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  • 8/11/2019 AULA 6 - TEXTO.pdf


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    Hardware is not difficult to understand. It is nuts and bolts and microchips. But what issoftware? Perhaps the easiest way to think of it is in terms of a simple analogy: hardwareis to software as a television set is to the shows that appear on it. Computer programs,rather like those aired on TV, are a man-made effort to turn lifeless hardware intosomething one might want to spend some time with. Programs, like television scripts, are written not in English, but in English-like commands that vary from machine tomachine. BASIC, for example, is a language most desktop computers are wired tounderstand. In the past, computer owners had to write their own software. Todaythousands of prewritten programs are on the market, ranging from games toaccountants tools. Running those software packages, as opposed to writing them, is nomore difficult than playing a CD or a videotape. Just find the appropriate disc, put it in adisc drive and push a button. In a matter of seconds the computer is programmed andset from balancing the books to finding misspelled words to playing a video game.


    hardware: computador (a mquina)understand: entendernuts and bolts: porcas e parafusosBut: masWhat: o quesoftware: programa de computadorperhaps: talvezeasiest: mais fcilway: maneira, formato think: pensarof: deto: paraas: comoset: aparelho, pronto, preparadothat: que

    to appear: apareceron: em, no, narather: em vez, de preferncialike: como, da mesma forma quethose: aquelesto air: transmitirman: homemmade: feitoeffort: esforoto turn ... into: transformar emlifeless: inanimado, sem vida

    to wire: equipar, prepararinto: em, dentrosomething: algumto might: podeto want: querto spend: gastarsome: algumwith: comwritten: escritovary: variarmachine: mquinafor: pormost: mais, o maiordesktop: mesawired: com fio

    past: passadoowner: dono, proprietriohad: ter (no passado)their: seus, suas, deles, delasown: prpriotoday: hojethousand: milmarket: mercadoto range: variaraccountant: contabilistatool: ferramenta, instrumento

    market: mercadoto range: variaraccountant: contabilistatool: ferramenta, instrumentoto run: operar, fazer funcionarpackage: pacoteopposed: oposto, contrriothem: eles, osno: no, nenhumathan: que

    1. Corno se chama a parte fsica, concreta, do conjunto de peas que formam umcomputador?_______________________________________________________________________________

    2. Qual a analogia feita no texto para explicar os termos hardware e software?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. Qual a forma de comunicao entendida pela maioria dos microcomputadores?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. Falando da facilidade de operao dos programas de computador existentes nomercado, que comparao feita? E o que ao contrario, difcil nos programas?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    to play: jogar, tocar just: apenasto find: encontrarto put: colocarto push: empurrarbutton: botomatter: questo, matriasecond: segundomisspelled: erros ortogrficosto balance: contabilizar

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