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2 a SÉRIE ENSINO MÉDIO Caderno do Aluno Volume 1 INGLÊS Linguagens

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  • 2a SRIE ENSINO MDIOCaderno do AlunoVolume 1





    VOLUME 1

    Nova edio




    So Paulo

  • Governo do Estado de So Paulo


    Geraldo Alckmin


    Guilherme Af Domingos

    Secretrio da Educao

    Herman Voorwald


    Joo Cardoso Palma Filho

    Chefe de Gabinete

    Fernando Padula Novaes

    Subsecretria de Articulao Regional

    Rosania Morales Morroni

    Coordenadora da Escola de Formao e Aperfeioamento dos Professores EFAP

    Silvia Andrade da Cunha Galletta

    Coordenadora de Gesto da Educao Bsica

    Maria Elizabete da Costa

    Coordenadora de Gesto de Recursos Humanos

    Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

    Coordenadora de Informao, Monitoramento e Avaliao


    Ione Cristina Ribeiro de Assuno

    Coordenadora de Infraestrutura e Servios Escolares

    Ana Leonor Sala Alonso

    Coordenadora de Oramento e Finanas

    Claudia Chiaroni Afuso

    Presidente da Fundao para o Desenvolvimento da Educao FDE

    Barjas Negri

  • Caro(a) aluno(a),

    Neste novo ano de sua vida escolar, voc vai continuar desenvolvendo habilidades que lhe sero muito teis em seus estudos das outras disciplinas, como a leitura de textos mais complexos, dos quais voc capaz de extrair as informaes relevantes, sem necessidade de entender ou traduzir cada palavra.

    Este volume trata de temas que despertam muito interesse: o mundo do cinema e da produo de filmes, e o gnero publicitrio. Voc vai ter a oportunidade de discutir as mensagens implcitas ou explcitas que aparecem em anncios e em filmes.

    Nos textos que voc vai ler e naquele que vai construir com seus colegas, alm de desenvolver sua habili-dade para usar o idioma, voc vai exercitar sua capacidade de trabalhar em grupo, em atividades que visam capacit-lo a agir de forma responsvel e produtiva em situaes sociais e profissionais.

    Lembre-se de que nossos Cadernos trazem dicas de sites, msicas e filmes que lhe permitem complemen-tar o que foi visto em sala de aula, de acordo com seu gosto e suas necessidades. Voc tem, ainda, as sees que lhe permitem sistematizar o estudo do vocabulrio e da gramtica, e os Cadernos tambm auxiliam na sua autoavaliao em relao s metas de aprendizagem propostas.

    Todos os registros dessas sees contm informaes que podem ser teis em outras sries e at mesmo quando j tiver terminado o Ensino Mdio. Guarde seus Cadernos com cuidado para futuras consultas.

    Equipe Curricular de Inglsrea de Linguagens

    Coordenadoria de Gesto da Educao Bsica CGEBSecretaria da Educao do Estado de So Paulo

  • 5Neste Caderno, voc far atividades relacionadas a dois temas: 1) Films and TV pro-grams e 2) Analyzing advertisements and advertisement scripts. Essas atividades vo ajud-lo a:

    1. Reconhecer a organizao de uma resenha crtica e de uma sinopse. 2. Conhecer vocabulrio relativo a profissionais, gneros e processos das reas de cinema

    e televiso. 3. Compreender o assunto principal de um texto. 4. Identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da lngua inglesa para compreender um texto. 5. Localizar informaes especficas em um texto para construir opinio e fazer avaliao crtica. 6. Formar adjetivos e substantivos a partir de outros substantivos, adjetivos e verbos pela

    adio de prefixos e sufixos. 7. Expressar opinio sobre um filme. 8. Identificar o uso de conjunes adversativas (para indicar oposio/contraste entre ideias)

    e de marcadores sequenciais (para organizar os acontecimentos em uma narrativa). 9. Elaborar uma resenha crtica.10. Reconhecer uma propaganda (organizao macrotextual).11. Localizar informaes explcitas em um texto.12. Reconhecer o uso dos graus de adjetivos nas propagandas.13. Levantar hipteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verific-las a partir da leitura.14. Identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da lngua inglesa para compreender um

    texto.15. Elaborar uma propaganda e/ou roteiro de anncio publicitrio.16. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funes e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo.


  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1




    1. Study the words in the box. Then read the film titles and write what kind of film they are.


    documentary love story comedy

    horror drama thriller

    adventure science fiction historical

    a) The hangover part 3 =

    b) A midsummer nights dream =

    c) Blue skeleton =

    d) Star Trek into darkness =

    e) Super size me =

    f ) The terminator 5 =

    g) Gladiator =

    h) Cloud atlas =

    i) Iron man 3 =

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    2. Lots of professionals work in the TV and cinema fields. Read the descriptions in column A and match them with the professionals in column B.


    a) I talk to people in the entertainment area and gather the money to make films.

    ( ) screenwriter

    b) I am the person who organizes the cast and the staff, chooses actors and actresses, shoots the scenes, and cuts, selects and organizes them.

    ( ) producer

    c) Im in charge of writing stories for films, known as screenplays.

    ( ) reviewer

    d) My job is to watch films and analyze them. I have to describe them and give my opinion, based on the analyzed elements.

    ( ) director

    3. Most films and TV programs tell stories in other words, they are narratives. The most important elements of a narrative are plot, setting, theme and characters. Now read the following definitions and fill in the blanks with these words.

    a) The is the place and time in which all of the events in a story happen.

    b) The represent people in a story.

    c) The is the sequence of actions (or events) in a story.

    d) The is the most important subject in a story. It is a concept the film is trying to present, for example.


    1. Use the suffixes -er, -or and -ist to form names of professions.


    A person who plays the violin.

    a) A person who teaches Math.


  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    b) A person who plays classical piano.

    c) A person who writes novels.

    d) A person who translates books and articles.

    e) A person who directs a film.

    f ) A person who writes articles or reports for newspapers.

    2. Study the note and then add the correct suffixes to complete the chart. You may use a dictionary if you like.

    To change these verbs into nouns, you add the suffixes -ion, -ment or -ation.

    To change these adjectives into nouns, you can add the suffixes -ity or -ness.

    Verbs Nouns Adjectives Nouns

    agree dark darkness

    elect happy

    educate education popular

    discuss weak

    improve similar

    govern quiet

    inform modern

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    3. Complete the text using some of the nouns in Activity 2.

    The film The man in the presidents chair will be released next summer. The story begins with

    a candidates campaign to win the (a) . In his public appearances, he promises

    that voters will have an active role in his (b) . He also promises to revolutionize

    (c) by building new schools and offering financial support to poor families.

    Because of his promises, his (d) increases and he ends up becoming the new

    president. However, alongside his success in politics, a period of (e) in his

    personal life begins. The media finds out some classified (f ) about his wife

    and children and turns his life into chaos.

    The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic. WILDE, Oscar. Epigrams and aphorisms.


    A palavra classified pode significar secreto, confidencial.

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1




    Have a look at this magazine cover and answer the questions.


    a) What kind of text is this?

    b) What kind of information can we find in it?

    c) When do you think this text was published? How do you know?

    d) Who is the target reader?









  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    Crash. USA, 2004. 112 min. Drama

    Cast: Karina Arroyave as Elizabeth; Dato Bakhtadze as Lucien; Sandra Bullock as Jean Cabot; Don Cheadle as Det. Graham Waters; Matt Dillon as Officer John Ryan.

    Good points: Oscar winning film, strong cast.

    Bad points: some racial stereotyping which may be uncomfortable.

    General comments

    Crash was the Oscar winning film of 2005. The drama deals mainly with an uncomfortable subject: racism. The plot shows many racial stereotyping situations (including intolerance), with their consequences on the people involved. We see all sides of racist situations, and how illogical most reactions tend to be. One of the most potent storylines includes Matt Dillons character, Officer John Ryan. First of all, he stops a black couple in a car. Then he blames them for many crimes which they did not commit and when the woman verbally confronts him, the officer orders a complete body search for guns. He makes the black couple feel inferior to him. Later on in the film, we see that this experience results in a lot of tension between the couple. The woman accuses her husband of failing to defend her for fear of authority. The man defends himself saying that by not reacting to an act of racism, he was protecting both of them. This is a powerful scene and connects the viewer with emotive and controversial themes. All the other subplots in the film link together as the viewer gradually understands each character. The linking point is a car crash (which names the film), but it is not the most important scene in it. It is simply the moment for the viewer to see how similar all these strong characters are. Because of this very complex view on racism, the film is very positive and deserves all the Oscar awards that it received in 2005.

    1. Have a look at the following texts. Which one is a review? Which one is a synopsis?


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    Crash (2004)

    Screenwriter Paul Haggis directs his first film in which race problems lead to the confrontation of a group of strangers in Los Angeles. Terrence Howard plays Cameron, an African-American television producer. One night, when returning home from a party, Cameron and his wife are stopped by Officer Ryan (Matt Dillon), who humiliates them while his partner, Officer Hansen (Ryan Phillippe), watches and disapproves of his behavior. Brendan Fraser is Rick, a lawyer who is married to Jean (Sandra Bullock). She fears and hates people who are different from her. Consequently, she hates the two African-American men who carjack her car. Anthony, one of the carjackers, hates white people as much as Jean hates black people. Daniel (Michael Pea) is a careful locksmith who finds out that, because he is not a white American, many customers do not trust him. All these subplots (and a few others) come together in a film that makes us think about intolerance.

    2. Study the underlined words in the texts. Can you guess what they mean?

    3. Read the texts carefully now. Mark T for true and F for false according to the information you find.

    a) Crash is a film about conflicts caused by racism. ( )

    b) The reviewer thinks that the actors and actresses are very good. ( )

    c) The film is called Crash because the main characters get killed in a car accident. ( )

    d) The film is called Crash because of the car crash that happens and unites the stories. ( )

    e) The reviewer thinks the directors opinions on racial themes are a negative point. ( )

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    4. In English, we can form words by adding a prefix or suffix. Study the following table and complete it with words from the first text.

    WordPart ofspeech

    Prefix Suffix Word formed MeaningPart of speech


    un- -able uncomfortablenot


    Power noun --- -ful (1) ________strong, full of


    Logic noun il- -al (2) ________

    without logic, something thatdoesnt make




    --- -ing (3) ________something thatlinks, that joins


    5. Based on your knowledge of words, suffixes and prefixes, can you guess the meaning of each underlined word?

    a) Oxygen is an invisible gas.

    b) I finally saw the film.

    c) My mom didnt have any reaction to what I said.

    d) Multicultural countries are places that accept all cultures.

    e) Spring is a very festive season.

    Expansion activities

    1. The list shows some characteristics of a review and of a synopsis. Write S for synopsis, R for review and B for both.

    ( ) It shows the names of characters.

    ( ) It shows the name of the movie.

    ( ) It says what kind of movie it is.

    ( ) It describes the story.

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    ( ) It includes a criticism (evaluation).

    ( ) It shows the kind of awards the film won.

    2. In a review, the description of the story is usually:

    ( ) long, with a lot of information for the reader to evaluate the film.

    ( ) short, with insufficient information for the reader to evaluate the film.

    ( ) short, but concentrating sufficient information for the reader to accept the evaluation that the writer makes of the film.

    3. What words are typical of a review, but not of a synopsis?

    ( ) verbs.

    ( ) adjectives.

    ( ) nouns.

    ( ) adverbs.

    4. Compare the words in the following groups. Can you guess the meaning of the suffixes and prefixes? Follow the example, and use Portuguese if you prefer.

    Example: polytheist, polygamy poly =

    a) Neolythic, neologism, neonate neo =

    b) Misinform, misconduct, misunderstand mis =

    c) Careless, helpless, painless less =

    d) Physicist, biologist, scientist ist =

    e) Teacher, reviewer, writer, lawyer er =

    many (indica grande quantidade)

    Critic = crtico, pessoa que escreve suas opinies sobre filmes, msicas, arte etc.

    Criticism = opinio, crtica.

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    1. Change these verbs and nouns into adjectives. Add the suffixes: -ous, -able, -y, -ive, -ful or -less.

    Be careful with the spelling! If you are in doubt, use a dictionary for help!

    Verbs Adjectives Nouns Adjectives

    attract danger

    accept industry

    act use

    create home homeless

    believe care

    eat sun

    predict fame

    2. Complete the sentences using the adjectives from Activity 1.

    a) People all over the world know Madonna. She is a very singer.

    b) Film directors and writers have many ideas. They are very .

    c) Some extreme sports are considered for children and teenagers.

    d) The weatherman announced that tomorrow will be a day.

    e) This yellow bag is ! There is a big hole in it!

    f ) We can see many people living in the streets and in shelters in big cities.

    3. Study the chart on the next page. Then read the items below and match the prefixes to their meanings.

    a) Too much.

    b) Badly or incorrect.

    c) Opposite; negative.

    d) Again.

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    Prefix Examples Meaning

    re- redo; rearrange; rewrite ( )


    disappear; disconnectundo; unfold

    impossible; impatientincorrect; indecent

    ( )

    mis- misunderstand; misread ( )

    over- overwork; overeat ( )

    4. Now rewrite the words in brackets using the prefixes used in Activity 3 in order to complete the sentences.

    a) When you sleep too much, you . (sleep)

    b) If you dont agree with somebody, you with them. (agree)

    c) The door is locked. To open it, first you have to it. (lock)

    d) Someone who is not honest is . (honest)

    e) If you are not polite, you are . (polite)

    f ) If you know that something wrong has been done, you should try to the damage. (do)

    g) When you dont like something, you it. (like)

    h) When you write your texts again, you them. (write)

    5. Circle the correct word.

    a) They need some days off. They have been oversleeping/overworking for the last few weeks.

    b) I got a very bad grade in Math. Ill have to redo/disappear the test next month.

    c) She was really sorry she reacted/misunderstood your message.

    d) It was a controversial subject, and John and I disagreed/disliked completely!

    e) Mary is totally impolite/indiscreet about her personal life.

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    Whats in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.SHAKESPEARE, William. Romeo and Juliet.


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    1. Observe the following pictures and check in the list what the film is probably about.

    ( ) Middle East.

    ( ) conflict.

    ( ) action movie.

    ( ) fiction movie.

    ( ) carnage.

    ( ) wreckage.

    ( ) Arabian people.

    ( ) American people.

    ( ) Italian people.

    2. Read the review of The kingdom and complete the following table.






    al P







    al P



    The kingdom

    With the support of the American action cinema, serious problems like death, war and destruction are often treated with triviality. A bad guy being killed is reason for applause; an explosion is like a pyrotechnic show. Director Peter Bergs new film, The kingdom, about elite FBI agents investigating a terrorist attack in the Middle East, has all the malicious accessories that people would want to see. However, its difficult to imagine audiences laughing and cheering this time, even though there is violence and atrocities.

    In Matthew Michael Carnahans screenplay there is carnage, wreckage and bloodshed, but above all, there is a sense of political awareness. Its not as polemic or as refined as other US political movies, but it is still different from the Hollywoods archetypal action package. Correctly assuming that not all of his audience is familiar with Saudi Arabian history, Bergs opening credits contain a summary of recent events connecting the USA and Saudi Arabia. Then were transported to an American compound where we see a shocking terrorist attack on a softball field. After that, FBI agent Ronald Fleury (Jamie Foxx) brings together an elite team (Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman, Chris Cooper) to go on a secret 5-day mission to Saudi Arabia.

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    When they get to Saudi Arabia, however, it becomes clear that the Saudis are not happy with the visit from the world police. They view the terrorist attack as an internal matter. The taste of violence remains throughout the film, though its action scenes are conservatively distributed. The kingdom asks the viewer some very important questions. One of them is a potent reflection on religion-inspired violence. Does Allah love your children more than mine?, What side of the door do you think Allahs on?, asks Jamie Foxx in his own conflict zone. Worth checking out. State Theatre 4:50 pm/Sun 15 12:30 pm/Mon 16. Reviewed by Matt Briant.

    Description The kingdom

    What is the situation?

    Where does it happen?(location)

    Who are the charactersand actors/actresses? (individuals)When did the story take place?

    (occasion)Why was the film made?

    (motive, intention)Who is it for?

    (public/target audience)

    3. Now read the review again. Place the underlined words in the correct column.

    Words used to express a contrary opinion or idea

    Words used to show the sequence of a description or of a set of events

    4. Get into small groups and discuss these questions in Portuguese.

    a) In your opinion, what is the authors/directors opinion about the reasons why men go to war?

    b) Why is the film called The kingdom?

    c) Why do you think the director shows us a summary of the historical connection between the USA and Saudi Arabia at the beginning of the film?

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    1. Match the columns to complete the sentences with a contrary opinion or idea.

    a) He couldnt sleep last night ( ) he didnt study hard.

    b) Although it rained a lot, ( ) although he was exhausted.

    c) Harry passed the Math exam although

    ( ) there were some problems with the car and the hotel.

    d) The children fell asleep although ( ) they enjoyed their time at the beach.

    e) Although they had planned the trip in details,

    ( ) there was a lot of noise outside.

    2. Circle the correct word.

    a) Your class begins in two minutes, so/because youd better hurry up!

    b) I had to have lunch at a restaurant but/because there was no food at home.

    c) He liked the film because/but he didnt understand the end.

    d) My cousins travel a lot. They have been to India although/and they have been to Japan!

    e) Pat is doing very well in her new job and/but sometimes she finds it too hard.

    3. Complete the film review using the words in the box.

    * Filme fictcio.

    at first when but in the end

    but then when

    We know what you did last winter* is the new action horror film directed by Mr. Supense. The

    film stars are the members of the Addams Family: Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley and Wednesday,

    Uncle Fester, Grandmama, Thing, and Lurch.

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    Seven close friends have just started their school vacation. One of them (Barry) decides to visit his

    mothers family in a small town and invites his friends to go with him. (a) ,

    nobody wants to go, (b) they change their minds (c)

    they discover there are many spots for extreme sports in that region. The horror starts

    (d) they leave the train station and realize the town is kind of haunted.

    They get scared and feel like coming back home, (e) the next train only

    leaves the city in three days. They decide to go for a walk, but find a dead black cat in their

    path and it scares them a lot. (f ) , they meet the Addams Family and get

    really surprised with what they see. (g) the family teaches them how to

    deal with monsters and what to do with dead black cats. If you are looking for a good scare and

    laugh, you will not be disappointed with this film. It is worth seeing it!

    A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. WILDE, Oscar. The soul of man under socialism.


    change ones mind = mudar de ideia

    haunted = mal-assombrada

    deal with = lidar com

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    2. You are going to write a short review about that film. First, you will give more details about the characters and the plot. Try to write key words and short sentences to express your ideas. Dont worry about mistakes now; it is only a draft!

    a) Characters names and characteristics:

    b) Plot: What is the situation? What happens? Where and when does it happen?


    1. In small groups, discuss about a film you have watched or a film review you have read. Then complete the following chart using key words.


    draft = rascunho




    Release date





    Target audience

    Directors point of view

    Your opinion

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    3. Try to link your ideas using words to show the sequence of events in the story (first, then, after that, when, in the end), or a contrary opinion or idea (but, however, although).

    4. Now write your opinion about the film trying to support your point of view. You can use a dictionary. Remember to use adjectives. If necessary, have a look at the film reviews in Situated Learning 2 and 3.

    to support = justificar

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    5. It is time to share texts! Swap drafts with another group. Read your friends film review carefully and help them improve their text. How can it be better? Do you have any suggestions?

    6. Now get your own text back and check your friends suggestions. Re-read your text and try to make further corrections. Are the verbs in the correct tense? What about spelling and punctuation?

    7. To round it off, produce the final version of your film review. You can include pictures or images of the film to illustrate your final production.

    swap = trocar

    Our film review

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1



    Para aprender mais sobre os contedos deste Caderno, sugerimos uma lista de msicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais voc pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender ingls.


    Para encontrar as letras das msicas sugeridas, basta escrever o ttulo, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site de busca preferido.

    In the deep (Bird York, 2003), trilha sonora do filme Crash: no limite.

    Im a believer (Smash Mouth, 2001), trilha sonora do filme Shrek.

    I will always love you (Whitney Houston, 1992), trilha sonora do filme O guarda-costas (The bodyguard).

    Singin in the rain (Artur Freed, 1929), trilha sonora do filme Cantando na chuva (Singin in the rain).


    O senhor das armas (Lord of war). Direo: Andrew Niccol. EUA, 2005. 122 min. Ao. 16 anos. Histria de um traficante de armas que faz negcios em diferentes locais do mundo. Constantemente em perigosas zonas de guerra, o traficante procura se manter distante de um agente da Interpol, que o persegue, e tambm de seus concorrentes e dos famosos clientes ditadores.

    Fahrenheit 11 de setembro (Fahrenheit 9/11). Direo: Michael Moore. EUA, 2004. 122 min. Documentrio. Livre. Este documentrio relata as causas e consequncias dos atentados de 11 de setembro de 2001, ocorridos nos Estados Unidos.

    Tropa de elite. Direo: Jos Padilha. Brasil, 2007. 118 min. 16 anos. Este filme tem como tema central o Batalho de Operaes Policiais Especiais (Bope) da Polcia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e faz uma crtica dura aos usurios de drogas ilcitas, responsabi-lizando-os pela expanso do trfico de drogas e da violncia.


    Para saber mais sobre resenhas e sinopses, ou assistir a crticos falando sobre filmes, em ingls, voc pode visitar os seguintes endereos: . Acesso em: 17 maio 2013. . Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    Para saber mais sobre questes gramaticais e fazer atividades adicionais, voc pode visitar o seguinte endereo: . Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1




    1. Answer the questions in pairs: Do you have similar or different opinions?

    a) When you see a new product, do you buy it immediately to try it on? Why? Why not? Give an example.

    b) Why do you buy a product?

    ( ) Because you need it.

    ( ) Because you saw the advertisement.

    ( ) Because it is cheap.

    c) Look at your clothes and personal things now. Try to remember the date when you bought them. Can you remember why you bought them? Fashion? Did you need them? Do your friends have similar items?

    2. Have a look at these different means of advertising. In your opinion, which ones are more common where you live? Why?

    ( ) Newspaper.

    ( ) Radio.

    ( ) TV.

    ( ) Yellow pages.

    ( ) Billboard.

    ( ) Mailing lists.

    ( ) Website.

    ( ) Telemarketing.

    ( ) Magazine.

    ( ) Poster.

    3. Read the texts and match them with the following titles: (A) Radio Advertising Pros and Cons; (B) TV Advertising Pros and Cons.


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    Text 1

    ( ) It is still the dominant way of advertising around the world. Most people spend more than five hours a day in front of it. There are some advantages to advertising your product using this media format: a) It can reach the largest audience in a short period of time; b) Its audience is the most attentive one; c) It shows your product with movement and sound. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages: a) You need to hire an advertising agency to produce the ad and it is costly; b) Fees for airtime broadcasting are very high; c) To make any changes, you have to hire an agency again, which represents additional investment.

    Text 2

    ( ) It is still very effective and powerful despite the proliferation of other media. There are some advantages to advertising your product making use of this media format: a) It is cheaper to produce; b) You have an opportunity to tell a story about your product in a fun and entertaining way, relying exclusively on verbal language, sound and music. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages: a) Prices vary throughout the broadcasting hours; b) You reach fewer people, since audiences tend to be more specific.

    4. Write (T) for true or (F) for false according to the previous texts about TV and radio.

    ( ) Radio advertising is cheaper.

    ( ) It is easy to make changes in a TV advertisement.

    ( ) You can advertise your product telling an audio story.

    ( ) TV is not the dominant way of advertising anymore.

    ( ) Prices of advertising are fixed at any time on the radio.

    5. What products are advertised on TV during specific programs? Why?

    a) During childrens programs:

    b) During teenagers programs:

    Elaborados especialmente para o So Paulo faz escola.

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    c) During the eight oclock soap opera:

    d) After 10 p.m.:


    1. Match the imperative sentences to their corresponding use.

    (a) Keep out: fierce dog.

    (b) Cook the rice in low temperature.

    (c) Have a seat.

    (d) Get well soon.

    (e) Get out of here!

    (f ) Pass the sugar, please.

    (g) Talk to him and everything will be OK.

    ( ) Giving orders.

    ( ) Giving instructions.

    ( ) Making a wish for somebody.

    ( ) Giving advice.

    ( ) Warning somebody.

    ( ) Offering something.

    ( ) Asking somebody to do something.

    2. Complete this advertisement using the verbs in the box. Use positive or negative imperatives. Follow the example.

    waste visit wait talk see miss

    (a) until tomorrow! (b) our new sport shop

    today! We have the best collection in town. Come and (c) for

    yourself ! If you cant find what you need, (d) to our manager and

    he will help you. (e) your time and money! Here you find the best

    prices in town! (f ) this opportunity!

    Dont wait

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    3. Complete the recipe for an omelet with the verbs in the box. Use positive or negative imperatives. Use the dictionary, if necessary.

    forget add mix pour be cook serve beat put heat

    In a bowl, (a) 2 eggs. (b) the ingredients you like in your omelet. (c) creative! We suggest bacon or sausage (pre-cooked), onions and green or black peppers. (d) all ingredients. (e) some butter in a frying pan. (f ) the butter. (g) the egg mixture into the frying pan. (h) one side for 1 minute and flip the omelet to cook the other side. The whole process takes just 2 or 3 minutes. (i) to

    add a little salt! (j) it hot, with bread and ketchup.

    4. Here you find some good advice. Put the words in the right order.

    a) vegetables./fresh/and/Eat/fruits

    b) cigarettes/Dont/cigars./smoke/or

    c) to/Dont/relax./forget

    d) some/every/exercise/Do/day.

    e) your/Brush/meals./after/teeth

    f ) dentist/Visit/months./every /the/six


    Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

    A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. WILDE, Oscar. The importance of being earnest: a trivial comedy for serious people.


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    1. Have a look at these two advertisements. Who is the target public? How do you know?




    n C




    rik d

    e G

























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    2. Read the two previous advertisements carefully and answer.

    a) What is being advertised?

    b) Where can you possibly find this type of advertisement?

    c) How do these advertisements try to persuade people to visit the countries?



    n C




    aul w









    ty Im


    / Jo

    n G






























    ty Im













    ty Im


    / P




    ital V








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    3. There are three types of advertising: informative, persuasive and reminder. Read the definitions and write (I) for informative, (P) for persuasive and (R) for reminder.

    a) ( ) Its objective is to make sure that customers remember the company and its products. Even companies with very well-known products continue to advertise them.

    b) ( ) It is more emotional than other types of advertising. Companies use this type of advertising when their products compete against the products of rival companies.

    c) ( ) It is used to give potential customers details about a new product. It generally has a picture or description of the product, and details such as where it can be bought, and its price.

    Expansion activity

    a) Note the form of the adjectives of the chart. Pay attention to the rules.

    The largest The most important

    Cleaner More modern

    b) What is the difference between the first two columns? What about the third and the fourth ones?

    4. Read these pieces of advertisement and rewrite them using the comparative or superlative form of the underlined adjectives.

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    a) Travel agency Wonderful Colonial Cities, full of legends and architectural jewels. Big and spectacular Maya cities, the ultimate adventure in powerful rivers and the explosive strength of mighty active volcanoes.

    b) Residential The Plaza is fast to become reality. Construction is under way at the exclusive address, featuring luxurious Sky Residences with spectacular views and a private club lifestyle.

    c) Light food Which brunch dish has few calories?

    d) Store New price reductions! Storewide clearance, 70% off original prices! Final days Friday, Saturday & Sunday! Big, good sale.

    e) Residential Come see an exciting new waterfront community. An incredible opportunity. An incomparable lifestyle. An irresistible new address.

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    1. Read the text about the importance of a slogan and complete it using the words in the box. Use each word only once.

    One of the (a) things an advertising agency does is creating slogans for

    a product or a company. It does not matter if you have a (b) or small

    business, a slogan is (c) to marketing. It is necessary to point

    out that the (d) slogans are the (e) and shortest ones.

    It can be the (f ) thing to do, but it is extremely (g) to

    have your slogan remembered by everybody. It has to be a really (h) slogan!

    2. Match the products with an advertising message.

    (a) mobile phone

    (b) off-road car

    (c) video camera

    (d) air conditioner unit

    (e) widescreen LCD TV

    ( ) A cinema at home!

    ( ) Recording the best moments of your life.

    ( ) Taking you wherever you want!

    ( ) You can take pictures, play games and even talk to friends!

    ( ) You will have a cooler summer!

    3. Answer the questions.

    a) Which is longer: your neck or your arm?

    clearest hardest catchy most important

    best important large essential

    catchy slogans = slogans atraentes e fceis de lembrar

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    b) Which is bigger: your foot or your hand?

    c) Which is greater: the number of teeth you have or the number of your nails?

    4. Read about these three famous soccer stadiums and answer the questions.

    a) Which stadium is the oldest?

    b) Which one is the newest?

    c) Which one is the biggest?

    d) Which one is the smallest?

    e) Which one is bigger Maracan or Salt Lake?

    Rungrado May Day Maracan Salt Lake

    Where is it? North Korea Brazil India

    When did it open? 1989 1950 1984

    Capacity 150,000 people 79,000 people 120,000 people

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    f ) Which one is older Salt Lake or Rungrado May Day?

    The truth is rarely pure and never simple. WILDE, Oscar. The importance of being earnest: a trivial comedy for serious people.


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    Writing a TV advertisement script: some basic steps

    Step 1 Write out your story in a couple of lines. They have to show what your story is about and the primary characters.

    Step 2 Write the story with more details, adding more characters and events. This paragraph has to be a kind of short synopsis of your story.

    Step 3 Write a longer outline of your plot. Now it is time to describe your characters in detail and explain where the actions will take place. You have to describe their behavior too. Describe it using the present simple tense.


    1. Think about a car being advertised on TV and in a magazine. What are the differences in using these two types of advertising? Why?

    TV advertising Magazine advertising

    Product advertised A car A car

    Target public

    Use of famous people to advertise it

    Strategies used to call the target publics attention

    Comparison with other products


    punchy sentences = frases efetivas e enfticas para chamar ateno dos clientes.

    2. To produce a TV advertisement, it is necessary to write a script. The following text is about this process. Have a look at the text and find out the duration of a TV advertisement.

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    Step 4 Now take your longer outline and imagine the scenes you have described. Break the outline into small paragraphs showing the actions as single events. Example: Paragraph 1: The woman leaves her house in the morning and says hello to her next-door neighbor standing at the front door. It tells the reader where a scene takes place, where the characters are standing, and where they have to put the camera.

    Step 5 Add more details to the paragraphs explaining how things happen. Give names to your characters to indicate who is talking.

    Step 6 Now it is time to make your paragraphs become scenes. A scene is an event that happens in a single place and time.

    Step 7 Start writing the dialogue; this is what you want the characters to say on the scene. Words in parentheses may be used as a direction given to the actors about how to read the dialogue. For example: Peter (nervous): Of course I was not there!

    Step 8 Now you have completed a first draft. It is time to rewrite, to change and add things, until you get a final script.


    Make sure your TV advertisement times out to 30 seconds.

    Use short and punchy sentences to call your potential customers attention. You need to get your message across quickly.

    Explain what you want the customer to do: make a phone call, click on a website link, or buy a product.

    Include all pertinent information in your ads: company name, product or service offered. All contact information: website, phone, fax, address, logo.

    Format your writing. Skip lines. Ask people to read it and correct possible mistakes.

    Now read the text Writing a TV advertisement script: some basic steps and answer the questions.

    a) In which step are you supposed to describe the characters and places in detail?

    b) What is the definition of a scene according to the text?

    c) In the dialogue, what information should be written in parentheses?

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    3. Write (T) for true and (F) for false, according to the text. To write a TV advertisement script...

    ( ) you dont have to describe the characters behavior.

    ( ) you should identify the characters to indicate who is talking.

    ( ) use long and complex sentences to call your customers attention.

    ( ) you shouldnt worry about asking people to correct possible mistakes.

    4. Read the following TV advertisement script and tick (9) if it has all the characteristics listed below. ( ) It describes the characters in detail.

    ( ) It describes places where the actions happen.

    ( ) It uses the simple present tense.

    ( ) It identifies the characters.

    ( ) It uses dialogues.

    ( ) It uses parentheses/brackets.

    ( ) It times out to 30 seconds.

    ( ) It uses short and punchy sentences to call the potential customers attention.

    TV advertisement script: Yellow Ice Cream

    [time: 00:30]


    (Midnight, full body shot of an 11-year-old child, curly brown hair, getting into a modern kitchen. He wears pajamas; he is barefoot and walks silently. He talks to us, whispering.)

    11-YEAR-OLD CHILD (saying shush) I have an impossible mission tonight: to treat myself to a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream. And, of course, thats Yellow Ice Cream!

    (Close-up of the product inside the freezer, in a yellow plastic container. Close-up of the product when the child holds it opening his eyes and mouth.)

    11-YEAR-OLD CHILD Thats delicious and impossible to resist! (Close-up of the child as he continues.)

    11-YEAR-OLD CHILD Lets sit down and have it like a king! (Close-up of a very big bowl of chocolate ice cream while the child eats it with a clever and satisfied face.)

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    11-YEAR-OLD CHILD (smiling) Impossible to resist! (Medium shot of the door of the kitchen showing the childs family: father, mother, a 15-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl. They all wear pajamas and look at us with a big smile.)

    FAMILY Hummmmmm! Impossible to resist! [Full body shot showing the happy family seated at the table eating ice cream together.]

    NARRATOR Yellow Ice Cream: Impossible to resist!


    1. Read the sentences and circle the correct alternative.

    a) Portugal is smaller/bigger than Spain.

    b) An elephant is taller/shorter than a giraffe.

    c) A lion is faster/slower than a man.

    d) Chess is more difficult/easier than checkers.

    e) Mount Everest (on the border between Nepal and Tibet) is higher/lower than K2 (on the border between Pakistan and China).

    f ) I think traveling by plane is safer/more dangerous than traveling by car.

    2. Complete the sentences using the superlative form.

    a) The Amazon River is river on earth. (great)

    b) Asia is continent in the world. (large)

    c) China is country. (populous)

    d) The Vatican City is state in the world in terms of population and size. (small)

    e) Burj al Arab is in Dubai, and it is hotel in the world. (expensive)

    f ) Kingda Ka, in New Jersey, United States, is roller coaster in the world. (tall)

    the greatest

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    3. Complete these sentences using the superlative form.

    a) Public transportation is not only , but also one of the fastest ways to get around town. (economical)

    b) We buy accommodations at rates and pass the savings on to you! (low)

    c) Pongsri Restaurant is Thai restaurant in town. (good)

    d) Century 21 is shopping mall in the heart of Lower Manhattan. (exciting)

    e) This film is considered film of the year by the Academy Awards Committee. (bad)

    f ) That agency developed advertising campaign to help children around the world. (famous)

    4. Correct the spelling of these words when necessary. Use a dictionary for help.

    a) bigest

    b) wettest

    c) newest

    d) heavyer

    e) fatter

    f ) noisyer

    the most economical


    Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing? SHAKESPEARE, William. As you like it.


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    1. In groups of four or five, discuss what your group will do:

    a) create a product and its TV advertisement script; or

    b) choose an existing TV advertisement and produce its script.

    2. Complete the following chart.

    Product name:

    Type of advertisement: TV advertisement

    Target public:


    Kind of text:( ) informative advertising ( ) persuasive advertising ( ) reminder advertising

    Strategies to convince the target public:

    ( ) descriptions of the product ( ) comparison with other products ( ) reasons for buying the product ( ) convincing images ( ) sound, music

    Kind of written language:( ) verbs in the imperative form ( ) adjectives( ) dialogues

    3. Read again the text Writing a TV advertisement script: some basic steps, in Situated Learning 3. Think about the product your group chose and complete the chart using the information about your TV advertisement. Try to use key words and short sentences to express your ideas.


    a) Give more details about the product you chose.

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    4. You also have to read the text TV Advertisement Script: Yellow Ice Cream again. Pay attention to its layout and how the characters and the scene are detailed in the final production. Remember that a TV advertisement lasts only 30 seconds.

    5. Now it is time to start writing a short TV advertisement script! Dont worry about mistakes now; it is only a draft! Write a complete script like the example you read in Situated Learning 3. Remember to include details of the actions between parentheses and create a short and punchy sentence to call the potential customers attention. Try to link your ideas using words to show the sequence of the events in the scene (first, then, after that, when, finally).

    b) Describe the characters in detail.

    c) Describe the place where the actions and the scene happen.

    d) Write dialogues and use parentheses to indicate camera movements and characters attitudes or emotions. Remember to use the present simple tense.

    draft = rascunho

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    A TV advertisement script: draft

    6. It is time to share the texts! Swap drafts with another group. Read your friends TV advertisement script and help them improve their texts. How can it be better? Do you have any suggestions?

    Check if your friends TV advertisement script has all the following characteristics.

    ( ) It describes the characters in detail.

    ( ) It describes places where the actions happen.

    ( ) It uses the imperative and the present simple tense.

    ( ) It uses adjectives.

    ( ) It identifies the characters.

    ( ) It uses dialogues.

    ( ) It uses directions to the actor between parentheses.

    ( ) It times out to 30 seconds.

    ( ) It uses short and punchy sentences to call the potential customers attention.

    swap = trocar

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    7. Now get your own text back and check your friends suggestions. Reread your text and try to make further corrections. Are the verbs in the correct tense? What about spelling and punctuation?

    8. Finally, produce the final version of your TV advertisement script. You can also create sound effects to present your final production!

    A TV advertisement script: final version

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    9. Before the rehearsal, discuss the final presentation: who will be the director, the cameraman, the actor, the actress, the narrator, the gaffer, the clapper loader.

    10. Now it is time for rehearsal! Do your best to have a nice presentation! Remember to time the presentation: a TV advertisement lasts only 30 seconds. You may also record the advertisement.

    11. Finally, you are ready to present your TV advertisement.

    rehearsal = ensaio

    gaffer = pessoa responsvel pelas luzes em um cenrio

    clapper loader = pessoa responsvel pela claquete que marca as tomadas das filmagens


    Para aprender mais sobre os contedos deste Caderno, sugerimos uma lista de msicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais voc pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender ingls.


    Para encontrar a letra da msica sugerida, basta escrever o ttulo, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site preferido de busca na internet.

    t City of blinding lights (U2, 2005).


    Para saber como fazer uma propaganda, em ingls, voc pode fazer uma pesquisa utilizando as palavras-chave produce + publicity + ad + english.

    Para aprender como fazer um roteiro para propaganda de TV ou rdio e estratgias de persuaso, em ingls, voc pode realizar uma pesquisa, com base nas palavras-chave guide + script + advertisement.

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    Para saber mais a respeito de propagandas e slogans de propagandas famosas, em ingls, voc pode fazer uma pesquisa usando as palavras-chave famous + slogans + ads.

    Para encontrar o roteiro de alguns filmes, em ingls, voc pode fazer uma pesquisa com as seguintes palavras-chave movie + script + database.

    Para ler outras propagandas em ingls, voc pode fazer uma pesquisa utilizando as palavras- -chave ad + database + publicity.

    Para fazer atividades adicionais de prtica (formao do comparativo e do superlativo), voc pode visitar o seguinte endereo:

    t ELC Study Zone. Disponvel em: . Acesso em: 20 maio 2013.


    t O show de Truman (The Truman Show). Direo: Peter Weir. EUA, 1998. 103 min. Drama. Livre. Desde o dia em que nasceu, Truman faz parte de um seriado de audincia mundial, O Show de Truman. Ele vigiado por cmeras 24 horas por dia. O programa mostra o tempo todo vrias propagandas de produtos, usando cartazes e consumindo os prprios produtos.

    t Um heri de brinquedo (Jingle all the way). Direo: Brian Levant. EUA, 1996. 90 min. Co-mdia. Livre. Um pai tenta comprar o brinquedo mais vendido do ano alguns dias antes do Natal. Esse filme mostra o que acontece com as pessoas que fazem de tudo para conseguir comprar algo que est na moda.

    t Do que as mulheres gostam (What women want). Direo: Nancy Meyers. EUA, 2000. 127 min. Comdia. 12 anos. Um executivo publicitrio sofre um acidente e passa a ouvir o que as mulheres pensam.

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    Using a bilingual dictionary

    Aqui voc vai aprender um pouco mais sobre como usar o dicionrio para estudar ingls.

    1. Nas frases a seguir, as palavras sublinhadas so polissmicas. Em cada caso, explique que sentido est sendo empregado.

    Quem casa quer casa.

    O rapaz de xadrez gosta de jogar xadrez.

    Este vestido de renda vai gerar uma boa renda para mim.

    A torta ficou meio torta depois de assada.

    2. Escreva uma frase em portugus com outra palavra polissmica, de modo a exemplificar dois (ou mais) de seus diferentes sentidos.

    Um item lexical ou uma palavra so polissmicos quando eles tm vrios sentidos. Mui-tas palavras, tanto em ingls como em portugus, tm essa caracterstica. Um exemplo em ingls nail, que significa prego e tambm unha. Em portugus, manga uma palavra polissmica, pois pode indicar uma fruta ou parte de uma camisa.

    Nas atividades de escrita em ingls, voc frequentemente precisa consultar o dicionrio para verificar como passar uma palavra do portugus para o ingls. Voc j deve ter percebido que, geralmente, h vrias opes em cada verbete. Nessas si-tuaes, no faa uma escolha aleatria! Lembre-se da polissemia: pense na palavra em portugus e qual sentido voc busca para seu texto. Depois, leia o verbete com ateno: muitas vezes h indicaes entre parnteses que facilitam a identificao da palavra mais adequada.

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    3. Em cada frase a seguir, a palavra sublinhada polissmica. Identifique seu sentido e depois sublinhe no verbete a palavra mais adequada em ingls.

    Ontem tomei suco de manga.

    A validade desse suco venceu na semana passada.

    Preciso comprar pilhas novas.

    English in the movies

    Aqui voc vai aprender como usar filmes para estudar a lngua inglesa.

    4. Assinale todas as alternativas verdadeiras que se aplicam a voc.

    ( ) Ao assistir a um filme, costumo reparar no ttulo em ingls e o comparo com o ttulo em portugus.

    ( ) J utilizei a tecla SAP na televiso para ouvir o som original de um filme.

    ( ) No gosto de ler as legendas, prefiro filmes dublados.

    ( ) No gosto de filmes dublados, prefiro ouvir a voz original dos atores.

    ( ) Ao assistir a um filme em DVD, j experimentei deixar o udio e as legendas em ingls.

    manga f (de roupa) sleeve; (fruta) mango.

    vencer vi (triunfar) win; (pagamento) fall due; (contrato, prazo) expire.

    pilha f (amontoado) pile; (eltrica) battery.

    Os verbetes da Atividade 3 apresentam dicas que esto entre parnteses para ajudar na escolha da palavra mais adequada, dependendo do contexto e do sentido desejado. Caso o dicionrio no tenha essas dicas, o que voc pode fazer para identificar a palavra mais apropriada?

    Think about it!

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    H vrias coisas que voc pode aprender sobre a lngua inglesa por meio dos filmes.

    Muitos aparelhos de televiso tm a opo SAP (secondary audio program): ao ativ-la du-rante a exibio de um filme em ingls, voc pode ouvir o udio original em vez da dubla-gem. Pode ser divertido comparar a voz de um ator com a voz de seu dublador! J os DVDs permitem vrias combinaes de udio e legendas: udio em ingls e legendas em portu-gus, udio em ingls e sem legendas etc. Tanto na TV quanto nos DVDs, experimente assistir a um trecho de um filme em ingls. provvel que voc consiga entender mais do que imagina!

    5. s vezes, as verses em ingls e em portugus do ttulo de um filme so iguais; s vezes so completamente diferentes! Nas colunas a seguir, faa a associao entre ttulos corresponden-tes.

    a) O dirio de Anne Frank

    b) Bee movie

    c) Um heri de brinquedo

    d) O show de Truman

    e) Miss Potter

    f ) Jogos mortais

    ( ) Saw

    ( ) The diary of Anne Frank

    ( ) The Truman show

    ( ) Bee movie

    ( ) Jingle all the way

    ( ) Miss Potter

    6. Responda s questes a seguir a respeito dos ttulos da Atividade 5.

    a) Que ttulos esto iguais em ingls e em portugus?

    b) Que ttulos em portugus so uma traduo do original?

    c) Que ttulos em portugus esto completamente diferentes do ttulo original?

    Resposta da questo 5: f; a; d; b; c; e.

    Think about it!

    Por que alguns ttulos de filmes so mantidos em ingls? Voc acha que isso atrai mais as pessoas? Pense sobre isso!

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    Aqui voc vai registrar o vocabulrio que aprendeu neste Caderno. Escolha duas palavras ou expresses nas Situated Learning 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 e 7 e escreva cada uma delas no campo 1 (My word or expression). No campo 2 (Definition or translation), anote uma definio ou traduo para a palavra. Depois, no campo 3 (Association, example or picture), escreva algo ligado primeira palavra ou um exemplo; voc tambm pode fazer uma ilustrao nesse espao. No campo 4 (Sentence from the text), anote a frase em que a palavra apareceu no Caderno.

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 1

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 1

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 2

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    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 2

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 3

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 3

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 5

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    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 5

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 6

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 6

    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 7

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    Sentence from the text

    Situated Learning 7

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    Nesta seo de seu Caderno, voc encontra alguns contedos lingusticos sistematizados em tabelas para auxili-lo em seu trajeto de aprendizagem da lngua inglesa. Voc pode usar essas tabelas como um material de referncia e consult-las mesmo quando estiver usando outros Cadernos e at estudando na 3a srie do Ensino Mdio!

    Movies and movie making

    Kinds of movies

    DocumentaryLove storyComedyHorrorDramaThriller

    AdventureScience fiction

    Some professionals



    Elements of a narrative



    Linking words

    but, howeveralthoughso, so thatbecause, due to and, moreoverfirst, then, next, finally




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    Word formation

    Prefix Example UN- unsaid

    IL- illegal MIS- misunderstand

    NEO- neologism POLY- polyglot

    RE- redo DIS- disconnect UN- unsatisfied (also dissatisfied)IM- impossible IN- inflexible

    OVER- overheat

    Suffix Example -ER teacher

    -IST pianist -OR director

    -ION action-MENT government-ATION examination

    -ITY familiarity-NESS blindness-ABLE comfortable

    -FUL useful-AL logical

    -ING willing-OUS famous

    -Y lucky-IVE active

    -LESS careless

    Imperative form

    Positive: verb in the infinitive (without to) Examples: Go there! Talk to him! Look at me!Negative: dont + verb in the infinitive (without to)Examples: Dont look back! Dont stop walking! Dont come here again!

    Comparatives and superlatives: use

    We use comparative adjectives to say that two or more things or people are different in some way.

    We use superlative adjectives to highlight a characteristic of one thing or person in relation to a group of things or people.

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    Comparatives and superlatives: form

    Short adjectives (one syllable)

    Adjective Comparative Superlative

    tall taller (than) the tallest

    young younger (than) the youngest

    Spelling: special cases

    Adjectives ending in consonant + y: happy happier the happiest

    Adjectives ending in e: nice nicer the nicest

    Adjectives ending in consonant + vowel + consonant: hot hotter the hottest

    Some verbs & phrases

    beat the eggs bring something to life

    pour the mixture get a message across

    deserve a break worry about something

    Adjective Comparative Superlative

    beautiful more beautiful (than) the most beautiful

    famous more famous (than) the most famous

    Long adjectives (two syllables or more)

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    Some adjectives

    big (large) x small

    cheap x expensive

    clear x dark

    easy x difficult

    exciting x boring

    fast x slow

    fat x thin

    good x bad

    heavy x light

    long x short

    new (young) x old

    noisy x quiet

    wet x dry















    Present simple




    work here every day.



    works here every day.




    dont work here every day.



    doesnt work here every day.





    work here every day?


    she it

    work here every day?

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    Past simple



    It WeYou


    worked here last year.



    It WeYou


    didnt work here last





    she it


    work here last year?

    Present continuous


    I am working here today.



    is working here today.



    are working here today.


    I am not working here today.



    is not working here today.

    (or)isnt working

    here today.



    are not working here today.

    (or)arent working

    here today.


    Am I

    working here






    Past continuous




    was working here yesterday.



    were working here





    was not working here yesterday.

    (or)wasnt working here yesterday.



    were not working here yesterday.

    (or)werent working here yesterday.


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    working here




  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    Can-do Chart

    Competncias e habilidades ConsigoConsigo, mas

    com ajudaAinda no


    1. Reconhecer a organizao de uma resenha crtica e uma sinopse (organizao macrotextual).

    2. Reconhecer a diferena de organizao textual entre uma resenha crtica e uma sinopse.

    3. Localizar informaes especficas em um texto para construir opinio e fazer avaliao crtica.

    4. Localizar informaes explcitas em um texto.

    5. Reconhecer o uso de adjetivos formados pela adio de prefixos e sufixos para mostrar opinio.

    6. Reconhecer palavras que mostram uma opinio contrria e palavras que mostram a sequncia de acontecimentos.

    7. Levantar hipteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verific-las com base na leitura.

    8. Identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da lngua inglesa para compreender um texto.

    9. Elaborar uma resenha crtica.

    10. Reconhecer uma propaganda (organizao macrotextual).

    11. Reconhecer o uso dos graus de adjetivos nas propagandas.

    12. Levantar hipteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verificar a partir da leitura.

  • Ingls 2a srie Volume 1


    13. Elaborar uma propaganda e/ou roteiro de anncio publicitrio.

    14. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funes e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo.



    Coordenadora Maria Elizabete da Costa

    Diretor do Departamento de Desenvolvimento Curricular de Gesto da Educao Bsica Joo Freitas da Silva

    Diretora do Centro de Ensino Fundamental dos Anos Finais, Ensino Mdio e Educao Prossional CEFAF Valria Tarantello de Georgel

    Coordenadora Geral do Programa So Paulo faz escolaValria Tarantello de Georgel

    Coordenao Tcnica Roberto Canossa Roberto Liberato Suely Cristina de Albuquerque Bomm


    rea de Linguagens Arte: Ana Cristina dos Santos Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo Povinha, Ktia Lucila Bueno e Roseli Ventrela.

    Educao Fsica: Marcelo Ortega Amorim, Maria Elisa Kobs Zacarias, Mirna Leia Violin Brandt, Rosngela Aparecida de Paiva e Sergio Roberto Silveira.

    Lngua Estrangeira Moderna (Ingls e Espanhol): Ana Paula de Oliveira Lopes, Jucimeire de Souza Bispo, Marina Tsunokawa Shimabukuro, Neide Ferreira Gaspar e Slvia Cristina Gomes Nogueira.

    Lngua Portuguesa e Literatura: Angela Maria Baltieri Souza, Claricia Akemi Eguti, Id Moraes dos Santos, Joo Mrio Santana, Ktia Regina Pessoa, Mara Lcia David, Marcos Rodrigues Ferreira, Roseli Cordeiro Cardoso e Rozeli Frasca Bueno Alves.

    rea de Matemtica Matemtica: Carlos Tadeu da Graa Barros, Ivan Castilho, Joo dos Santos, Otavio Yoshio Yamanaka, Rodrigo Soares de S, Rosana Jorge Monteiro, Sandra Maira Zen Zacarias e Vanderley Aparecido Cornatione.

    rea de Cincias da Natureza Biologia: Aparecida Kida Sanches, Elizabeth Reymi Rodrigues, Juliana Pavani de Paula Bueno e Rodrigo Ponce.

    Cincias: Eleuza Vania Maria Lagos Guazzelli, Gisele Nanini Mathias, Herbert Gomes da Silva e Maria da Graa de Jesus Mendes.

    Fsica: Carolina dos Santos Batista, Fbio Bresighello Beig, Renata Cristina de Andrade

    Oliveira e Tatiana Souza da Luz Stroeymeyte.

    Qumica: Ana Joaquina Simes S. de Matos Carvalho, Jeronimo da Silva Barbosa Filho, Joo Batista Santos Junior e Natalina de Ftima Mateus.

    rea de Cincias Humanas Filosoa: Emerson Costa, Tnia Gonalves e Tenia de Abreu Ferreira.

    Geograa: Andria Cristina Barroso Cardoso, Dbora Regina Aversan e Srgio Luiz Damiati.

    Histria: Cynthia Moreira Marcucci, Maria Margarete dos Santos e Walter Nicolas Otheguy Fernandez.

    Sociologia: Alan Vitor Corra, Carlos Fernando de Almeida e Tony Shigueki Nakatani.


    rea de Linguagens Educao Fsica: Ana Lucia Steidle, Eliana Cristine Budisk de Lima, Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Isabel Cristina Albergoni, Karina Xavier, Katia Mendes e Silva, Liliane Renata Tank Gullo, Marcia Magali Rodrigues dos Santos, Mnica Antonia Cucatto da Silva, Patrcia Pinto Santiago, Regina Maria Lopes, Sandra Pereira Mendes, Sebastiana Gonalves Ferreira Viscardi, Silvana Alves Muniz.

    Lngua Estrangeira Moderna (Ingls): Clia Regina Teixeira da Costa, Cleide Antunes Silva, Edna Boso, Edney Couto de Souza, Elana Simone Schiavo Caramano, Eliane Graciela dos Santos Santana, Elisabeth Pacheco Lomba Kozokoski, Fabiola Maciel Saldo, Isabel Cristina dos Santos Dias, Juliana Munhoz dos Santos, Ktia Vitorian Gellers, Ldia Maria Batista Bomm, Lindomar Alves de Oliveira, Lcia Aparecida Arantes, Mauro Celso de Souza, Neusa A. Abrunhosa Tpias, Patrcia Helena Passos, Renata Motta Chicoli Belchior, Renato Jos de Souza, Sandra Regina Teixeira Batista de Campos e Silmara Santade Masiero.

    Lngua Portuguesa: Andrea Righeto, Edilene Bachega R. Viveiros, Eliane Cristina Gonalves Ramos, Graciana B. Ignacio Cunha, Letcia M. de Barros L. Viviani, Luciana de Paula Diniz, Mrcia Regina Xavier Gardenal, Maria Cristina Cunha Riondet Costa, Maria Jos de Miranda Nascimento, Maria Mrcia Zamprnio Pedroso, Patrcia Fernanda Morande Roveri, Ronaldo Cesar Alexandre Formici, Selma Rodrigues e Slvia Regina Peres.

    rea de Matemtica Matemtica: Carlos Alexandre Emdio, Clvis Antonio de Lima, Delizabeth Evanir Malavazzi, Edinei Pereira de Sousa, Eduardo Granado Garcia, Evaristo Glria, Everaldo Jos Machado de Lima, Fabio Augusto Trevisan, Ins Chiarelli Dias, Ivan Castilho, Jos Maria Sales Jnior, Luciana Moraes Funada, Luciana Vanessa de Almeida Buranello, Mrio Jos Pagotto, Paula Pereira Guanais, Regina Helena de Oliveira Rodrigues, Robson Rossi, Rodrigo Soares de S, Rosana Jorge Monteiro,

    Rosngela Teodoro Gonalves, Roseli Soares Jacomini, Silvia Igns Peruquetti Bortolatto e Zilda Meira de Aguiar Gomes.

    rea de Cincias da Natureza Biologia: Aureli Martins Sartori de Toledo, Evandro Rodrigues Vargas Silvrio, Fernanda Rezende Pedroza, Regiani Braguim Chioderoli e Rosimara Santana da Silva Alves.

    Cincias: Davi Andrade Pacheco, Franklin Julio de Melo, Liamara P. Rocha da Silva, Marceline de Lima, Paulo Garcez Fernandes, Paulo Roberto Orlandi Valdastri, Rosimeire da Cunha e Wilson Lus Prati.

    Fsica: Ana Claudia Cossini Martins, Ana Paula Vieira Costa, Andr Henrique Ghel Runo, Cristiane Gislene Bezerra, Fabiana Hernandes M. Garcia, Leandro dos Reis Marques, Marcio Bortoletto Fessel, Marta Ferreira Mafra, Rafael Plana Simes e Rui Buosi.

    Qumica: Armenak Bolean, Ctia Lunardi, Cirila Tacconi, Daniel B. Nascimento, Elizandra C. S. Lopes, Gerson N. Silva, Idma A. C. Ferreira, Laura C. A. Xavier, Marcos Antnio Gimenes, Massuko S. Warigoda, Roza K. Morikawa, Slvia H. M. Fernandes, Valdir P. Berti e Willian G. Jesus.

    rea de Cincias Humanas Filosoa: lex Roberto Genelhu Soares, Anderson Gomes de Paiva, Anderson Luiz Pereira, Claudio Nitsch Medeiros e Jos Aparecido Vidal.

    Geograa: Ana Helena Veneziani Vitor, Clio Batista da Silva, Edison Luiz Barbosa de Souza, Edivaldo Bezerra Viana, Elizete Buranello Perez, Mrcio Luiz Verni, Milton Paulo dos Santos, Mnica Estevan, Regina Clia Batista, Rita de Cssia Araujo, Rosinei Aparecida Ribeiro Librio, Sandra Raquel Scassola Dias, Selma Marli Trivellato e Sonia Maria M. Romano.

    Histria: Aparecida de Ftima dos Santos Pereira, Carla Flaitt Valentini, Claudia Elisabete Silva, Cristiane Gonalves de Campos, Cristina de Lima Cardoso Leme, Ellen Claudia Cardoso Doretto, Ester Galesi Gryga, Karin SantAna Kossling, Marcia Aparecida Ferrari Salgado de Barros, Mercia Albertina de Lima Camargo, Priscila Loureno, Rogerio Sicchieri, Sandra Maria Fodra e Walter Garcia de Carvalho Vilas Boas.

    Sociologia: Anselmo Luis Fernandes Gonalves, Celso Francisco do , Lucila Conceio Pereira e Tnia Fetchir.

    Apoio:Fundao para o Desenvolvimento da Educao - FDE

    CTP, Impresso e acabamentoPlural Indstria Grca Ltda.

  • A Secretaria da Educao do Estado de So Paulo autoriza a reproduo do contedo do material de sua titularidade pelas demais secretarias de educao do pas, desde que mantida a integri-dade da obra e dos crditos, ressaltando que direitos autorais protegidos*devero ser diretamente negociados com seus prprios titulares, sob pena de infrao aos artigos da Lei no 9.610/98.

    * Constituem direitos autorais protegidos todas e quaisquer obras de terceiros reproduzidas no material da SEE-SP que no estejam em domnio pblico nos termos do artigo 41 da Lei de Direitos Autorais.

    * Nos Cadernos do Programa So Paulo faz escola so indicados sites para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos, como fonte de consulta dos contedos apresentados e como referncias bibliogrcas. Todos esses endereos eletrnicos foram checados. No entanto, como a internet um meio dinmico e sujeito a mudanas, a Secretaria da Educao do Estado de So Paulo no garante que os sites indicados permaneam acessveis ou inalterados.* Os mapas reproduzidos no material so de autoria de terceiros e mantm as caractersticas dos originais, no que diz respeito graa adotada e incluso e composio dos elementos cartogrcos (escala, legenda e rosa dos ventos).

    Cincias Humanas Coordenador de rea: Paulo Miceli. Filosoa: Paulo Miceli, Luiza Christov, Adilton Lus Martins e Ren Jos Trentin Silveira.

    Geograa: Angela Corra da Silva, Jaime Tadeu Oliva, Raul Borges Guimares, Regina Araujo e Srgio Adas.

    Histria: Paulo Miceli, Diego Lpez Silva, Glaydson Jos da Silva, Mnica Lungov Bugelli e Raquel dos Santos Funari.

    Sociologia: Heloisa Helena Teixeira de Souza Martins, Marcelo Santos Masset Lacombe, Melissa de Mattos Pimenta e Stella Christina Schrijnemaekers.

    Cincias da Natureza Coordenador de rea: Luis Carlos de Menezes. Biologia: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Fabola Bovo Mendona, Felipe Bandoni de Oliveira, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Olga Aguilar Santana, Paulo Roberto da Cunha, Rodrigo Venturoso Mendes da Silveira e Solange Soares de Camargo.

    Cincias: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Cristina Leite, Joo Carlos Miguel Tomaz Micheletti Neto, Julio Czar Foschini Lisba, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Mara Batistoni e Silva, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Paulo Rogrio Miranda Correia, Renata Alves Ribeiro, Ricardo Rechi Aguiar, Rosana dos Santos Jordo, Simone Jaconetti Ydi e Yassuko Hosoume.

    Fsica: Luis Carlos de Menezes, Estevam Rouxinol, Guilherme Brockington, Iv Gurgel, Lus Paulo de Carvalho Piassi, Marcelo de Carvalho Bonetti, Maurcio Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira, Maxwell Roger da Puricao Siqueira, Sonia Salem e Yassuko Hosoume.

    Qumica: Maria Eunice Ribeiro Marcondes, Denilse Morais Zambom, Fabio Luiz de Souza, Hebe Ribeiro da Cruz Peixoto, Isis Valena de Sousa Santos, Luciane Hiromi Akahoshi, Maria Fernanda Penteado Lamas e Yvone Mussa Esperidio.

    Caderno do Gestor Lino de Macedo, Maria Eliza Fini e Zuleika de Felice Murrie.



    Presidente da Diretoria Executiva Antonio Rafael Namur Muscat

    Vice-presidente da Diretoria Executiva Alberto Wunderler Ramos


    Direo da rea Guilherme Ary Plonski

    Coordenao Executiva do Projeto Angela Sprenger e Beatriz Scavazza

    Gesto Editorial Denise Blanes

    Equipe de Produo

    Editorial: Amarilis L. Maciel, Anglica dos Santos Angelo, Bris Fatigati da Silva, Bruno Reis, Carina Carvalho, Carla Fernanda Nascimento, Carolina H. Mestriner, Carolina Pedro Soares, Cntia Leito, Eloiza Lopes, rika Domingues do Nascimento, Flvia Medeiros, Gisele Manoel, Jean Xavier, Karinna Alessandra Carvalho Taddeo, Leandro Calbente Cmara, Leslie Sandes, Main Greeb Vicente, Marina Murphy, Michelangelo Russo, Natlia S. Moreira, Olivia Frade Zambone, Paula Felix Palma, Priscila Risso, Regiane Monteiro Pimentel Barboza, Rodolfo Marinho, Stella Assumpo Mendes Mesquita, Tatiana F. Souza e Tiago Jonas de Almeida.

    Direitos autorais e iconograa: Beatriz Fonseca Micsik, rica Marques, Jos Carlos Augusto, Juliana Prado da Silva, Marcus Ecclissi, Maria Aparecida Acunzo Forli, Maria Magalhes de Alencastro e Vanessa Leite Rios.

    Edio e Produo editorial: Jairo Souza Design Grco e Occy Design projeto grco!.



    CONCEPO Guiomar Namo de Mello, Lino de Macedo, Luis Carlos de Menezes, Maria Ins Fini coordenadora! e Ruy Berger em memria!.


    Linguagens Coordenador de rea: Alice Vieira. Arte: Gisa Picosque, Mirian Celeste Martins, Geraldo de Oliveira Suzigan, Jssica Mami Makino e Sayonara Pereira.

    Educao Fsica: Adalberto dos Santos Souza, Carla de Meira Leite, Jocimar Daolio, Luciana Venncio, Luiz Sanches Neto, Mauro Betti, Renata Elsa Stark e Srgio Roberto Silveira.

    LEM Ingls: Adriana Ranelli Weigel Borges, Alzira da Silva Shimoura, Lvia de Arajo Donnini Rodrigues, Priscila Mayumi Hayama e Sueli Salles Fidalgo.

    LEM Espanhol: Ana Maria Lpez Ramrez, Isabel Gretel Mara Eres Fernndez, Ivan Rodrigues Martin, Margareth dos Santos e Neide T. Maia Gonzlez.

    Lngua Portuguesa: Alice Vieira, Dbora Mallet Pezarim de Angelo, Eliane Aparecida de Aguiar, Jos Lus Marques Lpez Landeira e Joo Henrique Nogueira Mateos.

    Matemtica Coordenador de rea: Nlson Jos Machado. Matemtica: Nlson Jos Machado, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Campos Granja, Jos Luiz Pastore Mello, Roberto Perides Moiss, Rogrio Ferreira da Fonseca, Ruy Csar Pietropaolo e Walter Spinelli.

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