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Curso Tcnico de Segurana e Higiene No Trabalho

Convenes e Recomendaes da OIT

Docente do mdulo: Eng. CN

Trabalho elaborado por: Eng . JB Prof. RG



Sumrio ......................................................................................................................................... 2 mbito........................................................................................................................................... 3 Finalidade ...................................................................................................................................... 3 OIT ................................................................................................................................................. 4 As convenes............................................................................................................................... 4 As recomendaes ........................................................................................................................ 6 Referncias.................................................................................................................................... 8 Anexos........................................................................................................................................... 9 Anexo A Convenes.............................................................................................................. 9 Anexo B Convenes ratificadas por Portugal e recomendaes associadas...................... 15 Anexo C Recomendaes ..................................................................................................... 25


SumrioEste trabalho ir espelhar o estudo efectuado, consultando o ciberespao, no que concerne s convenes de algum modo relacionadas com a Segurana Higiene e Sade no Trabalho, identificando as que foram e no foram ratificadas por Portugal. Nele se ir descrever a finalidade deste trabalho, a que se seguir uma breve descrio do que a organizao Internacional do Trabalho. O passo seguinte, e ltimo, consistir na identificao das convenes listando as que no foram ratificadas por Portugal e apresentando num quadro as que foram, indicando o respectivo diploma legal, bem como a identificao das recomendaes adoptadas. A bibliografia e os anexos constituiro informao complementar, contendo o anexo A a listagem das convenes da OIT, o Anexo B as convenes ratificadas e recomendaes associadas ratificadas por Portugal, e o anexo C a listagem das recomendaes da OIT.


mbitoEste trabalho insere-se na avaliao do mdulo de Planos Especficos de Preveno de Riscos Profissionais.

FinalidadeA finalidade deste trabalho efectuar a identificao das convenes e recomendaes emanadas pela Organizao Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) relacionadas com a Segurana Higiene e Sade no Trabalho SHST e enumerar as convenes que foram e as que no foram ratificadas por Portugal.


OITA OIT (conta hoje em dia com 150 pases filiados) surgiu em 1919 e filiou-se ONU aps a Segunda Guerra Mundial, com o objectivo da reduo da pobreza, melhoria das oportunidades e condies de segurana e igualdade no trabalho, de modo a combater as condies injustas e degradantes de muitos trabalhadores a nvel internacional. A OIT uma das Organizaes Internacionais mais importantes no contexto laboral. uma entidade que emana resolues, decorrentes das convenes, estas de carcter obrigatrio se ratificadas pelas naes filiadas, e recomendaes. Destaca-se a Conveno n. 155 sobre Segurana, Higiene e Sade dos trabalhadores ratificado por Portugal no ano de 1981.

As convenesDas cinquenta e duas convenes, relacionadas de algum modo com SHST, Portugal ratificou quarenta e trs no tendo ractificado nove. De seguida enumera-se os dois grupos iniciando com a listagem das convenes no ratificadas a que se segue um quadro adaptado da Direco-Geral do Emprego e das Relaes de Trabalho e da OITLisboa. As convenes no ratificadas por Portugal foram as: Conveno 16 Exame mdico de menores no trabalho martimo Conveno 42 Indemnizao a trabalhadores por doenas profissionais Conveno 113 Exames mdicos a pescadores Conveno 136 Benzeno Conveno 152 Segurana e higiene no trabalho porturio Conveno 161 Servios de sade no trabalho Conveno 167 Segurana e Sade na construo civil Conveno 170 Segurana na utilizao de produtos qumicos


Conveno 174 Preveno de Acidentes industriais de grande vulto

As convenes, segundo o site da Direco-Geral do Emprego e das Relaes de Trabalho e o site da OIT-Lisboa, ratificadas por Portugal relacionadas com SHST so as que se apresentam abaixo.

Convenes da OIT ratificadas por Portugal Conveno n. 1 n. 4 ASSUNTO Durao do trabalho (indstria), 1919 Trabalho nocturno de mulheres, 1919 Nota: revista parcialmente pela Conveno 89 Denunciada em 8.12.93 Trabalho nocturno de menores (indstria), 1919 Idade mnima de admisso (trabalho martimo), 1920 Nota: revista pela Conv.138 Denunciada automaticamente na sequncia da ratificao da Conv.138 Reparao de acidentes de trabalho (agricultura), 1921 Descanso semanal (indstria), 1921 Reparao dos acidentes de trabalho, 1925 Doenas profissionais, 1925 Igualdade de tratamento entre trabalhadores estrangeiros e nacionais em matria de reparao de acidentes de trabalho, 1925 Trabalho forado, 1930 Emprego de mulheres em trabalhos subterrneos, 1935 Alimentao e servio de mesa a bordo (tripulao dos navios), 1946 Exame mdico dos martimos, 1946 Exame mdico de aptido de crianas e adolescentes (indstria), 1946 Exame mdico de aptido de crianas e adolescentes (trabalhos no industriais), 1946 Inspeco do trabalho, 1947 Trabalho nocturno de mulheres (reviso), 1948 Nota: rev parcialmente a Conveno n. 4. Denunciada em 27.2.92 Trabalhadores migrantes (reviso),19495

Ratificao Dec.15.361 de 3.4.28 Dec.20.988 de 25.11.31

n. 6 n. 7

Dec.20.992 de 25.11.31 D.L.43.020 de 15.6.60

n. 12 n. 14 n. 17 n 18 n 19

D.L.42.874 de 15.3.60 Dec.15.362 de 3.4.28 Dec.16.586 de 9.3.29 Dec.16.587 de 9.3.29 Dec.16.588 de 9.3.29

n. 29 n. 45 n. 68 n. 73 n. 77 n. 78 n. 81 n. 89

Dec.40.646 de 16.6.56 D. L. 27.891 de 26.7.37 D. L. 38.340 de 16.7.51 D. L. 38.362 de 4.8.51 Dec.115/82 de 15.10

Dec.111/82 de 7.10 D. L. 44.148 de 6.1.62 D. L. 44.862 de 23.1.63

n. 97

Lei 50/78 de 25.7

Conveno n. 102 n. 103 n. 106 n. 111 n. 115 n. 120 n. 124 n. 127 n. 129 n. 138 n. 139

n. 142 n. 143 n. 147 n. 148 n. 149 n. 155 n. 159 n. 160 n. 162 n. 171 n. 175 n. 176 n. 181

Ratificao D. P .R. 25/92 de 3.11 D. L. 63/84 de 10.10 Proteco da maternidade (reviso), 1952 Descanso semanal (comrcio e escritrios),1957 D.L.43.005 de 3.6.60 Discriminao (emprego e profisso), 1958 D. L. 42.520 de 23.9.59 Dec.26/93 de 18.8 Proteco contra as radiaes, 1960 Dec.81/81 de 29.6 Higiene (comrcio e escritrios), 1964 Exame mdico dos adolescentes (trabalhos D.G.61/84 de 4.10 Subterrneos), 1965 D.G.17/84 de 4.4 Peso mximo, 1967 Dec.91/81 de 17.7 Inspeco do trabalho (agricultura), 1969 Idade mnima de admisso ao emprego, 1973 (6) D. P .R. 11/98 de 19.3 Nota: Rev a Conveno n. 7 Preveno e controlo dos riscos profissionais D. P. R. 61/98 de 18.12 causados por substncias e agentes cancergenos, 1974 Dec.62/80 de 2.8 Valorizao dos recursos humanos, 1975 Trabalhadores migrantes (disposies Lei 52/78de 25.7 complementares), 1975 D.G.65/83 de 25.7 Marinha mercante (normas mnimas), 1976 Ambiente de trabalho (poluio do ar, rudo e Dec.106/80 de 15.10 vibraes), 1977 Dec.80/81 de 23.6 Pessoal de enfermagem, 1977 D.G.1/85 de 16.1 Segurana e sade dos trabalhadores, 1981 Readaptao profissional e emprego de D. P .R. 56/98 de 2.12 deficientes, 1983 Dec.22/93 de 26.6 Estatsticas do Trabalho, 1985 Nota: rev a Conveno n.. 63 (8) Segurana na utilizao do amianto, 1986 Trabalho nocturno, 1990 Trabalho a tempo parcial, 1994 A segurana e sade nas minas, 1995 Agncias de emprego privadas, 1997 Nota: rev a Conveno n. 96. D. P .R. 57/98 de 2.12 D. P. R. 69/94 de 9.9 D. P. R. 50/2006 de 28.4 D. P. R. 55/01 de 23.10 D. P. R. 13/01 de 31.01

ASSUNTO Segurana Social (norma mnima), 1952 (4)

As recomendaesA OIT emanou normas no vinculativas, recomendaes, que definem politicas e aces, tendo at ao momente produzido 201, cuja listagem se apresenta no Anexo C Recomendaes.6

Segundo o site da OIT Lisboa as recomendaes adoptadas e respectivas convenes a que as primeiras esto associadas enumera-se no quadro seguinte. Recomendao 24 25 81 86 103 114 120 128 133 146 147 156 157 164 168 170 172 183 Conveno 18 19 81 97 106 115 120 127 129 138 139 148 149 155 159 160 162 176


Refernciashttp://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/convdisp1.htm http://www.dgert.mtss.gov.pt/conteudos%20de%20ambito%20geral/oit/oit_convencoes. htm http://www.ilo.org/public/portugue/region/eurpro/lisbon/index.htm http://www.trabalhoseguro.com/OIT/OITconvencoes.htm http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/recdisp1.htm http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/recommendations.pdf http://www.trabalhoseguro.com/OIT/OITconvencoes.htm


AnexosAnexo A ConvenesOfficial titles of the CONVENTIONS adopted by the International Labour Conference 1 Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 2 Unemployment Convention, 1919 3 Maternity Protection Convention, 1919 4 Night Work (Women) Convention, 1919 (shelved) 5 Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919 6 Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919 7 Minimum Age (Sea) Convention, 1920 8 Unemployment Indemnity (Shipwreck) Convention, 1920 9 Placing of Seamen Convention, 1920 10 Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention, 1921 11 Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention, 1921 12 Workmens Compensation (Agriculture) Convention, 1921 13 White Lead (Painting) Convention, 1921 14 Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 15 Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921 (shelved) 16 Medical Examination of Young Persons (Sea) Convention, 1921 17 Workmens Compensation (Accidents) Convention, 1925 18 Workmens Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention, 1925 19 Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925 20 Night Work (Bakeries) Convention, 1925 (shelved) 21 Inspection of Emigrants Convention, 1926 (shelved) 22 Seamens Articles of Agreement Convention, 1926 23 Repatriation of Seamen Convention, 1926 24 Sickness Insurance (Industry) Convention, 1927 25 Sickness Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1927 26 Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928 27 Marking of Weight (Packages Transported by Vessels) Convention, 1929 28 Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention, 1929


29 Forced Labour Convention, 1930 30 Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 31 Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 15 June 2000) 32 Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised), 1932 33 Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention, 1932 34 Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933 (shelved) 35 Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (shelved) 36 Old-Age Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (shelved) 37 Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (shelved) 38 Invalidity Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (shelved) 39 Survivors Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (shelved) 40 Survivors Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (shelved) 41 Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934 (shelved) 42 Workmens Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention (Revised), 1934 43 Sheet-Glass Works Convention, 1934 (shelved) 44 Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934 (shelved) 45 Underground Work (Women) Convention, 1935 46 Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention (Revised), 1935 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 15 June 2000) 47 Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935 48 Maintenance of Migrants Pension Rights Convention, 1935 (shelved) 49 Reduction of Hours of Work (Glass-Bottle Works) Convention, 1935 (shelved) 50 Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, 1936 (shelved) 51 Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 15 June 2000) 52 Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936 53 Officers Competency Certificates Convention, 1936 54 Holidays with Pay (Sea) Convention, 1936 55 Shipowners Liability (Sick and Injured Seamen) Convention, 1936 56 Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention, 1936 57 Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1936 58 Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936 59 Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937 60 Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention (Revised), 1937


61 Reduction of Hours of Work (Textiles) Convention, 1937 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 15 June 2000) 62 Safety Provisions (Building) Convention, 1937 63 Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938 64 Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939 (shelved) 65 Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939 (shelved) 66 Migration for Employment Convention, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 15 June 2000) 67 Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1939 (shelved) 68 Food and Catering (Ships Crews) Convention, 1946 69 Certification of Ships Cooks Convention, 1946 70 Social Security (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 71 Seafarers Pensions Convention, 1946 72 Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 73 Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 74 Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946 75 Accommodation of Crews Convention, 1946 76 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1946 77 Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946 78 Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention, 1946 79 Night Work of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention, 1946 80 Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946 81 Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 Protocol of 1995 to the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 82 Social Policy (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947 83 Labour Standards (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947 84 Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947 85 Labour Inspectorates (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947 86 Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947 (shelved) 87 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 88 Employment Service Convention, 1948 89 Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 90 Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1948


91 Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention (Revised), 1949 (shelved) 92 Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised), 1949 93 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1949 94 Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention, 1949 95 Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 96 Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention (Revised), 1949 97 Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 98 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 99 Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Convention, 1951 100 Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 101 Holidays with Pay (Agriculture) Convention, 1952 102 Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 103 Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 104 Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1955 (shelved) 105 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 106 Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 107 Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957 108 Seafarers Identity Documents Convention, 1958 109 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1958 110 Plantations Convention, 1958 Protocol of 1982 to the Plantations Convention, 1958 111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 112 Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959 113 Medical Examination (Fishermen) Convention, 1959 114 Fishermens Articles of Agreement Convention, 1959 115 Radiation Protection Convention, 1960 116 Final Articles Revision Convention, 1961 117 Social Policy (Basic Aims and Standards) Convention, 1962 118 Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention, 1962 119 Guarding of Machinery Convention, 1963 120 Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1964 121 Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964 [Schedule I amended in 1980] 122 Employment Policy Convention, 1964 123 Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965


124 Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention, 1965 125 Fishermens Competency Certificates Convention, 1966 126 Accommodation of Crews (Fishermen) Convention, 1966 127 Maximum Weight Convention, 1967 128 Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors Benefits Convention, 1967 129 Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention, 1969 130 Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 131 Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 132 Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised), 1970 133 Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1970 134 Prevention of Accidents (Seafarers) Convention, 1970 135 Workers Representatives Convention, 1971 136 Benzene Convention, 1971 137 Dock Work Convention, 1973 138 Minimum Age Convention, 1973 139 Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974 140 Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974 141 Rural Workers Organisations Convention, 1975 142 Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 143 Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 144 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 145 Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention, 1976 146 Seafarers Annual Leave with Pay Convention, 1976 147 Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 Protocol of 1996 to the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 148 Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977 149 Nursing Personnel Convention, 1977 150 Labour Administration Convention, 1978 151 Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 152 Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, 1979 153 Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1979 154 Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981 155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981


156 Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 157 Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982 158 Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 159 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 160 Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 161 Occupational Health Services Convention, 1985 162 Asbestos Convention, 1986 163 Seafarers Welfare Convention, 1987 164 Health Protection and Medical Care (Seafarers) Convention, 1987 165 Social Security (Seafarers) Convention (Revised), 1987 166 Repatriation of Seafarers Convention (Revised), 1987 167 Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 168 Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988 169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 170 Chemicals Convention, 1990 171 Night Work Convention, 1990 172 Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Convention, 1991 173 Protection of Workers Claims (Employers Insolvency) Convention, 1992 174 Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention, 1993 175 Part-Time Work Convention, 1994 176 Safety and Health in Mines Convention, 1995 177 Home Work Convention, 1996 178 Labour Inspection (Seafarers) Convention, 1996 179 Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Convention, 1996 180 Seafarers Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention, 1996 181 Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 182 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 183 Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 184 Safety and Health in Agriculture Convention, 2001 185 Seafarers Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 186 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 [this Convention does not have a number] 187 Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 188 Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 189 Domestic Workers Convention, 2011


Anexo B Convenes ratificadas por Portugal e recomendaes associadasConvenes ratificadas por Portugal Recomendao Data de Dirio da Registo Conveno Assunto BIT associada ratificao Repblica D.G. I Dec.n15 Durao do trabalho Srie n C.1 03.07.1928 361 de (industria), 1919 207 de 3.4.28 14.4.28 Trabalho nocturno de mulheres, 1919 D.G. I Dec. 20 988 Srie n 57 10.05.1932 de 25.11.31 de 8.3.32



Nota: revista parcialmente pela Conveno 89 Denunciada em 08.12.1993 Trabalho nocturno de menores (indstria), 1919 Idade mnima de admisso (trabalho martimo), 1920 Nota: revista pela Conveno 138 Denunciada automaticamente na sequncia da ratificao da Conveno 138



D.G. I Dec. 20 992 Srie n. 10.05.1932 de 25.11.31 58 de 9.3.32



D.G.I D.L.43 020 Srie n. 24.10.1960 de 15.6.60 138 de 15.6.60









D.R. I Subsdio de desemprego Dec. 133/80 Srie em caso de perda por de 28.11.80 n.276 de naufrgio, 1920 28.11.80 Direito de associao e D.R. I coligao dos Lei 41/77 Srie n. trabalhadores agrcolas, de 18.6.77 139 de 1921 18.6.77 D.G. I Reparao de acidentes D.L.42 874 Srie n. de trabalho (agricultura), 61 de de 15.3.60 1921 15.3.60 D.G.I Dec. 15 362 Srie n. Descanso Semanal de 3.4.28 85 de (indstria), 1921 14.4.2815






Recomendao associada



Data de Dirio da Registo BIT ratificao Repblica D.G. I Srie n. Reparao dos acidentes Dec. 16 586 57 de 27.03.1929 de trabalho, 1925 de 9.3.29 12.3.29 Assunto D.G. I Srie n. Dec. 16 587 57 de 27.03.1929 de 9.3.29 12.3.29


R.24 (1925)

Doenas Profissionais, 1925



Igualdade de tratamento entre trabalhadores D.G. I estrangeiros e nacionais Dec. 16 588 R.25 (1925) Srie n.57 27.03.1929 em matria de reparao de 9.3.29 de 12.3.29 de acidentes de trabalho, 1925 D.R. I Srie n. Contrato de trabalho dos Dec.112/82 235 de 26.05.1983 martimos, 1926 de 11.10.82 11.10.82 D.R. I Srie n. Dec.113/82 237 de 26.05.1983 de 13.10.82 13.10.82 D.G. I Srie n. DL. 42 521 219 de 10.11.1959 de 23.9.59 23.9.59



Repatriamento dos martimos, 1926


R.30 (1928)

Mtodos de fixao dos salrios mnimos, 1928



D.G. I Indicao do peso nos Srie n. Dec. 20 771 grandes volumes 13de 01.03.1932 transportados em barco, de 31.12.31 16.1.32 1929 D.G. I Srie n. Dec. 40 646 123 de 26.06.1956 de 16.6.56 16.6.56 D.G. I Srie n. D.L. 27 891 172 de 18.10.1937 de 26.7.37 26.7.37



Trabalho forado, 1930



Emprego de mulheres em trabalhos subterrneos, 1935



Recomendao associada


Data de Dirio da ratificao Repblica

Registo BIT





Estatsticas de salrios e de horas de trabalho, 1938 Nota: deixou de estar aberta ratificao aps D.R. I entrada em vigor da Dec. 90/81 Srie n. 24.02.1983 Conveno 160 que a de 15.7.81 160 de rev 15.7.81 Denunciada automaticamente na sequncia da ratificao da Conveno 160 D.G. I Alimentao e servio de Srie n. D.L. 38 340 mesa a bordo (tripulao 147 de 13.06.1952 de 16.7.51 dos navios), 1946 16.7.51 D.G. I Srie n. D.L. 38 344 152 de 13.06.1952 de 21.7.51 21.7.51



Diploma de aptido profissional dos cozinheiros de bordo, 1946





no se procedeu Frias remuneradas dos ao registo martimos, 1946 junto do BIT por se D.G. I Nota: no recebeu o n ter necessrio de ratificaes D.L.38 349 Srie n. entretanto de 30.7.51 159 de para a sua entrada em optado 30.7.51 vigor. Deixou de estar pela aberta ratificao aps ratificao entrada em vigor da da Conveno 91 que a rev Conveno n 91 D.G. I Srie n. D.L. 38 362 Exame mdico dos 164 de 13.06.1952 martimos, 1946 de 4.8.51 4.8.51 D.G. I Srie n. Certificado de aptido de D.L.38 365 165 de marinheiro qualificado, 13.06.1952 de 6.8.51 6.8.51 1946





Recomendao associada





Registo BIT no se Alojamento da tripulao procedeu a bordo, 1946 ao registo junto do BIT por se Nota: no chegou a D.G. I ter entrar em vigor por no D.L. 38 377 Srie n. entretanto ter recebido o n de 166 de de 7.8.51 optado ratificaes necessrias. 7.8.51 pela Deixou de estar aberta ratificao ratificao aps entrada da em vigor da Conveno Conveno 92, que a rev n 92 D.R. I Srie n. Exame mdico de Dec.115/82 239 de aptido de crianas e 26.05.1983 adolescentes (indstria), de 15.10.82 15.10.82 1946 Assunto D.R. I Srie n. Dec. 111/82 232 de 26.05.1983 de 7.10.82 7.10.82

Data de Dirio da ratificao Repblica



Exame mdico de aptido de crianas e adolescentes (trabalhos no industriais), 1946


R.81 (1947)

Inspeco do trabalho, 1947

D.G. I Srie n. 5 D.L. 44 148 de 6.1.62 12.02.1962 de 6.1.62 D.R. I Srie n. 155 de 14.10.1977 7.7.77



Liberdade sindical e proteco do direito sindical, 1948

Lei 45/77 de 7.7.77


D.G. I Srie n. Organizao do servio D.L. 174/72 R.83 (1948) 122 de 23.06.1972 de emprego, 1948 de 24.5.72 24.5.72 Trabalho nocturno de mulheres (reviso)



D.G. I D.L. 44 862 Srie n. 02.06.1964 Nota: rev parcialmente 19 de de 23.1.63 a Conveno n 4 23.1.63 Denunciada em 27.02.199218


Recomendao associada

Assunto Frias remuneradas dos martimos (reviso), 1949

Data de Dirio da ratificao Repblica

Registo BIT





Nota: rev a Conveno 72. Deixou de estar aberta ratificao aps D.L. 38 793 a entrada em vigor da de 21.6.52 Conveno 146, que a rev Denunciada automaticamente na sequncia da ratificao da Conveno 146 Alojamento da tripulao a bordo, 1949 D.L. 38 800 de 25.6.52 Nota: rev a Conveno n 75

D.G. I Srie n. 29.07.1952 137 de 21.6.52

D.G. I Srie n. 29.07.1952 140 de 25.6.52


Proteco do salrio, R.85 (1949) 1949 Agncias de colocao no gratuitas (reviso), 1949

D.R. I Dec. 88/81 Srie n. 24.02.1983 de 14.7.81 159 de 14.7.81





D.R. I Deixou de estar aberta Srie ratificao aps entrada D.G. 68/84 em vigor da Conveno de 17.10.84 n.241 de 17.10.84 181 que a rev Denunciada automaticamente na sequncia da ratificao da Conveno 181 D.R. I Trabalhadores migrantes Lei 50/78 Srie n. R.86 (1949) (reviso), 1949 de 25.7.78 169 de 25.7.78 D.G. I Direito de organizao e D.L. 45 758 Srie n. de negociao colectiva, de 12.6.64 138 de 1949 12.6.64 D.G. I Igualdade de D.L. 47 302 Srie n. R.90 (1951) de 4.11.66 256 de remunerao, 1951 4.11.6619






Recomendao associada






Data de Dirio da ratificao Repblica D.R. I D.P.R. Segurana Social (norma Srie n. 25/92 de mnima), 1952 254 de 3.11.92 3.11.92 D.R. I Proteco da D.G. 63/84 Srie n. de 10.10.84 235 de Maternidade, 1952 10.10.84 D.G. I Abolio das sanes D.L. 42 691 Srie n. penais (trabalhadores de 30.11.59 276 de indgenas), 1955 30.11.59 D.G. I D.L. 42 381 Srie n. Abolio do trabalho forado de 13.7.59 158 de 13.7.59 D.G. I Srie n. Descanso semanal D.L.43 005 130 de R.103 (1957) (comrcio e escritrios), de 3.6.60 3.6.60 1957 Assunto Populaes aborgenes e tribais, 1957

Registo BIT 17.03.1994









D.G. I D.L. 43 281 Srie n. Nota: deixou de estar 22.11.1960 aberta ratificao aps de 29.10.60 252 de 29.10.60 a entrada em vigor da Conveno 169, que a rev D.G. I Documentos de Srie n. D.L. 47 712 identificao dos 118 de 03.08.1967 de 19.5.67 martimos, 1958 19.5.67 Salrios, durao do trabalho a bordo e lotaes (reviso), 1958 D.R. I Nota: no recebeu o Dec. 90/80 Srie n. nmero necessrio de 09.01.1981 de 23.9.80 220 de ratificaes para a sua 23.9.80 entrada em vigor. Deixa de estar aberta ratificao aps a entrada em vigor da Conveno 180, que a rev





Recomendao associada



Data de Dirio da Registo BIT ratificao Repblica D.G.I Srie n. Discriminao (emprego D.L. 42 520 219 de 19.11.1959 e profisso), 1958 de 23.9.59 23.9.59 Assunto D.R. I Srie n 193 de 17.03.1994 18.8.93 D.R. I Srie n 176 de 09.01.1981 1.8.80 D.R. I Srie n 146 de 24.02.1983 29.6.81


R.114 (1960)

Proteco contra as radiaes, 1960

Dec. 26/93 de 18.8.93



Poltica Social (objectivos e normas de base), 1962

Dec. 57/80 de 1.8.80


R.120 (1964)

Higiene (comrcio e escritrios), 1964

Dec. 81/81 de 29.6.81


R.122 (1964)

Poltica de emprego, 1964

D.R. I Srie n. Dec. 54/80 175 de 09.01.1981 de 31.7.80 31.7.80 D.R. I Srie n. D.G. 61/84 231 de 02.05.1985 de 4.10.84 4.10.84 D.R. I Srie n. 80 de 4.4.84 D.R. I Srie n. 162 de 17.7.81 D.R. I Srie n. 138 de 19.6.81 D.R. I Srie n. 173 de 29.7.80



Exame mdico dos adolescentes (trabalhos subterrneos), 1965


R.128 (1967) Peso mximo, 1967

D.G. 17/84 de 4.4.84



R.133 (1969)

Inspeco do trabalho (agricultura), 1969

Dec. 91/81 de 17.7.81



R.135 (1970)

Fixao dos salrios mnimos, 1970 Frias anuais remuneradas (reviso), 1970

Dec. 77/81 de 19.6.81




Dec. 52/80 de 29.7.80




Recomendao associada R. 143 (1971)



R.145 (1973)


R.146 (1973)


R.147 (1974)



Data de Dirio da Registo BIT ratificao Repblica D.R. I Representantes dos Dec. 263/76 Srie n. 31.05.1976 trabalhadores, 1971 de 8.4.76 84 de 8.4.76 Repercusses sociais dos D.R. I novos mtodos das Dec. 56/80 Srie n. 09.01.1981 operaes porturias, de 1.8.80 176 de 1973 1.8.80 Idade mnima de admisso ao emprego, D.R. I D.P.R. 1973 Srie A 20.05.1998 11/98 de n.66 de 19.3.98 19.3.98 Nota: rev a Conveno n 7 Preveno e controlo dos D.R. I riscos profissionais D.P.R. Srie A causados por substncias 61/98 de 03.05.1999 n291 de e agentes cancergenos, 18.12.98 18.12.98 1974 D.R. I Srie n. Valorizao dos recursos Dec. 62/80 177 de 09.01.1981 humanos, 1975 de 2.8.80 2.8.80 Assunto D.R. I Trabalhadores migrantes Srie n. Lei 52/78de (disposies 169 de 12.12.1978 complementares), 1975 25.7.78 25.7.78







Consultas tripartidas D.R. I destinadas a promover a Dec. 63/80 Srie n. aplicao das normas de 2.8.80 177 de internacionais do 2.8.80 trabalho, 1976 D.R. I Continuidade do Dec.109/82 Srie n. R.154 (1976) emprego (martimos), de 6.10 231 de 1976 6.10.82 D.R. I Frias anuais Dec.108/82 Srie n. remuneradas de 6.10.82 231 de (martimos), 1976 6.10.82 D.R. I D.G. 65/83 Srie n. Marinha mercante (normas mnimas), 1976 de 25.7.83 169 de 25.7.83







Recomendao associada R.156 (1977)



R.157 (1977)


R.158 (1978)


R.159 (1978)


R.164 (1981)

Protocolo 2002


R.165 (1981)


R.166 (1982)


R.168 (1983)

Data de Dirio da Registo BIT ratificao Repblica D.R. I Ambiente de trabalho Dec. 106/80 Srie n. (poluio do ar, rudo e 09.01.1981 de 15.10.80 239 de vibraes), 1977 15.10.80 D.R. I Srie Pessoal de enfermagem, Dec. 80/81 28.05.1985 1977 de 23.6.81 n.141 de23.6.81 D.R. I Administrao do Dec. 53/80 Srie n. 09.01.1981 trabalho (papel, funes de 30.7.80 174 de e organizao), 1978 30.7.80 D.R. I Relaes de trabalho na Lei 17/80 Srie n. 09.01.1981 funo pblica, 1978 de 15.7.80 161 de 15.7.80 D.R. I Segurana e sade dos D.G. 1/85 Srie n. 28.05.1985 13 de trabalhadores, 1981 de 16.1.85 16.1.85 D.R. I Relativo Conveno DPR Srie n. sobre a segurana e a 104/2010 de 12.11.2010 207 de sade dos 25.10 25.10.2010 trabalhadores, 1981 D.R. I Trabalhadores com D.G. 66/84 Srie n. responsabilidades 02.05.1985 de 11.10.84 236 de familiares, 1981 11.10.84 D.R. I D.P.R. Cessao da relao de Srie n. 68/94 de 27.11.1995 trabalho, 1982 198 de 27.8.94 27.8.94 D.R. I Srie A Readaptao profissional D.P.R. e emprego de deficientes, 56/98 de n.278 de 03.05.1999 1983 2.12.98 2.12.98 Assunto Estatsticas do trabalho, 1985 D.R. I Dec. 22/93 Srie n. 27.11.1995 de 26.6.93 148 de 26.6.93 D.R. I D.P.R. Srie A n. 57/98 de 03.05.1999 278 de 2.12.98 2.12.98


R.170 (1985) Nota: rev a Conveno n 63


R.172 (1986)

Segurana na utilizao do amianto, 1986


Data de Dirio da Registo BIT ratificao Repblica D.R. I D.P.R.69/94 Srie A C.171 Trabalho nocturno, 1990 27.11.1995 de 9.9.94 n.209 de 9.9.94 D. R. I D. P. R. Trabalho a tempo Srie - A C. 175 02.06.2006 50/2006 de parcial, 1994 n. 83 de 28.4 28.04.2006 D.R. I D.P.R. A segurana e sade nas srie A n C.176 R.183 (1995) 25.03.2002 55/01 de minas, 1995 246 de 23.10.01 23.10.2001 Agncias de emprego D.R. I privadas, 1997 D.P.R. Srie A n C.181 25.03.2002 13/01 de 37 de Nota: rev a Conveno 31.01.01 13.02.2001 n 4 D.R. I Interdio das piores D.P.R. n Srie A n. 28/2000 de C.182 R.190 (1999) formas de trabalho das 15.06.2002 127 de crianas, 1999 26.05.00 1.6.2000 Fonte: OIT- Lisboa http://www.ilo.org/public/portugue/region/eurpro/lisbon/html/portugal_convencoes_nu mero_pt.htm Conveno Assunto

Recomendao associada


Anexo C RecomendaesOfficial titles of the RECOMMENDATIONS adopted by the International Labour Conference 1 Unemployment Recommendation, 1919 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 2 Reciprocity of Treatment Recommendation, 1919 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 3 Anthrax Prevention Recommendation, 1919 4 Lead Poisoning (Women and Children) Recommendation, 1919 5 Labour Inspection (Health Services) Recommendation, 1919 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 6 White Phosphorus Recommendation, 1919 7 Hours of Work (Fishing) Recommendation, 1920 8 Hours of Work (Inland Navigation) Recommendation, 1920 9 National Seamens Codes Recommendation, 1920 10 Unemployment Insurance (Seamen) Recommendation, 1920 11 Unemployment (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 12 Maternity Protection (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 13 Night Work of Women (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 14 Night Work of Children and Young Persons (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 15 Vocational Education (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 16 Living-in Conditions (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 17 Social Insurance (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1921 18 Weekly Rest (Commerce) Recommendation, 1921 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 19 Migration Statistics Recommendation, 1922 20 Labour Inspection Recommendation, 1923 21 Utilisation of Spare Time Recommendation, 1924 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 22 Workmens Compensation (Minimum Scale) Recommendation, 1925 23 Workmens Compensation (Jurisdiction) Recommendation, 1925 24 Workmens Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Recommendation, 1925 25 Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Recommendation, 1925 26 Migration (Protection of Females at Sea) Recommendation, 1926 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 27 Repatriation (Ship Masters and Apprentices) Recommendation, 1926 28 Labour Inspection (Seamen) Recommendation, 1926 29 Sickness Insurance Recommendation, 1927 30 Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Recommendation, 1928 31 Prevention of Industrial Accidents Recommendation, 1929 32 Power-driven Machinery Recommendation, 1929 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 33 Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Reciprocity Recommendation, 1929 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 34 Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Consultation of Organisations Recommendation, 1929 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004)25

35 Forced Labour (Indirect Compulsion) Recommendation, 1930 36 Forced Labour (Regulation) Recommendation, 1930 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 37 Hours of Work (Hotels, etc.) Recommendation, 1930 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 38 Hours of Work (Theatres, etc.) Recommendation, 1930 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 39 Hours of Work (Hospitals, etc.) Recommendation, 1930 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 40 Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Reciprocity Recommendation, 1932 41 Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Recommendation, 1932 42 Employment Agencies Recommendation, 1933 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 43 Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Recommendation, 1933 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 44 Unemployment Provision Recommendation, 1934 45 Unemployment (Young Persons) Recommendation, 1935 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 46 Elimination of Recruiting Recommendation, 1936 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 47 Holidays with Pay Recommendation, 1936 48 Seamens Welfare in Ports Recommendation, 1936 49 Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Recommendation, 1936 50 Public Works (International Co-operation) Recommendation, 1937 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 51 Public Works (National Planning) Recommendation, 1937 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 52 Minimum Age (Family Undertakings) Recommendation, 1937 53 Safety Provisions (Building) Recommendation, 1937 54 Inspection (Building) Recommendation, 1937 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 55 Co-operation in Accident Prevention (Building) Recommendation, 1937 56 Vocational Education (Building) Recommendation, 1937 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 57 Vocational Training Recommendation, 1939 58 Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Recommendation, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 59 Labour Inspectorates (Indigenous Workers) Recommendation, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 60 Apprenticeship Recommendation, 1939 61 Migration for Employment Recommendation, 1939 62 Migration for Employment (Co-operation between States) Recommendation, 1939 63 Control Books (Road Transport) Recommendation, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 64 Night Work (Road Transport) Recommendation, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 65 Methods of Regulating Hours (Road Transport) Recommendation, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 66 Rest Periods (Private Chauffeurs) Recommendation, 1939 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 67 Income Security Recommendation, 1944 68 Social Security (Armed Forces) Recommendation, 194426

69 Medical Care Recommendation, 1944 70 Social Policy in Dependent Territories Recommendation, 1944 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 71 Employment (Transition from War to Peace) Recommendation, 1944 72 Employment Service Recommendation, 1944 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 73 Public Works (National Planning) Recommendation, 1944 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 18 June 2002) 74 Social Policy in Dependent Territories (Supplementary Provisions) Recommendation, 1945 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) No. 75 Seafarers Social Security (Agreements) Recommendation, 1946 76 Seafarers (Medical Care for Dependants) Recommendation, 1946 77 Vocational Training (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1946 78 Bedding, Mess Utensils and Miscellaneous Provisions (Ships Crews) Recommendation, 1946 79 Medical Examination of Young Persons Recommendation, 1946 80 Night Work of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Recommendation, 1946 81 Labour Inspection Recommendation, 1947 82 Labour Inspection (Mining and Transport) Recommendation, 1947 83 Employment Service Recommendation, 1948 84 Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Recommendation, 1949 85 Protection of Wages Recommendation, 1949 86 Migration for Employment Recommendation (Revised), 1949 87 Vocational Guidance Recommendation, 1949 88 Vocational Training (Adults) Recommendation, 1950 89 Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1951 90 Equal Remuneration Recommendation, 1951 91 Collective Agreements Recommendation, 1951 92 Voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration Recommendation, 1951 93 Holidays with Pay (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1952 94 o-operation at the Level of the Undertaking Recommendation, 1952 95 Maternity Protection Recommendation, 1952 96 Minimum Age (Coal Mines) Recommendation, 1953 (withdrawn by the ILC decision of 16 June 2004) 97 Protection of Workers Health Recommendation, 1953 98 Holidays with Pay Recommendation, 1954 99 Vocational Rehabilitation (Disabled) Recommendation, 1955 100 Protection of Migrant Workers (Underdeveloped Countries) Recommendation, 1955 101 Vocational Training (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1956 102 Welfare Facilities Recommendation, 1956 103 Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Recommendation, 1957 104 Indigenous and Tribal Populations Recommendation, 1957 105 Ships Medicine Chests Recommendation, 1958 106 Medical Advice at Sea Recommendation, 1958 107 Seafarers Engagement (Foreign Vessels) Recommendation, 1958 108 Social Conditions and Safety (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1958 109 Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Recommendation, 1958 110 Plantations Recommendation, 1958 111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Recommendation, 1958 112 Occupational Health Services Recommendation, 1959 113 Consultation (Industrial and National Levels) Recommendation, 1960 114 Radiation Protection Recommendation, 196027

115 Workers Housing Recommendation, 1961 116 Reduction of Hours of Work Recommendation, 1962 117 Vocational Training Recommendation, 1962 118 Guarding of Machinery Recommendation, 1963 119 Termination of Employment Recommendation, 1963 120 Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Recommendation, 1964 121 Employment Injury Benefits Recommendation, 1964 122 Employment Policy Recommendation, 1964 123 Employment (Women with Family Responsibilities) Recommendation, 1965 124 Minimum Age (Underground Work) Recommendation, 1965 125 Conditions of Employment of Young Persons (Underground Work) Recommendation, 1965 126 Vocational Training (Fishermen) Recommendation, 1966 127 o-operatives (Developing Countries) Recommendation, 1966 128 Maximum Weight Recommendation, 1967 129 Communications within the Undertaking Recommendation, 1967 130 Examination of Grievances Recommendation, 1967 131 Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors Benefits Recommendation, 1967 132 Tenants and Share-croppers Recommendation, 1968 133 Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1969 134 Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Recommendation, 1969 135 Minimum Wage Fixing Recommendation, 1970 136 Special Youth Schemes Recommendation, 1970 137 Vocational Training (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1970 138 Seafarers Welfare Recommendation, 1970 139 Employment of Seafarers (Technical Developments) Recommendation, 1970 140 Crew Accommodation (Air Conditioning) Recommendation, 1970 141 Crew Accommodation (Noise Control) Recommendation, 1970 142 Prevention of Accidents (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1970 143 Workers Representatives Recommendation, 1971 144 Benzene Recommendation, 1971 145 Dock Work Recommendation, 1973 146 Minimum Age Recommendation, 1973 147 Occupational Cancer Recommendation, 1974 148 Paid Educational Leave Recommendation, 1974 149 Rural Workers Organisations Recommendation, 1975 150 Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975 151 Migrant Workers Recommendation, 1975 152 Tripartite Consultation (Activities of the International Labour Organisation) Recommendation, 1976 153 Protection of Young Seafarers Recommendation, 1976 154 Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1976 155 Merchant Shipping (Improvement of Standards) Recommendation, 1976 156 Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Recommendation, 1977 157 Nursing Personnel Recommendation, 1977 158 Labour Administration Recommendation, 1978 159 Labour Relations (Public Service) Recommendation, 1978 160 Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Recommendation, 1979 161 Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Recommendation, 1979 162 Older Workers Recommendation, 1980 163 Collective Bargaining Recommendation, 1981 164 Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 198128

165 Workers with Family Responsibilities Recommendation, 1981 166 Termination of Employment Recommendation, 1982 167 Maintenance of Social Security Rights Recommendation, 1983 168 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Recommendation, 1983 169 Employment Policy (Supplementary Provisions) Recommendation, 1984 170 Labour Statistics Recommendation, 1985 171 Occupational Health Services Recommendation, 1985 172 Asbestos Recommendation, 1986 173 Seafarers Welfare Recommendation, 1987 174 Repatriation of Seafarers Recommendation, 1987 175 Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988 176 Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Recommendation, 1988 177 Chemicals Recommendation, 1990 178 Night Work Recommendation, 1990 179 Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Recommendation, 1991 180 Protection of Workers Claims (Employers Insolvency) Recommendation, 1992 181 Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Recommendation, 1993 182 Part-Time Work Recommendation, 1994 183 Safety and Health in Mines Recommendation, 1995 184 Home Work Recommendation, 1996 185 Labour Inspection (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1996 186 Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Recommendation, 1996 187 Seafarers Wages, Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Recommendation, 1996 188 Private Employment Agencies Recommendation, 1997 189 Job Creation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 190 Worst Forms of Child Labour Recommendation, 1999 191 Maternity Protection Recommendation, 2000 192 Safety and Health in Agriculture Recommendation, 2001 193 Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 194 List of Occupational Diseases Recommendation, 2002 195 Human Resources Development Recommendation, 2004 197 Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 2006 198 Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 199 Work in Fishing Recommendation, 2007 200 HIV and AIDS Recommendation, 2010 201 Domestic Workers Recommendation, 2011


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