

Exemplos (affirmative form)

• Listen! I need you go now. (Ouça! Eu preciso que você

vá agora) • O imperativo poderá marcar algumas ações, como: • fazer um convite: Let’s go now. (Vamos agora) – para

convites sempre utilizar o “Let’s”; • fazer um oferecimento: Have a piece of cake. (Tome

um pedaço de bolo); • dar uma ordem: Listen to them. (Ouça eles); • fazer um pedido: Open the door. (Abra a porta); • dar um conselho: Be careful! (Seja cuidadoso).

• Se for necessário deixar a frase mais educada basta acrescentar a expressão “please” (por favor) no começo ou no final da frase.

• Exemplos:

• Please, come with me. (Por favor, venha comigo)

• Call the doctor, please. (Ligue para o médico, por favor)

• Please, don’t scream. (Por favor, não grite)

• Wait for me, please. (Espere por mim, por favor)

• Let’s watch this film, please. (Vamos assistir a esse filme, por favor)

Exemplos (negative form)

• Exemplos:

• Do not (don’t) eat this cake. (Não coma esse bolo)

• Do not (don’t) forget to close the window. (Não esqueça de fechar a janela)

• Do not (don’t) run here. (Não corra aqui)

• Do not (don’t) put your hand here. (Não coloque a mão aqui)


Utilize os verbos no imperativo:

• ________ your homework (do)

• ________ your house (clean)

• ________ the laundry (do)

• ________ shopping (go)

Brazilian Cuisine

• Let’s make a “feijoada”.

• First, cook the beans

• Secondly, chop the onions

• Then, pour oil and fry the garlic, the onions and the pork.

• After that, join the beans and cook until done.


• Diga como se faz uma caipirinha, utilizando o imperativo e os advérbios de sequência.

Brazilian cuisine

Some typical dishes are Feijoada, considered the country's national dish; and regional foods such as vatapá, moqueca, polenta and acarajé. There's also caruru, which consists of okra, onion, dried shrimp, and toasted nuts (peanuts and/or cashews), cooked with palm oil until a spread-like consistency is reached; moqueca capixaba, consisting of slow-cooked fish, tomato, onion and garlic, topped with cilantro; and linguiça, a mildly spicy sausage. •

em-ingles-sobre-o-brasil-t16622.html •

Why Brazil Brazil is famous for the amazon forest, the pantanal, exuberant wildlife, amazing landscapes, white-sand beaches lined with palm trees, majestic waterfalls, red-rock canyons, and crystal-clear rivers.

But there is more in Brazil than just natural beauty. There, you can taste typical Brazilian food, always abundantly served, listen to Brazilian music, and enjoy plenty of ecotourism and adventure tours, like kayaking, rafting, trekking, snorkeling and surfing.

Exercises Leia os três textos e, com suas palavras, escreva o que você compreendeu.

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