apostila 1 - 1ª série - 2015 - energia

Welcome students! Lingua Estrangeira Moderna – Inglês Prof. Alex Lourenço – [email protected] Prof. Renato Grechi – [email protected]

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Page 1: Apostila 1 - 1ª Série - 2015 - Energia

Welcome students!

Lingua Estrangeira Moderna – Inglês

Prof. Alex Lourenço – [email protected]

Prof. Renato Grechi –

[email protected]

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Características da disciplina

Duas aulas por semana (uma com cada


Três avaliações (70 % interpretação e 30%

gramática em cada uma)*

Foco em inglês instrumental

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1. Skimming: lançar os olhos rapidamente sobre o

texto. Uma breve leitura para captar o assunto geral.

2. Scanning: Uma forma de leitura não linear.

Apenas procure o que interessa no texto.

3. Cognates: Cuidado com os Cognatos – muito

comuns na língua inglesa, os cognatos são

parecidos com a língua portuguesa tanto na forma

escrita quanto no significado. Falsos cognatos

podem causar muitos problemas.

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4. Repeated Words: Palavras que se repetem no

texto geralmente são fundamentais para a


5. Typography: As informações nem sempre são

representadas por palavras.

6. Key Words: As palavras-chave são as mais

próximas do assunto do texto. A identificação através

do skimming nos dará uma ideia geral.

7. Prediction: Se necessário, tente adivinhar o que o

texto está tentando dizer.

8. Previous Knowledge: conhecer o assunto

abordado pelo texto facilitará a compreensão na

língua estrangeira. Cultura geral é fundamental !

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• Plomar ___________

• drão ___________

• Clamba ___________

• Grulhar ___________

• Golipesta ___________

• Zulpino ___________

• Chinta ___________

• pli ___________

• Sulapente ___________

• Glapo ___________

• gripes ___________

• bangoula ___________

• Saltipou ___________

• Siltando ___________

• Corristando ___________

Técnica 7 - PREDCTION

VOCABULARY - Escreva a tradução da palavras abaixo.

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PROBLEMA NA CLAMBA • Naquele dia, depois de plomar, fui ver drão o Zé queria ir comigo

lá na clamba. Pensei em grulhar-lhe. Mas na hora em que eu

grulhava o celular, vi-o passando com a golipesta. Então me dei

conta de que ele já tinha outro programa.

• Então decidi ir sozinho mesmo para a clamba. Até chegar lá tudo

bem. Estacionei o zulpino, pus a chave no bolso e desci

correndo para aproveitar ao chinta aquele sol gostoso e o mar pli


• Não parecia haver glapo na clamba então tirei as gripes e pus a

bangoula ali mesmo. Estava pli quieto ali que até me saltipou.

Mas logo esqueci das saltipações no prazer de ficar ali, inclusive

tirei a bangoula para ficar mais à vontade. Não sei quanto tempo

fiquei ali nadando, siltando e corristando.

• Foi na hora de voltar da clamba que me dei conta que nem as

gripes, nem a bangoula estavam mais onde eu tinha deixado.

• O que fazer? …

Técnica 7 - PREDCTION

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Não pare na 1ª palavra diferente que aparecer, vá

até o fim do parágrafo ou do texto;

Uma palavra deve ser definida pelo contexto;

É possível compreender o texto sem saber o

significado de todas as palavras.

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Ouro e pedras preciosas financiaram o nosso herói.

Gargalhadas desdenhosas tentaram impedir seu

plano. Bravamente, ele persistiu. Então, três irmãs

robustas partiram em busca da prova. Elas avançaram

ao longo de picos e vales. Os dias transformavam-se

em semanas. Fofoqueiros invejosos espalhavam

boatos terríveis a respeito dos objetivos finais do

nosso herói. Então, surgiram criaturas de penas

saudando-o. Parecia que ele obtivera o sucesso



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1) Quem é o herói desse texto?

2) Qual era o seu plano?

3) Quem eram as três irmãs robustas?

4) Elas partiram para provar o quê?

5) Qual era o objetivo final desse herói?

6) Quem eram as criaturas de pena?

Questões de Interpretação

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TIME ?!!

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With hocked gems financing him, our hero

bravely defied all scornful laughter that tried to

prevent his scheme. ‘Your eyes deceive’, he had

said, ‘an egg, not a table, typifies this unexplored

planet’. Now three sturdy sisters sought proof,

forging along through calm vastness, yet more

often turbulent peaks and valleys. Days became

weeks as many doubters spread fearful rumors

about the edge. At last from nowhere welcomed

winged creatures appeared signifying

momentous success.

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With hocked gems

financing him, our

hero bravely

defied all scornful

laughter that tried

to prevent his

scheme. ‘Your

eyes deceive’, he

had said, ‘an egg,

not a table,

typifies this



(hocked gems = joias

penhoradas) A rainha da

Espanha, Isabel de Castela,

empenhou as próprias jóias para

financiar a viagem às Índias.

(scornful = zombador) Os

membros da corte desdenhavam

de um estrangeiro recém-chegado

com a proposta de atingir as

Índias indo para o Oeste,

enquanto os portugueses atingiam

cada vez mais conquistas

contornando a África.

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Now three

sturdy sisters

sought proof,

forging along

through calm

vastness, yet

more often

turbulent peaks

and valleys.

• sturdy sisters (sturdy =

robusta) Santa Maria, Pinta e

Nina: a frota de Colombo.

• sought proof (sought – p.s. seek)

Na Idade Média, muitos ainda

acreditavam que a Terra era um

disco sustentado por quatro

elefantes gigantes sobre uma


• Os perigos da navegação em

mares desconhecidos, ora com

calmarias, ora com grandes


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Days became weeks as

many doubters spread

fearful rumors about the

edge. At last from

nowhere welcomed

winged creatures

appeared signifying

momentous success.

• A demora para

alcançar terra firme

geravam rumores

apavorantes a

respeito da beira.

• Foram avistadas

aves marinhas que

indicavam a

proximidade de terra


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Que texto é este? Sobre o que ele está falando?

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1ª Série – E. Médio

Apostila 1

Unit 1


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tal como



onde quer que

Largo, amplo, grande

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a) As principais tecnologias são blogs, redes sociais e plataformas de compartilhamento de vídeos.

b) O de estabelecer mudanças consideráveis de comunicação entre organizações, comunidades e indivíduos.

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c) Por todo o mundo há mídias sociais.

d) Se há uma conexão de internet as pessoas estão envolvidas.

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1. You and I need to talk about the kids. (sujeito)

2. Mommy is calling you and me. (objeto)

“you and I” ou “you and me”?

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1. I am a teacher.

2. I is a pronoun.

3. You and I are friends.

“I am” or “I is” or “I are”?

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1. me is a Personal Pronoun. 2. The student the teacher is looking at

is me.

“me is” or “is me”?

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She him

They him

We them


She They


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Observações: • complemento do verbo be.

Who’s there? It’s I. (formal)

Who’s there? It’s ME. (informal)

• após than e as.

I’m older than HE is. (formal)

I’m older than HIM. (informal)

She isn’t as tall as I am. (formal)

She isn’t as tall as ME. (informal)

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• object pronouns são empregados quando o pronome aparece sozinho numa resposta. “Who has got my book?” “ME”

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Posição dos objetos A. sujeito + verbo + objeto indireto + objeto direto She gave him a CD. John sent her some flowers. B. sujeito + verbo + OD + preposição + OI She gave a CD to him. John sent some flowers to her.

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Usos especiais HE → animais de estimação (masculino). My dog is called Rick; HE is black SHE →animais de estimação (feminino). My mare is called Katty; SHE is white. →carro, navio, avião (afeição). My car is in the garage; SHE is out of order. → cidades e países (formal). England has done what SHE promised to do.

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Usos especiais IT →com baby e child (com sexo desconhecido). The baby is crying; IT must be hungry. →em expressões idiomáticas. IT doesn’t matter (não importa) YOU →pessoas em geral. YOU can easily lose your way in Rome. YOU can drive a car in Britain when you’re 17.

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Usos especiais ONE → como substituto de YOU, com a tradução de alguém ou se. ONE/ YOU should follow the law. → para evitar a repetição de um substantivo anterior mente citado na oração. This car is a good ONE. Bring me some pencils. Choose the blue ONES.

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I. Choose the correct personal pronouns.

1. Paul works in a bank. I know he/him well.

2. Peter and I /me are going to the movies tonight. Would

you like to come with I/me/us?

3. “What did you think of the books I’ve lent you, Sally?”

“I /me enjoyed it/they/them very much.”

4. “Have you seen Mrs. Simpson today?” “Yes, I saw

he/him/she/her this morning. He/She was going to the


5. After work, the boss asked to speak to Ted and I/me.

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Choose the correct personal pronouns.

6. My sister and I /me are very different. I /me am much

more talkative than she/her is.

7. Someone came to see she/her while she/her was out. I

told they/them that she/her would be back at 8.

8. Let’s keep this secret between you and I/me.

9. It was she/her I was talking about.

10. Let you and I/me be friends.

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1. People can easily send a letter to another city. People simply have to drop the letter into a collection box. 2. The child is crying. The child must be feeling some kind of pain. 3. It was John that told Sally and me about the incident. 4. Please take these papers and give the papers to Mike.

(They – it)


II. Replace the expressions in bold by pronouns.

(he – us – it) (them – him)

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5. Where are the keys? I put the keys on the table a moment ago, but now the keys have disappeared. (them – they) 6. There’s a friendly agreement between Mrs. Jones and her husband. (her – him) 7. It was my niece that phoned Sarah last night. (she – her)

II. Replace the expressions in bold by pronouns.

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II. Replace the expressions in bold by pronouns.

8. Nobody could answer the teacher’s questions but Tom. (them – he) 9. It was the children that left just now, wasn’t it? (they) 10. It was Peter we phoned last night. (him)

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III. Choose the correct personal pronoun. 1. None of they/them has been invited to Jane’s party. 2. It was he/him that opened the letter. 3. You/One never knows what the future holds. 4. You/One never know what the future holds. 5. The Titanic hit an iceberg when he/she was on her way to the United States.

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III. Choose the correct personal pronoun. 6. “There’s someone at the door. Who is he/it?” “It’s Peter”. 7. An old man asked my friend and I/me what time it was. 8. “What are the government’s plans?” “He/It/They are going to increase taxes.” 9. Helen always sits among him/her/them. 10. Could you do I/me a favor, I mean, could you do a favor to she/her?

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Chaplin’s subsequent films, like The Tramp and Shanghaied, firmly established his reputation and, as his fame rose, so too did his salary and his power. By 1917 Chaplin was able to demand a million dollars for eight pictures. By now Chaplin was taking an increasing amount of control over his work: writing, directing, producing and even composing the music for many of the films in WHICH he starred. In 1919 that control became complete with Chaplin, along with Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith, forming United Artists as an independent company to distribute THEIR films. The introduction of sound to the cinema, however, brought an end to Chaplin’s greatness. His style of performance, derived from the circus clown and from mime, no longer seemed to work ITS magic. He avoided using the new technology for his films City Lights and Modern Times but embraced IT in his 1936 movie, The Great Dictator. Though Chaplin continued to make the occasional film, and also wrote two books, his glory days were over. His leftist politics brought him in for a good deal of criticism (as did an affair with a young woman) and investigation by the Un-American Affairs Commission. As a result, Chaplin left the U.S. in 1952 and, having been refused re-entry, made his home in Switzerland. In 1972 he returned to the United States to receive several tributes, among THEM a special Academy Award for his contributions to the film industry. Three years later he was knighted. Chaplin died on December 25th 1977. Among his obituaries was a quote from THE ACTOR in 1960: “I remain one thing and one thing only, and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician.”

From: Speak Up. Agosto 1999 – no 147 (adapted)


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05) Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT references to the following words, underlined in the text.

01. its (paragraph 2): the circus clown

02. their (paragraph 1): Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, D.W. Griffith, and Chaplin 04. which (paragraph 1): the films

08. it (paragraph 2): the new technology 16. them (paragraph 2): several tributes 32. the actor (paragraph 2): Chaplin 64. that (paragraph 2): the actor


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1. Men and women share the exact same view of a best friend a person WHO is always there for you. Your best friend is someone you can depend on to share your happiness, suffer through your worries, or lessen your sorrow.

2. A great variety of factors play into the birth of a best friendship the age and circumstances under WHICH people meet, what first attracts THEM, why they remain close, and how they fill each other's needs. Yet I found the dominant themes that define a best friend were remarkably similar across the broadest range of experiences. 3. Safety was a word I heard over and over. A best friend is a safe harbor, a guaranteed comfort zone. You never have to explain yourself to best friends because they really, really know who you are. With best friends, you can be who you are. You can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never worry what they'll think of you because best friends are nonjudgmental. They will give you advice if you want it and a kick in the pants if you need IT, but best friends will not judge you or make you ashamed of your behavior. A best friend gives you what you expect from a parent and don't always get: unconditional love. 4. Best friends are loyal and trustworthy. A best friend is a person to WHOM you can tell your most embarrassing, revealing, and damaging personal secrets with the full confidence THEY will never be repeated. Best friends can deliver brutally honest answers in the most gentle fashion. 5. Finally, best friends are the family you choose. They love you because they want to, not because they have to. And for many people, a best friend becomes the brother or sister they'd always wanted, but never had.

From: Richards, J. C. & Eckstut-Didier, S. Strategic Reading 1. CUP, 2003. (Adapted)


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Questão 30 - Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct references to the following words, underlined in the text. 01. who (Paragraph 1) men 02. which (Paragraph 2) a best friendship 04. them (Paragraph 2) people 08. it (Paragraph 3) a kick in the pants 16. whom (Paragraph 4) you 32. they (Paragraph 4) personal secrets

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Adapted from The Boston Globe - RICHARDS, J. C. & ECKSTUT-DIDIER, S. Strategic Reading 3. Cambridge: CUP, 2003, p. 38. (Adapted)

Page 04

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1.Teens don’t understand the big fuss. As the first generation to grow up in a wired world, they hardly know a time when computers weren't around and they leap at the chance to spend hours on-line, chatting with friends. So what?

2. But researchers are increasingly concerned that, as cyberspace replaces the pizza parlor as the local hangout, adolescents are becoming more isolated, less skillful at interpersonal relationships, and perhaps numb to the small - and big - deceptions that are so much a part of the e-mail world. Researchers are asking just how the future of teenagers is changed when so many of them are spending an hour or two on the Internet each day, replacing face-to-face contact with computer contact.


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3. “We’re not only looking at what the computer can do for us, but what it is doing to us,” said sociologist Sherry Turkle. “It’s on so many people’s minds.” She wants to know how a teen’s sense of self and values may be altered in a world where personal connections and the creation of new identities can be limitless.

4. Social psychologist Robert Kraut said he’s concerned about the “opportunity costs” of so much on-line time for youths. He found that teens who used computers, even just a few hours a week, showed increased signs of loneliness and social isolation. In his study of 100 families that use the Internet, Kraut said these teens reported having fewer friends to hang around with, possibly because their computer time replaced hours they would have spent with others. “Chatting on-line may be better than watching television, but it’s worse than hanging out with real friends,” he said.

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5. Many teens acknowledge there’s an unreal quality to their cyberspace communication, including their odd shorthand terms such as POS (parent over shoulder) or LOL (laughing out loud). Psychologists see this code as part of the exclusive shared language that teenagers love.

6. When it comes to e-mail exchanges, teens also show a remarkable tolerance for each other’s deceptions. Nor are they surprised when a mere acquaintance unloads a personal secret through e-mail. Nobody seems to expect the on-line world to be the same as the real world.

7. Teens say they also appreciate the ability to edit what they say on-line, or take the time to think about a response. As cowardly as it may seem, some teens admit that asking someone for a date, or breaking up, can be easier in message form. But they insist there’s no harm intended, and cyberspace has become just another medium – like the telephone – in the world of adolescence.

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Questão 10 - Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT references to the following words, underlined in text: 01. he (Paragraph 4) Robert Kraut 02. it (Paragraph 3) the computer 04. them (Paragraph 2) researchers 08. their (Paragraph 5) psychologists 16. each other's (Paragraph 6) teens 32. they (Paragraph 7) teens


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Soma 49

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Soma 36

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14) Considering the text, compare the meanings of each pair of sentences and select the proposition(s) in which the meanings of sentences A and B are similar.

A. People are attracted to those with self-confidence.

B. If you believe in yourself, you’ll have more people near you.

A. A good idea is to imitate people who seem to have lots of friends.

B. Maybe you can copy the behavior of people who seem to have lots of friends.

A. Do things that will put you in touch with other people.

B. Choose activities that will help other people.

A. You can learn the last facts about your favorite TV star.

B. One possibility is to find out the news about your favorite TV star.

A. This alone will make people want to be your friend.

B. When you are lonely, people will see that you need a friend.








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Let’s review

the vocabulary

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Match the words with their synonyms





( ) Everywhere All over Globaly Throughout the world

( ) Analysis Exploration Probe Investigation

( ) aim target focus intention




( ) skilled trained proficient experienced


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8. ODD

( ) Deadened Insensitive Indifferent Anesthetized Frozen Immobilized Paralyzed Stupefied Apathetic Asleep

( ) agree defend endorse recognize support accede acquiesce allow approve certify accept

( ) associate colleague companion neighbor friend

( ) abnormal atypical bizarre deviant different nonstandard





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( ) spend time with frequent hang around get along with go out enjoy have fun with go along

( ) - bring to successful conclusion - reach a goal - accomplish - attain - bring about - carry out - acquire - conclude - manage - obtain - resolve - solve

( ) writing calligraphy handwriting print manuscription


10 ( ) boost soar raise expand heighten elevate enlarge



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09 Utterance

revelation assertion pronouncement announcement articulation asseveration declaration

Burst rupture blow-up blast blowout crack eruption explosion outbreak outpouring rush storm break discharge split

Rather Considerably Enough/ Fairly/ Instead/ kind of Moderately/ somewhat

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Subject Adjective S Objective

I My U Mine

You Your B Yours

He His S His

She Her T Hers

It Its A Its*


We Our T Ours

You Your I Yours

They Their V




My car is blue; yours is white.

I believe Glenda is here tonight. That’s her coat.

I brought my book and she brought hers.

I believe Glenda is here tonight. That’s her coat.

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Assinale a alternativa correta. Os testes a seguir referem-

se aos Pronomes Possessivos:

1) My father and I sold ___ old car to a friend yesterday. ____ neighbor didn't want to buy _______. a) ours / our / it b) our / our / it c) our / ours / it d) our / ours / its e) our / our / its

2) Hey, this is a very funny dog. I wonder who ___ owner is. a) your b) it c) him d) yours e) its

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3) (Fei) Complete: Stay with _______ while I drive ________ car. a) I - your b) she - you c) me - your d) me - yours e) her - yours

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ATTEMPT try effort attack bid endeavor experiment



PROMPT Induce Spur Dispose Educe Persuade