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    CEPSFORGS Pgina 1 11/03/2010

    Algumas consideraes sobre a

    situao mulher no meio rural da

    encosta superior do Nordeste do

    Rio Grande do Sul

    A vinda de imigrantes para a regioda Encosta Superior do Nordeste do

    Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no ltimo

    quartel do sculo XIX esteve

    fortemente vinculada fixao

    desses trabalhadores e trabalhadoras

    ao meio rural. Oriundos em sua

    maioria de regies rurais da Europa,

    ao virem para o Brasil enfrentaram

    enormes dificuldades, pois foram

    jogados a prpria sorte em parcoslotes rurais. Essas propriedades que

    receberam tiveram que ser pagas.

    Em conseqncia a subsistncia das

    famlias ficou presa aos resultados

    das colheitas, feitas essas

    inicialmente em condies precrias

    e sem nenhum suporte das

    autoridades brasileiras. Nesse

    contexto dos primrdios da ocupao

    das terras, toda a unidade familiarficou presa as atividades rurais.

    Homens, mulheres e crianas

    trabalhavam de estrela a estrela na

    faina pela sobrevivncia. Nos

    perodos de entressafra qual o

    costume na Europa os homens saiam

    para trabalhar no Porto de Rio

    Grande, nas minas da Regio

    Carbonfera e em trabalhos pblicos

    (aberturas de estradas, construo depontes, etc.). Ficavam em

    conseqncia as mulheres tendo que

    dar conta de todo os afazeres da

    propriedade. As mulheres em sua

    maioria analfabetas j na Europa

    viram seus filhos crescer ou nascer

    no Brasil tambm enfrentando amesma situao. Consta que dentre

    os imigrantes homens a maioria tinha

    algum tipo de escolarizao, mesmo

    os que vieram das comunas rurais da

    Europa. Nesse particular, tanto

    Imprio, quanto Repblica foram

    totalmente omissos. Nas Vilas do

    meio urbano, os poucos professores

    ensinavam em italiano e eram

    particulares, conseqentementepoucos tiveram acesso a algum tipo

    de instruo. Desde o inicio da

    imigrao as mulheres do meio rural

    executavam tarefas auxiliares

    junto ao esposo na lide diria das

    culturas e, alm disso, cuidavam de

    todas as tarefas domsticas,

    denominadas inferiores ou tpicos de

    mulher, obviamente imprprias

    para homens, as quaiscompreendiam tarefas no cultivo de

    hortas e pomares, criao de animais

    de pequeno porte tais como: patos,

    marrecos, gansos, galinhas, porcos,

    cabras, ovelhas, vacas leiteiras,

    mulas, eventualmente uma junta de

    bois, etc. Nas tarefas triviais se

    inclua parir a prole, sempre

    numerosa, criar e educar os filhos e

    mais dar conta das tarefasdomsticas, como cozinhar em forno

    FORGSFederao Operria do Rio Grande do Sul



    CEPSCentro de Estudos e Pesquisa Social

    Nmero 06

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    CEPS FORGS Pgina2 11/03/20102

    a lenha, lavar e passar, obviamente

    tudo de forma braal. Em regra as

    roupas de uso da famlia eram feitas

    costuradas em casa a noite a luz

    do candeeiro pela me, av ou filhas

    j crescidas. Muitas foram s

    famlias, leia-se em sua maioria

    mulheres e crianas que cultivavam

    o linho e teciam panos e cordas

    grosseiros na roca caseira. Os

    feriados, dias chuvosos, sbados e

    domingos encontraram a mulher

    rural executando alm das tarefas do

    cotidiano, trabalhos que visavam

    adiantar os servios para os dias

    favorveis de tempo bom, junto

    lavoura maior (carpa, colheita,

    adubao, podas, etc.). Debulha de

    milho, abate de animais domsticos,

    preparo de conservas, feituras de

    chapus de palha, so algumas das

    muitas tarefas destinadas ao sexo

    inferior. As filhas desde a mais

    tenra idade alm de receberam toda

    uma capacitao para a execuo

    das tarefas domsticas,

    acompanhavam os demais familiares

    com uma enxada, ancinho, foice ou

    faco entre outros utenslios

    agrcolas ao ombro e

    conseqentemente participando do

    plantio e colheita dos produtos

    agrcolas com empenho e denodo

    quais os homens da famlia. Por

    outro lado, a gerncia de toda a

    economia da unidade agrcola

    (Colnia) ficava a cargo do homem

    ao qual cabia naturalmente se

    apropriar de todos os valores

    auferidos com a produo. Um

    exemplo tpico dessa situao

    esdrxula dessa diviso sexual do

    trabalho que a mulher competia

    tratar os animais domsticos, tirar o

    leite, lavar o vasilhame para esse,lev-lo at a estrada, onde

    eventualmente o leiteiro o recolhia,

    ou elaborar com a leitaria queijos ou

    coalhadas (puna), por outro lado

    receber os valores da venda do leite,

    manteiga ou coalhada cabia

    exclusivamente ao homem. O

    nascimento de uma filha, no seio da

    famlia rural, era visto com reservas.

    A preferncia era por um varo, o

    qual manteria o nome da famlia,

    algo sobejamente valorizado na

    chamada Regio Colonial do Rio

    Grande do Sul. As mulheres tambm

    ficavam tolhidas do direito de

    herana, costume esse largamente

    aceito tanto no meio rural quanto

    urbano da regio constituda por

    elementos de origem latina. Os bens

    da raiz eram destinados a um dos

    filhos, o qual, via de regra, assumia o

    compromisso tcito de zelar e prover

    na velhice de seus ascendentes, regra

    essa em todos os tempos

    problemtica e no raro

    descumprido. Mais de uma vez

    restou para filha ou nora deserdada

    do direito de propriedade ter que

    arcar com o sustento de pais ou

    sogros idosos e doentes. No

    bastasse o fardo laboral e da absoluta

    falta de lazer, pois a freqncia da

    mulher rural a festas profanas,

    sobretudo bailes era vedado pela

    Santa Madre Igreja, constituindo

    fator de desonra para a moa, isso

    extensivo aos familiares, que se

    aventurasse eventualmente a

    comparecer a esse tipo de

    acontecimento. Os Padres difundiam

    a idia de que era pecado a

    realizao de bailes. Nas cidades da

    Encosta Superior, formadas em sua

    maioria por imigrantes, desde os

    primrdios existiram clubes sociais e

    recreativos, logo se observa que aIgreja teve menor influncia nesse

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    CEPS FORGS Pgina3 11/03/20103

    particular, no obstante, a boa

    famlia catlica, devia tambm se

    abster de comparecer. No interior,

    meio rural, a situao em muitas

    comunidades a conduta foi

    controversa, pois em algumas,

    poucas comunidades defendeu-se o

    direito da realizar bailes e

    custodiadas pelos pais e irmos as

    moas puderam comparecer. Pode

    que mesmo a tenha prevalecido o

    objetivo da famlia de arranjar

    marido para a filha que era vista

    como um estorvo dentro de casa, do

    que se garantir algum parco

    momento de lazer. Festas a Igreja

    realizava as pencas com o fim de

    angariar fundos, onde mais uma vez

    as mulheres trabalhavam horas a fio

    sem nada receber. Nas oraes,

    cultos e celebraes a mulher

    participava de modo isolado dos

    homens (apartados no linguajar

    gacho) mesmo no recinto do

    templo. Aps as celebraes de

    cunho religioso, com ou sem a

    participao de Sacerdotes, os

    homens se dirigiam para local a eles

    exclusivamente destinado. L

    bebiam, jogavam cartas, bochas e

    bolo entre outros entretenimentos

    salutares. As mulheres

    naturalmente deviam retornar aoseio protetor do lar e

    obrigatoriamente ao trabalho. Para se

    unir em matrimnio era exigido da

    mulher um dote que ela mesma devia

    constituir com redobrado esforo,

    pois no podia descurar das outras

    tarefas que lhe competiam no seio da

    famlia patriarcal. Com a

    participao das avs, mes e irms a

    moa em seus anos iniciais de

    juventude (no poucas com 15 ou 16

    anos j estavam casadas e comfilhos), mesmo ainda sem ter

    pretendente, comeava a executar

    tarefas extras como o fabrico de

    queijos, licores, gelias, biscoitos,

    massas e pes caseiros, embutidos,

    criao de codornas e coelhos, entre

    outros produtos de origem colonial,

    com o fito de ao vend-los no meio

    urbano, juntar uns trocados que lhe

    permitissem migrar da condio de

    moa de boa famlia para a de esposa

    submissa, trabalhadeira e portadora

    de um dote. Dote esse constitudo

    dos trens de cama e mesa. As mais

    aquinhoadas por vezes traziam para

    o novo lar uma vaca leiteira e at

    uma mquina de costura, tornando-se

    com isso uma elogivel referncia.

    Por dcadas as cidadessob o ponto

    de vista legal as cidades da regio

    receberam inicialmente a

    denominao de Vila, embora

    tivessem Conselho e Intendente - da

    Regio Colonial viram cruzar nas

    suas ruas e avenidas mulheres do

    interior bastante queimadas do sol,

    carregando no lombo de uma mula

    seus produtos coloniais, diga-se de

    passagem, largamente aceitos e

    muito mais baratos que os vendidos

    na cidade, com o fim de conseguir

    juntar uns trocados que entregues aos

    pais, iriam lhes possibilitar constituir

    o modesto dote. Muitas vezes foram

    estes trocos que tambm garantiram

    a sobrevivncia da famlia, quando

    da perda de uma safra ou pela

    notria e costumeira falta de

    pontualidade nos pagamentos dos

    produtos maiores como trigo, milho,

    centeio, cevada e a uva por parte dos

    comerciantes das cidades. Fato que

    tambm merece considerao e ainda

    dos primrdios a cedncia pelo pai

    de filhas para executar tarefas

    domsticas emcasas de famlia

    ,tanto do meio urbano quanto rural.

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    CEPS FORGS Pgina4 11/03/20104

    Para esta trabalhadora a paga estava

    no fato de receber um prato de

    comida. Eventualmente se recebesse

    algum tipo de pagamento este era

    entregue diretamente a seu

    progenitor. No caso particular de

    Caxias do Sul, onde o processo de

    industrializao j trescalara razes

    ainda nos primeiros anos da

    imigrao e conseqente formao

    da Vila a mulher do meio rural

    tambm recebida para trabalhar

    como operria. As poucas

    informaes disponveis relatam que

    o costume era pela preferncia das

    solteiras. Na Metalrgica Abramo

    Eberle inicialmente a mulher que

    optava pelo matrimonio devia se

    desligar do emprego. Nos anos 20 ou

    um pouco antes este costume

    deixado de lado se que chegou a se

    generalizar, pois os industriais

    observam que a mulher casada

    continuava produtiva. O processo

    acelerado de industrializao da

    regio, o esgotamento produtivo das

    terras em face da explorao sem

    critrios dos solos, prtica da coivara

    e a falta de terras em vista da

    necessidade legal da partilha com

    todos os membros da famlia,

    enfraquecem bastante este modelo,

    fazendo que o meio urbano regional

    passe a ter mais moradores que o

    meio rural. Os costumes introjetados

    no meio rural da Encosta Superior do

    Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul

    ainda tm sedimentos nesse ano de

    2010, embora j distantes dos anos

    70 do Sculo XIX quando a

    imigrao se solidifica na regio. A

    mulher das comunidades rurais,

    agricultora ou dona de casa, ainda

    vive em estado parcial de submisso

    aos valores patriarcais, ajudatambm a reproduzi-los e com as

    migraes regionais do sul em

    direo ao norte, observadas no

    Brasil e em pases limtrofes como

    Paraguai e Bolvia, se verifica seu

    espraiamento, pois milhes de

    gachos vivem em outros locais.

    Caxias do Sul, 11 de maro de 2010.

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    CEPS FORGS Pgina5 11/03/20105

    Some considerations on the

    situation of women in rural areas

    of the upper slope of the Northeast

    of Rio Grande do Sul

    The arrival of immigrants to the

    region of the Upper Slope of the

    Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul,

    Brazil, in the last quarter of the

    nineteenth century was strongly

    linked to the establishment of

    working men and women to rural

    areas. Mostly coming from rural

    regions of Europe, when coming to

    Brazil they faced enormous

    difficulties, because they were in just

    a few small lots. These properties

    they have received had to be paid.

    As a result the livelihood of families

    stuck to crop yield, made initially in

    poor conditions and without any

    support from the Brazilian

    authorities. In this context of the

    early occupation of the land, the

    entire family unit stuck to the rural

    activities. Men, women and children

    worked from star to star in toil for

    survival. In the periods between

    harvests as custom in Europe men

    went off to work at the Port of Rio

    Grande, in the mines of Coal Region

    and public works (opening roads,

    building bridges, etc.).. Women, in

    result, would have to handle all the

    affairs of the property. Women were

    mostly illiterate in Europe saw their

    children grow or be born in Brazil

    also facing the same situation. It is

    reported that among most immigrant

    men had some kind of schooling,

    even those who came from the rural

    communes of Europe. In this

    particular, both the Empire and

    Republic were completely missing.

    In the urban villages, the fewteachers taught in Italian and were

    paid and, consequently, few have

    had access to some type of

    instruction. Since the beginning of

    immigration, women of rural areas

    performed helper tasks with the

    husband to the daily work of cultures

    and also took care of all the

    household chores, so-called lower or

    women typical, obviously "unfit for

    men," which were tasks in the

    cultivation of vegetable gardens and

    orchards, creation of small animals

    such as ducks, geese, chickens, pigs,

    goats, sheep, cows, donkeys,

    eventually oxen, etc.. In the

    mundane tasks that included giving

    birth to offspring, always numerous,

    raise and educate their children and

    give more care of household chores

    such as cooking over a wood fire,

    washing and ironing, of course

    everything by hand. In general, the

    clothes of family use were made -

    knitted - at home, at night, in the

    light of lamp by the mother,

    grandmother or grown daughter.

    Many were the families, mostly

    women and children who grew flax

    and wove cloth and ropes in the

    home rock. In the holidays, rainy

    days, Saturday and Sunday found

    rural women in addition to

    performing daily tasks, performed

    works that sought to "advance"

    services to the days of favorable

    weather, with the largest crop

    (weeding, harvesting, fertilization,

    pruning, etc.). Corn threshing,

    slaughter of livestock, preparation of

    canned food, makings of straw hats,

    are among the many tasks for the

    "inferior sex." The daughters from an

    early age as well as all received a

    "training" for the performance of

    household chores, followed therelatives with a hoe, rake, scythe or

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    CEPS FORGS Pgina6 11/03/20106

    machete and other farming

    implements in the shoulder and

    therefore participating in the planting

    and harvesting of agricultural

    products with commitment and

    boldness as the men of the family.

    On the other hand, the management

    of the entire economy of the

    agricultural unit (Colony) was

    charged to the man to whom it was

    natural to be appropriate of all

    amounts received with the

    production. A typical example of this

    odd situation of sexual division of

    labor is that women were obligated

    to treat cattle, milk the cows, rinse

    the bottle to the milk, take it up to

    the road, where the milkmen

    eventually picked up the milk, or

    produce with the milk, cheese or

    curds (cagliata), on the other hand

    receive the values of the sale of milk,

    butter or curd was only in charge of

    the man. The birth of a daughter,

    within the rural family, was viewed

    with reservations. The preference

    was for a man, which would keep the

    family name, something widely

    appreciated in the called Colonial

    Region in Rio Grande do Sul.

    Women were also curtailed the right

    of inheritance, custom widely

    accepted both in rural and urban

    region constituted of elements of

    Latin origin. The earth goods were

    destined for one of the children,

    which as a rule, took the implied

    commitment to ensure and provide in

    the old age of his parents, a rule at

    all times problematic and often

    breached. More than once left to the

    daughter or daughter-in-law

    disinherited of property to have to

    accept to take care of the elderly and

    ill parents or parents-in-law. Itwasnt sufficient the burden of labor

    and total lack of leisure, because the

    frequency of rural women to profane

    festival, especially dances were

    forbidden by the Holy Mother

    Church, and was a factor of shame

    for the girl, what extends to family

    members, who eventually ventured

    to appear in this type of event.

    Priests spread the idea that the

    holding of dances was a sin. In the

    cities of the Upper Slope, formed

    mostly by immigrants, from the

    beginning there were social and

    recreational clubs, then we observe

    that the Church had less influence in

    this regard, however, a good

    Catholic family, should also refrain

    from attending. In the inland, rural

    area, the situation in many

    communities the practice was

    controversial because in some few

    communities was defended the right

    of perform dances by parents and

    siblings of girls could attend. It may

    have prevailed even then the goal of

    the family to "get" a husband for

    their daughter who was seen as a

    nuisance at home, than to ensure a

    scant leisure time. The Church

    performed very many festivals in

    order to raise funds, where once

    again women worked long hours

    without receiving anything. In

    prayers, worship and celebrations

    women participated in isolation from

    men (separated in the gaucho

    language) even in the precincts of

    the temple. After the celebrations of

    religious nature, with or without the

    participation of priests, the men went

    to places exclusively for them. There

    they drank, played cards, bocce and

    sweepstakes among other

    wholesome entertainment. The

    women "naturally" should return tothe safe bosom of the home and

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    CEPS FORGS Pgina7 11/03/20107

    compulsorily to the labor. To unite in

    marriage the woman was required to

    give a dowry that herself should

    have made with redoubled effort,

    because she could not overlook the

    other tasks that were her duty within

    the patriarchal family. With the

    participation of grandmothers,

    mothers and sisters the girl in her

    early years of youth (not a few with

    15 or 16 years old were married and

    with children), even without yet

    having suitor, began to perform extra

    tasks as the production of cheeses,

    liqueurs, jams, biscuits, homemade

    pasta and bread, cold cuts, creation

    of quail and rabbits, among other

    products of colonial origin, with the

    aim of selling them in urban areas, to

    add some money to enable her to

    migrate of the condition of good

    family girl to the of submissive and

    hardworking wife and owner of a

    dowry. The dowry was constituted of

    the bedding and tableware. The

    richest ones sometimes brought to

    the new home a cow and even a

    sewing machine, making it thereby a

    commendable reference. For

    decades, the cities - under the legal

    point of view the region's cities had

    originally the name of village,

    although they had the Council and

    Mayor of the Colonial Regional

    saw passing in its streets and

    avenues lots of sun burnt interiors

    women , carrying on the back of a

    mule its colonial products, tell by the

    way, widely accepted and much

    cheaper than those sold in the city, in

    order to be able to gather some

    money that delivered to their parents

    would allow them to constitute the

    modest dowry. Many times this little

    money that also ensured the survivalof the family, when the loss of a crop

    or by the notorious and habitual

    tardiness in making payments for

    larger products such as wheat, corn,

    rye, barley and grapes by the

    merchants of the cities. Fact that also

    deserves consideration and still is of

    the early times is the transfer by the

    father of daughters to perform

    domestic tasks in houses of families,

    both urban and rural areas. For this

    worker the payment was in fact a

    plate of food. Eventually if she

    received some type of payment it

    was delivered directly to her father.

    Especially in Caxias do Sul, where

    the process of industrialization has

    increased still in the early years of

    immigration and consequent

    formation of the village, women in

    rural areas were also received for

    working as a factory worker. The

    limited information available reports

    that the preference was of single

    women. In the Metalrgica Abramo

    Eberle initially the women who

    opted for marriage should be off of

    the job. In 20 years or a little before

    this practice was overlooked if it

    came to be generalized, because the

    industries pointed out that married

    women were still productive. The

    accelerated industrialization of the

    region, the depletion of productive

    land in face of exploitation without

    criteria of the soil, the practice of

    coivara (a heap of half-burned

    brushwood gathered for final

    burning) and lack of land in view of

    the legal necessity of sharing with all

    family members, weakened this

    model, making urban region having

    more residents than rural areas. The

    customs introjected in the

    countryside of Upper Slope of

    Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul stillhave deposits in 2010, although the

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