
E. E. “Dr. José Marques de Oliveira”

Trabalho Língua Inglesa de Estudos Independentes

PROFESSOR (A): Priscila Bueno da Silva

Aluno: ______________________________________Nº: _______ ANO: 7º

Data: ___________________________ Valor ______ Nota ________

VISTO SUPERVISOR (A)__________________________________________

1. Complete a carta de Sandy com o verbo TO BE no presente simples.

Dear Fred,

My name ____is____ Sandy.

I ________ very happy to write to you.

I _________ a student at Kennedy High School.

I _________ fourteen years old and my sister Helen ________ ten.

Boris ________ my best friend.

We ___________ good students.

We ___________ at the same class.

__________ you a good student, too?

Best wishes from


2. Passe para o plural.

a) She is a hungry. ________________________________________________________

b) It is red. ____________________________________________________________

c) He is at school. ________________________________________________________

3. Escreva o verbo To BE no presente simples.

I __am__

You ________

He _________

She ________

It __________

We _________

You _________

They _________

4. Complete as frases com o verbo TO BE, de acordo com a tradução.

a) ________ a teacher.

( Eu sou uma professora)

b) ___________ a fireman.

( Ele é um bombeiro)

c) __________ singers.

( Vocês são cantores)

5. Analise as alternativas e assinale aquela que melhor completa as frases abaixo:

____________ many students in my school.

____________a brown cat on the table.

____________ a student in the classroom.

____________ 7 days in a week.

a) There is/There is/There are/There are

b) There are/There is/There is/ There are

c) There are/There are/There is/There is

d) There are/There are/There is/There are

6. Faça a leitura e escreva em português as seguintes frutas:

Orange __________________________________________

Banana __________________________________________

Papaya __________________________________________

Pineapple ________________________________________

Strawberries ______________________________________

Cherries _________________________________________

Grapes __________________________________________

Pear ____________________________________________

Apple ___________________________________________

Leia os textos e responda as questões.

Texto 1

Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated to New York City when she was

ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted "to become a doctor". That was nearly

impossible for a woman in the middle of the ninetieth century. After writing many letters seeking

admission to the medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So

determined was she that she taught school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition.

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She

wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea. Upon returning

to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By

1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor along with another female doctor managed to open a

new hospital, first for women and children. Besides being the first female physician and founding

her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women.

7. Por que Elizabeth não pôde realizar seu sonho de se tornar cirurgiã?

a) Ela não pôde ser admitida na faculdade de medicina.

b) Ela decidiu promover sua educação em Paris.

c) Uma séria infecção ocular evitada.

d) Foi difícil para ela começar a praticar nos EUA.

8. Qual o motivo principal que quase destruiu as chances de Elizabeth se tornar médica?

a) Ela era uma mulher.

b) Ela escreveu muitas cartas.

d) Ela não pôde se formar na faculdade de medicina.

e) Ela não conseguiu estabelecer seu hospital.

9. Quantos anos se passaram entre a sua graduação na faculdade de medicina e a abertura do seu


a) 8

b) 10

c) 19

d) 36

10. Quando Elizabeth se tornou médica, ela

a) 21 anos

b) 49 anos velho

c) 28 anos de idade

d) 31 anos de idade

Texto 2

On September 21st.

Arbor Day (Tree Planting Day). The Arbor Day was first celebrated in the state of Nebraska,

USA, in 1872. The idea of setting one day apart for planting trees began with Mr Sterling Morton.

More than a million trees were planted in Nebraska the first year.

Today the Arbor Day is commemorated all over the world on different dates, mainly in schools,

with conversations about forests, soils, wildlife parks and recreation areas.

11. When is Arbor Day?



12. When was Arbor Day first celebrated?



13. Where was Arbor Day first celebrated?



14. How many trees were planted in Nebraska the first year?



15. Responda true (verdadeiro) false (falso).

( ) Today Arbor Day is commemored all over the world.

( ) Today, Arbor Day is commemored everywhere on the same date.

Escolha a opção que melhor traduz os termos sublinhados a seguir.

16. I have a white pencil.

a) Rosa

b) Branco

c) Verde

17. Where is the blue paper?

a) Preto

b) Vermelho

c) Azul

18.They are red.

a) Vermelhos

b) Marrom

c) Cinza

19. I like yellow fruit.

a) Preto

b) Amarelo

c) Verde

20. Don't take the black car.

a) Preto

b) Laranja

c) Azul

21. They ate the pink candy.

a) Rosa

b) Branco

c) Amarelho

22. I need a brown table.

a) Marrom

b) Branco

c) Cinza

23. The apple is green.

a) Rosa

b) Verde

c) Branco

24. Pinte a imagem abaixo com as cores correspondentes:

25. Observe a imagem, em seguida, escreva o nome do esporte representado por ela em inglês.



Marlon Brando

Hello! My name is Marlon Brando. I am twenty one years old, live in an apartment with my parents

and my two brothers, Peter and Carol, wich is located in São Paulo, a city in which I live since my


My favorite hobby is playing football with my friends on the village in which I live. Working as a

firefighter, it is a great recognition save lives.

26. Qual é o nome do personagem da história?


27. Quantos anos esse personagem tem?


28. Quantos irmãos ele tem?

a) ( )one

b) ( )two

c) ( )four

d) ( )five

29. Em qual cidade está localizado o apartamento em que Marlon mora?


30. Qual é o esporte favorito do personagem do texto?


31. Responda em inglês (escreva por extenso):

a) Seu animal preferido: ____________________________________________________________

b) Sua cor preferida: _______________________________________________________________

c) A sua idade: ___________________________________________________________________

Escolha a opção que melhor traduz os termos sublinhados.

32. I don't eat much meat. I prefer vegetables.

a) Frutas

b) Carne

c) Queijo

33. How much is this bread?

a) Pão

b) Leite

c) Bolacha

34. I love barbecue.

a) Ovo

b) Doces

c) Churrasco

35. Don't eat eggs every day.

a) Leite

b) Salada

c) Ovos

36. Do you like chocolate cake?

a) Bolacha

b) Fruta

c) Bolo

37. Please give me some cheese.

a) Leite

b) Queijo

c) Biscoito

38. Where do you buy rice?

a) Feijão

b) Torta

c) Arroz

39. How often do you eat pie?

a) Torta

b) Bolo

c) Farofa

40. Passe para o plural os seguintes “Nouns”: dog – hat – door

a) dogs – hats – doors

b) doges – hats – doores

c) dogs – hates – doores

d) doges – hates – doors

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