Page 1: WALTER ZENOBI AVALIAÇÃO DE UM COLETOR ......WALTER ZENOBI Projeto de pesquisa submetido ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará para a realização









Page 2: WALTER ZENOBI AVALIAÇÃO DE UM COLETOR ......WALTER ZENOBI Projeto de pesquisa submetido ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará para a realização




Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia da Faculdade de Farmácia, Odontologia e Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Ceará, como requisito parcial para a obtenção do Título de Mestre em Odontologia. Área de concentração: Clínica Odontológica.

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Victor Pinheiro Feitosa. Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Pierre Basílio Almeida Fechine.



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Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Farmácia, Odontologia eEnfermagem, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia, Fortaleza, 2018. Orientação: Prof. Dr. Victor Pinheiro Feitosa.

1. Metaloproteinases. 2. dentina . 3. adesão. I. Título. CDD 617.6

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Projeto de pesquisa submetido ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia da

Universidade Federal do Ceará para a realização da Defesa de Dissertação do curso de

Mestrado em Odontologia.

Aprovado em __________ / __________ / __________.



Prof. Dr. VICTOR PINHEIRO FEITOSA Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC




Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC

1º Examinador



Faculdade Metropolitana da Grande Fortaleza- FAMETRO

2º Examinador

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A mia madre Rosa Maria e mio padre Giovanni che da sempre hanno supportato e sopportato con immenso amore, pazienza e affetto ogni mia pazzia.

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Ao Prof. Dr. Victor Pinheiro Feitosa, amigo, orientador e professor que tive a sorte

de conhecer. Obrigado por me receber como um amigo da família, um amigo de data antiga...

Você foi decisivo em muitas das minhas escolhas, já no momento da formatura, na escolha do

mestrado e em várias situações, mesmo extra-acadêmico, por isso agradeço. Lembro ainda

aquele dia no departamento de química, quando o prof. Pierre nos mostrou pela primeira vez

aquela absurda estrutura química, tivemos ao mesmo momento a mesma intuição, tentar fazer

algo totalmente diferente, algo “absurdo”, o nosso MMP Hunter... Não sei como será o futuro,

como seguirão nossos caminhos, mas, por enquanto, só posso dizer que foi um prazer

"caminhar" ao seu lado... e, não esqueça, temos ainda muitos artigos, risadas e bom tempo

para passar juntos! Obrigado de coração!

Ao Prof. Dr. Pierre B. A. Fechine, sem você este trabalho não seria possível, foi você

o inspirador do nosso trabalho, nos disponibilizou uma parte fundamental e preciosa do seu

trabalho, nos indicou valiosas dicas para poder transformar nossa ideia “louca” em realidade,

disponibilizou um excelente laboratório e um “team” maravilhoso e trabalhador, que, com

paciência e muita vontade, me permite hoje poder defender com orgulho este trabalho.

Obrigado, espero que a nossa parceria siga desse jeito!

Ao Prof. Dr. Diego Lomonaco Vasconcelos de Oliveira, pela ajuda, as dicas e por ter

disponibilizado laboratório e alunos trabalhadores e responsáveis, fundamentais para o

desenvolvimento do projeto.

Ao Prof. Dr. Salvatore Sauro, mestre na pesquisa, amigo insubstituível. Se eu hoje

estou aqui e consegui entender um pouquinho mais do que significa “fazer pesquisa” é graças

a você por me ter indicado o Victor, que foi um excelente orientador, mas, sobretudo, um

grande amigo! Grazie Tore!

Aos professores participantes da banca examinadora, a Profª. Drª. Sonia Luque

Peralta pelas contribuições para o aperfeiçoamento do trabalho, mas, sobretudo, pela bela

amizade. Muitas vezes você teve que me suportar, me repreendeu e me tratou como um

“irmão” mais novo. Você ouviu as minhas dúvidas e meus maus humores e, sempre que foi

possível, você me ajudou, eu realmente te devo muito. Obrigado mais uma vez!

Ao Prof. Dr. Sérgio Lima Santiago, pelo tempo e as contribuições que certamente

contribuirão para o aperfeiçoamento do trabalho. Do primeiro dia que conheci você, na clínica

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da UFC, suas palavras, dicas e conselhos foram sempre de conforto, você entendeu muitos

dos meus “medos” e minhas incertezas, mostrando total compreensão por isso e muito mais.

Eu agradeço!

Aos colegas do Curso de Química, da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Avelino e

Davino, suas contribuições têm sido cruciais para a realização do projeto, vocês que

sintetizaram fisicamente o produto e disponibilizaram-no para nossa pesquisa, então eu nunca

posso parar de agradecer. Aos colegas da turma de mestrado, pela amizade e descontração

mesmo diante das dificuldades encontradas, mas um agradecimento especial, ao amigo

Breno, você foi uma das pessoas mais queridas que conheci na minha experiência aqui em

Fortaleza, apesar do meu temperamento, você sempre conseguiu ver o lado positivo. Eu não

poderia ter encontrado um colega de trabalho e dupla no mestrado melhor, você sempre esteve

disponível, você me ajudou muitas vezes e quando, em alguns períodos, eu desejei desistir de

tudo, você sempre me deu força e apoio moral para continuar e não desistir. Admiro muito sua

preparação, educação e dedicação ao trabalho, por isso, espero que nossa amizade não termine

após esse mestrado. Obrigado, cara!

Aos colegas e amigos Sonia, Haniery, Salma e Erick por toda a companhia e união.

Com vocês, passei momentos excepcionais que sempre irei levar como uma memória

preciosa. Obrigado, queridos amigos!

Obrigado, Madiana, David, Julianne, Diego e Felipe. Seus conselhos, ensinamentos

da língua cearense e outras valiosas dicas, foram fundamentais nessa minha experiência aqui

em Fortaleza. Desejo a vocês todo o bem desse mundo!

Um agradecimento particular vai a toda a família Feitosa, dona Monica, Thaís,

Magda, Isabela Costa obrigado pra me ter tratado como um da família e nunca como um

hóspede, todos vocês são exemplo de família unida e com grandes valores, e o senhor Helvio

não posso não fazer um agradecimento especial! Você foi a primeira pessoa que eu vi,

chegando no aeroporto de Fortaleza, você abriu a porta da sua casa a um gringo

desconhecido, me hospedou, me apresentou uma família maravilhosa... foi sempre muito

disponível e me fez sentir menos saudade da minha casa, sem saber quem eu era... com o

tempo, amizade foi só aumentando. Em vários momentos difíceis, você foi presente, poucas

palavras, muitos sorrisos e abraços verdadeiros. Obrigado senhor Helvio, nunca vou conseguir

agradecer por sua amizade e tudo que você fez por mim! Obrigado!

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Agradeço à Central Analítica - UFC/CT - INFRA/MCTI - SISNANO/Pró-

Equipamentos CAPES.

Ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia da UFC, em nome do

coordenador Prof. Dr. Vicente de Paulo Aragão Saboia, por toda a disponibilidade e carinho.

À Faculdade em Odontologia Paulo Picanço, em nome da diretora mantenedora,

Prof. Dra. Gracemia Vasconcelos Picanço, que disponibilizou um excelente laboratório, que

ajudou muito em adiantar e facilitar o desenvolvimento desse projeto.

À CAPES, pelo apoio financeiro com a manutenção da bolsa de auxílio.

À minha família, agora acho melhor ir pelo italiano... A voi mamma e papa che pur

lontano mi siete sempre stati vicini. Negli ultimi anni sono stati più i giorni abbiamo passato

distanti che quelli vicini, ma il vostro amore e affetto sono sempre stato al mio fianco. Voi

siete da sempre l’esempio più bello che la vita mi abbia donato, spero un giorno di essere il

10% di quello che siete stati voi per me, a voi devo tutto. Vi amo!

A te fratello caro, grazie per essere come sei, il genio folle dal cuore immenso, ho

sempre amorevolmente invidiato il tuo spirito, la forza e fragilità, le tue innate doti al

pianoforte e con i motori, sono certo che il tempo ti darà tutto quello che meriti. Ti voglio


Un ringraziamento speciale va al mio maestro, ma soprattutto amico Botti, il tuo

esempio, il tuo carattere, la tua sincerità e il tuo cuore sono stati un eccellente motore

propulsore di questa bella esperienza, come dici sempre tu “quando s’inizia una cosa, bisogna

portala sempre al termine”. Grazie di cuore!

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O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de um novo coletor

magnético de metaloproteinases (MMPs) na dentina previamente à aplicação do adesivo e

analisar a adesão e remoção das MMPs do colágeno dentinário. O coletor magnético (MMC)

foi incorporado em um gel em concentração de 2 e 20%, além disso, um gel padronizado sem

substâncias que interagem com as MMPs e um gel com digluconato de clorexidina 2% foram

usados como controle negativo e positivo respectivamente. Foram preparados espécimes de

dentina, restaurados com o adesivo Prime&Bond 2.1 (Dentsply), após a aplicação de gel de

ácido fosfórico 37%. Os espécimes (n=5) foram cortados e avaliados pelo teste de resistência

de união à microtração após 24h em água. Para a avaliação da presença/remoção de MMPs

foram preparados espécimes de dentina (n=10) e aplicado o coletor com e sem o posterior uso

de imã para avaliação da presença das MMPs na dentina com nanopartículas de ferrita

ancoradas nas enzimas observadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) com

confirmação por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios X (EDS). Os dados foram

avaliados estatisticamente por ANOVA com pós-teste de Tukey. O nível de significância

adotado foi de 5%. O MMC de MMPs incorporado em um gel em concentração de 2 e 20%

aplicado na dentina previamente à aplicação do adesivo demonstrou não interferir na adesão

inicial (p=0,432) do sistema adesivo e as MMPs na dentina foram reduzidas de 0,3% para

0,0% somente com o uso do imã após o coletor. Conclui-se que o coletor magnético de MMPs

proposto tem ação efetiva na remoção de MMPs, sem alterar a adesão à dentina.

Palavras-chave: Metaloproteinases, dentina e adesão.

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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the application of a new magnetic

collector of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to the dentin prior to the application of the

adhesive and to analyze the adhesion and removal of MMPs from dentin collagen mesh. The

magnetic collector was incorporated in a gel at 2% and 20% concentration. In addition, a

standardized gel without substances that interact with MMPs and a gel with 2% chlorhexidine

digluconate were used as negative and positive controlrespectively. Dentin specimens were

bonded with Prime & Bond 2.1 adhesive (Dentsply) after application of 37% phosphoric acid

gel. Bonded teeth (n=5) were cut and evaluated by the microtensile bond strength test after

24h immersed in distilled water. To evaluate the presence / removal of MMPs, dentin

specimens (n=10) were prepared and the collector was applied with and without the use of

magnet to evaluate the presence of MMPs in the dentin with ferrite nanoparticles anchored in

the enzymes observed in electron microscopy (SEM) with confirmation by energy dispersive

X-ray spectroscopy(EDS). Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s

post-hoc test. The level of significance was 5%. Metalloproteinases magnetic collector

(MMC) incorporated in a gel at 2% and 20% concentration applied to the dentin prior to the

application of the adhesive did not interfere with the initial adhesion (p=0.432) and the MMPs

in the dentin were reduced from 0,3% to 0.0% only with the use of the magnet after the

collector. It is concluded that the proposed MMPs magnetic collector has an effective action

on the removal of MMPs, without altering the adhesion to dentin.

Keywords: Metalloproteinases, dentin and adhesion.

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1. INTRODUÇÃOGERAL 13................................................................................................................

2. PROPOSIÇÃO 16.............................................................................................................................

3. CAPÍTULO 17..................................................................................................................................

3.1EvaluaQonofamagneQccollectorofmetalloproteinasesondenQnadhesionandalteraQonofdenQn 18....................................................................................................................................................

4. CONCLUSÃOGERAL 42.........................................................................................................................

5. REFERÊNCIAS 43...................................................................................................................................

6. ANEXOA–SEGUIMENTODOREGIMENTOINTERNO 45......................................................................

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Os sistemas adesivos representam, na odontologia moderna, um dos tópicos mais

discutidos tanto na esfera clínica como na esfera científica. É universalmente reconhecido o

impulso significativo que esse material tem proporcionado, especialmente em termos de

preservação de estruturas dentárias, reduzindo o desgaste em muitos procedimentos

anteriormente estabelecidos. Da mesma forma, é muito discutida a durabilidade promovida

por eles para os procedimentos restauradores.

O primeiro elemento a ser considerado é o substrato dental sobre o qual o sistema

adesivo deve ser aplicado; a proporção diferente entre a matriz orgânica e inorgânica entre

esmalte e dentina é tão importante que, como é amplamente demonstrado pela literatura (VAN

LANDUYT et al., 2007), ainda não é possível identificar um sistema adesivo ideal para todas

as situações e substratos. O princípio da adesão ao substrato dentário baseia-se no processo de

troca pelo qual tecido dentário inorgânico é trocado por resina sintética. Isso acontece

basicamente em duas fases: na primeira fase (condicionamento ácido), remove-se o mineral e

são criadas microporosidades na superfície dentária do esmalte e da dentina; na segunda fase

(hibridização), infiltram-se essas microporosidades com resina e, posteriormente, é realizada

polimerização in situ (VAN MEERBEEK et al., 2003a). Dessa forma, se gera uma adesão

micromecânica que pode também ser acompanhada por interação química adicional entre

monômeros funcionais e componentes do substrato dentário para chegar realmente a poder

obter resultados duráveis.

Com base nessas premissas, muitos sistemas adesivos foram desenvolvidos ao longo

dos anos, que diferem entre si por vários elementos: tempos de aplicação, composição

química e divisão/união dos vários componentes. O condicionamento ácido pode ser forte,

médio ou fraco (pHs diferentes), incluído no primer ou usado separadamente. Tanto a técnica

convencional como a técnica autocondicionante são válidas para obter uma adesão à estrutura

dental satisfatória, mas em termos de durabilidade e aplicabilidade no esmalte e na dentina,

ainda existem visões diferentes, sendo os adesivos convencionais a configuração mais comum

utilizada nacionalmente, com um ácido (principalmente ácido fosfórico 30-40%) aplicado e

lavado, seguido pelo passo de aplicação da resina adesiva (VAN MEERBEEK et al., 2003b)

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De fato, a camada híbrida formada, entre o sistema resinoso e as estruturas dentárias,

determina a longevidade da interface adesiva. Independentemente do tipo de condicionamento

ácido, não todas as fibrilas de colágeno expostas são completamente infiltradas por

monômeros resinosos, impedindo a proteção ideal contra os desafios de desnaturação e

hidrólise (DE MUNCK et al., 2005). O colágeno desprotegido é mais propenso à ruptura por

fadiga cíclica, após a função prolongada. Além disso, as fibrilas de colágeno desprotegidas

são cercadas por água, que participa da hidrólise do colágeno, acelerada por enzimas


O papel das proteases naturais da dentina na degradação da adesão dentina-resina foi

sugerido pela primeira vez por Pashley e colaboradores. (PASHLEY et al., 2004). Armstrong

e colaboradores (ARMSTRONG et al., 2004) relataram uma perda de 70% de fibrilas de

colágeno na camada híbrida, após um armazenamento de cinco anos na água, por meio da

avaliação da microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM). Pela primeira vez, a diminuição

da resistência de união resina-dentina ao longo do tempo foi associada à degradação de

fibrilas de colágeno, que formam o principal componente estrutural contínuo entre tecido

mineralizado e resina adesiva. Muitos estudos subsequentes demonstraram que dentre essas

proteases, as metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs) (HEBLING et al., 2005; PASHLEY et al.,

2004) e catepsinas cisteinícas (NASCIMENTO et al., 2011; TERSARIOL et al., 2010) e suas

atividades são as responsáveis pela degradação hidrolítica do colágeno subjacente e na

camada híbrida (HEBLING et al., 2005; MAZZONI et al., 2007; NASCIMENTO et al., 2011;

PASHLEY et al., 2004; TERSARIOL et al., 2010).

As MMPs são um grupo de endopeptidases dependentes de zinco e cálcio, e são

responsáveis pelo remodelamento fisiológico e patológico e pela degradação da matriz

extracelular. As MMPs são ativadas por muitos processos, incluindo autoativação por outras

proteases, tratamento térmico, exposição a pH baixo ou aplicação de certos reagentes

químicos (KNAUPER et al., 1993). A sua ativação em dentina mineralizada está relacionada

com o pH baixo de condicionadores acídicos utilizados em adesivos dentários (MAZZONI et

al., 2006; NISHITANI et al., 2006). Na dentina, as MMPs participam do desenvolvimento e

remodelação fisiológica dos dentes da matriz dentinária antes e durante a mineralização

(TJÄDERHANE et al., 2013). As funções das MMPs podem ser controladas em várias etapas,

incluindo síntese, inibição e ativação. Nos processos de remodelação do tecido fisiológico, a

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inibição das MMPs é regulada por inibidores endógenos de metaloproteinases de matriz

(TIMPs). No entanto, os inibidores sintéticos têm grupos funcionais específicos (por exemplo,

ácido carboxílico, ácido hidroxâmico, sulfuldril, fosfonil) que podem ser usados para a

inibição de MMPs devido ao mecanismo de quelação ao íon de zinco no domínio catalítico de

MMPs, causando sua inativação (VISSE; NAGASE, 2003)

Estudos recentes voltados para a prevenção da perda de resistência de união entre

resina-dentina, para melhorar o tempo de vida de restaurações dentárias, demostraram que a

degradação maior do colágeno da dentina intacta ocorre por degradação enzimática pelas

MMPS. Para tentar bloquear essa proteólise, diferentes tipos de estratégias foram

investigadas, diferentes umas das outras: a remineralização do colágeno exposto, a inibição

das enzimas dentinárias (MMPs e catepsinas de cisteína) e a biomodificação das matrizes

orgânicas dentinárias. Embora cada estratégia tenha seus méritos, ainda existem muitas

limitações, e, até hoje, ainda não existe nada que tenha sido relatado tentando remover

(extrair) essas MMPs previamente à aplicação do adesivo.

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Os objetivos deste estudo foram:

1. Objetivo geral

Avaliar a efetividade de um coletor magnético de metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs)

sintetizado com um inibidor de MMPs ancorado em nanopartículas magnéticas na degradação

do colágeno dentinário, atividade de MMPs e resistência de união à dentina.

2. Objetivos específicos

• Desenvolver e caracterizar um novo coletor magnético com inibidor de

metaloproteinase ancorado em nanopartículas magnéticas para a utilização em


• Avaliar a atividade de MMPs e degradação das fibrilas colágenas da dentina humana

antes e depois do tratamento com o coletor magnético.

• Avaliar in vitro a adesão à dentina após o tratamento com o coletor magnético

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Esta dissertação está baseada no Artigo 46 do Regimento Interno do Programa de Pós-

graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, que regulamenta o formato

alternativo para dissertações de Mestrado e teses de Doutorado e permite a inserção de artigos

científicos de autoria ou coautoria do candidato (ANEXO A). Assim sendo, esta dissertação é

composta por um capítulo contendo um artigo científico que será submetido ao periódico

Dental Materials, conforme descrito abaixo:

Evaluation of a magnetic collector of metalloproteinases on dentin adhesion and alteration of

dentin Zenobi W, Andrade Neto DM, Fechine PBA, Avelino J, Lomonaco D, Mazzetto S, Sauro S,

Feitosa VP.

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3.1 Evaluation of a magnetic collector of metalloproteinases on dentin adhesion and alteration of dentin

ZenobiWa, Andrade Neto DMb, Fechine PBAb, Avelino Jb, Lomonaco Db, Mazzetto Sb, Sauro

Sc, Feitosa VPa,d.

aPostgraduate Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, Federal University of

Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil. bDepartment of Chemistry, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.

cCEU Cardenal Herrera University, Valencia, Spain. dPaulo Picanço SchoolofDentistry, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Corresponding author*: Victor Pinheiro Feitosa

Address - Monsenhor Furtado St.,S/N. Rodolfo Teófilo, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Zip code: 60.430-350.

Phone - +55 (85) 999164512

E-mail - [email protected]

Keywords: Metalloproteinases; dentin; adhesion.

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Evaluation of a magnetic collector of metalloproteinases on dentin adhesion and alteration of dentin


Objectives - The aim was to evaluate the effects of a new magnetic collector of matrix

metalloproteinases (MMPs) applied to the dentin prior to the application of the adhesive and

on adhesion and removal of MMPs from dentin organic matrix.

Methods – The magnetic collector was incorporated in a gel at 2% and 20% concentration. In

addition, a standardized gel without substances that interact with metalloproteinases and a gel

with 2% chlorhexidine digluconate were used as negative and positive control respectively.

Dentin specimens were bonded with Prime & Bond 2.1 adhesive (Dentsply) after application

of 37% phosphoric acid gel. Bonded teeth (n=5) were cut and evaluated by the microtensile

bond strength test after 24h immersed in distilled water. To evaluate the presence/removal of

MMPs, dentin specimens (n=10) were prepared and the collector was applied with and

without the use of magnet to evaluate the presence of metalloproteinases in the dentin matrix

anchored in the enzymes observed in SEM with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS).

Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test (p<0.05).

Results – Metalloproteinases magnetic collector incorporated in a gel at 2% and 20%

concentration applied to the dentin prior to the application of the adhesive did not interfere

with the initial adhesion (p=0.432) and the metalloproteinases in the dentin were reduced

from 0,3% to 0.0% only with the use of the magnet after the collector.

Significance - Proposed MMPs’ magnetic collector has an effective action on the removal of

MMPs, without altering the adhesion to dentin.

Keywords: Metalloproteinase; dentin; adhesion.

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Physicochemical properties of dental adhesives have been improved as a result of numerous

investigations into the chemical balance between their hydrophilic and hydrophobic

components [1]. Although scientific research is still active, a definitive solution for the

longevity of adhesive restorations has not yet been demonstrated, especially when they are

encompassing dentinal tissue. Whilst high standards have been achieved on dental enamel, the

same cannot be accepted to dentin. Dental adhesives, regardless their application technique,

loose their bond with dentin over time, and there is consensus in the literature that the

degradation of hybrid layer is related to that loss of bond strength [2,3].

After adhesive polymerization, resin-sparse collagen fibrils are encountered. Such

exposed collagen is easily detected and represents a suitable area to initial degradation

[4]. Non-collagen proteins, such as growth factors and matrix proteases, are also present in

this unprotected zone of dentin organic matrix. These proteases are secreted by odontoblasts

during dentinogenesis and remain inactive within the dentin extracellular matrix [5] as they

are physiologically inactive and stable in the mineralized tissue. Upon acid etching from

adhesive application or from biological carious process, different matrix metalloproteinases

(MMPs) are activated [6,7]. The enzymatic degradation of the collagen matrix by enzymes

has been depicted to play a significant role on the destruction of dentin bonded interface [8].

Several investigations proposed the use of specific MMP inhibitors to preserve the

structural integrity of the collagen fibrils, which indeed reduces the degradation of the hybrid

layer. For instance, chlorhexidine (CHX), even at low concentrations, showed striking

metalloproteinase inhibition ability for MMPs 2, 8, and 9 [8,9]. Nevertheless, the treatment

with MMP inhibitors and further therapeutic collagen-reinforcing strategies are

reversible [10] thereby only slowing down the degradation process and allowing MMPs to act

after few years. To our knowledge, no investigations tried so far to extract in situ these

enzymes from dentin organic matrix, what could likely arrest definitely the issue of enzymatic

degradation of collagen from dentin bonds.

Therefore, the aim of this manuscript was to synthesize a new metalloproteinase

magnetic collector to remove these enzymes from etched dentin, providing the reduction of

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the negative effects generated on the dentin-restoration interface and to assess its influence on

dentin adhesion. The study hypotheses under investigation were that (1) the new

metalloproteinase magnetic collector does remove MMPs from dentin matrix, and (2) the

collector does not alter the initial bond strength to dentin.

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Synthesis of branched-polyethylenimine-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles

Firstly, the Fe3O4 nanoparticles were functionalized by amine groups through

branched-polyethylenimine (BPEI) (Fig.1). The coating process was performed using the

sonochemistry approach [11]

Briefly, 1.16 g of FeSO4·7H2O and 1.85 g of FeCl3·6H2O were dissolved in 15 mL of

deionized water and heated at 60 ºC using water bath. Then, this iron solution was sonicated

for 1 minute using ultrasonic probe. Afterwards, 7 mL of concentrated NH4OH solution were

added to the reaction medium, which remained under sonication for 4 minutes. Finally, still

under sonication, 4 mL of aqueous solution containing 1.0 g of BPEI were added to the

reaction medium, which remained under sonication for additional 4 minutes.

To remove the excess NH4OH and unbounded BPEI, the resultant nanoparticles were washed

several times with deionized water and precipitated with acetone. Nanoparticles were

dispersed in water and centrifuged for 10 min at 3000 rpm to remove large aggregates. The

remaining functionalized nanoparticles showed good colloidal stability in water. Thus, they

were stored in deionized water and de-aerated with argon to remove the dissolved oxygen.

This sample was labeled as Fe3O4@BPEI. The amount of Fe3O4@BPEI in the aqueous

suspension was calculated through gravimetry.

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Anchoring of BB94 on Fe3O4@BPEI

The coupling reaction of BB94 (Batimastat from Sigma Aldrich, Fig.1) on the

magnetic nanoparticles was performed by an iodine-mediated oxidation. The anchoring took

place through the hydroxamic functionality of BB94, and terminal amine groups of

Fe3O4@BPEI, leading to amine bond, as shown in Fig. 1c. To the best of our knowledge, the

anchoring of hydroxamic acids on amine-coated magnetic nanoparticles was not reported in

the literature, and it was the key factor to synthesize the present metalloproteinase magnetic

collector [12]

Initially, aqueous suspension containing 6.0 mg of Fe3O4@BPEI was magnetic separated and

suspended in 2 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Then, 2.0 mg of BB94 and 2.7 mg of

iodine (I2) were solubilized in 3 mL of DMSO and added to the Fe3O4@BPEI suspension.

Thereafter, the reaction medium remained under stirring in room temperature for 1 hour. In

the end of the reaction, BB94-modified nanoparticles were magnetic separated and washed 4

times with 5 mL of methanol. Finally, the samples were dried under vacuum. This sample was

labeled as Fe3O4@BPEI@BB94, which represents the final metalloproteinase magnetic

collector product.

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Samples of the synthesized and isolated products were characterized by a Fourier

transform infrared spectrophotometer (Spectrum Frontier, Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk,

United States) equipped with a crystal to perform attenuated total reflectance (ATR-FTIR)

analysis. Samples were individually dispensed onto the crystal and spectra were obtained in

spectral range of 4000 to 550 cm-1 with 4 cm-1 resolution in transmittance mode. FTIR spectra

were obtained in triplicate for each product, using the Fe3O4nanoparticles as reference, and

then processed for baseline correction and normalization.

Preparation of specimens

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Twenty extracted sound human third molars were used and they were stored in 0.1%

thymol solution at 4ºC for no longer than three months after extraction. Occlusal enamel and

roots were removed using a slow-speed water-cooled diamond saw (Isomet 4000; Buehler,

Lake Bluff, United States) in order to obtain flat mid-coronal dentin surface from each tooth

as described by Sauro et al. in 2016 [13]. These specimens were wet-abraded using a 600-grit

silicon carbide paper (30s) to create standardized smear layer. The dentin specimens were

randomly divided into the four treatments (n=5). In control group, a gel without addition of

MMP inhibitors or nanoparticles was used after phosphoric acid etching dentin for 15s and

30s water rinsing. CHX group employed a gel with 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Sigma

Aldrich) used as positive control. Metalloproteinase magnetic collector (MMC) 2wt% group

used a gel with magnetic nanoparticles attached to BB-94. MMC 20% group utilized a gel

with same magnetic nanoparticles in 20wt% concentration. All gels were prepared with

aerosil silica as thickener and were applied for 60s on etched dentin and rinsed for 30s prior to

adhesive application. The adhesive, Prime&Bond 2.1 (Dentsply) was applied according to the

manufacturers' recommendations in two coats (Table 1). After application of the pretreatment

and the adhesive, a restoration with 3 increments of 2 mm was constructed with Opallis

composite resin (FGM, Joinville, Brazil). Light-curing was performed with Valo LED unit

(Ultradent, South Jordan, USA) with 2000mW/cm² irradiance.

Microtensile bond strength test (µTBS)

After 24-hour immersion in distilled water, the restored teeth were sectioned in resin-

dentin sticks (1mm² of cross-sectional area) and tested for tensile stress in a universal test

machine (DL2000, EMIC, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil). The more peripheral sticks that had

residual enamel were excluded from the test, the exact cross-sectional area of each sticks was

measured with a high precision digital caliper. The sticks were fixed with cyanoacrylate glue

(Super Bonder gel, Loctite, Henkel Corp., Rocky Hill, USA) and tested to failure with a 500

N load cell and 0.5 mm / min crosshead speed. The results of µTBS were expressed in MPa.

The µTBS values obtained from sticks of the same bonded tooth were averaged. The average

bond strength of each tooth was used as a unit for statistical analysis. The µTBS data was

statistically analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Tukey test with α = 5% after passing

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normality test (p=0.71). Fractured specimens were analyzed by stereomicroscopy (40x

magnification) and failures were classified as adhesive, cohesive in dentin, cohesive in

composite or mixed (partial adhesive and cohesive fracture).

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

To evaluate the presence/removal of MMPs, dentin specimens (n=10) were prepared

and the collector was applied with and without the use of magnet to evaluate the presence of

MMPs in the dentin matrix by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive

X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Eighteen teeth were used for this experiment, three teeth for each

gel containing MMC (2% and 20%) and treatment. Each tooth was prepared as previously

described and flat dentin surfaces were cut in three similar parts for different treatments.

MMP-full: Dentin surface was etched with phosphoric acid for 15s to exposed organic

matrix and in the first part, MMC was applied for 60s, rinsed for 30s and processed for SEM

analysis. Magnet-treated: The second third of the specimens received the same treatment, but

before final rising a magnet was used for 60s at 0.5mm from dentin surface to remove

magnetic nanoparticles attached with MMPs. These specimens were evaluated to survey the

removal of magnetic nanoparticles from dentin. Magnet-treated +: In the final third of dentin,

specimens were etched with phosphoric acid for 15s, rinsed with distilled water for 30s,

MMC was applied for 60s, magnet was then employed for 60s, specimens were rinsed again

with distilled water for 30s and MMC was re-applied (to assess remaining MMPs in dentin

structure) for 60s before final rinsing with distilled water. Specimens were dehydrated in

silica gel, mounted on stubs, gold-sputter coated and observed in SEM (Inspect S50, FEI

Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands) operated at 20 kV. Representative scanning electron

micrographs and EDS spectra were taken at different magnifications and were chosen by two

evaluators based on the frequently observed appearance of the dentin surface and mean iron

concentration from each group.


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Synthesis of Metalloproteinase Magnetic Collector (MMC)

The synthesis of the metalloproteinase magnetic collector (MMC) proposed in the

present study was successfully finalized with a final yield of 80%. Fig. 2 shows the FTIR

spectra of the final product and of the intermediary products, demonstrating the presence of

BB94 in the final magnetic nanoparticles.

Microtensile bond strength test (µTBS)

The results of microtensile bond strenght test of the control group, where a gel without

the addition of MMP inhibitors or nanoparticles was used, achieved 32.2(±9.6) MPa. In the

CHX group, mean bond strength was 26.5(±8.9) MPa. In the group using the gel with 2wt%

magnetic nanoparticles connected to BB94 at, mean bond strength was 29.4(±6.4) MPa.

Finally, in the group with similar gel but with 20wt% MMC, bond strength was 29.8(±7.1)

MPa. Statistical analysis demonstrated no significant differences among groups (p =

0.432). Summary of microtensile outcomes is presented in Figure 3. Failure analysis depicted

that majority of fractures were mixed.

SEM-EDS evaluation

Characteristic scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of dentin surfaces on

which MMC 2wt% was applied are shown in Figure 4, and those specimens treated with

MMC 20wt% are presented in Figure 5. In the first group (MMP full) where the MMC 2wt%

was applied, no magnet was used for the removal of MMPs, the energy dispersive X-ray

spectroscopy (EDS) demonstrated the presence of 0.3% of Fe linked to the MMPs (Fig 4A

and 4D). Such Fe undergoes a decrease to 0.1% by the use of magnet in MT2% specimens,

where in addition to the MMC application a magnetical device was applied for 60s (Fig. 4B

and 4E). Finally, in the last group MT2%+ where the same procedures were carried out as in

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the second group (MT2%), but a new application of MMC 2% was performed, the

concentration of Fe calculated was 0.0% (Fig. 4C and 4F). These results suggest significant

reductions of MMPs on dentin after treatment with MMC 2wt%. Similar trend occurred by

using MMC at 20wt% concentration where MMP full group (Fig .5A and 5D) attained 0.2%

of Fe bound to MMP. This value was reduced, after the applying the magnet, to 0.0% (Fig.5B

and 5E) and total removal of MMPs was further confirmed in the last group with final 0.0%

Fe concentration (Fig 5C and 5F).


According to the results obtained herein, the first hypothesis under investigation was

confirmed because the new metalloproteinase magnetic collector does remove MMPs from

dentin matrix especially with higher concentration (20wt%) of MMC in the gel. Yet, the

second hypothesis that the collector does not alter the initial bond strength to dentin needs to

be accepted because there was no statistically significant alteration on dentin adhesion


It has been widely demonstrated in the literature that among the various methods used

to block the action of MMPs, chlorhexidine (CHX) currently represents the only really

feasible in daily clinical practice. Since the first studies, in fact, chlorhexidine has shown to

exert great inhibition on MMPs [9]. The use of CHX to inhibit the degradation of unprotected

dentin collagen fibrils was first suggested by Pashley et al. (2004) [14]. Recent studies

reported improvement in the durability of resin-dentin bonds by using CHX-incorporated

adhesives [15,16]. However, others studies [17,18] showed no significant improvements on

long-term adhesion after CHX application. Sadek et al. (2010) [19] showed that, after 18

months of incubation, tensile bond strength of CHX-treated samples was no longer stable.

Despite the optimal initial enzymatic inhibition effect of CHX, water-soluble CHX can leach

out from dentin due to CHX substantivity and fluid replacement by dentinal fluid-containing

competing cations [20,21].

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A meta-regression analysis indicated that the addition of chlorhexidine based on

results from only in vitro studies should be carefully analyzed before implementing new

protocols for clinical adhesive procedures, as the association between the concentration of

chlorhexidine and bond strength is not linear, and many other factors affect bond

strength [10]. Compliant with the currently available literature, the results of this study

obtained in the µTBS test demonstrate that the pre-treatment with 2% digluconate

chlorhexidine does not demonstrate any alteration on initial dentin adhesion as described at

Figure 3.

Regarding these same results, it is also possible to highlight how the new pre-

treatment proposed in this study with MMC used both in 2wt% and 20wt% concentrations did

not promote any alteration on µTBS. Considering that enzymatic structures of MMPs are

attached to dentin collagen [22], one of the major concerns in using an extractor of these

MMPs is possible aggressive treatment likely with alteration/cleavage of collagen. Indeed,

this would yield consequent alteration of the substrate essential for the dentinal adhesion

thereby reducing bond strength. Also in this case, the results obtained in µTBS test denies the

possibility that this happened, indicating that pre-treatment with MMC along with magnet

removal is totally compatible and provides similar dentin adhesion to control group (Figure


A further concern was related to possible negative antioxidant effect of BB94 on

adhesive polymerization and consequent reduction of bond strength. Indeed, the similar bond

strength (Fig. 3) attained after removal of magnetic nanoparticles from dentin reinforces the

idea that BB94 was also removed bridging magnetic nanoparticles and MMPs. Furthermore,

c o n c e r n i n g s o m e r e s i d u a l B B 9 4 r e m a i n i n g o n d e n t i n , a p r e v i o u s

investigation [23] with modified adhesives containing BB94 showed high affinity for both

synthetic and dentin powder substrates, but with minor alteration on initial bond strength.

Therefore, it is possible to state that the use of MMC (at 2wt% and 20wt%) does not hinder

and does not alter the formation of the hybrid layer, does not cause negative effects on

adhesive infiltration/polymerization, and it likely managed to remove the MMPs as

demonstrated by EDS analysis. In a long-term investigation, MMC might lead to an increase

on the durability dentin bonds. Clearly, further studies are needed to confirm this, with 6-24

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months aging time and/or thermo-mechanical cycling to achieve better degradation of the

hybrid layer.

By evaluating the results obtained in the SEM-EDS, it is possible to state that by

comparing Figures 4 and 5, the percentage of iron decreased with the increase of MMC. This

represents optimal extraction of MMC anchored to the MMPs, as reduced to values of 0.1%

in the MT 2% (Fig. 4E) and to 0.0% in MT 20% (Fig. 5E). The success of the synthesis of this

new product (MMC) represents a new strategy to overcome the issue of rapid enzymatic

degradation resin-sparse demineralized dentin collagen.Cysteine cathepsins (CTPs) are a

further class of endogenous proteases that may be activated during demineralization of sound

and carious dentin [24] but the percentage of protonation (enzymatic properties) of MMPs

plays a major role in enzymatic activity [25]. The outcomes of Tezvergil-Mutluay et al.

(2014) [26] demonstrated that collagen degradation promoted by MMPs is remarkably higher

(67-fold) than that attained with cathepsins, thus demonstrating that overall proteolysis in

neutral and mildly acidic environments is accomplished mainly by MMPs.

A further proof-of-the-concept in the present study was related to the real effectiveness

of MMC. In fact, the ability of BB94 to rapidly bind MMPs was previously

demonstrated [23]. The results obtained in FTIR (Fig. 2) demonstrated strong anchoring of

BB94 onto magnetic nanoparticles surfaces. We evidenced this by splitting the set of bands in

the region between 1250 and 1750 cm‒1 for the sample Fe3O4@BPEI@BB, in comparison to

the spectrum of the sample Fe3O4@BPEI (Figure 2a). This change in the set bands is probably

due to the decreasing amount of primary amines, which possess a broad vibrational mode in

this region due to bending of N‒H bond (δN‒H). Further evidence of the anchoring of BB94 is

the increasing in the relative intensity of the bands in the region between 2700 and 3000 cm‒1,

which are attributed to the stretching of the CH2 group (νCH2) that increase its amount as BB94

was attached (Figure 2b).

However, we can confirm the synthesis by the set of bands in the range of 1250-1750

cm‒1 of the spectrum of the sample Fe3O4@BPEI@BB. The vibrational mode in 1625 cm‒

1 can be attributed to the stretching of carbonyl (νC=O) of amides that are generated by the

anchoring between BB94 and BPEI molecules, and to the amide groups present in BB94

molecules. The band in 1527 cm‒1 can be attributed for the secondary amides, which are

present in BB94 and also formed by the reaction of primary amines of BPEI and BB94. This

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vibrational mode is characteristic of secondary amides, and it is due to the coupling between

δN‒H and stretching of the bond C‒N (νC‒N). Additionally, the band in 1460 cm‒1 can be

assigned to stretching of the bonds C=C (νC=C) present in aromatic and thiophene rings. All

attributions are summarized in the Table 2, thereby confirming the synthesis of final

metalloproteinase magnetic collector with high yield (80%).

Although there are some relative limitations in this study, the primary, but positive,

results obtained herein might be a threshold for an innovative and decisive method of

treatment of dentinal surfaces to extract instead of inhibiting the enzymatic degradation

promoted by MMPs. In support of the results obtained and with the aim to confirm the data

obtained, it would be interesting to analyze Raman or FTIR spectroscopy of dentin after

treatment with the MMC trying to detect the presence of the peak of BB94 in order to confirm

that bond between magnetic nanoparticles and BB94 is stronger than that between MMPs and

collagen fibrils. Indeed, this would confirm the removal of MMPs after the application of the

magnetic device. Nevertheless, the present outcomes provide initial direct evidence of this

anchoring and MMPs removal, opening a scientific field for possible therapeutic effects with

the use of MMC to improve the performance of adhesive restoratives.


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Proposed magnetic collector of metalloproteinases encompassing ferrite nanoparticles

with batimastat has an effective ability to remove MMPs from demineralized dentin matrix,

without jeopardizing initial dentin bonds.

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Table 1– Commercial adhesive composition and application procedure.

Table 2 - Assigns for the main bands relatives to the anchoring of BB94 in the Fe3O4@BPEI nanoparticles.

Adhesive Components Procedure Manufacturer

Primer&Bond 2.1









Cetilamine fluoro-

hydrate e acetone.

Apply after etching

the dentin for 15 sec.

Remove excesses

brief air jet (5 sec).

Photopolymerize for

10 sec.





2915 νCH2asymmetric

2848 νCH2symmetric

1625 νC=Oofamides

1527 CouplingbetweenδN‒HandνC‒Nofsecondaryamides

1460 νC=CofthebenzeneandthiopheneringofBB94

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Figure 1 – Scheme of the synthesis of metalloproteinase magnetic collector. Chemical

structure of BPEI and BB94 are depicted in (a) and (b) respectively. (c) Chemical strategy to

anchor BB94 on the surface of pre-synthesized Fe3O4@BPEI nanoparticles to produce

metalloproteinase magnetic collector.

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Figure 2 – FTIR spectra of the BB94 (batimastat), Fe3O4@BPEI@BB and Fe3O4@BPEI

separated in the two main ranges to observe the synthesis. (a) 2860-3600 cm‒1 range and (b)

615-1750 cm‒1 range. Dotted lines indicate peaks of BB94 presented/modified in

metalloproteinase magnetic collector (Fe3O4@BPEI@BB), the final product (middle


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Figure 3 – Outcomes of microtensile bond strength test. No difference was found (p=0.432)

among groups in one-way ANOVA. CHX means chlorhexidine and MMC is the acronym of

metalloproteinase magnetic collector.









Control CHX MMC2% MMC20%

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Fig. 4 - SEM micrographs of dentin specimens treated with MMC at 2wt%. The different

groups are divided as follows: (A) MMP-full: dentin surface was etched with phosphoric acid

for 15s to expose organic matrix, MMC was applied for 60s, rinsed for 30s and processed for

SEM analysis to identify the amount of MMPs in partially demineralized dentin matrix. (B)

Magnet-treated (MT 2%): the specimens received the same treatment, but before final rising a

magnet was used for 60s at 0.5mm from dentin surface to remove magnetic nanoparticles

attached with MMPs. After such treatment, the concentration of Fe and MMPs was reduced to

0.1% as identified by EDS. (C) Magnet-treated + (MT 2%+): the specimens were etched with

phosphoric acid for 15s, rinsed with distilled water for 30s, MMC was applied for 60s,

magnet was then employed for 60s, specimens were rinsed again with distilled water for 30s

and MMC was re-applied for 60s (to assess remaining MMPs in dentin structure) prior to

final rinsing with distilled water. (D) EDS spectrum of the first group (MMP full) showing the

presence of 0.3% of Fe bound to MMP, (E) EDS spectrum of the second group (MT 2%)

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showing the presence of 0.1% of Fe bound to MMP and last image (F) EDS spectrum of the

last group (MT 2% +) showing the presence of 0.0% of Fe bound to MMP.


Fig. 5 - SEM micrographs of dentin specimens treated with 20wt% MMC. The different

groups are divided similarly to Fig.4 as follows: (A) MMP-full: dentin surface was etched

with phosphoric acid for 15s to expose organic matrix, MMC was applied for 60s, rinsed for

30s to identify the amount of MMPs in dentin matrix. (B) Magnet-treated (MT 20%): the

specimens received the same treatment, but prior to final rising a magnet was used for 60s at

0.5mm from dentin surface to remove MMPslinked to magnetic nanoparticles. After this

treatment, the concentration of Fe and MMPs was reduced to 0.0% as identified by EDS. (C)

Magnet-treated + (MT 20%+): the specimens were etched with phosphoric acid for 15s,

rinsed with distilled water for 30s, MMC 20% was applied for 60s, magnet was then

employed for 60s, specimens were rinsed again with distilled water for 30s and MMC was re-

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applied for 60s (to assess remaining MMPs in dentin structure) prior to final rinsing with

distilled water. (D) EDS spectrum of the first group (MMP full) showing the presence of 0.2%

of Fe bound to MMP, (E) EDS spectrum of the second group (MT 20%) showing the presence

of 0.0% of Fe bound to MMP and last image (F) EDS spectrum of the last group (MT 20% +)

showing the presence of 0.0% of Fe bound to MMP.

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Diante dos resultados obtidos neste estudo, pode-se concluir que:

1. O coletor magnético de metaloproteinases foi sintetizado com sucesso, ancorando de

forma eficiente o batimastat nas nanopartículas magnéticas.

2. O tratamento da dentina condicionada com o coletor magnético não altera a resistência

de união inicial de um adesivo convencional de dois passos à dentina.

3. O coletor magnético remove as metaloproteinases da matriz de dentina, sendo mais

eficiente em concentração de 20%.

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