teste engleza 2011

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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7/28/2019 Teste Engleza 2011

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• Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent inthe sentence: Professor Smith lectures on Greek philosophy tothe second year students every Tuesday .Answer




• Întrebarea nr. 22 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent inthe sentence: He lectures to the students ondrama. Answer

SelectedAnswer:  IndirectObject

• Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent inthe sentence: The girl bowed to the audience. Answer




Object• Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent inthe sentence: He lectures to the students ondrama. Answer




• Întrebarea nr. 5 2 din 2 puncte

 The sentence John hit the man with a red flashlight can be interpreted semantically in:Answer



• Întrebarea nr. 62 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent inthe sentence: Mary shot him without mercy.Answer



Adverbial of Manner

• Întrebarea nr. 72 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence The reports were believed false.Answer


 Subject Complement (Predicative Adjunct tothe Subject)

• Întrebarea nr. 82 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: The truth is that I don’t love him any more.Answer



• Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the followingcomplex sentence: He told me that he would come earlier .Answer





• Întrebarea nr. 102 din 2 puncte

THAT clauses differ from NP-s in that they do not behave thesame in respect to:Answer




• Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:He boasted that he was the best player in the team.Answer



Prepositional Object

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• Întrebarea nr. 122 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct analysis of the complex sentence:

She knows that John brags that the boss will hire him soon.Answer



Main Clause, Direct Object Clause, PrepositionalObject Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the followingcomplex sentence: It was well known that the thief wascaught red handed .Answer



Passivization + Extraposition + It-insertion

• Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like that .Answer



 THAT Clause – Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 152 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the followingcomplex sentence: John promised me that he would come.Answer




Întrebarea nr. 16 2 din 2 puncte

 The idea of perpetual .……. is evident in Shelley’s The Cloud 





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• Întrebarea nr. 172 din 2 puncte

 Tristram was:




he had an elderbrother.

• Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, in the closing paragraphs, the characters arepreoccupied with: Answer



a cock-and-bullstory.

• Întrebarea nr. 192 din 2 puncte

“Tennessee” in Tennessee Williams is a pen name.





• Întrebarea nr. 202 din 2 puncte

Orsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...




If music be the food of love, play on.

Întrebarea nr. 21 2 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, what is Corporal Trim’s main interest?





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• Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, the Thought Police supervises citizens by

means of Answer



all of theabove.

• Întrebarea nr. 232 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Sterne uses a series of unconventionaltechniques. Thus, a cross appears on the page when Dr. Slop crosses

himself, blank pages appear to represent pages torn out. What is thepurpose of these technical devices in Sterne’s construction of thenarrative?




to involve the reader in the process of ‘creation’ of the text

• Întrebarea nr. 242 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith believes that hope for aradical change in society lies in





• Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

In David Copperfield , Dickens makes a disguised portrait of his fatherthrough the character of 





• Întrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

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 The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, UriahHeep, Mr. Murdstone) are:




a sign of their stereotypical behaviour andmoral outlook.

• Întrebarea nr. 272 din 2 puncte

Hawthorne’s pictorial analogies for his verbal art of the ROMANCE canbe associated with:




the Horatian “ut pictura poesis” dictum of neoclassicism.

• Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:





• Întrebarea nr. 292 din 2 puncte

In Chapter XI we are told that, after 15 years of solitude on the island,Robinson Crusoe finds a footprint on the sand. He is terrified by thesight and thinks that:




the devil left it there toscare him.

• Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the subtitle of Twelfth Night is ...




What YouWill

• Întrebarea nr. 31

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2 din 2 puncte

 The historical period to which Hawthorne often resorted in his fictionwas:




the colonial, Calvinistpast.

• Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Feste visits Malvolio to mock his “insanity” ...




disguised as a

priest.• Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel The ScarletLetter is true:




Hester’s husband, Arthur Dimmesdale, returns incognito andsettles in the town under the name of Richard Chillingworth.

• Întrebarea nr. 342 din 2 puncte

How does Crusoe leave: does he ask anyone’s consent?





• Întrebarea nr. 352 din 2 puncte

David walked penniless to Dover to throw himself on the mercy of hisaunt, Betsy Trotwood after:




he was sent to menial employment in London where helived a life of poverty and misery.

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• Întrebarea nr. 362 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia repels Orsino’s advances being ...




in mourning for the death of herbrother.

• Întrebarea nr. 372 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, the narrator is





Shandy• Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of eachstanza are………





• Întrebarea nr. 392 din 2 puncte

In the Preface to The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s metaphors forromantic realism and romance are:




moonlight andfirelight.

• Întrebarea nr. 402 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Mitch jilts Blanche because




he finds out abouther past.

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• Întrebarea nr. 412 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by theunderlined verb below:

He pushed the cart to the backyard.




from an activity into anaccomplishment

• Întrebarea nr. 422 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tenseb). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.




1a, 2b,

3c• Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not bytaking into account the following elements: determiners andpluralization:

1) James has made a great progress since he joined our class.2) James has made great progress since he joined our class.3) James has made great progresses since he joined our class.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentence




1b, 2a,3b

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• Întrebarea nr. 442 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal meaning conveyed by the following underlinedverbal forms:

a). situation that involves a predictionb). situation that involves a planned actionc). situation scheduled by external factors

1). You will feel better after some rest.2). I need your help tomorrow.3). Mary is starting work tomorrow.




1a, 2c,

3b• Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb inthe sentence below:

 You will put the box in the van.





• Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). stateb). activityc). achievement

1). Mary is being clumsy.2). Mary is clumsy.3). Jane sat down suddenly on the chair.




1b, 2a,3c

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• Întrebarea nr. 472 din 2 puncte

Identify the value of the present perfect in the following sentence:

He has broken the china plate.





• Întrebarea nr. 482 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the underlined nouns is an inherently [-count] nounand which is a contextually [+count] noun:

1) You cannot prevent your neighbours having a nice gossip in thestreet.

2) Waiter, there is a hair in my soup.3) In my leisure hours I would listen to opera music.

 a) inherently [-count]b) contextually [+count]




1b, 2b,

3a• Întrebarea nr. 49

0 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not bytaking into account the use of the definite article:

1) The museums of the town are closed on Monday.2) I'll see you the next Monday.3) The next Monday is a holiday.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentence




1a, 2b,3b

• Întrebarea nr. 50

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests can be performed on theunderlined predicates without inducing aspect shift:

a). the adverbial in two hours

b). the adverb intentionally 

1). Jane wrote a report on what had happened.2). The police shot the suspect.3. John ran three laps round the stadium.




1a, 2b,3a


Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: It is essential for youto go there.Answer Selected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion

Întrebarea nr. 20 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: I didn’t know that she had beenmarried, since she seldom talked about herself.Answer Selected Answer: DIRECT OBJECT CLAUSESubject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

Specify the function of the subordinate clause: The problem is that I’ve run out of money.Answer Selected Answer:Predicative Clause

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Întrebarea nr. 42 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:The engineer wrongly figured it out that the bridge would hold.

Answer Selected Answer:Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 52 din 2 puncte

Finite clauses contain a finite verb phrase whose head is a verb obligatorily marked for:Answer Selected Answer:Mood and Tense

Întrebarea nr. 60 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: It is obvious that they haddifferent cultural perspectives.Answer Selected Answer: SUBJECT CLAUSEPrepositional Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 72 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:She cabled that she would arrive on the 18th of July.Answer Selected Answer:Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 80 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:She is not at work, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that she is ill.Answer Selected Answer: SUBJECT CLAUSEDirect Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: She decorated theroom in a minimalist fashion.Answer Selected Answer:

‘Affected’ Direct ObjectÎntrebarea nr. 102 din 2 puncte

The syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence The lawyer looked at the judge with suspicious eyes is:Answer Selected Answer:Adverbial of Manner or Noun Modifier (depending on the semantic interpretation of thesentence)

Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John called that book a masterpiece.Answer Selected Answer:Object Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Object)

Întrebarea nr. 122 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: It was drizzling.Answer Selected Answer:Subject expressed by impersonal IT

Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

The syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John hit the man with a redflashlight is:Answer Selected Answer:Prepositional Object or Noun Modifier (depending on the semantic interpretation of thesentence)

Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: There are manymistakes in this paper.Answer Selected Answer:

Deep SubjectÎntrebarea nr. 150 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Professor Smithlectures on Greek philosophy to the second year students every Tuesday.Answer Selected Answer: INDIRECT OBJECTPrepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 162 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammatical predications:

a). grammatical b). ungrammatical

1). Harry is keeping an eye on the kettle.2). It is being quite windy today.3). Your books are lying under the shelf.Answer Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 172 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking into account the use of the definite article:

1) The murderer was thrown into the prison.2) They went sightseeing to the Danube Delta.3) The mount Fujiyama is a real symbol for the Japanese.

a) grammatical sentence b) ungrammatical sentenceAnswer Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b

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Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

A falling drop will hollow the stone.Answer Selected Answer:habitual WILL

Întrebarea nr. 192 din 2 puncte

On the epistemic interpretation modal verbs evince the following syntactic patterns:Answer 

Selected Answer:they can occur with the perfect infinitive

Întrebarea nr. 202 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verb below:

He walked the dog out.Answer Selected Answer:from an activity into an accomplishment

Întrebarea nr. 210 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Genevaa) the definite article b) the indefinite articlec) the zero articleAnswer Selected Answer:1c, 2a, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

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Specify which of the following properties characterizes English modal verbs on their epistemicinterpretation:Answer Selected Answer:modals can occur in the progressive

Întrebarea nr. 232 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammatical predications:

a). grammatical b). ungrammatical

1). John is knowing Latin.2). I am seeing my friend from abroad tomorrow.

3). Ukraine is lying North-East of Romania.Answer Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 242 din 2 puncte

Specify the aspectual classes listed in a-c to which the underlined predicates belong:

a). achievement b). activityc). accomplishment

1). John taught linguistics in a college.2). They left the country two years ago.3). She wrote her significant novels in her youth.Answer Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tense b). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

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1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.Answer Selected Answer:

1a, 2b, 3cÎntrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith works inAnswer Selected Answer:the Ministry of Truth.

Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncteHow does Crusoe leave: does he ask anyone’s consent?Answer Selected Answer: No.

Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s vision, romance transforms the ordinary world into ………. and then back intothe impression of life.Answer Selected Answer:fairy tale

Întrebarea nr. 292 din 2 puncte

The knight’s dream in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci combines… and… images.Answer Selected Answer:aural and visual

Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who is the protagonist’s father?Answer Selected Answer:

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Uncle Buck.

Întrebarea nr. 312 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:Answer Selected Answer:East European.

Întrebarea nr. 320 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, Dickens’s manner of characterisation is achieved throughAnswer Selected Answer: ALL VARIANTS

 picaresque tradition techniques.Întrebarea nr. 332 din 2 puncte

What is the name that Tristram’s parents intended for him?

Answer Selected Answer:Trismegistus

Întrebarea nr. 342 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, in his relation with Dora, David seems to be torn betweenwishing his wifeAnswer Selected Answer:was more mature and reproaching himself for wanting to change her.

Întrebarea nr. 350 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Mr. Charrington isAnswer Selected Answer: ALL OF THE ABOVEan officer of the Thought Police.

Întrebarea nr. 362 din 2 puncte

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What does Crusoe think about the money he discovers on the ship?Answer Selected Answer:That the money is of no use for him, that it is a drug.

Întrebarea nr. 372 din 2 puncte

The plot of the novel David Copperfield is picaresque in design in the sense that:Answer Selected Answer:Dickens was trying to see the term “picaresque” from a new perspective.

Întrebarea nr. 382 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, the Thought Police supervises citizens by means of Answer Selected Answer:all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 392 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who is injured or about to die after the final confrontation?Answer Selected Answer:All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 402 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophical tenets, the UnpardonableSinner is an individual who tries to separate his intellect from the heart, in a lack of reverence for the human soul, looking on mankind as the subject of his experiment. What character can beconsidered as such:Answer Selected Answer:Roger Chillingworth

Întrebarea nr. 412 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Julia works inAnswer 

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Selected Answer:none of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 422 din 2 puncte

Hawthorne’s pictorial analogies for his verbal art of the ROMANCE can be associated with:Answer Selected Answer:the Horatian “ut pictura poesis” dictum of neoclassicism.

Întrebarea nr. 432 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth isAnswer 

Selected Answer:Hester’s husband

Întrebarea nr. 442 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what is scarce?Answer Selected Answer:All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 452 din 2 puncte

The orbed maiden in Shelley’s poem The Cloud is

Answer Selected Answer:the Moon.

Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

In the third section of The Bear, who is the protagonist supposed to accompany to make sure thatsome of the whiskey will arrive safely at the hunting camp?Answer Selected Answer:Boon Hogganbeck.

Întrebarea nr. 47

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0 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who entraps the wild dog?Answer Selected Answer: SAM FATHERS

Major de Spain.Întrebarea nr. 482 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Mitch jilts Blanche becauseAnswer Selected Answer:he finds out about her past.

Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncteIn the novel David Copperfield, Uriah Heep isAnswer Selected Answer:one of Wickfield’s clerks.

Întrebarea nr. 502 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, …..… acts as the cloud’s pilot.

Answer Selected Answer:thunder 


Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:

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My apprehension was that I could lose my advantage.Answer Selected Answer:Predicative Clause#

Întrebarea nr. 20 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: What puzzled everybodywas that he was very difficult to talk to.Answer Selected Answer:Subject Clause, Main Clause, Predicative Clause#

Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: He owes it to his boss that he got the promotion.Answer Selected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion#Întrebarea nr. 4

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:John has known it for a long time that Mary will leave him.Answer Selected Answer:Prepositional Object Clause#Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made a mistakewas clear.Answer 

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Selected Answer:Subject Clause#Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncteCorrectSpecify the type of the subordinate clause: I consider him to be a genius.Answer Selected Answer:Infinitival Clause#Întrebarea nr. 7

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: What puzzled everybodywas that they married so young.Answer Selected Answer:Subject Clause, Main Clause, Direct Object Clause#Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectExtraposition of THAT Clause is obligatory with the verb:Answer Selected Answer:to happen#Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn David Copperfield, the man with “black shallow eye”, black hair and whiskers, and a squarechin, reminding the narrator of an “wax-work”, is:Answer Selected Answer:Murdstone#Întrebarea nr. 10

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectThe main purpose of Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy is:

Answer Selected Answer:to illustrate the way a narrative is built.#Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche used to live on a plantation called:Answer 

Selected Answer:La Belle Reve#Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectAt the Nineteen Eighty-four’s ending, Winston C. Smith feels a strong love for Answer Selected Answer:Big Brother.#Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s husband reveals his true identity to her as he tries:Answer Selected Answer:to find out who her lover is.#Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of each stanza are………Answer 

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Selected Answer:tetrameters.#Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncteCorrectIn John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the poet describes the outer appearance of the ailingknight in images borrowed from the……….. world.Answer Selected Answer:vegetal#Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncteCorrectIn Nineteen Eighty-four, Newspeak is for Answer Selected Answer:all of the above.#Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat is the name that Tristram’s parents intended for him?

Answer Selected Answer:Trismegistus#Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat is Crusoe planting in the place in which he first becomes a planter in the fourth year?Answer Selected Answer:Cane#Întrebarea nr. 19

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s New England is striking for:

Answer Selected Answer:effects of romantic distance and picturesque.#Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhich of the following sentences referring to the novel David Copperfield, is not true:Answer 

Selected Answer:David is younger than Dora and feels sympathy for her in the same way as an adult feelssympathy for a child.#Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:Answer Selected Answer:East European.#Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn The Bear, who is the protagonist’s father?Answer Selected Answer:Uncle Buck.#Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night, Malvolio is taken in by Maria with the help of ...

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Answer Selected Answer:a forged love letter from Olivia.#Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectRobinson Crusoe can be interpreted as the fruit of a synthesis of two existing traditions: the picaresque novel, and the personal journal or the memoir. Why is that?Answer Selected Answer:Because of its emphasis on the development of the individual.#Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophical tenets, the UnpardonableSinner is an individual who tries to separate his intellect from the heart, in a lack of reverence for the human soul, looking on mankind as the subject of his experiment. What character can beconsidered as such:Answer Selected Answer:Roger Chillingworth#Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith works inAnswer Selected Answer:the Ministry of Truth.#Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWho is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?Answer Selected Answer:

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Uncle Toby’s servant.#Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectThe orbed maiden in Shelley’s poem The Cloud is

Answer Selected Answer:the Moon.#Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectThe idea of perpetual .……. is evident in Shelley’s The Cloud

Answer Selected Answer:transgression#Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectThe story of Tristram’s life and opinions begins in:Answer Selected Answer: book 4#Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn the novel David Copperfield, the character Betsey Trotwood is:Answer Selected Answer:strong-headed and eccentric#Întrebarea nr. 32

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectHow does Crusoe name the island on which he was shipwrecked?Answer 

Selected Answer:The Island of Despair #Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn The Bear, the one who teaches the protagonist the secrets of wilderness is calledAnswer Selected Answer:

Sam Fathers.#Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the regime of the underlined verb in the sentence Max is smoking.Answer Selected Answer:derived intransitive (object demotion)#Întrebarea nr. 35

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectWhich is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence The reports were believed false.Answer Selected Answer:Object Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Object)#Întrebarea nr. 36

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He painted the door with a new brush.

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Answer Selected Answer:Adverbial of Manner #Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: We met the Jonesesunexpectedly in New York last year.Answer Selected Answer:Adverbial of Place#Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the basic regime of the underlined verb in the sentence This meat cuts with difficulty.Answer Selected Answer:transitive#Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic functions in the sentence: There are two mistakes in your translation.Answer Selected Answer:Dummy Subject, Existential BE, Deep Subject, Adverbial of Place#Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectThe syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John hit the man with a redflashlight is:Answer Selected Answer:Prepositional Object or Noun Modifier (depending on the semantic interpretation of thesentence)

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#Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

May I start now?Answer Selected Answer: permission#Întrebarea nr. 42

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify which of the following tests performed on the underlined predicates induce aspectualrecategorization:

a). the progressive aspect b). a mass noun as direct object

1). John read the first chapter of the book.2). Thomas ate apples for quite a while.3). Jane is kind to her children.Answer Selected Answer:1a, 2a, 3b#Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the value of the first tense in the following sentence:

He wrote the address and posted the envelope.Answer Selected Answer:the past perfect#Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

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CorrectOn the epistemic interpretation modal verbs evince the following syntactic patterns:Answer Selected Answer:

they can occur with the perfect infinitive#Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb MUST in the followingsentence:

You must be a faithful friend.

Answer Selected Answer: both readings are possible depending on the larger context#Întrebarea nr. 46

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking into account the use of the articles:

1) The unemployment became worse as industries failed.2) Public health in England is of a high order.3) The goverment is trying to find work for the unemployed.

a) grammatical sentence b) ungrammatical sentenceAnswer Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3b#Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify which of the underlined nouns is an inherently [-count] noun and which is a contextually[+count] noun:

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1) You cannot prevent your neighbours having a nice gossip in the street.2) Waiter, there is a hair in my soup.3) In my leisure hours I would listen to opera music.

a) inherently [-count]

 b) contextually [+count]Answer Selected Answer:1b, 2b, 3a#Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

He may come later in the afternoon.Answer Selected Answer: both interpretations depending on the larger context#Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify which of the adverbials in a-c can be used with the tenses indicated in 1-3:

a). only with the past tense b). only with the present perfectc). with neither of these tenses

1). not long after that2). as soon as3). in the futureAnswer Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3c#Întrebarea nr. 50

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammatical predications:

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a). grammatical b). ungrammatical

1). Harry is keeping an eye on the kettle.

2). It is being quite windy today.3). Your books are lying under the shelf.Answer Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b


• Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Max provedto be the best manager they had ever had.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Subject Clause, Noun Modifier Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 22 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:

We are sorry that he failed the exam.AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: That he wonthe competition proved that he had worked very hard.

AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause, Main Clause, Direct Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 40 din 2 puncte

Finite clauses contain a finite verb phrase whose head is a verb obligatorily marked

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for:AnswerSelected Answer:Aspect and Voice

• Întrebarea nr. 52 din 2 puncte

Specify the agreement rule applying in the following sentence: That he failed andthat he didn’t care…AnswerSelected Answer:singular agreement: was no surprise to anyone

• Întrebarea nr. 62 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause: John has known it for a long time that Mary will leave him.AnswerSelected Answer:Direct Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 72 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:He boasted that he was the best player in the team.AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 82 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: They’re anxious for you to help them.

AnswerSelected Answer:Infinitival Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: She

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closed the door with rage.AnswerSelected Answer:Adverbial of Manner

• Întrebarea nr. 102 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Shedecorated the room in a minimalist fashion.AnswerSelected Answer:‘Affected’ Direct Object

• Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence Johnlent his mother a masterpiece.AnswerSelected Answer:Direct Object

• Întrebarea nr. 122 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: All thecredit for this belongs to our sales staff.AnswerSelected Answer:Indirect Object

• Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John

called that book a masterpiece.AnswerSelected Answer:Object Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Object)

• Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He wasarguing with his wife about money.AnswerSelected Answer:Reciprocal Prepositional Object

• Întrebarea nr. 152 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Helectures to the students on drama.AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object

• Întrebarea nr. 162 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tenseb). the simple present perfectc). the past tense progressive

1). No, I (call) only on Monday.2). She broke her arm while she (come down) the stairs.

3). In China, Thomas (notice) different table customs from Europe.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2c, 3b

• Întrebarea nr. 172 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the underlined nouns is an inherently [-count] noun and which is acontextually [-count] noun:

1) He shouted a lot of filth at the other driver.2) Add some melon to this salad and taste it.3) He never reads the gossip column in the magazines.

a) inherently [-count]b) contextually [-count]Answer

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Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

• Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

Specify the appropriate agreement with the verb for the underlined nouns:

1) Police (be) here.2) Macaroni (be boiled) in water.3) The aircraft (be due) to take off in half an hour.

a) the verb in the singularb) the verb in the pluralc) the verb either in the singular or in the pluralAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c

• Întrebarea nr. 190 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by takinginto account the use of the definite article:

1) The museums of the town are closed on Monday.

2) I'll see you the next Monday.3) The next Monday is a holiday.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3b

• Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

May I start now?AnswerSelected Answer:permission

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• Întrebarea nr. 210 din 2 puncte

On the epistemic interpretation modal verbs evince the following syntactic patterns:

AnswerSelected Answer:they cannot occur in the progressive

• Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the past tenseb). the present perfect

1). Since you (explain) the main point to me I could solve the problem.2). I will call you after my parent (leave).3). He (abandon) the cause many years ago.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

• Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the effect triggered by the presence of a perfect infinitive after the modalverb in the sentence:

 You must be a faithful husband.AnswerSelected Answer:a change from the deontic to the epistemic interpretation of the modal

• Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). activityb). accomplishmentc). state

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1). They sailed into the harbour.2). They sailed in the Pacific for three weeks.3). John believes in the devil.AnswerSelected Answer:

1b, 2a, 3c

• Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tenseb). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3c

• Întrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, …..… acts as the cloud’s pilot.

AnswerSelected Answer:thunder

• Întrebarea nr. 272 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” famously nourishes the thirsting…….

AnswerSelected Answer:flowers.

• Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

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 Tristram was:AnswerSelected Answer:he had an elder brother.

• Întrebarea nr. 292 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of each stanzaare………AnswerSelected Answer:tetrameters.

• Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

 The plot of the novel David Copperfield is picaresque in design in the sense that:AnswerSelected Answer:Dickens was trying to see the term “picaresque” from a new perspective.

• Întrebarea nr. 312 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who is the protagonist’s father?

AnswerSelected Answer:Uncle Buck.

• Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

Dickens’ David Copperfield exhibits a strong link between Romantic imagination and…………. which renders the fictional world as stylized perception of the real world.Answer

Selected Answer:fairy-tale fancy

• Întrebarea nr. 332 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter Pearl, although only a small child, embarrassesDimmesdale by asking him if:

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AnswerSelected Answer:he will stand on the pillory with her and her mother the following day.

• Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, the one who teaches the protagonist the secrets of wilderness is calledAnswerSelected Answer:Sam Fathers.

• Întrebarea nr. 352 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what is scarce?AnswerSelected Answer:All of the above.

• Întrebarea nr. 362 din 2 puncte

In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne describes the customs of:AnswerSelected Answer:

the 17th century Puritan New England.

• Întrebarea nr. 372 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, Dickens’s manner of characterisation is achievedthroughAnswerSelected Answer:all variants.

• Întrebarea nr. 382 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia considers that Malvolio suffers from ...AnswerSelected Answer:midsummer madness.

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• Întrebarea nr. 390 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the seventh stanza abounds in……….

images.AnswerSelected Answer:aural

• Întrebarea nr. 402 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” is a symbol standing for:AnswerSelected Answer:eternity and immortality.

• Întrebarea nr. 412 din 2 puncte

In The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s husband reveals his true identity to her as he tries:AnswerSelected Answer:to find out who her lover is.

• Întrebarea nr. 422 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what does a voice in a dream tell Winston C. Smith?AnswerSelected Answer:”We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

• Întrebarea nr. 432 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s past is brought to life by:AnswerSelected Answer:Stanley.

• Întrebarea nr. 442 din 2 puncte

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In the end of the novel The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale found the resolve to admit inpublic that:AnswerSelected Answer:

he was Pearl’s father.

• Întrebarea nr. 452 din 2 puncte

What American actor became famous after playing Stanley in A Streetcar NamedDesire?AnswerSelected Answer:Marlon Brando.

• Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

According to the description of nature in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci theopening of the poem is set in………

AnswerSelected Answer:autumn.

• Întrebarea nr. 472 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia repels Orsino’s advances being ...AnswerSelected Answer:in mourning for the death of her brother.

• Întrebarea nr. 482 din 2 puncte

Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?AnswerSelected Answer:Uncle Toby’s servant.

• Întrebarea nr. 492 din 2 puncte

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From a technical point of view, which is the difference between the concepts of story and of plot?AnswerSelected Answer:

Story is the chronologically-ordered representation of all the information concerningcharacters, events and settings. It is an abstract version of events, while the plot isthe structured matter of the novel.

• Întrebarea nr. 502 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist encounter on his last trip to the woods?AnswerSelected Answer:None of the above.

Denumire: Limba şi literatura englezăStarea: CompletatRezultatul: 100 din 100 puncte

 Test terminat în: 13 minutes, and 36 seconds out of 1 hour.Instrucţiuni:

*Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: It wasannounced that the police were trying to catch the thieves red-handed.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Subject Clause, Direct Object Clause*

Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:My apprehension was that I could lose my advantage.

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AnswerSelected Answer:Predicative Clause*Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

Correct THAT clauses differ from NP-s in that they do not behave the same in respect to:AnswerSelected Answer:Agreement rules*Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: He toldme that he would come earlier.AnswerSelected Answer:Dative Movement*Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: The truth is that Idon’t love him any more.AnswerSelected Answer:Predicative Clause*

Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:He boasted that he was the best player in the team.Answer

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Selected Answer:Prepositional Object Clause*Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made amistake was clear.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause*Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: It isessential for you to go there.AnswerSelected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion*Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the following elements: determiners and pluralization:

1) James has made a great progress since he joined our class.2) James has made great progress since he joined our class.3) James has made great progresses since he joined our class.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b*Întrebarea nr. 10

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the status of the verb WILL in the following sentences:

a) auxiliary modal verbb) auxiliary verb indicating the future tense

1) I will do that.2) Unless he will come I go there alone.3) He will do it tomorrow.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2a, 3b*Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) The cat was hidden in the laundry basket.2) Her sister worked in a laundry.3) The audience were rocking with laughter at he cinema.

a) contextually[+count]b) inherently [-count]c) inherently [+count]AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b*Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammaticalpredications:

a). grammaticalb). ungrammatical

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1). Harry is keeping an eye on the kettle.2). It is being quite windy today.3). Your books are lying under the shelf.Answer

Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a*Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). accomplishmentb). activityc). state

1). John is losing temper.2). James drank himself silly.3). Samuel owned two apartments.AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c*

Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the following elements: determiners and pluralization:

1) They're installing a lot of new machinery at the factory.2) They are installing a lot of new machineries at the factory.

3) The accoustics of this auditorium are excellent.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a*

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Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte


Specify which of the tenses listed under a-c can be used with the adverbs indicatedin 1-3:

a). only with the future perfect tenseb). only with the present perfectc). with both the above tenses

1). yet2). by this time next week3). alreadyAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c*Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the modal effect triggered by the presence of the perfect infinitive after themodal verb in the sentence below:

 You must be a faithful friend.AnswerSelected Answer:a change from a deontic to an epistemic interpretation*Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentencebelow:

 You will put the box in the van.AnswerSelected Answer:request

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*Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentencebelow:

A falling drop will hollow the stone.AnswerSelected Answer:habitual WILL*Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s famous line is: “I have always relied on thekindness of ………..……”AnswerSelected Answer:strangers.*Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Shelley’s poem The Cloud the morning star shines ……… at dawn.

AnswerSelected Answer:dead*

Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectDickens’ David Copperfield exhibits a strong link between Romantic imagination and…………. which renders the fictional world as stylized perception of the real world.Answer

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Selected Answer:fairy-tale fancy*Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn David Copperfield, Dickens makes a disguised portrait of his father through thecharacter of AnswerSelected Answer:Mr. Micawber*Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat does Crusoe consider himself to have been the instrument of what?AnswerSelected Answer:of his own destruction*Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith commits ”thoughtcrime” by writingAnswerSelected Answer:a diary.*Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat is Crusoe planting in the place in which he first becomes a planter in thefourth year?AnswerSelected Answer:Cane

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*Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn The Bear, what do they use to kill the bear?AnswerSelected Answer:None of the above.*Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of each stanzaare………AnswerSelected Answer:tetrameters.*Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectOrsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...AnswerSelected Answer:If music be the food of love, play on.*Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

Correct Tristram Shandy was published inAnswerSelected Answer:the Age of Reason.*Întrebarea nr. 30

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat does Crusoe build with the sails of the ship?

AnswerSelected Answer:a tent in which he brings perishable goods.*Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Nineteen Eighty-four, Newspeak is forAnswerSelected Answer:all of the above.*Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

Correct The dialogue between the two speakers in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci isinitiated by……..

AnswerSelected Answer:an unknown person.*Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night, the subtitle of Twelfth Night is ...

AnswerSelected Answer:What You Will*Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

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CorrectIn Twelfth Night, Feste visits Malvolio to mock his “insanity” ...AnswerSelected Answer:disguised as a priest.

*Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

Correct Twelfth Night is a play about ...AnswerSelected Answer:mistaken identity.*Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Shelley’s poem The Cloud the main structural device is the figure of speechknown as………AnswerSelected Answer:personification.

*Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” is a symbol standing for:AnswerSelected Answer:eternity and immortality.

*Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn the novel David Copperfield, Dickens’s manner of characterisation is achievedthrough

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AnswerSelected Answer:all variants.*Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night, Olivia considers that Malvolio suffers from ...AnswerSelected Answer:midsummer madness.*Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

Correct The message concluding The Scarlet Letter could be: to develop one’s moralpotential one must:AnswerSelected Answer:protect one’s moral worth because it is irreparable.*Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat does Crusoe think about the money he discovers on the ship?AnswerSelected Answer:

 That the money is of no use for him, that it is a drug.*Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

Correct The historical period to which Hawthorne often resorted in his fiction was:AnswerSelected Answer:the colonial, Calvinist past.

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*Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Tristram Shandy, Book One, a black page is connected with

AnswerSelected Answer:

 Yorick’s passing away.*Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Helectures to the students on drama.AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object*Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: He galloped thehorse up the hill.AnswerSelected Answer:causative transitive*Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:Professor Smith lectures on Greek philosophy to the second year students every

 Tuesday.AnswerSelected Answer:

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Indirect Object*Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Joan ishaving her coffee on the porch.AnswerSelected Answer:Non-contrastive Direct Object*Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

Correct The syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John hit theman with a red flashlight is:AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object or Noun Modifier (depending on the semantic interpretation of the sentence)*Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Thedress costs 200$.AnswerSelected Answer:Quantifying Adverbial*

Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: We metthe Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.Answer

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Selected Answer:Adverbial of Place

27 iunie 2011 17:27:13 EEST

Întrebarea nr. 1 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Helectures to the students on drama.AnswerSelected Answer: Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 2 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: We metthe Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.AnswerSelected Answer: Adverbial of Place

Întrebarea nr. 3 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Helectures to the students on drama.AnswerSelected Answer: Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 4 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Theyoung man carved this statue.AnswerSelected Answer: ‘Effected’ Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 5 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Thedoctor walked his patient to the door.AnswerSelected Answer: Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 6 2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Therewas an accident at the crossroads.AnswerSelected Answer: Subject

Întrebarea nr. 7 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: They had doneaway with this piece of legislation.AnswerSelected Answer: complex intransitive

Întrebarea nr. 8 2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel David Copperfield, is nottrue:

AnswerSelected Answer: David is younger than Dora and feels sympathy for her in thesame way as an adult feels sympathy for a child.

Întrebarea nr. 9 2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, children are indoctrinated in an organization called


Selected Answer: Spies.

Întrebarea nr. 10 2 din 2 puncte

Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?

AnswerSelected Answer: Uncle Toby’s servant.

Întrebarea nr. 11 2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what is scarce?

AnswerSelected Answer: All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 12 2 din 2 puncte

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In the novel David Copperfield, in his relation with Dora, David seems to be tornbetween wishing his wife

AnswerSelected Answer: was more mature and reproaching himself for wanting to change


Întrebarea nr. 13 2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the main structural device is the figure of speechknown as………

AnswerSelected Answer: personification.

Întrebarea nr. 14 2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter is true:

AnswerSelected Answer: Hester’s husband, Arthur Dimmesdale, returns incognito andsettles in the town under the name of Richard Chillingworth.

Întrebarea nr. 15 2 din 2 puncte

 The story of Tristram’s life and opinions begins in:

AnswerSelected Answer: book 4

Întrebarea nr. 16 2 din 2 puncte

In the end of the novel The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale found the resolve to admit inpublic that:


Selected Answer: he was Pearl’s father.

Întrebarea nr. 17 2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist have with him when he meets the bear forthe first time?


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Selected Answer: None of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 18 2 din 2 puncte

Orsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...

AnswerSelected Answer: If music be the food of love, play on.

Întrebarea nr. 19 2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Malvolio is taken in by Maria with the help of ...

AnswerSelected Answer: a forged love letter from Olivia.

Întrebarea nr. 20 2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, which class rules Oceania?

AnswerSelected Answer: The Inner Party.

Întrebarea nr. 21 2 din 2 puncte

 The plot of the novel David Copperfield is picaresque in design in the sense that:

AnswerSelected Answer: Dickens was trying to see the term “picaresque” from a newperspective.

Întrebarea nr. 22 2 din 2 puncte

 The orbed maiden in Shelley’s poem The Cloud is


Selected Answer: the Moon.

Întrebarea nr. 23 2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the subtitle of Twelfth Night is ...

AnswerSelected Answer: What You Will

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Întrebarea nr. 24 2 din 2 puncte

How does Crusoe name the island on which he was shipwrecked?

AnswerSelected Answer: The Island of Despair

Întrebarea nr. 25 2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist encounter on his last trip to the woods?

AnswerSelected Answer: None of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 26 2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the supposed love letter from Olivia asks Malvolio to ...

AnswerSelected Answer: all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 27 2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knows that sheis ……

AnswerSelected Answer: immortal.

Întrebarea nr. 28 2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith believes that hope for a radical change insociety lies in


Selected Answer: the proles.

Întrebarea nr. 29 2 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, Uriah Heep is

AnswerSelected Answer: one of Wickfield’s clerks.

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Întrebarea nr. 30 2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the poet describes the outer appearance of the ailing knight in images borrowed from the……….. world.

AnswerSelected Answer: vegetal

Întrebarea nr. 31 2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following is a Bildungsroman?

AnswerSelected Answer: Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

Întrebarea nr. 32 2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Mitch jilts Blanche because

AnswerSelected Answer: he finds out about her past.

Întrebarea nr. 33 2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verb


He composed the symphony last year.

AnswerSelected Answer: from an activity into an accomplishment

Întrebarea nr. 34 2 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammaticalpredications:

a). grammaticalb). ungrammatical

1). John is knowing Latin.

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2). I am seeing my friend from abroad tomorrow.3). Ukraine is lying North-East of Romania.

AnswerSelected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 35 2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). stateb). activityc). achievement

1). Mary is being clumsy.2). Mary is clumsy.3). Jane sat down suddenly on the chair.

AnswerSelected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 36 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation of the modal verb CAN in the sentence below:

She can be awful at times.

AnswerSelected Answer: characteristic reading

Întrebarea nr. 37 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the aspectual classes listed in a-c to which the underlined predicatesbelong:

a). achievement

b). activityc). accomplishment

1). John taught linguistics in a college.2). They left the country two years ago.3). She wrote her significant novels in her youth.


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Selected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 38 0 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tenseb). the past tense progressivec). the simple present perfect

1). I not (speak) with him since last week.2). When you (receive) the long distance call?3). While he (inspect) the precious art object he noticed a nasty flaw.

AnswerSelected Answer: 1a, 2b, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 39 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva

a) the definite article

b) the indefinite articlec) the zero article

AnswerSelected Answer: 1a, 2c, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 40 2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tenseb). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.

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AnswerSelected Answer: 1a, 2b, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 41 2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple present perfectb). the past tense progressivec). the present perfect progressive

1). He (live) in Bucharest for 10 years.2). I’ll call you after my guests (leave).3). I (walk) in the street when my cousin called me.

AnswerSelected Answer: 1c, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 42 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verbs inthe contexts given in 1-3:

a). an activity recategorized into an accomplishmentb). a state recategorized into an activityc). an achievement/semelfactive recategorized into an activity

1). John kicked the ball for a couple of minutes.2). John read the whole chapter last night.3). I am smelling smoke coming from the kitchen.

AnswerSelected Answer: 1c, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 43 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: No doubt he willclaim that his car broke down.AnswerSelected Answer: Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 44 2 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: John

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promised me that he would come.AnswerSelected Answer: Dative Movement

Întrebarea nr. 45 2 din 2 puncte

Non-finite clauses contain a non-finite verb phrase whose head is a verb possiblymarked for:AnswerSelected Answer: Aspect and Voice

Întrebarea nr. 46 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:She is not at work, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that she is ill.AnswerSelected Answer: Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 47 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made amistake was clear.AnswerSelected Answer: Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 48 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: They’re anxious for you to help them.AnswerSelected Answer: Infinitival Clause

Întrebarea nr. 49 2 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause:She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like that.Answer

Selected Answer: THAT Clause – Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 50 2 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence:She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like thatAnswerSelected Answer: Extraposition + It-insertion

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27 iunie 2011 17:42:35 EEST


Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist get at the end of the fourth section?AnswerSelected Answer:All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 22 din 2 puncte

In the third section of The Bear, who is the protagonist supposed to accompany tomake sure that some of the whiskey will arrive safely at the hunting camp?AnswerSelected Answer:Boon Hogganbeck.

Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...AnswerSelected Answer:suffers from self-love.

Întrebarea nr. 42 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist have with him when he meets the bear forthe first time?AnswerSelected Answer:None of the above.

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Întrebarea nr. 52 din 2 puncte

Hawthorne’s pictorial analogies for his verbal art of the ROMANCE can be associatedwith:AnswerSelected Answer:the Horatian “ut pictura poesis” dictum of neoclassicism.

Întrebarea nr. 62 din 2 puncte

 The function of one of the longest sentences in English literature that occurs in TheBear is to showAnswerSelected Answer:the way the human mind works.

Întrebarea nr. 72 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s past is brought to life by:

AnswerSelected Answer:Stanley.

Întrebarea nr. 82 din 2 puncte

Orsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...Answer

Selected Answer:If music be the food of love, play on.

Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, …..… acts as the cloud’s pilot.

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AnswerSelected Answer:thunder

Întrebarea nr. 102 din 2 puncte

What animals did Crusoe domesticate?

AnswerSelected Answer:Goats.

Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what does a voice in a dream tell Winston C. Smith?AnswerSelected Answer:”We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

Întrebarea nr. 120 din 2 puncte

Which of the following statements about Laurence Sterne’s novel Tristram Shandy istrue?AnswerSelected Answer:it is a meta-novel,using a subjective, psychological time.

Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

We are told by the author that Robinson Crusoe was sold as a slave. When does thishappen?AnswerSelected Answer:When he is the captain of a ship heading for Guinea, and they are captured by thepirates and sold to the Moors.

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Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, which class rules Oceania?AnswerSelected Answer:

 The Inner Party.

Întrebarea nr. 152 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” famously nourishes the thirsting…….

AnswerSelected Answer:flowers.

Întrebarea nr. 162 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, the character Betsey Trotwood is:Answer

Selected Answer:strong-headed and eccentric

Întrebarea nr. 172 din 2 puncte

In Chapter XI we are told that, after 15 years of solitude on the island, RobinsonCrusoe finds a footprint on the sand. He is terrified by the sight and thinks that:Answer

Selected Answer:the devil left it there to scare him.

Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

At the Nineteen Eighty-four’s ending, Winston C. Smith feels a strong love for

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AnswerSelected Answer:Big Brother.

Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter Pearl, although only a small child, embarrassesDimmesdale by asking him if:AnswerSelected Answer:he will stand on the pillory with her and her mother the following day.

Întrebarea nr. 202 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith commits ”thoughtcrime” by writingAnswerSelected Answer:a diary.

Întrebarea nr. 212 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, the narrator isAnswerSelected Answer:

 Tristram Shandy

Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

 The knight’s dream in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci combines… and…images.AnswerSelected Answer:aural and visual

Întrebarea nr. 232 din 2 puncte

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In Tristram Shandy, in the closing paragraphs, the characters are preoccupied with:


Selected Answer:a cock-and-bull story.

Întrebarea nr. 242 din 2 puncte

 The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, Uriah Heep, Mr.Murdstone) are:AnswerSelected Answer:a sign of their stereotypical behaviour and moral outlook.

Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the temporal transformations are measured by…….

AnswerSelected Answer:

natural phenomena.

Întrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: She became awarethat something was burning.AnswerSelected Answer:

Prepositional Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 272 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: I didn’t know thatshe had been married, since she seldom talked about herself.

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AnswerSelected Answer:Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the agreement rule applying in the following sentence: That he failed andthat he didn’t care…AnswerSelected Answer:singular agreement: was no surprise to anyone

Întrebarea nr. 292 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined string: She informed her mother-in-law, Elizabeth, that she had not changed her plan.AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

Specify the function of the subordinate clause: The problem is that I’ve run out of money.AnswerSelected Answer:Predicative Clause

Întrebarea nr. 312 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: It is obvious thatthey had different cultural perspectives.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause

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Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

Extraposition of THAT Clause is obligatory with the verb:

AnswerSelected Answer:to happen

Întrebarea nr. 332 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:My apprehension was that I could lose my advantage.AnswerSelected Answer:Predicative Clause

Întrebarea nr. 342 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) He is successfully running his own company at the age of 25.

2) The duke is proud of his family's antiquity.

a) mass termb) general termc) singular termAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a

Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

He can’t be that tall!AnswerSelected Answer:

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Întrebarea nr. 362 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verbs inthe contexts given in 1-3:

a). an activity recategorized into an accomplishmentb). a state recategorized into an activityc). an achievement/semelfactive recategorized into an activity

1). John kicked the ball for a couple of minutes.2). John read the whole chapter last night.3). I am smelling smoke coming from the kitchen.AnswerSelected Answer:1c, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 372 din 2 puncte

Identify the value of the present perfect in the following sentence:

He has broken the china plate.AnswerSelected Answer:resultative

Întrebarea nr. 382 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlined predicates

without inducing aspect shift:

a). the progressive formb). the adverbial in two hours

1). Mary discovered the treasure in the backyard.2). John ran to the car on fire.3). Harry walked in the park.

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AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following properties characterizes English modal verbs on theirepistemic interpretation:AnswerSelected Answer:modals can occur in the progressive

Întrebarea nr. 402 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tenseb). the past tense progressivec). the simple present perfect

1). I not (speak) with him since last week.2). When you (receive) the long distance call?

3). While he (inspect) the precious art object he noticed a nasty flaw.AnswerSelected Answer:1c, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 410 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking into

account the use of the definite article:

1) The museums of the town are closed on Monday.2) I'll see you the next Monday.3) The next Monday is a holiday.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentence

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AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the modal effect triggered by the presence of the perfect infinitive after themodal verb in the sentence below:

 You must be a faithful friend.AnswerSelected Answer:a change from a deontic to an epistemic interpretation

Întrebarea nr. 432 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the use of the articles:

1) The unemployment became worse as industries failed.2) Public health in England is of a high order.3) The goverment is trying to find work for the unemployed.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 442 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence Johncalled that book a masterpiece.AnswerSelected Answer:Object Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Object)

Întrebarea nr. 45

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: It wasdrizzling.

AnswerSelected Answer:Subject expressed by impersonal IT

Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence Johnlent his mother a masterpiece.AnswerSelected Answer:Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 472 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: I sentthe parcel to Manchester.Answer

Selected Answer:Adverbial of Direction

Întrebarea nr. 480 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: He hammered the nail into the wall.AnswerSelected Answer:

Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 492 din 2 puncte

 The sentence The lawyer looked at the judge with suspicious eyes can beinterpreted semantically in:

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AnswerSelected Answer:two ways

Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the basic regime of the underlined verb in the sentence This meat cuts withdifficulty.AnswerSelected Answer:transitive

27 iunie 2011 17:30:12 EES

• Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: I consider it proper that there should be no corruption in

the medical domain.




Main clause, Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

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THAT clauses differ from NP-s in that they do not behave the samein respect to:


SelectedAnswer:  Agreementrules

• Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

Non-finite clauses contain a non-finite verb phrase whose head is averb possibly marked for:




Aspect and Voice

Întrebarea nr. 42 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:The most dramatic evidence that John killed Mary came last week .




Noun ModifierClause

• Întrebarea nr. 5

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0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:

My apprehension was that I could lose my advantage.




Prepositional ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 6

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That 

he had made a mistake was clear.




Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 7

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: She

became aware that something was burning.





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• Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: That he won the competition proved that he had worked 

very hard .





Subject Clause, Main Clause, Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine is





• Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

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 The idea of perpetual .……. is evident in Shelley’s The Cloud 


SelectedAnswer:  transgression

• Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” famously nourishes thethirsting……. 





• Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith believes that hope for a radicalchange in society lies in





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• Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night,Viola arrives at Illyria after ...




surviving ashipwreck.

Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, Dickens’s manner of characterisation isachieved through


SelectedAnswer:  allvariants.

• Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Sterne uses a series of unconventional techniques. Thus, a cross appears on the page when Dr. Slop crosses himself, blankpages appear to represent pages torn out. What is the purpose of thesetechnical devices in Sterne’s construction of the narrative?


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to involve the reader in the process of ‘creation’ of thetext

• Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

How would you define the relationship between David and Dora in the novel David Copperfield?




a father/childrelationship.

• Întrebarea nr. 17

0 din 2 puncte

 The message concluding The Scarlet Letter could be: to develop one’smoral potential one must:




plunge into the depth of experiential knowledge in order toascend.

• Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

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In The Bear, who is the protagonist’s father?






• Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne describes the customs of:Answer



the 17th century Puritan NewEngland.

• Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

Why does Robinson leave home?




Because his father had destined him to a profession he

didn’t like.

• Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

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In Hawthorne’s vision, romance transforms the ordinary world into ……….and then back into the impression of life.





• Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Malvolio is taken in by Maria with the help of ...




a forged love letter fromOlivia.

• Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, the cloud’s various transformations arepresented in a/an …….. way. 





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• Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is





Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the main structural device is the figure of speech known as………


SelectedAnswer:  personification.

• Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

Is David Copperfield preeminently:





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• Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knowsthat she is …… 






• Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

How does Crusoe name the island on which he was shipwrecked?




 The Island of Despair

• Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

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 The knight’s dream in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci combines…and… images.


SelectedAnswer:  aural andvisual

• Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophicaltenets, the Unpardonable Sinner is an individual who tries to separate hisintellect from the heart, in a lack of reverence for the human soul, looking onmankind as the subject of his experiment. What character can be consideredas such:





• Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter 

is true:




Hester’s husband, Arthur Dimmesdale, returns incognito and

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settles in the town under the name of Richard Chillingworth.

• Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

“Tennessee” in Tennessee Williams is a pen name.






• Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

Orsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...




If music be the food of love, play 


• Întrebarea nr. 34

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: The girl bowed to the audience. 


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• Întrebarea nr. 35

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: She closed the door with rage.




Reciprocal DirectObject

• Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncte

 The sentence John hit the man with a red flashlight can be interpretedsemantically in:





• Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: She lives a miserable life.


SelectedAnswer:  Cognate Direct Object

• Întrebarea nr. 38

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: The doctor walked his patient to the door. 





Întrebarea nr. 390 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: He painted the door with a new brush.




Adverbial of Manner

• Întrebarea nr. 40

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2 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence

 John called that book a masterpiece.




Object Complement (Predicative Adjunct to theObject)

• Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlinedverb below:

He walked the dog out.




from an activity into anaccomplishment

• Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) The cat was hidden in the laundry basket.2) Her sister worked in a laundry.3) The audience were rocking with laughter at he cinema.

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a) contextually[+count]b) inherently [-count]c) inherently [+count]




1b, 2a,3b

• Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) He is successfully running his own company at the age of 25.2) The duke is proud of his family's antiquity.

a) mass termb) general termc) singular term





• Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) She took him by .......hand and they left.2) She went to ......university to continue her education.3) She went to ......university to meet her husband.

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 a) the zero articleb) the indefinite articlec) the definite article




1c, 2a,3c

• Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the modal effect triggered by the presence of the perfect infinitiveafter the modal verb in the sentence below:

You must be a faithful friend.





a change from a deontic to an epistemicinterpretation

• Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlinedpredicates without inducing aspect shift:

a). the adverbial in two hours

b). the adverb intentionally 

1). Jane wrote a report on what had happened.2). The police shot the suspect.

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3. John ran three laps round the stadium.





1a, 2b,3a

• Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests performed on the underlined predicatesinduce aspectual recategorization:

a). the progressive aspectb). a mass noun as direct object

1). John read the first chapter of the book.2). Thomas ate apples for quite a while.3). Jane is kind to her children.




1a, 2b,3a

• Întrebarea nr. 48

0 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by takinginto account the use of the articles:

1) The unemployment became worse as industries failed.2) Public health in England is of a high order.3) The goverment is trying to find work for the unemployed.

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 a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentence




1a, 2b,3b

• Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following properties characterizes English modal verbs:




modals can appear in the ‘coda’

Întrebarea nr. 500 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlinedverbs in the contexts given in 1-3:

a). an activity recategorized into an accomplishmentb). a state recategorized into an activity

c). an achievement/semelfactive recategorized into an activity

1). John kicked the ball for a couple of minutes.2). John read the whole chapter last night.3). I am smelling smoke coming from the kitchen.


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1a, 2b,3c

27 iunie 2011 12:16:02 EEST



Data şi ora: 27.06.2011 09:18

Denumire: Limba şi literatura engleză

Starea: Completat

Rezultatul: 94 din 100 puncte

Test terminat în: 7 minutes, and 13 seconds out of 1 hour.


• Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: That he

was the owner of the shop was finally proved by the police .Answer 

Selected Answer:Passivization

• Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct analysis of the complex sentence:She knows that John brags that the boss will hire him soon.Answer 

Selected Answer:Main Clause, Direct Object Clause, Prepositional Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 3

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined string: She informed her mother-in-

law, Elizabeth, that she had not changed her plan.

Answer Selected Answer:

Prepositional Object

• Întrebarea nr. 4

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause: He boasted that he was the best player in the team.


Selected Answer:Direct Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: I consider him to be a genius.

Answer Selected Answer:

Infinitival Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 6

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:The most dramatic evidence that John killed Mary came last week .

Answer Selected Answer:

Direct Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

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Non-finite clauses contain a non-finite verb phrase whose head is a verb possiblymarked for:Answer 

Selected Answer:Aspect and Voice

• Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence:  I found it 

strange that there were no mistakes in those students’ written papers.Answer 

Selected Answer: Main Clause, Direct Object Clause

• Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He has

separated from his wife.


Selected Answer:Prepositional Object

• Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence  John lent 

his mother a masterpiece.Answer 

Selected Answer:Direct Object

• Întrebarea nr. 11

0 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: There are two mistakes in your 


Selected Answer:Subject, Existential BE, Direct Object, Adverbial of Place

• Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The bus

collided with the van.


Selected Answer:

Prepositional Object• Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: 

 Professor Smith lectures on Greek philosophy to the second year students every


Selected Answer: Prepositional Object

• Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: We met 

the Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.


Selected Answer:Adverbial of Time

• Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The girl 

bowed to the audience. Answer 

Selected Answer:Indirect


• Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) She took him by .......hand and they left.2) She went to ......university to continue her education.

3) She went to ......university to meet her husband. 

a) the zero articleb) the indefinite articlec) the definite article


Selected Answer:1c, 2a, 3c

• Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests performed on the underlined predicates induceaspectual recategorization:

a). the progressive aspect b). a mass noun as direct object

1). John read the first chapter of the book.2). Thomas ate apples for quite a while.

3). Jane is kind to her children.Answer 

Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

• Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking into accountthe following elements: determiners and pluralization:

1) That ring your mother gave you is a fine jewelry.

2) You shouldn't keep so much jewelry in the house.3) You shouldn't keep so many jewelries in the house.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentence


Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b

• Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the past tense b). the present perfect

1). Since you (explain) the main point to me I could solve the problem.2). I will call you after my parent (leave).3). He (abandon) the cause many years ago.


Selected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

• Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verb below:The ball rolled down the hill.


Selected Answer:from an activity into an accomplishment

• Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlined predicateswithout inducing aspect shift:

a). the progressive form

 b). the adverbial in two hours

1). Mary discovered the treasure in the backyard.2). John ran to the car on fire.3). Harry walked in the park.Answer 

Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3a

• Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

May I start now?Answer 

Selected Answer: permission

• Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

You will put the box in the van.Answer 

Selected Answer:request

• Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

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a). the simple present perfect b). the past tense progressivec). the present perfect progressive

1). He (live) in Bucharest for 10 years.

2). I’ll call you after my guests (leave).3). I (walk) in the street when my cousin called me.Answer 

Selected Answer:1c, 2a, 3b

• Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

I must do what I can to protect my friend.Answer 

Selected Answer:self-compulsion

• Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, Uriah Heep, Mr.Murdstone) are:Answer 

Selected Answer:a sign of their stereotypical behaviour and moral outlook.

• Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

According to the description of nature in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci theopening of the poem is set in……… Answer 

Selected Answer:

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• Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

How would you define the relationship between David and Dora in the novel DavidCopperfield?Answer 

Selected Answer:a father/child relationship.

• Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, the Thought Police supervises citizens by means of Answer 

Selected Answer:all of the above.

• Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist get at the end of the fourth section?Answer 

Selected Answer:All of the above.

• Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte

Dickens’ David Copperfield exhibits a strong link between Romantic imagination and…………. which renders the fictional world as stylized perception of the real world.Answer 

Selected Answer:fairy-tale fancy

• Întrebarea nr. 32

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2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who entraps the wild dog?Answer 

Selected Answer:Sam Fathers.

• Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophical tenets, theUnpardonable Sinner is an individual who tries to separate his intellect from the heart, ina lack of reverence for the human soul, looking on mankind as the subject of hisexperiment. What character can be considered as such:Answer 

Selected Answer:Roger Chillingworth

• Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe build with the sails of the ship? Answer 

Selected Answer:a tent in which he brings perishablegoods.

• Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

Dickens’ narrative point(s) of view in David Copperfield and Great Expectations was/were:Answer 

Selected Answer:the first person

• Întrebarea nr. 36

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2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knows that she is……


Selected Answer:immortal.

• Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?Answer 

Selected Answer:Uncle Toby’s servant.

• Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, in his relation with Dora, David seems to be torn

 between wishing his wifeAnswer 


 was more mature and reproaching himself for wanting to changeher.

• Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of each stanza are………Answer 

Selected Answer:tetrameters.

• Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

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In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith commits ”thoughtcrime” by writingAnswer 

Selected Answer:a diary.

• Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci is one of the best English …….. of all times. Answer 

Selected Answer:

 ballads• Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

The historical period to which Hawthorne often resorted in his fiction was:Answer 

Selected Answer:the colonial, Calvinist past.

• Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

Laurence Sterne’s narrative method was:Answer 

Selected Answer:an initiation of the stream-of-consciousness technique.

• Întrebarea nr. 442 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith believes that hope for a radical change insociety lies inAnswer 

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Selected Answer:the proles.

• Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, who is vilified in the media as an arch-enemy?Answer 

Selected Answer:Emmanuel Goldstein.

• Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Newspeak is for Answer 

Selected Answer:all of the above.

• Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

In David Copperfield, the man with “black shallow eye”, black hair and whiskers, and asquare chin, reminding the narrator of an “wax-work”, is:Answer 

Selected Answer:Murdstone

• Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the poet describes the outer appearance of the ailing knight in images borrowed from the……….. world.Answer 

Selected Answer:vegetal

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• Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

What animals did Crusoe domesticate?


Selected Answer:Goats.

• Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine isAnswer 

Selected Answer:Ingsoc.

Revederea testului salvat: Limba şi literatura engleză

•  Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlinedverb below:

The ball rolled down the hill.




from an activity into anaccomplishment

•  Întrebarea nr. 2

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2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlinedverb below:

He walked the dog out.




from an activity into anaccomplishment

•  Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: N-a fost nevoie sa

 plec mai devreme pentru ca George s-a oferit sa ma ia cu masina.




I didn’t need to leave earlier as George offered to take me inhis car.

•  Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). accomplishmentb). statec). activity

1). Martin wrote a few lines.

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2). Martin was writing a few lines when his sister entered.3). The statue stands in the corner of the street.


SelectedAnswer:  1a, 2c,3b

•  Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tenseb). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.




1a, 2b,3c

•  Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva

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 a) the definite articleb) the indefinite articlec) the zero article




1a, 2c,3c

•  Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation of the modal verb CAN in the sentence below:

She can be awful at times.






•  Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the value of the modal verb MUST in the following sentence:

 You must have told her about it beforehand.





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•  Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

Match the following features with the aspectual situation types listed in 1-3:

a). [+stativity]b). [-telicity]c). [+telicity]

1). state predications2). activity predications3). event predications




1a, 2b,3c

•  Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the underlined nouns is an inherently [-count] noun andwhich is a contextually [+count] noun:

1) You cannot prevent your neighbours having a nice gossip in the street.2) Waiter, there is a hair in my soup.3) In my leisure hours I would listen to opera music.

 a) inherently [-count]

b) contextually [+count]Answer



1b, 2b,

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•  Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: All the credit for this belongs to our sales staff.






•  Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: There are two

mistakes in your translation.




Dummy Subject, Existential BE, Deep Subject, Adverbial of Place

•  Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence:They had done away with this piece of legislation.


SelectedAnswer:  complexintransitive

•  Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: Nothing could stophim from saving that woman.




Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional ObjectClause

•  Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: She decorated the room in a minimalist fashion.


SelectedAnswer:  ‘Affected’ Direct Object

•  Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in: He died a

cowardly death. :




derived with Cognate DirectObject

•  Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: She lives a wonderful life.




Cognate Direct Object

•  Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel David Copperfield,is not true:




David is younger than Dora and feels sympathy for her in thesame way as an adult feels sympathy for a child.

•  Întrebarea nr. 19

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2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, children are indoctrinated in an organizationcalled





•  Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the acts of seduction in stanzasfive to eight are actions mostly expressed via………. images.



SelectedAnswer:  aural

•  Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe think about the money he discovers on the ship?




 That the money is of no use for him, that it is a

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•  Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

What is Crusoe planting in the place in which he first becomes a planter in 

the fourth year ?





•  Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

According to the description of nature in John Keats’ La Belle Dame SansMerci the opening of the poem is set in………






•  Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Book One, a black page is connected with


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 Yorick’s passing


•  Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the temporal transformations are measuredby……. 





•  Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe build with the sails of the ship? 




a tent in which he brings perishablegoods.

•  Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

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In Nineteen Eighty-four, what does a voice in a dream tell Winston C.Smith?




”We shall meet in the place where there is nodarkness.”

•  Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

 The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, Uriah Heep,Mr. Murdstone) are:




a sign of their stereotypical behaviour and moraloutlook.

•  Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

In the third section of The Bear, who is the protagonist supposed toaccompany to make sure that some of the whiskey will arrive safely at thehunting camp?




Boon Hogganbeck.

•  Întrebarea nr. 30

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2 din 2 puncte

 The function of one of the longest sentences in English literature that occursin The Bear is to show




the way the human mindworks.

•  Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte

In David Copperfield, the man with “black shallow eye”, black hair andwhiskers, and a square chin, reminding the narrator of an “wax-work”, is:





•  Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:





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•  Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

 The dialogue between the two speakers in John Keats’ La Belle Dame SansMerci is initiated by……..




an unknownperson.

•  Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

In the end of the novel The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale found the resolveto admit in public that:




he was Pearl’sfather.

•  Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s past is brought to life by:





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•  Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophicaltenets, the Unpardonable Sinner is an individual who tries to separate hisintellect from the heart, in a lack of reverence for the human soul, looking onmankind as the subject of his experiment. What character can be consideredas such:





•  Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is





•  Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

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In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith believes that hope for a radicalchange in society lies in


SelectedAnswer:  theproles.

•  Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine is





•  Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter is true:





Hester’s husband, Arthur Dimmesdale, returns incognito andsettles in the town under the name of Richard Chillingworth.

•  Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

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In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knowsthat she is …… 





•  Întrebarea nr. 42

0 din 2 puncte

 The plot of the novel David Copperfield is picaresque in design in thesense that:




Dickens struggled not to depart from the 19th century literary


•  Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complexsentence: He told me that he would come earlier .





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•  Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: It was announced that the police were trying to catch the

thieves red-handed.




Main Clause, Subject Clause, Direct ObjectClause

•  Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: The

truth is that I don’t love him any more.





•  Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: Her main concern was that she might not have the

necessary evidence to prove her husband’s infidelity.


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Main Clause, Predicative Clause, NounModifier Clause

•  Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: It is well known that she is afraid to go to the Circus.




Main Clause, Subject Clause, Prepositional ObjectClause

•  Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: No

doubt he will claim that his car broke down.




Direct ObjectClause

•  Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: I found it strange that there were no mistakes in those

students’ written papers.




Main Clause, Direct ObjectClause

•  Întrebarea nr. 50

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: Max proved to be the best manager they had ever had.




Main Clause, Predicative Clause, Noun ModifierClause

27 iunie 2011 10:18:12 EEST

Limba şi literatura englezăStarea: CompletatRezultatul: 70 din 100 puncte

 Test terminat în: 22 minutes, and 39 seconds out of 1 hour.Instrucţiuni:

Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

Non-finite clauses contain a non-finite verb phrase whose head is a verb possiblymarked for:AnswerSelected Answer:

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Aspect and Voice

Întrebarea nr. 20 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: It waswell known that the thief was caught red handed.AnswerSelected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion

Întrebarea nr. 30 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct analysis of the complex sentence:She knows that John brags that the boss will hire him soon.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Subject Clause, Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 42 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: It isessential for you to go there.Answer

Selected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion

Întrebarea nr. 50 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: She became awarethat something was burning.AnswerSelected Answer:

Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 60 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence:She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like thatAnswer

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Selected Answer:Complex NP Shift

Întrebarea nr. 72 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:She is not at work, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that she is ill.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 82 din 2 puncte

 THAT clauses differ from NP-s in that they do not behave the same in respect to:AnswerSelected Answer:Agreement rules

Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel David Copperfield, is nottrue:Answer

Selected Answer:David is younger than Dora and feels sympathy for her in the same way as an adultfeels sympathy for a child.

Întrebarea nr. 102 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, the cloud’s various transformations are presented ina/an …….. way.

AnswerSelected Answer:materialistic

Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

From a technical point of view, which is the difference between the concepts of 

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story and of plot?AnswerSelected Answer:Story is the chronologically-ordered representation of all the information concerningcharacters, events and settings. It is an abstract version of events, while the plot is

the structured matter of the novel.

Întrebarea nr. 122 din 2 puncte

Which of the following is a Bildungsroman?AnswerSelected Answer:Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Newspeak is forAnswerSelected Answer:all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

In the Preface to The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s metaphors for romantic realismand romance are:AnswerSelected Answer:moonlight and firelight.

Întrebarea nr. 152 din 2 puncte

 Tristram was:

AnswerSelected Answer:he had an elder brother.

Întrebarea nr. 162 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith works in

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AnswerSelected Answer:the Ministry of Truth.

Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

 Tristram’s father was:AnswerSelected Answer:a natural philosopher.

Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, in the closing paragraphs, the characters are preoccupied with:

AnswerSelected Answer:a cock-and-bull story.

Întrebarea nr. 192 din 2 puncte

 Tristram Shandy consists of:Answer

Selected Answer:nine books.

Întrebarea nr. 202 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who is injured or about to die after the final confrontation?AnswerSelected Answer:All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 212 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s famous line is: “I have always relied on thekindness of ………..……”AnswerSelected Answer:

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Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

In Chapter XI we are told that, after 15 years of solitude on the island, RobinsonCrusoe finds a footprint on the sand. He is terrified by the sight and thinks that:AnswerSelected Answer:the devil left it there to scare him.

Întrebarea nr. 232 din 2 puncte

 The function of one of the longest sentences in English literature that occurs in TheBear is to showAnswerSelected Answer:the way the human mind works.

Întrebarea nr. 242 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, the one who teaches the protagonist the secrets of wilderness is calledAnswerSelected Answer:

Sam Fathers.

Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, the bear is calledAnswerSelected Answer:Old Ben.

Întrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Sterne uses a series of unconventional techniques. Thus, across appears on the page when Dr. Slop crosses himself, blank pages appear torepresent pages torn out. What is the purpose of these technical devices in Sterne’sconstruction of the narrative?Answer

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Selected Answer:to involve the reader in the process of ‘creation’ of the text

Întrebarea nr. 272 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter Pearl, although only a small child, embarrassesDimmesdale by asking him if:AnswerSelected Answer:he will stand on the pillory with her and her mother the following day.

Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the supposed love letter from Olivia asks Malvolio to ...AnswerSelected Answer:all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 292 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...AnswerSelected Answer:

suffers from self-love.

Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

 John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci is one of the best English …….. of all times.

AnswerSelected Answer:ballads

Întrebarea nr. 312 din 2 puncte

 The dialogue between the two speakers in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci isinitiated by……..AnswerSelected Answer:

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an unknown person.

Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe build with the sails of the ship?

AnswerSelected Answer:a tent in which he brings perishable goods.

Întrebarea nr. 332 din 2 puncte

 The main purpose of Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy is:AnswerSelected Answer:to illustrate the way a narrative is built.

Întrebarea nr. 340 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Hepainted the door with a new brush.AnswerSelected Answer:

Adverbial of Manner

Întrebarea nr. 352 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Sheclosed the door with rage.AnswerSelected Answer:Adverbial of Manner

Întrebarea nr. 362 din 2 puncte

 The sentence John hit the man with a red flashlight can be interpreted semanticallyin:AnswerSelected Answer:

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two ways

Întrebarea nr. 370 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Hewrote the application in ink.AnswerSelected Answer:Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 380 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: He hammered the nail into the wall.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 390 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence Johnlent his mother a masterpiece.AnswerSelected Answer:

Noun Modifier

Întrebarea nr. 400 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: All thecredit for this belongs to our sales staff.AnswerSelected Answer:‘Effected’ Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 410 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal values of the present tense in the sentences listed in 1-3:

a). the generic valueb). the habitual value

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c). the instantaneous value

1). Dogs bark.2). I beg your pardon.3). John smokes cigars.

AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 420 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the following elements: verbal agreement and determiners:

1) These fish are overcooked.2) This fish is overcooked.3) These fishes is overcooked.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1a; 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the tenses listed under a-c can be used with the adverbs indicatedin 1-3:

a). only with the past tenseb). only with the present perfectc). with both the above tenses

1). 10 years ago

2). lately3). recentlyAnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 440 din 2 puncte

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Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the use of the definite article:

1) The murderer was thrown into the prison.

2) They went sightseeing to the Danube Delta.3) The mount Fujiyama is a real symbol for the Japanese.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 450 din 2 puncte

Match the following features with the aspectual situation types listed in 1-3:

a). [+stativity]b). [-telicity]c). [+telicity]

1). state predications2). activity predications3). event predications

AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

Specify the effect triggered by the presence of a perfect infinitive after the modalverb in the sentence:

 You must be a faithful husband.

AnswerSelected Answer:a change from the deontic to the epistemic interpretation of the modal

Întrebarea nr. 470 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the verb WILL in the following sentences:

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a) auxiliary modal verbb) auxiliary verb indicating the future tense

1) I will do that.

2) Unless he will come I go there alone.3) He will do it tomorrow.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 482 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammaticalpredications:

a). grammaticalb). ungrammatical

1). Harry is keeping an eye on the kettle.2). It is being quite windy today.3). Your books are lying under the shelf.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 490 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the underlined nouns is an inherently [-count] noun and which is acontextually [-count] noun:

1) He shouted a lot of filth at the other driver.2) Add some melon to this salad and taste it.3) He never reads the gossip column in the magazines.

a) inherently [-count]b) contextually [-count]AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 50

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2 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal meaning conveyed by the following underlined verbal forms:

a). situation that involves a prediction

b). situation that involves a planned actionc). situation scheduled by external factors

1). You will feel better after some rest.2). I need your help tomorrow.3). Mary is starting work tomorrow.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2c, 3b


In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is


Selected Answer:

Hester’s husband

   Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte



In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the final stanza…….


Selected Answer:

is a round-up of the knight’s tale and the answer to the question asked in the first stanza.

Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte



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According to the description of nature in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the opening of thepoem is set in………



Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte



In the Preface to The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s metaphors for romantic realism and romance are:


Selected Answer:

moonlight and firelight.

Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte



Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?


Selected Answer:

Uncle Toby’s servant.

Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte


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In Tristram Shandy, Walter Shandy explains to Uncle Toby the contents of Slawkenbergius’s Latintreatise. What is this treatise about?



Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte



In The Bear, who entraps the wild dog?


Selected Answer:

Sam Fathers.

Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte



Tristram Shandy was published in


Selected Answer:

the Age of Reason.

Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

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The orbed maiden in Shelley’s poem The Cloud is


Selected Answer:

the Moon.

Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte



From a technical point of view, which is the difference between the concepts of story and of plot?


Selected Answer:

Story is the chronologically-ordered representation of all the information concerning characters, eventsand settings. It is an abstract version of events, while the plot is the structured matter of the novel.

Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte



In David Copperfield, the man with “black shallow eye”, black hair and whiskers, and a square chin,reminding the narrator of an “wax-work”, is:


Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 12

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2 din 2 puncte



In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knows that she is …… 


Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 13

0 din 2 puncte



In the novel David Copperfield, Dickens’s manner of characterisation is achieved through


Selected Answer:

burlesque associations.

Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte



What does Crusoe think about the money he discovers on the ship?


Selected Answer:

That the money is of no use for him, that it is a drug.

Întrebarea nr. 15

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0 din 2 puncte



Which of the following statements about Laurence Sterne’s novel Tristram Shandy is true?Answer 

Selected Answer:

it is a Bildungsroman, because it follows the story of the development of Tristram as an individual,through the multiple adventures he has, which shape his personality and ultimately help him find his placein society.

Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte



The idea of perpetual .……. is evident in Shelley’s The Cloud



Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte



In Nineteen Eighty-four, which class rules Oceania?


Selected Answer:

The Inner Party.

Întrebarea nr. 18

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2 din 2 puncte


CorrectIn The Bear, the bear is called


Selected Answer:

Old Ben.

Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte



In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, the cloud’s various transformations are presented in a/an …….. way.



Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte



In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s past is brought to life by:


Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 21

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2 din 2 puncte


CorrectHow does Crusoe leave: does he ask anyone’s consent?


Selected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte



In Tristram Shandy, Book One, a black page is connected with



Selected Answer:

Yorick’s passing away.

Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte



Dickens’ narrative point(s) of view in David Copperfield and Great Expectations was/were:


Selected Answer:

the first person

Întrebarea nr. 24

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2 din 2 puncte


CorrectIn Twelfth Night, Olivia considers that Malvolio suffers from ...


Selected Answer:

midsummer madness.

Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte



In Nineteen Eighty-four, what is scarce?


Selected Answer:

 All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the interpretation that may be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

We can meet one day after work.


Selected Answer:


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Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte


Specify the type of aspectual effect induced by the presence of be-progressive:

a). incompletion

b). iteration

1). James has been looking for a new hat

2). Her old uncle was dying

3). The train has been arriving late recently


Selected Answer:

1a, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.

2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.

3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva


a) the definite article

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b) the indefinite article

c) the zero article


Selected Answer:1a, 2c, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte



Identify the temporal values of the present tense in the sentences listed in 1-3:

a). the generic value

b). the habitual value

c). the instantaneous value

1). Dogs bark.

2). I beg your pardon.

3). John smokes cigars.


Selected Answer:

1a, 2c, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

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1) He is successfully running his own company at the age of 25.

2) The duke is proud of his family's antiquity.

a) mass term

b) general term

c) singular term


Selected Answer:

1b, 2a

Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

He may come later in the afternoon.


Selected Answer:

both interpretations depending on the larger context

Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte



Specify which of the tenses listed under a-c can be used with the adverbs indicated in 1-3:

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a). only with the future perfect tense

b). only with the present perfect

c). with both the above tenses

1). yet

2). by this time next week

3). already


Selected Answer:

1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte



Match the following features with the aspectual situation types listed in 1-3:

a). [+stativity]

b). [-telicity]

c). [+telicity]

1). state predications

2). activity predications

3). event predications


Selected Answer:

1a, 2b, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 34

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2 din 2 puncte


CorrectSpecify the status of the verb WILL in the following sentences:

a) auxiliary modal verb

b) auxiliary verb indicating the future tense

1) I will do that.

2) Unless he will come I go there alone.

3) He will do it tomorrow.


Selected Answer:

1a, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte



Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tense

b). the simple present perfect

c). the past tense progressive

1). No, I (call) only on Monday.

2). She broke her arm while she (come down) the stairs.

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3). In China, Thomas (notice) different table customs from Europe.


Selected Answer:

1a, 2c, 3bÎntrebarea nr. 36

0 din 2 puncte



Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John called that book amasterpiece.


Selected Answer:

Noun Modifier 

Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte



The syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John hit the man with a redflashlight is:


Selected Answer:

Prepositional Object or Noun Modifier (depending on the semantic interpretation of the sentence)

Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte



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Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: Jane reminded him of the approaching party.


Selected Answer:

Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional ObjectÎntrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Professor Smith lectures onGreek philosophy to the second year students every Tuesday.


Selected Answer:

Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte



The sentence The lawyer looked at the judge with suspicious eyes can be interpreted semantically in:


Selected Answer:

two ways

Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte



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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: They awarded Jim the firstprize for poetry.


Selected Answer:

Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: He galloped the horse up the hill.


Selected Answer:

causative transitive

Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte



What should you apply in order to correct the sentences below:

He is here is nice.

Mary had left nobody noticed.

Mary will buy the book proves that she is rich.


Selected Answer:

‘THAT’ (complementizer) insertion

Întrebarea nr. 44

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2 din 2 puncte



Specify the type of the subordinate clause: The idea that I should go there upsets me.Answer 

Selected Answer:

THAT Clause

Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: What puzzled everybody wasthat he was very difficult to talk to.


Selected Answer:

Subject Clause, Main Clause, Predicative Clause, Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte



Extraposition of THAT Clause is obligatory with the verb:


Selected Answer:

to happen

Întrebarea nr. 47

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2 din 2 puncte



Choose the well-formed complex sentence below:Answer 

Selected Answer:

John says the key opens the door.

Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: It was announced that thepolice were trying to catch the thieves red-handed.


Selected Answer:

Main Clause, Subject Clause, Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte



Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:

John has known it for a long time that Mary will leave him.


Selected Answer:

Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 50

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0 din 2 puncte


IncorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined string: She informed her mother-in-law, Elizabeth, that

she had not changed her plan.


Selected Answer:

Predicative Adjunct to the Direct Object

27 iunie 2011 13:39:36 EEST


Data şi ora: 27.06.2011 09:43

Denumire: Limba şi literatura engleză

Starea: Completat

Rezultatul: 96 din 100 puncte

Test terminat în: 16 minutes, and 28 seconds out of 1 hour.


• Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentenceThe doctor felt my pulse.


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• Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: She closed the door with rage.




Adverbial of Manner

• Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: She lives a miserable life.




Cognate Direct Object

• Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: All the credit for this belongs to our sales staff.





• Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: He hammered the

nail into the wall .




Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Adverbial of Direction

• Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: The young man carved this statue. 




‘Effected’ DirectObject

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• Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in thesentence: The dress costs 200$.





• Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: I found it strange that there were no mistakes in those

students’ written papers.




Main Clause, Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the well-formed complex sentence below:


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 John says the key opens thedoor.

• Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:The most dramatic evidence that John killed Mary came last week .




Noun ModifierClause

• Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:She cabled that she would arrive on the 18th of July.




Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: The

truth is that I don’t love him any more.


SelectedAnswer:  PredicativeClause

• Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct analysis of the complex sentence:She knows that John brags that the boss will hire him soon .




Main Clause, Direct Object Clause, Prepositional ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complexsentence: That he was the owner of the shop was finally proved by 

the police.





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• Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complexsentence: It was announced that the police were trying to catch the

thieves red-handed.




Main Clause, Subject Clause, Direct ObjectClause

• Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who is injured or about to die after the final confrontation?




All of theabove.

• Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

Hawthorne’s pictorial analogies for his verbal art of the ROMANCE can beassociated with:



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the Horatian “ut pictura poesis” dictum of neoclassicism.

• Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

 The dominant feature of Tennessee William’s personages is:





• Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the acts of seduction in stanzasfive to eight are actions mostly expressed via………. images.






• Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

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In Twelfth Night, the subtitle of Twelfth Night is ...




What You


• Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

Robinson Crusoe can be interpreted as the fruit of a synthesis of twoexisting traditions: the picaresque novel, and the personal journal or thememoir. Why is that?




Because of its emphasis on the development of theindividual.

• Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

Keats’ exceptional use of imagery in La Belle Dame Sans Merci is provedby the reiterated………. image that amplifies the knight’s grief for being

seduced and forsaken.Answer




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• Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...




suffers from self-


• Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

Where does Crusoe first become a planter?





• Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

Tristram Shandy consists of:



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• Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe consider himself to have been the instrument of what?




of his owndestruction

• Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Malvolio is taken in by Maria with the help of ...




a forged love letter fromOlivia.

Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

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In Nineteen Eighty-four, children are indoctrinated in an organizationcalled


SelectedAnswer:  Spies.

• Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

In the end of the novel The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale found the resolveto admit in public that:




he was Pearl’sfather.

• Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith’s resistance is broken in




all of theabove.

• Întrebarea nr. 31

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2 din 2 puncte

In the Preface of The Scarlet Letter, in Hawthorne’s vision ……… is the

neutral territory between reality and fairy land, where the Actual and theImaginary meet and fuse.





Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the temporal transformations are measuredby……. 





• Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” is a symbol standing for:




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eternity andimmortality.

• Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s marriage failed because:




none of theabove.

• Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s famous line is: “I have always

relied on the kindness of ………..……”





• Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncte

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In Tristram Shandy, Walter Shandy explains to Uncle Toby the contents of Slawkenbergius’s Latin treatise. What is this treatise about?





• Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following is a Bildungsroman?




Daniel Defoe’s RobinsonCrusoe

• Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, what is Corporal Trim’s main interest?





• Întrebarea nr. 39

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2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia repels Orsino’s advances being ...




in mourning for the death of herbrother.

• Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Book One, a black page is connected with





 Yorick’s passingaway. 

• Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the value of the modal verb MUST in the following sentence:

 You must have told her about it beforehand.




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• Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in thesentence below:

 You will put the box in the van.





• Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). stateb). activityc). achievement

1). Mary is being clumsy.2). Mary is clumsy.3). Jane sat down suddenly on the chair.




1b, 2a,3c

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• Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation of the modal verb CAN in the sentence below:

She can be awful at times.





• Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.

2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva

 a) the definite articleb) the indefinite articlec) the zero article




1a, 2c,3c

• Întrebarea nr. 46

0 din 2 puncte

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Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: Cafeaua era deja

dulce si n-ar fi trebuit sa-i mai pun zahar.




My coffee was already sweet so I needn’t had to put anysugar in it.

• Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). activityb). accomplishmentc). state

1). They sailed into the harbour.2). They sailed in the Pacific for three weeks.

3). John believes in the devil.




1b, 2a,3c

• Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verbs in thefollowing sentenceYou must be a faithful husband.

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both readings are possible depending on a largercontext

• Întrebarea nr. 49

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) He is successfully running his own company at the age of 25.2) The duke is proud of his family's antiquity.

a) mass termb) general termc) singular term





• Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the appropriate agreement with the verb for the underlined nouns:

1) Police (be) here.2) Macaroni (be boiled) in water.3) The aircraft (be due) to take off in half an hour.

a) the verb in the singular

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b) the verb in the pluralc) the verb either in the singular or in the plural


SelectedAnswer:  1b, 2a,3c

Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: I found itstrange that there were no mistakes in those students’ written papers.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 22 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: It is obvious that

they had different cultural perspectives.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: They’re anxious for you to help them.

AnswerSelected Answer:Infinitival Clause

Întrebarea nr. 42 din 2 puncte

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Extraposition of THAT Clause is obligatory with the verb:AnswerSelected Answer:to happen

Întrebarea nr. 52 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: Johnpromised me that he would come.AnswerSelected Answer:Dative Movement

Întrebarea nr. 60 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: That hewas the owner of the shop was finally proved by the police.AnswerSelected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion

Întrebarea nr. 7

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Whatpuzzled everybody was that he was very difficult to talk to.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause, Main Clause, Predicative Clause, Predicative Clause

Întrebarea nr. 8

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made amistake was clear.AnswerSelected Answer:Direct Object Clause

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Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

 The plot of the novel David Copperfield is picaresque in design in the sense that:AnswerSelected Answer:Dickens was trying to see the term “picaresque” from a new perspective.

Întrebarea nr. 100 din 2 puncte

Which of the following statements about Laurence Sterne’s novel Tristram Shandy istrue?AnswerSelected Answer:it is a Bildungsroman, because it follows the story of the development of Tristram asan individual, through the multiple adventures he has, which shape his personalityand ultimately help him find his place in society.

Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Newspeak is forAnswerSelected Answer:all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 122 din 2 puncte

Why does Robinson leave home?

AnswerSelected Answer:Because his father had destined him to a profession he didn’t like.

Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

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 Tristram was:AnswerSelected Answer:he had an elder brother.

Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Mr. Charrington isAnswerSelected Answer:all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 152 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s past is brought to life by:AnswerSelected Answer:Stanley.

Întrebarea nr. 162 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Julia works inAnswerSelected Answer:none of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 172 din 2 puncte

Dickens’ David Copperfield exhibits a strong link between Romantic imagination and…………. which renders the fictional world as stylized perception of the real world.AnswerSelected Answer:fairy-tale fancy

Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

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In Tristram Shandy, the narrator isAnswerSelected Answer:

 Tristram Shandy

Întrebarea nr. 192 din 2 puncte

What animals did Crusoe domesticate?

AnswerSelected Answer:Goats.

Întrebarea nr. 202 din 2 puncte

How would you define the relationship between David and Dora in the novel DavidCopperfield?AnswerSelected Answer:a father/child relationship.

Întrebarea nr. 212 din 2 puncte

In the end of the novel The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale found the resolve to admit inpublic that:AnswerSelected Answer:he was Pearl’s father.

Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

In The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s husband reveals his true identity to her as he tries:AnswerSelected Answer:

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to find out who her lover is.

Întrebarea nr. 232 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, which class rules Oceania?AnswerSelected Answer:

 The Inner Party.

Întrebarea nr. 242 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist’s maternal uncle leave him as a heritage?AnswerSelected Answer:IOUs.

Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel David Copperfield, is nottrue:

AnswerSelected Answer:David is younger than Dora and feels sympathy for her in the same way as an adultfeels sympathy for a child.

Întrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith believes that hope for a radical change in

society lies inAnswerSelected Answer:the proles.

Întrebarea nr. 272 din 2 puncte

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In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of each stanzaare………AnswerSelected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Walter Shandy explains to Uncle Toby the contents of Slawkenbergius’s Latin treatise. What is this treatise about?

AnswerSelected Answer:Noses

Întrebarea nr. 290 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s marriage failed because:AnswerSelected Answer:she was promiscuous.

Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the subtitle of Twelfth Night is ...AnswerSelected Answer:What You Will

Întrebarea nr. 312 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia considers that Malvolio suffers from ...AnswerSelected Answer:midsummer madness.

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Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

 The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, Uriah Heep, Mr.Murdstone) are:AnswerSelected Answer:a sign of their stereotypical behaviour and moral outlook.

Întrebarea nr. 332 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:AnswerSelected Answer:East European.

Întrebarea nr. 342 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva

a) the definite articleb) the indefinite articlec) the zero articleAnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2c, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 352 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal values of the present tense in the sentences listed in 1-3:

a). the generic value

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b). the habitual valuec). the instantaneous value

1). Dogs bark.2). I beg your pardon.

3). John smokes cigars.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2c, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 362 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the verb WILL in the following sentences:

a) auxiliary modal verbb) auxiliary verb indicating the future tense

1) I will do that.2) Unless he will come I go there alone.3) He will do it tomorrow.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 372 din 2 puncte

Identify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb MUST in thefollowing sentence:

 You must be a faithful friend.AnswerSelected Answer:

both readings are possible depending on the larger context

Întrebarea nr. 382 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following properties characterizes English modal verbs:Answer

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Selected Answer:modals can appear in the ‘coda’

Întrebarea nr. 392 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). activityb). statec). achievement

1). The argument rests on an invalid assumption.2). During the floods the river was flowing through the center of the town.3). He noticed the typing mistake in a second.AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 402 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verbs in the followingsentence

 You must be a faithful husband.

AnswerSelected Answer:both readings are possible depending on a larger context

Întrebarea nr. 412 din 2 puncte

Which class of verbs is compatible with the modal verb CAN:AnswerSelected Answer:verbs of cognition

Întrebarea nr. 422 din 2 puncte

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Specify the modal effect triggered by the presence of the perfect infinitive after themodal verb in the sentence below:

 You must be a faithful friend.

AnswerSelected Answer:a change from a deontic to an epistemic interpretation

Întrebarea nr. 432 din 2 puncte

Identify the value of the present perfect in the following sentence:

He has broken the china plate.AnswerSelected Answer:resultative

Întrebarea nr. 442 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: We metthe Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.

AnswerSelected Answer:Adverbial of Place

Întrebarea nr. 452 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The buscollided with the van.

AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

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 The sentence John hit the man with a red flashlight can be interpreted semanticallyin:AnswerSelected Answer:two ways

Întrebarea nr. 472 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Shelives a wonderful life.AnswerSelected Answer:Cognate Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 482 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Helectures to the students on drama.AnswerSelected Answer:Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 492 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Hewrote the application in ink.AnswerSelected Answer:Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 502 din 2 puncte

Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: He galloped thehorse up the hill.AnswerSelected Answer:

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causative transitive

27 iunie 2011 14:37:04 EESTOK 

Prenume şi nume: MAGDALENA VODA

Data şi ora: 27.06.2011 09:34

Denumire: Limba şi literatura engleză

Starea: Completat

Rezultatul: 92 din 100 puncte

 Test terminat în: 9 minutes, and 15 seconds out of 1 hour.


Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is





Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

In the Preface of The Scarlet Letter, in Hawthorne’s vision ……… is theneutral territory between reality and fairy land, where the Actual and theImaginary meet and fuse.

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Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine is





Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...Answer



suffers from self-love.

Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

 The story of Tristram’s life and opinions begins in:


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Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, the Thought Police supervises citizens by means of 




all of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:





Întrebarea nr. 8

0 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter istrue:



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Answer: Dimmesdale believes that Hester’s sin is greater than hisown.

Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following statements about Laurence Sterne’s novel TristramShandy is true?




It is a novel written in the third person, having an impersonaland omniscient narrator, who knows everything about all hischaracters.

Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

 Tristram was:




he had an elderbrother.

Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist have with him when he meets thebear for the first time?



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None of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

 The orbed maiden in Shelley’s poem The Cloud is 





Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s marriage failed because:




none of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?



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Answer: Uncle Toby’sservant.

Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophicaltenets, the Unpardonable Sinner is an individual who tries to separate hisintellect from the heart, in a lack of reverence for the human soul, looking onmankind as the subject of his experiment. What character can be consideredas such:





Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia considers that Malvolio suffers from ...





Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, Walter Shandy explains to Uncle Toby the contents of Slawkenbergius’s Latin treatise. What is this treatise about?

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Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

 The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, Uriah Heep,Mr. Murdstone) are:




a sign of their stereotypical behaviour and moraloutlook.

Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following is a Bildungsroman?




Daniel Defoe’s RobinsonCrusoe

Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night,Viola arrives at Illyria after ...


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surviving ashipwreck.

Întrebarea nr. 21

0 din 2 puncte

In the third section of The Bear, who is the protagonist supposed toaccompany to make sure that some of the whiskey will arrive safely at thehunting camp?





Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the poet describes the outerappearance of the ailing knight in images borrowed from the……….. world.





Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia repels Orsino’s advances being ...


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in mourning for the death of herbrother.

Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the supposed love letter from Olivia asks Malvolio to ...




all of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

Orsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...




If music be the food of love, playon.

Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) The cat was hidden in the laundry basket.2) Her sister worked in a laundry.3) The audience were rocking with laughter at he cinema.

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a) contextually[+count]b) inherently [-count]c) inherently [+count]




1b, 2a,3b

Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

Could I leave now?





Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in thesentence below:

A falling drop will hollow the stone.





Întrebarea nr. 29

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva

 a) the definite articleb) the indefinite articlec) the zero article


SelectedAnswer:  1a, 2c,3c

Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

May I start now?





Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

He can’t be that tall!





Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlinedpredicates without inducing aspect shift:

a). the progressive formb). the adverbial in two hours

1). Mary discovered the treasure in the backyard.2). John ran to the car on fire.3). Harry walked in the park.




1b, 2a,3a

Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal meaning conveyed by the following underlined verbalforms:

a). situation that involves a predictionb). situation that involves a planned actionc). situation scheduled by external factors

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1). You will feel better after some rest.2). I need your help tomorrow.3). Mary is starting work tomorrow.




1a, 2c,3b

Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tenseb). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.




1a, 2b,3c

Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). achievementb). activityc). accomplishment

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1). John drank three bottles of wine.2). Martin drinks a lot.3). Mary spotted the thief.




1c, 2b,3a

Întrebarea nr. 36

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause: The most dramatic evidence that John killed Mary came last week.




Prepositional ObjectClause

Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Thathe won the competition proved that he had worked very hard.


SelectedAnswer:  Subject Clause, Main Clause, Direct ObjectClause

Întrebarea nr. 38

0 din 2 puncte

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Specify the function of the subordinate clause: The problem is that I’ve runout of money.





Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Maxproved to be the best manager they had ever had.




Main Clause, Subject Clause, Noun ModifierClause

Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

What should you apply in order to correct the sentences below:He is here is nice.Mary had left nobody noticed.Mary will buy the book proves that she is rich.




‘THAT’ (complementizer)insertion

Întrebarea nr. 44

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:Professor Smith lectures on Greek philosophy to the second year studentsevery Tuesday.





Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:We met the Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.




Adverbial of  Time

Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The captain marched the soldiers up the hill.





Întrebarea nr. 47

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2 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence The doctor felt my pulse.





Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

 The sentence The lawyer looked at the judge with suspicious eyes can beinterpreted semantically in:






Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:He painted the door with a new brush.





Întrebarea nr. 50

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:She lives a miserable life.




Cognate Direct Object

27 iunie 2011 14:54:46 EEST


Prenume şi nume: MAGDALENA VODA

Data şi ora: 27.06.2011 09:34

Denumire: Limba şi literatura engleză

Starea: Completat

Rezultatul: 92 din 100 puncte

 Test terminat în: 9 minutes, and 15 seconds out of 1 hour.


Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is





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Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

In the Preface of The Scarlet Letter, in Hawthorne’s vision ……… is theneutral territory between reality and fairy land, where the Actual and theImaginary meet and fuse.





Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine is





Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...




suffers from self-

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Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

 The story of Tristram’s life and opinions begins in:





Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, the Thought Police supervises citizens by means of 





all of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley’s origins are:





Întrebarea nr. 8

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0 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter istrue:




Dimmesdale believes that Hester’s sin is greater than hisown.

Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following statements about Laurence Sterne’s novel TristramShandy is true?




It is a novel written in the third person, having an impersonal

and omniscient narrator, who knows everything about all hischaracters.

Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

 Tristram was:




he had an elderbrother.

Întrebarea nr. 11

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2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist have with him when he meets thebear for the first time?




None of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

 The orbed maiden in Shelley’s poem The Cloud is 






Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s marriage failed because:




none of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

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Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?




Uncle Toby’sservant.

Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter according to Hawthorne’s philosophicaltenets, the Unpardonable Sinner is an individual who tries to separate hisintellect from the heart, in a lack of reverence for the human soul, looking onmankind as the subject of his experiment. What character can be consideredas such:






Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia considers that Malvolio suffers from ...





Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

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In Tristram Shandy, Walter Shandy explains to Uncle Toby the contents of Slawkenbergius’s Latin treatise. What is this treatise about?





Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

 The names of characters in Dickens’s fiction (such as Grimwig, Uriah Heep,Mr. Murdstone) are:




a sign of their stereotypical behaviour and moral


Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

Which of the following is a Bildungsroman?




Daniel Defoe’s RobinsonCrusoe

Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

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In Twelfth Night,Viola arrives at Illyria after ...




surviving ashipwreck.

Întrebarea nr. 21

0 din 2 puncte

In the third section of The Bear, who is the protagonist supposed toaccompany to make sure that some of the whiskey will arrive safely at thehunting camp?





Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the poet describes the outerappearance of the ailing knight in images borrowed from the……….. world.





Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

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In Twelfth Night, Olivia repels Orsino’s advances being ...




in mourning for the death of herbrother.

Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, the supposed love letter from Olivia asks Malvolio to ...




all of theabove.

Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

Orsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...




If music be the food of love, playon.

Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) The cat was hidden in the laundry basket.2) Her sister worked in a laundry.3) The audience were rocking with laughter at he cinema.

a) contextually[+count]b) inherently [-count]c) inherently [+count]




1b, 2a,3b

Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

Could I leave now?





Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in thesentence below:

A falling drop will hollow the stone.


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Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of article that one should use before the underlined nouns:

1) I often listen to classical music on .....radio.2) .....Indian tea is famous all over the world.3) He seldom goes sailing on .......Lake Geneva

  a) the definite articleb) the indefinite articlec) the zero article




1a, 2c,3c

Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

May I start now?





Întrebarea nr. 31

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

He can’t be that tall!





Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlinedpredicates without inducing aspect shift:

a). the progressive formb). the adverbial in two hours

1). Mary discovered the treasure in the backyard.

2). John ran to the car on fire.3). Harry walked in the park.




1b, 2a,3a

Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal meaning conveyed by the following underlined verbalforms:

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a). situation that involves a predictionb). situation that involves a planned actionc). situation scheduled by external factors

1). You will feel better after some rest.

2). I need your help tomorrow.3). Mary is starting work tomorrow.




1a, 2c,3b

Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple future tenseb). the future progressive tensec). the simple present tense

1). She (be) twenty next week.2). This time next year he (sit) in the chairman’s chair.3). If my daughter (travel) abroad she will need a new suitcase.




1a, 2b,3c

Întrebarea nr. 352 din 2 puncte

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Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). achievementb). activityc). accomplishment

1). John drank three bottles of wine.2). Martin drinks a lot.3). Mary spotted the thief.




1c, 2b,3a

Întrebarea nr. 36

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause: The most dramatic evidence that John killed Mary came last week.




Prepositional ObjectClause

Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Thathe won the competition proved that he had worked very hard.




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Subject Clause, Main Clause, Direct ObjectClause

Întrebarea nr. 38

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: The idea that I should go thereupsets me.





Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause: John has known it for a long time that Mary will leave him.




Direct ObjectClause

Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

 THAT clauses differ from NP-s in that they do not behave the same in respectto:



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Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the function of the subordinate clause: The problem is that I’ve runout of money.





Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Max

proved to be the best manager they had ever had.




Main Clause, Subject Clause, Noun ModifierClause

Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

What should you apply in order to correct the sentences below:He is here is nice.Mary had left nobody noticed.Mary will buy the book proves that she is rich.

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‘THAT’ (complementizer)


Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:Professor Smith lectures on Greek philosophy to the second year studentsevery Tuesday.





Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:We met the Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.




Adverbial of  Time

Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The captain marched the soldiers up the hill.


SelectedAnswer:  DirectObject

Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence

 The doctor felt my pulse.





Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

 The sentence The lawyer looked at the judge with suspicious eyes can beinterpreted semantically in:





Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:He painted the door with a new brush.


SelectedAnswer:  PrepositionalObject

Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence:

She lives a miserable life.




Cognate Direct Object

27 iunie 2011 14:54:46 EEST


Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectDavid walked penniless to Dover to throw himself on the mercy of his aunt, Betsy

 Trotwood after:Answer

Selected Answer:he was sent to menial employment in London where he lived a life of poverty andmisery.#Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

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CorrectIn The Bear, what does the protagonist get at the end of the fourth section?AnswerSelected Answer:All of the above.

#Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn David Copperfield, Dickens makes a disguised portrait of his father through thecharacter of AnswerSelected Answer:Mr. Micawber#Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth isAnswerSelected Answer:Hester’s husband

#Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhich of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter is true:AnswerSelected Answer:Hester’s husband, Arthur Dimmesdale, returns incognito and settles in the town

under the name of Richard Chillingworth.#Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIs David Copperfield preeminently:

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AnswerSelected Answer:a Bildungsroman?#Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...AnswerSelected Answer:suffers from self-love.#Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the acts of seduction in stanzas five toeight are actions mostly expressed via………. images.

AnswerSelected Answer:aural#

Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectFrom a technical point of view, which is the difference between the concepts of story and of plot?AnswerSelected Answer:Story is the chronologically-ordered representation of all the information concerning

characters, events and settings. It is an abstract version of events, while the plot isthe structured matter of the novel.#Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte


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Which of the following statements about Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is true?AnswerSelected Answer:It can be read as a metaphor of colonialism, because the relationship betweenRobinson and Friday is the archetype of colonial relations.

#Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectDickens’ narrative point(s) of view in David Copperfield and Great Expectationswas/were:AnswerSelected Answer:the first person#Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn The Bear, what do they use to kill the bear?AnswerSelected Answer:None of the above.

#Întrebarea nr. 13

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectIn the novel David Copperfield, Dickens’s manner of characterisation is achievedthroughAnswerSelected Answer:

picaresque tradition techniques.#Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night, Malvolio is taken in by Maria with the help of ...

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AnswerSelected Answer:a forged love letter from Olivia.#Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Shelley’s poem The Cloud the temporal transformations are measured by…….

AnswerSelected Answer:natural phenomena.#Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

Correct The Bear is an example of AnswerSelected Answer:none of the above.#Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectDickens’ David Copperfield exhibits a strong link between Romantic imagination and…………. which renders the fictional world as stylized perception of the real world.AnswerSelected Answer:fairy-tale fancy#

Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWe are told by the author that Robinson Crusoe was sold as a slave. When does thishappen?Answer

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Selected Answer:When he is the captain of a ship heading for Guinea, and they are captured by thepirates and sold to the Moors.#Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

Correct The dominant feature of Tennessee William’s personages is:AnswerSelected Answer:sensitivity#Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” is a symbol standing for:AnswerSelected Answer:eternity and immortality.#Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night, the supposed love letter from Olivia asks Malvolio to ...AnswerSelected Answer:all of the above.#Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s marriage failed because:AnswerSelected Answer:none of the above.#

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Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte


In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the main structural device is the figure of speechknown as………AnswerSelected Answer:personification.#Întrebarea nr. 24

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the final stanza…….AnswerSelected Answer:is a round-up of the knight’s tale and the answer to the question asked in the firststanza.#Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIn Twelfth Night,Viola arrives at Illyria after ...AnswerSelected Answer:surviving a shipwreck.#Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectNon-finite clauses contain a non-finite verb phrase whose head is a verb possiblymarked for:AnswerSelected Answer:Aspect and Voice#Întrebarea nr. 27

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectWhat transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence:

She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like thatAnswerSelected Answer:Extraposition + It-insertion#Întrebarea nr. 28

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Thepresident of the company was annoyed to hear that all the members of the boardcomplained that the new executive was difficult to work with.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Prepositional Object Clause, Direct Object Clause, Prepositional ObjectClause, Subject Clause#Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectChoose the well-formed complex sentence below:AnswerSelected Answer:

 John says the key opens the door.#Întrebarea nr. 30

0 din 2 puncte

IncorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:We are sorry that he failed the exam.AnswerSelected Answer:Adverbial Clause of Cause#

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Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncte


Specify the agreement rule applying in the following sentence: That he failed andthat he didn’t care…AnswerSelected Answer:singular agreement: was no surprise to anyone#Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Whatpuzzled everybody was that he was very difficult to talk to.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause, Main Clause, Predicative Clause, Subject Clause#Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the type of the subordinate clause: I consider him to be a genius.AnswerSelected Answer:Infinitival Clause#Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Shelives a miserable life.AnswerSelected Answer:Cognate Direct Object#Întrebarea nr. 35

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: I sent

the parcel to Manchester.AnswerSelected Answer:Adverbial of Direction#Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Thecaptain marched the soldiers up the hill.AnswerSelected Answer:Direct Object#Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte


Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Joan ishaving her coffee on the porch.AnswerSelected Answer:Non-contrastive Direct Object#Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He wasarguing with his wife about money.AnswerSelected Answer:Reciprocal Prepositional Object#Întrebarea nr. 39

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2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic functions in the sentence: We insisted on his participating in

our game.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject, Predicate, Prepositional Object Clause#Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Theyawarded Jim the first prize for poetry.AnswerSelected Answer:Indirect Object#Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte


Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). stateb). activityc). achievement

1). Mary is being clumsy.2). Mary is clumsy.3). Jane sat down suddenly on the chair.Answer

Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c#Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncte


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Specify the effect triggered by the presence of a perfect infinitive after the modalverb in the sentence:

 You must be a faithful husband.AnswerSelected Answer:

a change from the deontic to the epistemic interpretation of the modal#Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

 You needn’t pay the fine now.AnswerSelected Answer:lack of obligation#Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the value of the first tense in the following sentence:

He wrote the address and posted the envelope.AnswerSelected Answer:the past perfect#Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncte


Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the following elements: determiners and pluralization:

1) James has made a great progress since he joined our class.2) James has made great progress since he joined our class.3) James has made great progresses since he joined our class.

a) grammatical sentence

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b) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b#

Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify the type of aspectual effect induced by the presence of be-progressive:

a). incompletionb). iteration

1). James has been looking for a new hat2). Her old uncle was dying3). The train has been arriving late recentlyAnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2a, 3b#Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectIdentify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). activityb). accomplishmentc). state

1). They sailed into the harbour.2). They sailed in the Pacific for three weeks.3). John believes in the devil.

AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c#Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

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CorrectIdentify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). accomplishmentb). state

c). activity

1). Martin wrote a few lines.2). Martin was writing a few lines when his sister entered.3). The statue stands in the corner of the street.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2c, 3b#Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectSpecify which of the following tests performed on the underlined predicates induceaspectual recategorization:

a). the progressive aspectb). a mass noun as direct object

1). John read the first chapter of the book.

2). Thomas ate apples for quite a while.3). Jane is kind to her children.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3a#Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncte

CorrectChoose the correct translation for the following sentence: Cafeaua era deja dulce sin-ar fi trebuit sa-i mai pun zahar.AnswerSelected Answer:My coffee was already sweet so I needn’t have put any sugar in it.

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Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncteChoose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tenseb). the past tense progressivec). the simple present perfect

1). I not (speak) with him since last week.2). When you (receive) the long distance call?3). While he (inspect) the precious art object he noticed a nasty flaw.AnswerSelected Answer: 1c, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncteSpecify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlined predicateswithout inducing aspect shift:

a). the adverbial in two hours

b). the adverb intentionally

1). Jane wrote a report on what had happened.2). The police shot the suspect.3. John ran three laps round the stadium.AnswerSelected Answer: 1a, 2b, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

He can’t be that tall!Answer

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Selected Answer: impossibility

Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncteSpecify which of the tenses listed under a-c can be used with the adverbs indicatedin 1-3:

a). only with the future perfect tenseb). only with the present perfectc). with both the above tenses

1). yet2). by this time next week3). alreadyAnswerSelected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 5

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the interpretation that may be assigned to the modal verb in the sentencebelow:

We can meet one day after work.AnswerSelected Answer: suggestion

Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncteChoose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tenseb). the simple present perfect

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c). the past tense progressive

1). No, I (call) only on Monday.2). She broke her arm while she (come down) the stairs.3). In China, Thomas (notice) different table customs from Europe.

AnswerSelected Answer: 1a, 2c, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) He is successfully running his own company at the age of 25.2) The duke is proud of his family's antiquity.

a) mass termb) general termc) singular termAnswerSelected Answer: 1b, 2a

Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncteChoose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past perfectb). the simple past tensec). the past tense progressive

1). How long had he lived here when the war (break) out?2). John (be) a writer for five years before he became a teacher.3). While he (pump) the bicycle tyres a man looked over the garden wall.AnswerSelected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3c

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Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple present perfectb). the past tense progressivec). the present perfect progressive

1). He (live) in Bucharest for 10 years.2). I’ll call you after my guests (leave).3). I (walk) in the street when my cousin called me.AnswerSelected Answer: 1c, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncteSpecify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the following elements: determiners and pluralization:

1) That ring your mother gave you is a fine jewelry.2) You shouldn't keep so much jewelry in the house.3) You shouldn't keep so many jewelries in the house.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswerSelected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncteIn The Bear, what does the protagonist encounter on his last trip to the woods?AnswerSelected Answer: None of the above.

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Întrebarea nr. 12

2 din 2 puncteIn Nineteen Eighty-four, what is scarce?AnswerSelected Answer: All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncteIn John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the acts of seduction in stanzas five toeight are actions mostly expressed via………. images.

AnswerSelected Answer: aural

Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncteIn Tristram Shandy, Book One, a black page is connected with

AnswerSelected Answer: Yorick’s passing away.

Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncteOrsino starts Twelfth Night, with the words ...AnswerSelected Answer: If music be the food of love, play on.

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Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncteIn A Streetcar Named Desire, Mitch jilts Blanche becauseAnswerSelected Answer: he finds out about her past.

Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte Tristram Shandy consists of:AnswerSelected Answer: nine books.

Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

 John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci is one of the best English …….. of all times.

AnswerSelected Answer: ballads

Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncteAt the Nineteen Eighty-four’s ending, Winston C. Smith feels a strong love forAnswerSelected Answer: Big Brother.

Întrebarea nr. 20

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2 din 2 puncteWhich of the following sentences referring to the novel The Scarlet Letter is true:Answer

Selected Answer: Hester’s husband, Arthur Dimmesdale, returns incognito andsettles in the town under the name of Richard Chillingworth.

Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncteFrom a technical point of view, which is the difference between the concepts of story and of plot?AnswerSelected Answer: Story is the chronologically-ordered representation of all theinformation concerning characters, events and settings. It is an abstract version of events, while the plot is the structured matter of the novel.

Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncteIn Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith commits ”thoughtcrime” by writingAnswerSelected Answer: a diary.

Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncteIs David Copperfield preeminently:AnswerSelected Answer: a Bildungsroman?

Întrebarea nr. 24

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2 din 2 puncte Tristram was:Answer

Selected Answer: he had an elder brother.

Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncteIn Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine isAnswerSelected Answer: Ingsoc.

Întrebarea nr. 26

2 din 2 puncte The dialogue between the two speakers in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci isinitiated by……..Answer

Selected Answer: an unknown person.

Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncteIn Chapter XI we are told that, after 15 years of solitude on the island, RobinsonCrusoe finds a footprint on the sand. He is terrified by the sight and thinks that:

AnswerSelected Answer: the devil left it there to scare him.

Întrebarea nr. 28

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2 din 2 puncteWhich of the following is a Bildungsroman?AnswerSelected Answer: Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncteWho is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?AnswerSelected Answer: Uncle Toby’s servant.

Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncteIn Twelfth Night,Viola arrives at Illyria after ...AnswerSelected Answer: surviving a shipwreck.

Întrebarea nr. 31

2 din 2 puncteIn Twelfth Night, the supposed love letter from Olivia asks Malvolio to ...AnswerSelected Answer: all of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncteIn Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knows that sheis ……

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AnswerSelected Answer: immortal.

Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncteLaurence Sterne’s narrative method was:AnswerSelected Answer: an initiation of the stream-of-consciousness technique.

Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncteIn Twelfth Night, Olivia repels Orsino’s advances being ...AnswerSelected Answer: in mourning for the death of her brother.

Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncteIn A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s past is brought to life by:AnswerSelected Answer: Stanley.

Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He wasarguing with his wife about money.AnswerSelected Answer: ‘Topic’ Prepositional Object

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Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Hewrote the application in ink.AnswerSelected Answer: Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 38

2 din 2 puncteWhich is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence Thedoctor felt my pulse.AnswerSelected Answer: Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Thedress costs 200$.AnswerSelected Answer: Quantifying Adverbial

Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Shelives a miserable life.AnswerSelected Answer: Cognate Direct Object

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Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The girlbowed to the audience.AnswerSelected Answer: Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 42

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: All thecredit for this belongs to our sales staff.AnswerSelected Answer: Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 43

2 din 2 puncteWhat transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: Johnpromised me that he would come.AnswerSelected Answer: Dative Movement

Întrebarea nr. 44

2 din 2 puncteWhat transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: He toldme that he would come earlier.AnswerSelected Answer: Dative Movement

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Întrebarea nr. 45

2 din 2 puncteChoose the correct type and function of the embedded clause:She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like that.AnswerSelected Answer: THAT Clause – Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 46

2 din 2 puncte THAT clauses differ from NP-s in that they do not behave the same in respect to:AnswerSelected Answer: Agreement rules

Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncteChoose the correct analysis of the complex sentence:It should be obvious to the government that it annoys everybody in this countrythat inflation is running high.AnswerSelected Answer: Main Clause, Subject Clause, Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:

 John has known it for a long time that Mary will leave him.AnswerSelected Answer: Direct Object Clause

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Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte THAT clauses may undergo the following operations:AnswerSelected Answer: all of them

Întrebarea nr. 50

2 din 2 puncteSpecify the type of the subordinate clause: They’re anxious for you to help them.AnswerSelected Answer: Infinitival Clause

 Întrebarea nr. 1

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the main structural device is the figure of speech known as………


Selected Answer: personification.

 Întrebarea nr. 2

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, by the time the protagonist is thirteen, who kills a colt owned by Major de Spain?


Selected Answer: Lion.

 Întrebarea nr. 3

2 din 2 puncte

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The idea of perpetual .……. is evident in Shelley’s The Cloud


Selected Answer: transgression Întrebarea nr. 4

2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s famous line is: “I have always relied on the kindness of ………..……”


Selected Answer: strangers.

 Întrebarea nr. 5

0 din 2 puncte

The knight’s dream in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci combines… and… images.


Selected Answer: aural and gustatory

 Întrebarea nr. 6

2 din 2 puncte

Dickens’ narrative point(s) of view in David Copperfield and Great Expectations was/were:


Selected Answer: the first person

 Întrebarea nr. 7

2 din 2 puncte

Laurence Sterne’s narrative method was:


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Selected Answer: an initiation of the stream-of-consciousness technique.

 Întrebarea nr. 8

2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is


Selected Answer: Hester’s husband

 Întrebarea nr. 9

2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe think about the money he discovers on the ship?


Selected Answer: That the money is of no use for him, that it is a drug.

 Întrebarea nr. 10

2 din 2 puncte

In David Copperfield, the man with “black shallow eye”, black hair and whiskers, and a square chin,

reminding the narrator of an “wax-work”, is:


Selected Answer: Murdstone

 Întrebarea nr. 11

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, the cloud’s various transformations are presented in a/an …….. way.



Selected Answer: materialistic

 Întrebarea nr. 12

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2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the first three lines of each stanza are………

 Answer Selected Answer: tetrameters.

 Întrebarea nr. 13

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Julia works in


Selected Answer: none of the above.

 Întrebarea nr. 14

2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci the final stanza…….


Selected Answer: is a round-up of the knight’s tale and the answer to the question asked in the

first stanza.

 Întrebarea nr. 15

2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s vision, romance transforms the ordinary world into ………. and then back into theimpression of life.


Selected Answer: fairy tale

 Întrebarea nr. 16

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, the one who teaches the protagonist the secrets of wilderness is called

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Selected Answer: Sam Fathers.

 Întrebarea nr. 17

2 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, Uriah Heep is


Selected Answer: one of Wickfield’s clerks.

 Întrebarea nr. 18

2 din 2 puncte

The historical period to which Hawthorne often resorted in his fiction was:


Selected Answer: the colonial, Calvinist past.

 Întrebarea nr. 19

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist’s maternal uncle leave him as a heritage?


Selected Answer: IOUs.

 Întrebarea nr. 20

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knows that she is ……



Selected Answer: immortal.

 Întrebarea nr. 21

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2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist have with him when he meets the bear for the first time?

 Answer Selected Answer: None of the above.

 Întrebarea nr. 22

2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what do they use to kill the bear?


Selected Answer: None of the above.

 Întrebarea nr. 23

2 din 2 puncte

Who is Corporal Trim of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?


Selected Answer: Uncle Toby’s servant.

 Întrebarea nr. 24

0 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche used to live on a plantation called:


Selected Answer: La Belles Reves

 Întrebarea nr. 25

2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what does a voice in a dream tell Winston C. Smith?


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Selected Answer: ”We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

 Întrebarea nr. 26

0 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence John lent his mother amasterpiece.


Selected Answer:

Object Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Object)

 Întrebarea nr. 27

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Joan is having her coffee onthe porch.


Selected Answer: Non-contrastive Direct Object

 Întrebarea nr. 28

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The girl bowed to theaudience.


Selected Answer: Prepositional Object

 Întrebarea nr. 29

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Mary shot him without mercy.


Selected Answer: Adverbial of Manner 

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 Întrebarea nr. 30

2 din 2 puncte

The syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence The lawyer looked at the judge withsuspicious eyes is:


Selected Answer: Adverbial of Manner or Noun Modifier (depending on the semanticinterpretation of the sentence)

 Întrebarea nr. 31

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: The captain marched thesoldiers up the hill.


Selected Answer: Prepositional Object

 Întrebarea nr. 32

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He was arguing with his wifeabout money.


Selected Answer: Reciprocal Prepositional Object

 Întrebarea nr. 33

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) Are they going to eat soup?

2) This grass grows only in a damp climate.

3) She arranged some attractive grasses with the flowers.

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a) mass term

b) general term

c) singular term Answer 

Selected Answer: 1a, 2c, 3b

 Întrebarea nr. 34

2 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking into account the use of thedefinite article:

1) The murderer was thrown into the prison.

2) They went sightseeing to the Danube Delta.

3) The mount Fujiyama is a real symbol for the Japanese.

a) grammatical sentence

b) ungrammatical sentence


Selected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3b

 Întrebarea nr. 35

2 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking into account the following

elements: determiners and pluralization:

1) They're installing a lot of new machinery at the factory.

2) They are installing a lot of new machineries at the factory.

3) The accoustics of this auditorium are excellent.

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a) grammatical sentence

b) ungrammatical sentence

 Answer Selected Answer: 1a, 2b, 3a

 Întrebarea nr. 36

2 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal meaning conveyed by the following underlined verbal forms:

a). situation that involves a prediction

b). situation that involves a planned action

c). situation scheduled by external factors

1). You will feel better after some rest.

2). I need your help tomorrow.

3). Mary is starting work tomorrow.


Selected Answer: 1a, 2c, 3b

 Întrebarea nr. 37

2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the adverbials in a-c can be used with the tenses indicated in 1-3:

a). only with the past tense

b). only with the present perfect

c). with neither of these tenses

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1). not long after that

2). as soon as

3). in the future

 Answer Selected Answer: 1a, 2b, 3c

 Întrebarea nr. 38

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the aspectual class to which the underlined predicates belong:

a). achievement

b). activity

c). accomplishment

1). The bomb exploded in a few seconds.

2). Eat up your soup!

3). He has been smoking quite a lot lately.


Selected Answer: 1a, 2b, 3c

 Întrebarea nr. 39

2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past tense

b). the simple present perfect

c). the past tense progressive

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1). No, I (call) only on Monday.

2). She broke her arm while she (come down) the stairs.

3). In China, Thomas (notice) different table customs from Europe.

 Answer Selected Answer: 1a, 2c, 3b

 Întrebarea nr. 40

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation of the modal verb CAN in the sentence below:

She can be awful at times.


Selected Answer: characteristic reading

 Întrebarea nr. 41

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the aspectual classes listed in a-c to which the underlined predicates belong:

a). achievement

b). activity

c). accomplishment

1). John taught linguistics in a college.

2). They left the country two years ago.

3). She wrote her significant novels in her youth.


Selected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3c

 Întrebarea nr. 42

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2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verb below:

He composed the symphony last year.


Selected Answer: from an activity into an accomplishment

 Întrebarea nr. 43

0 din 2 puncte

What transformation has applied to derive the following complex sentence: He owes it to his boss that hegot the promotion.


Selected Answer: Passivization + Extraposition + It-insertion

 Întrebarea nr. 44

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: That he won the competitionproved that he had worked very hard.


Selected Answer: Subject Clause, Main Clause, Predicative Clause

 Întrebarea nr. 45

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined string: She informed her mother-in-law, Elizabeth, that shehad not changed her plan.


Selected Answer: Direct Object

 Întrebarea nr. 46

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: The idea that I should go there upsets me.

 Answer Selected Answer: THAT Clause

 Întrebarea nr. 47

2 din 2 puncte

Finite clauses contain a finite verb phrase whose head is a verb obligatorily marked for:


Selected Answer: Mood and Tense

 Întrebarea nr. 48

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: I consider it proper that thereshould be no corruption in the medical domain.


Selected Answer: Main clause, Direct Object Clause

 Întrebarea nr. 49

2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: I consider him to be a genius.


Selected Answer: Infinitival Clause

 Întrebarea nr. 50

0 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made a mistake was clear.

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Selected Answer: Predicative Clause

27 iunie 2011 15:58:44 EEST

OK80 din 100 puncte

 Test terminat în: 13 minutes, and 40 seconds out of 1 hour.

Întrebarea nr. 12 din 2 puncte

Robinson Crusoe can be interpreted as the fruit of a synthesis of two existingtraditions: the picaresque novel, and the personal journal or the memoir. Why is

that?AnswerSelected Answer:Because of its emphasis on the development of the individual.

Întrebarea nr. 22 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, what does the protagonist have with him when he meets the bear forthe first time?AnswerSelected Answer:None of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 32 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what is scarce?AnswerSelected Answer:All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 40 din 2 puncte

 The dominant feature of Tennessee William’s personages is:AnswerSelected Answer:

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Întrebarea nr. 52 din 2 puncte

Keats’ exceptional use of imagery in La Belle Dame Sans Merci is proved by thereiterated………. image that amplifies the knight’s grief for being seduced andforsaken.AnswerSelected Answer:thermal

Întrebarea nr. 62 din 2 puncte

Where does Crusoe first become a planter?AnswerSelected Answer:Brazil

Întrebarea nr. 72 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Oceania’s dominant doctrine isAnswerSelected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 80 din 2 puncte

Which of the following sentences referring to the novel David Copperfield is true:AnswerSelected Answer:Even if David is younger than Dora, he feels sympathy for her much in the sameway as an adult feels sympathy for a child.

Întrebarea nr. 92 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche’s marriage failed because:AnswerSelected Answer:none of the above.

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Întrebarea nr. 102 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who is injured or about to die after the final confrontation?

AnswerSelected Answer:All of the above.

Întrebarea nr. 112 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, which class rules Oceania?AnswerSelected Answer:

 The Inner Party.

Întrebarea nr. 122 din 2 puncte

In David Copperfield, the man with “black shallow eye”, black hair and whiskers,and a square chin, reminding the narrator of an “wax-work”, is:AnswerSelected Answer:Murdstone

Întrebarea nr. 132 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Mitch jilts Blanche becauseAnswerSelected Answer:he finds out about her past.

Întrebarea nr. 142 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, the cloud’s various transformations are presented ina/an …….. way.AnswerSelected Answer:materialistic

Întrebarea nr. 15

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2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who entraps the wild dog?AnswerSelected Answer:

Sam Fathers.

Întrebarea nr. 162 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, in the closing paragraphs, the characters are preoccupied with:AnswerSelected Answer:a cock-and-bull story.

Întrebarea nr. 172 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, “the cloud” famously nourishes the thirsting…….AnswerSelected Answer:flowers.

Întrebarea nr. 182 din 2 puncte

In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne describes the customs of:AnswerSelected Answer:the 17th century Puritan New England.

Întrebarea nr. 192 din 2 puncte

 The plot of the novel David Copperfield is picaresque in design in the sense that:Answer

Selected Answer:Dickens was trying to see the term “picaresque” from a new perspective.

Întrebarea nr. 200 din 2 puncte

Dickens’ narrative point(s) of view in David Copperfield and Great Expectationswas/were:

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AnswerSelected Answer:the multiple-selective omniscience

Întrebarea nr. 21

2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, …..… acts as the cloud’s pilot.AnswerSelected Answer:thunder

Întrebarea nr. 222 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter Pearl, although only a small child, embarrassesDimmesdale by asking him if:AnswerSelected Answer:he will stand on the pillory with her and her mother the following day.

Întrebarea nr. 232 din 2 puncte

In Tristram Shandy, the narrator isAnswer

Selected Answer: Tristram Shandy

Întrebarea nr. 242 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem, “the Cloud” laughs at her cenotaph because she knows that sheis ……AnswerSelected Answer:


Întrebarea nr. 252 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe think about the money he discovers on the ship?AnswerSelected Answer:

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 That the money is of no use for him, that it is a drug.

Întrebarea nr. 262 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Thereare many mistakes in this paper.AnswerSelected Answer:Deep Subject

Întrebarea nr. 272 din 2 puncte

Identify the regime of the underlined verb in the sentence Max is smoking.AnswerSelected Answer:derived intransitive (object demotion)

Întrebarea nr. 282 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: We metthe Joneses unexpectedly in New York last year.AnswerSelected Answer:

Adverbial of Place

Întrebarea nr. 290 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He wasarguing with his wife about money.AnswerSelected Answer:‘Topic’ Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 302 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: All thecredit for this belongs to our sales staff.AnswerSelected Answer:

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Indirect Object

Întrebarea nr. 312 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Sheclosed the door with rage.AnswerSelected Answer:Adverbial of Manner

Întrebarea nr. 322 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: There are two mistakes in yourtranslation.AnswerSelected Answer:Dummy Subject, Existential BE, Deep Subject, Adverbial of Place

Întrebarea nr. 332 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined string: She informed her mother-in-law, Elizabeth, that she had not changed her plan.Answer

Selected Answer:Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 342 din 2 puncte

Specify the agreement rule applying in the following sentence: That he failed andthat he didn’t care…AnswerSelected Answer:

singular agreement: was no surprise to anyone

Întrebarea nr. 352 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: She became awarethat something was burning.Answer

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Selected Answer:Prepositional Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 360 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: Thepresident of the company was annoyed to hear that all the members of the boardcomplained that the new executive was difficult to work with.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Direct Object Clause, Direct Object Clause, Prepositional ObjectClause, Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 372 din 2 puncte

 THAT clauses may undergo the following operations:AnswerSelected Answer:all of them

Întrebarea nr. 380 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: I found it

strange that there were no mistakes in those students’ written papers.AnswerSelected Answer:Main Clause, Predicative Clause

Întrebarea nr. 392 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made amistake was clear.

AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 400 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: What

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puzzled everybody was that he was very difficult to talk to.AnswerSelected Answer:Subject Clause, Main Clause, Predicative Clause, Predicative Clause

Întrebarea nr. 412 din 2 puncte

Specify the status of the underlined nouns in point of countability:

1) He is successfully running his own company at the age of 25.2) The duke is proud of his family's antiquity.

a) mass termb) general termc) singular termAnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a

Întrebarea nr. 422 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). activity

b). accomplishmentc). state

1). They sailed into the harbour.2). They sailed in the Pacific for three weeks.3). John believes in the devil.AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 430 din 2 puncte

Specify whether the following sentences are grammatical or not by taking intoaccount the following elements: verbal agreement and determiners:

1) These fish are overcooked.2) This fish is overcooked.

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3) These fishes is overcooked.

a) grammatical sentenceb) ungrammatical sentenceAnswer

Selected Answer:1b, 2a, 3b

Întrebarea nr. 440 din 2 puncte

Identify the temporal values of the present tense in the sentences listed in 1-3:

a). the generic valueb). the habitual valuec). the instantaneous value

1). Dogs bark.2). I beg your pardon.3). John smokes cigars.AnswerSelected Answer:1a, 2b, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 450 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). achievementb). activityc). accomplishment

1). John drank three bottles of wine.2). Martin drinks a lot.3). Mary spotted the thief.

AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 462 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the following tests can be performed on the underlined predicates

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without inducing aspect shift:

a). the progressive formb). the adverbial in two hours

1). Mary discovered the treasure in the backyard.2). John ran to the car on fire.3). Harry walked in the park.AnswerSelected Answer:1b, 2a, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 472 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb in the sentencebelow:

He may come later in the afternoon.AnswerSelected Answer:both interpretations depending on the larger context

Întrebarea nr. 482 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: N-a fost nevoie sa plecmai devreme pentru ca George s-a oferit sa ma ia cu masina.AnswerSelected Answer:I didn’t need to leave earlier as George offered to take me in his car.

Întrebarea nr. 492 din 2 puncte

Identify the interpretation that can be assigned to the modal verb MUST in the

following sentence:

 You must be a faithful friend.AnswerSelected Answer:both readings are possible depending on the larger context

Întrebarea nr. 50

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2 din 2 puncte

Identify the type of aspectual recategorization undergone by the underlined verbbelow:

He pushed the cart to the backyard.AnswerSelected Answer:from an activity into an accomplishment

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 1[/h]

2 din 2 puncte

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/grade-correct_u.gif[/IMG] Specify ththe sente

Could I lea

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 2[/h]2 din 2 puncte


Specify thassigned sentence

We can m

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

suggestion[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 3[/h]

2 din 2 puncte

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Specify wcharacter

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 4[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Choose thverbs in b

a). the simb). the simc). the pa

1). How lothe war (b2). John (bbefore he3). While man looke

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3c[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 5[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Identify thunderline

a). activityb). accomc). state

1). They s

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2). They sweeks.3). John b

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3c[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 6[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify ware gramm

account t

1) The muprison.2) They wDelta.3) The mofor the Jap

a) grammb) ungram

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3b[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 7[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify thshould usnouns:

1) I often on .....rad2) .....Indiworld.

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3) He seldGeneva

a) the defb) the ind

c) the zer

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3c[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 8[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Choose thverbs in b

a). the simb). the pac). the pre

1). He (liv2). I’ll call3). I (walkcousin ca

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3b[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 9[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify thto which tbelong:

a). achievb). activitc). accom

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1). John ta2). They le3). She wyouth.

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3c[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 10[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify thnouns in p

1) Are the2) This grclimate.3) She arrgrasses w

a) mass teb) genera

c) singula

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

3b[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 11[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Choose tcomplex She knowboss will h


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[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/check.gDirect Object Clause, Prepositional Object Clause

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 12[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


What traderive thsentencehe got th

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/chec+ It-insertion

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 13[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


What traderive thsentencethere.

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/chec+ It-insertion

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 14[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify tthe embeHe boaste

in the tea

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/checObject Clause

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 15[/h]

2 din 2 puncte

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What traderive thsentencewould co

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 16[/h]

2 din 2 puncte



Specify t

the embeShe is notnecessari

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 17[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Choose tsentence

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/checkey opens the door.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 18[/h]

0 din 2 puncte


Choose tfunction She consilied to her

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Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/x.gifClause – Subject Clause

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 19[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In The ScNew Engla

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/checkromantic distance and picturesque.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 20[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Twelftthat Malvo

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 21[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


 The domiWilliam’s


Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/csensitivity[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 22[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Shelleycloud” is a

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Answer Selected



immortality.[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 23[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In the PreHawthornrealism an

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/cheand firelight.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 24[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Ninetea voice inSmith?

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/check.gin the place where there is no darkness.”

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 25[/h]

2 din 2 puncte

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/grade-correct_u.gif[/IMG] In Twelftto mock h

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/cha priest.

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[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 26[/h]

2 din 2 puncte



In Tristra

black pag

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/chepassing away.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 27[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In TwelftTwelfth N

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 28[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In The Beprotagonias a herita

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

IOUs.[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 29[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In TwelftMalvolio .

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Answer Selected



self-love.[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 30[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In John KeMerci the



[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/check.gthe knight’s tale and the answer to the question asked in the first stanza.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 31[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Why does

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/check.gfather had destined him to a profession he didn’t like.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 32[/h]

2 din 2 puncte



Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 33[/h]

2 din 2 puncte

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/grade- John Keat

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correct_u.gif[/IMG] Merci is oof all time

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/cballads

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 34[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Tristraexplains tSlawkenbthis treati

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

Noses[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 35[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Shelleystructuralspeech kn

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 36[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Ninetevilified in enemy?

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Answer Selected



Goldstein.[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 37[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


 The dialogspeakers Dame Saby……..

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 38[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


What Ameafter playNamed D

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 39[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In Ninetescarce?

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Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 40[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In A StreStanley’s

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 41[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In the novcharacter

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/checheaded and eccentric

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 42[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


In The Beprotagoniowned by

Answer Selected Answer: [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/c

Lion.[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 43[/h]

2 din 2 puncte

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In Chapteyears of sRobinson the sand. and thinks

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/checit there to scare him.

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 44[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Which is theconstituent ibelieved fals

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/check.Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Subject)

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 45[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify tthe undesentencerage.

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 46[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify tthe undesentencein ink.

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Answer Selected



Prepositional Object[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 47[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify tthe undesentencemercy. 

Answer SelectedAnswer:


[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 48[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify tthe undesentencestudents

Answer SelectedAnswer:

[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Jonny/Desktop/LICENTA%20ENGLEZA_files/launcher_data/chPrepositional Object

[h=3]Întrebarea nr. 49[/h]

2 din 2 puncte


Specify tunderlinecowardly


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