os desafios da escola pÚblica paranaense na … · 1. identificaÇÃo ficha de identificaÇÃo...

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Versão On-line ISBN 978-85-8015-075-9Cadernos PDE


Produções Didático-Pedagógicas







FICHA DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO PEDAGÓGICA – PDE 2013 Título: Reflexão de fatos sociais através de textos em Língua Inglesa. Autor Jean Paulo Bernardo Xavier Disciplina /Área Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês Escola de implementação do Projeto – localização

Colégio Estadual Profª. Maria de Lourdes Rodrigues Morosowski Avenida Dr. Governador Manoel Ribas, s/n. 83221-560 Araçá Paranaguá – Pr

Município da Escola Paranaguá - Pr NRE Paranaguá - Pr Professor Orientador Profa. Ma. Alessandra da Silva Quadros Zamboni Resumo O ensino de Língua Inglesa no Brasil tem sido vítima de uma

série de mitos, oriundos da falta de uma reflexão maior e do aprofundamento sobre o processo de ensino- aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. Em vista disso, este projeto de intervenção pedagógica tem por objetivo analisar como ocorre o processo de aprendizagem de leitura e compreensão de textos em Língua Inglesa em um grupo de alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Médio da rede pública de ensino, tendo como foco demonstrar qual o impacto da metodologia de ensino utilizada nas aulas de Língua Inglesa como fator de motivação para o aprendizado dos alunos, ao entender outro idioma os sujeitos leitores têm a possibilidade de estabelecer relações ente os diversos elementos envolvidos no texto, tais quais: cultura, língua, procedimentos interpretativos, contextos e ideologias. É na língua que se percebe e se entende a realidade, pois a percepção do mundo está intimamente ligada ao conhecimento de línguas. Sendo assim, é fundamental que se possam formar leitores cada vez mais competentes, críticos e reflexivos para, desta forma, interagir e intervir de forma positiva na sociedade em que convivem. O arcabouço teórico que embasa este projeto sustenta-se nas considerações de Bakhtin (1999), Lopes (2002) e nas Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica: língua estrangeira moderna (2008).

Palavras – chave Ensino de Língua Inglesa; Metodologia de ensino de língua inglesa; Leitura; Motivação para o aprendizado.

Material Didático Unidade Didática Pùblico alvo Alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Médio


Esta Produção Didático-Pedagógica tem por objetivo atender os professores

da Disciplina de Língua Inglesa e seus alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Médio da Rede

Pública do Estado do Paraná. Este trabalho tem o propósito de ser utilizado como

material de apoio no processo do ensino e aprendizagem de leitura em língua

estrangeira tendo como foco a compreensão de diferentes gêneros textuais, o uso

de estratégias de leitura, a leitura tradicional e a leitura crítica que busca levar o

aluno a uma compreensão além do texto através da discussão e da reflexão crítica

da temática em questão.

Compreender uma língua estrangeira permite aos alunos perceberem-se

como integrantes da sociedade e participantes ativos do mundo, pois o sujeito

aprende também a atribuir significados para entender melhor a realidade a partir do

confronto com a cultura do outro, podendo assim delinear um contorno para sua

própria identidade como agente social.

As aulas de Língua inglesa devem configurar-se como espaços de interações

entre professores e alunos, representações e visões de mundo que se revelam no

dia-a-dia. Os alunos devem analisar as questões sociais, políticas e econômicas do

mundo e do contexto em que convivem e desenvolver uma consciência crítica a

respeito do papel das línguas na sociedade.

O trabalho pedagógico deverá ter como ênfase a interação ativa dos alunos

com o discurso, o que lhes dará condições de construir sentidos para os textos.

Porém, apenas disponibilizar textos aos alunos não é o bastante. É necessário

provocar uma reflexão maior sobre o uso de cada texto, considerando-se também o

contexto, o uso e seus interlocutores.

Por isso, salienta-se a importância quanto à seleção dos textos a serem

trabalhados em sala de aula. É importante que o aluno tenha acesso a textos de

várias esferas sociais, publicitária, jornalística, literária, informativa, etc. Os discentes

compreenderão assim a vinculação entre auto interesse e interesses do grupo. A

iniciativa nas escolhas minuciosas dos textos poderá tornar os conteúdos mais

significativos, pois resultaram da participação de todos.

A aula de Língua Inglesa de ser um espaço onde atividades significativas

sejam desenvolvidas, a fim de que o aluno vincule o que é estudado com o mundo

que o cerca. O trabalho com o texto apresentará uma problematização e a busca por

sua solução deverá despertar o interesse dos alunos para que desenvolvam uma

prática analítica e crítica, ampliem seus conhecimentos linguísticos e culturais e

percebam as implicações sociais, históricas e ideológicas presentes no discurso – no

qual se revele o respeito às diferenças culturais, crenças e valores.

Esta Unidade Didático-Pedagógica não apresenta um tema definido e busca

trabalhar com alguns tipos de gêneros textuais focando o trabalho de leitura no uso

de estratégias como: leitura prévia (pre-reading), leitura (while-reading), leitura

interpretativa (post-reading), leitura geral no sentido do texto (skimming) e leitura que

busca informação específica no texto (scanning). O objetivo principal é a leitura, a

compreensão e a discussão e problematização das temáticas desenvolvidas e não o

uso do texto como pretexto para o ensino apenas das estruturas do idioma, ou seja,

a metalinguagem.

3. MATERIAL DIDÁTICO Dear Students!!! Nesta Unidade Didática iremos trabalhar a leitura e a compreensão de textos

com alguns gêneros textuais, entre eles: letras de música, biografias, imagens e

vídeos. As atividades de leitura farão uso de estratégias de leitura e buscarão o

desenvolvimento de sua capacidade de compreensão e ação discursiva e lingüístico-

discursiva dentro dos temas abordados.

Esperamos que este trabalho torne a atividade de leitura prazerosa e

significativa possibilitando a reflexão e o pensamento crítico a respeito dos textos

selecionados para esta produção didático – pedagógica.

UNIT 1: Music in our lives.

Discuss with a friend: 1) Do you like listening to music? 2) When do you listen to music? 3) Where do you listen to music? 4) What is your favorite kind of music? 5) Who is your favorite singer or musical group? SOME VOCABULARY:

Samba - Rock - Jazz - Reagge - Hip Hop - Pop – Disco - Electronic -

Funk - Heavy Metal - Pop Rock - Country Brazilian - Country Music -

Pagode - Romantic - Classic - Jazz

Vamos conhecer um dos nomes mais importantes da música mundial

Louis Armstrong was born on 4 August 1901 in New Orleans (United States). Abandoned by his father, he knows a difficult childhood and will be placed in many homes. It is in one of these homes that he will learn to play the cornet à piston. He attended the parades of brass-band to New Orleans and inspired by the old musicians to learn. Teenager, he started playing in his first brass-band and on the steamboats navigating the Mississippi. In 1922, he moved to Chicago is the center of the most influential jazz and playing second trumpet in the Creole Jazz Band. At that date the first recordings of Louis Armstrong. After a brief stint in New York, where he met Sidney Bechet. In 1925 he returned to Chicago and recorded under his own name.

He revolutionized the world of jazz recording tracks like "Potato Head Blues," "Muggles" and "West End Blues." His technique and improvisational skills make him the most influential trumpeter of the moment. He gives many concerts in the United States and Europe until 1935. This year he broke a muscle of the lips and bring his career in brackets for one year. Thereafter, he never found his virtuosity, but it did not stop him from continuing to compose and record many tracks. It is gradually singing, with his inimitable voice râpeuse. Louis Armstrong recorded securities that are now part of the musical world such as "Hello, Dolly", "Just A Gigolo" and on "What A Wonderful World". With several hundred concerts a year on every continent, Louis Armstrong is an inexhaustible artist. He died of a heart attack, after a memorable performance on 6 July 1971. It provides in his will after his death a foundation for music education was created to help disadvantaged children. It leaves especially a huge musical legacy is showcased regularly in films, commercials and even cartoons video games.

Disponível em: http://www.stars-celebrites.com/ARMSTRONG-LOUIS/printable-armstrong.htm.

1) Agora complete o quadro abaixo


Local de nascimento

Data do nascimento


Instrumento que tocava

Tipo de música

Locais onde se apresentou

Músicas famosas

Data de falecimento

Causa da morte

Fato importante após sua morte

Como você viu na biografia de Louis Amstrong “What a wonderful world” foi uma das músicas que consagrou esse intérprete ao redor do mundo. Agora antes de Curtir essa linda canção vamos fazer algumas atividades:

2) Listen to the song and complete the blanks with the missing words:

What a wonderful world

I see _______ of _______, ______ roses too I see them bloom for ____ and _____ and I think to myself, what a wonderful world I see skies of ______ and clouds of ______ the bright blessed _____, the dark sacred _______ and I think to myself, what a ________________ world the colors of the rainbow, so __________ in the _____ are also on the ______ of people going by I see __________ shaking ________, saying, "how do you do?" they're really saying, "I _______ you" I hear babies _____, I _______ them grow they'll learn much ________, than I'll never ______ and I think to __________, what a wonderful _______ yes, I _______ to myself, ______ a wonderful world

red faces you me green friends love night

trees blue think white day what myself

know pretty world sky more

watch cry wonderful hands 3) Agora reflita sobre a música, discuta com seus colegas e responda:





• O QUE PODEMOS FAZER PARA QUE ISSE FATO SEJA POSSÍVEL? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 Vocês são jovens muito criativos, não são???? Pois agora transformem a letra da

canção que vocês curtiram em um desenho.

What a Wonderful World!!!


What a Wonderful World é uma canção escrita por Bob Thiele e George David Weiss. Foi gravada pela primeira vez na voz de Louis Armstrong e lançada como compacto no início do outono de1967.


Dear Students!!! Como sabemos, a maioria dos brasileiros é apaixonada por futebol!!!

E, para o delírio da nação brasileira, a copa de mundo de 2014 será realizada em nosso país!!!

1) A seguir, assista ao vídeo e responda às questões abaixo:

Vídeo disponível em www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcitzjlbQZw. Acesso 10 Set 2013.

1) Qual é o assunto do vídeo? 2) De que jogador estão falando? 3) Onde o jogo foi realizado? 4) Qual é a importância desta partida de futebol? Vamos ler sobre um dos jogadores de futebol mais respeitado no mundo todo!!!!

Pele´s Mini Biography Simply he was, and for many people still is, the greatest football player of the world. Not a single thing was impossible for him: he won three World Cup with his National Team of Brazil (Sweden 1958, Chile 1962, Mexico 1970). He scored more than 1.200 goals during his long career (more than 1.300 official matches). He also won many national Leagues and Continental Cup ("Copa Libertadores"), with his team, the Santos Futebol Clube (of Brazilian 'São Paulo' State). In the Sixties he was nick-named "O Rei" (The King) and in the Seventies 95 peoples out of 100 knew his name. ("Wow, man, you're popular!" said Robert Redford, some years ago, after seeing Pelé give dozens of autographs in New York while he was not asked for one). In the late 1960's, when he and his team, Santos, went to Nigeria to play a few friendly matches, the ongoing civil war stopped for the duration of his visit. He finished his career in the New York Cosmos, in 1977. Now he is a United Nation's Ambassador and has been also Minister for Sports in his country, but, for the people who saw him make magics with his right foot, he is, now and forever, the biggest footballer in the world, and the one and only "King".

Disponível em http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671446/bio. Acesso 02 Out. 2013.

Disponível em www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcitzjlbQZw.

2) Read the chart about Pelé:


Edson Arantes do Nascimento

DATE OF BIRTH 23 October 1940

PLACE OF BIRTH Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil

FATHER´S NAME João Ramos do Nascimento

MOTHER´S NAME Celeste Arantes

NICKNAMES Pelé, The Black Pearl, The kind Pelé, The King of Football

HEIGHT 5’ 8”

3) Now complete the chart with your own personal information













4) Converse com seus colegas e responda as questões a seguir: a) Do you practice any kind of sports? ______________________________________________________________________ b) Where do you practice it? ______________________________________________________________________ c) Who do you practice it with? ______________________________________________________________________ d) When do you practice it? ______________________________________________________________________ e) Do you think practicing a sport is good for you? Why? ______________________________________________________________________

UNIT 3 Dear Students!!!! O mundo anda tão complicado... What we can do to have a better world!!!!! Leia o texto sobre uma banda que “faz a diferença”.

U2 has been perhaps the biggest music act in the

world since the late 1980s to the current day. They take prominent stands on human rights issues, expressed through their lyrics and other public statements and actions. The band's lead singer, Bono, has become quite prominent in charity movements and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The band consists of Bono, lead singer and songwriter; The Edge, lead guitar, keyboards, vocals; Adam Clayton, bass guitar; Larry Mullen Jr., drums. Their manager is Paul McGuinness.

The band formed in Dublin, Ireland, in 1976. The three members who strongly identified themselves as Christians (all except Clayton) decided to pursue and promote the band's career in a manner that would be consistent with their religious beliefs, which are heavy

on social action. The band's popular 1983 song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" commemorated the slaughter

of innocent civilians during the Irish troubles. It called for a renunciation of violence, a sentiment that resonated greatly with the people of Ireland. Throughout the 1980s, the band used this song to campaign against the Irish Republican Army's (IRA) efforts to raise money to fuel continued armed conflict. The IRA sent a threat to U2 that if they continued their campaign, they would be kidnapped. The band continued anyway.

The band's 1984 album "Unforgettable Fire" was named after paintings made by the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. The album's songs "Pride" and "MLK" were both tributes to the modern-day leader they most admire, Martin Luther King. Another song, "Bad", was about heroin addiction, which was a serious problem in their hometown of Dublin at that time. U2 continues their work for charity and social action. They promoted the Northern Ireland Peace Accords, raised money for the survivors of the Omagh bombing, played in devastated Sarajevo following the war there, helped bolster the shaky economy of New York City by playing there following the September 11 terrorist attacks, participated in the Live 8 series of concerts to relieve Third World debt, and continue to promote the Make Poverty History campaign. Bono has become prominent in efforts to end poverty and seek relief from AIDS and promote trade for Africa. He has become quite celebrated for these efforts apart from his music and he often finds himself publicly hobnobbing with presidents and finance ministers to promote these charitable ends.

Disponível em http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3847395840/nm1277752. Acesso 05 Set. 2013.

1) Vocês gostam de ouvir música? Vocês já montaram um quebra – cabeça? Então, em pequenos grupos, ouçam e coloquem em ordem a letra da música WITH OR WITHOUT YOU da banda U2. 2) Now listen to the music again and ckeck your your work!!! 3) Read the lyric bellow and final check your work!!!

Disponível em http://letras.mus.br/u2/7/

With Or Without You U2

See the stone set in your eyes See the thorn twist in your side I wait for you Sleight of hand and twist of fate On a bed of nails, she makes me wait And I wait without you With or without you With or without you Through the storm, we reach the shore You gave it all, but I want more And I'm waiting for you With or without you With or without you I can't live With or without you And you give yourself away And you give yourself away And you give And you give And you give yourself away

My hands are tied, my body bruised She's got me with Nothing to win and Nothing left to lose And you give yourself away And you give yourself away And you give And you give And you give yourself away With or without you With or without you I can't live With or without you With or without you With or without you I can't live With or without you With or without you With or without you With or without you I can't live With or without you With or without you


• What´s your favorite kind of music? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Name some American bands you know or like. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Do you know? Have you heard about the the Band U2? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Do you know any other band that promotes the same work for charity as U2? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Do you use to help people in your community? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT 4 A pronúncia dos verbos Regulares (aqueles verbos que terminam em ED quanto estão no passado e no particípio, lembram???) nem sempre é a mesma, você sabia??? Nesta unidade você aprenderá as diferenças e como pronunciá-los corretamente. Listen to the music bellow.

Disponível em http://letras.mus.br/the-beatles/203/traducao.html.



All my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be

There's a shadow hanging over me Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know

She wouldn't say I said something wrong now I long

For yesterday

Yesterday Love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know

She wouldn't say I said something wrong now I long

For yesterday

Yesterday Love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday

1) Listen to the music again and complete the chart:





� Verbs ending in [t] or [d] in the infinitive: ED is pronounced as [Ιd]

visit / admit / pretend / insist / need / wait / decide / attend / want / permit / conclude /

� Verbs ending in voiceless consonants [p], [k], [s]: ED is pronounced as [t]

ask / watch / like / notice / work / stop / produce / thank / dress / distinguish

� Verbs ending in voiced consonants [v], [n], [z], [b], [l], [w], [g] or vowel: ED is pronounced [d]

play / follow / turn / /manage / love / mail / explain / learn / live / study / share

2) Now read the verbs loud and mark the correct pronunciation

VERB [id] [t] [d]

Needed Loved Work Played Stopped Dressed Turned Waited Followed Managed Studied Concluded Visited Liked Pronounced Thanked Distinguished Explained Decided Asked Watched Shared Pretended 3) Now write a story about yourself. Tell us the main facts about your past! Use a dictionary to look up the verbs and vocabulary you need. MY BIOGRAPHY

I was born in…….

4) Now It´s your turn!!! Você já tinha ouvido alguma música dos Beatles??? Esse Grupo marcou praticamente uma década no cenário mundial. GROUP TASK : a) Em grupos busquem em sites da internet informações sobre a banda THE BEATLES. B) As informações serão compartilhadas pelos grupos com os colegas da turma.

UNIT 05 - THE CITY WHERE I LIVE … Dear Students!!! Como vocês sabem Paranaguá é a cidade mais antiga do Estado do Paraná e é conhecida mundialmente por suas belezas naturais!!! 01) Vamos conhecer um pouco de nossa cidade em outro idioma???

Disponível em http://www.paranagua.pr.gov.br/conteudo/a-cidade/papeis-de-parede

Located just 91 kilometers from Curitiba, Paranaguá is one of the most important cities for the economy of the South Region for housing the second largest port in the country. The inhabitants of the oldest city in the state are named Parnanguaras or Paranaguenses and also take pride in the rich history of his homeland. Founded in 1648 the first city of Paraná State had its importance in the gold cycle, by having large concentrations of metal. The gold exploration fueled growth of the municipality, which was elevated to the status of ombudsman, sort of capital of various captaincies, which covered the whole of southern Brazil.

Port of Paranaguá In 1934, the inauguration of Porto Dom Pedro II moved Paranaguá. The Port of Paranaguá is one of the largest in the world with over 2 million square meters of total area, the center flow of goods is considered the fourth largest in the world. Transporting goods such as grains, automotive vehicles fertilizers and ore, the port has modern equipment, which handle about 40 million tons and over 10 billion dollars per year. Tourist attractions

Nicknamed " Mother of Paraná State", the city has rich historical collection, especially the churches. Built between 1775 and 1778, Nossa Senhora do Rosário Church was the first in Paraná soil. The temple has gone through various mishaps such as looting and destruction of parts, but successive reforms have managed to keep the design and beauty of

your facade. The Church of St. Benedict, dating from the 18th century, and the Church of Rocio shrine of the patron saint of Paraná, are other notable parishes of the municipality.

County houses historical buildings, including beautiful churches with extensive collection of artifacts from the primitive peoples of the state, the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) was installed in the old building of the Jesuit College. One of the main cultural attractions of the city, the building was listed by the National Heritage (Iphan) in 1972.

Among the sights of the city, stand - still, Ordem Theater, Visconde de Nacar Palace, Old Railway Station and The Old Fountain.

Adaptado de http://brasilimperdivel.tur.br/paranagua-pr/.

02) Complete the Chart

About the city and the port



Inhabitants´ nickname


Economy importance

Port inauguration

Port size

Goods transported

Operation capacity

Amount of dollars in operation a year

About the tour attractions

First church in state

St Benedict church construction

Historical buildings

Other tour attractions

3) Converse com seus colegas e responda as questões abaixo:

• Where you born in Paranaguá? • Where were you born? • What tour attractions do you like most in this city? Why? • What places do you like to go in Paranaguá? • What´s your favorite historical building here? • What is something that´s missing in the city?

4) GROUP TASK : A Project Em equipes, crie em Língua Inglesa um pequeno folder com os principais pontos turísticos da cidade de Paranaguá.


A PERFECT WORLD???? Dear Students!!!! Vocês já pararam para pensar sobre o mundo em que vivemos???? 01) Observe the picture bellow. What is it about?

Adaptado de: http://www.chris-alexander.co.uk/1191

02) Reflect and Discuss with your classmates:

a) Do you think these problems are part our country – Brazil?

b) Think about our city now. What of these problems are part of our community?

c) What are some possible solution for these problems?

d) Can you think of other problems that affect our city How could we solve them?


Defined by the members of the United Nations and international organizations the millennium development goals involve eight objectives to be achieved by 2015. Despite the cultural diversity, these objectives are common to all the world.

03) Now let´s read some facts about the world poverty!!!!

Poverty Facts and Stats by Anup Shah

• Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.

• At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. • More than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where income

differentials are widening. • The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of

global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income.

• According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.”

• Around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. The two regions that account for the bulk of the deficit are South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

• Based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world were not in school in 2005; 57 per cent of them were girls. And these are regarded as optimistic numbers.

• Early a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.

Fonte: http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats.

Disponível em http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats. Acesso 13

Out. 2013. (adaptado)

Fonte: http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats.

• Infectious diseases continue to blight the lives of the poor across the world. An estimated 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, with 3 million deaths in 2004. Every year there are 350–500 million cases of malaria, with 1 million fatalities: Africa accounts for 90 percent of malarial deaths and African children account for over 80 percent of malaria victims worldwide.

Water problems affect half of humanity:

• Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.

• Almost two in three people lacking access to clean water survive on less than $2 a day, with one in three living on less than $1 a day.

• Access to piped water into the household averages about 85% for the wealthiest 20% of the population, compared with 25% for the poorest 20%.

• Some 1.8 million child deaths each year as a result of diahrea. • The loss of 443 million school days each year from water-related illness. • Close to half of all people in developing countries suffering at any given time from

a health problem caused by water and sanitation deficits. • Millions of women spending several hours a day collecting water. • To these human costs can be added the massive economic waste associated with

the water and sanitation deficit.… The costs associated with health spending, productivity losses and labour diversions … are greatest in some of the poorest countries.

Number of children in the world: 2.2 billion Number in poverty: 1 billion (every second child) Shelter, safe water and health: For the 1.9 billion children from the developing world, there are: 640 million without adequate shelter (1 in 3) 400 million with no access to safe water (1 in 5) 270 million with no access to health services (1 in 7) Children out of education worldwide: 121 million Survival for children Worldwide:

• 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (same as children population in France, Germany, Greece and Italy)

• 1.4 million die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation

Health of children Worldwide:

• 2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized • 15 million children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS (similar to the total children

population in Germany or United Kingdom)

PROJECT: Group Work Discussion Tomando como base o texto acima, discutam e enumerem os principais problemas sociais que afetam nossa cidade e apontem possíveis caminhos para solucioná-los. A atividade deverá ser realizada em Grupos e apresentada aos colegas das turma. Vocês poderão utilizar imagens e ou vídeos que serão apresentados na Tv Pen drive.


Dear Students!!!! Read the text bellow paying attention to the cognate words:

Disponível em: http://www.cifraclub.com.br/bob-marley/war/.

War Until the philosophy which hold one race Superior and another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned Everywhere is war, me say war. That until there are no longer first class And second class citizens af any nation Until the color of a man's skin Is of no more significance than the color of his eyes Me say war. That until the basic human rights are equally Guaranteed to all, without regard to race Dis a war. That until that day The dream of lasting peace, world citizenship Rule of international morality Will remain in but a fleeting illusion To be pursued, but never attained Now everywhere is war, war. And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes That hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa sub-human bondage Have been toppled, utterly destroyed Well, everywhere is war, me say war. War in the east, war in the west War up north, war down south War, war, rumors of war. And until that day, the African continent Will not know peace, we Africans will fight We find it necessary and we know we shall win As we are confident in the victory. Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil Good over evil, good over evil, good ever evil.

1) Based on the cognate words what are the topics presented in the text? 2) Look at the picture bellow and answer the questions:

Imagem: http://www.suapesquisa.com/quemfoi/bob_marley.htm.

a) What´s his name? b) Where is he from? Where was he born? c) What is his profession / What does he do? d) What kind of music does he sing? e) Do you like this style of music? f) What is your favorite kind of music? g) What is your favorite singer or group? CURIOSITY

Bob Marley was a popular artist and attracted many fans with his songs. Aware of its social influence, in the War song, the singer uses his art to warn about the persistence of war as long as there are racial and social differences. 3) Do you know the flag bellow??? Where is this flag from???

Disponível em http://www.suapesquisa.com/quemfoi/bob_marley.htm. 4) Now it´s your turn!!!! Working in groups and using some sites on the internet make a reaserch about this country. Your paper will be presented to your classmates. You can use pictures, posters or the Tv Pendrive.


Disponível em http://www.wikihow.com/Image:Become-an-Excellent-Student-Step-11-Version-2.jpg.

Dear Students!!!! Of course the answer to the question above is YES!!!!! But… How about improving your performance?????

1. Read the text bellow and learn how to do it:

How to Become an Excellent Student

For the student one of the most difficult things a young teen will go through is making the transition into high school. Learning How to Study and getting along with peers will make the whole experience that much easier 1. Like all exceptionally great students, you must pay attention. When a

teacher is giving a lesson, take notes and if you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask questions.

2. Review your notes when you have free time.

3. Take some time to write some problems up, or you could ask someone

to write them for you. Just remember, it doesn't hurt to go over what you have learned.

4. Do your homework. Teachers give you homework for a reason. It is to review what you have learned that day. Take advantage of your free time. Do your homework on the way home from school in any spare time. Do as much at school as you can -there you have the teacher in case you need help. Remember, homework can also help you develop good habits and attitudes. Always do what is asked of you.

5. Be prepared. Bring everything you need with you to class. Books,

folders, pens, pencils, homework, review sheets etc. whatever you need it would be a good idea to bring it.

6. Get organized. Staying organized in school is really important. If you

are organized, then you are one step ahead in being successful. Keep a folder for each subject, and yes, you put your math papers in your math folder, you put your Language Arts papers in your Language Arts folder and so on.

7. Study. It would be a good idea to start studying a few days before a test. Make a study schedule. However, there will be certain situations where you will have to attend whatever it is. In this kind of situation, you will just have to study another day. This is where your study schedule comes in. Write out a schedule of the week of your test and find your free time. Always remember, use your time wisely.

8. Start to read a little more. If you are not already a reader, start at your level and work your way up. You may not know this, but by reading more challenging and difficult books, you are expanding your vocabulary.

9. Ask a parent or older sibling to look over your notes and create a mini-test for you 3 days advance of your test. You should always want to study before the night of your test.

10. If you're stuck then do not lose your cool, just focus on your work and you'll succeed.

11. Use of mind maps can be helpful for understanding hard topics.

12. Don't put off work for later. Make a daily routine for yourself, it really works. Keep your phone, iPod, laptop away from you as it causes distraction.

2. Now answer the questions about your likes and dislikes.

a) Do you like studying?

b) What is your favorite school subject?

c) At what time do you do your homework?

d) Who is your favorite teacher?

e) What do you want to be professionally? Why?

3. Complete the chart about your Study Plans for next week!!!

Day of the week Subject Kind of activity Monday







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