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Produtos e Serviços BGAN Brasil

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Produtos e Servios BGAN

Brasil1Inmarsat confidential

Produtos e Servios BGANBroadband for a mobile planet TM

2Inmarsat confidentialEQUIPAMENTOS BGANINFRAESTRUTURA SERVIOS BGANSatlites I4O que o BGAN?Voz Dados StreamingTerminaisRede BGANSAS3Inmarsat confidentialBGAN em poucas palavrasO primeiro servio satelital mvel a oferecer:Banda larga (at meio MB) e Voz + SMSCom acesso simultneo

Por um dispositivo compactoCom largura de banda garantidasob demanda (32, 64, 128, 176, 384+)Com Cobertura global

4This is not just the 1st mobile satellite service to offer this, but the first mobile communications service of any kind to do so.

The chief benefit of all this is that it enables you to set up a broadband mobile office in minutes.wherever you are on the planet. To replicate your office communications environment, wherever you find yourself.

The concept of the mobile office has been around for quite some time.

But the broadband mobile office is only just becoming available with the introduction of 3G data services.

And BGAN essentially extends the boundaries of 3G across the world and is based on the same technology.

Inmarsat confidentialBGAN Benefcios ChaveCobertura GlobalVoz e Dados simultneos PortabilidadeFlexibilidadeConfiabilidadeFacilidade de usoSeguranaPreos competitivosFatoresVitaisBenefciosExclusivos5Inmarsat confidentialUso de Voz e Dados Simultneos Acessveis por meio de apenas um dispositivo compacto Faa uma chamada enquanto envia e-mails ou videos em tempo realPerformance similar as redes terrestresVelocidade de at Meio Megabit/s Taxas de banda garantida sob demanda (via Launchpad)

6Inmarsat confidentialRealmente porttil Terminais leves e pequenos De fcil transporte, tamanho de um laptopOs menores terminais disponveis pesam menos de 1 KgConfigure um escritorio mvel em minutos, para um ou multi-usurios

7Inmarsat confidentialFlexvelGama variada de terminais para usurios nicos ou equipes de trabalhoCompatvel com aplicaes IP e circuit-switchedConectividade com e sem fioInterface customizvel

8Inmarsat confidentialFacilidade de uso Experincia de uso consistente Fcil de transportar, set up rpido, simples de usar Interface nica para todos os terminaisExperincia tcnica prvia no necessriaSuporte ao cliente 24/7

9Inmarsat confidentialConfiabilidade Comunicao confivel sem complicaes Capacidade da rede I-4 de 16x a rede predecessora I-3 Distribuio dinmica de recursos de rede at reas de alta demanda Terminais robustos prprios para uso em ambientes com condies adversasServio ao cliente 24/7

10Inmarsat confidentialSegurana Inmarsat possui vasta experincia servindo clientes governamentais Nossa rede compatvel com os principais padres de encriptao (STE) e clientes VPN

11Inmarsat confidentialPreos competitivosBaixo custo de aquisio Competitivo em relao a outros servios satelitais mveisMuito competitivo comparado a tarifas de roaming internacional Pacotes flexveis esto disponveisPermite um controle oramentrio eficiente

12Proposta de ValorMdiaMilitarPetrleo e GsAjuda e ResgateMobile Video/audio Live IP (streaming) Live ISDN Store and ForwardVideo ao vivo

Store & ForwardVideo e tele-conferenciaFTPISDNVideo e tele-conferenciaFTPVideo e tele-conferenciaVozSingle-user Mobile officeFoto jornalismoComunicaes MilitaresTransferencia de arquivos

Field Force Automation (upstream)Escritrio mvelMulti-user Mobile officeBureau remotoImpressesUpdate contedo WebComunicao de emergnciaLogstica de campo de rapido posicionamentoPlanejamento colaborativoAutomao de fora de campo (upstream)Rapid Deployment, Field OperationsSolues comuns aplicadas a setores chaveNotes: 1. All government / military applications require secure encryption13Inmarsat confidentialBGAN: um dispositivo, duas redes


IP RouterVoice &ISDNBGAN IP NetworkBGAN Circuit Switched NetworkPSTN/ISDN SwitchLANSTANDARD IP - COMPARTSTREAMING IP COM QoSBGAN DeviceVoice &ISDNLaptop or Mac


14Inmarsat confidential

Chamadas de voz

Chamadas diretas com qualidade de linhas fixas @ 4 kbps

Todos os novos terminais suportam chamadas de vozFazem e recebem chamadas de: Linhas fixas tradicionais Redes mveis celular BGAN a BGAN

Telefones analgicos comuns 15Inmarsat confidentialChamadas de voz Como a rede BGAN opera com tecnologia 3G ela pode oferecer os mesmos servios de valor agregado que usamos normalmente em nossos aparelhos celulares, como:

Identificador de ChamadasChamada em esperaTransferencia de chamadaBloqueios de chamadas

16Inmarsat confidentialSMS e Correio de VozServio SMS (Texto)

De terminal a terminalDe terminal a redes fixas/mveis e vice-versa (sujeito a acordos comerciais)Via LaunchPad ou handsets com funo SMS

Servio Correio de Voz

Alerta por SMS

17Inmarsat confidentialCircuit-Switched ISDN (Dados, Voz e Fax)Compativel com diversos terminais

Um canal ISDN 64 Kbps

O Sistema comporta apenas uma chamada CS por vez (circuit switched)

Compatvel com os servios tradicionais de encriptao de voz 64k STE, STU - Secure Telephone Units

18Inmarsat confidentialNmeros BGAN: Servios Circuit SwitchedMS-ISDN+870 77 21 {12345}VozTextoAMS-ISDN+870 78 21 {12345}ISDNFAXMSISDN = Mobile System International Integrated System Digital Network NumberAMSISDN = Additional Mobile System International Integrated System Digital Network Number 19Inmarsat confidentialDuas classes de servio IP com BGANStandard IPStreaming IP

Cobrana por VolumeCobrana por Tempo

20Inmarsat confidentialStandard IP (Classe Background)At 492 Kbps usando um canal compartilhado (193 out of 228 spot beams)

Recursos asignados dinmicamente pela rede, real time

O usurio paga somente pelo volume de dados enviados e recebidos MB

Indicado para para e-mail, Messenger, envio de arquivos, Internet, intranet. 492 kbps21The Standard Class IP connection is activated as soon as the BGAN device has pointed and registered on the network. This can only be a primary context, and once this is established we initiate additional IP data connections too. We will return to this a little later!

The Standard IP service is available across a shared channel where data rates up to 492kbps are achievable on a class 1 device. This is analogous to the way ADSL services are contended by users on terrestrial networks. If other users are demanding bandwidth across this shared channel then users may experience variable bit rates.

With the standard IP Service, the user pays for the amount of data sent and received, in Mega Bytes. This also makes it perfect for bursty or intermittent usage e.g. web browsing, intermittent data transfer or even writing an e-mail whilst connected, to quote a few examples.

This service is suited to sending and receiving e-mail, internet, intranet and a whole range of applications requiring IP data connectivity.

And so there is a potential broadband high speed channel rate of up to 492kbps in both directions. Both upstream and downstream. That is to say, the standard service is potentially a symmetrical 492kbps service

When channels are being shared, a minimum guaranteed bandwidth will be determined by the BGAN Service Contention Ratio.

Also it is important to consider the benefits of a standard IP service capable of broadband speeds, which can be used at the same time as a voice call.


Basic broadband data serviceConnections through to Internet or DP PoP and onwardsDesigned for TCP applications - typical office applications like email, web browsing, FTP, VPN 3 different classes of terminal offer 6 different broadband data rates larger device = higher data rateShared connection pipe; less traffic = higher throughput, more traffic = lower throughput; Contention. High demand triggers extra capacity allocation; dynamically assigned, real time

Inmarsat confidentialACELERADOR TCP

22The TCP Accelerator is a piece of software designed by Inmarsat to work exclusively on the BGAN network. Its function is to accelerate all TCP-based traffic from the users remote PC or MAC, to the final destination.The TCP Accelerator software boosts the upload speed of all TCP traffic by up to 300% (depending on file size), with an average increase across all applications of 70%. The type of traffic it boosts include:HTTP and HTTPS web pages (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera etc),FTP and Secure FTP (File uploading)SAMBA (Windows file sharing),SMTP email sending (Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, MAC Mail etc)Peer 2 Peer file sharing (Bitcomet, Emule)Product rangeThe TCP Accelerator has been tailored to work across the complete range of BGAN terminals:Hughes 9201 and 9250Thrane Explorer 300, 500, 527 and 700 versionsThrane Explorer 110Addvalue Sabre 1 The TCP Accelerator has been developed to support several operating systems. The basic functionality is identical across all platforms: Windows XP SP2 and SP1Windows 2003 ServerMAC OSX 9.xMAC OSC 10.xIntel MACRedHat Linux

Key FeaturesThe TCP Accelerator can boost traffic in addition to the following features over the BGAN network:Its fully compatible for users connected to their corporate sites using VPN clients. Checkpoint, Cisco, Nortel and Juniper Netscreen have all been extensively tested with the Accelerator. The performance increase is nearly identical to non-VPN accelerated traffic.All physical connections from the PC / MAC to the BGAN terminal i.e. WiFi, Bluetooth, ethernet, USB, are accelerated over BGAN.All types of packet switched connections over BGAN are supported, such as Background class, 32k, 64k, 128k and 256k streaming QOS connections.

Benefits to BGAN usersThe TCP Accelerator gives the user a large performance increase in the upload direction over the BGAN network which results in:The speeding up the sending emails from clients such as Outlook / Eudora etc.More responsive web page browsing, especially when using web-based email client programs such as Yahoo, Hotmail or Google Mail.Significantly increases file uploads on FTP based programs or via P2P file sharingIncreases TCP performance overall using adjusted TCP windows spoofing and extended timeouts which are optimised for the BGAN network.

GnThe interface between the GGSN and the SGSN in a GPRS network Inmarsat confidential492kbps256kbps128kbpsServio Streaming IP (BGAN QoS)Conexes dedicadas com Larguras de Banda garantidas de: 32, 64, 128, 176, 256 ou 384+ Kbps (simetricamente)Selecionado pelo usurio, quando desejarUsurio para pela durao da conexo em minutosIndicado para transmisso de vdeos ao vivo, audio ou VoIP bem como outras aplicaes de alto consumo de banda

64kbps32kbps23Inmarsat confidential

Exemplo de uma conexo simples em um canal de 200kHz, com capacidade maxima de 492kbit/s em cada direo, compartilhado entre 4 usurios Exemplo de conexo Streaming agendamento de capacidade a usurios garante taxas fixas de transferencia de dadosEntendendo BGAN QoS (1)Streaming IP UserStandard IP UserStandard IP UserStandard IP User

24 Opes de roteamento dedicada ou via Internet?Entendendo BGAN QoS (2)Internet

DP PoPTrfego Internet pode tomar Rotas imprevisveisEnd 2 End QoSPara aplicaes ao Vivo

Customer HQBGAN SASBurum, NetherlandsPara aplicativos tradicionais de escritrio recomenda-se o uso de Standard IP via InternetAplicaes de Vdeo ao vivo, tero melhor performance quando usados via Streaming IP por linha dedicada gerenciada pelo POP do DPSatlite I-425Okay, describe diagram, have commercial input from Commercial representative.

Inmarsat confidentialBGAN Uso Otimizado (Sugesto)Standard IP ex. e-mail, web, ftpMais banda disponvelRetransmisso de pacotes intrnsica ao ProtocoloEnfase na preciso de envio dos pacotes

Streaming IP ex. Quicktime, WinMedia, LivewireConexo dedicadaSem retransmissoEnfase na velocidade de transmisso


26Inmarsat confidentialMltiplas conexes com um dispositivoA primeira conexo pode ser configurada como uma conexo Standard IP (padro) ou Streaming IP

Todo o trfego das aplicaes compartilha a mesma conexo


A Conexo primria pode ser Standard IP or Streaming IPUma segunda e personalizada conexo Streaming pode ser configurada para uma aplicao especfica.

Chamamos esse tipo de conexo de dedicada e pode ser criada ou editada pelo BGAN Launch Pad.

Uma conexo dedicada no ser usada para outra aplicao alm daquela para a qual foi criada e configurada.

256 kbps VideoConexo Streaming Dedicada

27Inmarsat confidentialDadosStandard IPDiferentes velocidades de conexoTaxas de at 492kbps

QoS na rede BGAN Inmarsat disponvel sob demanda32, 64, 128, 176 , 256, 384+ kbps (Enviar e Receber)Compatibilidade com dispositivos ISDNStreaming

Transmisso de voz a 4kbps - circuit-switchedCaixa de mensagens correio de vozIdentificador de chamadas, chamada em esperaTransferencia de chamadas, Restrio de chamadas


Envie suas mensagens de texto via Launchpad SMS/TextoO que o BGAN pode fazer28Inmarsat confidentialReviso e Perguntas?29