firas (482)

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  • 7/25/2019 FIRAS (482)



    Prog. Puri. Nucl. Phys., Vol. 34, pp. 323-343, 1995

    Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd

    Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved

    0146+410/95 52 ,.00


    Inclusive Electron Scattering

    1 ICK

    Instifurfiir Physik, Universitiir Basei, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland


    We use inclusive electron scattering to study the short-range aspects of nuclear wave functions. The

    spectral functions P(k,E) of nuclear matter and Iinite nuclei are calculated using correlated basis

    function theory and the local density approximation. The cross sections for inclusive electron-nucleus

    scattering are obtained using the factorized propagator approximation in which the recoil-nucleon

    final state interaction is treated using correlated Glauber theory. Comparison to (e, e) data at large

    momentum transfer allows detailed studies of P(k, E) at large momenta, N-N correlations and colour


    1. Introduction

    In this paper I want to discuss a topic that seems


    bit old-fashioned at


    point in time where much

    emphasis is placed on ezclwiue scattering and studies with


    electrons. Inclusive scattering,

    however, still has a great deal to offer, and


    study is worthwhile for three main reasons. 1. Before

    we can extract information from the more exclusive channels, we obviously need to understand the

    inclusive one.

    2. Inclusive scattering is the cleanest of all knock-out processes, as the final state

    interaction is the smallest; accordingly a quantitative understanding is easier to achieve. 3. Most

    importantly, inclusive scattering under selected kinematical conditions offers access to a number of

    physical observable6 of very high interest, all related to the short-range properties of nuclear wave


    The kinematical range of interest here is the one of large momentum transfer 9 and small energy

    transfer w. To be precise, we are interested in momentum transfers of order of several GeV/c, and

    energy transfers of several hundred MeV to 1 GeV, The piece of the inclusive response studied then

    corresponds to the low-w side of the quasi-elastic peak.

    The basic reaction we are interested in is the one of elastic electron-nucleon scattering, where the

    nucleon is ejected from the nucleus. The Fermi momentum of the nucleons leads to the finite width of

    the quasi-elastic peak. Nucleons with very high initial momentum i, with k roughly antiparallel to &

    are responsible for the tail at the lower w. This is obvious when considering the kinematics in impulse

    approximation (IA). The momentum transfer and energy loss w of the electron basically is transferred

    to the recoiling nucleon, which after the reaction has a momentum i+ . Small WN (i+g*/2 rnN


    at large

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    I. Sick

    Recent calculations of the inclusive response have shown that, in the region where the IA cross

    section becomes very small duejo the small probability to find in the nuclear momentum distribution

    components of extremely large k, the final state interaction (FSI) of the knocked out nucleon becomes

    important, to the point where, in the extreme tail of the quasi-elastic peak, FSI completely dominates

    the inclusive response. In this region of w, one can use inclusive scattering to study the recoil-

    nucleon FSI. This topic has acquired particular interest recently with the pQCD predictions that

    stipulate that an effect called colour transparency leads to a reduction of the final state interaction

    at high momentum transfer. Inclusive scattering turns out, much to the surprise of everybody, to be

    particularly sensitive to this phenomenon.

    The present paper deals mainly with inclusive scattering from nuclear matter, rather than with

    scattering from finite nuclei, as nuclear matter offers a number of advantages. In the second part of

    the paper, we then generalize the results to tinite nuclei.

    2. Data for nuclear matter

    As mentioned above, much of


    paper deals with infinite nuclear matter. The study of nuclear

    matter is preferable for a number of reasons:

    For nuclear matter the S linger equation for nucleons bound by the nucleon - nucleon

    interaction (a modem potential deduced from N-N scattering) can be solved with very few


    approximations. The inllnite nature of the medium, where solutions can all be written in terms

    of plane waves, simplifies the calculation very much. As a consequence, the quality of nuclear

    matter wave functions is comparable to the one for the A=2,3,4-nuclei. Due to the exact

    nature of the nuclear matter wave function, both he long-range and short range properties are

    well under control. This is in contrast to finite nuclei, where calculations, that are designed to

    do well on the long-range properties (mean-field calculations), usually do badly on the short-

    range aspects.

    Nuclear matter is a system that has a high average density. Accordingly, it is an ideal system

    to study the short-range aspects of the wave function, related to short-range N-N correlations.

    For applications to inclusive electron scattering -

    a tool we will show to be sensitive to the

    short-range aspects -

    the main ingredient needed, the spectral function P(k,E) is available

    and has been calculated for several N-N interactions.

    The f inal state interaction between the recoil nucleon and the (A-l) system, which is important

    for a quantitative understanding of inclusive cross sections, can be calculated more reliably for

    the infinite system.

    Nuclear matter also has an obvious drawback: only very little data is available. Up top now, studies

    of nuclear matter properties have been limited to the two traditional observables binding energy

    per nucleon and density, both extrapolated from ilnite nuclei. These two observables, which mainly

    concern long-range properties, have for decades been the main playground of nuclear matter-


    In this section, we show that for nuclear matter one also can derive the cross sections for inclusive

    electron scattering. The availability of such data greatly enhances the value of nuclear matter as

    a vehicle for testing our understanding of nuclear wave functions. In particular, studies of nuclear

    matter via (e, e) at large momentum transfer q all ow us to study the shortronge properties of nuclear

    matter wave functions.

    Before deriving the cross sections, we should realize that inclusive electron scattering at large q is

    sensitive only to rather local properties of the wave function.

    The spatial resolution of (e, e) is

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    Inclusive Electron Scattering


    of order

    l /q, which

    at large


    is small. In particular, the scattered electron is not sensitive to the

    interactions of the recoiling nucleon outside this range.

    In this paper we will be interested in cross sections for inclusive electron scattering at large



    have measured the corresponding

    data for finite nuclei a

    number of years ago


    SLAC [I], using the

    BGeV spectrometer in ESA.


    data have been measured at energies between 2 and 4GeV, and

    scattering angles between 16 and 39. The data taken for He, C, 27Al, Fe and Au cover the

    region of the quasi-elastic peak, and for some of the kinematics extend to large energy loss w, into

    the region of deep inelastic





    the qualitative idea used to extrapolate from finite nuclei to nuclear matter. We

    start from the following consideration: To a good approximation, the nuclear response function is an

    incoherent sum over the contributions horn individual nucleons. The volume piece, proportional to

    the nuclear mass number A, is the one we are interested in when discussing nuclear matter. Effects

    of the nuclear surf ce re proportional to


    given the


    dependence of the nuclear radius. The

    ratio of surface to volume contributions thus is proportional to A-j3. Extrapolating the response


    per nucleon


    A- l /3 = 0 as a

    linear function of

    A-II3 gives

    the nuclear matter response.


    A-f3 dependence can be derived more formally using the local density approximation (which


    discuss in

    more detail in


    later section of this paper). In the local density approximation, we may

    consider P(k,


    to be a quantity that, in addition to the


    dependence on initial momentum

    k and removal energy E, also depends on the local nuclear density p(r). We then can write the

    inclusive cross section

    a(q,w ) = / P(p(i)) - F -

    d;dE .





    F, which contains the nucleon structure functions and all the kinematical factors, depends


    k, E,

    q, w,

    and is of no interest for the following discussion.

    To make explicit the dependence of

    u(q,w )

    on the nuclear mass number

    A we

    split the density

    into two terms pc + P, see figure 1). The former corresponds to the idealiz.ed hardsphere density

    Figure 1: Schematic representation of nuclear densities. Density of finite

    nucleus (full line), idealized hard-sphere density pc (dashed line), surface

    density p, (difference between solid and dashed line), density for lighter

    nucleus (dotted line).

    (p t < I ) = po, p=(~ > I ) = 0), the latter corresponds to a surface peaked distribution (with

    total volume zero) that describes the difference between pc and the real density p(r). From elastic

    electron scattering we know that pc is largely independent of


    with = ro -


    We also know

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    326 I. Sick

    that the quantity p(r) - po is a nearly universal function of I& - r, which for A210 haa a shape

    largely independent of


    These two contributions to the density give different contributions to the nuclear response: The

    nucleons n the constant-density


    of the nucleus give the contribution we are interested in. The

    correeponding contribution to eq. 1, integrated over the constant-density region, gives

    u w) = A. / P(po) . F - dgdE

    The quantity u,/A in the limit A -B 00 is the nuclear matter response per nucleon.

    The nucleons in the surface region contribute differently due to the change in P between densities

    of po and p = 0. Given that the radial dependence of p(r)

    in the surface region is a


    function of r - I&, and that for large A the region where p(r) - po 0 is small compared to I&, the

    angular part of the integral over p can be calculated

    u,(q, w) = A213 - 4xri


    P(p(r)) - F -d dE - p,(r)dr

    Thin contribution repreeente the difference between nucleone with the idealized density dietribution


    and nucleone with a density having finite surface thickness.

    The total nuclear response, divided by


    then reads

    4q,w)/A = 4w)/A + 4wW



    P(po) - F - didE +



    P(p(r)) - F - d;dE .4x$ -p,(r)dr

    with all of the fir&-order


    dependence explicitly shown.

    (4) n I , m.I s s

    0 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.11



    Figure 2: Ftesponee function per nucleon M a function of A-P, for

    E=3.6GeV, 8=16 and w=lBOMeV. Only the points for A-j3 less than

    0.5 (Ar12) are used for the extrapolation.

    Eq. 4 shown hat, in agreement with the simple argument made above, the nuclear responeeu(q, w)/A

    is expected to be a linear function of A-j3. Extrapolating the data

    u q, w)/A = X(q,w) aa a


    function of A-i3 to 0 (A = oo) yields the nuclear matter response.

    To fix these ideas, we show in iig 2 the extrapolation for a speciftcq,w. Disregarding the nucleus He

    (A- j3 = 0.63),

    the nuclear response

    I l(q,w) for A =

    12- 197 is well described by a linear function of

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    Inclusive Electron Scattering


    o.olm -



    Figure 3: Same as figure 2, but plotted 88 a function of A. The arrow

    indicates the nuclear matter value.

    A-i3. When extrapolated to zero, this gives the nuclear matter result. The corresponding plot for an

    extrapolation as a function of A is given in fig. 3. This figure shows that extrapolation a8 a function


    A is

    not practical, although the curve seems to better convey the idea of saturation. Due to the

    large fraction of eurface-nucleons (>50% even for the largest A) even heavy nuclei significantly differ

    from nuclear matter. Figure 4 shows an additional example for A-II3 extrapolation. We find that

    at all q and w the data for AL12 can successfully be represented by a straight line a8 a function of

    A-j3, with a slope that changes sign and size, depending on the region of the nuclear response.

    Figure 4: Response function per nucleon ae


    function of A-i3, for

    E=3.6GeV, 8=20 and w=645MeV. Only the points for A-/ lese than

    0.5 (Az12) are used for the extrapolation.

    We note that the same type of extrapolation can be applied to other observable8 that relate to short-

    range properties of nuclei and nuclear matter. In ref. [2] we have ehown that the ratio8 of nucleus

    to deuteron cross section8 for 0 < z < 1, the quantity of interest for the EMC-effect, can also be

    extrapolated to nuclear matter. The data, for all nuclei and all momentum transfers measured, can

    actually be represented by the single ratio of nuclear matter to deuteron as a function of z. As for

    nuclear matter we do have a much better understanding of the short-range behaviour of the wave

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    I. Sick

    function, it would seem advisable to study the EMC effect in nuclear matter rather than in finite



    Spectral Function of Nuclear Matter

    Benhar et ol[3] have calculated the one body Greens functions of nuclear matter


    saturation density

    PNM = 0.16fm

    -3. They use the non-relativistic nuclear hamiltonian with the Urbana u14 +


    interaction, and Correlated Basis Function (CBF) theory. The spectral function is proportional to

    the imaginary part of the Greens function which describes the propagation of hole states, and can

    be written in the form

    P(k,E) = c )< Olo;JNA- >I2 6(E - Ef + Et),


    where z: creates a nucleon with momentum k, ]O > represents the nuclear matter ground state with

    energy eigenvalue


    and INA- > are intermediate excited states



    (A -

    1) - particle systems

    with energy eigenvalues




    E (WI)

    Figure 5: Spectral function of nuclear matter at saturation density (full

    line) for k/kF = 0.75. The dashed and the dashed-dotted lines corre-

    spond to PJk, E) and P,,(k, E), respectively.

    The calculation includes one hole (lh) (N = k > and

    two hole - one parti cle

    (2hlp) IN = hihi,pi >

    intermediate states. The calculation is carried out using


    perturbation theory within the set of

    Correlated States (CSI



    W >

    < q p, >112

    where ]@ > is the generic eigenstate of the

    Fermi gas

    hamiltonian, 4 is a many-body correlation

    operator of the form B =S ni. The width of the peak provides a measure of the lifetime of the hole state and goes to

    zero as it approaches the Fermi surface. The integral of P,z(k, E)

    over the energy gives the strength

    Z(k) of the hole state, which is quenched with respect to unity 151,due to N-N correlations. The

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    Electron Scattering



    10 l



    10 z

    10 s


    Figure 6: Momentum dis-

    tribution of nuclear mat-

    ter at various densities.

    For each density the lower

    curve at k k F .

    The integralof F (k)

    E )


    the energy gives the so-called continuous part of the momentum distribution n,(k) [5]. Figure 5

    shows an example for the distribution in E. For applications to finite nuclei (see section 8) we have,

    in ref.[6] computed the spectral function and the related sum rules at five different nuclear matter

    densities, namely p = 1.25, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25p~~, using the Urbana ~14 +

    T N I

    model of the

    N-N interaction (7, 81. The resulting momentum distributions are shown in fig. 6. The calculations

    confirm the naive expectation that the height of the quasiparticle peak increases when the density

    diminishes, whereas its width becomes smaller. The extension and importance of the background are

    much larger at higher densities. The calculated strengths of the quasi-hole pole at the Fermi surface,

    2(e~), are between 0.6 and 0.7 for p between l/4 and 5/4 of nuclear matter density. For



    repulsive interaction, one would expect 2 to approach unity for low densities; the attraction given

    by the empirical N-N interaction is causing the correlation function to overshoot 1, which simulates

    bound states of pairs of nucleons and explains why 2 does not approach 1 for low density.


    Inclusive cross section

    In order to calculate the inclusive e-nucleus

    cross sectiona, we

    employ the approach developed in

    ref. 191 or nuclear matter; here we give the relevant equations already generalized to finite nuclei [4],

    where the local density approximation can be used to calculate both the P(k,

    E )

    and the FSI, starting

    from the nuclear matter results. For nuclear matter, the R-dependence can simply be ignored.

    In Born approximation, the inclusive cross section is given by:

    where a = l/l37 is the fine structure constant, t and s are the energies of the incident and scattered

    electron, and q


    the four momentum transferred by the virtual photon: q E k. -

    k i ,

    with k E (c, ke)


    k ; , z t ,b ) . L

    and IV, are the lepton and nuclear tensors, respectively.

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    1 Sick

    The PWIA expression of the nuclear tensor is given by:

    W ,(q)= / ~W,b,,,(R,



    W$+,(R, q) = J dkdEP(R,,E) z*,fuk, 4 +N*,l, k,4 4) t


    where @$l is the electromagnetic tensor of an off-shell proton (neutron); its expressions can be

    found in ref. [9]. In the calculation of W, we employ the appropriate relativistic expressions as

    imposed by the high recoil nucleon momenta.

    We include the final state interaction (FSI) of the knochked out nucleon by using the


    propagator approzimation and Corr elated Glauber Theory (CGT), BSdeveloped in ref. [9]. In this

    approach, the effects of the FSI appear in a quantity that is analogous to, but more complicated

    than the usual optical potential


    The factorized propagator approximation is a direct consequence

    of neglecting the dependence of the complex

    potential V = U + iW,

    felt by the struck nucleon in

    the nuclear medium, on the energy release w in the scattering process. This approximation has been

    successfully used in a number of studies of inclusive scattering on quantum liquids [lo, ll] and on

    nuclei [12].

    In the factorized propagator approximation, the nuclear tensor is given by:

    where p = k + q is the momentum of the recoiling nucleon and where the folding function


    is given


    F (R, p,w - w) = k32






    The folding accounts for the interaction of the knocked-out nucleon with the (A-1)-particle system,

    which couples the initial lp - lh state to more complicated 2p - 2h states, etc. Due to this, the

    initial lp - lh state acquires a width and does not have to be on-shell. As a consequence the folding



    extends to both negative and positive w-values.

    The imaginary part of


    has the most important effect upon the inclusive


    sections; it is found

    to be [9, 131:

    WR, P; t) =

    (12)*y) lo (II / $



    where g(r) is the N-N pair correlation function taken from the nuclear matter calculation, and where

    fp(kNN) is the free N-N scattering amplitude taken from experiment [14, 151. The k-dependence of

    fp(kNN) accounts for the finite range of the N-N interaction. We neglect the effect [16] of the change

    of the scattering amplitude off-shell, aa too little is known about it; according to ref. [17] only small

    effects are expected at high q.

    We emphasize that it is important to include the N-N correlation function g(t - v), i.e. to use

    correlated Glauber theory. This accounts for the fact, that a nucleon in the nucleus is surrounded by

    a correlation hole; therefore the probability of a collision with one of the (A-l) nucleons, during the

    first 2


    of its trajectory as a recoil nucleon, is reduced.

    In the above treatment of the FSI, we do not include the spectator effect which wan claimed in

    ref. [18] to produce a sizeable reduction of the effect of correlations between hit nucleon and the

    nucleons of the (A-l) system. We have recently [19] included this effect by extending our correlated

    Glauber treatment to include the correlations between the spectator nucleons, employing three-body

    distribution functions, the functional form of which is taken from the nuclear matter calculation of

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    Inclusive Electron Scattel-ing


    [3]. We find very small effects; in the range of q,w of interest here, the spectator effect changes

    the cross sections by < 4%.

    In the calculation of the inclusive response, we also include the effect of colour transparency, an effect

    that is discussed in more detail in section 7. In order to account for this predicted phenomenon, we

    employ in our calculations a standard expression for the cross section [20], and the evolution of the

    small Fock state back to the normal nucleon is treated as proposed by [21].

    Furthermore, we also include the contribution due to excitation of the nucleon. This contribution

    is calculated using P(k,E) and the inelastic response of the proton and neutron, as measured by

    (e,e) and parameterized by Bodek et al [22, 231. Beyond the scope of the present calculation are

    the contributions due to meson exchange currents,

    5. Results for nuclear matter

    In order to test the calculated P&E), we compare to the data on inclusive electron scattering

    at high


    [24, 251. Fig. 7 shows the calculated PWIA cross-sections for incident electron energy

    e =


    and scattering angle B = 30. The PWIA calculation and the data are in close agreement






    Figure 7: Inclusive cross sections for nuclear matter in PWIA. The

    quasielasic (dashed) and inelastic contributions (dash-dot) are shown sep-


    at w > lGeV, whereas s&able discrepancies occur, both in magnitude and shape, at lower energy

    loss. The theoretical curve lies a factor of 3 to 4 below the data at w = 0.6 to


    and exhibits a

    pronounced kink at w N


    reflecting the threshold for the three-body break-up processes. The

    origin of this kink lies in the discontinuity of the nuclear matter momentum distribution at

    k = kF.

    When including the final state interaction, as done in figure 8, a very different picture emerges. The

    full calculation is in nearly perfect agreement with the data over the entire region of energy loss w.

    Figure 8 also shows that a calculation that does not account for the correlations in the nuclear ground

    state does not agree with the data; the dash-dot line, which corresponds to the use of uncorrelated

    Glauber theory for the description of FSI, is much too high at low energy loss. Figure 8 also shows

    that it is important to include the effects of colour transparency, which reduce the FSI; the dashed

    curve, which is calculated by omitting colour transparency, is significantly too high.

    The results obtained for c =

    4GeV, 0 =

    30 are shown in figure 9. The theory is in good agreement

    with the data at these higher momentum transfers. The PWIA response is again much too small

    at small w, the FSI is sufficient to raise the response to the data. At these higher q, the colour

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    I. Sick

    Figure 8: Crosclsection for nuclear matter. Full calculation including FSI

    (solid), calculation omitting colour traneparency (dashed), calculation

    using uncomrkatedGlauber theory (dash-dot).

    Figure 9: Inclusive reeponee of nuclear matter. Full calculation (solid),

    calculation omitting the effect of colour transparency (dashed).

    transparency has an even larger effect on the response, and it is clearly necessary to include it in

    order to obtain agreement with the data.

    6. Effect of correlations

    We have emphssized above that it is important to include in the calculation of FSI the fact that

    the recoiling nucleon in the initial state wee surrounded by a correlation hole, Ce. that one haa to

    use corrcloted Glauber theory for the description of FSI, with a correlation function g(r - r) taken

    from the CBF calculation of the initial-state wave function (see figure 10). The pair distribution

    function g(r) is very small at small r; therefore the motion of the struck nucleon is little damped

    at distances 5 lfm from where it has interacted with the electron. The sensitivity of the cross-

    section to g(r) actually is quite pronounced.

    In fig. 11 we show the inclusive crose+ections at


    25, calculated for both the normal nuclear matter g(r) and a modified g,&(r). In grd(r)

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    Figure 10: Pair distribution function of nuclear matter at the empirical


    density. The hole at small r results both rom Pauli correla-

    inclusive Electron Scattering

    tlll j


    tions and the effect of the repulsive core of the N-N interaction.

    Figure 11: Inclusive cro8s

    sections for nuclear matter,

    using the normal (solid)

    and a modified (dashed)

    correlation function

    we have artificially reduced by 20% the hole in g(r) around r = 0, due to short range correlations, by

    simply compressing the radial scale. The effect on the cross-section ie significant. This sensitivity to

    g(T) is most welcome, as in most observables the effects of N-N correlations are hidden and indirect.

    This sensitivity provide8 a strong motivation to study (e,e) at large

    q in

    more detail in the future.

    7. Colour transparency

    We have discussed above the effect of the nucleonic FSI on the inclusive cross sections. When

    calculating the cross section in PWIA, the predicted response is much too low at low values of the

    energy lose w. When incorporating the FSI of the recoil nucleon using correlated Glauber theory,

    the response gets significantly to high. This shows that, in the framework employed, the calculated

    FSI is too strong.

    In order to improve upon this, we have incorporated in the calculation the much-discussed effect of

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    I .


    colour transparency [26, 27, 21, 28, 201, which leads to a reduction of the strength of FSI.

    According to the predictions of pQCD, elastic electron scattering from nucleons at large



    nucleons in a small Fock state. Only for such a configuration the large

    q can

    be split among the

    valence quarks by gluon-exchange, such as to keep the quarks together in the nucleon (as required

    by elastic e-N scattering). Such a state, with the


    quarks very close together and the colour

    interaction well shielded, is predicted to have a smaller interaction cross section with the rest of the

    nuclear medium, i.e. the (A-1)-nucleus is more transparent for the recoiling nucleon. This reduction

    of the FSI of the recoiling small nucleon is effective until the small state has evolved back to the

    ordinary nucleon.

    This small configuration can be regarded as a coherent superposition of different excited states of

    the baryon which evolves into a nucleon; the superposition gets out of phase in a time called the

    hadronieation length

    l ,, = 2EJAM .


    Various estimates of AM can be found in the literature and we have used AM2 =


    in the

    present work, as suggested by ref. [21]. The struck nucleon interacts with the other nucleons with

    the free QNN only after travelling a distance Zs. At I< Zhthe interaction cross-section depends upon

    z and is estimated to be:


    where &r is the transverse momentum of partons in the nucleon (< Zr >l12m

    350M eV).

    It is trivial

    to include such a time dependence of the Glauber cross-section in the classical (z =

    ut) limit.


    then obtains:


    c(q,l)=l+@(Zh-+l) (I-=).


    As shown in figs. 8 and 9 colour transparency has a sign&ant effect on the inclusive



    The calculation of the colour transparency effect - which has no free parameters -is in much better

    agreement with experiment. This comes somewhat as a surprise, as inclusive scattering was not part

    of the canonical set of observables advocated by the proponents of colour transparency. Generally,

    the ezcltiue process (e,

    ep) w as

    emphasized; in (e,


    colour transparency leads to the same effect

    discussed above for (e,e), a weakening of the recoil-nucleon FSI relative to the one predicted by

    standard Glauber theory, with the consequence of a bigger transparency of the (A-l) nucleus for the

    recoil proton.

    As a matter of fact, the effect of colour transparency in (e, e) is much larger than for (e,


    at similar

    momentum transfers. While our calculation predicts a major effect in (e, e), the same calculation

    [13] predicts very small effects for

    (e,ep), in

    accordance with the


    data available [29]. This

    finding, which at first sight is somewhat counter-intuitive, is explained by the fact that in


    scattering one does observe the juZZeffect of colour transparency, as l/q, the distance over which

    (e,e) is sensitive to the interaction of the recoiling system, is comparable to or smaller than the

    distance within which the small 3-quark state evolves back to a normal nucleon. For (e,

    ep) much



    is would be needed to observe the full effect of colour transparency; to be specific,



    have to be large enough to increase (by time dilatation) the lifetime of the small state to the time it

    takes for the recoiling system to traverse the

    entire nucleus.

    The concept of colour transparency obviously has a number of difficulties. Several models have been

    proposed for the evolution of the small state and its cross section, and for the size of the initial

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    Inclusive Electron Scattering


    small state a8 a function of


    The small state ie far off-shell (z500MeV when considering it 88 a

    coherent superposition of nucleon resonances, and an additional N 300MeV for the (e, e) caee where

    only the FSI gets the nucleon back on shell). While th

    e evidence for colour transparency at present

    is not entirely convincing, the effect8 observed in (e,e) at least provide a first real signal.

    8. Finite nuclei

    The data for nuclear matter are much more limited than for iinite nuclei, an it takes a


    of data

    for many nuclei at the 8ame


    and w in order to extrapolate to nuclear matter. It therefore is of

    interest to extend our approach, described above, to finite nuclei. This can be done, although thi8 is

    only poesible at the expense of introducing additional approximations.

    For the description of the initial state of the nucleus (AL12) we calculate the spectral function

    P(k,E) aa in [6]. The approach is based on the separation of P(k,E) into it8 single-particle and it8

    correlated parts. The eingle-particle part can be calculated ueing the independent particle shell model

    or, alternatively, can be derived from the experimental results on (e, ep) reactions. The correlated

    part, which is of prime interest here, is evaluated employing the reeults obtained for nuclear matter.

    It is calculated at varioue nuclear matter densities, and the corresponding quantity in finite nuclei

    is obtained using local density approximation (LDA). The calculation of P(k,E) ie expected to be

    quite reliable at high


    since the short-range properties of nuclei can be expected to be properly

    treated in LDA.

    The inclusive cro88 section8 for nuclei AL12 are calculated using the

    factorized propagator approai-

    mation for the treatment of the FSI, a8 described above. The FSI occurring at different densities in

    the nucleus is again treated in LDA.

    We show first that the calculation of the P(k,E)

    in LDA produce8 a result for the momentum

    distribution that agrees very well with exact calculations. Figure 12 give8 a comparison of our


    0 I P 3 4

    k (fm-)

    Figure 12: Momentum distribution of Oxygen: LDA (solid line), Varia-

    tional MontoCarlo calculation [30] (squares), nuclear matter momentum

    distribution, normalized to 16 nucleon8 (dashed).

    momentum distribution (labeled LDA) and the one of Pieper

    et al

    (301, calculated using the Vari-

    ational MontoCarlo (VMC) approach. This calculation wa8 baaed on a realistic nucleon-nucleon

    potential, the Argonne ~14 interaction supplemented by the Urbana VII threonuclcon potential. In

    spite of the fact, that the two results have been obtained using different nuclear hamiltonianr, we

    observe a remarkable agreement, indicating that LDA is likely to be a good approximation for the

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    I. Sick

    description of the correlated part. The small diRerences at low


    probably reflect a shortcoming of

    the variational wave function employed in ref.[30], whereas the differences at large


    come from both

    the statistical fluctuations of the VMC calculation and from the differences in the hamiltonians and

    in the correlation operators. For illustration, fig. 12 also gives the


    of infinite nuclear matter.

    400 600 600




    Figure 13: Inclusive cross sections for 0 at 3.6GeV and 25. LDA re-

    sult (fuh Iine), calculation employing the mean-field piece of the spectral

    function only and no FSI (dotted), calculation using the nuclear matter

    spectral function and the corresponding FSI for the empirical nuclear

    matter density (dashed).

    In figure 13, we show the cross sections for inclusive electron scattering from *C at 3.6 GeV and

    25. The solid curve shows the fuII result, obtained using the spectral function calculated in LDA,

    and the FSI treated in CGT. The calculation agrees very we-h with the data, both in the region of

    the quasielastic peak (w N lGeV), and in the tail at smal.l energy loss. The dashed curve shown

    10 e

    10 7

    10 8

    10 0




    1000 1200


    lo= WV

    Figure 14: Inclusive cross

    sections for Fe for 3.6

    GeV and 25.

    in figure 13 uses the nuclear matter spectral function for the fulI nuclear matter density and the

    corresponding FSI. Due to the excess of high momentum components and a final state interaction

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    Electron Scattering


    which is too strong, the cross section becomes too large at low energy loss. The dotted curve uses

    the mean-field part of the spectral function and no



    e on


    range part of which has a small

    effect). This calculation also clearly


    with the data.

    In figure 14, we show data and the calculation for the same momentum transfer, but for ssFe. Again

    we observe excellent agreement with the data.

    From this, we conclude that the LDA



    correctly treat the evolution of both spectral function and tinal state interaction as a function of

    nuclear mass number A.

    9. Ratios of nucleus-to-deuteron cross sections

    Ratios of cross sections - we here consider those between nuclei with A>12 and the deuteron, in

    analogy with the ratios studied in deep inelastic scattering in connection with the EMC-efect - off er

    a particularly sensitive tool to study the short-range properties accessible via inclusive scattering.

    At the same time, a number of ingredients

    such as e.g.

    nucleon form factors) cancel, thus allowing

    for a better separation of the

    various effects.

    Experimental values for the nucleus-to-deuteron ratios have been determined in refs. [31,32] starting

    from the cross sections for nuclei [24,1] and the deuteron [33,34,35]. These ratios have been evaluated

    as a function of the Bjorken scaling variable z = q~/(2m~w), where q,, is the 4-momentum transfer

    and mN is the nucleon mass. The ratios exhibit an interesting feature, a plateau in the region of

    I between 1.5 and 2.

    These cross section ratios have previously been studied by a number of authors. Vary et al [36, 311

    have performed a calculation based on a quark cluster model which involves 3- and 6-quark clusters.

    The B-quark cluster contribution leads to a plateau of the cross section ratios in the region 1.5 < z 1

    corresponds to the low-w tail of the quasi-elastic peak, z = 2 is the kinematic limit for scattering off

    the A=2 system. In order to give a rough idea on the relation between k and z, we quote in figure 15

    the values of the initial momentum k that give, in IA and for the deuteron, the largest contribution

    to the inclusive cross section.

    The full calculation reproduces the data quite well. In particular, it yields the behaviour discussed

    above, a sort of plateau at z >1.4.


    plateau is partly attributable to the fact that the ratio of

    the nucleus and deuteron momentum distribution at large


    is indeed close to a constant. The peak

    at 2=1.4 results from the fact that near k = k F the momentum space density of iron is much bigger

    than the one of the deuteron. The rise of the cross section ratios at z N 2 results from the fact, that

    due to the phase space the deuteron inclusive cross section has to approach zero at 2=2.

    Two additional curves shown in figure 15 allow to gauge the sensitivity of the calculation to various


    The dot-dashed curve corresponds to the approximation used in (32) where the spread

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    Fiie 15: htioa of inclusive cro81 section6 of iron md deuterium at

    3.6GeV and 25. Full calculation (solid line), calculation with no FSI for

    both iron and the deuteron (dashed), calculation with spectral function

    projected on E=k2/2mN (dashdot). The dominating initial momenta in

    the deuteron are indicated in MeV/c at the top.

    Figure 16: Ratios of inclusive cross sections of nuclear matter and deu-

    terium at 3.6GeV and 25.

    of P(k, E) M a function of

    E ia

    eglected. The dashed curve correspond6 to the case, where the FSI

    of the recoil nucleon is neglected, BB done in refn. (37,321. Contrary to the assumption of [32], the

    FSI in the nucleus and the deuteron do not cancel; the N-N distribution function6 of the deuteron

    and heavier nuchzi differ, and the FSI with the (A-2)

    spectator uudeonr is not negligible. For a

    quan t i t a t i v e

    underetanding of

    the cross section ratior, it is dearly imperative to use both a realistic

    P(k, E) and a realistic description of the FSI.

    While, at k significantly above hi, the ratio of iron and deuteron momentum distribution p(k) indeed

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    Electron Scattering


    approaches a constcmt value of 3.8, the numerical value of the calculated cross section ratio at z >1.4

    does not appear to relate to this feature in a direct way; the average calculated cross section ratio

    is N 5.2 f 0.2. The effects of FSI and the spread of P(k, E)


    E are

    too large to allow for a direct

    comparison between the two quantities.

    We have calculated the cross section ratios for the s8me kinematics and 8ll nuclei where similar data

    are available (A=4, 12, 27, 56, 197), and find similarly good agreement. In figure 16 we show ss

    s.n illustration the data and calculation for infinite nuclear matter, where we have determined the

    experimental nuclear matter to deuteron ratios using the nuclear matter cross sections of ref. [25]

    and the deuteron cross sections of refs. [33, 34, 351,

    in 8 way analogous to the one used in ref. [32].

    In figure 17 we show the comparison between experiment and calculation for a higher value of the

    h h-k 00.5

    Figure 17: Ratios of inclusive cross sections of iron and deuterium at

    3.6GeV 8nd 30. Full crrlculation (solid line), calculation with the corre-

    lated part of P(k,


    reduced by a factor of two (dafhdot).

    momentum transfer. The agreement of calculation and data is similar to fig. 15.

    As pointed out above, the cross section ratios at z >1.4 are not close to the ratio of nucleus to

    deuteron momentum distributions at huge k, and therefore cannot be used to deduce this ratio

    directly from the data 8s done in ref. [32]. Both FSI

    and the spreading of the spectral function in

    E significantly affect the cross section ratios. Despite these complications, the data at large z 8re

    sensitive to the properties of P(k, E) at large k. This is demonstrated in figure 17, where the dsshdot

    curve gives the cross section ratios for the c8se where the iron P(k,E) is artificially modified such

    that the correlated part has a normalization reduced by 8 factor of 2. The reduction of the high-k

    components by a factor of two, together with the corresponding change of the short-range FSI which

    is included for consistency, has a significant effect at z >1.3.

    From the agreement between calculation and data we conclude that the experimental ratio of the

    nucleus-to-deuteron momentum distributions at large k is close to the one given by the calculation

    employed here, which for iron (nuclear matter) gives 3.8 (4.9). Considering the vsrious uncertrinties

    that enter the calculation of the cross section ratios, we assign an uncertainty of f0.6 to this ratio.

    We however reiterate the caveat that the data are sensitive to an integral over P(k,

    E ,

    and do not

    directly measure the ratio of momentum distributions.

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    10. Scaling

    I. Sick

    For the rtudy of the inclusive response, it is useful to look at the result8 in terms of the rcaling

    function F(y). For brevity, we here limit the discueeion to nuclear matter.

    In general, the inclusive response ie a function of two independent variables, momentum transfer q

    and energy loee w. In PWIA it can be shown [40,41] that, w q tends to infinity, the cross nectiona

    will scale, i.e. become a function of a single variable y, tti y being it&f a function of q and w. The

    variable y may be thought of (~1 he

    minimal value of the momentum k of a nucleon bound with the

    minimal removal energy E. At very large q, and for negligible excitation energy of the final (A-l)

    system, i.e. when the rpcctral function P(k, E) may be represented by momentum distribution

    n(k), F(y) should depend on y only. It represents the momentum distribution n(k$.

    It has been shown that scaling works extremely weJl for very light nuclei [40], while for heavier

    nuclei [24] important deviationa have been obsuped. Ref. 141)give review of both experimental

    obserpotions and theoretical studies. The occurrence of scaling and the approach to the

    q = oo


    can give useful clues on the reaction mechauiem.

    Deviation8 from scaling occur for two main reasone: 1) The strength of P(k, E) ia distributed over an

    extended range of E; thiB eads to a convergence of F(y) &

    m e ow

    I f

    or incressing momentum trauefer

    q. 2) The knocked-out nucleon has a fmal state interaction which in general leads to a convergence

    from &we. In the kinematical range of the data presently available

    it is

    the latter which has a large

    elect. As a consequence of the high density of nuclear matter, the effect of FSI ir particularly large.


    Fiie 18: Convergence of the scaling function F(y, q) of nuclear matter

    for two values of y. The full (solid lines) and PWIA calculations (dashed)

    are aLso shown.

    We show in figure 18 the convergence of F(y,q) for two aelected valuea of the scaling variable y.

    At 1 = -lOOMeV/c, a value below the Fermi momentum


    the quality of scaling is very good,

    and F(u) changes little over the q-range accessible despite the large change of the croaa section.

    Experiment and calculation are in good agreement. For y =


    on the other baud, F(u,


    change a factor of 3 over the q-range accessible. The rate of convergence of F(y) ir reasonably

    close to the one caLdated. In this region of y, the change of F(y) with q resultr basically from the

    folding of the response due to FSI. The trill of the folding function move strength from k < kF to

    the region k > kF where, in IA (dashed curve), the rtrength in very low. The rather good agreement

    between convergence of experiment and calculation indicates that the tails of the folding function

    are properly predicted.

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    Inclusive Electron Scattering


    11. Conclusions

    In thir paper we have discussed an attempt to quantitatively understand the inclusive response

    function of nuclear matter and &ite nuclei at high q. The study of the low-w wing of the quasi-

    elastic peak provides fundamental information on the short range structure of the nuclear wave


    Realistic analyses of this interesting kinematical region of the nuclear response could not be performed

    in the past both for experimental and theoretical reasons. Data for the most interesting case -

    infinite nuclear matter - can only be obtained once the inclusive cross sections for many nuclei have

    been measured under the same kinematical conditions; such data became available only recently. The

    major theoretical difficulties consisted in the microscopic evaluation of the spectral function, and the

    quantitative treatment of the FSI of the recoiling nucleon which needs to be treated relativistically.

    In this paper, we have discussed calculations of the cross section for nuclear matter and finite nuclei

    based on spectral functions calculated for a realistic N-N interaction, by using correlated basis

    function theory for nuclear matter. The P(k, E) of finite nuclei are derived by splitting the P(k,


    into the correlated and uncorrelated pieces; while the uncorrelated ones are taken from mean-field

    approaches, the correlated ones are derived from the nuclear matter results using the local density


    The FSI of the struck nucleon has been evaluated by generalizing Glauber theory to the case of a

    relativistic nucleon propagating in the same nuclear medium to which it was bound before being

    struck by the electron. This amounts to taking into account the fact, that such a nucleon, being

    a part of the ground state before the interaction with the electron, experiences a nucleonic density

    pg(r) instead of p, where g(r) represents the NN distribution function.

    We found that the sensitivity of the cross-section to g(r) is quite pronounced. This sensitivity to

    g(T) is most welcome, as in most observable8 the effects of N-N correlations are hidden and indirect.

    This sensitivity provides a strong motivation to study (e, e) at large q in more detail in the future.

    Corrections to the FSI due to colour transparency have been included in the correlated Glauber

    treatment. We find that colour transparency is indeed necessary to obtain good agreement with the

    data, and that observable effects of colour transparency are much larger than for the exclusive (e, ep

    reaction at similar momentum transfers.

    We have shown that the study of nucleus-to-deuteron cross section ratios at z < 1.8 offers sensitive

    means to investigate the behaviour of the spectral function at large initial momenta k considered.

    From our analysis of these ratios we conclude that the nuclear matter momentum distribution at

    high k agrees with experiment to within ~20%.

    Overall, our calculations -which are performed without free parameters - show a good agreement

    with the data. At very low momentum transfer, this agreement deteriorates, a fact we assign to the

    inadequacy of Glauber theory for low recoil-nucleon energies (low w). Data at higher values of q and

    w would be most helpful to study further the short-range properties of the wave function of finite

    nuclei and nuclear matter.

    12. Acknowledgements

    Much of the work presented in this paper has been carried out in collaboration with 0. Benhar, A.

    Fabrocini and S. Fantoni. This work was supported by the Schweizerische Nationalfonds.

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