pedro azevedo

Post on 20-Feb-2017






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Pedro Azevedo Innovation Consultant at Deloitte

+447 543 261 526 pedrojmazevedo pedrojmazevedo Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal Residence: London, England

What I’m looking for: A new challenge in innovation. One where I can evolve in my professional passion - the place where the future and the now meet to build better products, services and deeper experiences.

Profile I am passionate about change, challenging orthodoxies and creating meaningful things that have a real impact on people. This is a big part of who I am and what I do, and I do it through innovation. I believe that innovation gets its best results from the intersection of foresight, design thinking and multidisciplinarity. I have made my mission to learn the most about a variety of areas in the impossible pursuit of knowing everything about everything. My background in psychology allows me to have a deeper understanding of people’s behavior, which is complemented by a business degree and an inquisitive mind that works to envision and shape the future.

Futurist I am always studying and thinking about what the future might bring. How the world might evolve. Which social or technological developments we can expect. Which trends will impact the world. Being able to understand the different configurations that the future might take and to answer accordingly, that’s the ultimate competitive advantage. Let’s not forget, they promised us jetpacks and hoverboards!

Dot Connector Connecting diversity and curiosity ignites an explosion of ideas and real breakthroughs. Growing up surrounded by biologists, artists and computers fostered my curiosity and will to continuously learn. It also led me to become stuck in the “why phase”. A diverse academic background and having lived, and worked, in a truly multicultural environment gave me the tools to better understand how dots connect. I’ve played basketball for over 12 years, played guitar, built websites in my teens and read avidly.

Idea Explorer The world is full of amazing things. Ideas will pop as long as you go out and explore. I’ve been exploring forever, trying out new things, from drawing basketball plays to comic strips, kitchen appliances or cool ways of improving the education system, sometimes even.. building companies.


Innovation Consultant Nov. 2013 to present Workshop facilitation Leading Design Thinking adoption at Deloitte Portugal Integration of Foresight and Scenario Thinking methodology as an Innovation offer Integrate psychology concepts to develop training methods for creativity and innovation Responsible for monitoring trends and horizon scanning processes


Consultant Nov. 2012 to Feb. 2013 We were asked by Altios International in Sydney, Australia to identify the reason why they were not generating as many leads in Australia as they were in other parts of the globe. Our research lead us to develop a full fledged marketing and communication plan that went on to be considered for implementation across all Altios subsidiaries worldwide

Tabaqueira SA - Philip Morris International

HR Specialist Dec. 2010 to Apr. 2011 Recruitment & Selection Following the kaizen principle, the company brought in an international consultant to develop a continuous improvement program. I was responsible for supporting him throughout the process. Support to the restructuring of the Sales Department

Sonae Sierra

HR Intern Sep. 2009 to Jun. 2010 Conducting interviews with top management team to design the job description for every function at the company Having innovation as key driver, the company developed an internal innovation program, where I was responsible for monitoring the Innovation Portal and identifying added value for the Human Resources Department

Vertigem Azul

Owner 2004 to 2008 Having started out as a small company with one semi-rigid boat, Vertigem Azul now owns both semi-rigid boats and a catamaran, having diversified it's business into events, bird watching and jeep tours, while supporting the local authorities monitoring the dolphins health.

International Coaching Certification Founding member of Jhovem - a non for profit youth association, with a large scope of activities, empowering the youth to actively contribute in the development of the local community. Worked with school drop outs to uncover their goal in life and guide them to achieve their objectives.

Management The University of Sydney Master Degree Feb. 2012 - Feb. 2013

Foresight, Strategy & Innovation ISEG Post Graduate Degree Sep. 2010 - Jul. 2011

Organizational Psychology ISPA Master Degree To be awarded

Psychology ISPA Bachelor Degree Sep. 2003 – 2008

Professional Experience


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