
    TCNICAS & ESTRATGIAS DE VENDAS Tiago Felix da SilvaCoordenador de Vendas

  • AgendaPorque medir vazo?Guia de seleoVortex, magntico e corilisPrincpio de funcionamentoVantagens & LimitaesInovaes

  • Porque medir vazo?Transferncia de Custdia: a medio da vazo de um fluido passando de um fornecedor para um cliente uma das mais importantes aplicaes relacionadas ao controle desta varivel. Em aplicaes de transferncia de custdia, os medidores de vazo (flowmeters) so essencialmente a caixa registradora do sistema. Por exemplo, o flowmeter do posto de gasolina mede a quantidade de combustvel que transferida para o seu veculo e , dessa forma, a quantidade de dinheiro que precisa ser paga ao dono do posto. Devido s implicaes econmicas, aplicaes de transferncia de custdia requerem alta exatido na medio.

    Controle de Variveis de Processo: A vazo medida e controlada durante o processo. Por exemplo, durante a troca de calor, a temperatura do fluido pode ser controlada pela vazo do vapor no trocador. Outras aplicaes usam o controle de vazo para manipular variveis como presso, nvel, composio qumica e peso.

  • Porque medir vazo?Eficincia: Medies com boa exatido de vazo podem fornecer indicaes da eficincia do processo baseadas na quantidade de matria prima utilizada versus a quantidade de produto produzido. Por exemplo, em uma caldeira, a eficincia de combusto um indicador da habilidade da caldeira em queimar adequadamente o combustvel. A quantidade de combustvel no queimado e o excesso de ar na exausto so usados para gerenciar a eficincia de combusto. Caldeiras que apresentam um baixo nvel de combustvel no queimado operando com pouco excesso de ar so consideradas eficientes. Caldeiras bem reguladas, queimando combustvel lquido ou gasoso, operam com um excesso de 15% de ar e apresentam um nvel muito baixo de combustvel no queimado. Operando com apenas 15% de excesso de ar, menos calor do processo de combusto utilizado para aquecer o excesso deste ar, o que aumenta a disponibilidade de calor a ser utilizado no processo. A eficincia de combusto no a mesma para todos os combustveis e, geralmente, combustveis lquidos e gasosos queimam mais eficientemente se a vazo medida e controlada durante a aplicao.

  • Porque medir vazo?Consistncia do Produto: A medio da vazo com exatido assegura a consistncia do produto. A vazo usada como um dado de entrada ao sistema de controle de processo para garantir a produo adequada do produto. Como consumidor, voc percebe que a a comida processada, por exemplo, tem sabor constante toda vez que voc consome este produto.

    Segurana: O controle da vazo frequentemente essencial por razes de segurana. Vazes acima do limite desejado podem ser um indicativo de que algo no processo est com problemas, como , por exemplo, um compressor, uma bomba ou uma vlvula.

  • Porque medir vazo?=

  • Processo de Compra=

  • AplicaoPropriedadesdo FludoPerformanceInstalaoFatoresEconmicosSegurana eMeio-ambienteTecnologiaSelecionadaFornecedorParceirototalizaomonitoraotransf. custdiacontrole contnuobateladadensidadeviscosidadecondutividadeconcentraomulti-fsicoEMERSONincertezarepetibilidaderangeabilidadeefeitos pressoe temperaturacoriolisvortexmagnticoDP multivariveltermalultrassnicoemisses fugitivasclassificao de readescargas atmosfricasvazamentosSISCustos aquisioinstalaomanutenooperaoOptimizaolinhavibraotrechos-retosubmersobi-direcionalRFI/EMIToolkitMedidores de Vazo . Guia de Seleo

















  • CORIOLISPrincpio de Funcionamento - Componentes

  • Efeito CORIOLISFc = -2 x m x V x WFc = Fora Coriolism = MassaV = VelocidadeW = Velocidade Angular

  • CORIOLIS Princpio de Funcionamento - VazoFluido de processo entra no sensor e divide-se entre os dois tubos Drive coil faz os tubos vibrarem na frequncia naturalPick-off coils na entrada e sada

  • CORIOLISPrincpio de Funcionamento - VazoO Fator de calibrao de vazo captura a relao proporcional entre vazo e medio de defasagem das bobinasMesmo fator para lquidos ou gasesLinear em todo o rangem: Vazo Mssica (g/s)Flowcal: Meter Constante de calibrao do medidor (g/s/s)t: Diferena de tempo entre sinais das pickoff (s)

  • CORIOLIS Princpio de Funcionamento - DensidadeMedio de Densidade baseada na frequncia natural Quando a massa incrementada, a frequncia natural do sistema decrementadaQuando a massa decrementada, a frequncia natural do sistema incrementada

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Medio da vazo mssica Explicao: No h necessidade de correo de temperatura e/ou presso como existe com a tecnologia de medio de vazo volumtrica. Medidores Coriolis medem a vazo em massa de lquidos ou gases diretamente e por isso no necessitam de compensao de temperatura e/ou presso para calcular a vazo mssica.Breve descrio: Medio da vazo volumtricaExplicao: Medidores Coriolis medem a vazo mssica e a densidade de maneira direta. Usando estas medies, ele consegue fornecer a vazo volumtrica com alta exatido.Breve descrio: Medies multivariveisExplicao: Medidores Coriolis medem vazo mssica, densidade e temperatura.

    CORIOLIS . Vantagens

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Medies no afetadas por mudanas na densidade, viscosidade, temperatura ou composio do fluido.Explicao: A medio fundamental de vazo no afetada por alteraes em qualquer parmetro do fluido; a vazo mssica do fluido sempre medida com exatido, independentemente das caractersticas do fluido que passam pelos tubos de medio.Breve descrio: Misturas de gs e lquidoExplicao: Qualquer medidor de vazo apresenta inmeras dificuldades ao lidar com misturas de gases e lquidos. Medidores Coriolis so os mais recomendados para tal aplicao. Diferentemente de medidores turbina, por exemplo, que podem sofrer danos permanentes ao trabalhar com tal mistura.CORIOLIS . Vantagens

  • Categoria: InstalaoBreve descrio: Custos de InstalaoExplicao: No h efeitos de perfil de fluxo em um medidor Coriolis, e, portanto, no h necessidade de trechos retos antes ou aps o medidor. A insensibilidade ao perfil de fluxo resulta do fato da medio no ser dependende da velocidade do fluido (atrelada assim ao nmero de Reynolds). Como consequncia, o mesmo medidor pode ser usado para medir fluidos de alta ou baixa viscosidade, sem condicionamento de vazo ou necessidade de trechos retos. Outra vantagem relativa instalao: medidores Coriolis podem medir fluxo bi-direcionalmente.CORIOLIS . Vantagens

  • CORIOLIS . VantagensCategoria: ManutenoBreve descrio: ConfiabilidadeExplicao: No h partes mveis em um medidor Coriolis, diferentemente do que ocorre com os medidores que utilizam o princpio de turbinas, por exemplo. No necessrio rotina de manuteno dos equipamentos, j que no h partes que possam ser gastas ou quebrarem.Breve descrio: CalibraoExplicao: No h necessidade de re-calibrao peridica pois no existem partes mveis que possam se gastar ou quebrar. Alm disso, no h mudana no desempenho da medio em caso de alteraes do fluido, o que permite que a calibrao inicial com gua seja suficientemente adequada para garantir o timo funcionamento do medidor, sem recalibraes subsequentes.

  • CORIOLIS . LimitaesCategoria: Versatilidade de AplicaoBreve descrio: Faixa limitada de tamanho de tubulaoExplicao: Medidores Coriolis esto tipicamente disponveis para aplicaes em linhas de at 12 polegadas (300 mm). H muitas aplicaes onde os medidores so instalados em paralelo para acomodar aplicaes em linhas de dimetros maiores.

  • MICRO MOTIONInovao: Smart Meter VerificationEvitar custos desnecessriosMedidores grandes so difceis e custosos para serem removidos da linha;Paradas disperdiam milhares de reais e todo minuto economizado aumento da lucratividade;Implementar melhores prticasEliminar a rotina de enviar medidores um laboratrio de vazo, desnecessariamente;No utilizar sistemas mveis de calibrao dentro da planta;Agora qualquer operador ou instrumentista poder verficar a performance dos medidores Micro Motion;

  • MICRO MOTIONInovao: Smart Meter VerificationGarantir a qualidadeOs produtos mais caros so medidos com coriolis, ento voc precisa ter certeza que a planta est em sua maior Eficincia;SeguranaSer avisado que possveis problemas podero ocorrer, evitar paradas no programadas, problemas no processo e ambientais;

  • MICRO MOTIONInovao: Wireless Hart

  • MICRO MOTIONInovao: 2 Wire

  • MICRO MOTIONInovao: Entrained Air & Two Phase Flow


  • VORTEXPrincpio de FuncionamentodP alternadas flexionam uma poro flexvel do anteparoEsse movimento de flexo captado pelo sensor externo ao tubo medidorO sensor (elemento piezoeltrico) detecta as foras alternadas e as converte em sinais eltricos alternadosO sinal eltrico alternado enviado para a eletrnicaA freqncia do sinal eltrico a prpria de gerao dos vrtices

  • VORTEXPrincpio de FuncionamentodP alternadas flexionam uma poro flexvel do anteparoEsse movimento de flexo captado pelo sensor externo ao tubo medidorO sensor (elemento piezoeltrico) detecta as foras alternadas e as converte em sinais eltricos alternadosO sinal eltrico alternado enviado para a eletrnicaA freqncia do sinal eltrico a prpria de gerao dos vrtices

  • VORTEX . VantagensCategoria: DesempenhoBreve descrio: Perda de cargaExplicao: Comparado a outros medidores de vazo, o medidor Vrtex tem perda de carga relativamente pequena apesar do anteparo para medio, no h qualquer obstruo ao fluxo no interior do equipamento. Tpicas perdas de presso quando o medidor idntico ao tamanho da linha de aproximadamente 200 mbar (3 psi); selecionando um instrumento menor a perda pode chegar a 500 mbar (8 psi).Breve descrio: Versatilidade de aplicaoExplicao: Medio no afetada por mudanas na densidade ou na viscosidade do fluido. Explicao: Equipamentos Vrtex medem a vazo volumtrica e ,portanto, a medio no afetada por mudanas na densidade ou viscosidade do fluido, desde que alteraes no processo no afetem o nmero de Reynolds, tal que o mesmo fique abaixo do limite mnimo requerido.

  • Categoria: DesempenhoBreve descrio: Ampla faixa de temperature de trabalhoExplicao: Devido ao seu design simples e construo em corpo nico (sensor soldado diretamente no corpo do medidor, sem possibilidade de vazamentos), o medidor Vrtex pode ser usado em ampla faixa de temperatura. Equipamentos padro podem ser utilizados em temperaturas de fluido de at 225C (435F), e pequenas mudanas no design resultam na possibilidade de trabalho com fluidos com temperaturas de 425C (800F) ou mais.

    Categoria: ManutenoBreve descrio: Alta confiabilidadeExplicao: A construo do medidor Vrtex muito simples. Muitos fabricantes oferecem o sensor de medio completamente soldado ao corpo do equipamento, o que elimina a presena de selos e, dessa forma, impossibilita a existncia de emisses fugitivas. Os medidores no possuem partes mveis, dessa forma no carecendo me rotina de manuteno.VORTEX . Vantagens

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Baixo valor do nmero de Reynolds do processoExplicao: O desempenho do medidor determinado pelo nmero de Reynolds do fluido no processo. O valor mnimo requerido para o bom funcionamento do Vrtex normalmente est entre 10.000 and 20.000. Nmeros de Reynolds menores ocasionaro em um sinal de sada distorcido pois a relao sinal/rudo torna-se desfavorvel. Valores maiores do nmero de Reynolds no afetam o desempenho do medidor.Breve descrio: Necessidade de presso mnima na linhaExplicao: Ao medir lquidos com alta presso de vapor, o risco de cavitao est sempre presente. Para eliminar este risco, uma presso minima necessria, tal que esta seja maior que a presso de vapor do fluido. A maioria dos fabricantes dispose de formulas para calcular o valor desta presso.VORTEX . Limitaes

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Rangeabilidade limitada para fluidos de alta viscosidadeExplicao: Devido a restries no nmero de Reynolds, um fluido com alta viscosidade tem um impacto negativo na rangeabilidade do medidor Vrtex. Quanto maior a viscosidade, menor o nmero de Reynolds e assim maior a possibilidade de um impacto negativo no desempenho do medidor. Viscosidades acima de 5 cP podem afetar o desempenho dos medidores Vrtex. Acima de 20 cP no utilize-se normalmente a tecnologia Vrtex de medio.Breve descrio: Limitada faixa de dimetros de linhaExplicao: O oferecimento de tecnologia Vrtex, normalmente, inicia-se com 15 mm (1/2"), cehgando at 300 mm (12").VORTEX . Limitaes

  • Categoria: InstalaoBreve descrio: Sensibilidade ao perfil do fluxoExplicao: Para garantir o funcionamento adequado do medidor de vazo tipo Vrtex necessrio que o perfil do fluxo seja condicionado ao passar pelo elemento medidor. Para atender a este requerimento, recomendado que respeite-se trechos retos antes e aps o medidor. Geralmente, recomenda-se um trecho reto antes do medidor de 20 vezes o dimetro da linha e aps o medidor de 10 vezes o dimetro da linha.Breve descrio: Sensibilidade a rudo hidrulico e vibraoExplicao: Vibraes na linha podem causar problemas para o medidor Vrtex, caso estas sejam suficientemente intensas para proporcionar a movimentao do elemento gerador de vrtex do equipamento. Rudos hidrulicos podem causar efeitos similares.VORTEX . Limitaes

  • Categoria: ManutenoBreve descrio: Eroso do elemento gerador de vrtexExplicao: A eroso do elemento gerador de vortex afetar o desempenho do equipamento. Apesar do impacto no desempenho ser razoavelmente pequeno, recomendado que tente-se limitar a velocidade do fluido no medidor (se o nmero de Reynolds permitir), reduzindo-se assim a possibilidade de eroso no elemento sensor.VORTEX . Limitaes

  • Outros Fabricantes TradicionaisQuando entupimento for problemaVrios modelos no mercado tentam eliminar o entupimentoEsses modelos possuem zonas mortas que se tornam pontos de acmulo de materialEsse acmulo limita a habilidade de medio do sensorClick on shedder bar to show clogging

  • Outros Fabricantes TradicionaisQuando entupimento for problemaVrios modelos no mercado tentam eliminar o entupimentoEsses modelos possuem zonas mortas que se tornam pontos de acmulo de materialEsse acmulo limita a habilidade de medio do sensorClick on shedder bar to show clogging

  • ROSEMOUNT FLOWInovao: Quando entupimento for problemaDesign inovador elimina pontos de acmulo e problemas de entupimentoEx.: Vazo de monmero de cloreto de vinil VCM (cancergeno)Limpeza com design de mercado: a cada 7-10 diasLimpeza com design Rosemount: operando a 6 anos sem manuteno!

  • Outros Fabricantes TradicionaisQuando precisar reduzir possveis pontos de vazamentoO-ring danificado por:Incompatibilidade qumicaExcesso de temperaturaDesgaste natural

  • Outros Fabricantes TradicionaisQuando precisar reduzir possveis pontos de vazamentoO-ring danificado por:Incompatibilidade qumicaExcesso de temperaturaDesgaste natural

  • ROSEMOUNT FLOWInovao: Quando precisar reduzir possveis pontos de vazamentoEliminao da vedao do sensor, que isolado do processoTroca do sensor:sem parada de processono afeta a calibraoConexo por solda:instalao totalmente isenta de juntas/vedaes

  • ROSEMOUNT FLOWInovao: Aplicaes Crticas

  • Low-flow cutoff: inerente aos medidores vortex faz com que usurios necessitem instalar redues e expanses com medidores menoresAumenta os riscos, complexidade e custos, principalmente para tubulaes j existentesSoluo: Vortex Reducer

    ROSEMOUNT FLOWInovao: Quando precisar reduzir custos de instalao

  • ROSEMOUNT FLOWInovao: Quando precisar compensar a temperatura...A troca de sensores de temperatura sem parada de processo so prticas normalmente aplicadas(Ex.: sensor instalado em poo)Sensor de temperatura do 8800 isolado do processo para facilitar substituio sem paradas como um termopar ou PT100Reduo de custos de instalao em at 25% eliminando:PooSensor temperaturaTransmissor de temperaturaCabeamentoComissionamentoComputador de vazo

  • MAGNTICO . Princpio de FuncionamentoRevestimentoBobinasTubo SSFlangeEDDFluido de processoVCampo EletromagBEEletrodos

  • MAGNTICO . VantagensCategoria: DesempenhoBreve descrio: Baixa perda de pressoExplicao: Comparado a outros medidores de vazo, o medidor magntico tem uma perda de carga muito baixa, j que no h qualquer obstruo passagem do fluido pelo medidor.Breve descrio: Boa exatido e repetibilidadeExplicao: Para medies volumtricas, o desempenho do medidor magntico bastante bom para a maioria das aplicaes, at mesmo xaropes ou lquidos com slidos em suspenso.

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Compatibilidade de materiaisExplicao: Devido diversidade de materiais disponveis , o medidor magntico compatvel com quase todos os fluidos a serem utilizados na indstria. A maioria dos equipamentos permitem a medio de vazo bi-direcional.

    Categoria: ManutenoBreve descrio: No h necessidade de manutenoExplicao: Devido ao fato do medidor no possuir partes mveis, ele no necessita de manuteno. O desgaste do revestimento interno do medidor (e/ou dos eletrodos) pode ocorrer devido utilizao em aplicaes abrasivas, porm, possvel reduzir em muito este desgaste, limitando-se a velocidade do fluido que passa pelo medidor em at 2 metros por segundo.

    MAGNTICO . Vantagens

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Aplicabilidade limitada do fluidoExplicao: Apenas lquidos condutivos podem ser medidos. A condutividade mnima requerida tipicamente de 3 S/cm. Isto significa que medidores magnticos no podem ser utilizados para gases, vapor ou hidrocarbonetos.Breve descrio: Faixas de temperature e presso limitadasExplicao: Devido s caractersticas construtivas do equipamento, ele no pode ser utilizado em aplicaes com alta presso, podendo nestes casos ocorrer o vazamento nos eletrodos e danificao do revestimento do sensor. Os materias de revestimento no permitem que o medidor magntico seja usado em aplicaes com altas temperaturas. A temperatura maxima de operao de ,normalmente, 150 C (300 F).MAGNTICO . Limitaes

  • Categoria: Versatilidade de aplicaoBreve descrio: Aprovao para reas restritasExplicao: Sendo o medidor magntico um equipamento a quarto fios, com alta voltagem necessria para alimentar a bobina, a disponibilidade do equipamento para atmosferas explosivas limitada.

    Categoria: InstalaoBreve descrio: Procedimentos de aterramentoExplicao: O princpio de medio faz com que o equipamento seja sensvel a rudos. Em muitas aplicaes, necessrio o aterramento do equipamento. A maioria dos fabricantes fornecem instrues detalhadas de quando e como aplicar os procedimentos de aterramento.Breve descrio: Necessidade de trechos retosExplicao: A maioria dos fabricantes recomendam trechos retos de tubulao antes e aps o medidor. Recomendaes tpicas so de 5 vezes o dimetro da tubulao antes e 2 vezes o dimetro d a tubulao aps o medidor.MAGNTICO . Limitaes

  • Uma assinatura do campoeletromagntico realizada nomomento da calibrao na fbricaAssinatura independente datemperatura e vazoAssinatura(e calibrao) mudamse houver alterao mecnica dasbobinas devido a vibrao, influnciatrmica, etc.ROSEMOUNT FLOW MAGNTICO . Inovao: Smart Meter Verification

  • A incrustrao dos eletrodos causam perda de sinalComprometendo performance da vazo e a incertezaPode ocorrer em medidores superdimensionados em aplicaes de efluentes ou em fluidos viscososROSEMOUNT FLOW MAGNTICO . Inovao: Deteco de incrustao

  • ROSEMOUNT FLOW MAGNTICO . Inovaes: Deteco de Alto Rudo de Processo5 Hz37.5 HzFrequency (Hz)AmplitudemVSinal CCPadroSinal CC Alta Freqncia estvel acima do rudo50/60 HzTypical AC SignalSNR muito baixo (SNR)SNR muito maiorQuanto maior SNR, mais estvel a medio!!!High-Signal Maior estabilidade

  • ROSEMOUNT FLOW MAGNTICO . Inovaes: Deteco de Falha de AterramentoAnlise espectral detecta rudo a 50-60 Hz;Deteco de excesso de rudo informa o usurio com um alerta.Anis de aterramentoTerraAterramento garante que o campo eletromagntico permanea isolado de rudos eltricos das proximidades;Aterramento inadequado pode causar erros de medio.

  • Ferramenta Toolkit . Overview


    ************ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *New, Powerful Smart Meter Verification Now Released!Smart Meter Verification is a powerful new upgrade to our established diagnostic tool. This has replaced the original Meter Verification and is now being shipped:No measurement interruption during operation!Programmable scheduling option to initiate automatic operation ( 1 to 1000 hour increments).Automatic operation based on process thresholds.Last 20 results stored in the transmitter for future viewing or downloading.Unique and patented method that checks the ENTIRE flow measurement system sensor, electronics, etc. dont be fooled by labor-intensive imitations.Use Smart Meter Verification to bring unique benefits to customers and further differentiate from the competition.Increase Uptime by allowing verification without process interruption or measurement interruption.Eliminate Uncertainty by providing rapid and complete feedback whenever it is needed with NO impact.Improve Quality by always knowing the condition of the flow measurement and by avoiding process interference.Reduce Costs by reducing or eliminating unnecessary services to check or calibrate meters.Combine with Smart Wireless for the most powerful plant-wide verification process.Micro Motion Smart Meter Verification is a substantial leap forward in customer value and product leadership! What you need to know:New Training module posted on Process University provides details of Smart Meter Verification. Search for: Micro Motion, Smart Meter Verification, Introduction Smart Meter Verification can be installed as a spare part software upgrade for all enhanced ELITE meters.A revised Customer Presentation is coming soon.Thank you & Happy selling!Use the links to the right to learn more about this product. Contact me with questions or support for sales opportunities.David KapolnekProduct Line Business [email protected]

    *New, Powerful Smart Meter Verification Now Released!Smart Meter Verification is a powerful new upgrade to our established diagnostic tool. This has replaced the original Meter Verification and is now being shipped:No measurement interruption during operation!Programmable scheduling option to initiate automatic operation ( 1 to 1000 hour increments).Automatic operation based on process thresholds.Last 20 results stored in the transmitter for future viewing or downloading.Unique and patented method that checks the ENTIRE flow measurement system sensor, electronics, etc. dont be fooled by labor-intensive imitations.Use Smart Meter Verification to bring unique benefits to customers and further differentiate from the competition.Increase Uptime by allowing verification without process interruption or measurement interruption.Eliminate Uncertainty by providing rapid and complete feedback whenever it is needed with NO impact.Improve Quality by always knowing the condition of the flow measurement and by avoiding process interference.Reduce Costs by reducing or eliminating unnecessary services to check or calibrate meters.Combine with Smart Wireless for the most powerful plant-wide verification process.Micro Motion Smart Meter Verification is a substantial leap forward in customer value and product leadership! What you need to know:New Training module posted on Process University provides details of Smart Meter Verification. Search for: Micro Motion, Smart Meter Verification, Introduction Smart Meter Verification can be installed as a spare part software upgrade for all enhanced ELITE meters.A revised Customer Presentation is coming soon.Thank you & Happy selling!Use the links to the right to learn more about this product. Contact me with questions or support for sales opportunities.David KapolnekProduct Line Business [email protected]

    ******ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    ********ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".

    *ADVANTAGESCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Measure mass flow rateExplanation: There are no temperature and/or pressure corrections required as there are with volumetric technologies. Coriolis meters measure mass flow of liquids and gases directly and therefore do not require compensation for temperature and/or pressure to calculate mass flow rate.

    Short discription: Measure volumetric flow rateExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow and density directly. Using these measurements, they can output a very accurate volumetric flow rate.

    Short discription: Multi-variable measurementsExplanation: Coriolis meters measure mass flow, density, and temperature.

    Short discription: Unaffected by changes in density, viscosity, temperature, pressure or fluid compositionExplanation: The fundamental flow measurement is unaffected by changes in any fluid parameter; the mass flow of the fluid is always measured accurately, independent of the fluid parameters in the measuring tubes.

    Short discription: Liquid and gas mixturesExplanation: All meters struggle with liquid/gas mixtures, but Coriolis meters are more able to handle them and there will not be any permanent damage (as opposed to turbine meter for example).

    Category: InstallationShort discription: Installation costsExplanation: There are no flow-profile effects on a Coriolis meter; therefore there are no straight-run requirements. The insensitivity to flow-profile effects results from the fact that the measurement is not velocity (and therefore Reynolds number) based. As a result, the same meter can measure high or low viscosity fluids with no flow conditioning or straight-run. Another advantage on installation is that the Coriolis meter can measure bi-directional flow.

    Category: MaintenanceShort discription: ReliabilityExplanation: There are no wearing parts in a Coriolis meter, such as a rotating turbine rotor. No routine maintenance is required since there are no parts to wear or break.

    Short discription: CalibrationExplanation: No periodic re-calibration is required since there are no parts to wear or break. Also, since there is no change in performance as the fluid changes, in those cases where period re-calibration is required (i.e. ISO compliance) a water calibration will suffice.

    LIMITATIONSCategory: Application versatilityShort discription: Limited range of line sizesExplanation: Coriolis meters are typically available in line sizes up to 6" (150 mm). There are many applications where meters are installed in parallel to accommodate larger line sizes, but typically the largest line a single meter can accommodate is 8" or 10".


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