ri f s t€¦ · w o g c rg ugo p o p w h o h p o r c r m ro p f c u wr o r gh o h u crr uu u r g r...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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  • ❋✐rst �①❛✁s ✂✵✶✸

  • ❋✐rst �①❛✁s ✂✵✶✸

  • ■♥t�r♥❛t✐✁♥❛✂ ✥❛❝❝❛✂❛✉r�❛t�✱ ✥❛❝❝❛✂❛✉ré❛t ■♥t�r♥❛t✐✁♥❛✂ ✄☎❞ ✥❛❝❤✐✂✂�r❛t✁ ■♥t�r♥❛❝✐✁♥❛✂

    ✄✆✝ ✆✝❣✞s✟✝✆✝❞ ✟✆✄❞✝♠✄✆❦s ✠❢ ✟✡✝ ☛☎✟✝✆☎✄✟✞✠☎✄❧ ☞✄✌✌✄❧✄✍✆✝✄✟✝ ✎✆❣✄☎✞③✄✟✞✠☎✳

    P✏✑✒✓✔✕❡✖ ✗✘✙✚✕ ✛✵✵✼

    ❯♣✖✘✜❡✖ ✢♦✈❡✣✑❡✙ ✛✵✵✽✤ ✦❡✑✙✏✘✙② ✛✵✵✾✤ ✧❡✚❡✣✑❡✙ ✛✵✶✵✤ ✗✘② ✛✵✶✛✤ ★✏✩✏✔✜ ✛✵✶✸

    P✏✑✒✓✔✕❡✖ ♦✪ ✑❡✕✘✒✫ ♦✫ ✜✕❡ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪✤ ✘ ✪♦✜✲✫♦✙✲♣✙♦✫✓✜

    ❡✖✏✚✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✫♦✏✪✖✘✜✓♦✪ ♦✫ ✶✺ ✰♦✏✜❡ ✖❡✔ ✗♦✙✓✒✒♦✪✔✤ ✶✛✶✽ ✴❡ ✷✙✘✪✖✲❙✘✚♦✪✪❡①✤ ✷❡✪❡✈✘✤

    ❙✇✓✜✯❡✙✒✘✪✖ ✑② ✜✕❡

    ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪ ✹❯❑✻ ✴✜✖

    P❡✜❡✙✔♦✪ ✿♦✏✔❡✤ ✗✘✒✜✕♦✏✔❡ ★✈❡✪✏❡✤ ❀✘✙✖✓✫✫ ✷✘✜❡

    ❀✘✙✖✓✫✫✤ ❁✘✒❡✔ ❀✦✛✸ ✽✷✴

    ❯✪✓✜❡✖ ❑✓✪✩✖♦✣

    ❁❡✑✔✓✜❡❂ ✇✇✇❃✓✑♦❃♦✙✩

    ➞ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪ ✛✵✵✼

    ❚✕❡ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪ ✹❄✪♦✇✪ ✘✔ ✜✕❡ ✬✭✻ ♦✫✫❡✙✔ ✫♦✏✙ ✕✓✩✕✲q✏✘✒✓✜②

    ✘✪✖ ✚✕✘✒✒❡✪✩✓✪✩ ❡✖✏✚✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ♣✙♦✩✙✘✣✣❡✔ ✫♦✙ ✘ ✇♦✙✒✖✇✓✖❡ ✚♦✣✣✏✪✓✜② ♦✫ ✔✚✕♦♦✒✔✤ ✘✓✣✓✪✩

    ✜♦ ✚✙❡✘✜❡ ✘ ✑❡✜✜❡✙✤ ✣♦✙❡ ♣❡✘✚❡✫✏✒ ✇♦✙✒✖❃ ❚✕✓✔ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✓✔ ♦✪❡ ♦✫ ✘ ✙✘✪✩❡ ♦✫ ✣✘✜❡✙✓✘✒✔

    ♣✙♦✖✏✚❡✖ ✜♦ ✔✏♣♣♦✙✜ ✜✕❡✔❡ ♣✙♦✩✙✘✣✣❡✔❃

    ❚✕❡ ✬✭ ✣✘② ✏✔❡ ✘ ✈✘✙✓❡✜② ♦✫ ✔♦✏✙✚❡✔ ✓✪ ✓✜✔ ✇♦✙❄ ✘✪✖ ✚✕❡✚❄✔ ✓✪✫♦✙✣✘✜✓♦✪ ✜♦ ✈❡✙✓✫② ✘✚✚✏✙✘✚②

    ✘✪✖ ✘✏✜✕❡✪✜✓✚✓✜②✤ ♣✘✙✜✓✚✏✒✘✙✒② ✇✕❡✪ ✏✔✓✪✩ ✚♦✣✣✏✪✓✜②✲✑✘✔❡✖ ❄✪♦✇✒❡✖✩❡ ✔♦✏✙✚❡✔ ✔✏✚✕ ✘✔

    ❁✓❄✓♣❡✖✓✘❃ ❚✕❡ ✬✭ ✙❡✔♣❡✚✜✔ ✜✕❡ ♣✙✓✪✚✓♣✒❡✔ ♦✫ ✓✪✜❡✒✒❡✚✜✏✘✒ ♣✙♦♣❡✙✜② ✘✪✖ ✣✘❄❡✔ ✔✜✙❡✪✏♦✏✔

    ❡✫✫♦✙✜✔ ✜♦ ✓✖❡✪✜✓✫② ✘✪✖ ♦✑✜✘✓✪ ♣❡✙✣✓✔✔✓♦✪ ✑❡✫♦✙❡ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✫✙♦✣ ✙✓✩✕✜✔ ✕♦✒✖❡✙✔ ♦✫ ✘✒✒

    ✚♦♣②✙✓✩✕✜ ✣✘✜❡✙✓✘✒ ✏✔❡✖❃ ❚✕❡ ✬✭ ✓✔ ✩✙✘✜❡✫✏✒ ✫♦✙ ♣❡✙✣✓✔✔✓♦✪✔ ✙❡✚❡✓✈❡✖ ✫♦✙ ✣✘✜❡✙✓✘✒ ✏✔❡✖

    ✓✪ ✜✕✓✔ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✘✪✖ ✇✓✒✒ ✑❡ ♣✒❡✘✔❡✖ ✜♦ ✚♦✙✙❡✚✜ ✘✪② ❡✙✙♦✙✔ ♦✙ ♦✣✓✔✔✓♦✪✔ ✘✜ ✜✕❡ ❡✘✙✒✓❡✔✜


    ★✒✒ ✙✓✩✕✜✔ ✙❡✔❡✙✈❡✖❃ ✢♦ ♣✘✙✜ ♦✫ ✜✕✓✔ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✣✘② ✑❡ ✙❡♣✙♦✖✏✚❡✖✤ ✔✜♦✙❡✖ ✓✪ ✘ ✙❡✜✙✓❡✈✘✒

    ✔②✔✜❡✣✤ ♦✙ ✜✙✘✪✔✣✓✜✜❡✖✤ ✓✪ ✘✪② ✫♦✙✣ ♦✙ ✑② ✘✪② ✣❡✘✪✔✤ ✇✓✜✕♦✏✜ ✜✕❡ ♣✙✓♦✙ ✇✙✓✜✜❡✪ ♣❡✙✣✓✔✔✓♦✪

    ♦✫ ✜✕❡ ✬✭✤ ♦✙ ✘✔ ❡①♣✙❡✔✔✒② ♣❡✙✣✓✜✜❡✖ ✑② ✒✘✇ ♦✙ ✑② ✜✕❡ ✬✭➆✔ ♦✇✪ ✙✏✒❡✔ ✘✪✖ ♣♦✒✓✚②❃ ❙❡❡


    ✬✭ ✣❡✙✚✕✘✪✖✓✔❡ ✘✪✖ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪✔ ✚✘✪ ✑❡ ♣✏✙✚✕✘✔❡✖ ✜✕✙♦✏✩✕ ✜✕❡ ✬✭ ✔✜♦✙❡ ✘✜


    ❊✣✘✓✒❂ ✔✘✒❡✔❆✓✑♦❃♦✙✩

    ❉❇❈❋●❍❏ ▲▼●◆▼❏❍❍❖

    ◗❘❱❖❲❳❖❳ ❖❨❨❏❩ ◆❬❇❳❖

  • ■❇ ✥✐ss✐�♥ st❛t❡✥❡♥t

    ❚❤✁ ✂✄☎✁r✄✆☎✝♦✄✆✞ ✟✆❝❝✆✞✆✉r✁✆☎✁ ✆✝♠✠ ☎♦ ✡✁✈✁✞♦♣ ✝✄q✉✝r✝✄❣✱ ☛✄♦✇✞✁✡❣✁✆☞✞✁ ✆✄✡ ❝✆r✝✄❣ ✌♦✉✄❣ ♣✁♦♣✞✁ ✇❤♦❤✁✞♣ ☎♦ ❝r✁✆☎✁ ✆ ☞✁☎☎✁r ✆✄✡♠♦r✁ ♣✁✆❝✁❢✉✞ ✇♦r✞✡ ☎❤r♦✉❣❤ ✝✄☎✁r❝✉✞☎✉r✆✞ ✉✄✡✁r✠☎✆✄✡✝✄❣ ✆✄✡ r✁✠♣✁❝☎✳

    ❚♦ ☎❤✝✠ ✁✄✡ ☎❤✁ ♦r❣✆✄✝③✆☎✝♦✄ ✇♦r☛✠ ✇✝☎❤ ✠❝❤♦♦✞✠✱ ❣♦✈✁r✄♠✁✄☎✠ ✆✄✡ ✝✄☎✁r✄✆☎✝♦✄✆✞ ♦r❣✆✄✝③✆☎✝♦✄✠ ☎♦ ✡✁✈✁✞♦♣❝❤✆✞✞✁✄❣✝✄❣ ♣r♦❣r✆♠♠✁✠ ♦❢ ✝✄☎✁r✄✆☎✝♦✄✆✞ ✁✡✉❝✆☎✝♦✄ ✆✄✡ r✝❣♦r♦✉✠ ✆✠✠✁✠✠♠✁✄☎✳

    ❚❤✁✠✁ ♣r♦❣r✆♠♠✁✠ ✁✄❝♦✉r✆❣✁ ✠☎✉✡✁✄☎✠ ✆❝r♦✠✠ ☎❤✁ ✇♦r✞✡ ☎♦ ☞✁❝♦♠✁ ✆❝☎✝✈✁✱ ❝♦♠♣✆✠✠✝♦✄✆☎✁ ✆✄✡ ✞✝❢✁✞♦✄❣✞✁✆r✄✁r✠ ✇❤♦ ✉✄✡✁r✠☎✆✄✡ ☎❤✆☎ ♦☎❤✁r ♣✁♦♣✞✁✱ ✇✝☎❤ ☎❤✁✝r ✡✝❢❢✁r✁✄❝✁✠✱ ❝✆✄ ✆✞✠♦ ☞✁ r✝❣❤☎✳

  • Choosing the right combination

    The core of the Diploma Programme model

  • Approaches to teaching and approaches to learning

    The IB mission statement and the IB learner profile

    Academic honesty

  • Acknowledging the ideas or work of another person

    Learning diversity and learning support requirements

  • Prior learning

  • The extended essay and the IB learner profile

    Relationship to theory of knowledge

    International dimensions

  • Internal and external deadlines

  • The supervisor’s role in commenting on one completed draft of theessay

  • Authentication

  • Recommended: things to do

    Recommended: things to avoid

  • The research process

  • Writing the extended essay

  • The length of the extended essay



  • Contents page


    Bibliographies, references and citations

    What is a bibliography?

  • Major documentation styles

    What is a reference?

    What is a citation?

  • Appendices, footnotes and endnotes


    CDs, DVDs and audio-visual materials

    Specimen materials

  • Using the assessment criteria

  • Award of diploma points

  • A: research question

    (Objectives 1 and 2)




    B: introduction

    (Objectives 1 and 5)




  • Achievement



    C: investigation

    (Objectives 1 and 3)




    D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    (Objectives 3 and 7)

  • Achievement



    E: reasoned argument

    (Objectives 1 and 4)




  • Achievement



    F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to thesubject

    (Objective 7)




    G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    (Objective 6)




  • Achievement



    H: conclusion

    (Objectives 1, 4 and 5)




    I: formal presentation

    (Objective 5)




  • Achievement



    J: abstract

    (Objective 5)




    K: holistic judgment

    (Objective 1)

    Achievement level Descriptor

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

    Categories 1 and 2: Literature

  • Category 1: Studies of a literary work(s) originally written in the language in which the essay ispresented

  • Category 2: Studies of a literary work(s) originally written in the language of the essay comparedwith a literary work(s) originally written in another language

    Category 3: Studies in language

  • Examples 1, 2 and 3: Language in a cultural context

    Examples 4, 5, 6 and 7: Language and mass communication

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Texts

    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

  • Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

  • Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


  • Choice of topic

    Category 1: language

  • Category 2: culture and society

    A: essays of a sociocultural nature with an impact on the language

  • B: essays of a general cultural nature based on specific cultural artifacts

  • Category 3: literature

    Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

  • Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

  • Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

  • Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

  • Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


  • Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

  • Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

  • Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


  • Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


  • Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

  • Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

  • Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

  • Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

    Illustrations and maps

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

  • Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

  • Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

  • Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

  • Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


  • Choice of topic

    Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

  • Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

  • Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

  • Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

  • Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

  • Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

  • Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Introduction to the essay


  • Academic level


    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

  • Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

  • Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

  • Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: Research question

    Criterion B: Introduction

    Criterion C: Investigation

  • Criterion D: Knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: Reasoned argument

    Criterion F: Application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: Use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: Conclusion

    Criterion I: Formal presentation

  • Criterion J: Abstract

    Criterion K: Holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

  • Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment


    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

  • Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

    Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

    Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

  • Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

    Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

  • Overview

  • Choice of topic

  • Treatment of the topic

  • A weak essay in this category would be one that:

  • Researcher’s reflection space

    Interpreting the assessment criteria

    Criterion A: research question

    Criterion B: introduction

  • Criterion C: investigation

    Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

    Criterion E: reasoned argument

    Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subjects

    Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

    Criterion H: conclusion

    Criterion I: formal presentation

  • Criterion J: abstract

    Criterion K: holistic judgment

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