relatÓrio de participaÇÃo no xi congresso internacional de...

Post on 14-Oct-2020






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No período de 21 a 23 de março de 2018, em Paris, França foi realizado o XI Congresso

Internacional de Medicina Veterinária de Animais Silvestres de Zoológicos e Selvagens,

organizada pelo National Muséum of Natural History e Yaboumba Association.

O evento contou com a participação de pesquisadores, médicos veterinários clínicos e

cirurgiões, estudantes de vários países da Europa, America Latina e Ásia.

Foi realizada a apresentação da palestra YELLOW FEVER AND MONKEYS –A

BRAZILIAN HISTORY OF DEATHS – Febre Amarela e Macacos – Uma História de

Mortes, pelas autoras que dividiram a apresentação em duas partes, sendo que Hélia M

Piedade apresentou a primeira parte e respondeu as perguntas realizadas pelo público e

Fabíola Prioste apresentou a segunda parte.

O evento proporcionou oportunidade de apresentação da atual situação da dispersão do

vírus da febre amarela no Brasil, com especial foco no Estado de São Paulo. Ressalta-se

que a questão desta enfermidade é pouco difundida na Europa, fato constatado com a

reação de surpresa e perplexidade do público ao tomar conhecimento dos impactos para

a biodiversidade advindos do atual surto no Brasil e risco da doença para turistas que

visitem as áreas com circulação viral sem a devida proteção vacinal.

Durante a apresentação reforçou-se a necessidade de trabalho conjunto entre áreas de

saúde e meio ambiente, buscando resultados que beneficiem as populações humanas e a

fauna silvestre.

Também foram realizados importantes contatos com pesquisadores nas áreas de

conflitos entre fauna silvestre e populações humanas, Dr. Mauricio Jiménez, Diretor do

Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres, da Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria,

Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica, com perspectiva futura da vinda deste

pesquisador para o Brasil, para compartilhar suas experiências e conhecimentos

conosco. O trabalho por ele apresentado foi “Human – Wildlife conflict in Costa Rica:

veterinary emergency cases” – Conflitos humanos-animais silvestres em Costa Rica,

casos de emergência veterinária.

Ainda cabe ressaltar que pesquisadores da Univesidade de Camerino, Italy, School of

Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine demonstrou interesse em auxiliar as pesquisas

relativas às questões da Febre Amarela no Brasil, disponibilizando seus laboratórios e

estudantes para trabalharem no que for de relevância para auxiliar as pesquisa no Brasil,

com ênfase no Estado de São Paulo (contato:

O evento foi de grande importância para divulgação das ações relacionadas com a febre

amarela realizadas pela Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo, e de

obter contatos com instituições e com pessoas interessadas em auxiliar as pesquisas

sobre febre amarela no ESP.

Seguem em anexo, apresentação, conteúdo escrito apresentado em inglês, certificado de

participação, copia do crachá, relatório fotográfico: das autoras apresentando o trabalho,

do local e público atento à apresentação, das autoras com um dos organizadores do

evento, Dr Norin Chai, PhD, Dipl ECZM (Zoo Health Mangement), Diretor-chefe das

instalações de pesquisa do Museu Nacional de História, Presidente de Yaboumba.

Também consta foto das autoras com Dr. Mauricio Jiménez, da Costa Rica.

São Paulo, 03 de abril de 2018.

Helia Maria Piedade





Figura 1 – Helia Maria Piedade (esq) e Fabíola Prioste apresentando palestra

Figura 2 – Local do evento e público assistindo à apresentação (dir)

Figura 3 – Hélia e Fabíola com Dr Norin (esq) e Dr Mauricio Jiménez (dir)

Yellow Fever and Monkeys

A Brazilian History of Deaths

Fabiola Setin Prioste & Helia Maria Piedade

Paris – March 2018


sto P

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1. Yellow fever virus

2. Life cycles

3. Outbreak

4. Biodiversity impacts

5. Actions

6. Future actions


● Flavivirus, RNA virus -7 genotypes - 5 African Continent - 2 South America ● Vector-borne disease 1884 – confirmed 1901 (Aedes, Sabethes and Haemogogus mosquitoes)

● Vertical transmission of virus on vector – transovarian and sexual

1.Yellow fever virus

● Human, non-human primates (+++ Cebidae) ● Fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue 5 – 10 d ●No special treatment ● Vaccine 17 – D - 1937 - Theiler, adverses effects – attenuated virus/embryonated eggs – only for humans

1.Yellow fever virus (Disease)

1.Yellow fever virus (Some susceptible species)

2. Life Cycles (Jungle)

Fonte: Manual de Zoonoses CRMV RS

2. Life Cycles (Urban)

Fonte: Manual de Zoonoses CRMV RS

July 2016 to June 2017 - 610 confirmed cases / 196 deaths July 2017 to 13th de March 2018 - 920 confirmed cases / 300 deaths

3. Outbreak (Humans cases)

Endemic Areas on South America and Brasil

BEPA 2018;15(169)

3. Outbreak (Virus routes)

3. Outbreak (Number of dead monkeys)

Fonte: Sinan; CVE/CCD/SES-SP Atualizado em 12/03/2018

July 2016 to June 2017 - 1188

Fonte: Sinan; CVE/CCD/SES-SP Atualizado em 12/03/2018

July 2017 to February 2018 - 1914

3. Outbreak (Number of dead monkeys)

3. Outbreak (Dead monkeys)

© E




Samples keep at -70 ºC

© E




Necropsy and samples collection

BEPA 2018;15(169)

© H

éla Pied


© Hélia Piedade

4. Actions http











4. Actions

● Strong Communication Plan

● Inter-sector communication

● Inforce Surveillance

● Research in the virus and vectors

5. Future Actions

Thanks for your attention!


Slide 1 – This is the sound of Howler monkeys in Brazilian Parks and forests. A Strong and beautiful sound wich can no longer be heard in São Paulo Parks... And the reason for this sad moment is an outbreak of Yellow Fever.

Slide 2 – Today, I will tell you a Brazilian history of deaths involving monkeys and human beens... You will have some general information about: The yellow fever virus Its Life cycle The outbreak we are facing in Brazil How it impacts our Biodiversity Wich actions we have done and are still doing And finally, what we sitll have to do or to find out about the Yellow fever with this crisis

Slide 3 – Yellow fever is a Disease by a Flavivirus (with 2 genotypes occuring in South America) In 1884 scientists starts to think it was a vector borne Disease, and it was confirmed in 1901. One important characteristic of this vírus is it could be transmitted IN THE VECTOR by transovarian and in a sexual way

Slide 4 – It affects primarly Human and non-human primates The clinical signs in humans are: fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, náusea, vomiting and fadigue during 5-10 days . And 5-10% of people who have the Disease develop the severe form with about 60% of mortality. There is no special treatment, only support care. But there is a vaccine (17D), This vaccine is not indicated for non-human uses

Slide 5 – Here you can see some of our non-human primates species that are susceptible to the virus. Some of them very endangered.

NAO LER!!! Brown Howler monkey, black howler monkey, White-tuffed marmoset, black tufted marmoset, titi monkey, buffy-tufed marmoset, capuchins, and all the Tamarins, including the Black-faced-tamarin – the most endangered Tamarin Species. Besides Muriqui and Spider monkey

Slide 6 – There is two ways of Yellow fever presents itself Sylvetic cycle and Urban cycle

In the Sylvetic cycle, the mosquitoes involved are Sabethes and Haemagogus who lives in the top of the trees. The non-human primates are the virus hosts and do the viral amplification. We are studying other Species wich can be involved on this cycle. Humans are infected when they go inside those forests.

Slide 7 - And in the Urban cycle, the Aedes sp is the vector and the Human are the host and do the viral amplification.

Slide 8 – The endemic areas in South America: Orange –endemic areas – needs vaccination Beige – Transitional areas - needs vaccination when there is high exposition to the vector Brown – Low potentional of exposure And Grey – has no risk of exposition So, at this outbreak, some grey areas in Brazil has the Disease.. – This new outbreak in Brazil, started in march/2016 in Minas Gerais State From July 2016 to June 2017, there was 610 confirmed cases, with 196 deaths in Brazil. From July 2017 to March 2018, there was 920 confirmed cases, with 300 deaths in Brazil. And all this cases are related to the Sylvetic cycle

Slide 9 – we are talking about the outbreak in Sao Paulo State. Where we live and work. The virus came to Sao Paulo State, from South Minas Gerais and it was disseminated in this red dark area. Now we know by mathematical Studies that we will have the Disease on this Orange areas – where we are doing a massive vaccination caimpaign. And this is true, because last week, the first case on non-human primates from this area was confirmed. The monkeys are ours sentinels – they Always died before the very first human case, indicating that the virus is ciculating in there.

Slide 10 - Talking about the epizootics We will see the map of Sao Paulo State with RED – confirmed dead of monkeys with YF LIGHT PINK – under investigation YELLOW – indetermined GREEN – discarded In this Graphic, we can see the number of dead monkeys from July 2016 to June 2017 = 1188

Slide 11 – And from July 2017 to February 2018, 1914. This representes a HUGE impact on population of monkeys in Sao Paulo State. One of the most expressives histories to tell you is that the biggest natural

preserved área Sao Paulo city had 17 families of brown howler monkeys, with 79 individuals and they are all dead now.

Slide 12 – The number of dead monkeys are not related only with the yellow fever. Some misinformed people thinks that only the presence of monkeys around their home could be able to transmit the Disease. Actually, they starts to attack and kill those animals. It is the beginning of a new big problem...

Slide 13 – About the Actions: 1- All monkeys founded dead in conditions, were necropsied, samples were

collected and tested for YF and rabies. All this work is made by vets. Vets are still involved in Surveillance.

2- Samples of all those animals are mainteined in the freezer for future tests. It was stablished an commom action between Local Health System, Department of Public Safety and Enviromental Secretary to keep the workflow, improving the surveillance. 3 – all animals keeped under human care (like zoos and comercial or scientific stablishes) had to weave the enclosures. And the transportation of NHP was prohibited by regulamentation in all Sao Paulo State. As a parto f this actions, the Enviromental Secretary made an álbum of cards, for kids with importante information about monkeys Species that occurs in SP State. And its free dowload at the Enviromental website.

Slide 14 – Before the very first case of YF at the Metropolitan region of São Paulo city, this group sent enviromental specialists to the areas where the mathematical projections demonstrated the pathway of the vírus to find out wild monkey populations near human populations. And this action was very important to decide where, when and how much people must be vaccinated. The metropolitan region of SP (big SP) has more than 20mi persons. Untill January, 16th; we vaccinate 2,4mi. The objetive is to vaccinate 3,9mi. When we had the first monkey case (in the north region of SP), almost all the Parks in the city was closed and a massive vaccination caimpaing starts at high risk areas. Another action was to train people who Works in Local Parks and Health System in the areas of vírus expansion to enforce the surveillance. At tihs time, to improve the collection of dead monkeys, a massive mídia caimpaign started informing persons how to act if they found a dead monkey, stimulating to go to get the vacines. Tha vacines is free for everyone.

Slide 15 – Future actions: - Strong communication plan (to prevent agressions to animals; to improve vaccination; adherence to vaccination campaign) - Strong inter-sector communication (between Government Departments to improve all the actions and to stop this dead numbers as soon as possible) -Enforce Surveillence in NHP deads, Human cases and vectors - Researches in the vírus and vectors (in Enviroment and other animal Species)

Slide 16 – What does Europe and the rest of the world have to concern? First – this is a very small world – three days ago I was in Sao Paulo... In january, a Dutch guy came from Brazil with YF to Europe. And more: In february there were one case in Argentina and another one here in France! Second: This is only One World – everything is connected. Brazilian monkeys are World monkeys, Brazilian people are your Brothers and sisters. At least, we expect a future with howler monkeys comin back to our parks and making sounds in Sao Paulo city... Thank you!

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