lÍngua inglesa - banco do brasil professor: renato baggio...

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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 


Aula: 01


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 


• O professor Renato Baggio tem 39 anos é formado em Publicidade e Propaganda e tem sua formação como professor de Inglês pela International House de Londres, Inglaterra. Estudou letras Português-Inglês pelo COC-SP e também fez cursos de aperfeiçoamento na Eurocentres em Londres. Leciona há 21 anos com experiência de 10 anos em concursos pré-vestibulares.

• Olá estimados alunos! Sejam bem vindos às aulas de Inglês! Nelas procurarei trazer uma abordagem diferente durante nossas aulas para que consigamos obter máximo rendimento nesse curto espaço de tempo! Conto com a dedicação de vocês bem como com um feedback durante nossas aulas para que possamos atender as suas necessidades da maneira mais personalizada possível! Um ótimo curso a todos e bons estudos!


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 


Pronouns 1.1. Personal Pronouns Há dois tipos de pronomes pessoais: os Subjective Pronouns e os Objective Pronouns. Os Subjective Pronouns funcionam como sujeito da frase, ou seja, aquele que faz a ação do verbo. Por este motivo, são usados antes do verbo. Já os Objective Pronouns funcionam como o objeto da frase, ou seja, aqueles que sofrem a ação do verbo. Logo, são usados depois do verbo. SUBJECTIVE PRONOUNS OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS









Usados Antes do Verbo Usados Depois do Verbo Ex.: I want to talk to her about the problem. Ex.: John and Meg study with Bob. (He) (her) Ex.: Jane is worried about Susan. (She) (her) 1.2. Possessive Pronouns Há dois tipos de pronomes possessivos: Os Possessive Adjectives e os Possessive Pronouns. Os Possessive Adjectives são seguidos de um substantivo. Já os Possessive Pronouns não podem ser seguidos de um substantivo. Eles são usados depois do substantivo ao qual se referem, para evitar redundância.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 










Antes do Substantivo Depois do Substantivo Ex.: I have my friends and you have your friends. I have my friends and you have yours. Ex.: These are my books. Where are your books? These are my books. Where are yours? Exercise Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer-songwriter, actor, dancer, businessman, and philanthropist. Called the king of Pop, his contributions to music, dance, and fashion, along with his publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_jackson (acesso em 04/07/2014) 1. The words his and him refer to Michael Jackson. ( ) certo ( ) errado 1.3. Reflexive Pronouns Os pronomes reflexivos concordam com os pronomes pessoais (sujeitos das frases). Eles podem se referir ao sujeito ou ao objeto da frase. Os pronomes reflexivos possuem 3 usos:

a) Uso reflexivo b) Uso enfático c) Uso idiomático


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 










a) Uso reflexivo – para indicar que a ação reflete-se no próprio causador: Ex.: The man cut himself. b) Uso enfático – para dar ênfase (destaque) a uma pessoa ou objeto: I myself fixed the computer. Jane herself cleaned the house. c) Uso idiomático – é freqüentemente usado com a preposição “by” para substituir a palavra “ALONE” (=só; sozinho): I finished the report alone. = I finished the report by myself. CESGRANRIO - Concurso Petrobras - 2012 Text I A Day in the Life of the Women of O&G by Jaime Kammerzell From Rigzone Contributor. Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Although far fewer women work in the oil and gas (O&G) industry compared to men, many women find rewarding careers in the industry. Five women were asked the same questions regarding their career choices in the oil and gas industry. Question 1: Why did you choose the oil and gas industry? Woman 1: Cool technology, applying science and money. Woman 2: It seemed interesting and the pay was good. Woman 3: They offered me a job! I couldn’t turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans. Woman 4: I did not really choose the oil and gas


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 

industry as much as it chose me. Woman 5: I chose the oil and gas industry because of the challenging projects, and I want to be part of our country’s energy solution. Question 2: How did you get your start in the oil and gas industry? Woman 1: I went to a university that all major oil companies recruit. I received a summer internship with Texaco before my last year of my Master’s degree. Woman 2: I was recruited at a Texas Tech Engineering Job Fair. Woman 3: At the time, campus recruiters came to the geosciences department of my university annually and they sponsored scholarships for graduate students to help complete their research. Even though my Master’s thesis was more geared toward environmental studies, as a recipient of one of these scholarships, my graduate advisor strongly encouraged me to participate when the time came for O&G Industry interviews. Woman 4: I was working for a company in another state where oil and gas was not its primary business. When the company sold its division in the state where I was working, they offered me a position at the company’s headquarters in Houston managing the aftermarket sales for the company’s largest region. Aftermarket sales supported the on-highway, construction, industrial, agricultural and the oil and gas markets. After one year, the company asked me to take the position of managing their marine and offshore power products division. I held that position for three years. I left that company to join a new startup company where I hold the position of president. Woman 5: My first job in the oil and gas industry was an internship with Mobil Oil Corp., in New Orleans. I worked with a lot of smart, focused and talented geoscientists and engineers. Question 3: Describe your typical day. Woman 1: Tough one to describe a typical day. I generally read email, go to a couple of meetings and work with the field’s earth model or look at seismic. Woman 2: I talk with clients, help prepare bids and work on getting projects out the door. My days are never the same, which is what I love about the job I have. Woman 3: I usually work from 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (although the official day is shorter). We call the field every morning for an update on operations, security, construction, facilities and production engineering activities. I work with my team leads on short-term


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 

and long-term projects to enhance production (a lot of emails and Powerpoint). I usually have 2-3 meetings per day to discuss/prioritize/review ongoing or upcoming work (production optimization, simulation modeling, drilling plans, geologic interpretation, workovers, etc.). Beyond our team, I also participate in a number of broader business initiatives and leadership teams. Woman 4: A typical day is a hectic day for me. My day usually starts well before 8 a.m. with phone calls and emails with our facility in Norway, as well as other business relationships abroad. At the office, I am involved in the daily business operations and also stay closely involved in the projects and the sales efforts. On any given day I am working on budgets and finance, attending project meetings, attending engineering meetings, reviewing drawings and technical specifications, meeting with clients and prospective clients, reviewing sales proposals, evaluating new business opportunities and making a lot of decisions. Woman 5: On most days I work on my computer to complete my projects. I interpret logs, create maps, research local and regional geology or write documents. I go to project meetings almost every day. I typically work only during business hours, but there are times when I get calls at night or on weekends from a rig or other geologists for assistance with a technical problem. Adapted from URL: <http://www.rigzone.com/news/article .asp?a_id=11508>. Retrieved on February 14, 2012. 11 According to Text I, when asked about their choice of the oil and gas industry, (A) all the interviewees pointed out the relevance of having a green job. (B) all the women felt really committed to solving the nation’s energy problems. (C) all the interviewees mentioned that the challenges of the field attracted them. (D) just one of the women commented that she was attracted by the location of the job. (E) no interviewee considered the salary an important factor for accepting the job. 12 In Text I, using the interviewees’ experience, it can be said that getting a job in the O&G industry can result from all the following situations, EXCEPT (A) participating in a job fair. (B) taking part in O&G Industry interviews. (C) applying to specific job ads via internet sites. (D) attending a university where major oil companies look for prospective employees. (E) getting previous experience in an internship program with an O&G organization.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 

13 In Text I, according to the answers to the third question in the interview, (A) Woman 1 implies that every day is the same for her, since she performs exactly the same tasks routinely. (B) Woman 2 complains against her very boring schedule at the office, dealing with strictly technical issues. (C) Woman 3 always works off hours and does not get involved with the operations in the field. (D) Woman 4 has negotiations with the international branches and gets involved in commercial and technical issues. (E) Woman 5 does not need to worry about preparing written materials nor deciding on last-minute technical issues at nights or on weekends. 14 Based on the meanings of the words in Text I, (A) major (line 22) and main express opposite ideas. (B) headquarters (line 40) could be substituted by main office. (C) smart (line 51) and intelligent are antonyms. (D) enhance (line 66) and reduce express similar ideas. (E) prospective (line 84) and former are synonyms. 15 The sentence, in Text I, in which the boldfaced expression introduces an idea of addition is (A) “Although far fewer women work in the oil and gas (O&G) industry compared to men, many women find rewarding careers in the industry.” (lines 1-3) (B) “I chose the oil and gas industry because of the challenging projects,” (lines 17-18) (C) “Even though my Master’s thesis was more geared toward environmental studies,” (lines 31-32) (D) “as well as other business relationships abroad.” (lines 76-77) (E) “but there are times when I get calls at night or on weekends from a rig or other geologists for assistance with a technical problem.” (lines 91-94) 16 In Text I, the expression “turn down” in “I couldn’t turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans” (lines 12-14) could be replaced, without change in meaning, by (A) refuse (B) take (C) accept (D) request (E) understand 17 The only fragment from Text I that presents a series of actions exclusively performed in the past is (A) “I chose the oil and gas industry because of the challenging projects, and I want to be part of our country’s energy solution.” (lines 17-19) (B) “I held that position for three years. I left that company to join a new startup company where I hold the position of president.” (lines 46-48) (C) “My first job in the oil and gas industry was an internship with Mobil Oil Corp., in New Orleans. I worked with a lot of smart, focused and talented geoscientists and engineers.” (lines 49-52)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 

(D) “At the office, I am involved in the daily business operations and also stay closely involved in the projects and the sales efforts.” (lines 77-80) (E) “On most days I work on my computer to complete my projects. I interpret logs, create maps, research local and regional geology or write documents.” (lines 87-90) Text II How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What Employers Say By Katie Weir From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus Talisman Energy How to start your career, step by step Fix up your resumé – take it to your career centre at your university and they’ll help you. Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to your best qualities – save the pretentious language for your English papers. Join a professional association and attend their events – if you feel uncomfortable attending alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job to do, it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees, and an easy way to start up a conversation the next time you see them. Do your research – I can’t stress this enough. I want students to apply to Talisman, not because we have open jobs, but because they actually have an interest in what we’re doing, and want to be a part of it. Be confident, but stay humble – it’s important to communicate your abilities effectively, but it’s also important to be conscious of the phrase: “sense of entitlement.” This generation entering the workforce has already been branded with the word “entitlement,” so students will need to fight against this bias from the very beginning of any relationship with people in the industry – be aware that you will need to roll up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded in the end. Retrieved and adapted from URL: <http://talentegg.ca/incubator/ 2010/11/29/how-to-start-a-career-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry -what-employers-say/>. Acess on: February 14, 2012. 18 The main purpose of Text II is to (A) teach prospective workers how to prepare cover letters to impress employers. (B) advise the readers about the importance of researching for open jobs in institutional websites. (C) criticize job candidates who are excessively confident and feel that the world owes them something. (D) alert the readers to the importance of joining a professional association to have free access to their events.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 01. 

(E) list relevant hints for those interested in entering the job market and building a successful professional life. 19 The fragment that closes Text II, “be aware that you will need to roll up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded in the end.” (lines 23-25), implies that one must (A) make an effort to commit totally to one’s job in the initial phase, in order to reach success in the future. (B) wear formal clothes to work so that, as years go by, a couple of top-rank officers can recognize one’s worth. (C) accept jobs with severe routines only in order to obtain early promotions. (D) avoid postponing assigned tasks and wearing inappropriate clothes in the working environment. (E) show commitment to the working routine and demand the rewards frequently offered to senior employees. 20 Concerning Texts I and II, it is possible to affirm that (A) neither text points out ways to get rewarding jobs in the O&G industry. (B) both texts discuss strategies to ask for promotion in the O&G industry. (C) both texts present ways of starting successful careers in the O&G industry. (D) only Text I encourages prospective employees of O&G industries to plan their careers in advance. (E) only Text II provides hints on how to give up highly-paid jobs in the O&G industry. Gabarito:


11- D 12- C 13- D 14- B 15- D 16- A 17- C 18- E 19- A 20- C


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 


Aula: 02


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 


SIMPLE PRESENT 1.1. CONCEITO O Simple Present é mais usado para falar de coisas que acontecem habitualmente e verdades absolutas, entretanto, ele pode ainda ser usado para falar do futuro ou até mesmo do passado! 1.2. VERB TO BE I AM I’M








THEY ARE THEY’RE VERB TO BE = SER / ESTAR Ex.: I am a doctor. = Eu sou um médico. Ex.: I am tired. = Eu estou cansado Ex.: They are students. = Eles são alunos. Ex.: They are worried about the test. = Eles estão preocupados com a prova. VERB TO BE - FORM Affirmative Ex.: I am tired. Negative Ex.: I am not tired. / I’m not tired. Interrogative Ex.: Am I tired? Ex.: Why am I tired?


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 

1 ) Affirmative Ex.: She is beautiful. Negative Ex.: She isn’t beautiful. Interrogative Ex.: Is she beautiful? 2) Affirmative Ex.: We are lost. Negative Ex.: We aren’t lost. Interrogative Ex.: Are we lost? 1.3. ESTRUTURA Como saber se um verbo está no Simple Present no texto da prova? AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE









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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 

SIMPLE PRESENT - FORM 1) Affirmative Ex.: I like to read. Negative Ex.: I don’t like to read. Interrogative Ex.: Do you like to read? > Why do you like to read? 2) Affirmative Ex.: She likes to read. Negative Ex.: She doesn’t like to read. Interrogative Ex.: Does she like to read? 1.4. USO a) AÇÕES HABITUAIS Ex.: Josh usually travels to the beach at weekends. b) FATOS Ex.: The moon is our natural satellite. c) FUTURO PROGRAMADO Ex.: The bus leaves at 10 o’clock. d) PASSADO Ex.: In 1945 the World War II ends. EXERCISES

Some Keys to a Better Night’s Sleep Sleep is a basic human need, as basic as the need for oxygen. Getting a good night’s sleep is not only directly related to how we feel the next day, but to our long-term health as well. Still, many of us suffer from at least occasional insomnia. This makes us feel ill and irritated. This is a serious problem. If you think otherwise, consider this. People who sleep four hours or less per night are tend to lose six years of their lives comparing to those who sleep for eight hours.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 

Many experts give suggestions on how to sleep better because this helps us stay healthy: 1- If you can’t sleep in the middle of the night, don’t get up. Stay in bed; 2- Get regular exercise each day, but finish at least six hours before going to bed; 3- Take a hot bath for thirty minutes before going to bed to help you relax; 4- Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and well ventilated; 5- Don’t drink alcohol. It makes you fell sleepy at first, but later it has the opposite effect. 1. Assinale a alternativa correta: a) “Dormir bem” não tem nada a ver com “ter boa saúde”. b) Tomar um bom banho quente de meia hora ajuda a relaxar. c) As pessoas que dormem melhor tendem a viver o mesmo número de anos que as pessoas que tem insônia. d) De acordo com o texto, insônia não é um problema sério. e) Dormir é mais importante para os seres humanos do que o oxigênio 2. De acordo com o texto, dormir mal pode: a) Prejudicar a oxigenação do cérebro. b) Prolongar o tempo de vida das pessoas. c) Prejudicar apenas o humor das pessoas somente no dia seguinte. d) Prejudicar nossos familiares e) Prejudicar a saúde a longo prazo. 3. Qual das dicas abaixo para se dormir bem está correta? a) Fique na cama mesmo depois de conseguir dormir bem. b) Faça exercícios às 6 da manhã. c) Tome um banho quente para ajudar a relaxar. d) Não deixe o quarto muito escuro e com muito vento, pois atrapalha. e) Beba um “drink” pois ajuda a relaxar e dá sono. Gabarito: 1 - b 2 - e 3 - c

Concurso: TERMOBAHIA - 2012 Banca: CESGRANRIO (Fundação Cesgranrio) Cargo: Técnico de Administração e Controle Júnior Instituição: TERMOBAHIA (Termobahia S/A) Área de Atuação: Outras Aplicada em: 08/2012 Nível: Ensino Médio Committee decides to lower the use of thermoelectric power generation GTCIT Magazine The Monitoring Committee of the Electric Sector (CMSE) decided on Monday (May 30, 2012), to diminish the thermoelectric power generation in Brazil


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 

as of next week. According to the Ministry of Mines 5 and Energy, Márcio Zimmermann, the thermoelectric

generation, which currently averages 4.000 megawatts (MW), should now be reduced to 2.500 MW. These plants are used in Brazil mainly to prevent a power outage in the country in times of drought,

10 when the reservoirs of the dams are low. But the ministry assured that the reservoir of the hydroelectric plants are satisfactory, and that there will be no need to resort to the thermoelectric resources. According to the Minister Zimmermann, the

15 Southeast has an average of 90% of its reservoirs full, which is an excellent level for this time of year. Even the Northeast, whose reservoir levels are a little lower, do not compromise system security. “The system is operating perfectly within the

20 current conditions, which safely allows us to reduce the generation of thermoelectric energy. This will give us an economic surplus that can be used towards system maintenance and in the implementation of new quality programs for the energy sector”, he said.

25 He also explained that: “of course, this does not mean that the committee will not be flexible as to this decision in case the current conditions take an unexpected turn.” They will be following the reduction of the projection for the coming months and, if

30 necessary, the plans will be changed according to the demands vis-a-vis the resources. Available at: <http://www.gtcit.com/publicaciond.php?PublicacionId =67700&lang=en>. Retrieved on: 13 June 2012. Adapted. 16 - According to the text, CMSE decided on May 30, 2012 to (A) upgrade thermoelectric energy to 4.000 MW. (B) reduce the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric plants in Brazil at this moment. (C) discuss with Minister Zimmermann about the cuts. (D) monitor the committee that is regulating the Electric Sector. (E) propose the creation of new sources of thermoelectric generation in Brazil at this moment . 17 - In the text, the word in bold-face type is similar to the word/expression in italics in (A) prevent (line 8) – induce (B) outage (line 9) – abundance (C) drought (line 9) – lack of rain (D) dams (line 10) – river beds (E) resort (line 13) – throw


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 02 

18 - According to the text, the reduction of the thermoelectric power generation is justified because (A) Minister Zimmermann believes that the system security is a little fragile. (B) Minister Zimmermann is more worried about financial difficulties than about the power distribution. (C) the draught in the Northeast is worrying authorities. (D) the power system is operating with total security, granted the high levels of the reservoirs. (E) nearly 90% of the total financial resources have already been used. 19 - According to the text, a consequence of the thermoelectric energy reduction is the (A) maintenance of quality programs. (B) enhancement in the quality of the hydroelectric generation. (C) perfect operation of the system. (D) generation of economic surplus that will enhance the quality of the energy sector. (E) possibility of the thermoelectric energy generation work on safer terms because of its smaller production. 20 - In the text, “They” (line 28) refers to the (A) plans (B) resources (C) conditions (D) demands (E) committee

Gabarito 16 - B 17 - C 18 - D 19 - D 20 - E


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 03. 


Aula: 03


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 03. 


PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1.1. CONCEITO Também chamado de Present Progressive, normalmente O Present Continuous é usado para indicar uma ação que está acontecendo agora (neste momento) e que ainda não acabou. Ele pode, entretanto, indicar outros tipos de ação como veremos adiante. 1.2. Present Continuous - FORM O Present Continuous é formado pelo Verbo To Be no presente, acrescido de outro verbo na forma do Gerúndio. Ex.: I am studying now. Affirmative Ex.: My father is working now. Negative Ex.: My father isn’t working now. Interrogative Ex.: Is my father working now? Ex.: Why is my father working now? 1.3. USO a) AÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO Ex.: Jane is studying in her room now. b) AÇÕES TEMPORÁRIAS Ex.: I am living with some friends until the end of the month. c) FUTURO PLANEJADO Ex.: We are traveling to London next month. d) AÇÕES REPETIDAS Ex.: My car is always breaking down.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 03. 

CUIDADO! Tudo o que está acontecendo possui ING mas nem tudo o que possui ING está acontecendo! COMPARE: 1 – Smoking is bad for you. (Fumar faz mal à você.) 2 – I like dancing (Eu gosto de dançar) 3 – I am interested in learning French. (Eu estou interessado em aprender francês.) 4 – It is a boring movie. (É um filme chato.) Exercise Read the text

Ask women what disease they fear most, and the vast majority will

answer: breast cancer. They may even cite the ominous statistic that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in her life. But what most women don’t realize is that they actually have far more to fear from heart disease, which will strike 1 out of every 3. More than 2 million European women die each year of cardiovascular disease – that’s 43% of all deaths – making their hearts, not breast cancer (with 5% of deaths annually), their No 1 killer.

Women and heart disease? Better believe it. For while most people still think of cardiovascular trouble as mainly a man’s problem, the reality is that heart disease has never discriminated between the sexes. In fact, for a variety of complex reasons, the condition is more often fatal in women than in men and is more likely to leave women severely disabled by a stroke or congestive heart failure. True, women don’t usually start showing signs until their 60s – about 10 years after men first develop symptoms. And hormones seem to play a protective role in women before menopause. But the common belief that premenopausal women are immune to heart problems is just plain wrong. In Britain alone, heart disease kills over 1,500 women younger than 45 each year. 1. The text says that: a) breast cancer has been women’s top killer. b) men tend to experience heart attacks earlier than women. c) hormones protect women over sixty from heart disease. d) men’s cardiovascular systems demand more special attention than women’s.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 03. 

e) women but not men may be disabled by heart failure. 2. What does “the vast majority” (line 1) refer to? a) premenopausal women. b) European women. c) disabled women. d) British women. e) women in general. Gabarito 1 - b 2 - e 3. Marque um “X” na letra F para as frases que estiverem dando a idéia de futuro e A para as frases que estiverem dando a idéia de ações em andamento. a) Paul is washing his car. ( ) F ( ) A b) Steven is going back to Canada next month. ( ) F ( ) A c) Jenniffer isn’t coming to the party. She is sick. ( ) F ( ) A d) I’m waiting for the show to start. ( ) F ( ) A e) Please don`t open the window. I am feeling cold. ( ) F ( ) A

Circle the letter with the correct answers: a) F - A - F - A - A b) A - F - F - A - A c) A - F - A - A - F d) A - A - F - A - A e) F - F - F - A - A Gabarito 3 - b


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Aula 04. 


Aula: 04


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 04. 


SIMPLE PAST 1.1. CONCEITO O Simple Past é um tempo verbal usado para indicar ações completas no passado com tempo definido. 1.2. VERB TO BE

VERB TO BE = SER / ESTAR Ex.: I was sick last night. Eu estava doente noite passada. Ex.: I was short when I was a kid. Eu era baixo quando era criança. Ex.: They were tired after the game. Eles estavam cansados depois do jogo. Ex.: They were friends in the past. Eles eram amigos no passado. VERB TO BE - FORM Affirmative Ex.: She was tired. Negative Ex.: She wasn’t tired.









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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 04. 

Interrogative Ex.: Was she tired? Ex.: Why was she tired? 1.3. ESTRUTURA Além do verbo To Be, há dois tipos de verbos no Simple Past. Os Verbos Regulares e os Verbos Irregulares. REGULAR VERBS – São acrescidos de “ED” ao final do verbo para formar o passado. Ex.: Work – worked Watch – watched IRREGULAR VERBS - Não são acrescidos de “ED” para formar o passado. Ex.: Go – went Cut – cut SIMPLE PAST- FORM 1) Affirmative Ex.: I worked a lot yesterday. Negative Ex.: I didn’t work a lot yesterday. Interrogative Ex.: Did you work a lot yesterday? 2) Affirmative Ex.: She went out last night. Negative Ex.: She didn’t go out last night. Interrogative Ex.: Did she go out last night? Exercises In the twentieth century, architects in large cities designed structures in a way that reduced noise and yet made living as comfortable as possible. They used such techniques as making walls hollow and filling this wall space with materials that absorb noise. Thick carpets and heavy curtains were used to cover floors and windows. Air conditioners and furnaces were designed to


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 04. 

filter air through soundproofing materials. However, after much time and effort had been spent in making buildings less noisy, it was discovered that people also reacted adversely to the lack of sound. Now architects are designing structures which reduce undesirable noise but retain the kind of noise that people seem to need.

(Jolene Gear & Robert Gear) Vocabulary : Noise: barulho Hollow: vazio Fill: preencher Furnace: forno Lack: ausência; falta de Retain: manter: 01. Na linha 2, “they” refere-se a: a) architects b) cities c) structures d) techniques e) materials 02. A alternativa cujo conteúdo não é mencionado como um amortecedor do som é: a) Thick carpets and heavy curtains b) Filled hollow walls c) Air conditioners and furnaces d) Soundproof material e) Air filters 03. Atualmente, os arquitetos estão projetando: a) o barulho ideal. b) estruturas com um pouco de barulho. c) construções adversas. d) técnicas barulhentas. e) novas técnicas de impedir o barulho. 04. As pessoas vivem mais confortavelmente com: a) noisy furnaces b) silence c) reduced noise d) undesirable noises e) heavy curtains FINDING A SCAPEGOAT WHEN EPIDEMICS STRIKE The swine flu outbreak of 2009 has been nowhere near as virulent as the pandemics throughout history. However, as history has shown, someone gets the blame for the spread of epidemics — at first Mexico, with attacks on Mexicans in other countries. In May, a Mexican soccer player who said he was called a “leper” by a Chilean opponent spat on his tormentor. In June,


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 04. 

Argentines stoned Chilean buses, saying they were importing disease. When Argentina’s caseload soared, European countries warned their citizens against visiting it. “When disease strikes and humans suffer,” said Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski, an expert on the history of epidemics, “the need to understand why is very powerful. And, unfortunately, identification of a scapegoat is sometimes inevitable.” The most visible aspect of blame, of course, is what name a disease gets. The World Health Organization has struggled to avoid the names given the Spanish, Hong Kong and Asian flus, instructing its representatives to shift from “swine flu” to “H1N1” to “A (H1N1) S.O.I.V.” (the last four initials stand for “swine-origin influenza virus”) to, recently, “Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.” Headline writers have rebelled, and ignored them. The truth is that diseases are so complex that pointing blame is useless, simply deflecting blame may be more efficient. Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/01, September, 2009. 05. Which alternative best describes the general idea of the text? A) The swine flu is not as strong as other pandemics in history. B) When epidemics strike people must find its cause and origin in order to understand it. C) The European countries were prejudiced against Argentina. D) How the name of H1N1 has changed so far. E) The headline writers insist on finding the scapegoats for the epidemics. 06. According to the text, in paragraph three the sentence “When Argentina’s caseload soared” means: A) The number of cases of H1N1 patients in Argentina went up. B) The virus was discovered in Argentina. C) The virus was brought by Chileans to Argentina. D) The number of cases of H1N1 patients in Argentina got stable. E) The number of cases of H1N1 patients in Argentina went down.  gabarito 1 - a 2 - e 3 - b 4 - c 5 - b 6 - a

Prof. Renato Baggio  Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

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Aula: 05

Prof. Renato Baggio  Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

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PAST CONTINUOUS 1.1. CONCEITO O Past Continuous é usado para nos referirmos a algo que estava acontecendo em torno de um momento específico no passado ou que estava acontecendo o tempo todo num período de tempo no passado. 1.2. Past Continuous - FORM O Past Continuous é formado pelo Verbo To Be no passado acrescido de outro verbo na forma do Gerúndio.

Ex.: I was studying when you called me last night. PAST CONTINUOUS- FORM Affirmative Ex.: John was studying. Negative Ex.: John wasn’t studying. Interrogative Ex.: Was John studying? Ex.: What was John studying? 1.3. USO a) O Past Continuous é usado juntamente com o Simple Past quando dizemos que algo aconteceu enquanto outra ação estava em andamento. Ex.: I was taking a shower when Jane called me. b) O Past Continuous pode ainda ser usado para indicar duas ações que estavam acontecendo simultaneamente. Ex.: Bob was studying while Jane was cooking. CUIDADO! CAREFUL! CUIDADO! CAREFUL! Tudo o que está acontecendo possui ING mas nem tudo o que possui ING está acontecendo! COMPARE: 1 Smoking is bad for you.

Prof. Renato Baggio  Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

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(Fumar faz mal à você.) 2 – I like dancing (Eu gosto de dançar) 3 – I am interested in learning French. (Eu estou interessado em aprender francês. 4 – It is a boring movie. (É um filme chato. Exercises 1. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets: a) As I _____________ (drive) home, a policeman __________ (stop) me and _______ (ask) me for my driving license. b) Last night when I ________ (arrive) home, my parents _______________ (have) dinner. c) The secretary ___________ (type) a letter when her boss _______ (ask) her for some coffee. d) When I __________ (wake) up this morning it _______________ (rain).

CONJUNCTIONS 1.1. CONCEITO Conjunções são palavras que unem orações em frases. Além de formar frases, as conjunções também nos mostram como os significados de tais orações estão relacionados, dão sentido e coerência ao texto deixando-o mais bem articulado. As conjunções podem ser coordenativas ou subordinativas. As conjunções coordenativas unem duas orações que são gramaticalmente independentes uma da outra. (and ; or; but; etc.) Ex.: I like music. I don’t play any musical instrument. I like music but I don’t play any musical instrument. As conjunções subordinativas servem para unir uma oração que é parte de outra, ou seja, uma oração que depende da outra. Por isso, tal oração é chamada de oração subordinada. (because; although; when; etc.) Ex.: I don’t smoke. It is bad for my health. I don’t smoke because it is bad for my health.

Prof. Renato Baggio  Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

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Conjunção Tradução

And e

But mas

Or ou

Although/though embora

However apesar de; entretanto

In spite of/despite apesar de

When quando

Whenever sempre que

While enquanto; enquanto que

As soon as logo que

Till/ until até

In order to a fim de

So that de modo que

Because por que

As porque; , assim que

Since desde; já que; porque

Therefore portanto

Nevertheless todavia; contudo

Besides além de

Prof. Renato Baggio  Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

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Moreover além do mais

Unless a menos que

EXERCISES Read the text:

One More Reason To Eat Your Veggies If you’re worried about prostate cancer, it might pay to eat an apple a day. Or an onion. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., report that a natural substance called Quercetin significantly reduced the ability of prostate tumor cells to absorb the hormone they need to develop and proliferate. Quercetin is found in apples, onions, leafy vegetables, green and black tea, beans, and red wine. The team, led by Dr. Nianzeng Xing, cautioned that the study has been done only on cancer cells cultivated in the lab, and Quercetin hasn’t been tested in human patients. But it has two advantages as a potential treatment: it is abundant and safe. Prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men, will strike 198,100 Americans this year and kill 31,500, according to the American Cancer Society. Existing treatments have severe side effects, so scientists have been searching for a safer one. The researchers found that Quercetin reduced prostate cancer cells’ absorption of androgens, the male hormones that stimulate prostate cancer. Next, the Mayo team will test Quercetin in mice that have been bioengineered to develop prostate cancer.

(In: Business Week, April 9, 2001. p. 106.) Vocabulary: it might pay – vale a pena onion – cebola research – pesquisa develop – desenvolver leafy – folhoso lab – laboratório cell – célula safe – seguro strike – atacar side effect – efeito colateral mice – camundongos


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

veggies - vegetais 01. Pode-se dizer que a intenção principal do texto é: a) ( ) Apresentar um relato preliminar de uma pesquisa que visa a prevenção do câncer de próstata. b) ( ) Incentivar a ingestão de frutas e legumes no combate à célula cancerosa denominada Quercetina. c) ( ) Questionar os efeitos colaterais apresentados por uma substância que combate o câncer de próstata. d) ( ) Discutir um trabalho científico sobre os hormônios absorvidos pelas células cancerosas em sua proliferação. e) ( ) Relatar uma pesquisa sobre a mortalidade de homens americanos decorrente de câncer de próstata. 02. O estudo mencionado no texto foi realizado pela equipe liderada pelo Dr. Nianzeng Xing em: a) ( ) Homens norte-americanos de meia-idade. b) ( ) Diversos tipos de ratos geneticamente modificados. c) ( ) Frutas e vegetais modificados em laboratório. d) ( ) Células cancerosas cultivadas em laboratório. e) ( ) Ratos tratados com o objetivo de desenvolver câncer de próstata. 03. Marque a alternativa que apresenta a melhor maneira de completar a frase que segue usando o Simple Past e o Past Continuous: “As I __________ (drive) home, a policeman __________ (stop) me and __________ (ask) me for my driving license.” a) drove – was stopping – asked b) was driving – was stopping – asked c) drove – stopped – was asking d) was driving – stopped – was asking e) was driving – stopped – asked GABARITO 1 - A 2 - D 3 - E


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

Concurso: EPE - 2012 Banca: CESGRANRIO (Fundação Cesgranrio) Cargo: Assistente Administrativo Instituição: EPE (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética) Área de Atuação: Outras Aplicada em: 09/2012 Nível: Ensino Médio LÍNGUA INGLESA Text I Arctic E&P activity heats up By Jessica Tippee Assistant Editor

Not Mexico, not Brazil. The next offshore frontier is the Arctic, according to Andrew Reid, CEO of energy analysts Douglas-Westwood Company. “More than 400 fields have been discovered to date in the Arctic,

5 providing reserves in excess of 240 Bboe (billions of barrels of oil equivalent)” Reid said. He was a guest speaker at a recent conference of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), an agency that has exclusively represented the worldwide oil and

10 gas drilling industry since 1940. Reid also affirmed that “There is no doubt that further drilling activity in this region could have a major impact on offshore production in the foreseeable future.” Meanwhile, Infield Systems Ltd. has identified

15 more than 130 Bboe in discovered oil, gas, and condensate reserves throughout the offshore arctic and sub-arctic regions. Around 114 Bboe are gas reserves, and 16 Bbbl (billions of barrels) are oil. Infield’s additional report on offshore arctic oil and gas

20 prospects through 2017 includes current and future offshore oil and gas developments within the Arctic Circle, and in the “sub-arctic” regions of Sakhalin Island, the Jeanne d’Arc basin offshore eastern Canada, and the Cook Inlet off Alaska.

25Arctic capital expenditure should increase more than $7 billion annually through 2017. Russia, with its reserves, should largely drive this expenditure, especially during 2013-2015, assuming the Shtokman project goes ahead. This project includes

30 a comprehensive development of satellites in the Barents Sea, and joint development of the Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye oil fields in the Pechora Sea. Prirazlomnaya is the first offshore ice-resistant

35 stationary platform designed and built in Russia measuring 126 m (413 ft) wide by 126 m long. With a weight of 117,000 tons, the platform can accommodate


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

a crew of up to 200, and provide year-round operation. The platform is designed to withstand temperatures

40 that can drop to −50º C (−58º F) during winter, and ice formation – the location is typically free from ice for 110 days each year. The platform will provide drilling, production, and oil storage services, along with preparation and shipment

45 of final products from the Prirazlomnoye field. Gazprom expects to drill up to 40 directional wells. Dutch contractor Tideway has been dumping 100,000 metric tons of stone (110,231 tons) as an erosion protection system around the platform to secure it to the seabed.

50 The development is targeting annual production of more than 6 million tons (43.8 MMbbl). Associated produced gas will be used for the platform’s needs. Production operations are scheduled to start this year. Offshore Magazine. May 2, 2012 . Volume 72, Issue 5 Available at: <http://www.offshore-mag.com/articles/print/ volume-72/issue-5/international-report/arctic-e-p-activity-heats-up.html>. Retrieved on: 9 May 2012. Adapted.

11 According to Text I, it is clear that (A) Brazil will be the new promising offshore frontier. (B) Andrew Reid is anticipating reserves in excess of 240 Bboe for Mexico. (C) the Arctic will be exploited by Douglas-Westwood Company. (D) the Arctic will have drilling difficulties in its foreseeable future, concerning oil extraction. (E) IADC has worked for drilling contractors’ interests worldwide for over 70 years. 12 According to Text I, Infield Systems Ltd has (A) located 16 Bbbl of oil throughout the offshore arctic and sub-arctic regions. (B) reported 114 Bboe of gas prospects. (C) started exploring the Jeanne d’Arc basin offshore eastern Canada, but will only include the Cook Inlet off Alaska in 2017. (D) found 130 Bboe in oil and gas on Sakhalin Island. (E) broadcast a potential for more than 130 Bboe in gas reserves, but only expects to find it by 2017. 13 According to Text I, if the Shtokman project goes ahead, it (A) will make Arctic capital expenditure decrease. (B) will increase in a total of $7 billions until 2017. (C) will reopen during 2013-2015 in a joint development of the Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye fields . (D) will include development of both Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye oil fields in the Pechora Sea. (E) is not part of the Russian investments. 14 According to Text I, the platform will NOT provide (A) gas storage (B) oil drilling


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 05. 

(C) transportation of final products (D) preparation of final products (E) up to 40 directional wells 15 In Text I, the idea expressed by the word in boldface type is described in (A) frontier (line 1) – country (B) guest (line 6) – invited (C) doubt (line 11) – certainty (D) further (line 11) – within (E) major (line 12) – destructive Gabarito: 11 - E 12 - A 13 - D 14 - A 15 - B


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 06. 


Aula: 06


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 06. 


PRESENT PERFECT 1.1. CONCEITO É uma outra forma de indicar o passado, embora ele seja um tempo presente. O Present Perfect sempre fala do agora. Compare: 1- He has lost his key. (Present Perfect) (Ele não tem a chave agora) 2 - He lost his key. (Simple Past) (Não se sabe se ele tem a chave ou não... só se sabe que ele a perdeu em algum momento no passado) 1.2. Present Perfect - form Como reconhecer a estrutura do Present Perfect no texto? O Present Perfect é formado a partir do auxiliar HAVE e do verbo principal no Passado Particípio.

Ex.: I have seen an accident. I HAVE I’VE






THEY HAVE THEY’VE Affirmative Ex.: I have seen this movie before. Negative Ex.: I haven’t seen this movie before. Interrogative Ex.: Have you seen this movie before? Where have you seen this movie before?


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 06. 

Affirmative Ex.: She’s seen this movie before. Negative Ex.: She hasn’t seen this movie before. Interrogative Ex.: Has she seen this movie before? Where has she seen this movie before? QUAL A DIFERENÇA ENTRE O SIMPLE PAST E O PRESENT PERFECT?

SIMPLE PAST 1) Ações completas no passado.

Ex.: I studied Cantonese for 2 years. 2) Não possui relação com o presente. Ex.: I broke my leg.

PRESENT PERFECT 1) Ações “continuam”no presente.

Ex.: I have studied Cantonese for 2 years. 2) Possui resultado ou consequência no presente. Ex.: I have broken my leg.

EXERCISES Leia o texto a seguir Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa, was born on March 28, 1936, in the Peruvian provincial city of Arequipa. He is a writer, politician, journalist, essayist, and Nobel Prize laureate. Vargas Llosa is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading authors of his generation. Some critics consider him to have had a larger international impact and worldwide audience than any other writer of the Latin American Boom. He was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat". Vargas Llosa rose to fame in the 1960s with novels such as The Time of the Hero (La ciudad y los perros, literally The City and the Dogs, 1963/1966), The Green House (La casa verde, 1965/1968), and the monumental Conversation in the Cathedral (Conversación en la catedral, 1969/1975). He writes prolifically across an array of literary genres, including literary criticism and journalism. His novels include comedies, murder mysteries, historical novels, and political thrillers. Several, such as Captain Pantoja and the Special Service (1973/1978) and Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1977/1982), have been adapted as feature films. Many of Vargas Llosa's works are influenced by the writer's perception of Peruvian society and his own experiences as a native Peruvian. Increasingly, however, he has expanded his range, and tackled themes that arise from other parts of the world. Another change over the course of his career has been a shift from a style and approach associated with literary modernism, to a sometimes playful postmodernism. Like many Latin American authors, Vargas Llosa has been politically active throughout his career; over the course of his life, he has gradually moved from the political left towards liberalism or neoliberalism, a definitively more conservative political position. While he initially supported the Cuban revolutionary government of Fidel Castro, Vargas Llosa later became disenchanted with the Cuban dictator and


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 06. 

his authoritarian regime. He ran for the Peruvian presidency in 1990 with the center-right Frente Democrático (FREDEMO) coalition, advocating neoliberal reforms.

(Adapted from www.wikipedia.org) 17 - Are these statements about Vargas Llosa TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text? ( ) He was born in the city of Arequipa, Peru. ( ) He is a journalist, a lawyer, a writer and a Nobel Prize laureate. ( ) Some critics consider him to be the greatest writer in the Americas. ( ) He is one of the leading writers of the Latin American Boom. ( ) He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1990. Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom. a) F – T – F – T – F. b) T – F – F – T – F. c) F – T – T – F – T. d) T – T – F – F – T. e) T – F – T – T – F. 2 - Which of these statements DOES NOT CORRESPOND to information given in the text about Vargas Llosa? a) He became famous in the 1960’s. b) His texts involve a wide range of literary genres. c) Most of his novels have been adapted to films. d) His novels include themes such as politics, murder mysteries and thrillers. e) One of the first novels he wrote was The Time of the Hero. 3 - According to the text, Vargas Llosa’s writings: a) do not evolve around themes concerning different parts of the world. b) are all about his early life in Arequipa. c) have shifted from a romantic to a modern style. d) should be more universal and deal with themes related to the most important cultures. e) have been influenced by the society of his country. 4 - According to the text, Vargas Llosa: a) has been politically active only after 1990, when he ran for President. b) became the President of Peru in 1990. c) strongly supports Fidel Castro and his revolutionary government. d) has moved from the left to a more liberal or neoliberal political position. e) is a member of the communist party in Peru. GABARITO 1 - b 2 - c 3 - e 4 - d


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 06. 

Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Should the Bombs have been Dropped?

On August 6th, 1945, at 8:16 a.m., the first atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima, Japan. On August t 9th, 1945, at approximately 11:01a.m., the second atomic bomb exploded in Nagasaki, Japan. The bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima carried the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT. Everything within four square miles was desolated. The bomb dropped in Nagasaki contained the equivalent of 21,000 tons of TNT, and destroyed everything within three square miles. Many years after the bombing of Japan, many people still question the decision of Truman to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some say it was an immoral act of injustice, yet others say it was the only way to stop the war. Nevertheless, after the damages were assessed, everybody realized what a horrible and fatal mistake it was – in fact, the atomic bomb had done more harm than good. Vocabulary: assess: avaliar ton: tonelada square mile: milha quadrada nevertheless: todavia; contudo damage: estrago harm: prejuízo; mal; dano 01. Write T (true) or F (false) to the statements according to the text: a) Hiroshima had been evacuated before the bomb exploded in 1945. b) Nagasaki was destroyed by a second atomic bomb 3 days after the first explosion in Hiroshima. c) Many people think the use of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the only way to stop World War II. d) After the atomic bomb was dropped, everybody realized that it was really the best thing that could be done. e) It is believed that there were other ways to stop the war. Circle the correct letter. a) F – T – T – F – T b) T – F – T – F – T c) F – F – T – T – F d) T – T – T – F – F e) F – F – T – F – F 02. Mark an “X” to the correct statement(s) based on the text: I. In the sentence, “It carried with it the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT”; the word “it” refers to the “atomic bomb”. II. In the sentence, “…yet others say it was the only way to stop the war”; the word yet could be replaced by still, without changing the meaning of the sentence. III. The sentence “Many years after the bombing of Japan…” is in the Present Continuous tense.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 06. 

Which are the correct letters? a) I and III b) II and III c) I, II and III d) I and II e) none 03. Circle the only correct sentence according to the text: a) The bomb was not a mistake. It was the only way to stop the war. b) Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the same bomb. c) Many people believe Truman’s decision to drop the bomb was wrong. d) The bombs destroyed a lot of things but they were good in the end. e) Truman was in Japan during the bombing. Gabarito 1 - A 2 - D 3 - C


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 


Aula: 07


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 

Present Perfect – Special Cases

1) Ações repetidas no passado: Ex.: I’ve seen that film many times 2) Ações completas num período de tempo inacabado: Ex.: I’ve met Jane today. 3) Already = já: Ex.: I have already finished my project. 4) Yet = ainda / já Ex.: Have you talked to Steve yet? I haven’t read the forms yet. 5) Lately = ultimamente Recently = recentemente Ex.: I have worked a lot lately. 6) Ever (“alguma vez” / já) Never = nunca Ex.: Have you ever eaten snails? This is the best film I’ve ever seen. I’ve never been to Japan. 7) Just = “acabou de” Ex.: I have just seen an accident. 8) Since / For Ex.: I have studied Cantonese for 3 years. I have studied Cantonese since 2001. 9) John has been to London VS. John has gone to London 01. Read the sentences and circle the option that best completes each sentence. a. Look at this place! The hurricane _________ everything! There is nothing left!. A destroyed B has destroyed C was destroying D was destroyed by b. Jane and Jack _________ together for a long time.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 

A has been B have been C was D were c. Toni _________ to Canada. He’s coming back only next year. A has been B went C has gone D was went d. Tom _________ to London. He’s going there for the first time. A have never been B has just been C has already been D has never been e. Have you finished your homework _________? A just B ever C yet D never 02. Qual das frases abaixo está no Present Perfect? a) ( ) She went to the beach with her family last week. b) ( ) Peter finished his project last week. c) ( ) Steve’s never been to Japan. d) ( ) Susan and Kate were very tired after the game yesterday. e) ( ) Carol studied French for 3 years. 03. Marque a alternativa errada com relação ao uso do Present Perfect. a) ( ) We’ve already finished our homework. b) ( ) Steve and Jack has studied together. c) ( ) They haven’t visited us yet. d) ( ) I have seen a terrible accident once. e) ( ) The computer has helped me in my work. 04. Marque a alternativa correta com relação ao uso do Present Perfect. a) ( ) We’ve already finish our homework. b) ( ) Steve and Jack has studied together. c) ( ) They didn’t visited us yet. d) ( ) I have seen a terrible accident once. e) ( ) The band have played great songs 05. Complete as orações com o Simple Past ou o Present Perfect.

a) The boys __________________a lot for the test .That’s why they should have gotten a better grade. (study)

b) Look! Those houses __________________repaired. They are really beautiful now.(be)

c) My friends and I __________________ a lot recently. (go out) d) He __________________married for ten years. Now he is divorced. (be) e) My cat __________________last year. (die) f) I __________________in São Paulo since the begging in of this year.(live) g) It __________________a lot since last night. I don’t know how they are

going to cross that river. (rain) h) My brother __________________ his arm when he was a child. (break) i) We __________________money for years. Soon we will be able to buy a

new house. (save) j) John __________________ to Recife before. (be)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 

06. Leia as frases a seguir e marque com um “X” aquelas que apresentam o uso correto do Present Perfect e do Simple Past: a. ( ) John has had many jobs before he came to live in Bristol. b. ( ) Peter is getting prepared for the marathon. He runned 10 km yesterday. c. ( ) Did you saw the news last night? d. ( ) We didn’t like the film we saw at the cinema. e. ( ) Have you cleaned your bedroom already? f. ( ) What did you had for dinner last night? Texto para simples prática de leitura. Dutch eye surgeons have implanted tiny pieces of jewelry called “JewelEye” in the mucous membrane of the eyes of six women and one man in cosmetic surgery pioneered by an ophthalmic surgery research and development institute in Rotterdam. The procedure involves inserting a 0.13 inch wide piece of specially developed jewelry - the range includes a glittering half-moon or heart - into the eye’s mucous membrane under local anaesthetic at a cost of $610 to $1,232. “In my view it is a little more subtle than (body) piercing. It is a bit of a fun thing and a very personal thing for people,” said Gerrit Melles, director of the Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery. The piece of jewelry is inserted in the conjunctiva -- the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelids and front of the eyeball -- in sterile conditions using an operating microscope in a procedure taking about 15 minutes. “Without doing any harm to the eye we can implant a jewel in the conjunctiva,” Melles said. “So far we have not seen any side effects or complications and we don’t expect any in the future.” The Rotterdam-based institute, which develops new ocular surgical techniques in corneal, cataract and retinal surgery, developed and patented the jewelry made with special materials and the surgical procedure. The institute, which carries out the procedure in cooperation with an eye clinic near the city of Utrecht, said it has a waiting list for people who wanted the implant. From: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4685961/


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 

Soda consumption increases risk of stroke and vascular disease By John Phillip

Americans drink more than 216 liters of carbonated soft drinks each year, a number that continues to increase at an alarming rate. Many people use low calorie diet soda in a futile effort to lose weight. Yet

5 they find that these drinks have the opposite effect leading them to be overweight or obese. The high acid content in most carbonated beverages removes calcium and other critical nutrients from the bone and tissues, significantly increasing

10 disease risk over years of consumption. Researchers from Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute and Harvard University have reported the result of a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the first to examine soda’s effect on stroke

15 risk and vascular diseases. Past studies have linked sugar-sweetened beverage consumption with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout and coronary artery disease, but current research has

20 implicated diet soft drink consumption with increased disease risk and weight gain due to depletion of essential minerals. Lead study author Dr Adam Bernstein noted “Soda remains the largest source of added sugar in

25 the diet. What we’re beginning to understand is that regular intake of these beverages sets off a chain reaction in the body that can potentially lead to many diseases, including stroke. Researchers analyzed soda consumption among 43,371 men and 84,085

30 women over a time span of nearly thirty years. During that time, 2,938 strokes were documented in women while 1,416 strokes were documented in men.” Despite the millions of dollars spent by soda marketers to instill the virtues of drinking soda,

35 there is nothing healthy about consuming any type


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 

of carbonated beverage. Moreover, the study did note that drinking coffee was associated with a 10% lower risk of stroke, compared to drinking sweetened beverages.

40 Regarding low calorie drinks, researchers concluded “older adults who drank diet soda daily had a 43% increased risk of heart attacks or strokes compared to those that never drank diet soda”. The suggestion is to substitute carbonated

45 beverage consumption with an antioxidant packed cup of green tea or coffee to significantly reduce risk of strokes and vascular diseases. Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections Magazine. May 12, 2012 Available at: <http://www.gasandoil.com/oilaround/other/3425a2d6 a41705a0f36cf3796041db1e>. Retrieved on: 9 May 2012. Adapted.

16 - According to Text II, a detrimental habit among Americans is a(n) (A) decreasing number of people taking calcium supplements. (B) decreasing amount of high acid nutrients in the daily diet. (C) decreasing amount of overweight and obese people looking for medical assistance. (D) increasing intake of soda each year. (E) increasing number of people on a low calorie diet . 17 - One negative effect of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and one negative effect of diet soft drink consumption are respectively (A) coronary artery disease and liver disease (B) gout and vitamin suppression (C) low cholesterol and weight gain (D) mineral suppression and high blood pressure (E) weight gain and essential mineral suppression 18 - According to Text II, Dr. Adam Bernstein affirmed that (A) stroke cannot be linked to soda nor to food intake with elevated sugar levels. (B) soda has been researched not only by 43,371 men but also by 84,085 women. (C) soda intake is responsible for the largest source of sugar intake and for a detrimental chain reaction connected to the appearance of serious diseases. (D) researchers cannot pinpoint connections between soda intake and any serious diseases. (E) over the time span of thirty years of soda consumption more men have been affected by stroke than women. 19 - In Text II, the idea expressed by the word in boldface type is described in (A) alarming (line 3) – soothing (B) futile (line 4) – important (C) Yet (line 4) – But (D) content (line 7) – happy (E) stroke (line 14) – death


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Prof. Renato Baggio Disciplina  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aulas 07 

20 - In Text II, the word those (line 43) refers to (A) stroke (B) drinks (C) adults (D) researchers (E) heart attacks

Gabarito: 1 - (Gabarito: B) (Gabarito: C) (Gabarito: C) (Gabarito: D) (Gabarito: B) 2- c 3 - b 4 - d 5 a) have studied b) have been c) have gone out d) was e) died f) have lived g) has rained h) broke i) have saved j) hasn’t been / has been 6 - Estão corretas a - d - e Gabarito questões de 16 a 20 16 - D 17 - E 18 - C 19 - C 20 - C


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 08. 


Aula: 08


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 08. 


PAST PERFECT 1.1. CONCEITO Indica uma ação que ocorreu antes de outra ação que também estava no passado. Ele dá ordem aos eventos ocorridos no passado.

Ex.: Steve had left the building in time. O Past Perfect é muito usado com o Simple Past. Ex: The students had finished the exercise when the teacher entered the classroom. 1.2. PAST PERFECT - FORM Affirmative Ex.: She had been to Scotland before. Negative Ex.: She hadn’t been to Scotland before. Interrogative Ex.: Had she been to Scotland before? Why had she been to Scotland before? 1.3. USO O Past Perfect sempre indica a ação que aconteceu mais no passado, ou seja, aquela ação que, numa sequência cronológica de eventos, aconteceu primeiramente. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS 1.1. CONCEITO Indica uma ação que esteve em andamento antes de outra ação passada.

Ex.: I had been waiting for a long time when I finally realized I was in the wrong line.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 08. 

Note que o Past Perfect Continuous também é muito usado juntamente com o Simple Past. 1.2. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS - FORM Affirmative Ex.: They had been waiting for a long time. Negative Ex.: They hadn’t been waiting for a long time. Interrogative Ex.: Had they been waiting for a long time? EXERCISES

Scientist invents easy solution for hard water problems

I recently moved into a new home, and I was disappointed to find that the water pressure was not as high as at my previous house. One of my neighbors told me the problem was hard water—that our water supply contains lots of minerals, like calcium and magnesium. This causes scales to build up in pipes, appliances, fixtures and even the water heater. I had heard that hard water solutions were costly and inconvenient, so I asked him what he’d done about the problem. That’s when he told me about ClearWave, a remarkable water conditioner that helps reduce scale building-up and helps prevent new scales from forming.

An innovative solution. ClearWave uses the latest microprocessor technology to electronically generate inaudible waveforms. They help keep calcium carbonate particles, or scale, dissolved in the water. The water treated by ClearWave continues to dissolve the scale as it flows through the pipes. Over time, it helps solve hard water problems in the entire system, from the water heater and pipes to appliances and shower heads. This will result in a variety of benefits for you and your home. You’ll find yourself using less soap and detergent, and your appliances will operate more efficiently. ClearWave works with all types of pipe and installs easily with ordinary household tools. No salt, no chemicals, no plumbing. Pure water contains nothing but H20. When it comes out of the ground, however, water is rich in a multitude of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. In the past, there have been three basic methods used to control the problem of hard water and scale formation. One method is to remove the minerals through ion exchange, using salt. A second method involves adding chemicals, such as phosphates, to the water. Both of these methods change the makeup of the water and require the homeowner to continuously replenish the salts or chemicals—as well as performing periodic maintenance on the equipment. A third method involves using magnets and electrostatic devices to cause electrical changes in the water that affects the scaling characteristics of the minerals. This method is similar to that used by ClearWave, with an important difference. The electric field generated by ClearWave is continually applied to the water, while a magnetic field relies on the movement of the water to produce the changes.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 08. 

ClearWave is a revolutionary new product that solves your home’s hard water problems without salt, chemicals or plumbing.

(From Popular Science)

Vocabulary appliances – utensílios, instrumentos, dispositivos scales – uma substância branca que se forma em volta e dentro dos canos ou recipientes building-up – formação, desenvolvimento, acumulação water supply – abastecimento de água inaudible waveforms – ondas sonoras inaudíveis pipes – canos water heater - aquecedor de água 01. Mark with an “X”. According to the text, hard water is the water that is full of problems caused by: a) many species of dangerous bacteria originated from a lot of garbage. b) some scientific products that are prepared in order to cultivate land for growing plants. c) the accumulation of a considerable amount of minerals in the water containers. d) insecticide accumulated in the ground and in the rivers. e) the rain that falls from very polluted clouds and harms all the green plants. 02. According to the text, it is true or false to say that: (....) ClearWave uses salt to remove the minerals from water while other methods do not. (....) Two methods require continuous replenishment of salts or chemicals and periodic maintenance on the equipment. (....) The water pressure was not as high as at the author’s previous house because the water supply contains lots of minerals. (....) ClearWave does not work well to dissolve the scale while it flows inside the pipes. (....) The ClearWave is a water conditioner that helps reduce the white substances accumulated inside the water pipes or containers. The correct sequence is: a) F - F - T - T - F b) F - T - T - F - T c) F - T - F - F - T d) T - T - F - T - F e) T - F - T - T - T GABARITO 1 - C 2 - B


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 09. 


Aula: 09


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 09. 


Adjectives Os adjetivos são palavras que têm a função de transformar os substantivos. Eles não possuem plural e não possuem formas para masculino e feminino, ou seja, não variam quanto ao número e gênero. Os adjetivos que descrevem cor, qualidade, tamanho (ex: good; bad; big; small; blue; yellow...) ou podem ser aqueles que estabelecem restrições à quantidade, posse, distância, etc. (ex: my car, few students, distant place, etc...) Alguns adjetivos terminam em ED, portanto devemos cuidar com o contexto para que não confundamos com os verbos regulares, que são aqueles que levam ED para formar o passado. Já outros terminam em ING, exigindo o mesmo cuidado para que não sejam confundidos com formas do gerúndio. Alguns adjetivos que levam ED:

aged idoso(a) ragged maltrapilho / áspero beloved amado sacred sagrado blessed abençoado wicked perverso / maligno crooked torto wretched desprezível cursed amaldiçoado(a) one/three/four-legged de uma / três/

quarto pernas. naked pelado / nu Adjetivos que levam ING: Compare. a) This movie is boring. (Este filme é chato) b) I’m bored with this movie. (Eu fico entediado com este filme) No primeiro caso, o adjetivo se refere a uma mera característica do substantivo. No segundo caso, o adjetivo expressa um sentimento de uma pessoa em relação a algo. Sempre que isso acontecer, devemos usar o adjetivo terminado em ING. Ordem dos Adjetivos Existem muitas regras para determinar a ordem dos adjetivos e muitos gramáticos discordam quanto ao seu uso. Veja algumas das regras mais importantes para sabermos a ordem dos adjetivos numa frase: 1) Regra Geral: Normalmente os adjetivos seguem a seguinte ordem:

Colour - cor Origin - origem Material -material Purpose - propósito Noun - substantivo a blue Italian glass flower vase a brown German pottery beer mug

2) Adjetivos de tamanho, comprimento, altura ou idade geralmente são usados antes dos adjetivos de cor, origem, material e propósito:


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 09. 

• a square wooden table. (not: wooden square table) (Uma mesa de madeira quadrada) • a tall modern glass building. (um prédio de vidro alto e moderno) 3) Adjetivos de julgamento e atitude geralmente são usados antes de todos os outros. • A silly tall guy. (um cara alto e tolo) • A lovely young man. (um jovem adorável) 4) Números Também são usados antes dos demais adjetivos: • Six comfortable chairs. (seis cadeiras confortáveis) • The four first days. (os quatro primeiros dias) 5) Vírgulas Usamos vírgulas quando temos uma sequência longa de adjetivos, especialmente em descrições físicas, para adjetivos que dão o mesmo tipo de informação. Ex.: A lovely, long, cool, refreshing cocktail. * Vírgulas podem ser eliminadas antes de adjetivos comuns curtos: Ex.: a short(,) dark(,) handsome cowboy. 6) Verb To Be and Copular Verbs Os adjetivos vêm depois do verbo To Be e dos chamados Copular Verbs – (look, feel, smell, taste, become, remain, stay, appear, seem and sound). Ex.: The weather is nice today. (O tempo está bom hoje) I’m thirsty. (Eu estou com sede) The film was interesting. (O filme foi interessante) He’s been tired. (Ele tem estado cansado) This meat smells good. (Essa carne cheira bem) That food tastes awful. (Aquela comida está com gosto horrível) She looks beautiful. (Ela está bonita) EXERCISES 01. Coloque as palavras na ordem correta: a) had – a – She – vacation – fantastic ____ ____________________________________ b) rock – does – music – like - ? – she _____ ____________________________________ c) loves – black – he – new – car – your. ________________________________________ 02. Use um substantivo e um adjetivo de cada quadro para completar as frases:

Adjectives Nouns


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 09. 

foreign – hot water - clouds sharp – dark languages – air fresh – awful knife - accident

a) We need some ____________. Open the window, please! b) They need a ____________ to cut that meat. c) Do you speak any ____________________? d) It’s going to rain. Look at those ____________ ! e) There’s no ____________ in the shower. f) We saw an ____________ last year. 03. Choose the adjectives that best complete the each sentence and circle them. a) I was disappointed / disappointing with the film. I had expected it to be better. b) Are you interesting / interested in Arts? c) The film I saw yesterday was quite exciting / excited. d) It’s very embarrassed / embarrassing when you forget about an appointment you had. e) Do you easily get embarrassed / embarrassing? f) I was amazing / amazed by the result of my test. 04. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position: Ex.: a beautiful table (wooden / round) – a beautiful round wooden table. a) a simple ring (gold) - b) a new jacket (nice) - c) a new jacket (green) - d) an old apartment (beautiful) - e) blue gloves (leather) - f) an Australian film (old) -

Gabarito: 1) a. She had a fantastic vacation. b. Does she like rock music? c. He loves your new black car. 2) a. fresh air b. sharp knife c. foreign languages d. dark clouds e. hot water f. awful accident 3) a. amazed  b. interested  c. exciting  


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 09. 

d. embarrassing  e. embarrassed  f. disappointed 4) a. a simple gold ring b. a nice new jacket c. a new green jacket d. an old Australian film e. blue leather gloves f. a beautiful old house  Concurso: BNDES - 2012 Banca: CESGRANRIO (Fundação Cesgranrio) Cargo: Técnico Administrativo Instituição: BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) Área de Atuação: Bancária Aplicada em: 03/2013 Nível: Ensino Médio Better Education Quality Needed Formal education and skills aren’t connecting in Latin America. By Gabriel Sanchez Zinny Education advocates in Latin America have long pushed for expanded access for all students. Indeed, access has improved, with secondary school completion rates climbing from 30 to 50 percent over the past two decades. However, there is a growing realization that greater access alone will do little good without higher quality. Business leaders, in particular, have argued that there is a profound disconnect between what schools are teaching and what is actually required for a worker to succeed in a globalized, innovation-driven, and knowledge-based modern economy. “There are very talented people in the region. All they need is a chance to develop,” says Felipe Vergara, co-founder of Lumni, a company that invests in students’ education in exchange for a fixed portion of the income they will go on to receive with their improved career path. At the same time that the private sector is beginning to take matters into its own hands, a new report from a team of Inter-American Development Bank education researchers, led by Marina Bassi and Jaime Vargas, has shed new light on the failures of Latin American education systems to prepare students for the job market. Entitled “Disconnected: Skills, Education and Employment in Latin America”, the


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Aula 09. 

report uses surveys of both students and employers across the region to understand why and how this gap in skills is occurring. The results are surprising. While access has increased, in two other critical areas - quality and relevance - there has been little to no progress, leaving students unprepared for the demands of the modern workplace. The employers surveyed all pointed to the importance of what are known as “socio-emotional skills”, in contrast to traditional cognitive skills such as literacy and basic mathematics. Socio-emotional skills relate to personality, and include punctuality, politeness, work ethics, responsibility, empathy, and adaptability, and are especially critical for workers and managers in a globalized economy defined by its unpredictability and dynamism. While high costs are certainly playing a role, it is clear that addressing the skills gap in Latin America will require a multifaceted approach. As the authors of “Disconnected” argue, schools must find ways to become more engaged with the productive economy that surrounds them, and improve their ability to instill and evaluate the type of skills that the private sector is looking for. This effort should go beyond increasing the access and completion of secondary school. It should involve more research, better teacher recruitment and evaluation, and incentives for developing socioemotional skills. Companies have a strong role to play, and some of them are just not giving up. As Juan Iramain, Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications in Coca Cola’s South Latin region, puts it, “at the Coca-Cola Company we understand that in order to catch up with the necessary level of sustainability of the globalized world, our business should rely on the sustainability of the communities in which we operate. For some time now, therefore, we have been dealing with specialized NGOs to strengthen the work of parents and school. The aim is not only for students to complete the school year, but also that they incorporate the curiosity and lifelong learning capabilities needed to work in the labor market of the 21st century. We just can’t put up with a school program that cannot prepare youngsters for a better society”. But above all, as the authors Marina Bassi and Jaime Vargas have argued, we must continue this dialogue between governments and the private sector so that education reform can lead to increased opportunity and economic development across the


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Aula 09. 

region. Available at: <http://www.latinbusinesschronicle.com/app/article.aspx?id=5623>. Retrieved on: 20 May 2012. Adapted. 51 - According to the text, in Latin America, education advocates (A) have reason to suppose that secondary education problems have all ended. (B) have reason to suppose that secondary education problems with quality have improved. (C) can be happy because education quality rate has climbed over 30 percent. (D) could be happy concerning students’ access to secondary school and completion of the course. (E) should be very concerned with the poor rate of access to secondary school. 52 - In the text, the word in italics describes the idea expressed by the boldfaced word in (A) argued (line 8) - asked (B) actually (line 10) -really (C) talented (line 13) - unskilled (D) income (line 16) -input (E) path (line 17) - origin 53 - The failures of Latin American education systems have been pointed out by (A) students (B) the job market (C) the private sector business (D) a team of education researchers (E) business leaders such as Marina Bassi and Jaime Vargas 54 - An example of socio-emotional skill is (A) work ethics (B) intelligence (C) basic math knowledge (D) general culture knowledge (E) reading and writing abilities 55 - In the excerpt of the text - “are especially critical for workers and managers in a globalized economy defined by its unpredictability and dynamism.” - (lines 39 - 41) the possessive pronoun its refers to (A) workers (B) unpredictability (C) managers (D) dynamism (E) economy 56 - What measure has not proven sufficient in the past to address the skills gap in Latin American Education? (A) Lowering the high costs of education.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 09. 

(B) Adopting a multifaceted approach. (C) Increasing the access and completion rates. (D) Incrementing school’s engagement with the productive economy. (E) Fostering incentives for developing socio-emotional skills. 57 - Based on the meanings in the text, the boldfaced verbal expression describes the same as the verb in: (A) giving up (line 55) - resisting (B) puts it (line 57) - says (C) to catch up with (lines 58-59) - to leave (D) rely on (lines 60-61) - divide (E) put up with (line 68) - test 58 - According to the text, the ultimate solution to better education proposed by the authors of the “Disconnected” Report is to (A) wait for better economic development. (B) extinguish with the education reform. (C) increase opportunities for economic development. (D) challenge young managers across the region. (E) reinforce the interface between business managers and members of the government. Gabarito: 51 - D 52 - B 53 - D 54 - A 55 - E 56 - C 57 - B 58 - E


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 


Aula: 10


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 



Advérbios são palavras que dão ou acrescentam significado a um verbo, a um adjetivo ou a um outro advérbio. Observe: Ex1.: He ran very slowly. (Ele correu vagarosamente)

*O advérbio slowly indica o modo como ele correu, acrescentando um significado a mais ao verbo ran. Assim, temos uma ideia mais clara e específica de como a ação aconteceu.

Ex2.: That restaurant is reasonably cheap. (Aquele restaurante é razoavelmente barato) *Neste caso, o advérbio reasonably acrescenta significado ao adjetivo cheap. Ex3.: Paul learns languages incredibly quickly. (Paul aprende línguas incrivelmente rápido)

*Neste caso temos o advérbio incredibly acrescentando significado a um outro advérbio; quickly. Vamos estudar quatro tipos de advérbios: advérbios de modo, advérbios de lugar, advérbios de frequência e advérbios de tempo. ➨ Adverbs of Manner - Advérbios de Modo Advérbios de modo são aqueles que indicam “como” uma ação acontece. Ex.: He spoke fast. (Ele falou rápido) * Para descobrirmos se um advérbio é de modo, basta olharmos para o verbo e perguntarmos: Como? No exemplo acima, basta perguntarmos: “Como ele falou?” Se obtermos resposta para a pergunta, significa que se trata de um advérbio de modo: Ele falou rápido. Os advérbios de modo se originam a partir dos adjetivos. Existem algumas regras para formação de tais advérbios: 1) Regra Geral: acrescenta-se “LY” ao adjetivo. Ex.: bad – badly slow – slowly 2) Adjetivos terminados em “Y”: troca-se o “Y” por “I” e acrescenta-se “LY”. Ex.: happy - happily


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 

easy - easily 3) Adjetivos terminados em “LE”: troca-se o ”LE” por “LY”. Ex.: simple – simply incredible – incredibly 4) Adjetivos terminados em “IC”: acrescenta-se “AL” + “LY” ao adjetivo. Ex.: systematic – systematically heroic – heroically 5) Exceções: Alguns advérbios de modo não seguem tais regras: Ex.: good – well fast – fast hard – hard Her job is hard (adjetivo) She works hard. (advérbio) Ben is a fast runner. (adjetivo) Ben runs fast. (advérbio) The bus was late / early.

(adjetivo) I went to bed late / early.


Attention! Há palavras que terminam em “LY” e não são advérbios. São adjetivos! Ex.: friendly lively elderly lonely silly lovely ➨ Adverbs of Place Todas as expressões de lugar são advérbios de lugar. Ex.: She burnt herself at home. He is at the bank. ➨Adverbs of Time Todas as expressões de tempo são advérbios de tempo. Ex.: We had lunch at two o’clock in the afternoon yesterday. ➨ Adverbs of Frequency Estes advérbios indicam a frequência com que uma ação está sendo executada. Há dois tipos de advérbios de frequência: 1) Advérbios de frequência definida – são aqueles em que o intervalo de tempo entre uma ação e outra é definida, ou seja, intervalos de tempo iguais: Ex.: I take cooking classes every Friday. (Eu tenho aulas de culinária toda sexta-feira.)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 

2) Advérbios de frequência indefinida - são aqueles em que se sabe o intervalo de tempo para uma ação se repetir: Ex.: I always go to the club. (Eu sempre vou ao clube.) Outros exemplos de advérbios de frequência:

Adverbs Translation Adverbs Translation always sempre once a week uma vez por semana seldom raramente twice a week duas vezes por semana sometimes ás vezes at weekends nos fins de semana never nunca every other day dias alternados often frequentemente every day todos os dias usually geralmente three / four times a week três/quarto vezes por semana frequently frequentemente etc..

Position of Adverbs

Os advérbios de frequência podem ser colocados em diferentes posições numa frase: 1) Advérbios de Frequência Indefinida: a) São usados após o verbo “To be”: Ex.: Some people are always complaining about everything. b) Na frente dos demais verbos: Ex.: They usually play soccer at weekends. 2) Advérbios de Frequência Definida: a) São usados sempre no final da frase: Ex.: We go to the beach every year. * Há casos em que os advérbios podem se usados em outras posições numa frase, como por exemplo o advérbio de frequência indefinida “sometimes”. Ele pode ser usado no início, meio ou fim de uma mesma frase: Ex.: Sometimes I go to the park. I sometimes go to the park. I go to the park sometimes.

Para os advérbios de modo, lugar e tempo seguimos regras um pouco diferentes dos advérbios de frequência: 1) Para verbos de movimento, a ordem fica:

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of Manner; Place and Time


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 

PLACE – MANNER - TIME Ex.: They got there precisely at 9 o’clock. São alguns verbos de movimento: arrive / go / come / walk / run / etc. 2) Para os demais verbos, a ordem fica: MANNER – PLACE – TIME Ex.: We spoke loudly at the cinema yesterday. Se um dos três tipos de advérbio não existir na frase, a ordem continua sendo a mesma.


1. Escolha um verbo e um advérbio do quadro abaixo para completar as sentenças:

work carefully listen hard come quickly sleep well

explain clearly a) I need your help. ________________! b) They are very tired because they ________________ all day long. c) ________________ to what I’ll say. It’s very important. d) Good night! ________________. e) The children understand everything because the teachers ________________. 2. Circle the word that best completes each sentence: a) The girls speak English fluent / fluently. b) The girls speak fluent / fluently English. c) Can you speak slow / slowly, please? d) Why are you so slow / slowly? e) Why do walk so slow / slowly? f) Some companies pay their workers very bad / badly. g) This soup smells bad / badly. Gabarito:  1) a. explain clearly b. work hard c. Listen carefully d. Sleep well e. come quickly 2)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 

a. bad  b. fluent  c. slowly d. slow  e. slowly f. badly g. fluently  

A SUSTAINABLE WAY OF LIVING 1. In today’s world, some people worry about the planet. They dislike the inefficiency of modern homes and disagree with the idea that we are unable to change the way we live. For these people, the ideal home is one that does not harm the Earth.

2. Michael Reynolds is a building designer. He started designing homes based on sustainable principles in Taos, New Mexico, U.S.A., more than 25 years ago. Now over 1,000 homes around the world incorporate his “living” building systems. These homes, called earthships, have built-in systems that take into account every human impact and need, for this reason they are called “ships”. They are designed to make a family feel independent and free as if they were on a long voyage, only in this case the ship is their home, their voyage is on Earth, and their goal is to live in harmony with their environment. 3. Believe it or not, an earthship is made from old tires filled with earth. The walls are made of empty tin cans. The earthship and similar innovative designs can use many other recycled materials, limited only by the imagination. Earthships are designed to collect and store their own energy from a variety of sources. The majority of electrical energy comes from the sun and wind. Earthships are built to catch and use water from the local environment without bringing in water from a centralized source. Water used in an earthship is harvested from rain or snow. 4. Earthships are based on the idea of a sustainable society, which is defined as one that satisfies its needs without diminishing the prospects of future generations. Nowadays, sustainable building is emerging as a responsible way for humanity to preserve the health and safety of the planet. As Michael Reynolds says, “Perhaps one day, more people will care about the planet. It’s unfortunate that some people might think this kind of living is inconvenient. It isn’t at all. I love my earthship!” Adapted from: READING KEYS. Macmillan Publishers Limited: Miles Craven 3. Which is the correct way to complete the following sentence, according to the text? “Some people think that …” a) modern homes are cheap and unhealthy. b) earthships are only for people with good imagination. c) efficient homes should not damage the Earth. d) living in an earthship is expensive.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 10. 

e) in the future all homes will be made of old tires. 4. Which is the only incorrect statement? “As for the earthship, we can say that…” a) it is made of recyclable materials. b) it works with solar and wind energy. c) it collects and stores its own energy. d) it just functions on rainy days. e) it provides an autonomous way of living.  5. What does the text say about Michael Reynolds? a) His building concepts are not restricted to the U.S.A. b) He developed innovative ideas about transportation. c) One thousand people live in the homes he designed. d) The houses he designs are intended to substitute all houses on the planet. e) He understands those who prefer to live in traditional homes. 6. Considering the text, compare the meanings of each pair of sentences and select the one in which the meanings of sentences A and B are similar. a) A. Earthships have built-in systems that care for people’s necessities. (paragraph 2) B. People’s needs are ignored when building the earthship’s systems. b) A. Earthships are designed to make families feel independent. (paragraph 2) B. Families can be more self-sufficient living in an earthship. c) A. An earthship is made from old tires filled with earth. (paragraph 3) B. The material of the houses comes from traditional sources. d) A. Water used in an earthship is collected from rain or snow. (paragraph 3) B. An earthship uses water from rain and snow to function. e) A. The aim of sustainable building is to preserve the well-being of our planet. B. Sustainable building is detached from the idea of human well-being. (paragraph 4)  Gabarito: 3 - C 4 - D 5 - A 6 - B   


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 11. 


Aula: 11


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 11. 

Inglês MODALS Os verbos modais são verbos auxiliares que acrescentam significado a outros verbos. Eles são irregulares, ou seja, não seguem as regras de conjugação dos outros verbos na língua Inglesa. Ex.: I can cook. → He can cook. (not: She cans cook.) *Os verbos modais são seguidos da forma infinitiva dos verbos sem a partícula “to”. 1) CAN / COULD Can significa “pode” e o seu passado é could. Eles não possuem formas variadas no particípio ou gerúndio, etc. (ex.: to can / canning / etc. ) Embora could seja a forma passada de can, não significa que could seja usado somente para indicar o passado. O significado de can e could pode assumir vários significados dependendo do contexto em que são usados: Ex.: Can you drive a truck? (habilidade) You can go home if you want to. (permissão) I can hear someone playing the piano. (idéia de ação contínua – present progressive) Could I talk to you for a moment? (pedido formal)

He could play the drums when he was younger. (habilidade – passado) Forma negativa: can’t / cannot / couldn’t *Cuidado Utilizamos o be able to para transmitir a ideia do modal “CAN” na forma do futuro: Ex.: In the future, people will be able to travel to other planets. 2) MAY / MIGHT Têm a mesma tradução de can (“pode”)e também não possuem formas variadas e também são seguidos de verbos no infinitivo. Ex.: Jill may be late for the party. (possibilidade) May I help you? (pedir permissão) *A diferença entre may e might é que might indica uma forma mais hesitante e menos definida que may. 3) MUST – significa ‘dever; ter que’ – indica uma obrigação ou dedução.

Ex.: We must protect nature. (obrigação)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 11. 

Citizens must respect the law. (obrigação) She is crying. She must be suffering. (dedução) Cuidado! Mustn’t = proibição ( e não ‘falta de obrigação’)

Ex.: You mustn’t be late for the meeting. She must study more to pass. (necessidade)

You mustn’t open this Box before your birthday. (proibição) *Para expressarmos a idéia de que algo é desnecessário, utilizamos do not need to ou do not have to: Ex.: You don’t need to have a visa to go to England. You don’t have to get a visa to go to England. * Must = have to / have got to / to be to Forma Negativa: mustn’t

4) SHOULD – significa ‘deveria’. Pode ainda expressão uma obrigação moral. Ex.: You should study more. (conselho)

You are sick. You should stay home. (obrigação moral) * Should = Ought to / had better / be supposed to Forma negativa: shouldn’t EXERCISES

Are you a coffee addict?

What happens when you miss that morning cup of coffee? Do you feel irritable, do you get a headache, do you have problems concentrating and performing everyday tasks? If you feel any of the symptoms above, you are not alone. Dr. David Kerr of the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, in Dorset, has conducted a study on giving up coffee, and the results show that coffee can indeed be as addictive as tobacco or alcohol. Coffee is so popular because of the feelings of pleasure that it gives, along with increased energy and an improvement in mood. Dr. Kerr advises, however, that “apart from keeping you awake and acting as a stimulant, there are no positive health effects of using the drug”.


Vocabulary: Addictive – viciante Headache – dor-de-cabeça Task – tarefa Give up – desistir; parar Improve – melhorar Advise – aconselhar 1. De acordo com o texto, o café pode: a) causar depressão b) causar dependência


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 11. 

c) ser usado como remédio d) baixar seu nível de energia e) acabar com a insônia 2. Na frase abaixo, quais são as palavras que substituem corretamente giving up coffee? “Dr. David Kerr has conducted a study on giving up coffee.” a) stopping drinking coffee b) deciding to drink coffee c) starting to drink coffee d) studying the effects of coffee e) giving coffee to other people 3. De acordo com o texto: a) Foi descoberto um novo tipo de café que também funciona como combustível de automóvel. b) Café deixa o sangue da pessoa preto. c) Dr. Kerr recomenda a todos que bebam café, embora ele mesmo não beba café por saber que faz mal pra saúde. d) Café deixa a pessoa em estado de alerta, funcionando como estimulante. e) Antigamente o café era usado como corante de roupas.

Be sure to Stretch on Flights If you are a taking a long flight to a far away land next summer, be sure to stretch and move around on the plane. In fact, if possible, you should simulate a walking motion in your seat so that you can keep your circulation going, as the cramped airplane conditions and exposure to reduced air pressure can lead to blood clots. The condition, increasingly becoming known as "economy class syndrome", can result in life-threatening deep vein thromboses and strokes. Vocabulary: Blood clot: coágulo sanguíneo Vein: veia Stroke: derrame. 4. De acordo com o texto: a) É perigoso caminhar durante um vôo de avião; b) Não é possível simular movimentos de exercícios dentro de um avião; c) As pessoas devem simular movimentos de caminhada durante um vôo para evitar problemas de circulação; d) Existe uma síndrome contagiosa que as pessoas estão pegando umas das outras durante vôos de avião; e) Só deveríamos voar durante o verão. 5. Na expressão "economy class syndrome", as palavras economy e class são: a) verbos b) adjetivos c) substantivos


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 11. 

d) pronomes e) objetos 6. O verbo destacados no texto indicam: a) obrigação b) conselho c) habilidade d) permissão e) possibilidade Gabarito 1 - B 2 - A 3 - D 4 - C 5 - B 6 - E

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Aula: 12

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The Genitive Case (O Caso Genitivo) Utilizamos o genitive case (or possessive case) para expressar a relação de posse entre os dois elementos. Veja como se processa o genitive case: The house of Jane. A expressão que indica o (a) possuidor(a), no exemplo of Jane, passa para Jane's, ou seja, elimina-se a preposição of, coloca-se em seu lugar uma apóstrofo seguido de s. Por outro lado, suprime-se o artigo The do The house e invertem-se os elementos da frase. Assim: Jane's house. A casa de Jane. Note que a tradução é a mesma. Esquematizando, fica: O genitive case é usado quando o elemento possuidor é pessoa ou animal. Ex.: The paintings of Renoir. Renoir's paintings. (Os quadros de Renoir.) Veja alguns casos especiais.

1) Quando o possuidor estiver no plural terminado por s, recebe apenas apóstrofo.

Ex.: The eyes of those girls. Those girls’ eyes. (Os olhos daquelas garotas) 2) Quando o possuidor estiver no plural e não terminar por s, recebe o

apóstrofo e s. Ex.: The rush of the children. The children’s rush. (A pressa das crianças) 3) Nomes próprios, clássicos ou históricos, terminados por s, recebem só o

apóstrofo. Ex.: The theorems of Pythagoras. Pythagoras’s theorems. (Os teoremas de Pitágoras.) Exemplos de nomes clássicos ou históricos terminados por s: Moses, Jesus, Péricles, Sócrates, Strauss, Brahms, Archimedes, Achiles, Hercules, Descartes e outros. 4) Nomes próprios que não sejam clássicos ou históricos recebem

apóstrofo e s. Ex.: The last contract of Julia Roberts.

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Julia Robert’s last contract. (O último contrato de Julia Roberts) 5) Quando houver vários possuidores e a coisa possuída for comum a

todos, só o último possuidor recebe apóstrofo e s ou apóstrofo. Ex.: The house of Jack and Carol. Jack and Carol’s house. (A casa de Jack e Carol.) The toys of Bill and Chuck. Bill and Chuck’s toys. (Os brinquedos de Bill e Chuck – note que a posse é coletiva). 6) Quando houver dois ou mais possuidores e o objeto possuído pertencer

a cada um deles (posse individual), todos os possuidores recebem apóstrofo e s ou apóstrofo.

Ex.: The parties of Suzy and Kate. Suzy's and Kate’s parties. (As festas de Suzy e Kate) 7) Substantivos compostos recebem s no elemento final. Ex.: The house of my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law’s house. (A casa da minha sogra) 8) Um nome seguido de um título recebe o s no título e não no nome. Ex.: The story of Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great’s story. (A história de Alexandre o Grande.) 9) Os substantivos relacionados abaixo (e também outros quando são

evidentes) podem ser omitidos na relação de posse: Cathedral House Church

Shop Magazine Restaurant

College Hospital Office

Ex.: a) I am going to my friend’s. (house)

Eu vou ao meu amigo, isto é, à casa do meu amigo. - A palavra omitida foi “house”

b) He is going to the doctor’s. (office) Ele está indo para o doutor, isto é, para o consultório dele. - Apalavra omitida foi “office”

c) Will and Paula will get married at St. Peter’s. (church) O Will e a Paula vão se casar na São Pedro, isto é, à igreja. - A palavra omitida foi “church”.

d) My mother always buys me Adidas’ (tennis shoes) Minha mãe sempre compra adidas para mim. - A palavra omitida foi “tennis shoes”.

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Atenção Em alguns casos, é possível dar a idéia de posse invertendo a ordem entre possuidor possuído, mas sem usar – s: Ex.: The cover of the book.. → The book cover. (A capa do livro.) The door of the car. → The car door. (A porta do carro.)

10) Recorre-se ao genitive case para evitar repetições: Ex.: My dog is much more obedient than Paul’s. Meu cachorro é muito mais obediente do que o de Paul. Attention! Não se usa o genitive case quando o elemento possuidor for inanimado. Ex.: The leaves of the tree. (As folhas da árvore.) The color of the car. (A cor do carro.) Porém há exceções: Special Cases a) Usa-se o genitive case quando o possuidor for: elementos da natureza,

com sea (mar), moon (Lua), sun (Sol), earth (Terra); e mais: court (tribunal) e country (país).

Ex.: The rays of the sun. – The sun’s rays. The gravity of the earth. – The earth’s gravity. The history of Brazil. – Brazil’s history. The waves of the sea. – The sea’s waves.

The beauties of nature. – Nature’s beauties. The population of the world. – The world’s population.

b) O genitive case também é usado em expressões de tempo, medida, valor, espaço, tamanho e distância.

Ex.: One week’s holiday. (Férias de uma semana) Today’s newspaper. (O jornal de hoje) Tem kilometer’s avenue. (Avenida de dez quilômetros) One dollar’s worth. (O valor de um dólar) Five shilling’s worth of grapes. (Cinco xelins de uvas) c) E também nas expressões: Ex.: For goodness’ sake. (Pelo amor de Deus) For heaven’s sake. (Valha-me Deus) The majority’s opinion. (A opinião da maioria. The crowd’s shout. (O grito da multidão)


Leia o texto e marque a alternativa correta: TEENAGERS’ EATING HABITS

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According to a recent Health Authority survey, eating habits among the great majority of teenagers are changing for the better. However, the habit of eating too many sweet foods still persists. The report found that a third of 11-year-old boys and two-thirds of 11-year-old girls are on a diet. However, two out of three boys still eat fried food at least every other day, although a surprising seventy-five per cent now prefer to eat healthier cereal and wholemeal bread for breakfast. In addition, almost all young people appear to be cutting down on food such as hamburgers and sausages. Nevertheless, over half of those interviewed still eat meat every day. The report concluded that, despite much more awareness of healthier eating among the 11-16 age group, sweet snacks are still the weakness for most young people. Four out of five teenagers still find fizzy drinks, crisps and chocolate irresistible, and hardly any of the teenagers said they would give them up.

From: Intermediate Matters. Jan B. R. Gower,

Longman, p. 109. (adapted). Vocabulary: health:saúde every other day: dias alternados wholemeal bread: pão integral nevertheless: contudo despite: apesar de awareness: consciência give up: desistir fizzy drinks: bebidas gasosas 1. Despite the changes, some bad eating habits still persist among

teenagers. What are some of these BAD eating habits, according to the text? Choose the CORRECT proposition(s) to complete the following sentence:

Young people find it difficult to stop eating ...

I. between meals.

II. sweet snacks. III. hamburgers. IV. fried food. V. cereals.

a) ( ) As alternativas I e V estão corretas. b) ( ) As alternativas II; III e IV estão corretas. c) ( ) As alternativas I; II e III estão erradas. d) ( ) As alternativas III e IV estão erradas. e) ( ) As alternativas III e V estão corretas. 2. According to the text, the eating habits of many teenagers are changing

for the better. What are some of these GOOD changes? Choose the CORRECT proposition(s) and mark the correct alternative:

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I. ( ) Many teenagers are giving up such things as fizzy drinks, crisps and chocolate.

II. ( ) A large number of boys and girls are taking care of their weight. III. ( ) Breakfast has become a healthier meal for the majority of young

people. IV. ( ) Besides eating better, teenagers are also taking vitamin

supplements. V. ( ) The 11-16 age group now avoids food which has additives.

a) ( ) As alternativas II e III estão erradas. b) ( ) As alternativas I; IV e V estão erradas c) ( ) As alternativas II; IV e V estão corretas. d) ( ) As alternativas I;II e III estão corretas. e) ( ) As alternativas III; IV e V estão erradas.

Abortion Pill Women living in France can have an abortion with a pill. The pill is called RU486. It makes having an abortion easy and without surgery. Women in America do not have access to this pill. A congresswoman sent a letter. She thinks that women should be able to get the pill in the United States. Another person thinks that American women should not have it. Some people worry about the new pill. They think it might teach people that abortion is no big deal. It will be harder to understand abortion if it is done with a pill. Some doctors think that this pill is safe. A group of California doctors is working to get the pill approved. Another doctor said that abortion is legal in California. He said science can make it safer for women. He wants to study the pill in California. No one knows when the pill will be available to women in the United States. It is clear that many women want the choice.

Fonte: http://www.cdlponline.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity1&topicID=2&storyID=2

1 Vocabulary: Pill: pílula; comprimido. Big deal: grande coisa. Teach: ensinar 3. According to the text: a) Everybody is against the new pill. (*against= contra) b) Everybody is in favor of the new pill. c) No doctors approved the new idea. d) There are controversies about the new pill in different countries. e) People want to have access to the pill in Brazil. 4. Mark True or False to the following statements according to the text: I. Many people are using the pill illegally. II. The new pill must be used during a surgery. III. Some people worry that the pill will motivate people to abort.

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Mark the correct alternative: a) F – F – T b) T – T – T c) F – F – F d) T – F – T e) T – F – F 5. According to the text, it is correct to say that: a) People don’t want the pill in America. They think it will teach people to abort. b) People in France don’t want the pill to be approved in America. c) Some doctors want the pill to be approved in America. d) In France, abortion is illegal. e) The pill is effective, but it is dangerous for women. Gabarito 1 - B 2 - B 3 - D 4 - A 5 - C


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Aula: 13


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Aula 13. 


RELATIVE PRONOUNS 1.1. CONCEITO Os pronomes relativos se relacionam a um substantivo ou a um pronome anteriormente mencionado. Eles podem ser usados para definir o substantivo ao qual se referem ou para simplesmente acrescentar informação sobre o mesmo. São eles: WHO WHOSE WHOM WHY WHICH WHERE THAT WHEN Ex.: The man who was involved in the accident is my cousin. (Defining Relative Clause) Ex.: Rage, which is a bad feeling, gets people to do stupid things. (Non-defining Relative Clause) 1.2. RELATIVE PRONOUNS - FORM a) WHO = que ( sujeito) Ex.: The girl who is playing is country champion. b) WHOM = que / quem (objeto) – Geralmente vem acompanhado de preposição. Ex.: The woman to whom I talked on the phone was nice to me. Não pode ser substituído por “that”. c) WHICH = usado para coisas ou animais. Ex.: The car which I like is very expensive. d) WHOSE = indica “posse”: CUJO/ CUJA Ex.: The boy whose girlfriend disappeared is my friend. e) WHERE = indica lugar. Ex.: A department store is a place where you can buy goods. f) WHEN = indica tempo - quando. Ex.: Easter is a time when people celebrate Jesus’ ressurrection.


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Aula 13. 

1.3. OMITINDO O PRONOME RELATIVO The magazine which I bought is for my sister. (podemos omitir o which) The magazine which is on the floor is mine. (não podemos omitir o which) That is the girl who talked to me. (não podemos omitir o who) That is the girl who I saw last night. (podemos omitir o who) TEXTO

What is acne? Acne is not just a problem for teenagers, it can affect people from ages 10 through 40. It is not unusual for women, in particular, to develop acne in their mid-to-late 20’s. Acne can appear as any of the following: Blackheads -- are caused by partially blocked pores. The "black" appearance of them is not caused by dirt, but by the melanin pigment from the dead skin cells. Whiteheads -- are caused by completely blocked pores. The white appearance of them is caused by the bacteria inside the blocked pore turning the sebum to "free fatty acid". Papules -- are small, red, tender bumps or spots. Pustules -- are larger, red and inflamed pus-filled spots. Nodules -- are large hard bumps under the skin's surface. Cysts -- are similar to nodules, but can be deeply inflamed and infected. These blemishes occur wherever there are many oil (sebaceous) glands, mainly on the face, chest, and back. You can do a lot to treat your acne using products available at a drugstore or cosmetic counter that do not require a prescription. However, for more serious cases of acne, you should consult a doctor. What causes acne? No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls. Oil is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin, and under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates bacteria, (which live in everyone's skin and generally cause no problems), to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed. If the inflammation is right near the surface, you get a pustule; if it's deeper, a papule (pimple); deeper still and it's a cyst. If the oil breaks though to the surface, the result is a "whitehead." If the oil becomes oxidized (that is, acted on by oxygen in the air), the oil changes from white to black, and the result is a "blackhead." Some factors that don’t usually cause acne, at least by themselves are:

Heredity: With the exception of very severe acne, most people do not have the problem exactly as their parents did. Almost everyone has some acne at some point in their life.


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Aula 13. 

Food: All over the world, parents tell teens to avoid pizza, chocolate, greasy and fried foods, and junk food. While these foods may not be good for overall health, they don't cause acne or make it worse.

Dirt: Some individuals have more "oily" skin than others (as mentioned above, "Blackheads" are oxidized oil, not dirt). Sweat does not cause acne, therefore, it is not necessary to shower instantly after exercise for fear that sweat will clog pores. On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.

Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and make them last longer. Stress, however, does not play much of a direct role in causing acne.

Hormones: Some women break out cyclically, but most women (and men) don't. Some oral contraceptive pills may help relieve acne, but unless a woman has abnormal menstrual periods and excessive hair growth, it’s unlikely that hormones play much of a role in causing acne.

Cosmetics: Most cosmetic and skin care products are not pore-clogging (“comedogenic.”) Of the many available brands, those which are listed as “water-based” or “oil-free” are generally a better choice. In occasional patients, contributing factors may be:

Pressure: In some patients, pressure from helmets, chinstraps, collars, and the like can aggravate acne.

Drugs: Some medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids (either the medically prescribed prednisone or the steroids bodybuilders or athletes take.) Most cases of acne, however, are not drug-related.

Occupations: In some jobs, exposure to industrial products like cutting oils may produce acne.

http://www.acne-advice.com/articles/types_of_acne.shtml http://www.medicinenet.com/acne/article.htm

Vocabulary: Sebum: The semifluid secretion of the sebaceous glands, consisting chiefly of fat, keratin, and cellular material. Spots: a small round mark on the skin, different in colour or texture from the surface. Blemish: a mark that spoils something that is beautiful. Bumps: a swelling on the body. Pimple: a small raised spot on the skin. 1. According to the text: a) Acne can affect people at any age, specially women in their mid-twenties. b) Blackheads, Whiteheads, papules and nodules are forms of acne. c) Acne most commonly occurs on peoples’ face, hands, chest and back. d) Acne is caused by hormones but it can be also caused by some greasy foods. e) According to the text, men tend to have more problems with acne than women. 2. Circle the only correct letter according to the text: a. Blackheads are dirty, so you should clean them frequently. b. Whiteheads are white because that’s the colour of the bacteria inside them. c. Pustules are red because they contain blood in them. d. Nodules are similar to cysts but cysts are deeper and also infected.


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Aula 13. 

e. Acne is not a serious problems, so cases of acne are never treated by doctors. 3. Match the factors with their correct explanation: a. Heredity b. Food c. Stress d. Hormones e. Drugs ( ) There isn’t a strong connection between your emotional health and acne. ( ) Women can avoid some acne by taking them in the form of contraceptive pills. ( ) Just because you parents had acne, that doesn’t mean you will have it, too. ( ) Depending on what you take, they can make acne worse. ( ) Not everything you ingest will be good for you but it certainly won’t cause you acne.

It is becoming more and more important to eat the right food. Experts say that the type of food you eat can damage your health. If you eat the right food, you will have a better chance of living a long and healthy life. If you eat a lot of processed food, you will be more likely to have problems with your health. If people eat food with a lot of fat in it, they will have a greater risk of getting heart disease.

In some countries, people eat less fat in their diet. Scientists have shown that fewer people get heart disease in these countries. In Spain and Italy, for example, most people have less fat in their diets than people in England. And in England, the rate of heart disease is double the rate in Spain or Italy.

So if you eat less fatty food, you'll live longer. You'll feel better, feel fitter, and have more energy if you change to a simpler and healthier diet.

From:Break into English Vocabulary likely: describes something that will probably happen or is expected rate: an amount or level of payment

4. According to the text, what sort of food is BAD for you? Circle the only correct letter. a) Italian food. b) Fruit and vegetables. c) Fatty food. d) Simple food. e) Diet food. 5. According to the text, what happens in countries where the diet is high in fat? Circle the only correct letter. a) People get fatter.


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Aula 13. 

b) The rate of heart disease is greater. c) The population has a better life. d) People are healthier. e) There are less sick people. 6. The text says that in Spain people eat __________ than in England. Circle the only correct letter to complete the space. a) less fatty food b) more energetic food c) less food d) much more fatty food e) more food Texto somente para a prática da leitura. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is an extremely rare disease which affects the connective tissue. A mutation of the body's repair mechanism causes fibrous tissue (including muscle, tendon, and ligament) to be ossified when damaged. In many cases, injuries can cause joints to become permanently frozen in place. Surgical removal of the extra bone growths has been shown to cause the body to "repair" the affected area with more bone. GABARITO: 1 - B 2 - D 3 - C - D - A - E - B 4 - C 5 - B 6 - A


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Aula 14. 


Aula: 14


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Aula 14. 

Inglês THE FUTURE Há várias maneiras de expressarmos o futuro em inglês, como por exemplo o Simple Present e o Present Continuous, que já foram estudados anteriormente SIMPLE PRESENT – indica o futuro programado Ex.: The president arrives at 7:00 pm; then he delivers his speech. At 8:00 he starts the press conference. PRESENT CONTINUOUS - Também usamos o Present Continuous para expressar ações planejadas (personal arrangements). Ex.: Are you taking a long vacation this year? No, I’m working this year! As duas formas mais comuns de expressar ações futuras, entretanto, são o Simple Future e o Going to future: 1.1. SIMPLE FUTURE - FORM Para escrevermos uma frase usando o Simple Future basta usarmos o auxiliar WILL juntamente com qualquer verbo na sua forma do infinitivo sem a partícula “to”.

Affirmative Ex.: Jane will study architecture next year. Negative EX.: I won’t work with my father. Interrogative Ex.: Will she study medicine? Yes, she will. / No, she won’t.

1.2. USO Há várias sugestões para o uso do will como auxiliar do futuro. Abaixo temos os 4 casos principais.


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Aula 14. 

1 – Para fazermos previsões: Ex.: The party will be very nice. 2 – Para expressarmos promessas: Ex.: I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party. 3 – Para indicar, em estilo formal, eventos programados no futuro: Ex.: The wedding will take place at the Saint Theresa Church on June 27, and the reception will be at the Bourbon Hotel. 4 – Para indicar uma ação futura que foi decidida no momento em que se fala: Ex.: The air conditioning is too cold. I will have someone turn it off right now. CUIDADO! CAREFUL! CUIDADO! CAREFUL! Nem sempre a palavra WILL indica um auxiliar do futuro. Will também pode ser a palavra “vontade”ou ainda a palavra “testamento”. 1.2. GOING TO - FUTURE A outra maneira de indicarmos o futuro é usando o “Going To” igualmente seguido de qualquer verbo na sua forma do infinitivo.

1.3. GOING TO - Form Affirmative Ex.: He is going to study for the test. Negative Ex.: He isn’t going to study for the test. Interrogative Ex.: Is he going to study for the test? Why is he going to study for the test? 1.4. USOS 1 - O “going to” future é normalmente usado para descrever planos, em estilo informal: Ex.: He’s going to travel on the weekend. 2 - Prever o futuro com base em evidências do presente: Ex1.: Look at the sky. It’s going to rain. Ex2.: They are going to have another baby. 3 - Dizer que uma ação futura ou evento está para acontecer ou começou a acontecer:


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Aula 14. 

Ex.: Look out! The dog is going to escape! Magnificent Obsession

There’s a club in the United States called the Traveler’s Century Club.

That does not refer to either the nineteenth or the twentieth centuries, but to the fact that members must have visited at least one hundred of the countries on the club’s official list. Most new members will probably still have a long way to go before they exhaust the list, which has no fewer than three hundred and eight “countries” on it.

But if anyone does eventually visit all three hundred and eight, he or she will find that someone has been there before them. John Clouse, a lawyer from Indiana, has been to all of them and his “achievement” has been officially recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records, which calls him “the world’s most traveled man”.

Septuagenarian Clouse, who was born in 1925, describes his obsession as “an illness” and says that he inherited it from his father. However, when he was a young man, he was unaware of the force that was to dominate his life. His first trip outside the United States was during the Second World War, when he was almost twenty. Since then, Clouse has crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred times and the Pacific more than forty.

If anyone has been “everywhere”, it must be Clouse, who has spent a great deal of time and money doing so – most of the places, near the bottom of the club list (the so called “non-sovereign countries”), are isolated rocks and atolls in the middle of oceans and there is no regular transportation to them.

Naturally, Clouse has enjoyed his time in many of the places he has visited, but his favorite city of all is not one which could be called exotic. It is the “city of light”: Paris. Nor is Clouse’s favorite country one of those a long way down the list (except for an alphabetical list!). It is the United States and, naturally, he has visited all fifty states, most of them many times over.

Will anyone ever match Clouse’s achievement? Will anyone be crazy enough to want to equal it? Clouse says that his obsession is hereditary. In that case, a future contender for the crown of “most traveled human being” might be his son, George. Thanks presumably to his father, George qualified as a Century Club member before he was even five years old! Perhaps it’s not surprising that under “marital status”, his father’s documents state “divorced”. (TAYLOR, James et alles. Reading Structure & Strategy. Macmillan Ed.,1996 –

Texto adaptado.) 01. De acordo com o texto, analise, quanto à veracidade (V) ou falsidade (F), as proposições abaixo. ( ) Tanto a cidade quanto o país eleitos por Clouse como seus favoritos, não se encontram entre os últimos da lista oficial do Clube. ( ) Segundo o locutor, desde jovem Clouse tinha consciência de que não podia viver sem viajar. ( ) O nome do Clube relaciona-se ao fato de seus membros precisarem ter visitado, pelo menos, cem países daqueles constantes de sua lista oficial.


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Aula 14. 

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os parênteses, de cima para baixo. a) F – F – V b) V – F – F c) F – V – V d) V – F – V e) F – V – F 02. No enunciado ‘But if anyone does eventually visit...’, o termo ‘eventually’ é melhor traduzido por a) intencionalmente. b) antecipadamente. c) inicialmente. d) acidentalmente. e) finalmente. 03. Analise, quanto à veracidade (V) ou falsidade(F), as proposições abaixo sobre John Clouse. ( ) Advogado de Indiana, na faixa dos 70 anos, viajou por 308 países e é considerado a “pessoa mais viajada do mundo”. ( ) Sua primeira viagem para fora dos Estados Unidos foi na companhia do pai, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. ( ) Visitou alguns países de difícil acesso, mas que faziam parte da lista do Clube. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os parênteses, de cima para baixo. a) V – F – F b) V – V – V c) V – F – V d) V – V – F e) F – F – V GABARITO 1 - D 2 - E 3 - C


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Aula 15. 


PLURALS Somente substantivos contáveis possuem plural em inglês. Adjetivos não possuem forma no plural. Vale lembrar que nem sempre o “S” indica plural no inglês. Como veremos a seguir, há palavras que não possuem “S” e encontram-se no plural. Há também palavras que possuem “S” e não estão no plural. Ex.: Singular – He bought a good car yesterday. Plural – He bought good cars yesterday. Observe que o adjetivo não possui plural. Regular Plural: Acrescenta-se ‘S’. Irregular Plural a) Substantivos terminados em S, SS, SH, CH, X e O: Acrescenta-se ES: * Quando o CH tiver som de ‘k’, acrescentamos apenas “S”:

adjetivo substantivo

adjetivo substantivo

girl ‐ girls     book ‐ books boy ‐ boys     tie ‐ ties spoon ‐ spoons   car ‐ cars 

bus - buses tomato - tomatoes kiss - kisses box - boxes beach - beaches dish - dishes tomato - tomatoes box - boxes

epoch – epochs monarch - monarchs patriarch - patriarchs stomach - stomachs


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Cons + Y → ies Strawberry – strawberries Comedy – comedies Grocery – groceries Baby – babies Candy - candies

F, FE → VES Wolf → wolves Knife → knives Leaf → leaves Wife → wives

Special Cases man men tooth teeth woman women goose geese gentleman gentlemen mouse mice child children louse lice ox oxen die dice foot feet

Some words ending in “O” do not take “ES”; only “S”: autos stereos zoos kilos casinos studios


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Aula 15. 

Casos Especiais 1) Há substantivos que levam “S” mas que podem ser usados tanto no plural como no singular:

• means (Ex.: A means of transport. or: Many means of transport.) • series (Ex.: ‘Friends’ is a television series. or: There are many good

television series.) • species (Ex.: A species of fish. or: A lot of species of fish.)

2) Alguns substantivos são formados de duas partes, logo estão sempre no plural: trousers jeans; shorts and pants pyjamas glasses scissors Para usá-los, usamos verbos no plural ou podemos usar a expressão “a pair of”: Ex.: ‘Those are nice trousers’ or ‘That’s a nice pair of trousers’. 3) Há alguns substantivos que terminam em “-ics” que geralmente não são plural: athletics gymnastics mathematics economics politics physics etc. 4) Há substantivos que não levam “S” mas que são geralmente usados com o verbo no plural, pois indicam grupos de pessoas: (Às vezes são usados com o verbo no singular)

• government (governo) • police (polícia) • commitee (comitê, comissão)

Ex.: The government want to increase some taxes next year. (Ou The government wants to …) (they)

Sugestão de site para praticar exercícios: www.englisch-hilfen.de/en EXERCISES

Religion and Human Behavior

Does life have meaning? What gives it meaning? Why do we act the way we do? What is the best way to live? How can we be happy? How can we find peace?


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Aula 15. 

These are questions that people have struggled with throughout history. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, and physicists are among the many thinkers who have tried to give us answers. We look for answers within ourselves, but few are satisfactory. In the end, it is religion that gives most of the world answers to these questions. Hundreds of religions exist in the world, yet all religions try to answer the same questions. Every religion teaches basic ideas that help humans understand their nature and their behavior. Every religion describes two sides of human nature − the animal and the divine. It is these opposing sides that cause conflicts. Every religion gives people a method that they can follow to resolve the conflicts. All religions have a goal, which is in one form or another, the transformation of humans from the animal to the divine. This spiritual transformation is common to all religions, though it has many names: nirvana, heaven, salvation. All cultures in the world have religious beliefs. For that reason, every part of life is affected by religions, whose teachings offer guidelines on ways to live.

Glossary: behavior = comportamento struggle = lutar goal = objetivo though = embora 01. According to the text, among the different things that affect the way people think and act, perhaps the most powerful is: a) philosophy b) psychology c) religion d) sociology e) physics 02. According to the text, the relation between number of religions and object of investigation is that: a) there are different religions in the world and they all try to answer the same questions. b) there is only one religion in the world and it answers only one questions. c) there isn't any religion able to answer all the questions people have. d) there are hundreds of religions in the world and they answer different questions. e) there are few religions and they offer the same answers to the same questions. 03. According to the text, paragraph 3 says that the objective of every religion is: a) political transformation b) physical transformation c) material transformation


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Aula 15. 

d) spiritual transformation e) financial transformation 04. In the sentence “What gives it meaning?” (line 1), the underlined word refers to: a) life b) peace c) health d) money e) happiness GABARITO 1 - C 2 - A 3 - D 4 - A


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Aula 16. 

Inglês Quantifiers Os Quantificadores são pronomes que precedem e modificam os substantivos e têm a função de determinar sua quantidade. Para sabermos usá-los, é preciso que conheçamos as diferenças entre substantivos contáveis e incontáveis. Lembramos que são chamados substantivos incontáveis, aqueles que não possuem forma plural, ou seja, devem ser usados somente na forma do singular: Ex.: money, weather, advice, information, etc. São chamados substantivos contáveis aqueles que podem ser passados para o plural, ou seja, podem ser usados tanto no singular quanto no plural, dependendo do que se quer dizer: Ex.: girl, chair, friend, person, etc. 1) Much (muito): É usado com substantivos incontáveis, ou seja, serve para indicar grande quantidade de um substantivo que não pode ser usado no plural. Ex.: There’s much information about the course on the internet. (Há muita informação sobre o curso na internet.) 2) Little (pouco): É o antônimo de much sendo igualmente usado com substantivos incontáveis, entretanto indica pequena quantidade de algo: Ex.: There’s little water in the pool so we won’t be able to swim. (Há pouca água na piscina,logo, não poderemos nadar.) 3) Many (muitos): É usado com substantivos contáveis servindo para indicar grande quantidade de algo. Quando usamos many, devemos usar o substantivo na forma do plural: Ex.: I have many friends in Los Angeles. (Tenho muitos amigos em Los Angeles.) 4) Few (poucos): É o antônimo de many sendo igualmente usado com substantivos contáveis no plural. Ex.: There were few people at the party. (Haviam poucas pessoas na festa.) 5) Plenty (mais do que suficiente): Ex.: There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time. 6) A Lot of (muito; muitos; muita; muitas) É usado tanto com substantivos contáveis como incontáveis, para indicar grande quantidade de algo: Ex.: There is a lot of food in the refrigerator. (Há muita comida na geladeira)


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Aula 16. 

Attention! 1 - Much e Many são usados especialmente em frases negativas e interrogativas. Pode-se usar também “a lot of”: Ex.: I didn’t spend much money. (ou I didn’t spend a lot of money.) Do you know many people here? (ou Do you know a lot of people here?) I don’t go out much. (ou I don’t go out a lot.) 2 – Many também é usado em afirmativas, porém, na língua falada, a lot (of) é mais comum. Ex.: A lot of people like to drive fast in Brazil. ou: Many people like to drive fast in Brazil. 3 - TOO MUCH e SO MUCH são usados normalmente em afirmativas: Ex.: We spent too much money the last time we traveled. (Nós gastamos dinheiro demais na última vez que viajamos.) Special Cases: Compare as seguintes frases: * I have a few friends. * I have few friends, Ao compararmos as duas frases percebemos que elas são quase iguais e assim podemos achar que seu significados também sejam semelhantes. Entretanto isso não é verdade. A presença do artigo na frente do pronome few, faz com que haja uma mudança na mensagem da frase. Observe as diferenças a seguir: 1) Little e Few possuem idéia negativa: Ex.: Let’s hurry. There’s little time. (a idéia e de que não há tempo suficiente.) He’s always alone. He hás few friends. (a idéia é de que ele não tem amigos o suficiente.) 2) A little e A few possuem idéia positiva: Ex.: Let’s have a drink. We’ve got a little time before the bus leaves. I like it here. I’ve got a few friends and I like them all. PORÉm, quando usados com “only”, a little e a few passam a ter significados negativos: Ex.: This house is not big enough. There are only a few rooms. EXERCISES Budapest

For many centuries, Budapest was two cities, with Buda on the west side of the Danube River and Pest on the east side. Budapest became one city in 1872, and it has been the capital city of Hungary ever since. The population of Budapest is about two million, and the city is a very popular place for tourists. Visitors like to take boat rides along the Danube. Budapest is also known for its exciting nightlife. The best time to visit is the summer since Budapest is very cold in the winter.

• Become = tornar-se


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Aula 16. 

• Known = conhecida • Since = já que; porque; desde

Los Angeles

Los Angeles was founded in 1781. With 3.8 million people, it is now the biggest city in California and the second largest city in the United States. It is famous for its modern freeways, its movie stars, and its smog. When the city is really smoggy, you can’t see the nearby mountains. The weather is usually dry and warm.

Visitors like to go to the film studios and drive along Hollywood Boulevard. There are some good beaches near the city, and Los Angeles is also close to Disneyland.

• Freeways = rodovias • Smog = mistura de nevoeiro e poluição • Dry = seco • Weather = tempo


Since its founding in the eighteenth century, Taipei has grown to a population of 2.7 million people and has become the cultural, industrial, and administrative center of the island of Taiwan. It’s an exciting city, but the weather is humid and not always pleasant.

Taipei is also a busy city, and the streets are always full of people. There is an excellent museum that many tourists visit. It’s a fairly expensive city, but not more expensive than some other Asian cities, so many tourists go to Taipei to shop.

• Has grown = cresceu • Pleasant = agradável • Busy = agitada • Shop = comprar

1. Leia o texto sobre Budapeste e marque a única alternativa correta: a) Budapeste continua sendo duas cidades desde o ano de 1872. b) Budapeste deixou de ser a capital da Hungria depois que foi dividida em duas cidades. c) Budapeste não tem vida noturna. d) Os visitantes gostam de fazer um passeio de barco pelo Danúbio, rio que dividia a cidade no passado. e) A cidade tem esse nome devido ao fato de que no passado uma peste quase dizimou a população de toda a cidade. 2. A palavra “since”, na frase “The best time to visit is the summer since Budapest is very cold in the winter”, pode ser traduzida por: a) assim sendo. b) desde já c) já que d) desde e) desde então 3. Leia o texto sobre Los Angeles e marque a única alternativa correta: a) Los Angeles é maior do que a Califórnia.


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Aula 16. 

b) Los Angeles pe famosa por ser uma cidade com pouca poluição. c) Los Angeles é conhecida por abrigar um parque da Disneylândia. d) As montanhas perto da cidade nunca são vistas devido à forte neblina presente o ano todo. e) Os artistas e estúdios de Hollywood são um atrativo para os visitantes que também gostam de dirigir pela Hollywood Boulevard. GABARITO 1 - D 2 - C 3 - E


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Aula 17. 


INDEFINITE PRONOUNS SOME = algum(a/as), alguns, um pouco de, aproximadamente. 1. “Some” é comumente usado em frases afirmativas,

Ex.: Kurt bought some batteries for his flashlight. Kate needs to buy some equipment.

2. “Some” pode ser usado em interrogativas quando expressamos um

oferecimento, um pedido ou uma pergunta em que se espera obter uma resposta positiva (sim).

• Oferecimento: Would you like some wine? • Pedido: Can you give me some money? • Expectativa de resposta positiva: Do you mind if I put some music on?

3. “Some” ainda pode ser usado para expressar numerais significando “aproximadamente”:

• There are some fifty students in my classroom. • I have met some fifty people interested in extreme sports.

ANY = algum(a/as), alguns, nenhum(a), qualquer. 1. “Any” é usado mais comumente em frases interrogativas significando

algum(a/as): • Do they have any children? • Do you have any money?

2. Em frases negativas, significando nenhum(a):

• They don’t need any help to climb that mountain. • We don’t have any special equipment.

3. Em frases afirmativas, significando “qualquer”: • You can choose any place to camp. • I’d like to practice any extreme sport.

NO = nenhum / nenhuma. “No” deve ser usado em frases afirmativas imediatamente antes de um substantivo, tanto no singular como no plural.

• Some extreme sports require no special equipment.


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Aula 17. 

• We must get to the top of the mountain before sunset. We have no time to rest.

No = not any

• There aren’t any stores open. • There are no stores open. (Não há nenhuma loja aberta)

Watch out Any também é usado com palavras no sentido negativo: never (nunca), without (sem), hardly, scarcely (quase nunca), etc. NONE = nenhum(a) How to use NONE?

1. “None” é usado com o verbo na forma afirmativa e não deve ser seguido de substantivo. None é usado sozinho quando o substantivo a que ele se refere já foi mencionado anteriormente:

• Have you ever practiced any extreme sports? – No, I have practiced none.

None = no + substantivo I have no money = I have none. 2. “None” pode ser usado antes de pronomes (e.g. my, this, it, us)ou do

artigo “the”: • None of the boys finished the Project. (Nenhum dos garotos

terminou o projeto) • None of us speaks Russian. (Nenhum de nós fala Russo)

“Some, Any e No” podem dar origem a compostos que seguirão as mesmas regras mencionadas anteriormente.

SOMEHOW = de algum modo SOMETIME = algum dia, um dia ANYHOW = de algum modo, de nenhum modo, de qualquer modo. As regras estudadas para some, any e no valem também para as formas compostas:

• There is somebody in the kitchen. • Is there anybody in the bedroom? • No, there isn’t anybody there. • (No, there is nobody there.)

• They didn’t feel anything. • Did you buy anything yesterday? • Did you go anywhere last night?


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 17. 

• No, I didn’t go anywhere. • No, I went nowhere.

TAKE A LOOK! No, nobody, nothing, nowhere, no, none são usados em sentenças negativas, porém nunca usados com outra palavra negativa. There isn’t nothing in my pocket. (errado) There is not anything in pocket. (certo) ou There is nothing in my pocket. (certo) (Não há nada no meu bolso)



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Aula 18. 


Aula: 18


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Aula 18. 

Inglês Degrees of Adjectives 1.1. Conceito Normalmente aprendemos algumas coisas básicas sobre os adjetivos em ingles: Eles são usados antes do substantivo ao qual se referem e depois do verbo To Be. Sabe-se também que eles não sofrem variações quanto ao número e gênero. Entretanto é possível trabalharmos os graus dos adjetivos. Em inglês os adjetivos podem variar em 2 graus: Comparativo e Superlativo. 1.2. Comparative degrees: a) Equality b) Superiority c) Inferiority a) Comparative of Equality

as + adjective + as Affirmative Ex.: Jennifer Lopez is as beautiful as Angelina Jolie. Negative Ex.: Jennifer Lopez isn’t as beautiful as Angelina Jolie. Jennifer Lopez isn’t so beautiful as Angelina Jolie. b) Comparative of Inferiority

less + adjective + (than) Ex.: The interviewee was less articulate than the reporter. c) Comparative of Superiority

adjective + ER (than) more + adjective (than)

Ex.: Tim is taller than his brother. Women are more emotional than men 1.3. Superlative Degree: Inferiority Superiority a) Superlative of Inferiority

the least + adjective Ex.: Susan was the least worried student in class. b) Superlative of Superiority


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Aula 18. 

adjective + EST the most + adjective

Ex.: Steve is the tallest boy in his class. Studying is one of the most important things to do in life. Adjective Comparative (ER) Superlative (EST)

TALL taller (than) the tallest

BIG bigger (than) the biggest

EASY easier (than) the easiest

COY coyer (than) the coyest

DIFFICULT more difficult (than) the most difficult

Irregular Comparative and Superlative forms

good better the best

bad worse the worst

far farther / further the farthest / furthest TEXTO

Take a Walk It’s the perfect exercise for fighting fat – as well as fatigue and stress. Here’s how to do it right. Though you may not think of walking as a wonderful form of exercise, it is. Walking promotes cardiovascular fitness, tones up all your muscles and is a great fat burner too. If you walk briskly for 45 minutes a day, by the end of a year you’ll have lost more than 20 pounds, without dieting! So imagine what walking does when you do diet. Since your metabolism speeds up, weight comes off faster and tends to stay off. Some other advantages of walking: it requires no special skills or equipment, it can be done almost anywhere at any time, and it’s virtually injury-free, provided you wear proper shoes, start off slowly and don’t overdo in the beginning. 1. Todos são benefícios de caminhar, exceto: a) Melhora o desempenho do coração. b) Combate a gordura. c) Diminui as calorias dos alimentos d) Tonifica os músculos e) Combate o estresse. 2. According to the text, write TRUE or FALSE. What is good about walking? I. ( ) It is perfect for fighting. II. ( ) It is excellent for the heart. III. ( ) It's harmless unless you overdo in the beginning.


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Aula 18. 

IV. ( ) Walking for 45 minutes a day, by the end of a year you'll have lost up to 8 kilos. Mark the correct sequence of answers: a) F – T – T – F b) T – T – T – F c) F – T – F – T d) F – F – F – T e) T – F – F – T 3. Match: I. Walking fast for 45 minutes a day... ( ) you lose more weight. II. When you walk fast and go on a diet... ( ) makes you lose up to 20 pounds a year. III. It is very improbable that... ( ) you will get hurt by walking. The correct sequence is: a) I – III – II b) II – I – III c) III – I – II d) III – II – I e) I – II – III 4. Mark the only correct alternative: a) Walking is difficult. b) You need special places to walk. c) Walking is bad for old people. d) There is a right way to do walking. e) Walking causes fatigue. GABARITO 1 - C 2 - A 3 - B 4 - D


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Aula 19. 

Inglês The Passive Voice Quando falamos a respeito de Passive Voice (Voz Passiva), estamos nos referindo a um tipo de construção de frases, no qual o sujeito sofre a ação do verbo. Se dissermos: John loves Mary – voz ativa, pois o sujeito John é que pratica a ação. Se, porém, dissermos: Mary is loved by John – voz passiva, pois agora Mary sofre a ação do verbo e não a pratica. Para transformarmos uma frase em voz passiva, devemos obedecer aos seguintes princípios:

1. O objeto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da voz passiva. 2. O sujeito da voz ativa passa a ser agente da passiva na voz passiva. 3. O verbo to be é usado no mesmo tempo verbal em que o verbo principal se

encontra na voz ativa. 4. O verbo principal assume a sua forma do particípio passado (a 3ª forma do

passado dos verbos, chamada comumente de 3ª coluna). 5. Se o sujeito da ativa for particularizado, determinado, ele será mantido como

agente da passiva. Exemplos: Sheila makes good cakes.

1. O objeto (good) cakes será sujeito da voz passiva. 2. Makes: verbo no presente; portanto, usaremos o to be no presente = are. 3. Make, made, usamos a sua forma do particípio passado, made. 4. O sujeito Sheila é particularizado e aprece como agente da passiva ou

substituído por um pronome oblíquo = her. Como agente da passiva, será sempre precedido pela preposição by.

Teremos então: Good cakes are made by her. Exemplos: They play poke here. Eles jogam pôquer aqui. Poker is played here (by them). Pôquer é jogado aqui por eles. 1. Simple Present Se o tempo verbal for o Simple Present Tense, teremos então:


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Aula 19. 

Active Voice: Maggie takes the kids to school. Passive Voice: The kids are taken to school by her. 2. Simple Past

Active Voice: Pedro A. Cabral discovered Brazil in 1500. Passive Voice: Brazil was discovered in 1500 by Pedro A. Cabral.

3. Present Continuous Active Voice: They are cleaning the room now. Passive Voice: The room is being cleaned now. 4. Past Continuous Active Voice: My cousin was fixing the computer. Passive Voice: The computer was being fixed by my cousin. 5. Present Perfect

Active Voice: They have never seen her before. Passive Voice: She has never been seen before. 6. Past Perfect

Active Voice: The robber had broken the safe. Passive Voice: The safe had been broken by the robber. 7. Simple Future

Active Voice: Many people will watch that game. Passive Voice: That game will be watched by many people. 8. Modal Verbs: Can; May; Could; Should; Must; etc. Active Voice: A grenade can cause a lot of destruction. Passive Voice: A lot of destruction can be caused by a grenade. Active Voice: We must respect the law. Passive Voice: The law must be respected.


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Aula 20. 


Aula: 20


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Aula 20. 

Inglês The Passive Voice

Special Cases: 1. Voz Ativa com dois Objetos Quando a frase possui dois objetos, normalmente o objeto direto é uma coisa e o objeto indireto é uma pessoa. Neste caso, geralmente usamos a pessoa (objeto indireto) como o sujeito da frase na voz passiva: Veja a seguinte frase: John gave Jane a ring for her birthday. (John deu à Jane um anel pelo seu aniversário). Jane = objeto indireto A ring = objeto direto. Logo: Active Voice: John gave Jane a ring for her birthday. Passive Voice: Jane was given a ring for her birthday. Podemos usar o objeto direto (a ring) como sujeito da voz passiva quando queremos enfatizá-lo. Ex.: Active Voice: John gave Jane a ring for her birthday. Passive Voice: A ring was given to Jane for her birthday. 2. Verbos Seguidos de Preposição

Quando um verbo é seguido de preposição na voz ativa, ele deve manter sua preposição na voz passiva: Ex.: Active Voice: They are looking at us. Passive Voice: We are being looked at. 3. Verbos que não são usados na voz passiva. Nem todos os verbos podem ser usados na voz passiva. São os chamados verbos intransitivos, ou seja, aqueles que não precisam de complementação. Sendo assim, não possuem objetos que poderiam ser o sujeito de uma frase na voz passiva. Dois exemplos são os verbos chegar (arrive) e morrer (die) que por este motivo não podem ser usados na voz passiva. O mesmo acontece com alguns stative verbs, tais como have fit (servir; ajustar) ou lack (falta; carência). Veja os exemplos abaixo:


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Aula 20. 

Ex.: I have a nice car. (Não é possível: A nice car is had by me) This jacket doesn’t fit me. (Não é possível: I’m not fitted by this jacket)

Tempo verbal da sentença original

Forma Passiva Exemplo

Simple Present am/is/are + past participle Gorillas inhabit this jungle – This jungle is inhabited by gorillas.

Present Continuous am being/is being/are being + past participle

Sorry, but we are remodeling the airport – Sorry, but the airport is being remodeled.

Simple Past Was/were + past participle They didn’t hear me, so I escaped. – I wasn’t heard so I escaped.

Past Continuous Was being/were being + past participle

Someone was playing the violin. – The violin was being played.

Present Perfect Have been/has been + past participle

The virus has already attacked this country. - This country has already been attacked by the virus.

Past Perfect Had been + past participle I realized that they had hit me on purpose. – I realized that I had been hit on purpose.

Will – Future Will be + past participle Someone will rob you if you go there. – You will be robbed if you go there.

Going to - Future Am/is/are going to + past participle

They are gong to build a bridge here. – A bridge is going to be built here.


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Aula 21. 


Aula: 21


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Aula 21. 


Reported Speech Usamos o discurso indireto para repetirmos algo que alguém disse sem precisarmos usar aspas ou fazer citações. O Reported Speech (Discurso Indireto) é o contrário do Direct Speech (Discurso


Direct Speech – aqui temos a repetição exata das palavras do locutor indicadas pelo uso de aspas. Ex.: He said: “I don’t want to go to school”. Reported Speech – aqui temos a mesma mensagem, porém, sem repetir as palavras exatas do locutor. Ex.: He said (that) he didn’t want to go to school. Há alguns verbos que podem ser usados no discurso indireto: ASK (pedir / perguntar) TELL (dizer – imperativo) – vem seguido da pessoa p/ quem se fala. SAY (dizer) – não vem seguido da pessoa p/ quem eu falo. Macetes: 1. Dependendo da frase no discurso direto (aquela que repete exatamente as palavras de quem fala), usamos ask / tell / say / explain / etc, de maneira diferenciada. Ex.: He said:” The film is very good” He said (that) the film was very good. He said to us:” Study for the test!” He told us to study for the test” He said:” Do you want to come with us? He asked us if we wanted to come with them.= He asked us whether we wanted to come with them.


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Aula 21. 

* Geralmente quando passamos uma frase do discurso direto para o discurso indireto, colocamos o verbo no passado. Se ele já estiver no passado, colocamos ainda mais para o passado (Past Perfect) Ex.: She said: “I want to go home” She said (that) she wanted to go home. * Cuidado com os pronomes! Eles podem mudar para que a frase faça sentido! Ex.: She said: “I want to go home” (Ela disse: “Eu quero ir para casa) She said (that) she wanted to go home. (Ela disse que ela queria ir para casa) * Cuidado com o Imperativo! (Ou seja, quando há uma ordem) Ex.: She said to me: “Close the door now!” (Ela me disse: “Fecha a porta”) She told me to close the door. (Ela me disse para fechar a porta) Neste caso, usamos o verbo Tell (told) pois devemos mencionar para quem foi dada a ordem. O verbo Tell obriga a dizermos a quem se dirigiu a ordem. Além disso, o verbo NÃO passa para o passado como nos casos anteriores. É o

único caso em que o verbo permanece na forma básica.


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Aula 22. 


Aula: 22


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 22. 


IF-CLAUSES 1.1. CONCEITO If-Clauses são também chamadas de frases condicionais (Conditional Sentences). São frases que apresentam uma condição: If = “se”. São divididas em 3 tipos básicos. Type I Type II Type III Nessa aula veremos os 3 tipos básicos e iremos além deles também. 1.2. IF-CLAUSES – MEANING and FORM TYPE I – As frases condicionais do Tipo I são aquelas que indicam grande chance de algo acontecer ou grande chance de que algo se realize. AFFIRMATIVE Ex1.: If you study hard, you will pass. NEGATIVE Ex2.: If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass. AFFIRMATIVE + NEGATIVE Ex3.: If you don’t study, you will fail. Ex4.: If you study, you won’t fail. TYPE II – As frases condicionais do Tipo II indicam pouca chance de algo acontecer ou que algo é possível que se realize. AFFIRMATIVE Ex1.: If you studied, you would pass. NEGATIVE Ex2.: If you didn’t study, you wouldn’t pass. AFFIRMATIVE + NEGATIVE Ex3.: If you didn’t study, you would fail. Ex4.: If you studied, you wouldn’t fail.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 22. 

TYPE III – As frases condicionais do Tipo III indicam algo impossível de se realizar. Também podemos dizer que o Tipo III indica uma possibilidade irreal. AFFIRMATIVE Ex1.: If you had studied, you would have passed. NEGATIVE Ex2.: If you hadn’t studied, you wouldn’t have passed. AFFIRMATIVE + NEGATIVE Ex3.: If you hadn’t studied, you would have failed. Ex4.: If you had studied, you wouldn’t have failed. TYPE 0 – As frases condicionais do Tipo 0 indicam que o resultado é sempre certo. Nesse tipo de frase condicional usamos o Simple Present em ambos os lados da frase. Veja o exemplo: Ex1.: If water reaches 100ºC, it boils. Ex2.: If you touch fire, you get burned. 1.3. Special Cases a) “SE EU FOSSE VOCÊ” O verbo To Be no passado usado numa frase condicional, aquele sempre será WERE. Ex.: If I were you, I would talk to her. b) MIXED CONDITIONALS Podemos misturar os casos anteriormente citados dependendo do que queremos dizer. Ex.: If I had taken an aspirin, I wouldn’t have a headache now. SUBSTITUINDO IF:  If pode ser substituído por palavras ou expressões com um significado similar. As mais comuns são: as long as assuming (that) on condition (that) on the assumption (that) provided (that) supposing (that) unless with the condition (that)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 22. 


Teen Obesity Obesity continued to increase dramatically during the late 1990s for Americans of all ages according to the data collected and analyzed by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The percent of children and teens who are overweight also continues to increase. Among children and teens aged 6-19, 15 percent (almost 9 million) are overweight according to the 1999-2000 data, or triple what the proportion was in 1980. In addition, the data shows that another 15 percent of children and teens aged 6-19, are considered at risk of becoming overweight. Obesity can be defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat, which results in individuals being at least 20% heavier than their ideal body weight. "Overweight" is defined as any weight in excess of the ideal range. Obesity is a common eating disorder associated with adolescence. Although children have fewer weight-related health problems than adults, overweight children are at high risk of becoming overweight adolescents and adults. Overweight people of all ages are at risk for a number of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and some forms of cancer. Obesity can weaken physical health and wellbeing, and can shorten life expectancy. It can also lead to social disabilities and unhappiness, which may cause stress and even mental illness. A study released in May 2004 suggests that overweight children are more likely to be involved in bullying than normal-weight children are, both as victims and as perpetrators of teasing, name-calling and physical bullying. The development of a personal identity and body image is an important goal for adolescents. Your parents, physician and teachers can help you. If you think you are overweight, talk to a trusted adult about what you can do to improve your health. (Disponível em <http://www.pamf.org/teen/health/diseases/obesity.html>. Acesso em 26 outubro 2005.) 1. According to the text, it is correct to say that "bullying" A) means "threatening to hurt someone or frighten them". B) is a disease caused by obesity. C) affects children and teens dramatically. D) is the opposite of "teasing" . E) started in the USA in 2004.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 22. 

2. Choose the alternative in which the underlined verb is used to express a possibility. A) "Obesity continued to increase..." B) "In addition, the data shows that another..." C) "Overweight people of all ages are at risk..." D) "...which may cause stress and..." E) "A study released in May 2004..." 3. De acordo com o texto, as pessoas obesas A) devem medir a pressão arterial regularmente. B) podem ter sua expectativa de vida reduzida. C) facilmente desenvolverão um tipo de câncer. D) terão uma série de problemas de saúde. E) desenvolvem cardiopatias. 4. Com base nas informações contidas no texto, a obesidade A) atinge preferencialmente as crianças e os adolescentes. B) causa mais problemas de saúde em crianças do que em adultos. C) tende a aumentar 15% em pessoas na faixa etária de 6 a 19 anos. D) afeta indivíduos de qualquer idade e pode acarretar várias patologias. E) é considerada uma ocorrência normal entre crianças e adolescentes.

Some facts about dreams Everybody dreams every night, but people usually forget their dreams very quickly. Some people have “technicolour” dreams; others tend to dream in monochrome (black and white) You can learn a lot about yourself from your dreams. Sometimes dreams come true – they are called “telepathic” dreams. Dreams are seldom what they seem to be. They contain symbols or metaphors. Dreams are mainly visual, but it is possible to dream of music. Vocabulary: Dream: sonho Seldom: raramente Come true: virar realidade

Some interpretations of dreams In a dream, wild animals may be an expression of our most sensual passions and they may represent our “evil instincts”. Aspiration, spirituality and freedom are symbolically represented by a bird in flight. As insects are determined and active, they may symbolize our own hard work or aspirations. Erotic dreams are considered a means of releasing sexual tension, or an expression of aspiration, hopes and desires. Vocabulary: Freedom: liberdade Means: meios Hope: esperança Desire: desejo


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 22. 

Dreams and colours Red usually symbolizes heat, passion, fire and anger. Yellow and orange are considered positive colours, representing sunshine. They stand for optimism and joy. Blue is the colour that represents our emotions and moods. Black may reflect a feeling of depression and sadness in our life. When white emerges in your dream, it is likely that you are feeling hopeful and self-confident. Purple is considered the colour of authority. It may suggest justice or a need to be more humble. Vocabulary: Heat: calor Mood: humor; temperamento Confident: confiante 5. Circle the only correct letter according to the first text: a) People always forget all their dreams. b) Dreams are always visual. c) Some people dream of music. d) We only dream at night. e) Dreams always come true. 6. Mark True or False according to the information on the second text: I. Domestic animals represent our passions. II. When you dream of insects, I means something good for us. III. A bird in a fight symbolizes freedom. IV. Erotic dreams are connected to our desires. V. Interpretations of dreams are always wrong. Circle the correct letter: a) All sentences are true. b) Only sentences II, IV and V are true. c) Sentences are false. d) Sentences III and IV are true. e) Only sentences II and IV are true. 7. Circle the only correct letter according to the first text: a) Each colour represents different things in our dreams. b) Blue represents a bad mood. c) Red represents the colour of flowers. d) Black represents the night. e) White represents the birds in the sky. GABARITO 1 - A 2 - D 3 - B 4 - D


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 22. 

5 - C 6 - E 7 - A


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 23. 


Aula: 23


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 23. 


 Past modals Os verbos modais que foram estudados anteriormente, podem ser acrescidos do verbo “have” para formar o que chamamos de past modals. Quando isso acontece, eles passam a dar significados diferentes aos verbos, se comparados quando acompanham diretamente o verbo. No caso dos past modals, o verbo modal é seguido de have, sendo esse, seguido do verbo principal no passado particípio. Ex.:

Verbo Modal

Verbo ‘Have’

Verbo principal – Passado Particípio (3rd form)

Could Should Would Must


worked gone seen worked gone seen worked gone seen worked gone seen worked gone seen

1- Could have Could have possui uma forma contraída: could’ve. O uso mais comum para could have é quando queremos dizer que algo foi possível, mas não aconteceu. Sua estrutura é formada por could + have + verbo (particípio passado). Para formarmos negativas, basta mudarmos o could para a negativa couldn’t. Compare: The cake was so good. I could eat it all. (agora) The cake was so good. I could have eaten it all. (passado) Ex.: “Why didn’t Lis take a ride to go to the party? She could have come with me or with Paul.” (she could have come indica que Liz teve a chance de pegar uma carona, mas não o fez) He could have passed the exam if he had taken it. (ele teve a chance de passar no exame, mas não o fez) Com um sentido semelhante ao mencionado, could have pode ainda expressar uma crítica. Ex.: She could have told me that she didn’t want the job. 01. Choose the option that best completes each sentence;

a) Why did you stay at home? You could watch / could have watched the film with us.

b) There’s a nice party at John’s tomorrow. You could go / could have gone with me.


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso Banco do Brasil 

Aula 23. 

c) We are going to Europe next summer. We could visit / could have visited Ireland.

d) We went to Europe last summer. We could visit / could have visited Ireland.

e) It’s almost 8.00 o’clock. The guests could get / could have gotten here at anytime.

2 – Should have / Would have. Suas formas contraídas são Should’ve e Would’ve. São usados para falarmos de situações que são diferentes do que realmente aconteceu. Sua estrutura é formada por should / would + have + verbo (particípio passado). Para formarmos a negativa, basta colocarmos should e would para a negativa shouldn’t e wouldn’t.

• Normalmente Should have dá a idéia de que não fazemos parte das situações a que nos referimos.

Ex1.: John didn’t study for the test and he failed it. He should have studied for it. (Não participamos da situação, apenas a analisamos.) No exemplo acima, John não fez o que seria o correto. A estrutura should have é usada para fazermos esta crítica.

• Normalmente would have é usado quando nos colocamos no lugar do sujeito que fez parte da situação da qual se fala.

Ex2.: John didn’t study for the test. If I were him, I would have studied for it. (Analisamos a situação nos imaginando no lugar da pessoa da qual se fala – neste caso, me coloco no lugar de John e digo o que faria se fosse ele). 3 – Must have Must have é usado para dizermos que estamos quase certos de que algo aconteceu. Sua tradução é “deve ter”, sendo usado em inglês, no mesmo sentido que é usado em português. Must have deve ser seguido de verbo no passado particípio, assim como os outros verbos modais do passado. Ex.: I called Steve but he didn’t answer the phone. He must have gone out. (A frase “Ele deve ter saído” indica que estou quase certo do que aconteceu, ou seja, faço uma dedução de uma situação do passado)


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 24. 


Aula: 24


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 24. 


Tag Questions * Tag questions são usados freqüentemente na fala do dia-a-dia e na escrita informal – “It’s a nice day, isn’t it? * Usamos “tag questions” quando dizemos algo, mas não estamos completamente certos se há ou não verdade, então pedimos uma confirmação. – “You eat sweets, don’t you?” * Freqüentemente, usamos tag questions no negativo quando as sentenças são afirmativas e usamos tag questions no afirmativo quando as sentenças são negativas. Ex.: It’s hot today, isn’t it? She doesn’t like coffee, does she? * Use o mesmo verbo auxiliar da frase principal. Se não houver auxiliar, use do, does ou did. Ex.: They won’t go, will they? She arrived this morning, didn’t she? * O tag question deve ficar no mesmo tempo verbal da frase. * Use o mesmo sujeito da frase, na tag question, substituindo o nome pelo pronome. Ex.: Bob can swim, can’t he? Our teachers work a lot, don’t they? * As formas negativas são frequentemente contraídas (n’t); se não forem, seguirão a ordem:auxiliar+sujeito+not. Ex.: She danced a lot yesterday, did she not? *There is e there are and it is contêm um pseudo-sujeito; portanto, there e it entrarão no tag questions como se fossem o sujeito. Ex.: There is a party this afternoon, isn’t there? It is hot, isn’t it? *O verbo have pode ser usado como verbo principal (We have a good house) ou como verbo auxiliar, quando seguido de um verbo no particípio passado (They have been sick for a week). Ex.: We have a good house, don’t we? She has a cute boyfriend, doesn’t she? They have been sick for a week, haven’t they? She has seen that movie, hasn’t she? Tag Questions – Special Cases * Quando a sentença iniciar por I am, o tag question será aren’t I?


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Prof. Renato Baggio Língua Inglesa  p/ Concurso  Banco do Brasil 

Aula 24. 

Ex.: I am late, aren’t I? * Quando a sentença estiver no imperativo afirmativo ou negativo, o tag question será sempre will you? Ex.: Open the door, will you? Don’t be late, will you? * Quando a sentença iniciar com Let’s … , o tag question será shall we? Ex.: Let’s dance, shall we? * Quando o sujeito for nobody, no one, somebody, someone, everybody e everyone, o pronome do tag question sera they. Ex.: Nobody called me, did they? * Quando tivermos never, no, nobody, nothing, hardly, scarcely, e little na frase, o tag question sera afirmativo, uma vez que estas palavras têm sentido negativo: Ex.: They never smile, do they? We could hardly hear, could we? It’s no good, is it? * Quando a sentença iniciar por nothing, o pronome do tag question será it. Ex.: Nothing will happen, will it?    

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