



    Russell Norman Champlin, Ph. D.

    Volume 1



    Digitalizao e Edio:Presbtero e Escriba Digital

    2a Edio - 2001

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    Editora HagnosRua Belarmino Cardoso de Andrade, 108

    Cidade Dutra - So Paulo - SP - CEP 04809-270

  • Dados Internacionais de Catalogao na Publicao (CIP) (Cm ara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

    C h a m p lin , R u sse ll N o rm a n , 1933-O A n tig o T e s ta m e n to in te rp re ta d o : v e rs c u lo p o r v e rs c u lo :

    G n e s is , xodo , Lev tico , N m e ro s , v o lu m e 1 / p o r R u sse ll N o rm a n C h a m p lin . 2. ed . S o P a u lo : H agnos , 2 0 01 .

    B ib lio g ra fia .

    1. B b lia . A.T. - C rt ica e in te rp re ta o I. T tu lo .

    00-2001 C D D -221 .6

    ndices para catlogo sistemtico:

    1. A n tig o T e s ta m e n to : In te rp re ta o e c rtica221.6

    ISBN 85 -88 2 3 4 -1 5 -7

    C oo rd e n a o de p roduo M auro W anderleyT errengu i

    C oordenao ed itoria l M a rile n e G .T e rre n g u i

    R eviso A n d re a F ila tro

    n g e la M aria S ta nch i S in z io

    E d ito ra o , fo to lito , im p re ss o e a c a b a m e n to A s s o c ia o R e lig io sa Im p re n sa da F

    1 - E d io : A b ril 2 0 0 0 - 5 0 0 0 e x e m p la re s 18 E d i o E d ito ra H agnos : Ju n h o 2001 - 3 0 0 0 e x e m p la re s

    P u b lic a d o no B ras il co m a d e v ida a u to riz a o e co m to d o s os d ire ito s re se rva d o s pe la :

    E d ito ra H agnos R ua B e la rm in o C a rd o so de A n d ra d e , 108

    C id a d e D u tra - S o Paulo, SP C E P 04809-270


    Russell Norman Champlin nasceu no dia 22 de dezembro de 1933 em Salt Lake City, EUA. Concluiu o bacharelado em Literatura Bblica no Immanuel College; os graus de M.A. e Ph. D. em Lnguas Clssicas na University of Utah; fez estudos de especializao (em nvel de ps-graduao) do Novo Testamento na University of Chicago. Em sua carreira como professor universitrio e escritor (atuando na UNESP por 30 anos), publicou trs grandes projetos, sua magna opera, a Trilogia:

    O Novo Testamento Interpretado

    A Enciclopdia de Bblia, Teologia e Filosofia

    O Antigo Testamento Interpretado

    autor de mais sete livros e colaborador em diversos outros; escreveu um nmero significativo de artigos sobre filosofia que foram publicados em revistas brasileiras especializadas. No total, produziu e publicou mais de 60.000 pginas de literatura.


    O original desta obra se constitui de 20.000 pginas. Todo o material foi revisado trs vezes, perfazendo um total de 60.000 pginas.Alm da traduo e reviso, houve tambm a preparao de mais de 500 ilustraes e grficos. Tarefa de tamanho porte exigiu a dedicao de uma srie de pessoas, cujos nomes listo abaixo em ordem alfabtica. Sem a ajuda delas, o Antigo Testamento Interpretado nunca poderia ter sido publicado:

    Andrea Cristina Filatro ngela Maria Stanchi Sinzio Cesar Gomes de Souza Darrell Steven Champlin Iragi Maria Bicalho Teixeira Irene Champlin Joo Marques Bentes Josete de Oliveira Lima Mrcia Cristina Soares Maria de Jesus Ferreira Aires Rosane Santara da Silva Rosngela Champlin Rosngela Santana da Silva Oqi Vera Lcia de Oliveira

    Um agradecimento especial se deve a Mauro WanderleyTerrengui, presidente da Associao Religiosa Imprensa da F, que tornou possivel a publicao desta obra.



    Com a publicao desta obra, conclumos a produo da Trilogia: o Novo Testamento Interpretado; a Enciclopdia de Bblia, Teologia e Filosofia e o Antigo Testamento Interpretado. Este feito exigiu a dedicao extraordinria de vrias pessoas, algumas durante muitos anos. A lista a seguir inclui algumas pessoas que, embora no tenham atuado diretamente nos projetos, deram contribuies vitais para a minha vida profissional. Devo a elas gratido especial:


    que, desde a produo de minhas teses de ps-graduao, sempre esteve entusiasmada para comear mais um projeto.

    D A R R E L L S T E V E N C H A M P LIN

    que contribuiu com obras artsticas para enriquecer as publicaes. He was always there for me.

    JO O M A R Q U E S B E N TE S

    que acompanhou o trabalho por trinta anos, traduzindo aTrilogia com diligncia; nunca desistiu; nunca falhou.

    B ILL B A R K LE Y

    que, em momentos de indeciso, afirmava que sempre cedo demais para desistir.

    LE N ID A S H E G E N B E R G , Ph. D.

    meu amigo, o maior filsofo brasileiro de todos os tempos; escritor de inumerveis livros e artigos.

    M A U R O W A N D E R L E Y TE R R E N G U I

    que compartilhou a minha viso de literatura bblica e zelosamente publicou as obras com muito sacrifcio.

    JA C O B G E E R LIN G S [In memoriam)

    meu professor e amigo, mestre do Novo Testamento.

    M RS. M A rtG A R E T H U T Z E L (in memoriam)

    que contribuiu com grandes somas de dinheiro para a publicao de meus projetos; sempre me encorajou a continuar lu tando ."... as suas obras a sigam..." (Apocalipse 14.13).


    que persistiu no trabalho de tal maneira que se tornou o prprio modelo de dedicao.Ser recompensada.

    ...em verdade vos digo que de modo algum estas pessoas perdero o seu galardo. "

    Mateus 10.42


    Dedico o Antigo Testamento Interpretado ao


    No estou em conflito com a Morte,Quanto a mudanas operadas na forma e na face;H um processo eterno que prossegue;O esprito avana, de estado para estado.Nem culpo a Morte porque ela tirou A virtude e a expulsou da terra.Sei que o valor humano transplantado Florescer com proveito, em algum outro lugar.


    * * * * * * * *

    Nenhuma chama condenatria poder jamais consumir Aquilo que nunca foi criado para ser queimado.Que o flego se v, pois no h morte para Uma Alma Viva.

    Aqui flui a mar que vem do mar sem praias,De longe, uma vereda incomensurvel,Atingindo a t i e a mim.

    Russell Norman Champlin

    *** * * * * * *

    Centro e fuso de todas as distncias,Veihice-me de todas as infncias E futuro de quanto h de morrer.Possa a minha alma ver-te, um s segundo,Presente em ti, pretrito do mundo,Infinito imortal do Verbo Ser!

    Antnio Correia, Lisboa, Portugal

    * * * * * * * * *

    Eu estou indo pelo caminho superior;Aquele caminho que segura o sol.Estou subindo atravs das esferas estreladas,Onde os rios celestiais correm.Se voc pensar em me procurar.Na minha habitao escura de ontem.Achar este escrito que deixei na porta:"Ele est viajando no caminho superior".

    que sem um gemido demorado,Possa dar boas-vindas ao mundo que vem! Abandonando este corpo, a tarefa completa.E triunfantemente segurar a coroa eterna.

    Russell Norman ChamplinVI


    Orgenes, no seu quarto livro, De Prncipiis, d-nos algumas sugestes valiosas sobre como interpretar as Escrituras. Segundo Orgenes, as Escrituras so semelhantes ao complexo humano, tendo diversos nveis de significados possveis.

    O corpo fsico

    Como o homem tem um corpo mortal, material, assim as Escrituras s vezes devem ser interpretadas literalmente.

    A alma

    Como o homem tem uma alma, assim as Escrituras s vezes devem ser interpretadas moralmente. Isto , lies morais podem ser extradas de passagens que, entena.das literalmente, no tm significado para ns. Por exemplo: aquelas passagens que descrevem matanas e brutalidades dificilmente nos podem ensinar alguma coisa sobre a espiritualidade. Na verdade, so repugnantes para ns. At mesmo nesses casos, podemos extrair lies morais importantes.

    O esprito

    O homem um esprito, assim as Escrituras s vezes devem ser interpretadas espiritualmente, ou misticamente, atravs de metforas. Dessa maneira, verdades podem ser obtidas alm do literal ou moral.

    Algumas passagens admitem os trs modos de interpretao, mas outras so limitadas a um ou dois.


    Enquanto algumas verdades so dadas livremente atravs da revelao e podem ser entendidas facilmente, outras com freqncia exigem trabalho rduo para que sejam compreendidas. A verdade pode ser como uma mina de ouro que precisa ser trabalhada. O homem que se esfora em descobrir a verdade aquele que recebe a recompensa dos tesouros de sabedoria e conhecimento. A verdade uma aventura. No devemos ter medo de nos aventurar, porque esta aventura gloriosa. No devemos perm itir que os dogmas impeam a nossa busca.

  • 0 ENSINO

    E o que de minha parte ouviste, atravs de muitas testemunhas, isso mesmo transmite a homens fiis e tambm idneos para instruir a outros.

    (II Timteo 2.2)

    Fazei discpulos de todas as naes... ensinando-os a guardar todas as cousas que vos tenho ordenado...

    (Mateus 28.19-20)

    Vs, reunindo toda vossa diligncia, associai com a vossa f a virtude; com a virtude, o conhecimento...

    (II Pedro 1.5)

    Nenhum outro aspecto do ministrio de Jesus to freqentemente salientado nos evangelhos como o Seu ensino. At mesmo questes como pregao e milagres envolviam, necessariamente, o ato de ensinar.

  • f0 ANTIGO TESTAMENTONmeros de Captulos e Versculos v.

    Livro Captulos Versculos

    Gnesis 50 1.533xodo 40 1.213Levtico 27 859Nmeros 36 1.288Deuteronmio 34 959Josu 24 658Juizes 21 619Rute 4 85I Samuel 31 811II Samuel 24 695I Reis 22 817II Reis 25 719I Crnicas 29 942II Crnicas 36 822Esdras 10 280Neemias 13 406Ester 10 167J 42 1.070Salmos 150 2.461Provrbios 31 915Eclesiastes 12 222Cantares 8 117Isaas 66 1.292Jeremias 52 1.364Lamentaes 5 154Ezequiel 48 1.273Daniel 12 357Osias 14 197Joel 3 73Ams 9 146Obadias 1 21Jonas 4 48Miquias 7 105Naum 3 47Habacuque 3 56Sofonias 3 53Ageu 2 38Zacarias 14 211Malaquias 4 55

    Totais Captulos 929 Versculos 23.148









    AND (2)






    Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, A rn d t, W ill ia m F. e G in g r ic h , F. W ilbur, 1963.Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology.Annual of the American School of Anthropology, 1952. A betti, G iorg io , The History of Astronomy.A Bibliography of Bible Study, P rince ton , 1960.A bernathy, G eorge L. e T hom as, A. Langford , Philosophy of Religions, 1962.A b ra h a m so n , I., Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels, 1917.M cG iffert, A .C ., Protestant Thought Before Kant, 1911. A dolph, R., Missions Health Manual, 1964.A dam s, A .M .C., The Evolution of Urban Society, 1966. A dam s, J .M ., Biblical Backgrounds, 1965.A Guide to Christian Reading.A haron i, Y., The Land and The Bible, 1967; "The Problem of C anaan ite A rad , in Israel Exploration Journal, 1964; The Land of the Bible, a H istorical Geography, 1 9 6 7 ; The Archaeological Survey of Massada (1956); The Stratification of Israelite Megiddo (1982).N ichols, Jam es, The Works of Jacobus Arminius, 1875. American Journal of Archaeology.American Journal of Philology.American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature. American Journal of Theology.Alford, Henry, The Greek Testament, 1871.A land, K., The Problem of the New Testament Canon, 1962. A lbright, W .F., Archaeology and the Religion of Israel, 1956;(1935) E gypt and the E arly H is to ry of the N egeb , JPO S , XV, 1935;(1936) T he Song o f D eborah in the L igh t o f A rchaeo logy , BASO R, 62, 1936;(1957) The H igh P lace in A nc ie n t P a lestine , 1957.The Bible and the Ancient Near East, T h e R o ll o f the C anaan ites in the H is to ry of C iv iliza tio n , 1961.A llen, A .B., The Romance of the Alphabet, 1937.A llegro, John M., The Dead Sea Scrolls, 1964.A lston, W illiam , Religious Belief and Philosophical Thought,1963.Altizer, T.J.J., The Gospel and Christian Atheism, 1967. Encyclopedia Americana, 1970.Am vran, R., Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land, 1970. Anderson , A lan R., Minds and Machines, 1964.A nd e rso n , B .W ., The Old Testament and Christian Faith,1964.A nde rson , G .H ., The Theology of the Christian Mission, 1961.Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology.P ritchard: Ancient Near East in Pictures, 1964.P ritchard: Ancient Near Eastern Texts, 1956.R oberts and D ona lson : The Ante-Nicene Fathers.Anson, P.F., The Call of the Cloister, 1964.Jam es, M R., The Apocryphal New Testament, 1924.Allis, O.T., God Spoke by Moses, 1951.Thom as, D. R., Archaeology and Old Testament Study, 1982. Thom as, D.R., A Primer of Old Testament Textual Criticism,1965.Annual of the Palestine Exploration Fund.C harles, R .H ., Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, 1914.R ichardson, A lan, Religion in Contemporary Debate, 1966. Luckenbill: Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. A rbesm ann, R udo lph , Fasting and Prophecy in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, 1949.Archer, G., A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 1964. B reasted, J.H ., Ancient Records of Egypt, 1975.A rnason, H.H., The History of the Chalice of Antioch, 1941. A rno ld , P., Birds of the Bible, 1962.

    AS A b b o tt-S m ith , Manual Greek Lexicon of the Testament,1978.

    A SH Ashby, R obe rt H., The Guidebook for the Study of Psychical Research, 1972.

    AT A ltizer, T hom as, e H am ilton , W m ., Radical Theology andthe Death of God, 1966.

    ATHR Anglican Theological Review.ATT A ttw ater, D., A Dictionary of Mary, 1956.AU Novo Dicionrio Aurlio, 1980.A UG Augustine, Confessions of St. Augustine, W arner, Rex (ed.),

    1963.A U L Aulon, G ., The Faith of the Christian Church, 1961.AV Ave Jonah , M ichae l, Jerusalem, 1962.AY Ayer, A .J., Language, Truth and Logic, 1936.


    B Baker's Dictionary of Christian Theology, H a rrison , E.F.(ed.), 1960.

    BA A ltaner, B., Patrology, 1960.BA (rev is ta) Biblical Archaeology.B AD Badawy, A., Architecture in Ancient Egypt and the Near East,_ 1966.BAG B aggot, J., A New Approach to Colossians, 1961.BAI Bailey, A ., Daily Life in Bible Times, 1943.BAIL Bailey, D.D., The Mystery of Love and Marriage, 1955.BAA Baly, D., The Geography of the Bible, 1967.BALL Ballow, R.O., The Bible of the World, 1939.BAR B arton , G .A., Archaeology and the Bible, 1937.BARC Barclay, W., The Mind of Jesus, 1960.BARK Barkley, W.P., Twelve Who Were Chosen, 1959.B AR T B arth , Karl, Church Dogmatics, 1936-1962; The Epistle to

    the Romans, 1933; The Knowledge of God and the Service of God, 1938.

    BARTS B artsch , W., Jesus Christ and Mythology, 1960.BASO R Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society.BAU B aur, F e rd in a n d C h ris tia n , The Christ Party in the Chris

    tian Church, 1831; Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, 1845; Compendium of Christian Doctrine, 1847; Christianity and the Christian Church of the First Three Centuries, 1853; History of the Christian Church, 1863.

    BAY Bayless, Raym ond, Apparitions and Survival of Death, 1973.BDB Brow n, D rive r e B eges, Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old

    Testament, 1980.BE Bentley, John C ., Philosophy, An Outline History, 1962.BEA Bea, A ugustine , The Unity of Christians, 1963.BEC B eccaria, G., Crime and Punishment, 1964.BEL Bell, S ir C ha rles A lfred , The Religions of Tibet, 1931.BEN B entzen, A ., An Introduction to the Old Testament, 1952.BENS B enson , C la re n c e H., A Popular History of Christian Edu

    cation, 1946.BES Besnier, M., Les Catacombes de Rome, 1900.BEV Bevan, E .R., The House of Seleucus, 1902; (1927), A His

    tory of Egypt Under the Ptolemaic DynastyBl B ickerm an, E., Chronology of the Ancient World, 1968.BIR Birley, E., Roman Britain and the Roman Army, 1953.BJ B urne t, J., Early Greek Philosophy, 1930.BJR R o b e rts , B .J., The Old Testament Manuscripts, Text and

    Versions, 1969.BK B lackm an, E., The Epistle of James, 1957.BL B lair, E.P., S ou n d ing s o f A na ta ", Bulletin of the American

    Schools of Oriental Research, 62 ,1936.B LA B lackw ood, A .W ., Leading in Public Prayer, 1958.BLAC B lack, M atthew , An Aramaic Approach to the Four Gospels

    and Acts, 1953.BLAS A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early

    Christian Literature, 1961. B lass, F. e D ebrunner, A ., 1961.BLAU B lau, C., Bath Kol, JE, II, 1909.BLM B la ckm a n , G .E . The New Testament in the Apostolic Fa

    thers, 1905.xi

  • BLR B lackm ore, S usan J., Experincias Fora do Corpo, 1990. CD Catholic Dictionary of Theology, Davis, M o n .H .(ed .), 1962.BM Beasley, Murray, R., Baptism Today and Tomorrow, 1966. CDC Cairo Genezan Document of the Damascus Covenanters.BMU B urn-M urdoch, The Development of the Papacy, 1954. CE Catholic Encyclopedia, H eberm ann, C harles G. (ed.), 1954.BN B ow m an, R .A ., A ram eans , A ra m a ic and the B ib le", Jour CEM M o n te fio re , C .G ., Lectures on the Origin and Growth of

    nal of Near Eastern Studies, 1948. Religion, 1892.BO Box, H.S., The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1963. CEN Collier s Encyclopedia, 1964.BOD Bodheim er, F.S., Animals and Man in Bible Lands, 1960. CER Cerny, B.J., Ancient Egyptian Religion, 1952.BOE Boettner, E., Immortality, 1956. CG G ordon, C., Recent Discoveries and the Patriarchal Age,BOH B ohl, F.M., King Hammurabi of Babylon in the Setting of 1940.

    his Time, 1946. CGG C am eron, G eo rge G len, History of Early Iran, 1936.BOK Bert, J. e P risc illa , F., The Milky Way, 1957. CG T Cambridge Greek Testament.BON Bonhoeffer, D ie trich , Ethics, 1955. CH C harles, R .H ., Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the OldBOR B o rg e r, R ., Die Inscripten Asarhaddons Knigs von Testament, 1913; The Ascension of Isaiah, 1900.

    Assyrian, 1956. CHA Chafer, Lew is S., Systematic Theology, 1947.BO T Botsford, G.W., e R ob inson , C .A., Hellenic History, 1956. CHAV C havasse, C., The Bride of Christ, 1939.BOU Bouyer, K .E., The Meaning of the Monastic Life, 1955. CHE C he tw ynd , Tom, How to Interpret Your Own Dreams, 1980.BO W Bow m an, G.W., The Dynamics of Confession, 1969. CHI Chainey, G eorge , Jerusalem, The Holy City, 1933.BOX Box, C.H., The Ascension of Isaiah, 1919. CHI(2) C h isho lm , R oderick, M., Theory of Knowledge, 1966.BOY Boyle, Isaac, Ecclesiastical History, 1966. CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Lationorum.BR Encyclopedia Britannica, 1982. CKB Barre tt, C .K ., The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism andBRA Brav, S .R., Marriage and the Jewish Tradition, 1951. Interpretation, 1955.BRE Breasted, J.H ., The History of Egypt, s.d. CL Clay, A ., The Empire of the Amorites, 1919.BRI Bright, J., A History of Israel, 1959. CLA C lark, G ordon H., Hellenistic Philosophy, 1940; A ChristianBRIG Bright, J., The Kingdom of Godin Bible and Church, 1955; Vision of Man and Things, 1952.

    Jeremiah, 1966. CLAP Clapp, F.G., The S ite of Sodom and G om orrah", AJA, 1936.B R IG (2) B rightm an, E.S., A Philosophy of Religion, 1942. CLAR C larke, A dam , Clarkes Commentary, s.d.BRIN B rinker, R. The Sequence of Sanctuaries in Early Israel, CM Cary, M ax, A History of the Greek World, 1963.

    1946. CN C am eron, G.C., History of Early Iran, \936, Persepolis TreaBRO Bromiley, G.W., The Baptism of Infants, 1955. sury Tablets, 1948.BROA Broad, C.D., The Mind and Its Place in Nature, 1925. CO C op loston , F rederick, A History of Philosophy, 1962.BROC Brockington, L.H., A Critical Introduction to the Apocrypha, COB C obb, J.B., A Christian Natural Theology, 1968.

    1961. " CO B(2) C obern , C., The New Archaeological Discoveries, 1917.BRON Bronste in , D anie l J., e S chu lw e is , H aro ld M., Approaches COH C ohen , H ., Day o f A to n e m e n t , I, Judaism, 1968 (su m

    to the Philosophy of Religion, 1954. m er); e II, III, Judaism, 1969 (w inter, spring).BRU B ru ce , F.F., The Book of Acts; 1954 , Is ra e l and th e N a C O H(2) C ohen, S .S., What We Jews Believe, 1931.

    tions , ANET, 176-281. COM Comprehensive Commentary on the Holy Bible, 1887.BRUN Brunner, E., The Christian Doctrine of God, 1949; Eternal COP C ope G., Ecclesiology Then and Now, 1964.

    Hope, 1954. CO PL Ver CO.BS B ib lio teca Sacra. COR Corbishley, T hom as, Roman Catholicism, 1950.BU Burr, H a ro ld S., Blueprint for Immortality; The Electrical COT C o ttre ll , L ., The Last Pharoahs, 1 9 5 0 ; Life Under the

    Patterns of Life, 1972. Pharoahs, 1960.BUB Buber, M artin , 1 and Thou, 1958. C O W Cowloy, A., Aramaic Papyri of the 5lh Century, 1923.BUC B uchan , J., A u g u s tu s C a e s a r , Cambridge Ancient His CR Carr, Harvey, The Interpretation of Animal Mind in Psycho

    tory, X, 1930. logical Research, 1917.BUD Budge, A .W ., A History of Ethiopia, Nubia and Abyssinea, CRI Cripps, R.S., Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Prophecy

    1928. in Amos, 1958.BUH Buhl, F., M uham m ed , Encyclopedia of Islam, 1892-95. CRIP C rippa, A do lpho (ed.), / Is Idias Filosficas no Brasil, 1978.BULL Bulletin of the Theological Students' Fellowship, 1970. CS C hiera , E.; S peiser, E .A., A New Factor in the History ofBULT B u ltm an , R., Die Geschichte der Synoptischen Tradition, the Ancient N ear E as t , A A S O R , VI, 1926.

    1931; Form Criticism, 1932; Theology of the New Testa CSEG Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Graecorum.ment, 1955; Jesus Christ and Mythology, 1960. CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.

    BUR Burkitt, F.C., Jewish and Christian Apocalypses, 1914. CUM C um ont, F., Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, 1911.BUS Bush, F.O., The Five Herods, 1958. CW W illiam s, C olin , John Wesley's Theology Today, 1960.BW Brownlee, W illiam H., The Meaning of the Qumran Scrolls CY R ich a rd so n , C yril C h a rle s , Library of Christian Classics,

    for the Bible, 1964. E arly C hurch Fa the rs , 1933.

    C A Dictionary of Christian Theology, R ichardson, A lan (ed.), D D enz inge r, H., Enchiridion Symbolorum Definitionum et1969. Declarationum de Rebus Fidei et Morum, 1957.

    CA De Camp, L.S., The Ancient Engineers, 1963. DA Connolly, R .H ., Didascalia Apostolorum, 1929.CAD Cadbury, H enry J., The Making of Luke-Acts, 1927; The DAL Dalm an, G., Sacred Sites and Ways, 1935.

    Book of Acts in History, 1955. DALB Dalby, J., Christian Mysticism and the Natural World, 1950.CAL Callaway, J. E ., Burials in Ancient Palestine, BA, X X V I, 1963. DAN Dancy; J.C ., A Commentary on 1 Maccabees, 1954.C ALM Calmets Dictionary, 1732. DANA, D ana E.S., A Textbook on Mineralogy, 1954.CALV C alvin, John, Calvins Commentaries, 1949. DANR D a n ie l-R o p e s , H., Daily Life in Palestine at the Time ofC AM Cook, A .S., Cambridge History of English Literature, 1909- Christ, 1962.

    1961. DAR ' Darling , Jam es, Encyclopedia Bibliographica, 1854-1859.CAR Carey, K .M . (ed.), The Historic Episcopate, 1954. DAV D avies, J.G ., Introduction to Pharisaism, 1954; MembersCARN C arne ll, John E., The Philosophy of the Christian Religion, One of Another; Aspects ofKoinonia, 1958.

    1952. DAVI Davidson, A .B ., The Theology of the New Testament, 1925.CARR C arring ton , P., The Primitive Christian Catechism, 1946. DB Bailie, D .M ., God was in Christ, 1948.CAS C assell's , Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary, 1957. DBF Jap iassu , H ilton, e M arcondes, Danilo, Dicionrio BsicoCB Enslin , M orton S cott, Christian Beginnings, 1956. de Filosofia, 1990.CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly. DCJ D ucasse, C.J., Belief in Life After Death, 1948.CC Curran, C harles (ed.), A bso lu te N orm s in M oral T heo logy , DD Davbe, D., Studies in Biblical Law, 1947.

    Norm and Concept in Christian Ethics, 1968. DE Dicionrio-Enciclopdia, Den Born (ed.), 1969.

    xi i

  • DEIS D eism ann, A ., Light From the Ancient East, 1927; Paul, A Study in Social and Religious History, 1926.

    D EL D e litzsch , F., Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies ofIsaiah, 1866.

    DEN D enn is, Jam es S he phe rd , Christian Missions and SocialProgress, 1906.

    DF Dicionrio de Filosofia, B rugger, W alter, 1962.DH D horm e M., A Commentary on the Book of Job, 1926.Dl D ixon, Jeane, My Life and Prophecies, 1969.DIR D iringer, D avid, The Alphabet a Key to the History of Man

    kind, 1948; The Story of the Alpha-Beth, 1960; Writing, 1962.DK Diels, H., Franz, W., Die Fragments der Vorsokratiker, 1951.DL Enciclopdia Delta Larouse, 1980.DLI Diretrio Litrgico da Igreja no Brasil, 1986.DM Driver, C .R ., e M iles, J., The Babylonian Laws, 1952.DO D o rosse , J., The Secret Book of the Egyptian Gnostics,

    1960.DO D Dodd, C.H ., The Parables of the Kingdom, 1935; The Bible

    and the Greeks, 1960.DO L Dolan, John P., History of the Reformation, 1965.D O T Dothan, T., The Philistines and Their Natural Culture, 1967.D O TT D rum m : Documents from Old Testament Times.DOU D ougherty, R. P., Nabonidus and Belshazzar, 1929.D O W Downey, E., A History of Antioch in Syria from Seleucus to

    the Arab Conquest, 1961.DP Rouse, W .H.D. (tradu to r), Great Dialogues of Plato, 1956.DR(1) D a n ie l-R o p e s , H .p Daily Life in Palestine at the Time of

    Christ, 1962.DR(2) Ross, S ir David e S m ith , J.A ., The Basic Works of Aristotle,

    1956.DRE C h a m p lin , R usse ll N ., Como Descobrir o Significado de

    Seus Sonhos, 1983.D RI(1) Driver, G .R ., Birds in the Old Testament, 1955.D RI(2) D river, S .R ., Notes on the Hebrew Texts of the Book of

    Samuel, 1913.DRIV Driver, G .R., Aramaic Documents of the 5 " Century, 1954.DRO Drawer, M .S., Water Supply, Irrigation and Agriculture; A

    History of Technology, 1954.DS D enzinger, H., e S chonm etzer, A ., Enchiridion Symbolorum

    Definitionum et Declarationum de Rebus Fidel et Morum,1965.

    DT Doughty, C .M ., Travels in Arabia Deserta, 1953.DU D ucasse, C.W. (ed.), The Interpretation of the Bible, 1964.DUB Dubberstein, W.H., The Chronology of C yrus and Cambyses",

    e m A J S L , 416-419, 1938.DUC D uchesne, L., Christian Worship, Its Origin and Evolution,

    1923.DUN Dunlap, Jane, Explosive Inner Space, 19 6 1 .D V (1) D avidson, A .B., An Introductory Hebrew Grammar, 1962.D V(2) D vornik, Francis, The Ecumenical Councils, 1961.


    E Encyclopedia of Religion, Ferm , V erg ilius (ed.), 1964.EA Eaton, J.H ., Obadiah, Nahum, HabbukkukandZephaniah,

    1961.EAU Bourke, Vernon, The Essential Augustine, 1964.EB Brunner, E., Revelation and Reason, 1947.EBI Encyclopedia Biblica.EC C ham plin , R usse ll N., Evidncias Cientficas Demonstram

    que Voc Vive Depois da Morte, 1 981 .ED Edershe im , A lfred , The Temple, Its Ministry and Services,

    1874; Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 1883; Sketches of Jewish Social Life, 1927 ; Bible History, 1956.

    EDD Eddy, R., History of Universalism, 1955.EDE Ver ED.EDER Ver ED.EDI Edidin, B.M., Jewish Holidays and Festivals, 1940, in K.EDM E dm unds, C. G ordon, Medical Ethics, 1966.EF Enciclopdia Filosfica, F irenze ; G .C . S anson i, 1967.EG T Expositor's Greek Testament, N ico ll, W. R obertson (ed.),

    1956.El E isen, G .A., The Great Chalice of Antioch, 1953.EIS E issfeldt, The Old Testament, An Introduction, 1965.EL Eliot, H.W., Excavations in Mesopotamia and Western Iran,

    1950.ELK E iert, W., The Structure of Lutheranism, 1962.

    ELL E llison, H .L. Ezekiel, The Man and flits Message, 1951.ELLI E llicott, C ha rles John, Ellicott's Commentary on the Whole

    Bible, 1954.EN E nslin , M orton S co tt, Literature of the Christian Movement,

    1956.ENI Encyclopedia of Islam, 1965.EP Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edw ards, Paul (ed.), 1967.ERR Encyclopedia of Religion and Religions, P ike, R oyston E.

    (ed.), 1959. 'ES Rader, M e lv in (ed.), A Modern Book of Esthetics, 1967.ET M elden, A ., I. (ed.), Ethical Theories, 1955.EU E useb ius, Historia Ecceles.EUG Eugene, Maly, The World of David and Solomon, 1961.EW The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and

    Philosophers, U rm son, J .O . (ed.), 1960.EW (2) E w ing, W., Bethsaida, in ISBE, I., 1929; ibid, Galilee, 1929.EX Expositor's Bible, N ico ll, R obertson (ed.), 1956.EXPT The Expository Times.EXT S panos, W illiam V., A Casebook on Existentialism, 1966.


    F Dictionary of Philosophy, Flew, Antony, 1968.FA(1) Bible Encyclopedia and Dictionary, Fausset, A .R., s.d.FA(2) Fairbairn, M., The Place of Christ in Modern Theology, 1898.FAI F a irb r id g e , R .W ., The Encyclopedia of Geomorphology,

    1968.FAL Falkner, E., Games, Ancient and Oriental, 1892.FAR Farrar, F.W., The Message of the Book, s.d.FARQ Farquhar, John, A Primer of Hinduism, 1912.FE Shaffer, Je rom e A. Filosofia do Esprito, 1S58.Fl F ilson, F.V., Origins of the Gospels, 1939; Jesus Christ,

    The Risen Lord, 1956.FIN F inegan, J., Light From the Ancient Past 1946; Handbook

    of Biblical Chronology, 1964.FK Kenyon, Frederick, The Bible ant, Archaeology, 1940.FL F lem ing ton , W.F., The New Testament Doctrine of Baptism,

    1948. 'FO Classical Greek Dictionary, Foile tt, 1960.FOE Foerster, W., From the Exile fo Christ, 1964.FOR Forbes, R.J., Studies in Ancient Technology, 1981.FP B ornhe im , G erd A ., Os Filsofos Pr-Sncraticos, 1977.FR Frazer, J.G ., Adonis, Attis and Osiris; Studies in the History

    of Oriental Religion, 1906.FRA Frankfort, H .H ., The Art and Architecture of the Ancient

    Orient, 1954.FRAN Frankfo rt, H., Kingship and the Gods, 1948FRE Free, J.P., Archaeology and Bible H /s to y 1956; (1953 1960):

    A rtigos d iversos sobre descobertas arqueolgicas: Am erican S choo ls o f O rien ta l R esearch, and Ba S O r .

    FREE Freem an H .E., An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets, 1963.

    FR EE (2) F reem an, D avid H ugh, A Philosophical Study of Religion,1976.

    FREU Freud, S igm und, The Interpretation of Dreams, 1900; Witand Its Relationship to The Unconscious, 1916.

    FRI Friedrich, J. Strabo, XII, Monumenta Asiae Minores Antiqua;Anatolean Studies, REK, XX, pp. 781-891.

    FRO Frost, H.W., The Great Commission, 1934.FW Farm er, W .R., Maccabeus, Zealots and Josephus, 1956.


    G Dr. Gill's Commentary on the Whole Bible, sd.GA Gaebelein, Frank E ., Christian Education in a Democracy, 1951.G AD G add, C yril John , The Assyrian Sculptures, 1934; The

    Stones of Assyria, 1936.GAS G aster, M., Jewish Magic, HA, V III, 3000-3005.GB Great Books of the Western World, Hutchins, R. (ed.), 1952.GC C lark, G ordon, Hellenistic Philosophy, 1940.GCH G ordon, G .H ., B ib lica l C ustom s and the Nuzi Tablets , BA

    iii (1940), 1-12.GD G o o d s p e e d , E .J ., The Formation of the NewTestament,

    1926; Strange New Gospels, 1931; The Meaning of Ephesians, 1933; The Story of the Apocrypha, 1939; Early Christian Literature, 1942;M odem Apocrypha", The Princeton Seminary BULLETIN, 1957.

    x i i i

  • GE Gilson, tienne, History of Christian Philosophy in the MiddleAges, 1955; God and Philosophy, 1961.

    GEI G eikie, C., Old Testament Characters, 1888.G E O (1) Geoffrey, Parm iter, King David, 1961.G E O (2) G eorge, P.R., Communion with God in the New Testament,

    1953.CES G esenius, W., Hebrew Grammar, 1910.GEY Geyser, A.S., The Youth of John the Baptist: New Testament,

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    Towns in the Plains ofMoab, 1943; The River Jordan, 1946; Rivers in the Desert, 1960.

    G LO Glover, R.H., The Biblical Basis of Missions, 1946.GLU Ver G L (1943).GN G reen, W .H., Higher Criticism and the Pentateuch, 1895.G O V e rG D (1933 e 1942).G O L G o ldschm id t, V ictor, A Religio de Plato, 1963.G O O D G oodm an, Jeffrey, We Are the Earthquake Generation,

    1981.GOR G ordon, C .H ., The S to ry o f Jacob and Laban in the L ight

    o f the N uzi Tablets", B AS O R , 66, 1937; B ib lica l C ustom s and the Nuzi Tablets , BA, 3, 1940, Old Testament Times, 1953, Ugaritic Textbook, 1965.

    G O RD Ver G O R (1953).G O T G ottw ald , N .K ., Studies in the Book of Lamentations, 1954;

    A Light to the Nations, 1959.GP G rim ai P ierre, Hellenism and the Rise of Rome, 1968.GR G rant R .M ., The Apostolic Fathers, 1964.G R A G rant E., Beth S hem ash , 1928, A A S O R , IX, 1-15.G R AD G radenw itz , P., The Music of Israel, 1949.GRAN Grant, F.C., Form Criticism, 1939.GRE G reenberg , M., T he B ib lica l C oncep t of A sy lum ", Journal

    of Biblical Literature, 78.G R EE G reenslade , S.L. (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Bible

    from the Reformation to the Present, 1963.GRI G riffith , G.T., Alexander the Great: The Main Problems,

    1956.GREN G renfe ll, B.P., e H unt, A. S., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri,

    1888-1889.GRO Groves, C .P, The Planting of Christianity in Africa, 1948.G R O L G ro llenberg , L. H., Atlas of the Bible, 1957.GS V e rG D (1939).GSM Sm ith, G. (ed.), The Teaching of the Catholic Church, 1948.GT The Greek New Testament, U n ited B ib le S ocie ties, 1975.GU G uthrie , D., New Testament Introduction, 1965.GUI G u illam ont, A ., La Designation des Couleurs en Hebreu et

    en Araman, en Meyerson, ed ., Problems de la Couleur,1957.

    GUN Gunday, R .H ., A Survey of the New Testament, 1970.GY Gray, J., The Canaanites, 1964.


    H Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics, Henry, Carl F.H. (ed.),1978.

    HA Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, H astings, Jam es (ed.),1940.

    HAZ B arnes, Hazel E., An Existentialist Ethics, 1967.HDB Harper's Bible Dictionary, 1978.HEA Healy, Edw in, F., Medical Ethics, 1956.HEI Heidel, Alexander, The Gilgamesh Epic and the Old Testament

    Parallels, 1949.HEN H ennecke, Edgar, The New Testament Apocrypha, 1963.HER(1) H erodotus, History.HER(2) Herford, R.Y., Sayings of the Fathers, 1962.HF Histria da Filosofia, H irschberger, Johannes, 1969.HI H ick, John, Philosophy of Religion, 1963.HIC Ver HI.HIE H iers, R .H ., The Kingdom of God in the Synoptic Tradition,

    1970.HIR H irsch, F.E., P un ishm en t'1, ISBE, IV, 1955.H IT H itti, P.K., The History of the Arabs, 1970.HJ Jonas, H., The Gnostic Religions, 1963.

    H O (1) Hodge, C., Systematic Theology, 1874.H O (2) H ow ard, C lingbe ll, Understanding and Counselling the

    Alcoholic, 1968.H O D (1) H odgson, Leonard, The Ecumenical Movement, 1951.H O D (2) Hodgson P.C., The Formation of Historical Theology, a Study

    of Ferdinand Christian Bauer, 1966.H O R H orow itz, E., How the Hebrew Alphabet Crew, 1961.H O S H oskins, H., The Religion of Ancient Israel, 1967.HO U H ouston, M .G ., A nc ien t E gyptian and Persian C ostum e

    and D eco ra tion , ANEP, 1954.H O W H owlet, D., The Essenes and Christianity, 1957.HP C la rk , G ordon H., Hellenistic Philosophy, 1940.HR H arrison , A.W ., Arminianism, 1937.H AD H adas, M., Aristeas to Philocrates, 1951.HAH Hahn H.E, The Old Testament and Modern Research, 1954.H AL H o lm gard and Hall, History of Technology, 1954.H ALD Haidar, A ., Studies in the Book of Nahum, 1947.H ALL Hailey, Henry, H., Pocket Bible Handbook, 1948.HAN H anson, R.P.C., Allegory and Event, 1959.H ANS Hanson, S., The Unity of the Church in the New Testament,

    1946.HAR Hard ing, G. L., The Antiquities of Jordan, 1959.HAR N H arnack, A do lf von, The Acts of the Apostles, 1909; The

    History of Dogma, 1958.HARR H arrison , R .K., The Dead Sea Scrolls, 1961; Archaeology

    of the New Testament, 1964; Introduction to the Old Testament,1969.

    H AR T H artfe lder, Karl, Melanchthon als PraetorSermaniae, 1889.HAT Hatch, Edw in, The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity,

    1957.HAU H aupart, R aym ond, Lach ish , F ron tie r Fortress of Ju d a h ,

    BA, 1938.HAY Hayes, W .C., The Scepter of Egypt, 1959.HRL Harris , H .L., Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible, 1957.HRM Hare, R .M ., The Language of Morals, 1952.H R R Harrison, PN. Onesimus and Philemon, Anglican Theological

    Review, xxxii, 1950.HS S choeps, Hans, The Jewish Christian Argument, 1963.H TR Harvard Theological Review.H O H ughes, Philip, A History of the Church, 1947.HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual.HUN Hunt, I., The World of the Patriarchs, 1966.H US S m ith , H uston, The Religions of Man, 1958.HY Hughes, T. Hawel, The Philosophical Basis of Mysticism,


    I International Critical Commentary, Driver, Samuel R., Plummer,A lfred e B riggs, C harles , A. (eds.), 1961.

    IB Interpreter's Bible, Buttrick , G eorge (ed.), 1946.ID Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, 1962.IO T Young, E.J., Introduction to the Old Testament, 1941.IR Iranaeus, Against Heresies.IRA Ira, P rogo ff, Jung's Psychology and its Social Meaning,

    1953.ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1975.


    J C h a r le s w o rth , J a m e s H ., The Old Testament Pseude-pigrapha, Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, 1983.

    JA The New Schaff-Herzag Encyclopedia of Religious KnowIedge, Jackson , S am ue l (ed.), 1950.

    JA L Ja lland, T ig , The Church and the Papacy, 1944.JA M Jam es, M .R., The Apocryphal New Testament, 1924.JA M E Jam es, E.D., Creation and Cosmology, 1969.JA O S Journal of American Oriental Society.JA R J a rre tt, J a m e s L. e M cM urrin , S te rling M., Contemporary

    Philosophy, 1954.J AS Jastrow , M ., D id the B aby lon ian T em ples Have L ibraries?",

    JA O S , 27 :147 -182 , 1906.JB Bailie, J., Our Knowledge of God, 1939.JB L Journal of Biblical Literature.JD D an i lou , J., Shadows to Reality, 1960.JE The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1943.J E L Je llicoe , S., The Septuagint in Modem Study, 1969.

    x iv

  • JF Fabricus, J.F., Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, s.d.JFB Critical and Experimental Commentary, Jam ison , Fausset

    e B row n, 1948.JG G oodm an, Jeffrey, We Are the Earthquake Generation,

    1974, Psychic Archaeology; Time Machine to the Past,1979.

    JL Lew is, John, M arx ism and E th ics , Marxism and the OpenMind, 1957.

    JM M ontgom ery, J., Kings, 1951.JN E S Journal of Near Eastern Studio.JO Josephus, Antiquities and Wars.JO H Johler, K., Jewish Theology, 1918.JO H N Johnson, A .R ., Sacral Kingship in Ancient Israel, 1955.JO N Jones, A .H .M ., The Cities of the Roman Provinces, 1937.JP P ederson, J., Israel, 1959.JP O S Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society.JQ Q uaston, J., Patrology, 1950.J R Journal of Religion and Psychic Research.JS S Journal of Semitic Studies.JTS Journal of Theological Studies.JU Jung, C arl, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 1933; The

    Psychology of Religion, 1938; Memories, Dreams and Reflexions, 1963.

    JU D Judge, E .A., The Social Patterns of the Christian Groupsof the First Century, 1960.

    JUN June, Leo, The Jewish Library, 1934.


    K Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, K ittle, Gerhard(ed.), 1964.

    KA Kassis, H., G ash and the S tructu re o f P h ilis tine S oc ie ty ,BL, 84, 1965.

    KAH K ah le r, M a rtin , The So-Called Historical Jesus and theHistorical Biblical Christ, 1964.

    KAP K apelrud, A rv id S., Joel's Prophecies, 1948.KD Commentary on the Old Testament, Keil e Delitzsch.KE Kenyon, S ir Fredric, Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts,

    1962; Archaeology in the Holy Land, 1970.KEI K e il, C.F., Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, 1950;

    Jeremiah, 1960, Chronicles, 1966.KEL Kelson, J., com A lbright, W., Excavations of Bethel, AASO R,

    vol. 39, 1968.KELL Kelly, J .N .D ., The Pastoral Epistles, 1963.KELS Kelso, J.L., E xcava tions at J e ric h o ; A A S O R , vols. 29-30,

    1955; E xcava tions at J e ru sa le m , BA, X XV II, 1964.KEN Kent, R .G ., Old Persia, 1950.KENN K ennedy, R., C rim es and P un ishm en t , HA, 1963.KENY Kenyon, K., Digging up Jericho; Excavations at Jericho, 1960.Kl K idner, D., Proverbs, 1964.KIN Kinsey, A lfred C., Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 1948;

    Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 1953.KK K itchen, K .A., Ancient Orient and the Old Testament, 1966.KL Lake, K irsopp, The Apostolic Fathers, 1913.KLA K lausner, J., The Messianic Ideal in Israel, 1956.KLI K line, M .G ., Structure of Biblical Authority, 1972.KLIN K link, A., Home Life in Biblical Times, 1959.KM H iltn e r, S e w a rd e M e n n in g e r , K a r l, The Constructive

    Aspects of Anxiety, 1967.KN Knight, G.A.F, A Christian Theology of the OldTestament, 1959.KNE Kneller, G eorge, Introduo Filosofia da Educao, 1964.KO Kopp, C., The Holy Places in the Gospels, 1963.KOH G ordis, R obert, Koheleth, The Man and His World, 1951.KR(1) K raeling, C .H ., John the Baptist, 1951.KR(2) Kraft, C.F., Judges, Book of.KR(3) Kraft, R .A., Barnabas and the Didache, 1961.KRA Kram er, S .N., History Begins at Summer, 1956.KRAU Kraus, H.J., Worship in Israel, 1966.KU Kurtz, Prof., Church History, s.d.KY Kyle, M .G., Moses and the Monuments, 1920; T h e S tory

    of A ncient Sodom in the L ight of M odern Science", BS, LX X I, July, 1924.


    L Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge,Letcher, Le ite rts, A. (ed.), 1955.

    LA Lam pe, G .W .N ., e W oo lcom be, K., The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, 1954.

    LA(2) Lang, C .H ., Pictures and Parables, 1955.LAB Labby, D anie l H., Life or Death; Ethics and Option, 1968.LAE Laetsch, A ., Jonah, The Minor Prophets, 1956.LAK Foakes, Jackson e Lake, K., The Beginnings of Christianity,

    1920-33.LAM Lam on, R .S ., Megiddo, 1931.LAN Langes Commentary, Lange, P., s.d.LANG Langton, E., Essentials of Demonology, 1949.LAS La Sor, W., The M ess ian ic Idea in Q um ran , Studies and

    Essays in Honor of Abraham Neuman, 1962.LAT Latoure tte , K .S., A History of the Expansion of Christianity,

    1945.LE Leuick, B ., Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, 1967.LEA Lea, H .C ., History of Sacred Celibacy in the Christian

    Church, 1956.LEO Leon-D ufour, Vocabulrio de Teologia Bblica, 1984.LEU Leupolo, H .C., Exposition of Genesis, 1942; (1967) Christian

    Reflections.LEW Lew is, C .S ., Miracles, 1947.LEX Analytical Greek Lexicon, B agste r S., 1958.LI L ittle, F.H., The Anabaptist Doctrine of the Church, 1952.LIG L ighffoot, J.B ., Clement of Rome, 1890; Apostolic Fathers,

    1890; Dissertation on the Apostolic Age, 1892.LIL Lillie, W., Studies in New Testament Ethics, 1961.LIN L instrom , H aro ld , Wesley and Santification,\94&.LIN N L innem ann , E., Parables of Jesus, 1966.LL L loyd , R ., The Church of England in the 20th Century, 1960.LLO Lloyd, S., The Art of the Ancient Near East, 1961.LO Loeb Classical Library, Lake, K., 1912.LO T Lotz, Johannes B aptis t, How the Reformation Came, 1965.LOU Loud, G., The Megiddo Ivories, 1939.LO W Lowther, C la rke (ed.), Liturgy und Worship 1943.LU Luther's Works, P hilade lph ia , Fortress ( e d ), s.d.LU T Lutz, ELF., Textiles and Costumes Among the Peoples of

    the Near East, 1923.LUTH Luther, M artin , A Commentary on St. Pauls Epistle to the

    Galatians, 1535.LY Lyttle ton, R aym ond A., The Modern Universe, 1957.LW Lam bert, W .G., Babylonian Wisdom Literature, 1960.


    M M ansei, H.L, The Limits of Religious Thought, 1957.M A M acgregor, C .H .C ., T he C o n ce p t o f the W rath o f G od in

    the New T estam en t , N.T Studies, 1961.M AC M acin tosh, H .R ., Types of Modern Theology, 1963.M A CA M acalister, R .A .S ., The Excavations of Gezer, 1912; The

    Philistines, Their History and Civilization, 1913.M AG M aggs, J .T .L ., The Spiritual Experience of Paul, 1901.M AL M allow an, M .E .L ., Twenty-Five Years of Mesopotamian

    Discoveries, and Nimrod and its Remains, 1962.MAN Manley, The Book of the Law, 1957.MAR M arm or, Judd (ed.), Sexual Inversion; The Multiple Roots

    of Homosexuality, 1965.M ARI M arias, Ju lian , Introduo Filosofia, 1966.MAY May, H .C ., Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult, 1935.MC Dicionrio Bblico, M cK enz ie , John L. (ed.), 1978.M C C M cC ow n, C .C ., H ebrew H igh P laces and Cult R em ains ,

    JB L LXIX , 1950.M CG M cG iffe rt, A .C ., A History of Christianity in the Apostolic

    Age, 1920.M CN M cN eill, J.T., The History and Character of Calvinism, 1954.ME M etzger, B ruce, An Introduction to the Apocrypha, 1957;

    The Text of the New Testament, 1964.M EL M e lden, A.I. (ed.), Human Rights, 1970.MER M ercer, S .A .B ., The Religion of Ancient Egypt, 1949.M ET Taylor R ichard, Metaphysics, 1965.M EY M eyer M .A ., History of the City of Gaza, 1907.M EYE Meyer, H e in rich A ugus t W ilhe lm , Meyers Commentary on

    the New Testament, 1884.MG G ogue l, M., The Primitive Church, 1964.MH M ornschuh , M ., Studien Zur Epistula Apostolorum, 1965.Ml Encyclopedia Mirador International, 1976.M IC M ick lem , N., Lev iticus", em IB, 1953.M ICH M icho ls , R., The New Testament Speaks, 1969.

    x v

  • M IL M iller, J .L., Encyclopedia of Bible Life, 1949.M ILL M illard i, A .R., Archaeology and the Life of Jacob, 1963.M IT M itton, C., The Epistle of James, 1966.MK M cK n ight, W .J., The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ; John to

    the Seven Churches, 1927.MM M cM urrin , S., e Fuller, B .A .G ., History of Philosophy, 1955.MO M offa tt, J., The Historical New Testament, 1901; Moffatt

    New Testament Commentary, 1938.M O F V er MO.M O O Moody, R aym ond, A ., Life After Life, 1977; Reflections on

    Life after Life, 1978.M O N M ontgom ery, J.A ., Arabia and the Bible, 1934.M O N T M ontgom ery, J.A ., A es the tics in H ebrew R e lig ion , JBL,

    LVI, 1937.M O N TE M onte fio re , The Epistle to the Hebrews, 1964.M O R M oore, G. F., Judaism, 1927.M O R N M organ, G. C am pbe ll, Commentary on the Four Gospels,

    1977.M O U M oule, C.F.D., An Idiom Book of the New Testament, 1960.M O U R M ourant, John A., Readings in the Philosophy of Religion,

    1954.MR M oore, G .E., Principia Ethica, 1903.M ST Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Lit

    erature, M ou lton and M illigan , 1975.MU Murray, H.J.C., A History of Board Games other than Chess,

    1952.M UR Murray, G ilbert, Five Stages of Greek Religion, 1951.M W W eber, M., Ancient Judaism, 1952.MY M yers, F.W.H., Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily

    Death, 1903.


    N Nelson, Leonard, Systems of Ethics, 1956.NA Navarra, Fernand, The Forbidden Mountain, 1958.NAI N airne, A., The Faith of the New Testament, 1920.NAP Napier, B.P., Exodus, 1963.NAS Nash, A rno ld S. (ed.), Protestant Thought in the Twentieth

    Century, 1951.NB N ewberry, T hom as, The Newberry Study Bible, 1959.NBC New Bible Commentary, Davidson, F. (ed.), 1953 (portugus).NCE The New Catholic Encyclopedia.ND Novo Dicionrio da Bblia, 1968.N E(1) N ew e ll, W illia m R ., Hebrews l/s . by Vs., 1947; Romans

    Vs. by Vs., 1952.N E(2) Neve, Juergen, L., History of Christian Thought, 1946.Nl Nida, Eugene, Customs and Cultures, 1970.NIC New International Commentary.NIE N iebuhr, H., R ichard, Christ and Culture, 1952.N IL N ilson, P., Primitive Time Reckoning, 1920.NTI Champlin, Russell Norm an, O Novo Testamento Interpretado,

    1979.NO Noth, M., The Old Testament World, 1966.NOK Nock, A.D., Festug iere , A .J., Corpus Hermeticum (4 vols.),

    1960.NO T Noth, M., Geshichte und Altes Testament, Mare und Israel",

    1953, pp. 127-152; Exodus, 1962.


    O Piper, O., The Biblical View of Sex, 1960.OA Oates, W.J., The Basic Works of St. Augustine, 1948.OC O C a llaghan, R.T., Aram Naharaim, 1948.OD O deberg, H ugo, III Enoch or the Hebrew Book of Enoch,

    1928. 'O E(1) O este rley, W .O .E ., The Sacred Dance, 1923; (1937) Fresh

    Approach to the Psalms, 1937.O E (2) Oehler, G.F., Theology of the Old Testament, 1882.OES O esthorn , Torah in the Old Testament, 1945; Yahweh and

    Baal: Studies in the Book of Hosea, 1956.O G (1) O gden, S chube rt M., The Reality of God, 1962.O G (2) Ogg, G., The Chronology of the Public Ministry of Jesus,

    1940.OIC Oriental Institute Communications.O LM O lm stead, A.T., History of the Persian Empire, 1948; History

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    P Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, Reese, W.L., 1983PA P a tte rson , S ., The Concept of God in the Philosophy of

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    and Noah's Ark, 1956 ; Babylon and the Old Testament,1958.

    PAS P astor, L u d w ig von , B aron , History of the Popes (trans.Kerr, R.F.), 1925.

    PAT Paterson, J., The Wisdom of Job; Job and Proverbs, 1961.PAU Pauck, W ilhe lm , Nature of Protestantism, 1937; The Heri

    tage of the Reformation, 1950.PAY(1) P ayn e , J .B ., The Theology of the Older Testament,

    1962.PAY(2) Payne, B arton , An Outline of Hebrew History, 1954.PE P eeters, E vange les , Apocrypha, II, 1914.PEA Peak, A .S., The Bible, Its Origin, Its Significance and Its

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    PETA P etavel, E., The Struggle for Eternal Life, 1875.PETR Petrie, W.F., Tools and Weapons, 1917.PF Pfeiffer, R obert H., The Books of the Old Testament, 1962.PFE Pfeiffer, C.F., The Patriarchal Age, 1961.PH Price, H.A.. A ppearing and A ppearances", American Philo

    sophical Quarterly, 1932.PHI P h ilo , Legattio and Gaium.PHIL P hilipson, D., The Reform Movement in Judaism, 1931.PM M ontet, P., Everyday Life in Egypt, 1958.PO P om m e re n ke , C .H ., A rt ific ia l In se m in a tio n , G ene tic and

    Legal Im p lica tions , Obstetrics and Gynecology, 9:189,1957.

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    PRIT V er PRI.PS Sm ith, T.V. (ed.), Philosophers Speak forThemselves, 1956.PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology.PT Peters, P.W., The Hebrew Attitude to Education in the Hel

    lenistic Era, 1967.PTR Princeton Theological Review.PU Pusey, E.B., The Minor Prophets, 1957.


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  • RR Encyclopedia of Theology, R ahner, Karl (ed.), 1975.RA Von Rad, G erhard , Old Testament Theology, 1962.RAM Ramsay, M ., A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle

    to the Galatians, 1900; Letters to the Seven Churches, 1904; St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen, 1909; The Cities of St. Paul, 1949.

    R AM M R am m , B., The Christian View of Science and Scripture,1954.

    RAN R anda ll, John L., Parapsychology and the Nature of Life,1977.

    RAND R anda ll, John H e rm an e B uch ler, Jus tus , Philosophy, An Introduction, 1942.

    RE Reed, W .L., The Asherah of the Old Testament, 1949.REA Read, H .H ., Rutley's Elements of Mineralogy, 1970.REG Regush, N icho las M., Frontiers of Healing, 1977.REI Reider, J., An Index to Aquila, 1966.REIF R eifenberg, A., Ancient Hebrew Arts, 1950.REIN Reincarnation, An East-West Anthology, H ead, Joseph, e

    C ranston , S .L., 1981.REIS Reis, J.K .S ., The Biblical Doctrine of the Ministry, 1955.REN Rentz, G., The Encyclopedia of Islam, 1960.REU Reu, M., Catechetics and Theory and Practice of Religious

    Education, 1927.RG Grant, R .M ., Reader in Gnosticism, 1961.RH Rhine, J.B. The Reach of the Mind, 1947.Rl R ichardson A., Historical Theology and Biblical Theology,

    1955.RIC R ichardson , E.C., Biblical Libraries, 1915.RID R idderbos, H., Paul and Jesus, 1958.RIN R ing, K enneth , Life at Death: A Scientific Investigation of

    the Near Death Experience, 1983.RO R o b e rtso n , A.T., John the Loyal, 1912; Word Pictures in

    the New Testament, 1930; A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research, 1931; The Body, 1952.

    ROB R obertson , H.W., The Christian Doctrine of Man, 1926.RO B(2) R obinson, T., The Poetry of the Old Testament, 1947.ROBIN R obinson, S ., Biblical Researches, 1841.R O BINS R obinson, J., A New Quest of the Historical Jesus, 1959.ROS Rose, H erbe rt J., A Handbook of Greek Literature, 1951 ; A

    Handbook of Latin Literature, 1960.R O T Roth, C., Jewish Art, 1961.ROU Rouse, Ruth, A History of the Ecumenical Movement, 1948.R O UT Routley, Eric, H ym ns, Today and Tomorrow, 1964.R O W Rowley H .H ., From Joseph to Joshua, 1950; The Old Tes

    tament and Modern Study, 1951; Men of God, 1963.R O W E Rowe, L.A., Topography and the History of Beth-Shan, 1930.RP S ahakian, W illiam e Lew is, M abel, Realms of Philosophy,

    1965.RU R ussell, D. S., The Jaws from Alexander to Herod, vols. 5

    e 6; The New Carendom Bible, 1967; The Method and Message of Jewish Apocatiptic Literature, 1964.

    RUN Runes, D agobert D., Twentieth Century Philosophy, 1943.RUS Russell, Bertrand, Principia Mathematica, 1912.RV Devaux, R., Ancient Israel, 1962.RW W ilson, R. M ec. Gnostic Problems, 1958; Gnosis and the

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    S Bible Encyclopedia and Scriptural Dictionary, Howard-Severance(ed.), 1904.

    SA Sabom , M ichael, Recollections of Death, 1982.SAC Sachs, A History of Musical Instruments, 1940.SAG Saggs, H.W.F., The Greatness That Was Babylon, 1962.SAL Salmond, S.D.F., The Christian Doctrine of Immortality, 1901.SAM S am uel, H .E., Ptolemaic Chronology, 1962.SAU Sauer, E., From Eternity to Eternity, 1954.SB M uller, A ., The Sacred Books of the East, 1910.SC S curti, S.J., Short History of Philosophy, 1950.SCH Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, 1892.S CH O S c h o n fie ld , H ugh J., Reader's A to Z Bible Companion,


    S C H W Schw eitzer, A lbe rt, The Quest of the Historical Jesus, 1910.SCO S cofie ld , C.I., The Scofield Reference Bible.SE Seiss, Joseph, Letters to the Seven Churches, 1956.SEG Segal, J.B ., The Hebrew Passover, 1963.SET S ebrs J. Van, The Hyksos, a New Investigation, 1966.SH S chrer, B., A History of the Jewish People, 1891.SHE S h e rm a n , H a ro ld , Know the Powers of Your Own Mind,

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    the Old Testament, 1959.SIM S im pson, E.K., The Pastoral Epistles, 1954.SIN S inger, C. (ed.), A History of Technology, 1958.SK K ie rkegaard , S oren , The Concept of Dread, 1946.SKE Skeat, T.C., The Reign of the Ptolemies, 1954.SL Ostrander, Sheila e Shroeder, Lynn, A Handbook of Psychic

    Discoveries, 1968.SM S m ith , J .B ., Greek-Engiish Concordance, 1955.SMI S m ith , J .A ., The Historical Geography of the Holy Land,

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    and the Christian; A Protestant Symposium on the Controlof Human Reproduction, 1961.

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    ment, 1965.STE S tenda ll K. (ed.), Immortality and Resurrection, 1964.STI S tibbs, A .M ., The Meaning of the Word Blood in Scripture,

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    T Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology, T u rnba ll, Ra lph(ed.), 1982.

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    edge, Loe tscher, 1979.TCH C han, T hom as, The Adam and Eve Story, 1963.TE Tenny, M .C ., The New Testament, A Historic and Analytical

    Survey, 1953; Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty, _ 1954.TEC Techenie, Euprat und Tigris, 1934.TEN Ver TE.TH Thom as, D., W inston, Archeology and Old Testament Study,

    1967.TH A Thackeray, H., Josephus the Man and the Histories, 1929.THI Thiel, A., The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings, 1965.


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    1869.TJ Ja lla rd, Trevor, Church and Papacy, 1944.TL T h o rn d ik e , Lynn, A History of Magic and Experimental

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    Original Prophecy, 1930.TO R (2) Torrey, R.A. (ed.), The Topical Textbook, sd.TR Tristan, H.B., Eastern Customs in Bible Lands, 1984.TR A Trawick, B uckner B., The New Testament as Literature,

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    Museum, 1956.W O D W ood, J.A ., Bible Animals, 1869.W O O W ooley, C.L., Charchemish, l- lll, 1914-52, 1962.W O R W orre ll, W., Israel and the D ance , D.D. Runes (ed.), The

    Hebrew Impact on Western Civilization, 1951.W O R D W ordsw orth , C harles, The Greek Testament, 1875.W O U W oudstra , M .H ., The Ark of the Covenant from Conquest

    to Kingship, 1965.W RI W righ t, G., Biblical Archaeology, 1957.W R IG W righ t, F., Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, 1954.W T W h itehead , A .N ., Process and Reality, 1929.W TJ Westminster Theological Journal.W W (1) Comay, Joan E. Brownrigg, Robert, Whos Who in the Bible, 1980.W O O (2) W alker, W illins ton , History of the Christian Church, 1959.W Y W ycherley, R ichard C., How the Greeks Built Cities, 1962.


    XJ Jacques, X., Orientalia, 1969.


    Y Young, E.J., The Prophecy of Daniel, 1949.YA Yahudu, A .S., The Accuracy of the Bible, 1934.YAD Yadin, Y., The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands, 1963; The

    Ben-Sira Scroll from Mosada; 1965; Masada, Herods Fortress and the Zealots Last Stand, 1966.

    YAT Yates, Kyle, Studies in the Psalms, 1953.YE Yeivin, S., The P a lestino -S ina itic Inscrip tions , PEQ, 1937.YO Young, E.J., Studies in Isaiah, 1954; Introduction to the Old

    Testament, 1958 ; History of the Literary Criticism of the Pentateuch, 1970.


    Z The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Tenney,M erril C. (ed.), 1977.

    ZAE Zaehner, R.C., The Dawn and Twilight of Zorastrianism, 1961.ZE Ze itlin , S., A Historical Study on the Canonization of the

    Old Testament, 1950.ZEL Zeller, Eduard, Outlines of the History of Greek Phitosophy, 1950.ZEU Zeuner, F.E., A History of Domesticated Animals, 1963.ZY Zyl, A .H ., Van, The Moabites, 1960.

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  • A U T O R E S E E D IT O R E S E M O R D E M A L F A B T IC A

    A bbott-S m ith , Ver AS.Abernathy, G eorge L., Ver ABE. A betti, G iorgio, Ver AB. A braham son, I., Ver ABR. A dam s, A .M .C., Ver ADA. A dam s, J.M ., Ver ADM .A dolph, R., Ver AD.A haron i, Y., Ver AH.A land, K., Ver ALA.A lbright, W .F, Ver A LB e KEL. A lford, Henry, Ver AL.A llegro , John M., Ver A LLE . A llen, A .B., Ver ALL.A llis, O.T., Ver AO.A lston, W illiam , Ver ALS.A ltaner, B., Ver BA.A ltizer, T.J.J., Ver ALT.Am iran, R .p Ver AM I.A nderson , A lan R .p Ver AN. A nderson , B.W., Ver AND. A nderson , G .H., Ver A N D (2). A nson, P.F., Ver ANS. A rbesm ann, R udolph, Ver ARB. A rcher, G., Ver ARC.A rnason, H .H ., Ver ARN.A rnd t, W illiam F., Ver A.A rno ld , P., Ver ARNO.Ashby, R obert H., Ver ASH.Attw ater, D., Ver ATT.A ugustine, Ver AUG.Aulon, G., Ver AUL.Ave Jonah, M ichael, Ver AV. Ayer, A.J., Ver AY.Badawy, A., Ver BAD.Baggot, J., Ver BAG.Bagster, S., Ver LEX.Bailey, A., Ver BAI.Bailey, D.D., Ver BAIL.Bailie, D.M., Ver DB.Bailie, J Ver JB.Baly, D., Ver BAL.Ballow, R.O., Ver BALL.Barclay, W., Ver BARC.Barkley, W.P., Ver BARK.Barnes, Hazel E., Ver HAZ. B arrett, C.K., Ver CKB.B arth , Kart, Ver BART.Barton , G .A., Ver BAR.Bartsch , W., Ver BARTS.Baur, Ferd inand C hris tian , Ver BAU.Bayless, R aym ond, Ver BAY. Bea, Augustine, Ver BEA. Beasley, M urray R., Ver BM. B eccaria, G., Ver BEC.Bell, S ir C harles A lfred , Ver BEL. B enson, C la rence H., Ver BENS. Bentley, John C., Ver BE. B entzen, A., Ver BEN.Bert, J Ver BOK.Besnier, M., Ver BES.Bevan, E.R., Ver BEV. B ickerm an, E., Ver Bl.Birley, E., Ver BIR.B lack, M atthew, Ver BLAC. B lackm an, E., Ver BK.B lackm an, G .E., Ver BLM . B lackm ore, Susan J., Ver BLR. B lackw ood, A.W., Ver BLA.Blair, E.P., Ver BL.B lass, F., Ver BLAS.B lau, C., Ver BLAU.

    Bodheim er, F.S., Ver BOD.Boettner, E .p Ver BOE.Bohl, F.M., Ver BOH.Bonhoeffer, D ietrich, Ver BON.Borger, R .p Ver BOR.B ornhe im , G erd A., Ver FP.Botsford , G.W., Ver BOT.Bourke, Vernon, Ver EAU.Bouyer, K.E., Ver BOU.Bow m an, G.W., Ver BOW.Bow m an, R.A., Ver BN.Box, C .H ., Ver BOX.Box, H .S., Ver BO.Boyle, Isaac, Ver BOY.Brav, S .R., Ver BRA.Breasted , J.H ., Ver A RE e BRE.B riggs, C harles A., Ver I.B righ t, J., Ver BRI e BRIG.B righ tm an, E.S., Ver B R IG (2).Brinker, R Ver BRIN.B road, C.D., Ver BROA.B rockington, L.H ., Ver BROC.Brom iley, G.W., Ver BRO.B ronste in , Danie l J., Ver BRON.Brow n, David, Ver JFB.B row n, D river e Beges, Ver BDB. B row nlee, H .H ., Ver W HB.Brow niee, W illiam H., Ver BW.B row nrigg , R obert, Ver W W (1).B ruce, F.F., Ver BRU.Brugger, W alter, Ver DF.B runner, E., Ver BRUN e EB.Buber, M artin , Ver BUB.B uchan, J., Ver BUC.Buchler, Justus, Ver RAND.Budge, A.W., Ver BUD.Buhl, F Ver BUH.B ultm an, R., Ver BULT.B urkitt, F.C., Ver BUR.B urne t, J., Ver Bl.Burr, H aro ld S., Ver BU.B ush, F.O., Ver BUS.B uttrick , G eorge A rthur, Ver IB.Cadbury, Henry, J., Ver C AD Callaway, J.E., Ver CAL.C a lv in , John, Ver CALV.C am eron, G.C., Ver CN.C am eron, G eorge Glen, Ver CGC.Carey, K .M ., Ver CAR.C arne ll, John E., Ver CAR.Carr, Harvey, Ver CR.C arring ton , P., Ver CARR.Cary, M ax, Ver CM.C asse ll, Ver CAS.C astagno la , Luis, Ver PAD.Cerny, B.J., Ver CER.Chafer, Lew is S., Ver CHA.Chainey, G eorge, Ver CHI.C ham plin , Russell N. Ver DRE, EC e NTI C han ,Thom as, V erT C H .C harles , R.H., Ver A PO T e CH. C harlesw o rth , Jam es H., Ver J. C havasse, C., Ver CHAV.C he tw ynd , Tom, Ver CHE.C hiera , E., Ver CS.C h isho lm , Roderick M .V e rC H I(2 ).C lapp, F.G., Ver CLAP.C lark , G ordon H., Ver CLA, G E e HP. C la rke , A dam , Ver CLAR.Clay, A ., Ver CL.C obb, J.B ., Ver COB.C obern , C., Ver COB(2).

    C ohen , H V e rC O H .C ohen , S.S., Ver CO G (2).Com ay, Joan , Ver W W (1).C onnolly, R .H ., Ver DA.C ope, G ., Ver COP.C op les ton , Frederich , Ver CO.C ook, A .S ., Ver CAM .Corb ish ley, T hom as, Ver COR.C o ttre ll, L., Ver COT.Cowley, A ., Ver COW.C ranston , S .L., Ver REIN.C rippa , A do lpho, Ver CRIP.C ripps , R.S., Ver CRI.C ross, F.L., Ver OX.C um ont, F., Ver CUM .C urran , C harles , Ver CC.Dalby, J.C., Ver DALB.D a lm an, J.C ., Ver DAL.D ana, E.S., Ver DANA.Dancy, J.C ., Ver DAN.D an ie lou , J., Ver JD.D an ie l-R opes, H., Ver DANR.D arling , Jam es, Ver DAR.Davbe, D., Ver DD.D avidson, A. B Ver DAVI e DV(2). D avidson, F., Ver NBC.Davies, J.G ., Ver DAV.Davis, M on. H., Ver CD.D ebrunner, A ., Ver BLAS.De C am p, L. S., Ver CA.D e ism ann, A., Ver DEIS.D e litzsch , F., V er D EL et KD.D en Born, Ver DE.Dennis, Jam es S hepherd , Ver DEN. D enzinger, H., Ver D e DS.Devaux, R., Ver RV.D horm e, M., Ver DH.D iels, H., Ver DK.D iringer, David, Ver DIR.D ixon, Jeane, V er Dl.Dodd, C. H., V er DOD.D olah, John , P., Ver DOL.D oresse , J., Ver DO.D othan, T., Ver DOT.D ougherty, R.P., Ver DOU.D oughty, C .M ., Ver DT.Downey, E., Ver DOW.Driver, G .R ., Ver DM, D RI(1) e DRIV. D river, S .R ., V er D RI(2) e I.D rawer, M .S., Ver DRO.D ubbers te in , W .H., Ver DUB.D ucasse, C.J., Ver DCJ.D ucasse, C.W., Ver DU.D uchesne, L., Ver DUC.Dunlap, Jane, Ver DUN.D vorn ik , Francis, Ver DV(2).E astm an e W ilson , Ver W ill.Eaton, J.H ., Ver EA.Eddy, R., Ver EDD.E dershe im , A lfred , Ver ED, EDE e EDER. E did in, B.M., Ver EDI.E dm unds, C. G ordon, Ver EDM.E dw ards, Paul, Ver EP.E ichrod t, W., Ver W E.E isen, G .A ., Ver El.E iert, W., Ver ELE.E liot, W., Ver EL.E llicott, C h a rle s John, Ver ELLI.E llison, H .L., Ver ELL.E nslin , M orton Scott, Ver CB e EN. E ugene, Maly, Ver EUG.E useb ius, Ver EU.

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  • Ewing, W., Ver EW (2). Fabricus, J.F., Ver JK. Fairbairn, M., Ver FA(2). Fairbridge, R. W., Ver FAI. Falkner, E., Ver FAL. Farm er, W. R., Ver FW. Farquhar, John, Ver FARQ. Farrar, F.W., Ver FAR.

    AU.Filson, F.V., Ver FI.F inegan, J., Ver FIN.Firenze, Ver EF.F lem ington, W.F., Ver FL.Flew, Antony, Ver F.Foakes, Jackson, Ver LAK.Foerster, W., Ver FOE.Fcile tt, Ver FO Forbes, R.J., Ver FOR.Frankfort, H Ver FRAN.Frankfort, H .H ., Ver FRA.Franz, W Ver DK.Frazer, J.G ., Ver FR.Free, J.P., Ver FRE.Freem an, David Hugh, Ver FR E E (2). Freem an, H .E., Ver FREE.F reem an, Kath leen, Ver PPH.F re u o S igm und, Ver FREU. F riedrich , J , Ver FRI.Frost, H.W., Ver FRO.G add, C yril John, Ver GAD. G aebe le in , Frank E., Ver GA.G aster, M., Ver GAS.G eikie, C., Ver GEI.Geoffrey, Parm iter, Ver G E O (1). G eorge, P. R., Ver G EO (2). G esen ius, W., Ver GES.Geyser, A. S., Ver GEY.G hirshm an, R., Ver GH.G ill, John, Ver G.G ilson, E tienne, Ver GE.G ingrich , F. W ilbur, Ver A.G inzberg, H.L., Ver G l.G lover, R.H., Ver GLO.G lueck, N., Ver GL.G oguel, M., Ver MG.G oldschm idt, V ictor, Ver GO L. G oodm an, Jeffrey, Ver G O O D e JG . G oodspeed, E.J., Ver GD.G ordis, R obert, Ver KOH.G ordon, C.H., Ver CG, G C H e G O R. G ottw ald, N. K., Ver GOT. G radenw itz , P., Ver GRAD.G rant, E., Ver GRA.G rant, F.C., Ver G R AN.G rant, R. M., Ver GR e RG.Gray, J. Ver GY.G reen, W .H., Ver GN e W HG . G reenberg , M., Ver GRE.G reenslade , S .L., Ver G R EE. G renfe ll, B.P., Ver G REN.G riffith , Guy, Ver TAR.G riffith , G T Ver GRI.G rim el, P ierre, Ver GP.G ro llenberg , L.H ., Ver G RO L.Groves, C.P., Ver GRO.G uillam ont, A., Ver GUI.Gunday, R.H., Ver G U N.G uthrie , D., Ver GU.Hadas, M Ver HAD e STOI.Hahn, H.F., Ver HAH.Haidar, A., Ver HALD.Hall (e H olm gard), Ver HAL.Hailey, Henry, H., Ver HALL.Hanson, R.P.C., Ver HAN.

    H anson, S., Ver HANS.H ard ing, G .L., Ver HAR.Hare, R .M ., Ver HRM.H arnack, A do lf von, Ver HARN. H arnack, G .L., Ver HAR.H arris , H.L., Ver HRL.H arrison , A.W ., Ver HR. H arrison , E.F., Ver B.H arrison , RN., Ver HRR. H arrison, R .K., Ver HARR. Hartfe lder, Karl, Ver HART. H astings, Jam es, Ver HA.H atch, E dw in, Ver HAT.H aupart, R aym ond, Ver HAU. Hayes, W.C., Ver HAY.Head, Joseph, Ver REIN.Healy, Edw in, Ver HEA. H eberm an , C harles E., Ver CE. H eidel, A lexander, Ver HEI. H ennecke, Edgar, Ver HEN. Henry, Carl F.H., Ver H.Henry, M atthew, Ver COM . H erford, R.Y., Ver HER(2). H erodotus, Ver HER(1).H ick, John, Ver HI.H iers, R.H., Ver HIE.H iltner, S ew ard, Ver KM.H irsch, F.E., Ver HIR. H irschberger, Johannes, Ver HF. H itti, P.K., Ver HIT.Hodge, C Ver HO(1).H odgson, Leonard, Ver H O D(1). H odgson, P.C., Ver HOD(2). H o lm gard e Hall, Ver HAL. H orow itz, E., Ver HOR.H oskins, H., Ver HOS.H ouston, M .G ., Ver HOU. H oward, C lingbe ll, Ver HO(2). Howard, F .H .,V e rW E H . H ow ard-S everance , Ver S. H ow let, D., Ver HOW.Hughes, Philip, Ver HU.Hughes, T. Hawel, Ver HY.H unt, I., Ver HUN.H utch ins, B., Ver GB.Ira, Progoff, Ver IRA.Iranaeus, Ver IR.Jackson , S am uel, Ver JA. Jacques, X., Ver XL.Ja lland, T ig, Ver JAL.Ja lla rd , Trevor, Ver TJ.Jam es, E.D., Ver JAM E.Jam es, M .R., Ver A N T e JAM. Jam ieson , R obert, Ver JFB. Jap iassu , H ilton, Ver DBF.Jarre tt, Jam es L., Ver JAR. Jastrow , M., Ver JAS.Je llicoe , S., Ver JEL.Joh ler, K., Ver JO H.Johnson , A .R ., Ver JO HN.Jonas, H., Ver HJ.Jones, A .H .M ., Ver JON. Josephus , Ver JO.Judge, E.A., Ver JUD.June, Leo, Ver JUN .Jung, C arl, Ver JU.Kahler, M artin , Ver KAH. K ape lrud , A rv id S., Ver KAP. K ass is, H., Ver KA.Keil, C.F., Ver KD e KEI.Kelly, J.N .D ., Ver KELL.Kelso, J.L., Ver KELS.Kelson, J., Ver KEL.Kennedy, K., Ver KENY.Kent, R .G ., Ver KEN.Kenyon, Frederick, Ver FK. e KE. Kenyon, K., Ver KENY.

    Fausset, A .R ., Ver FA(1) e JFB Ferm , Vergilius, Ver E.Ferre ira, A ur lio B uarque de H o landa , V er

    K idner, D., Ver Kl.K ie rkegaard , S oren, Ver SK.Kinsey, A lfred C., Ver KIN.K itchen, K .A., Ver KK.K ittle , G erha rd , Ver K.K lausner, J., Ver KLA.K line, M .G ., Ver KLI.K link, A ., Ver KLIN.Kneller, G eorge, Ver KNE.K night, G.A.F., Ver KN.Kopp, C., Ver KO.K rae ling , C .H ., Ver KR(1).Kraft, C F., Ver KR(2).Kraft, R .A., Ver KR(3).K ram er, S .N ., Ver KRA.Kraus, H.J., Ver KRAU.K urtz, Prof., Ver KU.Kyle, M .G ., V er KY.Labby, D an ie l H., Ver LAB.Laetsch , A ., Ver LAE.Lake, K irsopp, Ver KL, LAK e LO.Lam bert, W .G., Ver LW.Lam on, R .S., Ver LAM .Lam pe, G .W .N ., Ver LA.Lang, C .H ., Ver LA(2).Lange, P., Ver LAN.Langford , A ., Ver ABE.Langton , E., Ver LANG .La Sor, W., Ver LAS.La toure tte , K.S., Ver LAT.Lea, H .C ., Ver LEA.Letcher, Le ffe rts A., Ver L.Leon-D ufour, Ver LEO.Leuick, B., Ver LE.Leupolo , H.C., Ver LEU.Lew is, C.S., Ver LEW.Lew is, John, Ver JL.Lew is, M abel, Ver RR Lightfoot, J.B., Ver LIG .L illie , W., Ver LIL.L innem ann , E., Ver LINN.L ins trom , H aro ld , Ver LIN.Liss, P.H., Ver W EB.Little, F.H., Ver LI.L loyd, R., Ver LL.Lloyd, S., Ver LLO.Loetscher, Ver TCE.Lotz, Johannes B aptis t, Ver LOT.Loud, G., V er LOU.Low ther, C larke, Ver LOW.Luckenbill, Ver ARAB.Luther, M artin , Ver LU e LUTH.Lutz, H.F., Ver LUT.Lyttle ton, R aym ond A., Ver LY.M acalis ter, R .A .S ., Ver MACA.M acgregor, C .H .C ., Ver MA.M ac in tosh , H .R ., Ver MAC.M aggs, T.J.L., Ver MAG.M allow an, M .E .L ., Ver MAL.Manley, Ver M AN.M anse i, H .L., Ver M.M arcondes, Danilo, Ver DBF.M arias, Ju lian, Ver M ARI.M arm or, Judd, Ver MAR.May, H.C., Ver MAY.M eC ow n, C.C., Ver MCC.M cG iffe rt, A .C ., Ver ACM e MCG. M cKenzie , John L., Ver MC.M cK n ight, W .J., Ver MK.M cM urrin , S te rling M., Ver JAR e MM. M cN eile , A .H ., Ver I.M cN e ill, J.T., Ver M CN.M elden, A .I., Ver ET e MEL.M enn inger, Karl, Ver KM.M ercer, S .A.B., Ver MER.M etzger, B ruce, Ver ME.Meyer, H e in rich A ugust W ilhe lm , Ver M EYE.

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  • Meyer, M .A., Ver MIEY.M ichols, R., Ver M ICH.M icklem , N., Ver MIC.M illard, A .R ., Ver M ILL.Miller, J.L., Ver MIL.M itton, C., Ver MIT.Moffatt, J., Ver MO.M ondolfo, R., Ver SOC.M onte fio re , C.G., Ver CEM . M onte tio re , Ver M O N TE.Montet, P., Ver PM.M ontgom ery, J., Ver JM.M ontgom ery, J.A., Ver M O N e MONT. Moody, Raym ond, A ., Ver MOO. M oore, G .E., Ver MR.M oore, G.F., Ver MOR.M organ, G., C am pbe ll, Ver M O R N . M ornschuh, M., Ver MH.M oule, C.F.D., Ver MOU.M oulton e M illigan, Ver MST.M ourant, John A., Ver M O UR.Muller, R., Ver SB.Murray, G ilbert, Ver M UR.Murray, H.J.C., Ver MU.M yers, F.W.H., Ver MY.N airne, A., Ver NAI.Napier, B.P., Ver NAP.Nash, A rno id S., Ver NAS.Navarra, Fernand, Ver NA.N elson, Leonard, Ver N.Neve, Juergen L., Ver NE(2). Newberry, Thom as, Ver NB.N ewell, W illiam R., Ver NE(1).N ichols, Jam es, Ver AJ.N icoll, W. R obertson , Ver E G T e EX. N ida, Eugene, Ver NI.N iebuhr, H. R ichard, Ver N IE.N ilson, P., Ver NIL.Nock, A.D., Ver NOK.Noth, M., Ver NO.O ates, W .J., Ver OA.O 'C a llaghan , R.T., Ver OC.O deberg, Hugo, Ver OD.O ctiler, G.F., Ver O E (2).O estborn , Ver OES.O esterley, W .O.E., Ver O E(1).O gden, S chube rt M., Ver O G (1 ).O gg, G., OG(2).O lm stead, A.T., Ver O LM e O LM S. O ppenhe im , A .L., Ver OP.O rn i, E., Ver OR.Orr, J., Ver ORE.Orr, Jam es, Ver ORR.Osis, K., Ver OSI.O strander, S heila , Ver SL.Padovani, H um berto , Ver PAD.Pallis, E.H., Ver PAL.Parrot, A ., Ver PAR.Pastor, Ludw ig von, B aron, Ver PAS. Paterson, J., Ver PAT.Pauck, W ilhe lm , Ver PAU.Payne, B arton, Ver PAY(2).Payne, J.B., Ver PAY(1).P ederson, J., Ver JP e PED.Peak, A .S., Ver PEA.Peeters, Evangeles, Ver PE.Pelikan, J., Ver PEL.Perowne, S., Ver PER.Petavel, E., Ver PETA.Peters, P.W., Ver PT.Petrie, F., Ver PET.Petrie, W .F, Ver PETR.Pfeiffer, C.F., Ver PFE.Pfeiffer, R obert H., Ver PF.P ike, Royston, Ver ERR.Piper, O., Ver 0 .P hilipson, D., Ver PHIL.

    Philo, Ver PHI.P lum m er, A lfred, Ver I.Poebl, A rno, Ver POE.P om m erenke, C .H ., Ver PO.Porter, Frank E., Ver POI.Prat, F., Ver PR.P ritchard , J.B., Ver ANEP, A N E T e PRI. Pusey, E.F., Ver PU.Q uaston , J., Ver JO.Q uell, G ottfried , Ver QS.Rader, M elv in , Ver ES.R ahner, Karl, Ver R.Ramsay, M., Ver RAM.R am m , B., Ver RAMM .R andall, John H erm an, Ver RAND. R andall, John L., Ver RAN.Read, H .H ., Ver REA.Reed, W .L., Ver RE.Reese, W. L., Ver P.Regush, N icho las M., Ver REG.Reider, J., Ver REI.R eifenberg, A., Ver REIF.Reis, J.K .S ., Ver REIS.Rentz, G., Ver REN.Reu, M., Ver REU.Rhine, J.B ., Ver RH.R ichardson, A lan, Ver AR, C, RI e W. R ichardson, C yril Charles, Ver CY. R ichardson, E.C., Ver RIC.R idderbos, H., Ver RID.R ing, K enneth, Ver RIN.R oberts, B.J., Ver BJR.R oberts, D onalson, Ver ANF. R obertson , A.T., Ver RO.R obertson , H.W., Ver ROB.R ob inson, C .A., Ver BOT.R ob inson, J., Ver ROBINS.R ob inson, S., Ver ROBIN.R ob inson, T., Ver R 0B (2 ).Rose, H erbe rt, J., Ver ROS.Ross, Sr. David, Ver DR(2).R oth, C., Ver ROT.Rouse, Ruth, Ver ROU.Rouse, W .H.D., Ver DP.Routley, Eric, Ver ROUT.Rowe, L.A., Ver ROWE.Rowley, H .H ., Ver ROW.Runes, D agobert, D., Ver RUN.R usse ll, B ertrand , Ver RUS.R usse ll, D.S., Ver RU.Rynne, Xavier, Ver RY.Ryrie, C., Ver RYR.S abom , M ichael, Ver SA.S achs, K., Ver SAC.S aggs, H.W.F., Ver SAG.S ahak ian , W illiam , Ver RP.S alm ond, S.D.F., Ver SA.S am ue l, H .E., Ver SAM.S anson i, G.C., Ver GC.Sauer, E., Ver SAU.S aylo rk , C arly le , Ver SP.Schaff, Philip, Ver SCH.S choepes, Hans, Ver HS.S chonfie ld , Hugh, Ver SCHO. S chonm etzer, A., Ver DS.S chu lw e is , H aro ld M., Ver BRON. Schrer, E., Ver SH.S chw eitzer, A lbe rt, Ver SCHW .S cofie ld , C.I., Ver SCO.S curti, S.J., Ver SC.Segal, J.B., Ver SEG.Seiss, Joseph, Ver SE.S eters, J., Ver SET.Seyffert, Oskar, Ver OS.Shaffer, Je rom e A., Ver FE.S herm an , H arold, Ver SHE.S hort, Rendel, Ver SHO.

    S hrenk, G., Ver QS.S hroeder, Lynn, Ver SL.S hu ltz , S.J., Ver SHU (1).S hut, R .J.H ., Ver SHU (2).S im ons, J., Ver S l.S im pson, E .K., Ver SIM.S inger, C., Ver SIN.S inger, C harles , Ver SHS.Skeat, T.C., Ver SKE.S m id, T Ver SMID.S m ith , G., Ver G SM .S m ith , H uston, Ver HUS.S m ith , J.A ., Ver DR(2) e SMI.Sm ith , J.B., Ver SM.Sm ith , T.V., Ver PS e TVS.Sm ith , W .R., Ver SMIT.S naith , H .H ., Ver SN.Souter, A ., Ver SO.Speiser, G .A., Ver CS.Spitzer, W alter, Ver SP.Spanos, W illiam V., Ver EXT.Stainer, J., Ver STAI.Stanley, A rth u r Penrhyn, Ver STA.Stanley, David M., Ver STAN.S tenda ll, K., Ver STE.S tibbs, A .M ., Ver STI.S tokes, W .L., Ver STO.S tonehouse , N.B., Ver STONE. S tonehouse , Paul, Ver STON.Storr, C., Ver STOR.S track, H .L., Ver STRAC.S traw son, W., Ver STRA.S treeter, B .H ., Ver STRE.S triwe, O tto, Ver STR.S trong , A ugustus, Ver ST.S trong , Jam es, Ver STRO.S ueton ius , Ver SU.Sw ete, H .B., Ver SW.Tarn, W illiam W., V erTA R .Taylor, C., Ver TAY.Taylor, R ichard, Ver MET.Taylor, V., Ver TA.Tcherikover, V., Ver TC.Techenie, V er TEC.Tenny, M .C., V e rT E e Z.Thackeray, H., V e rT H A .Th ie l, A ., V e rT H I.T hom as, C., Ver THU.T hom as, D.R., Ver AOTS e AP.T hom as, D.W., Ver THO.Thom pson , R.C., V e rT H O M .Thornd ike , Lynn, Ver TL.T illich , Paul, V e rT IL .T ischendorf, C onstan tinus , TIS.T itus, E ric Lane, Ver T l.Tonybee, J., Ver TON.Torbet, R .G ., Ver TO.Torrey, C.C., Ver TOR.Torrey, R .A., V e rT 0 R (2 ).Trawick, B uckner B., Ver TRA.Tristan, H .B., Ver TR.Turnball, R a lph G ., V erT .U h lhorn , G ., Ver U.U llendorff, E., Ver UL.Unger, V e rU N , U N (1952), U N(1957) e UNA. U rm soh , J.O ., Ver EW.Van U nnick, W .C., Ver UNN.Vasilieve, Ver VAS.Vaux, R., Ver VA.Velikovsky, R.B.Y., Ver VE.V incent, A ., Ver VI.V incent, M arv in R., Ver V IN.Von Rad, G erhard , Ver RA.Vos, E., Ver VO.V riezen , S., Ver V.V riezen , Th.C ., Ver VR.W alker, G.P., Ver W ALK.

    x x i

  • W alker, W., Ver W AL.W alker, W illins ton , Ver W W (2). W allace, R. S., Ver W A(2) e W ALL. W arner, Rex, Ver AUG.W atson, Thom as, Ver WAT. W axm an, Meyer, Ver W AX. W eatherhead, L.D., Ver W EA. W eber, M., Ver MW.W ebre, A .L., Ver W EB.W eiga ll, A ., Ver W EI(2).W eiser, A ., Ver W EI.W esterm ach, E., Ver WEST. W esterm an, C., Ver W C.W hale, J.S., Ver W H.W heslu righ t, Philip, Ver W H E. W his ton , W., Ver W HIS.W hitcom b, J.C ., Ver W HIT.

    W hite , H .G .I., Ver WHI.W hite , John, V e rW H I(2 ). W h itehead , A .N ., Ver WT. W ie g a rd T ., V e rW iE . W ilkenhauser, A ., Ver W IK. W ilson , C olin , Ver CW.W ilson , J.A ., Ver WILS.W ilson , R., Ver W l.W ilson , R. M cl., Ver RW. W irgm an, A.T., Ver WIR. W isem an , J., Ver W IS.W ood, J.A ., Ver WOD. W oo lcom be, K., Ver LA.W ooley, C.L., Ver WOO. W ordsw orth , C harles, Ver W ORD. W orre ll, W., Ver W O R.

    W oudstra , M .H ., Ver W OU. W righ t, F Ver W R IG .W righ t, G V e rW R I.W righ t, G eorge E., V e rW G . W ycherley, R ichard C., Ver WY. X av ie r-Leon-D u fou r, Ver VT. Yadin, Y., V er YAD.Yahudu, A .D., Ver YA.Yates, Kyle, Ver YAT.Yeivin, S., Ver YE.Young, E.J., Ver IOT, Y e YO. Zaehner, R.C., Ver ZAE.Ze itlin , S., Ver ZE.Ze lle r, Eduard, Ver ZEL. Zeuner, F.E., Ver ZEU.Zyl, A .H ., Van, Ver ZY.

    x x i i

  • GNESIS 5


    0 livro de Gnesis constitui a primeira seo da Tora ou Livro da Lei. Em hebreu chamado Bereshth (no comeo), vocbulo derivado das palavras iniciais do livro. O nome portugus originou-se da Septuaginta (grego gnesis), por intermdio da Vulgata Latina. Em conformidade com o contedo do livro, o vocbulo "gnesis" significa "comeo".

    H uma srie de problemas relacionados ao livro de Gnesis que so tratados em artigos separados. Esses artigos, alm de examinar os problemas, acrescentam muitas informaes sobre os assuntos do livro. Talvez a maior dificuldade do livro seja a historicidade dos acontecimentos narrados antes do tempo de Abrao. Ver no Dicionrio os artigos cham ados Cosm ogonia , C osm olog ia, Criao, Antediluvianos, Dilvio, den, Cronologia e Ado.

    EsbooI. Importncia do LivroII. ComposioIII. ContedoIV. TeologiaV. Descobertas ArqueolgicasVI. Consideraes FinaisVII. Bibliografia

    I. Importncia do LivroA importncia do livro de Gnesis tem sido acentuada em trs

    aspectos principais: teolgico, literrio e histrico.1. Teolgico. O livro de Gnesis contm grande teologia e deve

    ser considerado o "comeo de toda teologia". Os principais conceitos de Deus como um ser supremo, onipotente e extremamente sbio so introduzidos neste livro. Gnesis oferece tambm um tratamento teolgico s questes da origem do mundo, origem do homem, origem do pecado, e aos problemas da queda do homem do estado de graa, do plano de redeno, do julgamento e da providncia divina. O livro narra como um remanescente da raa humana foi providencialmente poupado e preparado de maneira tal para permitir o crescimento do plano de redeno, sob a direo do Pai, para toda a humanidade.

    2. Literrio. O livro de Gnesis considerado uma das grandes obras literrias de todas as pocas. Seu autor descreve de maneira vigorosa as atividades de Deus como guia da criao e da histria. Os contos individuais, verdadeiras obras-primas de narrativas interessantes e intensas, so entrelaados inteligentemente, no prejudicando assim a unidade do tema. O livro segue um plano lgico e em geral evita detalhes desnecessrios. Suas personagens so apresentadas no como figuras mitolgicas, mas como seres humanos reais, passveis de faltas e de virtudes. Quem escreveu Gnesis observou a vida de duas perspectivas: exterior e interior. Do lado exterior considerou as coisas materiais; do lado interior considerou os desejos, as ambies, as alegrias, as tristezas, o amor e o dio.

    Os assuntos tratados no livro incorporam uma rara combinao do simples com o complexo. Temas vitais para o homem, envolvendo suas mais profundas necessidades e aspiraes, so tratados de maneira extremamente simples, quase infantil. Este fato importante no sentido de que a mensagem do livro pode ser captada at mesmo pelos menos instrudos.

    A importncia literria deste livro ainda ressaltada pelas freqentes referncias feitas a ele nos outros livros das Escrituras. Segundo alguns afirmam, Gnesis o alicerce mesmo dos outros livros do Pentateuco.

    3. Histrico. Como histria, os primeiros captulos de Gnesis ilustram somente o status da cosmologia hebraica daquela poca. Do captulo 12 em diante, por outro lado, o carter histrico do livro fortalecido. A autenticidade da histria patriarcal e do autor evidente nesses captulos. Nem as falhas na histria de Abrao, nem os pecados crassos dos filhos de Jac (dentre os quais os pecados de Levi, o progenitor da raa sacerdotal), foram ocultados.

    O mesmo autor, cujos princpios morais so to censurados pelos antagonistas de Gnesis, com relao ao relato sobre a vida de Jac, produz na histria de Abrao uma figura de grandeza moral que somente poderia ter-se originado em fatos reais.

    A fidelidade do autor se manifesta principalmente: 1. na descrio da expedio dos reis da Alta sia para a sia Ocidental; 2. nos relatos a respeito da pessoa de Melquisedeque (Gn. 14); 3. na descrio dos detalhes circunstanciais envolvidos na compra de um cemitrio hereditrio (Gn. 23); 4. na genealogia das tribos rabes (Gn. 25); 5. na genealogia de Edom (Gn. 36); 6. e nos impressionantes detalhes que so entretecidos com as narrativas gerais. No relato de Jos, a histria patriarcal entra em contato com o Egito; e, quanto s narrativas fornecidas pelos escritores clssicos antigos, bem como os monumentos do Egito, acrescentam esplndidas confirmaes. Por exemplo, o relato apresentado em Gn. 47.13-26, que descreve como os Faras se tornaram proprietrios de todas as terras, exceto aquelas pertencentes aos sacerdotes, confirmado pelos escritos de Herdoto (II.84). Submetendo-se o livro de Gnesis a um exame minucioso, outros dados similares podem ser encontrados. Do ponto de vista crtico, Gnesis considerado uma fonte primria da histria antiga.

    II. ComposioA unidade de composio no s do livro de Gnesis, mas de

    todos os livros do Pentateuco, tem sido um tema polmico entre os crticos. O caso de Gnesis tem sido particularmente investigado e, como a questo da unidade do livro est intimamente relacionada ao problema de autoria, apresentaremos a seguir duas principais linhas de pensamento sobre o assunto: 1. o ponto de vista conservativo; 2. o ponto de vista crtico.

    1. Ponto de Vista Conservativo. A teoria conservativa reivindica que o livro de G

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