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Tivoli Hotel

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Feche seu negócio.Mais rápido.

Data rooms virtuais seguros, exíveis e e cientes. Conclua seu negócio mais rápido.

Gerencie durante todo ciclo da oportunidade.

Acesse uma ampla comunidade de investidores.

Maximize o potencial de seu deal.

1 866

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The Capital Projects & Infrastructure Group is a division of Latin Markets providing Latin America’s leading public and private sector infrastructure investors, concessionaries, project developers, governments, and service providers with access to new investment and project development opportunities throughout the region.

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of Latin Markets, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the Inaugural Brazil Capital Projects & Infrastructure Summit, taking place at the Tivoli Hotel in São Paulo, Brazil.

Nearly one year of research and planning has resulted in what we anticipate will be a very productive experience for all participants, and which will allow for powerful discussions and networking on the topic of infrastructure investment and project development in Brazil.

Over the course of April 10-11, 2013, you will hear from Brazil’s most important capital project developers, investors, government regulators and infrastructure advisors, all of whom will provide you with a detailed look at the investment and development opportunities and challenges across Brazil’s energy, transport, mining, water & sanitation, social and telecommunications infrastructure sectors.

We would like to thank our corporate sponsors for their support in the development of the infrastructure sector in Brazil. In particular, we would like to thank Intralinks and Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados. We would be grateful if you might visit their booths or schedule meetings with them to learn how they might be able to assist your organization. We would also like to thank our media and association partners for their support of the Summit. We would also like to thank the over 60 presenters and support sta� for their time and contributions to the agenda. Your presence at the Summit these days is greatly appreciated.

Finally, we at Latin Markets would like to thank the City of São Paulo and the Country of Brazil for welcoming us, we greatly appreciate the welcome you have given us and the ability to host the Summit in the City of São Paulo.

We are available to help you with any concerns or questions, which may arise over the next 2-days. Please visit one of our sta� at the registration table, and we will be happy to help you.

We’re looking forward to an excellent Summit.


Ken BaucoHead of Capital Projects & Infrastructure Group

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Latin Markets Capital Projects & Infrastructure is proud to present the 2013 Mexico Capital Projects and Infrastructure Summit this June 19 and 20 at the W Hotel in Mexico City. The Summit will gather 300 leading regulators, project developers, concessionaires, and investors from Mexico’s most important infrastructure projects in energy, mining, transportation, ports, telecommunications, social infrastructure and water & sanitation. We deal directly with the most important issues in Mexican infrastructure, from new opportunities emerging from the LAPP concession reforms to trends in infrastructure demand down to the municipal level, while still delivering a regional and global audience as part of the CP&I Latin American Summit Series.

June 19-20, 2013 W Hotel Mexico City, Mexico

Francisco José Barnés de CastroCommissioner Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE)

Luis Zárate RochaPresidentCámara Mexicana de la Industria de la Construcción (CMIC)

Carlos Mier y TéranMass Transit CoordinatorBanorbas(Fonadin)

Raúl Murrieta CummingsSub-Secretary of InfrastructureSecretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT)

Sponsors: Media Partners:

For more information, contact: Ken Bauco [email protected]


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EXAME is a Brazilian magazine specializing in economics and business published by Editora Abril. It reports news, reviews and tips about business, sales, investments, economics, environment, technology and marketing. Launched in 1967 by Editora Abril, it is the leading business magazine in Brazil. Exame is published every two weeks with a circulation of about 200.000 copies with 160.000 subscribers, 70 journalists, designers, revisers and photographers. Its headquarters are located in São Paulo with o�ces in Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and New York.

A Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio en Brasil é uma associação de fins não econômicos que atua há mais de 50 anos na promoção das relações econômicas e comerciais entre Brasil e Espanha. Conta com cerca de 300 associados dos mais diversos setores, interessados em realizar intercâmbio comercial entre os dois países. Fomentadora de um ambiente de negócios ativo, a Cámara realiza constantemente eventos, cursos, treinamentos e atividades dentro dos 12 comitês setoriais de trabalho, promovendo networking e gerando o compartilhamento de informações entre a comunidade empresarial hispano-brasileira.Dentre os serviços disponíveis estão: acompanhamento e abertura de empresas; busca de importadores e parceiros comerciais; informações sobre visto, comércio exterior e estudos setoriais. A Cámara também contribui para a divulgação das empresas por meio de suas publicações e veículos de comunicação interna, além de disponibilizar listagens de empresas associadas e espanholas instaladas no Brasil.

Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados is a Brazilian law firm committed to o�ering legal services with outstanding quality and e�ciency. We are a full-service law firm relying on a network of over 200 lawyers located in our five fully-integrated o�ces in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília and Salvador. Our legal teams consist of expert lawyers, most with post-graduate degrees and international experience acquired with masters degrees in the most prestigious U.S. and European institutions or working as International Associates at renowned law firms in New York and other major financial centers. At Souza, Cescon we consider the personal development of our attorneys through continuous academic and professional training the critical tool to ensure that we continue to grow and preserve the standard of excellence to which we as a firm are committed.

Intralinks Control the deal process from sourcing deals through to post merger integration. Traditional methods of finding opportunities and creating and maintaining physical data rooms or basic virtual data rooms to support the deal process are limiting and ine�ective. Intralinks takes your M&A process to the next level, to enable you to focus on high-value activities.

ANCAB – National Association of Brazilian Airports Concessionaires was formed bringing together comercial companies that operate in Brazilian airports, duty free and duty paid. Our objective is to represent these companies institutionally, contributing in the promotion of seminars, courses and events, to enhance airport business operations, always for the better satisfaction of the user. ANCAB will work together with government agencies directly responsible for Brazilian airports: Ministry of Defence, SAC, ANAC, INFRAERO, Ministry of Finance, Federal Revenue, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Justice, ANVISA, Aeronautic Command, among others.

The ABES, Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering is a national non-governmental and nonprofit organization, whose main objective is to contribute through the knowledge of its members to improve the euality of life of Brazilian society, and be industry benchmark sanitation and environmental preservation. Its operational dynamics is based on the development of a wide range of structured activities on the foundations of sanitary engineering and environmental sciences, and especially through a series of actions that aim at improving their associates professionally and academically.

A INVESTE SÃO PAULO é um Serviço Social Autônomo, pessoa jurídica de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos, de interesse coletivo e de utilidade pública, criada pela Lei nº 13.179, de 19 de agosto de 2008 e instituída pelo Decreto n° 53.766 de 5 de Dezembro de 2008, com o intuito de atrair investimentos para o estado e promover a competitividade da economia paulista. A INVESTE SÃO PAULO foi idealizada a partir de um grupo de trabalho da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento do Estado e do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas constituído com o objetivo de elaborar mecanismos para o fortalecimento da economia paulista. Como parte dessa estratégia, em abril de 2008, formou-se na Secretaria de Desenvolvimento um núcleo de atração de investimentos que passou a atuar como porta de entrada para novos investidores bem como para aqueles já instalados no Estado. Paralelamente, editou-se a Lei n. 13.179, de 19 de agosto de 2008, que autorizou o Poder executivo a instituir a INVESTE SÃO PAULO, que o fez pelo Decreto 53.766, de 05 de dezembro do mesmo ano, incorporando e ampliando as atividades deste núcleo


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The growing establishment of Brazilian businesses in South Florida that commenced in the late 1970s rapidly brought about the need for a business exchange forum between Brazilian and U.S. firms. Under the tutelage of Thomas J. Skola, the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce (Miami), Inc. was created in November 1981 with Mr. Skola’s law o�ce serving as the Chamber’s o�ce and corporate address. In 1989, the Chamber inaugurated its own o�ce in the Miami World Trade Center, and thereafter appointed a full-time Executive Director. These developments allowed the Chamber to significantly expand the level and array of services that its growing membership required. In 1992, the Chamber’s name was changed to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida to reflect the expansion of its activities beyond greater Miami. 

thebusinessyear is a leading provider of economic intelligence and a publisher of annual trade and investment resources. We meet with the world’s top political, commercial, and industrial leaders to deliver targeted information, in-depth analysis and strategic advice to the global business community on economic trends and investment opportunities. thebusinessyear’s experts and analysts work closely with local and regional business leaders and key stakeholders. Through months of in-country research, TBY aims to secure in-depth and authoritative inside perspectives from the business community in the economies that we survey.

Institutional Investing in Infrastructure is a smart and insightful newsletter emailed monthly to members of the global institutional investment community who have investments in infrastructure or are considering the asset class for future commitments. A spin-o� product of our annual Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (I3) conference, the I3 publication aggregates and reports news about the transactions, PPPs, fund o�erings and commitments, people and more that institutional investors and their advisers need to stay competitive in the market. I3 also delivers in-depth investor and sector profiles, feature articles and interviews with thought leaders and decision makers who are shaping the market.

A Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Máquinas e Equipamentos, foi fundada em 1975, com o objetivo de atuar em favor do fortalecimento da Indústria Nacional, mobilizando o setor, realizando ações junto às instâncias políticas e econômicas, estimulando o comércio e a cooperação internacionais e contribuindo para aprimorar seu desempenho em termos de tecnologia, capacitação de recursos humanos e modernização gerencial.Estruturada nacionalmente com escritórios e sedes regionais distribuídos pelo País, a ABIMAQ representa atualmente cerca de 4.500 empresas dos mais diferentes segmentos fabricantes de bens de capital mecânicos, cujo desempenho tem impacto direto sobre os demais setores produtivos nacionais. Muito além da representação institucional do setor, a ABIMAQ tem a sua gestão profissionalizada e as suas atividades voltadas para a geração de oportunidades comerciais para as suas associadas, agindo como Agência de Desenvolvimento da Indústria Brasileira de Máquinas e Equipamentos.

The Brazil-U.S. Business Council (BUSBC) is the premier business advocacy organization dedicated to strengthening the economic and commercial relationship between the two countries. The U.S. Section of the BUSBC represents the major U.S. companies invested in Brazil and operates under the administrative aegis of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, maintaining independent policy formulation and membership. The Brazil Section of the BUSBC is managed by the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI), composed of the 27 Brazilian state-level federations of industry.


A Câmara Brasil-China (CCIBC) é uma organização independente, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 1986 em São Paulo. Criada a partir do pedido do ex vice primeiro ministro da China, Sr. Wu Xueqian, temos a honra de possuir diversas personalidades ilustres, lideranças e autoridades governamentais dentre nossos fundadores. Promover o intercambio e a cooperação nos campos econômico, acadêmico e cultural entre Brasil e China e fomentar a relação entre seus povos, contando com o apoio da comunidade empresarial, dos meios diplomáticos e do governo.

Latin American Newsletters (LatinNews) was founded in London in 1967 to provide expert political, economic, and security analysis on Latin America and the Caribbean. For 45 years, it has been acknowledged as the foremost authority in the region. Read by business executives, the financial services sector, government o�cials and leading academics alike, LatinNews’s comprehensive range of print and online resources o�ers subscribers a reliable, accurate and timely source of insight into key events that shape the region.


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8:00 A.M.

8:55 A.M.

9:00 A.M.

9:20 A.M.

9:40 A.M.

10:40 A.M.

11:00 A.M.

APRIL 10, 2013Registration & Morning Refreshment 

Welcome RemarksKen Bauco, Head of Capital Projects & Infrastructure Group, Latin Markets 

Keynote: Setting up the New Stage: Promoting Transport Investment in Brazil- Plans for the Logistics Investment Programme “LIP”- Government strategies for reviving transport project investment and developmentPresenter:Helio Mauro Franco, Director, Empresa de Planejamento de LogisticaCom longa experiência profissional na área de comércio internacional e gestão de projetos, tanto como consultor privado como ocupando posições executivas na administração pública, na Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres – ANTT, Agência de Promoção de Exportações do Brasil, Ministério do Desenvolvimento, da Indústria e do comercio exterior, Ministério das Minas e Energia e empresas estatais no setor siderúrgico 

Keynote: Moving Forward: Brazilian Urban Mobilization Planning Strategies Beyond Games- Preparing for the Olympics Games; beyond 2014- Regional Development and the Significance of Rio de Janeiro’s Infrastructure to BrazilPresenter:Julio Lopes, Secretary of Transport, Secretaria de Transporte Estado de Rio de JaneiroAfter being a teacher for many years at the school where he graduated, Mr. Lopes decided to run for Federal Deputy in Rio de Janeiro, and was elected in 2002 with more than 70,000 votes. During 2003 and 2004, Mr. Lopes was the Vice President of the Piracy Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI). In 2005, he was assigned to be the President of the Urban Development Commission. Building on Government Portfolios: Public Sector Perspectives in Regional Infrastructure

Panel Session: Meet Government Actors: Presentation of Strategic Plans and Opportunities- Experiences and Perspectives from the Public Sector in Capital Projects- Regional governments prepare for large investments- Brazil Leader in PPPs and Project DevelopmentModerator:Gustavo Cortes, Infrastructure Director, FIESPMr. Cortes graduated from the University of Brasilia (UNB), MBA in Oil and Gas. He is a Senior Partner at Cortes & Zupiroli Associates Lawyers, with o�ces in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro and has twenty years of experience before Brazilian higher courts on Administrative, Energy, Financial, Electoral and Legislation. Mr. Cortes was also a UN and OAS Human Rights Advisor in Haiti Mission with experience as legal adviser for the Legislative Chamber.

Panelists:Pedro Paulo, Secretario da Casa Civil, Rio de Janeiro City Hall ( Bio available online )

Maria Lucia Camargo, Planning Director, Empresa Paulista de Planejamento Metropolitano SAMs. Camargo is involved in research for the Investment Capacity Index of São Paulo Municipalities and coordinates models of management and financing metropolitan´s interventions under public-private partnerships. In 2006-2010, she was Planning and Budget Coordinator for Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo where she was responsible for elaboration of the formal 4 years planning (PPA) and the Budget guideline law (LDO).

Ivani Moreira, Structured Investment Coordinator, Emplasa ( Bio available online )

Dorothea Werneck, Secretary of State, Estado de Minas GeraisMs. Werneck was Minister of Labor and Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Secretary at the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Planning and Ministry of Finance and Executive Director of the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency. She worked at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Region in Chile, the Latin American Association of Integration (ALADI).

Milton Guedes, PPP Project Manager, Light Train Line GoianiaEngenheiro Civil formado pelo Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, pós graduação em Administração de Empresas pela Univerdidade Mackenzie. Atua há 18 anos no setor de transporte urbano de passageiros, notadamente no desenvolvimento e implantação de soluções de mobilidade e sistemas de gestão da operação. 

Refreshments & Networking

 Panel Session: Economic Perspectives- Aligning Brazil’s Regulatory Framework with Infrastructure Demands- Economic Outlook for the 6th Largest Economy in the World- Implications of State-Based partnerships & Tax RegimeModerator:Ernesto Lozardo, Presidency Advisor, BNDES Mr. Ernesto Lozardo is a professor of Economics at Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo, and serves as a business consultant. He acts as the advisor to the BNDES President. Lozardo is also the author of several articles and his published books are: “Derivativos no Brasil”; “Déficit Público Brasileiro”; and his latest, “Globalização: a certeza imprevisível das nações”. Mr. Lozardo is the founder of his own firm, Futura International. Previously, he was the Director of Planning and IT at Caixa Seguros; the Secretary of Planning and Management of the State of São Paulo; the President of PRODESP, where he created the InfoSão Paulo (renamed as Poupa Tempo); the Managing Partner of Lozardo & Cruz DTVM; and a member of the Board of Directors of private companies.


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The 2nd Peru Capital Projects and Infrastructure Summit is preparing for 2013 a premier gathering of global public and private infrastructure developers and investors in Peru, brought to you by Latin Markets. For 2013, the high-impact platform will bring together delegates from top-tier organizations in energy, transport, mining, telecom, real estate, and social infrastructure.

The 2nd edition of the Peru Capital Projects & Infrastructure Summit will be presenting Peru’s leading mega-projects to prepare for more than $10 billion infrastructure contracts the government is preparing to award in 2013 in the areas of Roads/Highways, Airports, Energy, Urban/Rural Infrastructure, Mining and more. Private investment in Peru climbed 12% in the fi rst half of 2012, bank lending has risen 16% including a 15% increase in the area of construction.

For more information, contact: Ken Bauco

+1-212-561-8926 [email protected]


Carlos Paredes Rodríguez (Past Speaker)

MinistroMinisterio de Transportes y Comunicaciones

Domingo ArzubialdeGerente de Promoción de la Inversión PrivadaMunicipalidad Metropolitana de Lima

Juan Carlos Paz CárdenasGerente GeneralInstituto Metropolitano Protransporte de Lima

Mark Ho� mannRosasGerente GeneralDuke Energy Peru y Ecuador



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11:45 A.M.

12:30 P.M.

1:15 P.M.

APRIL 10, 2013Panelists:Antonio Henrique Pinheiro Silviera, Secretary, Ministry of FinanceMr. Silveira is in charge of the Secretariat of Economic Monitoring (SEAE) of the Ministry of Finance since August 2008. He has a Masters degree (1992) and Ph.D. (2000) in economics, both from the Institute of Economics of UFRJ and is a professor (on leave), Department of Economics of Federal University of Bahia. Previously he was Deputy Head of the Economic Advisory of the Ministry of Planning (2005-2007).

Nelson Si­art, Head of Infrastructure, BNDESMr. Si�art started as a Project Analyst in the Agro-Industry Area and became Manager in Planning Area participating in the preparation of the National Axles of Integration and Development and Strategic Planning Study during the 2000-2005 period. For four years he worked in the Regional Development Area, becoming Chief of the Electrical Energy Department and participating in some of the biggest Projects of Electrical Energy Development. 

Accessing Pools of Capital for Infrastructure Projects Financing Perspectives from Investors

Roundtable Session: Private Equity- Challenges in the future of Private Equity Funds: Attracting Private Investment into Brazil- Types of Projects PE funds are looking to invest in - Returns and benchmarks compared to alternative funds: expected long-term returnsPresenters:Carlos Augusto, Senior Manager Infrastructure Private Equity Funds, BNDESMr. Augusto is the Portfolio Manager for Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds at BNDESPar Member of Limited Partner Investment/Advisory Committees appointed by BNDESPAR in Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds. He is responsible for selecting, negotiating and managing U$1 billion portfolio invested in BNDESPar`s private equity funds focused on infrastructure, private equity and growth capital opportunities.

Ana Fontes, Senior Vice President, Darby OverseasMs. Fontes joined Darby Overseas Investments in 2007 and is a Senior Vice President dedicated to the Brazil Mezzanine Infrastructure Fund, a private equity fund focused on the Brazilian infrastructure sector. Prior to joining Darby, Ms. Fontes worked in investment banking at ABN Amro and Banco Brascan (Sao Paulo, Brazil), in local and cross-border M&A transactions in the energy, mining and pulp and paper sectors. Ms. Fontes started her career as Investment Analyst at the Corporate Finance Services Department of the International Finance Corporation (Washington, DC). Ms. Fontes has a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, 1998), and an M.B.A. from INSEAD (Fontainebleau, 2005).

Luiz Eduardo Franco de Abreu, CEO, NSG CapitalMr. Abreu is the founding partner and CEO of NSG Capital and member of the Council of Economic and Social Development of the Republic of Brazil. Mr. Abreu was the CFO of Banco do Brasil, CEO of BB – Banco de Investimentos, Chairman and CEO of BRB – Banco de Brasília and BRB DTVM. In the industrial sector, he was Chairman and CEO of Zamprogna, as well as member of the Board of Directors of many large corporations.

Geo­rey Cleaver, Superintendent, Mantiq InvestimentosMr. Cleaver is the Managing Director at Mantiq Investimentos, a Brazilian PE GP specialized in managing infrastructure funds. Prior to joining Mantiq in 2004, he was Senior Investment Manager at the Latin America Enterprise Fund Manager, one of the first Latin American PE GPs. Mr. Cleaver worked for JPMorgan in Brazil in the Investment Banking from 1987 to 1996. He has a bachelor degree from FAAP University in São Paulo. 

Panel Session: Project Financing- Developing competitive project finance in the current Brazilian Infrastructure Market- E�ciency experiences: Structuring Capital Projects Moderator:Pablo F. Luterau, Senior Director, Utilities & Infrastructure Ratings, Standard & PoorsMr. Lutereau is Senior Director and Analytical Manager in Utilities & Infrastructure Ratings forStandard & Poor’s Ratings Services. He leads a team of analysts based in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. He is responsible for utilities and project financetransactions in Latin America. Mr. Lutereau is based in Buenos Aires and serves on the Standard & Poor’s Corporate Criteria Committee and the Global Project Finance Focus Team.

Panelists:Charles de Sirovy, Head of Corporate Finance, NeoEnergiaSuperintendente Financeiro. Responsável pelos processos de captação de recursos para financiamento de investimentos a curto e longo prazo para as geradoras em fase de implantação, bem como pela estruturação das operações financeiras das geradoras já operacionais, em toda sua complexidade negocial e operacional. Representa as empresas de geração do grupo junto às diversas instituições de fomento nacionais e internacionais.

Cristiana Ferraz, Infrastructure Fund Manager, Vinci PartnersMs. Ferraz is an engineer and graduate from Fundação Getulio Vargas (São Paulo), with broad experience in the Latin American financial market. He has held di�erent positions in international financial institutions - HSBC, ABN AMRO, Lehman Brothers and Standard Bank. Before joining Vinci Partners, Ms. Ferraz was Director of Infrastructure and Project Finance at Fitch Ratings.

Rodrigo Monteiro, Head of Structured & Project Finance, Galvao Participacoes SALidero a área de financiamento e captação de recursos de longo-prazo para os diversos projetos e atividades das Empresas do Grupo Galvão: Energia, Saneamento, Obras Pesadas, etc. Coordeno a modelagem de projetos, negócios e participações de diversas empresas, além da interface com bancos e agência de fomento, fundos de investimento e consultores financeiros.

Lunch Break


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Mark W. Yusko, CEO and CIO,Morgan Creek CapitalManagement (U.S.)

Alfonso Munk, Managing Director, Prudential Real Estate Investors and Head of PREI® – Latin America (U.S.)

Andrew Jacobs, Managing Director, Metropolitan Real Estate Equity Management (U.S.)

Kavindi Wickremage, SVP, Harvard Mngt Company (U.S.)

Michael Humphrey, Managing Principal, Courtland Partners (U.S.)

Hans Op’t Veld, Head of Listed Real Estate, Pension PGGM Investments (Netherlands)

Adam Gallistel, SVP & Head of Bra-zil, GIC Real Estate (Singapore)

Nori Gerardo Lietz, Founding Partner, Arete Capital (U.S.)

REAL ESTATE LATIN AMERICA FORUMJune 10-11, 2013 The Harmonie Club New York, NY


Mídia e Parceiros Institucionais:

Para mais informações, contate:Andres [email protected]

Registre-se agora e economize

$200 dólares

O Fórum Imobiliário da América Latina será realizado nos dias 10 e 11 de junho em Nova York. Este é reconhecido como

o maior encontro de investidores imobiliários na América Latina. LPs (Sócios Limitados) de todo o mundo, incluindo Fundos de Previdência, Fundações, Consultores, Fundo de

Investimentos e Family O¨ces (Escritórios de Família), irão ter a oportunidade de se reunir com gestores imobiliários,

desenvolvedores, gerentes de investimento e outras figuras importantes do mercado. A conferência será composta por

18 sessões voltadas para o investimento no ramo imobiliário e com oportunidades de networking. Assim sendo, o melhor

Fórum Imobiliário da América Latina.

Page 11: Preliminary Agenda Brazil CPI 2013


2:15 P.M.

3:00 P.M.

3:45 P.M.

4:45 P.M.

APRIL 10, 2013Roundtable Session: Catalytic Partners - Multilateral, Development Institutions and ECAs- Aligning Incentives and Attractive Investment- Lending Patterns: Prioritization of Specific Projects- Accessing and Developing Partnerships to Attain Capital DemandsModerator:Moira Paz Estenssoro, Representative Director, CAFrepresentou ao Governo da Bolivia como Cônsul Geral no Rio de Janeiro e como Embaixadora da Bolivia na Itália. Foi eleita Senadora e foi nomeada Ministra de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Hoje é Diretora Representante no Brasil da CAF, banco de desenvolvimento da America Latina.

Presenters:Nancy Rivera, Managing Director, Structured Finance OPICMs. Rivera has over twenty five years of experience in lending and credit as a commercial investment banker and financial guarantor. She is Managing Director of Structured Finance where she oversees structured project finance development lending worldwide. Ms. Rivera’s special-ty is infrastructure financing and the scope of her expertise spans across all infrastructure areas including transportation, power, water and telecommunications.

Jean Cardyn, Vice-President, EDCMr. Cardyn joined EDC (Canada’s export credit agency) in 1979 where he has held the following leadership positions: Manager, Export Financing, South East Asia, Middle East, and East Africa, Manager, Medium and Long Term Insurance, Chief Underwriter, Contract Insurance and Bonding, Director, Policy and International Relations, Regional Vice President, South America, International Business Development Group.

Ana Maria Vidaurre-Roche, Structured and Corporate Finance, IADB Ms. Vidaurre-Roche works in the Structured & Corporate Finance Department of the IDB. As Principal Investment O�cer of the infrastructure division she is responsible for financing energy, and water and sanitation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ms. Vidaurre-Roche has over 15 years experience working with infrastructure projects in South America, primarily on energy, water and sanitation, and transportation sectors.

Presentation: Public Private Partnerships and Investment Opportunities in the State of São PauloPresenter:Luciano Tavares de Almeida, President, Investe São PauloMr. Almeida graduated in Business Administration at Unimep - Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (Piracicaba Metodista University), and mastered in International Business Management and Administration at Berkeley University (USA). He also attended a specialization course on Land Parcelling and Urban Development, at Secovi University.

Energy Infrastructure & Securing Reliable Supply of Energy ($599.2 bn)Panel Session: Energy Infrastructure Opportunities: Preparing to Supply Brazil’s Demand- Energy e�ciencies, pre-salt oil reserve expectations as major infrastructure demand- Exploring alternatives: reliability of hydroelectric power- Developments of alternative sources: thermo, solar, wind.Moderator: Carlos Jardim Sena, Technical Advisor, Espirito Santo State Energy AgencyMr. Sena is an experienced professional in the Brazilian Electricity Market with over 15 years dealing with energy infrastructure implantation and energy trading, acting in companies of construction of energy infrastructure, distribution utilities and power plants facilities. He was one of the first professionals certificated by ABRACEEL (Energy Traders Association) as Energy Trade Operator.

Panelists:Marcilio Ribeiro de Miranda, New Business Development, Petrobras ( Bio available online )

Andre Guimarães, General Manager, BrasoilMr. Guimarães has a wide-range of experience in the management of high-performance companies in South America. He has spent over 20 years developing, implementing and managing projects focusing on cost control, human resources management, marketing, environmental and social responsibility. Mr. Guimarães has spent the last 10 years exclusively in the oil and gas industry for Odebrecht, as consultant, and Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás as Senior Manager in charge of General Administration, HR and HSE. Mr. Guimarães holds an MBA from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (Ibmec) and a BA from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

Pedro Jotaba, New Business Director, Eletrobras ( Bio available online )

Alexei Vivan, President, Brazilian Association of Energy ConcessionariesMr. Vivan is President of the Board of Brazilian Association of Energy Companies - ABCE (national brazilian association which congregates energy generation, transmission and distribution companies). He is the Executive Vice president of São Paulo State Energy Industry Union - SindiEnergia. He is a member of the Federal Administrative Tax Court of Appeal of Ministry of Treasury - CARF Gabriela Da Roche Oliveira, Head of Latin America Research, Bloomberg New Energy FinanceMs. Oliveira is Head of Latin America Research & Analysis with Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) - the world’s leading provider of subscription-based research on clean energy, low carbon technologies and the carbon markets. Ms. Oliveira sets BNEF’s research agenda for the Latin America region while conducting analysis and overseeing a team of analysts and researchers based in São Paulo, Brazil. 

Cachaça Tasting


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8:00 A.M.

8:55 A.M.

9:00 A.M.

9:45 A.M.

11:15 A.M.

11:35 A.M.

APRIL 11, 2013Morning Refreshments & Registration

Welcome RemarksKen Bauco, Head of Capital Projects & Infrastructure Group, Latin Markets 

PART II: Energy Infrastructure & Securing Reliable Supply of Energy ($599.2 bn)Panel Session: Mining Infrastructure- Opportunities emerging from new policing promoting mining sector- Positive and friendly foreign investment environment for a new robust sectorModerator:Joao Carlos Araujo, Project Management Manager, CSNEngenheiro eletricista, MBA em Gestão de Empresas, MBA em Gerenciamento de Projetos, mestre em Administração Estratégica com enfase em avaliacao de maturidade em projetos de mineracao. Certificado Green Belt pela metodologia de Seis Sigma, PMP – Project Management Professional pelo PMI, FEL-Front End Loading pelo IPA e APMC-Advanced Project Management Certificate pelo IIL-International Institute for Lerning.

Panelists:Ivan Montenegro, Project Portfolio Manager, Vale SAMr. Montenegro is a project director in Vale. He has large experience in project management both in Brazil and abroad. He is also Director of Sobratema – ‘Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia para Construção e Mineração’ and author of the book ‘Excelência Operacional: o desafio da melhoria continua’.

Nilson Luciano H. Chaves, Chief Financial O�cer, Largo Resources LtdMr. Chaves is CFO at Brazil Largo Resources and has over 15 years of senior financial management experience for a number of multinational companies across a variety of sectors in Latin America, including mining. Most recently, Mr. Chaves was CFO at Vaaldiam Resources and Controller South America for Sibelco SCR. Prior to Sibelco, Mr. Chavez held senior executive positions at multinational companies. 

Panel Session: Railway- Preparing Brazil’s Cities for upcoming games via Urban Mobility- Linking a nation with mega projects: the North/East and West/East Railways- Challenges and Opportunities developing the Bullet TrainModerator:Gustavo Barreto, Head of Institutional Relations, Andrade Gutierrez GroupDiretor de Relações Institucionais da Andrade Gutierrez S/A desde 2004. Executivo responsável pela relação institucional no Brasil com os diversos níveis e esferas governamentais e setoriais, autuando em sinergia com as áreas operacionais, comerciais e de novos negócios da empresa . Antes foi consultor de empresas por nove anos, sendo especialista em relações governamentais com foco no processo legislativo e na discussão para elaboração de políticas públicas e regulatórias. Formado em Administrador de empresas com pós-graduação em Marketing Político pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB.

Panelists:Helio Mauro Franco, Director, Empresa de Planejamento de Logistica see 9:00am keynote Day 1

Angelo Baptista, President, Transnordestina LogisticaAngelo Baptista iniciou a carreira na Vale, onde permaneceu por 16 anos, e passou por grandes grupos como CSN e COSAN. Entre 2004 e 2007 foi Diretor Comercial Cia Ferroviária do Nordeste, de onde saiu para comandar o porto de Vitória no Espírito Santo, ficando até maio de 2011. De Vitória foi para São Paulo, para o grupo COSAN, como Diretor da Rumo Logística, onde ficou até outubro de 2012.

Jean Reis, Superintendent of Infrastructure, National Terrestrial TransportEspecialista em Geotecnia pela Universidade de Brasília, Especialista em Regulação de Transportes Terrestres pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Especialista em Engenharia de Custos pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, Engenheiro Civil e de Segurança do Trabalho pela Universidade de Brasília.

Marcos Vendramini, Transportation Infrastructure Director, AECOM TechnologyMr. Vendramini has extensive experience in ports, terminals and rail yards planning, developing, design, construction and project management for public and private companies regarding bulk solids, bulk liquids and general cargo/container. He has planned and designed marine terminals in several Brazilian ports and served as port and retroport Area Manager at Alcoa/Alumar Port Expansion Project.

Joasis Cavalcante, Chairman, Valec ( Bio available online )

Vicente Abate, President, AbiferMr. Abate is President of ABIFER ( Brazilian Association of the Railroad Industry ) and is a metallurgical engineer graduate from the Escola de Engenharia Mauá. He mastered in in metallurgy by the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo and received an MBA in Marketing from FGV-SP and Babson College in the U.S. 

Morning Refreshments & Networking

Panel Session: Airports Infrastructure- Encouraging Private Investment + 200 projects identified to meet sector standards- Opportunities in Greenfield Port Projects versus upgrading existing facilitiesModerator:Fernando Gomes, Partner, Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch AdvogadosMr. Gomes has been with Souza, Cescon since 2009 and was recently promoted to Partner. He holds a law degree from Faculdade Milton Campos and an LL.M. degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Prior to joining Souza, Cescon, Mr. Gomes worked as an International Associate with Cli�ord Chance US LLP, at their New York o�ce.


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12:25 P.M.

1:00 P.M.

1:45 P.M.

2:45 P.M.

3:05 P.M.

APRIL 11, 2013Panelists:Eduardo Masson A Martins, Treasury Director, GOL Airlines ( Bio available online )

Paulo de Campos Brochini, General Manager Infrastructure, Azul Linhas Aeras BrasileirasMr. Brochini is a professional with 10 years of experience in Corporate Real Estate and has worked for CB Richard Ellis and Walmart prior to assuming as Corporate Real Estate General Manager of Azul Airlines. During his career, he has been involved with great capital projects regarding Real Estate market, retail and airports infrastructure.

Gerardo Pucciarello, Gerente de Dirección, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 ( Bio available online )

Danilo Colares de Araujo Moreira, Superintendent Special Projects, Minas Gerais DevelopmentSuperintendente de Projetos Especiais da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais. Graduado em Administração de Empresas e com Mba em Finanças. Acompanha deste 2004 o processo de implantação da “Aerotropolis de Belo Horizonte” juntamente com o Professor John Kasarda da Universidade da Carolina do Norte USA. Panel Session: Ports Infrastructure- The export-dependent nation prioritizes investments of ports to meet long-term capacity forecasts- Opportunities in Greenfield Port Projects versus upgrading existing facilitiesModerator:Karin Yamauti, Partner Infrastructure and Project Finance, Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch AdvogadosMs. Yamauti graduated from the Law School at the University of São Paulo (LLB 1999) and King’s College London (LL.M 2003). She was an International Associate with the law firm Shearman & Sterling, New York, US, in 2003/2004. Her fields of expertise are: administrative, banking and financing law and project finance. She is fluent in Portuguese and English.

Panelists:Fernando Tortorello, Treasurer, Embraport ( Bio available online )

Dr. Renato Barco, President of Port of Santos, Secretaria de Portos do BrasilDr. Barco, engenheiro mecânico, formado pela Faculdade de Engenharia de Mogi das Cruzes, foi do quadro funcional da CODESP de 1974 a 1997, atuando como coordenador das operações e manutenção do Terminal de Grãos (Corredor de Exportação) e, posteriormente, no Centro de Planejamento e Controle das Operações (1974 a 1979). De 1980 a 1997 foi designado para organizar e implementar o funcionamento do primeiro terminal especializado para contêineres da América Latina, o TECON, onde foi gestor da data de sua inauguração, em 30/08/81, até a sua privatização em 28/11/97. 

Lunch Break 

Panel Session: Roads & Highways Infrastructure- Opportunities upgrading Brazil’s roads network- Overcoming challenges in highway development Moderator:Pablo F. Luterau, Senior Director, Utilities & Infrastructure Ratings, Standard & Poors see 12:30pm panel Day 1

Panelists:Ricardo Oliveira, Director, Concessionaria Rodovias do Tiete ( Bio available online )

Luiz Cesar Costa, Business Development Director, EcoRodoviasBrasileiro, nascido em 25 de fevereiro de 1964 graduado em engenharia civil pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, possui MBA pela Universidade da Flórida, título de PMP (Project Management Professional), com experiência no segmento de infraestrutura logística, principalmente em diversos cargos executivos de empresas do Grupo Odebrecht, com destaque para os cargos de Diretor Presidente da Concessionária Rota Das Bandeiras S.A .

Alexandre Chamie, Diretoria de Investimentos e Participaceoes, Serveng ConcessoesMr. Chamie is responsible for structuring long-term business with great involvement of CAPEX related to construction and infrastructure, namely, Concessions and PPP Highways, Intermodal Terminals, Industrial Parks, Ports and Airports, including primary market (public bids or PMI) and secondary market (performing asset acquisition).

Assimilating Brazil’s Growth Acceleration ProgramBetter Cities: Urban Infrastructure Brazil’s fast-track to Urban Development ($47.9bn)

Presentation: Gaining from Healthcare Infrastructure Projects- Keeping up with rapidly growing market: A plan for maintaining sector in the next five years- Applying PPP Models to HealthcareCase Study Presentation:Rogerio Marcondes, Gerente General, SALOGMr. Marcondes is the Vice President of the Board and General Manager of Salog – SALUD Y LOGISTICA S/A. He began his career in 1995 and has held various management positions at pharmaceutical, retail, health and logistics companies prior to his current position. In 1996 he obtained a degree in Mechanical Technology and Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista/Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo. 

Panel Session: Preparing Urban Infrastructure for the Upcoming Games- Transportation Developments in leading cities, urban mobilization- Water & Sewage Projects Concerning the 2016 Olympic GamesModerator:Andre Dantas, Technical Director, NTU ( Bio available online )


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3:45 P.M.

4:45 P.M.

APRIL 11, 2013Panelists:Alberto EpifanI, Planning Integration Manager, Metro of São PauloAlberto Epifani é gerente de Planejamento e Integração de Transportes Metropolitanos da Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo desde 2011. É arquiteto e urbanista, formado pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo – FAO-USP. Exerceu os cargos de gerente do Sistema de Transporte Metropolitano e chefe da Assessoria para Integração do Sistema Metropolitano de Transportes na Diretoria de Planejamento do Metrô de São Paulo, entre 1987 e 1991.

Wagner Granja Victer, President, CEDAEMr. Victer has previously acted as State Secretary of Energy, Naval Industry and Oil for Rio de Janeiro State, as member of the Brazilian National Council of Energy Policy, Professor of post graduation courses at COPPE/UFRJ and FGV. He is a Board Member Certified by IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance). Mr. Victer has had previous positions in relevant Brazilian companies such as Petrobras, Ligth and Gerdau

Panel Session: “Water For All” - Water & Sewage Sanitation- Government and stimulus in water supply projects- Accelerating sanitation through investment- Multi-layered gains in financing water and sanitation systemsPresenters:Andre Faco, Director of Operations, CAGECEEngenheiro Civil, formado pela Universidade Federal do Ceará, com mestrado em Engenharia, com ênfase em Saneamento Ambiental, também pela UFC e MBA em Gestão Empresarial pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Atuou na elaboração de projetos de sistemas de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário. Funcionário da Cagece em 2004, tendo assumido a diretoria de Operações em julho de 2008. Também é professor de curso de graduação e pós-graduação em Engenharia e Meio Ambiente.

Henry Charrabé, CEO, RWL Water GroupMr. Charrabé serves as President and Chief Executive O�cer of RWL Water, LLC. He brings more than a decade of experience in developing water management and investment solutions to his role. Mr. Charrabé has been instrumental to the growth of RWL Water, more than doubling its revenue in less than a year through strategic acquisitions and organic growth.

Silvio Leifert, Superintendent New Business Development, SABESP Foi gerente de empreendimentos especiais da SABESP quando implantou dentre outros a 2ª Etapa da Estação de Tratamento da ETA Guaraú (11 para 22m/s); implantou a 1ª Etapa da Estação de Tratamento de Água da ETA Taiaçupeba (5m/s). Foi Superintendente do Programa Metropolitano de Água de 1996 1999 (R$ 700 milhões) e da 2ª etapa Projeto Tietê de 2000 a 2003 (US$ 40 milhões).

Joao Martinho, Investment Director, SANEPAREngenheiro Civil formado pela UFPR, mestre em Gestão Urbana pela PUC-PR, Diretor de Investimentos da Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná – SANEPAR, Membro do Conselho Estadual de Habitação de Interesse Social - COEHIS exerceu cargos públicos de Superintendente de Projetos da Secretaria Municipal de Urbanismo de Curitiba, Membro do Conselho Municipal de Urbanismo, Membro do Conselho Municipal de Meio Ambiente.

Roberto Muniz, President, ABCONRoberto Muniz, Presidente Executivo da ABCON (Associação Brasileira das Concessionárias Privadas de Serviços Públicos de Água e Esgoto), é engenheiro civil, com especialização em engenharia econômica, tendo trabalhado em grandes empresas do setor de construção e infraestrutura, e atuado no setor público com experiência nas três esferas de gestão: municipal, estadual e federal.


 End of Summit Day 2


Colombian Investors Forum

April 15-16 | Lima

Private Wealth Brazil Forum

Brazil Investors Forum

UPCOMING EVENTS Panama Capital Projects & Infrastructure Summit

January 23-24 | Panama City

Brazil Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitApril 10-11 | São Paulo

Mexico Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitJune 19-20 | Mexico City

Peru Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitAugust 21-22 | Lima

Colombia Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitOctober 2-3 | Bogotá



Private Equity Latin America Forum

May 9-10 | New York

Private Equity Brazil ForumDecember 9-10 | São Paulo

Real Estate Latin America Forum

June 10-11 | New York

Real Estate Brazil Forum September 16-17 | Rio de Janeiro



Colombian Investors ForumFebruary 7-8 | Bogotá

Peruvian Investors ForumApril 15-16 | Lima

Pension Fund Brazil ForumJuly 15-16 | Rio de Janeiro

Chilean Investors ForumAugust 19-20 | Santiago

Mexico Investors ForumNov 14-15 | Distrito Federal


Hedge Fund Brazil ForumMarch 18-19 | Rio de Janeiro

Hedge Fund Latin America ForumNovember 4-5 | New York


Private Wealth Brazil ForumJune 11 | Sāo Paulo

Private Wealth Latin America & The Caribbean ForumOctober 24-25 | Miami


Mountain States Institutional Investors ForumMarch 7 | Denver

Private Equity Investor Forum New YorkMarch 14 | New York

Middle Atlantic Institutional Investor ForumMay 1 | Washington DC

Tri-State Institutional Investor ForumJune 17 | New York

New England Institutional Investor Forum September 12 | Boston

Texas Institutional Investor ForumNovember 13 | Austin

Pacific States Institutional Investor ForumDecember | San Francisco


Southeast Institutional Investor ForumOctober 29 | Atlanta

Page 15: Preliminary Agenda Brazil CPI 2013

Colombian Investors Forum

April 15-16 | Lima

Private Wealth Brazil Forum

Brazil Investors Forum

UPCOMING EVENTS Panama Capital Projects & Infrastructure Summit

January 23-24 | Panama City

Brazil Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitApril 10-11 | São Paulo

Mexico Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitJune 19-20 | Mexico City

Peru Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitAugust 21-22 | Lima

Colombia Capital Projects & Infrastructure SummitOctober 2-3 | Bogotá



Private Equity Latin America Forum

May 9-10 | New York

Private Equity Brazil ForumDecember 9-10 | São Paulo

Real Estate Latin America Forum

June 10-11 | New York

Real Estate Brazil Forum September 16-17 | Rio de Janeiro



Colombian Investors ForumFebruary 7-8 | Bogotá

Peruvian Investors ForumApril 15-16 | Lima

Pension Fund Brazil ForumJuly 15-16 | Rio de Janeiro

Chilean Investors ForumAugust 19-20 | Santiago

Mexico Investors ForumNov 14-15 | Distrito Federal


Hedge Fund Brazil ForumMarch 18-19 | Rio de Janeiro

Hedge Fund Latin America ForumNovember 4-5 | New York


Private Wealth Brazil ForumJune 11 | Sāo Paulo

Private Wealth Latin America & The Caribbean ForumOctober 24-25 | Miami


Mountain States Institutional Investors ForumMarch 7 | Denver

Private Equity Investor Forum New YorkMarch 14 | New York

Middle Atlantic Institutional Investor ForumMay 1 | Washington DC

Tri-State Institutional Investor ForumJune 17 | New York

New England Institutional Investor Forum September 12 | Boston

Texas Institutional Investor ForumNovember 13 | Austin

Pacific States Institutional Investor ForumDecember | San Francisco


Southeast Institutional Investor ForumOctober 29 | Atlanta

Page 16: Preliminary Agenda Brazil CPI 2013














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