exercícios de inglês - witricity tempos verbais

Post on 10-Jul-2016






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Witricity Tempos Verbais


Student: ____________________________________________ Eletrotécnica Integrado IV


1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. Scientists have tested a radio that doesn’t have wires inside it. T / F

b. In another test, scientists lit 60 different light bulbs. T / F

c. Scientists have sent electricity two metres through the air. T / F

d. Wi-fi is a concept that first originated at the end of last year. T / F

e. The invention of WiTricity signals the end of vacuum cleaners. T / F

f. WiTricity may reduce the number of household electrical fires. T / F

g. An inventor struck upon the idea of WiTricity a hundred years ago. T / F

h. Wireless offices and homes will be with us before the year is out. T / F

Scientists test WiTricity – Wireless Electricity A team of US researchers has come up with an electricity system that does not need wires. This is a

breakthrough in what will hopefully be a wireless future. The scientists, from the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, lit a 60-watt light bulb using magnetic fields. In the test, the power source

was just two metres away from the light, but the team hopes they will soon be able to send electricity

longer distances through the air. They have dubbed their new invention “WiTricity”, or wireless

electricity. Although wi-fi has been around for some years now, it has been limited to the

transmission of information, especially between computers and modems, printers and scanners. This

is the first time electrical appliances have been powered wirelessly.

This new development means that our houses may be free from tangled wires. Gone will be the days

of having to unplug the vacuum to go from room to room, and of having countless plugs hidden

behind the TV and stereo. The new source of delivering power to gadgets remotely may also reduce

the number of fires caused by poor wiring and overloaded sockets. It turns out the concept is not so

new. A century ago, inventor Nikola Tesla struck upon the idea of building a huge tower in New

York that would wirelessly beam power to the city. Unfortunately, his idea never came to fruition,

until today, that is. It will still be a while before we have wireless homes and offices. Safety experts

will be checking closely to ensure the power source causes us no harm.


1. Answer in Portuguese:

What is the new invention described in the text called? How is it related to information sent out wirelessly?


Describe two advantages of this new invention.


2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

a. come up with completion

b. breakthrough gadgets

c. dubbed spread

d. transmission jumbled

e. appliances faulty

f. tangled invented

g. poor send out

h. struck upon called

i. beam revolution

j. fruition thought of




Nas terceira pessoa do singular, há a necessidade de adicionar ao fim do verbo as extensões “s“, “es” ou

“ies“.Para as demais pessoas, o verbo fica igual à forma infinitiva (mas sem a partícula “to”).


Our houses need electricity.

This new development means that our houses may be free from tangled wires.


1- Fill in with the correct form of the verb in the simple present:

a) Sally ______________ (to play) softball every weekend.

b) We ____________ (to write) Christmas cards every year.

c) Students usually _______________ (to take) their dictionaries to school.

d) He _____________ (to be) normally here on time.

e) The father always______________ (to help) the child tie his shoe.


Para fazer frases interrogativas, vamos usar o auxiliar DO (ou DOES, para a terceira pessoa do

singular) antes do verbo.


- Do you go to school ? (Você vai para a escola?)

- Does she work ? (Ela trabalha?)


1- Fill in with the correct form of the verb in the simple present (interrogative form):

a) When ___________ you usually _________ (to do) your homework?

b) What time __________ you _________________ (to get up) on weekends?

c) ____________ they _____________ (to like) studying here?

d) ____________ she _____________ (to go) to school by car?

e) ____________ your mother ________________ (to work) here?


Para tornar uma frase negativa, é só adicionar o “NOT” depois do DO ou DOES:


- … an electricity system that does not need wires.

- I do not (don’t) work. (Eu não trabalho.)

- Shedoes not (doesn’t) work (Ela não trabalha.)


1- Fill in with the correct form of the verb in the simple present (negative form):

a) I _______________ (to come/not) from a small village.

b) They ____________________ (to need/not) to use wires in their houses.

c) She ___________________ (to live / not) nearby.

d) My father ______________________ (to like / not) having lunch at work.




You are watching TV.

Are you watching TV?

You are not watching TV.


Use the Present Continuous to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very


[am/is/are + present participle]


1- Fill in with the correct form of the verb in the present continuous:

a) I ____________________ (to work) in an important company.

b) _________ you ________________ (to talk) to Maria on the phone?

c) Why _________ he ______________ (to apply) for this position?

d) They _________________________ (to try) to create a wildlife sanctuary.

e) He ________________________ (to come/not) for dinner.





Affirmative: They were playing tennis at 10:30.

Interrogative: Were they playing tennis at 10:30?

Negative: They were not playing tennis at 10:30.


Emprega-se o past continuous, na maioria das vezes, para descrever ações passadas que estavam em progresso

durante algum tempo e seus limites não são conhecidos ou não são importantes.


1- This is a list of some things that Ann did yesterday (and the times at which she did them).

Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these times:

a) At 9:30, she _______________________________________________________

b) At 11:00, _________________________________________________________

c) At 1:00, __________________________________________________________



De um modo geral, em orações afirmativas, acrescenta-se ed à forma básica dos verbos e, em orações

interrogativas ou negativas, precisamos usar o auxiliar DID.


Affirmative: She played football yesterday.

Interrogative: Did she play football yesterday?

Negative: She did not play football yesterday.

9:15 – 10:00 - read the newspaper

10:00 – 12:00 - cleaned her apartment

12:45 – 1:30 - had lunch


Lembre-se de que não há uma regra geral para a formação do simplepast dos verbos irregulares.


The scientists, from the MIT, lit a 60-watt light bulb using magnetic fields.

Unfortunately, his idea never came to fruition, until today, that is.

In the test, the power source was just two metres away…

Infinitive SimplePast PastParticiple Infinitive SimplePast PastParticiple

tobe was, were been to light lit lit

to become became become to lose lost lost

to break broke broken to make made made

to buy bought bought to quit quit quit

to come came come to read read read

to cut cut cut to run ran run

to do did done to say said said

to drink drank drunk to see saw seen

to drive drove driven to send sent sent

to eat ate eaten to sleep slept slept

to find found found to speak spoke spoken

to forget forgot forgottenorforgot to swim swam swum

to get got gotorgotten to take took taken

to give gave given to teach taught taught

to go went gone to think thought thought

to have had had to understand understood understood

to hide hid hidden to wear wore worn

to leave left left to write wrote written


1-Fill in with the correct form of the verb in the simple past:

a) On Saturday morning, Harry _________________ (to go) to the swimming pool.

b) I __________________ (to forget) to take my books to school yesterday.

c) Susan ___________________ (to like/not) this dress, so she ___________ (to give) it to me.

d) After some researches, scientists _________________ (to reduce) the cost of this product.

e) My car ________________ (to break) down when I was coming to school.

f) ____________ you ____________ (to drink) wine last night?

g) I ________________ (decide) to quit that job because my boss __________ (to be) too boring.

h) She _______________ (to say) she ________________ (to send/not) that e-mail to you, because she

________________ (to have/not) enough time.

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