  • 7/25/2019 - Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa


    AVALIAO MENSAL DE LNGUA INGLESA (Ensino Mdio)HABILIDADES:Compreender a ideia principal de um pargrafo, focar na lgica deum argumento quando no compreendemos um fato relatado, usar conhecimento

    de mundo para compreender vocabulrio, empregar corretamente o presente

    simples e presente contnuo.

    Nome: ___________________________________________n _________ s!rie___________ "ata


    #e$to para as quest%es &, ' e (

    New Yor S!ree! "ids O#ered $%oi&e

    )i*e +oodin is a counselor at the #- state school in )anhattan, attended b/ *ids

    from housing pro0ects in the poorer neighbourhoods of the 1ast 2illage. 3e describes

    ho art, /oga and being a good listener help him to distract pupils from the culture ofdrugs and gangs aiting for them outside the school gates.

    (')_______ 4t5s a melting pot, an ever6changing part of the cit/. 4t5s an artistic area, soin man/ a/s it5s *non for being liberal. #he school seems to 7t in ell ith the

    communit/, but e5re ala/s loo*ing for ne a/s to bond the to, such as

    internships and communit/ service for the students.

    () 4t5s important to us. 8e ent through some ma0or incidents in the 9 such as the shootings in Columbine and 2irginia #ech here teens e$pressed

    themselves in an e$tremel/ negative a/, and this has highlighted the need for

    counseling in schools. 8e need to address the problems before the/ become too big.

    (*) 8e teach programmes in drama, music and visual arts, and tr/ to use artas a tool to build bridges beteen sub0ects. #he *ids can even do /oga in their music

    class. ;thers are in prison, orhave disappeared completel/. ;

  • 7/25/2019 - Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa


    ')Delacione as frases abai$o com seu pargrafo correspondente numerado no te$to./0E F 8e also encourage the *ids to e$press themselves.10E F 4t5s hard or* for the teachers, but then all of us or* be/ond our contractualobligations.

    &0E F #he 1ast 2illage is an interesting place.d0E F )one/ is a big issue.e0E F 4f one of our *ids ants to tal*, e provide an ear for them.20E F 4 ish the *ids5 parents ere more involved.30E F "rugs and neighbourhood gangs are a problem.

    )Grocure no te$to as frases correspondentes em inglHs e copie./01ncai$ar6se bem _______________________________________ .10-s trHs melhores _______________________________________ .&0>s tiroteios _____________________________________________ .

    d0Grocurando novos caminhos ___________________________ .e0-ulas particulares _______________________________________ .20Grocurar uma maneira de resolver os problemas__________________________________ .

    *)Delacione as colunas, indicando a que as palavras sublinhas se referem.

    /0I... but e5re -la/s loo*ing for ne a/s to bond the to < I Eparag.&F10I < before the/ become too big.J Eparag.'F

    &0Iome of them can be neglectful of their children. EGarag. KFd0Iho the/5re going to pa/ for it.J EGarag.LFe0I< e tr/ to promote that #.

    /0Met5s go out. 4t ______________________ (no! 4 r/in)no.10ulia is ver/ good at languages . he ________________________ (s5e/)fourlanguages ver/ ell.

    &03urr/ upO 1ver/bod/ _________________________________ (w/i!)for /ou.d0 I_________________________________ (6o7 4 8is!en)to the radioPJ INo, /ou can turnit oQ.J

  • 7/25/2019 - Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa


    e0 I_________________________________ (6o7 4 8is!en)to the radio ever/ da/PJ INo, 0ustoccasionall/.J

    20#he Diver Nile __________________ (9ow)into the )editerranean.30#he river __________________________ (9ow)ver/ fast toda/ much faster thanusual.

    %08e usuall/ _____________________ (3row)vegetables in our garden, but this /eare _______________________ (no! 4 3row)an/.i0-: 3o5s /our 1nglishP A: Not bad. 4 thin* it______________________________ (i5ro;e)slol/.04 usuall/ __________________________ (en

  • 7/25/2019 - Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa


    "e7nidas pelos pases membros da >rganiRaSo das NaS%es 9nidas e por

    organiRaS%es internacionais, as metas de desenvolvimento do milHnio envolvem oito

    ob0etivos a serem alcanSados at! 'T&U. -pesar da diversidade cultural, esses

    ob0etivos, mostrados na imagem, so comuns ao mundo todo, sendo dois deles:

    /)> combate V -4" e a melhoria do ensino universitrio1) - reduSo da mortalidade adulta e a criaSo de parcerias globais&) - promoSo da igualdade de gHneros e a erradicaSo da pobreRa.d)- parceria global para o desenvolvimento e a valoriRaSo das crianSae) - garantia da sustentabilidade ambiental e o combate ao trabalho infantil.

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