teste cultural care - au pair

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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  • Teste Cultural Care

    Ol, Tudo bem?

    Como prometi aqui esto as possiveis perguntas que sero feitas na entrevista de ingls da Cultural Care.

    Treine bastante pois seu sucesso depende somente de voc e eu sei que voc consegue! No desista!

    E para dicas semanais de como melhorar seu Ingls, me siga no Instagram @macelasantos_ e tambm venha fazer parte da comunidade do FACEBOOKAu Pair Academy pra conversar com outras 560 meninas e meninos que esto se preparando pra ser Au Pair nos USA assim como voc!

    Ill see you there!

    Bom Estudo!

    With love and grace


    Professora de Ingls e Expert em Au Pair Intercmbio


  • DICA: As perguntas so feitas aleatoriamente e cada nivel representa o seu nivel em

    ingls: Nivel 4 Bsico, Nivel 5 Intermedirio, Nivel 6 Intermedirio de conversao e nivel

    7 Avanado(low).

    Nivel 4

    Why do you want to travel to the United States as an au pair?

    What are you studying in school? OR What do you do in your current job?

    What do you like most about caring for children?

    Tell me about the interests of the children you have cared for. What did they like to


    Tell me about what activities you do in your free time.

    What ages were the children you cared for in your previous childcare experiences?

    What types of activities do you do with the children to keep them busy?

    What types of games would you teach your host children in the USA?

    What type of food could you make for your host family to show them something of your


    Tell me about how often and where you drive.

    Tell me about a typical day with the children you have cared for. What did you do?

    Tell me about how you are working to improve your English now.

    Nivel 5

    What do you plan to do when you return to (home country)?

    What are you most looking forward to when you get to the U.S.?

    What do you think the hardest thing about living away from home for one year will be?

    How do you think this year will benefit your future plans?

    What do your parents think of your plan to become an au pair?

    In your childcare experiences, what aspect did you find to be most challenging?

    How will you create a good relationship with your host children?

    Tell me about the kind of relationship you hope to have with your host parents.

    How do you react when you are feeling sad?

    Tell me how you would calm a crying child.

    What would you do with the children on a snowy day?

  • Nivel 6

    Describe to me how to make a dish that you enjoy cooking.

    Tell me about some of your views on raising children.

    How would you introduce your culture to your host children?

    What were some of your favorite games growing up? Describe the rules to me.

    Describe to me one of the difficult situations you have had dealing with children.

    What are some of the rewarding experiences youve had in working with children?

    Pretend you are telling one of your host children about your favorite holiday tradition

    from your home country.

    Tell me about how you would handle homesickness if you started to feel it in the

    United States.

    Tell me about your favorite childrens movie and why you like it.

    What is your favorite childhood memory?

    Nvel 7

    Descreva uma situao de emergncia em que voc liga para o servio de emergncia

    nos EUA, por exemplo, se a casa do seu vizinho estivesse pegando fogo.

    Se voc tivesse um pequeno acidente de carro, como contaria para os seus Host

    Parents? Voc contaria se no houvesse nenhum estrago?

    Are you patient, calm?

    Describe a difficult situation you have had with a kid.

    Describe your family.

    Describe your weakness and your strength. (Descreva uma qualidade e um defeito seu?)

    Do you consider living with a same sex couple?

    How is your relationship with your family?

    Talk about activities you enjoy doing with children.

    Talk about your childcare experience.

    Tell me one childrens movie and what it teaches?

    Why do you believe you are going to be a good au pair?

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