21 h), whereas the obtained particles were smaller due to the higher nucleation rate

induced by the MW.

Grabicka and Jaroniec[158] used MW for the synthesis of ethane- and dissulfide-

bridged PMO using P123 as the SDA. The MW energy was used in both the

hydrothermal treatment and in the precedent self-assembly step. The total synthesis

time was reduced from 72 h (24 h of self-assembly and 48 h of hydrothermal

treatment) to 36 h for samples produced under MW (12 h of self-assembly and 24 h

hydrothermal treatment). In the case of the dissulfide-bridged sample, the SBET tends to

decrease slightly (from 1040 to 960 m2∙g-1) with increasing MW time (6 to 24 h) whilst

for the conventional sample it was a bit lower (865 m2∙g-1). The pore size was just

slightly decreased by the MW (from 8.1 to 7.4 nm).

Of special relevance for this thesis is the report from Smeulders et al.[161] on Ph-PMO

produced using MW as heat source in all the steps of the synthesis (self-assembly,

hydrothermal treatment and solvent extraction). The self-assembly step was of 2 h for

both conventional and MW stirring, but the duration of the hydrothermal treatment

could be reduced from 24 h in conventional oven down to 3 h under MW, and the

extraction step could be performed in only 15 min, instead of the several hours

required in a conventional solvent reflux (at least 4). The total synthesis time was

reduced by more than 40 h under MW. The authors observed an increase of SBET by

25% for the MW samples (up to 1000 m2∙g-1), whereas the pore size, the hexagonal

array of pores and the molecular scale periodicity along the pore wall remained

virtually unchanged. The same research group later found that the faster MW heating

profiles of the hydrothermal treatment render sphere-like particles with higher SBET

(around 20%), higher pore volume and more uniform pore size distribution.[152]


1.5 Protonic conductivity in mesoporous silica-based materials

This sub-chapter is dedicated to review the relevant protonic conductivity studies of

silica-based mesoporous materials. It should be noticed, however, that many other

equivalent studies on non-silica based mesoporous materials have been performed, e.g.

phosphates,[163-169] titania[170-175] or alumina[176-178].

1.5.1 Pure mesoporous silica

Pure silica porous materials, such as silica glasses and xerogels, do show some

reasonable protonic conductivity (Table 1.1), which is mainly related to the

concentration of Si-OH groups at the pore surface, where significant amounts of water

molecules can be accommodated.

Table 1.1. Protonic conductivity, Ea, SBET and pore size for various types of pure porous silicas.

Sample conditions Ea





Pore size

(nm) ref

Porous Silica Glasses with High

Water Content

30 ºC

90% r.h.

- 1×10-3 690-900 1.6-1.7 [179,


Nanopore SiO2 ceramic


92 ºC

81% r.h.

15.8 4×10-3 489 3.5


High porosity silica xerogel

treated in acid

81 ºC

80% r.h.

- 4×10-3 579 3.5/6.0



Controlled pore silica glass 50 ºC

80% r.h.

- 4×10-3


- 4.2



Mesoporous silica film treated

with O2 plasma

50 ºC

90% r.h.

- 6×10-4 - 3.0


Ordered Mesostructured Silica


98 ºC

100% r.h.

0.6 9.1×10-3 - - [185]

High porosity silica xerogel 80 ºC

81% r.h.

- 0.02 534 3.7 [186]

a) Bimodal pore size distribution

Nogami et al.[179,180] reported a study of the influence of water content on the

protonic conductivity of porous silica glasses with high SBET (700 - 900 m2·g-1), which

reached values up to 10-3 S·cm-1 at room temperature. For the glasses subsequently

treated at high temperatures, the concentration of SiOH groups is lowered and thus is

also the conductivity, paired to an increase of the activation energy (Ea) from ~60 to

~120 kJ·mol-1.


Daiko et al.[183] synthesized several silica glasses with different pore sizes (2-24 nm)

and studied their protonic conductivity. They found that the volume fraction of pores

occupied by water in glasses exposed to 80% r.h. at 50 °C drops from 0.95 to 0.11 as

the pore size increases from 2 to 24 nm. This effect is in agreement with Kelvin’s

equation (eq. 2.3), which states that, as the pore size decreases, the r.h. at which water

condenses also decreases. Interestingly, the conductivity of the sample with pore size

of 2 nm is lower than for the sample with 4.3 nm pore size (Table 1.1). The pulse-field

gradient NMR spectroscopy analysis of these samples revealed that the proton

diffusion coefficient is almost twice higher for the sample with larger pores. This

suggests that the diffusion of the proton is somewhat restricted in smaller pores, where

they are strongly chemically bonded to the surface hydroxyl groups.

Colomer et al.[186] studied the protonic conductivity of porous, acid-free silica

xerogels with pore size close to 4 nm and a SBET of 534 m2∙g-1. A water uptake (W)

experiment showed that the water concentration inside the xerogel increases sharply

up to 75% r.h. and moderately afterwards, indicating a two-regime process for the

adsorption of water, in agreement with Dubinin’s theory of volume filling for vapour

adsorption.[187] According to this theory, at low r.h., a layer of clusters of water

molecules is formed at the wall of the interconnected pores and, while the r.h.

increases, new layers of water molecules start to fill the remaining pore space via

capillary condensation, until a saturation effect is observed. Interestingly, the

conductivity increases 4 orders of magnitude with increasing r.h., in a very similar

trend as for the W. The Ea decreased from 31 kJ∙mol-1 at 33% r.h. down to 7.7 kJ·mol-1

at 75% r.h.[41,188]

1.5.2 Inorganic functionalized ordered mesoporous silica

Mesoporous silicas turned out to be satisfactory proton conductors on their own, but

the introduction of acid groups into the pores was regarded as an opportunity to

further increase the conductivity by enhancing proton diffusion. The functionalization

of PMS with inorganic acids, heteropolyacids or solid acids is widely reported in

literature. The conductivity values and other relevant data for several examples are

shown in Table 1.2, some of which are analysed in the following paragraphs.


Table 1.2. Protonic conductivity, Ea, SBET and pore size for mesoporous

silica with various types of inorganic acid groups in the pores.

Sample conditions Ea


(S∙cm-1) SBET


Pore size

(nm) ref

Mesoporous silica-gel vs

conventional silica-gel impregnated

with H2SO4

25ºC dry N2











Mesoporous silica-gel impregnated

with H2SO4 (SDA with different alkyl

chain length)

85 ºC

60% r.h.




C14 – 0.21

C16 – 0.24

C22 - 0.29








Porous Silica Gels Impregnated with

Sulphuric Acid.

80 ºC

60% r.h.

- 0.4 1254 2.1 [111]

Mesoporous SiO2: xZrP: yH3PO4


100 ºC

30% r.h.

- 0.04 700 4 [112]

H5GeW11VO40 heteropoly acid

(HPA) supported on SBA-15

23 ºC

85% HPA

- 3.1×10-3 - - [113]

Phosphosilicate films prepared using

non-ionic surfactant C16EO10

80 ºC

70% r.h.

- 7.5×10-3




CsHSO4-SiO2 nanocomposite



dry N2

- 1.6×10-4


- 4



CsHSO4/mesoSiO2 composite

(evaporation-to-dryness method)

100 ºC

200 ºC

(dry Ar)










Mesoporous Silica/Phosphate

Composite Films Prepared by

Vapour Phase Method using C16 as



80% r.h.

- 0.55 - 2.4 [192]

Mesoporous Silica/Phosphate

Composite by Vapour Phase Method

and Brij-30 as template.

200 ºC

100 ºC











25 wt.% HPW/Si membrane

100 ºC

100% r.h.

- 0.076 - 3.2-3.5 [194]

HPW/MCM-41 Composites 150 ºC

100 ºC

100% r.h.










Al doped MCM-41 100ºC

100% r.h.

- 3.2 ×10-5 785 2.3 [195]

HPW/meso-silica composites (P123

as template)

100 ºC

100% r.h.

13 0.08 - 3.5 [196]

self-assembled 25 wt.% HPW-meso-



100% r.h.

14 0.09 346 3.9 [115]

Self assembled HPW/silica

mesoporous nanocomposites

100 ºC

100% r.h.

- 0.076

- 3.2 -3.5 [197]

HPW/meso-silica composites with

cubic bicontinuous structure.

80 ºC

100% r.h.

14.5 0.11 252 3.7 [116,


Nd2O3–SiO2 composites 91 ºC

29% r.h.

- 4×10-4

132 9.5 [199]

Nishiwaki et al.[109] studied the influence of the impregnation of H2SO4, HClO4 and

H3PO4 on the protonic conductivity of conventional and surfactant-templated silica-

gels. The best conductivity results were always obtained when H2SO4 was used as

impregnating agent. The amount of H2SO4 impregnated in the ordered samples was


superior to the one in silica gel (~2.5 times larger), leading to a protonic conductivity

which is 4 orders of magnitude higher than the conductivity of acid functionalized


Matsuda et al.[110] studied the influence of the alkyl chain length of several alkyl

ammonium bromide surfactants (C14, C16 and C22) on the protonic conductivity of

similar silica-gels. As the alkyl chain length increased, they found materials with

higher SBET (from 1089 to 1248 m2∙g-1) and larger pore size distribution (from 2.6 to 4.0

nm). In terms of conductivity, the result also showed a slight increase with increasing

number of carbon in the alkyl chain. Samples impregnated with H2SO4 and HClO4

have the highest conductivity (up to 2.910-1 S∙cm-1 at 85 °C and 60% r.h., Table 1.2).

The same authors have also found that the conductivity increases with increasing

concentration of H2SO4 in the solution used for the impregnation (5 M H2SO4 yielded

conductivity values up to 410-1 S∙cm-1 at 60% r.h., which is 2 orders of magnitude

higher than for a sample treated with a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution).[111]

Heteropolyacids are known to be good solid conductors at near ambient

temperature.[200] Jin et al.[113] took advantage of this property and introduced

H5GeW11VO40 (HPA) with a Keggin structure into the mesoporous silica molecular

sieve SBA-15.

A conductivity value of 3.110-3 S∙cm-1 was obtained at 23 ºC, which is slightly higher

than for the pure HPA.[201] The provenience of the protonic conductivity could be

from the HPA itself, from the hydrolysis of water molecules connected to both HPA

crystal and the wall of the SBA-15, or from the ionization of the superficial silanol

groups. The large number of micro and mesopores in SBA-15 enhances the good

dispersion of the HPA, allowing the adsorption of more water than for pure HPA and

thus facilitating proton transport. The existence of HPA inside the pores of SBA-15

also led to a strong interaction with the silanol groups, making the ionization of these

groups much easier than for pure SBA-15.

Yet another composite material based on mesoporous silica was prepared by

incorporating CsHSO4.[190] This solid acid undergoes a phase transition at 140 °C

and its conductivity is dramatically increased from 10-6 to 10-2 S∙cm-1. This still

restrains the working temperature for solid acid based fuel cells to temperature above

the phase transition temperature.[74] However, it has been shown that it is possible to


stabilize the high temperature phase at low temperature by synthesizing CsHSO4

composite electrolyte with high content of porous oxides (TiO2 or SiO2) and by

assuring that the CsHSO4 is in an amorphous phase, which depends not only on the

oxide content but also on the shape and pore size of the oxides. Interesting XRD and

thermal analysis data showed that the CsHSO4 inside the composite with the smaller

pores (4 nm) was characterized by an amorphous phase with dispersed crystallites,

whereas the sample with bigger pores (290 nm) consisted of crystallized bulk phase

with amorphous interfaces. Comparing to the sample with 290 nm pore size and to

pure CsHSO4, the sample with smaller pores showed an increase of conductivity by 2

orders of magnitude.

Zeng et al.[116,198] studied the protonic conductivity of 12-phosphotungstic acid

(H3PW12O40∙nH2O or HPW) impregnated mesoporous silica materials with a

bicontinuous cubic symmetry. Samples impregnated with up to 80% HPW showed

conductivity levels of 0.07-0.11 S∙cm-1 at 25-90 ˚C and 100% r.h., which is 3 orders of

magnitude higher than for the pure mesoporous silica, and comparable or even higher

than for Nafion®. The relatively low Ea (14.5 kJ∙mol-1) and high conductivity values

are related with proton hopping mechanism mediated by water, avoiding the

formation of the transition state from the rearrangement of the Keggin structure of the


1.5.3 Organic functionalized ordered mesoporous silica

The use of organic acid groups (such as sulfonic, phosphonic or carboxylic acid and

imidazole) for the functionalization of mesoporous silica is also heavily present in the

literature. Table 1.3 presents the characteristic data for a few examples.

Table 1.3. Protonic conductivity, SBET, pore size, W and

[H+] for organic functionalized mesoporous silicas.

Sample conditions

(S∙cm-1) SBET


Pore size

(nm) W (%) [H+]



Functionalized mesoporous silica (SBA

15) with MPTMS. 1) 20% and 2) 10%

90 ºC

100% r.h.

20% - 0.03

10% - 0.01










Meso-SiO2-C12EO10OH-CF3SO3H thin


25 ºC

90% r.h.

5×10-4 - 4.85

- - [202]


Table 1.3 (continued)

Mesoporous polyaniline / SBA-15


25 ºC

100% r.h.


555 3.8


- [203]

Mesostructured silica films with

aluminosilica and PFSA

100 ºC

100% r.h.


- - - - [204]

Surface sulfonated (1-x)PhSiO3/2-

(x)MeSiO3/2 particles with (1) and

without (2) mesoporous structure

80 ºC


1) 5.5×10-3

2) 1.5×10-3










Post synthetic sulfonation of MCM-

41(1), SBA-15 (2) and SBA-16 (3) with


100 ºC

100% r.h.


2)1.28 ×10-5















Co-condensation of MCM-41 with 40%

MPTMS. MW energy for template

extraction and oxidation in one step.

100 ºC

100% r.h.

0.016 - - - 2.3 [156]

Immobilized imidazole in MCM-41 100 ºC

100% r.h.

1×10-6 - - - 0.56 [107]

Functionalized MCM-41 and MCM-48

containing phenyl sulfonic acid (S-PE),

propyl sulfonic acid (S-MP) and ethyl

phosphonic acid (P).

25 ºC

100% r.h.






































Phosphonic acid functionalised porous

silica nanospheres

100 ºC

100% r.h.

0.014 899 0.96

- 1.3 [137]

Phosphonic acid functionalized silicas

100 ºC

100% r.h.



- - - [138]

Nanoparticles of Mesoporous SO3H-

functionalized Si-MCM-41

100 ºC

100% r.h.

3.9×10-3 1135 2.1 - 1.78 [135]

Imidazole functionalized MCM-41 100 ºC

100% r.h.

1×10-5 349 2.0 - - [108]

MPTMS functionalized SBA-15 120 ºC

100% r.h.

1×10-3 - - - - [207]

P2O5-SiO2-PWA inorganic membrane

matrix functionalized with MPTMS

and glutaraldehyde

100 ºC

50% r.h.

0.085 - - - - [208]

Periodic ordered sulfonated-silica

nanoelectrolytes with 2D hexagonal



100% r.h.


- - - - [209]

Sulfonic acid functionalized MCM-41

(20 wt. %)

100 ºC

100% r.h.

5.7×10-3 428 2.16 - 2.82 [210]

Sulfonic acid functionalized MCM-41

(40 wt. %)

100 ºC

100% r.h.

0.016 380 2.01 - 3.2 [211]

Sulfonated Arene Mesoporous Ethane

silicas using Brij-56 as SDA


160 wt.%


0.016 1040


- 1.21


MPTMS functionalized Benzene-PMO

grafted at the 1) silanol site, 2) benzene

ring and 3 ) both locations.


100% r.h.

















Highly ordered mesoporous sílica films

functionalized with MPTMS using

different alkyl chain surfactant.

25 ºC

90 % r.h.

C12) 0.27

C18) 0.21












Mikhailenko et al.[129] pioneered the study of the protonic conductivity in hybrid

functionalized PMS. They synthesised the mesoporous organosilicas by co-condensing

TEOS and different amounts of MPTMS (0, 10 and 20% mol), using P123 as SDA, in

acidic conditions. The protonic conductivity was found to be extremely dependent on

water content, enhancing up to 6 orders of magnitude from dry to fully hydrated state.

At room temperature, the fully hydrated functionalized silica showed conductivity

above 10-2 S∙cm-1. The conductivity in water vapour saturated conditions followed an

Arrhenius tendency, with an apparent Ea of 6.9 kJ∙mol-1 for the membrane with best

protonic conductivity (20% mol. substitution). This value is comparable to the

enthalpy of water diffusion (4.8 kJ∙mol-1).[200]

Marschall et al.[95] studied the conductivity of PMS functionalized with 5 to 20%

mmol∙g-1 of SO3H via the post-synthetic MPTMS grafting of MCM-41, SBA-15 and

SBA-16. For low levels of functionalization, the wide pores of SBA-15 seem to justify

its high conductivity. Interestingly, at high [H+], this material overtakes the others by

one order of magnitude, which can be due to the superior SBET, which allows a high

degree of acid functionalization. The high density of acid groups in the more confined

pores of MCM-41 may facilitate the proton hopping. As expected, the conductivity is

highly dependent on the r.h. reflected as an increase in 4 orders of magnitude from dry

state to fully hydrated. Still, the best result obtained was a modest 9×10-5 S∙cm-1 at 100

˚C and 100% r.h. The same group published another paper on the conductivity of

highly functionalized PMS (20 to 40 mmol∙g-1) obtained by the co-condensation of

MCM-41 with MPTMS.[156] The 2.3 mmol∙g-1 of [H+] achieved by this method

turned out to be crucial for the enhancement of conductivity. More than one SO3H

group per nm2 was achieved at the inner surface, which promoted the direct proton

diffusion between acid sites. At 100 ˚C and 100% r.h. the best result obtained was of

1.6×10-2 S∙cm-1. MD simulations showed that the functionalized samples obtained by

grafting are more dependent on the water transport than the co-condensed ones.[141]

Due to the less homogeneous distribution of water in scarcely humidified conditions,

for a sample with a low loading of acid groups, the proton transport barrier varies

greatly with the , whereas for samples with greater level of [H+], the small distance

between the protogenic groups minimizes the effect of the low .


As mentioned before, Sharifi et al.[97] studied the protonic conductivity of sulfonic

acid functionalized Ph-PMO. The temperature dependence of the conductivity follows

an Arrhenius behaviour with Ea of 117 kJ∙mol-1 for a material grafted on the silica, 63

kJ∙mol-1 for the sample with SO3H groups at the benzene and 54 kJ∙mol-1 for the

sample with acid groups in both sites. The authors justify the higher Ea of the silica

grafted material because of the inhomogeneous distribution of the MPTMS groups

inside the material, as mentioned in a previous study.[156] The high reactivity of the

acid precursor leads to a preferential anchoring at the pore mouths, hindering the

conductivity along the channels.[78,135,156] The sample with both functionalities

showed the best conductivity result of 0.08 S∙cm-1 at 140 °C and 100% r.h. These

authors also performed computational simulations for the characterization of the

water environment using radial distribution function obtained from MD simulation.

These results suggest that the isolated SO3H acid groups located at the benzene ring

should act as a proton trap under scarcely humidified conditions. However, the

combination with neighbouring flexible propyl chain of the acid functionalities at the

silanol lowers the proton barrier. If sufficient acid groups are provided, the proton

conduction along the pore wall by hopping from adjacent acid functionalities may

compete with the bulk water vehicular mechanism, in dry conditions.[97]

Very recently, Fujita et al.[213] studied the protonic conductivity of several highly

ordered mesoporous silica structures with MPTMS functionalization, and using

cationic surfactants with different alkyl chain lengths (C12, C14 and C18). The

materials were grown over a Si substrate by an evaporation induced self-assembly

process. Materials with pore sizes varying from 2.2 to 3.9 nm and [H+] from 0.78 to

2.3 mmol∙g-1 could be obtained. All samples show a sharp increase of conductivity

with increasing r.h. up to a certain r.h. value, where the subsequent increase is more

moderate. Water sorption measurements are used to explain this sharp increase, which

is related with the adsorption and clustering of water molecules up to a point where

condensation occurs, driven by capillarity. The transition between the two

conductivity regimes is shifted to lower r.h. as the acid functional density increases

and the pore size decreases, in agreement to Kevin’s equation (eq. 2.3). The best

performing sample showed high conductivity values even at low water filling ratio of

the mesopores (20% or = 2).


The potential of phosphonic acid functionalized PMO for proton conduction has also

been investigated. Jin et al.[137,138] synthesised porous silica nanospheres

functionalized with phosphonic acid by the co-condensation of variable amounts of

diethylphosphatoethyl trimethoxysilane (DPTS) (in P/Si nominal ratios of 10, 20, 30

and 40%) and TEOS, using C16 as SDA. It was observed that the conductivity

increases with increasing acid content and that the elevated SBET helped raising the

conductivity at low water content. The sample with 40% nominal functionalization

rate exhibited a [H+] of 1.3 mmol∙g-1 and the highest protonic conductivity at 130 °C of

3×10-4 up to 0.015 S∙cm-1 from 20% to 100 % r.h respectively. The presence of

phosphonic acid groups inside the pore wall may create a continuous pathway for the

proton to diffuse in a Grotthuss mechanism in reduced water content conditions.

Moreover, the amphoteric characteristic of this acid enables intrinsic protonic

conductivity, which can be advantageous comparing to sulfonic acid.[214]

1.6 Composite Nafion®-based membranes

Since Nafion® is still the best choice as electrolyte material for PEMFC in terms of

performance and durability, much effort has been made in order to modify this PEM

with the purpose of rising the working temperature and lessen the chronic dependence

on the presence of water. The incorporation of hygroscopic phases into the polymer

matrix is probably the most explored approach to improve water retention capacity of

the polymer and hence the conductivity. The fillers also contribute to improve the

thermo–mechanical stability of the polymer.[215] A huge variety of filler materials has

been tested including SiO2, TiO2, SnO2, ZrO2, Zr(HPO4)2 and heteropolyacids (e.g.

H3PW12O40 and H4SiW12O40).[13,215]

The following analysis is focused on composite Nafion® membranes with silica-based

fillers. Selected examples of these composites are listed in Table 1.4, including data of

conductivity, W and swelling. The membrane conductivity is preferred over alternative

indicators of performance such as the power output because there is a huge influence


of the electrode composition and electrode/electrolyte interface on the fuel cell

measurements, that is difficult to account for and, thus, difficult to compare.

Table 1.4. Protonic conductivity, W and swelling of Nafion®/SiO2

composite membranes, including filler properties [H+], SBET and pore size.

Sample Condit. Conductivity






Filler properties ref


(mmol∙g-1) SBET




3 wt.% SiO2 particles in recast Nafion® 100 ºC

in air

0.19 (a) - - - 200 12(b) [216]

SiO2 particles in various % added to

preformed 1)Nafion® 115 and 2) recast


130 ºC



1) 2% - 0.28

6% - 0.23

10% - 0.26

2) 3% - 0.42

6% - 0.46

(a) 10%-0.26

- - - - - [217]

Composite Nafion® recast membrane

with 1) perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acid

functionalized mesoporous SiO2 and 2)

pristine mesoporous SiO2 (L64

copolymer as SDA).

1) 1% - 0.11

3% - 0.12

6% - 0.11

2) 1% - 0.10

6% - 0.07














Composite Nafion® membranes with 1)

bulk SiO2 particles, 2) pristine

mesoporous SiO2 and 3) SO3H

functionalized mesoporous SiO2.

80 ºC

95% r.h.

1) 0.08

2) 0.12

3) 0.13
















1 wt.% MCM-41 in recast Nafion® 80 ºC

100% r.h.

0.2 24.2 (e) 970 2.5 [220]

4 wt.% polyelectrolyte grafted SiO2

nanoparticles in recast Nafion®

80 ºC 0.041 9.7 [221]

13 wt.% (in Si) sulfonated organically

modified silicas grown in situ in recast


95 ºC

95% r.h.

0.029 56


16 0.98 (f) [222]

5 wt.% in situ grown SiO2 nanoparticles

in recast Nafion®.

60 ºC


0.09 =7

60 ºC


Nafion® recast membranes of 1)

phosphonic acid functionalized porous

SiO2 nanoparticles and 2) colloidal SiO2

85 ºC

50% r.h.

1) 5% - 0.025

10% - 0.026

15% - 0.022

2) 5% - 0.014

10% - 0.009




700 2.5

20 (b)


10 wt.% Sulfonated SBA-15 in recast


80 ºC

100% r.h.


0.36 8 [225]

5 wt.% in situ formed SiO2 in recast


100 ºC

100% r.h.

0.02 27.2 [226]

20 wt. % in situ sol-gel formation of acid-

functionalized Polysilsesquioxane in

recast Nafion®

80 ºC

90% r.h.

0.09 30.2


1.28 (f) [227]

10 wt.% of a SiO2-TiO2-Catechol

sulfonate salt (ratio of 1:01:0.025) in

recast Nafion® (P123 as SDA)

100 ºC

80% r.h.

0.039 17 313 [228]

3 wt.% mesoporous sulfonated-Ph-SiO2

in recast Nafion®

25 ºC

100% r.h.

0.013 60 0.94 (f) 617 6.9 [229]

(a) contact resistance in Ω∙cm2, (b) particle size, (c) without acid functionalization, (d) composite

membranes with 5 wt.% filler, (e) less than Nafion® reference, f) for the membrane.


Early work made by Antonucci et al.[216] investigated a 3 wt% SiO2/Nafion®

composite membrane at 145 °C, in which the silica was added to a solution of

Nafion® ionomer before recasting. They reported a cell resistance* of 0.19 Ω∙cm2 at

100 ºC in air with improved water retention and lower methanol cross-over. A

different approach for the synthesis of the composite membranes was introduced by

Adjemian et al.[217], by addition of commercial SiO2 particles (Aerosil 200, Degussa)

to a preformed Nafion® 115 membrane (using an impregnation method via sol-gel

processing of TEOS) and to recast Nafion® membrane, using various amounts of SiO2

fillers. The composite membrane with preformed Nafion® 115 showed, at 130 °C, a

minimum contact resistance of 0.23 Ω∙cm2 for the sample with 6 wt.% SiO2, increased

water retention and thermal durability in comparison to the pristine Nafion® 115


The membranes with recast Nafion® showed enhanced properties up to 10 wt.% SiO2

loadings with a minimum resistance observed of 0.26 Ω∙cm2. The optimal filler

content thus seems to be higher for the recast membranes, probably due to the phase-

separated microstructure in the membranes, since in the recast Nafion® the

hydrophilic domains could restructure as the SiO2 polymer was forming, thus

accommodating more filler. The incorporation of more than 10 wt.% fillers led to

mechanical instability of the membranes. An investigation by Lin et al.[218] compares

composite Nafion® membranes using perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acid functionalized

mesoporous silica particles (S-MSiO2) and pristine mesoporous SiO2 particles (MSiO2)

as fillers. The recast S-MSiO2/Nafion® membranes containing up to 6 wt.% hybrid

fillers showed reduced methanol permeability, W and swelling as function of filler

content increase. The authors state that the probable cause of the increase in

conductivity for the composite membranes is due to the increase of [H+] of the

membranes caused by the presence of the functionalized S-MSiO2 in the matrix.

Interestingly, the improvement in conductivity from 0.10 to 0.12 S∙cm-1 is maximized

for 3 wt.% filler. The authors suggest that the conductivity drop for higher filler

contents is mainly due to phase-separated microstructure in the membrane. On the

other, the addition of pristine MSiO2 leads to a quasi-linear decrease in conductivity

from the first 1 wt.% addition up to 6 wt.%.

* - area-specific resistance, which is the cell resistance multiplied by the electrode area.


Tominaga et al.[219] studied the incorporation of SiO2 fillers using various types of

silicas: bulk nanosized SiO2 (p-SiO2), pristine mesoporous SiO2 (MSiO2) and

sulfonated mesoporous SiO2 (S-MSiO2). Composite membranes with the S-MSiO2

fillers showed improved conductivity with the increase of filler content up to 5 wt.%,

and decreasing thereafter. Contrary to the observation of Lin et al.,[218] they also

observed an increase of conductivity with additions of pristine M-SiO2. They justify

the higher conductivity in the MSiO2 comparing to pristine Nafion® and composite

with p-SiO2 by the presence of the mesoporosity which can lead to higher W of these

composite membranes (the pristine MSiO2 filler has a SBET more than 50% higher than

for the MSiO2 from Lin et al. – Table 1.4). In the specific case of S-MSiO2, the

presence of hydrophilic sulfonic acid could also contribute to higher migration of

proton in the composites. The visible decline in conductivity from 5 wt.% upwards

was explained by the increasing presence of an insulating phase composed by

agglomerates of mesoporous SiO2 domains, which ultimately hinder the conductive

nature of the Nafion® matrix. On the other hand, the composite membranes with p-

SiO2 particles show a decline in conductivity right from the first addition of 1 wt.% in


Pereira et al.[222] used an in-situ sol-gel process to synthesise mesoporous hybrid

organic-inorganic SiO2-based particles in a Nafion® matrix. The membranes were

made by the co-condensation of TEOS and 10 mol % of a sulfonated organo-

alkoxysilane, using an organic surfactant as directing agent, in the presence of the

ionomer. The co-condensation reactions and cooperative self-assembly organization

occurred during solvent evaporation of the membrane recast process. This in-situ sol-

gel method allowed a better definition of pore dimension and a homogeneous

distribution of the particles in the polymer matrix. The composite membrane with

hybrid silica particles content of 13 wt.% was found to be the best performing

membrane. The protonic conductivity of the hybrid membrane at 95 °C and 90% r.h.

is 0.029 S∙cm-1, which is more than 5 times the conductivity of Nafion® 112 reference

used in this work (0.006 S∙cm-1). The authors state that the high [H+] of the hybrid

membrane associated to the enhanced W and reduced swelling can explain this

increase. However, when compared to other conductivity values published in the


literature, which are usually close to 0.1 S∙cm-1 in similar conditions, the

improvements reported by Pereira et al. seem indeed modest.

Phosphonic acid functionalized mesoporous particles have also been added to

Nafion®. The use of this acid instead of sulfonic acid seems to be advantageous

because of the potentially higher charge carrier concentration, thermal stability and

resistance to oxidation. The dependence on liquid water can also be diminished

because of the amphoteric behaviour of this protogenic group (it can act as a proton

donor and as proton acceptor), forming dynamic hydrogen bond networks where

proton can be transported by the quick formation and breaking of hydrogen


A research developed by Wang et al.[224] compared the performance of phosphonic-

acid functionalized silica particles/Nafion® composite membranes with colloidal

silica/Nafion® and pristine Nafion® membranes. The functionalized silica particles

composite membranes with 10 wt.% of loading showed an improvement of 24% in

protonic conductivity at 85 °C/ 50% r.h. As observed by other authors cited above, the

increase of conductivity with increasing filler amount goes through a maximum. The

authors also speculate, as for Lin et al.[218], that this effect is related to the phase-

separated microstructure of the membranes. Changes in the hydrophobic/hydrophilic

domains could thus affect the proton transport in the membrane.

From the analysis made so far, there seems to be a maximum filler content that

renders the greater conductivity increase of the composite membranes conductivity

comparing to pristine Nafion®, normally under the 10 wt. % threshold. Although the

great variability in the structure and microstructure of the different fillers used in the

literature may not allow a straightforward correlation, one can say that there is a limit

to the incorporation of fillers in Nafion®. Several authors seem to agree that this effect

is related to changes if the microstructural phase-separation of the Nafion®

membrane. The majority of the works in the literature used the recast method to

incorporate the fillers inside the polymer matrix with promising results. The composite

membrane where the filler present higher [H+] allied to high SBET tend to show better

conductivity values of the composite membranes.

The majority of the studies of Nafion® composite membranes explain the

enhancements in conductivity solely by the increase in W and water retention ability


introduced by the presence of the hygroscopic fillers. Kreuer[33] recently suggested

that the presence of foreign bodies in Nafion®, mainly those that stand at the surface,

could create a perturbation of the observable surface skin, helping to release the built-

up internal pressure and allowing the incorporation of additional water, just like it

happens in membranes that are in direct contact with liquid water (the so-called

Schroeder paradox presented in section

To the best of our knowledge, this thesis reports for the first time the incorporation of

sulfonic acid functionalized benzene-bridged PMO in composite Nafion® membranes.

Moreover, the study of the influence of the characteristics of PMOs ([H+], SBET, pore

volume, pore order) on the conductivity as function of both temperature and relative

humidity is also scarce in the literature. The choice of benzene-bridged PMO as hybrid

filler for composite Nafion® membranes is not arbitrary. It has been chosen because it

offers a stable rigid structure for the conduction of proton which is independent of r.h.

and should not suffer from the confinement effect caused by the shrinkage of the

pores, as it happens in Nafion®.[38,52] Moreover, the structure of the acid

functionalized PMO makes it a good model of the structure of Nafion® pores in its

hydrated form, with similar pore width and distance between acid sites.[52] It is

expectable that the swelling of the composite membrane is reduced as a function of the

filler content because the mesoporous particles can offer the free volume necessary for

the incorporation of excess hydration water, limiting the expansion of the Nafion®

matrix, as observed by other authors.[218] The choice of the protogenic group is also

matter of discussion: sulfonic and phosphonic acids are thus investigated. The former

was chosen because it has been largely used in the functionalization of PMSs and

PMOs, with good results in terms of protonic conductivity and W. Sulfonic acid is

therefore a safe choice as protogenic group.[214] The phosphonic acid group was

selected due to its novelty in the functionalization of Ph-PMO and to some promising

results found in the literature on the phosphonic acid functionalization of mesoporous





In this chapter the syntheses of the various precursors, of the acid functionalized

periodic mesoporous organosilicas and of the composite Nafion® membranes are

described. The techniques and methods used to characterize the composition,

structure and microstructure of the hybrid mesoporous silica powders and composite

membranes are also described.

2.1 Synthesis of the acid functionalized PMO precursors

Two of the basic precursors for sulfonic and phosphonic acid functionalized PMO

were synthesized in-lab, mainly due to the high cost and relatively low purity of the

products available in the market.

2.1.1 Synthesis of 1,4-bis(triethoxysilyl)benzene (BTEB)

The synthesis of the benzene-bridged organosilane BTEB (scheme 2.1) was prepared

according to the procedure described in the literature.[230]


Scheme 2.1. Structure of BTEB.

This Barbier-Grignard synthesis started by the addition of 3 small iodine crystals

(Fluka, purum) to a mixture of 5.14 g of previously air-dried magnesium chips

(Aldrich, purum), 60 ml of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, Aldrich, 98%) and 40 ml of

tetrahydrofuran (THF, Sigma-Aldrich, ≥99.5%, over molecular sieves) under nitrogen

atmosphere, to which a solution containing 16.45 g of 1,4-dibromobenzene (Aldrich,

98%) dissolved in 31 ml of THF was added drop by drop at 50 ºC. The reaction

mixture was kept at reflux overnight (75 ºC). After the reaction time, the THF was

evaporated in vacuum and 80 ml of dry n-hexane (Sigma-Aldrich, ≥99%, over

molecular sieves) was added in order to precipitate any remaining Mg salts in solution.

The obtained light yellow solution was filtered in a glass frit filter funnel, under

nitrogen. After the subsequent evaporation of the n-hexane under vacuum, the

resulting yellow oil was transferred to a special round-bottom flask for low pressure

distillation in a Kugelrohr apparatus. The unreacted chemicals were distilled up to 155

ºC and 200 Pa, and the colourless BTEB was collected at 180-190 ºC and 147 Pa (30%

yield). The structure of BTEB was confirmed by 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) : 7.60

(4 H, s, ArH); 3.80 (12 H, q, J = 7.02 Hz, OCH2CH3); 1.16 (18 H, t , J = 7.02


2.1.2 Synthesis of diethyl 4-(trimethoxysilyl)benzylphosphosphonate (PSiP)

The PSiP precursor (scheme 2.2) was prepared using a modified version of the method

described in reference[231].


Scheme 2.2. Structure of PSiP.

The synthesis starts by the addition of 4.41 ml of (p-cloromethyl)

phenyltrimethoxysilane (ABCR, 95%) to 4.20 ml of triethylphosphite (Aldrich, 98%).

The mixture was then stirred and heated in reflux at 150 ºC in nitrogen atmosphere,

overnight. After cooling down to room temperature, part of the unreacted compounds

was removed by evaporation under vacuum. The remaining liquid was then distilled at

low pressure in a Kugelrohr apparatus, under nitrogen. The unreacted compounds

where distilled up to 200 ºC at ~330 Pa and the colourless PSiP oil was collected at

230 ºC, also at 333 Pa (77% yield). The structure of PSiP was also only confirmed by

1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) : 7.65 (2 H, d, J = 7.68 Hz, ArH); 7.38 (2 H, dd, J =

8.10; 2.43 Hz, ArH); 4.10-4.00 (4 H, m, OCH2CH3); 3.65 (9 H, s, OCH3); 3.19 (2 H, d

, J = 22 Hz, PCH2); 1.27 (6 H, t , J = 7.13, OCH2CH3).

2.2 Synthesis of acid functionalized Ph-PMO

The synthesis of Ph-PMO functionalized with sulfonic or phosphonic acids followed

similar pathway as the number of steps is the same for both acids. The syntheses were

all made by the co-condensation method, where the silica and acid precursors were

added in the same synthetic step and allowed to condensate simultaneously.

2.2.1 Functionalization with sulfonic acid

The synthesis of sulfonic acid functionalized Ph-PMO samples (S-Ph-PMO) was

carried out following the procedures reported in the literature,[89,90] with some minor

adjustments as schematized in scheme 2.3 (path 1).


In a typical synthesis, 1.86 g of cationic surfactant octadecyl trimethylammonium

bromide (C18, Aldrich, 98%) was dissolved in 50 ml of distilled H2O and 1.33 ml of

6M NaOH (EKA chemicals) aqueous solution at ~50 ºC. 0.67g of BTEB are added to

0.32 ml of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (MPTMS, Sigma-Aldrich, 95%) and

ultrasonicated for 5 min. The chemicals ratios used in the synthesis are

BTEB:MPTMS:C18:NaOH:H2O 1:1:2.87:4.83:1716.

Scheme 2.3. Typical synthesis pathway for 1) S-Ph-PMO and 2) P-Ph-PMO.

This mixture was then added dropwise to the surfactant solution at room temperature

and under vigorous agitation. After the addition of the precursors, the mixture was

ultrasonicated for 5 minutes and transferred to a PTFE lined stainless steel autoclave.

The self-assembly process was allowed to occur, in which the precursors organize

around the lyotropic liquid-crystalline phase formed by the supramolecular aggregates

of the surfactant micelles. The process was conducted at room temperature under

vigorous agitation, for 24 or 48 h. Then, the autoclave was inserted in an oven at 100

ºC for 24 h of hydrothermal treatment to further consolidate the mesostructure and the

pore walls. The resulting mesostructured hybrid powders were filtered and washed

with warm distilled H2O, dried at 60 ºC and the remaining template extracted

overnight using a 100 ml solution of 1:9 HCl/EtOH (typically for 0.5 g of co-

condensed powders, 100 ml of EtOH was used) at reflux temperature. Finally, after a

thorough washing in EtOH and distilled H2O and subsequent drying at 60 ºC, the


oxidation of the SH groups to SO3H was performed by wetting about 0.5 g of the

sample with 1 ml of distilled water, followed by 5 ml of 20 mol % HNO3 solution and

finally by the slow addition of 10 g of concentrated HNO3 (Sigma-Aldrich, 65%). The

mixture was left at room temperature under vigorous stirring during 24 h. The shortest

time spent in this conventional synthesis (discounting filtering and drying inter-steps)

was 84 h.

In order to reduce the synthesis time and the amount of solvent used, a series of

experiments was designed to explore the potential of MW radiation as an alternative

heat source on the various steps of the synthesis (self-assembly, hydrothermal

treatment, extraction and oxidation).

The MW synthesis of S-Ph-PMO was inspired in the MW synthesis of acid-free Ph-

PMO reported in the literature,[161] exploiting the effect of time on the various

synthetic steps. According to the synthesis path in question, different self-assembly

times were performed (2, 6, 12 and 24 h for conventional stirring and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6

and 12 h stirring in MW at 40 °C). Subsequently, the mixture was poured into a MW

vial and heated at 100 ºC for the desired hydrothermal treatment time (1, 3 or 5 h).

The remaining surfactant was extracted also in the MW oven at 100 ºC for 15 min

using half of the solvent quantity typically used in the conventional extraction. The

oxidation step was accomplished by reaction with HNO3 for 30 min in MW at 40 °C.

The MW syntheses were performed using microwave systems model MARS-5

(CICECO, University of Aveiro) and MARS-X (LACCO, University of Poitiers), both

from CEM Corporation.

The samples notation system follows the acronym S-AxByZ, where “S” refers to the

sulfonic acid functionalization, “A” refers to the conditions used in the self-assembly

step (“C” for conventional stirring at room temperature or “MS” for microwave

treatment at 40 °C under stirring), “B” is related to the conditions used in the

hydrothermal treatment (“C” for conventional oven and “M” for microwave

treatment) and “Z” denotes the specific sample condition at the moment of

characterization, including (as) as-synthesized and (ext) extracted; when “Z” is not

mentioned, the acronym refers to the final oxidized form. The “x” and “y" indicates

the duration of the specific step, in hours. As an example, S-C24M3 corresponds to a


24 h conventional self-assembly step, followed by a 3h hydrothermal treatment with

MW. The sample was then extracted and oxidised.

2.2.2 Functionalization with phosphonic acid

The synthesis of Ph-PMO samples functionalized with phosphonic acid (P-Ph-PMO)

was carried out by the co-condensation of PSiP and BTEB in several proportions using

a triblock-copolymer EO20-PO70-EO20 (Pluronic P123, Aldrich) or anionic surfactant n-

hexadecylsulfuric acid sodium salt (SHS, ABCR, includes 40% sodium stearyl sulfate

salt) as structure directing agents. Although the synthesis of P-Ph-PMO samples was

also attempted with cationic surfactants of the trimethylammonium bromide family

(C14, C16 and C18), these did not result in any condensation of the PSiP group, as

assessed by acid-base titration. These samples are denoted “Px-y”, where x stands for

the nominal molar percentage of PSiP and y represents the acronym of the structure

directing agent (P123 or SHS). The second path in scheme 2.3 represents the synthetic

pathway for the synthesis of P-Ph-PMO using co-polymer P123 as structure directing

agent. For example, P20-SHS corresponds to a sample with a 20 % PSiP and 80 %

BTEB, using SHS as SDA, and synthesised with conventional stirring, hydrothermal

treatment, extraction and acidification steps.

In a typical synthesis 0.75 g of P123 was dissolved in a mixture of 29 ml of distilled

H2O and 0.2 ml of concentrated HCl (37 wt.%). The mixture was stirred and heated at

50 ºC until a clear solution was obtained. A mixture of BTEB and PSiP, in 1:9, 1:4

and 1:1 molar proportion (totalling 2.46×10-3 mol of total precursors in each batch and

corresponding to samples P10%-P123, P20%-P123 and P50%-P123 respectively) was

kept for 5 minutes in an ultrasonic bath and added dropwise to the copolymer

solution, under vigorous agitation and at room temperature. After the addition, the

reaction mixture was kept for 5 minutes in an ultrasonic bath, poured in a PTFE

autoclave and left for 24 hours at room temperature, under vigorous agitation for the

self-assembly step. After this time, the vial was placed in an oven at 100 ºC for 24

hours. The solid product was recovered by filtration, washed with hot distilled H2O


and dried in the oven at 60 ºC. The remaining surfactant was extracted from the co-

condensed P-Ph-PMO using a mixture of EtOH/HCl (66.6:1) in reflux at 75 ºC and

overnight. The remaining solid was washed with EtOH and distilled H2O, and finally

dried at 60 ºC. The sample was wetted with 2 mol of distilled H2O and the free

phosphonic ether groups were transformed to phosphonic acid groups by the acid-

catalysed hydrolytic dealkylation. This was achieved by addition of 40 ml of

concentrated HCl, leaving the reaction at 80 ºC in reflux for 2 h. This reaction time

was found to yield the highest level of acid incorporation, as assessed by acid-base

titration and 31P high-power decoupling technique (HPDEC) magic-angle spinning


The synthesis of P-Ph-PMO with the anionic surfactant SHS is in all similar to the

synthesis of P-Ph-PMO with copolymer P123, apart from minor adjustments in the

quantities of the reactants. The molar ratio BTEB:PSiP for the P-SHS used were 1:9,

1:4, 1:2.3 and 1:1, which corresponds to samples P10%-SHS, P20%-SHS, P30%-SHS

and P50%-SHS respectively.

2.3 Preparation of composite Nafion® membranes

An aliquot of Nafion® dispersion (Aldrich, 20 wt.% dispersion in n-propanol, ethanol

and water) was heated up to 45 ºC in order to remove the solvents and redispersed in

N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc, Aldrich, ≥ 99%). For a typical composite membrane

with 5 wt.% of S-Ph-PMO in relation to the dry weight of Nafion®, a dispersion was

prepared with 0.3730 g of dry Nafion® polymer in DMA. In parallel, the selected S-

Ph-PMO powder was ultrasonicated for 10 min in 20 ml of EtOH, then thoroughly

ground in an agate mortar and dried in oven at 60 ºC. 0.0196 g of this powder was

then added to the Nafion®-DMA dispersion. The mixture was homogenised in an

ultrasounds bath for 5 min, and vigorously stirred overnight at room temperature.

Adjustments in the quantity of Nafion® and filler were made for composite

membranes with 10 and 20 wt. % S-Ph-PMO powders. The obtained slurry was

poured into a 5 cm in diameter petri dish and, in order to prevent the precipitation of


the particles, the viscosity of the mixture was increased by drying some of the solvent

in a hot plate at ~80 ºC and under constant agitation. Vacuum was then applied for 1

h in order to facilitate solvent evaporation and to remove air bubbles. The as-prepared

membranes were fully dried in an oven at 100 ºC for 5 h, and then at 60 ºC overnight.

For comparison purposes, a pure Nafion® membrane was also prepared by the same


All the prepared membranes were hot-pressed at 120 ºC under 10 MPa for 10 minutes

to improve their mechanical robustness. Finally, the membranes were washed and

activated using a series of treatments in boiling 3 vol. % H2O2 (Alfa Aesar, 29-32 wt.

%), 0.5 M H2SO4 (Panreac, 96%) and high purity H2O. The membranes were stored in

high purity H2O.

The composite membranes were denoted as “S-AxBy-C%” where the first part “S-

AxBy” specifies which S-Ph-PMO material was used and “C%” is the nominal wt.%

in relation to the dry weight of Nafion®.

2.4 Characterization of composition, structure and microstructure

2.4.1 X-ray diffraction

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a key technique for identification and characterization of

the crystalline phases in a material, which relies on the fact that the wavelength is in

the same order of magnitude than the bond distance between atoms in a crystalline

material. The crystal can be regarded as a set of regularly spaced scattering centres,

which can be portrayed as planes of lattice points, as depicted in the left side of Fig.

2.1.[232] The planes of scattering centres that make up the crystal are separated by a

distance d, but there can be several different planes, depending on which atoms are

regarded, each with its specific d inter-planar distance. A diffraction maximum occurs

when the crystal is specifically orientated regarding both the X-ray source and the

detector, in such a way that there is a constructive interference of the X-rays scattered

by the atomic planes of the sample.


Figure 2.1. Representation of some of the atomic planes and their d-

spacings in a simple cubic crystal (left) and Miller indices of atomic

planes in a simple cubic crystal (right). Adapted from ref[232].

Bragg’s law determines that for this to occur, the angle of incidence must be equal to

the scattering angle and that the path difference must be a whole number multiple of

the wavelength, according to:

𝑛𝜆𝐶𝑢 = 2𝑑 sin 𝜃 eq. 2.1

in which n is an integral multiple of the wavelength, λCu is the wavelength of the X-ray

(in this case a Cu K signal), d is the inter-planar distance and is the incidence


In the case of the materials studied in this work, there are no crystalline arrangements

of the atoms; in fact, these materials may be considered as amorphous. However, the

X-ray diffraction technique is also sensitive to the electron density contrast created by

the organization and distribution of the pores, which in this case have 2D hexagonal

symmetry.[89] The lattice constant, a0, which refers to the constant distance between

unit cells, can be calculated from d100 according to:

𝑎0 = 2𝑑100/√3 eq. 2.2

as depicted in fig. 2.2 . Additionally, for samples that use ionic surfactants as SDA (S-

Ph-PMO and P-PH-PMO-SHS) the XRD can also show an additional peak related to


a molecular scale periodicity, due to the stacking of hydrophobic and hydrophilic

layers, represented by the interplanar distance d001 in fig. 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Schematic representation of the hexagonal arrangement of pores and

the molecular scale periodicity of the pore walls of Ph-PMO. Adapted from[89].

The majority of the XRD analyses performed for this work were obtained in a Rigaku

Geigerflex D/Max – C series, equipped with a monochromatic Cu K radiation (λCu =

1.5406 Å). The diffractograms were collected from 1 to 16 º in 2 , with step size of

0.02 º and acquisition time of 2 s. A Phillips X’pert MPD diffractometer, using Cu

K, was also used to perform some measurements on an extended low angle range

from 0.5 to 16 º in 2, with a step size of 0.02 º and variable acquisition times (1 to 5 s).

2.4.2 -196 ºC nitrogen sorption isotherms

The study of the adsorption of gases by porous materials is useful for the

characterization of the structural and microstructural features, namely the SBET and the

volume and size distribution of the pores. When a porous solid (adsorbent) is exposed

to a vapour phase at a precise partial pressure, inside a defined closed space, it will

adsorb some of that vapour. After achieving equilibrium, the amount of gas adsorbed

can be calculated from the fall of the pressure or from the weight increase of the


The sorption isotherm is then a plot of the amount of adsorbed gas as a function of the

increasing and subsequent decreasing of the relative vapour pressure. In the case of


mesoporous materials the typical shape of the sorption isotherm pattern is of type IV,

according to the IUPAC classification, which has a characteristic hysteresis loop

between the adsorption and the desorption branch as depicted in fig. 2.3.[233] At the

beginning of the plot, in the low relative pressure region, the adsorption branch (full

line in the fig. 2.3) starts with a curve (ABC) that represents the formation of a

monolayer followed by a multilayer of the absorbate gas. The curve then deviates

upwards (CDE) until the slope decreases (EFG) and the condition of saturation

vapour pressure is attained.

Figure 2.3. Typical isotherm adsorption (full)/desorption (dashed) curve for mesoporous

materials (IUPAC isothermal sorption curve of type IV). Adapted from[233].

The saturation in normally represented by a little variation in the amount of absorbed

gas (FGH). In the desorption branch (dashed line), a characteristic hysteresis loop is

observable (FJD). This hysteresis loop is due to the capillary condensation taking

place in the mesopores and its mathematical interpretation allows a reasonable

estimate of the specific surface and an approximate assessment of the pore size


The vapour pressure due to the curved liquid/vapour interface follows the Kelvin

equation, which can be represented as:[233,234]


𝑝0= −

2 𝑉𝐿 cos


eq. 2.3


where is the surface tension, VL is the molar volume of the liquid condensate, is

the contact angle between the pore surface and the water molecules and r is the radius

of the pore. It is possible to calculate the SBET using the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller

(BET) method, which is based on the multilayer adsorption phenomenon described


The calculation of the pore size distribution and pore volume is usually obtained using

the Barret, Joyner and Halenda (BJH) method, which was initially developed for

absorbents with relatively wide pores and pore size distribution. The algorithm used in

this model assumes that the pores have a cylindrical shape and also uses a modified

Kelvin equation. The discovery of PMS materials brought the opportunity for the

development of gas adsorption measurements since a new family of mesoporous

materials with a simple pore geometry, tuneable pore size, well-defined microstructure

and reproducible surface properties was available.[236] Based on the BJH method,

Kruk, Jarionec and Sayari (KJS) developed a more comprehensive method for pore

size analysis.[236] They used N2 sorption isotherms and XRD measurements of

MCM-41 materials as a way of establishing correlations between the pore width and

the condensation pressure, and between the statistical film thickness and the

equilibrium pressure. They later extended the KJS method to include PMS samples

with a broader pore size range and cylindrical pores interconnected with micropores

(e.g. SBA-15).[237] The pore size distribution curves obtained from the KJS method

were quite similar to the pore size distribution curves calculated using nonlocal density

functional theory (NLDFT), both for large and small pores. Since its development, the

KJS method has been successfully used for the characterization of several ordered

mesoporous materials.

The -196 ºC N2 sorption isotherms measurements of the S-Ph-PMO and P-Ph-PMO

samples presented in this work were performed in a Micromeritics Gemini 2370

equipment. The samples were degassed overnight at 120 ºC and the measurements

were performed at -196 ºC. The SBET was calculated using the BET method and the

pore size distribution was determined by the BJH method with the KJS correction

implemented in the Micromeritics Gemini V2.00 software.


2.4.3 Electron microscopy

Scanning and transmission electron microscopies (SEM and TEM, respectively) are

key techniques for the observation of materials at nano and atomic scales. In an

electron microscope, instead of visible light photons, electrons are used as incident

radiation. The electron microscope works by emitting a beam of electrons from an

electron gun through electromagnetic lenses, which are the equivalent of the glass

lenses in the optical microscope. As a result of the interaction of the electron beam

with matter, a large number of scattered signals can emerge. If the incident electrons

conserve their energy, the scattering process is considered elastic, and only their

direction of propagation is modified by the interaction with the samples atoms. Back-

scattered electrons arise from such interaction and can be used for imaging and for

diffraction analysis. Inelastic scattering is the other fundamental scattering process in

which the kinetic energy of the incident particle is lost or gained. A small portion of

the energy lost may escape as characteristic X-rays, secondary electrons or Auger

electrons and these can be extremely useful for imaging and structural analysis.[238]

In SEM mode, the electron beam is focused by the electromagnetic lenses onto the

sample and a deflecting unit controls the beam that scans the selected area line-by-line.

For mesoporous samples, SEM is useful to study the surface, shape, topography, size

and the level of aggregation of the powder particles.

In TEM mode, the electrons that travel through the sample and manage to exit on the

other side are used directly to replicate the pattern onto a screen (e.g. digital sensor or

fluorescent screen). In this work, TEM is used to detect visually the channelled

microstructure of the mesoporous particles as well as perceiving the hexagonal

arrangement of the pores, which may be useful to correlate to the data obtained by

XRD. High-resolution TEM (HR-TEM) allows a theoretical resolution of up to 0.2 Å,

well in the range of atomic bond length. This TEM mode is especially useful to

distinguish and characterize atomic arrangements in crystalline materials, but in the

case of Ph-PMO samples, it is possible to detect the molecular scale periodicity along

the pore wall, as shown also in Fig. 1.15.


When an electron of the inner shells of the samples atoms is pulled out by inelastic

scattering process, an electron from the outer shells will fall down to fulfil that electron

hole, emitting an X-ray photon in the process, which is characteristic for the energy

gap between the electron shells and to the element that was interacted with. These

photons can be counted by an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector

and the signals are processed and converted into a plot of number of counts vs. X-ray

energy. The peaks correspond to the specific decays of specific elements, which makes

this a powerful tool for the chemical characterization of the samples, including

mapping areas of different elemental composition.[238,239]

When possible, the interplanar distance d100 was measured on the TEM images and

compared to the XRD result, using the software Image J (version 1.45s).[240] The

measurements were made in samples with observable channelled microstructure by

measuring the distance between peaks in a grayscale profile drawn perpendicularly to

the channels. A minimum amount of 10 measurements were made for each sample,

where the standard deviation was an average of 8% for all measurements.

The TEM used in this work was a Hitachi H-9000 equipped with a Quantax 400 EDS

detector from Bruker. The typical acceleration voltage used in the experiments was

limited to 200 kV (the microscope delivers a maximum of 300 kV), to avoid damaging

the samples and to minimize the drifting caused by charge accumulation. The

preparation of the samples for TEM observation consisted in a simple submersion of

400 mesh holy-carbon coated TEM copper grids (Agar Scientific) in an EtOH

suspension of the mesoporous materials. Prior to making the suspension, the materials

where thoroughly grinded in an agate mortar and ultrasonicated to promote

disaggregation of the particles.

The SEM micrographs were obtained in a Hitachi SU-70 microscope equipped with a

Quantax 400 EDS detector from Bruker. The acceleration voltage was kept between 4

to 10 kV to avoid destruction of the mesoporous materials and composite membranes.

The powder samples were observed by SEM using the same TEM copper grids,

whereas the composite membranes were observed on specific aluminium holder using

carbon conductive tape as adhesive. The membranes were lightly covered with

conductive carbon coating, using a vacuum evaporator (Emitech K 950 x).


2.4.4 Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a technique used to structurally

characterize materials that works by measuring the nuclear shielding, or electron

density, of specific elements. The chemical environment affects this nuclear shielding

and different adjacent atoms will perform different influences on a targeted nucleus.

For an element to be seen in NMR it has to present a spin state greater than 0. When a

sample with an eligible nucleus is inserted in the NMR apparatus, the applied

magnetic field will cause the spin state to split. A nucleus with a spin state of ½ splits

into two states, and the number of split states increases with increasing spin (spin of 1

will divide in 3 states and so on).

In solids, and contrary to liquids or gases, the atoms are spatially confined (e.g. in

certain lattice positions) and chemical shift anisotropy can occur due to the different

orientation of the molecules towards the spectrometer. The fact that the atoms in the

lattice are not always equally distanced can also lead to additional noise in the spectra

due to fluctuations in the levels of dipolar interactions. Moreover, nucleus with spin

higher than ½ may display quadrupolar interactions, shifting energy levels and

creating additional resonance frequencies.[241] These interactions may be reduced

using the magic-angle spinning (MAS) technique. There is a simple geometric factor

that is common to the three types of interactions and this it can be reduced to zero

when the sample is tilted 54.74º in relation to the applied magnetic field. By tilting the

sample and spinning it at high frequency, the solid samples will behave similarly to a

liquid. Another important technique, normally coupled to MAS, is the Cross-

Polarization (CP), which is useful to counteract the sensitivity and low natural

abundance of certain targeted atoms analysed by solid state NMR. In this work, these

techniques were applied to obtain the 13C and 29Si NMR spectra. In the case of 31P

spectra the high-power decoupling technique (HPDEC) was applied to eliminate the

heteronuclear dipolar interactions and the heteronuclear scalar coupling


The NMR spectrum consists of peaks located at different chemical shifts , in Hz or

ppm, relatively to a reference. This information can elucidate on the chemical


environment of the targeted nucleus. For example, in 29Si NMR the spectra are

expected to reveal Tn type signals (according to R-(OSi)nSi(OH)3–n), which are an

indicator of the levels of condensation of the R-SiO3 tetrahedra inside the hybrid

materials. For these signals, the peaks with higher “n” correspond to a better

incorporation of the R-SiO3 tetrahedra in the walls of the structure, whereas structure

with n < 3 correspond to Si nucleus connected to pending OH groups. The relative

intensity of the several peaks could give some insight about the overall level of

structural order of the materials. The expected absence of Qn signals, which are

originated by the presence of substructures (OSi)nSi(OH)4–n would be an indication

that the Si-C bond did not break during the multiple steps of the synthesis of the

PMOs.[86,130,243] The signals expected for the 13C NMR spectra would be an intense

benzene ring carbon nucleus and also carbon signals from the -CH2 and -CH3 groups

of the acid precursor chains. The presence of 4 signals in the oxidized S-Ph-PMO

samples could indicate that the -SH groups were not totally converted to SO3H in the

oxidation step.[128,244] The analysis of P-Ph-PMO samples using 31P NMR

techniques should reveal a peak assigned to the free R-P(O)(OH)2 acid groups and

another peak assigned to the acid bounded to surface silica as R-P(O)(OH)(OSi) or R-

P(O)(OSi)2 where R represents the organic group. The higher relative intensity of the

first peak is desirable because it suggests that the acid groups are pending inside the

pore instead of bonded to the silica surface.[245,246]

In this work, the 29Si, 31P and 13C Solid-State NMR experiments were performed at

79.49 MHz for 29Si and 161.98 MHz for 31P on a Bruker Avance 400 spectrometer and

at 125.76 MHz for 13C on a Bruker Avance 500 spectrometer. 29Si CP-MAS NMR

spectra were recorded with a 4.75 µs 1H 90º pulse, a contact time of 8 ms, a spinning

rate of 5 kHz and 5 s recycle delays. 13C CP-MAS NMR spectra were recorded with

3.5 µs 1H 90º pulses, a contact time of 2 ms, a spinning rate of 12.0 kHz (P-Ph-PMO)

and 15.0 kHz (S-Ph-PMO) and 5 s recycle delays. 31P HPDEC NMR experiments

were recorded with a 6.5 µs 1H decoupling pulse, a spinning rate of 12 kHz, a 3 µs 31P

90 º pulse with a flip angle of 90 º and 60 s recycle delay.


2.4.5 Dynamic mechanical analysis

The dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) technique is widely used to study the visco-

elastic properties of polymers. This technique is based on the application of a dynamic

sinusoidal stress to the sample, which responds with a sinusoidal strain shifted by a

certain angle () with respect to the stress wave. Figure 2.4 is a schematic

representation of the stress/strain chart. From and the amplitude of the strain curve

one can calculate the modulus, the visco-elastic properties and the damping of the

studied material. The strain curve is defined by a complex modulus, which can be

expressed by its in-phase component, the storage modulus (E’) and its out of phase

component, the loss modulus (E’’). The E’ is a measure of the stiffness of the material

and it is proportional to the energy that is stored during one period under load, that is,

the materials elastic behaviour.

Figure 2.4. Schematic representation of the applied stress wave (full line) and strain response

(dotted line) of the real material, in a fixed frequency experiment. Adapted from[247].

The E’’ measures the ability of a material to deform without breaking and it is

proportional to the work that is lost or dissipated during one period under load. The

ratio between the energy dissipated by internal friction and the elastic energy is the

mechanical damping factor, and is expressed by the loss factor tan = E’’/E’. A

material that shows a high E’’ displays a large inelastic fraction response to the applied


mechanical stress while a material with a low E’’ refers to a more elastic


Coupling a temperature sweep to the DMA technique is a good way to characterize

the several thermal transformations that occur in polymers, for example the Tg, which

is the temperature above which the materials will show a rubbery behaviour instead of

glassy properties, characterized by a dramatic drop in the stiffness. This is portrayed

by a significant decrease of the E’ and a maximization of E’’ with a consequent peak of

tan . The technique is also useful to characterize other phase shifts, displacements

and modifications that occur while the temperature rises. In the case of Nafion® and

similar perfluorosulfonated polymers, water plays the role of plasticizer inside the

structure, influencing enormously the DMA results.[33,248-250] The segmental

motion of the main chain of physically cross-linked perfluorocarbon phase (the

genuine Tg of Nafion®) is expected at ~20 ºC, but it can occur at 0 ºC or even lower

temperatures, depending on the water content of the material.[248] The weakening of

electrostatic network involving the aqueous domains allows the occurrence of a

relaxation which is attributed to the long-range motion of both the main and the and

sulfonic acid side chains.[33,250]

In this work, the DMA apparatus (Tritec 2000 DMA) was used for the analysis of the

visco-elastic behaviour of the prepared Nafion® and composite membranes upon

heating at constant rate and to study the effect of the filler fraction. The dimensions of

the sample were of ~30 (height) × 5 (width) × 0.1 (thickness) mm. The sinusoidal

tensile deformation applied corresponds to a 20 m displacement. The data were

collected with at 1 Hz during heating from -100 °C to 160 °C at 2 °C∙min-1. The

samples were firstly placed in the DMA chamber and cooled down to -110 °C by

flowing liquid nitrogen within the chamber walls. The cooling rate is not controlled,

but the conditions were selected in order to obtain the fastest cooling time possible

(slightly more than 5 min). There was no control of the r.h. in the chamber. Before the

measurements, all samples were kept in a conditioning cabinet at 30 °C under 50% r.h.

for at least 48 h.


2.4.6 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a characterization technique that

helps to identify the presence of certain functional groups. The basic FTIR experiment

determines intensity changes in an IR beam after interaction with a sample, as a

function of wavelength or frequency. At a specific frequency, and when it matches the

vibrational frequency of a characteristic bond or functional groups, the material will

absorb the IR wave and the amplitude of the molecular vibration will change. This

fluctuation in vibrational energy states as a function of wavelength (or the

wavenumber, as is usually used) is the actual IR spectrum, and the bands that emerge

can be indexed to specific vibrational modes (stretching or bending) of specific bonds

or groups of atoms.[251]

The FTIR spectra were obtained on a FTIR Mattson-7000 infrared spectrometer with

2 cm–1 resolution. The samples in the powder form were mixed with KBr and the

mixture was then shaped into disks on a stainless steel die by applying uniaxial


2.4.7 Thermal analyses

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are

very useful and common techniques used to study the thermal behaviour and

composition of materials. On a TGA experiment, the weight loss of a sample under

controlled conditions of temperature and atmosphere is measured. This technique is

particularly helpful to study the different thermal stages at which water leaves the

materials and also to study the overall thermal stability.

The DSC technique is based on the difference in heat necessary to change the

temperature between the sample and a reference, which is monitored as the

temperature increases continuously at a fixed rate. This technique is very useful to

study phase transitions in materials and to know if these transitions are exothermic or



Before the measurements, the samples (in the form of powder) were kept in a closed

glass desiccator with a aqueous solution saturated in K2SO4, defining an equilibrium

r.h. of 98% r.h. at 25 ºC.[253] The samples were equilibrated in this atmosphere for

about 48 h, then quickly transferred to the TGA/DSC sample holder to carry out the

respective measurements. These were made in TGA-50 Shimadzu apparatus and

DCS-50 Shimadzu apparatus respectively, in both cases using a heating rate of 5

ºC∙min-1 in air and N2 atmospheres.

2.4.8 Acid load

The acid load ([H+]) expressed in mmol of H+ equivalent per gram of dry sample, was

measured by a simple acid-base back titration. For the powder samples, the weighted

amount of dry sample (Wd ≈ 20 mg) was dispersed in 20 ml of 0.1 M KCl,

ultrasonicated for 5 min and vigorously stirred for 30 min to allow the exchange of the

proton for K+. The suspension was then titrated with a 0.01 M KOH aqueous solution,

following the pH evolution with a WTW Sentix 41 pH electrode wired to a WTW pH

330i pocket meter. The [H+] was calculated as:

[𝐻+] =[𝐾𝑂𝐻] × 𝑉𝐾𝑂𝐻

𝑊𝑑 eq. 2.4

where [KOH] and VKOH are the concentration and the volume of the KOH solution

added to reach the equivalence point.

The procedure to measure the [H+] of the membranes was analogous, soaking the

membranes in 2 M NaCl solution at room temperature under magnetic stirring for 24

h in order to promote the exchange of the protons by Na+. After removing the

membrane, the solution was then titrated with a diluted NaOH solution.


2.4.9 Hydrolytic properties (water uptake, hydration level and swelling)

The water uptake capacity (W) of the acid functionalized Ph-PMO was measured in

powder compacts by comparing the wet weight Ww of the pellet, after stabilization in a

closed vessel exposed to high r.h., and the dry weight Wd of the sample after drying

under vacuum at 60 ºC for 4 h. It was found that this method provided more

consistent and reproducible results than the TGA data. So this weighting method was

the one chosen for calculating W.

For the membrane materials the method used was in all similar but the Ww was

obtained by soaking the membrane in ultrapure water at room temperature for 24 h.

Before weighing the Ww of the membranes, these were lightly pressed between two

sheets of absorbent paper to remove excessive surface water. The W was then

calculated as:

𝑊 =𝑊𝑤 × 𝑊𝑑

𝑊𝑑× 100

eq. 2.5

The swelling of the membranes (upon adsorption of water) was calculated from the

difference in thickness (measured with a micrometer - precision of 0.01mm) between

the swelled membrane (kept in saturated water vapour conditions until stabilization)

and the dry membrane (dried under vacuum for 4 h at 60 ºC). For the calculation of

the swelling %, an analog to eq. 2.5 was used.

The hydration level () of the membranes, which represents the number of water

molecules per acid group, was calculated based on the measure of W and [H+] of the

membranes as:





eq. 2.6

where M H2O is the molar mass of water (18.02 g∙mol-1).


2.4.10 Dynamic light scattering

The dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique was used to assess the average particle

size of the acid functionalized Ph-PMO particles. All the suspension of particles or

molecules experiences Brownian motion. Upon the illumination with a laser beam,

the different particles in suspension will scatter the light with different intensities,

which is dependent upon the size of the analysed particles. The analysis of these

intensity variations enables the calculation of the Brownian motion velocity and the

diffusion coefficient can be retrieved using the Stokes-Einstein relationship. The size of

the particles is then calculated using:

𝐷 =𝑘𝑇

6𝜋𝑟 ⟺ 𝑑𝑝 =



eq. 2.7

where dp is the average diameter of the particles, k is Boltzmann’s constant, is the

viscosity of the media and D is the diffusion coefficient. The particle diameter

estimated from the DLS measurements is in fact a hydrodynamic diameter and it is

related to the way that the particles diffuse within a fluid. The actual value of the

diameter obtained by this technique is that of a spherical particle that shows the same

translational diffusion coefficient as the particle analysed.[254]

The DLS measurements were carried out on a Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern

instruments). Prior to the measurements, the samples where thoroughly grinded in an

agate mortar, lightly dispersed in ultrapure water and finally ultrasonicated for 10 min.

DLS measurements where repeated for at least five times for each sample.

2.5 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

The electrical behaviour of powder compacts and composite membranes was carried

out by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), which was one of the most

extensively used techniques in this work.


2.5.1 Fundamentals

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the

electrochemical characterization of electrolytes and electrolyte/electrode interfaces,

particularly because it allows conveniently separating the contributions of these

processes to the total impedance, each with a distinct time constant (or characteristic

relaxation frequency 0). The use of an alternate current (AC) minimizes the impact of

the electrode polarization.

The basic principle of this technique consists in applying a small sinusoidal signal v(t)

with amplitude Vm

𝑣(𝑡) = 𝑉𝑚 sin(𝜔𝑡) eq. 2.8

at a frequency =/2, resulting in alternate current

𝑖(𝑡) = 𝐼𝑚 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜗) eq. 2.9

where 𝜗 represents the phase angle between the applied voltage and the resulting

current. It is perhaps interesting to notice the analogy between the EIS and DMA.

The concept of impedance is a more general concept than resistance because it takes

into account the differences in phase. A planar vector in an orthogonal system can

have its magnitude and direction represented as a complex number:

𝑍 = 𝑍′ + 𝑖𝑍′′ eq. 2.10

in which 𝑖 = √(−1), Z’ is the real part of Z in the direction of the x axis and Z’’ is the

imaginary part along the y axis. Figure 2.5 represents the impedance as a planar vector

with rectangular and polar coordinates.


Figure 2.5. Impedance plotted as a planar vector. Adapted from[255].

The rectangular coordinates can be calculated as:

𝑍′ = |𝑍| cos 𝜗 and 𝑍′′ = |𝑍| sin 𝜗 eq. 2.11


𝜗 = arctan (𝑍′′/𝑍′) eq. 2.12

One of the possible ways to represent an impedance plot is an extension of Fig. 2.5,

where a series of points are taken from the magnitude and direction of the impedance

vector as a function of frequency, normally in the range from few Hz to few MHz

(Fig. 2.6). These so-called Nyquist plots are useful to identify physical processes

occurring in the cell assembly during the measurements.

In most practical cases, the electrochemical cell can be represented as an equivalent

circuit displaying the same impedance as the cell measured. In these circuits, a resistor

element can represent the ohmic resistance associated to charge mobility or

transference (e.g. accounting for the conductivity of the electrolyte or even a step in

the electrode reaction), whereas capacitors and inductors are generally associated to

non-ohmic phenomena related to charge accumulation (polarization).

In the case of a pure ohmic resistor, the impedance is independent of the frequency

and 𝜗=0, hence Z=|Z|=R. For a purely capacitive element, the phase shift is –90 º

and the total impedance has only an imaginary contribution given by ZC= -i/C,



where C is the capacitance. For an inductor, the impedance has also an imaginary

contribution but the phase shift is +90 º, and hence ZL=iL, where L is the

inductance.[256] However, real electrode/electrolyte systems are normally composed

by ohmic and capacitive contributions, whereas inductive features may be also

observed usually resulting from the wires of the experimental set-up.

Different phenomena may have significantly different relaxation frequencies that can

be distinguished on an impedance spectrum, provided that the frequency range is large

enough. The Nyquist plot presented in Fig. 2.6 is representative of a sample with two

phenomena in series. This type of behaviour can be described by an equivalent circuit

model comprising a series of two parallel resistor and capacitor elements (RC+RC).

The left semi-circle, corresponding to higher values of frequency, is related to the

ohmic resistance of the system R1, that is, to the response of the electrolyte. The other

semi-circle can be related to an electrode or electrolyte/electrode interface polarization

phenomenon, non-ohmic in nature as the amplitude of the contribution changes with

the applied signal amplitude.

Figure 2.6. Representation of the impedance spectrum of an R1C1-R2C2 equivalent circuit.

The dielectric relaxation frequency in both cases is given by:

𝜔0 =1

𝑅𝐶 eq. 2.13


which corresponds to the frequency value at the peak of the semicircle (Z’’ maximum).

It may be seen as a characteristic fingerprint of the phenomenon originating the


In many cases, as in the majority of the measurements obtained in this work, the

relaxation frequency of the proton conduction phenomenon through the electrolyte is

so high that the complete semicircle is not (or only partly) observed within the

frequency range available. This affects the accuracy of the determination of R and is

the main reason for the use of an alternative setup for the EIS study of the membrane,

as discussed in the next sub-section.

The semicircles related to the impedance of the electrolyte, when visible, are quite

often depressed in the sense that the centre of the semicircle lies below the real axis of

the spectrum, with which it describes a specific angle . This depression can occur due

to the contribution of several phenomena with different relaxation frequencies for the

impedance semicircle, moving the system away from ideality (Fig. 2.7)

Figure 2.7. Representation of the semi-circle depression affecting the impedance of the electrolyte.

In the special case of a polymer electrolyte this happens quite often due to the presence

of non-conductive regions, which makes the path of the charge carriers longer than the

distance between the electrodes.[257] From a mathematical point of view, the

capacitor in the equivalent circuit can be replaced by a constant phase element (CPE).

The physical interpretation of this element varies, but it has been often used in the

analysis of electrochemical systems. The impedance of the CPE is defined by:



𝑌0(𝑖𝜔)𝑎 eq. 2.14

where Y0 is the admittance and

𝑎 = 1 −2

𝜋= 1 − 𝜐 eq. 2.15

represents the angle shift between the centre of the semicircle and the real axis of the

complex plane. The relaxation frequency is related to these two parameters as:

𝜔0 = (𝑅𝑌0)1𝑎 eq. 2.16

It is possible to calculate the true capacitance:

𝐶 = 𝑅1−𝑎

𝑎 𝑌0


eq. 2.17

and the impedance of an equivalent circuit composed by a CPE and a resistor can be

described as:

𝑍𝜔 =𝑅

1 + (𝑖𝜔𝜔0


eq. 2.18

where 0 𝜐 1.

2.5.2 Measurements with different sample geometries

The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis of the acid-functionalized Ph-

PMO was carried out in disc-shaped powder compacts obtained by pressing ~50 mg of

powder in a 1 cm dye using 150 MPa of uniaxial pressure, and then with 300 MPa of

isostatic pressure to enhance the mechanical stability and the density of the pellets.

The apparent density of the compacts was ~0.9 g∙cm-3, calculated from the mass and


geometry of the pellets. Electrodes were applied to both sides of the pellets by painting

a conductive silver paste (Agar Scientific) and drying in an oven at 60 ºC overnight, to

evaporate the organic solvents and to cure the paint. The area of the electrodes was

calculated from a scaled photography, using the software Image J (version 1.45s).[240]

The pellets with the silver electrodes were sandwiched between two pieces of carbon

paper GDL and two carved graphite pieces (for better distribution of water vapour)

before being installed between the two platinum current collectors (see Fig. 2.8 A).

Figure 2.8. Schematic representation and photograph of the tip of the used in this work in the A) TP

and B) IP configurations. C) photograph of the entire sample-holder and D) schematic

representation of the sample-holder, portraying the inner Pt wires connected to the device under test

to the right and to the co-axial cable to the left, which are then connected to the impedance

analyser. Cables I and I0 are twisted around each other to minimize the stray capacitance Cs.co-ax.


In the case of the membranes, the same general procedure of electrode application was

used for the preparation of the samples for the through-plane (TP) measurements. For

the in plane (IP) measurements, the sample consisted of a strip of membrane with ~1.5

cm in length by 0.5 cm in width. The tips of these pieces were fully covered by the

silver paste and a free length of ~1 cm was left between these two electrodes. After

drying the solvents overnight, the membranes were finally mounted in the sample

holder, as depicted in the IP configuration of Fig. 2.8 B.

The measurements were made with a 4 cable configuration in order to keep the

connection between the impedance spectrometer terminals and the electrodes

separated right up to the closest as possible to the sample, in what is known as a

pseudo 4-electrode configuration. Figure 2.8 (C and D) represents the entire sample-

holder and a scheme of the internal wiring, depicting Pt wires (0.25 mm in diameter

and ~22 cm in length) connected to the device under test on one side and to the co-

axial cables (~1 m) on the other side, which are then connected to the impedance

analyser. The scheme also represents the several stray capacitances expected from this

type of configuration (inside co-axial cables, between co-axial cables and between Pt


The impedance spectrometer used in this work was an Agilent E4980A, and the

spectra were collected between 20 Hz and 2 MHz with variable test signal amplitude

between 100 mV and 1 V.

The protonic conductivities of the samples were calculated using:





eq. 2.19

where, R is the resistance of the powder compact or membranes, Lel is the distance

between the electrodes and A is the area of the electrode, or the cross-section area of

the membrane in the IP configuration (see fig. 2.8 A and B).

The precise determination of the membrane resistance needs some particular

attention, especially due to the huge differences caused by the increase of r.h. on the

shape of the obtained spectra. As the r.h. increases (normally above 40 - 60 %) the

impedance spectra of the powder compacts and of the membrane in TP configuration

are very similar and do not show the semi-circle contribution related to the ohmic


resistance of the electrolyte (inset in fig. 2.9) due to a high 0, well above the upper

limit of the meter used in this work. The spectra are characterized by a dominant

contribution assigned to the impedance of the electrode, which can be projected in the

high frequency region to intercept the real axis, defining the value of R for the

electrolyte. Additionally, the high conductivity of the materials combined with the

reduced thickness of the samples (~0.1 cm for the powder compacts and ~100 m for

the membranes) leads to R values in the order of few , or even less than 1 in the

membranes under high r.h. This is regarded as an important limitation that ultimately

can affect the precision of the measurement.[258] A more precise determination of the

resistance of the membranes is possible by using the IP measurement configuration.

Due to higher Lel and lower A (eq. 2.19) the expected R is up to 2-3 orders of

magnitude higher in the same temperature and r.h. conditions, which can be

determined without the need to extrapolate high frequency data. In fig. 2.9 one can see

the typical impedance spectra for powder compacts and membranes in the TP and for

the membranes in IP configuration at 80ºC and 40 % r.h.

Figure 2.9. Typical impedance spectra for powder

compacts and membranes in TP and IP configuration.

The IP spectra are constituted by a semicircle in the high frequency regions followed

by a large contribution related to the impedance of the electrode. The values of R were

calculated by fitting the spectra with an equivalent circuit model consisting of a series


association of two parallel R/CPE elements, using the software ZView version 3.0

(Scribner Associates).

Interestingly, the capacitive response of the system due to the proton relaxation

phenomena in this kind of material (with in the range of 20 to 80) should be much

lower than the capacitance predicted for the particular TP or IP sample geometry (as

presented in table 2.1) according to:

𝐶 = × 0 ×𝐴


eq. 2.20

where 0 is the vacuum permittivity. Likewise, the sample resistance can be estimated

based on typical conductivity values using eq. 2.19, which can be combined with the

capacitance values to obtain 0 (eq. 2.13). These estimates are also shown in table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Predictions of R, C and 0 for the different electrode configurations.

r TP configuration IP configuration

R()b C(pF) 0(GHz) R()a C(fF) 0(GHz) 0stray

(MHz) b



2.82 88.5


2.82 5.30 1.5

40 1.41 177 1.41 10.6 1.5

60 0.94 266 0.94 15.9 1.5

80 0.71 354 0.71 21.2 1.5

TP (Lel = 100 m and A = 0.5 cm2) and IP (Lel = 1 cm and A = 3×10-3 cm2).

a - calculated assuming = 0.05 S∙cm-1 at 94 ºC and 40 % r.h.

b - calculated from a typical stray capacitance of 10 pF.

For the IP configuration, the predicted 0 values are in the GHz range, which is 3

orders of magnitude higher than the maximum frequency of the impedance

spectrometer used in this work (2 MHz). This means the high frequency semi-circle

observed in the IP spectra cannot be attributed to the electrolyte. The most likely

explanation for this contribution is a stray capacitance (Cs) associated to the sample

holder, more specifically the capacitance of the co-axial cables (about 1 pF) and

particularly that resulting from the parallel Pt wires used to route the electrical signals

to and away from the sample (see fig. 2.8 D). This Cs was measured with a dummy cell


and it was found to be ~10 pF which is very similar to the capacitance measured for

the membranes with the IP configuration. Since Cs is in parallel and much higher than

the expected sample capacitance (Table 2.1), the equivalent capacitance of the system

(Ceq=Cs+C) will be dominated by Cs. As the IP resistance is much higher than the TP

measurement, the resulting 0 related to the Cs is found in the frequency range of the

impedance spectrometer (1.5 MHz, see table 2.1), resulting in the observable

semicircle. The spectra obtained in the TP configuration, without detectable bulk

capacitive contribution (inset in fig. 2.9), are in agreement with the predictions (table


In some cases, normally at lower r.h., the TP membrane and powder compact

measurements can also show a semicircle in the high frequency region, but in this case

it can be actually related to the electrolyte because R is a few orders of magnitude

higher. For these contributions, the R values are retrieved using the same equivalent

circuits as for the membranes in IP configuration.

2.5.3 Measurements under variable temperature and relative humidity

As said in the first chapter, the conductivity of the acid functionalized Ph-PMO and

the Nafion® based membranes is highly dependent on the and on temperature,

showing typical Arrhenius behaviour. Therefore, the study of the conductivity in

different temperature and r.h. conditions is crucial to fully characterize the transport

properties of these materials. The samples were analysed by EIS in the temperature

range from 40 ºC up to 140 ºC and r.h. from 20% up to 98%.

Two climatic chambers were used for these measurements. One specially assembled

in-lab, as depicted in Fig. 2.10, consisting of a stainless steel cylindrical chamber

surrounded by a heating cartridge controlled by a proportional-integral-derivative

controller (Eurotherm 3216). Next to this chamber, and connected to it by a series of

Swagelok type 1/8’’ tubing and fittings, are two stainless steel vessels mounted on a

rack, being one of these vessels filled with a desiccating agent (silica-gel, Panreac), and

the other with distilled water (Fig. 2.10).


An air stream generated by an electric pump with a controlled flow (measured in a

rotameter and controlled by needle valves) is driven to one or the other vessel,

ultimately forcing wet or dry air into the climatic chamber. The temperature of the wet

vessel was independently controlled in order to adjust the relative humidity inside the

chamber. This vessel temperature was kept slightly above the dew point to account for

some temperature drop between the wet vessel and the climatic chamber.[259] Both

the temperature and the r.h. were constantly monitored in the vicinity of the sample

using a Rotronic HC2-IC102 probe, equipped with a Pt100 resistance thermometer

(accuracy of ± 0.2 ºC) and a Hygromer®IN1 capacitive humidity sensor (accuracy of

± 1 to 2.5% from 0 to 100% r.h.).

Figure 2.10. Climatic chamber apparatus for EIS

measurements as a function of temperature and r.h.

An ACS Discovery 110 climatic chamber (T accuracy of ± 0.3 ºC and r.h. accuracy of

± 1 to 3% from 10 to 98% r.h.) was used at later stages of the research of powder

compacts and for the great majority of the membrane samples, offering the possibility


of measuring 3 samples simultaneously (Fig. 2.11). The sample holders are connected

to the impedance analyser via an electronic switch and the acquisition of data (with

varying temperature and r.h.) can be made automatically.

Both systems are not adapted to operate under pressurized conditions, and thus the

measurements above 100 °C were carried out only at the maximum possible r.h.,

corresponding to a water vapour partial pressure (pH2O) of 1 atm (~40% and ~20%

r.h. for 120 ºC and 140 ºC, respectively).

Figure 2.11. Setup for the EIS automatic data acquisition system, using the ACS climatic chamber.



This chapter is divided in four main sub-chapters. The process of the choice of the

protogenic group to functionalize the Ph-PMO, to be posteriorly used in composite

membranes, is presented and discussed in the first sub-chapter. The second sub-

chapter is dedicated to the structural and microstructural characterization of the S-Ph-

PMO synthesized by both conventional and microwave heating methods, including a

multivariate analysis of the influence of microwaves on the reaction kinetics. The

relationships between the structure, microstructure and the protonic conductivity of S-

Ph-PMO are analysed in the third sub-chapter, as a function of temperature and

relative humidity. The most conductive fillers were used to prepare composite S-Ph-

PMO/Nafion® membranes and their microstructure/property relationships are

analysed in the last sub-chapter, again as a function of temperature and relative



3.1 The choice of the protogenic group

The choice of the protogenic group was made from two initial options: sulfonic acid,

as the most common option found in the literature, and phosphonic acid, so far not

used to functionalize Ph-PMO. The synthesis and characterization of the two types of

mesoporous materials is described in this section based on a preliminary study of the

structure, microstructure and protonic conductivity.

The full list of the prepared samples is presented in Table 3.1 according to the

acronyms defined in section 2.2 and including a summary of the synthetic conditions,

whereas Table 3.2 summarises the main obtained results.

Table 3.1. List of prepared Ph-PMO samples functionalised with

sulfonic (prefix S-) and phosphonic (prefix P) acid groups.

Sample acid precursor

(mol. %) SDA

self-assembly hydrothermal

treatment Extraction




type time (h) type time

(h) type

S-C2M3 MPTMS(50) C18 2 C 3 M M M

S-MS2M3 MPTMS(50) C18 2 MS 3 M M M

S-C24M3 MPTMS(50) C18 24 C 3 M M M

no-acid n.a C18 24 C 24 C C C

P10%-P123 PSiP (10) P123 24 C 24 C C C

P20%-P123 PSiP (20) P123 24 C 24 C C C

P50%-P123 PSiP (50) P123 24 C 24 C C C

P10%-SHS PSiP (10) SHS 24 C 24 C C C

P20%-SHS PSiP (20) SHS 24 C 24 C C C

P50%-SHS PSiP (50) SHS 24 C 24 C C C

P50% no-

surf. PSiP (50) n.a 24 C 24 C C C


Table 3.2. Summary of the main obtained results, including a0, SBET, average pore size, wall

thickness, [H+], W, protonic conductivity at 94 ºC and 98% r.h. and corresponding Ea.

Sample a0




Avg. pore

size (nm)


thickness (nm)








S-C2M3 4.95 774 3.37 1.58 0.30 48.3 8.9×10-4 11.9

S-MS2M3 4.55 715 3.15 1.40 0.58 66.5 2.6×10-3 18.7

S-C24M3 5.15 623 3.15 2.00 0.77 64.6 1.0×10-2 6.43

no-acid 5.20 757 2.80 2.4 0 69.8 5.4×10-4 24.1

P10%-P123 8.86 616 3.34 5.52 0.24 45.4 2.1×10-4 34.4

P20%-P123 10.3 506 3.99 6.31 0.62 39.2 4.2×10-5 n.a.

P50%-P123 11.9 82.0 3.42 8.48 1.83 27.3 4.1×10-6 11.6

P10%-SHS 7.61 1000 ** n.a. 0.25 60.8 3.1 ×10-4 n.a.

P20%-SHS 6.98 730 ** n.a. 0.55 56.8 9.1×10-4 n.a.

P50%-SHS n.a. 28.0 n.a. n.a. 1.05 26.9 3.8×10-6 23.9

P50% no-

surf. n.a. 27.0 n.a. n.a. 1.54 46.0 4.1×10-6 49.8

* 𝑎0 = 2𝑑100/ √3 ** large distribution.

3.1.1 Composition, structure and microstructure

The XRD patterns presented in Fig. 3.1 show the main diffraction peak at 2 ≈ 2˚ for

S-Ph-PMO (Fig. 3.1 A), at 2 ≈ 1˚ for P123 P-Ph-PMO (Fig. 3.1 B), and at 2 ≈ 1.3˚

for the SHS P-Ph-PMO samples (Fig. 3.1 C). In all cases this peak corresponds to the

(100) reflection of the hexagonal array of pores (space group P6mm).[89,130] The

additional (110) and (200) reflections could not be detected, probably due to the small

coherent diffraction ordered domains of the materials.

For several samples, the hexagonal array of pores was confirmed by TEM and one can

thus confidently index the XRD patterns in the P6mm space group in order to estimate

the lattice parameter, a0, listed in Table 3.2.


Figure 3.1. XRD diffractograms of a) S-Ph-PMO, b)

P-Ph-PMO (P123) and c) P-Ph-PMO (SHS) samples.

The a0 values of the P-Ph-PMO materials can be explained primarily by the much

larger size of the P123 template molecule when compared to C18. Likewise, the

intermediate size of the SHS leads to intermediate a0 values. Other factors such as the

nature of templates (neutral amphiphilic P123, and cationic surfactant C18) and the

pH of the synthesis media (acidic for P123 and basic for C18) may also have a

deciding effect.

The sulfonic acid-based materials are characterized by hierarchical structural order,

combining the organized hexagonal pore structure with a molecular-scale periodicity

along the pore wall, which is apparent in characteristic peak at 2 ≈ 11.6˚. Conversely,

the phosphonic acid-based samples synthesized with the P123 as SDA did not show

any additional diffraction peaks besides the one due to the hexagonal array of pores.

The lack of periodicity along the pore wall was expected since the supramicellar

structure of the non-ionic tri-block co-polymer P123 does not favour the alignment of

the hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains in such a way that the coherent volume is

enough to cause a diffraction peak to appear in the diffractogram.[260] In the case of

P-Ph-PMOs prepared with SHS as SDA, the diffraction patterns display a broad bump

in the angles corresponding to the meso- and molecular-scale periodicity, but their


intensity is indeed very low to actually be considered indicative of a constructive


As expected, the final concentration of the acid groups increases with increasing

concentration of the acid precursor (clear in the case of the P-Ph-PMO materials) or

with the extension of the reaction time (visible in the S-Ph-PMO series). The [H+] has

a significant impact on the shape of the XRD patterns, showing a decrease of the

intensity of the pore order peak with higher incorporation of acid groups (Table 3.2).

This may be a real structural effect or, as suggested by others,[130,261] it may be due

to the reduction of the X-ray scattering contrast between the organosilica walls and the

pore-filling ligand. Furthermore, in the case of the S-Ph-PMO, the reduction of the

intensity of the peaks may be due to the fact that the MPTMS precursor has only three

hydrolysable groups versus six in the BTEB precursor. Consequently, when MPTMS

is co-condensed with the BTEB, the degree of cross-linking decreases, leading to a less

ordered mesostructure.[262] This issue will be discussed again in face of N2 sorption

and TEM data.

Figure 3.2A shows the solid state 13C CP-MAS NMR and 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra

of the sample S-C2M3ext. The expected chemical environments of benzene,

mercaptopropyl and silicate groups are confirmed. The 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectrum

depicts three signals at ≈ -80.9, -70.5 and -59.4 ppm, that can be assigned to the

connectivity of Si to benzene (T3 at ≈ -80.9 and T2 at ≈ -70.5 ppm), and to the

mercaptopropyl group (T3’ at ≈ -70.5 and T2’ at ≈ -59.4 ppm) where Tn and Tn’

signals are for benzene and mercaptopropyl respectively (R groups) according to the

general formula R-Si(OSi)n(OH)3–n. The attribution of the phenylene linked Si peaks is

based on observations made by Yang et al.[130] in S-Ph-PMO materials. The

attribution of the mercaptopropyl linked Si peaks is analogous to the one made in this

reference also, and it can be confirmed by the observations made by Margolese et

al.[128] and Nakamura et al.[263] in pure Si mesoporous materials functionalized with

MPTMS. They identified T3’ and T2’ 29Si NMR signals, with peaks at ≈ -65 and

≈ -57 ppm, which are somehow deviated from our values but still in accordance,

taking into account the different chemical environment introduced by the altered

framework composition.


Figure 3.2. 13C and 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra for sample A) S-C2M3ext

and B) S-C2M3ox. Peaks indicated as * in D are spinning side-bands.

No Qn signals, corresponding to silicon atoms connected entirely to the OSi and/or

OH units are detected, which indicates that the Si–C bond cleavage did not take place

during synthesis.[86, 130] The 13C CP-MAS NMR spectrum displays the main peak at

133.4 ppm due to the carbon atoms of the benzene ring, and three other peaks at 29.8,

22.8 and 11.9 ppm that can be assigned, respectively, to the -CH2- linked to the thiol

group; -CH2- in the middle of the propyl chain and the -CH2- bonded to the Si atom of

the mercaptopropyl ligand.[128,130,264]. Looking at Fig. 3.2 B, which shows the

solid state 13C CP-MAS NMR and 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra of the sample S-

C2M3ox, the only obvious difference is the presence of an extra peak on the 13C CP-

MAS NMR spectrum due to a high chemical shift of the terminal -CH2- ( ≈ 54.1

ppm) in this case linked to a -SO3H group instead of -SH. However, the enduring peak

at ≈ 29.6 can be assigned to the resonance of the -CH2- connected to the remaining -

SH groups which is an indication that the oxidation process did not occur


Typical solid-state NMR spectra for the P-Ph-PMO acidified samples are shown in

Fig. 3.3, again for few representative examples (A and B - P20%-P123; C and D –



Figure 3.3. 13C and 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra for sample A) P20%-P123 and C) P20%-SHS.

31P HPDEC NMR spectra for sample B) P20%-P123 acidified for 2h and 24h and D) P20%-

SHS acidified for 2h. Peaks marked with in C are relative to silicone grease used in the

synthesis of the precursors.[265,266] Peaks indicated as * in D are spinning side-bands.

The 29Si CP-MAS NMR spectra for both sample (Fig. 3.3 A and C) depict three

resonance peaks at ≈ -80, -71 and -62 ppm that can be assigned to T3, T2 and T1

substructures respectively (Tn – Ph-Si(OH)3-n(OSi)n).[138,245] The absence of Qn signal

confirms the preservation of the Si-C bond during the co-condensation and

consecutive steps. The 13C CP-MAS NMR spectra for the same samples show

resonances a ≈ 133.5 ppm (benzene ring carbon), ≈ 63 (carbon of the P-O-CH2- of

the remaining ethoxyl groups), ≈ 32.5 ppm (carbon connected to the phosphorous

atom P-CH2-Ph) and ≈ 15.5 ppm ( -CH3 carbons connected of the remaining ethoxyl


group).[244] The peaks at ≈ 63 and ≈ 16 ppm are an indication that the

acidification has not been completed.

The 31P HPDEC MAS NMR spectra of sample P20%-P123 (Fig 3.3B) shows a peak at

≈ 26 ppm that can be assigned to the free R-P(O)(OH)2 acid groups, and another

peak at ≈ 16 ppm assigned to the acid bonded to surface silica as R-P(O)(OH)(OSi)

or R-P(O)(OSi)2. The intensity of the ~16 ppm peak increases with increasing

acidification time, suggesting that free acid groups reacted with the silica

surface,[245,246] thus lowering the overall [H+]. For this reason, we decided to use the

2 h acidification process for all the P-Ph-PMO samples, as depicted in Fig. 3.3 D.

Figure 3.4 presents the N2 sorption isotherms for the several studied samples. The data

for S-Ph-PMO and the P-Ph-PMO-P123 depict type IV sorption isotherms, typical for

mesoporous materials.[233]

Figure 3.4. N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms collected at -196 °C for the acid-

functionalised materials: A) S-Ph-PMO-SO3H, B) P-Ph-PMO-P123 and C) P-Ph-PMO-

SHS samples. Empty symbols represent the adsorption data while full symbols

represent the desorption data. The insets show the respective pore size distribution.

Although, according to XRD, there are no major differences between the structure of

P-Ph-PMO made with P123 or SHS as SDA, the shape of the N2 isotherms is fairly


different. The P-Ph-PMO-SHS show an atypical type IV N2 sorption isotherm, much

more similar to the type II isotherms. The hysteresis loop is very small, indicating that

the condensation did not occur, or has occurred just in a small amount. The lack of a

plateau in the high partial pressure region, right after the sharp increase of volume

adsorbed, can be due to the presence of large pores, preventing the system of attaining

saturation within the vapour pressure conditions of the measurement.

In fact, the pore size distribution of P-Ph-PMO-SHS samples show several broad peaks

(not shown), unlike the clear unique peak observed for S-Ph-PMO and P-Ph-PMO-

P123. The adsorbed N2 volume at the intermediate flat region, corresponding to the

monolayer formation, is clearly higher for the SHS samples than for the P-Ph-PMO-

P123, thus suggesting a much larger micropore volume. Actually, the t-plot analysis of

the sample P10%-SHS suggests a microporosity of 102 m2∙g-1. Consequently, the total

mesoporous volume should be smaller and probably less ordered, in agreement with

the XRD patterns (Fig. 3.1 C). Nonetheless, the SBET values for the samples with the

lowest acid loading (10% and 20% sample) are quite high. Increasing the amount of

the phosphonic acid precursor to 50% precludes the action of both SDAs (P123 and

SHS) leading to very low values of SBET and disordered structures, in agreement with

the XRD diffractograms shown in Fig. 3.1 B and C. Obviously, the control sample

P50%-no surf, synthesized without any SDA, showed the lowest SBET. Since the

average pore diameter is similar for both the S-Ph-PMOs and the P-Ph-PMO-P123

(Table 3.2), the thickness of the pore walls (taken as a0 minus the pore diameter) is

considerably larger in the phosphonic acid-based materials (~5-6 vs. ~2 nm). This

large difference suggests a much less dense material in the case of the P-Ph-PMO

when compared to the S-Ph-PMOs.

The overall description of the structure and microstructure obtained from the

combined XRD and N2 sorption data is fully confirmed by the TEM images shown in

Fig. 3.5. The micrographs of S-Ph-PMO materials (Figs. 3.5 A and B) depict the

expected channelled mesoporous microstructure and the hexagonal array of pores,

looking down the (001) direction (insets). Similar channelled patterns are observed in

the TEM images for P-Ph-PMO-P123 as SDA (Fig. 3.5 D), whereas the P-Ph-PMO-

SHS samples are essentially disordered (Fig. 3.5C).


Figure 3.5. TEM micrographs of samples: A) S-MS2M3,

B) S-C24M3, C) P10%-SHS and D) P20%-P123.

3.1.2 Protonic conductivity

The samples considered for this preliminary study were analysed by EIS in the form of

powder compacts under variable temperature (40 to 100 ºC) and r.h. (20 to 98%)

conditions. It should be noticed that due to experimental limitations, the

measurements at the lowest temperature and nominal 98% r.h. were actually carried

out at 94% r.h. Nonetheless, the influence of this difference should not be significant


and would always be pointed towards lower levels of conductivity than the real ones,

also leading to slightly higher Ea.

A normalized representation of Nyquist plots is shown in Fig. 3.6 to illustrate the

influence of r.h. on the shape of the impedance spectra. These are dominated by a

large semicircle with amplitudes in the MΩ range (scale not shown due to

normalization) at low r.h., being strongly reduced with increasing humidity.

Figure 3.6. EIS spectra collected at 80 ºC showing the evolution of the shape with increasing

r.h. for several representative samples: A) S-C24M3, B) P10%-P123 and C) P20%-SHS

(obtained with a test signal amlpitude of 0.1 V). D) shows spectra for P-10%-P123 at 98% r.h.

with variable test signal amplitude (numbers represent powers of 10 of frequency in Hz).


However, there are obvious differences in the shape of the spectra of S-Ph-PMO and

P-Ph-PMO. In the former, the high frequency semicircle is no longer observed for r.h.

≥ 60%, depicting one single contribution that can be ascribed to the electrode

impedance. These spectra do not intercept the real axis at high frequency (inset in Fig.

3.6 A), and thus the ohmic resistance may be assumed as the Z’ value at the lowest

phase angle, in the high frequency region.[129] The evolution of the P-Ph-PMO-P123

spectra follows a similar trend. However, under nearly saturated conditions, the

spectra still displays three different contributions at high, intermediate and low

frequencies with some degree of overlapping (Fig. 3.6 B). The behaviour of the P-Ph-

PMO-SHS samples is similar to that of the P123-based materials, but with more

overlapping phenomena (Fig. 3.6 C).

While the separation of the ohmic resistance of S-Ph-PMO materials is relatively

straightforward (simply the high frequency intercept with the real axis), a fitting

procedure was applied to the spectra obtained with different test signal amplitudes in

the case of materials functionalized with phosphonic acid.

It was found that the high frequency contribution is independent of the test signal

amplitude, as shown in Fig. 3.6 D. This is a strong indication that the intermediate

and low frequency contributions are related to electrode phenomena, whereas the high

frequency contribution corresponds to the ohmic resistance of the material. Due to the

strong overlapping of the contributions and considering the complexity and the

absence of a physical model for this particular system, the spectra were fitted with a

simple equivalent circuit composed by two (RC+RC) series components (C is actually

a CPE - constant phase element - to account for some depression of the semi-circle).

The estimated resistance was then used to obtain the conductivity by taking into

account the geometry of the samples (eq 2.18).

The conductivity data for P-Ph-PMO and S-Ph-PMO at 98% r.h. is plotted against the

inverse of the temperature, and in several cases it indeed shows the expected

Arrhenius behaviour, as depicted in Fig. 3.7. In general, the conductivity increases

with increasing SBET and [H+]. For a similar [H+] and SBET values, the highest

conductivity registered is for materials with sulfonic acid as protogenic group.


The effect of the concentration of the acidic functional groups is best illustrated by the

significant increase of conductivity (by more than 1 order of magnitude) in the series

of three S-Ph-PMO samples (Fig. 3.7 A), which all have relatively similar SBET values

in the range of 620-780 m2g-1. Analogously to PFSA membranes, this demonstrates the

active role of the acid groups in retaining water in the structure and ensuring proton

solvation. In fact, the conductivity of the sample prepared without the acid precursor

is comparable to that of the sample with the lowest [H+] (0.3 mmol∙g-1), which suggests

the existence of a critical percolation concentration above which the proton structural

diffusion along the aqueous domains is facilitated. The Ea for the conductivity is lower

than 20 kJ·mol-1 in all cases, which is similar to that measured for Nafion® in similar

conditions. There is a slight tendency for a decrease of Ea with increasing [H+],

although the differences are relatively small. For comparison, the Fig. 3.7 also shows

the values obtained for Nafion® in the same conditions.

Figure 3.7. Arrhenius plots of the conductivity of several samples

tested in the preliminary study, measured with increasing temperature

at 98% r.h: A) S-Ph-PMO; B) P-Ph-PMO-P123; C) P-Ph-PMO-SHS.

The data for the P-Ph-PMO-P123 (Fig. 3.7 B) show the key influence of SBET, with the

lowest conductivity being paired to the lowest SBET in sample P50%-P123 (82 m2·g-1

when the other samples have all more than 500 m2·g-1), in spite of the highest [H+]

(1.83 mmol∙g-1). This means that most of the functional groups are not accessible to

the water vapour, thus drastically lowering the water uptake capacity of the material

(Table 3.2) and hence the protonic conductivity of this sample.


The data in Fig. 3.7 C, for the P-Ph-PMO-SHS, also illustrates this effect, with

samples P50%-SHS and P50%-no surf showing the lowest levels of conductivity due to

the low SBET, in spite on the considerably high [H+].

Surprisingly, the sample P20%-P123 does not show any increase in conductivity when

compared to P10%-P123, although it has twice the [H+] and similar SBET. Moreover,

there is a clear deviation from the Arrhenius behaviour for r.h.> 40% for the sample

with higher [H+], displaying an apparent decrease of Ea. One possible explanation for

this somewhat unexpected behaviour is the degradation of the particle-particle contact

with increasing r.h., negatively impacting the phase contiguity necessary for the ionic

transport. However, no obvious modification of the sample microstructure could be

detected after the measurements, and alternative explanations for this behaviour

should be considered. Indeed, a similar trend is observed in the behaviour of the P-Ph-

PMO-SHS, although with slightly higher conductivity values. The conductivity

enhancement of the sample P20%-SHS with respect to P10%-SHS is surprisingly

small, in spite of the much higher [H+]. A deviation from the Arrhenius behaviour

with apparent negative activation energy for r.h. higher than 40% is also observed, but

in this case for both the P10%-SHS and P20%-SHS samples.

It is important to notice the slight advantage of the conductivity values of the SHS-

based samples, very likely resulting from their higher SBET in comparison to the P123-

based materials, since the [H+] is similar.

All the mesoporous materials have been found to be difficult to press into handleable

pellets. On the other hand, the densities of these pellets are all rather low at around 0.9

g∙cm-3, certainly due to high volume of macro, meso and micropores. So, it is sensible

to say that the conductivity values obtained for pelletized samples are underestimated.

Nonetheless, the comparison of S-Ph-PMO and P-Ph-PMO samples with similar [H+]

and SBET (e.g., S-C2M3 and P10%-P123) shows considerably better transport

properties for the S-Ph-PMO. This may be due to the higher water retention capacity

and to the strongest acidic characteristics of the sulfonic acid group, which is able to

provide more extensive proton solvation in the presence of large amounts of


The potential advantage of the more amphoteric character of phosphonic acid under

low humidity conditions is here severely limited by the difficulties in obtaining

materials with sufficiently high acid concentrations and high specific surface areas. In


fact, the conductivity values of the P-Ph-PMOs with the highest acid load (nominal

50% acid) are actually lower than that of the sample without acid (Fig. 3.7 A).

The dependence of the conductivity on r.h. is shown in Fig. 3.8. For the P-Ph-PMO

samples, the data suggests a quasi-linear increase of the conductivity with increasing

r.h., becoming sharper near saturated conditions, whereas the S-Ph-PMO shows a

steep increase in conductivity between 20 and 60 % r.h., followed by a more moderate

increase up to 100%. These results, combined with the strong correlation of high SBET

/ high conductivity, suggests that the water condensed on the mesoporous structure is

the main contributor for the observed conductivity of P-Ph-PMO. It also means that

the intrinsic proton mobility in P-Ph-PMO materials should be rather low. The most

obvious explanation for such behaviour would rely on structural arguments, but the

essentially amorphous structure prevents any analysis based on the available XRD,

NMR and FTIR data. It may be speculated that the low proton mobility in the P-Ph-

PMO is due to a structural arrangement that does not allow hopping between adjacent

phosphonic acid groups, despite their relatively high concentration (Table 3.2)

Figure 3.8. Influence of r.h. on the conductivity of ) S-C24M3, ) S-C2M3,

) P10%-P123, ) P20%-SHS and ) no-acid. Lines are for visual guidance.

The noticeable low conductivity of the P-Ph-PMO materials represents a severe

disadvantage of these materials regarding their prospective application as fillers in

improved Nafion® membranes. This had also implications for the work plan of the

thesis, initially placing significant expectations in this new type of materials combining


the ordered mesoporous structure with the potential of the phosphonic acid as

protogenic group. The work plan thus became primarily focused on the S-Ph-PMO


3.2 Synthesis and characterization of S-Ph-PMO: effect of microwaves

This section presents and discusses the synthesis and the properties of S-Ph-PMO

produced with a wide array of [H+], SBET and microstructural order, by conventional

hydrothermal method and using MW as heat source. The complete list of the prepared

samples and the processing conditions is shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3. List of prepared S-Ph-PMO samples divided in three groups

according to the type of self-assembly and hydrothermal treatments.

Sample self-assembly hydrothermal Extraction



type Group

time (h) type time (h) type

S-C24C24 24 C 24 C C C

A S-C48C24 48 C 24 C C C

no surf 24 C 24 C C C

no-acid 24 C 24 C C C

S-C0M1 0 C 1 M M M


S-C0M3 0 C 3 M M M

S-C2M3 2 C 3 M M M

S-C6M3 6 C 3 M M M

S-C12M3 12 C 3 M M M

S-C24M3 24 C 3 M M M

C0M5 0 C 5 M M M

C6M5 6 C 5 M M M

C12M5 12 C 5 M M M

S-MS0.5M3 0.5 MS 3 M M M


S-MS1M3 1 MS 3 M M M

S-MS2M3 2 MS 3 M M M

S-MS4M3 4 MS 3 M M M

S-MS6M3 6 MS 3 M M M

S-MS12M3 12 MS 3 M M M


It is possible to separate the samples studied in three different groups, depending on

the synthesis steps and the type of heating source. A first group (A) includes the

samples produced using conventional heating in all the steps of the synthesis

(acronyms of type CxCy). This group also includes control samples “no-acid” (S-Ph-

PMO without any acid precursor) and “no surf” (material made in absence of SDA).

The second group (B) consists of samples processed with a combination of

conventional heating during the initial self-assembly step and MW for the all the other

steps (CxMy). Finally the third group (C) includes the samples that were totally

synthesized using MW (MSxMy).

3.2.1 Surfactant extraction and oxidation

According to the literature, the as-synthesized Ph-PMO powders need a EtOH/HCl

reflux treatment of at least 8 h to fully remove the surfactant from the pores.[90]

Moreover, in the case of C18, the procedure must be repeated. Smeulders et al.[161]

successfully used a single MW step of 15 min to perform the extraction of the

surfactant in pristine Ph-PMO. In the case of our acid-functionalized materials, the

application of MW in the surfactant extraction of S-Ph-PMO was also successful. The

FTIR spectra depicted in Fig. 3.9 for samples S-C12M3as and S-C12M3ext show a

drastic decrease of the intensity of the peaks related to -CH2- groups of the long alkyl

chain of the surfactant (stretching vibrational modes s – 2852 cm-1; as – 2923 cm-1 and

bending modes s – 1467 cm-1[267]) after the SDA extraction under MW.

The pattern of the extracted sample shows residual peaks in the same position which

can be ascribed to the presence of the -CH2- groups of the MPTMS precursor. For

comparison, Fig. 3.9 also shows the FTIR spectra of a reference sample prepared

before and after extraction by the conventional reflux method (S-C24C24as and S-

C24C24ext). It is thus possible to infer that a short 15 min MW treatment is as

efficient as an overnight reflux of about 14 h.[268]


Figure 3.9. FTIR spectra of sample S-C12M3 and S-C24C24 before (as) and after (ext) surfactant extraction.

The vanishing peaks after extraction are ascribed to the -CH2- of the alkyl chain of the surfactant.

Besides confirming the good extraction of the SDA, the FTIR analysis was also useful

to assess the presence of specific functional groups that confirm the desired structure of

the samples. Indeed, the samples show the characteristic vibrational band that

corresponds to the stretching mode of Si-OH at ~920 cm-1.[269] One can also notice

the presence of the Si-O-Si vibrational stretching modes at ~810, 1075 and

1165 cm-1.[270] The broad band at ~3460 cm-1 and the band at ~1637 cm-1 are due to

the asymmetrical OH-O stretching and to the O-H bending modes of water,

respectively.[271] The peak at ~1385 cm-1 is due to vibrational modes of the benzene

ring.[269] Unfortunately, the peaks for –SH are not observable. Typically, the

stretching modes of the S-H bond appear in the 2550-2600 cm-1 range and is quite

weak, probably hidden by the background signal.[267]

The oxidation step under MW at 40 ºC was proven to be as efficient as conventional

stirring at room temperature. This could be verified in a series of S-C2M3ext samples

oxidized during different amounts of time under MW or conventional heating. A

sample with 30 min of MW oxidation was found to have similar [H+] and

microstructural features than the sample with a conventional 24 h oxidation step.


These findings are a strong indication that the use of MW heating is an efficient way

to drastically reduce the synthesis time, especially in the extraction and oxidation step,

contributing for a total reduction of the synthesis time by nearly 36 h.

3.2.2 Self-assembly and hydrothermal treatment

Table 3.4 presents the structural and microstructural characterization data obtained for

the materials prepared under variable conditions of self-assembly and hydrothermal


Table 3.4. Physico-chemical properties of the prepared S-Ph-PMO samples

Sample SBET














I(001)b [H]+





size (nm) c

S-C24C24 724 3.40 0.98 5.48 2.08 10.6 162 0.93 64.1 837

S-C48C24 471 4.28 0.64 5.00 0.72 1.20 166 1.61 57.2 652

no-surf 223 n.a. 0.65 n.a. n.a. n.a. 49.5 1.26 68.9 431

no-acid 757 2.80 0.83 5.20 2.4 3.13 348 0 70.0 682

S-C0M1 733 2.90 0.30 4.81 1.91 12.4 313 0.27 n.t. n.t

S-C0M3 931 3.14 0.89 4.72 1.58 10.4 506 0.24 n.t. n.t

S-C2M3 774 3.10 0.49 4.95 1.85 4.42 280 0.30 53.6 799

S-C6M3 991 3.10 0.93 4.81 1.71 4.57 205 0.46 63.3 559

S-C12M3 1023 3.18 1.04 5.05 1.87 4.61 140 0.63 n.t. 594

S-C24M3 623 3.15 0.46 5.15 2.00 2.78 243 0.77 64.6 559

S-C0M5 792 3.21 0.33 4.76 1.55 3.29 887 0.42 n.t. n.t.

S-C6M5 826 3.20 0.40 4.81 1.67 2.17 165 0.36 59.9 598

S-C12M5 1199 3.13 0.71 4.90 1.77 1.37 166 0.58 59.7 483

S-MS0.5M3 763 3.17 0.52 4.90 1.73 4.30 564 0.24 n.t. n.t.

S-MS1M3 854 3.18 0.44 4.72 1.54 2.75 585 0.27 n.t. n.t.

S-MS2M3 715 3.15 0.66 4.55 1.40 3.60 416 0.58 66.5 782

S-MS4M3 857 3.15 0.42 4.95 1.80 7.42 687 0.56 59.4 611

S-MS6M3 862 3.16 0.55 5.05 1.79 1.38 825 0.62 56.6 641

S-MS12M3 48.9 3.13 0.09 n.a. n.a. n.a. 93.2 1.35 n.t. 814

a is an arbitrary factor that represents the ratio between the intensity of the XRD peak for the

hexagonal array of pores and the intensity of the peak related to the molecular scale periodicity along

the pore wall.

b I(001) represents the relative intensity of the molecular scale periodicity along the pore wall XRD peak.

c particle size in diameter, assuming spherical particles. n.a. - non appreciable. n.t. - not tested


As expected, the concentration of sulfonic acid groups increases with increasing self-

assembly time for both conventional and MW heating. However, the reaction kinetics

is strongly enhanced by the MW in comparison to conventional heating, allowing a

reduction of up to ~80% of the time necessary to attain similar acid loads.

Figure 3.10 depicts the evolution of [H+] as a function self-assembly time for both

conventional and MW routes. The [H+] is showed normalized to the maximum acid

incorporation, defined by the stoichiometry of the reaction (~1.77 mmol.g-1). The

samples with 5 h (dotted circles) and 3h (solid lines) of hydrothermal treatment show a

similar tendency.

Figure 3.10. Evolution of [H+] as a function of self-assembly time: () conventional stirring

(open symbols and dotted symbols are for samples with 3 h and 5 h of hydrothermal treatment,

respectively). () MW stirring (all samples where hydrothermally treated in MW for 3 h).

The XRD patterns of several oxidized samples are shown in Fig. 3.11. The

diffractograms are presented as raw data, but to effectively retrieve diffraction angles

and the relative intensities of the two peaks, the baselines were subtracted. Most

patterns are typical of ordered mesoporous materials, with the diffraction maxima at

2 ≈ 2° being assigned to the (100) reflection of the hexagonal distribution of the

pores, and the smaller (001) reflection at 2 ≈ 11.6° due to the molecular scale

periodicity in the pore wall.


Figure 3.11. XRD diffractograms for the several oxidized S-Ph-PMO samples: A)

conventional heating and control samples; B) samples with MW heating in the hydrothermal

step and C) samples fully synthesized using MW energy. The triangles identify the pore order

reflection (100) and circles denote the (001) molecular scale periodicity.

As expected, the “no-acid” control sample shows a clear pattern with high intensity

peaks due to the absence of the acid precursor, whereas the sample “no surf” does not

show any evidence of organized pores due to the lack of SDA in the synthesis. The

hexagonal cell parameter a0 (Table 3.4) increases slightly with increasing self-assembly

time for the samples of group B and C. This effect can be related to the increasing

incorporation of the acid precursor inside the pore wall. A slight increase of a0 with

increasing [H+] was also observed by Inagaki et al.[130] for Ph-PMO samples prepared

with conventional heating.

One of the major differences between the patterns of samples prepared with at least

one MW step (B and C) and those prepared by the conventional method (A) is the

marked decrease of the intensity of the pore order reflection (I(100)) for the samples S-

C6M5 and S-C12M5. This suggests that the use of MW during the hydrothermal step

for more than 3 h tends to decrease the coherent ordered volume that causes the




One can also notice the decrease of I(100) with increasing [H+] in the materials of group

B, suggesting a decrease of the extension of the pore order due the acid incorporation,

also in agreement with the literature.[97,130,213,268] The behaviour of the group C

samples does not follow exactly the same trend, with sample S-MS4M3 (with

intermediate MW self-assembly step duration) showing an apparent higher order than

sample S-MS2M3, although the [H+] is lower in S-MS4M3 than in S-MS2M3 (Table

3.4). Nevertheless, sample S-MS6M3 follows the trend observed for group B, clearly

displaying the lowest I(100) of the C samples. The causes for this apparent dispersion

may be related to the lack of control on the MW energy delivered to the samples.

Since the self-assembly temperature (40 ºC) is quickly attained under MW, significant

differences may indeed occur between the nominal duration of the treatment and the

time that MW were effectively targeting the reactants.

In order to rationalise the observed correlations, it is useful to introduce an order

factor representing the ratio between I(100) and I(001). In Fig. 3.12A these values are

presented normalized to the highest value of all samples (ref=12.4 for sample S-

C0M1). Likewise, it is also useful to consider I(001) as an indication of the extension of

the molecular scale order along the pore walls, also presented in Fig. 3.12B,

normalized to the highest I(001) from all samples (I(001)ref = 887 for S-C0M5).

For the samples of group B (circles in Fig. 3.12), both and I(001) tend to decrease with

increasing self-assembly time. The values of I(001) for sample S-C24M3 is a bit off the

tendency, probably due to the long self-assembly time (24h), enabling significant

molecular periodicity, but not the long range hexagonal order.

For the samples in group C (square symbols), the trend is similar for (Fig.3.12A),

which essentially is linked to the increase of [H+]. As noticed above, the exception for

S-MS4M3 may be related to the uncertainty on the effective MW dosage.

Interestingly, the I(001)/I(001)ref ratio in group C samples (squares in Fig. 3.12 B) seems to

deviate from this trend for intermediate MW stirring times (4 and 6 h). In the absence

of plausible and reasonable explanation for this apparent maximum, one could invoke

the effect of uncontrolled parameters during the XRD analysis. Besides differences in


background contributions for patterns collected in different days, the packing of the

powder in the sample holder and the atmospheric conditions are likely to introduce

variability in XRD data obtained for this particular type of highly hygroscopic

mesoporous samples.

Figure 3.12. Evolution of the A) and B) I(001) as a function of self-assembly

time: () conventional stirring (open symbols and dotted symbols are for

samples with 3 h and 5 h of hydrothermal treatment, respectively). () MW

stirring (all samples where hydrothermally treated in MW for 3 h).

The N2 sorption isotherms of several representative samples are presented in Fig. 3.13

with insets of the respective pore size distribution (Table 3.4 contains the full data

obtained from such sorption measurements). The pore size distribution was calculated

with the adsorption branch using the BJH method and KJS correction (see section

2.4.2). All curves show the typical adsorption/desorption pattern for mesoporous

materials, which is classified as type IV by IUPAC.[233] The obvious exception from

the group is the sample synthesized without surfactants (“no surf”), which shows low

SBET and no discernible pore size distribution peak.



Figure 3.13. N2 adsortion/desorption isotherms collected at -196 °C of the several S-Ph-PMO

and control samples. Insets in each graph represent the pore size distribution.

The SBET values of the samples synthesized in the presence of surfactant are much

higher, but also quite variable (from 470 up to 1200 m2∙g-1). The pore size distribution

is less affected by the processing conditions, with average pore size between 2.9 and

3.2 for samples processed with MW (Fig. 3.13 B1, B2 and C).

The samples synthesized using the conventional heat source in all steps (group A)

show somewhat larger pores than samples made with MW (3.40 and 4.28 nm,


increasing with increasing self-assembly time). This may be due to the higher [H+] in

these samples, leading to more open structures.

The wall thickness, calculated by the difference between the cell parameter a0 and the

pore size, for samples of groups B and C (Table 3.4), are all in the interval between 1.5

and 2.0 nm.

As expected and in agreement with literature,[97] there is a general tendency for

increasing pore volume with increasing SBET, as depicted by Fig. 3.14.

Figure 3.14. Evolution of the pore volume as a function of the specific surface area.

Figure 3.15 shows TEM micrographs of some representative S-Ph-PMO samples to

complement the examples already provided in Fig. 3.5. As expected, the sample “no-

acid” (Fig. 3.15A) shows a clear channelled microstructure, with long, organized

channels, while sample “no surf” (Fig. 3.15B) is completely disordered with no

perceivable presence of mesoporous channels. This observation is in agreement with

the XRD and N2 sorption results.

A reduction of the size of the ordered channels is perceptible with the increase of the

self-assembly time and the consequent increase of [H+] (Fig. 3.15C and D for samples

S-C2M3 and S-C24C24, respectively), confirming the observed progressive decrease of

and I(001) with increasing conventional self-assembly time (Fig. 3.12B).

It should be noticed that only for a few samples was it possible to find particles

oriented in the [001] direction in such a way that it would allow to verify the

hexagonal array of pores.


Figure 3.15. TEM images of samples A) no-acid, B) no surf,

C) S-C2M3, D) S-C24C24 E) S-MS2M3 and F) S-C12M5.


TEM observation of sample S-MS2M3 (Fig. 3.15 E) show that the use of MW in the

self-assembly step does not significantly affect the pore order. However, more than 3 h

of MW treatment in the hydrothermal step leads to the collapse of the channelled

microstructure, as observed in Fig. 3.15 F for sample S-C12M5. This observation is in

full agreement with the N2 sorption and XRD data.

The d100 values obtained from the TEM images were used to calculate the hexagonal

cell parameter a0. The values obtained by TEM are ~20% smaller than the a0

calculated from the XRD data. Such difference is systematic and may be related to

purposively overfocusing the images to enhance contrast. The overfocus was intended

to be very slight, even though it may explain the differences in the a0 values. Data

reported for mesoporous silica KIT-6 reveal a similar trend, although the difference is

about 7%.[272]

Unfortunately, it was not possible to detect the molecular scale order along the pore

wall as presented by other authors[89] due to the great instability of the materials

under the electron beam, which disabled the use of high resolution.

Under static conditions, the S-Ph-PMO particles have a tendency to form aggregates,

as shown by the SEM micrographs of Fig. 3.16 for some representative S-Ph-PMO


Isolated particles are quite difficult to find in SEM, but some occasional observations

revealed a random shape and a significant roughness of the surface (Figs. 3.16 B and

3.16 D). The high level of agglomeration inhibits a proper assessment of the particle

size from these images, although some observations of isolated particles show that

they are clearly submicrometric. The average diameter of the particles estimated by

DLS was found to be in the range between 431 and 800 nm, with a median of 629 nm

and standard deviation of 10.4%.


Figure 3.16. SEM micrographs of samples: A, B) S-

C2M3; C, D) S-MS2M3; E) S-C24M3 and F) S-C24C24.


Solid state NMR results are presented in Fig. 3.17 showing basically the same features

regardless of the heating source used during synthesis. The 29Si CP-MAS spectra (Fig.

3.17, left) of the S-Ph-PMO and control samples “no-acid” and “no surf” depict three

signals at ≈ -80.8, -69.2 and -58.9 ppm, with minor shifts for the different samples.

These signals, based on the report of Yang et al.[130], can be assigned to the Si

connectivity to benzene (T3 at ≈ -80.8 and T2 at ≈ -69.2 ppm) and to the

connectivity of Si to the mercaptopropyl group (T3’ at ≈ -69.2 and T2’ at ≈ -58.9

ppm where Tn = C-Si(OSi)n(OH)3–n). The predominance of T3 and T3’ signals are a

good indication that the majority of the ethoxy groups are well condensed into the

walls of the PMO, with few connections to -OH groups. Qn signals corresponding to

silicon environments = Si(OH)4-n(OSi)n atoms connected entirely to OSi and/or OH

units were not detected, which indicates that the Si–C bond cleavage did not take

place during the materials formation. The 13C CP-MAS NMR spectra (Fig. 3.17, right)

show a resonance peak at ≈ 54.1 ppm that can be assigned to the -1CH2- linked to the

SO3H group.

Figure 3.17. 29Si CP-MAS (left) and 13C CP-MAS (right) solid state

NMR spectra of representative samples of the S-Ph-PMO family.



The resonance at ≈ 18.2 ppm is related to the -3CH2- bonded to the Si atom and the

signal at ≈ 12.3 ppm corresponds to the -2CH2- resonance in the middle of the propyl

chain (-Si-3CH2-2CH2-

1CH2-SO3H). The enduring peak at ≈ 29.6 can be assigned to

the resonance of the -CH2- connected to the remaining -SH groups, here indicating

that the oxidation process did not occur completely.[128] As expected, the sample

“no-acid” did not show any resonance peaks in the 13C CP-MAS besides the peak

related to the benzene carbons, due to the absence of any other source of carbon.

In a parallel investigation in collaboration with the Solid State NMR research group of

the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro, a study of hydrated and

dehydrated S-Ph-PMOs with variable acid loading (from 0.21 up to 1.30 mmol∙g-1) by

advanced high-resolution solid state magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR was

conducted. The objective of such work was to attempt an explanation for the high

catalytic activity of these materials in the acid condensation of indole with

benzaldehyde in water.[273] The observed displacement of the propyl sulfonic –SO3H

protons to high chemical shifts with increase of the sulfonic acid strength suggested the

formation of hydrogen bonds involving neighbouring –SO3H groups. The acid strength

of the materials was lowered by the presence of water for [H+]> 0.40 mmol∙g-1,

whereas samples with low [H+] were very little affected. A plausible explanation for

this negligible effect was advanced based on the proximity of the hydrophobic phenyl

ring to the sulfonic site, with the former playing an important role in protecting the

acid sites against solvation by water. For higher acid loads, the protection is no longer

efficient and the extensive proton solvation occurs. For loadings above 0.40 mmol∙g-1,

there is a linear relationship between the turn over frequency and the [H+], which in

turn is proportional to the 1H chemical shift of the SO3H. The formation of

increasingly strong intermolecular –SO3H∙∙∙O3(H)S hydrogen bonds for S-Ph-PMOs

with [H+] above 0.4 mmol∙g-1 may explain the enhancement of the catalytic activity

with increasing [H+]. The higher catalytic activity in the presence of water may also be

related to the percolation of the aqueous domains stabilized around sulfonic acid

groups, which tend to increase significantly when the concentration of acid groups is

high enough to enable percolation. The enhanced mobility of the protons in these

domains may thus favour the oxidation of the indole. Here it is perhaps interesting to

recall the above mentioned effect of the acid load on the protonic conductivity of S-


PMOs (section 3.1.2), where percolation was also invoked to explain the enhanced

protonic conductivity above a certain [H+] value, which is essential for a good

conductivity, very much as it happens in PFSA polymers.[23,24,26] The fact that the

conductivity increases slightly between the sample with no acid and the sample with

[H+] = 0.3 mmol∙g-1 suggests that there is a critical percolation concentration above

which the proton structural diffusion along the aqueous domains is facilitated.

Figure 3.18 shows the TGA and DSC results for samples S-C2M3 and S-MS2M3,

obtained under air and N2 atmospheres.

Figure 3.18. TGA (full lines) and derivative (dashed lines) curves for sample A) S-C2M3 and B) S-

MS2M3 in air (black) and N2 (grey) atmospheres. DSC curves in air (black lines) and N2 (grey lines)

for sample C) S-C2M3 and D) S-MS2M3. The heat flow was normalized by the weight of he sample.


The TGA data depict a rapid weight loss at ~100 ºC, which corresponds to the loss of

physisorbed water. The lack of appreciable weight loss from 100 to ~250 ºC, similarly

to S-Ph-PMO grafted materials from Yang et al.[274], is a good indication that the

surfactant was completely removed in the extraction step.

A slight weight loss and shallow exothermal peaks in the DSC from ~250 ºC up to

~550 ºC can be assigned to the decomposition of the propylsulfonic acid functionality,

as mentioned for MPTMS functionalized SBA-15[128] and S-Ph-PMO[274] materials,

together with the decomposition of the residual SDA.

The decomposition of the phenyl rings lodged in the pore wall can be pointed to start

at ~550 ºC, alongside with the decomposition of the propylsulfonic acid residue.[274]

As expected, these decompositions are enhanced and occur at lower temperature in

the presence of oxygen.[90]

The water uptake capacity of the prepared materials (data also listed in Table 3.4) is

represented in Fig. 3.19 as a function of the acid load and the volume of pores. The W

values are quite high and they tend to increase with increasing [H+] and pore volume.

The apparent scatter in the representation of Fig. 3.19 reflects the large variety of

structural and microstructural characteristics of the prepared S-Ph-PMO materials.

Figure 3.19. Evolution of W with increasing [H+] and pore volume.


3.2.3 Multivariate analysis of the reaction kinetics

It has been shown that that MW can indeed speed up the production of S-Ph-PMOs

with similar acid load and specific surface area, allowing a reduction of the synthesis

time by ~80%. However, MW also has a tremendous impact on the structure and

microstructure of the materials, namely by decreasing the length scale of the pore

order. In addition, the synthesis of S-Ph-PMO is a complex process, involving various

reaction steps, where MW can be used independently. The quantification of the

influence of each variable on the kinetics of such processes is thus extremely

challenging, implying a large number of experiments with a much larger combination

of conditions than those explored in this thesis.

This section describes a first attempt to parameterize the kinetics of the multi-step

synthetic reactions of S-Ph-PMO. The underlining model assumes linear dependencies

between the type and time of the self-assembly and hydrothermal steps on three

selected characteristics of the final material, which are the acid concentration and the

two order parameters extracted from the XRD data ( and I(001)).

The objective is to obtain a set of time constants based on a limited number of

experiments, which allow predicting the optimal conditions for the synthesis of a

specific S-Ph-PMO (with a given [H+] and pore order) using MW energy. This

approach implies the calculation of a parameter matrix P with the kinetic coefficients

from a matrix V containing the time variables for the different experiments made (a

combination of self-assembly time and type - C or MS - and microwave hydrothermal

treatment time), and a matrix R, with the obtained experimental results of [H+], and

I(001), according to[275]:

P = (V’ V)-1 (V’ R) eq. 3.1

where V’ is the transpose of V. Predictions of a results matrix Rs with [H+], χ and I(001)

can then be made for a given set of experimental conditions defined by the duration

(in hours) of the self-assembly and hydrothermal steps, simply by using:

Rs = V P. eq. 3.2


Figure 3.20 exemplifies the application of the method to some experiments listed in

Table 3.4, including the difference between the prediction and the experimental

results, expressed as a fraction of the latter (error). The simulated values of [H+]

calculated using the model are quite similar to the experimental values. This is

actually a surprisingly good result considering the complexity of the multistep

approach and the assumed linear dependences. The errors are substantially larger for

the structural parameters, especially for I(001), where differences of more than 40% were

observed in the results of 7 experiments. Interestingly, the errors are smaller for the C

samples fully synthesised under MW. Differences in the pore order parameter are

somewhat lower than for I(001). While these deviations may reflect an oversimplified

model, it should be noticed, as previously mentioned, the XRD intensities are not the

most reliable and reproducible parameter in this type of material.

Figure 3.20. Matrices of the original time constants (V) and correspondent simulated

values (Rs) obtained using the parameter matrix (P). The matrix on the right contains

the fractional difference of the simulations with respect to the measured values.

Nevertheless, the predictions made using the model can at least qualitatively describe

the trends in Figs. 3.10 and 3.12. Figure 3.21 shows 3D plots of the simulated [H+],


and I(001) as a function of the duration of the self-assembly and hydrothermal treatment

steps for both self-assembly experimental conditions (C in blue and MS in red). It can

be clearly seen that [H+] increases with increasing self-assembly time, for both MS and

C stirring self-assembly methods, but with a clearly higher slope for the red plane of

MS (Fig. 3.21 A). The SO3H concentration is also slightly increased with increasing

hydrothermal time for both methods. These results are in fair agreement with Fig. 3.10.

Figure 3.21. 3D plots of the evolution of simulated values of: A) [H+]; B) and C) I(001) as

a function of self-assembly time and hydrothermal treatment time for both self-assembly

types (MS in red and C in blue). The dashed lines are projections of the surface edges

(values of higher self-assembly time) on the parameter/hydrothermal time plane.


These projected results show that S-Ph-PMO with a concentration of sulfonic acid

groups in excess of 70% of nominal stoichiometry (1.77 mmol∙g-1) can be obtained

after about 16 h of self-assembly and 3 h of hydrothermal treatment under MW. A

similar material would only be obtained after 48 h of self-assembly using conventional

heating. In terms of the total duration of synthesis, the MW sample could be obtained

in less than 20% of the time.

Fig. 3.21 B predicts a progressive decrease of with increasing self-assembly time and

increasing hydrothermal treatment for both MS and C heating sources, with a larger

effect for the microwave method. These trends are also in agreement with the

experimental data (Fig. 3.12).

Likewise, and despite the significant errors, the trends projected for I(001) (Fig. 3.21 C)

are also consistent with the observed results (Fig. 3.12), showing the increase of I(001)

with increasing MW self-assembly time and a decrease of I(001) with increasing

conventional self-assembly time. Additionally, there is a slight increase in I(001) with

increasing hydrothermal treatment time.

To validate the model projections of the effect of MW, a sample S-MS12M3 was

synthesized according to the conditions in Table 3.4. The [H+] = 1.35 mmol∙g-1

obtained for this sample is somewhat higher than the predicted value (1.04 mmol∙g-1),

but still a fair agreement overall. This sample revealed a totally disordered pore

structure by XRD and TEM, in excellent agreement with the predicted 0.

However, the model fails when predicting a material with considerably more order at

the molecular level (I(001)=1185) than the actual experimental result (I(001)= 93). This

result confirms that the assumed linear dependence is able to provide reasonably

accurate predictions of the acid load and the pore order as a function of the reaction

time under MW.


3.3 Electrochemical characterization of S-Ph-PMO

The smart use of the MW and conventional heating on the various synthetic steps of

S-Ph-PMOs allowed the design of materials with a large variety of compositional and

microstructural characteristics. In this section, an attempt is made to identify solid

correlations between these intrinsic characteristics and the protonic conductivity of the

materials, and how they are influenced by extrinsic factors such as temperature and

relative humidity.

The samples electrical resistance was estimated from impedance spectra collected

under variable external conditions following the procedures already described in

section 3.1.2. Figures 3.22 A, B and C represent the typical evolution of these spectra

for several representative S-Ph-PMO samples at 40, 60 and 100 ºC respectively (please

refer to Fig. 3.6 A for the S-Ph-PMO sample at 80 ºC).

In general, the spectra display two contributions, one at high frequency due to the

sample bulk resistance and a low frequency semi-circle associated to the electrode

impedance. At sufficiently low r.h. and low temperature, the bulk impedance of the

samples with the highest resistance consists of a semicircle. This semicircle vanishes

with increasing r.h. and temperature, until it eventually disappears. In this case, the

bulk impedance is described by a pure ohmic resistance corresponding to the high

frequency intercept of the electrode semicircle. The most conductive samples tend to

display the latter shape throughout the entire range of r.h. and temperature.

Figure 3.22 D is a collection of spectra obtained with variable test signal amplitude. It

is possible to see that the high frequency semi-circle is not affected by the applied

voltage, whereas the low frequency tail is reduced. This confirms the assignment of the

high frequency phenomenon to the ohmic resistance of the material, and the low

frequency contribution to the electrode impedance.


Figure 3.22. EIS spectra for several representative samples showing the evolution of the

shape of the impedance spectra with increasing r.h. at A) 40 ºC (no-acid), B) 60 ºC (S-

MS4M3) and C) 100 ºC (S-C2M3). Please consider Fig. 3.6 A for sample S-C24M3 at 80

ºC. D) Influence of test signal amplitude on the shape of the impedance spectra for sample

S-C2M3 at 60°C and 60% r.h. (numbers represent powers of 10 of frequency in Hz).

3.3.1 Influence of extrinsic factors on conductivity: temperature and relative humidity

Figure 3.23 depicts Arrhenius type plots of the conductivity of several representative

samples obtained with increasing r.h. The highest conductivity value is 0.11 S∙cm-1 for


S-C48C24 at 80 ºC and 98 % r.h., which is comparable to Nafion® in similar


As expected, the conductivity increases with increasing r.h. for all samples, regardless

of the temperature, due to an increasing amount of the proton concentration in the

material. However, it is also immediately apparent that in some cases the data for low

humidity and low temperature tend to deviate from the Arrhenius behaviour.

This is particularly obvious for the sample prepared without any acid, which nicely

illustrates the trend observed for other samples. Since this sample has no acid

functionalization, the protonic conductivity is in principle only due to water molecules

physisorbed at the surface of the material. Increasing the temperature will naturally

decrease the concentration of the adsorbed water, hence decreasing the conductivity.

The magnitude of this effect is expected to be larger for low r.h. conditions, when

pH2O is lower.

Conversely, increasing the r.h. at a fixed temperature increases the driving force for

the physisorption, and thus the conductivity increases. Therefore, the apparently

positive slope in the Arrhenius plot at 20% r.h. becomes progressively less positive as

r.h. increases, eventually becoming negative for 98% r.h. The Ea in these humidity

conditions, close to 25 kJ∙mol-1 (Table 3.5), is in the range reported for the structural

diffusion of protons as the underlining transport mechanism.[38,41,188]

On the other hand, the sulfonic acid groups in the sample processed without SDA (no

surf) are solvated by the adsorbed water molecules, which in this case are also

chemisorbed to the surface of the material. Consequently, the water molecules can be

retained in the structure up to much higher temperatures than in the acid-free material.

This enables levels of protonic conductivity similar to those measured for Nafion®

even at temperatures close to 100 °C. In fact, the Arrhenius behaviour is observed for

the entire range of r.h., with similar activation energy (30 kJ.mol-1) for r.h. 60%.


Figure 3.23. Arrhenius plots of several S-Ph-PMO representative samples as a function of

r.h. Lines are for visual guidance. Relative humidity: ) 20%, ) 40%, ) 60%, ) 80%

and ) 98%. The dashed lines are for our Nafion® reference, in the same conditions.

The data for the other samples represent a variety of intermediate situations between

the behaviour of the previous limiting cases, with the data for samples with lower [H+]

(e.g. S-C6M5) often featuring negative apparent activation energies for low humidity,

and samples with highest acid content (e.g. S-C48C24) depicting full Arrhenius

behaviour throughout the entire r.h. range. A more detailed analysis of the effect of the


[H+] and other physico-chemical characteristics of the S-Ph-PMO on the protonic

conductivity is provided in sub-section 3.3.2.

Table 3.5. Values of Ea for the conductivity measured under variable

r.h. conditions. The SBET and the [H+] are given to help the discussion.

Sample SBET (m2∙g-1) [H]+

(mmol∙g-1) (S∙cm-1)a

Ea (kJ∙mol-1)

98% r.h 80% r.h. 60% r.h. 40% r.h 20% r.h.

S-C2M3 774 0.30 8.9×10-4 11.9 3.41 10.8 16.8 b

S-C6M3 991 0.46 6.3×10-3 5.80 7.80 15.5 21.4 b

S-C12M3 1023 0.63 1.6×10-2 14.5 9.60 3.60 b b

S-C24M3 623 0.77 1.0×10-2 6.40 6.90 9.00 3.90 b

S-C6M5 826 0.36 2.8×10-3 12.5c b b b b

S-C12M5 1199 0.58 9.3×10-3 12.3 9.70 3.30 b b

S-MS2M3 715 0.58 2.6×10-3 18.7 23.6 27.9 16.3 --

S-MS4M3 857 0.56 5.5×10-3 19.1 5.70 9.50 6.60 2.70

S-MS6M3 862 0.62 4.2×10-3 11.6 8.70 2.60 b b

S-C24C24 724 0.93 2.6×10-3 32.7 - 3.88 b b

S-C48C24 471 1.61 9.0×10-2 39.1 0.40c 2.853 4.05 11.4

no-surf 223 1.26 8.0×10-2 30.6 32.9 28.0 15.8 17.7

no-acid 757 0 5.4×10-4 24.1 6.02 b b b

a – at 94 ºC and 98% r.h.; b – apparent Ea are negative;

c – in the range 25-80 °C .

The data in the Arrhenius plots (Fig. 3.23) are replotted in Fig.3.24 to illustrate the

effect of r.h. on the conductivity.

For the samples with [H+] lower than 1 mmol∙g-1 and SBET higher than 600 m2∙g-1 the

conductivity increases sharply with increasing r.h. up to ~60% r.h., and more

moderately thereafter. The behaviour of the “no-surf” and “no-acid” samples again

represent the two limiting situations, with the remaining materials showing

intermediate behaviour.

This bending of the r.h. plots was also noticed by Hamoudi et al. for SO3H

functionalized ethane bridged organosilicas,[212,262] and very recently by Inagaki’s

group on SO3H functionalized PMS thin films.[213] Based on water sorption

isothermal measurements, the later study correlates the sharp increase of conductivity

at low r.h. with the adsorption and clustering of water molecules around the acid sites,


which eventually condensate in the mesopores, driven by capillarity, and on the

surface of the films above a certain r.h. The humidity threshold leading to

condensation is shifted to lower r.h. values with increasing [H+] and decreasing pore

size, in agreement with the Kelvin’s equation (eq. 2.3).

Figure 3.24. Evolution of conductivity as a function of r.h., at different temperatures, for some

representative S-Ph-PMO samples. Lines are for visual guidance. Temperatures: ) 40 ºC, ) 60 ºC, )

80 ºC, ) 94 ºC and ) 100 ºC. The dashed lines are for our Nafion® reference, in the same conditions.


While the water vapour sorption measurements could not be performed in this work,

the conductivity vs. r.h. profiles can be nicely explained by the condensation

hypothesis. Indeed, the “no surf” sample shows an almost linear dependence for r.h.

lower than 98%, in agreement with the much lower volume of mesopores. Proton

transport in this case is mostly occurring along the SO3H-water domains on the surface

of the particles, without major changes in the proton mobility. On the other hand, a

transition at around 60% r.h. is observed for the material without acid

functionalization, suggesting a change of mechanism, possibly due to changes in

proton mobility made possible by the water condensed in the pores.

The S-Ph-PMO samples with higher [H+] (>1 mmol∙g-1) and lower SBET (<500 m2∙g-1)

(e.g. S-C48C24) tend to show a more linear increase of conductivity with increasing

r.h. This difference can be due to the high concentration of acid groups combined with

a somewhat low mesoporosity. Conversely, samples with high mesoporous volume,

which, as discussed earlier, is usually paired to low [H+] and high SBET, tend to depict

clearer 2-step vs. r.h. dependences.

Considering the T and r.h. ranges corresponding to Arrhenius behaviour in Fig. 3.23,

(essentially data for r.h. greater than 60% for the majority of samples – see table 3.5)

the proton mobility is likely to be constant and the conductivity is thus essentially

determined by the proton concentration. As described analogously for Nafion® 117 by

Maréchal et al.[276], the interaction of the sulfonic acid groups with the hydration

water can be described by the solvation equilibrium

SO3H+ + gH2O SO3

hH2O + H+jH2O eq. 3.3

where g is the total number of solvating water molecules, and h and j are the number

of water molecules associated to the sulfonate anion and the proton, respectively. If

[SO3hH2O] = [H+jH2O], the corresponding solvation constant is

K solv(T) = [H+jH2O]2/pH2O

g eq. 3.4


Since we assume that the proton mobility is constant, the protonic conductivity is thus

directly proportional to the proton concentration and eq. 3.4 can be rewritten as

K solv(T) 2/pH2O

g eq. 3.5

Since pH2O = r.h. psatH2O, where psatH2O is the saturated vapour pressure at a given

temperature, one expects a linear relation between log () and log (r.h.) with slope

g/2. Such dependence is indeed depicted by Fig 3.25 for representative samples with

positive Ea values.

The calculated total water molecules involved in the solvation equilibrium vary from g

≈ 6 for samples with [H+] < 1 mmol∙g-1 to g ≈ 8 for samples with higher [H+]. Sample

“no surf”, which has [H+] = 1.26 mmol∙g-1 but a low SBET = 223 m2∙g-1 without

apparent mesoporosity, has the highest g ≈ 10.

Figure 3.25. Graphical representation of log vs log r.h. at different

isothermal conditions. ) 40 ºC, ) 60 ºC, ) 80 ºC and ) 94-100ºC.


A similar analysis performed on literature data of MCM-41 materials with 40 %

nominal SO3H ([H+] = 2.3 mmol∙g-1) showed values of g ≈ 6 at 80 and 100 ºC, in the

r.h. range of 50 to 100 %.[156] From the data of Fujita et al.[213] on a SO3H

functionalized mesoporous silica oriented film with [H+] = 1.8 mmol∙g-1 we calculated

g ≈ 4 for room temperature and r.h. between 45 and 90 % r.h. A value of g ≈ 4 was

also found for Nafion® 117 membranes in a similar range of conditions.[276]

The higher g values obtained with the S-Ph-PMO materials prepared in this work, or

those estimated from literature data on similar structures, may be explained by the

additional empty space within the rigid, open mesoporous network, in contrast to the

soft structure of Nafion®, dimensionally-dependent on the water content.

Equation 3.5 can be used to estimate the solvation enthalpy (Hsolv) assuming a

dependence with the reciprocal temperature

ln(2/pH2Og) (Ssolv/R) – (Hsolv/RT ) eq. 3.6

where the Ssolv is an entropy term. Figure 3.26 shows the data represented according

to this equation.

The ΔHsolv values estimated for our S-Ph-PMO samples tend to become more negative

with increasing [H+], spanning from an average -220 kJ∙mol-1 for the sample with less

[H+] (S-C6M3) to -300 kJ∙mol-1 for the sample with the highest [H+] (S-C48C24). This

suggests that the solvation of the proton on the acid sites is facilitated by the presence

of more acid sites, justifying also the increase amount of water molecules involved in

the solvation process (g values) observed in Fig. 3.25.

A theoretical study on the solvation of SO3H in a Nafion®/H3O+/H2O system

calculated the enthalpy of formation of the complex –SO3-∙∙∙H3O+– (H2O)n to be -44.3

kJ∙mol-1[277] while in the experimental study by Maréchal et al.[276] the calculated

value was of -135 kJ∙mol-1. Nevertheless, this means that that the proton solvation is

more favourable inside our mesoporous materials than in Nafion®.


Figure 3.26. Representation of ln (2/(pH2O)g)T vs. the reciprocal

temperature for several representative samples and different r.h. conditions.

) 20 % r.h., ) 40 % r.h., ) 60% r.h., ) 80 % and ) 98-100 % r.h.

3.3.2 Influence of intrinsic factors on conductivity: structure, acid load and porosity

Figure 3.27 represents the evolution of the conductivity of the S-Ph-PMO samples as a

function of the SBET, for two extreme temperatures (40 ºC and 94-100 ºC) and under

two extreme r.h. conditions (40% and ~98%).

The scatter of the data gives an idea of the wide range of conductivity values and

reflects the magnitude of the combined effect of the materials physico-chemical

properties on the conductivity. As previously noticed, the conductivity increases with

increasing SBET for samples with similar [H+] (full symbols in Fig. 3.27), mainly at high

r.h. This is in agreement with the assumption that proton transport occurs essentially

at the surface, and hence the effect of the SBET may hide the impact of other factors.


Figure 3.27. Protonic conductivity as a function of SBET measured at 94 and

40 °C combined with 40% and 98% r.h. conditions. Full symbols correspond

to samples with similar [H+] within the range 0.46-0.63 mmol∙g-1.

It is thus useful to retain, for the subsequent analysis, the conductivity values

normalized by the SBET, in the form of the so-called area-specific conductance (ASC):

𝐴𝑆𝐶 = 𝜎𝐴/(𝐿𝑒𝑙𝑆𝐵𝐸𝑇𝑚𝑝) eq. 3.7

where A is the electrode area, Lel is the distance between electrodes and mp is the mass

of the pellet.

Figure 3.28A shows, for the same climatic conditions as in Fig. 3.27, a quasi-linear

increase of ASC with increasing [H+], for 94 °C / 98% r.h. The trend is somewhat

scattered for lower temperatures, but unambiguously observed. This strong correlation

demonstrates that the [H+] is indeed the most important factor determining the

protonic conductivity of these materials, and reinforces the utility of using ASC

instead of the conductivity to further analyse the data. The reason for such strong

effect can be found on the higher proton concentration associated to the increasing

number of solvated and percolated sulfonic acid groups. Therefore, besides using ASC

to account for a possible cross-effect of the SBET, the [H+] must be also considered

when analysing the impact of the other microstructural factors.


Figure 3.28. ASC as a function of A) [H+], B) and C) I(001). Full symbols

identify samples with similar [H+] within the range of 0.46 to 0.63 mmol∙g-1.


The B plots in Fig. 3.28 show highly scattered ASC data for the highly variable pore

order factor (table 3.4), regardless of temperature and r.h., suggesting that the pore

distribution has little or no effect on the conductivity of these materials. This

observation is reinforced by the ASC values for samples with similar [H+], as

illustrated by the full symbols located along a quasi-horizontal line parallel to the

abscissa of Fig 3.28 B.

Although it was already observed that the I(100) tends to decrease with increasing [H+]

(and ASC thereof),[97,130,213,268] there is no indication in the literature for the use

of a similar order factor such as .

Figure 3.28 C represents the influence of I(001) on the ASC. Since this peak represents

the molecular scale order along the pore wall defined by the alternate stacking of

hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains inside the structure,[89] of which one could

infer a possible correlation between the conductivity and the distance between

adjacent acid groups at the inner surface of the pores. This could ultimately affect the

percolation between adjacent acid groups and undermine the protonic conductivity.

There is indeed a very weak tendency of decreasing I(001) with increasing ASC for

samples with similar acid load (full symbols), specially at high r.h., but this is certainly

related to the observed decrease in I(001) with increasing [H+] (Fig. 3.12 B).

Due to the relatively low distribution of the a0 cell parameter it is difficult to draw

tendencies on the effect of this parameter on the ASC (Fig. 3.29 A). Based on the

behaviour of samples with similar [H+] (full symbols in Fig. 3.29 A), it can be said that

the conductivity values are independent of the lattice parameter, within the natural

dispersion evidenced by this type of data.

Figure 3.29 B shows the evolution of ASC as a function of the pore volume, calculated

from the N2 isothermal analysis. Focusing again in the samples with similar [H+] (full

symbols), the data show a slight increase of ASC with increasing pore volume. At

present there is no study available that compares the protonic conductivity of S-PMO

samples with similar [H+] and largely different microstructural features created by

using different synthetic approaches in the self-assembly and hydrothermal treatment

steps. The SO3H functionalized mesoporous silica oriented films explored by Fujita et

al.,[213] did not show any meaningful effect of the pore volume on the conductivity.


Figure 3.29. ASC represented as a function of A) a0, B) pore volume and C) average pore size. Full

symbols identify samples with similar [H+] within the range of 0.46 to 0.63 mmol∙g-1.


Figure 3.29 C represents the evolution of ASC as a function of the average pore size,

also calculated from the N2 isothermal analysis. In this case, the use of only one

surfactant (C18) as SDA for the synthesis of the S-Ph-PMO did not allow having

materials with a wide array of pore size. It is, nevertheless, possible to identify a trend

for increasing ASC as the average pore size increases, mainly at high r.h. This is at

least partly related to the fact that the average pore size increases with [H+], as

previously discussed in section 3.2.2, ultimately affecting positively the ASC (Fig.

3.28A). In fact, samples with similar acid loads have nearly identical pore size (full


The measurements of water uptake capacity of the materials W were made at room

temperature, which limits the possibility of confronting these values with the ASC

measured at higher temperatures. Nevertheless, it is possible and useful to compare W

with ASC obtained at 40 ºC and 98 % r.h., the closest climatic conditions to those

used to measure W. Figure 3.30 depicts the evolution of ASC as function of W in such


Figure 3.30. ASC at 40 ºC and 98% r.h. plotted as a fucntion of W for the S-Ph-PMO

samples. Full symbols are for samples with [H+] in the range 0.46-0.63 mmol∙g-1.

It is perhaps important to notice that an increase of ASC with increasing W would

indeed be expected since the concentration of protonic charge carriers is obviously

higher with more water in the material. In fact, it is also surprising that the measured

W values do not show any strong dependence on the concentration of acid groups in

these materials (Fig. 3.19). This may suggest that the adopted procedures to measure


W are not suitable for this type of extremely reactive materials. Measurements of

water vapour adsorption−desorption isotherms would certainly be more appropriate,

but the lack of suitable equipment prevented this type of studies.

Figure 3.31 represents the Ea for the protonic conductivity at 98% r.h. of the S-Ph-

PMO materials as a function of A) [H+] and B) ASC.

Figure 3.31. Activation energy for the protonic conductivity

measured at 98% r.h. plotted as a function of A) [H+] and B) ASC

The values span from about 5 kJ∙mol-1 to 40 kJ∙mol-1, with the most conductive

samples in the upper range of 30-40 kJ∙mol-1, in line with what is usually reported for

proton structural diffusion in similar hybrid structures[213,278] or in

Nafion®.[258,279,280] Although the error bars may be significant in some cases, one

can notice that Ea tends to increase with increasing [H+], and the same observation can

be made for ASC. Since the correlation of [H+] with ASC is quite linear, one would

expect such an observation. The high concentration of hygroscopic sulfonic acid group

enhances the hydration capacity of the material, hence providing a higher

concentration of protons in the bulk. This can lead to a higher fraction of structural

diffusion of protons through hopping from neighbouring solvated acid anchor points,

which typically shows higher Ea values than the vehicular mechanism.[38,41,188]



Figure 3.32 relates the ASC at 98 % r.h. with the ΔHsolv by showing an increase of ASC

with increasing absolute values of ΔHsolv. Since the solvation of the SO3H groups is

more energetically favourable as the solvation enthalpy becomes more negative, the

proton concentration available for transport should also increase, and hence the ASC.

This is in agreement with the fact that ΔHsolv tends to be more negative with increasing

[H+], as observed earlier, at the end of section 3.3.1 (see Fig. 3.26).

Figure 3.32. Evolution of ASC as a function of enthalpy of solvation.

3.3.3 Co-condensation vs. grafting of sulfonic acid groups: effects on conductivity

It has been shown that the co-condensation of SO3H functionalized mesoporous silicas

yields more efficient materials in terms of catalysis[281,282] and protonic

conductivity[142,156,283] than the equivalent material functionalized by a grafting

method. However, the co-condensed materials normally show a less organized

mesostructure and the thermal stability tends to be inferior.[78]

Figure 3.33 compares the conductivity of the S-Ph-PMO materials prepared in this

work, using the co-condensation method, to analogous materials obtained by Sharifi et

al. using the post-synthetic grafting methods (details in ref.[97]). The protonic

conductivity of the co-condensed S-Ph-PMO samples is four orders of magnitude

higher than for the corresponding counterpart with the SO3H group grafted on the

silanol (A).


Figure 3.33. Comparison of the protonic conductivity (at 98% r.h.) of S-Ph-PMOs

synthesized by co-condensation () in this thesis and literature data for samples obtained

via post-grafting () in reference [97]. Black full symbols are for Nafion® in the same

conditions. The values presented in the graph are the [H+] of each sample, in mmol∙g-1.

The difference is smaller for samples grafted on the benzene ring by treatment under

fuming H2SO4, but still more than two orders of magnitude. Even the S-Ph-PMO

grafted on both the silanol and the benzene ring, showing a [H+] of 1.61 mmol∙g-1, is

almost one order of magnitude less conductive. The Ea values for the grafted samples

are abnormally high (54, 63 and 117 kJ∙mol-1), and clearly larger than for the co-

condensed samples (see Table 3.4). One possible reason for this increased conductivity

might be related to a more homogeneous distribution of the acid groups along the pore

wall in co-condensed samples. This has been suggested to explain similar behaviour

for SO3H functionalized MCM-41, in which the co-condensed samples showed higher

[H+] and also higher conductivity.[141,142] Rác et al.[132] studied the influence of the

synthetic method on the catalytic performance of several SO3H functionalized silica-

based mesoporous materials and also reported better results for the co-condensed

samples. They attributed the worst results of the grafted samples to the non-random

distribution of the acid groups, which are surrounded by hydrophilic regions

ultimately resulting in the blocking of the active sites by strong adsorption of reactants

and intermediates.

As a last note to this section, it is perhaps interesting to highlight the fact that the

presented conductivity values are likely to be underestimated, due to the


macroporosity of the powder compacts, hence being potentially very similar or even

higher than the conductivity of Nafion®. The other characteristics of S-Ph-PMO

samples that make them suitable and desirable to act as fillers in Nafion® membranes

shall be discussed in the following section.

3.4 Synthesis and characterization of composite membranes

This sub-section describes the preparation and characterization of composite

membranes based on the synthesised S-Ph-PMOs and using Nafion® as matrix. These

composites were prepared with a selection of S-Ph-PMOs featuring a variable set of

characteristics, including acid load, porosity, and microstructural and structural order.

Firstly, the focus is set on the optimization of the processing methodology in order to

ensure the homogeneous distribution of the particles within the polymeric matrix. The

correct analysis of the impedance spectra is critical to obtain accurate protonic

conductivity values. A sub-section is dedicated to this topic underlining the differences

between data collected through the plane (TP) and along the plane (or in-plane-IP) of

the membranes. An attempt is made to establish correlations between the properties of

the S-Ph-PMO fillers and of the corresponding composite membranes. Finally, the

effect of the filler fraction on the IP conductivity and the visco-elastic behaviour of the

composite membranes are discussed in face of their composition, morphology and

hydrolytic properties. The results presented in this section were obtained in close

collaboration with several colleagues, namely MSc Nuno Sousa, Dr. Sergey Mikhalev

and in particular Dr. Carolina Navarro.

3.4.1 Optimizing the membrane processing

The distribution of the S-Ph-PMO particles in the Nafion® matrix must be ensured

and is a key factor for the membrane performance, requiring a strict control of the

suspension viscosity through the several processing stages. The first membranes

prepared did suffer from sedimentation of the S-Ph-PMO. Figure 3.34 A is a SEM

micrograph and respective Si EDS (A’) mapping of a composite membrane with 5

wt.% of sample S-C24M3.


Figure 3.34. SEM micrographs of the cross-section and respective EDS mapping of

A) S-C24M3-5% and B) S-C24C24-10%. C) cross section of plain Nafion®

membranes. D) top and E) bottom views of S-C24M3-10% composite membrane.


The Si EDS mapping shows a clear predominance of silica-containing particles at the

bottom of the membrane, with obvious corresponding morphological differences as

illustrated by the SEM micrograph.

According to Stoke’s law[284]

𝑣𝑠 =2


𝜇× 𝑔𝑅𝑝

2 eq. 3.8

the terminal velocity vs of a spherical particle with density p, falling in a fluid of

density f is inversely proportional to the dynamic viscosity μ of the liquid and directly

proportional to the square of the particle radius Rp. Therefore, in order to hinder the

precipitation of the filler particles during the casting of the membrane it is thus

necessary to decrease the size of the filler particles to a minimum and increase the

viscosity of the dispersing media. The S-Ph-PMO powders were grinded on a mortar

for a variable time until a limiting size was attained. The typical average particle size

was of the order of 600 nm, but with fairly broad size distributions, as determined by

DLS (see Table 3.4). After homogenizing the polymer suspension with the fillers, the

viscosity of the slurry was increased up to a certain point by gently heating the slurry,

under magnetic stirring.

It is important to monitor closely the slurry to prevent excessive drying, which would

impede the casting. The casting conditions were adapted to the various filler content,

as the initial viscosity varied significantly with the solids concentration. Crack-free

membranes with thicknesses lower than 100 m could be obtained with a

homogeneous distribution of up to 20 wt.% filler particles, which corresponds to a

quite significant 36 % of the membrane volume. Fig. 3.34 B is a micrograph of a

typical membrane, with the companion Si EDS (B’) map demonstrating the

homogeneous distribution of the filler particles across the membrane cross-section.

The fillers produce a rough surface morphology in comparison to pure Nafion®, as

shown in Figs. 3.34 D (surface in contact with air during casting) and 3.34 E (bottom

surface in contact with the Petri glass).


Table 3.6 presents the list of the prepared membranes and a summary of the relevant

properties, including water uptake, swelling, acid load and hydration level. The [H+]

values were obtained after verifying the effect of the membrane activation time, since it

was found that the different membranes had different responses to this activation step.

Reproducible results (less than 3% difference) could be obtained for pure Nafion® and

the composites with the lowest filler fraction (5 and 10 wt. %) after a 2 h treatment,

whereas the membrane with 20 wt.% fillers required a minimum of 3 h of soaking in

boiling H2SO4 solution for an adequate activation of the acid sites. This is an

indication that the particles play a role as barrier to the hydrodynamic transport inside

the Nafion® matrix.

The [H+] obtained for pure Nafion® (0.90 mmol∙g-1) is marginally lower than the

manufacturer’s specification (~0.92 mmol∙g-1 available from a maximum of 0.95 to

1.01 mmol∙g-1).[285]

Table 3.6. Values for W, swelling, [H+] and of composite

membranes synthesized with different powder fraction.












(nH2O / nSO3H)

None 0 54 31 0.90 33

S-MS2M3 10 50 25 0.96 29

S-C12M3 10 52 34 0.93 31

S-C24M3 5 49 28 0.90 30

S-C24M3 10 46 23 0.94 27

S-C24M3 20 47 21 0.85 31

S-C24C24 10 51 28 0.92 31

S-C48C24 10 50 30 0.92 30

S-no-surf 10 57 36 0.76 42

S-no-acid 10 47 26 0.60 43

a - The wt.% of the filler fraction is regarding the dry membrane of Nafion®.

b - The wet weight in these measurements was taken from membranes immersed in liquid water.

c - Taken from membranes exposed to 94ºC and 98% r.h.


Additions of 10 wt.% S-Ph-PMO to Nafion® slightly increase the [H+], attaining a

maximum of 0.96 mmol∙g-1. The difference, however, could not be verified as

statistically significant. The lower [H+] of the fillers in comparison to Nafion® (e.g.

[H+]=0.77 mmol∙g-1 for S-C24M3) and invoking a simple mixture rule can explain the

[H+] drop observed for the sample with highest filler content (e.g. S-C24M3-20%).

Nonetheless, the data confirms that the acidic sites located at the pore wall of the

mesoporous materials remain accessible inside the polymeric matrix. The W values

are found to be in the range of the specification for the pristine Nafion® membrane,

which is of 50%±5%.[285] The value for the pure Nafion® membrane was found to be

within the specifications (54%), although some dispersion was observed in the values

measured on other Nafion® membranes made in-lab, differences that were also

noticed for membranes with different histories, typically varying between 40 and 60%.

3.4.2 Analysis of impedance spectra: through-plane vs in-plane

The first EIS measurements of the membranes were obtained with a TP configuration

(section 2.5.2). Figure 3.35 presents typical Nyquist plots obtained with variable r.h.

and at different temperatures using this configuration. The spectra have similar shape,

dominated by a large contribution in the low frequency range that can be assigned to

the impedance of the electrode or electrode/electrolyte interface. The spectra do not

intercept the real axis at high frequencies, indicating that the relaxation frequency of

the proton transport in the membrane is undetectable by the impedance analyser used

in this work. The membranes resistance was thus assumed as the high frequency Z’

value with the lowest phase angle, similarly to the procedure adopted for the powder

compacts at high r.h. (see section 3.1.2 for details).


Figure 3.35. Nyquist plots for several representative membranes showing the evolution of the

shape of the impedance spectra with increasing r.h. taken in the TP configuration at A) 40 ºC (S-

MS2M3-5%), B) 60 ºC (Nafion®), C) 80 ºC (S-C24M3-10%) and D) 94 ºC (S-MS2M3-10%).

Fig. 3.36 shows Nyquist plots collected under different r.h. for a set of samples with

increasing filler fraction. These spectra depict, for the pure Nafion® membrane, the

usual electrode contribution with the high frequency intercept of the Z’ axis

corresponding to the membrane resistance, whereas for the composites the spectra are

shifted to higher frequencies, with the last data point of the frequency (2 MHz) still in

the capacitive range. The latter behaviour is similar to that obtained for powder

compacts of the pure filler materials,[286] thus suggesting a major role of the filler on

the electrical properties of membranes. The ill-defined spectra in the high frequency

region decreases the precision with which one can determine the membrane ohmic

resistance and hence the conductivity.


Figure 3.36. Nyquist plots collected at 80 °C and different r.h., for various membranes.

A) 20% r.h., B) 40% r.h., C) 60% r.h., D) 80% r.h. and E) 98% r.h., obtained using the

TP configuration. Numbers represent powers of 10 of frequency in Hz.

For this reason, the subsequent analysis of the membranes conductivity was based on

data obtained using an IP configuration. The spectra obtained using this configuration

shows a well-defined series of two semi-circles, as depicted in Fig 3.37. The high-


frequency contribution only starts fading at elevated r.h. conditions. Unlike the

information obtained from the TP measurements, the capacitive part of the IP

semicircles is solely due to the stray capacitance of the measurement set-up, as

discussed in section 2.5.2, and thus one cannot extract from here any conclusion

regarding the dielectric constant of the material. The IP spectra are however more

adequate to estimate the membrane resistance, corresponding to the amplitude of the

high-frequency semicircle.

Figure 3.37. Nyquist plots for several representative membrane showing the evolution of the shape

of the impedance spectra with increasing r.h. taken in the IP configuration at A) 40 ºC (S-MS2M3-

10%), B) 60 ºC (S-C24C24-10%), C) 80 ºC (S-C12M3-10%) and D) 94 ºC (S-C48C24-10%).

Fig. 3.38 shows a collection of Arrhenius plots at different r.h. for composite

membranes with 10 wt.% of various fillers, together with data for pure Nafion®. In

almost all the conditions of temperature and r.h., the composite membranes show an

increased conductivity comparing to pristine Nafion®, with exception for some

samples in the almost saturated r.h. condition of 98%.


Figure 3.38. Arrhenius plots of membranes with various types of fillers as a function of r.h.)

Nafion®; ) no-acid-10%; ) no surf-10%; ) S-MS2M3-10% ) S-C24C24-10% ) S-C48C24-

10% ) S-C12M3-10% ) S-C24M3-10%. The grey areas represent the conductivity range for pure

Nafion® found in the literature, for the same conditions.[228,258,271,276,279,280,287-296]


Indeed, at 20% r.h. the conductivity of the composite membrane S-C24M3-10% is

more than 19 times larger than the conductivity of the Nafion® reference at 40 ºC.

The difference decreases with increasing temperatures (almost 4 times at 140 °C) and

particularly with increasing r.h. In fact, the data tend to converge above 80% r.h.,

although almost all the composite membranes display slightly better performance than

Nafion®. Experimentally, it was difficult to control the r.h. at 98% in the ACS

Discovery 110 climatic chamber, mainly at T < 60 ºC. This may explain some slight

deviation from the expected linearity at lower temperature and 98% r.h.

The measurements were made during heating and with increasing r.h. in order to

reduce the duration of the experiments. Nevertheless, a series of preliminary

measurements were conducted in order to verify that equilibrium was effectively

attained with the adopted protocol, as illustrated by the example in Fig. 3.39.

Figure 3.39. Conductivity of composite membrane S-C24M3-10% measured at

60 °C upon increasing (absorption) and decreasing (desorption) of the r.h.

The differences between the data collected during humidification and

dehumidification are actually quite low, suggesting that the conductivity values were

indeed obtained with the samples in equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere.

Analogously to the calculations made for the powder compacts in section 3.3.1, the

total number of solvating water molecules (g) and the Hsolv where calculated for the

composite membranes and the Nafion® reference. The g and Hsolv values of the


membranes presented in this work (≈ 4 and ≈ -135 kJmol-1 respectively) are in

agreement with the values available in the literature for Nafion® 117.[276]

As the analysis performed for the powders compacts in section 3.3, it is of obvious

interest to try to correlate the membrane conductivity with its acid load and hydrolytic

properties. This is attempted in Fig. 3.40 for composite membranes with 10 wt.%


Figure 3.40. Influence of the membranes A) [H+], B) and C) W on their

own conductivity (at 40 ºC for membranes with 10 wt.% of fillers).

According to Fig. 3.40 A, at 40 % r.h., the membranes tend to show an increase of

conductivity with increasing [H+], which is expectable since the higher concentration


of acid sites is associated to a higher probability of percolation and consequent easier

proton transport, just like it was observed for the powder compacts (see Fig. 3.28 A).

Increasing the r.h. to 98% increases the proton concentration in the membrane and the

overall conductivity is less dependent on the acid protons. It should be noticed that

very similar trends are observed at higher temperatures due to the relatively low

activation energy. Likewise, the conductivity of highly hydrated membranes ( > 25)

does not vary with (Fig. 3.40 B).

Since the values were calculated from W and [H+], it accounts for all the water inside

the membranes and S-Ph-PMO materials, including the water adsorbed by capillarity

and not only the portion solvated around the SO3H groups. In the case of the

composite membrane no surf-10% (see table 3.6), the higher value could be due to

the high [H+] of the fillers. However these acid groups might be somehow less

available since the SBET is so low, which could explain the observed low [H+] of the

composite membrane. In the case of the composite no-acid-10% (see table 3.6), the

absence of SO3H acid groups in the fillers can partly explain the lower [H+] value, but

not totally since only 10% of the mass correspond to the fillers (a [H+] value closer to

0.8 mmol g-1 is expected for this composite assuming a simple mixture of the two

components). The lower [H+] observed (and higher thereof) may indicate some

kinetic limitation affecting the protonic exchange.

As expected for heavily hydrated membranes, the conductivity becomes less

dependent on the water content (Figure 3.40 C).

3.4.3 Effect of the filler characteristics

This sub-section is dedicated to the analysis of the influence of the fillers structural and

microstructural features on the physical and electrochemical properties of the

composite membranes.

Figure 3.41 plots the W and [H+] of the membranes with 10 wt.% of fillers as a

function of their [H+] and SBET.


Figure 3.41. Evolution of W and [H+] of the membranes (10 wt.% fillers) as a

function of the filler properties A) [H+] and B) SBET. Values inside the dotted oval

shapes are for composite membranes no-acid-10% and no surf-10%.

There is no direct correlation between the [H+] of the powder and the [H+] of the

composite membranes. Ignoring the values for composites no-surf-10% and no-acid-

10% one can observe that the acid load of the S-Ph-PMO powders (Fig 3.41 A) does

not imply significant changes on the [H+] of the membranes, as expected, considering

that only 10% of the membrane mass is replaced by fillers. Similar conclusions can be

drawn from the evolution of the [H+] as a function of the fillers SBET (Fig. 3.41 B).

On the contrary, a slight increase of the water uptake is suggested by an increasing

surface area of the fillers (Fig.3.41 B). This indicates that the fillers can indeed

accommodate a significant amount of water in their mesoporous structure.

Figure 3.42 correlates the conductivity of composite membranes with 10 wt.% fillers

with structural and microstructural features ([H+], and I(001)) of the filler powders.

The trends are the expected in face of the behaviour of the fillers themselves, with a

slight increase of conductivity with increasing [H+], whereas the structural orders (of

pores and pore walls) have no significant effects.


Figure 3.42. Evolution of the protonic conductivity of several 10 wt. % composite

membranes as a function of the S-Ph-PMO fillers characteristics A) [H+], B) and C) I(001).


3.4.4 Effect of the filler fraction

So far, the composite sample S-C24M3-10% showed the highest conductivity in low

and high r.h. conditions, although the major differences were found at the lower r.h.

This sub-chapter presents a study of the effect of the fraction (up to 20 wt.%) of this

particular filler on the morphology, hydrolytic properties, [H+], visco-elastic properties

and protonic conductivity of Nafion®-based composite membranes. Morphology, hydrolytic properties and acid load

Looking back to Table 3.6, the data suggest a slight decrease of W with increasing

filler content until 10 wt.%, with further additions having no meaningful effect (within

the natural dispersion on these kind of measurements). The hydration number reflects

this tendency as well, but differences amongst the various membranes are indeed

small, with all values found on a narrow interval averaged by = 30.

The swelling of the membranes upon hydration show a decrease with increasing filler

fraction, as depicted in Fig. 3.43. The trend is somewhat scattered for the data

collected at lower temperature, which may be the combined result of insufficient

measuring precision (1 m) and some heterogeneity of the membrane thickness. These

limitations are less severe at high temperature, when the membranes expand

considerably more, and the data allows a confident linear fit of the dependence of the

membrane thickness on the volume fraction of the fillers (circle symbol in Fig. 3.43).

This can be explained by the rigid and open mesoporous structure of the S-Ph-PMO

which provides the free volume necessary to accommodate the hydration water

without expanding the Nafion® matrix, and again confirming that the acidic sites in

the pores of the filler are easily accessible in all membranes. The projection of the

trend line towards the total substitution of the matrix for the filler suggests that the

swelling of the fillers should indeed be virtually inexistent.


Figure 3.43. Swelling expressed as the fractional increase of the thickness of membranes

equilibrated under different temperature (-94 ºC and -40 ºC at 98 % r.h). The

reference value was obtained with the membrane exposed to 20% r.h. at 40 °C.

Figure 3.44 shows the combined SEM micrographs and Si EDS mappings collected at

the cross-section of the various composite membranes. All membranes were obtained

with an apparent homogeneous distribution of the filler particles, demonstrating that

both the powder agglomeration and the particle precipitation on the bottom side of the

casting dish could be minimized. Despite the obvious morphological differences due

to the fillers, all membranes were obtained free of cracks and of any major

macrostructural defects. The thickness of the dry membranes was in the range of 70 to

80 m. The cross-sectional view of the membranes with less fillers (5 and 10 wt.%)

show some surface holes in the polymeric matrix, resulting from the detachment of

filler particles during the preparation of the samples for SEM (Fig. 3.44 A and B).

With the increasing amount of filler (20 wt.%), the two phases become difficult to

distinguish on the observable rough surface (Figs. 3.44 C). The elemental map for this

sample clearly shows the Si percolation, where the occasional spots of higher intensity

are most likely due to an effect of topography (Fig. 3.44 C and respective EDS

mapping C’).


Figure 3.44. SEM micrographs and respective Si EDS mapping taken at the cross-section of

composite membranes samples A) S-C24M3-5%, B) S-C24M3-10% and C) S-C24M3-20%


Fig. 3.44 B, taken for the 10 wt.% S-Ph-PMO sample, also shows very intense Si-rich

regions, but most of them are surrounded by dark regions, denoting a clearly less

percolated structure than in the 20 wt.% membrane. Images of the membrane with 5

wt.% fillers taken at high magnification (Fig. 3.45 A) reveal the presence of

agglomerates of the initial submicrometric particles (~0.5 m) with typical sizes in the

range 2-5 m, although a large faction of the powder remains dispersed in the polymer

(see Fig. 3.44 A’). These agglomerates are no longer discernible on the microstructure

of the 20 wt.% membrane, which is perhaps better described by a network of

interconnecting submicrometric particles with the spaces filled by the polymer (Fig.

3.45 B).

The microstructural features observed on the cross-sections are also apparent on

images of the surface of the membranes. Figure 3.45 C (membrane with 10 wt.%)

depicts a quite rough surface due to the presence of the fillers within the polymer

matrix, shown in detail by Fig. 3.45 D. The Si distribution map shows again the

presence of Si regions surrounded by dark areas (Fig. 3.45 E and respective EDS

mapping E’), a pattern similar to that observed at the cross-section (Fig. 3.44 B). Some

small pore-like voids are topographic features that do not percolate inwards to the bulk

of the membrane.

In face of the large impact of the fillers on the membrane morphology, it is important

to notice that the moderate weight fractions of fillers (5, 10 and 20%) actually

correspond to approximately the double in terms of volume fraction (11, 20 and 36

vol.%), if one considers the usual density of Nafion® of ~2 g∙cm-3 and ~0.9 g∙cm-3 for

the density of the powders. The latter is an assumption based on the geometric density

of the powder compacts, and should thus be an upper value, since the sample volume

is somewhat overestimated due to the contribution of macropores inherent to powder

packing. In fact, slightly higher densities are reported for ordered mesoporous silica

with similar microstructural characteristics, but processed as films with well-defined

geometries allowing reasonably accurate estimates of the density.[213]


Figure 3.45. SEM micrographs taken at the cross-section of composite

membranes A) S-C24M3-5%, B) S-C24M3-20% and at the surface of

C,D and E) S-C24M3-10% with the respective Si EDS mapping.

158 Visco-elastic properties

The visco-elastic behaviour of the various membranes was investigated by DMA. The

temperature dependence of the storage modulus (E’) depicts essentially the same

features for the 4 membranes, but the 20 wt.% S-Ph-PMO composite shows clearly

higher E’ values than the other samples throughout most of the used temperature

range, as depicted in Fig. 3.46 A.

Figure 3.46. Comparison of the A) Storage modulus and B) tan

obtained by DMA for Nafion® and Nafion®/S-C24M3 composite

membranes (the inset is a zoomed view of sample S-C24M3-20%.

The modulus is close to 1-2 GPa at -100 °C, decreasing almost linearly with increasing

temperature until ~0 °C, where significant differences between this and the other


membranes are already apparent. While this composite clearly detaches from the other

membranes, the positive impact of lower filler quantities on the mechanical properties

is also apparent on the progressive increase of E’ with increasing filler content above

120-130 °C.

A sudden decrease of E’ is observed above the melting point of water, which is

particularly abrupt for the composites with 5 and 10 wt.%. The data show an

impressive recovery of E’ at ~40 °C, depicting a plateau-like behaviour in the range 50-

80 °C. Further heating leads to a second linear decrease of E’ until another plateau is

attained above 130-140 °C. The modulus of the 20 wt.% composite is half to one order

of magnitude higher than for the other membranes (0.2 GPa at 100 °C, or 0.05 GPa at

140 °C), thus suggesting enhanced mechanical performance of this membrane

comparing to the pristine Nafion®. Such type of sudden transition for the sample with

the highest filler content is typical of percolation-type behaviour, which is to some

extent expected in face of the approximate volume fraction of S-Ph-PMO (36%) and

the SEM/EDS observations (Fig. 3.44 C). The existence of a percolating network of

the more rigid S-Ph-PMO mesoporous structure (compared to Nafion®) would very

likely counteract the destabilization of the electrostatic network responsible for the

degradation of the visco-elastic behaviour of Nafion® at these


The following analysis of the loss tangent (tan ) data seems to support this

hypothesis. However, some previous remarks about the possible influence of the

uncontrolled presence of water in the membranes or in the DMA apparatus (the

chamber of the DMA apparatus used in this work does not allow the control of r.h.)

are necessary in order to justify the somewhat confusing trends observed for the low

temperatures, particularly in the interval between 0 and 50 °C. The water has a

plasticizer role and hence an enormous influence on the DMA results.[33,248,249]

Since it would have been impossible to maintain the membranes dry during the

manipulation and the measurements, a pre-treatment in temperature and r.h.

conditions close to normal laboratory environment was carried out.


All samples were thus equilibrated at 25 °C under 50% r.h., which for the Nafion®

corresponds to ≈ 5 (the exothermally absorbed water).[33,213] Similar hydration

values are expected for the composite membranes, as suggested by the observed W

(Table 3.6). The DMA studies were performed upon heating, and hence some of the

water existing in the chamber may condensate on the membrane surface, since not all

the water should be adsorbed due to the kinetic limitations during the fast cooling.

This water melts at 0 °C during the slow heating and can be immediately adsorbed by

the membrane, with expected drastic effects on the elastic behaviour. Above room

temperature, the r.h. decreases and the membranes start to dehydrate until the elastic

behaviour is drastically recovered and the normal effect of temperature becomes

dominating again. The rigid mesoporous fillers can rapidly accommodate the liquid

water at 0 °C, thus limiting potential impacts on the Nafion® matrix when the volume

fraction of fillers is sufficiently high, as in the membrane with 20 wt.% S-Ph-PMO.

The composites with less filler content seem to be the most sensitive to this effect,

judging by the extremely sharp drop, and equally sharp recovery of E’ between 0 °C

and 40 °C. One can understand this assuming the existence of the already discussed

dry and compact hydrophobic “skin” at the surface of Nafion®.[33] The mesoporous

materials, functioning as permanently open channels, can perturb this “skin” and

ensure a direct access of the surface water to the bulk of the membrane. For the low

filler contents, the percolation is either deficient (sample with 10 wt.%) or inexistent (5

wt.%), and hence most of the water is absorbed by the Nafion® matrix, leading to the

sharp drop of E’. The higher filler content (20 wt.% 36 vol.%) ensures percolation

and simultaneously a larger mesoporous volume that can accommodate the additional

hydration water, thus minimizing the impact of the adsorption on the visco-elastic

behaviour of the matrix. The hardly perceived E’ minimum at ~0 °C for this

membrane puts into evidence a second minimum at approximately 35 °C, which can

also be distinguished for Nafion®, although as a much broader peak.

The possible origins of the relaxations observed are better discussed by analysing the

tan data shown in Fig. 3.46 B. Two well defined peaks are observed, one centred at

~ -50 °C, and the other at ~120 °C. The data in the intermediate temperature interval


between 0 and 50 °C depict a series of spikes. The first spike appearing above 0 °C

corresponds to the sharp drop in E’, whereas the subsequent, more or less random

spikes exceeding the maximum displacement fixed by the instrument (20 m),

correlate with the small oscillations of the signal response (see Fig. 3.46A). The data

for the stronger, less strained 20 wt.% S-Ph-PMO composite are less sensitive to this

limitation and display a well-defined peak at approximately 35 °C, with the additional

small lump at 0 °C (see Fig. 3.46B, inset) suggesting minimum disturbance of the

structure by the absorption of the water melted at the surface. These 2 maxima are

overlapped in the samples with 5 and 10 wt.% fillers due to the onset of the strong

relaxation at 0 °C, whereas Nafion® represents an intermediate situation, still

displaying the small peak at 0 °C.

All in all, the same features are present in the 4 samples to various degrees and are

thus features of the visco-elastic behaviour of Nafion®. According to previous detailed

DMA studies of protonated Nafion®, the peak at around -50 °C (the relaxation) is

due to short-range motions of the polytetrafluoroethylene-like backbone, and is

unaffected by the presence of water.[248,250] The second () relaxation at ~20 °C is

assigned to the segmental motions of the main-chain of the physically cross-linked

perfluorocarbon phase (the genuine Tg of Nafion®). Water (even residual) has a strong

influence on the relaxation by decreasing the temperature down to values close to 0

°C, or lower.[18] Finally, the relaxation, denoted by a tan peak at ~120 °C, is

ascribed to the increasing long-range motion of both the main and the sulfonic acid

functionalised side chains, made possible by the weakening of the electrostatic

network involving the aqueous domains.[33,250] Since all peaks can be ascribed to

Nafion®, the overall lower intensity of the tan peaks for the 20 wt.% S-Ph-PMO

composite can be explained by the lower Nafion® volume contributing to the overall

visco-elastic behaviour of this composite membrane. This is also nicely illustrated by

the progressive decrease of the intensity of the relaxation with increasing filler

fraction. The fact that the temperature does not change, even for 20 wt.% S-Ph-

PMO, strongly suggests that the softening of the membranes is exclusively due to the


Nafion® matrix. Indeed, one would not expect the long-range motion of any of the

structural entities of the hybrid S-Ph-PMO structure within this temperature range.

The massive impact of the on the behaviour between 0 and 50 °C prevents a

similarly solid conclusion, but the observed trends are coherent with the dominating

role of the relaxation of Nafion®, which is strongly dependent on the water content.

The peak at negative temperatures is also little affected by the presence of small

amounts of filler and should thus be due to the short-range motion of the Nafion® -

CF2- backbone. The peak is hardly discernible for the highest filler content, in

agreement with the decreasing volume of Nafion® in the composite.

The overall positive role of the fillers on the elastic properties of the composite

Nafion®/S-Ph-PMO membranes seems to be a simple bulk effect where the

percolation of the particles (and hence of the mesopores) plays an important role.

Surprisingly, this is not the case for the protonic conductivity. Protonic conductivity

The previous analysis and observations made for the impedance spectra of Nafion®

composite membranes remain valid for the present data. The conductivity of the 3

composite membranes is higher than for Nafion® but the effect of the filler content is

not linear across the compositional range, showing a maximum for the sample with 10

wt.% of filler. The Arrhenius plots presented in Figure 3.47 confirm the

aforementioned tendency from 40 to 94 °C, and on extended ranges of up to 120 or

140 °C for 40% and 20% r.h., respectively. The important increase of the conductivity

of the best composite membrane was already compared to Nafion® and described

previously (sample S-C24M3-10%, Fig. 3.38).

The Ea values for the protonic conductivity estimated from the Arrhenius plots are

listed in Table 3.7. Conversely to the powder compacts presented in section 3.3, the

composite membrane show consistent Ea values over the whole range of r.h.


Figure 3.47. Arrhenius plots of Nafion® and Nafion®/S-Ph-PMO composite membranes

measured under variable r.h. ) Nafion® ) S-C24M3-5%; ) S-C24M3-10% and ) S-

C24M3-20%. The grey areas represent several conductivity values for pure Nafion® based

in literature data, for the same conditions.[228,258,271,276,279,280,287-296]


Table 3.7. Ea for the protonic conductivity under variable

r.h. for the membranes with different filler content.

Sample Ea (kJ∙mol-1)

20% r.h. 40% r.h. 60% r.h. 80% r.h. 98% r.h.

Nafion® 33 27 23 18 13

S-C24M3-5% 17 16 14 16 17

S-C24M3-10% 15 13 15 16 17

S-C24M3-20% 17 21 16 19 16

The Ea values for Nafion® decrease from 33 to 13 kJ∙mol-1 with increasing r.h. This is

a common observation due to the lower activation enthalpy for proton mobility in the

bulk of the larger aqueous domains of highly hydrated Nafion®. The pores are

compressed for low r.h. due the elastic behaviour of the hydrophobic backbone,[33]

and the protons are thus confined to the pore surface, where they are more attracted by

the SO3- groups.[38,52] On the contrary, there is no obvious influence of the r.h. on

the Ea of the composite membranes, all within the interval between 13 and 21 kJ∙mol-1.

These figures are lower than for Nafion® at low r.h., but comparable at higher


The effect of the r.h. on the Ea of the composites can be rationalized in terms of

parallel contributions of Nafion® and of the S-Ph-PMO phase, which has a much

lower, r.h. independent Ea of ~6 kJ∙mol-1 (see table 3.5). The low Ea of the powder

sample S-C24M3 can be explained by the rigid porous structure that allows the

protons to diffuse along the bulk of pores, thus minimizing the proton confinement

admitted to occur in the dynamic Nafion® structure. In other words, the separation of

the hydrophilic/hydrophobic domains in the S-Ph-PMO should not depend on the .

In addition, as found for highly ordered mesoporous silica films,[213] the open and

rigid structure of S-Ph-PMO may allow the capillary water condensation in the

mesopores at relatively low r.h., yielding hydration numbers higher than for Nafion®,

for comparable intermediate r.h. conditions.

The potentially higher hydration combined with the higher mobility of protons should

yield high values of protonic conductivity of the pure S-Ph-PMO under low r.h.

conditions. However, while still rather high, the conductivity of the S-C24M3 powder

compacts at 20% r.h. (Fig. 3.23) is lower than that of a pure Nafion® membrane. The


differences may be much smaller because the S-Ph-PMO values are certainly

underestimated due to the sample macroporosity, as discussed at the end of sub-

section 3.3. Nevertheless, one would expect a progressive increase in the membranes

conductivity with increasing filler content, which is contradicted by the data for the 20

wt.% composite (Fig 3.47). The same reasoning applies to the Ea, which should

progressively decrease with increasing S-Ph-PMO content, at least for low r.h. In fact,

the data in Table 3.7 suggests that from the view point of the conduction mechanism,

there are no significant differences between membranes with 5, 10 or 20 wt.% filler.

The reason for the important conductivity enhancement induced by the fillers is

indeed quite complex and cannot be interpreted assuming simple bulk phenomena.

The usually invoked arguments of higher W and the closely related higher [H+]

(e.g.[222] and references therein) are not valid in the present case. The formation of

ionic cross-links between the Nafion® SO3H groups and the fillers, promoting long–

range proton transport,[297] is also unlikely because the S-Ph-PMO are not chemically

bonded to Nafion®, and the particle size is well above the nano-range.

The underlining advantage of the large S-Ph-PMO particles must be related to their

percolating mesopore structure. The main reasons for the use the S-Ph-PMO fillers

were the minimization of protonic confinement and the resulting higher mobility

along the stable filler mesopores, mainly in dryer conditions. This can indeed provide

a possible explanation for the effect of the r.h. on the conductivity of the composites.

However, it cannot explain the weak dependence of the conductivity on the filler

content, which in turn suggests that the membrane surface plays a restrictive role on

the conductivity.

One possible explanation is related to the already mentioned anisotropic dry surface of

the Nafion® membrane, where the water diffusion and protonic conductivity should

be strongly reduced compared to the membrane bulk.[33] The formation of this poorly

conductive film-like layer, consisting of packed polymer structures aligned along the

membrane surfaces, is induced by the increase in internal pressure associated to the

elastic contribution of the membrane swelling. The addition of S-Ph-PMO particles to

Nafion® can lower the internal pressure by facilitating the access of the hydration

water across the membrane surface, hence disrupting the poorly conductive “dry skin”

structure, and locally reducing the swelling (due to the rigid mesostructure). Moreover,


the internal pressure is estimated to increase with decreasing temperature for a fixed

r.h. due to the more rigid polymer structure,[33] which agrees with the observation of

a stronger filler effect at low temperature. The modification of the surface morphology

can indeed explain the higher conductivity of the composite membranes as a surface

effect compatible with nominally low bulk filler concentrations (10 wt.% or less).

Much higher filler volumes may disturb also the bulk of the membrane (typically

above the percolation threshold), with bulk effects expected to show up if the

conductivity of the filler is different from the Nafion® matrix. Indeed, the somewhat

lower conductivity of the powder S-C24M3 (Fig. 3.23) in comparison to Nafion® may

explain the slight decrease of the conductivity when the filler content is increased from

10 wt.% to 20 wt.%. As said before, the latter corresponds to about 36 vol.%, very

likely above the percolation threshold, as suggested by the DMA (Fig.3.46) and SEM

(Fig 3.44 C) data.



This last chapter summarizes the principal outcomes and observations made

throughout the PhD thesis. There is also a focus on the expectable and desirable future

work to further deepen the knowledge and applicability of the materials studied in this


One of the main research focus in PEMFC development is to obtain a PEM with

increased conductivity (0.1 S∙cm-1) at higher temperature (T>120 ºC) and lower r.h. (<

50%), to avoid several drawbacks brought by the use of low working temperatures of

the state-of-the-art PEM material. With this in mind, the strategy used in this thesis

was of incorporating hygroscopic phases inside a Nafion® matrix, in the form of acid-

functionalised mesoporous organosilicas, with benzene as bridging moiety. These

materials are optimal candidates to be used as fillers because they offer a stable rigid

structure for the conduction of proton which is independent of r.h. and should not

suffer from the confinement effect caused by the shrinkage of the pores, as it happens

in Nafion®. Moreover, the structure of the acid functionalized PMO makes a good

model of the structure of Nafion® pores in its hydrated form, with similar pore width

and distance between acid sites.

For this work we prepared several mesoporous organosilica materials containing

sulfonic or phosphonic acid functionalities.

Preliminary EIS studies show that the P-Ph-PMO samples do not show sufficient

conductivity to be used as fillers in a composite Nafion® membrane. For this reason,

only the S-Ph-PMO materials were used for this purpose.


The S-Ph-PMO samples were synthesised using conventional and MW heating

sources in the several steps of the synthesis. By varying the time of self-assembly and

hydrothermal steps and the type of heat source it was possible to obtain a set of

materials with a great variety of values in several structural and microstructural

characteristics, namely acid load, surface area, pore volume, pore order and molecular

scale order. This enabled the study of the influence of such characteristics upon the

protonic conductivity. The use of MW heating source instead of the conventional

allowed the reduction of synthesis time in ~80% for sample with similar [H+], SBET and

structural order. However, an excess of MW energy in the hydrothermal step (> 3 h)

leads to a dramatic decrease of structural order. There is a tendency for the decrease of

the (100) peak intensity with increasing [H+], which can be related to the progressive

diminution of the coherent diffraction volume. This is translated as an overall decrease

of the pore order factor () with increasing [H+].

The influence of the use of MW in the synthesis of S-Ph-PMO was evaluated by a

multivariate analysis of the reaction kinetics. A model that predicts the acid load, pore

order and molecular scale order, using the self-assembly and hydrothermal treatment

time constant and type of heating as variables, was thus elaborated, based on

experimental data. The [H+] values simulated by the model are in good agreement

with the experimentally observed values while the predicted values for and I(001)

show substantially higher errors. Remarkably, these errors are quite smaller for the

samples synthesised using MW in both steps. Further analysis shows that the MW

self-assembly step is responsible for the quickest increase of [H+] in all the synthesis


The S-Ph-PMO materials were analysed by EIS, in the form of powder pellets, as a

function of temperature and r.h. The samples with the lowest [H+] tend to deviate

from the Arrhenius behaviour at low r.h. This may be due to a fraction of physisorbed

water molecules higher than the fraction of solvated water molecules around SO3H

groups. At low r.h., the driving force for the physisorption must be surpassed by the

evaporation rate as the temperature increases, ultimately lowering the conductivity.

However, as the r.h. increases, the driving force for the physisorption also increases,

taking the conductivity upwards. This explains the observed trend of the samples with

the lowest [H+] where the slope of the Arrhenius-type plots goes progressively from


positive to negative as r.h. increases. Samples with high [H+] show Arrhenius-type

behaviour starting even at low values of r.h. as the fraction of chemisorbed water

molecules (solvated around the SO3H) is always high enough. The condensation of

water inside the pores may thus occur for lower r.h., hence contributing for the

increased conductivity and observable Arrhenius behaviour across the entire r.h.


For samples with [H+] lower than 1 mmol∙g-1 and SBET higher than 600 m2∙g-1 the

conductivity increases sharply with increasing r.h. up to ~60%, and more moderately

thereafter. This effect is more pronounced for samples with low [H+] and tends to fade

away with increasing [H+], being completely undetectable for samples with [H+] above

1 mmol∙g-1. According to the literature,[213] the sharp increase in conductivity is

related to the adsorption and clustering of water molecules around the acid sites,

which eventually tends to condensate, driven by capillarity. By increasing the [H+] and

according to Kelvin’s equation (eq. 2.3) the humidity threshold leading to

condensation is shifted to lower r.h. values, explaining why the sharp increase tends to

fade away with increasing [H+] in our case, since there are no conductivity values

under 20% r.h.

One of the major topics of this thesis is the study of the correlations between intrinsic

factors and the protonic conductivity of the mesoporous materials. The conductivity

values were analysed as an ensemble instead of individually for each sample, to

minimize the impact of the apparent scatter of the data.

Data clearly show that the conductivity is increased for samples with increasing [H+],

demonstrating that higher charge carrier concentration, associated to the higher

number of solvated and percolated SO3H groups, leads to an increased conductivity.

On the other hand, it was observed that the hierarchical order (typical of Ph-PMO

materials) which is defined by the hexagonal order of the nano-scale pores and the

molecular scale periodicity along the pore wall, have little or no influence on the

protonic conductivity of S-Ph-PMOs.

When comparing the values of Ea at 98% r.h., an increase of Ea with increasing [H+]

and ASC is observed. This happens probably because the concentration of protons in

the bulk is also increased, leading to a higher fraction of structurally diffusing protons,

which typically shows Ea values up to 40 kJ∙mol-1.


The S-Ph-PMO materials obtained by co-condensation show conductivity values four

orders of magnitude higher than the reported for materials made by grafting.[97] This

should be related to a more homogeneous distribution of acid sites allowing better

diffusion of proton through the pore channels.

The highest conductivity value obtained was of 0.11 S∙cm-1 for the sample S-C48C24

at 80 ºC and 98% r.h., which is comparable to Nafion® in similar conditions.

The composite Nafion®/S-Ph-PMO membranes were analysed by EIS as a function

of r.h. and temperature. By comparing a set of composite membranes with 10 wt.% of

fillers, the Arrhenius-type plots show that for all the conditions of temperature and r.h.

up to 80%, all the composite membranes show an enhanced conductivity compared to

Nafion®. At 20% r.h. and 40 ºC the conductivity of the composite membrane S-

C24M3-10% shows a value 19 times higher than the Nafion® reference. With

increasing temperature the difference of conductivity between composite and reference

membranes is smaller but still almost 4 times higher at 140 ºC. As the r.h. increases,

and particularly at 98%, the data tend to converge. Nevertheless, almost all the

composite membranes display a slightly better conductivity values than pure Nafion®.

Upon water uptake, one can observe a decrease of the membrane swelling with

increasing fraction of the filler that can be explained by the presence of the rigid

mesoporous structure of the S-Ph-PMO, which provides a certain free volume to

accommodate water molecules without expanding, as it happens for the Nafion®


The EDS mapping of the cross-section of the membrane with less fillers (5 and 10

wt.%) show that the microstructure consists of particles dispersed in a polymer matrix

whereas the microstructure of the 20 wt.% membrane can be defined by a network of

interconnecting submicrometric particles with the spaces filled by the polymer.

There is a progressive positive impact of the increase in filler content on the storage

modulus (E’), mainly above 120 ºC. The 20 wt.% composite membrane shows an E’ of

0.05 GPa at 140 °C, which is one order of magnitude higher than Nafion®, suggesting

enhanced mechanical performance. The existence of a percolating network of rigid

mesoporous structures could neutralize the destabilization of the electrostatic network

responsible for the degradation of the visco-elastic behaviour of Nafion® when

temperature rises. The mesoporous structures, operating as permanently open


channels, can perturb the dry and compact anisotropic “skin” that is formed at the

surface of Nafion® when the r.h. is increased,[33] ensuring a direct access of the

surface water to the bulk of the membrane. For the low filler contents, because the

percolation is either deficient (sample with 10 wt.%) or inexistent (5 wt.%), most of the

water is absorbed by the Nafion® matrix. On the other hand, the highest filler content

ensures the percolation and offers a large mesoporous volume that can accommodate

the additional hydration water, minimizing the impact of the adsorption on the visco-

elastic behaviour of the matrix.

The composite membranes with increasing S-C24M3 filler content show conductivity

values higher than Nafion® with a maximum for the sample with 10 wt.%. The low

dependence of the composites Ea on the r.h. can be understood as a sum of the

contributions of Nafion® and the S-C24M3. The mesoporous material shows an Ea

independent of the r.h. due to the rigid pore structure that allows the protons to diffuse

along the bulk of pores with minimized confinement. The disruption of the dry surface

“skin” can explain the increase in conductivity up to a filler content of 10 wt.% as it

reduces the internal pressure when the r.h. increases and allows the hydration water to

enter the bulk of the membrane. However, when the filler content is augmented to 20

wt.%, the bulk effect of the percolated S-Ph-PMO powders may disturb the bulk of the

membrane and the lower conductivity of the hybrid particles may start to show on the

overall conductivity.

In terms of future work, it would be interesting to return to the lab and perform some

more adjustments to the synthesis of P-Ph-PMO, namely by modifying the acid

precursor used, in order to obtain P-Ph-PMO with greater [H+] (closer to 1 mmol∙g-1),

while maintaining a high SBET.

It is known that the capillarity threshold is affected by the pore size, according to

Kelvin’s equation (eq. 2.3) so the synthesis of new S-Ph-PMO materials with

decreasing pore size (using surfactants C16 or C14 for example) could be interesting to

assess the influence of this parameter on the conductivity of S-Ph-PMO and probably

further improve the performance of these materials at low r.h.

The complexity of interfaces inside the measured pellets, with low densities, the

presence of macroporosity, water and the actual bulk of the material is certainly high

and hardly accountable. For this reason, one could easily state that the measured


conductivities are certainly under estimated. The synthesis of these materials in the

form of thin films, much like the recent work done by Fujita et al.,[213] would allow a

much more organized microstructure, with regular interfaces and higher densities,

leading certainly to higher values of conductivity.

It could also be interesting to identify intermediary compositions for composite

membranes (between 10 and 20 wt.%) that could be more conductive than the

membrane with 10 wt.% of S-C24M3.

Naturally, the next logical step, which is already ongoing, is the characterization of the

composite membranes in a fuel cell station test, where the membranes performance as

a proton exchange membrane will be characterized as a function of temperature, r.h.

and gas composition, using H2 as fuel and O2 of air as oxidant.

The international target of 0.1 S∙cm-1 at 120 ºC and r.h.< 50% was not achieved yet,

but the result of 0.03 S∙cm-1 at 120 ºC and 40 % r.h. is quite promising. Moreover the

reduced swelling and the enhanced storage modulus may be crucial to improve the

thermo-mechanical stability of the membrane and of the electrode/electrolyte interface

in a fuel cell environment.



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