tratamento cirúrgico da doença do refluxo gastroesófagico

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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D.R.G.E. TRATAMENTO CIRRGICOAspectos Fundamentais Prof. Dr. Ozimo GamaCirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo

PrevalnciaSintomas associados a DRGEPrevalncia: 20% 1/3: 1x Ms / 7%: 1x Dia 15% achados EDACoelho JC et al., 2005.

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Quadro ClnicoSINTOMAS TPICOSPirose (80%)Regurgitao (60%)Disfagia (25%)

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Quadro ClnicoSINTOMAS ATPICOSTosse (30%)Asma (14%)Rouquido (7%) Dor torcica (4%)

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

FisiopatologiaELEMENTOS DE CONTENOPresso IntrnsecaExtenso TotalSegmento AbdominalCoelho J, 2005.

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

FisiopatologiaINSUFICINCIA ESFINCTERIANA TRANSITRIAPresso mdia < 6 mmHg Extenso 2 cmDeMeester T, 2001.DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Helicobacter pyloriEfeito protetor ? ( Labenz et al., 1997)Erradicao X Esofagite de refluxoCepas cag A + ( Vicari et al., 1998)Gravidade da DRGEH. pylori X DRGE (Oberg et al., 1999)No h relao fisiopatolgicaDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico


Adapted from Quigley 2001Patients with NERD60%Patients with esophagitis40%Patients without complications 35%Patients with complications 5%Patients with GERD100%

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

163.GERD: two main categoriesThe definition of GERD provided by participants at the Genval workshop encompasses two main categories of disease: GERD without esophagitis and GERD with esophagitis.1 The first category, known as endoscopy-negative reflux disease (ENRD), is the most common manifestation of GERD, and has been estimated to account for about 60% of all patients with this disease.24 ENRD is less commonly known as symptomatic GERD. The second category of GERD, known as erosive esophagitis, includes those patients who also satisfy the Genval definition but who have definite mucosal breaks or metaplasia of the esophagus that are visible using endoscopy.5 A proportion of these patients will also have complications indicativeof more extensive mucosal injury; these include esophageal ulcerations or strictures of the mucosa.2

1.Dent J, Brun J, Fendrick AM, Fennerty MB, Janssens J, Kahrilas PJ et al. An evidence-based appraisal of reflux disease management the Genval Workshop Report. Gut 1999;44 Suppl 2:S116.2.Quigley EM. Non-erosive reflux disease: part of the spectrum of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, a component of functional dyspepsia, or both? Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2001;13 Suppl 1:S1318.3.Jones R, Hungin A, Phillips J, Mills J. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in primary carein Europe: clinical presentation and endoscopic findings. Eur J Gen Pract 1995;1:14954.4.Carlsson R, Dent J, Bolling-Sternevald E, Johnsson F, Junghard O, Lauritsen K et al. The usefulness of a structured questionnaire in the assessment of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1998a;33:10239.5.Lundell LR, Dent J, Bennett JR, Blum AL, Armstrong D, Galmiche JP et al. Endoscopic assessment of oesophagitis: clinical and functional correlates and further validation of the Los Angeles classification. Gut 1999;45:17280.

D.R.G.E.ComplicaesEsofagite erosivaEsfago de Barret (15%)Estenose (10%)Ulcerao (5%)Sangramento (2%)Malafaia et al., 2013.DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Intolerncia ao controle clnico prolongadoManifestaes respiratrias da DRGEFormas complicadas da doenaDRGE com hrnia hiatalDRGE progressiva

Tratamento CirrgicoIndicaesDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Tratamento CirrgicoPr-OperatrioEndoscopia DigestivaPhmetria/ManometriaSEED

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Restabelecer os mecanismos de contenoManter a normalidade na deglutioPermitir eructar ou mesmo vomitar quando necessrioRestaurar a presso do esfncter inferiorObter de uma extenso de esfago abdominal no inferior a 3 centmetrosDE MEESTER, TR et al. Nissen fundoplication for GERD.Ann. Surg, 1986. Tratamento CirrgicoObjetivosDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico


Tratamento CirrgicoPassos TcnicosDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

NISSENTOUPETTratamento CirrgicoTipos de Vlvulas

Multivariate analysis of factors predicting outcome after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (DeMeester TR et al, 1998). Abnormal 24-hour pH score (OR = 5.4)Typical primary symptom (OR = 5.1)Clinical response to acid suppression therapy (OR = 3.3) Tratamento Cirrgico PrognsticoDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Tratamento Cirrgico Complicaes

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Norman Barret, 1950Ulcera esofgica associada aepitlio colunar em esfago. Acredito tratar-se de uma condio de esfago curto congnito.

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

condio na qual qualquer extenso de epitlio colunar metaplsico substitui o epitlio escamoso estratificado que recobre o esfago distal, reconhecida pela endoscopia e confirmada histologicamente.Esfago de BarretDefinioDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

BrancosHomens acima de 50 anosLonga histria de DRGEHrnia hiatal / Obesidade10% dos pacientes com RGE1 caso de AdenoCA 100 pacientes/ano 39Esfago de BarretEpidemiologiaDRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Esfago de BarretAvaliao EndoscpicaA cada 2 anosDisplasia (+) Baixo: 6 mesesAlto: 3 mesesBx: 4 quadrantes/2 cm DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Examples of key clinical findings include:Complete clearance of non-dysplastic Barrett's esophagus in 98.4% of patients at two and a half year follow-up. Outstanding safety profile with a less than or equal to 6% stricture rate, less than 0.02% perforation rate, and no associated deaths.Overall, complete eradication of non-dysplastic and dysplastic Barrett's esophagus at rates exceeding 90% has been shown in numerous studies.Elimination of abnormal genetic markers associated with Barrett's esophagus after RFA therapy.No change in the function of the esophagus after RFA therapy.43

Esfago de BarretSem Displasia ou de Baixo GrauVALVULOPLASTIA ANTI-REFLUXOTerapia Ablativa

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico

Esfago de BarretTERAPIAS ENDOSCPICASTerapia fotodinmicaCrioablaoRadiofrequnciaMucosectomia DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico


Esfago de BarretDisplasia de Alto GrauESOFAGECTOMIATerapia Ablativa

DRGE: Tratamento Cirrgico




D.R.G.E. TRATAMENTO CIRRGICOAspectos Fundamentais Prof. Dr. Ozimo GamaCirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo


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