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Plinio Okamoto [email protected] atividade nas Mídias Tradicionais Interatividade nas mídias tradicionais AULA 03 Plinio Okamoto – RAPP Brasil 26 de Outubro de 2009 Miami Ad School / ESP

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Interatividade nas mídias tradicionais


Plinio Okamoto – RAPP Brasil

26 de Outubro de 2009

Miami Ad School / ESPM

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- Cenário- Digitalização da informação = Fragmentação da mídia

- Transmedia = Digital Heart > Offline Supported

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Mídia Tradicional- Estímulo aos sentidos


- Uma mídia interativa?

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First, here's the ad that gals will find in CosmoSecondly, here's the ad that guys will find in their manly magazines... I was particularly won over by the Molson example from 2004. Here, the advertising set a goal of helping guys impress the ladies. Being tongue in cheek, Crispin created fake magazine covers for fictional books such as Trustfund, Animal Rescuer, andAspiring Groom (above). I saw a case study that says these ads were read at 2x the rate of other beer ads and increased brandfavorability from 29% to 60%. Further, according to Porter, these ads actually drove higher magazine sales!

As I mentioned yesterday, when your customer pays for your marketing, it’s meaningful.

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Altoids Burn Through

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Upskirt billboard BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv

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Brother printers - Printed own posterTo demonstrate that new Brother’s ink printer A3 multifunction, the MFC-6890CDW,

can print lots and lots without hiccup, the made the product advertised print it's own poster. Thusly, we now have seen the (likely first) advertising poster printed in A3 sheets alone.

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Axe - New Day&Night - SMS interactive print ad Take a good look guys, because this is one of the few times you'll see this new tech as an interesting feature in an ad,

soon it will become old hat. Adlist has been chatting about it, opining that it's great new tech. It actually works better for Playboy, or anything else that serves to give you the whole picture, rather than a perfume which once upon a time had fun advertising telling you that it magically attracts ladies - even recycled cans had that effect on women. These days Axe

has lost their tone of voice and just slap ladies in lingerie all over. I can't tell if its a Victoria Secret ad sometimes. ;)

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McDonald's - Giant Puzzle - Get your head straight - Stockholm, OutdoorDDB in Stockhoolm are at it again, this time creating an oversized "push puzzle" outdoor poster that only people who've had a decent amount of coffee can solve. (actually the poster is located inside, at the central train station.)

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Ikea Crossword – interactive print ad

placed this crossword ad, alongside the crossword

section in the newspaper…nice

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A Master Comunicação criou para Petrobras anúncio interativo, com o objetivo de divulgar o envolvimento da marca com os esportes motorizados.

Inicialmente, a peça será veiculada no anuário Esporte Auto Motor e na Revista Quatro Rodas.

O anúncio traz a mensagem “Vire esta página para a esquerda e direita várias vezes” convidando os leitores a balançar a página quadriculada em frente e

verso, simulando uma bandeirada em final de corrida.Na parte de trás do anúncio, a frase “Pronto. Você acabou de sentir o gostinho

de cruzar a linha de chegada junto com a gente”.

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Nextel - cinta que será veiculada na edição Melhores & Maiores, da revista Exame, entregue a executivos e personalidades ligadas ao mundo dos negócios.

A cinta traz um dispositivo capaz de fazer uma ligação ao simples toque de um botão para um consultor da operadora.

Cada cinta possui um código único (ID), que é reconhecido pelo consultor no momento da chamada. Assim, a Nextel garante atendimento exclusivo e personalizado a cada leitor.

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Melissa - anúncio interativo para a campanha “Create Yourself” ,'finalizado' pelos próprios consumidores. A ação inclui um saquinho, contendo 81 elementos adesivos, entre fotos de modelos, títulos, imagens de retalhos, logos, etc.

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A Neogama/BBH criou campanha para divulgar a edição de outubro da revista Playboy, que traz em sua capa a atriz Ana Paula Tabalipa, que faz o papel de Raíssa, a musa dos bombeiros

da novela "Chamas da Vida", da Record.Anúncio, spot de rádio (ouça aqui) e material de PDV exploram a personagem e trabalham o

universo dos bombeiros. No display, aparece o corpo da atriz coberto com duas tarjas pretas, em suas partes íntimas. As

tarjas são a superfície de acendimento de fósforo. Os leitores podem interagir com a peça e riscando o fósforo no próprio anúncio. O título explica “Não perca Ana Paula Tabalipa, a fogosa

de Chamas da Vida, na Playboy de outubro”.O anúncio mostra a atriz posando de costas para a lente e o título: “Aproveite. Não é toda hora

que mostram a Tabalipa pra você”.Já o spot de rádio traz gritos masculinos que se assemelham a uma sirene de bombeiro.

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A Loducca criou uma peça diferenciada para a MTV, a pesquisa Dossiê Universo Jovem, um anúncio comestível.

O tema deste 4º Dossiê é Sustentabilidade. Os jovens pesquisados falaram sobre assuntos como reciclagem, auto-aproveitamento e políticas verdes, entre outros.

Por conta disso, a agência decidiu criar um anúncio "auto-sustentável", que convida o mercado publicitário a assistir à apresentação dos resultados da pesquisa que será realizada no dia 09 de setembro, no Teatro Abril, em São Paulo.

A Loducca também criou um hotsite, no qual Renato Carioni, chef de cuisine do restaurante Cantaloup, ensina a fazer uma receita com o anúncio. Renato convida internautas a criar receitas utilizando a peça. O dono da melhor receita será premiado.

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A DM9DDB assina para a Sadia um encarte especial, que será veiculado na revista Veja, em São Paulo e no litoral paulista, no dia 06.

A Sadia pedirá aos leitores que coloquem no microondas o encarte especial, que faz parte da segunda fase de campanha criada para o lançamento dos novos

produtos Hot Pocket X Burger e Hot Pocket X Frango. Direcionada ao público jovem, a peça é toda preta e, depois de levada

ao microondas por 30 segundos, revelará a imagem dos novos produtos. A surpresa é possível graças a uma tinta especial, dos EUA, com características

termocrômicas, com propriedades ativadas pelo calor. Elas podem tanto mudar de cor como passar para o transparente, e vice-versa.

A produção durou quase 50 dias, entre preparativos e testes. Segundo o diretor do departamento de produção gráfica da DM9DDB, Yoshito Yagura, é a primeira

vez que uma revista brasileira utiliza uma tinta termocrômica em material publicitário.

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Ver VídeoPepsi e a rede CBS colocam anúncio Video-in-Print na revista Entertainment Weekly. Pode ter até 90 min de video

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WAL-MART IS RUNNING OUTBut if you haven't got your 3-D glasses yet, I'm afraid I have a spot of bad news for you. The Wal-Marts are running out

of the free 3-D glasses. But don't panic, keep reading.Two days ago, I stopped by my local Wal-Mart, and noticed their free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses display was empty. I thought perhaps they were keeping their stock in reserve, so I asked the store manager when he planned to put more glasses out. (I hasten to add that I didn't want to take any more for myself, I just needed to know so I could report on

this.) He told me: never! The Hannah glasses were already gone, and they would not be getting any more.I wasn't terribly concerned. Just because one store had run out, it didn't necessarily mean that the national supply of Hannah Montana glasses was in jeopardy. But then I read, on the 3-D Revolution blog, that Disney only distributed a

paltry one million pairs of free glasses for this promotion!A million? It might sound like a large number, but there are about 4,000 Wal-Mart stores in the United States. If that figure is correct, that means, on average, each store had about 250 pairs of Hannah glasses to offer. So, if you don't have your free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses yet, I would estimate your odds of finding them at your local Wal-Mart

today to be about zero.[CORRECTION: I have subsequently learned that Disney really gave away 25 million pairs of the glasses through Wal-

Mart, not 1 million as "3D Revolution" wrongly reported.]AN IMPORTANT WARNING

The good news is, you can still make your own 3-D glasses in time for the concert. But I'm begging you, girls, please, please, do not use Sharpie markers and plastic wrap for the lenses, the way the Starz channel instructs you to do! The colors will be uneven and will not filter properly; the plastic will wrinkle and pucker; the concert will stink. And for days

afterward, you will look like this:

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To help the Elm Grove Police discourage speeding, we designed die-cut signs and placed them over roadside radar trailers, which were triggered by speeds above 25


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Sydney Morning Herald's "Cymbal" ad wins Aug/Sept Could Be a Caxton competition. An ad by Whybin/TBWA Sydney for The Sydney Morning Herald has been announced as the August/September winner of the Could Be a Caxton competition, established by the Caxton Committee and supported by The Newspaper Works to recognise and showcase great creativity on a bi-monthly basis.Client: The Sydney Morning HeraldAgency: Whybin/TBWA SydneyECD: Garry HornerCreative Director: Matt KemsleyArt Director: Janelle ShearerCopywriter: Joe CraigMichael Syme, Art Director of Whybin/TBWA Melbourne and the judge of the August/September competition, said: “My winning choice for this month is The Sydney Morning Herald’s classical music ad. Trust a newspaper to show how a newspaper can be used. Inspired use of space that shows newspaper ads don’t have to be static.”

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Colenso BBDO, Auckland has won both the June and July Newspaper Ad of the Month competitions for TV3 Outrageous Fortune 'Tool Guys' and The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, respectively. Judges were Pat Murphy (Rapp), Slade Gill (Saatchi & Saatchi) and Sarah Longworth (Colenso BBDO), who abstained from the final judging. Credits for the winning ads: Client: TV3 Outrageous Fortune Creative Director: Steve Cochran Deputy Creative Director: Karl W Fleet Creatives: Daniel Nelson & Alex Bartleet Designer: Phila Lagaluga

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I have done many blogs for a few different sites on all of the crazy

things IKEA has done to promote their brand. And let me tell you, I

have loved every single one of them.

From the crazy billboards, to the making of their store into a

birthday cake, to literally covering the streets of New York City with

fabric, I have loved them all.I recently found this print ad from

IKEA. A print ad. I couldn’t believe it. I have never seen a print ad

fromn IKEA. So if any of you know of any other IKEA print ads out

there, please share!In the mean time, enjoy this new print ad from IKEA, but they of course go above and beyond a

plain old print ad. This interactive piece grabs the attention of all


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UN Voices' Talking press ads

UN 'Voices Project' talking newspaper campaign is great example of creativity and innovation in press. The concept of the UN Voices Project was to literally give the disadvantaged a voice.

Through the aid of pioneering mobile technology this media-first campaign, which comprised of outdoor posters and press ads, would talk when the public engaged with the advert.

Using their mobile phone, the reader would take a photo of the featured person’s mouth and send it the advertised number as a text message. Digital image recognition technology and a call back service enabled the sender to receive a return phone call where they could actually hear a pre-recorded story belonging to the person featured in the press ad.

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NZ Army 'Careers' Press


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Papermotion, or augmented reality, brings advertising to life in readers' hands - literally. Break-throughs in technology has enabled images to pop off the page, taking the humble press into the third dimension.

Papermotion, powered by Total Immersion technology, provides a dynamic way to enhance readers' involvement with newspaper campaigns.What's more, it's really easy to use. All readers' need is a webcam and internet access.

Papermotion is a world first for newspapers, combining the value of print with 3D, video streaming and audio. The result is a new, engaging creative channel for advertisers. All it takes it three easy steps: 1. Go to specified URL2. Hold the newspaper up to the webcam 3. Watch the ad come to life!

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Haagen-Dazs supports causeHäagen-Dazs "Save the Honey Bee" 2008 campaign.

SummaryHäagen-Dazs used a Public Agenda vehicle to help reclaim falling market share, create a bond between their brand and consumers, and truly differentiate themselves from their competitors. That vehicle turned out to be the honeybee.

IssueIce cream maker Häagen-Dazs found itself in a predicament. Not only was their market share threatened by competitors, price hikes were hurting sales. On top of this, consumers had little connection with the brand.

Marketing solutionResearch identified Häagen-Dazs customers as being conscious about what they eat and where it comes from. With this in mind, Häagen-Dazs linked their product’s core ingredient to one of the most biting social issues – the extinction of the honey bee.

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Weeds is an HBO show based on the premise of a single mother making ends meet by dealing pot.This print ad for the show includes a scent strip that smells like pot.

Or so I'm told. How would I know what pot smells like?

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The poster bookHaving carried out my 3 years at Bath Spa I often switched between doing graphic design and animation/interactive design and didn't like being narrowed down to one area and having a title given to what sort of designer I was. I wanted to create a project that questioned the popular misconception that interactive design had to be on a screen. I created an interactive poster, which most people on first hearing the name thought was a screen based project. In fact it started as an A6 sized 'Poster Book' which included a book of 1cm squared stickers in red, green, blue, yellow and black, an example alphabet and an A1 sized grided poster. The idea was that people could stick the squares onto the grid to create pixellated text and images; a sort of instant(ish) and professional poster.

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Interatividade nas Mídias TradicionaisShift into newspapers

In a media first, Nissan ran a blank front page in one of Brazil’s largest Sunday newspapers, inviting readers to

“shift” and make their own front-page stories. Advertising problem

Arriving late in Brazil, Nissan was still a small player in the automotive market. They had to invigorate the brand’s relationship with Brazilian drivers as well as launch the

worldwide brand proposition: Shift.To achieve this objective they looked to newspapers,

which was also identified as the most important research vehicle that people consulted when buying cars.

For the first time in history, The State of Sao Paulo, one of Brazil’s largest papers ran a blank front page to creatively

facilitate the brand proposition. Nissan wanted to shift people’s relationship with the news. Rather than have people passively reading the news, it wanted them to

become the news.Campaign execution

The campaign started with subscribers receiving their Sunday newspaper with the front page being absent of all

articles and headlines; only an ad for Nissan appeared inviting readers to produce their own news.

To participate, readers went to the newspaper’s website, clicked on the Nissan banner ad and went to a related

microsite where they could customise the front page with their own headlines, images and articles.

The following Sunday, each person who had participated in the promotion was front page news. Their news stories and

photos were actually printed on the cover of The State of Sao Paulo with a Nissan ad running on the bottom. More

than 1,000 personalised front pages were distributed to the door step of consumers. A full-page Nissan ad ran on the

next page, saying “Now that you’ve read the news, you have a whole day to buy a new car".

ResultsThe campaign yielded the largest response for a

newspaper promotion in Brazil – outstripping even those that give away cars and TVs.

The promotion doubled brand familiarity; and it has a multiplier effect in terms of visibility - people showed it to

friends and family, and due to its personal nature, the newspaper would be kept for years to come.

The campaign generated high publicity, making two front pages in a row.

This Be the News campaign won a Cannes Media Gold Lion for Best Use of Newspapers

The campaign ran in 2008.

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Miami Ad School / ESPM

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Plinio Okamoto – RAPP Brasil

26 de Outubro de 2009

Miami Ad School / ESPM