trabalho ipv6

Post on 09-Nov-2015






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IPV6 - implantação


Trabalho de InglesNome: Markus Thadeu M. de Melo

EMPRESA DO VALE DO PARAIBA INAVA COM IMPLANTAO DO PROTOCOLO DE INTERNET IPV6Aps alguns anos de uso do IPv4 (Protocolo de internet verso 4 de 32bits) esto se esgotando o nmeros de ips por usurios de internet devido ao grande crescimento de smartfones, tablets e outros dispositivos mveis. Atualmente existem 4.294.967.296 bilhoes de ip o qual no suficiente para suprir o mercado, ento foi criado o IPv6 com muito mais nmeros de IPs disponveis sendo 3,4x1038 (340.282.366.920.938. implantao de IPv6 necessria e inevitvel , por mais que a internet no pare de funcionar com o esgotamento do IPv4 est previsto que haver uma diminuio das redes e algumas aplicaes que poderiam ser criadas no sero.Sem do assim uma empresa de Lorena chamada VELLOZNET DIGITAL NETWORK divulgar amanha 14 de outubro de 2014 e j disponibilizar o uso dessa nova tecnologia para seus clientes de Internet.

NOW VALLEY PARAIBA INAVA WITH DEPLOYMENT OF INTERNET PROTOCOL IPV6 After a few years of use IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4 32bits) are depleting the numbers of ips by internet users due to the large growth of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Currently there are 4,294,967,296 billion ip which is not enough to supply the market, then IPv6 was created with much more numbers available IPs being 3,4x1038 (340.282.366.920.938. The deployment of IPv6 is necessary and inevitable, much as the Internet did not stop working with the exhaustion of IPv4 is expected that there will be a decrease of the networks and some applications that could be created are not. Without the so-called Lorraine a company DIGITAL NETWORK VELLOZNET disclose tomorrow October 14, 2014 and have available the use of this new technology for its Internet customers.

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