instituto estadual de educação josé bernabé de souza n3 trabalho

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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reportagem em inglês


Instituto Estadual de Educação José Bernabé de Souza

TRABALHO DE LÍNGUA INGLESA/Professor Ronie Von Rosa Martins

N3 – NAME:_____________________ DATE:_________


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A new video from Nigeria’s Boko Haram terrorists shows about 100 girls clad in

Muslim hijabs and reciting the Koran – and the leader of the terror group

apparently offering to trade them for his captured comrades.

Boko Haram’s fanatical leader, Abubakar Shekau, claimed the barefoot, grim-faced

girls sitting outdoors in 17-minute video were some of the roughly 276

schoolgirls kidnapped from their school one month ago.

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A man in the new video claiming to be the leader of Nigerian Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau.Photo: Getty Images

“These girls, you occupy yourselves with their affair. We have indeed liberated

them. We have indeed liberated them. Do you know we have liberated them?

These girls have become Muslims. They are Muslims!” the camouflage-clad

Shekau crowed, gesturing with his right hand, smiling, laughing and holding an

automatic rifle.

He then turned serious as he made the apparent offer to exchange the girls –

who chanted “Praise be to Allah, the lord of the world,” in Arabic – for Boko

Haram prisoners captured by the Nigerian government.

“It is now four years, five years that you arrested our brethren, and they are still

in your prison. And now you’re talking about these girls? We will never release

them until after you release our brethren,” he said, staring into the camera and

pointing his hand at his audience.

Shekau seemed to taunt the international community for the uproar over the

abductions from the northern town of Chibok.

“Just because we kidnapped these young girls, you are making noise? Allah has

blessed most of them with accepting Islam. You are making so much noise about

Chibok, Chibok, Chibok. Only Allah knows how many women we are holding.”

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Boko Haram released a new video claiming to show the missing Nigerian schoolgirls, alleging they had converted to Islam and would not be released until all militant prisoners were freed.

The mass abduction triggered a worldwide support campaign using the Twitter

hashtag #BringBackOurGirls.

He also repeated his bizarre claim that abductions are sanctioned under his

twisted interpretation of Islamic law – and threatened girls who do not convert.

“There are many verses in the Koran that allows the seizing of slaves. Abduction

of slaves is allowed. It exists, it exists, yes, it exists,” he said.

“All I am saying is that if you want us to release the girls that we have

kidnapped, those who have not accepted Islam will be treated as the Prophet

[Mohammed] treated infidels and they will stay with us,” he said, suggesting

they would be sold or used as slaves or forced to marry.

In the video – first obtained by Agence France-Presse – some appear fearful and

others in shock as two are called to the front and questioned in front of the


One girl recited a passage from the Koran while others professed devotion to

Islam and renounced Christianity.

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Nigerians protest the government’s failure to rescue the abducted Chibok schoolgirls in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.Photo: EPA

A government official as well as the father of one of the missing girls both

rejected the group’s offer of a prisoner exchange.

Interior Minister Abba Moro replied “Of course,” when asked if the government

would reject any offer of a deal. “The issue in question is not about Boko Haram

giving conditions.”

The father told Sky News he did not want the government to accept Boko Haram’s

offer. “It’s not right,” he said. “They’ll do it again.”

In Chibok, hopeful parents turned on a generator to watch the video and

identify their daughters, said Pogu Bitrus, one of the town’s leaders.

“There’s an atmosphere of hope, hope that these girls are alive, whether they

have been forced to convert to Islam or not,” he said.

Bitrus said the video appeared to be taken in the dense Sambisa Forest, about 19

miles from Chibok and 600 from the Nigerian capital.

Meanwhile, Nigeria ramped up its belated rescue effort, deploying two army

divisions to hunt for the girls.

Several nations including the US, Britain, Israel and France have offered help or

sent experts – though the US has made it clear sending troops is not on the


US and British officials were in the capital of Abuja to help look for the girls,

plan rescue missions and advise on ways to quash the terror group.

China and France are also helping in the search.

Israel also planned to send a team of counterterrorism experts to help,

President Goodluck Jonathan’s office said.

A Nigerian military source told Reuters on Monday in Maiduguri that two foreign

counter-terrorism units were already on the ground.

“They have visited Chibok on Sunday for preliminary investigation with our

troops and experts before fully kick-starting the rescue mission,” the source


Boko Haram has killed thousands since 2009 and destabilized parts of

northeast Nigeria, the country with Africa’s largest population and biggest


Meanwhile, more Muslim leaders spoke out Monday condemning the


“The act is contrary to the principles of Islam which forbids all forms of

violence, especially against women and those who are innocent,” said Abdullah

Zaidi, a representative of the Indonesian Ulemas Council, the nation’s largest

Muslim group.

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