Page 1: Questions False Cognates - Vestibular

1) (UPE) The sentence “Actually, Lindsay fell asleep when she was attending the lecture” in Portuguese is

a) Atualmente, Lindsay caiu no sono, quando estava atendendo à palestra.b) Hoje em dia, Lindsay caiu no sono, quando estava assistindo à conferência.c) De fato, Lindsay pegou no sono, quando estava lendo.d) Realmente Lindsay pegou no sono, quando estava atendendo à conferência.e) Na verdade, Lindsay pegou no sono, quando estava assistindo à conferência.

2) (PUC-RS) Today eating disorders, once mostly limited to wealthy Western cultures, occur around the world, in countries as different as Fiji, Japan and Argentina.“today” can be substituted by all the alternatives excepta) these daysb) nowadaysc) currentlyd) presentlye) actually

3) (Mack-SP) “I feel like I cheated, “ says Charles, who presented the meal on the family china.O significado da palavra CHINA no texto é:a) espécie de tempero utilizado por toda a família.b) comida típica da região.c) prato especialmente preparado por um cozinheiro famoso.d) restaurante muito conhecido.e) louça fina.

Page 2: Questions False Cognates - Vestibular

4) (Unirio) “Actually, I’m coming presently,” means:a) Realmente eu virei dentro de pouco tempo.b) Atualmente virei presentemente.c) Realmente estou vindo presentemente.d) Atualmente venho pessoalmente.e) Na verdade vivo do presente.

5) (Cescem-SP) he is a well-known scholar.a) eruditob) alunoc) ginasianod) escolare) fanático

6) (Cescem-SP) I lost my compass and got lost.a) passagemb) compressac) bússolad) compassoe) carteirinha de identidade

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7) (Uerj-RJ) “We may assume...” meansa) podemos presumirb) podemos assumirc) devemos assumird) é possível assumire) podemos sumir

8) (PUC-RJ) Assinale a alternativa que traz a tradução correta da palavra em negrito.Our neighbors own large estates in the South.a) estânciasb) estadiasc) estabelecimentosd) estadose) propriedades

9) (Cesgranrio-RJ) “… at present we have the problem of water pollution.” At present means:a) actually.b) in time.c) immediately.d) presently.e) now.

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10) (Cefet-PR) The best translation for interest in the phrase “the rate of interest is 6%” isa) atraçõesb) importânciasc) jurosd) açõese) interesse

11) (Ufac) When did the doctor attend the conference? O significado do verbo attend neste contexto é:a) cuidar.b) servir.c) acompanhar.d) atender.e) assistir.

12) (Uerj-RJ) “... he realized that something was wrong with the car...” means:a) He did something wrong when driving the car.b) He noticed that he had made a mistake when driving the car.c) He understood that the car wasn’t all right.d) He saw that he was driving the car in the wrong way.e) he decided to drive the car very fast.

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13) (ITA-SP) “…Sir Hans Sloane, a fashionable physician in Queen Anne’s London…” Hans Sloane era:a) fisioterapeuta.b) físico.c) medico.d) filósofo.e) arqueólogo.

14) (ITA-SP) Na frase: “She is characteristically careful, efficient and punctual. She is also highly dependable”, o termo dependable pode ser traduzido por:a) dependenteb) confiantec) determinadad) confiávele) desconfiada

15) (UFV) The word PARTICULAR in the sentence “Much to the surprise of everyone, the remarkable conclusion of the research showed that people of a certain group actually were born under a PARTICULAR planet”, means the same as:a) privateb) specificc) ordinaryd) personale) general

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16) (Unitau) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da frase nominal, entre aspas, a seguir: Future generations may regard the scientific indictment of smoking as 'a major contribution' to preventive medicine and the health of the western world.

a) uma contribuição importanteb) uma contribuição do majorc) a maior contribuiçãod) uma contribuição para o majore) a importante contribuição

17) (Mackenzie) The meaning of EXQUISITELY in the sentence “Their children were exquisitely dressed” is:

a) strangely or unexpected.b) extremely beautiful in appearance.c) oddly with an unusual appearance.d) peculiarly with a special or unique quality.e) very unattractive and unpleasant to look at.

18) (Pucrio) The verb TO ATTEND is used in “The first semester I attended college, I became friends with one of the American students in my class”. Check the ONLY alternative in which the same verb can be used.a) The receptionist's job was to _____ the phone.b) The doctor carefully ______ the patient.c) The professor _______ a convention to present his work.d) He _______ the radio to listen to the news.e) The interviewer ________ questions from the public.

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19) (EN) In “They pretended to be dead”, PRETENDED means:a) entenderb) pretenderc) fingird) tendere) fazer

20) (EN) In “They suffered from the injuries sustained in the crash”, INJURIES means:a) ofensab) ferimentoc) injúriad) calúniae) fratura

21) (Cesgranrio) A synonym for the word ACTUALLY as in “This is actually the decaying of the tooth” is:a) nowb) todayc) reallyd) normallye) theoretically

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22) (Personal) Dadas as sentenças:1. The boys ______ the game yesterday night.2. He gave a ______ of diamond to his mother.3. I didn t like the film, it was _______ .4. They _______ finished the test.Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços em branco:a) assisted/collar/terrific/eventuallyb) assisted/necklace/terrific/eventuallyc) watched/necklace/terrible/finallyd) watched/collar/terrific/finallye) watched/necklace/terrific/eventually

23) (ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que:1. INGENIOUS significa HÁBIL, ENGENHOSO.2. TO RESUME significa RETOMAR.3. SYLLABUS pode significar SÍLABA.Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s):a) Apenas a afirmação nº 1.b) Apenas a afirmação nº 2.c) Apenas a afirmação nº 3.d) Apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 2.e) Todas as afirmações

24) (ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que em português:1. SCHOLAR significa LETRADO.2. SENSIBLE significa SENSATO.3. FABRIC significa TECIDO.Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s) :a) Apenas a afirmação no 1.b) Apenas a afirmação no 2.c) Apenas a afirmação no 3.d) Apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 2.e) Todas as afirmações.

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