da rosa 2008_turismo palentológico santa maria

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  • 8/13/2019 Da Rosa 2008_turismo palentolgico Santa Maria



    Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on February 19, 2008.2 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Departamento de Geocincias, Laboratrio de Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia. Campus Camobi, 97105-900, Santa Maria,RS, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected].

    Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.66, n.1, p.291-304, jan./mar.2008ISSN 0365-4508


    (With 6 figures)


    ABSTRACT: The central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul has a great potential for the development of paleontological tourism due to the rich and diverse Triassic fauna. A thoughtful and responsible tourismmay help to protect the paleontological patrimony, if linked to educational activities and based on a projectwhere public and private institutions operate in an integrated form.

    Key words: Paleontological tourism. Scientific tourism. Ecotourism. Santa Maria. Brazil.RESUMO: Turismo paleontolgico na cidade de Santa Maria, sul do Brasil: potencial versus realidade.A regio central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul possui grande potencial para a implementao do turismopaleontolgico, graas a uma rica e diversificada fauna trissica. Um turismo correto e consciente deveajudar na proteo desse patrimnio paleontolgico, se ligado a atividades educativas e a um projeto integradoentre as instituies pblicas e privadas.Palavras-chave: Turismo paleontolgico. Turismo cientfico. Ecoturismo. Santa Maria. Brasil.


    The central portion of the State of Rio Grande doSul, southern Brazil, is known for the Triassicvertebrate fauna and plant fossils ( e.g. , S CHULTZ et al. , 2000). The evolution of early dinosaurs (C OLBERT ,1970; B ONAPARTE et al. , 1999; L ANGER et al. , 1999;L EAL et al. , 2004; B ITTENCOURT & KELLNER, 2005) andmammalian cynodonts (B ONAPARTE & BARBERENA,1975; B ONAPARTE et al. , 2003) are importanthighlights of that paleontological record. Theoccurrence of the Dicroidium flora in thesesedimentary rocks constitute a significant link forthe reconstruction of Gondwana (B ORTOLUZZI, 1974;GUERRA-S OMMER et al. , 1999; G UERRA-S OMMER &KLEPZIG, 2000), and further contribute to the studieson the early evolution of conifers (G UERRA-SOMMER& SCHERER , 1999; P IRES et al. , 2005) and the climaticshift from semi-arid to more humid conditions atthe end of the Triassic (P IERIN et al. , 2002; H OLZ &SCHERER , 2000).

    The geologic, climatic, tectonic, and paleobiologicevents that occurred at the end of the Triassic canbe used as educational tools for the understandingof evolution. Paleontological tourism, integratededucation and protection of the fossiliferouspatrimony are also important tools for the

    improvement of the local socio-economicframework (C ARVALHO & DA ROSA, this volume).In this paper, the potentials and reality of theimplantation of paleontological touristic activitiesat the city of Santa Maria, southern Brazil, isdiscussed.


    There is no formal definition of paleontologicaltourism. It is certainly a trip to the past, a specifictype of scientific tourism, and related to ecotourism(SENAC, 1988a,b; C ARVALHO, 2004). Thepaleontological tourism is a form of interactionbetween the tourist (individually or in a group) andthe paleontological knowledge of a certain region,as part of the understanding of evolution. Thissearch for a mixture of scientific knowledge andpleasure is currently done at museums, parks, andon guided fieldtrips (S ANTOS & DA ROSA, 2001).Museums of natural history are the best option forpeople who are interested in paleontological and/or scientific tourism, as fossil can be seen in aplanned and acclimatized visiting circuitenvironment. Two good examples are the FieldMuseum (Chicago, USA), which displays permanentand temporary exhibits based on fossils collected

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    by its research teams from all over the world, andthe British Museum of Natural History (London,UK), scientific home of Charles Darwin, whichpresents fossils from the beginning of life on Earthup to the human modifications done on our planet,which is already regarded as a mass extinctionevent by some.Very rich fossiliferous sites can be protected in loco , what happens in parks or centers, where thevisitor can see fossils still outcropping from theoriginal sedimentary rocks. The Dinosaur NationalMonument (Utah, USA) is one example where thefossiliferous exposures are preserved under abuilding that was transformed into a visitingcenter. In some specific cases, tourists are allowedto join scientific expeditions, where they canexplore new sites and collect fossils, which endup housed in the promoting scientific institutions.Among South American museums and parks,there is only one case of scientific expedition fortourist. Many museums of natural history are old-fashioned or in need of adequate conservation of their permanent exhibits (K ELLNER , 2004). One of the exceptions is the Museu Paleontolgico EgidioFeruglio (Trelew, Argentina), that was recently transferred to a new building, totally planned toallocate research labs and a new exhibit. In the

    Centro Paleontolgico Lago Barreales (CEPALB),of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue,Patagonia, Argentina, tourists are allowed toparticipate in excavations of fossils. It is estimatedthat CEPALB receives more than nine thousandvisitors per year (P ERINI , 2004).In Brazil, there are several science or naturalhistory museums, that can easily receivehundreds of thousands visitors per year. On theother hand, small local museums are trying torenew their exhibits, with or without scientificsupervision. Very recently, some importantfossiliferous sites have turned into paleontologicalparks, where protection, education and tourismwere integrated (C ARVALHO & D A R OSA , this volume)as follows: Centro de Pesquisas PaleontolgicasLewellyn Ivor Price (Peirpolis, State of MinasGerais); Monumento Natural Vale dos Dinossauros(Sousa, State of Paraba); Parque dos Pterossauros(Santana do Cariri, State of Cear); CentroPaleontolgico de Mafra (Mafra, State of SantaCatarina); Museu Paleontolgico de Taubat(Taubat, State of So Paulo); and ParquePaleontolgico de Itabora (Itabora, State of Riode Janeiro). Another interesting initiative is the

    proposition of virtual ( e.g. , in the internet)geological and paleontological guided tours: theCaminhos Geolgicos , at Rio de Janeiro/RJ,produced by the Departamento Nacional deProduo Mineral; and the Excurso Virtual da Serra do Rio do Rasto , hosted at the Companhiade Pesquisa dos Recursos Minerais ServioGeolgico do Brasils homepage.At the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southernBrazil, there is a regional project that envisions thecreation of a Paleontological Route, integratingseveral municipalities of the central portion of thestate, which are rich in animal and plant fossils(Fig.1). This project intends to improve the rate of local development, provide paleontologicalknowledge to the respective community, and helpto protect the paleontological patrimony (fossils andfossiliferous sites). More than fifteen municipalitiesare part of the Paleontological Route, in an areaabout 300km long and 30km wide, including theworld known fossiliferous sites of So Pedro do Sul,Santa Maria, and Candelria. The federal and stateroads are already signaled, but there is a generallack of information pointing to museums or othertourist attractions in the cities.Some information on the geological andpaleontological importance of the area will be here

    presented, as well as the present infrastructure forpaleontological tourism, as a basis for thediscussion on specific needs for its implementation.


    The central portion of RS is located over Triassicsedimentary rocks of the Paran Basin (Fig.2). Thefollowing formal units represent the Brazilian

    Triassic (A NDREIS et al ., 1980): Sanga do CabralFormation (Early Triassic), Santa Maria Formation(Middle to Upper Triassic), and Caturrita Formation

    (Upper Triassic). Approximate ages are based on thecorrelation of the vertebrate faunas (B ARBERENA , 1978;B ARBERENA et al. , 1985, 1991, 1993; S CHERER et al. ,1995; S CHULTZ et al. , 2000) and imprints of theDicroidium Flora (B ORTOLUZZI , 1974; G UERRA -S OMMERet al. , 1999; G UERRA -S OMMER & K LEPZIG , 2000).In terms of sequence stratigraphy, the Santa Mariaand Caturrita formations are grouped into theSequence II (F ACCINI , 2000), SupersequenceGondwana II (M ILANI et al. , 1998), a Carnian-Eonorian Sequence (S CHERER et al. , 2000) or theSanta Maria Supersequence (Z ERFASS et al. , 2003).

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    Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.66, n.1, p.291-304, jan./mar.2008

    Fig.1- Location of the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the context of Paran Basin (modified fromDA ROSA & F ACCINI, 2005).

    Fig.2- Schematic diagram of the stratigraphic relations and fossiliferous associations of analyzed lithologies (modifiedfrom D A ROSA & F ACCINI, 2005).

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    In lithostratigraphic terms (and relevant tobiostratigraphy), the Santa Maria Formation issubdivided into (A NDREIS et al. , 1980): Passo das

    Tropas Member, formed by coarse to mediumsandstones that were deposited in moderatesinuosity channels (F ACCINI et al ., 2003), and theAlemoa Member, characterized by reddishmudstones, deposited on floodplains, withcarbonate paleosoils, aeolian siltstones ( loess ) andsecondary sandy channels (D A ROSA, 2005).Fossil vertebrates at the Alemoa Member wereknown since the beginning of the XX Century(BELTRO, 1965; H UENE, 1990; S CHULTZ, 1995). The leaf imprints of the Dicroidium Flora, exclusive to thePasso das Tropas Member (B ORTOLUZZI, 1974; G UERRA-SOMMER et al. , 1999; G UERRA-SOMMER & KLEPZIG, 2000);and the invertebrate fossils also registered to thePasso das Tropas Member (G ALLEGO, 1996, 1999;KATOO, 1971; P INTO, 1959) for stratigraphy, evolution,and paleogeography (Tab.1).

    The fossil content of the Santa Maria Supersequence(sensu ZERFASS et al. , 2003) may be subdivided intocenozones, based on the abundance of certain fossilvertebrates (B ARBERENA, 1978; B ARBERENA et al. , 1985;BARBERENA et al. , 1993; S CHERER et al. , 1995; S CHULTZ

    et al. , 1994; S CHULTZ et al. , 2000; A BDALA et al. , 2001;RUBERT & SCHULTZ, 2004). The following progressively

    youn ger ceno zo ne s are re cogn iz ed (Ta b. 2) : Therapsida, Traversodontidae, Rhynchosauria, andMammaliamorpha. At the city of Santa Maria, onlyfossils from the Rhyncosauria cenozone are recorded(AZEVEDO & SCHULTZ, 1990; H UENE, 1990; L ANGER et al. , 1999; D A ROSA & L EAL , 2002; D A ROSA, 2004).

    The Dicroidium Flora has a Triassic range, withsome species restricted to Middle to Upper

    Triassic. However, it is most important to realizethat those ramified leafs that first appeared inthis geological period represent an importantevolution of terrestrial plants (G UERRA-S OMMER &KLEPZIG, 2000). They also confirm the ancient linkof South America, Africa, India, Madagascar,Australia and Antarctica, and the existence of Gondwanaland.

    The fossil vertebrates are divided into two distinctgroups (Fig.3): the archosauromorphs, withreptilian characteristics, and the therapsids, withmammalian characterist ics. Rhyncosaurs,primitive archosaurs (=thecodonts) , anddinosaurs represent the first ones. The therapsidsare represented by dicynodonts and cynodonts.


    Silicified logs(madeira pedra) anddinosaurs

    Itarar, gua Negra (D A ROSA,2004; L EAL et al. , 2004)

    Vegetation change, from arbustive toforests, adaptation of dinosaurs andspecialized herbivores

    Passo das Tropas Mb.

    Leaf imprints, insectswings, conchostracs,fish scales

    Passo das Tropas Creek(GUERRA-SOMMER & KLEPZIG,2000; P INTO, 1959)

    Dicroidium Flora is an importantelement of stratigraphic correlation andpaleogeographic andpaleoenvironmental reconstruction

    Alemoa Mb. Rhynchosaurs,archosaurs,dinosaurs andcynodonts

    Sanga Grande da Alemoa, Cerroda Alemoa, Faixa Nova, VilaKennedy, Vila Caturrita (H UENE,1990; D A ROSA & L EAL , 2002)

    Vertebrate fauna represents the earlyevolution of dinosaurs, as well as theextinction of archosaurs

    TABLE 2. Tetrapod-based cenozones of the Triassic of southern Brazil.

    AGE CENOZONE T ETRAPODS EoNorian Mammaliamorpha Ictidosaurian cynodonts, sphenodonts,

    procolophonids, dinosaursUpper Triassic

    Carnian Rhynchosauria Rhynchosaurs, dinosaurs, absence ofdicynodonts

    NeoLadinian Traversodontidae Mostly traversodontid cynodontsMiddle TriassicEoLadinian Therapsida Dicynodonts, cynodonts, archosaurs and


    TABLE 1. Animal and plant fossils recorded to the city of Santa Maria, according to litostratigraphic unit, andindicating its geological or paleontological importance.

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    Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.66, n.1, p.291-304, jan./mar.2008

    Not belonging to any presently known groups arethe lizard-like parareptilian procolophonoids:Candelaria barbouri (C ISNEROS et al. , 2004); Soturnia caliodon (C ISNEROS & S CHULTZ , 2003) Procolophon

    pricei (L AVINA , 1983), and Procolophon brasiliensis (C ISNEROS & S CHULTZ , 2002).

    The rhynchosaurs are specialized herbivores, withan adapted skull similar to a parrot beak (S CHULTZ ,1995). Three species are known: Scaphonyx

    fischeri (W OODWARD , 1907), Scaphonyx sulcognathus (AZEVEDO & S CHULTZ , 1990), and Hyperodapedon huenei (L ANGER & S CHULTZ , 2000).Archosaurs are represented by the following taxa:Cerritosaurus binsfeldi (D ORNELLES , 1992 andreferences there), Chanaresuchus sp. (D ORNELLES ,1992 and references there), Hoplitosuchus raui (HUENE , 1990), Aetosauroides subsulcatus (Z ACARIAS ,1982; D A R OSA & L EAL , 2002; D ESOJO & K ISCHLAT ,

    2005). They are regarded as the precursors of thedinosaurs, the latter being represented by the basaltheropod Staurikosaurus pricei (C OLBERT , 1970), thebasal sauropodomorph Saturnalia tupiniquim (L ANGER et al. , 1999), the comparatively more derivedtheropod Guaibasaurus candelariensis (B ONAPARTEet al. , 1999), the prosauropod Unaysaurus tolentinoi (L EAL et al. , 2004), and the ornitischianSacisaurus agudoensis (F ERIGOLO & L ANGER , 2006).In a global stratigraphy, aetosaurs and rhynchosaursare important to correlation and the establishmentof land vertebrate faunas (L UCAS , 1998). The mostbasal dinosaurs that are present at the region amongnorthern Argentina, southern Brazil and southernAfrica, evolved in less than 10 My (S ERENO , 1999). Anosteologic and functional comparison has confirmedthat Staurikosaurus is the most primitive dinosaur,when compared to Eoraptor and Herrerasaurus .

    Fig.3- Examples of the fossil vertebrates of the central region, showing distinct forms of tourist interest. Dinodontosaurus sp., Scaphonyx fischeri and Jachaleria sp.; the archosaur Karamuru vorax ; the dinosaurs Staurikosaurus pricei , Saturnalia tupiniquim , Guaibasaurus candelariensis , and Unaysaurus tolentinoi . Drawings from several paleoartists: Felipe A.Elias (A, C, D, E), Euverman (F), Maurlio Oliveira (G), and Jos Eduardo F. Dornelles (H).

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    The dicynodonts are huge herbivores from theMiddle Triassic, therefore not present at the city of Santa Maria. Two genera are known, which need tobe revised (S CHWANKE, 1998): Stahleckeria potens ,Dinodontosaurus oliverai , and D. turpior . So far,fossiliferous sites of this cenozone are Chiniqu (H UENE,1990), Dona Francisca, Paraso do Sul (D A ROSA et al. ,2004a), Novo Cabrais (D A ROSA et al. , 2004b), andCandelria (R OMER, 1969; P RICE, 1946, 1947).Cynodonts are distributed over all cenozones. Theycan be divided into mammalian and non-mammalian cynodonts, and both in herbivore andcarnivore forms (O LIVEIRA & L AVINA, 2001). A revisionof non-mammalian cynodonts is providedelsewhere (A BDALA, 1996), but recent findings havegreatly increased the knowledge of this group ( e.g. ,ABDALA et al. , 2001). Non-mammalian cynodonts areknown for the following species: Therioherpeton cargnini (BONAPARTE & BARBERENA, 1975), Charruodon sp. (ABDALA & RIBEIRO, 2000), Santacruzodon hopsoni (ABDALA & RIBEIRO, 2003), Riograndia guaibensis (BONAPARTE et al. , 2001), Brasilodon sp. andBrasilitherium sp. (Bonaparte et al. , 2003), andIrajatherium hernandezi (MARTINELLI et al ., 2005).Several Exaeretodon skeletons (a medium-sizedcynodont) have been collected at the vicinities of Santa Maria and So Joo do Polsine cities.

    Fish scales are recorded at several outcrops (L IMA et al. , 1984; P EREZ & MALABARBA, 2002; R ICHTER, 2001).A phytosaur was recently described for the CaturritaFormation (K ISCHLAT & L UCAS, 2003).At the city of Santa Maria, it is very common to findsilicified logs at the Itarar neighborhood, whileexcavating for construction of buildings foundations.At the backyard of the Escola Estadual Xavier daRocha, cross-bedded coarse sandstones from theCaturrita Formation present logs at the stratificationsets. In the same formation, there are conchostracson the road BR 158 (K ATOO, 1971), and fossilvertebrates at gua Negra (A ZEVEDO et al ., 1998; D AROSA et al. , 1998; L EAL , 2001, 2005; L EAL et al. , 2004),Quilombo (D A ROSA, 2005), and Campinas (B ELTRO,1965; L YRIO et al. , 2003, 2004).Up to now, there are 21 fossiliferous sites at theurban area of the city of Santa Maria (D A ROSA,2003, 2004). Those sites comprehend public andprivate areas, with different degrees of accessibility,thus needing an urgent protection.


    According to S OMMER & S CHERER (2000), the

    Petrified Forest from Mata represents one of themost important paleobotanic sites from SouthAmerica. Fossil logs are conifer-relatedgymnosperms, which represent the climatic shiftat the end of Triassic. The Fossil vertebrates fromSanta Maria region consist of a reptilian fauna,including the first dinosaurs and some mammalprecursors (S CHULTZ, 1995).All these fossils occur in several cities from theregion. The fossil logs also outcrop at So Pedrodo Sul, Santa Maria, and Faxinal do Soturno.

    The fossil vertebrates are found in outcrops fromSo Pedro do Sul through Venncio Aires.However, just a few cit ies have preparedthemselves for the paleontological tourism. TheMata city, for example, relies on the work doneby Daniel Cargnin (deceased), a Christian priestthat helped in local conservation and education.His work was based primarily exhibiting largelogs on the city public parks, numbered smalllogs on sidewalks, and some fossil vertebratesand plants at the Museu Pe. Daniel Cargnin(former Museu Guido Borgomanero) (Fig.4). Aconvention between the Prefeitura Municipal andthe Universidade Federal de Santa Maria createdan open-air exhibit, the Jardim Paleobotnico,where the visitor can see the trunks in theoriginal outcrops.Fossils from this region, including vertebrates andplants, are housed the following museums:

    Museu Paleontolgico e Arqueolgico WalterIlha - Located at the municipality of So Pedrodo Sul, it was created due to the work and effortof Walter Ilha, who also acted fiercely on thepreservation of the paleontological patrimony;Museu Educativo Gama DEca Located at themunicipality of Santa Maria;Museu Histrico e Cultural Vicente Pallotti Located at the municipality of Santa Maria, itpresents a paleontological section organized bythe late priest Daniel Cargnin;Museu de Cincias Fundao Zoobotnica doRio Grande do Sul Located at the municipalityof Porto Alegre, presents a paleontological section;Museu de Paleontologia Universidade Federaldo Rio Grande do Sul Located at themunicipality of Porto Alegre, nowadays presentsonly one room exhibit;Museu de Cincia e Tecnologia PontifciaUniversidade Catlica do Rio Grande do Sul Located at the municipality of Porto Alegre, itpresents a paleontological section.

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    Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.66, n.1, p.291-304, jan./mar.2008

    In an early attempt to protect the paleontologicalpatrimony, the municipalities of Mata, So Pedrodo Sul, and Santa Maria have created local laws toavoid fossil commercialization and to obligate

    teachers to deal with that subject in local schools(MINELLO, 1995). Nowadays, the State Law 11.738/02 determines the legal protection of fossiliferoussites and their fossils.

    Fig.4- Examples of museums near the city of Santa Maria. (a) The Museu Paleontolgico e Arqueolgico Walter Ilha,at So Pedro do Sul; (b) The Museu Pe. Daniel Cargnin, at Mata; (c, d) Fossil trunks on the public squares at Mata;(e) the Jardim Paleobotnico at Mata.

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    The implantation of a tourist route, based on thepaleontological knowledge, necessarily involves acorrect evaluation of the local infrastructure. Twomuseums, a research lab, and several importantfossiliferous outcrops are recorded at the city of SantaMaria (Fig.5), but no improvement of theinfrastructure so far can be recorded.

    The Museu Educativo Gama DEa, a unit of theUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)located at the downtown area, is divided in thematicrooms: history of the UFSM and its founder, Dr. JosMariano da Rocha; archaeology; paleontology; naturalhistory; guns and cannons. At the paleontology roomnamed after Dr. Mrio C. Barberena, an exhibit of minerals, rocks, and fossils from southern Brazil wasrecently reorganized (L EAL et al. , 1998).

    The Museu Histrico e Cultural Vicente Pallotti, partof the religious society named Sociedade VicentePallotti, houses collections of stuffed animals,minerals and rocks, archaeologic and paleontologicspecimens, tools and guns. The paleontologicalcollection is greatly indebted to the Priest Daniel

    Cargnin ( in memoriam ), who was responsible for thepreservation of the paleontological patrimony for theentire region. In his homage, several species weredesignated ( e.g. , Therioherpeton cargnini Bonaparte& Barberena, 1975), as well as a public square (Pe.Daniel Cargnin square), that is located at the crossingof road BR 158 and the Fernando Ferrari Avenue.

    There are four small municipal museums near thecity of Santa Maria. Two of them located west at SoPedro do Sul and Mata and the other two located eastat Faxinal do Soturno and Candelria municipalities.

    The Museu Paleontolgico e Arqueolgico WalterIlha, at So Pedro do Sul, is located at the buildingof the local Deputies House, as well as the Museu

    Histrico Fernando Ferrari. The paleontology roomexhibits specimens of fossil vertebrates (dicynodonts,rhynchosaurs, and archosaurs) and plants (silicifiedlogs and leaf imprints) of the region. Fossils fromother localities from southern Brazil can also beseen. A few outcrops are easily reachable by car, asthe Stio da Piscina, Stio da Ermida, StioInhamand, and Stio gua Boa.

    Fig.5- Urban area of the city of Santa Maria, with location of main fossiliferous sites and paleontology museums(modified from D A ROSA, 2004).

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    The Museu Pe. Daniel Cargnin, at Mata, has a veryeclectic collection of historical, archaeological, andbiological material. Thanks to the efforts of PriestDaniel Cargnin the museum houses also a richpaleontological collection. People of the city aregreatly indebted to Pe. Daniel Cargnin for thepreservation and exposure of the silicified logs onthe streets and city squares. In the paleontologicalexhibit, a series of Dinodontosaurus skulls and analmost complete dicynodont skeleton are the mostimportant material, collected near the city of Candelria. Aside of the museum, it can be visitedthe Jardim Paleobotnico de Mata, created by thepartnership between the Prefeitura Municipal andUFSM. There, visitors can walk among the silicifiedlogs preserved in the original rock.At Faxinal do Soturno, a small museum at thedistrict of Novo Treviso exhibits some fossilvertebrates, archaeological, and historicalmaterial. This collection is another example of thevigorous work of Pe. Daniel Cargnin, during thefew years he did stay in that community.At Candelria, the Casa Cultural of the municipalityhouses a paleontology room, with fossil specimensand resin casts of vertebrates found nearby, suchas the dinosaur Guaibasaurus candelariensis .At the region known as Quarta Colnia, fifteenmunicipalities gathered themselves in the namedConsrcio para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel daQuarta Colnia (CONDESUS), with the aiming of building a center to support the paleontologicalresearch, as well as improving the local socio-

    economic development. The fossiliferous sites of So Joo do Polsine , Faxinal do Soturno, DonaFrancisca, and Agudo are planned take part in thePaleontological Route project.So far, the only paleontological research lab in theregion is the Laboratrio de Estratigrafia ePaleobiologia (LEP), linked to the Department of Geosciences of UFSM. This lab supports thepaleontological exhibit of the Museu EducativoGama DEa, that is responsible for housing thepaleontological collection of UFSM, and is also acenter for research, teaching, and extension. Thislab together with the Laboratrio de Estudos ePesquisas Arqueolgicas (LEPA) of the Departmentof History, compose the Comisso Especial deResgate do Patrimnio Paleontolgico eArqueolgico (CERPPA), created to work togetherwith the regional community in the preservationof its natural patrimony.


    The use of the paleontological patrimony fortourist purposes has been a matter of a constantworry of the academic and non-academiccommunity. In this sense, all the present effortsto conciliate preservation of the paleontologicalpatrimony and its socio-economic use are basedon the following assumption: the paleontologicaltourism will only work if properly connected witheducational, legislative, social, and economicactivities (Fig.6).

    Fig.6- Schematic diagram of the relationships involved on the implementation of paleontological tourism (seediscussion on text).

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    In the city of Santa Maria, there is an effort to legallyand physically protect the fossiliferous sites at thesame infrastructure for the paleontological tourismis developed. Three regional workshops wereorganized to specifically discuss paleontologicaltourism in the region (I and II Paleontur, 1 stMunicipal Forum on Paleontological Tourism inSanta Maria). Those meetings resulted in initiativesto protect the fossiliferous sites including in thecentral administrative plan (Plano Diretor) of thecity. The protection and management of thefossiliferous sites is still a matter of debate, beforetourism is set in the region. There are two projectsfor the construction of thematic paleontologicalparks, one located at Santa Maria and the other atSo Joo do Polsine, both in a preliminary phaseand waiting for governmental financial support.A project for the public developed by the UFSM iscalled Stio-escola de Escavao. It aims to protectthe main fossiliferous site from Santa Maria (SangaGrande da Alemoa) and to perform educationalactivities with students at all levels. A protectedarea of 1.7ha was divided into quadrants andexcavated. The site will contain an educational andtourist infrastructure, such as exhibition rooms(long term and temporary), fossil preparation lab,multimedia classrooms, mini-auditorium, cafeteria,bookstore, and souvenir store.Notwithstanding the richness of fossil localities inRS, there is still very little infrastructure forpaleontological tourism. Advertisement on theroads already point to the Paleontological Route,inviting tourists to visit the cities and localmuseums. However, local citizens were notprepared for this project and there is a general lackof information in foreign languages and educationfor environmental and paleontological protection.

    The implementation of a museum of natural historyin the city may boost tourist services, as well asnucleate tourism in the entire region. Whether ornot all municipalities will work together, a hugeincrease in the tourist demand can be foreseen,leading to an expectation for a socio-economic-cultural development of the central region of theRio Grande do Sul State.


    A work that deals with many elements of theacademic and non-academic community istherefore a product of the effort, patience, and

    energy of many participants, which are thankedhere: the Fundao de Apoio Pesquisa do Estadodo Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) and the RectorCabinet of UFSM, for financial support; theLegislative Comission of the Cmara dos Vereadoresde Santa Maria, for improving legislation anddiscussions on the natural patrimony; the FederalDeputies Cesar Schirmer and Paulo Pimenta, thatseek federal resources to be employed at the studiedregion; the Consrcio para o DesenvolvimentoSustentvel da Quarta Colnia (CONDESUS) andthe Municipality of Santa Maria.


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