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    SC - 2015


    Prof Jaqueline C. Bueno

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    A crescente internacionalizao dos mercados levou as naes a adotarem o Ingls como o idioma

    oficial do mundo dos negcios e considerando a importncia econmica do Brasil como pas em

    desenvolvimento, dominar o Ingls se tornou sinnimo de sobrevivncia e integrao global. O

    aprendizado do Ingls abre as portas para o desenvolvimento pessoal, profissional e cultural. O

    mercado atualmente considera um requisito bsico no momento da contratao que o candidato

    domine o Ingls. Muitas vezes o conhecimento do Ingls significa um salrio at 70% maior.

    Nada obstante, os conhecimentos de Ingls se tornaram fundamentais para aquele que busca fazer

    uma pesquisa eficiente na Web, atualizar-se pois, a maioria dos programas so lanados

    primeiramente na lngua inglesa. A Internet tende a ser, no futuro, um dos mais poderosos

    instrumentos tecnolgicos aptos a trazer e levar informaes de forma mais eficiente e a tendncia

    que as pessoas se dem conta disso, cada vez mais rpido.

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    As tcnicas de leitura, como o prprio nome diz, vo nos ajudar a ler um texto. Existem tcnicas

    variadas, mas veremos as mais utilizadas. Ao ler um texto em Ingls, lembre-se de usar as tcnicas

    aprendidas, elas vo ajud-lo. O uso da gramtica vai ajudar tambm.

    As principais tcnicas so: a identificao de cognatos, de palavras repetidas e de pistas tipogrficas.

    Ao lermos um texto vamos, ainda, apurar a idia geral do texto (general comprehension) e utilizar

    duas outras tcnicas bastante teis: skimming e scanning.


    Os cognatos so palavras muito parecidas com as palavras do Portugus. So as chamadas palavras

    transparentes. Existem tambm os falsos cognatos, que so palavras que achamos que tal coisa,

    mas no ; os falsos cognatos so em menor nmero, estes ns veremos adiante.

    Como cognatos podemos citar: school (escola), telephone (telefone), car (carro), question (questo,

    pergunta), activity (atividade), training (treinamento)... Voc mesmo poder criar sua prpria lista

    de cognatos!


    Existem inmeros falsos cognatos.

    Actually no atualmente; atualmente nowadays. Actually realmente, na verdade..

    Available no avaliado; avaliado appraised. Available disponvel.

    Arrest no arrastar; arrastar drag. Arrest prender.

    Bond no bonde; bonde streetcar, tram. Bond elo, lao, convnio, aliana.

    Collar no colar; colar necklace. Collar gola, colarinho e coleira.

    College no colgio; colgio high school. College faculdade.

    Commodity no comodidade; comodidade comfort. Commodity artigo, mercadoria, bem de


    Convict no convicto, convencido; convicto convinced, sure. Convict ru, condenado,


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    4 Data no data; data date. Data dados, informaes (singular = datum).

    To enroll no enrolar (um pacote); enrolar (um pacote) wrap. To enroll matricular-se.

    Estate no estado; estado state. Estate patrimnio, bens.

    Exit no xito; xito success. Exit sada.

    Expert no esperto; esperto smart. Expert especialista, perito.

    Exquisite no esquisito; esquisito odd, strange. Exquisite aprimorado, sofisticado, fino.

    Fabric no fbrica; fbrica factory. Fabric tecido.

    Ingenious no ingnuo; ingnuo naive. Ingenious criativo, inventivo, engenhoso, habilidoso.

    Intend no entender; entender understand. Intend pretender, ter a inteno de.

    Large no largo; largo wide. Large grande.

    Lecture no leitura; leitura reading. Lecture palestra, conferncia.

    Library no livraria; livraria bookstore. Library biblioteca.

    Lunch no lanche; lanche snack. Lunch almoo.

    Notice no notcia; notcia news. Notice aviso, comunicao.

    Novel no novela; novela soap-opera. Novel romance.

    Parents no parentes; parentes relatives. Parents pais.

    Policy no polcia; polcia police. Policy poltica (linha de ao, estratgia) e politics poltica


    Prejudice no prejuzo; prejuzo loss. Prejudice preconceito.

    Pretend no pretender, pretender intend. Pretend fingir.

    Push no puxar; puxar pull. Push empurrar, pressionar.

    Ordinary no ordinrio; ordinrio disgusting. Ordinary comum, normal.

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    5 Resume no resumir; resumir summarize. Resume recomear, retomar.


    As pistas tipogrficas so elementos visuais que nos auxiliam na compreenso do texto. Ateno

    com datas, nmeros, tabelas, grficas, figuras... So informaes tambm contidas no texto. Os

    recursos de escrita tambm so pistas tipogrficas. Por exemplo:

    ... (trs pontos) indicam a continuao de uma idia que no est ali exposta;

    negrito d destaque a algum termo ou palavra;

    itlico tambm destaca um termo, menos importante que o negrito;

    (aspas) salientam a importncia de alguma palavra;

    ( ) (parnteses) introduzem uma idia complementar ao texto.


    A idia geral de um texto obtida com o emprego das tcnicas anteriores. Selecionando-se

    criteriosamente algumas palavras, termos e expresses no texto, poderemos chegar idia geral do


    Por exemplo, vamos ler o trecho abaixo e tentar obter a general comprehension deste pargrafo:

    Distance education takes place when a teacher and students are separated by

    physical distance, and technology (i.e., voice, video and data), often in concert with face-to-

    face communication, is used to bridge the instructional gap.

    From: Engineering Outreach

    College of Engineering University of Idaho

    A partir das palavras cognatas do texto (em negrito) podemos ter um a idia geral do que se trata;

    vamos enumerar as palavras conhecidas (pelo menos as que so semelhantes ao Portugus):

    distance education = educao a distancia

    students = estudantes, alunos

    separeted = separado

    physical distance = distncia fsica

    technology = tecnologia

    voice, video, data = voz, vdeo e dados (ateno: data no data)

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    6 face-to-face communication = comunicao face-a-face

    used = usado (a)

    instructional = instrucional

    Ento o texto trata sobre educao a distncia; que esta ocorre quando os alunos esto separados

    fisicamente do professor; a tecnologia (voz, vdeo, dados) podem ser usados de forma instrucional.

    -concluso sobre o texto mesmo sem ter muito conhecimento de Ingls.

    DESAFIO Leia o texto e reescreva a General Comprehension


    The Word Wildlife Fund is an international organization for the protection of animals and

    conservation of life in the natural word. Since 1961, the Word Wildlife Fund has saved lots of

    animals and birds from extinction. It has given more then 40 billion dollars to conservation projects

    around the word. It has created or supported 260 National Parks on five continents. But there is still

    much more work to do.

    Elephants, for example. Do they have a future? Nobody knows how many elephants there are in

    Africa or Asia today. For a long time dishonest people have been killing elephants illegally, especially

    for their ivory. Those animals may soon be in danger of extinction. Just think: the zoo may be the

    only place where it will be possible to see an elephant!


    skim em ingls deslizar superfcie, desnatar (da skimmed milk = leite desnatado), passar os

    olhos por. A tcnica de skimming nos leva a ler um texto superficialmente. Utilizar esta tcnica

    significa que precisamos ler cada sentena, mas sim passarmos os olhos por sobre o texto, lendo

    algumas frases aqui e ali, procurando reconhecer certas palavras e expresses que sirvam como

    dicas na obteno de informaes sobre o texto. s vezes no necessrio ler o texto em detalhes.

    Para usar esta tcnica, precisamos nos valer dos nossos conhecimentos de Ingls tambm.

    Observe este trecho:

    Using this integrated approach, the educators task is to carefully select among the

    technological options. The goal is to build a mix of instructional media, meeting the needs of

    the learner in a manner that is instructionally effective and economically prudent.

    From: Engineering Outreach

    College of Engineering University of Idaho

    Selecionando algumas expresses teremos:

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    7 integrated approach = abordagem (approach = abordagem, enfoque)


    educators task = tarefa (task = tarefa) do educador s significa posse = do

    tecnological options = opes tecnolgicas (tecnological adjetivo)

    goal = objetivo

    a mix instrucional media = uma mistura de mdia instrucional.

    Com a tcnica do skimming podemos dizer que este trecho afirma que a tarefa do educador

    selecionar as opes tecnolgicas; o objetivo ter uma mistura de mdias instrucionais de uma

    maneira instrucionalmente efetiva e economicamente prudente.


    Scan em Ingls quer dizer examinar, sondar, explorar. O que faz um scanner? Uma varredura, no

    ?! Logo, com a tcnica de scanning voc ir fazer uma varredura do texto, procurando detalhes e

    idias objetivas. Aqui importante que voc utilize os conhecimentos de Ingls; por isso, ns vamos

    ver detalhadamente alguns itens gramaticais no ser Estudo da Lngua Inglesa.

    Olhe este trecho:

    Teaching and learning at a distance is demanding. However, learning will be more

    meaningful and deeper for distant students, if students and their instructor share

    responsibility for developing learning goals: actively interacting with class members;

    promoting reflection on experience; relating new information to examples that make sense to

    learners. This is the challenge and the opportunity provided by distance education.

    Poderamos perguntar qual o referente do pronome their em negrito no trecho?

    Utilizando a tcnica de skimming, seria necessrio retornar ao texto e entender a sentena na qual o

    pronome est sendo empregado. Their um pronome possessivo (e como tal, sempre vem

    acompanhado de um substantivo) da terceira pessoa do plural ( o seu referente um substantivo no

    plural). A traduo de their instructor seria seu instrutor . Seu de quem? Lendo um pouco para

    trs, vemos que h students; logo conclumos que their refere-se a students, ou seja, instrutor

    dos alunos.

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    Subject pronouns (pronome pessoal) = I, You, He, She, It, We, They

    So aqueles que iniciam as oraes, localizam-se antes do verbo.

    Object pronoun (oblquo) = me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.

    Colocam-se sempre depois do verbo.

    Tom is leaving now. Im going with him. / Maria is very nice, I like her.

    Possessive adjectives = my, your, his, her, its, our, their

    Usado antes de substantives para indicar posse ou parentesco.

    Julia and her brother. / Your hands are dirty.

    Possessive pronouns = mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs

    No seguido de substantivo.

    This is your coat. Thats mine. (= my coat)

    This isnt Marias bag. Hers is blue. ( = her bag)

    Demonstrative adjectives and Demonstrative pronouns

    Singular Plural

    Perto This These

    Longe That Those

    Antes de substantivo: This letter is for you./ How much is that apple?

    Sem substantive: This is for you. / How much is that?

    Reflexive pronouns = myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves,


    Shes looking at herself in the mirror. / I built it myself. / I myself built this house.



    (+) I walk everyday.

    (-) I dont walk every day.

    (?) Do you walk every day?

    (+) He walks everyday.

    (-) He doesnt walk every day.

    (?) Does he walk every day?

    p/ he, she, it (+) adiciona-se s no verbo; -es se o verbo terminar em s, -sh, -ch, -o, - x, - z; e -ies se o verbo

    terminar em y precedido de consoante.

    Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never

    Expressions: once/twice/three times a week; every two days.

    C. SIMPLE PAST: definite time in the past

    Mesma forma para todas as pessoas

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    9 Dois tipos de verbos: regulares e irregulares.

    Regulares: +ed, ex: watch = watched, close = closed; worry = worried; stop = stopped (1 syllable + CVC )

    irregulars: table

    Yesterday, last year/week/Sunday; the day after yesterday

    Alterao s na afirmativa. Outras - auxiliar

    (+) She went to the club yesterday. (+) They watched TV yesterday.

    (-) She didnt go to the club yesterday. (-) They didnt watch TV yesterday.

    (?) Did she go to the club yesterday? (?) Did they watch TV yesterday?

    D. -ING forms.

    1. Present Continuous

    Verb to be (am, is, are) + verbo principal (ing)

    I am /am not; He, She, It is/isnt; We, You, They are / arent

    (+) She is going to the club.

    (-) She isnt going to the club.

    (?) Is she going to the club?

    Past continuous was/were + verbo principal (ing) I was working yesterday afternoon.

    2. Depois de alguns verbos ( like, love, hate, cant stand, stop, start, admit, enjoy, dislike, feel like, mind, keep,

    remember, resist, suggest, try, regret )

    3. Com alguns determiners (the, my, this)

    Does my smoking annoy you?

    I dont mind your going without me.

    I hate all these useless arguing.

    4. Depois de preposies (exceto to) e algumas expresses com to

    You cant make an omelette without breaking the eggs

    Hes talking about moving to the country.

    What is a toothpaste for? Its for cleaning the teeth.

    I look forward to; object to; to be /get used to; prefer to

    5. Como sujeito de frases

    Smoking is bad for you. / Reading is my favourite activity.

    6. adjetivos formados de verbos

    interesting, boring, tiring, relaxing, etc.


    A tag question uma pequena pergunta feita no final de uma afirmativa ou negativa para confirmar ou saber se

    determinada informao verdadeira. O sujeito da orao o mesmo que vai para o final na tag question.

    Se a frase for afirmativa a TAG ser negativa, ex: She is your sister, isnt she?

    Se a frase for negative a TAG sera afirmativa, ex: She isnt your sister, is she?

    Se a frase for formada com tempos compostos de mais de um verbo ento esquecemos o 2, o 3 etc. e d

    trabalhamos com o 1 da estrutura verbal, ex: She hasnt taken the book, has she?

    She is going to work in the club, isnt she?

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    10Quando tempos um nico verbo devemos ver se estamos falando de passado ou presente (simples), se for passado

    utilizaremos o auxiliary do passado: DID para a tag afirmativa e DIDNT para a tag negativa; no caso do presente

    DO/DOES para a tag afirmativa e DONT e DOESNt para a tag negativa.

    Ex: They went to the cinema, didnt they? / They work everyday, dont they? / She likes apples, doesnt she?

    Imperative will you, ou wont you, ou cant you.

    Stop talking, will you? / Stop talking, wont you? / Stop talking, cant you?


    I am a doctor, arent I?

    Lets go out, shall we?

    REMEMBER: affirmative sentence negative question tag

    negative sentence affirmative question tag

    a) Normalmente ns usamos com a frase afirmativa uma question tag negativa.

    Frase afirmativa Tag question negativa

    Ann will arrive at 10 oclock, wont she?

    Tom went to the cinema, didnt he?

    They were very angry, werent they?

    They have been to Rio, havent they

    Shes working a lot, isnt she?

    She studies every day, doesnt she?

    b) E normalmente com uma frase negativa usamos uma question tag afirmativa.

    Frase negativa Tag question afirmativa

    Tom wont be late, will he?

    They dont like us, do they?

    This isnt your sister, is she?

    c) Excees:

    Lets go out for a walk, shall we?

    Open the door, will you? / wont you? / cant you?

    Dont talk too much, will you?

    Im late, arent I?

    Both, Either, Neither

    Neither nor (nemnem) You can buy neither this nor that bag.

    Either or (ouou) You can buy either this or that bag.

    Both and (tantoquanto) Both the aunt and the uncle are doctors.

    1. Present simple, Past simple, Present perfect, Future (will)

    - She studies hard everyday, doesnt she? (Ela estuda muito, no estuda?)

    - They dont like reading, do they? (Eles no gostam de ler, gostam?)

    - You didnt go to work yesterday, did you?

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    11- Frank and David went to the cinema last Friday, didnt they?

    - She has visited her granny, hasnt she?

    - Shell come on Monday, wont she? (Ela vir na segunda, no vir?)

    F. WISH (+ past simple / past perfect, would + infinitive)

    O verbo WISH exprime um desejo por uma situao que no existe no presente. um desejo de mudar uma

    situao real em uma irreal.

    Normalmente expressa um arrependimento acerca de uma situao.

    1. Voc lamenta uma situao no presente:

    - I wish I had a house like that. (Eu queria ter uma casa como aquela. Minha casa to pequena.)

    - I wish I was / were taller. (Eu queria ser mais alta. Eu tenho 1.50m)

    FORM: I wish + past simple

    2. Voc lamenta uma ao ou situao passada.

    - I wish I had married David and not John. (Eu queria ter me casado com o David e no com o John)

    - I wish Id brought the washing in. (I queria ter trazido a roupa pra dentro)

    FORM: I wish + past perfect (had + particpio)

    3. Quando voc quer que outra pessoa ajude ou no. Ou Que algo acontea ou no. Especialmente porque voc

    est chateado.

    - I wish my husband would wash his own shirts! (Eu queria que o meu marido lavasse as camisas dele)

    - I wish it would stop raining! (Eu queria que parasse de chover)

    - I wish youd help a bit. (Eu queria que voc ajudasse um pouco)


    Futuro de acordo com o que se quer mostrar:

    - Plans, intentions, predictions, scheduling, requests.

    - Descrevem aes que esto para acontecer mais tarde no mesmo dia, ou num futuro prximo ou distante.

    1. WILL FUTURE / SIMPLE FUTURE / WILL (will + infinitive)

    Affirmative: In the future people will live on the moon.

    (No futuro as pessoas moraro na lua)

    Negative: In the future people wont live on the moon.

    Interrogative: Will people live on the moon, in the future?

    Short answers: Yes, they will. / No, they wont.

    - Mesma forma para todas as pessoas: I / You / He / She / It / We / They will / wont travel

    - Podem-se usar expresses tais como: Maybe, Perhaps, Probably, I think, it's possible + will

    a) Incerteza o que voc ACHA que ir acontecer.

    - Slvio Santos will be the next president of Brazil. (Slvio Santos sera o prximo presidente do Brasil)

    - I think Maria will phone me. (Eu acho que a Maria ir me ligar)

    - OTHER POSSIBILITIES: no h certeza mas uma simples possibilidade MAY / MIGHT

    - / COULD - The weather may/might/could be better later tonight.(O tempo

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    12 poder estar melhor mais tarde);

    No h certeza, mas existe uma esperana: The weather will

    probably be better tonight. (O tempo provavelmente estar melhor noite)

    b) Offer (oferecer)

    - Ill help you with the books. (Eu te ajudarei com os livros)

    - Ill open the window for you. (Eu abrirei a janela para voc)

    - Shall I / we carry the chairs? (use shall somente com I e We) (Posso / Podemos carregar as cadeiras?)

    c) Requests (pedidos)

    - Will you please help me carry this? (Voc me ajudaria a carregar isto?)

    - Will you please not smoke? (Voc poderia no fumar?)

    - OTHER POSSIBILITIES: Could you help me carry this?, Would you carry this please?, Why

    dont you help me carrying this? (Por que voc no me ajuda a carregar

    isto?) Would you mind not smoking? (Voc se importa em no fumar?)

    Could you not smoke? Would you not smoke? (Voc poderia no fumar?)

    d) Prediction without evidence (prever o futuro sem evidncia)

    - James will stop smoking soon. (James ir parar de fumar logo)

    - Flamengo will win the championship in 2009. (Flamengo vencer o campeonato de 2009)

    e) Promisse (promessa)

    - Ok, Ill clean my room. (Ok, eu limparei o quarto)

    - Well build new houses for the poor.(Ns construiremos novas casas para os pobres)

    f) Decision at the moment we speak (deciso no momento da fala)

    - Hmm, Ill have an ice cream. (Hmm, eu vou tomar um sorvete).

    - Look, I still have R$ 2,00. Ill buy some candies. (Olha, eu ainda tenho R$2,00. Comprarei algumas balas)

    g) usar - let us or let's no lugar de fazer uma pergunta:

    - Let's go to the cinema this evening! (= Shall we go to the cinema this evening?) = Vamos ao cinema?

    - Let's eat our lunch now! (= Shall we eat our lunch now?) = Vamos comer nosso almoo agora?

    2. GOING TO [verb to be (am / is / are) + going to + infinitive]

    Affirmative: Im going to see the Olympic Games in China.

    Shes going to see the Olympic Games in China.

    Theyre going to see the Olympic Games in China.

    (Eles iro ver os jogos Olmpicos na China)

    Negative: Im not going to see the Olympic Games in China.

    She isnt going to see the Olympic Games in China.

    They arent going to see the Olympic Games in China.

    Interrogative: Is she going to see the Olympic Games in China?

    Short answers: Yes, she is.

    No, she isnt.

    a) Plans

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    13- Im going to travel to Rio. Ive checked all prices. (Eu vou viajar para o Rio. J chequei todos os preos)

    - She isnt going to travel with me. Maybe, shell be working. (Ela no vai viajar comigo. Talvez ela estar


    a) Predictions with evidence

    - Look at those clouds. Its going to rain. (Olhe aquelas nuvens. Vai chover)

    - Shh, cross the street. Theres a huge dog over there. Its going to bite us. (Shh, atravesse a rua. H um

    enorme cachorro logo ali. Ele vai nos morder)

    - That girl is wearing a wedding dress. Shes going to get married. Aquela moa est vestindo um vestido de

    noiva. Ela vai se casar)


    [verb to be (am / is / are) + verb (+ing) ]

    Affirmative: Im seeing my mother next Saturday.

    (Eu verei minha me no prximo sbado.)

    Negative: She isnt working next week.

    Interrogative: Are you travelling to So Paulo this year?

    Short answers: Yes, she is.

    No, she isnt.

    - Certeza quanto ao fato que ir ocorrer; usar time expressions: next week / year

    4. SCHEDULING (horrios pr-estabelecidos)

    Normalmente usamos o PRESENT SIMPLE para falar de eventos programados.

    - Spring break begins on March 22. (A primavera comea no dia 22 de maro)

    - The football game starts at 7:00 p.m. (O jogo de futebol comea s 19:00)

    - The film ends at 3:00 p.m. (O filme termina s 3 da tarde)

    5. FUTURE PERFECT (will have + particpio do verbo)

    Indica uma ao que estar terminada, concretizada, no futuro.

    Esse tempo frequentemente usado com as expresses: in (three weeks) time / by (Saturday / next year).

    ! by + a time expression = at the latest (no mximo / o mais tardar).

    - I will have spent all my money by this time next year. (A esta hora no prximo ano eu terei gasto todo o meu


    - She will have run successfully in three marathons if she finishes this one.

    - They wont have done all their homework by the time of the film.

    - By this time next week, I will have worked on this project for twenty days. (A essa hora na prxima semana, eu

    terei trabalhado neste projeto por vinte dias)

    - Before he sees his publisher, Charles will have finished four chapters in his new novel.

    - How long will it have been since we were together?

    6. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS [will have been + verbo(ing)]

    Indica uma ao em progresso que ser completada em algum momento no futuro.

    - Next Thursday, I will have been working on this project. (Na prxima quinta, eu ainda estarei trabalhando

    neste projeto)

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    14- By the time he finishes this semester, Geraldo will have been studying nothing but parasites for four years. (Na

    hora que ele terminar o semestre, Geraldo no ter estudado nado alm de parasitas por quatro anos)

    - Will they have been testing these materials in the lab before we even get there? (Eles tero testado o material

    no laboratrio antes mesmo de chegarmos?)

    7. FUTURE CONTINUOUS [will be + verb(ing)]

    Indica uma ao que estar em progresso em um determinado momento no futuro.

    - This time tomorrow Ill be lying on the beach in the sun.(A essa hora amanh, eu estarei deitado na praia

    debaixo do sol)

    - Dont phone me between 7.00 and 8.00, as well be having dinner then. (No me tefome entre 7 e 8 horas, pois

    estarei jantando)

    - What will you be doing this time next year? Well I dont know you but Ill be playing in a band in Liverpool.(O

    que voc estar fazendo a essa hora no prximo ano? Bem eu no sei quanto a voc mas eu estarei tocando em

    uma banda em Liverpool).


    1. Past Perfect

    O PAST PERFECT TENSE indica que uma ao foi completada em algum ponto do passado antes de uma outra no

    passado. formada com o passado do verbo have = HAD e o particpio do verbo principal. Ex: I had walked two miles by

    lunchtime. She had run three other marathons before entering the Boston Marathon. / My mother had already left

    when I arrived in the club. ( Minha me j tinha sado quando eu cheguei no clube).

    2. Present Perfect Progressive

    O PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE indica uma ao em progresso that iniciou no passado e continua at o

    presente. Ex: "She has been running and her heart is still beating fast."

    Singular Plural

    I have been walking we have been walking

    you have been walking you have been walking

    he/she/it has been walking they have been walking


    Maria has been writing her dissertation for the last six years[, but she finished yesterday]. Have we been telling the truth

    to consumers about tobacco? Haven't we been lying to teenagers about smoking?

    3. Past Perfect Progressive

    The PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE indica uma ao continua que foi completada em algum ponto do passado.Este

    tempo formado pelo HAD + BEEN + verbo(ing), ex: "I had been working in the garden all morning. George had been

    painting his house for weeks, but he finally gave up."

    Singular Plural

    I had been walking we had been walking

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    15you had been walking you had been walking

    he/she/it had been walking they had been walking


    Cada um ser usado em situaes especficas, ex: dar conselho, criticar, expressar incerteza, etc. Normalmente

    usamos modal + infinitivo.

    1. SHOULD Dar conselho

    (should + infinitivo )

    You should stop smoking. (Voc deveria parar de fumar)


    (should have /

    havent + particpio)

    You shouldve booked the book to study.

    (Voc deveria ter reservado o livro para estudar)

    You shouldntve written those emails. (Voc no deveria ter

    escrito aqueles emails).

    2. MAY / MIGHT Incerteza, pode ou

    no acontecer.

    I might go to the party. (Talvez eu v festa)

    She might have done her homework earlier. (Ela poderia ter feito a

    tarefa mais cedo).

    3. CAN Habilidade /

    capacidade /


    I can play the piano.

    She can go to the cinema after dinner. (Ela pode ir ao cinema aps

    o jantar).

    - passado de can: could; was/were able to

    -futuro: will be able to.

    4. COULD Habilidade /

    permisso /


    pedido educado

    I could dance tango very well.

    She could go to the cinema after dinner.

    I could work until late if she had given me the key. (Eu poderia

    trabalhar at tarde se ela tivesse me dado a chave).

    Could you open the door, please?


    / CANT

    proibio She mustnt go out. (Ela no pode sair).

    She mustnt have taken the umbrella with her. (Ela no deveria ter

    levado a sombrinha com ela).

    6. WOULD condicional I would study more if I had time available (Eu estudaria mais se

    tivesse tempo disponvel).

    I would have studied more if I had had time available. (Eu teria

    estudado mais se eu tivesse tido tempo disponvel).

    7. NEEDNT Sem necessidade You neednt buy any fruit, we have a lot.

    (Voc no precisa comprar frutas, ns temos muitas).

    8. MUST Obrigao interna /

    necessidade pessoal

    I must study for vestibular. (Eu devo estudar para o vestibular).

    She must clean her house.

    9. HAVE / HAS TO Obrigao externa I have to work on Saturdays.

    She has to clean the house everyday.

    You have to wear a uniform.

    10 DONT / DOESNT


    Ausncia de


    You dont have to wear a uniform.

    She doesnt have to work on Saturdays.


  • [email protected]



    - A doctor is a person. He works in hospitals. = A doctor is a person WHO works in hospitals.

    - Hes got a new girlfriend. She works in a garage. = Hes got a new girlfriend WHO works in a garage.

    - He has married somebody WHOM I really do not like. (formal style)

    - Hes married somebody WHO I really dont like. (informal style)

    - The boy WHOM you saw yesterday was my nephew. (O menino que voc viu ontem era meu sobrinho).

    - Mary is the girl to WHOM he gave the present. (Mary a garota a quem ele deu o presente).

    - This is Mr Rogers. You met him last year. (Este o Sr. Rogers. Voc o conheceu no ano passado).

    - This is Mr Rogers WHOM you met last year. (Este o Sr. Rogers que voc conheceu no ano passado).


    - These are the books WHOSE writer lives in Rio. (Estes so os livros cujo escritor mora no Rio).


    - This is the church WHERE John and I got married. (Esta a igreja onde John e eu nos casamos).

    - This is the church in WHICH John and I got married. (Esta a igreja na qual John e eu nos casamos).


    - A lion is a wild animal. It eats meat. (O leo um animal selvagem. Ele come carne).

    - A lion is a wild animal WHICH eats meat.

    o pronome THAT poder substituir WHO ou WHICH se a frase no estiver entre vrgulas.

    - A doctor is a person THAT works in a hospital

    - A lion is a wild animal THAT eats meat.

    - The writer, WHO lives in Rio, is my uncle.

    - The book, WHICH I showed you, was bought in Rio.


    1. SOME frases afirmativas; antes de substantivos plurais ou incontveis. Tambm em oraes interrogativas

    que indiquem oferecimento.

    - We need some tomatoes to put in the pizza.

    - They bought some milk today.

    - Would you like some coffee? (WOULDLIKE)

    - Would you like somebody to help you with the bags?

    2. ANY frases negativas e interrogativas, antes de substantivos plurais ou incontveis.

    - We dont need any tomatoes to put in the pizza.

    - They didnt buy any milk today.

    - Do you like coffee?

    - Did you call anyone yesterday at Marias house?

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    173. NO usado em frases afirmativas com idia negativa.

    - We need no tomatoes to put in the pizza.

    - They bought no milk today.

    - Nobody called you on the phone. ( = ningum)

    - They have nowhere to go this weekend. (= nenhum lugar)

    4. EVERY todo / cada, em frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.

    - Everything is gonna be alright!

    - Does everybody enjoy going to the cinema at weekends?

    - Every day he eats the same dish.

    + body / one pessoas

    + thing coisas

    + where lugar



    a) adjetivo curto = adjetivo+ER THAN

    - Small smallER; Slim slimMER; sexy sexIER; Blue blueR

    - Shes taller than her mother

    b) adjetivo longo = MORE adjetivo THAN

    - MORE beautiful THAN Shes more intelligent than her sister.

    - LESS beautiful THAN

    2. EQUALITY AS (adjetivo) AS; NOT AS (adjetivo) AS

    - She is as thin as her sister. / She isnt as beautiful as her sister.


    a) adjetivo curto = THE adjetivo+EST

    - Small THE smallEST; Slim THE slimMEST; sexy THE sexIEST; Blue THE blueST

    - Shes THE tallEST mother in the school

    b) adjetivo longo = MORE adjetivo THAN

    - THE MOST beautiful Shes THE MOST intelligent sister of all.

    - THE LEAST beautiful


    a) adjetivos terminados em le, -ow, -er 2 formas de comparativo (item 1) e as duas de superlativo (item 3).

    b) Hes lazier and more stupid than his cousin. (different people)

    Hes more lazy than stupid. (compare two descriptions of the same person)

    c) Im getting fatter and fatter.

    d) The older I get, the happier I am. (os adjetivos variam simultaneamente)

    The later it gets, the colder it becomes.

    e) Shes the oldest girl in the world.

    Theyre the oldest girls of the world.

  • [email protected]


    N. SO (+)/ NEITHER (-)

    usados para concordar com frases afirmativas ou negativas no lugar da expresso Me too / I am too. Use SO para

    concordar com uma informao afirmativa e use NEITHER para concordar com uma informao negativa.

    (+) Peter said: John is happy, and so am I. =Peter said: John is happy and I am too.

    (-) Peter said: John isnt tall. Neither am I.

    John: I am happy today!

    Peter: So am I.

    Tempo verbal Qual auxiliar?

    Verb to be presente (+, -) am / is / are

    Verb to be in the past (+, -) was / were

    Present simple (+, -) do I, you, we, they

    does he, she, it

    Past simple (+, -) did

    Present continuous (+, -) am, is, are

    Past continuous (+, -) was / were

    Present perfect (+, -) have / has

    Present perfect continuous (+, -) have / has

    Past perfect (+, -) had

    Will / wont will

    Would / wouldnt would

    Can / cant can

    Could / couldnt could

    Should / shouldnt should

    Going to am, is, are

    Em oraes:

    Present simple I speak English and so does she / her sister / my sister.

    I dont like onions and neither do my brothers.

    Past simple She went to the cinema yesterday and so did my cousin.

    They didnt travel last year and neither did my mother.

    Neither nor (nemnem) You can buy neither this nor that bag.

    Either or (ouou) You can buy either this or that bag. (corrigir livro)

    Both and (tantoquanto) Both the aunt and the uncle are doctors.


  • [email protected]

    19So palavras utilizadas para ligar oraes e palavras, estabelecendo uma relao de coordenao ou subordinao entre


    1. Coordinating conjunctions = conjunes coordenadas (and, but, or / yet = no entanto)

    2. Alternative ideas = alternativa (eitheror = ouou / neithernor = nemnem / or else = seno, ao contrrio)

    3. Contrast and concession = contraste (although, though = embora / even though = mesmo que / even if =

    mesmo se / however = entretanto, contudo / nevertheless = contudo, entretanto / but = mas, porm / yet =

    entretanto / despite, in spite of = apesar de / whereas = ao passo que)

    4. Consequence and result idea = consequncia (therefore, hence = por isso, portanto, ento / thus = logo)

    5. Condition and hyphotesis idea = condio / hiptese (otherwise = caso contrrio / if, whether = se / as long as

    = contanto que / unless = a menos que)

    6. Manner idea = modo (as = como / as if, as though = como se / as well = da mesma forma)

    7. Cause idea causal (because of = por causa disso / in order to, so as to = para, a fim de) / therefore (por isso) /

    thus (assim)

    8. Addition idea = adio ( besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore = alm de, alm disso / bothand = tanto

    quanto / as well as = bem como / likewise = alm disso)

    9. Time and consequence idea = tempo (while = enquanto / til, until =at que / since = desde que / in the

    meantime = enquanto isso / yet = ainda / as soon as = to logo que)

    10. Sequence idea = sequncia (thus = portanto) / Firstly (primeiramente) / secondly (Segundo*) /thirdly (terceiro*)

    / Finally (finalmente) / eventually (finalmente) / then (ento/depois) / Next (prximo/depois) /meanwhile

    (enquanto isso) / afterwards (posteriormente) / Whilst (enquanto/quando) / since (desde)

    11. Emphasis idea = nfase: above all (sobretudo) / in particular (paticularmente) / especially (especialmente) /

    significantly (significativamente) / indeed (de fato / mesmo) / notably (particularmente)

    12. Illustrating idea = exemplificar: namely, for instance (por exemplo) / for example (por exemplo) / such as (tal

    como) / in the case of (no caso de) / as revealed by (como mostrado por)

    13. Comparison idea = comparando: equally (igualmente) / likewise (igualmente) / like (como) / similarly

    (semelhantemente) / as with (como) / in the same way (do mesmo modo)

    14. Purpose idea = objetivo (so that = para que /)

    15. Ending idea = conclusivas.: to sum up / to summarize


    1. Sufixos formadores de substantivos

    a) Os sufixos mais comuns que formam substantivos de verbos so -er, -or e ar, que significam a pessoa ou coisa

    que faz ou que est relacionada com.

    Exemplo: worker (trabalhador) do verbo to work. // programmer (pregramador) do verbo to program

    liar (mentiroso) do verbo to lie. // conductor (condutor / maestro) do verbo to conduct

    reader (leitor) do verbo to read // beggar (pedinte) do verbo to beg

    b) Os sufixos ist e (i)an tambm so usados para indicar a pessoa por associao a certas coisas e lugares.

    Exemplo: Quem estuda geology (geologia) um geologist (gelogo)

    Quem estuda mathematics (matemtica) um mathematician (matemtico)


    a) quem estuda engineering um engineer b) quem estuda architecture um architect c) quem estuda medicine um doctor or physician

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    c) O sufixo ion (-action, -ition) forma substantivos de verbos, significando o processo ou o resultado de.

    Exemplo: action (ao) do verbo to act //// addition (adio) do verbo to add

    d) As terminaes ment, - ance e ence tambm so acrescentadas a verbos para formar substantivos que

    significam a ao de ou o resultado da ao de.

    Exemplo: development (desenvolvimento) do verbo to develop

    performance (desempenho) do verbo to perform

    e) As terminaes al e age significam o ato de ou o resultado do ato de.

    Exemplo: Removal (remoo) do verbo to remove

    Drainage (drenagem) do verbo to drain

    OTHER SUFFIXES 1) The Abstract Nouns Suffixes:

    a) SHIP -----------

    b) HOOD ---------

    c) DOM ----------

    d) NESS ----------

    friendship, championship, fellowship

    boyhood, neighbourhood, fatherhood

    freedom, kingdom, boredom

    highness, weakness, hardness

    2) The Adjective Suffixes:

    a) FUL ------------

    b) ABLE, IBLE -

    c) OUS ------------

    d) Y ----------------

    e) LY --------------

    f) ISH -------------

    g) SOME ---------

    powerful, skillful, careful

    comfortable, profitable, responsible, edible

    dangerous, anxious, courageous

    healthy, skinny, nosy

    cowardly, friendly, elderly

    tallish, yellowish, Spanish

    tiresome, troublesome

    3) The Verbal Suffixes

    a) EN --------------

    b) FY --------------

    c) IZE, ISE ------

    d) ATE ------------

    weaken, sharpen, loosen

    to purify, identify, classify

    to apologise, specialise, dramatise

    to circulate, concentrate, stimulate

    4) The suffix LESS ---------------- denoting absence of, lacking of*

    e.g.---------------- sugarless, noiseless, painless

    5) The suffix ESS ------------------ forming feminine gender

    e.g.--------------- lioness, waitress, hostess

    6) The suffix AL and AGE----- making nouns from verbs

    e.g. to arrive/ bury arrival / burial to marry / wreck marriage / wreckage

    7) The suffix MENT, ATION, ANCE---- adding to verbs to form nouns

    e.g. to develop / amaze

    to separate / inform

    development / amazement

    separation / information

  • [email protected]

    21 to perform / assist performance / assistance

    *Absence of = ausncia de / lacking of = falta de


    1) Negative meanings or reverse: IN / IM / IL / IR / DIS / DE / UN


    a) active / complete / different inactive / incomplete / indifferent

    b) popular / believable / real - unpopular / unbelievable / unreal

    c) agree / appear / approve - disagree / disappear / disapprove

    d) frost / code / value - defrost / decode / devalue

    e) mature / patient - immature / impatient

    f) reversible / resistible - irreversible / irresistible

    g) legible / legal - illegible / illegal

    2) Prefixes denoting:

    a) Excess - over: overpopulated / overcooked / overwork / oversleep

    b) Insufficiency - under: undercooked / underestimate / underdone

    c) Below - under: undergraduate / underground / underwear

    3) Prefixes MIS , MAL denoting:

    a) lack of (falta de): mistrust / misfortune

    b) incorrect (incorreto): mistake / misunderstand / misbehaviour

    c) bad(ly) done (mal feito): maltreat / malnutrition

    4) Prefixes of time and sequence: PRE (antes de), POST (aps),

    EX (anterior), RE (repetio)


    a) marital / arrange / school

    b) classical / war

    c) husband / president

    d) build / use

    - pre-marital / pre-arrange / pre-school

    - post-classical / post-war

    - ex-husband / ex-president

    - rebuild / reuse

    Q. The Passive Voice

    A voz passiva usada quando se quer dar mais nfase na ao e no em quem a realizou.

    Tambm usamos a voz passiva quando no se sabe quem fez a ao, ou quando no evidente ou no


    A voz passiva formada pelo verbo TO BE no tempo do verbo da voz ativa mais o PAST PARTICIPLE (particpio)

    do verbo principal.


    VOZ ATIVA (active voice) . VOZ PASSIVA (passive



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    22 Simple present Some people drink coffee

    every morning

    Coffee is drunk every


    is / are + participle

    Simple past My mother made a

    delicious pizza.

    A delicious pizza was made

    by my mother.

    was / were + participle

    Simple future They will deliver the

    package on Friday.

    The package will be

    delivered on Friday.

    will be + participle

    Present continuous We are picking up the

    packages on Tuesday.

    The packages are being

    picked up on Tuesday.

    is / are being + participle

    Past continuous His car didnt work so it

    was repairing.

    His car was being repaired. was / were being +


    Future continuous We will be having a

    meeting next week.

    Present perfect I still havent read that

    book. Its new.

    That book hasnt been

    read before.

    has / have been +


    Past perfect He didnt know if the

    mailman had delivered the


    He didnt know if the

    books hadnt been


    had been + participle

    Future perfect I hope the rain will have

    stopped by the time we


    I think the package will

    have been delivered by


    will have been + participle

    Present perfect


    We have been waiting for

    the bus about fifteen


    NOTE: hardly ever used in

    the passive voice. But:

    (have been being waited)

    have been being +


    Past perfect continuous Im glad you mentioned

    that because I had been

    thinking about it.

    NOTE: hardly ever used in

    the passive voice. But: (had

    been being thought)

    had been being +


    Future perfect continuous I will have been studying

    English for 6 months at the

    end of June.

    NOTE: hardly ever used in

    the passive voice. But: (will

    have been being studied)

    will have been being +


    Going to Dont worry; Maria is

    going to pick up the

    children at school.

    Dont worry; the children

    are going to be picked up

    at school.

    is / are going to be +


    Must Students must do their

    homework every day.

    The homework must be

    done every day.

    must be + participle

    Have to Mum has to make pizza

    for dinner.

    A pizza has to be made for


    has / have to be +



    Usa-se para recontar uma informao passada.


    a) Read the chart:

    Direct Speech Reported Speech (or Indirect Speech)

    I dont know your address. She said she ______didnt_____ know my address.

    Im working. He told me he _____was______ working.

  • [email protected]

    23 Youll be very famous. They said I ___would_________ be very famous.

    Im going to travel to Rio. She told us she ____was____ going to travel to Rio.

    Ive been to So Paulo twice. He said he ______had been ______ to So Paulo twice.

    I went to a disco last Saturday. She told me she __had gone ______ to a disco the Saturday before.

    She goes to the cinema twice a month. She said she ___had gone________ to the cinema twice a month.

    b) Read the tense changes:

    Direct Speech Reported Speech (or Indirect Speech)

    Present Simple Past simple

    Present Continuous Past continuous

    Will + infinitive Would + infinitive

    Is / are going to + infinitive Was / were going to + infinitive

    Present Perfect Past perfect

    Past simple Past perfect

    c) Certain time expressions often change:

    Direct Speech Reported Speech (or Indirect Speech)

    tomorrow that day

    today the next day

    next (week) the following (week)

    last (week) (the week) before

    this that

    here there

    these those

    II Reported Speech: Commands / Imperatives

    We express order or commands in reported speech by using the infinitive forms:

    Direct Speech Reported Speech (or Indirect Speech)

    He said to me, Come back later. He told me to come back later

    She told me, Dont wait for me. She told me not to wait for her.

    III Reported Speech: Questions

    When we report a question in reported speech, we express the original question in statement form.

    Direct Speech Reported Speech (or Indirect Speech)

    John asked, Does Mary live near here? John asked whether / if Mary lived near there.

    Beth asked, Are you tired? Beth asked whether / if I was tired.

    Where do you live? She asked me where I lived.

    Whats the time? He asked him what time was.

    IV Reported Speech: Other forms


    Use verb + (not) to + infinitive to

    report something someone offered,

    refused, threatened, agreed, or,

    He offered to help me.

    She refused to pay.

    I agreed to do it.

    After I agree and promise you can also use that

    + clause (changing the verb tenses, etc, as after

    said / told).

  • [email protected]

    24 promised.

    Use verb + person + (not) to +

    infinitive to report something

    someone asked, invited, advised,

    encouraged, reminded, warned,

    told, convinced, or persuaded.

    He encouraged me to write.

    They warned her not to go.

    She persuaded him to buy it.

    NOT: He encouraged me that I should write.

    After remind, warn, tell, convince, and

    persuade you can also use person + that +


    The doctor warned me that it was dangerous

    for me to fly.

    Use verb + (not) ing to report

    something someone apologized

    for, admitted, denied, insisted on,

    recommended, regretted, or


    I apologized for arriving late.

    He denied stealing the car.

    I insisted on knowing the truth.

    After admit, deny, insist (without on),

    recommend, regret, and suggest you can also

    use that + clause.

    I think you should take a taxi = My friend

    recommended that I take / I took a taxi.

    I didnt shoot him.= He denied shooting him. /

    He denied that he had shot him.

    ! insist on +verb +-ing BUT insist that + clause

    Good to have a look at:

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