  • 8/11/2019 Exerccio texto para traduo.doc


    Exerccio: Traduo Texto

    Portugus / Ingls paraIniciantesRegras do frumAntes de participar, verifique se o exerccio j foi respondido.

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    porDonay Mendona ! Ago "1", 15#5$


    Traduzam o texto a seguir para o ingls / Translate into English

    Hoje eu levantei cedo, escovei os dentes, me vesti, tomei caf da manh, falei com meus

    pais e fui para o trabalho. Eu trabalhei muito e almocei s 11:45. De tarde, eu telefonei

    para um amigo e disse a ele para ir at minha casa semana que vem. Agora, eu estou

    comendo po com manteiga e tomando suco. Hoje noite, eu vou assistir um jogo de

    futebol na TV com meus amigos da faculdade. Hoje eu no tive problemas mas no tive

    muitas coisas para fazer. Amanh, eu vou ter muitas coisas para fazer, mas eu no vou

    cometer erros porque eu vou prestar ateno nas coisas.










    Bons estudos!
  • 8/11/2019 Exerccio texto para traduo.doc


    Moderador do Frum

    Recomenda%&es aos novos 'em(ros

    Donay Mendona

    5 1 "!


    porROPS ! Ago "1", "1#!*

    "I woke up early today, brushed my theeth, dressed, have breakfast, spoke with my

    parents and went to work. I worked a lot and have a lunch at 11:45. At afternoon, I

    call for a friend and told him to go to my house next week.

    Now, I'm eating bread and butter and drinking juice. Tonight, I will watch a football

    game on TV with college friends. Today I didn't have problems but didn't have many

    things to do. Tomorrow, I will have a lot of things to do, but I will not make mistakes

    because I will pay attention."

    I'm not sure about the word:

    Po com manteiga = Bread and butter ?


    porfelipeh * Ago "1", "$#$

    Today I woke up early in the morning, brushed my teeths, get dressed, had my breakfast,

    talked to my parents and then I left to work. I worked very hard and had lunch at 11:45 am.

    In the afternoon, I called a friend of mine and told him to visit me at home during next week.

    Now, I'm eating bread and butter and drinking some juice. Tonight, my university friends

    and I are going to watch a soccer match on TV. Today I didn't face any troubles, but I didn't

    have so much to do. Tomorrow, I'm going to have a lot of things to do and I will not do any

    mistake, because I will pay extra attention.


    " 1

    !5)11$5+porMoreOne - Ago "1", $#1$
  • 8/11/2019 Exerccio texto para traduo.doc


    Esse ser meu primeiro tpico, embora j acompanhe o site faz algum tempo, minha


    Today I woke up early, brushed my teeth, dress me, have my breakfast, talked to my parents

    and went to work. I worked much and had lunch at 11:45. On afternoon, I called to a friend and

    say to him to be going in my house in next week. Now, Im eating bread with butter and drinking

    juice. Today at night, I will watch a football on TV with my friends of college. Tomorrow, I will

    have many things to do, but I will have no mistakes because I will pay attention on things.

    Estou comeando no ingls, sei que est bem ruim, mas agradeo muito se avisarem onde

    esto meus piore erros!


    Registrado em#

    - Ago "1", $#

    porDonay Mendona 1 Ago "1", 1#$"


    Aqui est a traduo do texto.

    Today, I got up early, brushed my teeth, got dressed, had breakfast, talked to my parents

    and went to work. I worked a lot and had lunch at 11:45. In the afternoon, I called a friend

    and told him to go to my house next week. Now, I'm eating bread and butter and drinking

    juice. Tonight, I'll watch a soccer game on TV with my friends from college. Today, I didn't

    have problems but I didn't have many things to do. Tomorrow, I'll have many things to do,

    but I won't make mistakes because I'll pay attention to things.

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